LOCAL INTELUGrEtfCE TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1881. , ?80piETT DIRECTORY. ' -if t fl&T A nojsrxp ' i PnAiAwx LoW Na 81, A. r.AJL M.-Rerdar meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. XxGiLaiOB Loses No. 261, A. F. A A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Chabloits Chaptbb No. 89. R. A. M. Regular meeting every seconu ana iourtn jrnaay nights. Charlotts Comhaxdary No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every nra ana intra xnuraaaya. OIF" H. Knights of Honor. Regular meeting every second ana lourtn iaurscmys. HZ. OF Knights of Pythias. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. in. at Ma sonic xempie uau. I. O. O. 3P Charlott Lodgk no. 88. Meets every Mon day night. . , i . MXCKLKNBtJBO DECLARATION LOD6K Na ft. Meets every Tuesday nighi Dins Lodgk No. 10& Meets, every Thursday night. Catawba Rtvir Encampment Na 21. Meets .rirsi ana tnira xnursaay nights in eacn montn. Index to New Advertisement. Country bacon, etc Howell. Key lost Apply at this office. Administrator's sale A. B. Springs. Peas and pea meal John Vanlandlngham. Book-keeper wanted Seigle & Co. . HOITIE PENCI LINGS, 2T They say that all the tree frogs arj dead. They have dried up, at least. E" The afternoon of yesterday re pudiated the cool promise of the morn ing. U3?The new officers of the Hornets Nest lliflemn Bet 'em up to the boys last night. jUTFav Templetori will appear here on the 12th prox. as "Bettina'' in "The .Mascot." j" Somebody ought to start a bi cyle livery stable. It is said to require very little hay. A 48 inch standard "Columbia" Bicycle will be raffled at W. E. Shaw & Go's store, on Trade street, the latter part of this week, jtSunday night burglars entered and robbed the store of Wallace & Fes perman and the depot, at Matthew's Station, on the Carolina Central road. jgTAlderman Osborne, says he did not change his vote yesterday on the Walker ordinance from a changed in tention, but from the inadvertance of his first vote. C3T A man named Cagle was very seriously injured, yesterday, by the falling of two benches of a coal bin on the North, Carolina road a few miles beyond Concord. He will recover, however. I3P It should have been stated in the accounts of the water works which ap peared in Sunday's issue, that the cal culation of 100 gallons per minute from the two branches is based on the ca pacities of these streams in their pres ent small volumes, depleted by the dry weather. t3PTwenty-five dollars were the re ceipts yesterday before the mayor, An drew Boyd, colored, contributing $15 of it for an affray, and for loud swear ing and being bound over to corut for carrying concealed weapons be sides. tgT The citizens of Smithville, many of whose wells had gone dry had de termined to make an effort to have the city, with the consent of the Air-Line road, put a pump in the large well at the depot of their road so that they might force water to their quarters, imt on examination a dead cat was discovered and as there are forty feet of water in it and it would be a little hard to clean out they abandoned the idea. JL Child Falls Into a, Well and is Un hurt. r . A little one year old girl of Mr. Caho, of Beaufort county, who is visiting Morganton with his' family (it was learned yesterday from a gentleman just returned from that town) sat upon a flat-topped well with her feet in the bucket. She slipped and went down, but clung to the bucket, which she took with her for company. She did not sink but waited quietly half submerged until some one went down and brought her up unhurt That she escaped with a few bruises is, however, not an argu ment for liltle girls to make a habit of falling into wells. Mr. V. E. ITIcBee. The election of Mr. V. E. McBee, as superintendent of the Western North Carolina road, which will be seen else where in this issue of The Observer, will be read by the citizens of Charlotte with pleasure for his good fortune, but with regret for their own loss. In the four years residence of this gentleman among us he has made everybody his friend many his personal friends, others friends to his wits and good fel lowship. He leaves the city immediately to join the corps of engineers who will survey the route for the Ducktown branch. His headquarters, however, will be in Salisbury. Mr. McBee's rapid progress as a rail road man i unrivalled in North Caro lina. Personal. Mr. Grat Springs has returned from a tour in New York. Alderman Frazier was back yes terday from the west in time to make the solid six. Mr. W. II. H. Gregory dropped down from Statesville yesterday. Mr. Joe Hirsch, who has been long and favorably known as a salesman with J. Moyer, goes in a few days to Trinidad, Colorado. Dr. John H. McAden returned Sun day from the bankers' convention at baratoga. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Eccles will re turn to-day from a tour in the North. Mrs. H. McSmith has crone to New- bery, S. C, to see her sister-in-law who ia very ill. Senator and Mrs. Vance return to the city from Morebead to-night. The family of Mr. 13. K. P. Qsborne returned from Al Healing Springs yesterday. peorgia, Legislators in Search of the Fence Law, Messrs. D. W. Lester, Ed. Martin and J. H. Martin, of the Georgia Legisla ture, how in, session in Atlanta, were in the city Sunday. They were appoint ed a committee by the Legislature to make a trip up the Air-Line as far as this city to inquire as to .the practical working of the fence law in North and South Carolina. They heard nothing they say except commendation for aud satisfaction with the jaw from white and black, rich -and: boor, women and phildren. So that by the time they got to Charlotte thev felt entirelv conscien tious in keeping the Sabath by re fraining from; to activo pufmt of their business as t had been a,U one wav since thar nteradtha no-fence is hoped, will numtne" to the fact that it is about the best thing ever snggest- ed for the South. The Constitution is hereby assured that this law will act equally as well in the wilderness as in ttortn Carolina "--i'--; ' - ; . , i . s, -i.r- -,., .. SklisvMea. . . Wells' Health1 BMMtmr.'. Ihaolnte cure for ner vous debility and weakness of the generative fune druggist. Depot, J. H. McAden, vuaiiuue, n. J. . TUB WKSTEKIt NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Meeting- of the Board ol Directors at Salisbury A meeting of the board of directors of the Western Njilh Carolina Ball road, was held at Salisbury yesterday. Most of the business transacted was in regard to the management of the road, and not of a public nature. There were present Col. A. B. Andrews, president and director, and the following direc tors: Judge A. C, Avery, Gen. KB. Vance, Col W. E. Anderson and S. H. Wiley, Esq. The following order was introduced and unanimously adopted: "It is the sense of the board of direc tors of the Western North Carolina Railroad, and it is hereby ordered that the president complete the alteration of the road so as to run by Newton, as soon as practicable." The recording of the mortgage on the road was announced. ' The mort is for $1,000,000 the State getting $520, 000 of the bonds. - All untaken contracts on both the Paint Rock and Ducktown branch es (up to Pigeon river on the latter) were let out to the American Construc tion company. Fourteen hundred hands are at work on the road and it is proposed to in crease it to 2,000 which number will be soon reached, as from 25 to 50 hands are being added daily. There are of those now at work 400 convicts. Pres ident Andrews announces that the road would certainly be completed to Paint Rock by the 15th of November. The cars would cross Ivy creek Satur day on a' temporary wooden bridge. A $65,000 single span iron bridge has been purchased and will be thrown across the river at Mountain Island, two miles above Warm Springs. The Ducktown branch would also be completed to within half a mile of Pigeon Fiver. A very heavy cut, about 00 feet deep, between this and the river would probably delay the actual arrival there till about the 1st of December. This will be in ample time, as 90 days' grace will be allowed on the 'expiration of the original contract. A corps of engineers under Major Wilson starts to-day from Pigeon River to survey and locate the route to Mur phy in Macon county. The company have employed a com- Eetent engineer to make the heavy lasts of rock below Marshall with dynamite which will be manufactured on the spot. Gunpowder has failed. Col. Dunn, a distinguished engineer of Maryland, who has had extensive experience on the Chesapeake & Ohio under Billy Mahone, has been engaged by the company. The bridges across the French Broad have required all the carpentering that could be had, and for this reason it has been impossible to complete the tres tlesjon the Newton branch to this time. Mr. V. E. McBee, of Charlotte, was elected superintendent of the Western North Carolina road, at a salary of $2,500 a year. An Observer representative was unable to learn anything further of the business really transacted, but finally approached President Andrews with the remark: Colonel, I see Mr. Best is after you Western North Carolina Railroad folks with a sharp stick. Well, you can just tell the people that the Richmond & Danville don't scare wort h a cent. Mr. Best would Possibly like to be .."salted" just a little, ut we are not in a salting humor just now. He has neither right nor title to the position which he claims and the Richmond & Danville people will re spect no such claims. If he ever had any claims to t'ne road they have been forfeited, aud we are going forward to complete the contract with the State. We own the contract, we are going to finish the road, and we will claim the glory of it, although it must be confess ed that Mr. Best deserves some credit for calling attention to it. Charlotte' Champion Fiklicrmau. Morehead City, N. C, Aug. 15. To the Edltpr of The Observer. Col. William Johnston, of your city, has capped the climax in fishing this evening. He caught ninety-six bluefish and a Spanish mackerel three feet four inches long, weighing seventeen pounds and four ounces. Comedown. G. W. Black nall. Changes in Railroad Officials. Mr. W. L. Hand, for so long a time the popular agent at the Atlantic, Ten nessee & Ohio road in this city, has re signed and taken a passenger conduc torship on the Carolina Central. Mr. II. B. Schraeder, one of the most reli able railroad business men in the city as those who have had transactions with the Air Line and Richmond & Danville any time Within the pastseven years will testify, has been appointed, in his place. Proceedings of the Inferior Court, Inferior Court convened yesterday, Justices Waring, Hilton and Stowe up on the bench. Justice Waring deliver ed a conscientious and forcible charge. Among other things be impressed up on tne grand jury the necessity tor hunting up cases of bigamy among the colored people, as he was pursuaded from the record of marriage licenses and other things which had come un der his observation, that they were very numerous in tne coupty. Wm. Potts was fined $10 and cost for assault and battery. Geo. Cutnbertson and Mine 1 arris, both, colored, were committed, the first to four months and the second to six months in jail for mutual assaults with deadly weapons. Two other trivial cases were sub mitted and dismissed on payment of costs. A ITlarderer Kills and Rides Away Through a Crowd. On Friday last, eight miles from Morganton, on Silver Creek, about 50 hands were working the road. Sam Pierson. known in Burke county as "Silver Creek Sam," to distinguish him from another Sam Pierson in the town of Morganton, was cutting down a sap ling. Bob Walker, another white man of the neighborhood, told him to quit as the sapling was on his (Walkers) land. Sam refused to do so. Bob at tempted to seize the axe and Sam stab- oea mm in 106 necK. jjop uieu in a few minutes from loss of blood. Sam stepped to bis: house a few yards away, saddled a mule, rode grimly through the silent crowd gathered around the dead pody and toojr. his course to Mor ganton. When he arrived there be palled on Col. B. S. Gaither, with whom he was closeted for some time, -lie finally came out, rode quietly away again without interruption and has not been since neara irom. It is said that an old grudge existed between FiergQQ and Walker on ac count of the rejected matrimonial over tures of the former to tne sister of tne latter some years ago. Fierson is descrioea as a man or aes perate character although quite small in stature. -- r " ' ' ngkei Bata. Th thing desired loon d at last Ask druggist for "Bough on Bats." u ciea out mis, uuee, roaches, Jtes, bedpiiga, l&cperpo XlBBIfl CO'3 Aroloated JxtaO, of Witch Haral - i prtftitip .uc ucbh u ,u , more satisfactory results in my practise than any other of the numerous articles In the market" ' . . a . r n s. MlwnAS afl Boys xtoi. jmcdohi uuoruocj, . v .- . vu ford to be without your elegant and thoroughly pnwiinUWJ yuarquviu iwi m nw M t - .CTVieaeur xl. n xtvuu, . j. uuuu wo . vuuo. 1 i a. ' ImjIIm. vihvcrf. Clans ui new ZOTKVuy. uuro iiuc,ucuhmi usees, catarrh, salt rhenm, rheumatism, and affections nf Mi A mm r - Sold In fifty cents and dollar sizes. THE SOLID SIXES 8 AY TEA AND NAY ON A WET ORDI NANCE, , But on Various City Blatters they mingle their Votes with Pleasant Harmony, and Sweet- Lorlng- Klnd ness. The board of aldermen met yesterday evening, Aldermen Frazier and Wilkes both having returned. The mayor pre sided and all the aldermen were pres ent. The mayor stated that the survey of the city boundaries, with a view to the erection of stones for the permanent marking of them, had been postponed till cooler weather. He also stated that three additional gas lamps would be placed on C street when the posts, which were required were completed. A request of. Mr. Strong that the Southern Home be exempted from the special tax on newspapers, was referred to the committee on finance. Dr. E. Nye Hutchison desired per mission to use a three story frame house, near the cotton platform, for a steam cotton gin and mill. Referred to fire committee. On a request of Mr. Bernstein, to re cover with shingles a wooden shed within the fire limits, the ordinance forbidding the re-covering of any build ing except with slate or metal, was read and the mayor directed to en force it. The butchers of the city presented a petition that the special tax levied on them be extended to peddlers of meat from the country, unless such meat was raised by themselves. Referred to finance committee for consideration. On inquiry of Alderman Walker, the mayor construed the ordinance taxing fruit stands. The mayor thought that when one kept fruit and other mer chandise the merchant's return was all that was required. A petition for the opening of old Boundary street from B to C was re ferred to the street committee. Alderman Miller moved the removal of the $10 tax on cigar manufacturing. The motion was defeated. Alderman Scott moved that com bined cigar and tobacco manufactories be required to make distinct returns and pay distinct taxes on each. Alderman Miller moved a tax of $20 on resident horse dealers and $10 on transient dealers. The motion was adopted. The official bonds of the city secre tary and treasurer, city cotton weigher, cotton inspector and tax collector, were received and approved. Mr. W. C. Maxwell appeared as an attorney for Mr. J. B. Rooke, appealing from the report of the cemetery com mittee that Mr. Rooke had no interest in flowers at Elmwood cemetery, and requesting that a committee be ap pointed to receive further testimony on the subject. In addition to the ceme tery committee Aldermen Walker and Miller were appointed to hear the tes timony and report to the board. The mayor spoke of the difficulty of collecting the dog tax. Only $300 of it was collected last year. Should there not be something done to enforce its collection V An ordinance was passed that the city furnish dog owners who had paid the tax with collars; dogs without collars to be shot. The mayor was also authorized to offer small re wards for uncollared dogs and to en force in the courts the payment of the tax. Messrs. Miller, Long and Scott were appointed a committee to consider and report on a request from Col. W. R. Myers, president of the Atlantic, Ten nesse & Ohio Railroad, that a cotton platform be erected at the freight de pot or tnat road. Ihe committee on the platform were instructed to act on a petition of cotton Duyers tor new scales at the platform. a petition from W. x Snider to be allowed to retail beer in the city was tabled. Chief of Police McNinch stated to the board that he had been forced to suspend Policeman Plummer for dis obedience to orders. He had ordered Mr. Plummer to enter Cochrane's bar and take the names of those who bought drinks. Mr. Plummer had gone but eft on being ordered out by the bar keeper. Chief McNinch had ordered mm oack and he had declined to go by himself, not desiring "to get into any uss. Policeman Plummer stated that the chief had refused him assistance. He did not like to go in by himself. Tne board unanimously voted for the ' discharge of Mr. Plummer. Mr. Ut. K. Stevens was elected in his place and was continued as sanitary policeman, the summer being near- y over. The fire committee, the mayor and -he chief of the fire department were instructed to make a reclamation on $300 worth of guaranteed hose, bought through Messrs. Schiff & Bro., which had proved worthless. ! Complaints of the hithy condition of the large ditch in the second ward were referred to the sanitary commit tee. 1 Alderman Walker introduced the following ordinance which was prompt- y tabled by tne mayor s castmar vote. after the solid six and six vote of the wet and dry aldermen. Several dry aldermen expressed themselves pleased with some of its provisions, but none of them voted for it at all, at all : Be it ordained by the board of alder men of the city of Charlotte, that Sec. I, Class I, of an ordinance, entitled an ordinance to raise revenue and to pre scribe the rates and subjects of taxa tions for the city of Charlotte for the year 1881, is hereby amended by strik ing out 65 and inserting 50 before the word cents. Be it ordained by the beard of alder men of the city of Charlottee, That Class II, of an ordinance, entitled an ordinance to raise revenue and to prescribe the rates and subjects of axation for the city or unarioue ior the vear 1880. is amended by adding an other section, which shall read as fol- ows : Section 34. Every person or persons wishiner to carry on the busi ness, in the city of Charlorte, by whole sale or retail, shall first apply to the board of aldermen for license so to ao, and upon receipt of the same, shall pay to the oity tax collector the sum of live hundred dollars for the privilege of selling by wholesale or retail, wines, malt and spirituous liquors, ana tne sum of twenty-five dollars for the priv lie;?e ui uemuji maifa nyuuo uiujr. Be it ordained 1st by tne ooara or al dermen of the oity of Charlotte, That any one who shall sen any wine, mail or spirituous liquors in the city of Charlotte beyond the fire limits of the same, or on any other street than Trade or TryOn, shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and subject to -a nne not ex ceeding fifty dollars or imprisonment not exoeeding thirty daysv 2. 'mat any person or persons en caced in the sale of wines, malt Or spir ituous liquors, who shall put any ob struction before the front door or front windows of their place of v btisineis to shut off nr. nhfwiiTft the' View, from the street, or snau Keep any atainea or ground glass in their front door or front windows, shall, nson proof of-' ttie same before the board of aldermen, forfeit their license to sell wines, malt and spirituous liquors. v ; w , ; , va 3. That any person or persona engag ed in the sale of wine, malt or spiritu ous liauors. who shall knowmelv per mit any gambling in their place of busi ness or in any other room attacnea thereto, or In the same yard or ia the building as their place of business, and under their control, shall, upon ' proof of the same, forfeit their license to sell wines, malt or spirituous Honors. 4. That any person or persons, con-, victed of selling wine, malt or spiritu ous liquors to minora, shall, upon proof of such conviction before the board of aldermen, forfeit their license to sell wines, malt or spirituous liquors. ' 5. That any person or persons en gaged in the sale of wines, malt or spir ituous liquors who shall keep their place of business open beyond 11 o'clock p. mn or shall open it before 5 o'clock a. m., shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined not more than fiftv dollars. or imprisoned not more than thirty days. 6. Tnat any one wno snau Knowingly and wilfully sell, give, send, or deliver when sent, any wine, malt or spirituous liquors to any person already intoxicat ed shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of not more than ten dollars. A Card. A. Allison, Esq, colored, desires the following announcement to be made: Charlotte N. C august 15th 18 A Alison Dear Sirs to the Colored Band I return my reserconnation to you all with pleasure and dont you never come after me eny more I renounce my self no more leader of the Band of Charlotte yours truly A Alison. Mr. A. P. White, SS5 W. Monroe streets, Chi cago, informs us: I have had occasion to thor. oughly test the qualities of St Jacobs Oil upon myself and my family, and have found it the bast aad most effective remedy of the kind ever known In an aggravated case of swollen Joints, where In flammation was causing Intense suffering, its power was especially remarkable and not only brought relief but a permanent cure. It gives me pleasure to thus testify to Its merits. A SOCIAL 8TIB IN WSST CHESTER, FA. The effect of chance is so carious that tha facta connected with other's success are read about with the greatest interest. The event agitating the Quaker borough of West Chester, Pa, is theehanoe that fell upon Mr. Jesse E. Webb, one of the best Known Business men, tne proprietor 01 a large Jewelry store on Gay street He was fortunate enough to hold half of ticket No. 78,112. the cap ital prize In the drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, held at New Orleans on July 12th, win ning 815,000. He sent by mail in a registered letter one dollar, addressed to M. A. Dauphin, at No. 212 Broadway. New York City. The next drawing takes place Sept 18. LIBBIG CCS COCA BXXF TONIC. Professor E. M. Hale, author materia medlca new remedies, Professor at Chicago Medical Col lege, recommends uoca ior Daa taste in the mouth, furred and coated tongue, dryness of the mouth on waking, debility of the digestive or gans, colic, ineffectual urging to stool, and flatu lency. "It is superior to any tonic I have used or prescribed," says Professor Hale. Beware of worthless Imitations. NEALY ALL THE ILLS that afflict mankind can be prevented and cured by keeping the sto mach, liver and kidneys in perfect working order. There is no medicine known that will do this as quietly and surely, without interfering with your duties, as Parker's Ginger Tonic See advertise ment Ifewrs. Btacraxm s Bro.: It is with real nleas ore that I add my testimony to the great virtues of your "Neuralglne" as a specific for neuralgia and sick headache. Such a remedy Is a blessing, and all sufferers should keep It on hand. j. a. amsiLT, 186 Cathedral Street, Baltimore. Sold by L. B, WBI8TON & CO. BURNETT'S COCQAIKK, For Premature Loss of Hair A Philadelphia's Opinion. One year aso my hair commenced falling out until I was almost bald. After using Cocoainea few months, I have now a thick growth of new hair. ALEX. HENRY. Na 814 East Glrard Ave. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts always standard. country- Bacon AND HAMS, LARD, BALTIMORE HAMS, SMOKED SHOULDERS, WATERMELONS. .c augl6 B. M. HOWELL. T rCLT A to special box at the JJ O A postofflce, or an inside drawer in a safe, has been left at this office.whlch will be turned over to the owner upon payment for this advertisement. it Administrator's Sale. IN obedience to an order of the Probate Judge. I wlU seU at public auction, at Spartanburg Court House, on the 8rd day of September next, at 1 1 a. m., the following property: U4U snares commercial sank of Colombia. 240 shares Bank of Hamburg. 60 shares Merchants' Bank of Cheraw. 120 shares Bank of Chester. 00 shares Bank of Charlotte. 118 shares Charlotte. Columbia & Augusta Ball- road. 90 shares Atlantic Tennessee ft Ohio Railroad. 1 share 8outh Carolina Railroad. Also, on the same day. at the residence of Mrs. Springs, near Cedar Springs, at 3 p. m., the fal lowing property: a tot oi Household and Kitchen Furniture. Terms of sale, Cash. A B. SPRINGS. Administrator of Rlch'd C. Springs, dee'd. angl6,die,23,sepl Wanted A Book-keeper. MUST understand the Double-Entry system. Good references reanlred. AddIv to T. L. SElGLE Sc CO., aug!6.2t Box 24, Charlotte, N. C. Peas an Pea Meal. rpHB very best food for horses and cows. For jl. sate by JOHN VAALANDlKUaAAI. aug!6,8t FOR RENT. THAT very desirable Iron open front store house, 25x100 feet, with cellar, situated on corner of Trade and College streets, Charlotte. N. C, formerly occupied by Stennouse, Macaulay A Co., and now by J. B. Spencer A Co., will be rented for one or more years from September 1st, next- The location is probably the best In the city. For terms and particulars apply to a xk emum a. tu,, augl4,tf 109 Pearl Street, New York ! II Very Cheap ! By the crate or peck, at augia PERRY'S. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the public square In Charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. The dwelling is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine weU of wa ter, etc. The house is admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preaener, having an admiraDie uorary or siuay room, omit ior tne DuxDOse. For furthsr particulars, price, terms. etc.. apply at THIS OFFICE. Juiy20,ati SCANTLIirS Seamless Evaporator AID ' SnilTUFRN CUE HILL ) FIRST CLASS SOBGHO HCHHERI ' AT TUI M)W rSlCCS. Snd in IXMristtva Mas Lb. , THOS. SCANTUN 4 SON, Julyl7.dAwlmo SPECIAL LIMITED Cheap Excursions. RlCKHOXD & Daxvuu Bajlboad Co., ) PASsKHexB DxPAsnaorr. V Richhomd.Ya., July 16, 1881. -th nniar to afford amble facilities to visit the X mountain regions of Western Korta Carolina from Eastern ana juaaie nwva uuouna points, SPECIAL ROUND TRIP TICKETS to Ashernw are on tale at Charlotte tinder the f o Upoa application, of 50 persona, gotot ta one DOOy, UCJLcl guwu m xv w avwi a wwoff vinMM of these tickets Will be nrlvfleated ia r. tarn singly on any et the company regular trains will not be accepted going to AshsvlUe weep org MwuHHsna named in -this aJfarartlaAilMrttfl . ,im in thM eontraci BrfMarlrar km tlU tanawtai r For fanner raiorinauua appiy to we sgeni ac .-T'IU" i : ..... ... r- - Charlotte. General Passenger Agent. Peaches Peaches 2 CAR LOADS Fresh Va. Meal 1 CAR LOAD ily Flour. 1 CAR LOAD MECKLENBURG CHOICE. 100 PACKAGES Mew Mackerel ALL SIZES AND NUMBERS. Molasses & Syrups ALL GRADES. A FULL LINE OF Canned (Roods. OUR COMMISSION HOUSE HAS LARGE SUP PLIES OF CABBAGE TOMATOES POTATOES CANTALOUPES WE.ARE STILL IN-RECEIPT OF CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. Waverly ram Me Ires a. is PEALIL WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CASE or OUR CELEBRATED 50 CENT CORSETS, ; Fat superior In fit and quality to any other ever totrodoeed m this city, sizes running from 18 U80. - r - ' ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OE Eaadies' Zaixxexx Ulsters, In various styles at exceedingly low prices. Look at our beautiful PRINTS, Just received, only 7c per yard. H. MORRIS & BRO. Jun2 R ODDI CIL & CO., TRYON STREET-NEW STORE. We have Just received another lot of those lOTVTE'PTP! CHOICE STYLE3. QUILTS. Honey Comb (julks, 80c Merrimac, - 81.00 Bates, ... .... x.25 FANS ! FANS ! Cheapest line of Fans In the State. Palm Leaf Fans 2 for 5c. CORSETS. The Daisy Corset, 40c 75c The Sylvia Corset, juiysi SESSION OPENS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBMR 7, '81. CORPS OF" TEACHERS: Wit R. ATKINSON. PrlnciDal. Latin. Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. miss bjbLlKN jlong. iTlncloal of Preoaratory Department. MKS. oaLLLSS CALDWELL WHITE, English Literature and History. suss iiiiiLiB w long, Modern Languages. MISS MARY L. MATTOON. Elocution and Eng lish Branches. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Pbof. A. BIDIZ, LL. D., Director. ASSISTANTS MBS. B. L. DEWEY. Mhs. Wm R. ATKINSON. Miss U. A. SAVAGE, Art Department. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Miss NANNIE TINSLEY, Intendant of Infirm- "miss ANNA SUTTON, Head of Boarding De partment. j or terms, etc., apply ior a catalogue to Rxv. Wm. a ATKINSON, Principal. aogll.tf TU0MSV1LLE FEMALE COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C The 25th annual session beerlns Aneust a 1st Ten teachers. Better prepared than ever for the best work. Offers every advantage of the most thorough and liberal course In Literature, Music and Art, at rates lower than any equal school in the State. Board and literary tuition from $60 to $73.50 per term. See Catalogue. juiyzz.azwKs.wimo ttw. hjunhakt, Principal Union High School (MALE AND FEMALE) EAST BEND, YADKIH 00., U. 0. Next session onens Aueust 4. 1881. Professor Collegiate, Commercial, Normal and Civil Engi neering. Term, twenty weeks. Board Irom $4 to $6 per month. Tuition from $8 to $16.25. East Bend Is 22 miles northwest from Winston, and 7 miles south of Pilot Mountain. For partic ulars address the principal at East Bend. JUiyi3,4W TRINITY HALL, BEVERLY, N. J. A tTlAWtnO1 Ji TlOmA ajhWt? fat ovlst XTaw4Ai4 vantages of the highest order, fourteenth year begins September 15. For ctaMlar address . aag7,deod&w2mos Principal. MACON SCHOOL, CHARLOTTE, N. a The tenth session will open Septem ber 5, 88 1. For catalogues apply to either of the undersigned. W. A. BABBLES, O. COHAHN, augll.dtf Principals. lisczllmicaus. PUBLIC NOTICE. J HAVE Just been Informed that there has been registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan county, North Carolina, a deed of mort gage executed by A. B. Andrews and G. P. Erwln, claiming to be president and secretary, respec tively, of the Western North Carolina Railroad, purporting to secure certain bonds of that compa ny shortly to be issued and placed upon the mar ket by the persons who are now In physical con trol of the company's road. Notice Is hereby given to the public that I claim that the execution of the said deed of mortgage and the Issue of the said bonds are without au thority In law and absolutely void, and all persons are now warned against baying or selling the said bonds. , I have already instituted legal proceedings in the Superior Court ofRowan county, North Caro lina, with the view, among other things, of hav ing the invalidity of said mortgage and bonds de clared by law. . W.J. BEST, President Western N. C Railroad Co. Raleigh. N. C August 5th, 1881. aogie.dlw Special Limited Excursion -TO- MOREHEAD CITY. Passxhgkr DxPArarxHT, R. & D. R. R., ZjBfXXD, W Jul 1881. In ordSu afford ample facilities to visit the sea snare, ROUND TRIP TICKETS. GOOD FOB TKXDATS. are on sale at Charlotte under tMrquowingoonaiooaa: For parties of twelve, SU.lSeach. .. -, i w lwemve, S&65 each. " ttOaOOeaeh Parties to go m a body and retarn singly on reg ular trains within the limit .-. - - - TT V For farther imtotmation apply to the ticket agn JnlyS Genl Passenger and Freight Agent Charlotte Female Institute. The cheapest line ever offered. "Fruit of the Loom," 44, 11c Other brands as cheap In proportion., TOWELS. All prices and grades. Very cheap. Examine oar 25c towels, They are a decided piumb. Handkerchiefs. All styles and prices, from 5c up. Ladles' Hem stitched I0c-a beautiful Quality. Eureka Spool Silk, lCc a spool. Needles 5c a paper. Coats cotton, 65c a doxen. gjrSTRICTLY CASH and ONE PRICE. RODDICK & CO. oth Foreign and Domestic, JUST RECEIVED AT ARATOGA -yiCHY, From Saratoga 8prings, N. Y. A new water re sembllng the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Mural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al teratlve and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, CASES ROCK BB1DGE ALCSf, Q CASES BUFFALO LITEUA. And a lull supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS AKD Booyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JUNYADI J AN OS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dos: A wine glass full before breakfast The Xancei "Hunyudi Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all ether known waters." The British Medical JouroaJ -"HunyadI Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Pro. Virchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scanzoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." . Prof. Lander Brunton, M. D., T. R. 8., London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." . Prof, gtken, M. D.,F.R. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pullna and Fried richshalL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and I lspensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when It flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tla reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. Mo A DEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 ' ITornip Seed ! Tariiip Seed ! NEW CROP . TURNIP SEED. BSD OR PURPLE TOP, WHITE FLAT DUTCH, LARGE WHITE NORFOLK, POMERANIAN WHITE GLOBE WHITE EGG, AMBER GLOBE, GOLDEN BALL, . i YELLOW ABERDEEN. !;: RUTABAGA, BLOOMSDALB SWEDE OR YELLOW. LANDRETHS SEED a ARE ALWAYS RELIlBLE. L R. Julyl9 FRESH MINERAL WATER DrJIMcAttDri Store Mlri s lii (Si. 5