PURE OLD COGNAC.: " rrs I 111 r U U.li MM SURE APPETISER ERON-BITTERS are. highly recommended for all diseases requir ing certain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dys- Sepsia, Intermittent Feversi -Want of -Appetite, jLoss of trength, Lack Of Energy, etc., It enriches the blood, strengthens : th muiclea; ind gives new life to thrnerves,! It acts like a enarra on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic Bymptoms, such as Tasting (he Food, Belching, Ileal in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Tlie only Iron Prepa ration that "will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for- the A B C Book, 32 pp. of useful an amusing readingenJ free. k; ; BROWN" CHEMICAI CO., Baltimore, Bid. :lmn Iron noeral debility to llama. Avaamtloa montA Old not siramer A ,iiinn AnH dH ehilla. AtttdsUma Jtaad sliairl lauMdUto aad Woadsrfol raralW. The ai i niiy aaaiaa x cm naadthrM darlmcmr I mr did la u. mm tenuis, Attnutune 1 Mgaa tne os. 01 latUrfal raralts. Thaold .nsmnr retnrnad ist. pd thre. bottles of the Tonic Bine lmt during mr Ulna, and with double vaaaoti bar that ad vorl Wwl. Kummiiliai olaaraaaaof UMihtmniMtsri emc TJmownotarhab th.oradlt, - JTrexe TtnUm tm a mrmmrmHM mf 1 I ieiiete mtlrmm. Pr I Wee Bare, m( JPne m, - ..mmm Tm It T1H h aurMM erjacr TmM is aeNMan). mm tM Art AIIFAITUU II THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., HO. SIS NORTH MAIM STREET, ST. uDsi7eod.d&wly ',"1 J, ; U Rller COB. COLLEGE & FOURTH ST&, WE SELL- Piedmont Patent AND-. , F. V, FLOURS. Jul Just Received and to Arrive ! 1 OAR LOAD K! ASSORTED SICES. A LARGE LOT OF CATCH OF 1881. VT0LA8STS ATAULABSJS9 CTEUP3 Including a few bbls. .of New Orleans. JYEUFS SUQAtt UGAB COFFEE OFFEE TICE ICS T3ACON ACON LARD ARD H AKS AMS .MORN Tif EAL XTA EAL E TC TC AT INSIDE PRICEa MAYER & ROSS. Julj23 WE HAVE ROW IN STORE "FOB THE Spring ani, Sunimer Trade . Thi targest, ttaest ind MOST COMPLETE STOCE OF FINE MIIJJMEBT, WBIT-J 600DrJ. i fTBIJdMlNQ8. . SIS.; s i NOTIONS lad all kinds of ;- is DiXTfiV T1DV PMW ForLadles and Children W have ever had the pleasure of showing L r -ouB STocx or- J GLOTES, .. H08IERT. - - i VIVO . 5,w FABA80L8, ' 1 TRIMMINGS, ' f . NECKWEAR? -' - " t -Is not surpassed to the atj.Wt ion HATS OR BONNETS TO ITT THE HEAD AND POCKET OF EVERY ' liXST, SUSB AND CHILD. - ' ' ...m im. 'to'. M .. Out JfaHern n u avium wui oe open : -MDAi, aiiUL 4fh. . An ixamln&tkm of oar rtotfc .will conylnee any nricei In our line. .IjRSlP QUERY wii'i rta f Armd in the store to wait on her blends fmmm w havA aMored the servlees of Mr. M. B. -.ETJL-iTwMied to Sf? his Wends ahd feuatomen. . if WHOLESALE GROCERS. THE GENUINE F If HMMffl SPRNG .1 J eat profmmiorx, fori Ifumpepmia, General I Debility, Mtemale Dim-1 mm Want of Vital-1 ity, Xervoum Ireatra-1 Hon and Contai.-1 ceneWrniIiei-e.j nob an extent na my moot was exoeeamgiy onr- I began the dm of your IbON TONIO, from which X re- mucn reiisl, Dal. on me contrary, wa luiiuwou 07 old ananrr retnraed and I femad that my natural foros onlo. Binoe nsinaii I have done twloe the la- and with doable the ease. . With the tranqnil nerve lored. if tne 'Xornonasnot done the J. P. Watbok, Pastor Christian Chnrch, Troy, u. teuifr MALAKIA IS AN UNSEEN, Vaporous poison, spreading disease and death in many localities, for which quinine Is no genuine antidote, but for the effects of which Hostetter's btomich Bitters is not only a thorough remedy. but a reliable preventive. To this fact there Is an overwhelming array of testimony, extending over a period 01 thirty years. All disorders of the liver. stomach and bowels are also conquered byttjp uiiMjra. For sale by all Druggists andDealers generally. DOES TO,? WONDERFUL CURES! Beeanse itacts on the LITEB, BOWELS and KIDXETS at the same time. v Because it cleanses the system of the poison ous humors that develope in Sidney and Uri nary Diseases, BiiiotiBness, Jaundice, TConiti patton, Piles, or in Bheumatism, Xeuralgia, ZTervous Disordera and Female Complaints." . SEE WHAT PEOPLE SAT t Engine B. Stork, ot jnnctlon City, Kansai, says, Kidney-Wort cured him after regular Phy- aicians had beon trying for four years. Mrs. John Amail, of Washington; Ohio, says Jier Doy was (riven ud to dia h-r temr nrominent 1 by four p afterwards cured by" wm juoney-woru says ne was not expected to lire, beinir bloated beyond beUsfbut Kidney-Wort cured him. Anna L. Jarrett of South Salem, N. Y., says that seven years suffering from kidney troubles and other complications was ended by the use of Kidney-Wort. M u. - 'John B. Lawrence of Jackson, TenrL, suffered for years from liver and kidney troubles and after taking "barrels of other medicines,"" Michael Goto of Montgomery Center, Vt, suffered eight years with kidney difficulty and " well as ever.' PERMANENTLY CURES 13 KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS. H Constipation and Piles, tyit Is put up in Dry Vegetable Form In ui cans, one paciage 01 wnich makes six quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Farm, verr Con eentrated, for those that cannot readily pre pare it. y It acts urith equal efficiency in either form. GET IT AT THE DRUGGISTS. PRICE, $1.00 Tf ELLS, niCHAKDSON Jt Co., Prep's, (Win send the dry post-paid.) BUBLIXCTOK, TT. Li 'i n March 27 d&wly This great specific cures that -disease most loathsome WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OB TERTIARY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. vurcs Bcruiuia, uiu mires, rneumansm, eccema, catarrh, or any blood disease. . CTJRE3 WHEN HOT SPRINGS FALL! Malvern, Ark., May 2, 1881 ' ifiuuaiv vaoca axa um SAfTlA Ttuv AlVCvI ait XlOw Springs and were finally cured with S. a S. ' MCCAIOION&MUBBT. Memphis, Tennessee, May 12, 1881. We have sold 1.296 bottles of fl r n. in ' It has given universal satisfaction, Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif ic - v a. MLAsswisut a in. . Louisville, Kentucky, May 13, 1 881. . a. a. H. has alven better gatisf action than nnH uicuiauo a uavo crci duiu.. ; j, A. in.tnik., , Denver.-CoL, May 2,1881. , Every purchaser sneaks in the blithest terms nf 8. 8.S. LMimBTKB. i - Richmond, Vs., May 11, 1881. ' Ton can refer anybody to us In resrarri to thn meritsof a&a Polk Millkb 4 Co. Have TieveT known S. a. S. tn tn tn nrm m. not ot Syphilis, when properly taken. . :.. . H. Li. DBRITABD, ;1 Eli Wabrkn, . .'w v.--1 : j Perry Ga. The above ahmera am mntiAman nf iiai a4nn. tag. ; . - ; - A.H. Couavm. Gov. of Ga. ul?hJS JESLk JLo caw. TO BE PAID . FOR WHSN CURED. Write lor pamOTlarav J&:2SP.B5WABD J"111 Paid to any chemist wJwUflnd- pn analysis of 100 bottles of S. a 9." one particle ot Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC coTTf . . . ' " Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by druggists everywhere. uou Foi fwther information write for the little book. 8old by T.i C. Smith. L. H. Wrttnn ri Wilson ft BurwelL - : rnvr .r- Jnn25dly THE OXpNIAN, Literature and Education, and gives orttdiuii ar Ucles on subjects Of vltaT Importance .awell m a2 M jadtantagestrr advwtllsirs? lgT JSTnSnIcnlatt0n' Advertisements are -shown atmi. .oiinoiiia, inns on uia iu i 1 w. advertiser. Advertise- 1 thoDmo , , ... . -EfOSTtuTSBfe (fjj CELEBRATED SaVB OTTlLCa A JOURNAL OF LrTEWTraBftEDtJCAlbN V, published, monthly ,at Oxford, , JL C., at On, Dollar a sear in tMuut 7-r.,.i.A'Tt-r'.T,f ! J v I i 3 ? : K i if tab? teiNp fcg i T"n ? ;i K I s pa- m & 1 tor IHc WbOrtr. 1 Atlanta Constitution. Yesterday a Constitution reporter, wbo bad somewhat recovered from tne shock Droduced by the introduction of a bill in the Senate by Senator Mo- Whorter, proposing to make the impor. tation of commercial' fertilizers ot their manufacture in Georgia an of fense punishable as a misdemeanor as he started out to say, the reporter met Senator McWhorter,- and .looking up into that face which is ? joUr when. things are jolly and earnest when occa sion aemanas it, asueu : "Major, do you mean business on your fertilizer bill?" "MosiaT assuredly A do. rvve are ipay- ang ten million dollars fear4ojr sQrae thingvre don't ge.t, and propose that we stop it. Since the introduction of commercial fertilizers into this State the annual increase has been alarming. From a very small beginning a few years ago we will for-this year approx imate rover a million dollars' in com mercial fertilizers. To my mind it is only a question of time when Georgia will be if possible doubly bankrupt. JNot only will our farmers nave so over traded in this'single item of chemical fertilizers that they cannot pay, but our lands will be so severey. taxed by tne overuse of tnese manures that they win be rendered comparatively worth less. Since we have begun the use of manufactured chemical fertilizers, our old system of raising manures and per manently improving our soils has been almost abandoned. It is easy to buy on a credit it requires labor to raise from your lots home fertilizers. Our only hope for Georgia to-day is, if pos sible, to place these chemical fertilizers beyond our reach. . "Stop.thesale--4et our, farmers manu facture solid fertilizers, such as enabled us to thribble our wealth from 1840 to i860, it is not my purpose to injure anybody or any enterprise. I simply hope to divert our people to this ques tion that they may stop before it is too late, l am supported m the opinion by some of our best chemists, that the action of the chemicals used in the manufacture of commercial fertilizers must necessarily destroy ihe grasses of tne sou and render it non-productive wicnm itself. "Won't your bill meet with much op position T r i es, i am satisued that this move will meet with formidable opposition, tue hundreds ot thousands invested in its maaufactnfe, those who liv&fout of its manufacture and sale, and those who have to collect the millions in notes left over on the already overtax ed and poor of our State. But I feel a conscientious conviction that unless we can arrest this extraordinary drain upon our finances and our land, the agricultural interests of Georgia will and must be wrecked." "Major, can't you give us some figures on the subject?" "I will submit to you and your read ers all the facts on this question as soon as I can have them arranged, and I am sure that you will agree with me that it is time to stop and think." i "Tell me how much guano is used in thisStater . : r Between one hundred and seventy and one hundred and seventy-five thou sand tons will be used on the crop of 1881." "Oh, major, you mean a hundred and seventy-five thousand sacks!" "No, I don't, I mean a hundred and seventy thousand tons !" "Why. major, that means a hundred and seventy thousand bales of cot ton!" Yes. and that means over ten mil lion dollars that our farmers are Dayinsr for something they could better do Lwithout." When the reporter walked awav he was thinking, and there is something in this interview which should set all Georgia to thinking. Gabriel G. Raine. General Gabriel G. Eains. who died at Aiken, S. C August 6th. was born in Craven county, N. C, and at the time of his death was T7y earshot age. The Aiken Journal and Review gives an interesting sketch of his career. General Bains entered the militarv academy at West Point in 1823. and was graduated in 1827, and hence was a cadet with Jefferson Davis, who gradu ated one year later. He was assigned to the First Infantry. U. S. A., as brevet second lieutenant. Shortly afterwards he was promoted to the Seventh Infan try and sent on frontier duty. While on duty with this regiment he married a grand-daughter of old Governor Se vier, of Tennessee, and a daughter of Major McClellan, U. S. A. This esti mable lady still survives. He was en gaged in the Seminole Indian war, and was severely wounded in the right lung, and in another engagement near Fort King. It was the breaking out of these old wounds, after so many years, that terminated his lite. He dis tinguished himself in the Mexican war. For gallantry in action in Florida he was promoted to brevet-major and soon after the Mexican war to full major in the Fourth United States Infantry. Whilst an officer in this regiment he was ordered to Columbia on the Pacific Coast, which place he reached via Cape Horn, in the year 1854. He distinguish ed himself in the various Indian wars then prevailing in that section, ahd was considered one of the most success ful Indian fighters on that coast. In I860 he was promoted to lieutenant- colonel and ordered to New Mexico; but our great civil war breaking out. he determined to. cast his fortune with his native portion of the country, and after resigning his commission in the federal army came South and was ap pointed a brigadier general in the Con federate army. Just after the battle of Seven Pines, in which he was wound ed, he was highly complimented by Gen. D. H. Hill for a rapid and success ful flank movement which he made with his brigade upon the enemy s right, gaining his rear, relieving Gen. Rhodes, who was strongly. pressed, and thus opportunely turning the tide of battle in favor of the Confederate army. " After this battle he was placed on duty in charge of the conscript and tor pedo bureaus atfiticnmoncL - uaving great power of nventiopj ho orgaftizeai and matured the .forped service, iiiid thus -the, harbors or. Uhaxiesten, tsavarr hah, Wilmington, Mobile, Bichmond and other places were effectually pro tected from all outside attack. He also invented a sub-terra shell, which was highly thought of by the Confederate War Department for .defensiveupur poses, and was used on several occa sions to protect the lines around Rich mond, the glacis of Battery Wagner, ana other places. . , - , ' i " ji . ' Mr. Tildes in tne Field. The Hour, a weekly paper , published in New York, -makes the. positive an nouncement that the Hon. SamueLJ. Tilden is in the field as a candidate for the Democratic nommatiort zororresi- dent for 18841 The Hour Bays that "with the shrewdness and foresight for which he is remarkable, he nas careful ly surveyed the field,- and has reached the conclusion that the time has come for the redress '"of ' the "great ; wrong which he believes was done to himself, w uu pax by ouu bu ws s vvuuwy tjj tug rnverfta.1 of Mia rvnn1nr vArrlinfc and t.h inauguratftf arfrau!lulent president 7 s L. t f". ili?S5?i l T IT- aW Society- tjf vtbo Army aW Wary' of. tn 'Confederate States; lit1 the' Vtato : of Baltimore; (41 Lexington Street, f . - v, t August 4. 1881." - Hi Excellency Thomas f . JartU; Gov ernor 6 North Carolina SiBlr-Many " thousand'" Confederate soldiers died in prison, in hospital, or pn tne Datue-neia during the late .war, .whose late or place of burial was un known to their families and friends. (When prison hospitals were establish ed in.this city a number of our. ladies, assisted bv gentlemen, hmisrht. a lot in t London Park Cefajetery and buried the dead, preserving, as far -as possible, a record of the names, commands and States. This lot, known as the , "Con federate Jot, is now under the care o: this society ; most of the graves have been marked by head stones and provis ion nas been made for the care or the lot in perpetuity. I send herewith list of the North Carolina dead and . of the unknown dead, respectfully sug gesting that it be published in one or mors newspapers, with a request that it be copied by other papers throughout the State. Many may in this way learn for the first time that the .remains of relatives and friends are not lying un worthily In" "wayside or unknown places but honored and cared for by this association of their comrades. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, McHeney Howard, President. List of North Carolina Confederate soldiers buried in London Park Ceme tery: N.Camp, Co. C, 5th N. C; W. W. Cops,'N. C. ; G. D. Boyett, Co. B, 2d N. u : Jt. 11. Matthews. Co. X, I2tn jx. U.; J. Frapaer, Co. K, 6th N. C; B. How ard, Co. H, 62d N. C; H. D. Chapman; 'r w niv -a.-r -trv sr a . t . -tr . jOi r, zucn j . j. ; u. muion, jo. a, js . Kj. ; D. J. Bradshaw, Co. B, 5th N. C. ; J. 8. Law, Co. G, 24th N. C. ; H. H. Lathrop, uo. is, 2d jy .' c. : J . M. Pittard, Co. Kth N. C. W. J3, Smith, Co.M, 8th N. C; S. T. Woolen, Co. E, 45th N. C.;G; Taylor, Co. E, 66th N. C; M. H, Holmes, Ca C, 1st jn . u. ; 5. Conner, jo, stn JX. C. ; a. a. Adams, 6th jn . c. ; t. Jones, 5th N C. ; E. Hammond, Co. C, 2d N. C; J. E. Mowbry.Co. G- 52d N. C; H. Carpen ter, Co. I, lltb N. C; J. Hubbard jCo. I, 5tn jn. u; J. a.. nomej,M. u; w. Jfl. Fort, 12th N. C. ; R. P. Wethers, Co. E, 12th jN. C; c M. Ji'ranton, uo. 15; 5th N. C. : W. Holland, Co. I, 26th N. C. : L. Col- ley, uo. li, 25th N. U.: VY. a. Caldwell, Uo. u.S7thJN.U.s s. uevan, jn. C: M, Skipper, Co. B, 46th N. C; A. Moore, Co. A. 5th N. C.j P. Haggerty, Co. E, 6th N. C. ; J. J. Lester, 5th N. C. ; E. At kinson, 5th tf. C. ; W. Clark, N. C. ; B. Warren, Co. H, 15th N. C; D. McCas- kill, Co. H, 26th N. C; C. R. Heffner, Co. F, SSth N. C. ; J. A. Shaw, Co. A. disc ix. u.; xi. i: Kowe, uo. Ji, 5tn jn. U. ; J. A. Boyd, Co. D, 12th N. C; J. W. White, N. C.j D. J. Smith, N. C: J. W. Daniels, N. C. ; A. II. Ed wards, N. C. ; J. yv imams, 47 in jn. u.; a . s. isevan. List of unkown dead Confederate soldiers buried in London Park Ceme tery: r--." .E. a. Gentree. A. Stock. C Iwons.Bi P. Blunt, Co. K, J. Hasley, A. N. Pat? ton. infantry. Michall. J. Nolan. Lewis Norton, Co. K, Hawkins, Joseph Morgan, J. R Robinson, J. A. Hagan, K. M. Daniels, Archers Battalion. T.M. Manning,- Graham, J. Tomlinson. J. Scott, J. G. Weller, D. L. Goodwin, T. Spier, J. B. Tilly, C. B. Beekman. A NEW FASHION PLATE. Tne Member of tne Cabinet aa Tail or's Da mm tea. Charleston News and Courier. - A New York firm has iust got out a new fashion plate (which can be seen in the window of Plenge's tailoring es tablishment, Broad street.) in which the President and Cabinent pose as dummies on which to hang the latest styles. The President in a dress suit makes the central figure, and looks as thousands have seen him in real life. He is shaking hands with Mr. Hunt. secretary of the navy, who is dressed in a genteel undress suit, and looks as he is often seen on Pennsylvania avenue of an afternoon. Secretary Blaine is on the left of the picture, in an impos sible overcoat, which would do i us tics to a Vennor. Mr. Lincoln is way over ;o the right, looking for all the world ike a Vew York swell, while near him is Attorney-General .MacVeagh, with his hair parted in the middle, in a dou ble-breasted sack, looking just too sweet for anything. There is the postmaster-general, James, in a stylish single-breasted sack, looking like one of the jeunesse doree who can play billiards in five different languages. There is the secretary of the interior, dressed in a suit of clothes that would insure his being snubbed in any town of his own State of Iowa, in which far-away coun try the wearing of fashionable garment's is considered proof positive of incipient softening of the brain, r The granger secretary arrayed in such, raiment would not be known by himself Or his best friends. The only sitting figure' is that of the secretary of the treasury, Mr. Windom, who looks like a well preserved bachelor of thirty years who inherited a fortune fromliis grand father, and who has never wasted the gray matter of his brain on any more important subjects than polo, driving a tally-ho, or leading in the german. He is represented in' the picture as if he had just dropped into the club, and, after taking an attitude, seems to say, "Just look at those pants." Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of theseV A Deliberate' Suicide. Shelby Aurora. ' ? . Mr. Wm. Brooks, of this county, com mitted suicide on Friday the 5th inst., by hanging himself. The following are the facts in the case as furnished us by a gentleman who lives in the neighborhood: On last Friday morning Mr. Wm. Brooks, who lived four or five miles west pf Shelby: after, having a few cross words with his wife, made an at tempt to kill her and 'would have suc ceeded in doing so had it not been for one of his daughters.' .Mr. Brooks arose on -Friday morning, attending to his business affairs as usual. About eight o'clock, In; his murdercms " attempt, he said to his wife "I ami doomed for the tortures of eternity; but you shall go there one-half an-' hour first After failing to accomplish his dtesign he made a statement to his family, that 1- apouu one monin ago ne set' apart Fri day, August 5tiil to hang himself. -He further stated "that' nn thn moWi in day h IwrrrjewjBd :a jrnn and concealed n near ms nouse, antt at 12 o'clock he would explode it as asighal for . his ex ecutionii Hs said when ttie gun fires come and niint ine for I will he dead, When he Started from home he carried with,him a well "rope and bade his fam ily good bye. . .So, just at 12-o'clock, the signal gun wastflred.uTwo-rneighbor men on hearing the reports of the gun ran tptt &UU t&Mm reaching : the tree to which he hanged himself, he sprang .from the limb, -broke- his neck, and die in a short time. ;'- , 'fs i , , a-,, Tne Arebbishop and aror Ittown. ttaore AmericarL 'ituA ' " y " ' Archbish6p'Gibbons; who returned to the city, yesterday, stated , that con trary to the published reports, he would not be enabled to officiate at the religr Iqus teremonles during the Yorktown celelwaoHip engagements at home would prevent his getting away at that time,Ithohghead Jeett; cordially invited to becpresentA Bishop ; Keane of Richmond, he amderstood, would at tendt::!:".w,; fc V'n& c.-drji-) ' . .. . "-!" -' "I . ! . I. V-T n !t- ' The Prewrlptlott of a Stato RUcronco- plet for- Staking- It. PhnadelpMa'Becordr ; ' ' 5 1 ' - fcGive me a little old brandy,Doctor)" repnea tne reporter. . . , , a Very well, sir." replied DrvLeffman who is the State Microscopist of Penn- 1 liTT .1.11 m i a a e . a syivauia. -xou snail nave a DOtue w put in your pocket. As you see, I take about naif a pint of rectified spirit and mix.it with a few drops of coloring so lution and ' concentrated essence of brandy that is, the brandy flavor pre pared by the druggist, and by brisk ag itation the mixiure acquires the appear ance of cognac. You like aJittlebead ? Very well; I add a little out of this vi- all a nroTiOrofiAn nfnifrA.liAvtrrAiM .m tificial oil of bitter almonds. Now as I pour it out the bubbles remain for some time at the top. However, it does not taste ripe or full-blooded yet, so I add a iew crops of a preparation principally composed of glycerine and called by me iraae -age and DOdv An ; other good shake, and all I need is a labe certifying that the article is 'ten-vear old Cognac brandy,' and there you have my brandy ready for market. Of course the experiment has been a very hasty one. I simply, intended to show you the principle. In practice about half a pound of each of the snbstances I have just made use of would be ad ded to forty gallons of rectified sDirita and a very respectable and by no means injurious Dranuy is the result. In brief, the adulteration of spirituous liquors that is, the artificial produc tion in a few hours by chemical process of a similar result to that attained by nature in the course of months, or ev en years nas every claim to be regard- cu its a, txiuiiipu ui science. i ii sy The Removal of the Holy See. Baltimore American. The rumors which have been widely published that the removal of the Holy See from Rome was contemplated were x noay caned to tne attention of Arch biship Gobbons, who said he thought buoxxojy .xai.ner would never mat the change suggested unless some great liiuixuity was onereo mm in jttome. The personal departure of tne i-ope rrom the Eternal City, he thought, was also improbable. As to tne statement that the Pone had hAm invited by prominent American Catho lics to come to this country, the Arch- uxouip Daiu mat, wane Lneiioiy leather wuuiu uo warmiy welcomed here, he wouia proDaDiy continue to reside in xtome untu nis death. Who Is Mrs. Wlnslow T As this anestion is frennAntiv natrarl nronrlll aim. ply say that she is a lady who for upwards of for- non ana wants or this nnmp.miia ninaa and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained In a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Soothing Syrup, for children teethlnir. it nmratAa niro,0i giving rest and health, and & moreover, sure to regulate uiepoweis. in consequence of this ar- as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do rise up and bless her; especially is this the case in this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and used here. We think Mrs. Wlnslow has immortalised her name by this in valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands of children have been ravmi fmm nn u.rw uuio, nira. wmaiow is mmminff wnriri.Hnnnmui grave by its timely use, and that millions yet un born will share its benefits, and unite in calling to her suffering little one, in our opinion, until she uva inoru. xiu iiiiiLiirr 1 1 mm in Mi!iiHrviMi n a nnrv ua given ii me Deneni 01 Mrs. winsiow's Soothing Syrup. Try it, mothers try it now. Ladles' Visi tor. New York City. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. RED TOED ALTTM ACT) Trcmr SiPTiima Win, mm Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much iron and fffty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and iron mass" known. JUSt the thins for the "SDrinc- waakneaa" nn an fsneraL Sold by all druggists of any standing, rices reduced one half. 11 mayii it Hew xttTjetJtisemewts. MBUMTISl i ! AVa....... C.'.. ..t- f Badkache, Soreness of the Chest, Goaf, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell" ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other . Pains and Aches. . No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacobs On ae, sure, simpl and cheap External Bemedy. A trial an tails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can' have oheaD and noeitive nroof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD ET ALL DKUQGIST3 AHD SEXLESS IH MEDIOUTE, A. VOGZjLER Sc CO., Baltimore, Jftf., 17. S. A atoe80dftwly AN OPEN AHONG THE LADIES ' The brilliant, fascinatinfr tints of Complexion for wMcli ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and all who will take the trouble - ma; secure them. These roseate, bewitching huca follow the use of Hagan's Mag nolia Balm a delicate, harm-., less and always reliable article. Sold by all drngcisti. ( The Magnolia JBalm eonceals every blemish remoies Salf lowness. Tan;' Kedness, Erup .tions, all evidencesjof excite-: ' ment and every imperfection k Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being caajaeteet its a)pplicatn,r: .f i -1 .Jan. 22 SITUAT10II WANTED. 1U A COLOBXD PBINTEB, of six years sxriertenos ii wants a steady sltaaOon. v Can make np,ra paper, run a press, ana is competent to take eharge, of theieehanleal department of a news-, paper, . WUI work; very cheap daring tne summer. Address, v - ,t, - . . , jvs,uu. .s j .. we uoaener. unanooe. n. c u joora, una uuuriugiy aevotea ner time and tal ents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among children, she has especially sfiidied the mmm if. 0BGAN3. 17 Stons. B Set Oold- en Tongue reeds, only S85. Ad '. BEATTT. Washington, STj.n dress aug9-dkw4w PI A PI flC O'&OLD ON INSTALLMENTS and r IH 1 1 UO fit shipped to all parts of the coun- II 11 tl ft II Q I PBICES LOW and terms of IK yiiUHiiv j payment easy, send for cata- iukuo. -y , UUlIACJt WATKBa SCO., ; ManTtfaetarers and Dealers, 826 Broadway,N.T. ioal Wark,warraaUd th. bwt aod y T7r-V 'mull Dovnaia fullKilMOOpp,jUii, FREE tena to - HOORRIS BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Atlanta. Ga. Pot Illustrated Circular. A live stosU Business School. EaablMhea twenty yean. . augg 4w HdDP Ml jTIBIS cure ail diseases of tie stomach, bowels, blood. Mlrn. tr-4 n a J n i ' . UIU uriiiory oikcuib, nervousness, sleeplessness, and especially female complaints. ask your druggist tor Hop Bitters and try them before you sleep. TAKE NO OTHEB. Send for cuv;uior. HU1- BIX X AltS HTtf CO. , aug9 Bocheiter. N. T., and Toronto, Ont HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN t. 'iiJm? W.P seriously HI without a weak sto- u.iM.uur iuacuvo xiver or Kidneys? And when these organs are In good condition do you not find nZvr&rWinii good neaith? PARKER'S GINOEB TONIC always regulates these important n-nd never falls to make the blood rich yu,D, ouu w Birengmen every part of the sys tem. it has cured hundreds of despairing lnval- ma. aok your neignpor about it aug0,4w Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster Or Xame Back. RhAnmarlam Vi..,. i ?2hes 811(1 D8lm senerally, it is the unrivalled remedy- Iaug9,4w AUTOMATIC CABINET PLAY ANY TUNE. ORGANSWv$5 Music 4c. per foot. Illustrated catalogues free. angg,4w 809 FUbert st, Phfladelphk XHJSU. J. H1KR1HR n MITl H E. M. ANDREWS, (Successor to E. O. Rogers.) WHOLESALE at RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER j A full line Of ns and CONSTANTLY ON HAND. DON'T FAIL TO GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE BUYING. Upholstering and repairing done at the shop In connection with the store. July29 If you feel dulL drowsy, debilitated, have fre- quem neaoacnes, moutn tastes badly, poor appe tite, and tongue coated, you are suffering from tor pid liver, or "builousness." and nofhlns- will nirn yon so speedily and permanently as to take Sim mons layer regulator or Medicine. The cheapest purest ana Dest Family Med icine in the world! An effectual specific for aU diseases of the Liver. Stomach and spleen. Regulate the Liver and prevent Chills and Fever. Ma larious Fevers, Bowel BAD BBEATEL Nothing Is so unpleasant, nothing so common. as bad breath, and In nearlr every case it comes from the stomach, and can be sO easily corrected If you win take Simmons liver Regular. Do not neglect so sure a remedy for this repulsive disor der. It will also improve your appetite, complex ion and general health. PILES 1 How many suffer torture dav after dav. makhu life a burden and robbing existence of all pleas are, owing to the secret suffering from piles. Yet relief is ready to the band of almost every one who will use systematleaUr the remedy that has perma nently cured thousands. Simmons Liver Regular tor is no arasac violent purge : Dut a eenue assis tant to nature. CONSTIPATION Should not be regarded as a trifling ail mentIn fact nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels, and any deviation., from this demand paves the way often to serious danger. It is quite as necessary to remove Impure accummulatlons from the bowels as it Is to eat or sleep, and no health can be expected where a costive "habit of body prevails. SICK HEADACHE. This distressing affliction ocerm most f reonent- ly. The disturbance of the stomach, arising from the Imperfectly dizested contents, causes a severe pain in the head, accompanied-with disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes what is popularly known as sick headache. CAUTION. Buy no powders or nrenared SIM- Mivna x.ivtt lusuuiiATUtt nniess in our en graved wrapper with trade mark, stamp and sig nature unbroken. None other is genuine. Manufactured only by J. H- ZEILIN ft CO., Philadelphia, Pa, Sold by an druggists.' . . Uonl8.eod,diwly KfXitSSlBVCU Z.B. vakck. W. H.BATLKT,- VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors CHABLOTTE, N. C Practice in Supreme Court of the United States. Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of - Mecklen- burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas- i ; ton, Rowan and Da- vtdson. 9" Office, two doorS east of Indenendenee Square. . may29tf . RO. D, GRAHAM, N the State and United States Courts. Collee . tions. Home and Forahrn solleiterL An-' stracts of Titles, Surveys, &a., furnished tor com , IWUBHUOIl. i Omen t N. H. Cnrnnr Trarfa A Trron (beats' Charlotte. N. C. Uan.6. - People's . Building :& ban Assq'n. CAPITAL, $500,000. -5,000 shares S100 each. , - : , -Shares in this association can be obtained by ap plying to the treasurer at the .Trader's National Bank; Payments received every Monday, evening at the Traders' NaPl Bank. , from 6 to 0 o'clock. No bonus required forthe present . s . vlJi Jt , PresidenL B. D. Johnston: TIce-Prestrlent Ji V; wadawoTth: Treasurer and Secretary. K. v. Yonns: " . Directors R. X. Bochrane, F, W. Ahrensv John Brookfleld. W. & Morgan J. 'Holland,' Jk J. GoTmley,E.K.P, Osborne, J. H. Henderson, W. C. Maxwell - . augll.1 ; ,r 1 SsWssfsV HI iiMPSiri mtftm -'OF (Mete p-wlanaTatw-jaf 1 L I iTlifli A P ajl sT r f in 11) -' tl - - 1 ' GGrTO rr tf I. Ul AND L00 AT HIS LARGE STOCK 01 ALL OF WHICH HE SELLS LOW FOR CASIL All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weigik . and Quality, WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACff. declB MensedTlMe TaHleKortii CaroliiiaR.R. THxisa eonta nobth. o velties s Jewelry Date,May 15 '81 No. 47 No. 49 1 No. 43 ( . Dally Dally Dally Ly. Charlotte, 4.05 am 6.15 am 4.15 Paf A-L. Depot ' " Junc't 411 am 6.20 am 480 pi " Salisbury, 5.56 am 7.50 am 6.07 Arrlreensboro a 03 am 9.30 am 7.57 nt Lv.Greensboro 8.25 am 9.60 am 8.18 pis Arr.Raleigh 1.40 pm for Rich- " . 1.45 pm m'nd only Arr. Goldsboro 400 pm Lv. Greensboro for Bichmond 8.25 pm '.. '. L.T- S116, 10.21 am 11.8I am " N. Danville 10 27 am 11.83 am " Barksdale 10 58 am 12.01 pm " prak'sBr'ch 12.87 pm 1.20 PM " Jetersville 2.24 pm 2.55 pm Arr. Tomahawk a20 pm 8.51 pm Arr. Belle Isle 4.05 pm 428 pm T'" ,1 4.10 pm 4.85 pm Arr.Manchester 4.13 pm 4.88 pm Arr. Richmond 418 pm 443 am "7.28 am TEAIHS OOtNS BOOTH. Date,Mayl5'80 Na 42 No. 48 No. 50 I Dally, j Dally. Daily Lv. Bichmond 10.45 pm 12.00 M " Burkeville 2.25 am 2.48 pm Arr. N. Danville 7.QQ am 8.05 pm hY' 1, " 7.25 am 6.18 pm Danville 7.27 am....:... Arr. Greensboro 9.26 am 8.17 pm I. !!.!!"! LJ- J' 9-8l 8.87 pm " Salisbury H.18 am 10.88 pm Arr. A L. Junction 12.45 pm 12.15 am Charlotte 1.00 pm 12.20 am Lv. Richmond ... 2 RS nt " Jetersville 4 41 " Drak'sBr'ch 6!o7 pm ' Barksdale 7 2 " Dan villa ......... 75? pm " Benaja ...!.". 8.B5 pm "Greensboro 9 27 pm " Sali?buT I. li:05 S Arr. A-L. Junction . 12.26 am Lv. " " Arr. Charlotte !!!."!.""!! i2.8d"AM SALXM BBANCH. NO. . 48 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. " Dinn Arrive Salem 11.40 pm NO. 47 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem n an Arrives Greensboro. 9.00 am - NO. 42 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 1 n nn . .Arrives Salem 11.80 am NO. 48-DaiIy. Leave Salem sttn m Arrive Greensboro T.BO PM Limited mails NOIL JQ anrl Rn arin nnl. short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers taking train 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the R. 4 D. B. B, depot This train makes close connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, Goldsboro Newberne and an nntnta nn xpiir..iT. ton A Weldon Railroad. 7 ' ' Passenger; bains No. 47 and 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro. No. 47 rnaktnr oonrwwtinn with w v rt . a.ii.wU. for AsheylUe (Sundays excepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sun dayexcepted). kM Passenger trains Nos. 42 and 48 make an local stODS between CbAflrrit. mi it ii.hnxw Query's, Harrlsburg. Cnlna Grove, Holts burg. Lin- NO. 43 Connect! irlth fta.lm TtmnJ a Amml boro. A.POPI, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, Richmond, Va. may 18 FLY FANS' & TRAPS, BATH TUBS, SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL STOVE'S -AND THE For summer use, Just lit. THE FINEST LINE OF (M-Stoves and Sewing Machines IN THE CUT. Orders and correspondence solicited at the Hard ware Store and Sewing Machine House of RICHARD MOORE - Trade Street, Chartett N. C.'y1 : fnl W Tn . wcr I 0 u. Imam m . , known in connection with the Sewing Machine business of this city and vicinity, is now with me and would be pleased to see nls friends and patrons and serve them as heretofore. ? ' - .may24 -:.. Drnggist by 0 0 s s H H Si v 1 H & -Go to- W. Pe MAHVIN, igekt, and Sucoessor to ,F. Scarr & Ce Frestf Drii and Furc .Medidnes , - . -- None bat the: v-j.. ; . -,T ' t".T ' Sir -' . Tery JSest Drugs - "'Hi US i SI tit 1 do I keep in mr stocks Also, Toilet and .Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Combs ; ' Brushes, Tooth Brashes, ice., A. . joljttn the best varieties,' and warranted j -jXi i; to be goodu - i f't -.-?; " -; 'a Uv.( Iliyalclans prescrlptlbns are girta spec ial sttentloa., Hoping to ' receive Aliriare 'oi pablte patronage, I am, wfW.Xv; - IBDOl - z , JT, saAAVUl, AKk, . SEASONABLE GOODS Double Quick Cook Stove, 1

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