III Shl(Sfi A TRUE TONIC 7 o)-niir,cirfc,Fo)( ayjie. APPETISER IRON BITTERS aw higWj .tecotamfended for all diseases requir ing a certain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dys- Sepsia, Intermittent Fevers Want of Appetite, !Loss of trencftlly lAClc of Energy, etc. . It enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves; It acts like a- charm on the " dieesfire organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food,-? BdcJUna, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Prep&-1 ration that will not blacken the teeth or-give headache. . Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful an?, mninf XQSl9-i Si0 Baltimore, Md. ? ALTEBATlYff ANtf CATHARTIC. THE NEW FUEL. IMPENDING REVOLUTION TIVE POWER. a it in raim V j 0CO- obc Aanuiuaiilwaanllwlac rom A raaatioa of a mot IW I BhlllB. 1 ! aiadlsta d woBdrfnl raaniu. The old enargy 10 To aanataldabilityao nchhn aartant that' BnyJabot-waS A. tk did not ffira ma much rallefVbal on tha obntrarrawa At uus tuna i began ma am of your ikon tonic, irom which i rr iBtutoetl n4 i Intended bo (AiaUi Ioai trrofeasion, fori Mtytnte-pmia, 6enra eatM, tVant of VitalA faeti. and ConwUem- idy bnr- loed by ratal-Bad and I found that my natural force abatad. I haa aaad thraa bottiaa of tha Tonic 81aca nalnn it I have done twice the la- arae did ia tha aaaia ahaa darlns my Utnaaa. and with doable the ease. With the tranquil nerve aoncDtaeTer oaiore enjoyed, li tne xonie net not aone the j. jr. tyatmoh, jruLor unriMian unnfciv uroy, j. i aadrlMref Baa,haaasaMalea aUaraaaaof thoi waah,Thaw net what. lgiYa It thaaradit, Tm Areas Xsiaae ie IarayraiMea er U. Zra. J aetJa She reMe 1 -1 I. JT-Tlifi f tf Af AA II rll I AW M M fl If f I 7 i7 fill lf Mf M M ! f fW W AW ff ff If f ft AW AW ' J MM t " s I aw4(fll JT.Zir. A M f M Am AW J II li i Mr tl li tl Ft i t i li.Ji aw A if ft mTa II AaMWMll V AW fl W ff AM t fflWAWMffflW Ab-t I V aarjiMa I irMTUIl l THE DR. HARTCR MEDICINE CO, ,10, Sl HOBIN MAIN fTBIET, ST. LOUIS' alT od.dwl7 Oxoctvits. COK. COLLXGI & FOURTH 8TS., WHOLESALE GROCERS. Just in, and to Arrive : 3000 BUNDLES ARBOW TIES, 1000 HALF ROLLS BAGGING. 1500 PK6SFISH' 5QQ BBL8. FLOUR, S3 0aO1 Sweeping: Cnang-ea la tbe Railway Engine at tbe Grant Locomotive . Works. Cor. Chicago Tribune. The novel development of the I motive, or virtually rather, of the road itself, and indeed of steam 1 motion bv land and sea which recent experiments and discoveries in geEsef -a.: f l 1 , i i- anus xuei uave miuswu una its pres ent centre of interest at the Grant Lo comotiTe Works, in Patterson. N.' J.: Although the first locomotive specialty , adapted to the new fuel is so nearly completed that September will proba- bly see it on the road between Ne$( ijSSkwXmr 'niirestiiireS d aitl (if fauch HmtieuillbM.imnortanca trMtpip&lfitbrMfoial "open inwMf ffWllMmcial red-' 'tape, or the husbanding of an adver tising sensation, than like wide-awike independent journalism. I have, there fore, waited only until the new ma chine could be photographed in its sub stantial entirety on the shop floor jbeH fore visiting the works at Patterdfi' and introducing it to the public. ): - The new locomotive, generating and burning hydrogen gas from waterj CSy. the Holland process, is now on its'ro-1 tary legs (i. e., wheels), visible and com plete in its substantial parts. Its jacket is off, however, and the workmen pire still busy at the long process of head ing in the 2,174 copper flues that give its interior the semblance of a number of church organs packed into one. Thja, greac numper or flues tor tne passage of i- . : ii i:i , , s WtTITEAtriN JAIL. . ' f''- fONlO,'. r-,'- t ' ; ,. i i Buomona urer twcuiator, purely -TegetaDie, is Apprenenalve of Bf ob-Law XleWaAn 1 not tinDleasariit to the tasted It' Is' the niedlelne Fr to Qave.ITl'GiU jUrreated TberflUl-7ffenerautiserflli the' South to arouse he' torpid;! i tarw Gniiri it-i--n s 1 ":f llVArtrrhiihltriv nrtinnti tt'orrma Wiftlnrta.'WlllniMU i .rBtfint . ; i : i ness.'dysDeDsia. nsadache. fftst3Datldhana tiles: H T,a n'4.'''' .'i tViTacU6ii df the regulator Is free Irom nausea 6t rfnl thfc.o toMo-itbii;lWMOfffleUTOr,cBuilnff the Wle to act as aca- 1 1 ,J--J-.1J I UUMUU f ? UCU UiyiD 10 CUl OAvOH VI UlAD 111 UM I THISSPEAK&.OEjTHE JftiattactTipon hfnn but ed this impressioh is" ur from obserrinir. .that the number SOldiers hart Wn innrftasfirt. TTsnall-r ! lie4nruiresf'of the guards as theyojae jotf tor the?latesl;?ijetys fromyhe President, jind receives the stereotyped RTIflWOT TrrT-tairin r t 1 oaf QiiAnnfa to which he relies. "l am eladto hear it." He is still engaged in writiiigji j .i i SOME OF.HI&EFFTjSIONi.IiStl ! are directed toa&ITaa'iEiiilBr ence to procuring bail, wmie otners purport to give $n account bf the allpg ed version iujiafc- inspired . him tf j&oefc the President, and his reasons for the shooting, such as haVe been published over and over again. T f;: i Since the eniaode with the. firuard jMcuui, a tew days ago, he nas an4 impart vigor and hesM to the whole system. I 'kit I LAST BIAUTUIERS. j Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks,' and Mparklme - eyes, with all the cosmetics of France or beautUlers of the world, while In poor neaim, ana nounng wui give you sucn ncn Diooa, Kwo neaiu, sirengin ma oeauiy as nop iJUiers. BKDFORD AUiir ahd Ihoh SPRTHfis Wjltkr lim mass, The great tome and alterative contains twice as much iron and City per cent, more alum- mam man anr ' aium ana iron mass" knows. J us b the thing for the "spring weakness',', now so general, ooia Dy au aruggiats or any standing. rices nuuoiu uuo ami. may 11-tf And positively the only big ah?w ftaVwffl fxIbft jaj ' f;!-.y .B.t r--v 1HIS YEAR. Wednesday, Sept. 14th 100 BAGS COFFEK, 75 BBLS. SYRUP, 101 B0XB3 SOAP dire us a trial before you bay and we will sell you. HM. aog24 M k COl?N!CORN!CdRN! V. BAGGING AND TIES We are agetts for THE WATT PLOW Will sell It LOWER than you can buy an other good plow. Full assortment always on hand. Call and see as before purchasing. Mayer & ross. aog2 ' MALARIA IS AN UNSEEN, vaporous poison, spreading disease and death In many localities, for which quinine Is no genuine antidote, but f or the effects of which Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is not only a thorough remedy, but a reliable preventive. To this fact there Is an overwhelming array of ' testimony, extending over a period "of thirty years All disorders of the liver, stomach and bowels are also conquered by the bitters. For sale by all Druggists and"Dealers generally. DLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. romniwS f ver7 bitter towardXths guard. A fBw mcvi in xne rotunaa ne aemanaea 10 fendwwhy he was nbt locked up, claim that McGill was as sruiltv as he was on ly McGiU .failed to shoot . Subsequeiit- iy ne addressed a letter to an omcial OUtside . whom he regards as a stalwart mend, requesting him to go to Judge W ylie And make charge of assatilt with intend to kill against McGM on Itifor mation.and belief). It is needless . to say that this letter has Tiot beenent to the party to whom it'wiis faddfess ed. '.-'-.j ",'',. i , i ilfflj'Wi'jWCit'Wtwy guard lat the ; ail has not Tt)een increased," but it W pnaemopa mat tne mannesmt the at f4okp4 4!hth stEeet e4st'are under' orders, and in case of an liprfsirig t&ey doifld in' a few moments re-inforc th flame, etc., their small calibre and cWt lL that rather than fall in thai hards of a, mob he would" have no hesitancy i in., putting an end to his existence. . i . PUBLIO FEKLINGL. HI j ' The feeling in the community as the Altn Ani)it!nn LI 1 ICSlUCUli S bUUUlUUU KC19 WUrSB IB ue proximity, are to be understood as not so much a peculiar necessitv as a pecu liar prerogative of the new fuel the. most tenuous, mobile and intensely calorific substance known. .opper has about twice the conduc- ty o-rroti, bfftoo iefffor the IfMIF010!? The Govern- lflv- A"? J!ienL OfW. reTOld to ment doubUess intends that iWrn-ianT per Bnaii oe icepc a are ana tnat ne shall be given a fair trial. ' ri.. t-uii j ,-.JBOIt J i l tliUt f.ti'.t l Is the time fixed for the coming of the Great Show to Chark tte, and ft will only exhibit for the one d 5--- 4 NO SOONER, KO LATER, NO LONGER. JOHN ROBINSON Vtaake lcJcctttKitive atsuriivith antilacite coal drives a continual hail-storm of sparks and burning coals througk the flues, and would cut them up, if of cop-? per, at an extravagant rate. Copper, again, repels the salts, suspended in most water, that firmly unite with and incrust the surface of iron flues. In this way the use of gaseous fuel per mits a second saving, often of about one-half, in the cost of steam. More important still, however, is liberty to contract the flues to small calibre, as in this locomotive, bringing the incandes cent gases more entirely into contact with the heat-conducting metal, and diffusing the water in thin strata be tween tne hot surfaces. It is impossi ble to use such flues with crude fuel. Its heavy smoke and sparks could scarcely be urged through them at all. Still another economy of great value dependent on the hydrogen process, is the second or inner combustion-chamber peculiar to this locomotivfi. This is a clear gain out of the space required in other locomotives for the coal ahd wood-burnine furnace. Has rpnniroa not one-fourth as much furnace room. PRECAUTIONS TAKEN BY THE GOVERN ..; . ., .1EN.T. ." . ; General Sherman said last night' that full preparations had been made to meet any possible emen?ftnv. hut k declined to say what the arrangements were; that the Secretary of State, the Secretary of War and himself had con sulted and perfected the plana; that iuo uidiraiy ui iub law wmim n 1 in- held ; that the jail was the proper place ivi yimuuvia, a provided Dy tnef stat- uiea;anutnac mere was no need for unnecessary public excitement. A VISIT TO MRS. GARFIELD, SR. A IiRwrencvCaanty Lady's Chat with the Prenident'e in other. New Castle Courant, August 19. .To-day, in the quiet little village of jiiram, unio, i nad the pleasure of .spending several hours with Mrs. Gar field, the aged mother of our President, a jovial, fresh-faced tuv nf nnr an mmim, Neuralgia. Sciatica. Lumhann. Backache, Somess of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swott ing and Sprains, Iturns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ho Preparation on earth equal. Sr. Xicom On aa a toe, sure, timple and cheap External Samedy. A trial an tails but the eomparattTely tnfling outlay of 69 Gouts, and every one differing claim.18 can have cheap and positive proof of its Direction, in Haven Language. 80LD BY ALL DETJGQIST8 AST) DEALERS IS MEDIOUTE. A. VOGELER fc CO., JitUHmore, MO., T7. B. A, deeSOd&w ly (Breal ectnc M pt Show MUSEUM, MENAGERIE, AQUARIUM AND t Strictly Moral Circus Travelling by its own special trains of steel parlor palace ears. 50 Years Without Change. FIRST IN ALL THINGS! a FIHST IN MERIT! FIRST IN MAGNITUDE! FIRST IN MAGNIFICENCE! m. uxum.n i inim .i - . af w v-v The upper three-fourths are therefore yew hp still walks as spry as a girl fire-chamber y "r A7esiaenc mst have inhert 8YMPTOMS OF A - TORPID LIVER. Iiossofa Fain in blade, ansea. bowels eostlve. .with a doll aenaation in the back part, Fain under the aboulder- t fullness after eattngj with a disin- rutK oi i iie acini, lioh Deiore ine YeUow Bkin, Headaehe, Bestless- at night, highly colored Urine. clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spirits, Loaa oi memory, witn fseling of haying neg lected some duty, weariness. Dizziness. M1 t ill.! . z . . .a 7 " nesa IT TKE8X WAfiKHrGS AJU UNHXEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUrn FILLS are especially adapted to ncn eaiei,on dose effects sueha change of foeUng im to eatenl.h the Iraffarer. They Increase UieAppetlte, and eatee tbe body to Take wm ib thns. tbe .yctem ta doaaa. prica Btoala are nro- W HATI NOW IN STORK FOR- THS Spring and Summer Trade -The Largest, ilnett and-' MOST COMPLETE -j 'TOC "0- ' ' ' rtNX MILLtNKHTj WBITK 0001)6, - TBIMMING3, NOTIONS and an lands of-. . . . .... ? r mm ror iaies ''We , hart "emt had .-J.i ( ".'3 J i vj,IA j'iii.oi;-.r " lanaanasor. .. . : , iiilr ana unndrn the pleasure of showing OUB8TOCX0F- rANS, Tk a Is a ont a t k . t. NECKWEAR. .lUiiWI AND CORSETS . . , J"!" to thectty. We have- :TS',iOR3BONNETS LAi.'ins3 and tmLo. :: i; Xu t i.;ilntorWbt?s Wr"ii t'-'imLnb'k ist..J. . ' ' Our. ttttfirt1l2aarlanl Bonneta will! M open J wA an Par--Soft bf M fto WB coovlnca.any TTi w. --at we staoa neaa in siriea ana '.T, prloatlnournne. , -uZi lilio KajU-fVV-' - ifi 'ataf:W arn herrrlends . . , . . ,V-- ifa tie seoured tb fcerrlces orHr. m. a 'UJ,wd'bel Wls Wend. "14 TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Ghat Hair or Whiskers changed to a Glossy Black by a single application of this Dyk. It impart a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggi.U, er aot by expraa on raeaipt of I. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. C Div TU'lTS UlCil of Valaabl Inroraatlaa u . DmM B.alp. .U1 ba allait fKKK aa apjUcaUga. Feby. 23deodawl ALLOWED. r.t'4 'aa. 18.1878 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' (TRIAL, Elecfro-VoltaliifAppJiances ; suffering from Nervous Weaknesses. Ocn. eral leblllty, loss of nerve forte or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Other Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism. Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney' or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures,, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubkid with diseases peculiar to their sex. i! 8jnJ?dy Tltef "n-fornpletei restoration to health guaranteed. ' These arethe only Electric Appliances, that haverever vvuiwiHirucmi n eiiea,Tbeir,thoroug tically "proven wim tl HMMfl a. .. . 1. a -iat . . endorsements from meelies.1 and scien. wne men, and from hundreds who have au uuormauon iree. Address.-' utilized as an interior fire-chamber whii large neatine surface surrnnnriPfi by water. It is a sort of stomach or in termediate enlargement of the multi tubular alimentary canal of tha boiler Short vertical fire-flues. 1.662 in nnmhbr and of -inch calibre, lead into it di rectly from an army of gas burners just beneath them. The water is Rvrv- where beneath and around th fl ilea and the fire-chambers. Then, from th forward end of the inner fire-chamber 512 horizontal flues, eleven feet lonrr and of 2-inch calibre, lead the hot gases of combustion (through surround ing water) to the final outlet. These are about three times as many as can be got into a coal-burner of the same size, besides the 1,662 short flues. Mean while, the burning flame as it enters the inner fire-chamber meets injected air t perfect it combustiohi sb long as thertf jremains iny colorinil of uncqn stfmed cafrhon or carbonic xidfi thai is.'until the "black fir'e5'lirfr,nA hvHm. 6gfliMifuDydeva4rtel; 1 Aitogetnerrtne heating surface in tnf ucw lucuuiuuve m two-ana-a-naii u that available in a coal-burner of same size. Back pressure on the pistons, from the retarded escape of used steam, is considerably aggravated in the coal burning locomotive in consequence of the necessity for contracting the : ex haust in the smoke stack to force a draft. No forced draft is required in burning hydrogen, and therefore the exhaust is made perfectly free, and, will be as noiseless as in a stationary ; en gine. Smoke and sparks the latter an agent of destruction that costs many millions of dollars everv vear are now virtually obsolete nuisances. The en tire product of hydrogen combustion if aqueous vapor, and in the Holland lo- comotive this is barely qualified by & small ingredient of carbonic acid. The vapor has invariably been found too pure to soil a white handkerchief, and a dirty one could actually be washed white in the mouth of the smoke stack. The weight of this locomotive on the road will be about forty-eight tons: its lengtn mirry ana one-quarter feet; boiler length, twentv-two feet one- quarter inch; cylinders seventeen by twenty-four inches ; and driving-wheels sixty-one inches. Dead weight in fuel win be diminished by four or five tons as compared with coal-burners; in fact it will be but nominal, whila nrt rn- plenishment will be required in the longest runs. AH OPEN lnly81 ptrgiviD 0ITAI0 BELT CO., Kar.hall, Kick, ' -V H , I 11 j-.r.i-j-.T,-- Peaches ! Peaches ! ! By the crate to peckj at a PEBBY'S. MrAttWHOTEL -w i v- x am m nprilS house has jbeen toasdSWVterm of rears JJ by Alrsv Dr. Beerespwhosevintentlon is to keen a strlctlj flrst-caaa house In verr rn,f Commodious aamnle toamn on tint ana aa, floors. .-. XJ r H, The patronage of the public Is solidtedJ , - JulyladtL"" luAt - ,votnWANTED X ! MANUFACTXJBTNI? OONCEBN wants a i . man 111 yuarloue and in reverys cltylthow to nay for eooda Aft UplWor tlttMnnln-rn liava htwn secured for tha-saswt S1SO pes month profit guar anteed. The most searching investigation soil Cited. ; . -A. 8. ARNOLD A CO.. au23.d6l -1283 Broadway N. V. ted much of his marvelous energy from this little mother, whose kindly, reso lute face is ohlv atnore delifiate ivm f the rugged features of her statesman son. , With much vivacity she told us of .earlier .days,? wen left a widow with four little children, her pioneer neigh bors offered to make a "bee" and split rails for fencing her land. But when these nelpers found that this stanch, yotthg temperance matron would not furnish them, whiskey, according to the custom then, they all quit their work, leaving the logs only quartered. But, true: to he? principles and nothing daunted, the grand little woman her self took up the maul and alone split fJf&'K?1 "Every time I lifted the maul, it was so heavy and I so slender, its weight nearly pulled me backward." "Are you not proud to think of it now r asked her aged sister, Mrs. Boynton. Oh," answered Mrs. Garfield, "I atnlasbamed to think that merrrwere ever sueh slaves to whiskey." She says in those davsr ah aTwavs wmerthree r miTe to 'cHurch, taking u upt Buvea tiu siociungs co wade the Chagrin Elver, which ran between her house and the meeting-house. With tears in her eyes she told us of every evening reading the Bible with her youngest son And said he always was a trood oof-rr JRTCien I told her that Mr. Taylor waa a-kJhM ft'aitm.f I i st'l i" T 3 9 aw J" I uy,vi?K-ojaian Territory she Bpokft of the;interest she and her sons had; always felt in the rxor Indians. AHONG THE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and all who will take the trouble may secure them. These roseate, bewitching hues follow the use of Hagan's Mag nolia Balm a delicate, harm less and always reliable article. Bold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish, removes Sal lowness, Tan, Bedness, Erup tions, all evidences of excite ment and every imperfection. Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being cajajletgct its application. THE SENSATIONAL FEATURES ARE: The Great Kectric Light. A Herd of the Largest Elephants. The lareest Rhtnrw.m i .....-. w aa OU1W1 11X1 a weight 4;000 lbs. A Giant White Polar Bear. A Drove of Bactilan Oamfiin Vr,0v rw uu VSv. A V'VIUIT- sal Living Crocodile, 20 feet long. Egyptian Valpus. One hundred different kinds of Mon keys. Pair of Sacred White Peacocks, worshipped in India as gods, the Man-Eating Mandril. One hundred different kinds of Plum aged Birds. . SEASONABLE GOODS. waysagertQ take the partof the weak rXjL r P & 1 liiVr UXIU lUrJo, BnUNALKliS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS HOW She lOVes this SOXV her "hfthv" assjtwlc!iedlu 4With what gratified pride she refers to Criadsr.nA's sympatiCjletoBt toStiieSPresident's wife.Mrs.Dr. Boynton, who is pres ent, speaks bf a'letterfrom her htis band. irx" Washington, which tells of the President's extreme weakness after the last surgical operation ; but this brave mother of a brave son said in answer: "My son will live. God will raise him up, for his work is not yet done.", Mrs. Wm. M. Taylob. 1 - Detectives Hi, Weddingv. A Detective in the St Louis Post-Dispatch. we go about it in this way : ! We are notified a day or two beforehand of the wedding, giving us tithe to visit the nouse. see aiitne aTjartments and leam the arrangements for the disndaition nf Jfch guests, their clothes, wraps, etc.. airu wxiere ine presents will D6 placed. Wjenow have the flay? of things, as yo mignr, ierm nvh in tne evening I repair to the residence "a little ; later than, the other jguists; l?ut effect aquiet in the neirrhhm hnnd f 1 ou A BOS presouu itn a alarmed by the , t rM'C; H&l 1ZZ: wnen 1 might encounter the same fatal difficulty. So with some excuse, to the servant -I manage to be on the Bcene without any one being the wiser.; My; Stand 1& hear the wnddin? nresents --if .they, are near the guests. Isoon have an opportonitv to examinri the faces Of the guests, and can easily learn their W1 nil a. ..a. aa JM AL ' . ' J ll. A Atuauyup auu tneposiuon oi ineirngnc at the celebration. J sr ,t - , .... OIL STOVES -AND THE Denble Quick Cool Stove TVbatlsIt? . Willis Point (Fla) Local. 7 , For some time cast flshino- narffes huu ciuzens in tne Goose Lake have been appearance m the lake of a strand monster, unlike anything everseen or heard of heretofore. It was first seen aouttoee years WYW' J-z- Scott; t4rehLffl1ieett bv nSmerout parties. J It has"rodr Between fifteen ana twenty feet in length and as large around as a common horse. It has a head like a doe and tail like a reatflsh.' No fins or feet have ever been observed though it seems to move with the mo- "BAM A A .Uo. at. l 1L . 4.1 A- - iiuu ux. a mm rawer man mat or a 1 11 X, 1 . - .. Ta Hiic.tt.tj. jxli mose portions oi ma doqv For summer use, Just In. ( THE FINEST LINE OF M Joyes and Sewing Machines , IN THE CITY. Orders and correspondence solicited at the Hard ware Store and Sewing Machine House of RICHARD MOORE, j Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. - CoL C. W. Bbadshaw. so long and farorably known In connection with the Sewing Machine business of this city and vicinity, is now with me and would be pleased to see his friends and patrons and serve them as heretofore. . . may24 1 '. .;: ili no m King alakaua- was in Vienna witniongnair or a dark color. It 1-25t19,w 5 swims with astoniahin raniditv .iSJ..JP.'a-.ott.a very mixed will follow a lighted boat at night. On the night of July 27th, Messrs. Aaron, Tawmk XT r ai..V. -1 Aciij auu xi. vx. uauuiuB were uut in a boat gigiflshingf when the monster ap proached within striking distance and they drove the gig deeply into it. j The animal freed itself with a violent-effort, twisting the prongs of the gfg like so many straws. The citizens fn th neighborhood aratalkincr nf nrn&nrimn harpoons and organizing a regular whaC "'K "peuiuon. lmm 'Inlwklleli; BY LUlHEa BENSON. Character, and -presently joined in the dancing, hayine as a cartner one of the wuuiDu . wuu;,srequenc s me-piace. ,Aie was Of C0ur8Assnnn rnnnimized.and cheered byvthe iieotjlttitfthe halli who stopped dancineLllftflrihtf him in, the middle of the floor witn hiDartoer. rMm Kalakana t TT1 " .7' , For sale at :au8,u; TIDDY ft BBO'S Book Store. it J. L. HARDIN, ,M XBCH A D 1 8 1 Jt hWZfi R I -ANIV COMMISSIONS MEltCtljSiNT, v 1? lacir sTsttsnii votuniu Medical Denartmant flrnt Tm nf rrhtrt t! 's. Iowa Wh Iowa.1 fw I haw ever os can erfdorse It as the fest pieparon of the a pnysuia ssrfft mS' loatea jcx- wwunoutaj' sati?fof uaLsii-i ViSl m H. I J.I trrc srf kt fliseaiei Cures xemare weakie--es 1 nv ymirffltinWf MrflirM l a raers r or' Hat. Meal. Flettf.TArW praslck chM suffering and crj1n'Wlth thai MJobacoovSuKar, Coffee; Molasses; e;, respect cruclatiug inl?rat4inS teeffl so, o at.T MOT solicited: Ihe cheapest taatTKOt WTB&mtrPII wfflretteithe peot JittMWim r WTSfr H twr H:r v, unerer unmndintAivuianMd mmh it than. itM i . VirATi ha I mn vAMTFn . I WIAJKKD fKIHTXR. Of T waHi a4riahi 1 all urowaal astead suaaliori.. cii. atTZi&Zj GZl ?3!'VBmt t eompetent :to1aka lanS I nam of trie mnhuiK.i if.Tn.i miatnka Phystoian n afford to 1 who has nefLWSPfZ. B laU i-1 MJewiMrtri. r that It -n -."J. " " y. 8 t ? n !T.t that U Will twsrrlnfiafh.. kli .nAffM MM tn tha Ir"Ji..iittUU reuei ana neaitn u tne enuat operas AJ? : .Is . trfectly .safe to use Jtn counterfeit. ' j I ,-w';eiii the Btato-."; ldwerywheja. n"y cents and dollar sizes. ' 1 auiS5lWk 1 Pape.Wlfl work Ttrr Cheao durinar tne inraitiar:; AaarejSrVj.j fc.4!, t v. . ,4 , VGL. i I July24,dtf CObserW. Charlotte nT'cI The StartllngNpyeltles are, 100 Performers, Male and Female. A Cortege ol fielde. Chariots. 50 Dsn a of Bare Wild Animals. A School of Sea Lions. 100 Diminutive Shetland Ponies, imaller than New Foundland Dogs A Troupe of Hindoo Jugglers. The Circus embraces more-Equestrians, mote Vaulters, more Gymnasts, more Clowns, more Athletes, more Specialties, thananrother show .1.-', .. ;. i 5" 1 . " WAuf And now a few words te the ieonIef'ChiffritfA nnrt wtnt. Vhf! ot trhAWtKA k W vr0.. is "raw. . xi u uuser sua granaer man ever. t -me : DlCtonal bllhi ef the old tne wonderful feanires vhinh rem ru witnaaaaai in ui, zu naoas nign; is larger tnan an Elephant John Robinson Show are correct reoresenn tli. nun. ..4 lr....i. -r . . ii.j1 . A. -JSia4Pa'.? ""ap MX, 20 nands iugh;.ls larger than an Elephant Also. in Th-olXa. "Lnelgnl 8i? "icnes; the only one ever on Exhibition r ' - aijuiavOT wui. liwus, HJvro vauioiEh more xixerBa mere uaaea. mora Ri - ephants, more Monkeys, than any other Showta America,; v? m soTi i?!BA!?.. 'TlielAneipmical' TrTv. "r rfr , .t vcui 1 , iub nuxnan meieor. a woman (not from a the Greatest of nil Shows Kn oTnor.tir.no ' T TTT"r r " vwiuvui. I Wonder. The Cannon loaded only by this ;-.', -. . ; J fir, IP' 1 J "" :t,' " I 1 A few mom SnAOlsI AttmAtlnna. 1nar. vaMlvart fmm' iVitr Vrnmnaam Mtaf J.I ftru - , . ew t ir . ' ..' wui - iu kpsw iasihuo. "Jlirr,;'J "H 5T capnyiiy or ever on exnipinoa; ana SUU-: another t cieai feature, the wup. w viniofiui vi au anteiope gpecies, me ufl v. me Homed Horse, wl xxorsei out u ami a ween anotner great jtnre.taeBil,yEB ANTELOPE, the first inA 7tnin , ever J52 ,h.a tha resemblance of a exniDitea; and suiL another, the SOUTH AMERICAN SLOTH, that you aU hareread about but have MTOjeen. ; One hundred yards pf BOACpNSTICTOBS and ANN ATONDASTUU aaother great ieature, me most wonderful of all, a herd ef real live GIBAFITEB. tha moat be&utif ni t-T-- - rT .fM vau, vaaw t-W yaj .a, UM, . - fit t . ' - - w r. 1. J ..... . . h 'The Great Street Parade Is bright, beautiful and nrtlllant Tiele-111' 1a no eomblnftrlon with anr oMhws-the time la fixed. The OLD JOHJf &OBINSON 8BOWerl tnanSf oil DoatSones and his show is too big to need a combination with any other. u Two thonaand at but a small advance. chairs .. . "a. . . IP IT! .oil lr,t mil ya .tn Mam j.-. . Monroe, i fnuW?? Ettt4ElnsaS totfWrt Wrnhrf Ay3old John Bobinson a Big Show exhibits at the above places. f-'1? T-rS ?T n iaDg3048fpio,i?ki2w

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