iW liifiiili Hi ITigWrWr nfTflMOi WHMeraagaSgB .: 1 -WfctfaMriF"- TTrr- fur- r- II u j ,.. v. u 1 . ...... .i.i.r -- am JL j. irw m. r t ti i a ws iir t u. ui u i il.jfciuai.a .u, r ..-.-?, -i- : : I 1 8rr'VW(' 28. . t5aai l--- .....' I'll J w - .. I JTT xr-r tf w ' . ... .-. I I I .1 i-J . I I , 1.1 I I I I l I .03 SURE APPETISER 0) W'W-LbU twyv -RTTTERS are highly recommended for all diseases requir IBOW ix ff p.mu eci ally Tndisrestion, Dys- .Sr-ri? toternrittent Fevew, pepsia, fnieimi 'iltoanM. It acts like a charmthe ? !feScmoTSJaU drspeptic eymptoms, sucli u Tcg the Food, fffinf The only Iron IrCp- S77, CTS Heartburn: CtA'that will not black nS Tbiaken mm HBinl J -I a MAtttla HMflAft tin D tmoovk ua do hUta. Attbii ..df.pfnl lilt. . . 1 ixA .wiiia acmuuniB a Td lI.Tj i 1 Uim. hattiaa of k I Sold by all aroggisw. 4"f- 7 i " i . i ' --il hail IMIBWW.hm"?.. 1 PTXi". Xh wlfi V If w I A. I 1 IrMTIIM iTlaipilHWMMBDICINE CO.. M. W" s,"",lf',fc"" 00B. COLLXOS 4 TODBTH 8TS., WHOLESALE GROCERS. Just in, and to Arrive : 3000 BUNDLES ABBOW TIES, 1000 HALF BOLLS BAGGING, 1500 PEGS FISH, 500 BBLS. FLOUB, 100 BAGS COFFEE. 75 BBLS. SYRUP, 101 BOXES SOAP Give ui a trial before you bay and we will sell you. R. M. MILLER & SONS. Mg24 iS . CORN ! CORN ! CORN ! BAGGING AND TIES We are Bgeuts for THE WATT PLOW Will sell it LOWER than yon can buy an. other I i ' ; good plow. Full assortment always oh band. Can and see us before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. aug26V WE HAT1 KOW IN STOKE FOB THE Spring ani Summer Trade .... -Tl Largest, ITnest and- MOST, COMPLETE -stocx or UNI MILLINTOT, ' rREGOODS Wft IaAUm uWI f!hf1i1nml ' We hare ever had the pleasure of - hi .f .H'.'-iii""" GLOVES - 8T0CX - showing HOaiERT f i IUIS, ' ii .1 ... 1 .1 PARASOLS, " iZRUUCNOS. nmrwi s.W;M W,:! .n-mh-r't T -AND OOBSKT3 i v, urpassed to ttm dtyWe aa- TH -fc. tint a .i J?.7Tm.lm'!t9-.'mZ "llAlDOTtt'lBQNNETS ;jil't'.-'. ''V id tf Mf -1 tO k.IiTTT,-'. " vauo!,j.M t i i . On Pltrft- Ilats and Bonneu -u ' dUnEati aad -Bcjoi vui i XCIITIY.VIPBIL -54th. i ':" Aa examtnaOon of oar stock wm convince any at in SWT mniwi ; mini : m tvXHi'i v H aJ tprtceslnourUna.) ai- ttaiw' BisV't mil tf nun in l ''!"? j ' ' ' v i;;'iUBS; 'J?;? QUERYi t ' - a... ii v. w -ZIZtA tm niMised to see nis menas mvmmim mtm nvuw uoa n ihieiw Seed ua FLOUR SPMG Pile. FM AiTRUETQNIC Want ..of Appetite, jm of enriches the blood, stxentrthens etc Xlie oniy xrw jr. cV- the teetli or give headaclie. oPusefal an' M( 1 frrofr.saion, fort IMunep enrJ 1 IecMM, front or Ff -itu. Aertt rrostrtt- U9u tut JConvnfearW dIbUitn?Bacli m eitont tuat my Ubor waa exiwedinglV bn rann uub mm vk - . rr retoral and I fonad that my navnrai lorco uin wild A SPLENDID OPPOBTXJltrTY TO WIN A FOB TUNK 9TH GBAND DISTBIBUTION, CLASS I, AT NEW ORLEANS,., , Tufslay, September 13th,' 1881 I8h laiontWy Louisiana State ; Lottery Company. Incorporated te 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes wltn a capital of SliOOO.OOO to which a reserre fund of over $420,000 has since been added. Br an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part bt the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. Its GBAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. - It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tickets. One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize ',: $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 . . 1 Canltal Prize 5.000 2 Prizes of $2,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000 . 20 Prizes of 500..,...; 10,000 100 Prizes of 100.. 10,000 200 Prizes of ,50: 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 10.000 1,000 Prizes of 10 -. 10,000 KAPPBOXIMAIION PRIZES. 2 t Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 ... 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100..... 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 Responsible correspond lriK agents wanted at all points, to - whom a liberal compensation will be Dald. For further Information, write clearly, giving Cull aaaress. sena orders Dy express or uegis temd Letter, or Honey Order by malL Address ed ooir to H. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, Louisiana, or H. A. DAUPHLY, at , No. 222 Broadway, New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of tieneials G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. 7 The publie are hereby cautioned against sendn mg any money or oraers to stvisiss & uu., ua Nassau street. New Tork City, as authorized by the Louisiana Btate jjottery uompany to seu Its tickets. They are flooding the country with BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting to be of the Louisiana Btate Lottery- company, and ara FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as Its agents. They have no authority from this com pany to sell the tickets, and axe not Us agents for any purpose. - . r , 14. A. DATtPHIN, ' ' Pres't Louisiana State Lottery Co. New Orleans, La., July 4, 1881. 36th. In the City of Louisville, on FEIDAx"SEITEMHER?30, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays exce; sfSffl.TSKr ed) under sembiy of Kentucky j i f i I Tne unnea states umnt vart qn.iATtm x, rendered the following decisions ; i OT'- Tf TT 1 T 1st That the Commonwealth. Distribution Com pany is legal. - ' 2d IU drawings are fatt, The Company has now on hand a large reserve ; rand. Bead tne nst oi prizes ior tne SEPTEMBER DRAWING. 1 PrlzB,.,... .. i ... 44Jm $30,000 ' 1 Prize,..!:. ....,.......iX 10,000 1 Prize ; K000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each, 10,000 ao razes, auu eacn lu.i ioo razes. iuo eacn., . , . . . iy,i ' ' (I?;' 10,1 dmatton Prizes S2.1 200 Prizes. ! 50 each.. i.. 600 Prizes. : 20 eaeh.. llz.OOG 1000 Prizes. ' 10 eaeb. 10.000 9 Prize $aou eacn, Arareximaaen zes $70 9 Prizes, 200 !- . 1 1!l; $fc80&, 9 Prizes, 100 ; ' ':n!T9oo' 1,960 Prizes,. v. . . . .8112,400 Whole Tickets, $2; Half Tickets, 81; 27 Tickets, $50; 55 Tickets, $100. Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send 9 Express. - DON'T SEND BT REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $6 and upward, br Express, can be sent at our ex aense. Address all aiders ta R. K. BOABDMAV, CkmrleiVrarnlBulldlng Lomsniie, ay., or uu Broadway, new ior. ' juiy o :. ... , . , ,. ,t ,-. .. ,T 30 D AYS Pat'i illWU,18tS Electro-Volt&inippliances vol Ulil. rauflrerlng ffoia fierTenatVmieMea, Gen vrai setuify loss oi aepr wi or vieor. or any aisease reuiung-irom-ajn. andOTHXc kitunsilearalc'lai ParaiTsA Kidney or Liver tTreabresH tures, and other Dliieaacs jieVltai-Argans. aasanrciiI&r,to aiso-wokem trouoiea wu their sex. upeajy uei-noMrmjiasrotaaon.'to health guaranteed. TtieiM ' the" only . HcvBeemiruuea a I upon aeiemtlfleprla- lUefvefflcacy has been prac-tbe-.most, wonderfnl elples. Thelcthoroi ticalhr irawa with, ih aecea,; oud tUtfy- lisn1 the blgrhfMt Hd""M"ts frwm'kaMlleaIaoa.alenr wnenun.tnil.fmin hniulMda Bh l.iact . t .Send at once for mtutmbtATmrAiiSf'trfJn and 1 .. T AW" i V01TA10 BEXT C0 KatmhalL Hioh. WfiKWM (lAAllZh 1 5 mem ienma- iTLANTl EXPOSITION. ilTEBVIEIT WITH THE COMMLIS- jSlONER OF AGHICULTCBE. WBat hehai Done ana is jwomy Kresent North Carolina to Adran tkfe among' nis Sister State. i. representative of The Observer, wliile in Kaleigh, had an interview with t.hft r,ommissioner of Agriculture about the Exposition at Atlanta, of wHich the following is the result: Mr MnftpihfiR said that the members the Board of Agriculture regaraea e Exposition as an opportunity to ,brlng before the world the btate and its resources, of which, in behalf of the great interests with which they are selves. T sible display o ay asjto am ers woul rv- ital arid mvi bli- eation of ive pampniets. xne uuaiifVJWt H satu with generous trust, placed its f undg at the disposal or tne commissioner iur thTs purpose, with the injunction that wpateyer the State possessed that could promote the object in yiew should be brought forward. He expyessed the highest appreciation of the trust thus re'posed in him, and declared that he wbuld spare no effort to accomplish the object, ,, ille said that immediately after the adjournment of the board he had promptly called the attention of the people of the State to the Exposition and its design in the Bulletin, publish ed by the department, of which ten thnnnand r.nnies were issued. Letters nnrhmir. number were also sent tolead- ing agriculturists in ainerent paiuj oi the State inviting their co-operation and requesting them to select samples of our great staples to be sent forward for exhibition. Letters were also sent tn ntir manufacturers of wool, cotton . T . . . 1. u&v truiu COL. mac jluu yi tBOtt ttSfUKeS MUfiTTW m BIS a&LH9 L1UL1 IU. cLU IMJiTO r j h " nss .wn ldiiorto&tifaci P r -- cja m- r-: r andtobacco. JChey were also sent to I wiaertnTT7e,ana"iiOT j-uraing en SoWofs ofardfd wyyimwia Xr'Si cfirCf fV.oQ.lffalt f'ha irtm-AiWftd JivohimT f steam. latteriwere, the corttaissionertthpugTrtTj of a quality 8GStfFior csaHnwuoi& some compounds imported from abroad that he anticipated a great impetus TOrmlrt ho riven to this branch of busi ness in North Carolina as the result of the Exposition, communications uau with growers of yellow tobacco, and with warehouse men who handle it, rnako it certain that our superiority in this respect will be put beyond all ques tion for the future. Special efforts are being made to illustrate the vast range of productions in North Carolina, com prehending everything grown in the Union, except the orange and the lemon. As an example in this way silk culture was mentioned, which on a small scale has obtained a sure rooting in this State. Besides other things in this connection he said the finest ex hibition of medicinal plants and herbs, perhaps ever made, would be made by r TIT .11 T- UfofnnnilU Messrs. v auaue xi ua., ui otuwsiuic. These are the things now being actively collected. The certainty of a most honorable exhibit rests upon the ample collection of minerals and timbers al ready in our museum. It is true that as to the minerals many now in the museum were designed for the cabinet, and are not as well fitted for the Exposition as could be desired. But this deficiency will be supplied in a short time. Mr. Phillips, a gentleman of high scientific qualifications, will start to-day to supplement our defi ciency in this particular with speci mens of imposing size. Our collection of timbers too was somewhat broken in its completeness by the Exposition at Vienna; but the work f supplying what is wanting is being prosecuted with energy. Further, for the purpose of carrying out in the most efficient manner the design of the department, a committee has been appointed in each Senatorial District, corresponding in number to the representation of each district, with discretion to associate With each member of tpe committee two leadiBg agriculturists in .every county. Replies hate been reciifed surSif lleflrofc wiM Our Tjeoole are awake to the the State is. as it were, unon trial, and she will not want the help of every true-hearted son in this emergency, Everv citizen who hao been so fortu- inate as to produce anything of superior duality will maKe an onenng oi a smau portion ior me uouur ui mo otatc. The commissioner said that he had extended to him the warmest encour agement of the State officers; that the fiovernor. above all had always been ready to give his counsel and assist ance. He said also that the railroads had been most liberal in their conces sions to the department. He expressed finallv his hieh sense of obligation to the press of the State which had given him a steady and generous support. UDon the whole, he said, he did not doubt that in a few days after the Ex position opened that attractive sam- pies Of me weaitn ox me ouio, uum that which is now utilized and that which is vet to be developed, would be displayed in its almost endless variety at me Xiipuitiuu, j.uw a uu. quence our lanos, mines, ana water powers would do sougut ior uuu our markets thronged with buyers of our commodities. Another Chicken Story States vllle Landmark. A hen on the premises of Mrs. G. W.i Walden, of Gwaltney township, Alex-; ander county, nad a Droou oi ngnu vonncr chickens. Week before last; "Brer Fox" came along one night and carried her off. The little chicken stood around, next morning, sorrowful, lonesome and uncared for, until a young rppster, seeing their f orlorn con dition, took them in charge. He has scratched for them, clucked for them and cared for them ever since: and while his clucking is altogether an at surd performaruce, the real good-heartf edness which prompts ma enorts spares him f rom ridicute and i'raiheri excites admiratioril.Whni.rlyicpliies the rooster v gathfetfc WsiibwedliMdder his wing, and his wnoie course oi treat ment is such as could not be improve- d upon by the most affectionate par ent. Oamfcllng- at Hot Springe 8t. Louis Republican's Hot Springs Letter. The came of poker is another institu tion here. It is carried on almnst evervwhere in the hetel parlors, bed rooms and offices of the hotels. Day and night parties may be seen. Dee tors and Lawyers play in their back offices; all classes are at it, f rem the nabob to the waiter of thfidinine-room. Boys are often seen at a ouiet game of draw." In shprt, it is an epidemic AsttntrtA tramhlincr houses, thev are open day and night, Sundays included. All banking firames are in full blast. from faro'to'chnck-a4uck.,' Twelya,! tables are run in ope house, and it is difficult for a player to succeed in piap incr his monev pn a card or figure. So eat lathe crowd arouna. me taoies. ard'f'hazajd'' ana-roi0tte'' aw then 4 ,laf ore tnat I add my testtmon to the ttreafnrti&a of iletfaksisr. fact that a . . av flgr II F IfclpulaVTamffAm mini i 1 jwiorriai mm M a B sick headache. Such a remedy Is a Messing, andifP'-klfmers all sufferers should keep it onhand. J 7 m. aeolclne Id J. R. RTOOCLT, 186 Cathedral Street, Baltimore. Sold by L. R, WRI8TON k CO. 5 VWBia tW WTW5SI.!WB-III WPSST?.. :U.4oiility.-....which..;Itor.-. seTeral yearshad xanti niaT.ura.. .1 . Tiuon (A t.; journal."- T-TlIpr At-finrtano-Wedneflda: LOOI thejbrakes of a fiat caoip led with ties edin soma-iiiexplicabLa. J fth-stoiOih:4ai JSefiran'tornaTe l XLHxtete&frf f, y-stander JamM'ftfc$ft3 oreet to Ttgnteivtuex mra&esii jo,:i eYeud !fheTnonmanagBablei brsikemaajtheaf rtoajdeaith.CMj ?9 qufckryflfscoredhat tborakmwerft oufofjorder. The cftfy that timeiliatt i n rfrRMSnfi - ftMRinrj - TtilrT"l W BUtT" mieeailaMyiMiJi1ata, rsmwi Wmjv wduld be almost suraasaia wnen tue first washout was,. reached. He there fore called to the" otheTwdmeri on the i j . . . . .1. ... Ai A T7 rri car lo jump, ana inis vuc.v mu. neer Frank Shaw atlhis tipie was sit ting on his engine atantano, and at- taQneosio.ws lwornquve waa .-V, edjwith Chinamen He at Qjaoe realiz ed the teiibje Te&ultif thisj runaway flat car : Was Hiarwefti to tficeed tn- rhfefikp.d nn Its wav. f Oi ff SCOrd orniofe of flltbbrej? .werp.gaitMVfar.aoWn deppguleh uiithertienegapss sttenghtt emng tne Braces or a -oroaeu utiugv thT. spaffrfed 16; ?They wbuld-not be able to heai th6 approapbingcar, and it woSuld BobnicrlghkthrQugb: the weak enfei.timbers andrirdbablyrush wany beNth.ItsVwffeht;ir- 'V'-V. As these thoughts flashed through hTmind. he pulled wide open the throttJe-TaJve, and started In PWnuit of thjB fast receding car. -It was a race for lif evandhawrwas soon itlrnndering down the trafck at sixty miles an ihour, witfi the caf 16ad .XtetriedCha. miBn behind himl. The flat ear ahead wiieasijagspeeaVt eyery'tnMf the wheels, ancLthe grade 4here ia. jry RfMn,, Th locomotiTe. however. keDt I ZZXSLm nn.llfihum nloninVA lever ln-charge oi ma nreman, crawiea to the ' cow-catcher, and, taking the hayy. coupling rod, in his hand, stood in7 tfjat periTdUs position upm tbe car wasreAched.-'v.The.-1ohasm where the m;en were working came in sight and still the f ngitive -car was .,200 : yards away. ' He called to his fireman to open iThe space between them - gradually lessened .i Shaw stood with the .rod in ope band and the coupling pin in the otfrer.- Tinally the few feet interven ing disappeared,. a"d with "a dexterity thatxoTnejyrircm'.practice' anava ooi braim the- cpupling : was, made. : The locomotive was reversed and. the train cacaetaa stand still within, fifty feet oif the bridge. -This 4s . the -way. one maaeaved many uvea. How to Core a Jloll. Wllllamsport Breakfast Table, Be sure of your boil. Some men go prancing around the country : and yel lirfg tbelijryea boil, when the source of .their exuberance may be nothing more than a little three day pimple or a conscience mark. After you are satis fied that it is a boil that is worrying you a boil that wouldn't have to take a back seat to any In the country, from Maine to California go and tell some body that you are sure now that it is a boil. The Breafast Table knew a man once who had a good many . boils ; boils on his neck, boils on his nose, boils on his cheeks and on his leers. The man ?;rew boils. He had a failing for boils, n fact, and was" always especially proud if he could raise a good healthy subject where he sat down, so that when it saw fit to bloom he could be right around and have a hand in. One day he went fishing for trout, and on coming home told his friends so many lies that he got a boil on his conscience, It killed him. To resume. Never let ahoil, get the start of you. Get the stjartof t so that when it breaks you can come in on the. home stretch ahead. Boils are hardest to manage in warm weather, as men who know something about them have told ua. Therefore it l&iiatently evident that the' winter or autumn' dou is the nrost agreea"ble. Boils come to ali classes of , people the poor and the. wealthy alik; and we, wouldn't give any more, for a high-' tbSeq boil than for a boil- that is ! born of poor but honest parents and'raised in d'eottage. W-e. judge . a. man these dayp by the boils he has on him, in thus ifarj the more boils .he has on' him the more miserable he ? is. : f Boils are not ilike money; because the more boils a man :has the less ne wsnts. Thats about all we know about boils this morning with the thermometer trying to fry eggs on the mercury. We naye not said anything atwut how to cure a boil; but we lave that to the intelli- gent reader, who is supposed to hare a ttle ind'ependenp of thought when he reads a newspaper article. , A Snake aa a Teething- Blng-. i Mr. Robt. James, who arrived in this city yesterday,.. from Chicot county, tells of a horrifying incident which, he sfiated, had just -taken place in that I county. A farmel1, returning at.noon frpm the field, while passing through the yard, - aiscoyered nta uwie Doy ahouJLjjneafold, sittfirg hear the ehce with one end or what apnearea ttMaiWatS6riapitthl3moirUi, while With both hands lie-held the strap near the middle. ' Aprpahing, the father horrified toifind that the child held a snake and th spaker squirmed, but the little feilow pnlled-and plosed his snake fromihis hands.? The snake was oi Tue'uiacK spec les. i auiu. taoucn, sot pSoiidhSi:rday'have ground its - body aroand'-' the boy; alia" chokpd him to death... Thi wouio.aeem.tQ settle the eld dispute as. to. whether or not a hu-' r : - :. V. Z Li , . .1 man peings rear pi a snaxe is innate or; the result ot education.., At may nave jpejbrr'jChat f he child was teething and Wanted somemirArto bite: 'and in the acsence or. ruDDer or a painiea strcK, . i7 .z. prr,-f.jrt.i, adopted the snake as a substitute. "V!0.1 TfceXnctoerlBllne. Concord Register. " ,v: Capt. Orphardtells ns that he has and has shafts; thick, and, fas It "friS 1 been r cleared. is very saw mill tat. wor -, and . the sfernps wilj bBlfftweration loxc weekv SS1 tairi'1'cdtDmerT6ied ooeratlons ' at yL'ucterUiaa.oryandisnow reaay ierirTdiirir iajid imanipulatlncr, and iDrocurine the Drecious metal; This is J better time IhsmTine'lTorttfBra migce WJiDjid trilaes and macnin-: erf; ' . t liWoiearn that the ore is so rich, that A - . . . t .' A -nev are now taKing ouc, tnat was to; irates J Mothers 1 1 Mothers I II Beatto0' 'excnwlai at night ana progen. output snffi mm nrriuic iti . tt9H SO. BO once alt! " WLNOlAJ w a SOOTHTNGTaVW lleve the poor little 1 suflerer imnieuTate irfprtilt. thertispo mistaaeaaoutlL a motiier on eartn ever nwvf ftTwhh nv -riot teli' roa al once will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief andhe rtnatlv aafe touse In all ) Jthe itaste, sAdjft ihe pre- ithA nf tin .MHt"nnfibestt.nvsIclan; anw surses-in rae uctted states. ma ereirwnere. 5 eents a bottle.- "-Ug3dMb.t, I KEAAXAL,TT HA that 'kfnlcC I rein ti nMii ; . jr w v.nin tha rs tn-veseoi woramg woe-, huwn that will do thi. as quickly and surely, without interfering' with your UUUBB. i utles. as Pari sOinger Tonic. Bee advertise- went. moutnfaa ugny as -tuougn . ne were tryingftolDit&'Oai the! aerpent'sj iiead. The fattier seized the child' and tore the trot the Tucker .tains, cleared.! trot the "vera i laid bare) in two The vein is about tWo 'iter ick arm WMMin Of enttituT d'.-et re Tnerar i not I 1 -rfU maJkh-sr sto- CeNCORD. X. H- Auirnst 24 The .. .. v: : 'it:-i...-i f iippWflTO. nv.closedfwr ' the .season arid the eeis' have, .without a single exception,1 rted ipr their .ijomes or otner .re- rtortsj vTha cause ' of ; this ' stampede anjo'ng the guests' and the sadden eloaf anco pi a,inaiignau6 xoriu oi.uipuuacna amonjr me. coiiaren sl we nguse. ouiue of' the guests attribute the disease to the sewerage, which they claioi is very imperfect, , while others I say that the disease cannot be laid to that - Satur- rlay .rnorning - there were abont : 150 guests at tne-house; dui wnen is was announced thaVone child, had died of thd dread disease and another was' but just alive, a panic seemed to seize the guests and hurried preparations for de-; parture, were made, rjforty lexx in tne afternoon and evening, many of them going to. the Winslow . House, while several parties came to . this city Sun day and the remainder went away the following day, TONIC, ALTERATIVE AND CATHABTIC. Bhnmons liver Bagulator, . purely vegetable, is not unpleasant to the .taste. It Is the medicine generall used in the South to arouse the torpid liter to healthy action. It oures malaria, hfflloqs- ne, dyspepsia, headache, constlpatlan aflq pUes. The action of the regulator is free from nausea or griping. It is most effective In starting the seen-. Hons of the liver, causing the bile to act as a ca thartic. , When there Is an excess of bile In the Btonoacb, : the Regulator Is an active purge; after the removal of the bUe, It wlQ 'regulate the bowels and impart vjgor aRd hsatth to the whole sjatem. UPV BXAUTlFIEBa 11 'Ladles, you cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks. t and -sparkling - eyes,' with all the eosmettos or lor Deauunera-ozuie verw, (wnne m aih, and nothing will jflve you such rich blood. bealtn, strehgthh laoeautyu nop miters. ;Aam prooi. BTOF0HD AUJX JLHS IKON SPRINGS WATXS AXB Mass. The great tonle and alterative contains twice as much iron and fffty per cent more alum inum inan any : aium ana iron mass- Known. Just the thing iorihe "spring weakness'-' bow so general. seid by all druggists of any standing. irices reauceaoue uau. mayll tf ', . FOB RHEUMATISM, Meuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Goat, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ings p( Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other -Pains, and Aches. ' No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacob Oil u a safe, sure, imrle and cheap External Berasdy. A trial entails bat the comparatively trifliog outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering With pain oan have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions In Eleven Langaagei. SOLD BT ALL.DETJGGISTS 4JSD DEALEB3 IS KETJjOTJSnEL : A. VOGEU3R & CO., ,r. ; . JtattUnorei MA., U. 8. A decSOd&w ly j 3 AIM O P E M AH0KGTH13 LADIES brilliant, fascinating tintii .ojr Complexion for vhich ladies strive are chiefly arti? Pcial, &4 all who Trill take toe trouble may secure them These roseate, bewitching hues follow the use of Hagan's Hag-, nelia Balm a delicate, harm less and always reliable article. Sold ly all draggists, ; The HagnollaB&lm conceals erery blemishu removes' Sal-! lowness, Tan, Bedness, Ernp tions, all evidences of excite ment , and erery imperfection.1 Its effects are immediate and go natural that no human being can jdjtect its application; "i Jan. 23 FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TUSS, SPRINKLEBS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL STOVES n : AN THl- )it:ll:l .Forsummer use, Just pt. miir. flOiif v'.i -I THE nNRSTLrNR OF, Orders and- fiorresporigenea -jollcffed at the pajn) u ixqi nirai-inii- uuuw ot (- a. &.;.'.. t 'Z CTitrC Wt -BnATMnrAw is imur ' and ' ftivorfibtr ;Jqmb. In eoaiiac-on with the TSewSg Maclilne. business oftrus city, and vicinity, to now with ma and would be pleased to see tils friends ind patrons ana serve tnem as Heretofore. may24 SEASONABLE GOODS C OBGANS, 17 itops, 0 8et Gol-! dresa DANISIiE. BBA.TX?, Ww&ingn., j, r TJ 1 1 1! n C V 1 SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS and. r I H 1 1 Ua-tX shipped to au parts or tne coun- nnni ii r try. . rtux&a xaj w ana terms oi UllUHHW 1 rajmeni easy. wnu lor caia- losueT HORACE WATERS A CO.. Manufacturers and Dealers, 82o Broadway N.T. augy,4w ,.... .r v..-,.. ..,.. '''.y" ib lb HP91I - Awicnni ie&l Work. wuran tad the bemt mod wieapetindisMnMbtate ewjr si- orlf-Pfrn.r Huii , booad ia fall plMOe pp-oociUiTH fc.otifnl ted eagrmnnn, 1 pteeaiip- mail; iUatrtodeaiirpla,6enU; MUll HIW . A U 1 1 1 I n.niWl. Ma .Wl. I Nil W - I H XKI .K 1Sfiiir!urV.irT- AJ AUVII i AIUWUUI KS. jCIo. tBnlfinohst. Beaton. augd dAw4w, mm : .: n flOOR?S BUSINESS TJS1VKKSITT , Atlanta., usu ForHlustrated Circular. A ll-reaetaal Busineai SchooL ASftiMttAeti RMwy years,: cure an diseases of the stomaoh. bowels, blood, Uver, kidney and urinary organs, nervousness, sleeplessness, and especially female complaints. ask your aruggua ior hop Bitters 'ana trytnei before yon sleep. TAKE NO OTHER. ' fiend f circular. .- I - HOP HITTERS WTHi CO.. aug9 . ; Rochester, N. T and Toronto, Ont HAVE YOU EVER KHOVti Any person to be seriously ill without a weak sto- nsacn or inactive liver or Kidneys? ' And when these organs are in good condition do yea not find their possessor enjoying good health 2. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC always regulates these Important organs, an never falls to make the blood rich ana Dure, ana io strenetnen every nan or the sys tem. It has cured hundreds of 4esnalrmK in v al ias, ask your neignoor aDoux u. iauev.4w Benson's Cape Porous Plaster Vnf f .fltriA PaA; THianraoHam TTffnsav IffaVlAna an4 aches an4 pains generally, it Is the unrivalled ffmeqy. ang,4w AUTOMATIC CABINET-PLAT ANY TUNE. ORGANS$5 Music 4c per foot. Illustrated catalogues free. THEO. J. HARBACH. aug9,4w 809 Fflbert st Philadelphia, Ti Great Specific Cures that Most Loathsome Disease Whether In Its Primary, secondary, or tertiary stage. Removes all traces of mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. Hear the Witnesses. sUT CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL. Malvern. Ark.. May 2. 1881. We have cases in our town who lived at Hot Springs and were finally cured with S. S. S. MCCMMpN ffc MDKBT. Memphis, Tenn., May 12, 1881. We have sold 1 .296 bottles of 8. 3. S. In a year. It has given univeieal satisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommended it as a positive spe- Clnc ti. MAKSFXELD S. KA). Dallas, Texas, May 14, 1881. I have seen S. S. S. used in the Drtmary. seoon dary, and tertiary stages, and In each with the most wonderful effect I have seen it ston the hair falling out in a very short time. I advise all sufferers to take It and be cured. W. H. PattbbsON, Druggist Washington, D. C May 2, 1881. S. S. S. has given better satisfaction than any medicine we have ever sold. gCHELLEB & STEVENS, DrUgglStS. Denver, Colorado, May 2, 1881. Every Durchaser sneaks in the highest terms of fj. fj. a, WKiHHicrim. cb Virginia, May 11, 188 U You can refer 'any. 3y to us m regard to tne merits of a 8. 8. POLK, -in.I.KTt t to. ' ' Perry, Ga., October, 1880. have known Swift's 8. Soeciflc' used In a mat nmnhftr of cases, manr of "tbem old and ofr- stfnate, and have never known or heard of a fail ure to make a permanent cure, when taken prop- H. L. DBHHtBO, , W. D, NQTTIHtiHAM, MOOEX & TCTTIlB, EJ4 WAJ?EKf' - Wh. Birtiiraoir." ' T. M. Bp7tKft,8heriff. t em unri minted with the eentlemen whose slgr natures appear io me ioregoiog. , j.aey arp pusn ot high character ana standing. IS NO HUMBUG. If vou doubt come and we cure you, or charge you nothing. Write for particulars, ask any lead ing drug house in the United States as to our character. si. 000 REWARD will be paid to any cnemisc who will find, on analysis of 100 tottles of as. a, one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium or any Mineral substance. - bwiit-w... Proprietors, Atlanta, u a . Polrl hv frntnrlRti Averrwhese.. - For fnrtlier information write for the little book. Sold by T. C Smith. L. R. Wriston & Co. and Wilson et BurwelL Jun2fl,ly .. J. L. HARDIN, MERCHANDISE BROKER Ain COMMISSIOK MERCHANT, OX-eS8T.,(AAOXT-,N.C, , ,y, Meal, Flour, Lard, Baeon, lasses. c. resDeci- matkettP and pBlla- ble houses represenlea. WANTED. A MANUFACTUBING CONCERN wants a bust- JA. ness man In Charlotte and In every city (not already taken.) A few hundred dollars necessary to pay for goods on delivery after orders have been secured ior ine same iou per monui prom guar anteed.;. The most searching investigation soli cited. - A. 8. ARNOLD CO. ' ang83,d6tf ; ' 1298 Broadway N. Y. BY LUTHER BENSON. fot sale at TfpDY 4 BRO'S Book Storey &PftB.tf SpnTSS-HOTE pHia Iioobo has Deen leased for I term of y Ld br Mr. Dr Beeves. :woa fntAnnn :i keepusatrkllr flrst)aai ouse In every respect , ComniodiooA.sainplfjrojjiaa imSatandaecona oont-:.'ii :-i ,iff . v -.. -V" : mI jpammage oi the publlo Is solicited. SYPHILIS , "15 M lDllel i .1,1 !. !..: . I i 1 "SjfefMesllj; Zf$&effiif$?s r; PEBBYiaoTi s ' i. i i i iii m' i j i i i "p a .. .'.I .. f ,. .. r - .! JL. MESllERitfATEH JUSTRECXIYED AT gARATar("CHT. From Saratoga 8prlngsc 1C Y, A new wattr re- semDiing tne unponea vicny. ttecomiuended as an aniacia; cures ayspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonto-and strong : dlureUcjAlso, J " ' . . - a f 1 - ' ! . . Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and la an forms of dyspepsia. ' . ; , ALSO, g CASES CONGRESS' WATER, J Q CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, 2Q CASSS BUFFALO LITHIA. - And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS AMD Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! H UNTADI "ANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dos r A wine glass foU before breakfast Tht Lancet "Hunytdl Janos. Baron Llebis af firms that Its richness In aperient salts surpasses that of all ether known waters." The Brituh Meduxd Journal ' Hunvadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." . trot, vvrcnow. Benin. "invariably eood and prompt success; most valuable." Pro". Bamberger. Vienna "I have nrescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Bcanzoni. Wurszburc I on scribe none but this." Pre. Lander Bruaton. M. v.. F. S- 8.. London. . "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses tnem in emcacy." Prof. Atken, If. D., F. R. 8., Beyal MUltary Hos. pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pnitna and Fried rlchshalL" . .. . . JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and I lspenslng Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C, DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark, ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water In large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J H. McADEN, Druggist and cnemist, Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 farnip Seed ! farnip Seed ! NEW CROP n TURNIP SEED. RED OR HJBPfp TOJ?, WHlfLADUTC, LARGS WBTTR NORFOLK. POMERANIAN WHITE GLOBE 6QLDCN BALL, yELLQV ABEP1N, ' - , , PT4 BAGA, BLOOMSPALi 8WEPE OR YELLOW. LANDJtETH'S SEED ABE ALWAYS RELXABLE. i L 11 lulrl9 tesp . by ExaiD :' '., --Goto-' W. P. MARVIN, igent, .. , and Successor to F. Scarr A Co. Fresh Drag, and rare Medicine. Kone hat tbm , do J toenm my stoftt f Also, toflei and Fancy Artielea, Perfntneriea, Combs Brushes Toitb Brashes, 4ft,. - GAUDEIT SEEDS :-i ' of ail the best varieties, and warranted --s so. oe.gooa. . Physician prescriptions arv given spec ial attentton. .iUjt,. Hoping to receive a shar -'bfpubik! Jtronage, I asv respectfully,- :, ' ' i FOR: RENT. nnHAT desirable iron, open front store UOO feet With mllar; -ItiiAtMl nn JL'. house. Corner of Trade and College- street. Charlotte. N. C., formerly occupied by stenhooaev Macaulay Cp.,andBOfrpyJ..a jpeneer Co., will be Fhted foi one or more years from September I st, hetC1 1M' location Is trobablv esSln th. otty. j For terms and parOculars apply to r 1 " UtW-tHtrg, ,i ,'AE SMITH ft CO . angl .tt tvHi t109 Pearl Street, New York tjj&ftf fKia-'v"; .-"-...-' . . rPBt etofe room In th Ofcaer-er utdmr next tAW..I. Pnitr,- for :ent 'after January itt!i..ee.tt9 fl . i.tf'-l SITUftTIOIIViAIITED. WRISTON X COLORED FRINTERTot six years experience, XX wante a steady sitaaUon. CaaMmakenp"a paper; run a pr-sa.i-'and Is eompetent to take I barge of the mechanical department of a news paper. Wifl wotk tenr cheap during tne wnamar. Ad dress, im.4m A, uiy24,dtr Cart Obserrer, Uharlotte, N. c 0 rl t V 8 u if u Q

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