8 ATUBP AY. AUGUST 18. 881. i rQCIET DlSqqTORY.l I I PHAOrt 81. if. 11 wlUltocnta meeting pterf seoofcd and fourth Monday nignt. , nlnr mtrntlnr fnmrr flrrt nnrt ttitnl Tmortnj nights, . Cuxxvarm Chaptkb Na 89, R. A. M. Regular, meeting every second and fourth Friday night. CHiBLorn Oosoubtmkt Na 3, K. T.Becnlw meeting every fimajwi third Thursdays, -s K.OPH. Kiasras ov hoxok. Regular meeting every Khiohts of Ptthjaa. Regular meeting first and third Wednesday, 7 o'clock p. m. atUa- 8UUIC IVUiym uau. I. o. o. y.f Chotts Lonea Na 88. Meeju every Moo- Meet ery Tuesday olgnt, TJ 'Jj7 it k Dfrts Lodsi Na 108. Meets every Thursday olght Catawba Riyib Escampkint Na 21. Meets First and third Thursday nlghto to each month. Index f New A4TcrtlemcDi. , Peaches--Perry. Inlt Robert HIM, Blchmond. jgr Therittiwnetet ' too W theTsttae ynuraay. rjr The remains 6f Hone were taken, to Mr. T. H. Stateaville Mo last night. ' TJ ; 4 Col. G. Lura jfkins Coxe desires it to be understood that he is no beggar. His profession is sticks. - - 1ST Rock Springs Oncol n county) Ciimp meetiDg began yesterday. Some will attend from .Charlotte.? r: Mr. Earnest Young sprained his ankle slightly yesterday' morning. He "took aheader from a bicycle. jggr Another bar . flun& open the front door yesterday and ' dispensed beer to the thirsty populace on College street . ;, t"At the mayor's 'court yesterday morning one or two 'eased of affray were disposed of at the, usual price of 82.50 and costs. ' " - - -: The Stay-at-Home club have so far departed from the argument of their cohesion as to have gone five miles into the country to the planta tion of Mr. Lucas to have a moonlight picnic last night. . Z3T Somebody stole CaptSpraggins'a ticket box and pistol at Salisbury the other night The tickets are useful to no one but the conductor, and he would in all probability be willing to let the thief keep the pistol itfie would return them. ' . ' .... .... . t3T Aleck Chaffln, the bright little boot black who plies bis trade so indus triously in front of the Central, wanted to know, yesterday, what The Obser ver would 'charge to "observe'' Ws business. The Observer observes it for nothing with pleasure. ; 1 j tSTMore cases against Cochrane set for to-day. It is said they are brought under 4he State statute making the violations of a penal city ordinance a misdemeanor. The case dismissed last: Monday was similar. It was dismissed by Justice Waring on the ground that the statute did not make the violations of an ordinance a misdemeanor, un less the ordinance itself did so, and it does not in this case. - ' Location off the Water Work Stand- The location for the reservoir fttr the water works' is not yet decided up on but the stand-pipe will be erected in the court house yard if he consent of the countv commissioners can be secured) and there can be .little , doubt of this aa the contractors offer to hang tqe city ana county u lis. Tyro Itnnaray Dr. Joe ftrahaui's tiuggy broke own yesterday evening while be Was riding along smoothiy.' Tne ' horses' took fright arid rak: and 'the 'doctor: jand his groom escawnsr through the rear of the buirev were -both slizhtlv braised the doctor " attefflpting tne while to check the horses; - - Another liverv carriage was wrecked yesterday, the horses taking the front wneeis as zar as lrwin s creeK. Kumorot Biff Salt. . ,. It is said that a deposit of $30,00CTnsis been made by a man named Howes, 9,1 fund nuvjw df HtlgAtion he Is about tci institute to establish his claim to title in the property. The mine is now owned by an English company who paid $125,000 for' it and have already invested extensively in machinery for working it A twenty stamp mill lias UCOll, HU UCllOVC, iuioouy CICbVCU. Tbe OaalU aad Tel'r Potecl ou are more numerous now than for sev eral years, in spite of the seventy of ast winter, during which so many per shed in the snow. The dry summer laa, it ia said, more than neutralized heir decimation daring that rigorous time. But there are many complaints by sportsmen ajad land owners of the depredations to' which the nests and the jfbuhg pird$ are subjected, titnoiiglit Iess boys and careleis men. "Threati of muipirapnis uoqertne ga.uieiia.wi: Often 'made "but ' ;0?er. puted. Indeed the penalty is so small it is, we believe, onlv SV for such der redations that hardly any one would be deterred even with a much stronger probability of its , . enforcement In view of these facts an enthusiastic sportsman yesterday, suggested the for mation of a spoTtsmea's club.' for the prosecution ot such offenders and if nec essary the amendments the law as it is now the lnxormer .only ., get itu me wmaa penalty, anil vne I12MLV. HI1I1 LI R I wtuo wm 97 omnaa larger reararai WW TO W r m ?! P.1- K l AJll 1 1 CetitonaW -Mr. 12 W,;Sandera.Ieitta&frWiBning for New XorL wher: with ther bus-1 Iness, he will endeaydf to 8p(mre very best companies' coming South t.bis f4U for tbe Cbariotte.opera nonse, Mr.. Alfred Aldrioh has reform iromhiB summer vacation visit toll mountainsiiihl'nir In fii ,-r. J.l Ms, l6f . the Oxford C "jmr.. Ainpa Aiaxioa nas reuiraeu tae Oxford Or phan Asylum, has, we are glad to see, recovered from hia recent jllness.' lie was in the ctty yesterday. t ; When Mr. V. E. McBee becomi WTfilma TMt hid liaorlnidVf rii-ii till I n Wnryi' There da Q. aaWnebQV mcq ne wm we 'jnisMa janiiinoitfl, I A ll Of rulIATM A AHA s4 i t fll -rt ! Ana Misse8 8allie'"lDd, EOuise Young Rave returned to the city - . -j : .: " -ir.E.jrAUeiyarid,J evemng f or Catawta Springs, W-Vrne rs,ueo. js.. Wilson night for Asheville.- ii ti a ;i . a 2&J!i J- Bellamy, of Wilmln Vf.ui taronzn-TiVI ntrm"K an' rdSuiitilris Tf or a short ade Hi eo&un,hw gone. to New Tork. , -Miss'Neisrer; of JDharlotte, MWt invat Mr,.M,L,iIlarris.in Concord '. Ieftahe city last eompsnj zi-.m uwwMqwpw PU THE, PBIOB OF THE W?f, t Oar Private BeeUencee Cmt oe Boat A Cillaipee ThrMffti - tki Troei I . .. .JLf tor a stranger here has expressed his surprise at the absence of anything ap proaching appropriate depot accommo dation,, has cursed the sidewalks and had -his 'breakfast, if he will take a walk he is sure to admire the handsome private residences and spacious well shaded .'grounds,1 3 strolls-through which sometimestoo, he will see some Very passably good looking , and well dressed women v. '-J? -These are the 0hie attednsof all small cities but ; of Charlotte pre-eminently. There ate ;Yety ifew: extrava gantly decorated, gaudy, ginger-bread-work, liouses; Indicating he ostenta tious taste of the people of a new town ; and yet Charlotte more than any other in the Stated .probably, is a "new town." althongh there is a strung leaven of ld families' who '-give prestige, to' her o-ciety.'-:""- ' : ' But the taste' and elegance of our residences is something about' which We may beproud, without fear of ridi cule and boast without contradiction, rhfctthey are Widely distributed al though, to some extent, in groups, is not favorable to a just appreciation of the fact, but even as it is a visitor hardly ever leaves the . citywithout 'remarking it . . If we had a west end with ajl our beautiful homes together what a mag nificent quarter it would, be cos eity. or pfm people! i imagind xh& two .ex tremes of Trade .and southwestern Tryon transplanted W northern Tryba ana its aajoining snort but broad ave nues, witn what confident pride could we ; demand the admiration of our guests I , W hat splendid walks for sum mer evenings! But this nucleus is already, without reinforcements, a more than ordinarily attractive) precinct. Its elevated posi tion and full exposure to the open country, its broad streets and more eligible building sites have made it the most desirable portion of the city, and within the last few years it has been wonderfully r improved. ; The laree grounds surrounding the residence of Ool. Bryce have been divided into three building sites, on two of which are the residences of Major Frank Coxe and Col. R. M. Oates. -The form er of these is in the Italian villa style, Dunt 01 pressed dock, witn brown stone facings. It is the largest and most ex pensive home in town, having cost probably S35.000. and is fitly owned bv op$ who dispenses a princely hospitah- ly witn lasie ana elegance. , . . On the next block is -the residence of General; Barringer,' built in the old Dutch style, with geometrical lines and figures in black Drick, so fashionable now. it is saidtobe one or the most substantially built -and ; conveniently arranged-houses in thecity. ?TVith Col. Oates house ;on .the adjoining corner the three make an imposing appear ance. A short distance farther down .the street, embowered in 'shrubbery, is tne nonse ox Mrs. iiutus Johnston, uni versally admired for its simple ele gance, it is built on tne site of the former residence of Col. Wm. John ston, burned in 1865. On the same side in well tended grounds are the comf or table and tasteful homes' Of Maj. Dowd, Capt Burwell, Dr. Hoffman and Judge Shipp, Crossing the streetJhere splen- oidiy shaded on each side by healthy and growing trees, the old Phifer man sion, now occupied by Mr. Hermann Baruch. one of our wealthy Hebrew merchants, attracts attention from the dignified and comfortable solidity of its dull red brick walls, trimmed with brown, the lawn shaded with large magnolias, and . the whole suggesting ancient and unquestionable respecta bility. Its formerly extensive grounds have also furnished commodious sites for the ramblinc but attractive resi dence of Mrs. Sarah V. B. Young and the lately finished cottage of Mr. H. Watts, whose cool, broad verandahs and light green coloring declare its owners .New Orleans breeding, still farther out a number of new residences, add appreciably to the beau ty of the street. But the very prettiest ght in town is on a summer afternoon to stand in front of Mrs. Johnston's, andlook down College avenue, shaded bV its splendid oas and faced by the picturesque Charlotte Female Insti tute and its wide grounds, with their splendid roses all in bloom. -But Mr. Atkinson s high palings have hidden some of the Charms in the extreme per spective of the picture,; U' . 1 Boucneasi rase ocstumpiown comes next Ik the number of its pretty houses. The old Brem place here, embracing an entire block, the house in the centre and the splendidly rolling lawn in front is a place no one ever passes without breaking the tenth commandment Here almost all the houses are built far back in the most densely shaded and temptingly looking yards. on southwest lryon ine roomy old fashioned house of .Mr. Yates, f ormer ly a f armfhouse, the handsome villa of Col.Moreheadin its large grove, the chaste eleeance of Mr. Carson's house and the adjoining places of Co!. Springs and Mr. David Qates giyd thl4 itW a I pleasing variety. Higher up around the bouses of Mr. Sanders and Mr, A, B. Davidson, the site in colonial times yard ou West Trade. just opposite Mrs. usoornes are a number of neat houses, where .but a lew years ago ineoia neia pine grew on a sou wnose uarrjenuess ui uicvlcu iue in their loneliness. Just above these Cbf. Wm. Johnston's re8iaencfl crn'amenta 'that, portien of the city, and with the United States mint unfl tte vewncca of Mrs, J. Rm tels, just opnoalte.glve pasengera from the deoQt a favorable IlrsCirnpression. mi. yi js " Ti , it itUU rnerohant who probably did more to build qp j tlije jcy's jobbing . trade than any other one man, was built by her husband. Mr, Wiitkowsky, his partner, also a Hebrew, owns ja most respectable residence aajoining. Mr. Schiff. another Hebrew citizen, built add owns an elegant bouse on tue other end of Trade street These facts are mentioned , as QimPPtlve , n . . ' k. . J " M itraj !,rc:r:7 tu7. : & j themselves amongst the people with w horn thev trade. Besides tnose on tne main straps tnere are jnanyoujes m ewaQramary beauty and tiWtom on thej8e 1 ?Peets, which it is unnecessary to men tiorv bht which 1 if cathered toaethep would make a most tespectaWe gqarer 01 memseives, . .... ray Tentplelont ' 1 The first engagement of the season at the Charlotte ooera house is with Fay Templeton. ' It ;will be remembered tnat sDe,gaye great nrome a? an afti gts when-ner'ia3tea?op, ancr rron a very natWrinzattentioh shft has m Bfvefrofhi press, thJs wdisehAa I CtJIVCU Ww-i : rH 1 S PfFiilPt liSRiSr vm I Sr&l I Ann we lasveaiuons eoin ox tne vnp. I mjHM WJ9 WTQf .give nanMorae pio. v nti-lt ai x. tits tixs! that afflict mankind eaa be pferented and ento br keei (Miito naca, Uver and kidney In verfect workUif ncteR ThfttM la no nurilHiM kiWMTO - thnt Will d thlft OS Suicuy aa anreir. wttbeaf mwnenng wnnjeur attet, a PjiriteFa Ginger Twite. ; See advertlae imDy Wft last I wreaot aeron ineir nrst rjwrs, on taJQuJWiv- ir.v ii.e Mascot" wiui ao wyKnuvw mauu puwu juk i .?ixl3K ignt I W ae - , - POPAR-TElfT rJIItt Am IntereetlBf Occasion ta which the People el ffladaeakwr. w 7aar i.-.The third annual fair opened t Pop lar Tent Thursday morning, and closed yesterday evening, -- The exhibition in some respects perhaps fell short of that of last season, but when the extremely, hot and dry season is considered, the fair compared favorably with any that has been heretofore held at this place. Short pasturage, resulting in many in stances in lean cattle ana stock of all descriptions, kept many former exhibi tors from bringing stock to tha fair this year. ; ' ; Hon. M. McGehee, commissioner of agriculture, had consented to deliver the annual address, but Sudden sick ness prevented . him from attending, causing much disappointment and sur prise, as no reason for his absence was known up to the time the fair closed.' j Col. L. L. Polk, of Raleigh, was pres ent, and was solicited to deliver an ad dress, which he did in a happy style. Trie writer -failed to reach the grounds in time to hear the address, but enough was learned to warrant tne conclusion that it was one of the vigorous and practical speeches for which he is noted. : His subject was "The Mortgage System," and it is said that the speaker handled it in a manner to do credit to. himself and the occasion. A synopsis of the speech would, be given, but as there had been no preparation by the speaker, there were no notes to be had.; 001. JfoiK was present in the interest of the State Fair, and it is hut justice to him to say that the subject discussed was one decided upon after he reached the stand. Capt S. B. Alexander, of this county, was present and also delivered a short address, which was highly spoken of. The exhibits consisted 01 live stock of all classes,, farming implements. household utensils, fancy articles of needle and crochet work, sweet meats, bread, and in fact almost every thing usually found at fairs of much greater pretensions . than than that at Poplar Tent Among the articles on exhibition a few deserve especial mention, among which were a very handsome infant's lace dress, and a pair of finely embroidered pillow shams, the handiwork of Mrs. Elizabeth Gibson, of Concord, a lady near 70 years of age ; a very lovely lot of point lace, the work of Miss Kate Harris, of tne same town; Misses .Lula Johnson, Mollie Fetzer and Dora smith, also of Concord, had handsome tidies, rugs, afghans, &c, on exhibition. A fine dis- Elay 01 preserves, pickles, cakes, jellies, read, &c was made by Mrs. Col. T. H. Robinson. Mr. Arthur Bacon, of the McSmith music house, was on the grounds with a splendid piano and organ, which was the main feature of the hall. Two sewing machine companies were repre-: sented, making a very creditable dis play of their goods. jrriaa riday's exercises were opened with a tournament at 10 o'clock, in which the following young gentlemen partici pated : iungnc sir wm. uoat jno. Cald well, 8 rings. Knight of the Comet J. IS. Hender son, 5 rings. - Knight of the Eagle's Nest TV. F. Gilmer, 4 rings. Knight of the Blue Ring- F.D.Brum ley, 8 rings. Knight of the Run J. C. Krider. Knight of Cabarrus Thos. Johnston. Knight of Poplar Tent D. R. Hol- brooks. Knight of the Shooting Star S.v F. Johnston. Knight of Mecklenburg Frank Wil-r son. The four first named were the suc cessful contestants, and after repairing to the stand, the victorious Knights crowned the following young ladies, in the order named : Queen Miss Ida Cannon. First Maid Miss Etta Gibson. Second Maid Miss Willie Johnston. Third Maid Miss Sue Leopard, . Byrequest Col. Polk delivered a short and appropriate address, after which he presented the crowns to the young ladies, who received them with smiles and blushes. After; the coronation exercises, tne baby show took place, which proved to be a very interesting feature, though the door was closed against all young sters of the male sex.. Several little ones were presented on the stand for -the audience to gaze upon, when it was farther announced that none bat ladies would be allowed to "vote. The vote war taken and tne premium, a handsome small pianodorated Hy Mr.ter which they : adjourned rtne 4ie. H. McSmith, of this city, awarded to J assoeiation is composed of ex-Cpn- the baby of Mr. and Mrs, T. V. Dixon, of Charlotte. .,. - it was then announced tnac a, ooiiar would be voted to the ugliest xnan.on the grounds and Mr. Will . Robinson, carried off the prize by a decided ma- ft jority. Ata ociocjc, yesieraay evening, me following articles had been entered on the secretary's books for premiums 5 Best stallion, entered by C. D. Bai ringer ; peat nrooa mare, xaicnaei ocoii ; best sale horse, D. S, Caldwell; bestL pair mules; J. L. Fisher; best colt Bre vard Harris; best thoroughbred bull, Cabarrus Stock Company ; best graded bull, D. G. Holbrooks ; best milch cow, Dr. C. Mills; best heifer, same owner; best-calf, D. O. Holbrooks; best pen of sheep, Dr. (X Mills; best boar, sow and litter of pigs, C. APiyta. . . xne, enyivion peu an compare tively peaceably, considering the num ber in attendance. ! On Thursday even- . . . i-a r.ii.J , 1 1 a. mg aifflcuifcy occuireu uewou white man named Wallace and a ne gro. Tle iatter drew a knife on the former when Wallace promptly drew a pistol and fired one shot at bs antag onist, btwithueWIiXbeparUes werearrestea. ana .require tu givo bond, which the negro failed to do, and it is stated that he was sent to Concord jaii. ymt"y:tHtiA Charlotte lurmsned quite a numoer of visitors, and Concord did her level heat, as it was remarked tnac tne town had just picked up and. moted out The fair was closed last night with a ffidliallJtlilniouie ef one of Pop lar Tent's hospitable 'farmers, at which t estimriSfe wapdMarge numberTpf, others are, ,Mebfoi: courtet'hjtch tte1 TOgreciatehthe Tae AeclAent earireeavle tlU) t ThereenyUJfe Wetci .gives rtbe -foW lowing, nariuwara pi us Kuung of mo negro Jjpy :,pn . tne: jAif-JUine, nearna city, an account erwmcnwro.puopgneo. ill TCObCIUBT a vDOnar,iVi , , , -Julius Brockmanmd' Levi Smith; colored,: had -.started : on foot, UlOng a moon where-theyexpectear,ltis sai4. W$M rfllriff to Smith's iceotmt 6f at: tiw lit down rest: Brqennan. seated himself either on the ehd of a cross-tie, or on the ground between two Cross-ties and Stretched out his body across the iron rail, wtsratQS? : SSSS place on the side of the embankmjent. several reec irom me iraca. xney sat and 6natted2&"s37t! both feU asleeb in? trieirfrdii)ectiye bosi- xkkii. limn, uuo . ueira mi i. is hw m. u fan across Brockman's thighs, severing he right one from the body and cutting thB Atner.neariv on.- mitn wuawax- ned by thenolse of the train abputthe f i m a ie nau uaaatsu. o iuukmi , .aruuuii for vBrockman, ana nnaing ms noay IMctbiaking; horribly mangled, Vome 20' or SO yards from where he had lain down, ran with all1 possible speed toward Greenville. He was so excited that" he came near being ran over by the train which had stopped and was returning to where the mani was killedmiv When, Brockman wa first seen by the engineer, the engine was , too close upon him to stopw The . screaming of the whistle failed to wake the men in time. In addition to the .wounds above aentioned Brockman's head wascmsh t by the wheels "of the car and his right arm was almost severed from the body. The dead man was left at ' the place of -the accident in charge of Mr. A. J. Howard, one of the employees of the road, who had the body brought to the Air-Line depot yesterday morning by a hand car.":- . . . . - m em 1 ". Election of offlcero mt itomJU M Mo The Hornets- Nest Biflemen met last night to elect officers to fill the va cancies caused by ; the resignations of Capt 8. S. Pegram and Lieut Geo. H. Brockenbrough. Lieut E. F. Young was elected captain, Lieut F.J. Ah rens 1st Liea tenant, Sergeant Chesnut Miller 2nd and Mr. Geo. T. Coleman 3rd;. t. . Another Treaonrr. PriftadelphU TUaefci u . .... u : Washington; August 10. There is apparently no end to the scandals in the .Treasury Department That de partment appears to be the profitable hiding place of the worst set of scoun drels out of fail;. .The - latest develop ment in this line of genius involves one Stephen D. Skeen, hja wife, formerly of Lancaster, P& and .a . treasury girl named Lizzie McCullough. Skeen fk a lieutenant of Capt Bill RusseU's Phila delphia gang and draws pay as. captain of the treasury laborers. He is also one of the notorious Pitney ring yet unpunished. He became enamored of the treasury girl . some time ago, and the two have carried on an amour which nas attracted the attention of a good many people. It finally got to the knowledge; of his wife, who raised such a rumpus that the whole thing now comes to light There is an investiga tion now going on in the treasury that will probably land Skeen on the out side. r The Laaa Bill Seat Back. London, August 12. In the House of Commons last night a division was taken on the question that the : House disagree with the amendment to clause 10 of the land bill introduced into the House of Lords, strikingodt the words granting power to the Land Court to render void any lease obtained by the landlord, by threat of eviction or undue influence, and the motion to disagree was carried by a vote of 287 to US. The amendment of -the House of Lords to strike out the proviso that the Land Court may stay proceedings for debt when the tenant has applied for fixing judicial rent was rejected by a vote of 223 to US. - The House of Commons adjourned at 4.10 a. m. The land bill was sent to the House of Lords where it was received and ordered for consideration to-day. XJrerpool Weekly tlrcalar Liverpool, August &-Thia week's circular of the Liverpool Cotton Bio kers' Association : Cotton was in lim ited demand throughout the week. Quotations are unchanged, with a ten dency in favor- qt buyers. American was in reduced request and prices de clined l-16d. In Sea Island there were more extensive sales at unchanged rates. Futures were quiet during the week 'or near positions at unchanged rates, but for distant positions were in excellent demaqd and prices advanced 1-I6d. IV T S toclt market New Yoke, Aug. 12. 11 a. m. Tne stock market opened strong and gener ally higher, and under the influence of a brisk purchasing movement prices advanced i to M per cent, the latter Metropolitan Elevated, which sold up to 82. The other shares prominent in the improvement were Northern Pa cific preferred, DeU Lack. & Western, New Jersey Central and Hannibal $ St Joseph. K-Coafe4erate BeTJnion in Teae, Galveston, August 12. A special of yesterday's date to, tho tfews. from Dallas says : the exrConf ederate As socjatipn. met ben& this morning and elected a permanent organizauon. ai federate, issourians. residing in Tex as, .Louisiana and, Arkansas. The next meeting will be held at Sherman in the second week of Angnst. 188 Bz. B.liee ,tf. ITU fiaxer . WASHiSGToit. August 12. During the operation, performed on the Presi dent on Monday last Dr. Bliss cut his ngnt . 1 ore nnger witn tne instrument .with which the . operation .was- per formed. The wound although slight became much irritated, and to-day the nnger , is considerably swollen, i it is supposed that some of the pus remain en on tne instrument ana canaea Mi flammation which has. ensued. Kira, Fill mare Beaa. Botfjulo. rfj Yi Autrust 12. Mrs. Millard Fillmore died in this city last night aged It years. MABBIEO. , At Lexington, N. C., on the 10th Inst, George lines, Isq., of ThoraaaTllle, and lira. Hair X. GonnUI, of Davidson ceunty. NOTICE. TtOBBT 5Qt;6f Elchmorid,tMiwin elWei kk to make: hot water, lot ,81.25, nroved. T .... i. . I. - - .'.n M j' Sosia. i T.i.:, ! 'Wfihtoontt, TA: :Ui:rr. Very Oieap ! ' Bj the crate oipck. 0(18 .... ,,' j,.-.....r; RSEt'f. .. . .. ii..i utoktspiy, simniu f,8t. . CORPS OF TEACHERS: w i: iTEiSSir,, Prtncipal, tana. .IbOaV mHfli--uMl Natural ecleneea. "iShIijS LMKOi PtlMlpal of Preparalnv, Mm MARY L. UATTOON, EKeUicn anaTXsr llsa Branch's. . CaiCL-EPAfflJilNT.! S.i iTANTSrfiMB BAwET.lfBS.Wii. XiBS U. A. SAYAOX. Alt IJtpaito!. I l-fu. . IXJXXST DZFASTSZS V tlllll I HJ it- I UilfJ tr ft Slff Fortenna, et&. apply for eat'ofni I . ws TnSS7wM. B. ATKUtasOW, PrinctpaL angll.tl -Vi A&8I: 4 iiiil! 2 CAR LOADS 1 CAR LOAD Waverly Family Flow. 1 CAR LOAD f.lECKLEIIBURG CHOICE. 100 PACKAGES ALL SIZI8 AND NUMBERS. ALL GRADES. A1UIL LINK OF ODBCJOM MISSION HOUSS HA4 LARGS SUP- PLUS OF CABBAGE TOMATOES POTATOES CANTALOUPES WftAJUK STTLL IS EKCSIPT Of , CALL XiBLT ANDSKCUBJt BARGA id io ti 'SiT.i ft ajar. i iu. ANDr-' ... .; Masses & Smbs Fresh Gaw Melons, 1 wmmjmszxiwsi ! 1 i WE HAVE JUST BEGEiyEJy ANOTHEB caS3 0 Otm CELEBRATED 'ifi f-M 50 cent: cidRsirs,3 : Far aupenorta at and quaatj lie any otter eref lotiodnM p ne4?lB 18o8a ALSO, A BEATJTL? Knadies' Enineii TOpt&rc, In vsitoaa idles at rAnfeaAMKaMHa,l PttniBW h. m o r r -Eli- v- JLJ JUrUL !VsOM We have Just leeatfed another lot of thMo 5 CENT CALICOES CHOICX 8TTLXS.' ,,Q U 1 L T S-a : Honey Coma yallM, - - 80c Merrtaao. . - - - $t00 Bate, - - - - - 1.25 FANS ! FANS ! Cheapest line of Fans In the State. Palm Leaf Fans 2 for oc CORSETS. The Daisy Conet, - 40c 75c The 8lTla Corset, juiyai rpw tvFtW WrW WWT tW TH011ASY1LLE FEMALE COLLEGE, The ?5th annual e&sloa beglna August 81 t Ten teaebera. Better prepared than ever for the best work. Offers erery advantage of the moat thorough and liberal coarse In Literature, Music and Art, at rates lower than any equal school in the State. Board and literary tuition from $60 to $73.50 per term. See Catalogue. luly22,d2wka,wlmo H.W. BETNHART, Principal. PUBLIC NOTICE. J HAVE )ust been ml urmed that there has been registered In the office of the Register of Deeds for Roaan countr, North Carolina, a deed of mort gage executed by A. B. Andrews and O. P. Irwin, claiming to be president and secretary, respec tively, of the Western North Carolina Railroad, purporting te secure certain bonds ot that compa ny shortly te be issued and placed upon the mar ket by the persons who are now in physical con trol ot the company's road. Notice is hereby given to the public that I claim that the execution of the said deed of mortgage and the issue of the Bald bonds are without au thority in law and absolutely void, and all persons are now warned against buying or selling the said bonds. I nave already Instituted legal proceedings In the Superior Coart of Rowan county, North Caro lina, with the view, amosg other things,, of hay- las the Invalidity of said mortgage and bonds de daredfcjtaw. W.J. BEST, President Western N. C. Railroad Co. Ralelgh.N.C, August 5th, 1881. aaglO.dlw CITY PROPERTY ; FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the public square in Charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. The dwelling is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, etc. The house is admirably aaapiea ror ine residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacner, naving an admirable library or stady room, built for the DurDose. For furthsr particulars, price, terms, etc apply at THIS OFFICE. jaiymati Union High School (MALE AND FEMALE EAST BEBD, YADKIN 00.. H. 0. Next session onens August 4. 1881. Professor Ti 8. WbttUngton, A. M., principal. Departments Collegiate, Commercial, Normal and Civil Engi neering. Term, twenty weeks. Board from 84 to Sdper month. Tuition from $8 to $18.25. ssiMMUKiMief nonnwen irom winaxon. aad 1 miles south of PUot Hoentaln. rorpartle- uiam aoaresa ine prmopai at tteno. juiyia,4W People's Bmldiog & Loan Asso'n. CAPITAL, $500,000. Shares in this association can be obtained by ap plying to the treasurer at the Trader's National Bank. Payments received every Monday evening at um Traders nari sank, rrom o to y o ciock. 1 fle Bonus required xor tnepresent. President R.D. laanataa: Tlee-PresWent J. W. Dlrectors R. X. Boebrane. F. W. Ahrens, John isrooKneia. w. u. Morgan, j. u. uoiiana, i. . Germlev. E. K. P. Osborne. J. H. Henderson. W. C. juxweu. taugii.iw SCAHTLDrS. Seamless Evaf oralcr : rnl!TMFIlli" C1IE MIL FUST OAloluinO aUUUaUH . k Am m m m w a 4a iJIfrVFIFfffiF AT TXB1 r Ital for TMMHytrv Prto Ust. THO:CAHTUII A tOK, Juryl7.d4wlmo 8PBCI4 u LiBiTEO Cheap Excursions. BxainirftDAiirnuABSJtoarj(Co...i PaSBSMeKB fEPAKTMnvT. BSCBMOMB.TA July 16, 1881, si.S Tl order to afford am Die faculties to visit the 1 wwwitsrn rrrfm of Western North Carolina from Ea&tem and Middle North Carolina points, SPECIAL BOUND TRIP TICKETS to AshevQle an on sale at Charlotte under the ie- ! lowing eondlttons: - I . ITnoo anslieatloa of 60 Tjersons. eolmr In one body, tickets good for 10 dU U b se.ait.86 . Holders ox these Desists win oe prrruegea w re- ton singly on any el the company's regular irams wAUsMtlM accepted going' to Asheville except up eo the conditions named, in this adverOsemeat, mntt mtmn tn tiv aautraes anDeartng on the Uaketa. iFor Tartner miormauoa appu w winina Cbarlotte, !uim General Passanger. Agent FLORIDA foraatJQA about these States read the 8ATANNAH KOBNIXQ, NEWS. WEEKLY fmammocn v-page aaeei) ks a year; Daily 10 year, xne pew paper, m ue sooia, flaaapie eaplee 6 cents. Address; . , TT "v - J; H. XSTILL, 8avannah, Gai r - "fc ik 1 li TJL AgETiasilTCXF! exoeemntly lewfrte jpc.s . ii; - i'iiffa ufi: a r 1 n a - - tr ' i ssOilbb: IT" V figpgnuaiivtai.tMi .nn uismuu rrmv ira m AAMiari wiinnw All Btylea and prices, from Se Ladies' Htim- attteae40ai a beaaitfurqaiay;- Xoreka Spool ;6flk, lCApoiU Naedjes 5ci paper. (eottonjkUjfcrl ( SSTBJCTLX1 CASH rld COT PBJCX I BODDICK & CO. oth Foreign and Domestic, JU3T RECIIVED AT .J.B.McAden s Drug Store VARAT0OA, yiCBT; I From Saratoga Springs, N. T. A new water re- semDung tne imported vicny. Recommended , a an antacid; cores dyspepsia, aldsidlges- i I Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathai tic and al terative and In all forma of dvspeptfet ALSO, .. k 5 K CASES CONGRESS WATER, f t A CASES BOCK 3R1DGE LtJll. A v .... ii -JQ CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. . ;- And a full supply of ; IMPORTED APOLUHARIS L'l i 13 XT ! I THE GREAT EDU&PEAN NOVELTY !' JJUNTADI JAN08. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: pofiK sA wine uas luliMIor Ltefcill firms that ltt ricbtiass fnapetfent that of all ether known waters." Tm Bntith Medical Journal "Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, anc most efficacious aperient water." Trot. VvrcJtow. Berlin. "Invarlablr good and prompt success; most valuable." . , t-ror. jsamoerger, Vienna "! nave prescruea these writers with remarkable success." rroj, acantora, wurszDurg. i prescnDe none butthls." ; Prof. Lander BrutUon, M. D., F. R. 8., London. '-"More Dleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them tn efficacy." . trof. Atcm, si. u., F. K. s., Hoyai MUtmry Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred , to Fullna and Frled rlchshalL" 4 JOHN TL McADEN, Importing and I lsrenslng Pharmacist . . ..' North Tryon St, - - CHARLOTTE, N. C DONT GO TO SARATOGA When tou can ret water .lost as fresh and spark ling as when it iowt from the spring' at Saratoga. We receive this water in lasge .block tip reservoirs which we kbuh as soon aa jeraptied to be refilled again every week. lJ H.TirciDSN, Druggist anajunemiMv Prescription eaxefnily jptepared byr erjenped faroip Seed Tnrnip Seed ! ::TAArm) 'ilf 1(1 Ml TURNIPKED. RED OR PURPLE TOP, WHITE FLAT DUTCH, IC-iKl'i LARGE WHiTE NORFOLI, POMERANIAN WHITE GLOBE -ft : sf Ki l-f.iu WHITE EGG, v . i-.. 'im&riMi no xi i vt " t9o8 Jis rBTJTA BAGA, BLOOMSDALE SWEDE OB TELXOW. LANDKETn'S-'SEED i Jolyl Dr AND . ; mill Yriiiif iifljHkN umrn iiLtefcil If - i o b:tl..; ; . ; . I I llll . Ill .tA .