J ' '7 mi r-i r ' vr'" ' " "v f" n v ; so u if i ! r J ; Cl i ' APPETISER 4 SSrfaltoa efficient toSerespeciaUy IndigfestKn, Dys plpsia, Intermittent Fevers, AVant of Appetite, Loss of Strength, lAck. Of Energy, etc It enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. It acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as TMgteFood, --rattea that will not blacken.the teeth or gije headache jKall druggists. Write-for th:A B?C Book, 2 pof useful mtairig cEMIcAi CO., Baltimore, Md. o Sunuiaii:! m soffarin from general debility to ilMiiiin to ht, ATaaauoaof a moatft aia no girm me riM,nrt .roetraUon and ainkin .hill, AttUaUm 1 r 1 sJauot iameaiat int aderfal results. The eld tari. t hiMMid Ihm bottle nmtViiii darlnr n7 lllneaa, u. rlonr of hadr. has noma alse a elearnasa of thotUEBt HkTku. net what. 1 alva it the credit. gr,m Iron Ton m f prmmarmtim of iro-1 I td Hreit.-Jrw- 1 I wioM .Bar ft, and PHom-1 lytatet. . aoai I ess in rira6Il lriHi I leyery uarjww aArf la TwmI ie MNNCry. ' " - - -- - A A nFrfflFfrZFfFfm v fvjfWtfPfrJ) II KAIVFAtTHIEI IT THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., MO. 813 NORTH MAIN STREET, ST. IDUI JUBtlT od,4wly " COR. COLLBGB 4 F0CBTH STS., Just in, and to Arrive : 3000 BUNDLES ARROW TIES, 1000 HALF ROLLS BAGGING, 1500 PEGS FIS3, 500 BBL8. FLOUR, 100 BAGS COFFEE, 75 BBLS. SYhUP, 101 B0XK3 SOAP Give uB a trial before jou buy and we will sell you. R. M. MILLER k SONS. aug24 8 CORN ! CORN ! COEN ! v. BAGGING AND TIES t - - "i J i We ase agetts for THE WATT PLOW Will sell It LOWER than jou can buy an other good plow. Full assortment always on band, Call and see us before lurch aslog. MAYER & ROSS. aug20 . ; WE HAVE NOW IN STORE FOB THE -Spsg -and -Soniiiier. Trade - , : ; .'( The largest, Finest and MOST COMPLETE H5TOCK 0? dllNl UILLINERT. ' 1 ' white goods, . tbduhngs. NOTIONS J --And an kinds of ? i FANCY -DRY UOODS : '.f -For Ladies and Chfldren- We mate ever Had the pleasure of showing' OUR 8TOCK OF GLOVES, HOSIERY, , , , 0 J: PAisoLs' .t ' AND CORSETS . -Ifnotsurrssedin thedty. We have- HATS OR BONNETS TOTrrTHHElD ASDPOCOTT OF EVERT unr faoem tuv ana conneis wm d open erw a OT a m mm i 1 .- '2i examtoaUon of onr stock will convince any ; ,:rm7' . . nrioes in our line. w,iiiite1md to thd -tore to wait on ner friends ..ru.".l i v huI (vstomers.. w , f ' WHOLESALE GROCERS Seea ua m QUERY Bteet who WOTld WPUuet.y'ES. p. 0rrRRT.'- A TRUE TONIC I7ndord and i eaves, trmnt of Vital I ity, A'o- JEVostra' I f ton ana mnroiei ceneeromJieters,!),! mam mm axceM U3 my ww waa wwtwr- mna nun,wrwi aw-wijui. "M "trr"L ' MOD tie IN 01 rw o iubio, iron wukb i re- ei returned and I fooad that lay natural force (V th 'onto. Kino. mlBK It 1 nave done twice ms la and with double the atat. wn nth the tranquil nerve narar before enjoyaa. u tne xonio uu nut wh aw J. P. WATSOX. Pastor Christian Ohnreh. 1T07. U. A bad breath jnay result from aridity of the sto mach or from biliousness. In either case a few doses of TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT, administered according to directions, will sup plant this unpleasant companion with a sweet and healthful one. It Is a saline corrective, specially suitable for warm weather, and leaves the system strong to do Its work of recuperation. Sold by all druggists. Jun5 dtweodt5mo IfjJSS' CELEBRATED THOUGH SHAKEN IN EVERT JOINT and fiber with fever and ague, or bilious remittent, the system may yet be freed from the malignant virus with Hostetter's Bitters. Protest the system against it with this beneficent anti-spasmodic, which is furthermore a supreme remedy for liver complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, debility, rheu matism, kidney troubles and other ailments. , For sale by all Druggists and'Dealers generally. TU TIPS piytiS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. ' SYMPTOr.lS o A TORPID LIVER. TiOOM of ,XTausea,boweli costive, fain in t! eHead.with a doll aenjiation in the back ck part, Fain und Fain under the shouider- blade, fullness after eat with a disin- clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low gpirits, Loss of memory, with a feeliiig of haying neg lected some dutywe&rinaia, piaalnesa j mttnng or tne ten, jjoya peiore tne eyes, Yellow Bkln, Headache. Restless ness at night, highly colored Urine. Xt TEX8Z WUUmrQI AXK TJTTHUDZD, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. - 'JIUTT'S TILLt are especially adapted to ocheases.onedoM effects snehachanara of feeling as to astonish the offerer. They IomaM the Appotlto, and cause the body to Tadto ea riaab. thus the ayatem la poarunM, ana oj wmi tbm Aosionon tbe llaUTe ernuHi Bnter Stoola are pro duced. Price 25 cents. SS Hurray St- Tt.T, TUTT'S HAIR DYE, Oxat Haib or Whisk irs changed to a Glossy black oy a single application or tms jjtx. it lmnarts a natural color, acta Instantaneously. Sold by Druggiita, !( by azpreii on receipt of l. (trice. 35 Murray St., New York. CDt. TUm KAirrAL r Tln.l.I. IaHmatlea aad m GmM KaMlsto wUI be audled fKKS aa aBBlfeatUaJ Feby. 23deodAwl s . . 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED- Fat'S ' - - ' 1 " 11 "!- ml ,4 tut IS, 1871 WE. WILL SEND, ON 30DAYSC.TB1AL, DR.DYES EIectroiVoltaiciip)l!aiii!6s TOMEKT suffcrlne from NervoneWenknesses. den. F oral Jebillty, lesst of nerve orceorrvlgoT, j or any disease resultiug from Abuses and Othee tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, .Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles,- Lame BackRup tures, and other Diseases of the YHalrOrgans. Also woke troubled wilses peculiar to their sex, . u '-,."- " ? Speedy relief and. complete, feitotaUon to health guaranteed.,.. Thepe arePthe only Electric Appliances that have ever .been eonal rueted ap'oii aclentlfie prin ciples, ''heir thorough efiticacy.has been prac tically proven "with the moat wonderful necesa. and they have the hlrheit endorsements from fftr -lifat and aelen tl0e men, and from haa4reds who harve .. peen auicKiy auit raatcasiy enreu t been miilckly and rkueaily , ithelr utsi -1 1 1 ,W i rv ftentf atrrncerfor Illustrated Famahlet. irin-r I .It A -il a J J -lnly31 . . c. . St. CHARLES JHOJIEL 8TATE3 VILLI, N.C. rriHia to'use naff' been leased for ft term of years ; Jl by Mrs. Dr. Reeves whose intention la to; kftnn a atrlntlr flmtilnaa hmnuk In averv resoect. I Commodious sample jrooin on.Qrat and second 4 ''' . IS 8T03IACII p i rne patronage i lira pupiic is soiiciieo, - , ' .ulyl,dtt - - - j ..... . i - i,( "M- f Wilmington Ster: Colonel Edward Cantwell has gone to Charleston, S. C for the purpose of making a legal p6r nection.or ot practicing law alone. He has been at the Wilmington bar a long time, and at one time was Jndge of the City Criminal Court - ; We understand that some of the rice Elantersof the Cape Tear will begin arvesting their crops at once. -' - -Cows are not allowed the freedom of the streets after September 1. The or dinance will be strictly enforced afters that date. . We learn that the rains of Friday and Saturday did not reach further up the W. & W. Railroad than Magnpliai but were quite heavy all along ' the line of C. C. Road. Goldsboro Messenger: Mr. Wiley Holt, aged 71 years, father of Messrs. Rvp. m &1 B. Holt; and of Mrs. A. L. Sassef , Inl his county, Jdied; Saturday morning. Mr. Iiolt- was ? f drrnjerly ' a citizen ofadhnstofi ou4tjr if',' r On rriday last Mr, Wiliy iKIwsome rwas severely scaiaea by tne Diowipg out of a pipe at the steam saw null owned by Mr. Lovett Lee near Fai sons. The water along the W. & W. Rail road was never as low as it ras last week. The trains found it difficult to get a sufficient supply for the engines. Asbeboro Courier: A wagon and horse, and a keg of whiskey belonging to Elwood Ledwell was seized by Dep uty Stanton the 21st inst. Raleigh News-Observer: The collec tions of internal revenue int his district last week were S21.862.46. Yesterday a negro by the name of Thos. Taylor was before Justice Bar bee on a criminal charge. He was al lowed to go away from the court room for a minute, in charge of an officer, but managed to get over a fence and fled. So there was no trial. The Tempest of Saturday Night. Savannah News. Tbe tempest of Saturday night is con ceded, by the old, residents, to have been unprecedented in this section in fury and destruction. The storm found the Forest City in the pride of her beauty and left her shorn of many of her charms and littered" with the wreck it had wrought. As the gale, which had steadily increased throughout the afternoon, swelled in violence the signs of the coming ruin multiplied. Night fell, and the shades depened until a darkness all but stygian onwrapped the city. The tempest would lull for a moment and as if gathering its energies for a supreme effort, would burst with a roar that appeared to be echoed and re echoed in successive strokes. Now shut ters, slates, signs and a myriad of other wrecks would crash upon the pave ment with the regularity and continui ty of volleys of musketry. Again state ly trees would topple and thunder to the ground with shocks like parks of artillery. Tin roofs were lifted bodily and whirled for blocks with" a clatter and dm that bore no semblance to won ted sounds. At length, when the gale reached its height, sounds lost distinc tion in the continuous beats of the tem pest. While lurid lightning might have added to the sublimity of the hurri cane, it would have relieved it of its sombre terrors. Meanwhile indoors the rain poured in through countless ori fices from garret to cellar. When the storm had spent itself the few that 'attempted to note the rnin it fra ', wrought were blocked at almost eyery step by the debris that littered the streets, and gladly gave tip the task. Morning came, and gradually as the day wore on the extent of the destruc tion began to be learned and summed up. Meanwhile the deepest anxiety was felt for those at Tybee and elsewhere, and late in the afternoon, when the tidings of horror and disaster reached the city, the extent of the perils en countered on the island began to be ap prehended. Owing to the havoc on the lines of travel and the total failure of the tele graph, little or nothing has been learn ed of itbe course ot the storm or the damageielsewb.ere. Even at. this hour it is difficult t&give'a f ulhettimate of the loss in the city and vicinity. From tha fury of the tempest at Tybee, its violence and destruction, wherever it struck the coast, must have been ter rific, and it is feared that many a stout bark and gallant crew with their pre cious consignment of human life have met their doom. mm I I i Zacb Chandler aa a Boxer. Detroit Free Press. 4,-Zach Chandler was not only a strong man and an expert boxer, but he had the sand to back his muscle,- and if didn't take all day to rile him. Just at the close of the war, and tbe day before the grand review in Wash ington, the Senator came out to Bla densburg to visit the Michigan caval ry. The boys were in high spirits, and many of the Sixth were interested spec tators of a boxing match, or rather a series of set-to's with the gloves. Zach took his place in the circle un known to all, and attracted no atten tion until one of the boxers was driven back upon him. Leaning forward, the Senator whispered, "Ti! oung man, I saw a dozen good chances for your left in there." "Say, old coon, maybe you're on the box? called the other, as he overheard the remark. Zach peeled off his alpaca coat, put down his hat, and took the gloves from the one who was worsted. The other man was the best boxer in the regiment, and there was intense ex citement as the two squared oft Not k pass was made f ot a minute, and thin the Senator found an opening andi a ant &ilefhanderso straight and solid tMtris opponentwentdown like a;loi.UHe got up slowly and In a dazed condition," and removing the gloves from his hands, approached the Sena tor and asked: "Say, did you hit me irfth. a brick hospital ?" "No; I struck with this," replied Zach, as he held out his left. The man surveyed it, run his hand up and down the Senator's arm, and turned to the boys and observed: "That settles me. I prefer the brick hospital." - Theodore Tlltan'a Daughter Married. Miss Alice Tilton, second daughter of Theodore Tilton, was married July 4. at Stuttorart. Germany, where for sev eral years she has been studying art, to Mr. John E. Gardin. of Charleston, S. C who for some time has been attached to one of the Stuttgart DanKS. xwo aaugn ters of the ultra-abolitionist Tilton have hfin married in Europe to Southern men, Miss Florence being thd wife of a -ntaw nriAfttis trefntleman 'now residing in LdndoniT Mrs. Gardin i and her hus band will return to this country tnis oil vifh Thflodore Tilton. who is now in Europe, ana -win resiae in imcapo. Miss Alice finished her art studies with such display of talent that a water-col-nr nint.fi bv her was exhibited in the last Paris Salon, and, much to her ela tion, It iouna a puruuaaet u a nana some price.. - " ; . :- -. ri 'MOTHIBHAS a Vt! Illinois girl to tern relatives. wroio u iiuu' rv.iTTj,- zz.r.:.7 liiciTr" r'Sbe tooK bitters ior b wub 'uuwi um mmoai any VeoXf fio when aba heard of the Vwuepf lOdney Swia mn tht ahiMin dO at mUCh' Wffk BOW aa aha jwit.t Wom ana moved West. BinCB She hlU ant wen every one apou iwu . . ?o aoy. Prof. Bell Diicovers a New iriethod ' WAsmNQTOit ; Angr 28. Prof essoif. Alexander Graham' Bellf ha Been i experimenting,-since his last attempt to locate the bullet !in the body ; of the Presidentat his laboratory . in 1 Boston with a view to the improvement of the induction Talance, He has not as yet attained b access in: this '6ffort,-but he has, while 'conducting these experi ments discovered another and a simple method Off effectimrthe same end. Re cently surgeons have -used with some success long, thin needles to locate bul lets.; .Inserted in the flesh,, they were pressedr up till they struck the bullet, when, they were withdrawn ; ; but a piece of bone was as ;of ten "detected" as a bulletj and . there was apparently no 'way of distinguishing ; between the two. Prof. : Bell : has improved this method so as to make it perfect. By it a bullet can be located exactly and its exact depth below the surface indicat ed. The surgical needle is, insulated and connected atone end with a wife. This wire is connected with a one-cell battery, a telephone and an "interrup ter" which makes and breaks the con nection. A piece of metal is placed on the body near the point where the needle is to enter. It is also connected with the wire. The needle is pressed through the flesh until it touches the object. As soon as it enters the flesh a sound is heard in the telephone, hitherto silent, which increases until when the bullet is touched it is twice as loud as on the entrance of the needle. If the needle touches bone no sound is heard. Prof. Taintor has experiment ed with perfect success in the presence of Dr. Hamilton and Dr. Woodward with the detective needle upon a bul let imbedded in a mass of flesh. . If the President crows better it. is understood that the bullet . will be ex tracted as soon as he is able to stand the cutting. With the electric needle it can be located exactly. Dr. Buss says it is quite possible. from the present position of the bullet. that it may come out through the rec tum. Points Practically Settled. Philadelphia Times. There has been much solicitude in the public mind, and especially in the ever-sensitive circles of business, in re gard to the probable action of eminent officials in the event of the death of the President. To all who have intelligent ly ana dispassionately notea tne cur rent of events during the present pain- rui suspense at vasnington,tne rollow ing points would seem to be practically settled : 1. Vice President Arthur will not under any circumstances, claim to as sume the powers and duties of the Pre sidency, nowever protracted and abso lute may be the inability of the Presi dent to discharge the exective func tions. 2. The Cabinet will not. under anv circumstances, call upon the Vice Pre sident to assume the powers and auties of the executive office. Fortunatelv there has been no pressing necessitv during the present evident inability of the President, but if the inability should continue and the most pressing execu tive duties should be presented, the Cabinet will feel unauthorized to sum mon the Vice President to assume the powers and duties ot the Presidency, until the authority shall be clearly de fined by act of Congress. 3. V ice President Arthur will not be summoned to Washington by the Cabi net as long as the President lives. It is known that Vice President is strongly averse to obedience to such a summons, even from the Cabinet, because of the extreme delicacy of the position he wouldinecessarily occupy, as one wait ing for the honors of a dying President 4. xne uabinet have not the signa ture of President Garfield to a procla mation for an extra session of Con gress, and none will be called, under any circumstances, in the name of the present executive. The call of an ex tra session to meet possible contingen cies resulting from the death of the President would be a needless and might prove a most serious, embarrass ment to the new administration. If there shall be an extra session of Con gress growing out of the assassination of the President, it will be called by President Arthur. 5. An extra session of Coneress is most improbable in any event In case of the accession of Arthur to the Presi dency, a call for an extra session of the Senate would be likely, to enable the body to chose a President pro tem. and tnus quiet tne public apprehension about an interregnum in the Presiden tial office, in the contingency of the death of Arthur. 6. If an extra session of the Senate shall be called, the Democrats wil promptly elect the venerable Senator Anthony, Republican, President pro tem. of the body, and thus at once allav all popular fears of a partisan wrangle to deepen the gloom of the nation. 7. If Arthur shall become President the present Cabinet will continue in office until the meeting of Congress. There will be no sudden shock to the political policy of the Garfield adminis tration, but there will be a gradual and sure departure to stalwartism and all that the name implies. Care for Rheumatlam, Sufferers from this troublesome ail ment will invoke blessings on our head for placing within their reach the following infallible cure prescribed by the Denver Tribune: "Sleep with your head toward the North. Wear a chest protector. Take nitrate of potash. Sleep with a big aog. use magnetism. Put on mustard plasters, lemon juice, sage tea. Wear sulphur in your shoes. Carry a piece oi sulphur in your vest pocket. Try hard rubbing. Eat Wil son Packing-company's compressed cooked corn beef. Wear silk, white flannel, red flannel, buckskin.--Make a necklace of the knots produced' by the sting of an insect on golden - rod, ana wear it next to the skin. Exercise. Keep as quiet as possible. Take mor phine, carbolic acid; soft soap bandag- ea with nannel will do. do not eat eggs or potatoes. Eat anything you please. Do not smoke at all. Smoke as much as you like. Drink nothing but beer. Do not drink anything but whiskey. Drink no ardent spirits. Keep in the house. Take a ride out whenever you can get a free one. Car ry a piece of alum in your pocket. Take Turkish baths. Bathe in hot wa ter with pearl ash in it. ' Bathe in cold water frequently; Do not bathe at all until you are nearly well. Go to Chica go, to Saratoga, to Florida, to Bermuda, w me oanawicnrisianas, to tamoriua, to the South of France, to Niagara Falls, to South America. Wear a horse chestnut ; in your left-hand breeches pocket Wear a potato in the other. Take constitution water. Don't eat onions.! Eat vegetables. Wrap joints with cotton, and cover with oiled silk. Get out on tha TTicrh land is f better for jrhenmatiam. So is balm 'of me ana magnetie salve. . JttuD: with kerosene. Put mustard poultice over. tuo uearc ut on slippery eim pom-. nee. use-propvlamine. -Take a pre cnpuon (only thank you,) irom your physician. Then, be sensible, ajad wont mineral springs "v.': '. . . . PBOOF 1TOTERV WHERE. : i- i ff any invalid or Mck person has any doubt of yw -uiB. emcacy or- nop".uer w w them-lhey can find eases exactly like their own, t irrr. 'uomaDOTnooa iu uieir own inetehhorhnnd witn Drool aosinve - i raey can be easuvand i a trlfllng'cost, jS3oSdn 4 permanency curou, a rtmc-rlat or Dhrslclan. - ! HOTl Bitrara rv Ota.. auriMi nnkf thn dne ton to die ot scrofula consumption Two fcottlM wjuur Diners cured me. ,-s, lbbot uaivja. . BEWABB OF SUBSTITUTES: The public should bepr la mind that imitations 1 or substitutes of a standard medicine are offered, not for any benefit to health, but te Belt something that has been bought cheap; and' no during to criminate themselves by exact copies'; their: object Is to get as near to it as is necessary" tb deceive The remedy to detect frauds Is In your own hands. Buy no Simmons Liver, Regulator .unless encased ' ina White Wrapper having a large red Z In Ore' centre and the signature of J. H. Zeilin fc Co. on the side. . . ' Mrs. win8low,s Soothing Syrup. Bev. Sylvanus Cobb thus' writes In the Boston Christian Freeman: We would by no means re commend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be good particularly for infants. But of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup we can speak from knowledge; In ear own family It has proved a blessing indeed, by givhi g an Infant troubled with colic pains, quiet gieep, and Its parents unknown rest at night Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Here is an article which works to per fection, and which Is harmless; for the sleep which it affords the Infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And during the process of teething, its value is Incalculable. We have frequently heard mothers say they would not be without it itom the birth of the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any consideration whatever. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. Bxdfokd Alum and Ibok Spbikgs Watsb akd Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and iron mass" known, Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. mayll-tf Messrs. Bzaenumit Bra.: It is with real p eas ure that I add my testimony to the great virtues of your "Neuralglne" as a specific for neuralgia and sick headache. Such a remedy is a blessing, and all sufferers should keep it on hand. J. R. BlD&ELY, 186 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Pold br L. B, WKESTON 4 ca RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil u a safe, sure, impl and cheap External Keruedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DEUGGISTS AKD DEALESB IK MEDIOTJTE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., XT. B. A deo 80 d w ly 3 LOVELY COMPLEXIONS POSSIBLE TO ALL "What Natnre denies to many Art secures to all. Hagan's Magnolia Balm dispels every Memish, overcomes Eedness, Freckles, Sallowness, Rough ness, Tan, Ernptions and Blotches, and removes all evi dences of heat and excitement. The Magnolia Balm imparts the most; delicate and natural complexional tints no detec tion being possible to the clos est observation, i Under these circTimstances a faulty complexionis little short of a crime. Magnolia Balm sold everywhere. Costs only 75 cents, with full directions. Jan. 22 mrr. UTrnTTn H K K H i U111U1 Ullli Coins and Gaskets Wholesale and Retail. AT THE WHITE FBONT, E, M. ANDEEWS, (Successor to, B, Q. Rogers.) ; WHCjAI 4 RETA.jETIlTrJBX DEALER a By the crate ornectc at r piia until Wo iOite-Feraale WEDNESDAY, BEPTEMBMB 7, '81. , , ; . , : CORPS OF TEACHEBS:. WicB. ATKXNSOrr,' Principal, Latin, Mathe mattes, and Natural Sciences. : - Miss HELEN LONG, Principal of Preparatory Department. MBS. SALLIB CALDWELL WHITE, English Literature and History ' Miss LLLLIB W LONG, Mod?rn Languages. Miss MABYL. MATTOON, Elocution and Eng lish Branches. MUSIC DEPBTMENT. Prop. A. B1D1Z. LL..D-, Director. ASSISTANTS Mb& B. JU DEWEY, MBS. Wm. R. ATEINSPN. ,.: .. r Mrss U. A. SAVAGE, Art Department. DOMEWC DEPARTMENT. Miss NANNIE TINSLEY, Intendant pf Inflrm- ANNA BUTTON. Head of Boarding De partment. For terms, etc., apply for a catalogue to Ext. Wm. B. ATKINSON, Principal. augtl.tf Mt St JosBph's Female Academy mOCORYCATAWBA COUNTY. N. & THIS school, located near' the town of Hickory. ' Catawba county, N. C, within a few minutes' walk ot the depot, and a few hours' travel by rail of the far-famed Ashevllle, - la- conducted by the Sisters of Our . Lady of . Mercy, who for nearly three quarters of this century, and until recently unaided, founded' and directed all the female Catholic literary Institutions' In the Carollnas and Georgia. Hickory Is a great health resort, having in its vicinity tbe cerebrated Catawba Springs. Malarial diseases and consumption are unknown in this immediate section, and visiting patients rapidly recover under the Influence ot its unsur passed climate. No undue Influence used on the religious principles of the pupils, but to insure regularity all must conform to the general rules of the Institution. The scholastic year of ten months consists- of two sessions, each session payable in advance; Board, washing, fuel, light, tuition In Eng lish, Latin, needle work and domestic economy, per session,. - . - $65.00 Entrance fee, - - . . - . 5.00 Vacation In the academy, - - - - 20.00 Music, painting, drawing, languages, etc., form moderate extra charges. Letters of inquiry should be addressed to the SISTER SUPEBIOBESS, aug9,dtf ' Hickory, N.C. SALEM ACADEMY, SALEM, C. THIS institution commends itself to the public ns A nntAltlT nlAflsnnt nnrl aafa hnnu anH kiK class school for girls and young women. T. 4.1 l a . H ucw uuriug mo past iew years oeen greatry improved. Its SCHOLASTIC ABBANGEMENTS have been remodeled and Its standards advanced. It now offers all the advantages of similar institu tions of the highest grade. . A large number of in structors Is employed, and pains-taking instruc tion is guaranteed. It offers a liberal English, or English and classical course for graduation, and, under its new administration, has already gradu ated (with diploma) four very promising classes. The DOMESTIC ABBANGEMENTS of the Acad emy have latterly been re-adapted to secure to its resident pupils tbe largest measure of comfort and convenience. Eight resident teachers are continually in charge, and give special attention to the cultivation of correct manners and habits In growing girls. Systematic and enlightened physi cal culture and care of health are prominent fea tures in the Improvements recently perfected. Exceptional facilities are offered for the study of MUSIC. The results of practical work In its Music Department, during the past few years, would warrant the Academy, in the opinion of mmnf.tant nrltina in iniHtino r 7 -v - iui vuis, wuijuiiavu niui au other similar institution In the South. A two to three years graduating course (with diploma) has quite recently been Introduced. Special attention Is directed to the advantages now also obtainable In the DEPARTMENT OF DBA WING AND PAINTING, which has been re oreanlzAd And x.annA in Khsmu nt a nt . cial ability and superior training. A high standard ui ciixucuto wm 00 miunuuneu ana xne Desi methods observed. A variety of branches of study is offered and careful tuition Is guaranteed. xne in year Degins September l, 1881. 4 Rev. J. T. ZOBN, PrlnclpaL luly27,d&w ERSKINE COLLEGE DUE WEST, SOUTH CAROLINA. OnA nf tha nlllAat (nofifriHrina In tl,. S.. rn.Knl expenses for Tuition, Board, Books, etc., need not exceeds 165. Preparatory Department In charge of a Tutor. Locality healthy; community moral and intelligent Opens first Monday in October. auga at W. M. GBIBB, Pres't MACON SCHOOL, CHABLOTTE, N. C. The tenth session will open Septem ber 5, 1 88 1. For catalogues apply to .either of the undersigned. W. A. ttAHtUEJi, O. COHAHN, augll.dtf Principals. TRINITY HALL, BEVERLY, IV. JT. A thorough home school for girls. Varied ad vantages of the highest order. Fourteenth year begins September 15. For circular address Misa BACHELLE GIBBONS HUNT. aug7,deod&w2mos Principal. DC ft TT V C OBGANS, 17 stops, 6 Set Gold DCM I I I O en Tongue reeds, only $85. Ad dress DANIEL F. B HATTY. Washington, N. J. aug9 dJcw4w D I A N f. C 9 SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS and r I H II UO ft shipped to all parte of the coun hDrftllC I PBICES LOW and terms of UnUHIiV 2 payment easy Send for cata logue. HORACE WATERS 4 CO.. Manufacturers and Dealers, 826 BroadwayN.Y. aug9,4w . . . . , . . tLa AhoMw(raP2? Weck.warrantal tha bast and ml 1 all i is i il ti nil a- xnanntitlKi twaa. oT5a a. Ql " ... 1 . , or,8.1Miii.ii 1 aluon ; bonna in fall gilMOO Pp.oooUins baantifui steel saravuiKS, US pnasrip. boos, pries only L saat b, mail; ihBfltratedaaDipU.eMBU; urn mmi.rf&ztz aug9 dw4w FREE Vavnrt tV BUSINESS UNIVERSITY - Aal.at4ai . Aflsat . - For Illustrated Circular. A li-r acUMalBuglnaai aug9 4w - . i fflWIP MWEKS cure an diseases of the stomach, bowels, blood, liver, kidney and urinary organs, nervousness, sleeplessness, and especially female complaints. Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters and try them before you sleep. TAKE NO OTHEB. Send for circular. HOP rJlTTBBS MTG.CO., aug8 Rochester, N. Y., and Toronto, OnL HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN Any person to be seriously HI without a weak sto mach or Inactive liver or kidneys? And when these organs are in good condition do you not find: their possessor enjoying good health? PARKER'S GINGER TONIC always regulates these Important organs, and never falls to make the blood rich' and pure, and to strengthen every part of the sys tem. It has cured hundreds of despairing inval ids. Ask your neighbor about It t - Faug9,4w Benson's Cajcine Porous Plaster '. For Lame Back, Rheumatism. Kidney Affections, and aches and pains generally, It Is the unrivalled remedy.. , ... aug9,4w AUTOMATIC CABINET PLAY ANY TUNE. ORGANSWy$5 Music 4a per foot- Illustrated catalogues free. THEO. J. HARBACH, aug9,4w 809 Filbert St., Philadelphia. J. L. HARDIN, I ....... ' T-MERCH.ANDI8E rBROKBBi AXP (X)MISSipK ' krCHAtfT, Otxim Sr., Cblotts, N. C, Orders for Grain, Hay, Meal.'Flour, Lard, BaeonV Tobacco. Suear. Coffee. Molasses. xc.. resDect- folly solicited. he cheapest marxeta ana rella- ble bouses represented. 4an28 X J.UXUJStfJtUUiHUrt. ' tor sale at v I 1 - s -5 Vr i . l.'!J '.'It ','. r -. ' ,:! Book Stores, a v -1 vuiiw au Jim 1 a ; jMXg8,tf fcJU3TJilK3tIYEI AT tXJtl CARATOGA CHY. From Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Anewwatfrrft serabling the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges Uon, la a powerful tonic and strone diuretic. Also, Hathoro Natural Mineral Water, Becommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and la all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, JQ CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS - AMD HuDyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EDROPEAN NOVELTY ! H UNYADI TANOsV THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Does: A wine glass full before breakfast The lancet "ExmjitaL Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that Its richness In aperient salts urpasgaa that of all other known waters." The British Medical ournaZ "Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Pro. Vvrchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Pro. Hcamoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Pref. Lander Brunton, M. D., r. R. A, London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." Prof. Atken, M. D.,F.R. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. ''Preferred, to Pullna and Frled richshaU." JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon 8t, CHARLOTTE, N. C DON'T, GO TO SABATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in Iarere hlncte tin wwrvnirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. . 1 J H. MCADKN, Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 Turnip Seed ! Turnip Seed ! NEW CROP TURNIP SEED. BED OB PURPLE TOP, 1 WHITE FLAX DUTCH, LARGE WHITE NORFOLK, POMERANIAN WHITS GLOBE WHITE EGG, . AMBER GLOBE, GOLDEN BALL. YELLOW ABERDEEN. BUTA BAOA BLOOMSDALE SWEDE OB YELLOW. LANPRETH'S SEED ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE. L R. JulytO Draiist by ExaminatioD. Go to W. P. MARVIN, Agent, . t and Successor to F.carr ft Co. ton Fresh Drags and Pure Hedieiiies None but the '. Very Best Drags do I keep in my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Combs -' Brushes, Tooth Brushes, &, A. GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted .to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given speo lal atteoora. Hoping to receive a share of public Agt 0 mi 4 1 i H PI h vO a a a h R W. H. BAILJT. YANCE & BAILEY, . yXtttjxpej and dotuuieDorf CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice in Suprema Court of toe United states, a r Supreme Coiuto North ftaollna. Federal g-.rin, Courta and .counttea ot .ocklen' 4-I hur,Cabi Union, Gas-Ae.ui.-- . Ion, Bewail and Pa-" , .nfflM bM iin ut of Inderjendence -T. ft I N the State and PWtodf SLAt DiileMi'sDrD Store WRISTON