Bi it feature no prlphefic 'that in the Southed sect tK$njai3 "' lii fhaf at no distant day. Blessed tMgJ-ggfffcby nature as she is, with a climate H.c.MaiwiM rr ir,r .. nrttAnnf. to perfection any iVCT&rf TO-DAY From tha 'Mad-art. ha c i.' Vln TA'Ytt jfaile'tor which will produce to perfection any thing thai; is Arrows the North Amer n rJaWoT the "continent; witn lanas iibu m - - - i mtmmm armrwn -- numerottSf ' sri -deepi wisu. , nMtatsbUiff ta sum. - lOf l V ' ' ...T BtTTTim HoWgati. OUUM - I n,1TTTnrnno. - b ' ' . ..iLliikMMM ftohtehiiialerwexs A railroad map oi xexas is s.uB . -1nnnWftrivlai with to look Ugrtfc K irrS IVTnlrTr of ?tiSber flats ta tblireiiM f Ute SIanr OaUali matarti &IANilsco; SpL-SthA 'dis patch fnmJu tokfcsays: Gepi. Carr wa in jeomraanqj ot the garrison of Foift Apache, "consisting of two com panies u uie ouluu cvuj a"ll , I inhnlnr A f fi- laavhiff & RnmClfint III I WVI J t 4UW IVn Al . . viKav nmtiuif 4-Via nnhllffi THfnA1T)T I juuiso w jswtiu uuu , r - - - hat ApacheMhadbut sixty-three enlist- m otfuje j-iu, J Hr7ij2 hl. MeMliemak Who was at the nn.u. T lri fhaf whAn qorn was ripe ne would raise their dead Chiefs and the whites would then be driv&i otxtftf ttfeir cotmtryi y This ?was sufficient to! searran1 the . conclusion SJ- VrT SSSTSm5V which for beauty and elegance oi style, supenontyor woricmansmp ana nnisn, ana gooa qmuiw oikhuothm usea. cannot Jlne HM-yBglfiBi ITnndirt rrniiflTPr-, Pi-""" and Congress Gaiters, Navy Ties, Oxford and Strap Ties, Prince Alberts, ate.. c OOaooAXDwraiCBji ffgreatrorlety and of ttiffbest nuallrf, and of -aood fuli-AndomUe Aniras operation in her cotton factories. OFFICIAL BULLETIN. BomewLj t Uesa N-fiogJ J ferry that preparations werAing 4ij Srt of last WRhVWift slept lelUifter Uhe; tribe to breakout wswn as, they John Sherman is now engaged in the oconpatton of trying to aae Ohiolrom BooSWalter:, i Jay Gould has just set his son up aad partner in a New York banKing nourc with $509,000 to start pn., . j John W. Garrett, president of the B. AO.HR, is going to make the ciy of a. A AAA AAA wofaP BalUmore a presen, 7 " i.ld. irom,ihe eat sweo of m Po fountain. ? fA O mcJHrlnAfJ &x rr 1 liit ifjwo 7 stores ot 7fTrnhinir rnidniihtT He has taken by mouth had gathered their harreSts.' Gfin. uarr imld fields eoual in richness to any thing manignu xio u nfHmAnt' ribed- oWpAtMedicinemaii. on the Pacific slope; with mountain, 1 WinorSing his pulse is less frequent Ha .doubted ability toi dd.spwithgo tWeaual U Ihose or any lander Agf abonorrPulsep, tern, WWea the sun; a popwauon uWyr. BtisS, ous and thrifty, she has all the advant- j K Barnes, aires shcouM ask 'fbr and muaW?W' ' 7- vn.nv,i j. j. Woodwabd, Q -f nral course of events, become Robt. Reybubn, secUons which are less xayoreu. Look at the map. .See the. landscape of hiehland and lowiana, iorest uu .Executive Mansion, Washington, Sept. 5, 1250 p. m.-The rresiaenta ptlihuntferfris strnJe increase in the from the hurricane are-now af fhrAA hnndred lires and ana a nau uimi-1 Crow Dog has en to Beadwioo. be tried for the murder Hi, f. f Th inues alone the Georgia coast 1 ueuoiu. we on . ,u - ucpu ui : ?f 1, o t Vr, fh The losses aiong mo 1 .fV; fh nrnrrn8a f rnnAncv of Dulse. He has taken witn 'she has made within the past decade, some had nQ retum arfdianow maKiag. j dose ic ti$ mighty m ctelefther;ri bt erea away, labor-system destroyed, 2r ndUr at tKa recUFDraUtCPocrgy to (JL W pleads an aUbL From present reports of ererything gave nonor, gnw uu ui a million LU4 1 ks- a a. OTTSfXJU M Tail TTa nlAada iuatlfiable homicide. " 0 i'J ill I pne& iil. th(8 fri swept decade; j SoffieTmrarnrr n i' A i 1 iio Viaa abnnt fifteen alibis on hand, with a proicBeYefajmore The President had two attacks vomiting Saturday night, caused, the physicians say, by an l(rnuUSoo phlegm in the throat J f i F. H. Hamilton. ft (A Qi W P. HAYES AGNEW. iMMhM Mansion IjOO v, m.- Dr.Uliss Said at noon to-day that tne r . xi. ui. President was ceiling along mwiy , vrvnyi inn anmirH i,ilm rEsuiuuuu tw : : UUW)- . r. i. . 1 thot thera . .i i tbfose from iPtrnumijrc irrteredagain urJattIfovedro . . . 1 i j I :wl A ret, 1 caa? Lii .fort: w... HE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, ii.j., M- .twn. Mid mbraees a ereat variety of goods of the best makes, all of which we' warrant For Ladles' Wear we hare N " rkiMLWkW of seasonable goods of various grades, styles and rli, speclM attention bemg called to our " 5?iclT. fnrhitr and elegance of style, superiority of workmanship and finish, and good quality of materl " wo iiaTe line of Ladles' lines of the best graaoa. marft 1 Please give us a calL ft ana ortiesvf4ooa zuMjuiaoiayl&;e A: E; RANKJN & . BR0., f ' Central Hotel Block. Trade Street. id el Gov. Jarvis, in accordance with the I I!- manralahf manlT Tilnck Slid iTie- .... . 1 AvnHifahIo T pyejsiDie nopeiuinws. . - hn Uefietorof deadly cflnfeslSle ief daughters, manyi 01 them rearea in we dent. In the eastern counties of Pennsyl tania water is so scarce,' m consequence ot the drought, that milkmen have raised the price of milk to eight cents a quart. t .,-.. meeting the tryifig ordeal of their changed rConditioB.j and, facing, the, fu ture, flark 'as it seemed with a fottitude and tfven cheeif ulness that only hero- ine of noble mould couia snow, oucn wnmen the world regards with .honor pd the Southpoin'ts to with pride. These are tne men ana tnese we wmmv wuu , . ; . are loe men ana uieso we wounv w uu nine. jr Judge Alcorn,of Mi4ir wlsnp- are! Bljfethe ij of fright 'iMffSl&Slt jrtGen.Iwery.trieladcrc can. sunyjindisfill wiffUeace 'JfHwKffe inaftha anrii. I crreater victories than the faterdenied I rpha nniv desire of the att didate for Governor, against the caadi- greater victories than the fates denied date ofthfi BeprGreeiiteck combina- teprinjwa. ? . j moving in the grand m arch 01 progress. "A"sligTitaTs1cft WiTharnandusicledT5 are been found in the accounts of Kelson X . JJavia, late tax uuiieuwi uj. nuuowoi, Texas. Houston is a progressivetowil and does not propose to lag in the lHnJjZinon as o ... ,-kio Tha attending surceons wui visit the combination car which is to ccnyey the President to Long Branch gome urn! duflng tne aicernoou. su-.-afctry wnenthe President will be moved cannot yet be stated as it has not been definitely determined, duc tne reiuuviu art ne earnest pncucu jgestion toltge eneci , vrof orarflAJ-n make the tttit hasTMenr'Wnsidered f -v arm A IV font hnr. without resulting in any conclusion, In fact from what can be learned up to this hour it fa still uncertain whea we removal wUi take place. It-is quits" ptdbable, however, flio of for fho affAVi (linff gnrffftOnS have made their examination of the patient s car tney wui 09 anie wj ucuiuo wo TKo irfcnfcfal imnresaion of those iiuiv, rr.-t :r ., , ..i t is not the in- President secretly. The only desire of the attending sur- feonaisUiatiOjfloise orBusueiafi v permitted afonglthe rfutef The re Hi i.maiA Pir.h!pt earlv in the jnaraingrafrsundojlntheev roe rauroau tracu m uwug Baltimore Gazette: A singular ex- 1 v. . : n aimlAfuul ViAr I a. Palfimnra nnr) Prttnmac deDOt triRnrparfinltrouebt.rtfftl at Sixth street to the edge of the As rea?ures3a inf iwuKui.w nhaltiuavement on Pennsylvania aye iigliw olomrdexce construdUd,- aJX that the President's car new fields opened and old ones better may De run 0Q; on the street to facili cultivated, cities and towns reared, f ac- tate the moving of the patient from the I vohiAiA which carries him from the iiiiiuiu -v.,v. " - n I lories ana snous jjuhi, huu, uiwua cu- "v?;--- ., U1i" -.--m"-- - tterprisesentereaipon,eapu auus tu Prtvate se&etarl Browt says ifrUs f KortCaroJnafirm pf ove two l;rodllctive wjalth antrefign- tniS thrtnand tmecimenayof tine medicinal I. .-lu-. Aia at wfnfnn nAv. mw.nnr.QLima rWihTCeiitlva Man- t -mazr iXmr- ruv uia iuhimihiwib nhiiw w i n- wuyiui"vip" "vr vwn t sion each day for the oeneni 01 woso who may call to ascertain the patient's condition. Beyond this no details have yet been arranged with regard to tha - - 1 11.! V.m it im manner or issuing uuneuus, uuu herbs which grow in that State. All doubts as to the powers of en durance of the American people will disappearwhen it is knownbat. we have inttls countrr in active operation er and greatness, xn wis sne na mo co-oneration of far-seeing men from the I northland, wno comprehend the future she has before her, and the rich field ..Mb. A clergyman writing about Jackson ville, Fla, says : "No one knew of a conversion having occumd'if the white churches in the city of Jackson ville, where there are 14,000 inhabitants, in five years. The coronertf jury in the Jennie1 Cra mer case, at New Haven, Connecticut, have found that she came to her death eh a nffAM ta enerirvnd enternrise. , -y-- 1- . r This is what some people designate am tha XTaw Krtiith?' it U aimnlrthe Old Sonth with her sleeves rolled up and her harness on. The old South risen fmm tru nshfln-Phnpnix like, the South of '6ie fnture,Hne cbminfrseat of em pire on the American continent, the i grand part of a grand Republic. thought that the same plan which has been pursued here cOatlnutl .' w TTKn KirTfTrA T' STTllvririi 3 ilk. tIU rv-L, V M ."i .ifmk nf to" Washington, Sept. 5.-4 p. m. 15 has been decided to move the President ironvthe White House and to convey hirft o Long Branch by special train to-morrow morning at six o'clock. -FffiMi'i'iiM M atjston. 4 :45 n. m. Dr. Bliss says the President has had a very comioriaDie aiiernoon ; tuw ui uibd, I although slightly accelerated, is firm. He considers shim foetter.than at this ttmA w oat am a v. ha maniiesis au in' A DAY Or PBATER. A n cm rrrrantn1 V10 tVio Hnvprnnr irit r. 1 ! i. j. t... Jiuiim. I a -rimTknAAfl TATrtAVTiy rVtnor irenusyiwuia, lu-uav u uecu ucoiguw i lcoo C . , .... . . 1 mnminir Ann ii desirous of learn by -poison twdHVidewe,''nd that Ti?-Jn.w- jLealleon S under anestTisrimiAanrltod other Xni wa ha? toonbt! w nasJ His temperature at this afiiniAfl nAMAna mio11v raanAnaihU I i ' . -v-,. tw gmfirr-obserred-bT- geetlf The PaK Mall -m-v-myy. decline of English maritmeBs.'as'tvK l -The t!rtt3 4trall the ratfi&atei tf1 honxlS JSUghUX apovnormai. official bulletin. 6-0 ctSiitE Mansion, dencedby the fact that fifty well-dress ed London men stood around the pond in Kensington Gardens, .recently,) and aiiowea a iictie gin lour yeais old to drown in two feet of water. Vaaaa fha ClraanYion'b- ranlMit tw uu siu iiiau jrresiueab uarueiu was "a meaner mantban Guiteau " . has been compelled to withdraw from' w canvas gwmg; wne- lwnse ipeiing Raleigh tfkos drui Opspf?- Yl n. ra. "Nd utrfathange has taken place in the condition oi we jrresiueui suiko morning. The parotid abscess con tinues to lmnrove and the wound re- mains) about the1 same. False is. some what less frequent than at noon. At counties of this State are said to be bet ter than they have been for years. V tv uu mw v f Y r T,.T.. i t!i.ii,iiiin nrinl1 ' TSllA Till ioqi .hiofa vmiA ir mi instances at tending tbmassaxirewere(sh nM KohW V,otto V.oon 'avoided. An Outbreak had been feared, and fa? two weeks intbe Apache ; iptuitr; toe get-- in., thsii fAn thousana jtudians on the San . CIaTlosTreservatiori f aaI o?-rf V Til OHft null- rit-cul mlfAH nnrhh nt thrf COUntrV Of thO WhitA t Auntafri trihel A large num- Vtot.htheEanCar loe and Navajo tribes have been jsisit- ingthe wmtountains rewwj, n T. KoiU fhon naA Ancraired In the ni. t- nxUuT Kt' riirtneii tnaL UK"W .W.i apwc :ryV-7 the fight -continued all day of thftSOtb. n . wui -A MnAn ura Bwarrnini' with Indiana. , life wa from thef tower San; Pedro last night is to toe , effect k. Vnvimiimn fhiAf of tha AraVilus. and Chief ilagulAle.i tng whites to leave thyalleyr pftpJJ defend themselves ; that somethingas vith the Indians on the reserfa- stwa fi wf rTw tj f - . s. - - t-. 1 tton. 'Botli oi the mm -lA m j. v.a. wVilfAa , Yftstrdav the engineer ora ireigni wwucobmuk was surpnseu uy u iiiuutiu bumou w of a large body of mounted Indians near Wilnvweat ol Gage. ,They,foUow(Bd tha train for about 'four miles. He opened the throttle valve and aped away. He did not know whether they were armed or not. He calculated their number: at about 150. The band scat tered, and when last seen a part was going north, and the . remainder south. He encountered another large band about 8 miles west of "Wilcox These Indians did not show any disposition to trouble the train. Reports from Bowie Station are to tne enecc war. a band jumped a ranche twelve miles south of Bowie and it was seen to burn up.'- There are about 40 men at Bowie, t.!f mite o mine Thv havA made a f drtificationoc government baled -hay, . ..... ... . 1;. 1, ot-wnicn wereis a iarxe iuauutj wucio. T oot nlrrhf. a mimlr f fliimal fires were seen in the mountains, both north and south of Bowie station, which were kept in active-' operation for several hours. If thes0 reports be true, there is no doubt but that these are a Mes- calesos band moving out 01 sonora ana Chicuahua north, to aid the White Mountain Indians. Capt. M. 11. iacy, of the 12th infantry, and Capt. A. T. Smith, of the 6th infantry, with twe scouts and 70 enlisted men from Fort Yama, passed through here for camp Tnomas ac 4 p. m. x aey -wm uuurvu sixty-five miles from Wilcox. . Capt S. & Smith and Stacy, with their tnimand of men, who passed through Bowie Station, will march from Wilcox, 05 miles, on fast time, to camp Thomas. Major McClelland with 60 enlisted men of the 6th cavalry, left Tiianll for Thomas and croes via Old Fort Grant to observe the movements of the Indians on the lower San Pedro. If half the reports are true there is fear of a general uprising of the Apa che nation, which means a war of ex- t arm 1 nation. : Up to this hour, 8 p. m, nothing fur ther is learned in confirmation or other wise from the scenes of the massacres. All of the women and cnudren are being-moved from camp Thomas to camp Grant Fifty cavalry have been ordered from -the department of the Platte. The Indians, with government carbines, the same as used by scouts, Am aarv near "Fort Rowift TesterdaV. They have had time to reach that point since the massacre. j Major Wilcox, 8w mianrxy, leaves San Francisco to-morrow morning with 200 men on a special train for Arizona. He will go through as fast as possible. inuim timAM &TA VAteran Tndian fii?ht- era. The first calvary is much scattered on the coast, but has been ordered to Arizona and will be sent south as soon as possible. The fourth artillerr is ready for marching, but will not be lAntnntit TXysttiveW'-needed. Officers of the rmy: Ire 'familiar with the JSpldera o,Telgapli. WIi , Mr. a n ft, a Wef - i hindrances to tele graphing in Japan is the grounding of the eurrent by spider Mnes. The trees bordering the' .highways swarm with i -i 't-si-' " (Lai roVia aTrv. whp.rfl between the earth,.wires, posts, insulators and trees. When the . spidet webs' are. covered witn neavruw they become good conductors and run the messages to the earth. , The only. way to remove the difficulty is Dy em- doyingjaen wj sweeu we . "a rushes of bamboo ; but as the spiders. b rii' rniTTiATritiA and neraisten; than the brush inters, the ; difficulty remains. always a serous one. , Mr' meuben Tirrner. No. 1230 Catietbn Atreet, Phriaderbala, Pa., writes that his wife tad been a terrible sail erer with inflammatory rnewnaoAin i nhTftldon whose ikill stands unaaestloiied by any on had bean attending her, but only did her . nttia fffwui. Rna hAcan to nse St Jacobs OU,ana experterioe reUef at the first application and ba- 1 era she had naed nan oetue . ana , wu? .iiuio w come down stairs. Mrs. lamer attribntes her re :iaarlielrecoTer7 endrelj' to Bt Jacob's OIL A hi i t-t V N , ltMIAiii . BTCSESSmOOLS, WtcHaals aa4 IMag TJartw fc ALL KIHDi mW FURNITURE. BEDDING, &C. , , A toll Lxn tm , , , ; . ' in AfYMQ-M 1 i - Pari at Hr fThomr ClnUi oomxs or all euddi en kajtb. XO.K VWIUU CXtsLCTIilLC LI -GENERAL- Wliolesale Grocers 1217 CARY STREET, RICHMOND, VA. Because of the cheap ra ottransportatlon,and.the location of Blcbmond, she offers spe cial Inducements to Wholesale Buyers In North Carolina. We clalin to stand at the top. Db. C. W. BENSON, of BalUmore. - We sire above a correct likeness pf this wen- known and successful physician and surgeon, who has made a life long study of Nervous, . Diseases and the Diseases of the Skin, and he now, stand8 in the hlehest rank, as authority on those special . nut diatrssmr diseases. In the .course of his nvartk ha discovered what now are renowned in medleal nraotlce. viz: a combination of Celerery and Chamomile In the shape of Pills. They are used by the profession at large and constantly re commended by them. It Is not a patent medicine. It Is the result of wa own experience In practice. They are a sure cure for the following special diseases, aad ate worthy of a trial by aU intelligent sufferers. They are prepared expressly to cure sick headache, ner vous headache, drspeptlc. headache, neuralgia, paralysis, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, and nervous ness, and wUl cure any case. Sold hi aU druzalsts. Price, 50 cents a box. Ttonot. 10A North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for $1, ot six boxes for 82 50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S WTTrBacKWftt u m Mnixfcturer pi ti Otllntl mud Only Gennln ,Vf' it' tDC. MARK. V-"' ' ' " Ji-'-HgewawB ''''' -i r' 1 Our claim for merit is based! upon- tbe tlicC tHat' a chemical analysis proves that the tobacco erown in our section is better iatlfefftctor $Me thai 'A2XX OTHER tobacco in-own in the world: and bcinr situated in the HEAIl! of this fine tobacco sectipn, WXJ hayc, je piCK of K the fsWng&'j The ilh0j B" 1 nreciate this: hence our saics TuXfTFEQ flic urcducts of ALJj 1 jht Mar 28 ly T,7- . I S SKIN CURE wmmn Tills great 5 la Warranted to Cure EOZIMA, TETTERS, HUMOR, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUCH SCALY ERUPTIOME, nir Attrft ftP HAIR AND 8CAI.Pi SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLE8 and TEHBER ITCHIN080ttUP"WW . . n fV. .V.-n wliiM. man mna mmaoiu. NmoTM Un And fredkJa, and 1 Uia tCBSTV toilet dMKinff la THTi WOKLD. meAatly jmt tip, two botdaam erne pttekase, omMdsUsg of both Internal ad ztenAl tNAtmemt. AnftrtlAdz-tistohAVlt. Prioe$l.perpatckag. sep8 URS. LYD1A L PINKHAU, OF LYKH, KISS., A SPLENDID OPIWiatJNntf TO'WIN A FOB-TU1TB-9TH.0BAND DIBTBIBUTION, CLAS L1TNTW OBLKANS. Tesdj 8eptemt)er-13th, 181 l$6th Monthly ... -'urawlnk . ; S Louisiana 'State Lottery ;. Company. Ihrirafel hfiaBBfor 1 fears M tbalegis lature for Educational ffiBd Charitable jsarposes with a caplrarft.000.00- whlebr reserve fTmIb0Terf42i0,uOOhas'BlBeje been added. Fi'Sviin hvanBhAtmbifr tmnnlA vote Its franchise Lwaf nade-a partof the present ,'Btate Constitution i aaODtea uecemoer aa, a. vrioi v. speeffitf cures'" that . yi.,dlea8, most loathBoae A tOBEIOIf VliEW. u. UW j - I South Agency - agree that a general .i . fViA Arizona and Mew Mexico tribes is imminent if it hasnot already it's Symptoms. mtember 2. The Lancet of this week savs: "We do not think wduiT(TwiTrbe promoted by promagsj to- learn now xar granuiauo JMf pioeeea-; Tha mArf owtoK1a fltflma SrA fTl A I CU, . Ug IUVBV .W,V1W WW vw fallof temperutetffT3riToTm and" tne rrequency oi uie pue. r ia- vnt it u hrtcAd to move the President to Long Branch to-morrow. D.W. Bliss, J. KBabnks, j. J. Woodwabd. ? u :j v ' ' 'SOBT. "RBTtBTKl,' n f . "Pi TTiTTAMTXTOU. j). Hayes Aqnew. , J .'. BsUI Mllerfftei. s ' The following was received from the Indian agent at San Carlosr Agency : ! (., 1 SAlr Cablos Aoenot, Sept 4. nnrLijiainnr Indian Affairs. Wash' wwr "w r ' ington.D:C: . ' ' BepOrta have come in thai affairs at m,u.t kT Tint no had ian renorted. Capt. Hentig, 6th cayalry, and ten men are killed. Indian losses large, - Col. Carr and others reported killed is false. V am co-operating with the military aA fnlW nrAnarMf with mv SCOUtfl and employees, and in no danger ; can stand jtl :- OS ItafiRAND SINGLS NDMBKtt DKlWlncB will It never scales LQC-i tfce follow ltdlstrlbutton; fi. s ",i 100,000 Tleltete aVTwo IMtereaca. -Balf-Tlck- ' V aHt At tAf'VQ .' -. " i..iv.5.-iii lO. 1 nrttol 1HA ' i - . i' I L.j .a 3lh f . o,uuvri , io WHETHER IK ITS PBIMABY, SECON1UBI OB TERTIXBY STAGS. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scioruia, om sores, rueuiuausui, etxcwa, catarrh, ot any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL! Malvern, Ark., May 2. 1 88 1 . nr. mum In nnr town who lived at Hot Springs and were Anally cured with S. S. S. -.11 MemphlfcTennessee, May 12, 1881. ,Wa mava mid i&Sih bottles of 8. a a m a year. ti i nnUK.ol onHnfaidlnn' Trait minded physicians now recommend It as a positive specif- ' n mill Every ourchaser speaks In the highest terms of 8. as. L-HBiasxTsa. 1 Capital Prtte . , . -v... . -1 Capital Prt. 1 .t. -. ftPnzetoti.OOO.. 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes ot 500 100 10,000 10,000 5 rf ) Prizel cfeJfcip, tSOl-ltTlDO riO--iJ!J?Laoo miaoo Jtfli400 r mppnmmauou rt r vr O lrnvrOTlnMimon, Prizes cf -?4lJfif wcj - -'-'" - f - w aj p i TifArrnffTi w bdtb pnrjirifin. an unrmNnii'i r n- w r i v i 3i wuA.kJu. xxaoo, wio cudia i Bcrenguiaiia wio suosiucuce xi mwu-1 - . i rjr r 'A - freight agent of the Richmond lbBant I poisoning ; ana togetner . witn wejm-1 , , little Rock, sept 6. uovernox. l v ""T. " cirr awt Afrent -!,i:t,.n a I MmtTnXflrr' ct vMArtcL Rbilit-J t1 r,ZZXi tulav fnrwa.rnAd followlntf I Slgtted. lFTAlvx, A genii. tmoiv vum,, flT -nilv mmtel r1aarnMa and t 7T Wnvt of PAnnAvf- innim nv.r TM OO mm- I vm I."""". . . " . . UUCKIAU w vn J1 rf- a J . . . . 1 - f KtL. a w k J a m rwnnnmi m i nrnrv. -' . i in mnn in a 4 I m . m a dovArnrairar inr i.rm ihi-i ivni v r kjA - .m-.vvv, --''r " fmit?ht relations ttwn tnaAlrioi GaVfieid: ' 1 advices havb thrown doubt onthe, re ivmA F. PlNKHAr.l'O VEQETASLB COlgfOUlTP. ' 0 in in.....i.ittl. ni.i illin. .im.I. vTf 4t n points, to whom a liberal compensation avffl .bji paid;-. - - . "iT S v Vot Anther Intonnatton, writa elearlT-vlng AiU uUrMi. fland nrrtar. far. axnmsA OiV JAeAiA. tend Lettet, or Money Order, by mail. Addr iea oniy ,imHLl 54 Is a Positive Cure tar mil ik PatafAl CmplaUt mui WAkAlf ... .jr tho wnnft form ot Femle OoSA. ' I, Will DUD wwtvv " B ... t .un),iu Tnfl.tnm&tlnn and U10AM. turn, TAlHng ua DUpUieemenU, Andtb contwiAAW 1 iuuliiAnallilHr' tA-.hMrt 1 'H1I W oc iNortn uaroiina ana in orui Carolina ft?.rwT-wi , if'irVir J Saiiroada tW lUness tha would celvliatetklle4 Railroads. 1 iW A&eblef peraoiubtttim the Jews continue to dim rnsof svritoms of iloodrx)isciilnfc might at progress. The Jewish UH$m mSfSSSi : " rr.;! ohm oiteniiw iire ; Donna repeat n, th day ol July to beoDservea a j recBiwu aa yt-w , iVl u voua ,a3i.ioA i vaopjfUA-1 T.c&tx'r'aeni uaxneiavwui iioi. uo oui. 1 adav of fasunir ana prayer ior t.n re-1 . , ... . KUBuco, uu uuuig WJVTUt,'ViO A" I V eiw' MW w f VU4HA mjacv. .i COYeT OI U1B JTrBBlUOUU Jiuu vij j I . ., , .. larlAA ftltnorAthAr aa - t--tf---iii-1 .aZtt-.-mS S, -r-'-f -j-yraW. lMWArAllT Oh-tfirVftd thrOUffhOUt VDAl ' WASRTNOTrt'. Rfitit. f.- wririrA;'. BSSrbwinV to the want o telegraph die AautStates: wai wim uiu: nu iv a ities to communicate with the dif- weather, southerly wlhds, to women the risht to;votelsuinhnl.r l? lll nt tha sfAt and thA'l ti,. WrAm.u1; l o1aIHao o4i.V; T tniifth rmrret I . a f i0f;A VtiVl r r:l teteirraVeitte frcQoTernor oMa trk unite with y0uOtt xiojfcT oirr Arennsvivania. asiinz ; wiafc.i in bo wnrthv an ooiecc . i jusuyj XueadavAfi inada a 8av tof nublic rr"tr ar for ttftPr1 AATitA rkvATrIvlo. advices nave tnrown aouos on umj, sm i uon, j-b au - - . - , CwUT- f K I flfAnArfll rnnuA of CarVa SpUwl WeAknee and is partlculArly dAptl to tto mr AVmm '1 . -ir: .n V,. 7. vvL-k. , I chuura of Life, . ' tS . h ; ill v at. l f r r luxt, v s AAmmann1 - ' r iinw i . pubi iu ii ix j liibu k w - I .ittlA Rock. Seut. 5. 1881. i I v.tAnfM nr7a : stAntAn. ann : nrobablv XQ His Excellency Gov. H. M. HoyV other, officers, succeeded in effecting Harrisburg,;Pa. thbir escape, and that only: Capt.5en- I T inoat heartilv aDorove of your voir tig and some dozen of enlistedt men $ A.inosinearuiy appro voui J'""i;" m -kh tirtiii1ara have- been tresuon. duc naa neretoioro eon i "y."" t'r r niminni all, , S " J -dUi MA yiV KFflHflw&W. HfflltilBn. ah oar Grand Extraordinary Drawings are tnider the supeiriaioa and management of uenerals u. mm . J A. 1 A ... kMhu AkMmtUtfli A fb tumd- mnnPT'-nr-fwlw! to MPNkaljWX..t 83 kftiLTJewnroTfcCaty . as antiwirlzed fey tne aianif State'" Lbttery 'Company to ell filchmond.W, May 11,1881. Yon can refer anybody to us in regani tqthe merits of a S.B. , Polk Millxs ca case nA nAvnr known S.S.RtO fall tO 0UT8 a ot snails when properly taken ' . ' f: , i - Eli Wabash, Perry, Ga. ab Alanew aw gyntlnmea pf high stand ing. A. H. Colquitt, Gov. of ga 'i.-wl I nun Urtm wian. we wui Tare jw case, D i "' "reaWllaNCTmElAvt Write W0culars. WUson Borweu. , "f Jun2dly,. v. 'vt ;, ;(, 1 ' CHINFAIiACP -01- As the Springfield Republican , remarks. Bill Chandler -has fo shred of the bloody shirt tOWave,' . a 1 . -'al'i 'Ai ;ttt;I XQ Wave. LOT: I wjw.w aa.i-Aai.u8& -, i , v,- olm murder to 1 tt a proclamatlcm could not "reach 1 - n.mniTni0 in bo wnrthv an dbiecL lATMl W W '"' " a f j T .T. P.TTTTRnTTTT.T.. Governor of Arkansas.; TTa takes no the Chisholm exploit, forgetting that since then Gui- Wm, F. Martin, convict '-! a . k J u-i.At ah i a t is natl Cbamber of Commerce cisMM Doon for the Dr. . A Orwrrrxrw i tt Rfinti. fi. Th chamber of commerce in view of the Governor's II M . JIIbULIII. UJ11 1 ILilrDU VAV I A-vtAAIi VA, HUU 1A1 UU UU1LD AAA ill Am 1 i tfLLL iimiu j oAivwn. I thereooverv of IhiTPreaidfinL iAr,.AfLf-n f-KttwA1 F T.A,iaiini 1 ..ij.i.A.ijKfe ana 3.iJin 11. vtwntAA ned' bv: tlie' cohvarice of, the blar-IIi ytHgJ nays ago. Cocaaiaaloners appolntecL to-morr tit Tcanc?xcif tiifl. at?i whom he as a day of fasting and prayer for. . - - .A.U aVan hanViA Vta TftiVlVArV nf th ATH-Aalonf -WJumflwJONi fientZR4Thft 13Iltrict tjmt SAf. k Aov, Tionr tA-dav nnln a a . V'W- trfi -' " - C " r tSh1? appointed Thiirsday, thea day . . m. lt A.a AaVAti haitWA U. TftCOVerVof thflTPrAAiilAnt i ui t""" 1 J I -IW J . - Bnanarrisa . vA m . v. . . . L r aai aaaiuif iaaVi t-wj jw) .1 A i Ma " t i ii i f mmtt m a i i ti n tmi , !"LrEtTO WS AKrneATSD X.TMmyt CmT tWlTCa HAZilV idy-t4iAAapatlotaaaj Mar-.A uuca VI icrac na.- -lk IK9 nmw vvnrni sms Prot- PattlMm,' ta- fela'aeUbrasad workatr ha r t. .1 - T. . . - - . ; wltbont toany way tnterf eilnKUta t3M vrorer an-l 4k tW WlT A) vlT .A-ilAAT'k lVfr ".J$X ciia WW.i.u.w; fOffl ftltem Vk T V . a ta Akuflfintu I lalnvalnAhlAtainAAtof tb oommanAT niiihand'l EftfalthlOiaesi r aa 0 women, Cures ouftf-iriag pimplef and. erup iorl.WkiAaiWla: Ap.' paiau XBunaayi i'For the Mid- m p.r and fair stationary or fintf Stales, fair weather, winds mostly sontherly, sta tionary pr higher. barometer and tem- , ! uniOj yjuey , ana . xenucoacv, j wsuther, windV mostly kath towest BjAtionarv , nr. higher bar;0toeter and ipexaire, Jt;.M ., t ) : .,;,:; . ... i-i . Js a ' . ' 'i u' rinllarri. In. narmony witn ine acuou w uivf, l.v.- cn-ci Via a iaanfid a. tirO- clamation appointing next-Tuea aay 01 lasimg-anu, Fffff bnga pr uie, , o i win diMolre tad expel Wmow from the vtawtna An earlr ttace ot development. The tendency to an Ootoua hunorAtheraia checked varyapeedlly by B rainovaa falntoea, flatulency, deatsroyafai ArATa (ontjamlaata, and reUeTea weakneaa ofthe rtommw It eoraa Bloating, HeadAcbea, HetrOoa Pro-rtratlaa GeaerAl DeMlly, Sloeplaiinaai, Depnaatol And Indl Atatlmt. TbAt feelln of trtaAnrn, evame Pm, wM tai4Athe;iaali-AyiimAnat byltATA U-wfllAtAllttoAAd under JlclnniBiAtAnoaiAcft barmony wit tnalAwa that governtliet emele J-i Pop tie cure ol Kidney uunpwsna w -s-p Its tickets. x ? Titer W clwalrm rfprn auntry wUh BOGUS CHiCULAR3 mirporCUV (d Mpf the an.A VrrVtiinTUinw tttA : sire umnstauar awr.w. . iwiiiywai, .11 ' .. &nv to sellth&ttckets: and are not h ageats for aiiypufpoae; " ' - irl. Pres't Louisiana State Lottery Co. new urieans, ui , juij , ioo. 51 ktmpeand Is AiiAui-paAaedi ' j tl; tT TOTCHA1PS VKCOETABLB con POXTVniA ptApared At US aad.Stt Weaterm ArAn Lynn,lCtja. PrtoeSL euxbottleaf pr St. BentWnAU In the form' of ptUa, AlaoUtha fom of Iotwiataa, iJSj (tMNrpt of price, 1 par box for ettaaiv (reelT uxwen all letter of Inquiry. Send forpmt let. AttTAtA AA AlKTWL MM . So fADfly Abx-uld be without LTt)U it riJjlAi UVEB fllXaV TDT oo eontttpatltin, bUlouanew aad tornldltT f OiAlrrAr..1' AAntateo-. A7ipfw .'?" 1' 1 ..1?J 1 Ol 7 FORRBNT. rpHiT' Very -Jeslrtble too PplJAAl(m af f AiOKDoit" DtLTO,mh8Us:of In dia has been nconiiHe&dMaaltows a poj?ttotiojiof ;2S2oo,ooov'a' - tj;:!,. ' wrttto'tn tie Bostoo' wrKfA mld by no-means re-' - ;r-j. t T-. u'; wi i . u.n.'MMn rriBU irom' VWfc.w r VWmMS ppSLJW4)UJf.. WS f.rVlSftU't a liDOjlipam.OmpCsleep?A onAii franc ! imn howsev 26x100 feet, with. cellar, tjuiiatedon; mnlTTKl. mnil TVkllfffA AtTAAIA. CuATIOtSdh' nnttv AMVinf AlTr hv StMlttOSAA. ' M AfSUllAA A-'cn . fuui now bv J. a Soeneer &; Ca.. will f be rented for one ex mere years from September 1 ant, lto'iwatton, probably the bestlnl SlIlV. !' - 'M9:PearTstTew rVAAznM tzsm 9iM Id aahATB mlctmim thAAA to per- aleep ri y, .iiurt tnmii mi Airnen-l-fA t- rkAAaeh tran and fifty pewfc-auia tuutthan any "alum and iron ptasa knowa.' Just Q thing for the "spring weainesr'TMjw m B At AUgUfci KM ai-aitirabja'- kiVWetfte EORTtENTQB, M 4 A JJESIBABLX 4T60JT1 COHagK,' ju ouiawe tn jL tlrirltA et thedtyjf Cbartette one mUe east. -xamw ore uttj aue v A"1, vkh "' rne pramiaes a gooa weu ana neceasaryjc InaaT It will-be sold ch?ap to a bona Ada er, or wui peniiMioaBooaflnanf r .a lAAde lurch a- 4Wjfaorable mmi. Said by all druggtsU ot any starwllng. ay they would not be I the child tni it Without tt CSSa tbs kirth of i rpHE store room In the Ob&ervar? wniastK ,ne iaa aeeuung 1 jl to w. 4. lraihcrgis mr rem v.ivcr-tanuan huA firilshed witn hit BiMm. on Anv eonslderaaon whaMTW. Sold by all list 36th. :mr?p' " in Ota City LoaitniAprv, FlilDAx, . f v .1. j. JUiT BECETVKD, ., 100 ijllOSS, m AMuta ?natii ivmiT BiAnthl rflmdAVA 'Axetetit- Acnnrwiar nrovlslona id an Act of ttha aaneral 'As TTiATTnttAd StataaJ archil, leAiTii tha Ctommo Com- paayJslfgaL ' ! Goods iQtJ-Its aravAigs an faii. Vi' (m.m kti iiMin huui AlATTC MAOrm jia wt"! w.w i ad. fpa&djnAj tmrn-pnem vw. 1 rtat.";"...v;i.-t;4.'.ttii-.; 1 nrhaVA.'f.:.'i:M..i,i.v.,'rir,linl 1..-. .'1 Prtee..',..;i..VV.........i'i rr 0 iMzea. iip0 Jl,uuli. ti J ' Ifl -V1aMaa-L, - r IH1I IHMIII 1 I ill t lata I AW V liX -"" 1 !00 Prtoes.2 60 acA...... w1 600 iTtoeaSfrtaT 10. 6,000 10,000 1000 loj I fnaPVl&eaA I PrteAA. 200 " 118 ,i 1H ortriAAil..ini.T Ai.XJ'....lt9 Whore rvekau, 82; Ali Cttebtli 27 Ties .1.aa3. itS.aAAlOll l.Lftl 1 OY BEST MAKKBiJ,. 7; Which we offer very low, whs&li and retail, r rULLLTUEOJf; ... : - ' tr .' vi . ' fiiii-; -itatid- .ovf A Let of BABY. CAKBIAGXS,luct fo hapd. ifMt iJ'',li iyhuit v.i . tiiHiMA if 1 Tj 1 1 .iii . ; i AT a 1 . TtExt-atBN.,lr CEMlV BYSSQIStERED am npwara. Aipress,canJ)e aeniat bur at. nense. Aaaress au oroers 10 ..v' 1 x ' " --, w.-MAi mnt vvuircj-if yvrUAt XHIlUling . LAlfA.. -. .f v. VA ALi,I- . Jl.-, - '-"AAKjTl' A Ml n . Y-ntA Tf( I' IHi'U' rrt'rti7 oMtwe! a iat lot tie 1 of lu' au 1 t - . . -y rvo Ar n ra , . y v ' ber long lear 1 VJlrtlledi to-'wrdef 9 WmmVb MkXW aav rAMfeaiweialtA, oniractori fmki at 4UKifenoUce.. Atoft rootvufacture doors, sash, blinds, raaaieis t,.wA,vard and factory corner urnin ja L-nKM aMianvuie ruuiruou. Utvute luuirvou. . H1WC0MB BH0al8ntg iwmm iwww VU tMU. mafll-U iy eonslderaaon 1 25eents a bottle. dtiSA. A BWIIinnif dee22tL MniuTuw v vug wvwiwoi new UXA. Julys j to trftdo it for that of a murderer. arocswa, sep8,dlmo .'A