I 'I i i i i.. i hrs. SURE APPETISER I I I 111 V u u .' f . .4 . . t..U ,tg frm&rr.ti T- rife; - ; nr n nrricr n3 Tr?i oi ttmyic TtTTTERS are highly recommended for all disease requir Sdffitnfc; especiaUy Indigestion, Dys- mg a : pPVftrs. trth k Of Energy, etc. It enriches the blood, strengthens A?S2an1li rivS 'new lift Tto the nerves. It acts like a charm on the MMSSkmSSSng .11 dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, sS?SKSA; xLXn, V Tlie only Iron Prepa Sn'ttat Tfffl not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sd by aSi. Write for the A B C Book, 32 PP. of useful an amusing fjacAJj CO., Baltimore, Md. . . . . TZ friT-"ri . T"".T . , TJT.TT i ikl.u.. I itraum uq nnuM """V ST-.rnir-. I that bit natural force tM.dUM.aaa yoaaerxni J-"" iJE?3 " 1 . I AW.W " "TTL TT lT. l.- tt th. 1 1. tTnm Mrwn. TatOas I WW ifca TBtals I irMMHM JTtsmrvms I wif susry CTllFAtTUtl IMMIMHARTCR MEDICINE CO.. MO. SIS HOITH MAI STEEET, ST. UUlf, Jael7-eod,dwly COB. COLLEGE & FOUBTHSTS., S. Just io, and to Arrive : 3000 bundl.es arrow ties, 1000 HA.LF BOLLS BAGGING, - f Aft PXCS FISH. 10UU 500 BBI & FLOUB, 100 BAGS COFFEE. 75 BBLS. SYLUP, 101 BOXES SOAP Glre us a trial kefore you buy and we will sell you. & M. MILLER fc SONS.- au24 CORN ! CORN ! CORN ! --- . y-x -". . a.TT-v friTTsn I KAItIt N t A 1 1 I I ltrT We are agent? for THE WATT PLOW Will sell it LOWIB than you can buy an other good plow. Full assortment always on hand. : ; ' - ; Call and see us before purchasing, ? MAYER & ROSS. aug26 WE HA VI HOW TH ! STORE FOB THX Spring and Snmmcr Trade The Largest, Finest and MOST COMPLETE stock: ot- FINE MILLQTKBY; 1 y : WHITE GOODS. ' . i 7BJHHINGS. t NOTIONS And all kinds of i- , Fc iAdiM ami Chfldrwi We have ever had the pleasure of -T -OTJB STOCK OF- : GLOVES. . - H08IEBY, '" ' ; ,',-r '.. ; FANS, PARASOLS, TRIMMTNGS. NECKWEAR, AND CORSETS Is not sorpaased In the tty. We have HATS OR BONNETS TO fit TBS BEAD AimiPOCXET OT EVERY Hi '$0. LADI, MISS AND fmLD.yaa i Our Patt tAm kal ttiierrWicrEr. m WHOLES ALE GROCER hi Oats ! FLOOR mm mm. GOODS I'fllWl ,JiHl . Ftia. who would be l.asea iw QCEBY. -' tusto'nera, A TRHF TflNin a,a;j.ai w Want of Annetite. Loss of at jron, rv Tumr9ia, General MmHuUv, Vmmala MM eases. Want of Vital ity, Smrvas rostra- rAM. ana . ,v ni.tn . A .1. M UV. WUATMMlllfilT Dlir' mk rJirf! bSi the Sorfrary. foUowed by k. th. mm nf vnnr IHOM TOKIO. Iron WHICH i rw ill hi t.wU. th la- kfW MMTatfl. IT inn 1DOM 11 UVI vaW W J. P. Watioh, fm THOUGH SHAKEN IN EVERT JOINT ant fiTwir with f ATArnd ftinift. or bilious remittent. the system may jet be freed from the malignant vlras with Hostetter's Bitters. Protest the system aminat it with this beneficent antl-SDasmodlc, whtah is furthermore a suDreme remedy for liver complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, debility, rheu matism, kidney troubles and other ailments, for sale by all Draggtsts and'Deaiers generally. FOfclkS INDORSED-BY AND - . . THE GREATEST MED I UAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. IjQgtof arpetite.l!ranaoa,bowels eostlve, , Pain in theHeajUwith a doll nsation In the back part, Pain under the houlder Mfia fnlineaa after Mtinir. with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritftbilitr of to hi tier. Low svirita, Ijom of memory, with a feeling of having neg lected some duty, weariness, piiaineaa, riuttering of the Heart, Dote before the eyes. TreUow Btln, Headaehe. Beetleai- neaa at night, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WARNINGS AXZXnrHZSSZD, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'g FILLI are pecially adapted to such eat,on dow iTets svebaehang at faalinar aa to aatonlah tha aoffarar. - Thar Imareaaa Ui Appetite, and aaaaa U trAw tn T.k. ah riaah. thus th ratam Is MomrlanaA. and by UjUTl AUaon tba A la-aatiTa Pragma. Baa ulaa-Btamht arai duoid. iMo. a cnu. Miuwst, s naiTTTiTiwWinnni channd to aOLOHT Black br a ilnela appllcaUOD of this Dtk. It imparta a natural color, acts Initantanaonuy. Bold bt DrugritU. er Miit by .zpraai on r.ipt of fl. OfTloa, 38 Murray St., New York. CVr. TCrrt aUSCAl, t TUbI Iararaatwa aa tj CMtkl iUMlpU wiU a. aaUea VUSX m aaaltoattoa.f Feby, aSdeodawl 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Electro -Voltaic AppliajiGes suffering from KerTonsWeaknemes, Oen erai jeDiiiy, toss 01 nerve iorce or vigor, or anv disease resultinr from Abuses and Othke Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma : tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Bup . tares, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs, Also woxeh troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief end complete restoration to health guaranteed. The pre toe only Eleetrle Annltanees tbat bsvo ever been constructed opart acinti0e prln clploa. Their thorough efficacy has been prao ttcally proven with the moat wonderful ' aaeeaa; and they have the highest endenements from medical and aeten. title men, and from hnndreda who have Men quickly anu radically cared h IhAlr Hie. 8end at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givin? VOITAIO JBELT CP; XarshaO; Xlch. 'JnlySl i mi These Pena are apedany hardened at th point, wm not eonooeor rasttandwlHlMfoaiul inort Berrioaable and dnrsMe, Sample eard. with ten dlffarent styles of nickel plated pens, sent I Of trial by mall on reoelpt of 88 cents, .. , . .4 Selo Acentai lYlson.,BIakeman,-Taylor iOUK. may20-d2tawklyr St. CHARLES HOTEL BXATJtaVlLLE, . C. uou, rooms on'sds jalrlSur"186 ot P10 18 olklted.. . ! h ) showing' . JLUU.I X W. All H'l Vs.'.?! ? fe y sic SATURDAY, SEPT. 3, 1881. STATE NEWS. North State Press: It Is said that Pamlico county will raise, about 75,000 Dusneis oi nee una eu. xu& wwu and corn is also better than at any time since the war, and they have sweet po tatoes 'till vou can't repose that is if you eat too many at supper. it mates us saa co xearn wnad uevas tation that dreadful disease, diphtheria, has been making in Long Acre district recently. Within three : weeks Mr. Kopny Wallace nas iosl nve cnuaren. We cnromcie tne suaaen aeam oi Mr. Thaddeus Fleming, which took place at" his brother's, Mr. Sylvester. b lemmg, on xuesaay last, aiier onij a few hours' illness. Kaleigh News and Observer: The wore of excavation for the new Metho dist church goes on rapidly. Brick are now being hauled. The plans are on exhibition, having been accepted. The : church, complete, will cost ,sometning over $2u,uuu -": Salisbury. WaUhman: Mules have been sent up from South Carolina into this neighborhood for wintering. The owner, in one case, offered the pick and choice of five mules for wintering them. In another instance the pica ot three was offered, if kept until March. It is known to only a few persons that there is a cornfield within 2 miles of this town of about 80 acres, which will yield this dry year not less - tnan three tnousana ousneis oi com. h may exceed that, for many acres of it will yield 50 or 60 bushels. This is a part of the land redeemed from what was for- mfirlv known as McKay's mill pond, now the farm of Mr. Murdock. He came near wearing himself out in his ejiorts to bring it into cultivation, out tne fruits of his toil are now beginning to mature. llftidsville Times .v..There is talk of organizing a military company in fteids ville. Durham Recorder : The artesian well has now reached the depth of 1,400 feet The boring is now in a formation called by Mr. Dickinson "ruDDer rocit" irom its elasticitv. It is like sandstone, but differing in texture from the stratum Eassed through some weeks ago. Mr. ickinson thinks the prospects of wa ter good in the next one hundred and fifty feet. Cant, if reeiana has reportea nrcy men to Adjutant-General Jones for York town. We regret to learn that Mr. Joseph Terrell, of Caswell county, died sud denly at his home on Thursday night last of heart disease. Wilmington Star: The total receipts of cotton at the port of Wilmington for the crop year ending yesterday footed up 119,522 bales, as against 78,788 bales for the corresponding period last year, the crop year ending August 31st Tne cniCKen traae oi wumingion with Western North Carolina is la- creasing rapidly. The shipments from Hickory and other points are now quite large. They are brought by express at 01.50 per hundred with privilege of re turning baskets. Greensboro North State: Col. Mc- Mahon's new brick factory is under roof and nearly completed. It will be one of the most complete establish ments in the country. The Colonel is doing an immense business, and de serves the great success which his energy, close attention to business and enterprise have brought him. Mr. .Lyncn, a son ot ror. ijyncn, oi Hieh Point, received the appointment of Cadet to West Point, from this Con gressional District J. R. Wright Mr. Hodgin and others, from different parts of the county, have been in our office this week and give doleful accounts of the crops. In some places there will not be half a bushel of corn to the acre. Tobacco is burned up, and the general prospect seems very hard. There is one consolation, East ern and Western North Carolina have abundant cropsenough to feed us all. Asheville Citizen : Arrangements are being made for a fair in Asheville, to be held during the nrst week in uo tober. It is specially desired to have the best specimens of farm products, fruits, vegetables, minerals, woods, manufactures, nousehoid nanaiworR inventions, of the several counties of this mountain (congressional) district No entry fee for exhibition will be charged. Liberal arrangements for a full display will be made. - Salem Pr ess:. Salem Suttle factory is in successful operation, w e notice Eersimmon and dog wood in considera te quantity being delivered there. ... Albert shoDer, (colored) well-known in this community in ante-Deiium times, died in Salisbury recently. He remained with his former master, Hon. F. E. Shober, to the last We learn that the Messrs. Fries can not supply the very great, demand for their cloth. We are pleased to note the flourishing condition of the cotton and woolen mills of F. &. H. Fries, the re ward of untiring enterprise, industry and perseverance. The many friends of Lieut Henry B. Lemly, u. S. A now in charge of the Military Academy, at Bogota, United States of Columbia, S. An will be pleased to learn that he has been promoted to a Colonel in the Columbian army and Director-General of the Military Academy-' . ' . . , John II. Shultz has in his pond some &4 German carp, about a year old, meas uring from 12 to 10 inches in length, and as broad as. a man's hand. Mr.S. faced in his pond 4Q fish in February ast at 0 months old and from 4 to 6 inches long. Recently he removed them to a friend's pond and with the above results. Anson Times: The crops in Anson will average one-half to two-thirds. We have to record another sad acci dent that occurred on Wednesday of last week, about three miles west of here. Elisha Home, a lad of IS years, and son of the late James E. Home, was run over by the wheel of an ox cart and killed.- The cart was loaded with.' wood, and was in motion, when young Home undertook to jump on in front of the wheels. Somehow he lost his balance and fell, and the wheel ran immediately over his stomach. He lingered till next day, when be died a painful death. - Send It to Sis Efotber-ln-LAW King Theebaw, of Burmah, who dis- tinomiahed himself SO sreatlv some time since by the slaughter of all pos sible and prohaDie competitors lor nis throne, has recently indulged; himself in a : peculiarly delicate piece f .ven geance. . A short time - ago owe . of his wives sent nun some aainty , aweec-, meats, which he would doubtless have devoured without question had' not:his suspicioh ben arouse'd by the unusual ly anectionate character oz tne message by, which the present was accompanied, lie xeceived the " .gift! . however,, with oriental courtesy, and. witn a solicitude and tender thQugutiuiness wmcn would .F rrrTrt. .1.1 rr-rr:": nnnecessarr to ad4ithati5dJieUiflaugiiter 'loflowM qmckly. the shade otlie.nioihet His Wajeatyisfiaid 'heerrtoyed the I M - J li.H . V. ujin Aiuucui muro acojutj,wittu my, nours arterwaras. as is ounecessarri:; t ministration.: . . . ' " . r"" SIIIfINO IlfTEtitlftEPTCE. SaiisbuTjWatchmaiLaw ' CONRAD HILL. . - : Operations, under the 'new s manager ment. have been becnin lat this mine." They advertise for 300 hands. SILVER VALLEY tv.w. .. is goings working 75 hands! They are concentrating and shipping.ores. . , .The mills at Hoover Hill started last week. , NORTH STATE MINING COMPANY. Dr. R. M. Earaes, general superinten dent, returned from England, (where he had been on company's business,) during our absence. Be lmmediatelyi in company with Maj. Thos. Bomar, C. E., went over the line of the proposed railroad from Statesville to - Jefferson. About this time Mai. Kirkland, theix chief engineer had a leg fcxoken wnlcn retarded the wort some - However, this gentleman is kept in communica tion by letter. These gentlemen ex press themselves as satisfied with the preliminary work so far, and also with what the people along the line propose to do in the way of inducements for the road. The people are entnusiasuc anu have promised every assistance in their power and have otherwise encouraged the company with their good will. As soon as the line is located, con tracts will be let and the work of con struction; will be pushed from both ends of the road. Dr. Eames says : "Our first- eastern terminus will be Statesville, but that it wuTfinally terminate in Salisbury." The prospects of the company are fine, and with their money and brain force the work will go vigorously for wflrda Of the companies mines, we can say that the CROWELL, on account of difiiculty with stockhold ers, and the superintendent's being called away on railroad matters, nas suspended operations for a short time. At COPPEB KNOB work is progressing fairly. They are down 157 feet, and sinking new winz in first level. They will go down 400 feet. The erection of furnaces forsmeltmg is progressing as rapidly as the brick makers can furnish the material. They are opening their large MICA MINE with most flattering results. They are running a drift on an eight foot vein, four feet of which is solid mica, of very light color;. free from iron stains and vsrir flATlhlfl. They also have a force employed opening their vast IRON BEDS. Thfiv own four and one-half miles of fine iron ore, which lays in bedeof from 10 to 40 feet wide. They propose, for tne gooa oi tne State, to make a fine display of minerals from Western jxortn uaroiina at iuo ATLANTA EXPOSITION. This is of course a labor of love, as the company cannot hope to realize any thing by this display, except the honor due them from the State, for thus showing to the world the products of her mineral wealth. a nuasriNO BOILEU Alarmi the City Yeaterday-wOeairucw bat no eatha AatonlaUiny Power oi tne Explosion. Raleigh News & Observer. Yesterday morning the steam engine on the farm of Mr. George Taylor was fired up for the first time, this season. The engine, which was of eight-horse power, was apparently in good order, with no defects. It was used to run the cotton press and gin at the farm, and was situated in a building some distance from that in which were the gin and press. Last summer the engine was in charge of a son of Mr. Taylor, and he it was who fired up. Mr. Taylor had been at the engine, but had some min utes before the accident gone away to the house. A half a minute before the explosion the young man who was in charge left the engine and went to the gin house. Hardly had he made hi3 way to the upper story of this when it seemed as if the earth had been cloven asunder. A vast volume of thick smoke rose to a great height, spreading on every side. From it sailed in all di rections masses of wood and metal. The engine was blown to atoms by the exceeding violence of the explosion. The noise was deafening, in fact stun ning. Two and a half miles away was Raleigh, and yet the report was heard here, and the jar was so great as to make the plates rattle upon breakfast tables, the accident occurring just aft er 8 o'clock in the morning. The noise was heard on the streets, and in all portions of the city, and caused some ftl&rnie There were several trees, some of considerable size, around the engine house. These were actually torn up by the roots, their tops blown off, their trunks rent and twisted. The large timbers and sills of the house, some of the latter being of solid pine, ten inches spuare were broken to bits. The engine house was simpiy Diown away, xne engine was dismantled and made a per- Some of the timbers were thrown to great distances, over the trees and strips of woods even into adjoining farms. Some were blown into the plan tation of Mr. Prairie, f ally half a mile away. The mass of smoke and dust caused by the explosion was seen two miles away, and persons who heard the sound and saw the cloud rise hastened to the spot to ascertain the cause. The loss to engine, rmilding, eta, is perhaps 1,000, The cause of the explosion is said tp have been lowness of water in the boiler. The steam is said to have been super-heated. The rending effect of the explosion was almost as great as that of dynamite. - The gin house to which the young man Richard Taylor went is about 50 yards from where the gin stood. Strange to say, it was not blown down, but several pieces of the exploded en gine were hurled through the house, making holes like cannon shot The engine was, as we have said, blown in to bits. The largest pieces thus far found are abomt as large as a man's hat. The scene of theexplosionwas visited by several persons from the city. The Elace where the engine stood looked as ! it had been cleared for a croquet ground. Doing- Splendid Work Asheville Citizen. We have not met a private citizen residing on either the Pigeon river or Paint Bock line who does not assure : ns the work on the - railroad is being pushed with au possible dispatch and energy. Many of these informants have been connected with large rail road enterprises in this and other States, and hence know of what they Bpeak. Their astonishment at hearing a complaint bad been made tnat tne present authorities were not doing I ness aoout this threat pess about this threatened interference few BWa . ir ertt Vucthat I add my testimony to (he great virtues of nlBDa" aa a imwifla fAr neoraJela and Such a remedy la AleaUif put I all uffMan altnnlM kuW Tv.l i wyywtw yy a,'i' s Ion CRXhMreT SUM! f XftTtefttaMT Amae. Baltlmoi. - Promptly referred t by the Norfolk: Virginian, Is the ease of a venerable , lady a relative or Capt J. W. -McLean.-' She ' was smitten t the supper; table with what seemed a partial paralysis which resisted the . usual . remedies professionally pre Icrtbed. 8L Jacobs Oil was applied. Insuring tat mediate relief and - its continued use for three days enabled her to go about the house as well as ever. She considers that she owes her life to its great curative virtues. BEWARE OT SUBSTITUTES. The pubUc should bear In mind that Imitations or substitutes of a standard medicine are offered,, not for any benefit to health, but te sell something that has been bought cheap; and not daring to criminate themselves by exact copies, their object Is to get as near to it as is necessary to deceive. The remedy to detect frauds is In your own hands. Buy no Simmons Liver Regulator unless encased In a White Wrapper having a large red Z in the centre and the signature of J. H. Zellin & Co. on the side. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing syrup. Eev. Sylvanus Cobb thus writes In the Boston Christian Freeman: We would by no means re commend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be good particularly for infanta. But of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothlnf Syrup we can speak from knowledge; in our own family it has proved a blessing indeed, by glvln g an Infant troubled with colic pains, Oulet Bleep, and its parents unknown rest at night. Most parents can . appreciate these blessings. Here is an article which works to per fection, and which is harmless; for the sleep which it affords the infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And during the process of teething, its value Is calculable. We have frequently heard mothers say they would not be without it fsom the birth of the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any consideration whatever, druggists. 25 cents a bottle. JJcw jfttrertisjemjetxts. FOR EMATISM, Nuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore' Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 60 Ceats, and every one suffering with pain can have cfieap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGOI8TS AND DHALERS IN MEDI0IBE. A. VOGELER Si CO., Baltimore, JUd., V. S. A dee 80 d w l y LOVELY COMPLEXIONS POSSIBLE TO ALL. What Nature denies to many Art secures to all. Hasan's Magnolia Balm dispels every blemish, overcomes Bedness, Freckles, Sallowness, Bough ness, Tan, Eruptions and Blotches, and removes all evi dences or heat and excitement. The Magnolia Balm imparts the mosfdelicate and natural complexional tints no detec tion Delng possible to the clos est observation, i Under these ciixnrmstances a faulty complexion is little short of a crime. Magnolia Balm sold everywhere. Costs only 75 cents, jrtth lull directions. J Jan. 31 ORGANS, 17 stops, 5 Set Gold en Tongue reeds, only $85. Ad BEATTY. Washington. N. J. aug9 dw4w III 1 11 AC 9 SOLO ON INSTALLMENTS and r I A It UO & shipped to all parts of the coun h DP a II C I try. PRICES LOW and terms of U nil AlIO I payment easy. Send for cata logue. HORACE WATERS & CO.. Manufacturers anaueaiers,go aroaaway.n.i. augq,4w v BOLD MEDAL AWARDED the Author. A new aad araat lied. leal Work, warranted the beat and ehaapaat, indispensable to evary man,sntiUd "the Seienceof Life oraU-Preaervation i" bonnd in finest Freaeh mnslia, embossed, full (ilt,00 pp. oon tains beaatifol teal eneravinae, 11 praeeTip tiona, vrtee eatr $1-25 seat by mail; Uliutrated t&mpis, 6 eenU ; end now.Address Feabody Med. FlIflTI TOVQPT V ic' Institute or Dr. W. H. PABr KEK, No. 4 Bolfinoh St Boston. augO dw4w W W MOORE'S BUSINKS3 UM JVEBSITY Atlanta. su . For Illustrated Circular. AiiTaawuJuii. febooL' IMoblithed twenty tears. "aogU 4w cure all diseases of the stomach, bowels, blood, liver, kidney and urinary organs, nervousness, sleeplessness, and especially female complaints. Ask your druggist for Hop -Bitters and by them before you sleep. TAKE NO OTHER. Send for circular. HOP HITTERS MTG CO., aug9 Rochester, N. T. , and Toronto, unt HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN Any person to be seriously HI without a weak sto mach or Inactive liver or kidneys? And when these organs are in good condition do you not nna their possessor enjoying good health? PABKEB'S GINGER TONIC always regulates these Important organs, and never falls to make the blood rich and Dure, and to strengthen every part of the sys tem. It has cured hundreds of despairing inval ids. Ask your neighbor about it aug0,4w Benson's Capeine Porous Plaster For Lame Back. Rheumatism. Kidney Affections. and aches and pains generally, It is the unrivalled remedy.. aug9.4ff AUTOMATIC CABINET PL AY ANY TUNE. Music 4& per foot .lfaifli.4wi e .:-!;li3 ; niu&rjrated eatalocnes free.; THSQ. X HARRACnJ 8P9 Filbert si, Philadelphia. the orate or peck, at If! IIBEMEBi. RE FREE ORGANS SCHOOL NOTICEi- The Fall Term of MBS. WATSON'S SCHOOL will begin at rher ool 4n fine sow (amiinvuiej, on Monday next. Sept V SESSION OPENS WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBMB 7, '81. COBPS OF TEACHERS: Wh. B. ATKINSON, Principal, Latin, Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. Miss HELEN LONG, Principal of Preparatory DMRaALME CALDWELL WHITE, English Literature and History- . Miss LILLIB W LONG, Modern Languages. Miss MABY L. MATTOON, Elocution and Eng lish Branches. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Pbqf. A. BIDIZ. LL. D., Director. ASSISTANTS MBS. B. L. DEWEY, MRS. Ws. B. ATKINSON. -Miss U. a. SAVAGE, Art Department. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Miss NANNIE TINSLEY, Intendant of Inflrm- ary. MISS ANNA 8UTTON, Head of Boarding De- partment. Tor terms, eta., annlv for a cataloeoe to - Bkv. Wh. B. ATKINSON. PimcIpaL angll.tf . SALEM ACADEMY, SALEM, N. C. THIS Institution commends itself to the public as a notably pleasant and safe home and high class school for girls and young women. It has during the past few years been greatly improved. Its SCHOLASTIO ARRANGEMENTS have been remodeled and its standards advanced. It now offers all the advantages of similar institu tions of the highest grade. A large number of In structors is emDloved. and Dains-taklne Instruc tion is guaranteed. It offers a liberal English, or English and classical course lor graduation, and, under its new administration, has already gradu ated (with diploma) four very promising classes. The DOMESTIC ARRANGEMENTS ot the Acad emy have latterly been re-adapted to secure to Its resident pupils the largest measure of comfort and convenience, jugnt resiaeni teacners are continually In charge, .and give special attention to the cultivation of correct manners and habits in growing girls. Systematic and enlightened physi cal culture and care of health are prominent fea tures in the Improvements recently perfected. Exceptional faculUes are offered for the study of MUSIC. The results of practical work In its Music Department, during the past few years, would warrant the Academy, in the opinion of competent critics, in inviting comparison with any other similar institution in the South. A two to three years graduating course (with diploma) has quite recently been introduced. Special attention is directed to the advantages now also obtainable la the DEPARTMENT OF DRAWING AND PAINTING, which has been re organized and placed In charge of a lady of spe cial ability and superior training. A high standard of excellence will be maintained and the best methods observed. A variety of branches of stwdy is offered and careful tuition is guaranteed. The 78th year begins September 1, 1881. axr. j. x. , ZORN, Principal. July27,dw Mt. St Joseph's Female Academy HICKORY, CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C THIS school, located near the town of Hickory. Catawba county, N. C within a few minutes' walk ot the depot, and a few hours' travel by rail of the far-famed Asheville, is conducted by the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, who for nearly three quarters of this century, and until recently unaided, founded and directed all the female Catholic literary institutions in the Carollnas and Georgia. Hickory is a great health resort, having in its vicinity the celebrated Catawba Springs. Malarial diseases and consumption are unknown in this immediate section, and visiting patients rapidly recover under the Influence of its unsur passed climate. No undue influence used on the religious principles of the pupils, but to insure regularity all must conform to the general rules of tne institution. The scholastic year of ten months consists of two sessions, each session payable in advance. Board, washing, fuel, light, tuition in Eng lish, Latin, needle work and domestic economy, per session, - - $65.00 Entrance fee, ...... fi.00 Vacation In the academy, .... 20.00 Music, painting, drawing, languages, etc., form moderate extra charges. Letters of Inquiry should be addressed to the augQ.dtf Hickory, N. C. CAROLINA MILITARY INSTITUTE, CHARLOTTE. N. C. The Ninth Annual Session will be gin September 15th, next. For cir cular, giving usual Information, ad dress, JOHN P. THOMAS, Superintendent 8epl,d2w,w2t MACON SCHOOL, CHARLOTTE, N. C. The tenth session will opon Septem ber 5. 1 881. For catalogues apply to either of the undersigned W. A. BA titiliSH, O. COHAHN. augll.dtf Principals. TRINITY HALL, npVERLY, Vi. J. A thorough heme school for girls. Varied ad vantages of the highest order. Fourteenth year begins September 15. For circular address Mras BACHELLE GIBBONS HUNT. ang7.deod&w2moa Principal. FffllTI Wholesale and Retail AT THE WHITE FRONT. E.M.ANDREWS, (Successor to E. Rogers.) WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER . aug26 BY LOT HEft BENSON. I; -For sale at. W.i TIDDY &-BRCS BookiStoraA Charlotte Female DSuMe Coffins an J Wets "15 Years in Iiell, JUST BECEIVED AT ABATOGA yiCHY, From Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Anew water r- sembling the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and stiong diuretic Also, Baton Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, "J 0 CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, I Q CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a fun supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS AMB Huoyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EDROPEAN NOVELTY ! H UNYADI fANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT,. AS-A CATHARTIC: Dogar A wine glass full before breakfast. The Lancet "Hunyedl Janos. Baron Liebig af firms that its richness In aperient salts surpasses that of all ether known waters." The Britiih Medical Journal "Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Pros. Yvrchmo, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Pro. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scanxni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Pre. Lender Brunton, M. D., r.R. 8., London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." ' Prof. AUcen, M. LX, F. R. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to PuUna and Frted richshau." JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when It flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. McADEN, Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 ITarnip Seed! farnip Seed ! NEW CROP TURNIP SEED. BED OB PURPLE TOP, WHITE FLAT DUTCH, LARGE WHITE NORFOLK, POMERANIAN WHITE GLOBE WHITE EGG, AMBEB GLOBE, GOLDEN BALL, YELLOW ABERDEEN, RUTA BAGA . BLOOMS DALE SWEDE OR YELLOW. LANDRETH'S SEED ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE. L. R. .WRISTON S CO. Julyl9 Druggist . by Examination. Go to W. P. MARVIN, Agent, and Successor to F. Bcarr 4 Co. fOB Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines None bat the Very Best Drugs do I keep In my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles. Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tooth Brushes, &&, A. GABDEX SEERS of all the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spec ial attention. Hoping to receive a share of public patronage, I am, respectfully, , febS Wye MARVIN Agt 4 0 a H i II o t H a e M B I u i Z.B. YAHCX. W. H. Batlkt. VANCE & BAILEY, ttorneyi and OounaeUori t ; CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice in Supreme Court of the United States, : Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal . vourta,and counties oi aiecKien- burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas- ton, uowan ana im- , . . vldaon. . - ' OfficA. : two doora. aast at IndeDendence Squara..: .m v - -i may2 tf RO. DrllLlMeDsDrn Store jandreth s vT H the Stato and Unft State Court' CoUee 1 ttonarHoinC and FotelgilettejM Aa-J. tracts of xiuea, purveys, oc,, vmuMmm w -cw LnrasV!tt X Coraec frtds H4 by L. B. WRISTON A CO. - auglS PERRY'S. angS.tf. Charlotte, (L M, fjaswft.

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