1 " ' ---"---mImimmMMMBBMMWM itebnai EKCAH0JCAT THE; SOU pi !A7fV)l A JTw,.iniFentlni r nnrv irmn I i Ti.. i i . i ii i.i i.i f o him 6 -APPETISER U TTrxrTi i riwn k it a T w Mr ing certain" fcrim2entvifrYtfi fespeciaUy Indigestion, Iys r JTT:- -ewon. Want of Anoetite. liOSS of trenth.lACk Of Energry, etc. t . n Awmontio Sold by all druggists. wf. ft- th !gTecu ! TTr'TTT L. anaLk did not was so Sarin from swai-al aaouiw io TlMtu--4rit ahUla. - At this Mm I Moaoi WBia uiunvt p" tMmt iMirt lHt--t "H TMnit- Thaold gfJTiyiZfSr l-Sryill m ln . ataU& I b QMd thraa botttaa : . m i i .kM..! lra Tn im m mrmtfn w l JTrwfa. pwraa. OlWWiTB organ, rcmuymg -witI rrrY t H11 not blao amagmCTeMwc mt . flM r Mil llfAtTIUI If Til DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., JIB. SMUWmAja u'"1' ! Gx&ctxizs. COS. COLLXOS ft TOUBTH ST8., ? V w Just in, and to Arrive ; 3000 BUNDLES ARROW TIKS, 1000 half bqlis bagging, 1500 pxgs yisa. 500 BBLa FLOUB, 100 BAGSCOmK,j : I h - . 75 BBLa SYRUP, 1 0t B0XJB3 S0AP: Give us a trial before jou bay and we will seliiQiL R. M. fflLim& SOSS. ' CORN! CORN! CORN! BAGGING AND TIES We are agents for THE WATT PLOW Will Nil It L0W2R than you can boy an other . . . ; . , ' ; . K0ff4 klow. Jail assortment always on band. Can and see as before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. 1 f WI ILiTX ROW IN 8TORX FOB THX - Spruig Matter trade - The Largest, lineet and MOST COMPLETE iff FINE 'Mixriinntr WHITE GOODS, XWMMINGa MOTIONS 74 SI j rs jtjuwi an ainas . .vWtaWjerer, bad .(that, pleasure jf shofrlos f vi SMMinp nun uuiiuiDirv 4ivaii!;r'i!T'0IDB fiwocK of .. . v; PABA80 180L8, iTRiianKG ? v . t v s. -I. f J A t MECXWXAK AND CORSETS , --f surpassed Jn tt ctty. Wehave- i;jb-s.- ra vi w'vi l L n . , a m a - ar ZTXBT prtCMtnouaune. i f-T T T? U vTJ Mt' jr',. W,J tt.f tMI .ir- 11 mm GROCERS I I' H 111 1 1 A uMVJ UVVlW a ' a a r aj" i ' .i , !t i Jtri n jmom m store to watto ln lima ILb.JUA- e iUJKwiM tMuld te pleased to-see Us tna&i .." TwiviumwainuiuiianMiMV. . tmJ . AMTOIIPtTflNlft recommended for all disease requir It enriches the blood strengthens tin Rvmntoms. such as Tasting the Food. avmntoms. such as las c f xure oniyv jjyu -r x 3"f TfY 4H tnVrS) ken.thert0etH.o jri peaaaenej leatlaencfc A K C Book. 32 pp. oi useim an' in? jne mock ralief, bat an th eoatrmi, WwJToUowed by tMiica Tal totiu ; " ..zr nrTTi 1m t. began tbaaaa of row nan of toot iBosjuxvi ira" retumad and f f oud that my natural forco eaargr re of ih Toni. eine gnu U Jhare aone twioe mo i- and with doabla th :' With the tranquil nerra kVAM Minvan. itivtib loniBiiunui uuuw uw (T. 10 HIS. MALARIA IS AN UNSEEN, Vaporous poison, spreading disease and deatb in many localities, tot which quinine Is no genuine antidote, but for the effects of which Hostetters Stomach-Bitters Is. not only a thorough remedy, bat a reliable preventive. To this fact there is an overwhelming array of testimony, extending over a period of thirty years. All disorders of the liver, stomach and boweis. are also conquered by the bitters: v. ii - For sale oy all ragglsts ancTDealers generally. 20Q DOES WHY'H WONDERFUL . CUrTESI rwyaaj Boeanmc It net ftn the LITER, BOWELS and KIDSETS at the game time. Became It elamnaea the ay atom of the polaon oub humors that develops in Kidney and TXrl- n eJ7 Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Const!. pation, Files, or in Bhenmatism,- Neuralgia, Nervous Disorder and Female Complaints. J BZB WHAT PEOPLE SAT r . Eutrene B. 8tork: of Innction Citr." Kansas, says, Kidney-Wort cured him after iWqlar fhy- sji-iani had been trrinr for f our ti resra, i Mrs. John Arnall. of WajihincrtoA-'Ohlo. says her bariwasgivenuntodie by f oar?, prominent pnysicBuis ana iaa was at cured by Kianej-wort. says ha was not expected to lire, bains" bloated beyond belie fbut Kidney-Wort cured nim. : Anna L. Jaxrett of South Salem. N. Y.. saTS that sereu years guff eriag from kidney troubles and other eomplioaUoiU waj etulfed by the use of , Kidney-Wort. .,r . u John B.Lawrenee of Jacbon, Tenn., suffered for years from liver and Kidney troubles and . after taking - " barrels -oi other - medicines," Kidney -Wort made him well. -r. Michael Co to of Montgomery Center, ' Vt.. suffered eight Tears with kldnev difficult t ana . was unable te work. Kidney-Wort made him 21 weliaierer." 5 i PERMAHTLri CURE$ iriniicv nice Acrgf .n r.s aasj am mm m vi w wawwy x . LIVER COMPLAINTS, M Constipation and Piles. 17 It Is put up in Dry Vegetable Forsa in tin cans, one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, very Con eatratedf for those that cannot readily pre pareit. ,.' ty It act irtth tqaai efficiency in either form. GET IT AT THE DEUOGISTS. PRICE, tLOO WELLS, BICBABJDSON& Co., Prop's, (WO! send the ry post-paid.) ni ULOGTO!l,TT. 32 March 27d&wly ) t,u rrrr 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. , llLU,-fari t- t' -,; .... .. HP-- WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Electro-Voltaic Appliances TO TwI3ZS3T suffering from NervonaWeaknesaes, Gen ei-al IkebiUtyv loss iof nerve force or. vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othxc CAtrsEspr to" any on afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, La$n .Back, Rnp tures, and other Diseases of die -Vital Ofipaos. Also womkn troubled with diseases peculiar to 'their seX; "";i ' Speedy relief and complete restoration to health gaaranteedr Thestf'Are tb only Electric Appliances thatkbaTe ever tinallv Toroven Mecess, fend lbey hsve the iiigheat 'endoraetiLenta from hgedleal sud sclen tlfie meii,and fromaiKtlrcdsysvtao nave been quickly and radically cured br tbelr uae-j . Send at once tor Illustrated Pamphlet, givinr , all information ree. r JUJdress. . t . ,11 totXAIOBKtl torAaUillieh. nly31 f t v. r.- .'t -r . ,i !, n m VANCE'&AILEY, Attorneys tttmsellers jr. at ? r f a at rrwimwn it IL j t Tttii; viunwiia,fl.u Prax;ica1tt8opreraeCkirjrtfot vke United States, ru Courts, fend :countlej Mecklea uiii' ifl i-1' bufg, CabaitraB, fjnloo, Gas- 1 ton. Rowan and Da- j 1 Office, two dwrs eas f Independence N1H1IM mavOA - -KOmSEAHAMlf te-Ststo and TAlted'gta 6onrti.! -wvua.nriinH CtoT Trad. Trron'eets- ihb aa- i ' . , : I 1 - a '."""f '"" ' STOMACH ,0; : ;;t STATE NEWS. s? . j 'j Saliseury Watchman: -AmanliTing. near Hickory bas large quantities f garnet on his place. A sharper has offered him 30 cents a ton rdyalty-fsafci., sharper to do the mining. Is that cheap onrmcrhV i One hundred feet of water has pf&lli taken from the Gold Hill mines! aMI the large Cornish pumps are steadily gaining on the flow. wff Winston Republican: The new spoke handle and shuttle factory is in opera; tion. We notice loads of persinimon wood pass the streets daily en routjef or the factory. This is a new enterprise for this section, and material is abun dant. A correspondent, J. E. T., writing us from Eagle Mills, Iredell county, under date of August 22, says: Mr. U'Y' Tharp of that township has a gpura eighteen days old that measures 5 feet a. Mfcfi Desire to speaK 1 fant it for a Works, C. A. everal years : i saassticuuons or our town. ' As aia evidence of the tnnrt of the DroDiietor. he will this fall erect. a new and commodious brick building;' near the old site, 60x180 feet, three stories high, for his manufactory. Monroe Express : Judge Avery will' preside at the next term of our fcupenor Court, which will convene on Monday, the 3d of October. i The frequent popping of pistols heard on the street at night would seem to indicate that the law against carrying concealed weapons is but little heeded by those for whose benefit it was made. We are pleased to notice that Dr. E. Huntley, who has been in very poor health for several months, has so far recovered as to be able to resume his practice. We were shown yesterday, in, the corner drug store, a large rattlesnake which was killed on Tuesday evening about sundown near Mount Prospect camp-ground, by Mrs. Nancy Irby, an niH laHv fin vAara of ao-e. The snake ffwas A5fet8ng, BSfhe itStfiMgahd button ajaOveighoUgree agdgi half pounds.J jjj m,s-g u negro woman,' while shouting at a camp-meeting near this place-, on Sunday last, suddenly fell dead. She was afflicted with some scrofulous affection, which is thought to have been the indirect cause of her death. The name of the woman was Ann Ingram. Lenoir Topic : The Three Fork bap tist Association meets at Brushy Fork Church, in Watauga, Thursday, Sept 1st. Preparation is being made for a' large attendance. Raleigh News and Observer : Master Thomas R. Southerland, a son of Capt. T.J. Southerland, of Wilmington, has received a handsome breech-loading shot-gun, awarded him at the late State, fair for being the best rider competing for the prize. . ; A six ton eneine broke down BattleB bridge, over the Neuse, near Raleigh, last Wednesday, and carried with it four mules, driver, and three other hands. It was .an ugly mix, but neither men nor mules were much hurt. Why Jack Logan Became Ley all Senator Logan has not yet replied to the letter of Mr, batterheld, of Mount Vernon, 111., to Ben Hill, charging Lo gan, as of old, with "disloyalty" in 1861; The letter undoubtedly made .Logan fearfully mad. He always gets mad when the old truth confronts him. We can imagine his feelings when he reads this, for instance : "I have known Mr. Logan for many years ; often met him in political meet- . f I A. 4.1 1 . al ingi ueiore ana at toe ueginmng oi iuo war. At that time he was a member of the House from the thirteenth district of this State. I was publishing a Dem ocratic paper at this place. I weil re member Mr. Logan of that day as the most ultra man in politics then in the State, it being generally understood that he was in favor of Southern ; Illi nois seceding and joining the Confed eracy. In 1861, near James & Fitzger- I aldiyin, this cpunty, he midi a speed flUAJiao triejnoal si Alii etive epithet! Ocpitiife arrrtoistratidnHin if act,'; lan fiaraMemttdxo tail f4iiiiinftienouncw ing the rmirory war.' a.na among the mud (r) sentences he used, l well remember the following made by Mr. Logan the day referred to: 'May my tongue cleave to tne root or my mouth ana my .right arm wiuier should I ever take up arms against my brethren of the South.' . - "This speech was made in the pres ence of hundreds of men besides my self who are to-day living and will bear testimony to the fact. : : "In McLeansboro, Hamilton county. HI., on Tuesday, the 21st day of May, 1861, Mr. Logan drew his bowie-knife and threatened in the most abusive language to cut down the stars and stripes which was then over the court house, because he said it was placed there as an insult to him as a member of the Democratic party in Southern Illinois. These remarks were made in the Dresence of many good citizens Whose names will be produced if re quired. These treasonable actions and utterances were conunuea Dy mr. jjo- gan until n& received a visit irom a messenger oi uov. x ates, wno at tne time was a regularly appointed special deputy United states marshal. Thus officer called upon Mr. Logan at his home in Jackson county, armed .with two weapons only one a commission V recruit anu organize a iegiiiienu iur the Federal army ; the other an order duly signed for the arrest of John A. Logan as a rebel sympathizer. Mr. Lo gan was given his choice-the world j ?. J knows which he took. I am prepared to furnish the order of arrest, which ia still in existenee and at command when circumstances require. I have no reason for making the statements' other than a desire to see the facta go into history as they really existed at the time-bef ore he was presented with the alternative of a commission or an arrest. He was compelled to leave Ceit tralia in this state on a special engine to prevent a session of Judge Lynch's court whifili waa'fedrivesinff for. thje pnrwsBQf j tryfoig Logan for treas 8naWe4uaneriCinave withheld the names of individuals in the' com munication, thinking it better to prd duce them in a future article in cassia denial is made, for the honorable gen- tlemars benefit, and that-the true facts. may go into history, x nana you tins' through the press. : European Birai of Tanner - Pall Mall Gazette. . i The Rheinish Regiment of Artillerti; No. 8, quartered at Metz, leit tnat city on the 1st of Jane for the Wahner Haidefor exercise and field mohoeu-i vres. shooting, etc and returned on the th of July, having been thirty rnine davs absent from barracks. Upon .open ing one of the rooms which had been locked up while the regiment wcati away, a quartermaster round a dog be longing to tne regiment on uie: noor, still auve, Dai; in a state ox extreme weakness and emaciation. How it lived is a mystery j of ordinary fpodi or aa none.' a r nmai oa, ;xt oteven: lap; andTor twir "days iv. was iea' witfi milk through a tube. It quickly tallied nowever, ana witnin teit-EXHiysc was aoie to taKe rood as rormeny. . fjomiar mn gpum-av fTn mm oiHRearrtsW ! eyan wajer. .is com caye f i to& nn ,kk Ifcllitl fcrJuld ! fi if-z-T --if w ri 1 Lf I II a., ' Ihfervlew-wtA3ttF M ' 'liinencatiori ofJthe'negTOes: is one fef togrejtt pabtemsi3iawotF -m "The work amontr the colored neoDle oV'bdththe churcriimd ischool is very greacifane negroes at: the soutn nave muttOileaniiTheir. ideaa' to trie relatiohsi-oCthe seiBBnarei shocking; even Among their hurch members. To dtieate;'!them'moiJally:is a-tnore diffly icuit tasKuuui.itojrnpartit tttecKnowi- eagB' required to maxe. tnern intern gent citizens. What makes "theiras&' hope ful is their aier desire to learfl. With adequate facilitiesH and ; genseroiisi en couragement they would douttes. mase rapid 'progres&inAi great) difficulty is that the whites do not seem to wish to see them j attendf school and iniproVfr 1.V ? . A V ? A 111. 1. meir eaucauon. l nopeanis.wiu tavu be changednd quite as wondefu? change's have' 'taken 'nlace in Southern srintiment-within the last fifteen years. The need: of ood schools throughout tbe South, both for the negroes and the poor whites, is very urgent ATIONAL ' AID i FOB ; SOUTHERN . "i7q you approve the recommenaa tion, bfPresideht Hayes that an appro priation frpm the; Natiohal treasury be m HA A" J' tnt irhn rA.wftt.ahliah'rn An r. ' nf kchofs in "the. 1 communities . In the Souip .which are unable to Support them?". . , ' . ... "It is an act of self-preservation for the nation to adopt measures for the encouragement of education among all the'peopleV Private benevolence has done much for education at' tie Soiu'th. The Peabodyf und has accomplished a noble, work and the American Mission ary Association is rendering invaluable service, especially In its normal schools' f or colored men and women.' But they, are inadequat for the work which needs to. be; done at the South; and' if tempo rary aalstance can be given from ' the national. treasury to Southern commu nities which are destitute of schools and unable to establish them, it wbpld be wise to adopt that plan; - Every com munity .in the United States - should have not only a public sqbool, but a public . school which does thorough work, i rear our puDiicjschools do not train the. young so thoroughly in the the elementary studies as do tne public schools - of Germany. The common schools of England have also reached a high grade of excellence within the last twenty-five years, and their thor oughness should attract the attention of the people of this, country. It is de sirable not only to have a public school in every community in the United States, but to .have a good school." m m Tbe French Elections and Tbeir Sis- nlficance. f The result of the election in France on the 21st inst, for members of the Chamber of Deptities is a republican triumph, and a considerable increase of the element opposed to royalty or imperialism, There were 648 elections held aud 483 members have been elect, ed, for 65 members second ballots will be necessary. Of the 483 successful candidates 398 are republicans of vari ous complexions republican union 170, left centre 41, extreme left 28. The suc- dfissfril mnnarrhiat. and Rnnnnarrinr. 'candidates number 85. The republi cans lose two members and gain 54 from the Bonapartists 26. from the monarchists 14. from' newly created dis tricts 14. A notable feature is the de feat of the Bonapartists, who suffer a net loss of 18 Deputies. Of the old chamber 364 were re-elected. 303 of whom are republicans and 61 monarch ists and Bonanartists. The maioritv "possessed by the republicans will doubt less be increased when the sixtv-five new elections shall have been held. The thing that excites most remark is tne occult iuajuriby oi iwenty uy wnicn M. Gambetta has been re-elected if in deed on closer examination it is found that he is elected in his district of Belleville, fyhexe he has lost, since the last election in 18T7, some 4,000 votes. This incident would have more signifi cance if the popularity had been con fined hitherto to Belleville, but the fact is the conservatism, which js the objec tion to him in his disorderly and radi cal Belleville, is his great source of strength throughout the rest of France. This check may justify him in retain ing the modest official position he now holds in accordance with his oolicv of "opportunism'' until the great emergen cy occurs to wnicn Doth h ranee and he are looking forward. One great result seems secured by the elections the final establishment of the republic Tbe "Mountain. Lily." QreenvUle News. . Capt. M. Eevels, of the steam tug Wade Hampton," the glorv and strength of Charleston harbor, is in the city. The Captain is in a hilarious state over the "Mountain Lilv " the steamboat that has been recently built to run on tne jj rencn jaroad river to Brevard. Being accustomed to water of unlimited depth and expanse, he is considerably amused at the dimensions or the sheet on wnicn the Lily proposes to navigate, and of the craft herself he finds it difficult . to speak without spasms. 4 Hesavs she will run very well down stream if her rudder can be fixed so as, to affect her movements, but thinks the crew who wade behind to pusjUier up.will have a hard, time be cause of the circumstance that she can only get under the bridges by diving and coming up pn the other side. The main; objections to her, however, are that she won't run by herself, won't steer, and will carry very little. Capt. Revels saya whenj he navigates tJi French Broad he will do so on the hur- ricane dect. oi a lowrpressure. side- wheel mule, i Iflentgromery Connty Klinea. SahburyWatchhiah," Morris 1 MOTTNTAiN-Last Friday's work at this mine brought- to light ores that show better than any found previously; " The mine ;is considered good. , We have a small lump 6f this Morris Mountain ore, which shows free gold, i f - . Wade & Hurley are taking out ore at "The Hog Pen" which is said to assay seventy-five per cent. The vein is one inch wide,compbsed entirely of quartz. .Beaver 1 DAM.j-Judging' from the athbiint) of lumber piled at; the saw millFlaggtowh" willTje a considerable mining town in-t.h-isurf nf.iirfi. ' A fin idiofgravel has; beeff struck near the nase or gang's Mountain. B. H. Hopkins has discovered sdme thiiig very nice irt way of gold Rearing area oft thQiroperty of Lewis Hender son, Montgomery connty. : i Thomas iMarkS; has recently made valuable discoveries tm' the lands of LMissasAandl.Krdh.? f - . "! -jjjomands.iiussell? have secured an opijoa on'the Littleton property, hear thOflheral Sprihgs institute. :r .;:! iiXJold in paying quantities as. been 4iscprered on-CoL - John F Cotton's liiearggw;;; '' Wbat tbe fUkUraaiUiavo Done. ; Poat-AnnaAl. .... . . . ... a.Seitetor.Browhlail peiore in tcaiiroad committees 01 the House andJ Sprtari.'BAii1 two' hnndred and twenty acres of -land: jif tfrff jaeart 01 Atlanta' sold auout the time railroads werQdnYraydlfotitV'hprse, saddle and bridleJ VStotblg itWd and its sur- rorangSfarAjJWOAnaVjrer $ 20rQp9rQpe ttatiroaos-marls thiSiHung Dossibie. for Lwlthotrtiiieni that Mace of land would TjtOTdabtf wuTtli .'litUe niorq ,thaa 1?. h'' 1 I'liIlM ,il . 1 Jji I f,,fV- f ni wmmi f Bffl 1 llli M feaflvrcanaA hdmSLa A whieh Is much admirMi i 1 ness and dandruff eradicating properties. QLG&Jtf the hah may be Parkers Hair Balsam, 'of its 'nerfameJelfianlu Mr. J. P. O'Sullivan, of this cityJhas atmliedJ To a batt bm sower, mokcam no tnaa.m venteu. ; u. ue ptow is very-simple, and it is wonderJ thatrcvery f armer- has. -not thought f, rtTbeiew invention is ideaigned-to do the work of four plows and twd ad ditional hands, doing all the ' work-at one tim.ev It makes' the" furrow, opens it; sprinkles guano sows seed, makes the1 bed and covers up the seed at the f same time,1 The plow points used to ?iake the bed are Attached to. ad justa le shaf tsJThe new plow will no doubt be' a favorite1 with farmers. Mr: CSul livan has tested the plow and found that it Works to perfection. The cost will only be a fraction dearer thani the plows now in- rise.' It: may be a little too 'heavy t at a light horse but would not inconvenience a large one ini the .slightest. ! ;V ; ' ' - ' I, far olie,w3hto speak a word oi praise for 8L Jacobs Oh, says Mr. C. W." Purcell. of the Na Honal stock yards, Chicago, HI. I suffered With a pain In my shoulder and arm for some six months j and at times It was terrible, One bottle of St Ja cobs OIL however, cured me. IS lt TONIC, ALTERATIVE AND CATHARTIC. Simmons Liver Regulator, purely vegetable. Is hot unpleasant to the taste. It is the medicine generally used in the South to arouse the torpid liver to healthy action. It cures malaria, bllllous ness, dyspepsia, headache, constipation and piles. The. action of tha regulator is free from nausea or griping. It Is most effective In starting the secre tions of the liver, causing the bile to act as a ca thartic. . When there is an excess of bOe in tha stomach, the Regulator Is an active purge; after the 'removal of the bile, It will regulate the bowels and Impart vigor and health to tl)e whole system. - LADY BEAUTIFIERS. ' Ladies,' you cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks, and sparkling eyes, with all Jhe cosmetics of ranee or beautiflers of the world, while In i poor health, and nothing will erivn vnn ariAh rlnK Klwwf f good health, strength and beauty as Hop Bitten. a vuu is certain prooi. BaDTOKD ArjrrjC 'AKD IBOV 8PKIKGS WaTXS ABB MAS8.T-The great tonic and alteratira contains twice as much Iron and fifty per cent, more alum mam than any "alum and iron- mass" known. Just the thing for the - "spring weakness" now so generaL .Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half, marll-tf UREMEOY. RHEUWATISi, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacobs Or& as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Ceata, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap aud positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven LangTiagea. SOLS BT ALL DBTTGQI8T8 ASP DEALERS 15 KEDICISE. ' A. VOGEIiER ts CO., Baltimore, JUcL, XJ.S.JL. dec 80 d w ly AM N AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and all who will take the trouble may secure them. These roseate, bewitching hnes follow the use of Hagan'g Mag nolia Balm a delicate, harm less and always reliable article. Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia JBalm conceala every blemish, removes Sal lowness. Tan, Redness, Erup tions, all evidences of excite ment and every imperfection1 Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being can jieject its pplicatipiu Jan. 22 LE GOODS, FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TUBS, SPBJNKLKRS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OJL STOVES -T-A$n THJl for summer use, Just In. : THSIINZST LINS Of aehines Qjtifiin and: eorrespdjadnfia. solicited at the Hard- 3h ff V. ,2 f -K't. col a . wi Bkadshaw. so lone and favorablr known to connocUon with the Befflni Jlaehine bustaesTof Wa ctty atid vlciniliy, ;ia i now wS3me pieasea iie isee nis i znenxif: and rstroan4aerye themasheretoforew ! SEASONAB Donlle lick Cook Stove. ' ' : " : . ; t f u)ok-Stoyes aid SewiDfe M XJ I RFATTY'S OBOANS, 17 Stops, 6 Set Gold- eeas, omy fb. At aahlngton, N. J. i angv owr- izi4 ; 1 11 fi C fiOLD ON INSTALLMENTS and nilUO shipped to all parts' of the cooda 0 PallS I " w an" terms OI tlAIlw I payment easy. - 8end for cata logue. - . UOKACJB WATSB3 CO., Manufactarers and Dealers, 826 Broadway ,N.Y. bib ttraAL issi WHk.mrmnUrf th haat . ehMBest. kidispeoaabl to tot BaaMnUlMl "the 8MnofIJio oralf-Prasartation : boondia OTalf-Prasartation ; boand ia fall silMOO ppeontains baoi ' atraviaaa, US praserij uona. rmarn aWTw 1 ac .... l SDaaQUrol i Braasrin. SLStarat by O0WA mSELT.!iBSL , aug9-Ufcw4w FflE isena to MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Atlanta. Oa. For Illustrated Circular. A ltveaetual BusineH School. EttabUthed twenty yean. cure all diseases of the stomach, bowels, blood, liver, kidney and urinary organs, nervousness, sleeplessness, and especially female complaints. Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters and try them before you sleep. TAKB NO OTHBB, Send for circular. HOP UITTKB8 MT9 CO., aug9 Rochester, N. T. , and Toronto, Ont HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN Any person to be seriously 111 without a weak sto mach or inactive liver or kidneys? And when these organs are In good condition do yeu not find their possessor enjoying good health? PARXEB'8 GINGEB TONIC always regulates these important organs, and never falls to make the blood rich and pure, and to strengthen every part of the sys tem. It has cured hundreds of despairing inval ids. Ask your neighbor about It aug9,4w Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster For Lame Back, Bhenmatism, Kidney Affections, and aches and pains generally, It is the unrivalled remedy. aug9,4w AUTOMATIC CABINET PLAY ANT TUNE. OEGANSWy$5 Music 4C per foot Illustrated catalogues free, THJSO. J. HABBACH, aug9,4w 809 Filbert at, Philadelphia. This great specific curesVthat disease most loathsome WHETHEB IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OB TERTIARY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS PAIL! Malvern, Ark., May 2, 1881. ZWehave cases In our town who lived at Hot Springs and were finally cured with 8. 8. S. McCahhoh & Mubby. Memphis, Tennessee, May 12, 1881. We have sold 1,296 bottles of S. 8. 8. In a year. It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif ic. 8. Mansfield & Co. Louisville, Kentucky, May 18, 188J. 8. 8. 8. has given better satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold. - J. A Flxxneb. Denver CoL, May 2, 1881. Every purchaser speaks In tbe highest terms of 8. 8. 8. L. Mbissktsb. Richmond, Va., May II, 1881. Yon can refer anybody to us in regard to the merits of a a & Polk Mtlleb & Co. Have never known S. S. S. to fall-to cure a case of Syphilis, when properly taken. h. l. dsnbabd, Em Wabbjbn, Perry, Ga. The above signers are gentlemen of high stand ing. A H. Colquitt, Gov. of Ga. If yon wish, we will take your case, TO BE PAID FOR WHEN CURED; Write for particulars. $1,000 REWARD will be paid to any chemist who will nod, on analysis of 100 bottles of S. a 9., one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by druggists everywhere. For further information write for the little book. Sold by T. C. Smith, L, R. Wriston A Co. and Wilson & BurwelL un25dly J. L. HARDIN, MERCHANDISE BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Collmi St., Chalottk, N. C, Orders for Grain, Hay, Meal, Flour, Lard, Bacon, Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, kc,, respect fully solicited. The cheapest markets and relia ble houses represented, lan 28 WANTED. A MANUFACTURING CONCERN wants a bust- ii ness man in Charlotte and in every city (not already taken.) A few hundred dollars necessary to Day for goods on delivery after orders have been secured for the same; $160 per month profit guar anteed. The most searching Investigation sail- cited. aug23,d6t A & ARNOLD ft CO. 1293 Broadway, N. Y. "15 Years inHe 13 BY LUTHER BENSON. For sale at TIDDY & BRO3 Book Store. augg.tf Sea m.'fm a o j 0 s Fery deap By the crate or peck, at augiB PERRY'S, St. CHARLES HOTEL . ' STATESVILLE, N. C ' THIS house has been leased for a term of A 'by Mrs. Dr. Beeves, whose intention Js to keep a strictly nrst-c ass house 1h every respect. Commodious sample rooms en first and second floors., '. :;- . Tbe patronage of the public Is solicited. Julyltf. isrpTicEe OTTJC BlGHktOHB ft DkVmXM R. R.. S.. 1 . ' - ir iCBXKLOTa, N. Gi;Ang,.aw'81v. f " rnHEl HE ticket office .of the Richmond and DanvQla iX Railroad Company is- open v for information tatd 7p.m, ahd But should the and sale of tickets from 8 a. m. from 11 0 p.m. until 6 A m; public desire addlflonalf inli on as to rates. offlrwL wmmu 9 ismmi 6 O a 3 cr M f Iff MO' 1 sfsffal Trmau routes vr MHpwuuii yayk' J9. p JTOKram WUi DC pleated to enlighten or Assist them. : Office 23 West Trade street next door to ticket nfflmTJ aug3 V.E.McBAE,Agt WMLWM, ITER 4iureigniuiaiiomestk, -HIATT .1 ft .HI 7l xtoxflsVv I UAAt IgAB ATOGA ' "y TCHY,' .H Jr. w From SaratogaSprmgs, N. Y. A new watt r re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended ' as.an w?tacld; eures dyspepsia, aids digts tlon, la a powerful ionic and strong diuretic. Also, . Hathorn Natural Mineral Water." Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepMa. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, (J CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, Q CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS Hnnyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EDROPM NOVELTY ! JTUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dosx-A wine glass fun before breakfast The Lancet "Hrmyedl Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all ether known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Froj. VvrcTwtt), Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scanzoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Pre. Lander Bnmton, M. 2., r. B. 8., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." Prof. Atken, M. D., F. Jt 8., Royal Military Hos pital, NeUey. "Preferred to Pulina and Frled riehshaiL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and rispenslng Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water In large block On reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. McADEN, Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night july28 Turnip Seed ! Inrnip Seed ! NEW CROP TURNIP SEED. RED OR PURPLE TOP, WHITE FLAT DUTCH, LARGE WHITE NORFOLK, POMERANIAN WHITE GLOBE WHITE EGG, AMBER GLOBE, GOLDEN BALL, YELLOW ABERDEEN, RUTA BAGA, BLOOMSDALE SWEDE OB YELLOW. LANDRETH'S SEED ABE ALWAYS RELIABLE. L R. WRISTON & CO. JnlylQ Draggist by Examination. Go to W. P. JUlRra, Igent, and Successor to F. ScarjACo. i ti H JOB .." Fresh Drags and Pure Medicines None bat the Very Best Drags doj keep to my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles. Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Aa, ft. GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spec ial attention Hoping to receive s.shar of public patronage, I am, respectfully, -reb8 ' ' WvK MARVlNr Agt H I u it ? U P FORRENT. 'InHAt.yery desfrable Iron open front store X house?, 25x100 feet, with eeltar, ' situated oh corner of Trade ' and College streets, charlotte, N. C., formerly occupied by Stenhoose, Macauiay ft Co., and now by J. S. Spencer ft Co., will be rented for one or mere years from September 1 st, next The' location is - probably the best in the city. For terms and particulars apply to V L SF i r'iwt: 1 B. SMITH ft CO., angl4t;.; 1 109earl Street, Ifew York . FQRRENT. THE store room in tha Observer building next to W,& Prattler's la for rent after jTmtJoin jst w , .j ,M jnO. L. MORKHAAlX . ' A .COLORED PBfNtER)16t tlx year eiperlence, 3: want h fter sftaiillon. ; Can ''make up" 9 paoer. Of the pWhan teal department of sTnewg- barge paper, wmfdrytriceail.diirlng imnir. wmmm Store Landreths