LOCAL INTELLHrEHCEt TUESDAY. AUGUST 30, 1881' ; SOCIETY DIRECTORY, phalahx Lodob No, 81, A.F. A A. M. Begular meeting every second and fourth Monday night. Kxoxlsiob Lodqb Na 281, A. F. ft A. M. Beg ul&r meeting every hrst and third Tuesday nights. ffniinn Chaptxb No. 89. R. A. H Begular meeting erery second and fourth Friday nights. Charlotte CoMfAUBABT Na 2, K. T. Begular meeting every first and third Thursdays. IC- O H. Kkiohts of Honor, Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. uz. or. i. Knights of Pythias. Regular meeting nights Bret and third Wednesdays,1 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Tempie uau. i I. O. O. IF". Charlottk Lodge Na 88. Meets every Hon- day night. MKCKLKITBUR9 DSCL&BaTIOH L0D6X Na 9. Meets every Tuesday night. Dixrs Lonoi Na 108. MeetsTevery Thursday nignt Catawba Rtvxb Kncakphxht Na 21. Meets First and third Thursday nights In each month. index to Now Advertlwmeniii. The Big 8how Old John Bebinsoo. School notice Mlas a A. Bethune. is. HOME PENCILING.. Redmond Sentenced. i . News reaehftd : t.hin ..,.,.. GreenvlUe; s7 d, th'at JS wisH Kedmond,the famous North and South Carolina moonshiner? hart w , if t?4.te?Xeara-a the United States j:V". ab. aAwwiyana inar a fine of $2.60Q had been, aditionallyimposed. I other. uays ago suDmitted to eight charges for violation of the reve- i - it 'So?0 Ior conspiracy against -quired the: reversionary estate upon which is predicated my . present acuon for possession, and it must not be con founded with the suit of my uncle, for I acquired the title after his death, and the merits and legal points are entirely dissimilar and independent of .each Mr. McKee savs that four' learned lawyers have advised that the title is clear in the Conrad Hill Company.' I have submitted my title to several of the best lawyers in the State, among man Killed in Cat&wba County. the number Hon. W. H. Bailey, the hn lnf Ratw ' xi! i i i"-e uon. u. jr.' Moore ana jar. Aiay 'WWJ!' W ood W.Guion. It has also been ei. amined by two of the most prominent o'clock, a difficulty occurred between a man namea j ames lilalock and Pinck ney Abernethy, at Ball's Creek camp ground,, in Catawba county, during which Abernethy was fatallv stabbed by Blalock. The stricken man died al most instantly, and Blalock ran off, but was subsequently arrested and placed in jau at iewton to await trial. $oth of the parties had been drinking, which was probably the main cause of the difficulty.1 a:;j.f . -. . - .,:! . Coin with Heles in Them. The practice of mutilating coins by punching holes through them has be come so common that the government officials have been compelled to estab lish a scale of depreciation as follows: Double isagies with holes in them are them are jgg-The cold wave was short " HJTSee the circus advertisement. t5TThe rain has encouraged the mos- quitos. . - , - jgMr. Baxter Myers won the bicycle in the raffle last nignt. ISTSeveral unimportant cases were postponed by the mayor yesterday morning. rsrSeveral heavy railroad damage cases are on the docket for this term of the Superior court. ; ; C3f It is said that there are about seven hundred . hands at work on the Virginia Midland Railroad. USTThe Concord ball, postponed from last week, took place last night Char lotte musicians furnished the music. tSTMaud S. is the name of a new style of Derby hat, which will be very itypiuynavo iui ioou jruiAU nuiuvu. jgTThe interest1 of the Hornets'Nest Rinemen in the organization seems to have been renewed witn tne new om cers. Joe Wells, the colored man who was injured bya falling well bucket died vesterdav. The blow was on the neck and parajysis followed and resulted in death. ' ' v tSpLast night a fight occurred in the rear of the Central Hotel between Chas. Moss and Joe Prim, in which the latter was cut but not dangerously, with a pocket knife. The very finest watermelons winch have been on the market this season Florida, Georgia or native were brought in from the Catawba bottoms yesterday and were sold at an average of about 35 cents each. Those returned from White Sul phur describe glowingly the asoo-ger-mans, while the man from Morehead City speaks enthusiastically of a young lady who turns a double somersault from the top of a bath house fifteen feet high. tSTlt is related of Prof. Vantog, who is now doing the city, that on the occa sion of a former visit here he wandered at a late hour of the night into Bur well & Springs' wagon lot, where he began to eat up a countryman's camp fire. When he had consumed about a peck of red hot coals the countryman hitched up his team and has not been in Charlotte since. "Coins; Back to Dixie." An unusually respectable old colored man in a plug hafbiled" shirt and lin en ulster, passed through the city yes terday from Washington City to Ches ter. He told the reporter of The Ob serves that he left Chester, his old home, directly after the war. He had been with the army a short while, but for fifteen years he had lived in Wash ington City. "But" he said, "I'm gwine back home nowto my old master. It's the best place, and he's the best man I know, after all." only, worth $19.00.. f ; ? Silver dollartfwitlf hoWin worth 85 cents. Half dollars 85 cents. Quarter dolIars'TScehts: Dimes 5 cents. - This is a government order, and is regarded 'generally by the banks, rail roads, &c . -r Foraoal The Roads The inquiry of "Novice in another place is suggested by the fact that a great deal of the land in the township outside the city is owned either by merchants of the city, or by proprietors who live still farther away from their lands. Consequently the burden of working the roads falls on he non-landowners, in a great meas ture. This is complained of as an in justice. 'Whether it be injustice or not however, one thing is certain, that little or no work has been done on the roads near the city this year and there is a crying need for some new road law which win meet the difficulty. Superior Court. Superior Court convened yesterday, Judge Avery delivered a forcible and exhaustive charge to the grand jury. A special venire of 100 was ordered in the Farriagton case for Friday. The Union county case against liobt. Jones, colored, for the murder of a white than, namea frumps, irom oouin varolii, ai Mrs. E. J. Allen and family have re turned from Catawba Springs. Mr. W. B. Johnston and Mr. John Shelly have returned from the Green brier White Sulphur. CoL E. B. C Cash and daughter, of Camden; South Carolina, were register at the Central Hotel, yesterday. Mr. P. T. Pescud, of Raleigh, was in town, yesterday. - Mr. M. J. Myers goes to New York, to-day on a pleasure trip. - -v - Mr. Walter Brem, of Brem & Mc Dowell, has gone to the northern mar kets to buy hardware. Gov; Vance went to Raleigh again last night. Judge Avery is 8toppingiwn ma brother-in-law. Was It Contempt! The following from a Nashville, Nash county, correspondent of theTar boro Southerner, will be read with in terest by themany friends and acquain tances of Judge Snipp, in Charlotte, his home. The correspondent says: Judge Shipp, who i3 here holding Nash Court was sitting on the porch of one of the hotels this afternoon, when a young man of the most respectable Sarentage began to curse (he was rank) not iar from the Judge. The Judge remarked, seemingly acorn, nan in jest, that it was his house and he must not curse. The young man then cursed the' Judge, who told him who he was, and the young man was taken off. He soon returned and began to curse the Judge furiously, when the sheriff, was ordered to take him. to jail, where he now is. His father is one of the wealthiest and most prominent men in the county, and also a very determined man. There is no doubt at this writing that the Judge's right in the premises will be leeallv scrutinized. The father has employed two of the ablest counsel at the bar and the matter - win, very likely, first come up on a presentment against Judge Shipp. The question will perhaps resolve itself into this: "Was the contempt committed in the presence of the court ?" Without giving a legal opinion, I can say it is simply a vaulting ambition (bacchanalian or otherwise) that would indulge in so high a luxury as to curse a live Judge. The City Not Liable far Labor on live TovruaUlp Roadt, To the Editor of The Observer. Having noticed that several great journals of the country take pleasure in answering questions propounded by their subscribers, I am induced to sub mit to vou the following question: "Where can I find the law, or section of law that authorizes the township trus tees to exempt the' hands" of the city of Charlotte, from working the public roads." The present road law reads as follows Sec. 4. All able-bodied male persons between the ages of 18 and 45 shall be required under the provisions of this act to work on the public roads, ex cept the members of the board of su pervisors &c&c Mark you, it does not say all able bodied male persons in the county, but merely says all able-bodied male persons. The law being based upon the township system this must mean 11 able-bodied male persons in the town- 8hip" Novice. The decision in the case of F. L Os borne vs. the Commissioners of Meck lenburg, 82N.C. Reports, that resi dents of the city were not liable to tax ation for the working of tlao roads un der the Alexander road law, 4s equally applicable to any law providing for the improvement of "roads and highways.' Provisions requiring labor ;are ori the same footing with those levying tax The fact that the people of the city are taxed for their streets, in all such stat- Scmcy Trotter1 1 deed to MeadncJc it informal . LTA which to habendum reads: "To nave sad to hold and I , the said Nancy Trotter do for -myself and my heirs warrant and forever , defend the right, and title f the above bounded, land against all and- every other person or persons or any claim or claims on the said Philip Head rick his heirs or assigns forever." legal gentlemen in-New York, and all concur that my title is perfect and the New Yorkers made a cash offer for it The Supreme Court reports are good authority, permit me td quote the. fol lowing extract from Roberts vs. For sythe 3, Dev. 26, and compare thefaz bendum and tenendum and warranty clauses of Nancy Trotter's deed to Phu ip Headrick. EXTRACT. " ' " ; "Thi deed was in the usual farm to haben dum, where it proteed . edasfoUowt: "To have and to hold the aforesaid land and premises with all the houses, Orchards, fte.. and all other and singu lar the -Improvements there on therein or there unto belonging or In any wise appertaining to said land and premises and he the said i. v. doth hereby warrant and defend said land from himself his heirs, execu tors, administrators and assigns forever and from all other persons law fully claiming , the said, land to him to said W. j. his helm and assigns iorever." .. , . N. B. The deed from Kancy Trotter to Philip Headrick was exeeuted May 17th, 1826, at which time was in "full force" the common law rule, that the word "heirs was necessary to create aa estate in zee." The case of Roberts vs. Porsy the was decided by the Supreme Court compos ed of uaston. .Daniel and Kumn nomt na clara el venerabilia a triumvirate of conceded leeal learnine and charac ter of highest type they held that the need conveyed only a lire estate, tdis case was afterwards cited and approv edin- - - . -'Snll vVAnntr a TrtlAll S7Q!. "; 5 Armfield vs. Walker, 5 Iredell 680 ; Register-vs. Rowell, 3 Jones 312; . Grav.va. Mathis.7 Jones 502. As.; the mesne conveyance under whieru "Conrad JHili Gold and Copper Co." claim the fee, viz : Nancy Trotter to PhiHD Headrick. is almost similar in laneuage and certainly in legal effect, Mr. McKee must excuse me for differ ing with him about the validity ef my title and being guided by the opinions of thoseff raught with the learning of the past' and almost prescient of the future," and methinks the majority of the legal profession will opine I'm cor rect I never saw the article in the Balti more papers referred to by Mr. McKee, and although not the author, stand by the article in your paper of the 14th, merely mentioning that I had brought suit and ground for same. I can't see how Mr.- McKee could construe it into ridicule of his employer's title upon any other hypothesis than that "everything looks yellow to a jaundiced .eye." I think the matter will soon be deter mined, for one of defendant's counsel is Col. J. M. McCorkle, a gentleman; for whose legal attainments and high ton ed practice I entertain the highest re earcL. I doubt not he will consent to arr "agreed case;" and let it go to the upreme court at once. Thanking you for the publication of this"eafd I promise not to" be provoked or condescend to nofciceany thing further emjaijating from Mr. McKee or any other servant of the "Conrad Hill Gold and Copper Company." ' ' : .Respectfully, . , -Fbed. H. Stith. 1TJTTJB23 Yox Totoet dosed west. e - August. beptember - uctooer.... November. December. tfauuorj....... February ........ i .'. , -.... . ADTIU-. May.::......;..,... Sales 6V ' '1 1 t - " . ' 1358 ias 1087a89 a98a94 11.07a08 ll.2ia.22 114.8i ll.44a.46 116a.57 ITSAIICXAL. RtwYmKmn l.OSa.06. Sxetann 4.7ft. Governments strong; new v 14)1. Vourand a half per cents 1.14.. Four per cents l.J5 State mdsduu. Stocks closed generally strong. Hew lork central. Xriov.i....' Lake Shore.. Illinois Central.. . . . NashvUle and Chattanooga. ....... L Tulavllle and Nashville ........ rTttsburg.,....-.- ........v....... Chicago and Northwestern. ' preferred. Wabash, 8t Loots Paolflc. . . . . Do nreferrea Memphis and Charleston. noes, lsiana.... WMttm TTnlon . Alabama Class A. 2 to 15 " dass A, smau.... Class B,5's.... ........ Class C.4's............ last Tennessee... ....... fiMHlS. Sub-treasury balances Gold h ... vuxrency 75 80 02 1.75 ...$8665,970 ... 5374,090 " CITT COTTON MABKKT. omci or ran OHsnvax, CKABiiOTTX, August 80, 1881. f This market yesterday closed quiet Unchanged 6eod Middling...... 1114 Strictly middling.....;.;....,... llS MldflTt ' u BtrkA km middling.... 0 LowmiddUng. 10 Tinges................ 9at Lowergradej oas Becelpts yesterday, 4 bales. school notice: The FaU Term of Miss. 8. A. BX- THUNB'8 SCHOOL will commence at the school house on Ninth street. between B and C. on Monday, Beptem ber 5th. aug30,d2t 100 GOOD, reliable seamstresses can And steady employment by applying t juua Buooa.riJsiiU. aug28,dlw Trade Bt, 1 door above College. "New York Gone Dry? NABTATIMK! But my friends can help to raise my salary with advantage to themselves by either calling on me when In the city, or en trusting their orders for groceries per malL Will be pleased to attend to any little outside favors desired While I am here. Address A. 4. RXKVKS. Care Carhart & Bro., 49 4 51 Park Place, N.T. TXUND. By Mr. B. N. Grimes, near Col. X' Johnston's residence, a bunm or five Wm. keys. Owner can obtain them at this office upon paying ior lou aaveinsement. T OST. At the StatesvUle Denot a Docket book, JLi containing a sum of money and a railroad ticket from Shelby to AshevlUe and return. A re ward will be paid If left at the Central Hotel. aug25 ubs. uuJBJUtxa. Dividend Notice NOBTH CAKOLUCA HAIL.SOAD CO., I SKCRKTABT AMD TBXASCBXB'S OrFICK, Company Shops, N. C, Aug. 10, 1881. 1 THE second payment of 3 per cent ef Dividend No. IS, will be due the 1st of September to stockholders of record on 10th of August. The stock books of the company will be closed from the 10th of August to the 1 st of September, 1881. f. a. Burxui, secretary. auglOtosepl gr0fjessi0tml. Z. B. Van ex. W. H.BAJLXT. . . BURNETT'S COCO AIKX, For Premature Loss of Hair A Phlladelphlan's r , r. upiuton. "One year aao my hair commenced falling out until I was almost bald. . After using Cocoalne a few months, I -hate, now A thick growth of new hair. ATJEX.kHXNBl. ' : Ko. 814 Bast Glrard Ave. Burnett's Flavoring Sxtraeto arways standard. MARKETS BT TELEGRAPH AUGUST 29!'181. PBODUCS. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Oounsellon CHARLOTTK, N. C Practice in Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme Court ol North Carolina, Federal Courts, and conn ties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Bowan and Da vtdson. 0 Office, two doors east of Independence Square. may29 tf RO. D. GRAHAM, A-TTOZRianETT -A.T ULW, IN the State and United States Courts. Collec tions, Home and Foreign, solicited. Ab stracts of Titles, Surveys, dec, furnishoA for com pensatlon. OmOTr-N. Corner Trade i; Trrcn streeU' Charlotte. N. C. Dan.S. venire of 50 ordered. The court ad- inurnftd earlv in the afternoon to allow a committee of the bar to arrange the calendar of the civil cases, rlhe crimi nal docket will probably occupy the en ure wees IlNE, ) .,n.c. 7th, 1881. J. is fixed forhearins on Wednesday. len Johnson, the negro accused of com-1 -nnntv tax is levied for aparticmar im piicity in the Crump .murder: was ar-1 prov6ment such as a bridge, or the like, ftoed'and adaV for hs trial wifl be fhe city ia uftbie. ' 7 fixed for this morning and a special , J - ;: Tha Title to the Conrad Hill Mine Ward Bonanza Mine, j Davidson Co., in yC fAugust27th To the Editor of Tha Observer, iiivinit jat the bove mine, remote from the railroad s and seMpm seeing your paper, it'wasonly jEhiouh a friend that my attention was idifeced to the card of Mr. John !Ti McEeejabout the Conrad Hill Mine in youi Jsgue of the 21st 1 ask spacejn your valuable col umns to refute its erroneous charges. VI nf unacquainted with Mr. McKee, but T know" he is an employe of the Cbnrad Hill Gold and Copper Co, hence his nnwarrafited attacks. He asserts that I nave ;the reputation of laying claimsto mining landSpbut always ian in my;iancLsuits, rantf that my action, for the1 Dossessiou" orthe Conrad Hili BaiMmomNoco Flour ftrmi 'Seward street nd WnRtern gnDer S4.76a5.25. extra S550a6.50. . famtiv S7.00a7.75: dry mills -jmner S4.76a5.00. AYtm SA.noaR.50. family 8.0Oa8.25: Bio brands 17.75800, Patapsco fam. 8.50 Wheat-Southern red l.60aL45, amber 1.40a. 45. Oqn Southern white 76, yellow 77. ; , i ' BATnwoKB Nltht Oats Western white 51a52 do mixed 49a50. Pennsylvania 51a52. Provisions I mess pork 19 25; new ; bulk meats loose shoulders , clear sides , dltte packed su.ni nsa ; tuwin Rhoalders QVt. e. rib sides 111. hams 13al4. Lard refined tierce 13 Coffee I Bio cargoes ordinary to rair iinAaij.-sjnKr-A soft 9. Whiskey 1.20. : Nw Yobi Southern llour nrm; common in rivMtnnjiOa7.S5.sood to choice 7. 80a8.2& Wheat murraded snrlBg 1.24a 1.28. Corn nnmAtul k71Uj. Oata 41 U for No. 8. COT- fee-fiio eareoes I0al8lb. Sugar fair to gtod refininfl 7a7, prime reflned standard A , 9. Molasses New Orleans 80a55, rorto bico qkdKA Rmtin 9 i9uai7Uj. TurDentlne 49. Wool domesUc fleece 84a4o. pulled 20a40. nTHui lOaflJ. Tniui Idaitl. Pork 18.62lAa 75. middles long clear 9, short clear 101. long and short -r. Lard 11 -47 Ms : COTTON aii.,itrmN-T)nll: middling Ilia: low mlddl'K lOWtc: good ordinary 9Mic:net reCts 3,9il9i grosl 4,069; sales 662; stock 20.165: exp'ts coastwise Ms W S Bt0i i OXVB SUITH. ..... n.lni)nii fViom fmm iin.Yn.t'.inTi fnr XZZTtoiSZ hot when general P-. tfWB;W " . . , j.!..r, i :.iA,,i in.. 7; "IxoeUent Tonic, -AtterstlYe and Medical Association, Lynchburg. Va, 'Used with great benefit In Malari theria." AlterattYe and Diuretic. aria and Dlph- . F-DuponM. D.. Ga. NobfUlx Firm; middling 12c; net receipts 97: mom : stock 2.987: exports coastwise ; sales 118: exports to Great Britain. Balttmom-Dull; mid. 12e; low mldd'g 12: good ordlnaryy 101; net recelpU j gross 113: sales ; stock 584; exports coastwise ! exports- .to Great Britain -, "t C Hsug-tAries) nam on of Bstrglo ' rKa new burglaries have been report ed, but old ones turn np occasionally from speaking of which: the losers of property have been deterred, in the hope that they might recover some thing by keeping quiet For instance, a gefttlemantof thfe city related yestew day JhairaDOut two weeks ago be took UnuSua'. 'care in Closing 4 up nis house before 'retiring, having $100 on his pereon. fiHe also loaded bis pistol and put it under the head of his bed. Sxt morning he woke up and the money was gone f rom his pant's pocket which he had left on a chair in his room. He . went all over the house and every door and window was closed as. be had left them" and how . the burglar; got in or eoast- ; spinners to Continent BOBTOH-Nom'l; middling 12s; low middling; 12cj good ord'y 10c: net .receipts 58; gros nn.1: sales : stock 7.425: exports to Great Britain 187; to France. vnimsmi-RtAiidv: mtddlinc lllaC: low mid- dlina- lOlAc: good ordinary 9Vfeo; receipts 4; gross . sales.; stock 323; exports wise 10; to Great Britain. , Pwn knwi.mk Quiet: mlddUng 12; low, niAiiini, i i&faA: ivwi itnfinarv 1 0lAc: net receipts; sToas 78: sales7 spinners 142: "took 1,803; exports Giat Byttato, ! SATAmrAjg-Quiet; middling Hlfce: low.mMg 11&; good ounry 9MJO-; receipts l,55; Sroa. -i sates O0? stock 7,544r exp. eoast- wlse to uree Bruain ; pouuueu , kw rvsTAin-OniAt: midd'c lltta: low mid dling 10; good ordry 9e; netrecelpU 2,824; irroal 8.471; sales 250: stock 80,810; export to Great Britain ; toFrance. . MnTirr-Oiitft: mlddlinsf llUtc: fow inlddllng Suiwesanillvnaed In drsDeDsla. chronic diar rhoea and scrofula." ProL S. Jackson, M. D., Univ. Pemn, : -. . "invaluable aa a nervous tonic uon. l. u. Fowler. Tenn. "Becom mended as a prophylacUo in malarial dlatricts,"-r-D. B,Fairex, M.D.,N.O. . . .Beatores debilitated systems to neaun." t. v. Mercer, M. IX, lock "Adapted la chronic dlarrboBa, serofdU, and dyspepsia:" Geo. T. Harrison, M. IX, N. "Successful to diphtheria and neuralgia." J. P. Heese, m.b.,.u v , "Xxeeuent ior eenam oueaseB peculiar w wo men." ProL J. J. Moorman. M. D Va.; 'Prompt in relieving neaoaene, sick ana vons." uev. js. u. uoason. . . 1 ' : "usea wun grew penens m qyspepsia.. s: Balpb, M.D., Pa. 'Suited i digestive ior nie poswuu yi ."'"' iOfec: good ordinary Vic; net raoelpts 821; gross will Share a similar fate. These charges i2l'Xfi$ i5oTiHi.t)79;sexp. coast 408; afe'eiitlrely gratuitous.' I own consid FraneerJtoGreMBrftain. V - .; erauie miuinguitervBusiu iHtviuauu auu. other counties, and am in quiet posses sion either in person, by tenant dr with CQ-owhers. . Individually I have never ib is suui a iuyw3 j. ,.-, n - t : t i hBftn a TjiaintiS m an V; action '.never a At anpther house tothU city a nay dereant but once; and to the Jatter pr two since the print of a'boy'a naked m'A.W-aX - ,1f h tha Hnf -'Hi" Tlftd i ' trni irom me ouuuie, . m aa wotuf - on a sofa near-art open : window. tasa no, -complaint' was 'flled btit a re- diing ii&c; riroa TaVAfi' 'sinrl a o-ftntleman v V!.twi. "s. . . - . i 1 oihitiiri hnwRVrtr.waa missrasr. One or two other attempts have also been reported. i mm ! Hi i 'hi ' i s THX XVILS TUAX AUJUUi euwvjkco. of sr - wntiiiMfli ill a teMlnu 402 ; atUpmenu ; saiea rzb ; siock w.uqo. rtnii I middifnff lie.: loW mid dllng 101, good ordinary 9c; recelpU 16: hlpmenu ; sales 275- : . V CnABUtsvoa-Steady; middling HKc; low mk gooaorennary ua; i leaeipia -.Bales 200: stock 2.918: exoorts riGrat Britain continent, .. ,; . iiC. rF-3" A if ewnfjnr T "iTistituted 1 Hw Tona-Ootton nom'i; sues tt&; mioaimg OW.fe4'i??5dMI 1 opW12eTmld't.feJ8o receipts an iniuncwuu.uw mu.fm m ""w" i 104; gross 43U: eonsouaaiea net rwrw iuj, ed. as the records of pavidson Superior) ixi 4JBqi court-and the .Supreme Court Qf the rv ........ 4 State show; f 1 ffl A ft! A rt I. XrwBrwiNOoii-fton; to moderaw wanuy; tTTiw r,iit!rarirrol: "A: Bi SUULf middling ' -npuwds wat miaaung i i fmt valuable remedy known for female dls- ease'a."jL-Jno. P. Metteaur, M. D., L. L. D. "Of great ourauve vuxue.- xnos. jr. jtomioia, If n Vn. "Beneficial in uterine derangement and . mala- rinnaflnndiUons." G.M. ValL M. D Ohio. . "ChanBlng on the complexion, making U smooth, clear, soft and rosy." Miss M., of 8. "The prince of mineral tonics." Francjs Go Uam,M.D..N.C. ' ' . ' "lnesumaure aa tuuw auu auerauTV. mut ter Mcttulre, M. D Va. "Fine appetizer and blood purifier." H. Fisher, "Very Deneooia m napnmng a reoaova sjs-tem."-r-Blshop Beckwtth, of Ga. "Invalids here find welcome and health." Be v. John Harmon, late of La., now of Biohmond, Va.. 'Ho real inedt"SotttWii Med. Jomnal. ; " d SAi&wt4anwherL' :'. .: - met. season oennngs pegmaist ne. v 'jAfin!mVlaAftoiefi ' 78 Main 6t, InebW. Va., P.O. Box 1,74, iNABU&WXLL. . McADKN;ahd , J ' 1 ; cent Orleans 6: Success generally creates envy-envy begets ha-1 waged an ejectment action f or the on- J ip,WX VvjJcm mid. idhatoedglvei ;jplaee to malice-malice rad ! I ill. Gained a VCrdictand Judg- J dung clause: Augnst deUveryrVApgust aiid. mWsThtefraiHfso the bineful )lt goes on, ",fV. opo-lon. which the 6u timber 6 1R-1 6d, Septemt'-aiid pter nomMi mluhMf. UldM the bsncful list COCS OO. fnllnauul h, rlnui and WTOT1K doing. ThC IXMllSl- ana State Lottery, established by the highest iio thority, meets with no exceptlon,to thta rule. . Its success, induced br Integrity, and . honesty in its miniMmanr mLr TlberalltT and Chanty. hSVI armar flhoiapd abUity .to raem WfTvanspK every one wno bbjto "'" i to its U1VU V . .w. - - , , i nrAiriA fVmrt reversed on a mere tech-1 . ... . ill i-i.l I, ,..i1lsnAvaroil rouer to riAun, life, estate. imoer ana iuiuwtjdww tnaaarea ana urepa oj etBUHt tne aeea irom ancv 4 Headrick conveyed only, a This coiSstrucUon'JPtito fleeAa? en dorsed by every lawyer present and fras. Jt&Zm taTornatroTi;thai J. 6ikii February and tnber and March and Aprtf 6 S-ittdApm and May 64 Wittniwa dull. .. ...J ... ?i r ? ifi lJvmpoau-- ix ueaiea of AmejAeaa tton baMa? Upland low middling elause : August tellmrr A JVlftd. Aimat and Brfntembet 8 lb-ltta Beptember ana -oetoowotad.WvaaaHft. uarcn 0 w-ozu, sutures sieaay.e'nti;;i. WTX80 UvJaAnii vjujju - Wai3TON4CO., It WBOWSa.v, 'it mm FE ET WHIEi ME VER CEASE ! "'J0'1! rrTt -. " r WE HAYS JUST RECEIVED ANOTHEB CAiffi-ot otje -CEIEBRATED 50 1 CENT feORSET sf i Far stipertorm Stand auamy to any other ever rntrodaced in this" dry, sizes rannlng from 18 to 80. " v ALSOi A BBAUTiruiv ABTMirrrJp:? I Enadies'. Efl'inen.'.' TIJIsters, LavarlotBStyleeatexoeedlrigryto OJIi ',r ' 1 . J - -" j.; v. - :T"T': ,i.iq-q s Look at our beautiful PBXNTS, Justreceived, only7cver yard? (: j- v ! t yonS THE BARQAIN STORE ! RODDI Great reduction hvprices! Call early and secure oargainsi . OUR 8 GT. LAWNS 3 Beduced to 7c. OUB 6e LAWNS RXCUCID to 5c ALAMAKCX PLAIDS 9c. BLEACHING. ! '.vsl, -.! irs fw.-ru .. 7o each. ; Only one for each customer. Jusi rfceltftd, anotherlotof these 44 8-4 Bleaching 6c. 7-8 Bleaching 6c Bleaching, best In the market, 10c 4-1 Fruit of the Loom, lie Unbleached cottons from 5c np. a S 1 f 1 !. 'J tilt alVi. S 1 ahd2( qnMta, which we eonaao to sell at the ' 5 '.' oW jprteeev"! 2- 1 SPECIAL !NDUCMiiWfH-WHOLB- "0 ; S - mm , flAT-'g--nilf KXfm - ll X:a.;mtt, Terms, strictly cash. BODDICK ft CO., Charlotte, N. C. i 1 1 11 . me Host onipleffe , a GINNING OUTFIT OFFERED TO THE COTTON PLANTER! THE LIDDELL ENGINE ! The loss' Pras anftfc S;Z;fliii or- Fine L This outftt or any part of it we are prepared to deliver on the cars at short notice. THX LIDDXLL kKGLNg, manufactured by ourselves, having been greatly Improved In the last year, goes out with a full guarantee of greater strength to the horsey power than any other on the mar- That the "BOSS" DOUBLE SCBXW POWEB PBBSS has no superior is attested by the fact that it has a larger sale in the cotton belt than any other now offered to the public, 250 having already been delivered on this year's sales. THX & Z, HALL GIN, manufactured at Little Bock, Ark, under the special supervision of Mr. 8. Z. Hall, the inventor, for durability and thoroughness of work has no superior In the country. Any glnner with this outfit can defy competition In quantity and quality of work, r We also manufacture saw mills with the celebrated Llddell Patent Bachet Head Blocks, both simul taneous and independent acting, operated by one lever.' j For particulars addres, - LIDDELL A CO., aug27,dlw,wlt , Founders and Machinists, Charlotte, N. C. CHINA PALACE -OF- -yo- JTJST BXCFJVED, 100 GROSS Fruit Jars & Jelly Tumblers OF BEST MAKERS, Which we offer very low, wholesale and retail. FULL LINE OF Crockery, Glassware, House FurnishiDg French China, Triple-Plated Ware: A Lot Of BABV CABBIAGXS, Just to hand. SELLING OFF AT COST FLY FANS, FLY TRAPS ICE CHESTS, WATER COOLERS, ICX CBE1M FBEEZEHS, Etc Water Coolers -l gallon, 60c; 2 gaL, 76c -ang7 - . Ul AND LOOK AT HIS 1 LARGE Novelties s STOCK OF Jewry ALL OF WHICH HE SELLS L O W F b R '(lA S H. tea, b0?iijfignt and Quality. WAP GLASSES 10 .CENTS 'EACH. H 11: '.!'!. 1 til' pUM declB ' Biig Popes JUST IN White-Head Northern Cabbage' AliOV BACON. AND HAMS, BALTDC0BX HAMS, LABD, 8MOKXD SHOULDEBS, Etc ang26 - ! 8. M. HOWELL. THE SONIitN; i : A JCUBN1L OF LITEBATUXB EDUCATION A. BObUshed, looiUhli ri.; Oxd, M. atOlw ttdeaoQ fo?!?"?"?1 '. sTP .rTr,"f ;5o tvary -u I'" eruaotwooo fcAeiradvaWM II tMM .eiMalatton.VAaertUer- 1 iliown I Wlii wtrtrt AT ,&TK5 11A A III t nrncLnentlr. are ftfrori on-j. and an f tasto. 1 1 1 iMf 1 11 VII 1 1 II r llH'J 1 1 - rtpladv : v .rrFrry ."7 . s -i-':.-:.. i ! P. C. WILSON, CHABLOTTE, N.a, . Sole Agent for 1 1 4 -. j LOUIS COOK,' Colmnhr Buggy. WATXBTOWR 8PBING WAG0H .fMPAWXS, BUOOlXa jCjUBBIAGFA PHAXTONS, SPBTNG OPE BUGGIX3, tSS.'V': TOP BUGGIES, S68. . Onyalai .trulnMmilnM tA VfhAwlinlatfnlA traAa i JOBll MOUNTAIN- HOME FOR SALE AT HENDEBSONVILLE, N. C. TRS. TAYLOB'S BOABDINU HOUSB, corner Jjl Main antfJ)epot streets, Hendersonvllle. N.C, Is Wrered for sale tp bona MeiurcMiser on very !e!'!1!liL.yiJ-i i. and on the lot are all necessary out- The house teen rooms. Uyl houses.1 " "' " " ", " , If desired. wfll be sold ftrrnlhedfrom the cooking stove In the kitchen to the piano in the parlor, or h wiu oe w "J . , " . possession givou lUiUiKrrJi'nT ,uenaern i C I T Y &KQ PERTY FOR SALE. A DESiBABLS residence, tnree mocks irom uw A inibUojoaarfttB ChartotUwiU be eeld cheap iaadori reasenabla iterms td therMii kind of a purcnaser. xne aweiung is on iuu un, uos uuw eomlortaWe rooms, brick kitchen, nnfwell of wa ter, eta. , . The house ia admirably adapted for the residence or a lawyer, ooeror or .preacaer, wiu an aonuraDie notary or staarroonv i"D purpose. etc.. apply C..aDDU8A. ,.inBuir yoly20,dt rut w i iti tiHiitVi lilt ! :4 rMSli rrpHX Let on, the corner JU -NortMCaloii Ninth street and WaflNMd. will ell lntotwoTotsof 70 street and thff nm 140 feet on feet od The Torth caroimo Bailroad.wlUeithetbed. wes. APPiy ? 4fl . K.rniLi,inv ad buov ,,, . . .e9iBfj.