"-,i-wrffia --- r--r .-v-wrw,.-.,.--, r "JT V II , 3n,A at. LL &, Sk. .AV . U Jtaf afaP e . 1 1 i Si" T J ,nuu. f-.nr"r"s Ml APPETISER - - 't, 'i u t- rr r I ft 1 ID plpslft, Tntennlttent Fevers; WfWtite, Ixjss cj Strength, Lack of Energy, S$V , I enches the blood strengthera 4 the mn&es; and geaWWfo tne Berre.37 "efef digestive organ, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tmtxngthe Food, BnthelSdr Tlio only Iron Prepa ration that wlU notblftckefctJifc teeth or pive headache. 8 IdeWlits - lumi J pjunUaaton i4 atn-lna ana.fl sit i iiiibimiii Tinmn x ditiiih mi I I !) ml irnir a btt n ia aui. IStT ttttaarxllt. MThM Mrm Tmttiw to m (mrpnrmtit of Pro tanSark, atul JPfc 1 pHatmm , laoai-W iiui'iin ar la Th1 to naaaaawiif. a .a.iinaor mniri nmim pttb darfnl toamlt. Thoi kAieruTsiu it tni or. hartkr msdcink cq. . tu iwsww tiht, it. u 3msl7-od,wly , 5r0jcjerijes. R, M. Miller & Sons, COR. COLLEGE & FOUSTH 8T8., WHOLESALE GROCERS. Justin, and io Arrive : 3000 BUNDLES 1REOW TIES, 1000 HALF ROLLS BAGGING, 1500 PKG8 FI3H, 500 BBl & FLODB, 100 BAGS COFFXS, 75 BBLS. SYRUP, 110 BDXE3S3AP GIre us a trial before you buy and we will sell you. 9 R. M. MILLER & SONS. aug24 CORN ! CORN ! CORN ! BAGGING AND TIES We are agecU for THE WATT PLOW Will sell tt LOWER than you can boy an other good plow. Full a880ftment always on band. Call and see as before purchasing. MATR&BOSSi BDS23 ? I ' ;S ' '"''' WE HATE NOW CI 8TOBJB FOB THI Spring aiiJ SoMerrlw, ijoiieaif Jrmejc ana- - MOST COMPlilTE STOCK Ol" FtNB MILLtNIBT, - , WHITE GOODS. 1 . TmUHTN' NO ' And an kinds of . IONS "! XIC j.t' . FoTLsieaandCnnrren-- ' u 1 1 ; wr-ihsTa ererr had the pleasure of fhovlng A" - -t ill OUB STOCK OF . . HOStBRT, '.7! j . . i - siTBIMJOyGa.' t V 1 potsnrpassed la fiat ettf.' Wg lmvHf Oar Pattern Hate, ai'BemBl be open iV ! in exsmiUa t'9.Btb&fffii eAlbesanr tnai stnasantf KIT A YH.7T FA - nil rnitnmra. anil'MlAlinAn. r r--rfrT j, ; 7 . . :-. . .-."f-'-. hik n ! iaiiui...j;iii A TRUE TON ID lUm. leetieek tinAniiAi6. to each aa extant that BT labor wi weatdfaily bar- a BOW reuax, on mm nei wmwr, mmm wuwwvu v? I hacaa tka ua a Teat litOXTmtlGi from wtiiuh I re- rr- i 7 A a a - - - al wmm xwm. siw aU OM(ka w- . - w . ..7 : patent jejdtjcittjes. STOMACH THOUGH SHAKEJT IN 1 VERT JOIXT and fiber wfthevtf and acoei or bilious remittent. the system mar let be freed from the malignant virus with Tlos Cottar's Bitters. Proteot the system asatnst It wltn tbls benencent antMoasmodts. which Is furthermore a supreme remedy for llyer complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, debility, rheu matism, sjaney troaoies ana outer aliments. JTe sals- by all Druggists and'Cealers 1 generally, TRIAL fuats,isjt we wjLt ss&v;mpW& TRI AC biectro-voitaic addii iutBiisr suffering from NerTenaWe(iatnesie46is rl Debility, loss'of .wette lorca or Tlgor, or sat disease tesuftki jr from kmjm and Oth it. Causes; or to anj ne nfB feted "vlth Rheuma tiam, Neuralgia, frtVulvvib,- $pjnal pifflcultlea, Kidnef or Live 'TM)uM-MjnevCkV'Knp-tures, and other Slseases of the Vftal Organ Also -wdites -troubled with diseases; peculikr to ttaeirsex."' - ' "J - Speed relief nd omplete TfetToraadn to health euannteed. Tb.ea are the .:m!t Electric Apnl Inneeai that Jisrve ever been eonetruetetl netemtllle Btrlav clples. Their thoro eflloacy hasjoeen prao- aat wandrrfal ncaur.. proven -witn aneeeas, antl the; ntedSkt a ielen- ettdnemiia Yrui SijBe jaen.and-fmta ivMSHebave 8end:atonee foi Tfliistrated Paraphldt. gtvur all InfermaUon Jrea. Address; il J f , ynlygl J i in' ! a"" WWee and Retail AT THI WHITK FRONT, t ! :'. 1 U;..; iJ mx.: ch --'. : (8oeoafgot t0 E. G.ogea.) S'" . ' WHOtXfltTiEHBTATX lftlHN.iTi tuii tYWAT.TT IICB.fftliwi' . K Vt 11 yj. . i; s" ,-r k Kcgjers. r i ' . 5ot i '; -l A - FiB BALK, at ft bargain 'HI' t.fl ' i Price t4& These table must a wu 9i1&t1MMn A h STHS.OA J St CHARLE&QTEE Jl -tn tin. UtTsmw, whose AiOeoUon is u I "i atneoy fiiat-elaaa taaoae ta fverj resseet, aeey a stneuy nrat-elani heaee ta everj iespeet. - aawaste pur. -mm "V- rS)S " allo wjgapr; ORBIt Attentioi U'itViM 8J. 8Klk"5"ot"SwiJ Baleish JTetra 6 Observer t lections of internal revenue in trict-laat week were S2&630.07. atxJ. bn At the Treasury Monday, ol amonntinEf to 16.600 were rece ed. Out on Baflalo Creek, near Ilepzibah chorea, in this county, 43 persons were baptized Sunday. The commissioners of the North Carolina Railroad will this cftfpn Tuesday of next attend to important ousin will also make an official visit spection to that road. In many of the ponds near German cam hare been placed. Ralelirtf nuBBCtr. that in Oxford last week a lad a can in his father's pond whicl catiignlr meas- ured 15 inches in length and six inches in width. These fish were oi tained from Mr. Stephen G.Worth, th Carolina fish commissioner, an ut YOWtMei bf last Ite JNo inch- saie&was men and into cavity on Sunday last by Tom Salll&i t Jink put his blade three inches into j9aus s thigh and left the knife in the Wlund. The difficulty originated in a quarrel about 25 cents due Sams by Jinks. -r t Alamance Gleaner : The roof be in tr put on the La Fayette cotton- f ac- tnrr at ftamcanv Shoos. Corn was only 65 cents per bushel four weeks ago, and. now it commands more thin; a dollar.' Goldsboro Messenger: The work on the ware-house and cotton platform for the W. & W. Railroad, at this point, is making fine progress, and the struct ures will be substantial and valuable property. A new and handsome .train of cars made its appearance on the Midland N, f!. Railroad last Saturday, ana was sen- erally admired. In the evening a large aartY of onr citizens with their fami- e bonded the new train and iaccom- Sanied Mr. Best on an excursion to lorehead City, where they became the eue&ts of the Midland road at the At lantic Hotel. Mr. Best has gone energetically to work running a side track land road over into the vacant lot be lomrinirto the Atlantic &N. C. Road, and for the convenience of Goldsboro ship tra a IanA nottnn nlatform designed to afford storage for 1,000 bales of cot ton, is being erected on tne same ioc, mj be completed in 15 aays. Wilmington Star: Eggs 30 cents dozen and chickens from 60 to 80 cents anair. The repairs to the opera' house have Deen about compietea, ana it is just, el egant. Sportsmen are having lots of fun shooting rice birds. Mr. John Powers, formerly of Robeson county, but recently of Fayetteville, a soldier of the war of 1812 died on the 2Sth ultimo, aged 89. Col. H. B. Guthrie of Chapel Hill died at his home in that town of paralysis, on Tuesday, the 23rd ult, at 2 o'clock p. m., aged 67 years. A gang of voung men amuse them selves nightly by removing gates from their hinges, knocking off fence orna ments, and doing mischief generally very much to the annoyance of other . a t a p & lntMcittt)f Trier, Txas.6as in vested $50,000 in an elegant public school building. The New Orleans Democrat will erect a handsome office at the Exposi tion grounds in Atlanta. About 400 head of cattle from Col quitt county, Gan were driven to the Gulf coast, last week, for shipment to Cuba. It is said that there re J&006 minia teraXntmgtJiose Afiall denomina tions, 13 ureas ijrjtam, ana, mat tne ay erane day; ittead4$ceat public wotth: i nnn rwi ii b ib to Of the 400 dMtotstn PaTTadelphia, says the.Detroit FrAf Prew, "about 400 make a good living. 200 lav up some thing and 100 are well off. The rest of the crowd simDlv hang on and wish to gracious they had learned to ran a saw mill. A statistician figures no the accidents from base ball to nave been 37,518 an nually for the ten years past, of which 3 per cent, were falsi. He says 22411 fingers and 11,016 legs were broken du ring tne ten years, ltna nos were uroK lmere wersioa raurcad accints ii-the Unltad S tatea during" a hly. Thirty-ei,x rsoroTKia kiHed Und 120 were wounaea xwenry acciaents of the total number caused the death of one or more persons, and 24 caused injury but not death, leaving 56.9 per cent of the whole number in which no injury was recorded. General Grant has profited by a con trasL Driving up to a letter-box in Long Branch the other day he modest ly stepped from his carriage and posted some papers. While he was yet stand ing a negro dressed in gorgeous livery dreve up and pompously exclaimed to a small boy: "bonny, put dis heah let ter in dat box. The by-standers predated the matter and roared. ap- Queen Victoria speaks Italian in preferrence to any other language when conversing on books and pain tings. In reading she prefers to do so in German, while in general conversa tion she selects French. Her criticisms on music are chiefly in Ensrlish. Ev ery day she has read to her the Timet ana some or the uerman papers. Tuesday in November. year these elections were held on the find day of November the earliest day uponwmcn tney am pe field, tms year tkey will be held upon the 8th day oi JNovemoer the latest day upon wmcn they can be held. A elever sell is perpetrated on the guests of Glen Mountain House, Wat Kins' uien, n. i. un a tree' near the piazza fronting the glen was a huge cage, carezuiiy covered with a piece of caiico. u pon it was posxea tne iouow- ing notice: "Blind- red bat from Ha vana, ftaise the cover carefully, as the light might hurt his evesr It is fun for the initiated to ait there quietly and see victim after victim cautiously raise the curtain and disclose saspend' eu wiuiiu we cage a oncKjoas, .GUARD AGAINST DISXASX. II yon find yoarseVrang buiogs. symptom (4V tat ones a few aoses etjnetiwon. pkuntuu great as sistant. VseU as aaadranos guard don't wait te get down fltck. flee large slrertisenent. Xr, 8. Lehman,' Ponghtoepate,- K. T. wrttea! Ireascaltuastrlet duty to exprtM ainem thanks lor the beneflts darrred from &V Jaeobf OIL V or more thi a UV t funded m tarrihi from rhevxnatlsm that I was mabla to stand em my feet or as my nana best MsMsna Whom I rjontu"! anp" iW" m tnmperira isttaf. Byelianee"w swTsuemenef st Ji 1. 1 ess. u U'DOT- hintae iRSidajbi a ini winn ma navBi nnn? i v auav rincnea In the abd iT I i isAi v nsuu si -v mm second Tuesday in November.. Last m K-.at. t si m a. Aiieae? awea. sa is av a t a a ICf patch from CJctncilfifWof which thecllciMmreahfqwuifj pbrtiona; Frrrrt" a" rtlWran. -well renown.: in raQqlis. 3vi4en of ltimviditi tA month western Ischeme of raflrbafliftg I ttvday in iOinah the ciearestrana newest suttemenij oii the priseWstatus of operations. ;and the fullest and best comprehensive ole- scriptlan of the plari of his wotiderf ul scheme of railroad develbfimnt yet ublished. notably the" an alliance has. been .formed 'Joetwen the Texas-Pacific aat Ootids). , the Atlantic Pacific, contrbHer by the Nickerson interest, or the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe rodd, , and. the Utah Southern, (Union Pacific f q form a junction in the Paranahgati valley, Nevada, and unite in building 4 trunk line through from that point Ito San Francisco... An, opportunity was af forded. Dae tx) seo,,a CAbkgram from London i containing information that S25.000.000 worth of bonds for this trunk line had -been subscribed, and to day a ciDher telegram 'went to New York announcing the whole ground, ta. ban f rancisco was now " COVESKD BT EKGINKEBS. As to the reliability of the informa tion in this interview, I will w the gentleman who -consented to give it to me is one who is more prominent than any other in active wrk of all the Gould railroads building In the South west. He gate assurance that, this statement of thou plan of the South western railroad development And al' liance for a new trunk line was cor rect The ffinUeman described the Southwestern system of 7.00Q miles of railroads. Which cost in constrnctkSB alone forty million dollars; also. ,4 scribed the Mexican concessiort.an4j sakl the- line from san Francisco, l Texas is covered with engineers. an the moment it strikes El Paso1 they will commence laying steeL The mo mentit strikes Laredo steel will toe laid into Mexico. It will be built in-New; Orleans about ls where it has bought immense terminal facilities, in connec tion with the barge line. The road to Laredo-wilt probably get in during September; nd the Texas Pacific will get to El pasosome time in uecember. It is also proposed to build a line from San Francisco east to the end of the Utah Southern, west from the end of the Atlantic and Pacific and northwest from the end of the Texas Pacific, all at once. To build to California will take probably eighteen months or two years, according to how fast the mate rial can be obtained, it is calculated to complete the Mexican line to THE CITY OF MEXICO inside of two years. These routes are constructed under four different construction and im proyement companies that build them for actual cost and then turn them over. This system will have its own outlet b j a system of extensions, about which nothing may be Known to the Sublic, but which I can explain to you. 'his system west of the Bio Grande is the extension of the Texas Pacific and El Paso northwest through Silver Prescott, or to Bio Pereas to a connec tion with the Atlantic and Pacific These two routes combined here, then extend northwest to the Paranahagat valley, in Nevada, where they are joined by the extension of the Utah South branch of the Union Pacific, and these companies will build a trunk line from Paranahagat valley, passing on to San Francisco. Bonds for $25eO00O for this line were negotiated in Eu rope the other day. This line to Cali fornia is a shorter line for the Texas Pacific and the A, T. & S. F. than any new built, and-runs almost its whole length through the mining regions of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada and California. It tunnels the Sierra Nevadas, thus avoiding heavy snows. It drains the pick of the western min ing regions. The Southern Pacific built their line right up the Gila valley. Now we strike the great. North west, enter ing nearly every mining camp. This plan, when completed, will leave the Central Pacific system without any outlet east, and the Union Pacific will then have its independent line to the coast and a competing line with the Central Pacific There is no doubt that the whole wheat and grain crop and everything west of the Missouri will find an outlet at New Orleans. We expect to take very bushel of miri raised -in Caiifontia over the linatOvNew Orleans and ship it from there to Europe, It can be done with in sixty days. . Tne una nam is not so long as it is to-day on grain from here to New Yerk. and there is the finest harbor on the Gulf at New Orleans. It takes six months to go around the horn end how many bushels' of grain do you think irm go was way j when it can be sent right through New Orleans T A Jeke ea the Bit. Beoinwriiif, HeanChin ia the Chinaman who sells cast-ironradishes and bnckskitt lettuce to Laramie people; domg-tte -business with a aenvery wagon -made ox two waste paper baskets tied to a hickory He sells only &siilalLnrduliroTir denixnck,it is trae,hfr by , toeing nomicai, and sleeping mgntarin a fence corner, and livine on rice ' and moun- tn scenery,; he hag rd4betl his ex penses ao tha&he-u maxing money, i . He is not handsome, for his eves are li9W-leged,;-aTJd;, hut ace. generally looks like a irignteaea ..uiu, but he don't care a continental so long as he can work off his gum arable beets and indestructible striog beans ThffOtherday he sold four pods of inen peas-ana a raoisn xor twent cents arid received in payment; an En- giian snuiing, w wen coin passes here for two bits. HearlCkfckedw The lady of the house tried to explain that it was O, K, hut the ecru , colored heathen shook his head and answered again:..: . . "Two bittee all same no ffood. You heap f oolee rae sometime all belly good. Me. no sabe two bittee. Fool 'em Heap Vttin. Two ,Mttee, no eaten 'em ail gfjnecUckezL-w . . ' ' When it gets so that the great bird of freedom is characterized by a sqnint eyedheathenfroman effete kingdom, a chicken, it-looks as thongh this gloribus republic would hay e to ito over &Cbjna, and. liak about 9.000,000,000 (gh.iuamen.ln orderto correct an erro- J-'TM 'J tM "''Ii. 'II I 1 SOS' i " Hi" i If yt km any skia diseases er diseases ef the risir ws.'any ttcWng W dlalarW suq burns, freckles, pimples, rough or tfeyJUrsh skin; 90s have Ja(Sr4L W. Bsnaon'a khs Oui sure. lectandelefatttranedyj - Bold w u drug- Way a- - - -. - ; passed sereimlslBepiesf nights, aworp! es anaenes. w a nuwi eeovineed thatllm Wttislow's Boothlna Brrao was 1us te erUcle needed, pro- wedwipiy for Xa fMi 9L5om hod aeqnatatfeg his wife with what U done. adminisierea toe vow, v tn' ravor of Hoinaonathy. That night the chad passed in suffering, and ths parent wfthout sleep. Betarainf noma me oay fonowu?tafaUie4DmMl tieTwratui wers; ejid wfciie eontemplattot antthet' fleenkriteht, the mother Merged froiS the-room W attendTto sjotne oetaestfaeee, and left tne zbh m Mtrmc her absence? he adintoii nekhine.-rTiisA... Lt-nii himaa alent wem ami the ttttle-feilOTOw and ptoTl?f!ftrftlt?n TiatBfjBiS adafae aQ0,ymi"'mmmi hety. has eon- tJ pried to naa a,rnm k.. 1 aii.riri cmnebabiAa toted welvei-TSS - "MVua THXRE QTNO'AlTIflrrT between eheaD and useless beef, wine and - Iron, tonics and the LleMg .Go's Coea Beef Tonle a real renovaat (ft streneth awt restorative t health. -'.- - . . M . .1ir !:-isb pen W whom I have u m tne pest tonle there t. xrory .-pnysroun reeommended tt has -louna llSO.r sarsiTof, H B. mtAI. M. D.. Detroit, Mich. It lmnarts new tone te. he Hveri stomadu and bow els, and by its regulative abUon affords-relief riom,: wMouuDa, uvunusia, eqasuiNuivar auu ioijuuui. Beware of cheap, worthleas Imitation.- : - ' ' iaw ' I i. V ii f ' ' "'; ' f C- Gen. M. T. wrrHKHS; hV celebrated blooded stock, raiser and proprietor ol Fair Lawn Stock farm, Lexington, Ky.i says the ileblg ODmpany'g Amicated Xxtract of Witch Hazel "should be In every stable in the country " Cures foundes. spav- ka, banal enlargements, broken knees, speedy 4 vine aw aoro eyes. : seuuenu xaica - uy i iut uou gallon or gallon. Beware of worthless Imitations. Depot, 60 AfaWen Lane, New York. -:- : i i : 8old tn fifty oenta and dollar sizes. , . :- M assrs. MutcKum Bro.i It is with real nleas Bra that I add my testimony to thasreat virtues of your "Neuralglne as a- specific for neuralgia and sick headache. Bach a remedy Is a blessing, and all sufferers should keep; it on hand. 1 " ' ; 7- J. B. RroesLT,. ? . - Cathedral Street, Baltimore. eeia or jus. wristoh co. m t ' Nturalaia. Sciatica. Lumharm. Backach9lJSoreii6it,of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Sire- . ingt and Sprains, Burns and Scafds, General Bojdif Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No FraparaUon on art eqa&la Br. Jacobs On M a afe, sure, ritnplt and cheap Xxtoraal Bamady. A Mai aBtafla but the eompantjTely trifling outlay of 60 Ctata, and every one ra (Taring with paia ua bava ehaap and positive proof of its DlraoUoaafai Btim TjiTtiiM COLD BT ALL DBUCrdlSTS AID DEA1EE8 II" EDI0LE. A. VOGEIER Sc CO., SoMswrti JsFd., V- S. JL, dee80d&wly IPBLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN. AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF k TORPID LIVER. Ijoas of appetlte.yanaea.bowels eoittre. Pain tn tneHeal,wl6h a dull aonaation in the back part, Fata under the shoulder- blade, folineas after eating! clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low pirita, Ioaa of memory, with a feeling of havlnc nes- lected aome duty weariness, Diaalneas. Irintteripg of tne Heart, Dota before the eyea. Yellow BklrHeadaehe. BeatleSa- i at night, . , jugaiy coiorea urine. lEBIOUt DISEASES Wui SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUWI PILLS are espeetally adapted to oen easa,one dose efrecta saah a change of feenns; as to astonish the raJrerer. They laereaae tke Appetite, and eaoso the body to Tskke om flash, thoa the system la aearlih a J, and by thairTowle Aettenon the Ptsjaative Orgmne, Bewpliar S tee la axspro , dnoad. Price esnta. 1 Mervmy SH., W.T. TUTPS HAIR DYE. Oaat Hara orWHisxKBs changed to a GioesT Bo by a single application of thisTrnt. .It unparts a natural color, acts Instantaneousnr. v Sold by DcufjiaU, or aeirt by express oa raseipt f Si. OfTioe, 35 Murray St.; New York. Cn WITS BUSCAI. ml Valushle T.foraaUui ua CnSal Skulyt. wUl be auUce VBK a aeltcatlaa W Feby. SSdeodawl C 3 LOVELY COMPLEXIONS POSSIBLE TO : What Nataro denies to many Art secures to alL Hasan's ll&gnolia Balm dispels every Wemisb, OTercomes BednesSa Freckles, Sallowness, Eongh nessy Tan, Eruptions and Blptches. and removes all eyf ctenees of lieat and excitement.' Tho ; nagnolia Balm imparts the most delicate and iiaqjral wmplexional tints no .dte tionoeing possible to the closk estonralion. I Under these dannstances fealty complexion is little short pf a crime. . Uagnolia Balm sold gweryirhere. Costs only yo cents, mm Vbm turecuonse 1 C 2 Jan. 22 P. C. WILSON, CHABLOTTK, V.CK . . Sole Agent for LOUIS COOK, Colombus Bnggy 1X0 IBS i WATXBTOWK SPRING WAGON COMPANIXS, XOB TEX BiXS OT ' OPMr JTJGGIX3, J65. ' TOPBUaGHS, 965. Special bducements. to tthel wholesale trade Oonespondence soUced,! ,' ; r. VlSoWHOMWMATto -a- py giren that Oae firm of Davjdspn BealL : -nniswpi vwuBai m giveBr in vn&riovie. fsjhli tday tUsseiyed by ntntaaTeonseBfe Tau uq! nus win oe paid, or xeBoy Davfdsoaind all bills due the late firm will be collected by bun. v Having bmeJlBaed aiitimiA- r iittsAHes. , r-'rrjaar ibbiicJ ,snr ' i " A SPLSNpiD OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOB : ' TTJrs--9TII GRAND DISTBIBTJT10N, ' -CLASS t, AT NEW ORLEANS. Tuesday. September; 13th; l88J7-i36th MonOily if -Wteiy;;; Company. . Incorporated in 186& for 25 years by the Legis lature lor Educational and Charitable purposes with a eapttal of $r,O00.000-to which a reserve fund of over $42 0,000 has since been added. f By an overwhelming popular vote lte franchise was made anart of the present State constitution L adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879 . its tt&AJXD. bJLNCiUS NUMBBB Drawings arill take place monthly. It never scales or postpones.' Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tick-ets. One Dollar -,LlBT OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize........ -...,,.$30,000 1 Capital Prize. ; ..f loIOOO 1 Capital Prize, .-.v B nno A Tk t . a.-. f f ' A jrnxcv ui . - 5,000 5.000 5 Prizes of 1.000 20 Prizes of 600. 100 Prizes of 100. 200 Prizes of 50. 500 Prizes of 20. 10,000 10,006 10.000 . 10,000 . 10,000 1,000 Prizes of 10...:.......v... APPROXIMATION PRI7.KR 8 ApproxtmatlonPrlzes of 8800. . . . . 82,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200...... ,1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of lOa...'.. 900 loo mzes, amounting to $110,400 Beaponalble corresponding agents wanted at all points, -to whom liberal compensation will be paid, n For further Information, write clearly, giving full, address. Send orders by express or Regis tered Letter, or Money Order hy malL Address ed only to M. A. DADPETN, .T New Orleans, Louisiana, or M. A. DAUPHIN, at . No. 212 Broadway, New York. AU our Grand Exiaerdinary Drawings are under the i supervision and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and iubaT Early: : ', ' NOTICE. T0 THE PUBLIC 1 The public are hereby; cautioned agaidst send- lwjiuij ujuuer or oruers IO XHUXNJtS df CO., 83 NasBau street, New York City, as authorized by the Louisiana State Lottery- Company to sell Its tlcketSL. . They are- flooding : the - country with BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting to be of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are FRAUDULENTLY represenOnff themselves as Its agents. They have no authority from this com pany to sell the tickets, and are not its agents for any purpose. ' K A. DAUPHIN. ' : , Prest Louisiana State Lottery Co. . New Orleans, Ia, July 4, 1881. SGth POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF TBS In the City of Louisville, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81, rendered the following decisions : 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes for the SEPTEMBER DRAWING. 1 Prize $30,000 1 Prize,....- 10,000 . 1 Prize 5,000 10 Priaes, $1,000 each, 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each "10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each, 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each,. .i 12,000 1000 Prizes, 10 each 10,008 9 Prizes, $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,708 9 Prizes, 200 " " rgM Prizes, 100 " " - 900 1,960 Prizes, .-$112,400 Whole Tickets. $2; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets $50; 55 Tickets, $100. . Bemlt Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to R. M. BOARD MAN, Courier-Journal Building Louisville, Ky., or 309 Broadway New York July 8 SESSION OPENS WEDNESDAY, BEPTEMBMR 7, '81. CORPS OF TEACHERS: W. R. ATKINSON, Principal, Latin, Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. ' Kiss HELEN LONG, Principal of Preparatory Department. Mrs. SALLTJB CALDWELL WHITE, English Literature and History. Miss LILL1K w LONG, Modem Languages. Miss MARY L. MATTOON, Elocution and Eng lish Branches. ' . MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Pbdf. A. BIDXZ. LL. D., Director. ASSISTANTS-rJfBS. B. L. DEWEY, MBS. Wm. B. ATKINSON. Miss U, A. SAVAGE, Art Department. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Mjas NANNBS irNSLEY, Intendant of Infirm- "miss ANNA BUTTON, Head of Boarding De partment For terms, etc., apply for a catalogue to Rsy. WnvB. ATKINSON, Principal. ugll,tf . SALEM ACADEMY, . v a ;i THIS Institution commends Itself to .the public as a notably pleasant and safe home and high ' class school for girls and young women. - tt has during the past few years been greatly Improved. Its SCHOLASTIC ARRANGEMENTS hare been remodeled and lfis standards advanced. It now offers all the advantages- of similar institu tions of the highest grade. A large number of in structors is employed, and pains-taking instruc tion is guaranteed. 1 It offers a liberal English, or English and classical course for graduation, and, under Its new administration, has already gradu ated (with diploma) four very promising classes. The TK)MSTIC JLaRlNGEMENTS of the Acad emy have latterly been re-adapted to secure to its resident pupils the largest measure of comfort and convenience. Eight resident teachers are continually in charge, and give special. attention to the cultivation of correct manners and habits in growing girls. Systematic and enlightened physi cal culture and care of health are prominent fea tures In the Improvements recently perfected. Exceptional facilities are offered for the study of MUSIC. The results of practical work In its Music Department, , during the past few-years, would warrant the Academy, in the opinion of competent critics, in inviting comparison with any other similar institution In the South. A two' to three years graduating course (with diploma) has quite recently been Introduced. . . Special attention is directed to the advantages now also obtainable In the DEPARTMENT OF DRAWING AND PAINTING, which has been re organized and placed In charge of a lady of spe cial ability and superior training. A high standard of. excellence wijl be maintained and the best methods observed. A variety of branches of stady Is offered and careful tuition Is guaranteed. The 78th year begins Sec eptetnDer l, 1881. J. T. ZORN, Principal. Jol727,dw Mt St Joseph's . Female Academy HICKORY, CATAWBA COUNTY, N. CV Tms school; located near the town of Hickory. Catawba county, ,N. c., within a few minutes' walk of the depot, and a few hours' travel by rail of the far-famed Asheville,- is conducted by the 8isters of Our Lady of Mercy, who for nearly three quarters of this century, and until reeehtly unaided,- founded and directed all the female Cathc-llc literary institutions In the Carolina and Georgia. . Hickory is a great health resort; having to Its vicinity the celebrated. Catawba Springs. Malarial diseases and consumption are unknown to this immediate section, and visiting patients lankily reeoveruBder the Influence of its unsur passed climate. No undue Influence used on the religious principles of the pnpUs, but to insure regidaaUiust conform to the generalrulea of , The scholaatlffyear of ten months cohsfete of two. sessions, each, session payable in advance." : Board, washing, fuel, light, tuition in Eng- k, . ; -ash,' Latin, needle work And domestic .- ' -eeoBomy.peiBeaslen, - - - $65100 Entrance fee ' -: .: - - -' 5.00 Vacation, In the academy, - . --;:2i0.oa ' "Music. naTntlng. drawing, 'lansuafea.. ete.. form JBOdeme extra: ehatves. . i letters of inquiry should be addressed td the ' u. -t-m sister superioress, ,vaugaatfs, t j,;.,-., ..r: BJekory7M7c V ThemntBArBSual Session win be Ai!b0mfRTHOM Charlotte Female Institute, , , , - -r ii.i.- n dMnd DomesUe, - - j -,vr iClT BBClIVED AT Mm Store IgARATOGA ICHY. oaSaratoga Springs, N. v, Anewwat.r,. sembllng the Imported Vichy, mawd. as an antacid; cures dyspepsla.laids Sg22 Uon, la a powerful Ionic and strong diHretle. Also, 45 Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a ealhartlc and m. teratlve and in all forms of dispell. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM. CASES BUFFALO LITHIA, And a full supply of IMPORTED tVPOLLINARIS Hanyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EDROFEAN NOVELTY H UNYADI TANOS. ' THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Does. A wine glass full before breakfast. fl."L'f?uny?IJan08--Baron Lleblg af firm8 that its richness In aperient salts surpassea that of all ether known waters." The Brilith Medical Journal-1 Bun jadl Janos -The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Proj Vtrchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." ProfiBamterger, YIenna "I have " prescribed these writers with remarkable success." . '.fcanawrf. Wurszhurg -I prescribe none butthis." Prof. Lander Bmnton, it. Ti.t F. R 8., London. More pleasant than its rivals, and suwasses them in efficacy." .P&A1,' K.m;r. R. 8., Royal MUltary Hor pital, Ne0ey.-"Preferred to Pullna and Fried richshalL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Trjon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA when you can get water just as fresh and spark ling as when It flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water In large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refllled again every week. J. H, Mo A DEN, Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 T Seed ! NEW CROP TURNIP SEED. BBD0BPUBPL1TOP, WHITE FLAT DUTCH, LARGE WHITE NORFOLK, POMERANIAN WHITE GLOBE WHITE EGG, ' ' AMBER GLOBE, GOLDEN BALL, . YELLOW ABERDEEN, RUTA BAGA BLOOMSDALE SWEDE OR YILLO. LANDRETH'S SEED ARB ALWAYS RELIABLE. L. R. JulylO Druggist by d 0 i 1 i V- rl tt M Go to" H 0 rl rl W. P. M1RYIN, Jgent, - - - end Successor-to K Searrft-Ce. ion - Fresh Drags and Pure Medicines None bat the ' fery flest PrBgs do I keep tn my stock. Had, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tooth Brashes, 4a, 4. QARDEirSJ$EI)S of ail the best varieties, and warranted , to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spee lal aUenttou- i I Ti u i Hoping to patronage, I receive a share of nubile am, respectfully, ' , ieosj Wi tS. MABYIN, Agt Z.B. W. H. Bulky. .VANCB& BAILEY, ',-UliU. 1 fit CHARLOTTE, N. C. l?rac to SupretneCourt-ol the United 8tates, Supreme Court of North Carolina. Federal Courts, and counties of Meeklen--. . .. burg. Cabarrus, Union, Gas , Ion, Rowan and Da- . Office, two doors east of Independencv ufjevji pvjiiS 1 M-i aj v. .. may29 f SkZJLW, 1 1f the State' and Vrdtei'ftatalr Courts: Colleo A tticna, HHome nsd rjrtrelsa.i sela4teL At MMM Tornip Steed! farnip JenJjJSW' JurntsJhei, for com tVitgW: .i?e JTyon strena ,t , (Jan. 6. mm ntssslBWirt8tjji--