' "4 5" .jr.'--, - .. he Wiarl0tte tamr, eOAS,JB JONBS, Editor Proprietor ft. C AgflaOOMD-CLAaglIATra.l , . ,r , There, we 935 WwnsMps la the State It is said that Gea Clrnt has mad 0250,000 iar speculations. p ?, Is Vennor' responsible "for thatrWif blow on the North Carolina coast? Pensacola,Flt, has compromised her debt at forty cents on the dollar. Taxation tor State purposes is higher inNerathlaikiii any other State in the Union. ? KH" , i i i i The recent elections in Spain show that they understand the art of count ing over there. - . From all accounts this is a good year for snakes, Ho reference in this to anti-prohibition oratory. The value of the internal commerce of the Mississippi Yalley is set down at $17,500,000,000. Waxhaw county, S. C has one conso lation in the drought; it has escaped chills and f e,ver, I . Won't' somebody take O'Donovan Rossa, soak his head, give him a cold bath and turn him out to grass ? A Philadelphia policeman was dis missed by Mayor King for stealing a vest from a fellow policeman. A negro fishing in Georgia stuck the fin of a catfish in a thumb and in a few days the arm had tg be amputated. Shallow water in the Ohio river has caused a suspension of navigation above Cincinnati, except for very small boats. South Carolina statesmen are discuss ing the lien law, and can't agree as to whether it is ft bane or blessing to the State. ' ' Camden, N. J., has a youthful train wrecker, aged 15, who goes out and places ties across the track. He is in jail now. The Richmond State, since the reser voirs have run dry, takes consolation from the thought that watermelons are abundant. They say the Georgia Legislature will keep pegging away for another month, irrespective of the antics of the ther mometer. Valuable gold mines have been dis covered in the Arctic regions on the Alaska coast. A good summer resort for miners. A New York woman, the mother of nine children, was arrested a few days ago for trying to drown her two-year Old child. The recent' elections in France are not encouraging to the Bonapartists. The Republic is growing in strength and popularity. Ill Ml II ' Col. Benjamin King was nominated for Governor of Mississippi by the Greenback convention at Jackson last Wednesday. It is pretty safe for dogs on the streets of New York, but not for boys. The other day a policeman shot at a dog and hit a boy. A negro child three months old, near Columbia, S. C, was killed by great numbers of ants crawling into iis eyes, mouth and ears. Our postoffice money order business is increasing from $8,000,000 to $10,000, 000 a year, and amounted to about $1 12,000,000 for the last fiscal year. A peculiarity of the lynching of Chas. Stewart; a Mississippi wife-murderer was that: his father-in-law prayed for him and helped to adjust the noose, i Colored cadet. H. Flipper, second lieutenant of Company C, Tenth Caval ry, in Texas, has been arrested for de frauding the government out of about $1,000. Bishop Watterson, of Ohio, has issued a pastoral letter to the Catholic clergy of his diocese, directing them to offer special prayers tor the'suffering Presi dent The opinion is gaining ground in Washington that it is impossible for the President to recover from the ex treme prostration into which he has fallen. The organ of hopefulness must be pretty fully developed in the President when he hasn't given way under all his discouraging experience, and still hopes to live. Water is so scarce in Richmond, that the mayor has ordered it to be turned off from the factories and 2,000 hands hare consequently been thrown out of employment .New York Greenbackers will nomi nate a State ticket and then cast a hand ful of votes for it The principal voting by Greenbackers seems to be done in the conventions. The President's doctors are begin ning to be a little more candid in their communications to the public. They YvaMMsr"m X and indulge less in sanguine expecta tions. Three prisoners in the Columbia, S. C jail, one of them under sentence of death, broke out a window, slid to the ground by ropes made of blanket strips last Wednesday, ti broad day light, and made, good tneir escape. : Martin Cunningham, aced 22. th man wfco was shot 1ft the abdomen at Washlnjg&n v Park.- New York, two nrnAVA filraL and t whose, wound na'in exactly the same place and of the same character as that from which President arfleld IS suffering, died Tuesday. An autopsy; which tinder existing circum-; stances may be 01 more uiuu oroinary Interest, will be made to aewrmme the wourse taken y the Dunes. tIAlcdcK.'S OPINION OF ARTfllTIt, We published yesterday in our tele graphic dispatches ; the very warm en dorsement that Gen. Hancock gave Mr. Arthur in reply to interrogatories put to him. Gen. Hancock's sense of prcH priety would, of course, prevent him from saying anything about Mr. Ar thur 'unless he. could say something gopdT for the. relations they now offi cially occupy towards each other, with the possibilityrndhat now seems the probability, of a still closer relation, would make any adverse criticism at this time -very questionable; and as Gen. Hancock is a man of marked good sense, of course he saw all this. We do not propose to intimate that the Gene ral was not sincere in what he said, and that he was flattering Mr. Arthur at the expense of proper candor; for we do not believe him to be that kind of a man. He undoubtedly knows Mr. Ar thur and knows him well, and has in all likelihood been placed in a position to give him ample opportunities of judging. We have not discovered any disposi tion on the part of the public to ques tion the Vice-President's patriotism nor integrity, but the close relation he has borne to the Conkling faction and the active part he took in its contest with the administration, has subjected him to a criticism that was severe and just. He certainly was not governed by good judgment in permitting him self to play the part he did as a fac tional partisan. He was no doubt un der obligations to Mr. Conkling, his warm supporter in the past, and the man who secured his nomination at Chicago, and probably felt that grati tude required that he should cling to his friend when the hour of conflict came. It was this very fact that crea ted doubt .and suspicion , in the minds of the public as to his fitness to occupy a position as responsible as that of chief magistrate. They thought, and justly so, from all the indications visi ble, that he would be simply a cat's paw in the hands of designing men who would use hkn to further their own interests and ambitious schemes. They saw Conkling, Grant, Cameron, Logan, and that kind of men, behind the throne, men who for eight years of Grant's administration ran riot and brought disgrace upon the country. Any assurance from well informed sources, in which the people may have confidence, that he is not that kind of a man, but one who has some individ uality in him and some independence of thought and action, and inspired by up right and patriotic impulses will be re ceived with pleasure, and will do much to reconcile people to the new adminis tration should events call it into exis tence. The very fact that Mr. Arthur has been criticised so fully and so freely, may have had a salutary influencaupon. him and taught him the propriety of avoiding complications that have brought him under censure, a thought which he may carry with him into the new responsibilities that may devolve upon him. Since the wounding of the President he has behaved in a very de corous manner, and left no opportunity for critics to find fault with him, which shows that he is not wanting in good sense when he chooses to exercise it. They who know him personally say he is a "glorious fellow," by which they mean that he is a man of good heart and generous impulse, and in sympathy with his fellow-men, and also a man of far more than ordinary ability, found even among those occupying high and responsible positions. Should he be called from his present to a higher posi tion, let him be met kindly and judged not by any preconceived prejudices or opinions, but by his acts. We trust he will confirm the good opinions express ed by his friends and disappoint his enemies. Alsa Gathraux, who was in jail at Toronto, Ont., for robbing the London and Paris jewelry store of $1,500 worth of jewelry, and who was admitted to Dan in $2,500, nas aecampea. ue was at one time the sheriff of New Orleans- it seems mat tne (jninese govern ment was deceived into recalling the Chinese boys at school in this country by a one-sided prejudiced statement of the commissioners who made the re port The boys were doing very well and learning rapidly. Terrence Conolly.of New Jersey, who suffered from consumption, concluded he would cure himself by fasting, and for forty-three days took nothing but water. At the end of that time he liked it so well that he wanted to keep: on, but after considerable persuasion con sented to take a little beef tea. A Uerman astronomer informs us that within a few years the earth will have another moon. This will be a good arrangement, if he will just fix it so they win alternate, uutitwiii be a bad thing for the dogs which now bark themselves almost to death at one moon. Ah Yep, a Chinese fireman on the steamship Benardy, did a little busk neas in tobacco-smuggling. He was caught with eighteen packages, which he said he brought over for his own use. But the custom house men at New York couldn't see what he want ed with so much, and locked him up. ne president s case presents no en couraging features. The physicians now say what they have to contend against is his extreme weakness. If that can be overcome there is still hope for him, but they are making l)ut little progress in restoring his strength.' TMe sensitive stomach takes hut little food at a time, scarcely enough to keep life irfthe patient, while the parotid gland is presenting new difficulties, said now to be the worst feature of the case, pre senting, as it does, indications of pus formation at many points, Notwith standing the efforts made to dissipate IV the ; inflammation still continues, With higher fever and higher tempera ture. . , . , . .JJ . 11 - ' - -- itms ' The! white voters of Virginia niimbpr 180,000-and the colored about 112,000. 1 Selma, Ala., has fifty irtesian wells. CONSOLIDATING BAH6EI LINES. Jay Gould has bought up and con solidated the different barge lines on the Mississippi River,; and will, hence forth have th grain-bearing' trade of that stream practically in his own hands. Gould is a grasper of magnifi cent reach and grip. When he wants anything he . goes for it witty method and vim, and he generally gets 'it " H wants everything lie ilfegftiali there 1 any money m.feWheniitjbcame) an es tablished fact that gram; could be car ried do wn ?the.MIssissippi vin. barges, and shipped from New Orleans to Eng land at a less figure than it could be sent by rail to New York and thence to Europe, he concluded barges would be a good thing to invest in and forthwith began to invest. But others invested also, and then he decided that it would be a good thing to have a monopoly of the business and forthwith he bought all the others out. In this way he can dictate his own terms and by keeping his figures just a little under railroad rates he can get all the grain he wants to carry and coin money too. As far as opposition is concerned he don't dread that, for he has the financial ca pacity t starve out any ordinary oppo sition that might put itself in his way. The next thing he will go for will pro bably be a line of vessels from New Orleans to England, making the mon opoly on this line cover not only the river but the ocean also. PUI.SE, TEMPERATURE AND RES PIRATION. Headers ot Washington bulletins in reference to the condition of the Presi dent mav find the following of inter est: The normal rate of the pulse is va- rionsly estimated, and depends upon the age ana otner circumstances. 'or adults it is generally between 70 and 75 beats per minute. In exceptional cases however, a pulse as low as 60 or as high as 80 may exist in a healthy person. Tne normal temperature or tne nu- man body also vanes sngntiy. in Dunglison's Medical Dictionary it is stated to be from 98 to 100 degrees or upward. The physicians in the Presi dent's case estimate the normal temper ature at irom. 98.4 degrees to 98.8 de grees. The normal rate 01 respiration is es timated by some at 18 per minute. Oth ers say it is Irom 18 to 20. THE OFFICIAL TOTE. The vote cast in the last State elec tion on the question of prohibition was counted yesterday, by the State board of canvassers, and the result is about 118,000 majority for anti-prohibition. Owing to some irregularity the returns from Ashe county were thrown out, which will reduce the majority about 1,000 votes. The Difference Between Disability and Inability. In the current discussions on the topic of presidential inability nobody, says the Philadelphia Record, seems to have yet called attention to the fact that the paragraph of the constitution bearing upon the subject employs the word "disability as well as the word "inability," the latter being used twice ana tne former once. They were pro bably intended to mean precisely the same thing, and the change in the ex pression used is due to the circumstance that the last clause of the paragraph, in which "disability" appears, was substi tuted as an amendment to the original draft. Worcester makes disability a synonym of inability and defines it as "want of power or ability, inability, in competence." He gives as a secondary meaning "incapacity to do a legal act. Bouvier defines disability as "the want of legal capacity," but this is a techni cal definition. One of the lexicograph ers draws the line of distinction be tween the two words thus : "Inability is the natural want of ability or power, ana lies in tne nature or tne thing, and is irremediable ; disability is the want of qualification, and lies in the circum stances, and may sometimes be re moved. Inability to purchase an es tate ; disability to inherit it or to hold it. A person who is insane or in his nonage labors under a legal disability to make contracts." The Result of Civilization New York Son. A writer in a West Virginia paper says that the Shenandoah Valley, when first settled, one hundred and sixty years ago, was an open, prairies-like re gion, covered with tall grass, on which herds of deer, buffalo and elk fed, and devoid of timber except on occasional ridges ; but tnat after it became settled trees sprang up almost as thickly and regularly as if seed had been planted. These forests, having been preserved by the farmers, cover now a larere Dart of the surface of the valley with hard wood trees of superior excellence. The explanation of this change is that pre vious to the settlement of the valley annual fires, negligently started by In dians, burned up the young trees and prevented tne formation of forests, but witn tne arrival 01 settlers these fires were Drevented : and the oninion is as serted tnat tne treeless character of the Western Drairies is owinir to the Indian practice of annually burning the grass. were it not tor tnat, dense forests would have covered these vast plains ior centuries. A Big-Hearted miner. Sant&Je Democrat one 01 those roueh-clad. bie-hearted miners w no come into Santa H e occa sionally to lay ia a suddIv of crrub. sten ped into the postoffice of that town re cently, and, seeing in the window three letters held for postage, picked ud one anV looking at the address, said in a tone of great astonishment : "Why, this letter is ior a lauy in uenver r "YrfcsJ said the clerk. "And you are holdinsr it here?" in a tone of great astonish- menwwny, or course, answered the clerk ; "don't you see it hasn't any post age paid i-' in a tone or utter contempt for the man who would not forward a letter to a woman, paid or unpaid, the miner said : "Give me some stamps." It was done, ne caretuiiy put stamps on all the letters in the window, putting two on that of the feminine gender, to make sure that it would go all right, ana staiKea out or tne omce witn tne concluding remark, hurled at the head of the astonished Pino Pinito : "Strikes me there s some damned mean people in mis town r vewela Balling: from Cuba with YeL- , . - low Fever on Board. Washington, August 25 Advices received by- the National Board .of Health state that the British barken tine Lotus, which sailed from Havana ior MOBiie August I9tn. bad t the can tain and mate sick with yellow fever. The Spanish bark Esoana. which sailed for New Orleans; has the yellow f ever on. board. .. The Spanish bark Canarias, ior ; rensacoia naa yeuow , raver . on boards but; had been fumigated -.The Espana'saiiedt Without a bill of health ana is an infected vegseL. ;.;;:-.;.;;:. New'. trctfck. complete eon 4 dan. nrinwr tffei Hons, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, and sianer diseases. 1 at druggists. Depot. J. H. BUTIITTLE CHANGE. TAKING FOOD Birr GAINING LIT- TLE STRENGTH. Not Safe to move Sim. But No Symp toms of Malaria Extreme Weak nen the Peril The Parotid lai A Stilt Inflamed and the btinate Feature of the Case " CtTTICTAt BtrtXETlN Exectjtivb Mansion, 8.30 a. m. The President slept the most part of last night. . He has taken , liquid food by mouth at stated intervals and in sufll cient quantity so that enemas have not been renewed. No mortification of the parotid swelling has yet been observed. His general condition is much the same as at this time yesterday. Fulse 106, temperature 98 5 10, respiration 18. D. W. Bliss, j. K. Babnes, J. J. Woodwabd, B.OBT; EETBTJBN, Frank H. Hamilton. UNOFFICIAL BULLETIN. Executive Mansion 9:45 a. m. The attending physicians and Drs. Ague wv and Hamilton, in consultation held this morning, decided not to re move the President from the Executive Mansion. An official bulletin announc ing the fact will soon be issued. OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Executive Mansion, 9:15 a. m. The subject of the removal of the Pres ident from Washington at the present time was earnestly considered by us last night and again this morning. After mature deliberation the conclu sion was arrived at by a majority, that it would not now be prudent, although all agree that it will ds very desirable at the earliest time at which his condi tion may warrant.it. We are moreover unanimously of the opinion that no time since the injury has the President exhibited any symptoms of malaria. D. W. Bliss, J. J. Barnes, J. J. Woodward, Robt. Beybtjbn, F. H. Hamilton. D. Hayes Agnew. - UNOFFICAL BULLETIN. Executive Mansion, 10 a. m. Soon after the morning dressing of the Pres ident's wound the attending physicians and visiting surgeons met and contin ued the consultation begun last night relative to the removal of the President from the executive mansion. The re sult of their deliberations this morning has just been made known in the fol lowing bulletin: UNOFFICIAL BULLETIN. Executive Mansion. 10:20 a.m. Dr. Bliss reports the condition of the President this forenoon about the same as yesterday forenoon except that his pulse is a little higher. He was some what restless at times during the night and did not sleep quite as well as on Tuesday night. There has been no per ceptible change in the appearance of the inflamed parotid gland and two or three days may elapse before the swelling subsides. Taking everything into consideration the patient has not gained any ground since yesterday morning. Dr. Agnew will leave for iniladelpnia at 10:30 a.m. unofficial bulletin. Executive Mansion. Noon. Dr. Boynton, in an interview with a repor ter of the Associated Press, at 11 :40 this morning, replied to questions as fol lows: How is the President to-day. doctor. in your judgment?" "1 do not think he is any better." "But does he hold his own ?" "Well, I cannot point to any particu lar symptom and say that it is noticea bly worse, but tne impression which nis general condition makes upon me to-day is a little less favorable. I don't feel quite as much encouraged as I did yesterday." "What are the features of the case which seem to you most disquieting ?" xne condition oi nis blood and ex treme weakness. "He has not, then, made any gain in strength since yesterday morning?" i cannot see tnat ne nas. "Does ne not take nis rood as well as yesterday 'r "les, quite as wen. ins stomacn seems to maintain its improved condi tion." "Then, if the stomach performs its functions properly and nourishment continues to be well assimilated will not the condition of his blood change ior tne oetter t "It will in time. The poison will be eliminated from the blood if the pa tient's strength and vitality hold out it is a question or time and eudur ance." "The wound continues to do well, does it not ir "Yes; but I do not think the condi tion of the wound is so important a consideration now. The President is very weak and is as yet gaining strength very slowly, if at all. The great question is, can he be sustained chronerh this period of prostration. If he can. I think he will eventually rally from tne depression caused by septise- mia in the Diooo,and nnaiiy recover. official bulletin. Executive Mansion. 12.30 d. m. Since the issue of this morning's bulle tin a rise in the President's tempera ture, similar to that which occurred yesterday morning, has been observed. His pulse is somewhat .more frequent From the incision m the parotid swel ling a tew drops oi pus were discharged this morning. The size of the swelling nas not aiminisnea. xn otner respects nis condition is not perceptibly chang ed. Pulse 112, temperature 99.2, res piration 19. D.W. Bliss, K. Barnes, J. J. Woodward, Robt. Reyburn, F. H. Hamilton, D. Hayes Agnew. WASHiNGTON,.August 25. In an in terview this afternoon Dr. Bliss said the condition of the President was satisfactorily unchanged. In relation to the inflamed eland he said : "It has not changed much in appearance and is one of the most troublesome features in the case. We. got a little more pus from it to-day, but the swelling re mains about the same. It may be four or nve days before it will begin to sub side, xne area of inflammation is per haps two and a half by three and a nan. uiuues ana me pus nas xurmeu in this area in a number of points. We might puncture the swollen gland al most anywhere and get as much pus as we got from the incision made yester day. The pus is in many little ceils or pockets and walls between ; these will nave to De broken down before ail tne pus can be drawn out through the pres ent incision. ' official bulletin. Executive Mansion. 630 p. m.- There has been little, change in the President g nondition since the noon bulletin was issued. The frequency his pulse is now the same as then. temperature haa rish Rrimewhat but not so high as yesterday evening. There has been a slight discharge of pus dur ing the day from the incision in the narntid RBrollinsr hnt. it. in tint diminish ing in size. Ko unfavorable change of the wounds' He has taken by month i a At present hiR ,TmlA .112. temneralura respiration Wj ? CI 4 V J. K. Babnes. -.-. . $ .- J Woqdwakiv -: Robt. Retburne, F. H. Hamilton, - D. Hayes Agnew. is n n bef FOR THE "VTOW being received. Is very attractive, ana embraces a great variei-j ui ijuus ul tuo manes, au u wuica we warraai. ror names' wear we hav IN , fe5t oAiMrttnn of beautiful and seasonable goods ot various trades, styles and prices, special attention belns called to our line nt T.n,i.,, Bine Hand-sewed Button Boots, which for beauty and elegance of style, superiority of workmanship and finish, and good quality of material used, cannot be suroassed. Gents Machine and Band-sewed goods, Boots, Button and Congress Gaiters, Navy Ties, Oxford and Strap Ties, Prince Alberts, &c. UvKW GUUiRJ " ujn jrnnvXiO. dujs, juuow lines 01 tne Desi graaes. tar cume gwo uo a marfli Washington. Aug. S. The follow ing was sent this afternoon : Lowell, Minister at London: The President's condition shows no mar lr or? nhancra Thft ftvmnfcnmH Ctf yesterday are repeated to-day. At this hour, half past one, his fever seems to increase, while the parotid swelling has not diminished. He continues to swallow liquid food in sufficient quan tity without disturbance of the stom ach. Ulaine, Sec'y. Storm on the North Carolina Coast. Washington, August 25. Since the hour of regular observations this morn ing a very high southwest swell has been reported all along the North Car olina .coast. At Hatteras the signal service observer states that the sea has risen to an enormous height at sunrise this morning, and is now breaking over the bar and running across the beach. Its direction is from southeast. The wind changed from northeast to east at 7 a. m, and then to southeast, and is now northeast again. At 10 a. m. the wind's velocity was over 28 miles northeast . Heavy cumulo stratus clouds can be seen above the horizon from east to southeast. Cautionary signals have been ordered to be dis played along the .North Carolina coast from Cape Henry to Smith ville, in an ticipation of a hurricane east of North Carolina and probably moving to the northwestward. Stock market. New York, Aug. 25. The stock mar ket opened irregular, but in the main weak and a fraction lower, and in ear ly dealings prices deolined to 1 per cent.. Denver and Rio Grande. Un ion Pacific, Kansas and Texas, Mis souri Pacific, and New Jersey Central leading the downward movement Manhattan Beach, however, was an ex ception, and sold up 2 per cent to 27H Speculation as a rule was rather tame and business small in volume. .Later. Since 11 o clock the sreneral market has been auiet The fluctua tions have been confined within narrow limits. Memphis & Charleston dropped 4 percent to 71 and rallied to 72, Uhion Pacific, which opened at 122, declined to 1.19 ana rallied to 1.19.. Weather, Washington, August 25. Indica tions: For the Middle Atlantic States fair weather, winds mostly southeaster ly, stationary or higher temperature and lower pressure. For the South Atlantic States fair weather, winds mostly northeasterly, stationary temperature, stationary or lower pressure. East ljulf States fair weather, varia ble winds, stationary temperature and pressure. West Gulf States fair weather, winds mostly southerly, stationary temperature or pressure. Tennessee ana Umo valley fair weather, variable winds, stationary temperature, stationary or lower pres sure. A. Call for the Whipping Post, Boston Advertiser. The refinement of civilization has banished the whipping post and the pillory from the modern scheme of dis cipline. It is a pity, for they are the only suitable place of expiation for the senseless villainy committed several times of late upon the plants and flow ers in the public grounds. The de struction of the handsome century plant near the Charles street entrance to the broad walk and the irreparable injury done to several other valuable plants are offences which can only be punished adequately by quick and sure Eublic disgrace. Whether the motive e revenge or mischief, it is the act of a thoroughly bad nature, and it should be made dangerous. Shot Ills Wife by mistake. In Calhoun county, Ga., a sad acci dent happened last Thursday. Will Sullivan, a young farmer, recently mar ried and settled on a farm given him by his father. Crows had recently been very destructive to his corn. Thurs day morning he loaded a shot gun, and hiding himself behind a fence, awaited until a flock of birds alighted. He fired both barrels. He heard a scream and saw his wife rushing toward him, man gled with shot She was walking through the corn and quite concealed from view. She. rushed to him and fell dying in his arms. Iff ass achu sett's Greenback Nomina tions WORCHESTER, MASS., August 25. The Greenback convention yesterday nominated Israel w. Andrews, or Uan vers, for Governor, George Dulton, of Springfield, .Lieut-Governor, Geo. Fos ter Lynn, Treasurer. New Bishop Consecrated Milwaukee, Wis., August 25. Rev. .rather iumam Fiasech was conse crated bishop of LaCrosse yesterday. Gambetta If ot Elected. Pabis, August 25. The Le France announces that M. Gambetta was not elected for Charoune and that there will be a second ballot Tne water inspector of the District government, Mr. D. P. Barton, residing at tne Washington House, Washington,' D. C , was so crippled with rheumatism, so he says, that he could scarcely walk; the pains would sometimes attack him on the street, compelling him to stop until they had left He Med St Jacobs Oil and was soon per fectly cured and able to walk as long and as far as any man. THE EVILS THAT ATTEND SUCCESS. Success generally creates envy-envy beeets ha tred hatred gives place to malice-malice prompts mischief, and so the bineful list roes on. followed by crime and wrong doing. The Louisi ana state Lottery, established by the highest au thority, meets with no exception to this rale. Its snecess,' Induced 'by Integrity and honesty In its management, witn nperaiity' ana cnarity, have caused to spring up in New York 'opponents who try to circulate all kinds of false reports as to us permanence and ability to redeem its promises. Let every one who has a lingering doubt write to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., to establish the truth that all that is promised will be performed. BURNETT'S COCOiINX, For Premature Loss of Hair A FhUadelphlan's ' Opinion. r One year so mr hajr commenced falling out until I was almost baHL , After usjng Coooalne a wwiuvuuu, f. fmia iow a uuc growia oi W0t itEXtHENR no. 814 East Glrard Ave. . Burnett's flavoring Extracts always standard. ' well pleased mth thTblttorsT Thefd&er&on good than all the medldnOhe hfis H&en YorSlx years. ----- wit. T. IfoCLTJBXTT .The above Jta from avsry reliable farmey, whose daughter was to poor health for sevenorelgrA fears and eonld obtain no relief untU she used Hop Bitters, r She Is now in as good health as any person to the country. We have large sales, and they are maklog remarkable cares. W. H. BISHOP & CO. OUR STOCK OF- AND ffCn, AND SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, iwlk . uuwv;0 " tuiji; uu vji iuo iron u. . m A. E. it ' l -GENERAL- TVliolesale 1217 CARY Because of the cheap rates of transportation, and the location of Richmond, she offers spe cial Inducements to Wholesale Buyers In North Carolina. We claim to stand at the top. W. T. BLACKVELL & GO. Durham, N. C. Mannffcrtcren of U Origlasl aad Only (tanuina TOBACCO Mar 22 ly Blaine Telling- tne Truth. Washington Dlspatchto the New York Express. But little faith is placed upon the of ficial bulletins. The onlv dispatches that are looked upon as giving a truth ful report of the White House patient are Secretary Blame s official notfica tion to our Ministers in Europe. Blaine is mamng mucn capital here by tel ling the truth about the President. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS of all descriptions are relieved at once, and speed ily cured by Kidney Wort It seems intended by nature for the cure of all diseases of the kidneys caused by weakness and debility. Its great tonic powers are especially directed to the removal of this class of diseases. We know of persons that have suffered for thirty years that have been per manently cured by taking Kidney Wort a short time. Try It, either liquid or dry. Sun. NEALY ALL THE ILLS that afflict mankind can be prevented and cured by keeping the sto mach, liver and kidneys in perfect working -rder. There Is no medicine known that will do this as qulcsly and surely, without Interfering with your duties, as Parker's Ginger Tonic. See advertise ment PRINCE NICHOLAS TSHEBBATOV, Flag Lieutenant Imperial Russian Navy, In speak lng of the efficiency of the Lleblg Co's Coca Beef Tonic, says: "It Is a most excellent tonic." Ed win Booth says: "It did me much good." General Franz Slgel says: "It benefitted me very much." Invaluable in debility, dyspepsia, blllloueness, sick headache and nervousness, Beware of imi tations. "gov ale. MOUNTAIN HOME FOR SALE AT HENDEBSONVILLE, N. C. MBS. TAYLOR'S BOARDING HOUSE, comer Main and Depot streets, Hendersonvllle, M.C., Is offered for sale to a bona fide purchaser on very favorable terms --- - The house is pleasantry situated, and has nine teen rooms; and on the lot ate all necessary out houses. If desired, it will be sold furnished; from the cooking stove in the kitchen to the piano in the parlor, or it will be Bold unfurnished. Possession given immediately Address, un4 Mb& B. Y. TAYLOB, HerMersonvlUB; N. C. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the public square In Charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser.- The dwelling is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, etc. The house is admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose, for furthsr particulars, price, terms, etc apply at THIS OFFICE. Iuly20,dtf City Lot for Sale Cheap. THE Lot on the corner of Ninth street and the North Carolina Railroad, fronting 140 feet on Ninth street and 196 feet on the North Carolina Railroad, will either be sold as a whole or divided into two lots of 70 by 196 leet Suitable either for building or factory purposes. Apply to jun25,tf J. 8. PHILLIPS. FOR RENT. THAT very desirable iron open front store house, 25x100 feet, with cellar, situated on corner of Trade and College streets, Charlotte, N.C., formerly occupied by Stenhouse, Macaulay A Co., and now by J. S. Spencer & Co., will be rented for one or mere years from September 1 st, next The location is probably the best in the city. For terms and particulars apply to c' " r B. R. SMITH A CO., augl4,tf ; 109 pearl Street, New york FOR RENT. THE store room in the Observer buUung next to W. N. Prattler's is for rent after January 1st - JNO. I MORKHJUI . 4M22tt THE OXONIAN; The Oxonian alms atlncreaslnK the Interest for Literature and Education, and 'gives original a tides on subjects of vital importance as welt as criticism of the newest and moat valuable pubjtea- -Offera deeMed ad?aiua High average -circulation. AdvertiMinentaTM ihSro "proniinently, are tee 6oik error, IjudTu ast fnlly displayed. Its advertising rates artof ln eoccesa or its value to an advertiser. Advertise ments, intended for publicantlon in any Issue, should be in the office by the 20th of the monUu marlS-tf AC HORNER, Oxford, N. a I ' nr'-'p r f ; f-i J: 9 (uaui, auu ui xumj uuvua a 11141 aliu Complete- RANKIN & BRO., Central Hotel Block. Trade Street. BURGESS NICHOLS, Whoistals ana KetaM Puf to ALL KINDS Of FUR1ITDRE, BEDDING, &C. fOLL LINE 09 Cheap Bedsteads, AND LOUNQXS, PatIat At fThomKA AnU COITTN1 Of ALL EOTM H IAKD. no. west nun nexrr. CBAXMRX. M. Grocers STREET, RICHMOND, VA. Onr claim for merit is based! upon, the fact that a chemical analysis proves that the tobacco grown in our section is better adapted to muke a GOOD .PURE, satisfactory smoke than ANY OTHEH tcIacco grown in the world; and bein situated in the HEART of this fine tobacco section, WE have the PICK of the ofiferincrs. The public ap- predate this; hence our sales r EXCEED the products of ALL the leading manufactories com- I bined. Jggy-KW genuine unless it) bears the trnde-mark of the Buli. 3ixitjeries. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNE 9TH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS I, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, September 13th, 1881-186th Monthly Drawing Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Leg's- with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve iuuu oi over jwtzu.uuu nas since been added. . HP An OVAroYlAlminc ruinnl.v trn(. ,0 , . I adopted December 2d, A D. 1879. iuniflu buxullK jNUMBiB Drawings will take place monthly. Tt never flOAlna nr nnnhutnai T.sik1r ot Di. f. .nn... ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 1 00,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Hail-Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF FRIZES : 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize g 000 2 Prizes of $2,500 5.000 5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 500..... 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 200 Prizes of 50. 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 10 00O 1,000 Prizes of 10....' l&OOO APPROXIMATION PRIZES.I 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 82,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to M $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. For further information, write dearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Regis tered Letter, or Money Order by mall. Address ed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, . , , New Orleans, Louisiana, or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 212 Broadway, New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The publio are hereby cautioned against send ing any money or orders to NUNES & CO., 83 Nassau street, New York City, as authorized by the Louisiana State Lottery Company to sell Its tickets. They are flooding the country with BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting to be of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as Its agents. They have no authority from this com pany to sell the tickets, and are not its agents for any purpose. M. A DAUPHIN. Pres't Louisiana State Lottery Co. New Orleans, La , July 4, 1881. SSth. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE mmm In the City of Louisville, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 81, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on Mareu HI , rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany If lpgaL 2l? Jts fswlngs are fajr. . The 'Company4 has now on hand a large reset a fund. Read the list of prizes for the "? ' ? F AUGUST DRAWINgT 1 Prtee... $30,000 1 Prize......... 10,000 1 Prize........ 6,000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each,;... 10,000 2(1 PrlKML KiVl aanh 1D OO0 100 Prizes, ' 200 Prizes, 600 Prizes, 1000 Prizes; 9 Prizes, $300 9 Prites.200 Pr&a,,lflQ 100 each,,....... 10,000 tu eacn, iu.uw 2U eacn, ll tittup......... iy,uuu Bin, ADprgxjmapon Prize? ,gfi U eacp.. . " " " PO O 1,960 Prtoes,..:. .-$112,400 Whole Tickets, 82; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets, :T 50i S6'Ttek'ets,'$10p. ; Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY . REGISTERED LKTTSR OB POSTOFFICE ORDER, Orders of $5 and upward, byjExpressT janbepept at our ex pense, ' Address all orders to . B. M. BOARDMAN; CourierJoumal Building Louisville, Ky., or 09 Broadway New York. July a