BMsWBWMsWsjWW '..ff'iBi"." Ml. Stye l)artottt 0b0OTfiv Dotty, on iw.fwstpsftnsa ssfMes..iIJ3' 00 rr Jftnt3te...........4 , 1 00 Uy, (in tk0 eomty) m ..... .S3 00 o nr t$ eo;po&ty...r .v.....,r; i io WTT,tlBrai BttmHmmje Wtv , re -rii. YOE.XXVI. OHARLOTTET, SUNDAY; AUGUST 14, 1881, NO. 3,872. : mnm i fflf Say. We sUil hare an elegant and well-assorted line Of Li.DGE'.Jtf(SSXDjCaiUBXli'd. i -. Fancy Hosiery. They Mast Be Sold. we will commence sacrificing these goods Imme diately. CUB EN TIRE STOCK OT SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Call earlj and secure best bargains, Alexander k Harris. JulylT Boots auft ghats II Sw.SM 1881 We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK whlph will be more complete than ever before "' and, comprises the LADIES', HISSES'. CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BOYS'. AND YOUTHS FINE BOOTS! SHOES " A SFCECIALTy. Lower grades all goods In our Hne In variety and u - a"' war rv7:i " ST rr.K-: full stock STETSON llATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises k Satchels, ALL BIKES AND BRICKS. t gal and ?o p ,w ftjBQBAM & CO. BY LUOEft BENSON. for sale at Its, -t! 1 1 1. ome RjGjproiro damyiixs & R , I CgASMTWC, AflsE'81. f THE Utpt offlo 6t theRichmond and Danville pubuc desire dutiofl(ftl;'InXotwaflon M ta'rataa, routes or eonaeotfoos-, CapiTS. & 'FegraBTwU bo pleaed -to erlilihtanC ot assist tnem., oake 29 west Trade street; next door to tl(etoffi. ' aug3 T.lftflW.igt. ERSEINE COLLEGE LUX VEST, SOTff CJtBOLliri, One of Of oMert InstltoUeM Ift tSe Btate. -Total expensM for TuUlon, Boaraiooke; efa,' ne stTS.Kffv'SKMamsa pM intelllgek-,teen fitst Aenda?ni Oc ''ftiyia-; r -ifa "y vTM:flBii.-i J. L. HARDIN, and cpMiipW; Orders for Ontnu'Hayi 'keX;BeLW. Baoon. Ion .. UJl JLV7 t RJl TAILOR'S &0ARonO HOOSE em( . Mtdn and Depot atneta. HaoderaooriUSv M.C. to oihwdjor aitA.bQnada pwabajeri wry Tte boU pleasantry sttdated. and bas nln4 teen roamr.andoQ tbe lot an all necessary eutj OOUIM. . : U i HVe sold' furls4ed; front she, alos;ttve liftnV kticttetr to the pUnoln the. iSr ' w r wu? Vu unfurnls bed. Pnssesstotttlmlnnerflalelr Address. T lot on QHteraurci Jlnth-street and the ... . ."orth Carolina th-osA front! 140 feet on SinfL?? hd 1B8 feet on the North Carolina wnoie or envioea iblsTatthorior Best Latest Styles mmm. HOME FOR-SALE i r'y.'T't u ewner .do seva as a ttXir" 70 bradO feet: Suite mtxpaV1 luuosq From $2 toflO. ; 4I0SPT0 NETTING, ."3 .:. - I wait and colors, by the yard and by the piece. -SOME-. HEW AND STYLISH LAWNS Vtfry cheap. Just In. We offer great bargain In oure.unant stock of Silk k Lisle ThreaJ Gloves & Silk Mitt. All our summer goods will be sold uniformly at first cost Bargains In store for those who will avail themselves of the opportunity to secure them. T. L Seiffle & Co. ng7 Judical. 'a'nts At tnla season, Tarions diseases of tne bowels are prevalent and many tit are losi through lack of knowledge of a safe and sora remedv-. FebbY Dxyi Path Ktt.t.TR is a jure cure for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Cholera, C2ioIera Morbus, Summer Complaint, etc, and is perfectly aafe. Eead the following: . BAOTsmpa, K. Tllarch S3, 1881 Pmr Davis' Pxik Kmra Mwroili qoni dutatu TtlU tor cnasp sud pt&n in uie atamach. ; )ora Bukoitt. . - . HIOBOI.TILU, N, TTb. t, 1861, The Mry i medicine I know of tot dyMntery, enolersmottoaa,andctmpamtlMtoinAcfa. Bve nsed it f oc reafi, and it is ntr cm vnrr tinieu -' Icuui W. Dxc. Konrooir a, Iowa. March is, 18BL I have used tout Paix Kn.T.aatn severe caaea of cramp, cohcjuid cholera nrafoiMnd it gv almost m nam. ju js. . E. OildVili . for twenty yean I have uaed your Path Kh.lii lnmy fmuy. Have used It many times for bowel complain to, and It wy rr. Would not feel safe Hays nsed Fxsbt Davu'Paix Kii.i.a for twelve Tears. It ia a. rar, oiwi rIiaM. 2(0 mottier Umld allow It to be out of the family. , H. X- TTatwi. OmrroA, K.T., Feb. 19, imi. We benn nsm8 it over tnXctryeara ago, and it always frtvea immediate relief . Would hardly dare to go to bed without a bottle ia the house. . W. O. Smsst. ClowwATsmtn. R. CTeh. SS. 1SSL Jfearly every family in Uila section keeps a bottle intoehouaa. ' 7. a OOWSTJTJLTK, jo. St. auwxvM. CazRiA, Bhxhiss Fbussia. Feb. 8, 18SL I have known Pesky Da via' Paw kti.ieb almost from the day it waa introduced, and after yean of observation and use I regard its presence in my household as an indUptnnbU nteHty. X & Potto. TL aqpnsrf. ' BntTOif-ow-TxsaiT. Exfa: dbegnaevdtaarihB; aeveTelyfabm ried your Paxx Kn.T.aa,and fooodjs&Eihistant Shef. w . H-. NpoNX, During sieeidenoa of twenty4hne years in India. I nay given it in many casosof diarrhosa, dyaen fery, and cholera, and never knew it to fail to give feuet-. n i,itivi Ko family can safely be without this Invaluable remedy. Its price brings it within the reach of all - For sale by all druggists at 25c., 50c .and $1.00 per bottle. PEKKY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providepc. B, . 22diulan. Floreston A$- Cologne LaS srbe r wasfatile.Vim Pvspepsla, .RAcuma-1 HsssMenraJaia, atttovntr Kidaey orlivarOois-4 plaiats, yoweaa behuriirorantd and cared by triwgi . WHO m rm pui py war ttiwaii't,imuBit. Muttj vo4Lara wastinr awav with Consumption, ' lfvoiAra rastinvawsvwkh CaosUIDDUOD. sipatioa ecaay weak new, you will feed Farkersl. Gingn Tonic the greatest Blood Fertilizer and thel iiit lanaARtmttiKuunrTWUHvm tasd &ruberurte Bitters and other Tonics, as ttl .JUasratCtaataV pNTiBtt RatomColot. 31.B.T4UCII. W. U.BAJH7. VANCE & BAIliEY, Attorneys and Oonnsellora CHABLOTTE, N. C. rrartice in supreme t Supreme Court of reme Court of the United States, North Carolina, Federal Courts, and exam ties of Hecklen bary, Cabarrus, Union, Gas- tov. Rowan doors &at of Independencs RO.?pGliAILAM, IN the KaV and tTntted States Courts. Collet. Uons. -Borne-and' Foreign, solicited. Ah stracts ofTttleSiflurrers, See-, furnished for com pensaUoOv 4 r Charlotte. N. C. nan-tV "fe .-TP, MOBEHEAD CITY. In order to afford ample faoUfttes to visit the sea bore, bodndTBIPTKXSTSw GOOD TOR TXN DAYS, are W$iliBy4t Charlotte under toe following eondkUojj i' HiTrar writes U twelve, SUU5acbl . ' u twenty-five, f964ch. a ax jtava.w' BO f a (a An. . . ' w Parties to at in a body aiasbretuni slntly on reg tnar trains' within the limit ;.-:-rTj . VXi For further Intf onnatlon appW td,the tM rt at the o-toC ' - i - v A. JrUrJk, lull 3 Cral Paasenger and Freight Agent. FINE CMIV&SSED H&f1St . i I - . )t '"i'i CABRAfeE, r i tb v trmva i Vt nrnir a Tnn . 1" 1 Summer Comal At o. it. uuwzaa. a. f Sixty-five years ago the London Mornrng Chron icle published a poem entitled "Lines on a Skele ton," whieh excited much attention. Xvery effort, even the offering of a. reward of fifty guineas, was vainly made to discover the author. All that ever transpired was, that the poem. In a fair clerkly band, waa forma near a skeleton of lemarakable beauty of form and color. In the Museum of the Boyai College of Sorgeona, Lincoln's Ota, London, and that the curator of the Museum bad sent them to Mr. Perry, editor and proprietor of the Morning Chronicle. Behold this ruin J ;'Twas a skull - . Once of ethereal spirit full; This narrow cell was Life's retreat. This space was Thought's mysterious seat. What beauteous visions filled this spot, . What dreams of pleasure, long forgot! Nor hope, nor love, nor Joy, nor fear, Has lelt one trace of record here, . Beneath the mouldering canopy Once shown the bright and busy eye; But start not at the dismal vokl 1 f social love that eye employed. If with no lawless fire It gleamed, Bat through the dews of Kindness beamed, That eye shall be forever bright, When b tars and sons are sunk in night Within this hollow cavern hung : The ready, swift and tuneful tongue; If falsehood's honey It disdained. And where It could not praise was chained. It bold m virtue's cause U spoke, Yet gentle eeneord never broke. This silent tongue shall plead for thee When time tm veils eternity. Say, did those fingers delve the mine? Or with Its envied rabies shine? To hew the rock of wear the gem, Can little now avail to them. But if tne patre of trutb they sought. Or comfort to the mourner brought. These bands a richer meed shall claim Than all that wait on Wealth and fame. Avails It whether bare or shod These feet the path of duty trod ; It from the bowers of Ease they fled, . To seek Afflictions humble shed: : If Grandeur's jruuty bribe they spurned, And home to virtue's cot returned. These feet with angels' wings shall vie And tread the palace of the sky. OBSERVATIONS. The Albany Argus notes that Mr. Post i, taster James is "a too previous discoverer and a too subsequent reformer." In the oil country large quantities of gas are used for fueL A man who uses It in bis cookstove was asked the other day why he did so. and re plied: "Because it splits so much easier than wood." Oil City Derrick. When we consider that Sitting Bull's name Is "Tantan ka yan-tanka," no one blames him for charging go for his autograph. A little beat that can't be beat, the window OPen wide; a little breeze, a little sneeze, and you're the doctor's pride. $17.25 tot tea visits. New Haven Register. "I am sorry to say your son does not Improve In grammar and spelling," said an Austin teacher to the father ef one of his pupils. "That 'Will never do. You have got to make him learn how to spell correctly and use good grammar, or the boy will land In the Legislature or the gubernatorial man sion." Texas Sittings. Civil service reform, as understood and prac ticed by the party in power, is a good deal Ilka faith the evidence of things hoped for and the substance of things not seen. Brooklyn Kaglev j A self sacrificing yoath : George (who has been rowing for the last hour In one of those heavy boats whloh abound in country lakes) "An, per bane yea would like to go ashore now, Miss Ara bella? You you look warm." Arabella "Ob, this is Just too delightful I Don't hurry in en my account." Harpers Bazar. I rams OF INTEREST. New Orleans, though a long way be hind, ia next to New York the second largest exporter of merchandise. The Southern port is advancing rapidly. Baltimore and Philadelphia have fall en behind. Three hundred and twenty dissent ers from other religious denominations have organized :The Living Church of God" at Charlotte, Michigan. Twelve of them are making- a Bible fer the new church. A bridegroom slapped his bride's face tw,o hours after marriage, as they .were about to take a train at Whiteside, I1L, for a honeymoon tour. She stood still, in surprise, but only for a moment. Then she seized his cane, belabored him well, and went back home with, her parents. The Utica Observer says that the in crease of wealth in this country ia ac companied by an astonishing improve ment in the human form. There is! a growing tendency to corpulence, if that's considered an improvement 1 ;, Drinkers of Indian tea will be glad to learn that the area of its cultivation is rapidly extending. Abous 200,600 acres are now devoted to the plant, and this year's crop, it is believed, will not fall short of 50,OOQ,opo, dovd4; The funeral of Qrville L. Grant, the brdttoet'o'f ' ex-President Grant, took place from the family residence at Elizabeth, N. Jn Monday. General Grant, his son, Colonel Frederick J3ent Grant, and Mrs. Hannah Grant, QenerT ar Grant's rnother, were ajnong the mourners. Mrs. Hannah Grant is eighty-two years old, and looks as if she might easily live twenty years longer. The funeral was largely attended. a Just before his murder, an effort was made to convert Spotted tail to the Christion faith. After the scheme of salvation had been fully unfolded to him he remarked: White religion PQ fpod. God come on earth j wjiitA man ip'hlm. Pdlan WrUdn$o-ltat' . An oil well on the Little 'Blnsrattion 'creek, fourteen miles from Matfopi W. V a., is now puinpiug v,m vuo aw " twenty gallons per HaJ. The o was fonna atthe depth of aTO feet. The wellls located only five miles from tut Baltimore Ohio Railroad. According to the present census there are about ioi pottery establishments in the country, with 320 kilns, 84,000, 000 capital, 5,800, hands, receiving 62, 200,000 wages, and yield 5,000,000 pro dno.tM. The larcrest n umber of these es tablishment are in New Jersey, the next largest number being in OhlQ, The New York savings bAnfca show 10,ppo,ittOOJncreaae in deposits , in six mbbths. . The aggregate of. deposits .ex ceeds $200,000,000; surplus, $30X100,000; number of open accounts, $500,0i0p. That indicates that business is brisk and money plentiful. Nevada papers are sad to see five cent pieces in circulation on the , Corn stock. The say that "no surer signs of the decay of the locality eould be pre sented" Tey bdlpbat a, vbit,'' a dfmet is small enough for anj conntry that isn't going down hill. A Periston In a Star Route Cstae, Washington, August li In the case of Increased and expedited star route service, Allman's appeal from the settlement of the sixth auditor to the first comptroller of the treasury. Judge Lawrence to-day affirmed the decision of the sixth auditor, which was in effect that the increase of the 50 per cent on the original contracts only could be allowed on .expedited service, and not 50 per cent on, each, trip, when the route mightu be changed from a weekly to a daily one, - !t 1 ; 4 ."V.V: ' ' '" 1 ...-i I Kidney Wort is nature's remedy W kidiey1ui4 Uver diseases, piles and constipation. -v j Sediment or mnoons tn tbe-uriBe tf a sue lndif Mtion of dlseaaa.1 Take Kidney Wort 1 1 foroid fiver and kidneys poison the blood. Kkt ney Wort revives them and cleanses the systeaa, Head acne, muuua auaeo, aazintws, auu iuoa i appetite are eared by Klaney Wort., . m flee adV,-i''fai'"' -!. ".;.tr'.f,V. i xT - . i 1 'sssilian i Trtaui, (iai rnactlve kidneys eanss irravel vwhf Mmaser. rheumatism, and a horde of oth r. mr,A tatni diseases. which can be ore ' vented with Hop Bitters, tf taken la time. Durham Bcordei. . .. The honors recently, and so tardily, paid tolthemtilnory of Richard Cas well, the .first constitutional governor of North Carolina, brings to mind an other governor ofc revolutionary time, whose name is familiar only to the his torian, and is totally forgotton by the modern publicXet Thomas BQrke was a man 'whotthBy ocenpying. tha post of honor in'tlme of great peril, and drawing aTOnwmself tiui dangers connectith hl position as the rep reseniati ve bf North Carolina. He had the peculiar hardship of failing into the hands of the enemy, and on his de voted head-was visited all the bitter ness of ;the hatred felt for his whole people. , - Oct the night of the 13th of Septem ber, 1781, being.- Governor of the State of North Carolina, and in Hillsboro in the disehanre of his official duties, he was pounced irplbDavIdj yaqmagj taken prisoner with his snt& and some officers and civilians of prominence, and hurried off : towards TVrJmington to be delivered rntothe hands of i Col. Craig,' commander f that military de partment. - Arr attempt at rescue . by GSnt Butler was made at Lindley's Mill, on1 Cane Creek, in Chatham coun ty, which failed; and ttie Governor and staff were taken to Wilmington under circumstances of great indignity and cruelty, being compelled to make the journey on foot. Arrived at Wil mingtonColi Craig tfeawd'Gov. Burke with much harshness; and tie was then shipped to.Cirarieston; andoorinned on James Island, from whiebv he escaped, and: returned to North Carolina, and resumed the f auctions of - his office. But the sense of honor among our rev olutionary fathers was of extreme acuteness; and Governor Burke, was thought to have forfeited claflm to con fidence by the violation of parole in volved in bis escape; and he was de feated for re-election. He was never again in public life, and died in Hills boro in 1783, and lies buried on the farm, of Mr. Henry Whitted, three miles northeast of that town. Gov. Burke was Irish by birth, and by profession a physician. lie' tame to America long before the war, and lived in Norfolk. In mi-be' came to Hillsboro and changed his profession for that of law. in which be became eminent . He represented Orange county in the convention at Newborn in 1775; and at the meeting in Hillsboro in 1779, taking an active part in the formation of the (State-constitution. He wasadeleeate to the Continental Congress at Philadel- Euia, tutu aerveu unui juiy noi, wueu e was elected by the Legislature, Gov ernor of the State by acclamation. He left one daughter, Miss Follie Burke, who long taught a school in Hillsboro, and died a few Years aero in Selma, Ala., at the advanced, age of 96. uannoc tne state at lease provide a decent stone to mark the resting place of one who "did the State some- ser vice," and one who actually died a martyr to "her cause ; for the capture and imprisonment, and subsequent cir cumstances undoubtedly led to a death there is much reason to think which was not the effect of-age or simple bodilv disease. 1 About the President's! Condition. Dr. Snowdenin his Washington spe cial to the Alexandria QazeiU says: The President's condition to-day is said by his physicians to' be slightly improved,- but. it is apparent on ail aides that the prevalent opinion concerning him is that his chances Qf recovery have freatly diminished during the last few ays, Ilia phvsiclahgay that he ate solid food to-day and; Wrote his name legibly. It is reported that he did the latter at the instance of Dr. Bliss, who asked him if it were necessary for him to sign an official document if he thought he could do so, and', that bis answer was a demand for naDer.nen. and ink, and the production, of iris Si g- uatuio. iu uia pcrieciy tutu uuluvh atjie.' He iff said to have fast t uyye-Uiird Of his, weight HfitaS, left yes terday,1 after avflra there-wonld be an excellent tletwrdugh It proved to be anjthinff eise'than excellent, and Dr. Agnew will return instantly when summoned. Among the oallers at the White House tottav was ex-Yice-Presi-dent Obtfair: of 'Credit-Mobilier noto riety. The latest bulletin gives the President's pulserat 104, which is higher than it has ever been before at the same time p day, . A relation of one of the persona who hare access to the Fresi denfa room was requested by a ' sick friend in Newe Xork yesterday to send him the true state of the President's health. He asked 4 this relation what word he should send, ; and the answer was such that he did not send; any lest it should have a badis$ect upon hia sick friend, It is generally understood here tha the constant eort on Wart street. New York, is to bolster up stocks by favorable reports concerning the Presi dent, but that thMftyAUigimpressiou there, as here, k that, while he may re cover, the chances now are against him. It is reported that some of nisi physi cians now say tne walls of, his aoaomea were never penetrated bv the ball. If this be so and the bullet wounded noth ing but skin and fattv tissue, he should have1 been well long ag6, tbat is . if be yrao a iApaiiAJj ixitui um Aiai jliqcu. ucab eapropeny..,,-,,. -r Uj f :: .. . Jacksqii:lle ; Angust. 12. Bni. Bird, colored, convicted" of r the murder at Policeman Nelson, .colored, on: the aatn or j une, isov. uurme tag mm iw in this citv. was executed at aKKm to day in the jail yard in the presence of about 500 persons. : A snort) while -previous to the execution he made, oonfea- sion of bis s crime: ;to the slietiiw others, but while pn, .4he fiilaws pro tested his innQcenw.:Thertwr wis sprung and ird fell, out. aaibetiooSa had not been properly arranged the lend slipped out and he f ell to the grouncL He got up with the sheriffa assistance and again walked, upon the trap. The rope was properly adjusted and he waa launched into . eternity,: He fell about 7 feet and died from strangulation: His heart ceased to heat in 17 mmutes and he was cut down in 27 minutes. Every thing passed oft quietly. , - - ' ' ,. i ' ' BKB BUGS, BOACHE3ifKteJ ' Uo (M it.- flies.' vemliL'mosc seetsTete.. cleared out by "Bough on Rata. poxesMPJUggnua. y j MroCBlAKTS. BKAD THIS. " " j To those suffering wtfn Ms IriClJept to the vexa laWnmslneaB tomfcUt-jeta a feering of biltfsflefcln 'WbbhsrMveVfcels': Thii nM(- dy isViibfcra&le bad tireaw'ilcM headier and bnioaseonlhlains XhBeulttot Is free from W merea rial snrjetanW; not dlaafireeable; can be taken at arir tmw vrtthoat interference with business or pleasure. Bttgenflsa andagooddl4str, ilvf .iracTJBlOKfXBiBOTx t I writes af4rteg1sdidnet jrott b.Ow most popi naSwasen - boWhe by right, tor no rthwmadiciao baasaah-speeiac aettonoo the UverTtoweU and kktoey. If TOO have those aymp toms whSi indicate liglmma deran kWj neys do not fall to prwmrA aMjgejraaUf rolto3;.4n-. 16i As the' season will soon be ever for summer goods are oCerlng soma decided drives in that class or goods. , OUBKHTIB1 STOCK OF Ioporied Ilosierj, T For ladles and inlasec, at eosL Also LISLE AND LACE GLOVES And our entire stock of Light SflffiiBer Wool Dress Goods. L.'iJ augS 12 OUR $15.00 AND $16.50 SUITS FOR. 12.50 liJX) H ChiwFen HAHGRAVES m CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. (DM WB NOW Att mm THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY tVOVB PREPARATIONS FOR FALL DEMAND A CLEARANCE OF THE GOODS NOW OFFEBED If Goods IBlttg & CD (Dlffl IBM, Steam Engines and MiuiDg COETBACT FOB CONSTRUCTION AND ERECTION 01 MINING MACHINERY OF EVERY DESCBbON AND L'AtEST DESIGNS. FACTURE AMD SILL AGRICULTURAL AND POBTABL1C IHGIMia. """ thAiirmdeice in The manutaoturen of the CHALLENGER PORTABLE ENGINE challenge the world to produce a tetter engine. STT th..t,.lLnM an mannfaatnMr of HrrtraltnraJ enainM not fitted wUh an automaUe eut-otl, to A eompeUUVO JOT ... forfait of S00 augS THE ATTENTION Of the Trad tsnerally, and also the eonsnmer. is eauea io anr speoai sranos ox NHwwiwi wm Boa okxng TObaeeeswtauinf wu, uuraam Cuts and Rival Durham-tos wgebt : weasj Mifniniiunf UtA iateatatvlaai.of the atanlaeadesoi Flue and. Twis .obae".; p can. m a few weeks, offer 1 4noemen U T.h,.M tkt ti other naaof atfiiref flnr amteamen Will toaks) WKuUtf tViOS toCaari Durham, warn rnal sen li oDuuu"uimtcoi?(fts ALL WOOL PLAIN IBLACK BtJHXIJIQt, 15c. ' LACX BUNTINGS, m cream and black; loo. mPOBTKD ALL WOOL LAOS BUNTINGS, In plnka, creams and blues, at 25c. We will nave In a day or two another large line of 6ttc Lawns, 5c Calicoes, and Hoop Skirts. Call and see our hne of Nottingham Laces, LAPPXT BITTING, CBXTONNKS, And everything in tbe house furnishing line. & WILHELM. ID WILL SUCH DYDUCKMXNTS BX GIYXN IN CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! AS 1BX NOW OFFERED BY FOR CASH ONLY ! ' 12.50 I OUR $9 AND 10.00 1 M 8.00 u THE BIGGEST BABGAINS EVEB GIVEN IN s, ,s and Wis sOnog' (Drjnfl OF i - onramniiiKBii0 (En)iD(ulsS OFFER THE REMAINDER OF OUB SPRING AND TPDnefiiP Valone I TO BUY GOOD CLOTHING CHEAP THIS IS A POSITIVE FACT for tie ckett & Mcdowell, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, -MANUFACTURE IiS to $1,000, as may be desired. These engmer burn JOHN G. YOUNG, Agent, College street, BRIGK ! BRICK ! ! rTHEnhcWshrned respectfully InTorm the pubUe .J." thattter have engaged In the brick business. band as sKHvmaklnf a superior quality efnana ksaMbi bttekt They have la connection with their AyaM sstt topioved compress siacnine, py wnicn tne3TBSSEJS) STeaweu diofc vyiHu Mr uiw rirPiinWTiwi bricks Anyone deatrlBg1 to build will' find It to toelf interest to give as call before purchasing Isesrhesw. 4 n t R M. BAMSEUbTi mayS-d4mo TrC ALUSONv ' 1 - Charlotte, N. a Mosquito CanopieSe- Jri j M and White, A large lot or " - . .; .. 4-y.- ,f : -.j FINI SHOES, lVKByjPAlB WABBANTKD. Tya will alval jq oar stock a handsome ra rlcOffsjjoditOaefrwn' 1 SpeaantfffifiofGrten b Orders. i i 9 $10.00 SUITS FOR $7.50 .00 " e.00 Oik SaD SUilMER GOOI8 IS NOW WlTflfN YOUR-BEACH. bZ SPV-'i iiso-kANu- what they 4. Sand -iooc wjoa. bet Trade and Fifth, Charlotte, N. C HONEST 7 T w i si C He w 1 1 z T 4 e c o I Beware of imitations. None Mujneimless ac I eompamed with our "Honest 7eopyHrfehted label (which will be found on bead of eveiy box . MarmTartnred only oy nunwK A BSD.. Sinatra. M. & v to and . Pea li JOSH VANLASDINOHAM. aav AVhjut ifnw liAKM jann IIVI For sale by aug5 TIKI & WmME, ,5 . - - -TT Trade! all climery Mil

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