,T.'.a'.r,.. e6 She jaxhM Mjsttvti; BVBaaxurrtoB sutms: .J Dc&v,ixv,Vrt-tiadvmtx.. ...... g8 00 Six monitor.,.....,. 1.. 400 TfKv (in Ok WMly), wt tthKHtw. ... . hf2 00 Out Oft? county, PotfpaiJ .......a.lO . rtxf7f....,.........;A;.i....i.1.05 Xi&end Jtedvctionbr CUbt.' m Yfiii'ii" II II ! "f due- fj a u.ij si jl U I Mr. ALKXANDKR haj beeAJTQi oMmeJtme-1 OF STAPLE AHD PE1 dlIDS Which Is now coinlog In dally. JUST RECEIVED, A Pretty Line of Fall Prints. AlexuilerS'Hajrls. sep4 Boots am A gUozs i We are dally receiving our SPRINGSTOCK wbich will be more oomfWte than ersr beforej LADIS3', HISSES'. CHILDREK8,' GENTS'. BOX ST. AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES aspecialtyJ Lower grades all goods in omtStf Jn varietj 'and ail prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATSi i! and a pretty line 01 H.t. L. ATiTT-ri r. dl.t .1-1 1 f MM naiS. irilllKS.'Vail Ot aUHieiS.5 ALL SIZES AND KKIC Call apd see as, Ki- f 881 Spring Stock 88i Best Brfflis ? j J PEGFRAM tWM&m$fiSSi feb'20 9 CoeU Tins -MCaMiiaE,E t 1 i ,i ) ' i TRAIKS OOB I Oata.Kdy 15 '81 .No. 47 Dally jNo.49 i Dally Ko.43, Daily Lv. Charlotte, ; " A-U Depot " " JnnVt1 " Salisbury, Arc. Greensboro Lv.Qreensboro Arr.Balelgh Lv. - Arr. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Barksdale 4.05 ami ?4? A 4 It A 5.5t) AW 8.03 AM &2S AM 1.40 PM L'6.20 480 PM 70 AMI 8.07 PM 7.6TPM 8.18 PM 9.80 0.50 AM for Rich m'ndonly 1.46 FM 4.00 m ... v.. , 8.25 pm! iaai n.9t AM 48 AM 10.27 am 10 68 12.01 PM " Prak'sBr'eh 12-87 PM I4SOPM 2.65 PM as I PM 4,28 PM Jetenvllle ire. Tomahawk lrr. Belle Isle Lv. " " Arr.Manehester Arr. Richmond 4.05 PM 4.10 pm 4.18 pm 4S5 PM 48 PM 4.18 pmJ 4.44 AJt. 7.28 am TBAnrs scare sptnrKV Batejtfayl5'80 Na42 No. 48 No. 60 Dally Daily. Lv. Richmond " Borkevule frr. N. Danvlue ty. DanyfJle Arr. -Ofeensboro Lt. " Sallabnry 10.45 PMl 12-00 5, 2.4S 6.05 Pwt a AM 0.18 PMl 7.27 AM 9.20 AM 8.17 PM 981 a87 pm IMS AM 10.88 JtM IB. 1- ' ' phJI liiaO AMI .(Si',,' oarioue tv. Richmond ! " Jetemttle Drak'sBr'ch ' Barksdale PMl 2.5S PM 441 PM rl.07 PM ?lfS 8.55 PM 0.27 PM Greenshoia V., " Salisbory Arr. a-L. Junotlon Lv. " 11.05 PM 13.28 AM Arr. Charlotta -iit4s. 12.80 AM j SAUOCBBAXCH. NO. 48 Dally, except Sunday, ) ; f f i Leave Greensboro..... .. 9.40 pm Arrive Salem..... 11.40 PM .. ND-47-Paay.eXMpt8uniUw.-r ??i l?8ito.V;i.:..uTiU.i..Ji.V'4lO roves greensbort.....: ft-00 NO, 42 Dally, except 8unday. Leave Oreensboro........;.ri. ...... 10.00 Am Arrives Salem ....................lOo. AM: . MO. 4S-Mly.; - Mf if; Leave Salem.... ....................... KSOnf Arrive Greensboro..... .......... f.ao PM . ' an rer ivw-jau.VM. .... t--. : .Lljltd xaattm Mas. 49 and 60 WU1 only wiake Hfir stoppages at points named on the schedule. f "fenjjers taking train 4dtrom Charlotte wUI get aboard at the B. 4c n. B, Vl depot Thto train makes elose eonneoUon at Greensboro for BaletKh. tops between Charlotte and Blcbmond, and be . tween Greensboro. BAtaifth and GoMsberoi Nv47 : Peking eonneetlon with W. N. C. B. at Ballsbury ior Aaueyilie (Sundays excepted), "d e'so eon I uBgai ureensboro with bales Lranca tua "leiwepted). : . , rassenn tvh V. J4 mm ah ..v. an lval f00 .betwetn CharloOe and Eichmond. except !s!??7 BarrUburg, Cnlna Grove. liroUstmrg. Ua- waiw Jamestown. ; . No. 43 eonncU with Salem Branch at Greens boro, r r.j , A.TWX. Gen, and Ticket Agent, ' VI 111' A. " A II I . :51:.. - i.y. - K I i I I '; i HI .V : . a"a" 'I I I .T' a1 n VOL. xivi. CORSETS ! WABXSBS' CORIXTS ban u established xepa iiunn rnmninnni um vnria nw Durability, Comfort and Healthfalness '" "W i ofteif these good to the trade with eonfldenee, knowing from experience that the x possess etery advantage elaimed lot them. . 1 J f WX HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE LOT or THE . CORALIIIE, ABDOMINAL AD NURSING CORSETS. ALSO .- Warner's 50c Corset ! . The.best for the monev ever sold in this market We will be pleased to have the trade inspect inese gooas. sansracaon guaranteea in every ease or money reiunaea. aug28 PIRRV DAVIS jf,4 jPpJ6JUX VJEOJKXAX BJBJKV for LllTKitlf AI and KITKKlfftT. Use, TbjtnirVo. DiiihtWia. tThmaxnfm Cholera. Snmmsr Oamnlaint. Side y HfJwlcifvNgarstltffilieTtrn.tS7rit I 'Trfrftfy "fetQuw ntea or tBaAn4 rnmafna. nmf T. L Seiele & Co. 11 i! tag M ; II 1 r ZifS-ITTTHB OriLYMCDICiriEl 15 ETTHEtt LIQUTB OE DBT FOBS - ! That Ae at the sasae time em '.lt TES LI72R,JXS BOYTZIS, I AZD THE SI2173T5. &cflw tp aflbtf iktm itiai organs to tfud dogfrd or 'orpiit, tUt-.,poiontm$ bmrnnaM thrfOn forest into tkt Uotd WILL OU RELY CURE KIDNEY.DISEASES r ,: LIVER COMPLAINTS, r.H lSSSt fl PILIS T CONST1TAHON, PISCES, TIMXIJE WEA50T ESiE, 14 muting frt action of Vut organ f f S MUWHS pains aa Wbrtermsta4 wItb.'PUes. Coastlpatloal Why Irlghtee4 ever disordered Kidasyst Why eadare aervoas er siek headaeliesl Btapatap ln Inr VeetiMa Tr, UUb imWP OC vucs mwtm ma. qasn w. . J ? tT wlthwal iffletoapy in tthesfoirm. Bax iz or xwj. juuw-a t j 1. 41 nrxixsiuB .in ?lTPIXB.niCBARPSOXCri5!, f 1 " m . - w . - i . a. Hgarelr 27 fifn f a htUmkt). SU uoioarne s-wMa ' Sc., who are nri ow dv wen -y vhjti wuj ' an auseraoie wiia iiuiw nr BoomI. Xidnvar r, 1 ouai f",nttlrt1 acnra py wing. : rifyou wasting wy with WPW tniMioa or Say wemkaasa, rote wW f 4 rart IGiortr Tonic the cremtwt wood eri AUKEua ii: ? i . . at ,,: riTiiiTinn puiiTcn : x 1 . a bibs Man ansa bp at wi uhi iuu wumi mwt i ii . A COLOBED PBINTEB, of six years experience, xa. waata a steady sUaatton. Can Mmake bp" a Daner. run a areas. - and is eOmnetent to take e barge of the mechanical department- of a news paper, wiu wore very eneaa curing me summer, ' Mf aj 114111 A f tMlffll Kuunr IffVWVV I ' I v?":i:r:fe.d,- tonics, a m i wim :f,Zit .intoaicatsk' SjoJ ey OTJ .T.i. u,Z & rA.CSmirt, N. Y-1 I i . - r t, '' . '" 1 CHARtOTTE,' ' ! OBSERVATIONS. ' n. i 1 ' T " t "What shall be done with Gulteau?" GWe him a chance to get the best ol the law. the same ar any man has In this country. New Haven- Regis ter. . ; X The Boston Post freely admits that we have no ; navy, hot prides itself on the tact that there are 1S.00O brass bands In the country. To set them all 1m motten would be equal, to throwing Greek ore at an enemy. Inland has it so wet that her croos are betas drowned ont. In America it is so dry that they are being burned up. The two countries never did Whfle Dreachmff from thtt texL "He dveth Bis beloved sleep," a Toledo minister stopped In the middle of his sermoni gazed- upon. bis. sleeping auditors and said; "Brethren, it Is hard to realize the wondrous, anboonded love the LorU appears to have for a good portion of this eongregaaonf Betreit yreeTress. i iti a ?,-AS. 3m There Is now no sectjnnaiikm exeent Wetrcnses. When a circus strikes Mtson- and Dixon's line. even the animals seem to know it, and they set up a tremendous howl if the show is not divided into ! four or five distinct squads. -Nobody now living ever saw a whole circus In the 8outh.-tAUaata i Constitution, James Gordon Bennet is deserlbed bv -A TKew York correspondent fas a sad-looking man.'' The oorresponaeni eviaeniiy saw tne. great eanor just after he had inadvertent, hammered his shin with a pole stick.. There are mournful eras in the lives of all great me !3 c L ': ; When In conversation a5 man-' abruDtlr ears. 'Betr pardon!" he means that ha wants to do all the talking himself. . STATS NEWS, jrnaieign zvet & up8erver: During August 2& marrijure ;lieenRfis -wfir la. sued in "Wake. The collections of intern al revenue ia this district for the month of August were siui.ysu.m . , , There is a wide ranee in the estimates of Wake's cotton crop, some persons putting it at one-fourth others at three-fourths of last year's production. Wilmington Review: The body of a white sailor was found Monday drown ed near the mouth of 'Alligator T creek. Foul play is suspected. Statesviller Landmark: Three con victs, were sent to the penitentiary by the last court. A young man, son of a prominent citizen was carried. to the in sane asylum. s ? , , , ( -, , ? ' . The isiues have reported to Adjutant General Jones and Mai. Silas McBee that they are going to Yorktown with 86 men. The people of States ville surely de serve to be designated as the "beef-eat ers. Three markets are doing busi ness here now and another is about to be started. . Statesville is just coming right along. IMore substantial improvements have oeen made here this year than in hve years before, and there are reports of other DuUdings to be put up next sea son. it is tolerably certain that the present gap between the stores of Ir- be iBUed with ajbrick building. Lincoln Progress-. Died the 2d inst. of paralysis, Mr. Mattnew iemaster, in about the 72d year of his age. Married ller Kmcsw. I Nqw York Sunday Mercury. One of those romantic affairs which seldom take place in real life, but are often described in story books, is Just now tne great theme of gossip at Whitestone, Long Island. On Monday last Miss Louise Graham, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Mr. Clin ton Graham, a prominent and wealthy resident or tne village, was walking, with another young lady, along the shore of Long Island Sound, and when they reached the pair recently con structed by captain Memtt, superin tendeht of the Coast Wrecking Compa ny, tney naiteo ana stood looking on over the water. , wnue they were watching two yachts that were skim ming the waves. Miss Graham, who had taken a position on the very edge of the pier; suddenly lost ner Daiance and xeii headlong into the Water. The water at this Doint is about twenty feet deen; and the tide formed a rapid current or eddy,: which sweeps' far out JntClhtf sound. As Miss Graham wa hamper helpless, arid within a few seconds waa. carried at least auu y aras irom tne snore. Sbe screamed for help, and then Bank beneath the surface of, the water. , Her young lady . companion started ia. 6th tain assistaRcei out . alter proceeding half-wav to the nearest house was over- come by excitement and. f sun teiiLiu the meantime Miss, forranam naa tisen and sane twice, and . was- just f gowg i down tot the third Unm when g'Touhz man! named George-.MeDougall hap- pened to, walk, towards to pier. ie saw i and without ado be hastily divested i himself of his Voak hat and. boots and Plunged into the w atet' Aa he is 'an, excellent) swimmer ne managed ;xa . - . ' a a. ' reach the young woman just a$ Jjshi was 'about to disaopear for the last time, i With one arm around hex waist I f - . j a a. ne swan) asnore ana carnea ner wj wie boatiipflujO;tbe .niplidy; was so nearly drowned tnat sneidWas unconscious. ' and " her rescuer, was obliged to resort to artificial respiration and pther means usUyjresorted ta to tne restoracionoi arowning persona, am the meantime the otner young woman. i who had fainted.' recovered suffieiently to assist in attending to Miss Graham. The; excitement or tne day . mad tn young laoy so in mat sne was pon,unea to the bouse for three or four . asxai Mr-IMeJhmpiU' called 'day ttt-wcep tainjtheBtag other heajthl jl is need -escep- less to say .that heiwas: the most; wel conie , visitori : , The sequel to the affair was a nappy wedding, xne pridegroom is si ; man who ' is poor in this world's goods, and the bride, in addition to be- ing ma uaugawr & vweaimy itttner, is the i possessor Jof a large , f ortope ibi her own name., it is said that Miss Graham and Mr. McDougall were no acauainted , with ' eacb other Previous to the day on which he saved her lifel I They simprr, Khew.eacp otner by sight; as meyhaacasuauji piet mtuejStreets or we-'vuiage --ytja-n uiti. iu-ui.h I San I does not always do to eredit bplfii i- 0Tiensativeness. , i The other with. day one 6f qur prising; youn pianists9 was civuiz ma omnion ui xno vuis and meanness displayed by our go aristocracy. 1 Whr.' aaid ne. ?ro m 8tanoe,not ohg ago I was invited tb at! tena amusicai at tnenouse oi om u baes. on Nobh HilU Of course I Played a good, deal to 'entertain the company, and wnen iiert out jp as ne gneoBnanda slipped inW my hand a 20 gold- piece.' Whjtthf thick skinned old hog r: said the' Audience, indignantly j "what did ybu do?' f Why you Just bet I got even rnim, i naugntuy tnrewtnemoip i me noor, And ieit. aiter nrst , i ex lired -the etrfa:foE ai eodnterfeii twenty I happened to haVein my pockefc i use jtnenr-don t jouseekrTlpitart; idea, mat served tnex Dia vulgarian lVil-' Vo litttfn'li 'liriira Una) iVirtf the trouble was that fciS twenty turned ft u imrMMdhla for a -woman aTter- a faithful course of treatment with Lydia X. Hnkham's Veg etable Compound, to continue -to suffer with a weakness of the uterus, jmciose a stamp to sua. i Lydia K. Finkbam, 283 Western Avenue, Lynn, i, , tit. " ,',j.:J- ;i.,r... . ,x ,. 1 ! ?--,-' ',- .' . Ml N. Q.tSMPAY;;SJ&EMBER 4,J1881. I rAl pr;Jvs;asttSix, Hon. WiUiam L. Scott, 'of Erie. P I in 1846 was page-In XJonjniess. Gen. I Cbarles M. 4eea, memoes or uongress . from Erie, took him , home anj gave him employment at weighing coaL Mr. Scott's fortune is now -estimated at On tit ififl rAcAi'tari otis 5 ' Mtcki itw stances connected with the tfew TJlmf cyclone, as hrpnght of oy Mr. Merrill, .r. tlKs. onK '.tViif '-all fsnlMlTYmt '-wrStV, peaked root! ijr erhptojared or but . There are 7093 public houses and 4425 beerhouses in London.- During 1880, 2968 nersons were i apprehended . for drunkenness. Of , thesel9,0d8 were males, and 130: were lemaiea The average of ;arrestsj;f,or1Ttrunkenness seems to oe aimnuBmuc.; : -1 ; un's vo; There are 225 indiariS still remaihinr in South Florida ; They "Bref f peaceful and hold inendlv relations wim the white settleraf Tfiearenirttstif the tigers." woivesr-'-TSmikW and "North -Winds heir chiefs are al ways chosen from the Tigers from suh perstiuoustradtuons. t'u.ioi i? j ju. The rauroad 'WeM ' rfdsM con i. i-i ii,iii.;L'i..ii..i making 3110 miles wiis year against 2631 miles .reported at, the correspond ing time in 1880, 1273 miles in 2879,, 947 miles in 1878, 842 miles in . 1S77 1142 mileaim 1876. 574 milea 11x1875. Qis miles tn 1874. 1P66, miles In 187 tud 09Tt milao tn lbTs ;" ,:,li.H.' . iOg! An Illinois paper assarted that "tberA is one jackass in our Legislature. and before neon! of the day on which the item was published the editor received note from every member i of - the House, including the Speaker,, telling him to retract or look out for. libel suit, each member regarding it aa a personal hit. The man alluded to was In the Senate. The New York Sun estimates ' that the vote in New York this tall will be 250,000 less than at the Presidential election. If the quarrel between the Stalwarts and Half-breeds is kept up tne nun 'Deneves tnere is only one thing will prevent the overwhelming defeat of the Republicans, and that is the stupidity and quarrels of the "Dem ocracy." London's nolica duty is an. immense item in the .cost of maintaining the metropolis; and constantly growing,! During tne year 1880, 25,000 new houses and 70 miles in length of new streets and squares were added to the Metro 1 A. J ' - a. A. Mil. A A 1 A. 1 poutan uisirics wniio to atienu u mis new duty the police force was increas ed by lidding ? to it 250 pfficers 'and men t r ? . :- r i u , The manufacture of artificial ice promises to be one of the great South ern industries of the future. The New Orleans Ice Factory Company can now produce 45,000 tons per annum,' and they can deliver to consumers blocks of one hundred pounds or more of fine ice. it is claimed' tnat, manufactured ice is superior to Northern ice, and it is furnished so cheaply that it controls the New Orleans markeLagainst North ern ice. A correspondent of the Boston Her- aid, writing from Montreal, predicts tnat within nve years steamships can load In Liverpool and unload at Chica go or Bayfield. They will be enabled to do this by tne widening and deepen ing of the canals, seventyTthree miles m length, which : Canada pas bunt around the rapids' and by the great rails, which make navigation between the tipper and lower waters of the St. Lawrence river, at present, impossible xor snips. A arosHan Vbo Bets 9TM Like Gi field. Crfsaoh Springs letter to Philadelphia Post "J will not be in the least sorry if the President dies except for his doci tors; ; ' Would you believe that such words could fall from the lips of any 'Ameri can 'worn an? Not even the worst of Conkling's "heelers? would dare to utter such a sentiment public notwithstand ing the stories (which I do not believe). .ki A- -i L A.- 1 ; i - i g A-.: I AWli aVaW night by Vice-President Arthur to his ainniL LUHi rnuniiLiun ; mivhii t i,nHiiiLiiBr Boiuical friends, and sounds of laugh fvr UTirl rolrklolnep vrhttK" f Via 4lrhtlv closed shutters could aotwhoiiy muffle Yet that heartiest anRih ,waa mada .am. 4.- iA j V. Ll.. uvyoa buuio uay w ace Areueui, us one sat on the Piassas of this crowded ho tel. J did not hear thk remark myself. for which i am thankful, but I was told bf it bv one of the most beautiful .women in America; herself a Southern ' wonian, whose eyes were lull of angry teaiS and cheeks wato hurninc with "Lind wnat answer did;, your make. mauara r-a asKed.-- - .s "1 told her,was the reply; ""that' she ougD t to get right down and pray, God to pity her and. to keen thai wicked speech tro everreachiri the ears of her little.boFi fox tear- lie, wuld, nire iuo mauier ma uore 4um.r ,m?i aSHV a.aiai vwavr.o wt vpakti . . .. V.:-5Jtiif seao (Nev.) Gazette. Colbnel Danf Murphy, of HallekV Station. Elko county, came to Califor nia in 1844 and pay be said to have made tbrf country pat him was fo his time. He is now probably the largest private land owner on., this continent He has 4,000,000 acres of land in one bftiy to Mexjco,00,000 far Nevada and 23,000' inCalif0rtiia.:HU Mexican ferant he bqught tpwci years s ago. for .$2t)00woi!.a?eJwelltr ljaerat'li Rirtv mites Ion 2 and covers, abeaulifal ruirrt.rv' rit hill andvalley. Pinelfmhor and xagw' ls&l& ' It comes within twelve -milea or, tnexity or Durango, which is to be a station on the Mexican Central. Mr. Murnny raises wheat on his Calif oiTiia lahdy cattle rjtf thatiii Nevadw.He got 55.00Qsacks lastjrear and ships 0,010 bead of cattle a year aaa t .jam m W J 4 " right along. : WekBloorraT ttmiansratem Hi Bensons Celen, and tmk sabjeeuoa to the power ! hflada&ealeepf lesaness and dyspepsia. 4 They eonta&r a '-'' -j. -JUS ? .-i Jt? Oiifc;- va) "'.f rkr;XBVTsykir,ol.Uie ar hinrvi nnrtne and? kMaer eofretsnal Laemla nathlng like , and InvaUds find tt a wondertul UTtgoianrfei mind-aad body fcea adt-Kj uo i ... I "aiiie la tig aUaUriHj "lskdroffslatifor "Baosh on Bats." It clears out rats, mice, bed .bags, roaches,, vermin, files, mweaarnHgea, wnii -piroining uaua- whtoeTefteiir-. tromthe t-i H Orffl 1 . wmtirirf . li.lflfl in M iTV sv . whatever dlwrainies henerrea. 1 lur. 1;' 1 JiL-J ? Ii3f i-r I IF 11 V U&nx ?rl NIL 'lkUlllLJttLalLi 1 LIU V uu-ayii-j -r alfe: Kx vs. i ill i i. ii i i r .'it , i'T il' fJ.V,' ,i - -Ml i - J. i sirs ;:h. L 32 A. C w 1SC01TPLXTB. PLXNTTOF TT Y1SY WPUI BICaTO WMXSTIC AT 10c. ftre offering bargains in several lines of goods. Another stock of Trunks arid Valises. ; V ;f";.rr: Come and see ub. ' -'; Mi. j3 epi ,T.l j .11 i: CLOT OTJB 15.00 AND SlflO 8t7lTS FOB. V 12.60 14.00 CALL EARLY itDEWailllg(BI? WIHKI&ILIBS A.ILIB Hi ; DB OoTilxir. fiaruch is now North purchasing the Retail plete by September 15th. Si. . J J.n'l J.I).... Jl. Our siooIs CQMEIilB I ...... ..... ,,;iJ l,., j.j . ' "'. - .1' ' .,! ! 11, Mi i of which we h&Te' nxade a s and you will find prices to SUlt the I J - i i a aiiioa g . . " " is - -...:., , . ..-.r f$; rr : ; - , . j . .. i'lii ti;-:'. (''''- v !" I! K .;S-1V ' I : ..... ' " '' I'y'l , IVi .. . " . - ; r 533 " ) ! ':'. ''5Pf 'ijb.-.. . ., jjji.naua 4n-i .vatuimttt tilt h iSVv r , .V".-?" r.''Cr; -ot jjll! u i;-iof,4 ,V nanvomiie yum reueye t t J :"r 5 . iCU v"! n'jua uiuu :a -.LV-ftiu ?ja:rri-' 7- , "r" v cmiraievL fob. c6immXKXlfiaxinimxrit' oir lmnirn Minrnrnv na irirlrto-r TiWCftlPTIOIf AND LATEST DESIUaa. toH,.. J ?J -if'T ri- jraAUiDLiaAauxjjvruaAEAND TO b awmiaenrars si toa vriAJULuioa rua'XASAJK aautna eiiauenge tnewerkt te-pre Lit i 4., iSlni, th Ctted wKa bftUftaditJiereMiitMerArorae?,1i fc ! Mog veHoBajr w-??m jf " jp-n"u" Mb?42a;' eatotltWoaiulupla ffmia!1.tteer ,1 .-5-tared g iTa :i aAW-a f- i t -saABiat?ras titiOAi frjdakAey wmio.-eor--"- a i, i ataale i s of-Ploa aad 3Cwl4uroaet "ay.at yard an topmaed Compear 1-. lf Hikiiti tw lrs agar Idnea waaitf S'to'Cha I LaV amaka Aisssb d Brtok .eanal : to 4 Vrcl : 'Tesaeees mas sm aawiutHsin vwtquNti meB auv aeainug. o ec: i wt i Oar saiesateowUl make regular Hpatotnazioue,( taettmiaretttoglraus a tail befpre JP''". TV TlAT l-T-MA I - -1 V. .. i 1 . I 1 .1 I- '. ..itr x -rr. r NO;3.890i IW3EKAVE JUST EEOEIVED (D ii Ed H Jr 7- IN BEAUTITUL PATTIBNS,' VERY CHEAP. 7 : OUB D0HX8TIC K E B GKO mi ." a .WIU SUXSINPUCXMENTS BE GITIN IN i AS JJLX NOW CJTJiXp BT FOR CASH ONLY ! .$120 1 OUR $9.00 AN1 10.00 r THE BIGGEST BABGAINfl EVEB GIVEN IN C2 M BONG ! CLOTHING t ... XT t-s rini1 inn C 1 11 II '' I I AND SECURE BARGAINS. : W FOR THE- Is Now Ready for Inspection. ; , ; "v';;1:' fiiJdSi3iqj-i 3W!,k1j,im .-.jtt.i-jvjj:- t-J avit ci' ;u, iu; v.i f-U -t- (.: t: II.'.. , . - Ladies i.-jji'.... , Also, a large variety -r-fr 1 A ' - 2 ' ai ? si fejtss w C'.-vi'Ima .'Ts.ia -- 'n i ' wfl raro'eji Hxiif SAi?q j feooiq vneeile i - ... w flltt PoaTAaLK xaonra Miaiianm hmfm limtaeM mannfaatorer ef agrlonltaral angmea not Cttad wua ws aaioaaauc 1 w ;r J f ;- lrf0()4a41a..aBi oaUaC i tlek Arar eaa deaUinc to fee' wU i l tt ra p BIT 1 - AlOaA '"' L' .f'. TT. -. rf. MTI aT ATI T . J Bask atiftvgoft 1 : si 6 THX 0BS3YX2L JC3 EXPAETZST Wttt uarMUl tk lateat Mrte of Ttm. and taumer at, ot Pdnttog can, bo, be An prttft : BLANX3,BILL.Hra8. 1,1 -v v LXTTZHZlI)8,CABM.r tasi, Bxcxma. nmu, - -. w . yjLKPHHTI. OCDLAM.-CgKM, to. SOME (D (D): IB 'S 1 STOCK IN 31 3S2T .9 eiaoo SUITS FOR. $710 6.00 9.00 C K TTIEADDIE Stoqk, which will be com ! to bur new styles bf 1 Cloaks, Shawld Etc., of Carpets and Blankets. ! Call aU D HE iillllllir. riBLS BH1J. B ui?i . ha Aa better engm r xo.anaw nwr tranwow --,--- J I lUU-teAdiemployroept fr c-- ,, , VIlflhtAilA4 lwlHKrw--a-------A. ' .-Q4 1 . otf a4 J o aaaat4 ioorawwvi-- to I t T . . wT . ' itf'f is kwa J 4-T. ' 'i.nf .v'-f VJ. 1 1 J ! r. :!- -'.; e s '.fill maris i.ionrrttnia.Ya. 7uiy24,dtf Care Ottferrm Charlotte) . 0. i Aiass.1 zor ner pampnteta. anv insects. locper box. , aoai imm, 1 . aa '"W 1 - -r ,