.ho u: SURE APPETISERS ' '-2 -r?Sf iiiiy k certain OUU cuiviiciin wmmm- I A - I m 11 a I MA ll m U I li JKU'.. Utf V . - u a - Strength, iACk Of Energy, etc. It enricnes m moou, btrcug tUmSclea, and gives new lifi?to the nerves. It acts hke a charm on ibe diwrtiTSM, removing aU dyspeptic symptoms, such as Ting the Food, SSJSSKX-S&wwcA, Smribvrn, ete. ' The only Iron Prepa ttSSttalt Trill notbiacken tnoteeth or give headache. dbMdrug Wri&the A B qBook, pp. of. useful amusing 'hcai, CO., Baltimore, Md. 5! VmMttinamoBtkdld not sir ma ilsnsliasliia " eff"lrif " "' Attniatun Tt"-lJTLLwi. t did in Um, 4.rla my Ulnanci a4 vtaar body, aas oosw MCiawwooiwuw fna Vteiaia te 1 lirAITIUI II TI DR. HARTCR MEDICINE CO., 10. 213 NORTH MAIN STREET, 5T. iuui Lttlii COB. COLLXGZ ft I0UBTH3TS.. Just in, and to Arrive : 3000 BUNDLKS ABROW TIBS, IQQO HALF ROLLS BAGGING, 1500PKGSFISH' QQ BBLS. FLOUR, BAGS COFFER, 75 X BBLS. 8TRTJP, 101 B0XB3; SOAP Glre us a trial before yon bar and we will sell you. 11, M. MILLER k SONS. aos24 Just Received and to Arrive ! ASSORTED SACKS. A LABGX LOT 07 FRM1 CATCH OF 1881. H10LASSXS ATAC LOLAS5B8 OTRTJP8 Including a few. bbla. of New Orleans. JTRUPS CTJOAR OUQAR COFFKB OFFE TICK XV ICS TACON i ACON T ARD Ijard TTAMS J.1 AlfS ORN ETC TC AT INSIDB PRICES. MAYER & ROSS. Julr26 WI HATS NOW IN STORE FOB THX Spi prin? and- Sumcier The Largest, Finest and MOST COMPLETE ' i pSTOCX OF img MiLLomtT. jj ; f ; t j : JCB1MMINGS. jl NOTIONS And all klndi of . r , ForLadlet and Children wa haw er a4 fhi jrteasare of showing OUB STOCK OF GLOYB8, HOSIKBT, .-uri u .... ..... ,,.a FANS, , PAJUSOTJKLt 'SJ' " TRIMMINGH. . ANDCORSKTS -U not nrrpajsed in tta city. We have- ' HATS ORiBONNETS TO ITT TEX HXAD AOTT POCXBT OF XTXRT Oat Fattttn Bats and Bonnets will be open .wax! n 5"u?n fj wm oonnnoe siiy WlUba tonD4tntht4or to watt on her bieoda WHOLESALE GROCERS 1 CAR LOAD If MI! , ilHPV :taiarlotte.N.O A TRUE TONIC JJiys- . lnull fen tJf mrfi- ;( . Brrenn, for DiineMia. ,ftenf esu rnt of VitaU I Mom. and Conralee- cencefromXvr,A:e much relief, but on th. contrary, was followed by iDwuoumoiiow i v v i v,- qUh fliiw iins I I hava don twice the la- wiLn aouoieB "4 ""S.n. MALARIA IB AN UNSEEN, Taporous poison, spreading disease and death in many locauues, xor wnicn qumuie is nu scuuuro antidote, but for the effects of which Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is not orur a inoroagn remeay, bat a reliable preventive. To this fact there Is an overwhelming array of testimony, extending over a period of thirty years. All disorders of the liver, stomach and bowels are also conquered by the bitters. " For sale by all Druggists and'Dealera generally. DOES WONDERFUL CUFTES! Because it acts on the LITER, BOWELS and KID5ETS at the game time. BecaTise it cleanse the system of the poison ous Iramoia that develop In Kidney and Uri nary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Consti. pation', Piles, or in Khe-omatisTn.'iTetrrttlgia,' Ifervous Disorders and Female- Cpmplaints. SEE WHAT PEOPLE SAT i - KJ Enme B. Btork, of Junction City. Kansas,' loLanj had been trying for four year. : Mrs. John Arnall, of Washington, Ohio, sayf her boy was girentip to dlo by four prominent k4 Kidney-Wort, . ; , cays he was not expected to live, feeing bloated beyond belief,but Kidney-Wort curedhim. ; -4 4nna L. Jaxrett of South Salem, V:T myt that aeren years snOering' from kidney tredbles and other complications was ended by the us of Kidney-Work m.ii.-. John B. Lawrence of Jackson, Tenti., soflered for years from liver and kidney troubles and after taking "barrels of other medicines," Kidney -Wort made him well. . Michael Coto of Montgomery Center,. Vt., offered eight years with kidney difficulty and was anable to work.. Kidney-Wort made him. "well Merer." ...... I . - 'PERMAMENTLV -Wlf ES nU:-'t U 4 vinuev nione' El , LIVER COMPLAINTS; Constipation and Piles. - v Mr-It Is nut nn In Drv Tesretabla Form In ran cans, one pacnaare oi wnwnnuuupsic quana. sic Quart or medicine,' Also in iqaid. jrorns eatrated, for those that cannot reiuypr- ty It acti trim equal' eJMencv in either form. f4 GET IT AT THE DRUGGISTS. , PBJ,; " IT ELLS, RICHASDS03 4 CO., Prop's,; (WW settis dry post-paid.). .;BEBUXffrOH, TT. la!23d&wij ' A. it ",T i u 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED- ' Hi Ttt'i 't,': ' " -ar---Jaas tS.1876 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TfifAL, DR, DYE'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances snfferlngiromIeTtrnelttieiei;creii. eral lebilltY. losr of nerve force or vleor. or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othxe Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rhetrma- tlsm, Neuralgiaj , Paralysis. 'Spinal Dl: Spinal fflcuMes, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, XV1VA1AV J Ul IwUWlwDi aJ.V At,Ur- tares, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to theirsex. , 1 ! c i Speedy . relief c cdmplete1' restoration to ' health- guaranteed. These are tbe only Kleearle AtinlianMHt that- hara'eve. beettreonstrneted upon Helen tlfie prln- eiple. Their thorough efficacy has been prac ticaUvnroven with the 'most' wondet-fnl aaecees, and they have the highest naorsements irom meaieat-ana scien tifletaieiiisnd from hnndrcdt who have -f Been ijaicuiy- ana rauieany enreu o thelr nae. m;-., Bend at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givlnj i all Information ree. Aadiesi t : Ulclb July3rf . B. VAHot ; . w. Klutn AttbTneys and - OoiuiBellors Practice to Supreme Court of. the United States, . .Courts, and counties of llecklen-rf ' IV borg, Wtorrus, Union, Gaa " f ton, RowanandOa- "TtdSODr Office, two to doors east, of. Independence ' rfitMrT i' ii i ll '' .' i RO. De G - - - STOMACH WHY? A H A lyl Winston Sentinel: Grapes are 1 their prime and our vine-clad hills ar yielding abundantly. Twenty colored persons received th right of baptism at Belo's pond las Sunday. . i Twentv thousand feet ot water pit intr will be laid alonar the streets oil Winston. I Brandy distilleries are in full blast just now. A large number are report ed as being in operation in this district, running out the "tangle-leg." j Durham Plant : The long-felt neel nf TJnrhflm in to be sunnlied at last. A. M. Rigsbee is making preparations t6 ; erect a mammoth brick hotel on the old Angier corner. This building wil, be four stories and join the four-stor! brick building on tjlay street, ana tne second, third and fourth stories of that building will be converted into hotel apartments. The building will be ;on sua. arbeea pn: who re fif Durhani 01 last Fri gigllong the selittfea: e imea; cfc QieoD touna his remains where tfe had fallen off his mule. There were no marks of vio lence and no signs of a struggle. Dr. Carr, the coroner, was called in and, af ter examination, gave it as his opinion that he died from an attack of apo plexy, therefore no inquest was held. He was perhaps forty years old and leaves a wife and two children to mourn their loss. Laurinburg Enterprise: We are in? formed that a young colored boy, un der age, ran away with and married an old woman, the wife of another manl about four miles from here, one night last week. We have forgotten the names of the parties. Raleigh News and Observer: Miss Nannie Wainwright. sister of Mr. Gi H. Wainwright, died on Saturday at Cary, in this county, aged about 38 years. She was buried in the cemetery at Cary on Monday morning. J The lawns or rather, what were once nowcresent aDuiableDeeta- me grass is kill&fihlmanypiaels, acpuany uurntiip oy taBeat,anji30if f effects of the drouth, we will state that strawberry vines have been killed in the fields. A correspondent writes us from Franklinton: "The drouth continues through this section and Granville. The farmers consider that they have never been in a worse predicament, so far as crop prospects are concerned. The fine tobacco section is a failure ; corn on uplands is about one-fourth, while the sweet potato crop bids fair to be a failure, unless it rains, and that speedily. The best farmers in this county do not think that cotton can exceed half a crop. Bilious and typhoid fevers are raging in this township, and the hog cholera is taking off the pokers by the score daily and nightly. Statesville American: Mr. Alexan der Moore, of Shiloh township, died at his residence, last Monday afternoon, at the advanced age of 99. He was a sol dier in the war of 1812. We learn from GaptCowles, who has just returned from Wilkes county, that the crops in that section, are almost a total failure, with the exception of bot tom lands. Died, in tins place, Monday night. Mrs. Alice Deats, wife of Mr. M. I. Deats, after a protracted illness. She was the daughter of the late Robert Brady, of this county. : We regret to announce the death of Rev, Alfred Carson, of Taylorsville,. which sad event, for some time antici pated, occurred at his residence, at 10 o'clock, Thursday night of last week, Mr. Carson survived his wife only a few weeks. The deceased was a good man and useful citizen in the commu nity and in the Church of which he had long been a member of the Methodist denomination, and will be much missed in a wide circle of friends. The Human Pulse. Baltimore Sun. Pulse is a throbb&g of the arteries caused by intermitting lmDule com muHdatddtofthe Hood fey 'the heart. Thf aitefilsibeMg plastic,! fofemf for anjtoatiti9& thef increased iampunt of blood forced into' them by each heart beat, and for the satne reason contract the moment after producing thus a series of wavelike movements from the heart outwards toward all parts of the body. The enlargement of the artery by the passing waves of blood lifts it somewhat from its bed, so that it be comes perceptible to the touch. With in the limits oi health there may be considerable variation in the frequen cy of the pulse, the number of pulses per minute differing with age, sex, stat ure, muscular action, mental action, the state of the digestive process and the time of the day. The average fre quency per minute is approximately in dicated by the following table, given by Carpenter: Pxilse in the newly-born in- tant 130 to 140 Pulse during first year,.. . . 115 to 180 Pulse during second year,. 100 to 115 Pulse during third year,. . . 95 to 105 Pulse during 7th to 14th year 80 to 90 Pulse during 14th to 21st year 75 to 85 Pulse during 21st to 60th year 70 to 75 80 In old age, 75 to The pulse of a grown woman exceeds that of a man of the same age as much as 10 to 14 beats a minute, and accord: ing to some authorities is less frequent in the tall than in the short person, the variation being about four beats each six inches of height. The effect of pos ture is considerable : Average beat per min.in Standing. Sitting Lying; Healthy men. Healthy women, 50xleeartp'iri Jafnel A.&B sided fettimsei diediuidinlMMilfi davliigifa aom I ro:ir-o.i 6R 81 71 ' 66 91 84 76 The Ufethodlau of the World. Vanr VavIt Ann ! f ' ' I r On th6!7thlqf InexSeptelplner there will assemble at London art Ecumeni cal Conference of the whole Methodist family, which will continue its ses sions during two weeks. In the differ ent branches of Methodism, and there are many of them, are included a very large proportion of Protestant Chris tians. It is a communion which is sub stantially one in doctrine and spirit; yet it is split up into various factions, there being in the United States alone fiifteen distinct Methodist organiza tions. One great object of the London Conference, therefore, is to bring them all together, and perhaps prepare the way for their permanent consolidation. Even if that result is not brought about, however, the enormous religious power wielded by Methodism will be made manifest when its representatives from every quarter of the globe are as- semuiea at tue jcjuguua uayiuu, ana me Rtntiatica of its nrocrress. unexamnlftd ih the history of modern Protestantism, are presented by the different parties. ft mi leeks. I, wUfaiKMeAsfcWliti ioauoe, wlliyveyousvfchfrVytJod' HeaftlW itaa notbih will ve yoas good health, strength and beauty aa uop Bitters. A trial is certain prooi. . , 11 "?T.: sn in luuiiHi bing eN vneaunoen THE COURSE OF I.OVE. iTa.0I - vc-t f oir" a' Tirldo An Eippem'cnt t.tl rindm Mavl niiviunttanMB.a -r: ' - joutusaton (Adc.) Vindicator. k-:c . Although- far-advanced in civiliza tion, Arkansas has still her adventures and romances, .iBiiJthree miles south east of Charlestotfllves Maynard Gilf Jieamthe fathjejoiTa, njty-twp yeat 010. lass. J4Ke i pwier maifiens, ja.ary, for thai washer nama, had a beau.- His name was Charlie, Charlie Stover, a ro mantic name, and the twain wished td become one. Mary's mother howev objected, and upon hearing such dole lal news, the girl was "all broke up. Her lover would not bedauntedvand by nt of cunning her arrangied a plot tor ner escape,.TX).wnic8flaiaaMi fid. He securaA his aranmDlices. and af- iter gettine: near theh6rm,-ap&rb$cbld tqaietlv and cautiouslj'. to allayBuspi- cion. mary was on magiw wc,'iuobikt 'jofalwas given, she left and stealthyy inoved towards them, an.a as sne was beinsr securelv seated behind, on the princely steed of her knight, thejwick 'a left eye of the old lady spied (some- -oting not altogether-Jieaiuiy, - fluuumg but ana heaping-anathemas upon the1 heads of the youHgmen, she excitedly made a sraaf her daughter, who pow rfuUy jesisted., ,Tasthe scuffle Mary was divested of every stitch of cloth ing, leaving her without even a fig. leaf Aito co ver her. nude form. . However, one of Charlie's friends, Mack Broker, had the presence of mind to throw a riding skirt over her, but in his effort to bur !rv her off, the mother assailed him and tore from his back a brand new coat. JjLthe. meantime Stover andthe girl's brother had a "set-to " in which tbe f or jEheri got a ?severeijijti i n y thjel face with a rock. The stronger eventually became viotr and bpr off the prize. On their way tcr Green wood they stop ped, at the house of tihe ig.iri's,cousini WfceS $hft;4Pon nad. P A iHPtad trousseau shortly after which alie be-' tame $Jrs! Stover in the presence f a few' ifttereted' friends. The next Bay the parents came to town and reported -the case. The trial was set for-10 o'clock Wednesday. The withesses-piit in" Jo rarjpeiirancej.and for "want of evideufxei me parties wcie uiawtaacu- auu yvnw- fully -started for homes and are now -a ii . -J: i u I folks to. complete their eup?of happi- KILLED HiaATlXESNAKES. The AwIn) Affliction of a Vensnxo , s J ; County Woman. Oil City Derrick. . A lady who has been visiting at Pres ident informs us oi one or the most ter r.ible accidents that evr came to our knowledge, There resides neai President Tafwotf who ilrad three phlldren.5' A f e w nvs sifcce"Bher wav Dreuarinc din ner and had the youngest, child; with ner m tne mouse. vi he otaer, two chil- eif were fsenjt by her to; hunt? some gs. "i ney were ooui youBg, anutro- out of the house they saw a hollow log in the yard. One of them put in her little hancLto see if there were any eees. but auicklv withdrew it savincr achick- eu uau oiuieu tier. iu gtiier inserieu ms 1 -J Jl J. V J i. i. .'.1 . J vi a r mi il . naau anu jer&ea to out wiui a scream. A rattlesnake had bitten them both. The scream of the second child brought out themother, and lifting a kettle of boiling potatoes from tne stove so they would not bftrnrshe started out. ; She had-just got outside the door when she was recalled to the house by the agon ized cries of the baby, whb had crawled across the floor and upset the boiling water over himself. She was almost disheartened andidid not know, what tci flfo. Heln Sjook arri-vp.fi and svprv tliingUiat eonld be done was done for the three little sufferers, but nothing did any good. They rapidly crew worse, and in a day all three died and were buried in th e same grave. The name we did not learn, but we are as sured that the above are the facts. till ' ' niatoric Tree. American Agriculturist. On July 3d, 1775, Gen. George Wash ington stood under an elm tree in Cam bridge, Mass., and drawing his sword took command ot the American army. The celebrated preacher, Whitfield, preached under the same tree, which to-day is- alive and growing as best it can, standing in the middle of a much traveled highway, with street cars pass ing under its shade, and gas pipes at no great distance from its far-reaching 1UUL3. Perhaps as famous as the "Washing ton Elm," was one in Philadelphia un der which,the wise and good William Penn held a council with the Indians, and made a treaty that was never bro ken. The "Penn Treaty Tree" was blown down some years ago, and the wood has been made into work-boxes. and many other ornaments and me mentoes. The "Charter Oak." at Hartford. Con necticut becamei famous just five years after the Feda treaty with, the Indians. King Jnes of England,-sent Sir Ed mund Andros to be Governor of Con necticut, who, on his arrival in Boston, demanded the charter of Connecticut. He was considered unworthy of the trust, and it was refused. Nearly a .rjater he went to Hartford, where Assembly met; and again demand- e ed the Charter. The Charter was lying upon a table in the Assembly it being evening, and Sir Edmund was about to seize it.when the lights were quickly extinguished and before the candles could De relit the Charter was carried off and put in to the hollow trunk of a large oak near by. No one told where the Charter was, and the would-be Governor had to o away without it. The V lce-Presi-ent's chair in the Senate Chamber at Washington is made of wood from the "Charter Oak," which was blown down iiy the.wind ift X656, I :..).; o Teeth as Producer of Near-Slghted- Dr. Sexton, a leading otologist of New York, thinks he has discovered a con nection between near-sightedness, im paired hearing and defective teetn ; tne teeth furnish the starting point for the disorders affecting the other two or-i gans. The "fifth pair" of nerves sup plies a,t once the teeth, the tissues of the'nbse, those of the. eye and ear; the integuments of the frontal and tempo ral reaion. etc. A defective tooth pro duces irritation of the whole region thus supplied, and in fact often occa sions severe cases of neuralgia. Even when there is no pain felt in the tooth it may yet be the cause of grave disor der in the eye, ear or temple. Demen tia, it is claimed, is sometimes due to a tooth having all the appearance of sournfsstotheun0fes8ioaleye. ; A Black. Fiend. The Macon Teleoravh publishes an f account of ahoiTibledeed'm Dawson county Ga on Tnesdat night-Daniel Lee,! respectable white. fanner was- oeeoyea irom his bouse at mgnc ana killedpyXSesrro kille4if.Srfd one) Jored girl and knocked another insensible with an ax, robbed the1 henrier and fled. He had not been captured at last accounts, but a party bent on ry'nching was in n m u w jfci.w'S - : . .r... ... i ULDrni i sinunii snunLU .AjroudrstnrbfMi. at niffh't and brokenf roar liestby aslckhM -suffering;ariderylnr with the f excruciating pain of cutting teeth f Ujw. o?J vucevwa.tget- a Dome oi jubv"1"om''' ' BOOTHTNTO flvnTTP Tt vin ittliflvfi the Door little sufferer Immediately depend upon It s mere u nc mawiffaooiBa nere. w not momor imetwiu who has ever used it who will not tell yon at once piatii win. regulate theToweis, ana give res w tne mother, and relief and'fcealtb to the chUd, operat ing like matrlo.'-It 4r- irfoctl v safe to use In all .cases, a&di pleasant to .the tase, att the jhb scriptlonof one of the oldest and best physicians ana nurses in the "united States; oio everywnere. 2$ cents a bottle, w .! .'-jCi'M in- p aug26 lwk TONIC, ALTERATIVE AND CATHARTIC. Simmons liver Regulator nurely vegetable, -is not unpleasant to the taste. It Is the medicine generally used In the South to arouse1 the torpid liver to heaUby action.' It cures malaria, bullou- ness, dyspepsia, headache, constipation and piles. he action of the regulator is tree from nausea ot jr4ng.'Tfli most effective te'startlng the secref tlons oitna iiver,'caulng the bile to act as a ca thartic. t When there Is an excess of bile lritha tomach,; the Regulator Is an active purge; after tne removal of the bile, It will regulate the bowels and impart vigor and health to the whole system. Bkdfobd Alum aot Ibok Springs Wats ahs Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and iron mass", known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so fsneral. ; Bold by all druggists of any standing, rices reduced one half, mayll tf ftxo ttttjertisemetxts. IWMBl FOB EUIATISM. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings anil Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aohes. No Preparation on earth equals' St. Jacobs Oh as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DBUGGISTS AID DEALERS TS MEDI0HTE. A. VOGEUER fc CO., Baltimore, MO., U.S.jL. dec80dwly AN OPEN AMONG TBE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and all who will take the trouble may secure them. These roseate, bewitching hues follow the use of Hagan's Mag nolia Balma delicate harm less and always reliable article, Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish, removes Sal lowness, Tan, Redness, Erup tions, all evidences of excite ment and every imperfection. r Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being canjietect its application. 2a ANFORD'S W4 Ii JUIGOH ATOfi Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. " FOB BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ' JanU8 deed, eow ly. - If yon feel dolL drowsy, debilitated, have fre quent headaches, mouth tastes badly, poor appe tite, and tongue coated, you are suffering from tor pid liver, or "bllliousness," and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently as to take Sim mons Liver Regulator or Medicine, The cheapest, purest and best family Med icine in the world! An effectual specific for all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. Regulate the Liver and prevent Chills and Fever, Ma larious Fevers, Bowel Complaints, Restless ness, Jaundice .Nausea BAD BBEATH. Nothing Is so unpleasant, nothing so common, as bad breath, and in nearly every case It comes from the stomach, and can be so easily corrected If you wUl take Simmons Liver Regular. Do not neglect so sore a remedy for this repulsive disor der. It will also Improve your appetite, complex Ion and general health. FILES! How many suffer torture day after day, making life a burden and robbing existence of all pleas ure, owing to the secret suffering from plies. Vet relief is ready to the hand of almost every one who will use systematically the remedy that has perma nently cured thousands. Simmons Liver Regula tor Is no drastic, violent purge ; but a gentle assis tant to nature. CONSTTPATION - Should not be regarded as a trifling ali ment In fact nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels, and any deviation . - from this demand paves the way often to ' : serious danger. It Is quite as necessary to remove Impure accummulattons from the ,. bowels as it Is to eat or sleep, and no X health can be expected where a costive ,,:.,:'labltf body prevails. ' T1" SICK HSAOACHK. This distressing affliction occurs most frequent ly. . The disturbance ot the stomach, arising from the Imperfectly digested contents, causes a severe pain la the head, accompanied with disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes what ; Is popularly known as sick headache. , r- .- CAPTION. Buy no powders or prepared SIM MONS LIVES REGULATOR unless in our en graved wrapper with trade markv stamp: sad sig nature unbroken.- None other is eenuine. . - .. . f ' Manufactured only by J- H. ZEILIN CO., I4v&4; t - t,-f' ' t Phlladelphia,Pa. SITUATION 7 All TED; A COLORED PBINTER, of six years experience, wants a steady situation. Can "make up" a naner. run a nress. and fa mmnaUnt tn taVa barge Of thfl mechanical dannrtmAnt nf a nam. pen " Will worit vary cheap durtogtaetammer, . ... . vhuiwi viMiiwimr ia v. niivA nil v imt 7 in.. 1 1 .... miii ywra. at III Dr.S 0m nPDlN3 1 7 tnna. K flat HaM. ati TinoriiA rAAda. only JMUv id. dress CbeaITY. Washington, H. J. aog9d&w4w Pi h II fs C 9 SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS and IHllUO A shipped to all parts of the coun- Ohn HQ tjaj. PHICES LOW and terms of nUAliv J payment easy. Send forjeata logne ' ' HORACE WATERS & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers, 826 Broadway ,N.T. aug9,4w 8 jLthar. A mw aagrMt hJ iMlWrk,warraatadthbMtand haapMt, indispmsable to tmrr mausMUdib Smdmo( Ufa oratfJVaseri ilion :" bound in finest Fraoak muaba, tmbnassd, fall giltOO ppjxmUun. bMakifrU Dmnnn, US prasario. oona, pne onlj LSS sent by mad; fllnstratidTsaraple, Swmts; trxmTWt fRTTITnTTT 11 ia.l Tka.a. "s-v "itt . - augy dw4w FREE For Illustrated Cii Bena to MOOKK'S BVSINKSS UNIVERSITY Atlanta, Ga. For Illustrated Circular. A lire aetoal Business School. Exlabluhed twenty yean. aug9 4w IPlIfflls cure all diseases of the stomach, bowels, blood, liver, kidney and tirlnary organs, nervousness, sleephssness. and especially female complaints. Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters and try them before you sleep. TAKE NO OTHER. Send for circular. HOP BITTERS M'rG CO., aug9 Rochester, N. Y., and Toronto, Ont HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN Any person to be seriously 111 without a weak sto mach or Inactive liver or kidneys? And when these organs are In good condition do yen not find their possessor enjoying good health? PARKER'S GINGER TONIC always regulates these important organs, and never falls to make the blood rich and pure, and to strengthen every part of tbe sys tem. It has cured hundreds of despairing Inval ids. Ask your neighbor about It faugd,4w Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster For Lame Back, Rheumatism. Kidney Affections, and aches and pains generally, It Is the unrivalled remedy. aug9,4w AUTOMATIC CABINET PLAY ANT TUNE. ORGANS $5 Music 4c. per foot. Illustrated catalogues free. THEO. J. HAEBACH, angg,4w 809 Filbert st, Philadelphia. .-wsyyr This great spedfte cures that disease most loathsome WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OR TERTIARY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL I Malvern, Ark., May 2, 1881. We have cases In our town who lived at Hot Springs and were finally cured with S. 8. S. MCCAJLMOK & MUBBT. Memphis, Tennessee, May 12, 1881. We have sold 1,296 bottles of S. 8. S. in a year. It has given universal satisfaction, Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif ic. 8. Mansfield & Co. Louisville, Kentucky, May 13, 1881. S. S. S. has given better satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold. J. A. Flkxkkk. Denver, CoL, May 2, 1881. Every purchaser speaks In the highest terms of S. S. a L. Mkisseteb. Richmond, Va., May 11, 1881. You can refer anybody to us in regard to the merits of S. S. 8. Folk Mti.i.kk & Co. Have never known S. S. S. to fall to cure a case ot Syphilis, when properly taken. H. L. Dbkhard, Eli Warren, Perry, Ga. The above signers are gentlemen of high stand ing. A. H. Colquitt, Gov. of Ga. Tf you wish, we will take your case, TO BE PAID fob WiUiJN uuKiSD. write tor particulars. 81.000 REWARD will be paid to any chemist who will find, on analysis of 100 bottles of a a 9., one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by druggists everywhere. For further information write for the little book. Sold by T. C. Smith. L. R. Wrlston Co. and Wilson & Burwell. un25dly J. L. HARDIN, MERCHANDISE BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, COLLXAI ST., CHALOTTX, N. C, Orders for Grain, Hay, Meal, Flour, Lard, Bacon, Tobacco. Suear. Coffee. Molasses, 4c respect fully solicited. The cheapest markets and relia ljlJbou5e8 represented. WANTED. A MANUFACTURING CONCERN wants a busi ness man in Charlotte and in every city (not already taken.) A few hundred dollars necessary to pay for goods on delivery after orders have been securea ior tne same; iou per momn proni guar anteed. The most searching Investigation soil cited. . A. a ARNOLD ft CO.. aug23,d8t 1293 Broadway, N. Y. "15 Years inHe BY LUTHER BENSON. For sale at TIDDY & BBO'3 Book Store. aug3,tf COUNTRY- BACON AND HAMS, LARD, BALTIMORE HAMS, SMOKED SHOULDERS, WATERMELONS, Etc auglO S. M. HOWELL. WISH & as B-s a 5 co to if- if 3 3?Wff. IB.Mp SP. By the crate or peck, at augl8 - p ... FERRY'S. St. OHARLE3 HOTEL ?ui :I STATSVTLLE, K. C. , J,r rrma noose nas Deen leasea ior a term of years JL by Mr Dr Beeves,i whose Intention is to Keep a smcuy arswass noose in vvery respect, , Commodious sample: rooms on fiibt and second floors. ' " - .- I -The patronage of the public Is solicited, i K: V ca r M SSBBWI u Peack! Peaches!! Very. Cheap! qojto : .j. i TO iffiQ Jll r EoT Jtl ers II AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF lovelfe Iry ALL OF WHICH HE SELLb LOW FOR CASH. All Goods "Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACH. dec 15 Mmi Time TaMeKortliCaroMR.B trains sonre hobth. Date,Mayl5'81 No. 47 Daily No. 40 Dally No. 43, Dally Lv. Charlotte. " A-L. Depot " " Juntft " Salisbury, Arr. Greensboro Lv. Greensboro Arr.Raleigh Lv. " Arr. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Barksdale " Drak'sBr'ch " Jetersvllle Arr. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " " Arr.Manchester Arr. Btchmond 4.05 ax 4.11 AK 6.R6 AK 8.03 AM 8.25 AM 1.40 FK 1.45 FM 4.00 PH 8.25 fk 10.21 AM 6.15 ami 4.15 pm 6.20 ami 7.50 am 9.80 am 9.50 am 4. SO pm 6.07 pm 7.57 pm 8.18 pm for Bich m'ndbnly 11.81 AM 11.33 AM 10 27 AM 10 58 AM 12.01 PM 1.20 pm 12.87 PM 2.24 fm 2.55 PM 3.20 4.05 PMfe 8.51 PM PHr44.28 PM 4.10 pm 4.13 FM 4.35 pm 4.88 PM 4.43 AM 4.18 FM 7.28 am TRAINS OOIN& SOUTH. DateIaj 15 '80 Na 42 Dally. No. 48 Daily. No. 50 Dally Lv. Richmond " Birrkevllle Arr. N. Danville Lv. " Danville Arr. Greensboro Lv. " Salisbury Arr. A L. Junction " Charlotte Lv. Richmond " Jetersvllle " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale " Danville " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " " Arr. Charlotte 10.45 pm 2.25 am 12.00 M 2.43 fm 7.00 i 6.05 fm 6.18 FM 7.25 am 7.27 am 9.26 i 8. 1 7 pm 8.37 pm 9.31 AM 11.16 i 10.83 pm 12.15 AM 12.20 am 12.45 pm 1.00 PMi 2.55 pm 4.41 pm 6.07 FM 7.25 pu 7.51 pm 8.55 pm 9.2T pm 11.05 pm 12.26 am H2.86" AM SALEM BRANCH. NO. 48 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro.. 9.40 pm Arrive Salem 1 1.40 pm NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.80 am Arrives Greensboro 9.00 am NO. 42 Dally, except Sundays Leave Greensboro 1 n nn ia Arrives Salem..... 7I1.SQ am NO. 43-Daily. "W Leave Salem , .4 B.30 pm Arrive Greensboro ;. 7.80 pm Limited mails firm jq nnii Kn win nni. V w . VUA UUHVC short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passerjuera takincr train A.Q fmm rrhurtntta ohh get aboard at tbe R. ft D. R. R. depot This train makes close connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, Gold shorn NnwrwrnA nnf til nninhi ton A Weldon Railroad. B Passenger trams No. 47 and 48 make all local StODS bfltWftfln flharlfltt nnH Dlghmnml on1 Via tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, No. 47 making connection with W. N. C. R. at Sallalaury for Ashevllle (Sundays excepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sun day excepted). Passenger trains Nos. 42 and 43 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, except Query's, Harriaburg, Cnlna Grove, Holtaburg. Lin- No. 43 connects with Salem Branch at Greens bore. A. POPE. Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, mayl8 Bichmond.Va. FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TUBS, SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL STOVES AND THE- For summer use, Just in. THE FINEST LINE OF Cook-Stoves and Sewing Machines IN THE CITY. Orders and correspondence solicited at the Hard ware Store and Sewing Machine House of RICHARD MOORE, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. Col. C. W. Bradshaw. so long and favorably known In connection with the Sewing Machine business of this city and vicinity, Is now with me and would be pleased to see his friends and patrons and serve them as heretofore. may24 Druggist by Examination. i 0 1 4 1 H H 1 M tt II i Goto W. P. MARVIN, Agent, and Successor to W. Scan 4 Co. IOB V ' Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines ' Konebatttie ;: do I keep tn my toek. ' Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles. Perfumeries, Combs 1 ; Brushes, Tooth Brushes, &c, &. ' 1 GARDEN SEEDS .of all the best varieties,: and warranted h ;,.;tto4l.good. . Physicians' prescrlptloas an given spee- laiattnntlon.- H 1 tf u HoDlns to receive a' share of nubile patronage, I am, respectfully teb8ri W4 P, MABVTNi AgV SEASONABLE GOODS Double Quick Cook Stove A 0 rl i d ..... j l

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