Ghe Ghcatottt bxzvoix. Cilii, H joifEi, Elttii Prwprtotwr nnm Attn Jtwomci At Ouxunn, M, OL AS BKWIKCIMIW AXXgJk'l ?: ' ; SATURDAY, jmGUST J.1881 Two suicides in New York Wednes day . . ,m.SAnr9.-i: IT-' Gor. Wiltzl of Xouisiana ia danger ously lit--"-'' x:?!.: It is ssid tfcat cotton seed oil is a good 1 The postoffice at Richmond, Va, will be lighted with, the electric light. The drought has caused almost a total failure of the tobacco crop in Missouri Gen. Hancock declines any entertain ments While thr President is suffering. The kle Charter has passed the Georgia Legislature by a vote of 134 to 25. . The amount of subscriptions to the Mrs. Garfield fund up to date is $155, 000. An inadequate sewer system is said to be the cause of much disease in New York. .., . The Pennsylvania State Democratic contention will meet at Williamsport, September 23d. .. . . Sadlier ;& Co., the Catholic book pub lishers of New York, an 01dt firm, lus pehded payments, Tuesdapr.' 1 Si nee Mr. Brush has ' cultivated the acquaintance of the electric light he can occupy an $80,000 wigwam. -.. Cincinnati denizens get drank on 131 varieties of mixed drinks. They are not particular as to the mixing, either. t . The fire insurance business Is not very flourishing. In July the losses foot up $3,400,000 on $8,500,000 property insured. ' Redmond, the notorious outlaw, has been taken from jail at Asheville and is now in the Greenville. S. C Jail, to await trial. . - Judging from the names Desendorf Jorgenson, &c there must be some dis tinguished foreigners running the Re publican machine in Virginia. The Electric Exhibition was opened at Paris Wednesday morning. One of the principal rooms will be lighted by 500 of Edison's lights. Good peaches can , be bought in Greensboro at $1 a bushel. In New York they are worth from $12 to $13, brought from California. New York has a tropical locality known as "Hell's Kitchen." It is mat ter of curiosity to know if it has not also a "Hell's Parlor." Switzerland is suffering very much from drought The grass crop is com pletely burned up. Droughts have been almost universal this summer. 1 I Mr. Walter H. Page, of North Caro lina, is pronounced one of the "coming men in literature. He writes some very interesting letters to the Boston Post. Good gracious I After going through one of the hottest summers this coun try has ever seen, the agony is not yet complete. Hartmann, the Nihilist, is going to lecture. Maud S. trotted a mile in two min utes ten and a quarter seconds, Thurs day, at Rochester, N. Y., in the presence of twenty thousand people. A Virginia physician says he has never known a habitual consumer of tobacco to have typhoid fever. This M. D. is probably running a to bacco factory somewhere. A subscription of $5,000,000 has been made by a syndicate of European "capi talists for the purpose of constructing acanal between Delaware Bay and the headwaters,' of the Chesapeake Bay. When, the colored orators of the Lynchburg convention alluded to "Cap tain Kidd," they had no reference to Captain Kidd of Atlanta, nor to him of marine fame, but to Billy Mahone, of Virginia. The appointment of colored men on. the police force ibyiMayorringof Philadelphia, has; jCreated, disf at&aot tion among the white policemen and some of them have resigned in conse quence. T "r- " Upwards of tfro thousand members of the Palmer family held a re-union at Stonington, R. L, Wednesday. - They probably took advantage of the cheap fare war among the railroads. Senator Hill, of Georgia,has recover-J ed from the surgical operation on. his tongue. He made a speech at Rock bridge Alum Springs, Va, last Thurs day, in which he paid his respects to Mahone cc Co. ? Theo. Allen, the gambler, said to be the wickedest man in New York, 'who recently got rid of one wife, Las ; mar- rid a pretty girl in jersey City? said to be worth $450,000, and thinks ne will now reform. ? ; . -y 1 The milk dealers of New York pay the farmers fiom two to "two-and-a-half cents a quart for milk. Then they Interview a pump and a pile of chalk and charge the dwellers of Xfotham about six cents a pint for it,, f I'.-St- T j " T f 1 if i A procession of SJXW'persons, with bands, banners and torches, marched to Mr. John Dillon's residence lii Dub lin, Wednesday night, ;to cbhgratnlate him upon hla release from imprison ment American flags were freely dis Wayeut'f-!? r- - twmpany has aone a gooa lawg orter-. ing to take charge vljm traasport ; to Vha AtJaritoExposiiion, and puta ex hibltion theres siich . specimens .of 'the torodncts of Abe country afongV iUr lrrte as may bejti&MedJj jlM PkPVW' Vktmity wnich our people ought 3 tjojtaka The Republican convention which met at Lynchburg was rather a mixed multitude, andjitfitheir deSbefjitMins'l got badly mixed, f oo.T&e pSonpst b tween the StraigttoutsMnl! Coition ists resulted in;ii' spjit andithe etn' aorsemenc 01 ine xte adjusters oy ine latter, who thereupon retired from the convention leaying the Straightouts to run the machine according to their own fancy.' Precisely how serious this split may be, we,, atgthis distancer can not tell, but it looks to us asif the re sult 'will Ie.tojdefeat. Cameron and 'giro the Stat iiimlbmocTzia. Hai xue xvcpuuiiuiwuis iciiiiuxieu imiteu. auiu. supported the Readjuster ticket, we think it more than likely it would win, but it required solid Republican sup- port to do that. .. ' , ,if. '. The Readjusters, by the .way, are no mean antagonists, for Cameron f is a man of more than ordinary ability, and be is backed by Mahone, a good organ izer, and perfectly unscrupulous as to the means he employs to carry his point. He understands his work fully, and has managed it shrewdly from the start. The fact that he eedcaiJti0 aTJepublican convenUbnWmahy men to advocate, his isupport, shows that he knows what he is doing. We believe now that he can control more votes in the Republican party than Wlckham can and that he will get Cameron more of them than the Straightouts can con troll; but whether he can secure enough to outnumber the Democratic votes thati will be pojlek for' Daiie remaini to be seen. We pelfa tje It oa sibl Jforfthe Redjser Jiajs imuc on his Bide of the discus$()n.!that tkes with the masses. To "pay all you owe" is the Democratic platform: to "pay as little as you can" is the Readjuster's. The Democrat appeals to the voter from a standpoint of honesty and State pride to meet his public obligations squarely and honestly, while the Read- J jusier appeals to me sexnsnness 01 me voter and the disposition1 latent in the average man , to escape obligations when the plea pfrighi or jusidcation can be put in. Pay ing public debts,espec ially when more or less 6f it may have been contracted in a questionable way, is not very popular any jvauid whether . repudiation wi' otiose tin popular elections depends no little upon who advocates it and how it is advqeated. Of course the great body'of substantial and intelligent citizens, who have State pride and take a personal inter est in the good name of the State will vote solid for meeting her jost-obliga-tions, but there are many on thejother side who are not imbued with this high senseof honorvnd who will vote for any measure that means lessening their lia bilities.and lessening taxes. Ho W many of this class there may be inthe Old Dominion we have no means of figur ing but at presenbut there are enough no"easyrmatt, if -not to enSflreiis-deK feat. MONEY It,EiXTV. One reason, perhaps, of the Southern increase of business enterprises of late, the large investmentsin , railrpids, mines, &cis the great amount of aon eyfo'eked up in Northern vaults, and the low rate of interest at which it is offered. It is said all the money one wants may be borrowed at three per cent. No wonder that capitalists are seeking investments under these cir cumstances, and that railroads, mines. and factories in the Soutbwhich hold out inducements of liberal dividends, can command the capital asked for. We saw a statement not long ago of the formation of a company at the North to loan money to Georgia farm ers, thus going out and actually seek ing borrowers. The great field of enterprise is, nowl in the South, and this way the bwnersM of large unused capital are turn: ing and wiU fthm ifor Some itixfie'd come. ;As the tompletioirotthe Jfforth Pacifies, railroad finlargd.businfia and peopled the. Territories of theNorth weStso will the I completion ofj jhe Southern Pacific! increase business and increase population in1 th pohth Western States and Territotiel, sofme of which are even E now growing w'ith amazing rapidity. Of course all this means, as a natural consequence, towns 1 dtieM$fn9uierous Indostrief ab not even inougnc or, out sure tor come, If told ten years ago that the then wild State, of Texas, would by this time be girfedwith' railroads, that Jm popular tiowould incfeiBe at theratl of two or three hundred thousand a year, that she would be coh the City of he Mentezumas with r ; 4ozn otber.'road ffom different gir recuons penetrating into the Mexican Jiepublic, that JEftwj Orleans (w;ould be one of the greatest grain export ports of the Atlantic coast, the teller might have been classed among the visionaries whoseproper place would be inside of some aslum. but all this and evea more we-liav? seen Come to pass within afdw yeara.Lndatill the wor&goes on ly aauewttgmning.nie nettj ten years jr7ill see tlireelimea aj iuucb conplisned as fhepast tenliavend wiu see oven greater, enterprises begun ra? carried out to successful ccret&ff than, we have any conception ofHf Tax dodging- ig tiow m&mfo-X -a ecis was is engaging me iieniion qt, GeorgiaTegislatQrs. k If there is anj oe" thing in which the average - American citizen excels it is in dodging taxes ortryingit . .. ).) iy.M eod Bobejrtsbn, f9 welt4)-do fam$i?j&!( na MadionSndina, arrayed himself in his wife's clothes and, aunbonnet and hung, himself 'on Taesday night, i Kocause is known ior the afternoonas fee bM mm1 Ml his The meeting between Daniel and ifl imiirAn 4nrlii4'lf fr fJlAXlrkvavn inns. ship of Virginia; atf &eiC&urtftcraael was noted for the marked courtesy ourteo too,. Derocats applauding J maiu coTOwig.'jirxi An i i flgiy of therajf theKepnblwjan muddle can be arranged; ftf m3jrDaHleIf etM&og yHi-l' David Carrol, the Baltimore miliion- abhorecenaydhe thought fulness to set aside .vOir- hilill The Americay ;B. iktrs . sso on nttigarSplls, &hsJ( the absence of the president, Alexan der Mitchell, of Milwaukee, and the yico-presiden t JU JX. jremnypMnJSj.. Spaulding, of Buffalo, was xhosen, to J M ?"-.- - TcotesTplacewe have heard of lately Is Atloria, HUnoiSjfere they naqi irosjEgJpiif ta -menow or other tlweaMratwayi ready to accommodate Vennor,-although in a very limited way, sometimes. it The straight-put Republicans, con vention at Lynchburg, adjourned with out making any iiominatfons. They authorized the- eiemtive6mmittee to do so, but their f tyongest men Afclto the 1 honor.". This lea verf! the iMmkd Daniel and . Cameron, . . . The Philadelphia Bulletin, aiReuib- lican paper, speaking of 'the appoint ment of colored men aa the police force by Mayor, says th regroes shoulft.notpiref tOsffleeHirsOj CodiBe not The Republican idea is that all they ought to doisjustgo right along and elect -white Republicans. New York Herald: Perhaps' Dr. Agnew will nowteltsome one whyaq strong man with a und enetrated any great Catu ny blood vessel. ioEtoni 'J. i ' . - A .(? f gao, wim a nwre nesii wall of the body-rts now, seven days,no farther advanced toward recoverytanIr. Garfield is? WUil fclJL,LET HAS NOT BEEN CUT OUT. A correspondentL ot the-Baltimore VBun writes Ihus: to his papet about the hidden bullet: The impression is growing that the operation of Monday was not so much to'facilitatl th'iexit of pus as it was to straighten the track of the bullet, so that the electrical probe can be used in locating to a certainty the position of the bullet. Those who know JDr. Ag new welLand.! are familiar fwlth his views fia resrardtd this case savi he is inot at all Satisfied- with tilirallet be ing where it is, and that it is his inten tion to cut it out if it can be located as the only means by which a final recov ery can be assured. It would have been taken out weeks ago had the ; Presi dent's condition been such that he could stand the operation. It is said that in a conversation with Secretary Blaine yesterday Jie said that the ball woalthave1beenjextracted before this, bnt aefttberiifger&ttending the op eration weald be; rdore than that of leaving it where it 13, unless the Presi dent was sufficiently strong to rally said Also th jt pr. Agne, i Qf ihpinj-. ioh that the rise In temperature during thevenings of last -week"' war due more to the irritation caused by the bullet thili by tEte insufficiency of pus liishatge m TIIK PRESIDENT'S Appetite Improving and IHm Ucncral Condition Reported Satisfactory. OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Executive Mansion. 12:30 p. afe- The President has rpassect m cofJbrtat-l Die mornings i conunuesxopaxe without repugnance, the Iiquidnour ishment allowed and ate with reusn for breakfast a larger quantity of solid food than he took yesterday. At present his temperature is 99.3-10; pulse 100; respiration 19. D. W. Bliss, J. K. Barnes, FT J WOOPWABD, i 4 4 IS R0T.RyBUBN, i . m P. tt Hajulton, : ExiictTiyg Matssioit; s.30 a. m The President slept well the greater part of last night. The fever of yester day afternoon subsided during the eve ning and has not been perceptible since 10 p.m. Bis general condition is good. Pulse 100 temperature 98; respiration 19. P. W.BLJS8. r t.. J. K. Babnes, j. j. woodwabd, Kobt. Beybukn. F. H. Hamilton. cutive Mansion, Aug. 12. In tyhoi inifrea TWf.P1 PhUadeiphiamcffiyf -Agrrstrtrffifta 'T ! eoastwise a communication appeared which Dro- xesseti w present, hit views in IK) several points connected -with ifres-a ident Gr$ed'A wound. As t6 lilt, kui Jk.IJ W I-'V,Jr. -M ori the fame slbieetfiu the JTi Herald and has, as I understand. the subject of comment in other papers, I deem it my duty to say that in no particular do the details given repre- I sou nrjr views of the case nor were t mey ever given ny me to any repre- sentative of the press. v. Hayis Agnew, 1611 OiEBtnut FhiL-uielphia. EXECUTIVE MANSION, AUg. 11. "7 p. wivauw ucij, uuo OTCUUJK UICSSIUK it. w jl 7tr - a i lj r. ,P ttowdunootinavll bt doing well. he at anifty?ouB secreted lis gradu ally diminishing. Its character is healthy. s he rise of temperature this evening reaches tho game point as yes terday. At present his pujse is 108, lemperacBre 101, respiration 19. igued d. w. HLiss. J. Jv. BARNES, J. VV. WOODWARD, W j rvo m T? tjvpttti xt F. H. Hamilton. i-'fil Weatlier. vVAspiKSTON, August 12. Indica- WA 4 ll0 vxtmMiamfi Atlantic States 4 partly-cloudy weather, followed by lo- uaB B"onary or u i j : r wj m perasure roiiowing, roiio wed inJLhetwr terpoiUbns by rising ba ropieter. Torjieoutii AUantic States, fair weatlier.-wmda mostlv annr.h stat onTrvS wt f ortir cror mn a vs w skSMtAA j. . LIEBIG CO'S COCA BEF TONIC .Professor . M. Hale, anther new remedies, Professor at Chicago Medical Col- jcite. Ruxnijieuas uoca ior Daa taste in the month, furred and coated tongue, dryness of the mouth on waking, debility pi the digestive or gang, colic, Ineffectual urging to stool", and flatu lency. II is superior toany tonic I havensed or rtMaetwirukW' cava Phabsa. nu n lHJIa. Mrs. T. 1. Gist; 1204 Walnut strt, Phlladel phlayr writes r'-L. had; ilnftarnmaterj jbeumaasni 4 rery bsiUy, and In one foot and ankle it seemed to ndve'taKen '' hold rUh a dBtermlnsitor.--tn .BCfiejppiie-;and thfe mogrohalhe'd'St. Jacobs Oliciuld not put my foot to the floor, even for an friLtanr: I used It that evening for the first ttmt, EjesjiiR rnjng Tor the second time; and ttuf after-' ter t a ueup. wy iwiopwnjpr several minutes at a and wauftff! wps.neaJl1 about my foc ui, and nepf, down stairs by he tkere ,1 yeryJUUl aorea3pd paiitjefk; 1 gu ta r eeuple . W 'aysrer JrwiMrr ana ajnsimr tram pgiO.)eOi jaawenmmu zaru thPres mm lw)rf been ,14 J ' N1AQAKA.P4XIA August 12. The labors of fthe; Bankers5; Uonvention wernig ,9dtOrd?f President Coe an&nrtced thatHhk executive cotinciL which' met I Tfcirsd ay evening elected. meXcuUveunclirJacob D.eVerJ National Bank of New York; Treasu rer, Geo. N. Baker, president of the First-National:; Bank-of -New , Yorfc aeCTetarv, Jdmond IL Randolpp.presi-s 4ejat ht jhrgbut3ner5al NQonal Bank or New York: norresnondincr Secro- taTjr--Ogbymrs!aiiQ number bf interesting papers were read, and thecorfvention adjourned CnATTANOOQA, TeNK 'August il A -dispatch from Birmingham;' Ala., says: Geo. Griffin, colored, was hanged at 2 io'clo this afternoon ' at - that; place fofe rape of Mrs. Segass, ; A ;large erowd -gathered outside th jail; " but the 'execution' was entirely "'private; His neck was not broken: by the fall and his contortions were fearful to witness. - '' J'--! . Ji,-, : m i'im, ' - :;,."v"'Jl . Fall re ( a Bug llb 5ttm Brkr. LiVKEPooiy : - August- lS.Sanl'oei Lord, cotton broker has failed.. His Uabiltties are stated to be-S0,Doa 1 '"- 'I " ' LI r "ri' V.ii UARKETS BY TEUEGxlAPS lUaDSTl2.1881. ' PBOorjcx -street ad Weftem super S4.00a4.60, extra SftSP??-?0' iamlly J.OOaTo; Rio brands aA75700, P&tapMw fatally 7.50 Wheat-Southern red 1.26ala mber 130&.8i. Oom-eooOMirn nbite6l,7eUow61. - - ... BiiiMOBNlght-0u Western white 4&4ib do mixed 41a42, Pennirlranla - . Protfgiona meMporJc 18.60618:75 new : bulk oieats ioose shoulder . elear ildea ditto -packed 7alM; baoMh-ahouktew 8.elear rib aides li, hamalSali. Lard reflned Ueroes 12. Coffee Bto eantog ordinary to fair luteal 1. Sugar Aaott 9. Waiskej 1.12a " , i CuroiBHATi irtoor Tamtty 5.90a6.00. fancy 6.407.00. WbeaK-Ke. a Ted iSSujSoiiS. Corn at 63., etat 89, .ertT at 15u! Lard at 11.2& BuUc meata-bouldera 7.25v ribs 9.76: baoon iboolders 7tt, ribs lOiA, clear idea 10. Whiskey- l U0. 8urar-haxds 10Via. New Orleans 8a8. Ho-eoramoo and Uht 4 90a8.66. packing and butchers 6.00a 6.60. x . ' ' . , ,j , . ; , Mw Yoi Southern, floor firm; eommon to fair extra 5.15a6.25. good to choice 6.80a7.&0. Wheat -r ungraded sprtag 1.10al.2Q. Com ungraded - Oats 44 for No. 8. Cof feeRio cargoes I0al34fc. , Sugar fair to good refining 7a7. 'prime ; refined standard A 9: Aafe-Keir Orleans 80a56, Porto Bloo 86a567 Boain2.05a2.07te. Turpentine 46. Wool domesUe fleece 82a45. pulled . 20a40. unwashed 12a84. Texas 14a81. Pork higher; middles longi elear 8 short clear 9. ong and short 9ft. ( Lard ll.35a.4a . ' . ' ': k. I'. . - . . OOTTOH. 4TwrA-eady;nilddlingiijiow middl'f lOftc; good orainari SUe; net nets 233; cross ; sales 530; stock l?.54n exWotsMse - : to Great Britain i continent. yeeklyrret-receipts 188j gross 1.096: sales 2'-3i.eport! 9oa!Sf5 2.001; to Great Brltlain i WWMW-Qi' "Wfftaf lite: aet receipts 4354 ,goss i stock 3 423; exports ooastvlM : sales : eiporu to Great Brttaln. 0 Wteekly-ynet retfts 1,498; gross sales 359; exp'ts, coastwise 1,749; Great -Britain channel continent. ., . '. . Biurnsnsv-SaU; . mid. ;iiet lev -mldd'g 11 5-16; good ordlnarMOe: net receipts 61; gross 314V sales ; stock 1,005; exports coastwise -; splaners exports to Great Britain - to Continent . . mi: 1 Weekly net rac'ts 556; gross 2,986; eales ; spinners 549; exports Great Britain 1,472; coast wise 25; Continent 2,589. ; Boerroir-Qaiet; talddning 12c; low lltte: BOOd Ord'T tOUft: nor TAMlnta ilddllng; 77: sross tOCk exTKHta tn OhuiI Britain : to Franca. . Weekly net rec'ts 913; gross 1,499; sales : exports to Great Brttaln 2,399. . WnjiCTGT-rirm; middling lie; low mid dling 10e; good ordinary 9c; receipts 13 gross . sales. ; stock 435: exports coast; wise : to Great Britain, weekly net race pts 56; gross ; sales : PimjTiT.pHiA. Qi4et; middling 12i4e.; low mlddlinr llc: good ordinary t014e; net receipts 144? gross 162; sales ; - spinners ; stock : exports to Great Britain. , Weekly-net recelpU 749; gross 1.449; sales 1,935; spinners, 1 380; coastwigfe Dmitlnent ; toGreaBritalnia0OO;sta23; 8ATiaiH--Flnn; middling lifbc: low mld'g lOVte.; good ordinary 0la&: net reeelnta gross -; salesJOOf ock 8,481; exp. coast- wims ; . to uiwu urnaui : continent . -. Weekly net receipts 1,866; gross 1.877: sales 800; exports to Great Britain! ; Ranee ; coastwise 8,457; conUaent . JHsTWiOKLsujB-Steady; mldd'g 11 fee: low mM dnng 10; good ord'y I0e; net receipts 425; gross 592 r sales 900; stock 63,836; exports to flreat Britain -: to eoastwlse. Weekly-M npWa aA9; f gross ; 4,877; sales 4,000; exports Oreat Britain 8.998; Chan nel ; coastwise 1,001; Trance ; continent ; ohanneh " -'- J - yiOBOMmittl telddling 'lf&e'riow mldimng 10o; gootttrdlnary 9J4o; net Mselpto 80S; gross incLreSM0' ' " Weekly net recelpte 490; gross ; sBles VximaaVhiiet: wilddrtnir iiu, .H.M. 158; shlpmentt 524; sales; stock 10478. eeMy-net , rece?pte 743; shipments 1,092; ULTOpWA-Qolet; middling lie.; tow mtd dHng lOVieV good jordlnary oe; recelpU Si; shipments sales 185. Weekly-net recti 408j sWpnv'iU 811; sales 461; splpnerg i .sock.. ... . CBAKLSuroa ' steady i middling llUc; low mid' dfing, llcj good ordlnaiT lOa; aet recelpU 1$; gross ; sales 60; stock 750; exporu coastwise : Great Britain -; continent. Weekly net receipts 888; gross ..: sales 125; coastwise (92; . Continent ; Great Britain. ; . ... , Ktw-Temr Cotteh quiet; sales 652; middling MdjttGdMBY lTrmj inldoTng JOU; low mid-9je;-: good ordinary 7o; rec8fotsg2; ship meatiifeOf stoek, present year, 118; stock, last 7788; sales 320... .. r , MAfJOW-Nomn,- middling lOUo,' low middling 10cT-ood ordinary gSAeJweipfe 46; sales 116; stock, ptwnt jssar,02t stock,: last year 784; ahlpments 172. letHBMdlhw lOUcf-low middling 90; KJies w ffDjnnen ; stock i !4T5Qet; mkldllnsr Ue; low told-i&-SolnW,;,Sc net leeelpto 182; Hte?1? Ki?8 '70J KPinners 87; stock. y TtT r-?r TfS0' .flr,CK; Wr.! mv ; BcnrAXi a a-Weakly-cet receipts -; tOCkiOOj.-.,., y,a j...;.; ? ' .fef?-4etreceipti 157; nmft ,VUVi HIM IMU .Sf"1;"! tow mid- lWlc; good ordinary 8c. Weekly-receipts 46; sblpments 60; stock 67? . OWPAHATITS OTTO" StAXXXXST. N?urS 1!eek lted St&tes Same week laafear '. ; ! I'lCvl '. ! . Total receipts to this date L e?Tear .....At..iw. 13,176 8.511 6.780,849 2,848 :-p? 4,464.116 82305 ipurvoiui uie wees:. ...... Same week last year?; . : Total exports to this date. . Same date last p . "If . iJW.waa -.IMMMI . . . i- -21,926 Stock at Live; Bamettmelai 1 9,785 JVAmvAAl FAS r ' ' Stock of American afloat for Great Mow ckvt i,000 .Britain. i....wT..7.T..7.ZIZ ' . 87.000 bupe ume last m UUM iWf 63,000 u'UTkJo()ri-( tn moderate miMUam trpUnas 6ld: mid. Orleans 018-1 M? i8.0ga speculation, and exDOtt 1MO: it- eaipu ioOr American lsoa Uplands low mid dUDelanseAagastndellvery 6 18-16a27-82d. Ao 1 8Bpteinb a, ptsbr and October l8-32V0ober and November 6 6r82a3-16d. November lmdDecember 6 8-32aiAd, Deeembes 5Si ?n"aAP:8-82d. narf saJ'Tebraary 6 8 82f MaRttnd&6.s2dt utares tarn ' mjr m " - sr i sn rt ski lfctiJt'jalfi4 .! Hw?; ifhi.&.ti U4. A :. . 4.000 wmpreaiVjikLiu j-?e. f 1 J H MR nnn 3teiioaBj.lsivwj.'w .............. rT7-r tr V?: uplands Je; middling Orleans 12Vic; net receipts .gro; 43Q7 eorlWg netWU u ; Wekly net . rec'ts 890i , rrosa f ,4f; exports pt Great- Britain 'fpm& - TceSuient 050i sales .7071 stock: lfe MW 1 rnents 8 322.. ! amer leant; - V Ji'.TTI 1 I J 'i'U Lir . -N- OW belns received. Is Tery attractive, and embraces a great Tarlety or goods of the best makes, all o SiSrt rfnn of beautiful and seasonable goods of various grades, styles ana pnM'VHuiBnmwvnww.m une ol Ladi vin nriewd Button Boots, which for beauty k. oin.. i flantii MnithliMt And HiUMWWea - - - . . . . . rr . a eooDGOOD8 AND LOW FBICKS. Boys, Kisses lines of the best grades. gy Please give us a marH Afloat.. ". American.... 193,000 87.000 TTJTDBJEa Toss iidvrM erased firm. Sales 73,- 000 August beptember ... October... ,.. November...... December.... . jFanuary........ February March April May.......-....; 12.18a.19 ll.2fla.80 10.78a.79 10.64a.65 ltt66 10.75a.76 10.86a.88 ll.O2a.08 ll.18a.15 ll.23a.25 FINANCIAL. KiwYoK-Moneyl.2tta.03. Kxenange 4,81. Governments quiet; new 6's 1.02. . Four and a half per cents 1.14ft. Four per eeuts 1. 1 6. State bonds m fair demand . " Stocks closed higher. -New York Central prio ;t Lake Shore.. Illinois Central. Nashville and Chattanooga,, Louisville and ftasnrme . Pittsburg... Ohlcaso and Northwestern M preferred Wabash, St Louis ft Pacific Do preferred Memphis and Charleston Book Island,, ... Western Union. Alabama Class A, 2 to R ,..: Class A, small Class B, 5' s 1.874 9 82 95 83 im 883,507.520 . 4.917,494 Class C 4's East Tennessee.. Sub-treasury balances Gold " currency... CITY COTTON MABJCXT. Omes of rax Obswrvxb, I Chaklotti. August 13, 1881. 1 . The market yesterday closed firmer. Unchanged Good Middling. UMl Strictly middling Utt MlddllnK.. 11 Strict low middling. Low middling....... Tinges.. 10 10 ........ 9aft .i;.... 6a8 Lower grades. t ( t BXCEIFTS FOR TH WEEK SWDED 7KIDAT, 12th. Saturday.. ........ 29 bale Monday.. 4 " Tnesday 9 Wednesday 40 Thursday 71 Friday...., 27 it Total. 180 bales Who i Mrs. Wlnslsw f ' As this Qnesthm Is frequently asked, we will sim ply say that she is a lady who for upwards of for ty years, has untiringly devoted her time and tal ents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among children, she has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained in a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and is moreover,' sure- to regulate the bowels. In eonseqaence of this ar ticle, Mrs. Winslow is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do rise up and bless her; especially is this the case tn this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and used here. We think Mrs. Winslow has immortalized her name by this in valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands of children have been saved from an early grave by Its timely use, and that millions yet un born will share Its benefits, and unite in calling her blessed.' No mother has discharged her duty to her suffering little one, in our opinion, until she has given u tne Deneni oi Mrs., winsiow's sootning BrruD. i it it, mowers try ii now. laaies' visi- tor. New York dty. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a Dome. - Kalamazoo, Mich., Feb. 2, 1880. I know Hop Bitters will : bear recommendation honestly. All who use them confer upon them the highest encomiums, and give them credit for ma king cures all the proprietors claim' for them. I have kept them since they were first offered to the public. They took high rank from the first, and maintained it, and are more called for than all others combined. So long as they keep up their nigh reputation for purity and usefulness, I shall continue to recommend them something I have never before done with any other patent medicine. J. J. BABCOCX, M. D. ; LLEBIG CO'S Arnicated Extract of Witch Haael says tol iroducedfar e than any other of tha numerous aftycles in the market," says Prof. Egbert Gpemsey, M. D. ''Cannot af ford to be without tout elegant and thorouehir sausiactory preparations ior a single a ay," says Roiessor ml w . Noxan, al d. Hundreds oi equal ly emphatic endorsements, from leading physi cians of New York City. Cures plies, hemorrhages, catarrh, salt rheum, (rbeuiratlsoi,. aaf affections of the eye. . . . Sold in fifty caats and dollar Jze?. BOltNETl 'd COCOilKK, For Prematura Los of Huh -A PhUadelphlan's One year a o my hair commenced falling out until I was almo .t bald. After using Cocoaine a fewuon'ks I have ! n t !ek' growth of liev hair:' " ale, henby; iu gll last Girard Ave. Burnet:' flavor tig Svaete 'always standard. .Mtwi-. if rtv. . bu ivith real pleas nre tha t ... ii :iv : timt.i.) to the great virtues of your NcuK'igtne'" as , specllicfor neuralgia and sick head.-.olie. Six-b-a remedy i a Messing, and all suffur rs should kfc( It on hand. . , J. B. BrofiZLT, .. i:ttCntiie.!rKi street, Baltimore. Soldb) L, B, Wlila'J OS & CO. Nobis Caboliva Bailboad Co.. i SSCBXTABT AKD TBXASDBXB'S OFFiCX, Compant Shops, N. C, Aug. 10, 181 THE second payment ef 8 per cent ef Dividend No. 19, will be due the. 1st of September to stockholders of record on 10th of August JOChe stock hooks of the company will be closed from the lOtft of August to1 the 1st or September, 1881. ; , n v p, B. BTJFFlNrSecretar ; angretpsfDj , ; - S5 6-5- -Sifl saifsss it "fwe nex, g$ difforeni etyka ef ; Tttwoi'ntet ,Co.--,. 'l flmv2fI2tawklyr., it t MACOIKSCHttOIij' ... -?. SHi 1 Jl' Itl f D. COHAHN. 1.48 1.02 1.40 1.26 188 503 1 OUR STOCK IP W WJ U' I rVf i -V ' ! Wll' XI VI VI TUliV.J W r and elegance of style, suMriority of workmanship ana.nrruanag can eoOOS. tMXNS. X5UlMfl . n iini.trt DiiHnn I 'nntfMfi. ini ui rm jvxn Cnftimiss Gaiters. Nhvt and Children's Shoes great variety and oTtne best cau. ttMM.TnEaE' f j ijr . ; GENERAL "Wholesale 1217 CARY Because of the cheap rates of transportation, and the location of Richmond, she offers spe cial Inducements to Wholesale Buyers In North Carolina. We claim to stand at the top. mra ly . T. BLACKWELL & GO. - Durham; N. C. Kuiafactartrg of th Origins! uid Only Gamin TRADE MARK. Mar 22 ly Mt Si Joseph's Female Academy HICKOBY, CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. THIS school, located near the town of Hickory. Catawba county, N. C. within a few minutes! walk of the depot, and a few hours' travel by rail of the far-famed Asheville, is conducted by the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, who for nearly three quarters of this century, and until recently unaided, founded and directed all the female Catholic literary institutions in the Carollnas and Georgia. Hickory is a great health resort, haying in Its vicinity, the celebrated Catawba Springs. Malarial diseases and consumption are unknown in this immediate section, and visiting patients rapidly recover under the influence of itsunsuN passed climate. No undue influence used on the religions principles of the pupils, but to Insure regularity all must conform to the general rules of the Institution. . " The scholastic year of ten months consists of two sessions, each session payable jn advabfee,. -Board, washing, fuel, light, tultidn Id Eng lish, Latin, needle work and domestic economy, per session,? - $65.00 Entrance fee," - - "- ' i - - - 5.00 Yacatien In the academy, - - .... 20.00 Music, painting, drawing, languages, etc, form moderate extra charges. Letters of lnouiry should be addressed to the ' ' SIST$BSUPKBK)B?sa,: aug9.dtf Hickory, N. C; There are mariyrs to hesdacha.whd ht cured by using M - 51 TABBANtS SELTZEB'Aitoi The stomach, overbuTtteni its recnneratlve power is weaaeneo. revenges itsem upon the poor head, which It makes-tdache and torture the ofc fenderThawwSrii ilWsaperieiitiHu earn off natarallyand almoetlmperoeptlbly; the offending cause. The disease ' is redved ahd the head Jun6 dAeodtoio -'. ' Jf-jlj'i a. 'i 3 (lrRYS iTRIM Ptt'4 V- . Ml1'1' 'iiarTTJ-S. ISM WE Wl tt- 8END1 ON 3Q;0Vi' ;PTAU ermi io,-ar ,01, WHR 'Jffi"V !t or any disease resuJUiK frpto'AMs iffil tbm, Neuralelat UiMl is, 8plhal DlmcuOtie,,, Kidney or Liver 'Trouble v Lam Baokr Raps.' tares, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also wohsh irouutcu vim aiseasea. pecauar y , their sejri W T i f ! V f 11 Speedya relief and ? complete restorslloB Id h 1th ruarjirffeed.1 isiecsrie rie AnIlr ftlinnees fh jtw )-er been const r acted rinonveienuf atrueteu ri iple. ITicii ; thorough el!dicjV&$ Denrin- Deenpt prac-. tically brov.911 wim ine mpss woi ;." adoraetr from 'medical ana eien tine Cnea.and from hundreds wh nave' ln quickly nnd radically cared l . . tMetr use. - p Send at once for Illustrated PamphletrivjpT all information free. . AdKtsV f" : r i , . V0WAI0BM.I CO.,Mhll, itlehn p; c. wn.soN, PHinioTTB. n.c - i . ; w LOUIS'COOK .fa. WATTBT0WN SFBINa WAGON COMPANIES, tv. , . ... ros TBS BUQGIES, CABBiAGxa.ij i l . . ."jm'ji ftntai ua'Aiu tnt. 7 WHOLXgALK ANB.BATfi l81,!av t :.." .s -'i' ' -z r . vwv I j !1 . asIfSAS 1 tTRADE, ..... ....... ...... ... 7 j . Wbieht we. warrant. for Ladles.'.- Wear we 1. . . ..- . ,1 j A .. IIHVb have Ties. Oxford and Strap Tie. Prince Alberts. T cannot mw. innim miih- quality, and of Beswy Goods a full and comViu oonapiete Cenfal Hofel Block. Trade Street (BfejG, &c. j A FCLL LOT 09 Chcap Dcdsteads, j ANBLOClfGM, ' ''" waiw. wssx.iusi S 3r r o e e r s STREET, RICHMOND, VA. Our claim for merit is based 1 upon , tne . lact xnat a 1 ciiemical analysis proves that tlie tobacco grown la our section is better adapted to make aGOOD,PtTRE, satisfacto wnbkto than ANY OTHER tobacco crowu in the wrjkli fand ) being situated Jn ituxEIVIfbt. tMs fine; tobacco section, "WE have the PlfjlC of! the on'crings. The public ap-i predate this ; hence our sales EXCEED the products of ALL. the leading manufactories com bined. &&F2Jbne genuine, unless it bears the, trademqrlf of the BuIL k m m it CHINA OF J. jpT BECEIVECi, 10O GROSS , . OY BST MAKEBS, Which we offer very low. wholesale and retail. FULL LINE OF Crockery GtassVrare, French China, Triple-Plated Ware. A Lot of BAB Y UBJiUG3S, Just to hand. SKLUia OFF AT COST ia Water Coolers pfflon, gdc;2gaL, 7f5o- augii .-! n commends itself to th. nnhii. IT DlSaSant ana Airfiriinmb uii kuB7 fotgirls ajiByomwomea. . It has improvet ogtiet past - lew 1 years w tm SnROT.lBlIlt imi.a'i , lemvueteu aqa ub ive been remodeled and fu atsndawia anr now Offers au the AAvantama int alniiia inHih! gwsor n highest gradp,- ?a largarmmberofin, structors is ernployed. and rMiiS-taktogJnstiw, Mon U mwanteed. ii offersuralaiisbVor KnifllsJand elassioai course fongradutoonfand. SfiM7,Tdmin.,UIon' !MJreadrgradS: SS--iSW S8 of comfort and convenlencB. - Cifht laiMmi 5on5fSJjJii.uf5L '' PecUl attention to the culuratkm of correct manners and hsbit in gTongjms eysattd and ealtehtened physl SP?? S3 caraof health arepjomliienc feu f,MD8KV lgults ot pras wrk toTu "l? dari?f ast few years. .S2t3l,-fc?n,T' to opinion of competent cntks, in Inviting eonparison with anr ptfter similar institution in fc fjoatwo Tto I Boecuu aaenson uwmud tA-f tn iiinin. also obtainable lri th 1 JUAWlMcf AMI) FAINTINf. vhloh huW fw, instil una peen re- zi r"i rrKSiTL TT w vuo vi a ibot pi spe- cw witoj mm snpenor training, a high standard beaJeiinDcgl6.: For etrenlar addrewj , 71 StGHABLEaSOTJEL Tms boose has been teased for term of years w"?iltr!.' Bewfc.whoso. intention is to oicux nrauaasanoJa trery respect ItorafmWW The patronage of the pubUs to solicited. r fir r 4 n f fHJC store room' AsitoW.NPraUtar'sU for rent after January tna Observer ruuung next m 1st 4VW Mtlt SkfTAW TmwhBam v? i m r i x FUBfJlTURE iiim PAIiACE Fruit Jars & Jelly Tn mblers lloiise-fpnisliog Gopils, 1 ? n 1 f rs. rs. n. m s .amnf.dtfV 3 .U 4s .Priridnal-: dec za cr"1

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