N ill , .1 i ;Ui,if)eRj(naiiM- C. Leventhorneer" of North ' Caroling. IBOK BITTEKS are higWy ing ft certain land 'em&ent wmic ; nt Fevers, the muscles, and gives diMeuTeorcane, HdjJaiM. Beat in Ik ration that will not b en o-u v -11 Writ for amnaing rea&in 8: tent fret. " woadarfaJ remits. Ths-eM 'vaaiiV.thrltao arT --r77fZ5rZ i w . 4it 1 IIAIirUTItti II tHS-M "! to COS. COLLXOI & lOUBTHSia, -rWl SELL- THE GENUINE Piedmont Patent AND- F. F. FLOURS. Inl Just Received and to Arrive A ICAllLOAt) R! ASSORTED SACKS. A LARGE LOT OF CATCH OF 188. -ITOLA8SCS AA( LOLAHSK3 CTETJPS Indudlne a few btl5, of New Orleans. J JYfiUPa SUGAR U6AR noim VOTRB "DICE ICE TACON JPACOJI fUtib TTAMS Al A MS C ORN O&N TlfElL ATA EAL XLrfTC & ROSS. WE HATE NOW IN STORE FOB THE The Largest, TbiMt and MOST COMPLETE TOCX 01- . r 4 t FINS MILUNEBTjlt I ill , - For Ladtee and Cbfldrea We late rrt Ad tM treasure; of showing OTJB 8TOCE OF QLOVES, HOSIERY, . FAN8, . PABA80L8,'lT!(-i It J a is;: TBUO0KQ8, -NJsWXAb;-! . ANOOOBSSTS -le not Bornassed to tHe dty. Yfe hate-; ; HATS OR BONNETS TO FIT THE BEAD AKTJf POCKET Gt XVEBY " it ' ..-"-". SSSSMSSS bar Pattarn"HU and Bonneta will be open .4b examlnattoo of our stock will eoiiuxany Win ha txmi tn the tore to eraU on Her frtendt n a ArniuvA. Hearten lack Saa.. ..; lwM .ripe. frpsaMrat d.biiit, to uoh o ntthst my Jab .wuMrtor; ; JM)V 7MWP liussil Mfifwrif inm 1 fWililHHIII1fJl MM- M M J R, M. Aiillep & Sons, WHOLESALE .GROCEliS. T A fill 1 II '. ( . NOTIONS s And aO kinds ox FANCY DRY()GO0DSM mmim A TRUE TONIC rewmmended, for all, peases reqmr- sneclallr Indisttstion, Dys- Want o$ Appetite, IxssMf ti ytaptoras, eu?h as Tasting the Food, irn. etc. The only Iron Prepa- the teeth or grive headache. the'A. B CLBook, 32 pp. of useful am . ... Md. 1 1 beean tbsaseof your Ibon Toxic, front which I ra- easrgy retartwd and I ftmaa tttat,mynemri lorce J. P. WTOKrio ChrisUaa Ohnrch. Troy. O. 0 0 m! 4U- "id MALARIA IS AN ONSEEN. (OlsuD, spreadlEg' disease and ideal ti la manj locaiiues, ror wmcn auinme is do fenuina antidote, but for the effects of which Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters is not only a thorough remedy, but a reliable preventive. To this I act there it aa overwhelming array of testimony; extending over a period of thirty years, All disorders of the. liver, stomach and bowels are also conquered by the bitters. For sale by all, Druggists and'Dealera generally. L-' : ' ; , I t 1 IRUlGOBflTOR Only Vegetable Compound ha acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, 'Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengdiens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanforts 162 Broadway, N. Y. v FOB SALE BY ALL SBUOOZSTS. J JanU8 deod, eow ly. DOES MY? UfAMnCDPIIf WW wiwbnir w Mm CUrTESf Bfcang it Acts oa the LITER, BOWELS I BeetuM It e1oTitti the eygtcm of thaixriaoft- cms hamonj that developd in Kidney sad TTxl naxy DImukm, BtUcraanoss, Jaundice, ConatL. pattern, PUm, or In BheamaUBm, KemrMgi,' 2fervoofl Dlsordew and VvmaU Oomplaint. . . v ! . '-; 8EE,V7HAI EE0ErJS SAI'i ! . ' Eugene B. Stork, of Junction' fclty fouwai.' i ays, Kidney-Wort cured him after regular thy-; 1 afaaana had been trying for four years. - Mrt John Arnall, of Washington, Ohfo ' says fterboy raairen nD to dio ) four Dronflnen Dhysjntaaalhat he was aftcrwarda curad by M. M. R Goodwta, editor In Chardon, Ohio, cays us was not expected to nvo., being bloated I I leyond beHefJaut KlcUy-Woirtcured Mm. , ? fLM - anna n. jarren oiownut. Bajpm, m z ;, any s that seven years suffering from kidnertrraihlci. and other compUcations was ended by Vbnom&t mi uuiic irvi b SISBBsWSWPV' John B. Lawrence of Jackson, Tenn., goffered for year from liver and kidney troubles aad after taking "barrels of other thediuines," Kidney-Wort made him well. , -chal Coto of Montgomery Center.' we&ie4elgM years with kidney difflculff: and mnsle ,to work.- Kidney-'tVert mado him fMllNWl.l,.g -. vMim ,U PERMANENTLY 9VBE8 r KIDNEY DISEASES. Porvsti patio h tXT tt is nut no In Irr V(ifoWn in' tin cans, one package of which makes sue quarts at medicine. Also in Liquid Font, very Coa eentrate4. for those that canpot readily pre pareit i.j, - . tyjtarfiBiU tqual efllcimoy in either form. W GET iT AT THS PBUGGIST8. , PRICE, $t.09 LJ .fTLLS, EICHABDSOIf Co., Prop's,' , March 27 dftw U wv! ' Jllll.i! Y if I,'i'C !-..? ZLB.VAJV-"' i ui'M 4ae,.j -, 'i i i4 Awnieys ana uounaeii8 - ' M,f v ., , . . . , CHASL0TT2, II. r. FraeHeetsfasirMe Ctoifftf the UrdtM s .3, oupreme upon of Kortn Carolina, Feae ti l Couite. and countlefl of Meclilen-- I bursT.Cabarrus, Union, Gas-,. . r t.i ion, Rowan and bar ..ndson. depe&depce grtte T-r-r- J fltate and United Ststea Owrteolleae f. tt .Home .BJid Jofelgiw: sollflte iteaeteel tlttee, fiurveya, &c fumlsbf d (or com bensatloo. ,r e, .iT i. f-ju-l J i Omn r-N. K. Oanar Tnwi Trroa streets' CharloCe,.c JIT nf NDEE90KYIL1E, V; 0 .'..4. v. aJ JOfl 'tAtLOB'S.fedAlUSB Main and nannf ati-Mta. Hndarannvllla:'ll Main aha pe Offered, fot sale to a bona fide puiehaser dujMs'I rwable,terni ThfthoT&e.fc feaBaffliy BlWated, and hw nlo teeb nKMnaran mm Al..' s T04 MBa.6;XTAlLbB;,, ',- J3eDdersonrUlQ & CT 1 .HAAaJt MEDICINE CO., NO. SIS MORTM MAIN STREET, ST. 1081 W3-.-Ai.r',jfr, arpisneaiTom thff .4 m WwSSSJM W luitnrnlsfSd;1'; mfffl JieW never mhnerpoine.rownwM lively yesterday with aPPlicantefromia oadgpOj 4iCW feet, abroad looking, to rent houses. Tw66tdeCTedawh V firmssettled with us. f Locust Bill township in Caswell county gavatbreeJinndred andseventt votes against prohibition and only onk for it. j Phil McSherry, Uving in Pittsylvant ia county, Va., in attempting to;ros8 the trestle of the Milton Railroad and broke his neck. He leaves a wife . i m m j ttJ ana a large numoer oi cuiiaren. no was drunk at the time. Mr. John N. Watt, woke about L'clck .Tuesday jnomrag and sw- LA L XLUWHaCsVL AAO VUlgll VAV U. auu hand to hand fight followed whict woke Mr. Satterfield who was sleeping in the same room and came to the as- oiarrinna A-f Vf i A7 oft 'PMTfit rinr t Vl OT3 held tljrf ie?ix fand liMmt He had removed alt toe clotrfififlr in the room! and made a second or third trip for thei trunk in the removal of which he was captured. WumlQ2toB,.em0. We rec: lernf J3ie seVfireirwiesg,f M& Bahlirltt htemimn&lWmi 4ity( Heisrep'Orteaff,havinga sever air: 'A. tack of typhoid fever. The National board of health reports as the death rate for one week in J uly, per thousand inhabitants, 45 in Augus ta, 45 10 imington,ii., fui$ oniy i& for Wirntiflfirton-, N.C -. Officer W. H. Griffith, while fishigg a day or two ago at Green's millpond, killed a rattlesnake measuring U feet nlength and about 10 inches in cir cuntf wwh5t i BBTOOt ttft S3Eles Monroe Enquirer: Water is very scarce in our public wells. While returning from his farm near town vesterday evening, Mr. i. j Heath was thrown over his horse's head by reason of the animal's falling down, and bad bis pollar bone broken. Asheboro Courier; Peter Bean, Jno. UDton and Wm. Cassady. three of the oldesMmfl,het jd tilers $f j Highland townshipare Heaxf. v Greensboro North State: The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad, it is confidently expected, will be finished as far as Greensboro Jjx- the end of Lh pany nave teen erecting new build ings, and making additions to their heretofore large works, and when the improvements now making are finish ed it will be one the mostcomDlete ma chine shops 1 in ' the 1 whole- Southern country. Monroe Express-. Pleasant Grove ramp-meeting will begin on Saturday, t ie 20th inst., and continue until the 24th. Mr. J. W. Townsend is erecting a very pretty two-story residence on the lot opposite Mr. J. YV ltudges's in the west era part of town. Mr. H. 0. Ashecraft u t is also building a Very attractive reii denee in Houston vfile. , .- , -,. I l jlssTf 3.1 edkir. ti. YnMMm. m'akjbs the third murder committed in this county within ten months, and no body has suffered for either of them. Isnt it about time something was being done to put a stop to this kind of busi ness ? Salisbury Watchman: Died in this city, August 5th, 1881, Mrs. Elizabeth Phifer Craie, widow of the late Hon Burton Craige, and daughter of the late James and Margaret Erwin of Burke county, N. C. The North State Mining Company will commence in a few days th(i survey of their pro posed road to Jefferson, N. C. Starting from Statesville they will touch at Taylorsville and ' Wilkesboro. John Johnson.'a young man of this city, un dertook to whip his wife one night last week while in a drunken spree and broke her arm. An old hen in this town sat for two .weeks on 13 eggs, butd cecanaBffisffttSMci aurtaB;neawa wards the deserted eggs showed life, and nine little motherless chicks are now in the yard, hatched out by the heat of the weather, and the hen refuses to own or scratch, jfr them. The county commissioners at their meeting on Monday issued retail license to C. E. Mills and S. C. Miller. A crowd of iov- L fUl fellows celebrated the occasion at the bar room of Mills, that night, which ended in a tow. ! Wilmington Star: A colored man from Brunswick county , was in the city a day or two since who hail been bitten through the tkumb by a moccasin snake. It seems that he thrust his Jiand into a pile of brush for some pur pose, when the snake avenged the in trusion upon his privatef : by ilMQrtipg' hand. The thumb was badly swollen, jhad assumed a blueish cast, and it was believed by those who saw the sufferer that the bite would prove fatal. 'j&hi4&l difis&j iifo. s. l. coffin died at her residence in this place on the evening of the Sth inst. Mrs. C. was a former resident of Charleston. j jxne Asnevme uiub Team arfl in re ceipt of an invitation to attend a grand class ball tournament at Soartanburc. iThe county commissioners have lev- led the tax for the present year, the tooting up of the State and county be ing .iajw on vne iuu wortn or property thjB-slicht tacgpairvEriastyear hav ing leneir5hVState' tax by the Legislature, H Durham Recorder: The artesjaja well on Saturday had reached the depth of 1265 feet. The sandstone formation is passed, a liver-colored-stone, resemb ling soapstone in some respects, suc ceeding, . and that in turn by a loose 33ndv stratum, through which-theau- gur is passing. section liand 6rk'ih6 xc1iere.crot in- nia nnarrel withaneirro nampid Pratf alko ii taction hand, on Wednesday ev erting lase.vheh resulted in the shoot ing or jt-ratt. xrn,er eic ior parts un knom. i if t t f i i tea, HE f if II fNew The Business Men's Society for the ncouragement of Moderation haa een criticised for recommending Deo- Iblp to drink beer and other. fermented ftduors as a compromise between the use of 4it!iiie4 Iwttop1 aM total absti nance. These criticisms haye been es bealiF numerous since charges have tieen niade that much of Uie fcer made now is adnlterate4 by JJio ie of corn, glucose and other BQbsiCitt for bar ley malt. In order to justify its recom mendation the society is now trying to find out the makers of good beer and Has sent a circular tri TiInAtv.tTro hruu. ten in this citr af 1 f-' id W H I Xkf a.i a l 3 ' r lalSsT.7 , It iK'Uu w mw pceasea uuu proaucis OI Si A)re wej les. , It stated in the cir eularlhat no unfavorable eriifft'rn will fLelmade against any irewer who does pdt, for aiiy " .ifrjL janswer this re-1 ucMtk uuv ii, s uif uiLcuuon oi tne so iety, as soon asit has collected all the rormauon avauabi. U) publish it. lTHEEiifT AJl Cf B of tbe hair may b sanswi ai hi ,r - ker's Hair Balsam, walcalaax. perfume, deanir- nes and dandrud eradicating properties. . sub: i Illlli 1 1 fa forkoftj; .mines, AinIAla-'l At the death of 1oo ffeet vfiiMhttf a-. feet 120 defifrees. t.o;iw-. . y j Li. . , - in... Vi'ifil li--tI oub,mezico.9 xne reDOXU as wr mo ,rreai weaitn.oi Lfiaij uajtr are grea ex- i 1 Ga.. have organteed v chnrcn-f oundeq otf n8wefl heSa theftfsio iiell. And them rwirfi er, nroooses tdlforf tranjragfroitefljeepts l &iollar, w itocJas.Msinfcmadietate Thei;or " 'Ttie rfeoole'of Ara?IH .ard Pffpytefftome $i4&m they1 .have; ;jhn( their treasury. 4 What ' to-cto wrtnima superfluous money, is the question: itj burns tntrxeTcket orsnrora." which,' is eajteripaftKBOtteVaf or, other Thft cfinp.ral aftnt.impint.Ha tnfttthe mOn- yjiheafld-lw expended; in 'erectinfg a magnificetpera h6user though ome, OS tae Auroraniiwanu to nave a -vug flpiree all, aroundi with it r; ''-' "'Ther ae 1,800 guests at the VJrgliiia White 'Sninrmr ' Sririnps.-1 The Atfeat phlltlopfs yfl w.-Jporc6Tan,ra$ un- aoi-e xo get rooms pnere lasb wee, rai theugtt.ne Journeyed! intis own 4;spTen did cafr'which.be converted lht6 : tem po&ty quarters ' until : too;:0O'uI4v.b feadforiiimJ4 " v t y bonaanji of English spaTrotri ubtdlt their nests'a tlm e us peniion i bridge over, the Alleghany riveriat i Pittaburfj, of strawi hay and other light combusti ble material and the other j day ; i the brWgej was idestroyed by; -fire.u IThe president of the .company . thinks, the nests were set &a fire f roml sparks from passing steamboats, .the . riter fbeing very higbi and that the destruetion ; of the bridge followed, i : 'T Judge McCrary has giyen the rail roads anothefl&TeyfLWn "tbesftbieot of StateHwmtrbl.' ?hn a sislbh, last week in the eastern district .of , Arkan sas, involving the power of a State over railroads, he declares that these corpo ratjQn8 must extend the same facilities" an4 charge the. same rate to ait for a giy.en.eer.viee, and maintains ; that the State has a right to say what that rate shall be. The right of the State to con trol railroads and fix ratea ia nor pretr' ty jreneraUy established by a unanimi ty of Jajdicial deeiBiong... r llSsssssE 1Jss's Tssr"-1 Br. durrrm Speeclr Before tbe CJeor-; The following is an extract from : the speech of the Rev. Bt. Ourry1 delivered, by invitation, the other day before the Georgia Legislature; , --i ... . A system of free schools, graded and. open to all, is the duty of every State. Applause. A good system involves a State superintrsnt;, a ceuaty superin tendent, ana good teachers. Tou can't tun it withoNitinbeyv ! ' Your1 State su perintendent says ne nas yec to1 leartt tnat tfeer -same amount; 11 of "tnonev has'eter been expended any wherewith as good tesults as in Georgia. To make an efficient system you1 must have paid county superintendents you need one million dollars annually for your schools in Georgia. ' A million thus ex pended would save itself in decreased expenses of jails and prosecutions, and would H it crease the wealth of Georgia beyond all consumption. Atlanta edu cates 4,000 children in public schools cheaper than she educated one third of that number iti private schools, not to run three months, out nine or ten mbnths. ? . , . ; . ' The city of Richmond once paid an average of 849 to educate pupils in pri vate schools, and how pays only $13 for pupils in public schools. (Your school superintendent,,, your Governor, your iudzes die. and vou ' want vour school systam a permanent as your office of uoyernor. . . ruoiic scaoois. are tne oniy means of universal education. That is possible, f or in Saxonyjlje census fail ed to nna a single person over ten years oldttfatJcould not read? ,What'aIr ouf schools; Sunday schools, and secular schools need; is improvea methods of wzicmiig.' u p ia v trgiuia vuey uiinx thit any body can teach school or go td Congress.' Laughter.J 'AS I nateabhe both you can apply the remark to' me'J, Laughter. ; You need trained teach--ers You train meni the law-and to the pulpit.' Ltt the'uftme Of humanity. in the name of childhood, "Why not train men to teach f! Ia the child 'is a host of undeveloped-possibilities. If you want a-hc Blrbd doytrasend nim to a-lawveiFi. " Do'.vdu iro to a black smith to have teeth pullefl ? ' Tou send to merr skilled in thesealis. ' You stand atXallulah andthink.it grander than Niaeara. ; a You. stand or Stone ffloua I jtain and catch it gloriour vi w. 1 But f r ' . jr a AL, Aawu A V a granaep unng tuau. wicse is uiai voy w head, i uromting to one w me pages. Applause.1 1 ' r - I .am not verv old--not quite as old as my friends Jackson and Crawford, but I used to passiarsugR-awianta De fore a tree had beenymtdown.! came back and when I see it now 1 say, "This is greats but that boy is greater, i Ar plause.1 ' For his mind is capable cf ex- r-flngmn anfl flfYAl)nmsMit.n. lAng. -a. there are mvateriea Ja the. universe, as Jong as tftere are infinitudes in the God iiead. - f Applause. 'mTO6(J6re, Maury sat in Bis stud v m Qw xoxb. anasnorx- ened.Uia -.voyaffe--w Austraita- uirrty-i days . That is the pQwer.pi cpncentraVH ea tuoogn5 wMw'waMiseome-i Maurv in education, like Qrr or some one else, to improve itheicliarfai of edu cation. A. man is more tnanjus traae or his ocui):atl6n ' He .is more than, a blacksinith or a dbctortpr a lavyerc 6r itor. v Iis oecupatioQ . in only a srilfaiiinfiiiite ciTCle. 1 Man Is! 1 fatheila oter. a'jcltizeu.4. He has rela- If i. . . j " "w- F . a . . iion.-vO uoa ana ecernitF. Aie meets these Tonly as - he is edacatad and marcucs armjusc aocve tse prutfl . iq 1 Z Ss A m. . 1 a . : a a J be not'onllttie ( lower tharfi angeis,Dut xo De a partaker or the na ture of God himself. Applause. As a Georgian, as a Southern man, as an in the name of the uneaniiateft masses, white and black. I bee vott to rise to Ece heighth of this argument, and to ake Georcia in her manhood and her Irooraxatoental resourcesia.realityi: as sne is in. name, the mtsre State oi vectors of that devilish machine filled with dynamite discovered a few days. ago. The domD machine was not-re- SDonsible for the elemp.nta of deati. contained, but the resnonsf bllitv resttJ ori the malicious mind that contrived! it4 Let us so strain audi- develop our gersolloc-eyanffels ot dvnamitaiand manitf.sr, f Great : and.itwuea ap; Jf'H'ttWiH UnhealthT or -inauAirtifsawa.MAn aravel (right's disease, rhenmalism. and a horde of ota er aerlona and fntsl nwtH? .aina i xri fat nna; TentedifHlrHoBtiiFTtaiesiltlmA.Ai.I I - isTiTsssi eRiat4 l VQWtaGXTBxaTmxrna. x .j .r t ava uufiaiHa, UUOI U1U HOLAMUi ' J. T cataon of oi jn revives unm and cleanses tne syste aobe. bilktna aUnitra. inlna jmA Wisa nf tr Writes t6the"Ner'Tot;Mrt on'-tlie subjects thenooptn 'sacnem'snase, WhiCh iSMofteri een lnyirini4aTia,the Sojatb Sy-?The t snaka , isf, o venomoua fame. and. thoush; it may baan extreme J srecautionI- should not care to: ; risk even, cow a scratch; iromine point -or the spur, 'sin the arly summer a ser pent.of this peciea was killed, within I three hundred yards; ol my; house, x I saw this; snara,w&en .-aeaa. . Ats; color I was dingy; yellow, marked and Dlotch- ed.with wackii ilhe nead.was flat: ana 1 vicious loQktng.Ti: There; was a remark able muscular swells iikei that ;oi :the biceps, some inches above the .tail and suggestive of an intention td give force to a blow from the . tail, whichrtapered LfromrtDelQW the swell i And i terminated in a horn lAfce. thai ,w mch. i send. The; bortt was grooved in the same .manner, and;; wryedrBimilarly. This speoimexj measured; four j feet' ten inches The young man. who tilled the snake stated thatitbe viper coiled up at his presence; appearing greatly irritated, holding its . tait aloft , : and; agitating it violently; He did. not ; await further hostilities,' but settled the matter by a well direct-! edshot from his rifle.- There are many! stories ; of -trees i that have died after having been struck by- this snake. I' should not wish; to be responsible fori Lnem, tor. mere ja a i wonderful same ness in one and all But, beyond a oubt, thehoop snake ia an ugly ? and wieked reptile, and is t considered here . as f ataUy dangerous." .. v. ; .i .i m i ; J ?"Wlo Caa Peat Mins I Durham PlanL n - . . A-. negro .boy by the name of Rom Lawson, at the section at Allensville, in Person, county, did eat one and a Jialf quarters of mutton, eighteen bis cuits, one. loaf of corn bread, a piece of Shoat supposed to weigh about one pound, two: halt grown chickens, five nerrihgsi one pound of candy, and drank about three quarts of water. He then said he i had'nt eat half enough, fie offered to bet he could lift more with a handstick, or could throw any man on the ground. And in order to show liia-strength, he took a man in hia teeth: that : weighed 213 pounds and carried him about over the ground. He then went: to another table1 and called for a: 23 cent?1 snack. A few ypars ago the same negro 'was attacked by a gang of ten foxes while in. the field at.work. He killed and captured five or six of them and put the rest to flight. . - . ; We cannot vouch for the above, but there are seyeral in town who witness ed it. County lilectiou, Purbam Plant. The election passed off quietly. J. J. Ferrell, Republican, was elected Pro bate" Judge over Willie T. Patterson, Democrat, and Dr. Wm. Lowe, Inde pendent Democrat, Register of. Deeds over Thos. M. Stephens, Democrat. Be low is the official vote : . For Probate Judge W. T. Patterson, 1,038 J. J. Ferrell, 1,225; Wm. Lips combe, 1. - For Register of Deeds T. M. Steph ensfc672; Wm. Xowe, 738 ; F. B. Banksi 617; Kitchen HolloWay, 270. ; For .Surveyor L N. Link, 1,454. ' : y , BlTDFORT) ALTJM AND iHON SPRlHOS WATSUASD lUaar-The, great tonic and alteraate contains !wioe as much iron and fifty per cent, mom aluna num than any "alum and iron mass" known, lust the tblDg tor the "spring weakness" bow so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one halt, majll-tf BBAIN AND NERVE. - Wells' Ilea'.th Eenewer.greatest remedy on earth for Impotence, leanness, sexual debility. &c $1 at druggists. Depot, J. U. Mc Aden, Charlotte. Ucw tliyjcrtistmciits. FOB IP Neuraloi'a: Sciatica, tvmbaao. MiCKacho, Soreness qf the Chest, ' G$trQyjPtjrj5ri Thrqai, Swell ings And rSppaias, $q?(ts and Scalds, BenerQl Bodily" - Palm:1 ' Toofht Ear and Headache, Frosted i Feet and Ears, ana 1 aI other Pains and Ache. No Preparation 'on aarth equals St. Jacobs Ott' as t ,o?, mr, simpl end cheap External Bsmsdy. , A, trial entails bat the , oomparatiTelv trifling outlay of 50; Cents, and every ono snfferins; With pain caa feavo cheap and positive proof of its (wins.:, j. . . . i J directions In Eleven Languages. ; . SOLD ALL pSUQajaXS W -DEA1EE3 4e80d4vrlr ; i XTJ OPEN I! . ! Tht Inllliatit.' faseinattiis tintgof Complxioit for xtiim hW13 strfire are fiWefly artl frcliandaUwhaitaielho trouble mft-e'ecnitt thei3.f ' r . These roseate, bewitching; hues J follow thfi use of Hasan's Hag J liollCalm--riv delicate, IlamI-, lGss and always reliable article Bold by all dniffdsts. . r., ; Eient 'and mrv ImnfirfArf I nWi 1 1 am l tj esioH v btl iit iio Isioo! I - F ,- A Sailing MiUtOiJ CLT iQ iilhHii4iUi T?f Mdesfj theAOriinrepot, at the foot of ItTest T srasseiiBrs win hiso ure get on and off toe ears uie same Doint H- . w. WJBSUiJS , '-. Sapezlnttedcnt TRADE' ijSjJLJ-i 1 4' mm, 1 W&xWf$f&yi'A hsJLv h '. ' m t ris ini i taj w a rrrr a a Deen fteretotoe des-natM! ajt ' OSQAK3,,17 stopS, S Bei &old e ea-Toneae reeds; onhr 18S." Ad- r rim a wwwp uraAkiwAa. u . i auc9 dkw4r ,i T nil n 6 t , j DlH M fi C i0! SOLn ON INSTALLMKNTS d r I M 1 1 U snipped to au Dans oi tbe count flbrHflC I try. PWCES LOW aiid terms t UnUAIloi: pajnienfceasju ed.for sata? Marluiacturers and. Dealers, 820 Broadway JLYl . - . leal Wwk mntH f h . . qralf-TYMSt laUon !rt boatai) anertFreaak f:riTniriissiL MOO ppuoonUins baantifol M IM BITSIHESSVIIXVKRSrri BtJSUTKSStJSlVEXtSITY For Illustrated Circular. A 11-ra aetiutl Buslnoss gchooL : Established titenty years. aug9 4w eure all dlseaserof the- stomach, bowels, blood, liver,. kidney ..and urinary, organs, i nervousness, sleeplessness', and especially female complaints. Ask your druggist lor Hop Bitters and try them before you sleep. TAKE NO OTHER. Bend for Circular. 4j ,;. f, -JIO ITTSB8 JTlTia CO.. . ; ans9 , .n ; ,jBocheater. N. Y., and Toronto, Ont. sny person to be seriously m without a weak sto- macaor inactive uver or kidneys? Aad when these organs are In good condition do you not find TJKS82?XSnJln good-health ? PARKER'S 6IN6EB TONIC always regulates these Important organs, and never falls to make the blood rich and pure, and to strengthen every part of tbe sys tem. It has cured hundreds of despairing; inval ids. Ask your neighbor about It faugfl,4w Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster For Lame Rant. RhAnmaHam TMn kftoMm and aches and pains generally, It Is the unrivalled iouicu. . iaugy,4w AUTOMATIC CABINET PLAY ANY TUNE.' 0 Music 4c. per foot aug9,4w Illustrated catalogues free. THEO. J. HARRinrr. 809 Filbert st, Philadelphia. m s i ilia E. M. ANDREWS, (Successor to B. 6. Bogers.) WHOLESALE & RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER A full line of CONSTANTLY ON HAND. DON'T FAIL TO GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE BUYING. Upholstering and repairing done at the shop In connection with the store. Julr29 55 BY LU X HER BESSON. for sale at aUA3,tf TIDDY BRO'J Book Store. NOTICE. - Omci Bichkoitd ft Danville R. R., l CBaaurrrs, N. C, Aug. 2, '81. f THE ticket office of the Blchmond anU Danville Railroad Company la open for information and sale of tickets from 8 a. nv until 7 p.m. and from 11 SO p. m. until 6 a. nu Bat should the public desire additional Information as to rates, routes or connections, Capt 8. 8. Pegram will be pleased to enlighten or assist them. Office 29 west Trade street, next door to ticket office. yffi - ; y.J. mcbee, Ag H E R C U A N D I S E BROKER . COMMISSION MERCltANT, COLLJNI STM CKALOTTB, N. C ' ' ble houses represented. lanif Special Limited Excursion M0REHEAD city. Passkngkb DxPABTMxirr, R. A D. R. R., Richmond, Va Jidy. 1st, 1881. ; In order to afford ample facilities to vudt the sea bore, . .- : . BOUND TREP TICKETS, . GOOD FOB TEN DAYS, are on sale at Charlettoi under the following conditions: rof partes (twelve, 811.15 each. ;- j if fwenV-reSR6geafih. Parties to go In a body and return singly on reg ular tralns-wtttim the limit For further Information apply to the flcltet agt at the depot . ii .L-POF1, . ul;8 - Genl Passenger and Freight Agent. - THE OXONIAN, : The Oxonian aims at Increaalne fhm IniaMtat tnr Literature and Education,-' and gives original ar ticles On SUbiectS Of Vital lmnoitaru aa Mltm criticisms of the newest and most valuable publlea- f Offers deeded advantages to advertisers. . High average clrculatloa AdvexUaements are showq prominently, are free from ' errors, and are laster imj displayed: 1 ft adyerttsing ratpa aiMfinqt id 1 ciwra ui us waiiiH 10 .an istsmaMi.iiasnptuM 5 COLLEGE hK.'W Mil.1 I I i. l'-..'l.-rv j DUx;iEST,!aOfriCAxX)IJ3IA. .il ' One of the eldest lnjUtaUorxi to the State.' ' Total expenses for Tuition, Board, Books, etc.i need not cxbeedxIBS. Piwoaratorr Derjartment ineharse of a Tufo- Localfty healthy e oommonity 'moral rrtflE Lot on the eeraec of- Kkrthi atxet farnx th tXi Jortta CamUaa RaluatL -fronting 140 fees k niBU im aiMi iva ive. um aotUL LiaroUnsk i jKaufona, . wui euuec yq bum tt a wnoie o ttvtdes Into two Iota of 7Q bi 19a laetrf finltable Uba t. buUdUngor taoiy.purposes.-; Apply to . I i HutiS,tt i. 8. PHTLLlPS. .1 i 1 1 i m r i 1 1 ; ; mi a lit!. urn. ORGANS $5 Coffins and Caskets EESKINI mm ,Kaffl iniftvi ecrot w .::. c 'i.it .,w.UJi!9i Willi I LARGE STOCK OF !'" AtL OF WnfCH HESELLb LOW OR CASH. AirX3rbaite resented, bolh in Weight ... and Quality. WATCH GLASSES .10 CENTS EACH. declS CoMensed Time liirtCantMlR TBAINS Soma- SOBTH. Date.May 1581 No. 47 Dally No. 49 Dally No, 43, Dally Lv. Charlotte, " A-L. Depot " " Junc't " Salisbury. AR.Greensbom Lv. Greensboro Arr.Raleigh . tv; - i i. An. Goidsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Barksdale " Drak'sBr'ch " Jetersvllle Arr. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " Arr.Hanehester Arr. Richmond 4.05 Ax 6.15 ax 6.20 ax 7.50 ax 9.30 axi 9.50 ax 4.15 fx 4.80 fx 6.07 pm 7.57 pm 8.18 FM 411 ax 5.66 ax 8.0.1 Ax .8.25 AX 1.40 1.45 px '4.00 fx &25PV 10.21 AX 10.27 ax 10 58 aX 12.87 fx for Rich- m'nd only 11.31 AX 11.33 AX 12.01 px 1.20 PX 2.55 px 8.51 fx 4.28 pk 4.85 fx 4.88 fx 4.43 ax 2.24 fx B.20 PX 4.05 fx 4.10 fx 4.13 FM 4.18 fx 7.28 ax tkaiss eors a south. DateIayl5'80 No, 42 Dally. No. 48 Dally. No. 50 Dally Lv. Richmond ? BurkevUle Arr. N. DanvIOe Lv. " M Danville Arr, Greensboro LvV- "Salisbury U045 pk 12.00 x 2.48 px I 7.00 ax 6.05 PM AX 7.27 ax 6.18 PX 9.26 i 9.81 i 1L16 i "an'pii as7 pm 10.38 PX Arr. A L Junction 12:45 FX 1.00 PX 12.15 ax . unarione Lv. Richmond M Jetersvllle " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale DanvlUe " Benaja " Greensboro Sallsburv. " 12.20 i 2.55 PM 4.41 px 6.07 fx 7.25 fx 7.51 fx 8.55 PX 9.27 PX 11.05 fx Air. A-L. Junction 12.20 AX Arr. Charlotte 12.80 ax BALXX BBAHCBt NO. 48 Dally, except 8unday. Leave Greensboro o snvM Arrive Salem., ....T............ 1140 fx NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem t sVaw Arrives Greensboro jj.OQ ax NO, 42 Dally, except Sunday. , , u Leave Greensboro. m rwi Arrives Salem . 1 'jui an HO. 48 Dally. ve Salem............................ Kan fx ve Greensboro.;......... 7.8O px - Limited malls Noa. 40 and tun wtn ani short stoppages at points named on the schedule. xaoacugoi, Knm irom vnanotta will t aboard at the aiiiR. R. tannt TrMTtntn makes elose connection at GrMnahnm tnZ n.iiXU Goidsboro Newberne and all points on WUmiati' ton Wekloa BaUroad. .' . ptuumi Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 wake ell local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and he -tween-Greensbojo, Raleigh' and Goidsboro, Nd. 47 maklna eecuonwltaw. N.CR. at Salisbury IOr Ashevlile ( Snndava. Mrmntiwl mnA neIhg at Greensboro with tJalem Branch (Sun rassenger trams No. 42 and 48 make all local StODS between- Charlntta and RiAlmwiiiiii Hnt andHehs GlOT6' Hbur, Lln- Sen. Pa'anffTttkeSofe' " ' mayl8 ; v s BJetxaondTva. . FLY FANS & TRAPS, . ..BATH fUBS, 6PRINKLKR3, : ... OIL STOVES : ,-AHD TH1- ' ' ' -v. :'fOf fmt flWj nt to, - ' . TBX111CIBTLINBOF ' f Cook-Stoycs andSewing Mabhin Id TBS CTTYv 0 Grers4nd correspODbnce felted at tie aird 1 j ware.etoie and .Sewing MachUe House of " RICnARD MOOREi 1 Trade 8treet, Charlotte, N. C. jMtl.s., , Col. fl. W RBlTvnrm an Irma and, fewm-aftl Iknowa td -ennneettoa with the Sewing Machine raasiness olxhla eity And vicinity, Isnow-wnxw and would be pleased, to see bis mend Ad pas afld8eneeaashereol9rvT; 4. .. . , igist'byrlxaiMtioii. , , ana eupss ,to F. ar? Co, . ST .5 1J:- do I keento iw'sfflii. and . jranirArae)e 0T,aD the best varieties iMssraAi 1 PhwalAlana nrarlrjtloria in riven stMB T-l .mint to iiiMPSm :- - ' . . i' ' - - W -' ' f 4