c avMtaumojr unit ; i fiflU-M nKV.l I -W A"TkIM" 1' , 1 K I M :iM )'s lslJ M WTirH M &BttmmjmmU!tf umt ...... 4 00 IlkrsJJ ILIU II IL H f' i t lA ! tlti lyiLV JLV ASS ZJ'W : ixMfaritt. j If; in 8 GlvtMuQ, Sec. 111. Afrtf.;-,'h tTl 4 V "lJtUJ-U -3-1 4:an (mm .VT "f?0?: We aM now aelMnbe bmnds af LAWOT at 10c I ALSO, SILK AN WOBSTXD UMBBKIJLAS IN muima'MoaB'oi'rHA'TAifora yru.wf -' - i wsriO'uamuie uur mines ana - 'nAV-Wfttnaitfa -widows 411 ThBMito 2ttJar meal tamineln awe tot 01 mose Wa ulw xia on uano. i, fiRRAT VABTETT. - - i - ... aiw Kira.a wwa 1 w a w i a a . --s a a , , a a 1 a aa a m a a m t m. W' lj m, i. r i i.i it i.i i 'jt i ii r ki ii i; v 1 1 i i v i i rx a. ' U III i f f ' ;p it i. ' . -t(f WiBNBttd' CORSETS taavi an established repu .taUon throughout the. world for s;?" rr treerTeTrw6the with confidence, knowine from excellence that therpossever, advantage claimed for thenuJ WSS WI BJLYX JUST BECKVEH A LABGf LOT ifS J.S Wcbl Ba ntinir at 15c. A-irH,wyjfcMiue us u" manri hnt orders eannot De Ailed. Nor- " . o the apple,i-'pear andplnm teeea haye folk oJfurnfchintftteaxly all the M8Wr ohty of :Santa .Olaraw Call-1 eal that is hippea.' : . i n : ; ifSUnl, Vance ins.ooa. V anraadfAWi Just arrlred, a large lot of lim&W&& toWtmhe 1 dasteia AssociaUottringrtheiriair. eek8iabdt.atiag)r dTiriklitt.i lot the United SUtea toeas . vhoBe t U : m D t t L L A' O Mtss -JeiHree8 cashier of th0. L t.the MYernmeat, wiU also be j Major Jokn W.r Moore, who la pre paring the roster ;o,,Hortlu Carolina troops in the late war, . informs us that manyperaoBS to whom ha has sent out printed listg to be filled have failed to return them, and that, ia eonaeqaence, h9 is nut to much inconvenience. iHeJUmWilie!oeroad - will, be r the. engineer of th . iS ort Only f ouf btHer Gtoen' in theUbited -iJucfmJ&ctimo: imarkaIelleCl4(mtWrr bhe purchase ,toratnini agent, twu tb-MSSr-f -the JiisraelL novels, j&n4L From the cheapest to the best To Arrive Soon Another Fill IanV of DOMESTICS 3li i 1 i .'i4-V. ..'1 CALL I ABLY. OBIT BAEORAVES & WILHEDMv t Alt J ;. ! it aw j -tii l itrn .flnnirR ms ft -sin if iu i n iii j j r ; -rt:u.vr BightPfker ip0161?1 to Cary, and that the. survey will be be- CORALINE, ABDOMINAL AND -AT- Alexander k Harris's. NURSING CORSETS. ALSO- Warner's 50c Corset 1 The best for the money ever sold in this market We will be pleased ta hare the trade ; Inspect these goods. Satisfaction guaranteed m every case 'or money refunded: ' . aug28 T. LScigia-fo. aug21 " Out of members of the British House of Lords, 412 of them own 14, rsoflsi aftreaof "land in-Eacland and lraiid-th'-wbole extentot-the two Islands being.but71342,842acres. ITSprini Stock W We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK in Summer gun to-morrow.- 1 ftockrngham 'pel Dee Bee Mr; Orrin M. vgtoU :wbo for several weeks had been very low and vunerea greatly with consumption, died at the home of Mr. Starling F. Bostick on the 17th of August, 1881. , He was a very estima- l il. Tn..j.ui.h. j.... n Ann rhtd 'ennner tna'n finn . his iohs will Robert Patterson we several vmUrors mtiC ftdTgTetted. ; that' oncs belonged to Washington, . , JC be,grpB cropseetosifl ' he Very good nn TottQ.0Aa ni riiroH that, thfiV hereabouts: BasketsfurQf the; luscious .sbould always be kept in the family as frUlt arbrptight into, tana eTery day In Paris an astronomical standard Monday,forwant of water.1' 1HMcock clock is kept in communication with creek was iiever lower, prObaW hi, the the other dials, and the time regulated recollection of the oldest Inhabitants. by pulses of compressed air sent at in- iGreat Fails, on Falling creek, runs lervais aiong pucuwaub ico. xu Glasgow electxicity is adopted. A TlfiTlin ' manufacturer is laboring ntirtfti' t.h iTTiBression that he is God, anrf rlaa been traveline 2.000.000 miles otf the comet for the purpose of dealing int. rtnrmnment to me worm, it us aiu i wir.np.BSMl m that there have been a number of cases drinv the bokflowinir blood fre&U from of, lunacy in Germany oi wmun mo the throats of bullocks slaughtered ior mmstmm 1M WILL SUCH INDUCEMENTS IVEN M CLOTHING f CLOTHING X A8 ABB NOW OFFXBKD BY about half the time. nnnme mi 01 which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES', MISSES', CHILDBKNS,' GENTS', BOYS', AND BOOTHS' FINE BOOTS1 SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all goods ta our Mne In variety and all prices. TOLL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Truflks, Valise 4 Satchels, ALL SIZES AND RHICX& Complaints At this season, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and many live are ' lost through lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. Pebbt Davis' Paist Ktxler is a turt aire for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer : Complaint, etc, and is perfectly safe. Bead the following t ' , BinrBRiDax, N. SlsnSi SI, 188L , Txxkt Davis' Paim Ff mnt ail to ajfora . itutaiU rtlitf iox crmp and pain In the Btomaclu WicHoiTii.ta, K. vrFb. lfflL The Mry mediotM I know of for dyBanwry, 4ioler morbm, nd cr&mpe in the stomach,, HY used it for years, and it is .'jfjjl1!. MOTHJWA,'IONirMrdllil881. I have used jour Pain Kjllm m evero canee of tramp, oolicad cholera morbBnl it atooafr iaataut relief. LI,Giuwj. Tnr tnmW mm I have used TOOT PAIN KTTiT.Mt- ta my family. Hare it m tii forbow complaints, ana it alwatu ojiny tunes I or Dowet . Would not feed afo without a bottle in the house. ,J-VSr PAOO, U,WU..i,"y Have used Pkbbt D avib' Pais Kiixxb for twelT ears. It is (, ur, and reZtatU. NO mother ehoulisUowttwwovitof the family. Call and see os. , , , , PEGRAM & CO. feb20 years., eaoi ." V; A We bewn umlnr It oyer tMrtyyears ago, ana w aVwmya ftivom immediate relief. WouJd nanny aarw to go to ted without a bottlo in the house. Odwwatbobcv 8JX, -. sa. ljsv . KeVTBryfmlymthl,sedkeab( tntheiwoafc - DjuB. Mortom. , ""7T ,i Tj. 8. OosrstruOT, -.4- I have known Pkbjst Datm' Paim K.it tot almoat from the day it waa lntrodnced,and after yearaof , obasrratlon and use X regardlta preB6no in my lumeehold a. aa ;fL OonsnL " BcBTON-OK-TKxirr. I had been several dayB snffering- severely from Alrrhdsa, accompanied with tatenae when 1 tried ynr Pais Knn, and foundahnoirttoBiit relief, . f- KOOBB. M u.,.mhf TWTW11. ENS. r a fesldenoe of twenty-three years in IndiA, ! 01 aurnxnh vurapu- terr. ana Dholara. and never knew it to fail to giye xeOeL. -it m.AKma. No familr am afely U outTthis invaluable 4taAedyv Its price; briiigs it within4he ireaek of alL -- " V For sale by all druggists at 25c, 50c .and 9 1.00 per laottie. Drinking tbe Blood of Bullock. A reporter of the Albany Journal has been visiting the abattoirs of that city, and tells us of the singular sight witnessed m seeing consumptives ILo Eeip wsaimg(Bno & I1Bd.0D)o.o FOll CASH ONLY ! OTTE H5.00 AND $10.80 SUITS FOR.. $12.50 OUR $9.00VAHD $10.00 SUlT JXm . 9.00 comet has been the cause, Onr laser beer makers use glucose. In some of the neighborhoods where it is manufactured the twigs of trees wither and the people naye sore throats. The sulphuric acid (oil of the market. In the hODe that it will en rich their own -vital forces; and bring back the bloom of health, to their cheeks. lie says: Here in this house were several people who as soon as the throat of 'the animal was cut, with 10.00 44 . &00 THE BIGGEST BARGAINS EVER GIVEN IN a aa i I titrioly used destroys pipes, machinery . eves upronea ana grasping Agiass, Irff e4 Ibui&iS: The oil of vitriol hurried over to the hanging ' ciss. is found in the glucose; also lime, cop- ana noming w rouibu m r uuu. peras,tlnBndieaa. ,y ; . , th ' drank the 8teaminjr liauid. ipeior Hugo made A-Deastlyt -attack one, a .middle-aged man, seemed old in won Mgt Me egur,a bdrOlatoTe- the business," for he threw the contents i5ently deceased JiL the SmU of the 0f the glass off at one draught An- hopy thisanswer: waStfietntned: "I other threw some salt in his glass full f oigiye from .my soul, for the love of before drinking, ! while another could our Lord Jesus Christ all the.Offences, hardly make up his mind whether or whatever they may , be, I have received not to drink it; ' At last he shuts his ia life; 1 all the pain and annoyance, eyeSt and then after three or four ef- creat or small, that they have eaused forts, succeeds in drowning about a m&r half of the glassful. The reporter ap proached one oi the butchers artec he slow to Select a Cow. tt it T.pwi. of New York, read a paper isecently before a convention of dairy mea in Ontario, from which we iTtrapt' . , 111 A nn onmfl 1 ail i. where some other breei Va kWBMW y . would be almost ori quite .worwness. Hence, I advise every dairyman to select that particular cow or breed best suited to his lands, where she is to ob tain her food, and best adapted to that branch of dairy farming in which he is engaged. If, for instance, your pasture lands, are rough, or on steep side hills select a small, active cow, and if butter-making is your business the Jersey or Devon and their grades from ourna tive cowl jllqvefsisfactqry. Hut if cie$e-rffaklrj I Sojar business, or the piodeqtioqf ef paMfcr market, the Avrshireis the cow. While her milk r Children's, M ni w as Hi. CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. (Dm mm OF A TSAIaaonia aoBra.' DaulaylO'81 . :r. ' it-fiintll' .-. fietty -4 Pally J Pally . "Juntft .; ' SaBabory, 7. ,. Arr.Greensborb' Lv.Greensboro ArrJUlelgH . ,,' Lv. " ' A Arr. Gddabord ' Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Lt. Danville " M.DanvUle " Barkadale t " Drak'sBr'eli JetersvtUe . i t AnvTomanawk it Arr Belle Isle ArtManebester Arr. AOS axi 1.45 mi 8.25 10.2 r 10.27 -Jot 10.68 AH aB.20 FM 4.05 PX 4.10 nf 4.18" W t3.20Aiit .50 O A i iii83 aji 12.01 m 8.51 Pa 4.88 pa 4J5 FX 4.88 Pa 4 80 FX T,57a for Blch- m'ndonly 44 ..... . PEKKi PAVIS & roprietorsj ,1 level, . - .r:ii ..-: Providence, E. L, 1ries3. 8 SHHrmzY WAS .nil iniint LI M ........ 4. ....... :::;:Cf( rJatoJtail5'8d'. ;5 WONDERFUL :. CUrTESI Beco jjacto a;t;iBT;B,liLS Ind BIPKETS at ttoaate tlw6.:n lii ;.. j. 5" iCf-:-il t . !?!-. ' Beeaoa ftulaannn theayatem ofOiepttom- . - . w.. I TTAI HHj TJlanaT.TIjl'iiiBiirw JirnnQInn, L-onro-patlonvPiles, or in- KWnmatlata, Kenralgia, Kervoos Elaordero and female Complaints, .: ' 'l' .; I i.-'f I : -u . i ; HKB. WHAT PSXJJIiS BAT t i . :- Kotrene B. Stork, of Junction City. -Kansas, rj latantliaJqtrylnKforltoin-ynar'j.f I Kra. John-Arnall. of WashinsrtonChto,.aiyf her bey nrjtm rin uito dfe by fon Pmenm X.X.B. Goodwill, an odltor in Chardon, Omo ays he was not fepecte to betnfjWoated iMyondbeUetut dney-VVoitctuhim. B . ' Tf,rtfc VrT Rnnth Salens. N.'T.. SyS frnm-MdneT-treebles ana otner comDuciuioiu wu w v p Lv. rttcanwrn BarkevUle n r Arr. N. Danvule Lv. " Danville"1'! Arr. reensor ' Lv. 1 - Sallsbnrr' Am A L. Junction " Cbariotteft-' Lv. Richmond- " JetOTSTtlle1" ' ' DralrtBr'cn : Barkfldale" ' " UAnviur '4 Benaa - - ' " OreensboM ' " Salisbury ! Arr. A-L. Junction Lt. : -.ii Arr. Charlotte 'Rail Pally. - ta4&Piail2.0O M a.aa am s 7.00 AW A 8.3 U u.ie-Aii 12.45 ..'l.OOPJt 12.48 6.05FX 6.18 m &1T.PM 8.87 FM kSjlStAKt 12.20 ....... ki 1 . ,k, i.i . - .14 J 2.(ft p ,4.41 rm f i.07 PM ,7.25 m ,7.61 m ,8.55 FX 9.27 PX 11.05 m 12.28 L . -'j. 12.80 t ' lAljQf JtBAHCB. , ell had finished dressing the carcass on which he was at work, and asked :1Do the same people come every day. "No, they come two or three times a week on the average," was the reply. Do any women ever comer" "les. WO. young gm; out the last I Bawofner she seemed to be get ting fleshy and has stopped coming al together?" One of the invalids was that approached and asked : "How do voulike wood drinking r -wen, i n tell you. At first, when the doctor told me that I would have to drink warm bullocks' blood or die, I told him I pre ferred the latter, but I considered ! my thought and came up to the j slaughter house. I thought at first I could not touch it, and ' the sight of killing siek ened me. - ButI soon overcame, that feeling, and when X raised the first glass to: toy lips; r spilt the contents oYet; me."- Next-time i I shut . my - eyes atad drank It down. :It tasted like rich -Ne1 ft WE KOW OFFEB THE REMAINDER OF OUB SPBING AftPSUifMEB GOODS ' ' I- I. v o if TLTE GREATEST OPPOUTUNITY TO BUY GOOD CLOTHING CilEAP IS NOW WITlifiT tpVJ REACH. THIS IS A POSITIVE FACT 1 IVOTJB PBEPABATIOK8 FOB FALL DEMAND A CLEARANCE OF THE GOODS NOW OFFERED- ' J Tt is Tht ier thaVthe averageo's 1 if .IkeptnTy-eyeaslitt I Itrf ffiitmlweunetban l.r, nrnHnHvA and moderately 'knottier onecfi-xneioruirerawas asKea ?nd,3 KSS-ri vf Sthowvlt 'tairtedHow. ttitWer richest sold a Butif ySSt ".r SSS creamJ 7 It "to T sirScto cess. VL ouu,,vi". vTT3t:l rinlr.rnAt: fMrtmriaifedhwtOi lanv nroHso fmm mr nar.ivH COWS. iJUt II i : , .. . KIBUbO XVM V ir.-i-i it tSjiv-1 - -:lf ... ;1 "! H,r ;'ff esi-r ;;iik nniv vour obiectl the POW9n ertanL-'lt is simply .thi Biixir Holsteins istatbry, T . ?? rdStSS it spreads through your veins. If it hadn't been for its strengthening qual ities I would have been dead, these 2P. a a Hia sfiiftr.t.ion of individual cows, suited to our several farms and adapt ed to our various wants,' would be tooi mwhof ad undertaking, and require so much time and care, it can be done DeSb OV BeiecnuiiB xivm v ,, l . - 1 . - i native cows, ana tne useuu uiOT w,o fteiuaBiairv ;1 ..(. -..iv . ' thoroughbred bull of that breed desir- (Jt-ia a fact,Linx)W4uite generally ed. In this wuy, if the selections bty. known that the, recurrence of each carefully made, a herd can be built ups jucceeding.SBrP4aj -.fim. PP; looked in a little while founded on our native forwatd to bveuejiriiGaiflflld,: with i , . .. ,,,,, t.Jr, .(Cf I.-., : , : -: ' i , I I ,J ,l l ! , j u 1 v. . . " 11 ' ' ' The vlreatueitt tToreboalnf . ' JOiir stock is GtttCT We invite attentiori t&:tpr ne, styles ot Clothing Gents Furnishing Goods,-; 'JTuZ Ladies CI6aks;; ShaWrsjittc., JS?SSlS S2?lofyM,Ws 'y-. Also, large variety .of Cpete'ana'all ItW beeri a matter of surprise tx) me, 98p ' - i.fiMAS r& COJiJiX. that our intelligent and progressive forebodlngsi8,pot,knownhoweyer,tPl i r , - , i . . . ,., ,, ( ; u . . nr n uru i i u M. 3.,. vmm i, rvi m r Ay. tav . v rt w nnan n in . a a , . . . . . , , . .. . , . . . Kidner-Wert S John B. Batrrehee Hci 1 r Tens. n.nimmiTirduUi SliAie tSPUDl Hl9ha4 uiTeareti el was nnable - well as eTer. IKIUKIgSVVABJSfl -PERMANENTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES, . iraaere4 I I eh and U iittl and Ej aljlm.M L7 NTSwII CoWlpatlon artd PJleSi & V Ofrtt U pat tip in Dry? Vegetable FormM ri of medicine. AlsofirIdHl Fr, -tj Cea. M trterfor those that cannot readily pre- nrfnte wittiiTual Steiesi in tilhcr fonrfe I vWELLSrBICHABDSOJCo.,Kop'uLl (wm send Che dry post-paid.) BtMJXOTOX, T, j r 4oilaUy, wlt 8mday,; i', j Leave GiWr9ii;.v'-U.kvUriiiU. JPJ .-.; MO.7Tm&U lJj I ) Leave 8aleia.....4A.WM.7f I ArrtveGreeMboroi..it'M't'''w LeaW GiwMrro.' t2 Arrtvep 8aletB,.....JWrr' . r,..';i..:6--4aDsto:fu I IieaveBMrn.v..;.;1. .....,. fi0 Arrive Qrwnsbro - " ( onjy make lootneacneauio. fueeneera taauiK train xrom vti. . : get aboard at tbS. B. K. iw oepo. olSaboro Tewbernatt VOmW: Jf- Marcb27dtwly Blori ICoIb Ta aMi'Fravwt a4 tat.tfi?--s TTTL Mnthm. Uiuiness Men. Mechas-' Sw whn rn ttred out bv work er WOtTT. sol afwho are miserable with Dyspepsia, iUieuitiaO Aem.Nearalfia.wf BoweL Kidney "UwtCraH youan Wvp'raanqcgrqgyis j BMrtoirMlsnaJ FaBsengers taking train 49 trom Tfvou are wastincaway witn niumui.v-- tel. ana . l Bmmtw Pivrsata t.vl. . . k W W- K. it- UBBJiaDUIT toTioSre-apTelana alao.?o XeenWfKoa. 42 andiS1 wood and Jaawat0wii. ml ijv "1 . .48 eonnrcU.yrua Baiem ar- r IIALaJOAA rriAviii MHTTnilV . t . v- :jV-avaji i fin mvM vn r. f DuhmiiM. 1. will leltver Premium" Black ritin ink ta make 2U caUons, by only saaing tumitar for si ok not to be tmld for oncu ap- nroVedT ' ' BOBEBT HttW 3 forebodings is not , known,; ho weyer, to dairymen 'dornpt- more gencraiij aoapn only a limited, few, and those his qear?, their cows to tneir1 severanwnMUj vj est anu most ultimate lrienas. t hreedine a sufficient number each year From' ftls'boVhobo! the President h tn mota rmrui fh Rnmial loss f rojQ old I been ' tinetrjrea - -with a snOeraition uu AUBaW a vw - wvf r r'-r.'T . i t- -jt . - . . rar age, accident and disease. A cow rear-strafagely lncOUsfewnt 14 One' so prac-. BE GKE ed on tne tarm, wnerjo buois w icmu ruetu au ww,-. Ha iuw yutiug ia klways rnori finable tpi her owner I maa htertalDed tbe belief that he thfea?stifehge4v4. ( ' lyouWnotHte- ....( - . i ..... . KGIN1 x4 r- -f-i" lACHINIST A sill f- I. Tirst, Sheis "accilmatea-seccmu, bub i yearscrrei'age ac iwmcnt-nwsiatner . .nn,ioififAi with thnherdwith wMchl dled Shiv fti thJBii breaking out , . VUU m wm w S . : . i . . , BF she must associate"; third. she-irfamiV of eat,rM while birf friends jwere mg w secure iwaim vue- eousneicy. the1 Forty-second' OhioetaMmt. he irate eaMthan'aMraBgfe ;cow. was tenderMt tti8tGtaBdti0fj ifa Having selected our cow, eiHier ny SeveuLlii:TuTmnf,-to a friend when hrppdinp or bv Purchase, we wHllnext I theuateUteeact oreached him, he i said . . 5 n'etoTirr ' -- 5 i.y:hbVforfconrV More persons die from eating fqisonl not Vdrel Irattted roVfeeach the oitntWr than the doctcjs. and health 0fJf 6,iVriTrHt of avptv Amtl6ihV Trondfist' JT.nM5 m flifflftnlt to detect Hd'P'" ' -' ."i't 1; , . - are rarely suspectea. a ui iuc;u uuu- teThuSioSflS oVrJlasgow, Sliand recently. Issued, a-, yery .jwa&ible prder based on . nygienia treasons, milkd should1 be sold in' any shop from which: there waseoinmunicatioti with a room in which persons slepjt t The health tofflcera of other -cities, wjsuld do well to take a ; tttit from the masgow pfficiaja. It ia a -weH acert4ii4 fact mat miiKaiioweu - iu bmuu 44 j 11 evAn when weli covered, absofbs a' the Wore of W ??ay thu beA.th '.means 'ocemating AnntaiTiru etjiQW oi tue i a a a ti.:., fjwtt Kb daimmsn and ntha 1 1. 1 1 1 IJI.ULI.1 ,U.UJI Uail , wwmv f-, - ... .. rnTit Vffi Strlrftent measaitJthl iliCfWJ9WS!vM . . --'-""; !.., jk.w - an wy A Pleaalnf Conspiracy to ltkooi and TortnrV'Gnlteati In, Caaei ile baLlieiaw faiWtlon at" Cape Mayttosy fQC-Washington. Cole-, neUCtarkhili iiiiwted,, iavei saldj that bbS'beea4nfpxmed of the-exists enceof a secrtrizittlon in Wash ington,, w of Fresidei 1 ii h(3D"urQOse Is. in the event 3nt (JarBeld'rf death, to break 1 Jitf'lniuiedlatt end: w securing the purityof this most ? . a. . a a nhiAiRrHAia or rooa snouia w huvuvn mjl in .-vt-trriftf. rfnti when adoDted toi edrtfrtM; says ne "" "'tvw wi : vn- smtiri i -v. 31 aafelijfeialnMWnaU which Ujnuch adnurea inrw Tieiraw Hess It rj''iH all uaerers anoiua seep u uu aiuiu. 1 k.. that the cuarda otJhe lail. who axe 81 ex-tfmon s6ldierl.now of this gecfu ,r,t '-... 1 . . . 1 tijt ;:! XMCTBACT FOB COSSTBUCnOM AKBEBECTTOM OTJC IfAlTlUma AaUBBtiliAWK -MAJfiarACTTIBEBS OF j'','jj iinn 3Ek tflill"! ' . ''0'' .Iit. nri'fj"! ' Mini ru J-? ii.T? 'nMaaju.l r:r.ij-irfv-: a?i itiJ ,wa24 ;! !.:.!! ha ' Jf bJ di 7 PS wnua-1 bat be .n.i.- 1 aw, f! "'IJr T3fiA,Ii i'. am In avmtllprUt. . u.a 1 . . . - m : rw w, i. . .t f . , ; j &.i.vuiu V 1 uu p. -r - i" -' i " - - ... I . f irrt lxt t,th p-xi'll illlillll llp)l'i II ililMPI tUji I.TIUltl uawajmpttwi iwiTWt.siniXXjXiatriaetik(i . IuNum a the DMmf virtnajrAFI. " . "T i TS i TourmTTrirtir aar-3ClAefor peuralgUanif STw-tjj-j rick, DBaoacaai www nww:ww,-MttiaiA mAdiiriaoiio ripjawgt ? n ptswiiw tmttsps ii j jpAIwI JX TaiXJr!!!. 1 im aji, d. a rankCrt aya--wu itii jaeo a-Tcrujv Jit tul ATtiil W .niauos MMtt aonsa l "5 v rTOBAL ANrfiW.ABL tbey TK Mtinfanfnr-pa f flmi t.T.-!TH. PORTA HI. a DTlIAUBnn WOTKl tO DrOUUCB B DSUCl r J TLCC.Kt .. ai.lt; ... lu wrjr :f jifi ,;:;.r;ut. ;.(7y-V :f" I 'JQH2plQjQI3Qgeat,Cge,s . laflKDBOTION ; "BBIGE ! BRIGK J ! , ,, -'r; 1 ' . 1 f f """- i-rp1 ttv: j... ton and ara JoajnJdn a jubejloT analltr c band; J uiT? r . l 4. HthrAt a Tor ln- taade twlcfcT Xher ta? la, conneciipn wiuiniett-i-T.' iifii taM?--uAr7,,inouts yarerttpfoved-Cotm C' tftAa inn 111 1 a 1 111 11 inn 11111111 111 nrnMiiiiviKi 1 oloip imu . . .. .1 k & ai. wux nttai tiMiWAaaJaBpif2.y1 Ji.-zij ar.ffij 1 1 n.ti.aiA.wuir. 1'neiww varoc iu a ,rraSfiuw3AafiBaj fi.i Ut.P. A i-K". 1 ?uw r " 7ia it ILL. .Savanna, OS. ii. ai.i.i. a ra a r -it i v ar try ---trFri-i rr-r-n-T -r mat rr -zt fllaBW aiM to ear Motat Draaw ai ana saiaaini &B STfpaieeaaMaj i mitlaf rTnll, MM lt QUpiaiv4.!val.A7arnn-lt wsaa, d of Ptw aadlTMat Tobacco. We 7 - aw ' - - liliMa Baaaita In faailna lrVtirat ao oter iDOBiirc'rMiebBr I iit' Aoy onet deatHnf,o bu: D- r tfu. n alii nia regular -nprw vnanooa, t inaBiB-wa a-.f ".'3 these year i Sooth mni m " - 1 1! r 1 I f cstitr3 ii? r " , ' v -sj art w ? . ten. anta. !Ti angl8 - - rizyz7 1 1 0.1 UJ 1 t

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