She f)ariottt bstrDtr. subsojuptwm eitxjs: n t " nafly, on Wt Ititafcaric. ... ... . fig 00 Six month - 4.00 Three months. 2.00 One month. . 75 WMMKLI MD1TI0K: ' - 7y ( eoiinfy), in adtwne. . 2.00 Out of the county, Fottpatd.... .'. ...... j.10 Six month ... 1.06 pr Liberal Seduction Jbr Otute. - ? -. T. Jus Mosouito jars ail Miiet ! -IT Alexander s Harr iss. au21 Boots an ft &1xbzs Sp Stock i 881 We an dally receiving oar SPRING STOCK 1'. U III Jll I a i i x i . . . v I av i .1- i sa m :tsr MOtR III 17 ' t IT 5!I CHARLOTTE, N.iC.v SATURDAY;, SEPTEMBER 3, 1881; .X: NO.3,889.' THEOBSXB.TEBJOB DXFABTMENT' K Bat been tborouUj nrppltod irtth ry MM -want, aad with the Mm atrlea e Type, and miy si k amner of lob FfinUm caa now bedouvttfcr.--neatoea,anttail-c& can tasxrsun vital af kiA - i JLtf WOT HW aaaaaCM . - 'J - I 77. .T." . rr;o..-. T AG BECELPTS. 7 AittaMrritticDttty rgfrfrrvte- 88 C500jftB, l0tltiuij, &:; WABXEBS'COBSCTSfaav an established repa tatlon throuf hout tho world for Durability, Comfort and ffealtkfulness We offer these goods to the trade with confidence, knowing from experience that they podseas every advantage elalmed for them. A Kentucky editor unra " Wa om nnt umBinu for the article In our Inside. It waa contributed by a mena," etc. in Texas it la the barkeeper who to responsible for what la la many of the editors' tn sldea. Texas Sittings. v. i V ; ' - i "7 n w ujuiUiU'O pwts-ei imnnmn M)iaii, He has advised Oscar. Wilde te go to this country aad lecture. , Then are ladles who shonld hn mmtufni when they eat com from the cob. At a watering' place hotel the other evening a lady at dinner made so frightful a bite at the ear that whenhe released it ber upper set of false teeth came with It. Mew York Herald. WE HAVE JUST RXCIIVED or THK A LARGE LOT CORALIIIE, ABDOMINAL ATD NURSING CORSETS. ALSO Warner's 50c Corset ! The best for the money ever sold in this market We will be pleased to hare the trade ' Inspect these goods. Satisfaction guaranteed In every vase vi aiuney razunaea. T. L. SeMe & Co. ang38 tWITS AND IW, which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the Best Brawls iLaWStyk LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRKN3,' GENTS', BOIS'. AMD YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS1 SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In ear line In variety and all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises k Satchels, ALL SIZES AND RRICS3. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. feb20 il ' 1 11 ' ills i PEtro mm 5lailr0ajfts, 18 A PTJEELY VEGETABLE BSVEDY for DrrKiHfATi and EXTKRHATi Use. - A sure and speedy cure for Sore Throat, Coughs, Cklds, Diphtheria, Chills, Diarrhea,Dyentery,Craxxip, Cholera, Summer Complaint, Sick Headache,Nenralgta,BheTi mat.jgm. Bruises, Cats, Sprains, etc jvnteujf wajt to use vuernauv or eaemaayjma trtotn to afford relief. No lamilv can aflbrd ta be withoot it. Sold by all druggists at M 50u, and l a bottle. -'"IT, PERRY DAVIS ft 60N, ProprlOfft ProvldnolRi July 23 d Aw Jul tog. Conteu Tine MG-KorlliMallB nuns oni auriB. Dale,MHyl5'81 No. 47 Daily N0.4S Daily No. 43, Dally Lt. Charlotte, " A-L Depot " " Junen " Salisbury, Arr.Greensboro Lv.Ureensboro Arr.Ralelgh Lv. " Arr. Golds boro t?. Greenahorp tor wchmona Lv- lanvule " N. Danvflle " Barksdale " Drak'sBr'ch " Jeterevllle Arr. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " Arr.Manehester AffRtchmond AH 4.05 . '5.58 8.03 A r-8.25-Aw. 1.40 TM 4.uu m 8.25 m 10.2 1 AM 1027 10 68 12 87 PM 2.24 TM 8.20 PM 4.05 FV 4.10 FX 4.13 TM 4.18 VM 6.15 J 6.20 J 7.50 i 0.80 J -9.60 am PM 11 11 124)1 2.55 FM 8-51 PM 4.28 PM 4.85 PM 48-PM 4.43 AK 4.15 PM 450 PM .07 PM -4.16 PM for Rlch-Afadonly iTHETOriLY MEDICINC I : ppr.XTCHXS LIQUID OB DSY FQII 1 ' That Acts at the same tine mm' f. TSS LITER, TBI S0T7XLS, '' ASD TBS SID ff ITS. WHY ARE WE SICK? Btcau4 w4 allow Vuu great organs to becomt dogQtd or torpid, and poUowmi ktuuarMar fJiArifnr foreid. into thd blood Mthat lAouldbe expuitd naturauy. r 7-28 TRApiS 6OTH0 SOrjTH.' J Date,Hay 15 '80 Lv. Richmond " Burkerllle Act. N. Danvlile Lv. " " T DanvlUe I. Arr. Ureensboro Lv. " " Salisbury Arr. A L. Junction " Charlotte Lv. Richmond " Jeterevllle " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale " Danville ;; Benaja Qreu8boro ,Wlb.ury A". Charlotte Na42 Dally. 1.00 Pi No. 48 Dally. 12.00 M 2.48 FM1 6.05 pm 6.18 pm 8.17 PM R87PM 10.88 PM 10.45 pm 2.25 AM 7.00 7.25 ami 7.27 am 9.26 am 9.81 AM 11.16 AM 12.45 PM112.15 AM 12.20 NO. 50 Dally 2.55 pm 4.41 PM 6.07 PM 7.25 PM 7.51 PM 8.65 PM 9.27 PM 11.05 PM 12.26 J 12.80 AM SALXM KBAHCM. NO. 48 Dally, except Sunday. leave Greensboro..... 0.40 PM Arrive Salsra.. ...... 11.40 FX Na 47-Dallr, exeept Bunday. ' Leave Salem ............ 70 AM Arrives Ureensboro... v.UO AM NO. 42 Dally, except Suaday., Leave Greensboro. 10.00 am Arrives 8alem.......i 11.80 AM NO. 48-Dallf. Leave Salem 6.80 FM Arrive Greensboro.......... ......... 4, 7.80 PM WILL SURELY mtUS? KIDMEY DISEASES, , , PlSjeASES, FEMALJC WKAKKSJCS ' AXD NXKVOUB DISOltDEHS, bv eauMitut fru action of thut oraant and rutoring their power to throw off diuau. . Why suffer Billons paias aad aches! . Why tomsaUd with Piles. &stiptIo! Why WghteaedOTer disorder Kldaeysl Wh sadare aerveas or sick haadachMl Vm KLDNBY-WOIlTond nfoUx in IsaUk. It is pa an ta p7.Tece$ala dabs oa. paekaM qU six PM ft medWUM,'' AlotoXImldlTW,fa t9it acta with quAi flIcnci- i itaf PP &t Vt OS TOP DRUOaiST.. pbjci; t WMLi,iacaWSQS C,.Pr's, CVfUl send the dry poa.pi4-) . SCaHJOTOXjTT, 2T March 27 d&wly roctnn Tk Fttm awl iw, tmiiMiii. mmm - Limited malls Nos. 49 and 50 will only make Snoit StannjUHM t nnlnta ninuiri ah th aeliMllllM. Passengers taking train 49 from Charlotte will tet aboard at the & AD. B, a. depot. ThU train raakes (dose connection at Greensboro for Baleiga, yvwauuro newDems ana aupouHsso wuuuur ton ft Wnldnn ! - ' ... .(. Passenger, trains Nov 47 and 48 make all loyal ftops between Charlotte and Richmond, , and be tween Greenshtun. Saloiirh and flaMsoerO: NO.-47 piaklnf eonoecOoQ with W. N. C R, at Salisbury ior Aabevllle ISaadavs excected) and atooeon- necunt; at Greensboro wtth salens Braach Saa) Jlai excentedi TTvT'-.imi.-i 4 - ' f antw Wns Moa.11 and AS make all local stqpS befweeii-'Chartotta .utd Biaimood except WWW. - L! L JUl fsnnars, Mouiera, wimw wn. EasVwfco areawsersbla with JChrsptpsu, RhtwaaO ttiNeuralgia, of Bowd, Kidaay or UfC4 a mh ran Vialavlrmtcd and caradbv ann .gJriiiltitiag'tf. if fyou mr wastutg away with Consump ddoos. tipstioa or sny wwIcmm, joa wiU n.a 3 naien mim ui. i . r. . "r 1 i.m,!mm. oA p us system, ii Xr A: 1 ?3tirff' m Pass, and Ticket agsnl i1 SITUATIOHVAIITEO. - A coiAASD ptiimtxr. of atx ssars expeneaee,. 'ilL-wantaa steady sUaatloo.! Can rmaks op" a natwr. ram a araca. and is -competent -to; tare eharMethataechanlcaldapartment s a news vaparJ Will work vsry cheap during tae aummer. OBSERVATIONS. My poor boy." exclaimed the anxious another. unwinding the bandage that was wrapped around bis "right duke," and exposing to view the skinn ed and bleedlnsr knuckles: "How did - too aver come to do it? What an awful-looking hand. If conflagration or eerieslpleum should set In what would your unf ortnlt father sty?" The poor boy didn't seem to take a very ready grip on the prob lem thus presented in reference to his paternal parent, bat his face lit up with something like savage satisfaction as he observed: "If yon think that's awful, mother, yen ought to see BilfSteb- Dinr nose." uroosuyn jtagie. One of the Indian chiefs now in Waahinetnn ra . eently ordered a glass of soda water, "with a heap ueat sn water. - nommg "untutored" aooui mat. An "Indian idol" was recentlT slowad tra in Woodbury and tney don't know whether lt is a god or a devlL if u has a handle on and holds about two gallons lt Is a Woodbury god.-Canaan News. lTEatS OF INTEREST Most persons will be rather surorised to know that a yery fair quality of su gar is made from rags. Five hundred workmen and eicht tons of type are employed at Lahore's great printing office at Paris probably the largest in the world. A plan to get Mexico to assume Maximillian's Mexican debt of about $75,000,000 is a London speculation in which the Rothctulds are said to be interested. The largest span of wire in the world is the telegraph across the river Kistnab, in India. It is 6,000 feet long and connects the summit of two mountains, each 1,200 feet high. President Garfield's life is insured in wo companies to the amount of $60,- 000. He took out the policies a short time previous to the attempted assassi nation. A Pittsburg doctor has in a jar the heart of aman who was noted for gen erosity, and was always called "a big- neartea man. Tne heart is yery small, and is even said to be the smallest ever known. About 150 men, women and children are employed in the peach canning es tablishment in "Knoxville. Seven hun dred bushels of peaches are used per day. A band of masked men, many of whom are Germans, has been holding meetings. in the woods near Irvington. N. J., to devise ways and means to kill Guiteau. They are members of a socie ty formed for the same purpose which seems to be acquiring strength rapid- J A fact worth knowing is that: iron or steel dipped for a few minutes into a solution of carbonate of potash or iron win remain iree rrom rust for many years. Santander bark has been discovered in Colombia, South America. The re sult is quinine in New Tork is now selling for $2. Last year at this time it fetched $3.20 an ounce. Miss Sallie Hewitt, daughter of the Hon. Abram S. Hewitt, of New York, at a Newport fox hunt, jumped a wall four feet six inches in height, and ear ried it by a foot that is her horse did. A fragment of a prehistoric garment with a piece of wood attached, has been found in a deposit of salt in Ne vada. It appeared to have been knit by hand from the inner fibre of a tree. A similar fragment was once found in Louisiana, among the bones of a mas todon, which proved its very great an tiquity. Tho Virginia Midland Railroad. Richmond Dispatch, Sept 1. It was reported and believed in finan cial circles yesterday that the . Rich mond and Danville Itailro&l syndicate had purchased, or was aboot'to pur chase, a controlling interest in the Vir ginia Midland Railroad, which extends from Alexandria through Lynchburg to uanviue. . ip was said tnat negotia tions to this end5' have 'been pending for nearly two weetts, and that -how the arrangements' are about complete. and that the consequence: win pe tne removal by thoADaville-oompa:By people of o a lormwawe jrtyai, ana- the RMttiriru? to them, of an all-rail line from northern centres to.foe Carolinas, Georgia and Mississippi. . : General -iv -;m 3Jjgan was in jsew York yesterday, and it is believed that his business there was with this mat tor. A leading member of the syndicate who is now in Kicumod was ftp- m v . . 1 TV proacnea yesteraay aiiernoon oy a Amt- patch reporter and asked; to8 give for publication the, particulars of the pur chase, offer to purchase, of Which-he was nndoubtediy wen inroxmea. Bjb reDliedi "lam not able at pres ent, to give you any definite informa tion.; I think anything saict wouia De nneertain." r wa i Another gentleman aeepiy interest ed, in the syndicate said that he had heard something!bout a sale, but it was MnfidehtiaLand"iie was not there fore atUberty to say how far matter had arone. He thought. 'however, that there had as yet been- no fofftcialT inti mation of 4he accomplishment of the One of the best i informed men in Baltimore, in reply io: a teleferaeask- fng him to see the Baltimore and Ohio n -1 1 . i . 1.1 itailroaa autnomies ana report tiro 10- fuilt. last niflrht telecranhed- here: "The Midland is not going' to seu out to tne Bichmond and Danville liailroad syn dicate. - - ' " : . A Sad and ratal Acctdfcut. Anaon Times. ; On Friday iast,-while leayisg the de pot with avfcM:0f:I!nDerV-MrL iordl Trea4$wartneit noAidAnt . that, cost him 'his' life:' It seems that the wagon had been loaded a negro ntfoy " wasoriving ana -Mta Treadaway was seated opon the top of thelutober Th6 dot was lust tfriyiug nvfr thin Oheraw' KailTOad: track; when an engine was steaming up -'itom thf. depot. The: muleseeinjt the. fengihe; became frightened, and turning round besran to run wbt? -The -boy i lamped off, andiMr, ; Treada.waf;QHdertook to QO SO WWrUuv AtUtIMiu wo, rPS- ran over it, breaking theJiglL. midwaWDetwWtt-U He was tAken hom near by, and meds-, calaidTJaonea'lmme Bs IHk ttU- UiU mail, wio, piiuy. tt an iaiua d thai hfimmfMim MmitjMA sijitA thatriiirht, BTrrri&lri ed so vntii-hia deathjhleh; occufredn MoDdaymornraiJr xwir yueir, w reavement thftiamuy hare tne, sympa thy of our enure commuiuiy.; atovtgate rvks away Bis StsaliMg Amoan.tlBs; to tl70,000 Tbe Captalbs Trkereaboats. Special to the Philadelphia Times. ' WashtngtOit. Auiamst SlzAddition- al developments : in, the Howgateease show atill further embezzlements. . The 8um has nowrown to $170,000 and the back, comities are yet to hear from. His property in this city was seized on attachment to-aay dj tne government. It will not cover one-half the amount stolen. Meanwhile the gallant captain is missing. From, being short in his accounts he has actually become short himself. The direction taken is un known, but it is supposed he has been in Canada several days. His bondsmen are left in the lurch to the tune of $40- 000.. They are good for the amount, Thercaptain is reputed to have taken with him about $22,000 cash. He has also, taken his . mistress. Nellie BurrilL the story of whose laison with How gate first appeared' in these dispatches uu lurmaneu tne ciuo w uio govern ment officers. Fortunately for his wife the latter was left behind by the scoun drel, and this wife is now left, with a grown daughter, entirely penhiiessr.'It appears that this plan of escape has been premeditated. The wife had some Eroperty of her own, but the licentious usband got possession of . it in some way, disposed of it and kept the money. A part of this was in furniture.-: When the exposure of his Thirteenth street establishment and the family row which accompanied its discovery by his wife occurred he sent his wife and daughter to Ocean Grove. Once out of the way they were kept in ignorance as to what was going on. He then took the elegant furniture out of the Thir teenth street establishment and dis posed of it, moving his mistress to a more secluded spot. He then took his wife's furniture and placed it in the deserted house and collected all his rents in advance, and otherwise raised money by converting his securities. His counsel made a vigorous fight to get his bail fixed at as low a figure as Eossible. His bold move of coming ack here at the first moment after his arrest in Detroit is supposed to haVe been a part of the bluff game he was E laying to get away with what property e had in this .city. He evidently thought he could get away from here, where he had so many personal friends, on his own personal recognizance, but Captain Howgate overreached himself, and the gratings of a prison rose be fore his vision before he had been here twenty-four hours. It is thought by those who know him that he was plan ning for flight with his mistress to the Sandwich Island, as they had long ago laid an immigration scheme of that kind. "When the appraisers went over his houses to-day it is reported that some very rich discoveries were made. Where the guilty birds have flown is pure matter of conjecture. There are four persons, however, who are just now very anxious to know, and these are the forsaken wife, the United States Marshal of the District of Columbia and the two bondsmen. What Texas ts Doing In the Way Pro duction and Progress. Galvestton. Sept. 1. A special sta tistical edition of the News to be pub lished to-morrow morning proves con clusively the rapid development of Texas, it shows that 1,634 miles of railways have been completed within a year. That within two years 41 ad ditional towns of commercial impor tance have beerrl reached by rail or have sprung into existence, and that the value of thewtate's products has increased from $57,820,141 in 1878-'70 to $9560,930 in 1880-'81. The cotton crop of the State, its chief staple, reached the magnificent total in the year 1880-'S1 of 1,26047 bales. The following is the exhibit based on the exact figures and calculations of the amount and -value of the State's sta ples for 1880-'81 : Cotton; 1,260,247 bales; value, $56,711,115; wool, 20,671,839 lbs.; valued at S4.754.525: hides. 12.262.052 lbs.; value, $1,471,448; cattle, 781,874 head, including .drive, tvalue,, $16,923, 018;, horses and r mules, 28,175 head, value. $1,408,750 iirrain. 30.685 car loads: valuje. $6,94175 r lumber: ' 278:609.543 feet j value, $5,572,l9r cotton1 seed, cake, land- oil, 1,242,315 ; nii$cellarie6ttS tJro- -ffucts, $1,344,728; sugar and molasses, B91.3TO. Total Value. $95,960,930. NO data are at hand by which can be rec oiled the amount of money brought in to toe state Dy : immigrants ana others and by investors in real estate and per sonal property, although the amount from these sources must be very large. midland If. Ciaroiad. Salisbury Watchmaa. CaPt. Wm. Cairn civil engineer, is here equipping for the re-survey of the Miaiana. ne nas finished the prelimi nary survey to- Brush creek, where he met col. Gardner .-and wa corps. '; ;He begins to rim ether .pecessary-ex-perimental lines and to locate, on Wed nesday of this week. He is is just from Newborn,, where t the . "corps finished maps, profiles and estimates. Capt Cain says they have, found a good line, and that the work of construction will be begun in a few weeks." Col. Gardner is 'now Winning a line from Pittsboro to-Bjaleigh, The east-! era terminus is not yet decided Ral eigh and Goldshor, being the points to, decide between. When located a force is to be put to work at Tjoth ends," so that the work may progress-as rapidly as possible. p . Capt Cain says : ':YdrM0p:eem to think that whefitthe'suwmlaTione, all is done. T(04ttillfinjBYt will be built wbjetfe&th copilf: get the Western roaaoraoi.wsfc;.-v;-'. On ibeWs-VA"';;- Ljenoir Topic. ' -'.--4: , ' "We are informed that Lige Church, wViv ia Marnntfid" in Tavlorsvirie tn an. ier for killing Miss Thompson, is ly ing out near iteeay rrancn in mixes. In this connection we give some par ticulars of the preliminary examina tion of Dockery, now in jail on the same charge. He was caught on the nntwr Adorn nf "Wilkes, where ha had l)een working in a distiUerv;;Ho want i.' , .m a,Jj n '.'Wi' W'm -, M IB W JUST RECEIVED SOME (D A IL n (B IB & IN BKAUTirUt PATTERNS, VXHY CHEAP. OUB DOMESTIC STOCK IN B L E A. C H-ES-.D Gr O O D IS OOMPLXTE. PLENTY Ot THAT TEST POPULAB BLEACHEB DOMESTIC AT IOC We are oflfering bargains in seyeral lines of good. Another stock of Trunks and Valise. Come and see us. eepi. HARGRAVES & WIL,HELM. 11881 AID(BlD8f'M, 18811 123 SF IES IrS G3- 31 3KT WILL SUCH INDUCEMENTS BE GIVEN IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! A8 ABE NOW OFFERED BY IL IlBiiowaiimgBno & UBipcdoo FOR CASH ONLY OUR $15.00 AND $lfl;50 SUITS FOR , . 12.50 " 14X) - u . , .$12.50 j OUR $9.00 AND $10.00 SUITS FOR $7A IOjOOI 8.00 u 9.00 - 6.00 ill's, THE BIGGEST BARGAINS EVEB GIVEN IN an Yottths' C othmg. CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. Oil KTodw M FALL FOR THE WfflIIME ;&HjIH MADDIE Is Now Ready for Inspections Our Mr. Baruch is now North purchasing the Retail Stock, which will be rnm- plete by September 15th. Our stock is COMPLETE in every department. We invite attention to our new styles ot Clothing-rrrGents Furnishing Goods, Ladies Cloaks, Shayls, Etc., of which we have made a specialty. Also, a large variety of Carpets and Blankets. Call and ydu will lindj prices to suit the times. , ; ; ELIAS & COHEN; BECKETT & MeDOWELL, ENGINEERS, IRON F0UBDEES& MACHINISTS,.;, ed to go by . a stump where. hQ had sp&e. money and a pistoi ma ne swore, on trial, that he got the pistol from Church and the money fromrhisempkryerv the tlistiller. Among the coins whh Qock ery took from the stump, was onfc pari ticular piece about the sie o( amty piece, whieh old Mr. Tbompson ident fied as havinff been sto!enol.1rtia; Ouri informant, Hoe ja0tTSio.tany-. fhintr. shrait' the ' COlQ CXCeDC that, it f "very peculiar9 and that Mr. R. Z. Lin-5 4llw J tknf ia Vinflr nmr soon nna flSfeelt.- , .'. , . . . ' I . i ' I i-. . I ...antUMia ...l.-i.l. V a BOA DQIUO M micr iih' i uk tutu ui . mtMiJSJM tarn. allonot nUfc. 1 as aa aBDetl- F.lJ(anrmer war Itidnerj eorvecXw, there ft ! (otoc lftslt, mlnvlW -aTid it a wooarM Frlgraotfar ndaadbody. .miaM dnmlsU lor "Bangli oa nt rata,taiob WOM" MANUFACTURERS OF f .... -.:.'- -" : m ; I'-T - .,:-t i j iXjKTJUCl' FOITONSTUON AND EEF UJXKUAXU- . FACTDBX AJtrASELLAGKIOtTLTUaAL AND POaTABl.a KMtMNVS. HAW MUXSvao. ,. . - '.r-.. pj mattifaotmran ot tit CHALXENasa POBTASLE ESGINE eoaBavatlM vorinu prodaea a battar ogiDe. - Tr J2r!J? j x I 1 . aiaiayiaay aaaoaaga any avarinraagiigaTaanoaiwgaifaafuiaa n vama wita aa aouwaae vmrvu, y-twm t. u j i forfait .of Sta.SiAHraaAaaFkQM iiang JOHN d. TOUy( Agenfc CSollege street, bet Trade andTixthtJhar? N. C. ; J - THE. ATTENTION : Of fh4 tVadtffaaarany,: anS alaa theiwnar,ia allad tnriprtat braads.aFsalwbto aad atapM ysaaa rtiinjirau,-Jigoaai oaf Cuts an4,I val,iarBaiaT" ataaiaatsaiaaar; 9tam asA, alst, -TobaaDoan Mm laaas i Gait a' Mr laaanfaetarars mnjemui Oat sal so will aaaka ratolar trlpa la tar44ttt la aoall iTamtin cian 1-l lf JM i,l6 Ija! !t ' BWCE! BRICK!! mHEanrrtiir4 Oa pnbtta ,1 uabawaQfastatbatatesi-4tfDaat' paA tnaw avaklBf a aupertof qaalltr at aadT tea brick. Thmt lava ia anmwawi -wftbTtheir ram, an improvaa uompraaa awai ATaaiea tsntm. alaawbara; 1 aenina, ay swan a-bjaBa; Issm .ori..... j 4a4ba :&li aiut4A jysjunfnsK ; flfV ow. rauasie. swmw -aw aooraoovacoj near w omIt mS Saa Iftaravt; ieaivabtatD tbem at Hirt,amcft,PB0BMrtps;, mafl8 . 0iri4,Ki ? care UDserrcn vaanoHs, i. v.