?JlsC r' J ML t 'Mr AT grT " I j ' ' LA1M-K A-tfRUEiTONlC SURE, APPETISER V -1 i , A .a inBTrtiii"iia efiScien tonic; JsgEWS ""SSE tXf SliTiStilttent Fevers, AYant 6f Appetite, JLoss of EriiirT.lr V.nrerv.etC. It enriches tne uioou. BLreuK . j I. -7- i:rrVT, rorvM. It acts like a cnarm on iae SATUEDAYi SEPT. 10, 1881. Ml IS They atchman. " - .,. - , j li ii Mil mfcd lait JSatua-dU iromfit ntti in Boston. onTa.onaarin a atArtad thfl nnmti and noisL am Anxxrn tm fftflt in workinz shaft feo-; ingdowna solid talckV slate, andsefc? D6Cb CO Cub Tern ab 120 wcu i ' hoist, run Dy a 20 horse power engiue- A tesEOl Boa nonaas mi iqb wo j7. ed an aYerage'varuB or $25, two-tnima of which was in sUver. Mr. Ftoyd leant JBtaOe to Fred. Wolff e and lbs Erl Knoxrffle Tittaacvvu J 1 -J- - '::" ' .After due consideration of all the bids madft fDr-thfi"1 lease the Southern; Kailwav Trriatfica decided that". J red.' Wolffft'a hid otaa the an most satiafac- toiy.rhMf. Woff0 -was dulyt informed ui. wo Aub upuu rtliJl4 Vi W Ina? action of thfftnistees':t. ,i?Ja ' !Se)Z!(l,5Tha1r tiiltetary-'iiotify ITrAdWftlffA ithrt' sffitnciatea' that thev r the highest : formal omaera tor lease oi'ine' mncmnau. oouuiexuxbou way, and thatv subject to;the, approTai of the Trustees 6t the SinkinSf Tuhd of Cmciimatl,thM15oarduiawara ana execntA A. lease lorBama upon con pliance with thef allowing conditions : ot- the binfcing.JSruna, upon ne execu- THKKlflS NOXFFlNITT "between cbeap and dBeleas beef; Mot and-Jreo'tDntes and tne Xleblg wi voea ueei todic a real renovaiu 01 sirengm and restoratire of health. , L to whom I have recommended it has found it so J; ' aavaProf.fi K DRAKE. M. D.5 Detroit Mleb. It imparts new tone to the livet. stomach, and bow-, 1 eia, ana pf us regaiaave acnoa ananw reuei num headaches, neuralgia, constipation," and lansaof. Beware of chMn. ' worthless 1ml tationa, ? - l vf . Gen. M. T. wrrHXBS, the celebrated blooded stock jaiser and proprietor, of Fair i.awnBtock Vnrm. T.BTlnptn. if., un the IilebU'Cotnnanrs Arnlcated Extract of Witch Hazel "should be Id even stable in the country Cures founder, spav in, bursal - enlargements, broken : knees, speedy eats and sore eies. Reduced rates by . the half on or eaiion. - Beware 01 wortniess uniianons. not. 60 Maiden Lane. New York. . -- ; Bold In fifty cents and dollar sizes. .. And positively the only biz show thartriu exhibit at a - ' ' '- - - ----- ., .j.j, to the opinion that the veins 1, leasndiheforfrverjlof something new in Rowan it is the first mine that has produced silver, in : I - MMl A WWW. V Mom. and Convniem-1 inkinxsbUlB, WUDIW" '""1'" wTJi3 .V..V ton nun id uim. Kattbai of tha Tenio. hLZdL I ha ih4 tbM betUM ofth iiarth-I mr did In th Mm urn onm wig-i m J-M JwU; I? SlBO aaina iitThftve don twi the U- r.Tlth donbla tha aaiui. With the tranquil netr r . . I ITnll hu Mil aou uu ' " . . . i .1 . mm mmm frf Uuw.ltt MffBT IMIOn r ; h tnireiwuiM ' of rr- latrwwWa MWaRTEII MEDICINE CO. MS. tU 0IT AH T.KTt T. iOilS- lttnel7-od&wly ' R.Millraiis, COB. COLLEGE ft T0UBTH8TS.. WHOLESALEGROGERS. Just Id. and to Arrive : aW ' 3000 BUNDLES ABBOW TIES, 1500 1000 PKGS FISH, HALF BOLLS BAGGING, gatjetitfefXtjcittjes. , ,vsaaWW'W"aT-ljO rf"'l" " f 1 " " . : U I I .'II J I mtmwm ix. " bjsi - m m m a m a- anything like so large a quantity. Carolina Queen. This is a nlacerdenosit intersected by rich auartz veins, and is located inHwl n Ji.i.M Jiaii-j nl T ,i -rVr tt nttf v -.rill ll.f I W 1 1 llIHLlltSli Ui UUlnO WU"VI Mr. Floyd, of the Southern iseiw maae an exanomauon oi mo FluKiBi r7vw7ioT a i. I III III Sat w uncu. -a. UU W a- -, ftiti!atfoh f6rinedn Bostdtfa short time since. They are delighted with the prospect. ; ;j Dnnn'i iriountain Wine. Since last reported in this papfr thM-ft has been creat improvement in large resiutsuuo mi iu uuuu6wuu captain, 40x40 two, stories, witb L 30x15 stanas just oeaina iuo uw uu works. Opposite this is locaiecipie new office, 25x20 ; store room, 35x201 all nnrtr nn roof. This building is well located an,d conveniently arranged. Thfiv have ub'several miner's cabirisw very nice, comfortablo buildings. There 1 which will give accommodation tq all the resident miners. The new milt houWls- tfh&Kedwitl battery com plete, ready for work, excepting engine, and boiler, which have been ordered; An accident, breaking of pump oc curred several weeks ago, giving a lot of trouble., and allowing the jmne a fillitfcwa1rl TKlaatlCelear- ed,tand the mine is now in nne cona-, tion. ' 1 MfjoriL. ntaemnan ct Bro.1 It Is . with real nleas ore that I add my testimony to the great virtues ot i your t'Neuralsane" as a. specific for neuralgia and : sick headache. - Such a remedy Is a blessing, and all sua ere rs should Keep n on nana. ' ' --'. 1 J. B. Rtjdsmlt, ; j. . jgg Cathedral Street, Baltlmoro. 8oI br U R. WBISTON & CO. , nifoH Sfataa nrla AT bonds, hf t.hA 1 LlX -v.- -"-- city of Cincinnati as security for Ihe faithful nfirforfrtance oiS clause five (5) of the form of lease submitted at the lfitttnp. .The interest coupons Of Said bxmdsvfnitimftito' Um M tbyrmar ' turef if there has been nowdefaalt in making betterments, to be snirendered THIS TSAB. wetefe Sept 14th made, in accordance with said clause ; the - antottntr' and value of said better Hienttci be ascertained and determined byiad engineer, to be selected by the trustees of said railway. 4 ' -soa&TheexeeuUoii.-delivery and fllfflgf'befdreppssession-isJ delivered under said-. le&s&'M S jncfrtgaee i upota the nilline stoefci aud other property appejtainiag;:to .orsed,-in.tbe.ppera-t tionf said rjilwayift seurtbe lien intended to be reservedvi'thereon j by clause t.ttf said f oria Df lease. , Mr. ,Wolffe, who bore :ondr modestly and quite coolly, was char ac teriaticallv frank in his statementi of tberituatiomi If the sinking f afiiL trustees approved :. thef; fefloi vpf ith ew YorS, to complete mmi arranger inents and return to organixa the eotri pany, and be ready to take possesion on the 1st of October, as required by the fBrni&t 6f the lease. Johix Scott: W Jtfie Alabama iuid 'Grat Soiithern,' would be general manager. .. lie has had eigh teen years', expenence With the London and Brighton road, and since he came here: about-two vears Jslso. has' been The main shaft, 14x8. is. the best piece jfoU Thep: Cook, kmm . Lj the time fixed for the. coming of the great Show to Charlotte, and It will ehty exhibit for the one day v " ' - ' - . ; . i . ' NOSOONER, !NK) LATER, NO LOKGER. OLD JOHN ROBINSON'S ef work in this section it is a model timbered with 10x10 sawed oak logs. Theiv aT - down 190 feet and f rom this . '. . . i t. .h4' point nave scartea a cross cut ou iwh in. At 60 feet more: will cut vein, ! In this cut minine cars will run. This.is it was almost settled, would be 'Presi dent, and Cincinnatians' would be. al lowed a liberal representation ih the company. Indeed, there was already a demand ror stock, exceeding, the supply. The Erlangers had called a meeting of A. i . l. 4.- .3 1j Jl ' arranged so that the ore is taken from the companies composing ytheir sjndi c.nv.ubuv. v - ivj--siiUiivl notfl fnr TiiuHt tint tn a air . fhnir on. 500 BBL8. FLOUB, 100 BAGS COFFEE, 75 BBLS. 8TBUP, sr THOUGH SHAKEN. IN EVEBT JOINT and fiber with fever and ague, or billons remittent. the system may yet ne rreea nom mo o uuraaui I virus with Hostetter's Bitters. Protect the system against It wun cms oenenceui auupoouiwure, which is furthermore a supreme remedy .tor liver complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, debility, rheu- natlsm. xianey troames ana oibw Bimm For sale by aB Drngglsts, and'Peatw generaUy. lot BOXES SOAP Olve us a trial before you. buy and we will sell you. I R, M. MILLER k SONS. . ALLOWED. the vein and dumped at the mill With the single hauling. Tne graaing 01 tne road bed is finished and the ties and iron is being placed; They have all in all, about 1,000 tons of ore in sight, 5W' tons on the dump and 2,000 in the mine. This is estimated to yield from $460 to $5,50 per ton. The only impediment to the running of the mine is the engine and boiler for the mill house. As soon as these arrive the battery will be set going. At present only ten stamps will e used.thoughthe building is arranged to accommodate as many more. "Last month there appeared on the pay-roll 72 names. This number was cuminisnea iortms monm. laemme and grounds are in fine condition, wear ing a look of substantiality, which is flattering to the mining interests of the section. The superintendent, Mr. L. Bertram Cady, who it will be remem bered is a graduate of the Columbia. School of Mines, deserves much praise for the very able manner in which he has conducted the worn. ar.A fnr TiiARriav nA-rti tr. nnlr . their quiescencein the Wolffe bidi As the Erlangers were themselves tb4 majori ty stockholders, the result was a fore gone conclusion. THE LATE WHEAT SEiL, ' Ifstfitieiia: ScIaif6d. Lumbaao. backache,, orerw$s pf fh&,CJi6St, ; : Gout,Quinsf, Sore. ThroatrSweJ', ings and Sprains, Burns- and ; Scalds, General Bod' , Pains, ' ; ' Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot and Ears, and all other ' .. Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr, Ji.coM On. u afe sure, simple and ehtap External . Xamedy. A . trial eotalU bat : the eomparatlTely tnQlnf outlay of bO eats and jovary on .nnenng with pain tan hare cheap and. positive proof of it claim. Directions in Heron languages. SOLD BT ALL DBUGGISTS AED DEALEB3 TJf lCEDIOLIift A. VOGIXER & CO., Baltimore, Htd., T7,B.JU dec80dftw ly ' i aaaaaaa 11 hi ii : - ! " t .j, - -' aug24 JaalS,lSn WE WILL END ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL,. DR. DYES CORN ! CORN ! CORN j BAGGING ANb TIES r.-a tufifering from Ncrvoits Weakaesaea, Gen eral Jttebillty, toss : of snerve force or vigor, or any disease resultiuif from Abuses and. Oth kt. CAUsKS,.or to amy ne amictod witt Rheuma- tlxm WeuraiglA, r"HJal Ojnf. Muwumea, Kidney or Liver TrouWes, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the -Vital Organs. Ako womkn taoubleu. with diseases peculiar to their sex. L . . o - . Speedy relief sml complete restoration to health guaranteed. VTIepr Uf be only Eleetrie Appliauat Ma ever hAiionfitriictetl niton Hienlifie njrln- eiplea.. Their thorough efficacy has been praeH tically proven - with; tne. siHawop-ieriii. aaeceas, and 4uX hv ibo hlg:h endorsenieuiH from' medical Awl aeien. tine wen, and fromrli undda who hare been, 4uieh,ly n4 radlealy fared b , Send aTonoe ior lnstra1d plp 'gtvlnr all information free. Address,,,, i(; ,,;',v . , VOLTAIC BELT COXataaaU, Xioh. ptistjeltotXie0At6e . . , . . ..'..tw.. We are agents for THE WATT PLOW Will sen it WWIB uian yo? can buy an other good plow. Full assortment always on hand, Call and see us before purchasing. aug28 SP OPENNG. WE HAVE NOW : IN STORE YOB THE Spring and Super Trade . --The Largest, Tlnestand MOST COMPLETE - STOCK 0T- V ItHE MIUJKEBT, . y r - WHITE GOODS, . ' TBIHMlNOa MOTIONS Ahdankmdiof- We Wholesale aid Mail7! t ? ' w ' : 4 Terupora Itlatantar, Ac; Chicago Times. A year ago not only were all the in dustries active as now, but the crops were abundant Tor this fortunate con dition of affairs the Republican party claimed all the credit In vain was ft said that a gracious Providence had so ordered it that the crop was large. The statement: was repelled as rank blas phemy aeainst the omnipotence of the. Republican party. John Sherman was quite sure it was all his doings. In Ohio especially was the claim put forth that all the fortunate, conditions were due tevthe reign Ohirfmaa, every stftmifit Sityedfcaf l&JBSO: the praises d the'&tiou3 Q&5 jjosper lttThis vear the scene changes. There is still a campaign in Ohio, for no mat ter what betide they will ballot-box in Ohio. But there are no crops. Awide spead, long-continued, field-destroying drought has spread over the land, and the harvester is in despair. So is Mr; Charles Foster, candidate for Governor. He had taught the simple Buckeye that, so long as he pinned his faith on the Republican party, prosperity would be bis 'portiorfi f of the6f6p wew cor trolled by the administration, which was Republican, and would see that the faithful suffered no detriment ! in: their fortunes. He hastens now to throw the blame of the exceptionally dry season upon Providence, but the discontented farmer bids him go to the devil with his blowings hot and his, blowings cold, and threatens to dr mand a change. sely it poor TUle that won't work both ways. i hi i A Suicide's Letter. Theodore Walker, a grocer of Win-: field, N. 3r.w,ho committed suicide on ihftrsdays&ft the: fSUdwing letter, addressed to ' President Miller, of the Odd Fellows' Lodge, Brooklyn : ? i "Fkdsnds : My uncle died in a West ern insane asylum, and the same afflic tion has its terrible hold upon me. : All my recent undertakings prove strongly the wanderings of my mind and the i disappearance of all reasoning power. For my poor dear wiie a see noming but misery and want and starvation arising from my jiniortimaie jmuuiof to firdvMe f dr tier anvtmore. iFnends. In this 4xtreitllo6tiiyou tb take" I her gently by the hands ana protect ner ltu she has recovered xrom tne tern- AT THE WHITE FBONT, ' FANCY DRY GOODS . , -por Ladles and Children hatt ever had the . pleasure of BhowhTtf; un ble shock. See that her affairs get set tled up without too much sacrifice, bee that my little eirl is put in some care ' that 'Wiir keep et -lromwiiyw course. I feel the weieht of the re sponsibility that rests on your shoul ders, young as you are in existence, and ask that you will protect my dear ones f orthe friendship you bore me to form er times when I was. mvseii. J-iiie ' V I a . ... -1 -1 t " a.a-w. -j. i '.'Mr.j.i i Durdenand.tne woriu a xvui' wholes AU ac BET AIL: yuBN!Ti?nE pHALEB L not 5 cofiafire ' .'.. k ',';. ......... , l..- . a. i, . . ....... t -a tkal M-M Cincinnatiana Who share the t3,000, 000 at Chicago money- The following from Saturday's Chica go Tribune will be read with a great deal of interest by those gentlemen who invested in wheat at the. highest figures. ' ;; . ' A gentleman was met yesterday who gave to a reporter an estimate of the distribution of the spoils of the Late deal iitiAugust wheat. The sum to be divided is again said to be about $3, 000,000; though some people think this will , be . whittled down considerably when the final day of settlement comes round. The merchants of Third street, Cincinnati, however, have" fared very well when the fact is taken into con sideration that they came here from a second rate city to tight a battle with the shrewdest speculators in the land. The swag they take away from Chica go will help them to beautify theircity, ana complete toe railroad Cincinnati has been carrying on her baek for years First on the list of Cincinnati gentle men is Mr. C. W. West, who made the handsome donation to the art museum in that city recently. He is said to have taken out of wheat about $500,000. Mr. John Stettinius. a erandaon of the late Nick Longworth, is set down for a like amount. Mr. ttriggs Swift; one of Cincinnati's big capitalists, is said to be entitled to a check for another half million, lieorge wushire is also book ed for $500,000. Former he was a great distiller, whose brand of whiskey com manded the highest price. After' he had made a fortune in that business he quit it to join the Church, and became an ardent lecturer on temperance. Last but not least among this choice band of Cincinnati gents who are; Said to have made half a million a piece, comes the engineer of the whole deat the king of the Cincinnati cliques-Mr. T. B. Handy. They gave him another half million. " j The crowd of Cincinnati tailers was a large, and on the whole, a very well behaved one. About alb that ancient town is said to have taken a hand in the deal on the clique aide, and if re ports be true they are . not sorry they did so. Now, there does not appear to be any reason why the art and music lovine talents of that-town should not be developed. "Tbinsrs of beautv ought to be as abundant in Cincinnati as mosquitos in a meadow. - " irst on tne list is Charles Jtcammeis- berg, who was called a "tailer" of the first-class. He seems to deserve a more dignified name, but the clique' proper have said it, and it would be disregard insr their feelines to chancre the t word Mr. Rammelsberg ia credited " with $250,000. The sons of Oliver Perin, formerly distiller and President off the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, are reported to have secured, a largo sum. E..L Harper another "tailer, is! put down for, about half a million Shaf e Forbua and . Thomas Smith are each allotted $100,000. ; ; -This foots up considerably ovet $3, iviiiooandit. wonldn't be. surprising if some of these parties found theiestl mateahdthe actteal facts didn't exactf ly tally: LOVELYv COMPLEXIONS POSSIBLE TO ALL "What Nature denies to many Art secures to all. Hasan's llagnolia Balm dispels every blemish, overcomes Eedness, Freckles, tSaUowness, Bough ness, Tan, Eruptions and Blotches, and remove all evi dences off heat and excitement. The llagnolia Balm imparts the mosif delicate and natural complexional tints no detec tion Delng possible to the clos est observation. 1 Under these ciremnstances a faulty complexion is little short of a crime. Magnolia Balm sold everywhere. Costs only 75 cents, with mil curecuona. (Rreat liectric ILiffrt Show MUSEUM, MENAGERIE, AQUARIUM AND tribtly JVEor al Oir cus Travelling by its own special trains of steel parjor palace cars. f 50 Years Without Change. FIRST IN ALL THINGS! FIRST IN HEBU! .. FIRST IN MAGNITUDE! FIRST IN MAGNIFICENCE I THE SENSATIONAL FEATURES ARE: The Great Electric Light A Herd of the Largest Elephants. The largest munoceros . in America; weight 4,000 lbs. A Giant White. Polar Bear. A Drove of Bactilan Camels. Musk Ox. A Colos sal Living CrocodUe, 20 feet long. Egyptian Valpus. One hundred different kinds of Mon keys."" Pair of SacredWhite Peacocks, worshipped In India as gods. The Man-Eattag MandrU. One hundred different kinds of Plumaged Birds. 1 11 Jan. 22 nac THE ONLY MED1CINEI That Acts at the same time a' f AHD TEE E1DBZTS. WHY ARE WE SICK?1 JBkohm am allow Hum gnai organs: tol htmatA doaaed or torvid. and poitonemtX H humor ar therefore forced into tM www LWILL SURELY CURE JKIDNEY, DISEASES, i ' ' ; .;! -i - "i' .". ;c; ..i'S . ; . . .-. ef.Wiino. wHit.!rt ara 1 00 Performers. Male and Female. A' Cortege of Goldea Chariots. Kn liTna oiBaWild "iluiriila: T A'School of Sea lAons, - 100 Blminutive fSSLLSSSJSS. SSre VaulteOySnasSrmoOT In America. nit - ; ''.: .rut nra . fW Words to tOb rjedole of Charlotte and vicinity: Tett all teowthe show. It has ai. to America. TheMenagerle embraces more Lions, more Camels, more .Tigers, more wiges, more ; ephants, more Monkeys, than any other Bhow In America. j . . 4t t . , Tl Extoaordinary Attractions are a Troupe of Hindoo Ww.nt. jSS'ioadid Samson of the nineteenth Century! Tne Human jaeuion a tt y"". KiiV(.aTrouDe of 1 wttopowder, and whirled through the air with terrific l. libr bT UiU Dogs and Monkeys In the World. These are features owned, controlled and exnipiwa oniy w i the Greatest of all Shows. No esoeptiona. ; ' , v other show TJRrtfAKYI -4 E.M.ANDRES, The Arteaian well. i( . Durham Recorder.- - U Y,--tti , 1 'On Monday the well was 1.430 feet deep. The augur is now working, in a hard rock; from the appearance of the debris "brought tip, gneiss; but itis so mixArlwith frairments fallinz in from the sides; that it is difficult to say what. the world a blank,. I can- J it is. Tne: tune woow miea wiw wawr MatftJ .Sesnl hunt- to the depth of 1,200 .feet, part , of which ' aaa atMum IUTQ I IV iUIV KIT. vwmri.ni v, IP ttKS7 COWSTIPATIOir, DISK ASE9. TKWt.K NEBVOUS DISOBlEIlS, cif caiuingfrt action of these- organ cadi Irtttoring tAOrpower to taroxo car atteate. ; Why suffer Billons pains and aehest ' I Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! WhyfrighUned over disordered jUfineyw Why endure nervous or sick beaaaeneu rf KTPNgVa.WOItTod rdoict in htaUhl Tt l mtm in. In Vegetable Form, latin cans one package of which makes six. quarts of medieina. AlaomliantdForiiitVtrrConMa.. trated, f or those that cannot readily prepare it GET VtOT TCHJKJDRUecaS - !. WEIiLS, BICHABDSOX & Co rwp'B, (Win sead tbe drypoepaid-) BUBUSOTQ TT. 1 Marchii7d&wly ; . , r P. 0. WILSON, CHABLOTT E, N. C, Sole Agent for rw"2:B?FV?r?r t,' rJi.i... mmlna frnm s nnoll vn n ftt the dfiDth ; means ix neueaai. i fwfv so wu rTlt rTZi; ' 1: VOTOSTOCX OF-;-:. V aIstwt surpassed tn Wettir."' We have It KJ IP if TwvjaiKlA hw f nnl I will not live on, and, my sustaining! i powers' being paralyzed, I have ? only one way open. LOUIS COOK, Coliimto: Buggy -AtrnTBB lTjpCSALt,'atia Bargafhw y---- ; I t j . r ... , . f " f - ft) TWq BILLIARD TABLES, WATEBTOWN SPBING WAGON .; " , TOB TBI SALS Of Jaomallatle Goartesy In California. WatsonvQle Transcript. ' The ex-bullwhacker who "runs" the Santa Cxuz flentineZ is: down with the Tn7tfltf TOTftJ t.J t-llk S 1 twaddles,- and hi, xecoverv-iaiioiisider- A JT-a'f'i. 1 1. 1 A 'J A L f filOiniarirn IMI I HUM J BU! . tnFHr T t"l- W.5 aUOUfl UI I a. . . . . .. . i , j , . -ttt ?TJ i wr'05 wttfiii. kt vt' n aiad. i ea extremely qoudlxul xne latesc duip. To FIT the head and pocket, of iviaT "T, TTrt ."V-,"7rr- 3 5 1 let:inconcerningis cpndiUon is : Pulse Btram6f?stfongrinB -the, : evaporation of which lert a saune in crustation. Below that fresh vyater was again struck, dui no m sunicieni, vftlnmo tj raanh f.h A anrf ARfl. Mr. Dick. itn&art3aUow'rwar,far will halaf In fkla nraalr tt AnftHIA Wfkrlr I "-J-" to go on without interference from the COMPANIES, I unt and only SPBING Ottf fattem . .K1. ' Hats and Bonnets will 'fa ooea ltifiifc,,tn v - r t. -in etAmlhA'tlOTi' 6T out stock win convince . -j, Udft -halt we stand head In styles and .: if, ipr- - i prices in bur Boa. , -.ivr .'" f . a. -a .a aa '-..-A any1 V- XL 41 Price $45. " These tables wist be sold, a I have omr Ena nrwmftss. vor Danunuara-wiuress me m Btatesvllle. N. C eept.dlw t KA 400, temperature 550, respiration, nor-! mal (when sober), takes "nourishment" I with eviaen. reustr, at a free-lunch counver. . TOP BUGGIES, S66. Sdm mdneajsmts -to. the wholesale trade Cor respoxuience solicited. . : lUttH.-j:--i , 1 fj . ., t . - - - ; , 'pbo6f eveby whebU ' JOS- iSfcCH tore to watt on Inn trlendg . , t-TS f--ir3tt iirviset Of Mr. M. B. I 4 ZeaTateful re- ? It any invalid or sick person has any doubt of thepwer fand emcacyoi hop uiaers to. cure them, thev can find oases exactly like their wn.t In their own nelK-hborhood. with proof nostthrei that they can be easily aad permanently cured, aA . (naing cost, or aaa your axaamkvm yurncian. i A few man WZ nrst ana oniypne ever the GNU, the Horned Horse, wn nas tne reaemuia- most Wonderful pf all 'SLSSSSm thifslLVEB ANTELOPEL the ttrst and only o?eever Horse, but la stUl a IFiLH AMTBICAN SLOTH, that you aU; have read about but have exhibited; and stUl another the fnrORS anKACONDAS; and stffl imother never seen. c W'Difc f real live GIBAFFE3, ihe most beautiful -end eostly ani leature, the most wonderful oia, a nera.ui u-k'-A t-XifrJ- mals on exhlbUlon and the only ones now. on f J , Paradelsb aiaj auuw u aww - r . . ir. " . 'i-. . hu show is too big at but a small advance. AKLES'IlAniEJL r Uii S KM ETATESVILLE, JH, 0. ' 1! 7(1 J i . at.''-. nnHiai A- ttnaa Ml wmXMK lAtUQ mi" ft IHnft Dl nan bviVrs. Dr BeAs.j wnose uuennon a,i Jceep a twi.y firetcu i l ouse to every res jwmj floors. - 1 tfi " send to airs. wa . x-uusnam, 233 Western 1 t : ; Avenue. W Maas.r tiamphleis. V?A Bzzr, ivdIbo, Bp WatLu a; tAai j rx J'fTenletaanina I tnum than anv inmaa3.TKa raaa'i tor mv ! rXV) WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is herft ,, X. by given that the firm, of Davidson BealL r horetolore doing business as grocers to Charlotte, i.v. v.w ,,l auVJ I la tHIa in riiannlveA m mnmAJ eraiannt.'? ail nn- r Hon Bitters Carers, I was giv?n up by tte do Wlls wui be by LeBoy BMm. and wra 19 ate OI scroiuia COBSfmpuop ;jl wo oovues i 1 r.nvnVnHn' tt yout bitters cured maTr9 LxBOTBnxWXB. I ---- lBqY-DAyiD80NK twotonte.; -V"! ;' . 'I''.'-fffXi' V iZ"mm im-.--; The rjatron juiyiui. of tas public Is sci: a S M 9 A :, . I IF . Kmilii Tl 1 ;: j ft .. . - . V i . i- a, . .,, A 1 iterest, owned i on by ,7r w I NIUU UlOU WklXJ - CUUlU " iUU UA A!."BiW I1 -w--i v. il . .ppe v J u he f or tn ,V-rU " wis"iBf so ' "Tf -toj1 them ta 4 mnimil, - . . V-r.r ar. tan;;i. i aonM ..,a ... ......1. - A . a mayll-u 4 . i Having purchased alL the A. J. Be&ll m tna MM firm nT hnalruau son-A BealL-I deslM tftdAM nr tha hnnka JPaymenta must be made nrompSy, as indulfnce .atthe old stand. " -. ' -t.wrot Davidson. September l,- K81, nTT; i a u. tsep2,tf ; J binsbn'4 Big Bhow exhibits at the above places, b . 4 h t -1 izi;t i David- 1 1 j. . . to date. 1 PHAThr.MonaaT.BewemDer 12; AuicoinsoBxuesaaj. me low. ":r-Ti7 I t hiirMar.l B: BockiDEhami Friday. 1 6: Laurinburg. Saturoay, 11; .ni--7 Bilfl -t "rtT ' .'4. . --"2-'"r" . . " .11 . toflnna nn 1T1A ! iCheao eieurglon rates en rae Carolina Central Ealiroao, irv1" Lr.:"TKrri. Monroe. 19.. davs bid John fdaue3sDl0.w2w ap:A 7 1

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