SURE APPETISER JJZOH BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases reqnir be a certain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dys- Sepsia, Intermittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of trength, Lack Of Energy, etc. It enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and givea new life to the nerves. It acts like a charm on the di rwtiTt organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting 0 Food, BdcMag, EfaUn the Sumach, iteartium, etc The only Iron Prepa ration that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the A B C Book, 32 pp. of useful an- amwng CHEMICATj co., Baltimore, Md. j!?22toS. A rlsatioa of month did not giranm much reUef, bat on the contrary, was followed by ZJZ5rt. 7fZi inking At this time I began the of your Ibon Tonic, from which I re- ' ZLa jaaaaedlate and wondarfnl rendu. The old energy returned and I found that my natural force MiMtmiuotto abaUd. I bTB used three bottlea of the Tonic Since osing it Ihaye done twice the la bar that T5ata thewune Urn during my fflneea, and with double the ease. With the tranquil nerve 2 Wa7kfcaaaonia alaaaalaarneaa of thonsbtneTer before enjoyed. If the Tonic has not done the - -kaL I sirs It the credit. Tm Iron, Tonis to M mrmmmrmtimn mf I mfMrsm. M Utrimm JB aussl fit tttJa r0tM AI'IMMIIIi sra I H MUtMi eeMt-w I fMM to it arty. irMTHEl IT TNC DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., 10. 213 NORTH MAIM STREET, ST. LOUIS' Job17 eod.dAwly GX0ttvU$. COB, COLLEGE & FOURTH ST8., -WE SELL- Piedmont Patent AND- F. V FLOURS. Jul Just Received and to Arrive 1 CAR LOAD FLOUR ! ASSORTED SACKS. A LARGE LOT OF 1 CATCH OF 1881. -arOLASffEfl AM.( L0LAS8SS S YRUP8 Including a few bbls. of New Orleans. TRUPS CtJGAR. OUGAB COTFEE OFFEE RICE ICS TACON ACON T ABD JU ARD H AMS AMS CORN ORN HFEAL EAL ETC TC AT INSIDK PRICES. MAYER & ROSS. frlytt Wl BATE MOW IN STORE FOB THE Spring and Summer Me -The Largest, Finest and- MOST COMPLETE HSTOCK 01- FtNX MILLIN1RT. . WlilTE G0OD9. : , , TRIMMINGS. NOTIONS And all fcinda of FANCY: DRY GOODS For LadlM and Children W bm ever bad tli pleasure of showing -OUB STOCK OF dLOYES. H08IER F. ABA80LS. . : TttlMJimuo, , KJWKBdWts Is not sarpaned ni toe Otj. We have HATS OR BONNETS TO FIT TBX BEAD AND POCKET OF XTXRT . . T.IDT. 1TTRR AnT ctttt.t Oar Fettem Hate end Bonnets will be open ,0PA?M.,i, frramtnatlon of oar stock .will convince any atanii MM in acma sm tMbs. query ; WEI be fwndtotte Pltaw$ ' rj 1 1 tod eoetoeri. T s t i w nave eeooreauHJ wnsw vi awflfiBSstr R. M. Jmller & Sons, WHOLESALE GROCERS THE GENUINE FRESHMACRERE spring mm A TRUE TONIC C"3 "qJ i t!AnrmA and recc mended by fiemedi-1 cal profession, fori Iutntvi, General I WimbUitv. Wvmale ma- ease, Want of itai ttv. Xerrous Prostra tion, and Convales-1 ,eenceromJreter,fcc.i J. P. W atbox. Pastor Christian Church, xroy, u. MALARIA IS AN UNSEEN, Vaporous poison, spreading disease and death in many localities, for which qtaaffre Is no genuine antidote, but for the effects of which Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is not only a thorough remedy, but a reliable preventive. To this fact there is an overwhelming array of testimony, extending over a period of thirty years. All disorders of the liver, stomach and bowels are also conquered by tHe bitters. For sale by all Druggists anrTDealers generally. DOES WHY? WONDERFUL CUfTESI Because It acts on the LITER, BOWELS and KID5ETS at the samo time. Because it cleanses the ey stent of thepoiflon ons humors that devclopo in Kidney and Uri nary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Consti pation, Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Ifcrvcus Disorders and Female Complaints. SEE WHAT PEOPLE SAT : Eugene B. Stork, of Junction City. Kansas, says, Kidney-Wort cured him after regular Phy sicians had been trying for four years.- Mrs. John Arnall. of Washington, Ohio, says her boy was given up to dio by four prominent physicians and that ho was afterwards cured by Kidney-Wort. M. M. B. Goodwin, an editor In Chardon, Ohio Bays he was not expected to live, being bloated beyond beliefbut Kidney-Wort cured him. i Ana L. Jarrett of South Ealcm, N. T., says I that seven years suffering from kidney troubles and other complications was ended by the use of Kidney-Wort .wsw.,,, John B. Lawrence of Jackson, Term., suffered for years from liver and kidney troubles and after taking "barrels of other medicines," Kidney-Wort made him well. Michael Coto of Montsromerv Center. Vt.. 4 suffered eight years with kidney difficulty and II waB "nahle to work, Kidney-Wort made him I I 1 I PERMANENTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Constipation and Piles. It la put up in Dry Vegetable Form In tin cans, one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also illiquid Form, very Con centrated, for those that cannot readily pre pare it. tW It acts urtth equal efficiency in either form. GET IT AT THE DRUGGISTS. PRICE, $1.00 WELLS, BICHABDS03 & Co., Prop's, (Will send the dry post-paid.) BIHUSGTOX, VT. 2imZI2!aCi!5Z!jmsCZm2IC March 27 dfew ly This great specific cures that disease most loathsome WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OR TERTIARY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL I nr. fc . Malve' Ark-. May 2, 1881. a "c uoic ixusvo ju uui hwu wiiu uvea at not Springs and were finally cured with S. S. S. MCCA1QI0N & MUBBT. u M?mP.IS?.,v?"nes8eej May 12, 1881. We have sold 1 .2flrt hnttiA nfnagln. It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif ic 8. Mansfield & Co. Louisville. KftntiiRfrv. Mat in i qqi 8-8- 8 has given better satufactlon than any medicine I have ever sold. J. a. Flxzneb. Denver, CoL, May 2. 1881. Every rjnrGiinaai anon u a in iii. hih.a L r .Co. t, MiTaqwira Richmond, Va., May 11, 1881. I0U Can refer anvlwvlv tn n In racar t !,. merit, of a 8. 8. PouTttSico"0 Have navar Irnman m. a tn fan - ai.iTr " . . viuo a vase oi Syphilis, when properly taken. ; . H. L. DENNAKD i Eli Warrxn, u Parrv.A. lug KDOVfi ilman an i..tlAM.n - .ti. - "viwounu ui xiiku luuiu- ju-u. iJULuuiTT. uov. or tin.. Jf OB WHEN CURED. -Write for particulars. .&l2l5YIBD f5 "S Pd 10 any chemist who will tod, on analysis of 100 bottles of aa? one particle of Mertury, ledlde ffl5. w aj mineral substance. , SWIFT SPECIFIC CO aA . Proprietors, Atlanta, Sa. Bold by druggists everywhere. For further information write for the Bttle book. Spld by T. C. 8mitb, L. R. Wriston & Co. and Wilson ft BarwelL ; ( . Jun26dlyJ , : ? St- CHARLESHOTEL 'it' i l STATESYILLE, H. a " j A Intention is to fiXSiM un5M"as nouBe in every respect. flcrsT- - - f""iHe .iooms? on nrst ana . The patronage of the public Is solicited 1 Julyl,dtt , , , . , i it k it . - LJLjlI a 4 ief(Jraded School- opens at tbe ne laiog next Monday. , , , M The eolored Baptists have greatly im-: proved their church. They have hoits ed a large new bell, and otherwise ad ded ito, and improved the building. . ? ' Died, in Locke township on the 16th inst, Mrs. Mary Watson, widow of the late David Watson, Esq. She was about sixty-nine years of age and had been confined to her bed for a long time. ' Satsbury Watchman?; A strange dis ease is "attacking hogs. They first be come very lame, then blind, and sud denly drop dead. Monroe Express: Mr. T. D. Win chester, Sr., of Sandx Ridge township, "whols probabr Sfjiyearsof. age, was very seriously Hn j tired bn last Saturday by being thrown from his mule. Petitions to the county commission ers asking them to order an election on the stock law question in Monroe town ship, are being circulated, and will be TjresentedHo! the Ward attits next meet ing. The election will no doubt be or dered, as the petitions are being numer ously signed. Frank L. Conder, of good reputation, married, stole . from his uncle, Mr. Eli Henry, with whom he was living, $15S in cash, 153 pennyweights of gold bullion, 55 pennyweights of gold in the quick, a gold watch chain, purposely to elope with a married woman in the neighborhood. The arragements were all made when he was arrested aDd con fessed. ,The property was nearly all re covered. THi8 uncle entered a not pros on condition tnat ne wouia go nome, take care of his family and cut the ac quaintance of that woman, which he promised to do. Daf ham Recorder: Track laying on the University road is now going on in earnest, and an-engine has been placed upon it to facilitate the work. As the road bed is all ready, it cannot be many weeks before the whole is finished to Chapel Hill. Mrs. Harriet Stray horn, the postmis tress at Hillsboro, has been very ill for some time past, and we regret to be lieve that her condition is a critical one. Mr. Henry W bitted, Sr., an aged citi zen of the vicinity of Hillsboro, is also very ill. The Artesian well on Saturday had reached a depth of 1310 feet. The sed imentary strata are now all past and the auger is inthe plutonic formation. The debris brought up is -a coarse grit green antl gray and very hard. ; Addi tions have been made to the working apparatus to provide for a depth of work not originally contemplated. The length of rope is now 2,000 feet. No indications of water yet. Goldsboro Messenger: Mr. Noah Rouse, near LaGrange, had 4100 pounds of seed cotton picked out on Monday the 15th inst. The Duplin Rifles, of Kenansville, has been assigned to the Second Regi ment, as Company D. It promises te be one of the best companies in the Guard. Gov. Jarvis has directed Judge Mc Kay to hold a special term of court for Buncombe, beginning on the 29th inst.. and continuing two rweefe, to be con- nnea to emi cases entirely. Tim Greenlee has been indicted on the double charge of burglary and at tempted rape. Mrs. L. M. Pope, of Mobile, who was on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Alonzo Rankin, died suddenly of heart disease at Asheville last Saturday. Reidsville Times : A recent raid in Randolph broke up 14 distilleries. The blockaders have a big bell on top of a dwelling house that can be heard four miles around and when once rung the horns are blown in every direction and the distillers take to their holes. One still had 24 hogsheads of beer, as Mr. Everett Smith, who was new in the business, smashed it in he hit the wrong way and it popped a stream in his face that nearly knocked him flat, and he weighs over 200 pounds. ueorge wagoner, a tourteen-vear old lad was Ithrown.from a mute at Fair Grove last Wednesday and; died from the injuries received. J Monroe Enquirer : We learn that Rev. J. E. King will not accept the call recently tendered by the Baptist cong regation, in this place, to serve them another year. Street Beggars. A writer in the New York Herald. discoursing of street beggars, is respon sible for the following : MA California Millionaire sajrs that twenty years ago he and his wife came to New York. They had $100. He was taken ill and had to be sent to a hospital. When he came out his funds were gone and he was a wreck, while his wife was noth ing but skin and bones. He walked the streets in search of work-, but to no pur pose. Utterly exhausted he sank to the pavement and fell into a deep sleep. Suddenly waking he stretched his hand to his hat, which had fallen from his head, He .was surprized to hear the rattle Of corns. In it were twenty-sev en pennies, which the public had thrown in while he slept. Overjoyed he went home, and with his wife had the first square meal of the week. Then, said he, I determined that the public, which would not pay me for work, should give me living .for nothing. He 3jisguised himself somewhat, arid for three years followed in different sections of the city a system of begging. At the end of that time he had $10,000 in bank and had lived moderately all the time. He Ahd his wife went to Chicago. Luck attend ed his ventures, and subsequently with $25,000 they went to California, where to-day they live happy, respected and rich. The story is true and carries its moral on its face." Cotton mills in tlie Sontli. The Western Cotton Mills in Missis- sipi, which started a few years since with $300,000 capital, has been increas ed $1,000,000, and the production is more than trebled. ;j In i87S a mill was started at Natchez, and, yielding a profit or 30 per cent., a second mm, is now nearly ready for the machinery. A company of New Orleans capitalists is building a mill at Canton, Miss., and at IVafcef the machinery tor a smjill mill is' laeiug put up.r &t ytobjjrg thee is $200,000 subserved fot al&itnM, and asmuch mote will be - obtiirJed - East. Columbus, Miss., has a cotton-see an& oil mill, and is raising a subscription for a cotton mill. One of the largest mills in the South is located. 't Nashville, Tenn and a dividend of- u per i cent. was sufficient inducement for building another. The mills at Pu laski, Tenn., have a specialty, and are so overrun with orders that they' are anxious to double their capacity.-... At Jackson, in West Tennessee, the people intend erecting a cotton factory, and they have already aDoui oy.uw- sun scribed for that purpose. Dallas, Texas,, is inaugurating a $200,000 factory, . ana Sfcemantjfa'rit i - ?t "ti ? a in! !i.y ' ' ff m m m m 1WT After personal experience afld a fair trial. Mrs, rmd. w. French. No. 7 Gates street, MDBtneT writes: I have used St Jacobs 00 for Neurafcfa and think it superior to anything I ever tried. V- & K KEY TO HEALTH. S Have too fonnd the key to perfect healtn and strength? it la Kidney-Wort, the only remedy ffoVercemes atence 'the toactionj f toe Jddk fwy-ard impels. It purifies the blood by clean s !,ng the sy 11 of fouf humorsi by aWna : strongo. i the liw r. Sidneys and bowels to perform their t regular funlons. See dlspiayea aarfc Salisbury Watchman. t .. ,v , : MINfcfc OF. MTTCHEXL' COTjicrX'. The cotmtv of Mitchell, in this State, has been made famons bv its rich de posits of iron ' and mica.' .Its iron is probably.the finest to be found in this country. We met . Oen. J. T. Wilder who erected the ' first forge in North Carolina: ust after the war this gen tleman sent a ton of " Mitchell county ore to the firm : of . Brookes & Crooke, Sheffield. England: where it was man ufactured into razor Ijlades, and stamp ed: "tees & Wiiders Magnetic These blades. Gen. Wilder states, are only two removes from the ore. There were only 18 dozen of" them and they are now scattered all over the United States. '.L r :" ' . Mr. Theo. Buerbaum, of Salisbury, purchased one of thm from a gentle man in Florida. Gen. Wilder offered him a premium for it, but failed to ob- A " SALT- - A1 .J A, SJk uun lb as uie owner ciaimeu iiuib i was the best metai he had "ever seen. Gen. Wilder carries a nocket knif e of the same metal, with which he whittles a ten penny nail without ' making the least impression on the blade. This gentleman is now conducting the ROCK CREEK IRON WORKS, situate about 13 miles from Bakers ville. The mine now produces about 2,000 pounds of the very best iron per day. This and the Cranberry Iron 'only iron mines now in operation inthe uuuuty. miua is more extcuai voij mined. Probably the largest mine in CLARRISSA MICA, located Z miles east of . Bakersville It is owned and worked by private par ties, Mr. J. G. Heap and Mrs. Clapp being the owners. 7 The mica is found in a feldspar vein, bound by a hard micacious gneis. The average width of vein is about four feet. They are down 325 feet ; the yield at this depth being fully as good as that nearer the surface. They have six shafts: the deepest 825 feet, and the most shallow, 25 feet. The latter is a new shaft the average depth being 200 feet. These are ail connected by winze and stopmg, each snart being sunk on the vein. They use horse whims for hoisting ooth mica and water, in addition to which they have one steam hoist; the .engine by which it is run has not ceased its steady stroke for over eigh teen months ; its stoppage for one day would require several days time to clear the mine of water. Mr. Heap in formed us that this was a paying mine. ma exact language Deing: "we are making some money. The mica as it is taken from the mine is not marketable, but must be divided and;sub-divided, marked out in "shapes" or squares and cuts ; then wrapped in pound packages when it is ready for market. An estaDiisnment m the town of Bakersville keeps a corps of hands steadily engaged in preparing the mica for shipment. THE CLOTJDLAND MICA, two miles beyond the Clarrissa, is own ed and worked Dy the same parties. It is a drift, or open cut into the side of a mountain, and has been worked as deep as 500 feet and driving. THE SINK HOLE MICA, five miles from Bakersville, is also owned and worked by the same parties. They are down 100 feet, six shafts, aver age depth 85 feet. There is one large vein, about 4 feet wide, on which all these shafts are sunk ; and they are also connected by tunnels. THE COOK MICA, owned and worked by the same parties, 1? n ? 1 . 1- 1 11 m ues iz miies irom uaKersvnie. rney have sunk five shafts, averaee depth 40 feet The vein dips at an angle of about twenty degrees almost parallel with the surface. TOE nOWELL MICA, 9 miles from Bakersville, is worked by Irby and Grindstaf. They have two shafts and are down 30 feet. All the above properties are consid ered paying. THE PRESLEY MICA has been worked for eight years by Mack Young, Esq., down 50 feet, not producing well at this time. MINING NOTES. Large Sales. Mr. J. J. Newman, of Dutch Creek Mining Company, on the 12th inst, completed the sale of the Atlas and Bame mines, embracing 1,351 acres of mineral rcroid) land, in this county, to Mr. Leopold Graf, of New ark, N.J. Mr. Grar is an extensive manufacturer of boots and shoes in Newark and is a man of considerable means. He will work the mines on his own account The Atlas and Bame mines lay be tween Gold Hill and Dutch Creek mines, and has the veins from each of these mines running through it There are more than 40 distinct veins on the lace, some of which run the whole ength of the place, which is about four miles long. Mr. lirar arrived nere on the 8th inst in company with Dr. Au gust Tl Schnessler, a practical chemist of Newark, and left at once for Dutch Creek mine and remained, at the resi dence with Mr. Newman, prospecting and making tests of the ore until the 12th, when the sale was complete, and the Dartv left for home. A portion of the purchase money has been paid and the balance will be paid in September, and operations will at once commence and machinery put in piace. Boom again for old itowan and jsortn Carolina. Mr. Newman, while on his Western North Carolina trip, about the first of this month, negotiated the pur chase of some 87,580 acres of land in Mitchell and Burke counties for him self and company. All of this land is rich in minerals and timber, some hand some samples;of which Mr. Newman brought home witn mm. mis land will be developed and made available, as two DroDosed railroads will pass through it, both of which must be built at no distant day. CABARRUS COUNTY MINES. Tucker. Started all her machinery on tne 8th inst, everytning worseu fine. The water Is now all pumped out on the west side and the shaft is 35 feet deep, is cleaned out down to the vein, which shows well with a width of 18 inches ; have sunk 30 feet on cross vein ; will open two shafts on- the east side this week. Stither. T,ofat.en inside the corpo ration of Concord, is being re-opened and. worked. The tunnel, which was commenced some time since, has been driven to the vein which is rich. ;! PHCENix-The chlorination works are now started. , We notice on the streets this week the following gentlemen who are inter ested in ox about to purchase mining property.: ' Dr. J; H. Jlears, Philadel phia; E. ,W, Wilson, Pennsylvania; Gen. C. Leventhorpe and party, N. P. Harbin , Dalton, Ga; - . . A, Prime Devil. Texas flirtings. ''J' , .. .,JAscomsrndent asks: "What is a printer's devil?'! A printer's devil is a picked-boy kept in every newspaper f tice for editors to throw mucilage bot tfes if. vherihe bangs himself into the editorial , arena ariri . shouts 1 "cotdv." Wichlie does nineteen: tines i a "day. S S??0 a.Part ofhis dutt04 consume ' WS CTCMf WBtbrwialnma EsnH I rmftnA Mlfhaheleditofa jagricultural fiend! TATkimir. i tK V,?r3 I Wrrim - ha grows up he usually becomes a: pirate mm?J2E5T AKB COLOR of the hilMnay be fflW?n?,111; Parkefs Hair Bfllsam, 2erm2m,wa' perfume; eleann aess and dandrua eradicating properties , : , 1 Remarkable Ere One a Telescope that fllhV A IHlKTMCOM. : Last winter, as the, story goes, a Litchfield, Ct, girl of 16 Went riding on a cold day. Returning home she com plained that her eyes pained her. They grew worse and she was obliged to stay in a dark room. A few days ago she felt something coming out of her eyes. She helped it out with her hands. Her eyes felt better at once, and her sight was recovered. Now comes the strangest part of the story. Six months ago the girl's eyes were straight and natural; now the girl is cross-eyed, but she pays no attention to that She sees things just the same as she always did, but let her close her right eye and look out of her left eye and she can see a distance of eight or ten miles and dis tinguish things as well as any ordinary person can at 60 rods away. She is able to look clear to the lake, a distance of three and a half miles, and identify any one, describing their dress even. The distant "bills are brought close to her, and she can see the farmers get ting in their hay, even counting the number of heaps which in an air line are seven, miles from her. To test her a field glass was used, and her sight would far outreach any object that could be seen with the glass. If she closes her left eye and looks out of tie right, then she cannot see anything ex cept close to her, but that eye is a per fect microscope. She is aoie to distin guish things that the natural eye can not see. The point of a needle looks as blunt as a crowbar, and it is wonder f ul to .hear her describe the beautiful colors of flies and other insects. To her the hairs on a person's head look as large as darning needles, and in the finest piece of linen she can count the threads as easily as one can count bean poles. The moment she opens both eyes they assume the cross-eyed expression or shape, and then she sees again as any other person. It is the intention of her, father to take her to New York at no distant day to let some of the cel ebrated physicians see this wonderful Ehenomenon. The girl herself is a very right, pretty girl, but very timid. A Maine Farmer'. Cartons Will. Portland (Me.) Argus. Charles Elliot, one of the wealthiest farmers in the town of Knox, recently deceased, left a will providing that if the legates (his daughters and grand children) or their children "shall use tobacco in any form, either to smoke or chew ; or drink any ardent spirits or al coholic liquors in any way unless pre- M AW 1-v A U I J A 1 A 1 A sunueu uy a puysician unaer oatn mat it is necessary (and that not to last but thirty days), after this my will is ap proved by the court, and for each of fence of using tobacco or alcoholic drinks as aforesaid, to be cut off from their dower in my property for six months for the first offence and one year for each" subsequent offence, and for one year of total abstinence of its use his or their dower to be restored as before provided." ATTENTION, RAILROAD MEN. "I suffered for more than a year with lndiges Hon. I was bullous, occasionally having a dumb ehlll, followed by fevers, which prostrated me. I took Simmons Liver Regulator, prepared by J. H. Zeilln & Co., and I am thoroughly satisfied that it is all that It Is recommended for Indiges tion and bilious complaints, for mine was certain ly a stubborn case. Many of my friends speak of It, and they all agree that It possesses all the vir tues you claim for it "A. H. H3GHT0WER, "Conductor C. R R., Ga." lp THE GREAT --ill mimed! FOK EMATIS1, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No .Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of SO Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its Claims. Directions In Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ABD DEALERS 15 MEDICINE. A. VOGELZR & CO., Baltimore, Md., 17. 8. A dee 80 d w 1 j AM OPEN AMONG TEE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and all who will take the trouble may secure them. These roseate, bewitching lines follow the use of Hagan's Mag "1 noiia liaiHi a delicate, barm less and always reliable article. Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish, removes Sal lowness, Tan, Redness, Erup tions, all evidences of excite ment and every imperfectionJ r Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being candetect. its. application,'" ' Jan. THE OXONIAN, A JOURNAL OV LITERATURE EDUCATION -Xa. nnhllahorl mnnthl. o-. n.fmu1 v n ... Dollar a year in advance. s Aim uzonwa aims increasing tne interest for on snbjecta of vital importance, as well as fionai " anuie puouca-- ' Often dMlJAit'iiritfdrlfamutv .-4I nw werage 'circulation, Advertisements - ere shown prominenUr, are free from errors, and sue taste fully displayed, its advertislngiratearsre not In excess, ot Its value to an advertiser. Advertise inwitSf intended for publlcantion in any Issue,' uvuiu us ui uiB uuiGU uj (ne ziwn oi ma mourn. -" maris-tl JT.tlHORNEBiOxfordjN.a1 SIB ORGANS, 17 stops, 5 Set Gold en Tonsue reeds, only 886. Ad dreMANTE i xuca'A'Xi wasiungton, a. j. aug9 dw4w D 1 1 1 1 fl C 9 SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS and fl A II Uj & shlDDed to aU Darts of the conn- nDP II tlC I try. PRICES LOW and terms of UnUftllV I payment easy, send for cata logue.- - HORACE WATERS & CO.. Manufacturers and Dealers, 826 Broadway,N. Y. augy,4w oheapart, indispensable to every .'iij; ua oawaeeoi i,ue yjgu-iiiisui tauun ; bound in fnll ailtisOO pp. eon tains beautiful jer saraTinn, US praaorip- mad; illustrated sample, 6 cents ; 1 NII1W :, I H T Xh .r J"?r,ni'r.V- KER.No. 4 Bolfinchat. Boston aug9 d&w4w aena to MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Atlantxu Ga. For Illustrated Circular. A !! actual Business School. Established twenty years. aug9 4w- mm mum Em cure all diseases of the stomach, bowels, blood. nver, money ana urinary organs, nervousness. sleeplessness, and-esDeclallv female comnlaints. Ask your druggist tor Hop Bitters and try them before you sleep. TAKE NO OTHER Send for circular. HOP BITTERS MT8 CO.. aug9 Rochester, N.T., and Toronto, Ont HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN Any person to be seriously 111 without a weak sto mach or Inactive liver or kidneys? And when these organs are in good condition do you not find their possessor enjoying good health? PARKER'S GINGER TONIC always regulates these Important organs, ana never ians to matce the blood rich ana pure, ana to strengthen every part of the sys tem. It has cured hundreds of despairing In val Ids. Ask your neighbor about it faug9,4w Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster For Lame Back, Rheumatism. Kidner A fTnnHnna and aches and pains generally, it Is the unrivalled rcmeujr. aug9,4w AUTOMATIC CABINET PLAT ANT TUNE ORGANS0niy$5 Music 4c per foot. Illustrated catalogues free ' THEO. J. HARBACH, aug9,4w 809 Filbert st, Philadelphia. - A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNE 9TH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS I, AT NEW ORLEANS. Tuesday, September 13th, 1881 136th Monthly Drawing Louisiana State Lottery. Company. Incorporated to 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes witn a capital of Sl.OOO.OOO to which a reserve fund of over 8420,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings win take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, 330,000. 1 00,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 2 Prizes of S2.K00 R oan 525!!0J .Logo,. 5,000 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1,000 Prizes of 500 10,000 1W 10,000 50 10.000 20 10,000 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES-I 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. For further information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Regis tered Letter, or Money Order by malL Address ed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, , . New Orleans, Louisiana, or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 212 Broadway, New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The public are hereby cautioned against send ing any money or orders to NUNES & CO., 83 Nassau street, New York City, as authorized by the Louisiana State Lottery Company to sell Its tickets. They are flooding the country with BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting to be of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as its agents. They have no authority from this, com pany to sell the tickets, and are not its agents for any purpose. M. A. DAUPHIN, Pres't Louisiana State Lottery Co. New Orleans, La, July 4, 1881. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company, In the City of Louisville, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81, rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the Rst of prizes for the AUGUST DRAWING. 1 Prize,. $30,000 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize 5,000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each, 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each, 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each 12,000 1000 Prizes, 10 each 10,009 9 Prizes, $300 each. Approximation Prizes $2,70 9 Prizes, 200 " i,80u 9 Prizes, 100 " 900 1,960 Prizes... 8112400 Whole Tickets, $2; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets, $50; 55 Tickets, $100. Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICB ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to B. M. BOARDMAN, Courier-Journal Building Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway New York. Iuly3 Z. B. VANCK. W. H. BATUSI. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors .1 ..... CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice In Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas , ton, Rowan and Da- , vtdson. 13ST Offlos, two doors east of Independence Square. may29 tf RO. D. GRAHAM, A-TTOZRISriEITr JnJT iJLw, IN the State and United States Courts. Collec tions, Home and Foreign, soltdtedi Ab stracts of Titles, Surveys, &&, furnished for cant pensation,- - , .. Omen : N". X. Corner Trade ft Tryon streets' Charlotte. N. X ! - - -, fjan.:6. -SiTWJ10IIAFITE,D:i' A COLORED PRINTIB, of six lean experience. -A wantsastasdy suaaaon..Caai44Biake upa paper, run a. press, land teeomrjeteotvto.take harge of the neehaalcal department, of news" paper, Wul work very eheaf drirlng toBeummtr: Address, 1 w -t , 4 Jui24,dtf - y. Care Observer, Chariotte & a FREE "-" GO TO Jin T; liiillch AND LOOK AT HIS . LARGE STOCK OF Mb s Wry ALL OF WHICH HE SELLb LOW FOR CASH. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACH. decl5 CoAflSBd Hie TaWeNortli Carolina R. E TRAIHS SOUS NORTH. Date,Mayl5'81 No. 47 No. 49 No. 43, . Daily Dally Dally L.7- Ckariotte. 4.05 ah 6.15 am 4.15 pm A-L. Depot a'. i 4.11 am 6.20 am 4.80 p'si . Salisbury, 5.56 am 7.50 am 8.07 pm Arr.Greensboro 8.03 am 9.80 am 7.57 pm L v.Greensboro 8.25 am 9.50 am 8.18 pm Arr.Raleigh 1.40 pm for Rlch- Lv. " 1.45 PM m'ndonly Ait. Goldsboro 4.00 pm Lv. Greensboro for Richmond 8.25 pm Lv. Danville 10.21 am 11.31 am " N. Danville 10 27 am 11.83 am " Barksdale 10 58 am 12.01 pm " Drak'sBr'ch 12.87 pm 1.20 pm " Jetersville 2.24 pm 2.55 pm Arr. Tomahawk 8.20 pm 8.51 pm Arr. Belle Isle 4.05 pm 4.28 pm Lv. " " 4.10 pm 4.85 PM Arr.Manchester 4.13 pm 4.88 pm Arr. Richmond 4-18 pm 443 am 7.28 am TRAINS GOTHS SOUTH. Date,Maj 15 '80 No. 42 No. 48 No. 50 , Dally, j Dally. Dally Lt. Richmond 10.45 pm 12.00 m " Burkeville 2.25 am 2.48 pm Arr. N. Danville 7.QQ am 6.05 pm Lv. " " 7.25 am 6.18 pm Danville 7.27 am Arr. Greensboro 9.26 am 8.17 pm Lv. " 9.31 am 8.87 pm " Salisbury 11.16 am 10.88 pm Arr. A L. Junction 12.45 pm 12.15 am " Charlotte 1.00 pm 12.20 am Lv. Richmond 2.55 pm "Jetersville .. 4.41pm " Drak's Br'ch 6.07 pm " Barksdale 7.25 pm "Danville 7.51 PM " Benaja 8.55 pm " Greensboro 9.27 pm " Saltebury 11.05 pm Arr. A-L. Junction . 12.26 am Arr. Charlotte 12.80 am SALEM BBARCH. NO. 48 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. 9.40 pm Arrive Salem 11.40 pm NO. 47 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7 an iv Arrives Greensboro 9,00 am NO. 42 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro mnn . Arrives Salem ...11.80 am NO. 43 Daily. Leave Salem. 5.30 pm Arrive Greensboro 7.8O pm Limited mails Nos. 49 and 50 will only make short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers taking train 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the R & D. R R. depot This train makes close connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, Goldsboro Newberne and all points on Wilming ton k Weldon Railroad. Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, No. 47 making connection with W. N. C. R at Salisbury for Asheville (Sundays excepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sun day excepted). Passenger trains Nos. 42 and 43 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, except Query's, Harrisburg, Cnlna Grove, Holtsburg, Lin wood and Jamestown. No. 43 connects with Salem Branch at Greens boro. A. POPE Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, Richmond, va. mayl8 FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TUBS, SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL STOVES AND THE ick Cook Stove, For summer use, Just In, THE FINEST LINE OF Cook-Stoves and SewiDg Machines TJJ THE CITY. Orders and correspondence solicited at the Hard ware Store and Sewing Machine House of RICHARD MOORE, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. a Col. C. W. long and favorably known in connection with the Sewing Machine business of this city and vicinity, is now with rpe and would be pleased to see his friends and patrons and serve them as heretofore. may24 Druggist by Examination. i 0 Tl 6 A H 5 H H A l II II . Go to W. P. MARVIN, Agent, and Successor to F..Scarr & Co. 0 ri V i A Fresh Drugs and Fore Medicines ' ; ; Verj .Best Drags do t keep to mi stock. Also, Toilet and - Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Combs t Brushes, Tooth, Brusne Ac., . l1 ' - GARDEN SEEDS pfeR the best varieties, and warranted to be good. . . ... , ... . ;1t ; . Phrslelans' prescriptions are given spee- i H PI I rl il u upuis w jeorive n naaiw gi punuo p Act. SEASONABLE GOODS Double Qd