MaaaTMMt$F. 1 f ;hi - & f ft " ft ?- ' f vr 7 v?, i U J : A TDMU I I I ril 1 1 I i IT HP T T n f TIFT m at i i m it ar-x. - , i - 1 SURE APPETISER ."35 -ifV " J 4-i Aiif irl'iril;iTg t W4il SIatermitteAt Severs, SyikoT ," , . " .i . tha muscles, ana kitcs new u w mo i t . srr:i ilabilitarto ttarM botttas of Ate) IfM IMM I tee JHhyBMe1 J 1 l-w fetl iTlilI,MIMARTEI MEDICINE JLND F, V FLOURS. Jul Just Received and to Arrive 1 CAR LOAD 01! 1JJ ASSORTED SICES. A LABGE LOT OF CATCH OF 1881. -IjrOLASSIS OTBTJPS Including a few bbls. of New Orleans. , 5YRUP8 OUGAR 7UGAB- COVBTK OTRE TICE XV ica BACON ACON T ARD XJ ARD TTAMS A MS CORN OftN Mil!; ETC TC IT ENSIDK PRICES. MAYER & KOSS. July28 - . : ' Try j , . BAYS ' HOW IS STOBZ- WE VOB THE Spring and Summer Trade Thf Largest finest an4 MOItgggprE USB MILLINYRT, WtUXA, uwib, , . And an kinds of W IF GOODS op LailkM and Children 'W nave evw bad the pleasure of showlag' -OUB 8TOCX 01- GLOV ffTAAl .(-i-i iaAN8, FABASOLS, ' TRIMMTNG8. NECK' :-ta AND iBSXTS IS HOI swpassBB macay.t we nave ElATS 0R-JBONNETS TO lT? TBS DEAD AND POCKET OE EVERT ' oar -pattsm : Hatt and Bonnets wni be opto asfstimilTsnilEcfltAiiT in - jrtto our line, . . , win be toanfl m tte,s w&lfoirher & "2 ,mmMm mmm. Mm-. V ... W I V . 1 ' I ' fM 1 fc 1 I I m - i sss iw I taUutTmr dUl la tb mum tUh datioc wok,lltaowDownafc '""' juavi wvtw" , J- ; ' . .,,,,M,,ii,B.BBBiiiittiiJfMMBjsssssssssssM R.ffilir&Sons, pp WHOLESALE GROCERS. I Piedmont Patent F. If ii'iiiivii ii aim n H r li X Ti I I II II H t H I 1 1 riiLiUii mniJivmiLiu m OLIBSKS 1LJ 0 w W,S?SSSed tosehls Wwdsand fiteel. who would be pleased wggg Pt qdeBY. tuftomers. pia . . . - . . , -. , Ttminended for i tfant of Appetite, Loss of Tt nj-tn like a charm on toe . . , , XJAIiCO.. Baltimore, Md. theelads'-1 Ml s-oetUi, .Aw- I trim fr v 1 (ion and Convalem- - - i i. 1 extent that tw hnr waxi i mucn relief, out on w wramiij, "V"r L f " bwtn the of rour IBOMTOHI& from which I re f7.j..j x ht: m natiuml force isrsr tb To m Tenia, blnoe tiling ua nT aqs "" withdoVbS th ai; With .th3TtrnU peira nartt before enjofed. ioelo UM not jaon. u CO., M13 HOBTM MAIH STREET, ST. 10U MALAKIAISAN DNSEEN, Vaporous poison, spreading disease and death In many localities, for which quinine Is no genuine antidote, but for the effects of which Hostetter's Etomach Bitters Is not only a thorough remedy, but a reliable preventive. To this fact there is an overwhelming array of testimony, extending over a period of thirty years, All disorders of the liver, stomach and bowels are also conquered bytl blttera- . for sale by all Druggists aruTDealers generally. DOES TITTYTTfl n Willi WONDERFUL CURES! BeMseltcts on the LIVER, BOWELS and EIDXEYS at the same time. : . y Because It eleanaea the Britain of the polaoA ona humors that develope in Kidney and TJrli' nary PiaoaoatTK1ionBnwi, Jaundloe, ConatS. pation, Pile, or in Rheumatism, ITeuxalcia, Kervoua Disorders and Female ComjiUtata, KEB "WHAT PEOPLE SAT I ''.' Eugene B. Stork, of Junction City, Farms', ays, Kidney-Wort cured him after regular Phy ainiarn had been trying for four years. . Mrs. John Arnall, of Washington, Ohio, say her boy was given up to die by four prominen physicians and that he was afterwards cured by Kidney-Wort H. H. B. Good win, an editor in Chardon,Ohio. says he was not expected to live, being bloated beyond beliafbut Kidney-Wort cured him. . Anna L. Jarre tt of South Salem, N. T., says that seven years suffering from kidney troubles and other complications was ended by the use of Kidney-Wort m -- - ., . '' John B. iAwran rut nf Jartaion. Term anrSereA for years from liver and kidney troubles and after taking "barrels of other medicine," ajmw'n urw maae mm weu. Mlohsfll Coto of Montgomery Center, Vt, suffered eight years with kidnev difficulty and is was imable to work. Kidney-Wort made him -weaseTer.- 5- , ri PERMANENTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS. Constipation and Piles. ' KV Tt in nnt nn-in Dn VnMiM. Vmnm In tin cans, one packaga of which makes six quarts oi meaicine. Also in iiquia r um, very jm-. eentrated, for those that cannot readily pre pare it - it.- J t3T It acts vrtth equal efficiency in either form. , GET IT ATTHK UEtTOGISTS. PRICE, f 1.00 ; WIXLS. lUCHABBSOS Jt Co., Ptop', ' (Will send the dry post-paid.) BCELI55TO,TT, TT U L'i U March 27 d&wly-- This threat , : si)ecinc mre' that most loathsome disease " SlTPEIIEfllS WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OB TERTIARY STAGE. 2 Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, ' catarrh, or any blood -disease. CUBES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL! ' .Malvern, Aifc.. May 2. 1881. 'UTa Viovn t aam In nnr rraxm dVi ntjaH or tTnf if J uaiv Mtovo s-aa vua wvvu nuv v Vva a uvt Bprings and were nnauy cured witn a. s. s. JHCIAMMON a MuBBT. Memphis, Tennessee. May 12, 1881; We have sold 1.296' bottles of 8. L S. m a rear. It has given universal satisfaction, Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif- . Louisville, Kentucky.. May 13. 1 881 . Rr 8. 8. has eiven better fsfartioh - than ntiv meaicme 1 nave eyer Boia. ; j a. a. sxiSxhsb. . , I "31MC1. WH JUT IOOI. Everr purchaser srjeaks In the" niEhest terms .of R S -S -'1' : T. McTOavrrtm .. 'LMESSETEa ; 1 7, j ; . . ' '4 ' : Blohmond . Va.t Mat 1 i : lS8 L . You can refer. anibodTito us in regard to the merits 010.D.B. roLS. wtj.t.wb UP. joave never Known a. m. h. to mi to cure a -'ciua 01 ayprmis, wnen properly tasea . . . Peity.Oa. xna anora iiimani are mnummi nr atnnii. tnx. . A. hTcolqoitt, Got. of 6a. If TQSS&PJP J? cas TO BE i PAID nuAn buoaii, Tt si.uuuBEWABn will be paid tc- any chemist who will find, prt analysis of Q0 bottles, of a a 3. uu iNuucisj vi mereury, irxnae rotasslnm. or any mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Jfoprietors, Atlanta. Ga. ',Eob fmtueMnforaaUca wilte for the llttlebi - Bold bv T.TCl Bmlth. ll R. WrlaUm rv. Wilson. A finrwelL1;, . - --.-i A fOTJBNxL 01 LTTXBXTUBE ft EDUCATION -- vuousnea Tnonmiy at uxiora, Ci at On, Dollar eyeailni advance. - Jiilu'i I inn llrnnmn simawt inMsutalnM Vm itit Literature and Education, and gives original ar ticles on SUblects ot vital lrnrjarrtannA mil T2aMTOnta8to advertisers. High average araniaunn smm. ... . xoe" 9.Jru to an advertiser. : Adroittae. OTbetatofTXoM . marie u . . - . v. aunaiut, Oxford, N. 0. 1J rm ... II Mill yon FOB Statntesof the C e Be- twetnW. J. Beat and tbe Present MiuiairerK Tbe Agreement and Sig-ned by Both Parties. From Cor. Raleigh News ft Observer. As Mr. W. J. Best has given notice that he intends to contest the title to the ownership of the Western North Carolina Eailroad with the present managers, we .publish , the following agreement nteil iat(f eteer) him and them, that our readers may form sonie intelligent opinion of the status of The case and what Mr. Best founds . . 1, .5 1 7 1 nisjciaim upou.j fN Byct of the,. General Assembly of I X iiuiafiauiw vw w"r- fMaTai;i88 e interest of the Statinl and to the estern nortn-caroiinai -flallroad was directed to be sold and transferred to Messrs. vv. j. iiest, isn, fTappan and Grace, of New York, upon COqaitlUlla auusupuiauuus tvcuiuuyvu to the public.f I ' ' j Sixty days from said "29th -tiay of March was the limit of time in which the contract directed by the said act to be entered into by and on the part of the State with the said Best, Fish & Co., grantees, should ber signed sealed and deliver j 1 aftd he said railroad ' property7' dulyitrarisfetredi i 1, After the ratification of said act, Messrs. Fish, Tappan and Grace, for reasons at least sufficient to themselves, decided to withdraw from the associa tion, which lef tj Mr. Best alone to as sume the contjadti iswell known, for it was frankly avoweaby Mr. Best, that these three gentlemen were to furnish the money necessary to as-, sume and carry out the contract, he having no capital, at least for such an Tinderta4wkH'5 H- J li" A$ For matters to have thiis Tema'tned no contract could have been made, the property ("elephant" as it was alarm ingly called) would have remained in the control of the State with all appro priations for its construction repealed, and the entire work of the extra session gone for nought. To avert this result, and save the contract, it was necessary the stipula tions and agreement, as directed in the act, should be ighed,; and entered ihto on or before the 29th day of May fol lowing the ratification of the act. The 27th day of May had arrived, and Mr. Best had failed enairely to enlist other capitalists who were willing to tak theplaceaof -Messrs; Fish, Tappan and Grace. - At the solicitation of Mb. Best, Messrs. Clyde, Logan and BuTord, officers and part owners of the Rich mond & Danville corporation, agreed to advance to Mr. Best the money nec essary to repay Fish, Tappan and Grace for their outlay, and to meet the first instalment due the State for con vict labor and for interest on the bond ed debt of the road, and thus save the contract. Messrs. Fish, Tappan and Grace thereupon assigned their interest in the contract to Mr. Best, and Mr. Best entered into the following agree ment with Messrs. Clyde, Logan and Buf ord : (All my facts, dates and figures rela tive to the act-and the contracts : are taken from the official record of these transactions, made and published by the last Legislature.)' AN AGREEMENT MADE THIS TWENTY SEVENTH DAY OF MAY, 1880, BETWEEN WILLIAM J. BEST, PARTY HERETO OF THE FIRST PART, AND WILLIAM P. CLYDE, THOMAS M. CLYDE AND ALGER NON S. BUFORD, PARTIES HEREO OF THE SECOND PART. Whereas an act was passed by the General Assembly of North Carolina, and duly ratified on the 29th day of March, 1880, entitled "An act to pro vide the sale of the State's interest in the Western North Carolina Railroad Company, and for other purposes,' which act and all the several provis ions thereof are herein referred to with the same force and effect as if the said act was fully recited herein. AndiWhereas it is alleged by the par y hereto of the first part and. assumed by? the parties Of the second part, rand the parties who in said act are designa ted "grantees," have done each and ev ery act by said statute required of them except to reorganize the said Western North Carolina Railroad Company, as in the 8th section ot said act provided for. And whereas it is represented to the parties of the second part that in order to render the said reorganization effec tual, it is necessary to raise the sum of hrty thousand dollars and apply the same to various purposes in the said act provided for, and that without the payment thereof, said reorganization ana tne many benefits to tbe people of the State of North Carolina intended by said act would fail. jsow this witnesseth that the parties uciciiu, iu buuaiuciauuUj ui uuo uu&lal by each to the other paid, and of the mutual stipulations ana agreements herein contained, do covenant and agree as follows: .:ixst. The names hereto of the sec- ofid part, thereiriarter in this agreement called "assignees. agree forthwith, when required, to furnish the said sum of fifthy thousand dollars to be applied to the purposes in the said act provid ed for. Second. The said party of the first part, (hereinafter jn ? this agreement called "the said Best" agrees' that- the proper step shall be taken satisfactory to the said assigned to reorganize the said Western North Carolina Railroad so that it shall have all the rights and powers, directors and officers .necessary to exercise the powers of a corporation. Third. The said Best shall procure to be duly executed and delivered to the assignees, an assignment of all the rights, franchises, property and estate, ana otner advantages whatsoever, which have Deen granted by the com missioners in the said act, and in and under the contract between the State of North Carolma and said grantees, and all rights and interests in the Western North Carolina Railroad Com. pany, which may vest in the said eran tees, when said company shall have Deen reorganized pursuant to the provisions oz tne said act of the 29th of March, 1880, named to the grantees in said act; namea bo mat the assignees snaiioe fully, vested therewith land . possession y "ouith, acne saiaisslgneeaagtee t 1 - J - X. ill' -uhil-t ' lii1 to i li assign w we saia xoest, on ms uemanu, all tne rights and franchises, property and estate which shall have been as signed to them, on the folio wine condi tions: He shall make such demand within ninety days from the date there- or. 16 snail, on or neiore maKing such demand, pay to the same as signees the sum of fifty thousand dol lars, and interest thereon at the rate of six per cent, per annum, and any reas onable and necessary outlay - and ex penses, which the grantees may have paia or incurred m this matter, ana as such assignees. He shall, prior to said demand hay mad a-furangem en ts. ,sat- isfactory to-the aAaiQes oi behalf: of the said company, toinswe tbA finish ing of the railroad of said Western North Carolina Railroad Company, to its western terminus, at paint Rock,- on or oeiore tne nrst aay 01 j uiy. issi; He shall-eJsb. lAfore said demand, exe cute and deliver to the assignees, or to the Richmond & Danville Railroad Company, his truaran tee that the traffic rarrrngmerfa oetween the last men-. tict sd road atd the said Western North C&roliaa Prn.ii Company, approved py saia uest ana tnearesiaenc or saia Richmond and Danville Railroad Com pany, and now : in possession of said resident shall be faithfully carried out ifts aid .Western, ;Nprth. Caroluja Rail- oaa uomnany. ana shalLnot De cna&sr- edJkr annulled excect "bv the flutttal sent of rthtf aid feonlpahtesvllei I, on or oeioremajung &ra3u0 id. eive to the assignees one-half: of the stoeK aesiffnara in said act as stoc& set aisidef or Uie benefit of i the, private stockholders ,of i the Wejitern ITorth CardlinaJJailroad .Company, which t he, now ownsi or has,, the optionto;; bur-r chase, sand duly transfer, said ; one-half to them on their, paying lum one-naif of the sum he shall have' actually paid therefor, bemafethe rateof aboutfifty thoiisand dollars tor the whole of $212, 500 of private stock in. said act provid ed for.; :;i ,;tn-' v v , . v Fifth. .-NotwithstandiBgf'l "any thing herein contained, the : sa4 assignee shaU,dOH such demand being j made by said Best, as in the.fourth article of this agreement provided for, have the 6p 'tJnrv and riehfeio retain one-half inter-. est in the jthts franchises,, property ana esxaie aioresaia. ana .u aseigu w the baidUest the other half only, ana to accept from said Best one-half only of said sum of; fifty thousand dollars and; interest, ana one-nan only or saia reasonable and necessary outlay- and expenses in said fourth article referred to. ! But to. entitle themselves to retain thesaidone-half interest, they shall assume one-half of any liabilities nd burdens incurred oy said Jtseat , in re spect to said Western North Carolina Railroad, so. that said assignees and the said Best shall be equal sharers in tne property aforesaid, and in said Best's obligations and burthens in respect thereto; . ; 1 - Sixth. Should the said Best oe un able to entitle himself to the rights pro vided for bv the fourth and fifth arti cles' oi this-agreement or neglect, to do so, md should the said Best unite with the assignees.- their : associates.. Or as signs, in building the said railroad from .snevuie w fjuubxvuuij., uowou,oou though all the money necessary to com plete said work be raised by or through tha said assignees and; their associates or assigns,! be entitled to five-twelfths' of all the preferred or common stock: whieh may. have Deen receivea oy j-pe assignees or their assigns, aiid of all other benefits and advantages derived from the assignment to them in the third article of this assignment provid ed f errand the same shall be conveyed to him. . i'.tl ' In witness whereof, the parties here to have hereunto set their names and seals the day and year first above writ ten. (Signed) ... , m . W. J. .best, oeai.; Wm. P. Clyde, (Seal.) T. M. Logan, (Seal.) A. S. Btjford, (Seal.) - Sealed and delivered in presence of -(Signed) Andbew Boardman. During the month of July, and be fore the "ninety days" alluded to in the above agreement had expired, Mr. Best notified Messrs. Clyde, Logan and Buf ord, by letter, of his inability to raise funds elsewhere, and as other moneys would very soon be needed to meet obligations to the State and carry on the work on the road, that gentle man finally induced Messrs. Clyde, Lo gan and Buf ord to assume the entire contract, and entered into the follow ing agreement and full assignment, which bears date July 3 1st, 1880. it is as follows: ' THIS AGREEMENT MADE THE THIRTY FIRST DAT OF JULY,: EIGHTEEN HUN DRED AND EIGHTY, BETWEEN W. J. BEST, PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, AND WILLIAM P. CLYDE, T. M. LOGAN AND A. S. BUFORD, PARTIES OF THE SECOND PART, WITNESSETH : That Whereas, by an agreement in writing, bearing date the twenty-sev enth day of May, eighteen hundred and eighty, between the said parties, certain stipulations therein recited were enter ed into Dy saia parties, unaer wmoh the said parties of the second part un dertook to pay and advance to the par- iy 01 mo nrst part tuo aum ui mty thousand dollars for the consideration and purposes, and with the conditions and limitations as in said agreement set forth, which said sum of fifty thou sand dollars has been paid, as therein stipulated, And whereas tne said v. J. Best does not desire to exercise or further claim the option and rights 'to him. the said Best, reserved in clauses fourth and sixth of said agreement. And whereas it has oecome neces sary, in proper protection and further ance or the interests ot we saia vv. J. Best, in connection with the Western North Carolina Railroad, that a further considerable sum of money shall at once be advanced and expended in and about the prosecution and completion of said Western North Carolina Rail road to Paint Rock, which further sum the said Best is at present unable to provide arid advance for such pur pose. : Now, therefore, it is hereby agreed by and between the said parties as fol lows: : . That ftrslnd in consideration of the undertakings or the said parties of the second part, as "hereinafter stated, the said TV. J. Best hereby releases and ac quits, to the said ' parties of the second part, all option arid right to claim or demand the assignment to him of the rights, franchises, property and estate as stipulated in said fourth or sixth clauses of said agreement of the twenty seventh. of, May, eighteen hundred and eighty, or any part thereof. , Aid the said W. J. Best hereby agrees that" the assignment by him, made on the twenty-eighth day of May, eighteen hundred and eighty, to the said parties of the second part of all his right, title and interest in and to the contract here? tof ore made by and between the State of North Carolina, of the one part, and W. J. Best, W. R. Grace, James D. Fish and J. Nelson Tappan, of the other part, ana the aa vantages aerivaDie m and under the actor the. uenerai As sembly of North Carolina, ratified on the twenty-ninth day of March, eight een hundred' and eighty, and of the in terests of: him, the Baid Best, in the Western North Carolina Railroad Com pany, as re-organized on the twenty- eighth day of May. eighteen hundred and eighty, including all the rights and interests of him, the said Best, as as signee of -WR. Grace James D. Fish and J. Nelson Tappan, under their as signment; to him dated the twenty eighth day of. May, eighteen hundred and eighty, shall be absolute and with- QhWeatriction or limitation by reason or any reservation or stipulation maae or contained in said agreement of the twenty-seventh day of May, eighteen nunarea tana j eighty. And in consider ation thereof it is herebr stnralated and agreed by the said parties of the second parkthat the said W.'- Ji Best shall be entUIedib and shall' receive of the capital stock o the said Western North CarolihaRailroad Company the amount or. seven mousanajtve nunarea snares on the basis pf an entire capital stock of forty thousand shares, or a propor tional number of shareson a basis of an entire Capital stock for said compa- ny 01 a greater or smaller amount vnan fortv l.hmiaftnii. J -Andit is further aereed that'the sai parties of 3 the second part wiirprovide arid ad vanceaa shall be necessary, such sums .as mavbe renuir to bay the amount due- the State of North. Caroli- Victs "siQffMr-li'flAtinae debt.ctj aesterirokli fyOttri:Dt'tri aet AeDablyitrQforth -March twenty-ointlL ifirht6enTirindred and eighty, such sum not to exceed thei Bum ox inircy-nve tnousand qoiiars. . And it is farther agreed that in order to avoid any question or inquiry as to the legality of the reorganization of tha said Western North Carolina Rail-1 road Company, effected in the city of New JYorkv; on ; the , r day . of. May gether within the State of North Caro lina, and have them formally ratify the proceedings aforesaid, and to take such further steps and do what else snail be requisite arid legal to make such or ganization conform to the laws of tbe State of North Carolina. Witness theTollowing signatures and seals this day and year herein first above written. Signed in duplicate : W. J. Best; Seal. r ' Wm. P. Clyde, Seal. a., o. jjuford, Leai. 1 .Witness; r. Signed A. B. Andrews, 1 Jno. P. Caddagan." I have inserted the contracts in full in order that the people of the State who are invoked to sit in judgment up on the recent transactions concerning the Western North Carolina Railroad may have the fullest opportunity for a free, "unbiased and intelligent opinion. it win ne oDservea mat in the two contracts above, cited it was agreed to assign to Mr. Best hve-tweirths of the capital stock seven thousand five hun dred shares, representing seven hun dred and fifty thousand dollars worth of stock as a consideration for his trou ble, time, expenses, etc., in getting, up the measure and for the assignment of his interest in the contract to Messrs. Clyde, Buford and Logan. Thus Mr. 5est transferred, "without reservation" of any character, save the seven thousand five hundred shares of stock, all his rights, title, interest, ben efits, etc in and to the Western North Carolina Kauroad to Messrs. Clyde. Lo gan and Buford, As it to separate himself the more fully from the road, save as relates to the stock, Mr. Best, in September fol lowing, presented to Messrs. Clyde, Lo gan ana uurord a Dili ot expenses in curred while negotiating for the pur chase of the road, which account was paid, as per following agreement: "MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ENTER ED INTO IN NEW YORK, AT THE GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, ON THE SOTH SEP TEMBER, 1880, BETWEEN THE PUR CHASERS OF THE WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. PRESENT, W. J. BEST, S. MCD. TATE, A. 8. BUFORD AND W CLYDE, OF THE PARTIES ; Z. B. VANCE AND J. P. CADDAGAN, WITTNESSES. MEMORANDUM. Mr. Rest to be paid in eash for his ex-. penses heretofore incurred the sum of $3,411 of which $1,000 is to be paid on or before the 1st of September, 1880, and $2,411 on or before the 1st day of March, 1881. Mr. Best to receive as president of the company a salary of $100 per month, to commence the 27th May, 1880, to continue as 1ods: as he is presi dent, with the understanding that he is not required or expected to do work as president, except such as he would be legally obliged to do, or such formal acts as may be required bv the board of directors, as attending and counselling with the board when desired ; but that he will extend his continued good will to the enterprise, and Jus co-operation with the board of directors in the pros ecution of the work. The foregoing wa3 written down in pencil by Col. Buford, read over, and assented to by all present ; and, at their request, is written out and kept by us for future reference. (Signed) Z. B. Vance." This gives the transactions by which Mr. Best assigned his interest in and control of the property to Messrs. Clyde, Logan and Buford. jSs i I ss I saw Bid ford Alum and Ibok Sfbikos Watkh and Misb. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so feneraL Sold by all druggists of any standing, 'rices reduced one half. mayll tf ilfMIEIEHy. FOR MEUIMT1SM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on sarth equals Sr. Jacobs Oil as a safe, rur, rimpl and cheap External Bamedy. A trial an tails bnt the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. ; Directions In Eleven Languages. SOLO BT ALL DBUSQIST8 AHT DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Mttitimore, 3d.t 17. 8. JL deeSOdftw ly ATJ OPEN AHONG THE LADIES L, , The brilliant, ttatinatins ' tints of Complexion for Mcn r ladies strive are - chiefly aril ; flclal, and aUwhoTTx take the u tronW-; may J secure them. j xnese roseate, Demrenine nnea follow the use of llagan's Mag nolia Balm-T-a delicate,' harm-: less and always reliable article. SoldbraUiiirnists. -Ihe MagnolialJalm conceals every DiemUii removes Sal. wnes3, ISetaess, nro- on5, - all evidences or ercltft. laent and eTenr iiiTDerfection.1 .'Kjts effects are immediatoanc Jan.2 eighteen nunarea ana eighty, tne saia partythe f first part' shall without delay: call his ' board of directors to-' PIBSBI so natoral that np huraau being : y? Jte&ct its; Bpplicat3k)iir I 6 E ti. T1!" Y XS tnToamb dress DANIEL F. BEATTX. Wi 17 stops, 5 Set Gold- reeas. omy sso aa- aahington,M. i. aug9 dftw4w Pf ft M i"l O 9 SOLD ON INST ALLMENTS and I H II UO ft shipped to all parts of the eonn- ODOftllC Ftry. PRICES LOW and terms of flu Hill' I payment easy. Send for cata logue. HORACE WATERS & CO., Manufactarers and Dealers, 826 Broad way ,N.Y. . aug9,4w, y . ; - 0t0 ' MEOAl AWARBED ft Athor.AnswaBdcMa Had- . nS,WUTiIMUISDMtUrl cheap t. mdispansablsi to rerv , snazuantisled "the Seiraeeof life CTeXf-Preearialiaa ; bound in flneet freaeh moalia, mboased, ruu autw pn.eoDtains Deanuini teal cncravinaa, US preesrip. itions, Jno only $LS sent by ' mail : flliutnWiiunnl. .t.i. - end nrnr Irlrlin Fkikml, Ut' aug9-idw4w FREE nnnins BTJSXNKSS CNIVBSITY For Illustrated Circular. A lire actual Business SchooL Ettabiwud twenty year. ang9 4w ; cure all diseases of the stomach, bowels, blood, liver, kidney and urinary organs, nervousness, sleeplessness, and especially female complaints. Ask your druggist tor Hop Bitters and try them before yon sleep. - TAKE NO OTHER. Send for circular. HOP uITTBRS M'F'G CO., aug9 Rochester, N. Y. , and Toronto, Ont HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN Any person to be seriously ill without a weak sto mach or Inactive liver or kidneys? And when tbese organs are in good condition do you not find their possessor enjoying good health? PARKER'S GINGER TONIC always regulates these important organs, and never falls to make the blood rich and pure, and to strengthen every part of tbe sys tem. It has cured hundreds oi despairing inval ids. Ask your neighbor about it faug9,4w Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster For Lame Back, Rheumatism, Kidney Affections, and aches and pains generally, it is the unrivalled remedy. - aug9,4w AUTOMATIC CABINET PLAY ANY TUNE. ORGANSomy$5 Music 4c. per foot Illustrated catalogues free. THEO. J. HARBACH, aug9,4w 809 Filbert st., Philadelphia. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOB TUNE 9TH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS I, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, September 13th, 1881 136th Monthly Drawing Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81,000.000 to which a reserve fund of over 842 0,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, 830,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize 2 Prizes of 82,500 5 Prizes of 1,000 20 Prizes of 500 100 Prizes of 100 200 Prizes of 50.. 500 Prizes of 20 1,000 Prizes of 10 830,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 : 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 8300 82,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to 8110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. For further Information, write clearly, giving fuU address. Send orders by express or Regis tered Letter, or Money Order by mall. Address ed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans. Louisiana. or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 212 Broadway, New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A Early. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The public are hereby cautioned against send ing any money or orders to NUNES & CO., 88 Nassau street, New York City, as authorized by the jjouisiana eiate ioiiery company to sea Its tickets. They are flooding the country with BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting to be of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as its agents. They have no authority from this com pany to sell the tickets, and are not its agents for any purpose. M. A. DAUPHIN, Pres't Louisiana State Lottery Co. New Orleans, La , July 4, 1881. 35th. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distr ibation Company, In the City of Louisville, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly ox Kentucky. ' The United States Circuit Court on March 81, rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany Is legal. 2d-!-Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fond. Bead the list of prizes for the AUGUST DRAWING. 1 Prize 830,000 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize 6,000 10 Prizes, 81,000 each, 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each .10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each, 10,000 200 Prizes, 60 each 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each 12,000 1000 Prizes, 10 each, 10.008 9 Prizes, 8300 each, Approximation Prizes 82,70 9 Prizes, 200 " " " " l,8Wv 9 Prizes, 100 " " " " 900 1,960 Prizes,, w 8112.400 Whole Tickets, 82; Half Tickets, 81; 27 Tickets, 860; 66 Tickets, 8100. ' Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send bv Exmess. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OB' POSTOFFICS ORDER. Orders of 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address ail orders to R, M. BOARDMAN, Courier-Jonrnal Building Louisville, Kyn or 809 Broadway New York. July 8- SPECIAL LIMITED Cheap Excursions. Richmond & Dajtvuxs Railroad Co , ) Passsn&eb dkpabthknt, V Btcekobd.Va. July 16. 1881. IN order to afford ample facilities to visit the mountain regions of Western North Carolina from Eastern and Middle North . Carolina points, SPECIAL BOUND TBIP TICKETS to Ashevtlle are on sale at Charlotte' under the fol lowing conditions:, ... .;. Upon application of 50 persons', going In one body, tickets good for 10 days will b sold at 84.85 each. 'I ,..r ; a.l: , Holders of tbese tickets will be privileged to're- fhnpn olnvlw An anv tA Af.mnaT.w'a T.fmlftT tpftlna- within the limit named. The - tickets, however, will not be aceDtad aroinir to A she vi tie eveept up-' on the conditions named In this - advertisement, ana also in the contract appearing on tne ncKeis. For further. Information apply to the agent af Charlotte. A. POPE, uly24 : General Passenger Agent; North Caboltsta BAtLBOAD Co '. " . Smcbstabt AHD TBBASTJBSB'SOTFlCsl, 'lot tit :--"V- COMPAST bHOP8.JS.U4 Aug. 1U, l&U rpHE second payment of 3'per cent Dividend Ml Na.l9fcwill be due the 1st of September to stock holders of record on 10th of August- The stock books of .the company win be closed from ine iwn oi August to wo ist or eepiemDer, 1881 ' ' " ' it ( y aUFFlNt Secretary aoglOtosepl ' -; -.. j all AND LOOK AT HIS 1. LARGE STOCK OF ALL OF WHICH HE SELLS LOW FOR CASH. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACH. declS Conienseu Time Tal-HiffttCuMR.R TBAJKS GOINS NORTH. love ties i ewe Date,May 15 '81 No. 47 No. 49 No. 43, Dally Daily Dally Lv. Charlotte, 4.05 am 6.16 am 4.15 pm " A-L. Depot " " Junct 411am 6.20 am 4 80 pm " Salisbury, 5.56 am 7.50 am 6.07 pm Arr.Greensboro 8.03 am 9.30 am 7.57 pm Lv. Greensboro 8.25 am 9.60 am 8.18 pm Arr.Baleigh 1.40 pm for Rlch- Lv. 1.45 pm m'ndonly Arr, Goldsboro 4.00 pm Lv. Greensboro for Richmond 8.25 PM . Lv. Danville 10.21 am 11.81 am " N. Danville 10 27 am 11.88 am .: " Barksdale - 10 58 am 12.01 pm " Drak'sBr'ch 12 87 pm 1.20 pm " Jetersville 2.24 pm 2 55 pm Arr. Tomahawk 8 20 pm 3.51 pm Arr. Belle Isle 4.05 pm 4.28 pm Lv. " " 4.10 pm 4.85 pm Arr.Manchester 4.13 pm 4.88 pm Arr. Richmond - 4.18 pm 443 am 7.28 am TRAINS Gome SOUTH. Date,May 15 '80 No. 42 Dally. No. 48 Daily. No. 50 Daily Lv. Richmond 10.45 pm 2.25 AM 7.00 AM 12.00 m Burkeville 2.43 pm! Arr. N. Danville Lv. , " " Danville Arr. Greensboro Lv. " 6.05 pm 7.25 AM 6.18 pm 7.27 AM 9.26 i 8.17 pm 8.87 PM 9.31 AM 11.16 AM 12.45 PM 1.00 PM Salisbury 10.38 PM 12.15 AM Arr. A li. Junction Charlotte 12.20 AM Lv. Richmond 2.66 pm 4.41 pm 6.07 pm 7.25 pm 7.51 PM 8.66 PM 9.27 PM 11.05 pm 12.26 AM " Jetersville " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale " Danville " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " Arr. Charlotte 12.80 am SALKM BRANCH. NO. 48 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. 9.40 pm Arrive Salem 11.40 pm NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.30 am Arrives Greensboro 9.00 am NO. 42 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.00 am Arrives Salem 11.80 am NO. 48 Dally. Leave Salem 6.30 pm Arrive Greensboro 7.80 pm Limited mails Nos. 49 and Rfl will nnlv malra short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers taking train 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the B. 4 D. R R depot This train makes close connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, Goldsboro Newberne and all points on Wilming ton A Weldon Railroad. Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 make Ail Ural stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Baleigh and Goldsboro, No. 47 making connection with W. N. C. B. at Salisbury for A8hevllle (Sundays excepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sun day excepted). ' , f Passenger trains Nos. 42 and 43 make all local stops between Charlotte ahd Richmond, except Query's, Earrisburg, Cnina Grove, Holtsburg, Lln wood and Jamestown. No. 43 connects with Salem Branch at Greens boro. A POPE, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent mayl8 Rlchmond,Va. FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TUB8, SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL STOVES AND THE For summer use, Just In. THE FINEST LINE OF Cook-Stoves and Sewing Machines IN THE CITY. Orders and correspondence solicited at the Hard ware store and Sewing Machine House of RICHARD MOORE, Trade Street Charlotte, N. C . Col. c. W. Bbadsbaw, so long and favorably known In connection with the Sewing Machine business ef this city and vicinity, is now with me and would be pleased to see his friends aid patrons ahd serve them as heretofore. ' ' -may24 Druggist by Eliin; ' Go to ! W. PJII and 8nceessoi to JT Scary '4 Co. .'-''.'.''( FOB , Fresh BrMI Rife aw? fiilfonebtttthe; If,.-.,.. J . t ... . s . . ' 1 ferj.Besi K: 1 u u 1 fl do I keep to my stock. xtso, ToHet and ,v Fancy Articles. l erfumertesCombs Brushes, Tooth Brushes, 4c, A. i . -. Of aB the best arieOeav and warranted f'1 . u.-tnoak...,--... Physicians' prescriptions are given epee- , " ,V -""lal MtenOen. -esIuTA Hoping- to Tecehre a share- of j public patronage, I am. respectfully feb8 . T:w.p.M!aivrN,4gt. SEASONABLE GOODS Double Quick Cook Stove.