. Hh 19 HfVTlrVTTP ljMinfcrilr.C- I L useless Deei, win and ire : useless beer, wine and in tonics and QieXlebls Ce's Corn Beet S , ! i . I t 1 - i" -ii i - iuaii id rxi or axmta a -narrai nr. i " 1111 -" . w mm m w nun m. in ihiiii tin y . a m-wi i a. am . uru a APPETISER 'iQ TX. o A TRUt 1UWIU i i i w i i i i i nJliJ ilWiA ML 0 HM CJQ ' " " ' 3.3 X-k !! niM1 tb ninaae, ana gv t M Tattina the Food, re oxtr&na. removing " ujr"" v ' T "t.o SUNDAY, SEPT; 11?1881. KernerstiUe 2fw: FprayUi county torn n n MM t4SUlJt3UiKX! mz m n una w - U11LUIU I Sffi'SStrawsas -.T - - - - i-7imMmml4Ll .... - 1 i which I nr rMtaral tons r SfS.7.cJ 1 VirMraTi With tta nimuli J - ' - - 'Mtor OhrittUa Ohnwh. Troy. O. taAhrw-ii nnAn&a on JU.O gvAn tMiAhAra. including the Supexin tcndent, and three hudred and twenty- pre pupils nave reponecu There ia now a lively demand for Competent school teachers in this sec H,ion ofcouni.rhisJSiaooa sign. !We go in mTOfwf13 ter Steachers. butTOiWtefeers. They e cheap euougn aireaay. Winston Rermblican: Only one bicy- ile in town, and that one succeeded in xinniincr four bovs. running over six flogs, and scaring a horse badly one day jthis week, and it jjtaa not a very good pay ior me Dicyuo eiuuor. Work has not been stopped on the North Carolina Midland Railroad, near Itown, notwithstanding a transfer of the ownersnip oi tne roaa nas taseu ad occasion to draw it oft some weexs nee anttiwaJBSfWPifeexltd'fifeww size iof this fish, many or tnem were over a foot in length. He is so well pleased Srith his experiment that he intends en- laroincr his iond. I Anderson Pledger, colored, shot a ne- .7f ffiinlrWtmR'MARTCIt MtDicmK co:; so. m ioits a stuit. MM ifiisk VM mT.I TflR FOTTRX3 Em. T ll -TTIIO'i JJA o r kt iD, amaaArrive: 30W .axTO.;,TAi;- J5QQ pxg3fiserT DO BBLS. FLOUB, soofra ifHM tttEBRATEO 1 f i .. . T l KtZKx or fero girl by the name oi ttiaes, near ine iri hnt she "loved another." and discar- a1 AnrtAmon. Wherennon he deter- knined to have vengeance, ana wayiaia her as she was returning from work, hnd shot her, as it is tnougnc, xauu y - auar H. ! Rfcatpsville Landmark : Thousands of little worms, probably of the species of faaterpillars and yet smaller ana wiiu- heir apptarajxs i jifEQfWfciXffli pf own, coyenng uio giuuuu uu laces occupying the pavements so that edestnans cannot pass wimuui ovey incr on them. Since the aoove was wniie, I iueenome were wfjErrar4.pnyaiiui Frackvm.e.BnjlkiU.iaKjmty, Pa. The 1; wtiomT h raeu 7' I ! 1 prolonged dronghtas. dried up me ifwtprit eifl,oBa w Ngmanve acaon atroioi reuei uou wells and streams?' err-- raiis) uJ ISIXKNIJroOPPlttltflllWIWi? SmU!iatalQllOMl .. .taWXln th- rhf,i OnwMi frnindnr. flTMJ 1 'J , !.inM! ' ,Mrt '-'eir'l S415IXX1 AtZanfa CttfSClMS1 Hto. tarsal enlaienW9Bl fiai:i2tnr!feal. nl rt.rji1i, i j Jill IVI5I nf 1 V MJM ilJtl. I Mii fci mrn v-craaarmf mjr iftsvnewspam. -.gaiioM or gallon. Bftgare of worthiesa imitations i rM.y,M"'??w"" . .";"y." an imnroXBetea woman ou i iunarioue,JWi Wlt3RieTlMaame(1aPBraBwai; .li, Dim.Ji ..Itli adttieal nleaa Sums rode. hAna4neg he: W9 4NU V VUU Balliol Com MfVfcalltir jandronaEtIv.xT.ii iniayaeiQgis&sxe the above was written we unj sounty, and that they are stripping all of the fodder from the corn staiKs. The people call them the uarmy worm. tbWhaYeoeiashi VT OUV Ul 1UUUBUUU) WWIBMllluOt It is impossibletorKftt ahead of the laverace Western naDer. The Boiso Mr. x oster Tmujediateiy wroie to uio :enjfbiMeTpKBiieiwr iust!mate1 wm-prohably, bringjaher iensal t tJ nombined school-fmtids of all tne otner states oi dw union. rrne ftlniveraitv of Texai. soon to ImstaV- medjfeas orik4thftn,SQCWK)a.uWAth Nvjojmtb to-erect Dauaxngjuia permwf Oillll I H It 1-1 M I. Ckwph'liohnBton has mutton roiinaexjoecawaoiiii leigh dMing-rUiQ -a; l. muu J,'.,JU,i ..i' t WHfflWK? UiLSJSL, a 1 m vsL't'i mm m mm .srsia ii . i mm mmr tt ' 1 mr ' - ---- - - - - - w - m, vrvw S V I t 5 pkjJ '.: i s tint, h it k'i qui tu aitaKti pas yefut ' i i i BOXES SOAP Give as a trial before yon bar and we will sell yon. aog24 1 Tha iirgfoi- has failAil in mrV Wfllls In town. t im There was a conference of some oi the officials of thq Narrow Gauge Kail road at I4imtaqfra;jnrgh(iHa. Finger '6n-Ms JmM rtfportiilj? the road as booming. The company will put a force to work, with the gravel train rtn thA nnfininhf.d nart of the road bttofa remittent, through the town of Lincolnton in the system mar ye be freed Mmm maugnaot ahnnt f rtavs aTUi w;u v.. roody to be Tiraswlth Hostetters Bitters. Protect the system pout ten aays, ana wau wraw "JT against it witb this beneAeent antl-spasmodle. gin laying the track of the first five mile i fnrthflrmore a snDreme remedy for liver I aonHnn from that-, nlnnn in ahont four v . t-, . , w r . rr . . : , -- - .mil6fJin,iitovXhamw?orfc-i ; -- : r - f hi.ma Mn MMwa . u mA at t n n nnavonrAa . i . rai - vgfw itemfa maxmmwmxr&i- By an actor f wwi ewaa potprprooi oi iw vWrrtk and fiber witb f efer n ago 'iJorNT ibs remit a malignant yiMJriit lrtW.'ia I ft Jl 'three corresponding months of last I Xti s Hi .tU ' i i nan i I ui ?ear. i Tbe ForesU of the South. New Orleans Democrat There Arain, jrouzb, figures., 760,000 4 -square miles" 6f timbered lands5 in this A mnntn at vahiph A.(V 000. or nftarlv tWfl a'-thirds. are situated in the Southern ., . - - . ?srjwsi.jMtates, witntne exception oi portions ri! M mmmi BAGGINQ AND TIES win ceod plow. Toll assortment always on band. t - Call and see as before purchasing. a rr o : Vtttt i ' . K i r.a ijL: t 1 .'flliinP'i''r T"r BWUUU wruaj uuui nucis ;HlttO:sMfcfllilH TV TOW, at i IshennandoahJSTallevMwa&fnrsi; settled B.rr -2 V" VII 200 l i .ii r m 1 -i Si" 1 tif : 1 SORT PHM a ill 'JUHMH- 4 ri w I i 3VU IJ1I I f Ilitt WJl i4tteni it Tw JUL ju u ai ri-jr uiiRr t ba PM WMPMiWmillfpWH'HIfrWHfj''' r t 1 trw yrreaiis, jut. 'All S Prizes of l.00O..r.?Al:F. ilL.cFKW an I " ZUnUHIH OUU...... aOO Prtaes-ef ,fl00w,..i1, jo; 10.1 f v APDroximaaon tmzes oi Apxiruumanon rtts, muumu hits jfii 10 m i i. 1881 Prizes, anwm&ng ta.,.i ......suatfa For .ftnilier tnforniattom, rttet:-4ic(aryS MibaB ill address. Send orders br fiznrejur n, Rmrfa inewvfwanti uxuaana, - toil spen4fleaiand rjageent of ens e. AM &n nererji . cantii strwt;Jfew lort Cifo sauOiriea by tb mat ed tealasl aen. jifggfj KB. PQlunj. no?t punn EotteiT i domeanr. i . Rhrt .imJ BOGUS stana-TState ageQH.; Tbey bare no thoi iicKetsana- Ibemsej-es. as as; m. iou eom- its agents Jfr t Loul8lana,8tate LoUerr Co. f itheethm avalithe North Oaroiini jrith whom he serre'In tho Tnost try- uff tiroes thaK thiaf Country,' harmt Tooth, .aiiiffpiif 1 . Foot and tars and au otlt& ; - it; rrrmn and AcIBS n' on eta'qaals8lriis Oit, KB I Qindjjha only loit"Wse(Nfeaj- Old DaDyi- xnat was an. ina news was fiashadtacrossi the. wires and reached him- lost ief ore be went on the stage to i iuPthasl $lgh montlis thereviteT!, . T" uieur. tiaouiuea: .i-mmig ; uu tti&atnlQ-!assets-tll. In1 Sotith ?arblrD; there Iprelfe , 79, Ite? nesssee 129, in Alabama 49, and in Mis sissippi 90. BradatreeVs regards these failures as, on the" whole "no more than theijeaaU; of ..aujordiuarUy healthful movement of trade." The Southern States taken together compare faroraJ blyftri .the tables for the past eieht rhantha with othersections of theraon 'l fvf-j. t'.'i taam-lt TiAi-':,, vt . . . . . . ti'HHi t l ". T " . ir-Ji ioopa "juqpt near" iron j TV lTTNTITW B A. VOGEIiER & CO.. ' dee 80 dft w It . .- -' ..-iJii - t I' I I'M' ' . H'l ! ' . . j' . '.M'.l' ' 1 "I'.H '' 1 lnbeatrof LobiflTilie,on- 9 FRIDAY SEPTEMB:it 30, . 1881, i These drawings ooitf monthr (Sundays except- ) tmder prorlalotaaef an Aetef theOeneral ls- 3 r , i ; i ' 1 i ' , i i ".. i Kxenanee. lady was, before his marriage, a f uri- Qujbswearer.t , .Through his wife's iaflu-- ence belief t off tins; nad namt, except cWenrsJv6te!cttSS' W6itl, which clttniz'tb him under all circumstances, and which tp the great annoyance or gooainie nf Viinsciously use every where the word rdamn. several montns since he ose one cold morning, before the servant came in to make the wood fire' andrafter a lone effort and fruMessfi burning of many matches' turned' and j ; aa)d4 "SalUe. vfm ymh ticaily proven witn the mmmj or any disease rei)tlng front A was only in the Bvsfs ana vjxiee i aimosb treeitsiw. xb hwOTwtpT2.TOSrEllst century mat tne immense wrests itim. Neuralgia ParyfiiMSplnal.PiroOTtti 1 flw. . noii iho an4'rftaea fee Blue Bidge,, iam sprung AISQQKW 3iW4;uqlqiUVVHM ' ti. . . health guaraateedi il-timsm: aMewJOx. oureau maae an estimate oi tne wooa- deeirle' Appliance tuat BaT0.yr lurpa of this State, it was fixed at 15.- elplea. .X&ic thoi and tbrbavUft nenia fom iuedtatn uecaM. imdrscmen Bdlluidl WW rnest imdrdllMhaT6 i7,,000lan incri ! Send. athStla this Statemo . and the damn servant has; lot-1 a : J,i' n to onng up any -ttBian-junuung. Ji e.-r r9tli.a jMWII ci ,?ftta mrr& m w -raw i than keeps pace with cut for lumber and fuel. It is es- ated thatleven if timber is cut nown ess the land is used for the purpose ew growth wm spring at the &ebWrperacre a This would give us one hundred on cords of timber grown during past six years at least quadruple consumption during that period. owtoreim.'' themalir tiievjtlaber 4 growth ranker and more rapid than in flur state, xnenewergrowtns ox tim ber can be studied along the banks of the river. An instance is also to be . L a a a. M 1.1 m r, ik wl seen in tne soutneasveraporuon oi me viiperisnoi x-ast .Baton xtouge. wnen .first settled that portion of the parish h cbntained scarcely any pine country. eref i 11 ? -sto arev i s L tomart the damn fire wi,tti He looked the tftnberDf athis wife m absolntedjsblay,,but at uuuh saw una uuxuw. auu, ooxia -uwiuuik Alunffer neriod than usual Bassed- witnojot the vrirenTK.peipg xr ana saia, aiuer iuusuuk iui iw oauie, where has tM damn basket 'gone tor LOVELY :V:i.i;;-:.iibftiLK POSSIBLE TO ALL "What Nature denies to many Art Scares Wall.: Hagan'a ; Magnolia Kalm.dispcla every .ilesiisb"4vereosie,edne&s, Freckles, Bauowness;' itougn- , Jilotcnes, ana , recioTes auei-. $ dences or heat end excitement. The Magnolia llaim imparts the m()sf deUf and riabiral comexional tints--no detep-' Hon beiEr possible to the dos-; cstobsemtioii. ' ' 3 1 Under these dministanees a lanltycomplexionislittleshort f a crime. V.. Ilagnolia Balm , sold everywhere. Costs only 75cents, witli fall directions. -U' '('J i''rTJO'.j; ft .t ; i bin -J'i ;-'. ; ij " ; Tbe United States Circuit Court .bn-Haren" 8a rendered the foUowtrur deolslona: ,f , i, i ; 1st That the Commonwealth pis !2d-ttdiawlrjsaarfalK l -ivvinli In Tae Company . Daa now on hand a large 5reaeir tuna. HeMUieuaiojpnzeafpiuiB,,, f. 1 o .riea. SI .000 eaca. i j. .l . . : i. . l . i :in.i 20Prlxes,ii6QOieaeb;..v...i; ,10,000 , 100 Prizes, ,ioo eacn,,.,. ....... f iW 200 Prizes, ' : 60 each,. . .V. k?i . ' ' 1 B00'f,rtees.' T: 20 each. a;. u .. '. ft2n 1000 Wzes, . 10 each.. ........ . lOsOOfl a Prizes. 300 each. ADDroximation Prizes S2.70K prizes, zoo " 1 - " i wi Prizes. 100 " " " . : ii 00 1,060 Prizes. :tU2.4oe ' Whole Tickets. S2i Batf 'Tteketa, t I 2f ttket, i Bemit Honey or Bank Draft in Letter, W send tir.Kxoress. o DON'T 8KND BY, RSGiaTKaKI) LETIKB 0B. POSlOFFlQK O&DKB. . Orders of 15 una upward, by Sxpressean be sent at our e Dense. Address all orders to : n;i I 'n.'ii'mi i B. M. BOABDMAN, CoarierrJoornal Build)m , touisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway ew TP. , IMlEMt cth IrcreliitsDetieitic, IHt O'tl'l ?'-' LrsOI Store 1 J T SABATOOA XTICHT. - -... w&--.ViSr4l W' f:n. ; .- Vi d J isilw Mil t I'ilii ikwb'o i 1 f i. , .m&i:. IewwWr H aaaa antaclA; dypepaia,,. aids mtm. is itipo .ftiPwawrfuitonla juuftjfoag y , diuretic. Also, !7 re- a. h'irv 1 -UT ..! (KU ftim H1 ail tp ate.-.'-. beeoinyehdeam eathartk'and at - "Tiexatrr and la all :tonu t ysvefsla. - erf1 i :; k-u i I u . ,i ... .-.( -. 5S MHlS Hi' Iff fi-i'rs-j .TrjHTf.T tss -sr ' . 4 :.' , nil ? j 5-j-.' . I, 4;. : .- 1 1 .iwu-t AaAsfollaappif of'-v -V irMftTiDrAEDLtiriAfHS .... aro THE fiREAt EUROPEAN ; NOVELTY I Doa-Awine tfaw latfmlwraaaiast UeUgaf- tbat its nchnesa la aDerteat- aalra jtimuu. ttiat of all otber Imowffwaleia? ' " good and these writers with remarkable snooesa." Prof. Scamoni, Wnrsxbarg. I prescribe none butthts4? r; , . . . i Prof.IxmfoBnmk.M, IK,W. tL 1 London. -k-HOre Pleasant than Its rirala. and nmimaoa ' them in efBcacy." w. iMfli, u., Ji. Boyal Military Hos Dlfial. lfetley.Prtiferred '-to'- Pnltna an4 VrteA. nananau.;' ; . .. vji s ; , - j a tl JOHN H McADEN, t?i.j(f- ,.'n-'-W ti hb-'t .: .--.:! i :, Importing and Dlspeasih Pbaimaclst -M ' S .VT. .' .iK ' NartaTryoaBtp- i- i -s CH1BL0TTX, H. a l .'I'inivi Utlki! . nONT GO TO SARA TOO A Whyoncan'wfeer'ns asfresnahispark-- iinKBswaen KB0ws rrom uei . We receive this water 1b larare j wDica we reiurn as soon as em nue agatojweriweli., 7 , H tt JUMeADIN, Presolptlpns. carefaay prepe ty jerianeed ., , and oompetertf drutfata, r.i. y i.'-. -:- Ltli't j vMl.l' - '' ;fprpj;igfj:-: .Wtfh'jiltb U 3,(1 a . This Great Specific Cwa, that . Mpasome Daae !;ua i. V) Ttgrwt .i !m aog26 SPRIMofllllllG. ' if - ill : fLM I lArJlJ rlltbiifJ --- v -i -- - -m 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 lr 1 af F, 1 1 1 1 1 flf 1VIA I f VA1XU1AJ JrThe vines, within the memory of man, 1 i li f-ti ii.u.; u E hejWifeAailMlsffMKiW child to sleeixi said;: iAAAk ihie. damn cook get tnexiamn .rwgffraroivaersoBr eees it" As before, he said JHHmziftvlTafnf , fBrff vrrn Bitrvf t tnonths have passed, fffl f-p iSLSl-r i niuw'i tni,uin;lAmif antts anything it not wheje sialst Ihesivs it was like Ukinghuiniiie. and a r k . a a .!aV. leaiways went ana wasoea nermouin- j', EWrward, but enrpd. ) The finest Tooling specimen of man- 11 I I 1411 ' Whether In its I t . i . i- .. ,, . i - Primary, secondary, ori terjiary , stage. , nil tnuyta of mercmv from the system: ' juwAfniaJold norea. TheaoDatlsaiL ..uemoxes cares t eezems. Ciatarrli. or any blood. disease, isdlu -n s ,.M.tne i Ik r .- , t .--..t .-t-... 4 iJHOttll 4i4UIOU .VMM BPWi:OM:l MsendfWt or low joWrwMOWK hood, in every clta found the western side of that river. j In point of wooded area North Caro Ina. with its immense mountain reaion jw- tma hv m in the western portion oz tne state. At teLhi KoMw hr fjTHtnnaifeinn kiharftenfttnand ar asm a wmn w i 1 h .i p.i Din tiw annn n v k TotSrtwSynn placvW flrT le chances in favor of tne latter, as it tnfaina Iaas bam. marah than nnr Rtatfl tw -u i wntiiai le) ,f!Hi i.44nen come Aennessee, .lauama, -tvrit Sprint iJiiiB TtMt .. a to xnnenai .tteuwjj kansas, Florida, Georgia, South Caroli- lamed, with from 68 to 66 per cent, or leir whole area well wooded: wnereas reatest 1 amber States of the North. ie and Michigan, which produce ie .m. s:iJtJ .1 ailu$t .t-ctl u'llO VJrwmT ,v!)im(JA i'iiiin,; ,)w ii i ts ti' .imro'feirei ji ! vn!;.-.h Imi rtJa triT fWwi;of! j;h am 1 ":a?.".SMiT2?-7 "Iff fMiliio47aaifI4i ! .H ixis Jns- AmA Mi num M W bits I.awoH I! If: -ti The UtfeeHlliiMtaM-- 6T0CKt- f i ie Acini Arl UiseafAaodedy JL M llWwttimffliii MUVU lIiaCXalatMra Ilillil HI 1 .el-ioUk earl ttoa tfwa w iKrfp,,sflS tu OS. J NOTIONS fl.l Willi VI 1 US Tor Ladies and rM!drer- V bar cm bad the pleasure of showing TE Tfc flu :MU.ii HoeiraT. . ta not luiuMted ia the e&y. We ba?-r HATS .QnffiDHNETS iiiir t'i )rirv,y' V.S" if1? vx $ "We learn from a gentleman who - aaA i js.v", says tne unieago Tribune of jfsxlDartof "Wi'-4'riidflr inhahitantJi rftmfimhpr a ravata ?J(B case the ces- -ia io xv-?-m .nnifoi o aj&i ataosn tksauon ot rainiaus Degan a montn later uian now. unr inrormant declares ig and topped at two pr tpree feet ieh. nroducincr nothing, or at best but tiktWl Struck have failed. For the first time in twoiaoal&Sirahe een&crnlnce I fie "fcorn- tfeaseJ'irfotl rings, r. It "Ve eny jseua itaows. has uuin r . .ii - - i, ' z . . , , f!di'.hB Jmi-. irkx jtaad auinam twial 16 nistory 01 zrJUacKoerTiw uaro "FWrv?fctt ?r p Ai'RTi ifwraaf .Deen a failure. But the water f amine .-r-rsrsar1 in other ways, epnni sZZXTZX& . 1 dreeks and artificial nonds are dry, oad OTdef. Pries tiaS aaoh. WOlafiii one or 4 has bacama a nroblam how to procure i!?,r?B- ? I Stock water, it is safeto say thatcorn ttenbaecs proaiicnona-iiw--i;ui, as comuaiew niw Aook lull.n Jta JrtOOtl WWtjuall I CmS.HlV A X1MAL imihJ V - Artec ynlwsrtabier'-wwa wrt'Vu tAaverf iraitv ? ries5;er.:aiajsrae- -y rreH E4wa tf i s e A. OK Hi! itsSiM b MraXxiiV 1 tL-uiiaai whoa jjilmmumt JU ito i uommoaious ssm''ier ryjsniic ana secvuu Tbe parron" oi duimU is touano. .Jr K .ip .... "m. among men Der f ana IP, but how mh- tixien und en among-"' -vummp-atweu y tne sm' - r. a ? T? ri rien- oned abov H 1 1 -at it-2 ti.wo- an, whether V? FWlfiT ?vant, deeds revision ltrv p'Hjlix ena ble a person to.'i.. eme time master and servanrsi -y.iand ruler, then conina in this direction, ii tnere is iV vtr tiiimu mm nn -wrn nrnn TTin Tnnrra i iaeeni9iA2ainsci otgcv wwuuwg ,.oiua. ith a sliai'PnysMuettian man;a a a . " 11 A. A. nvsianajuaua occasionaux suuieot to uUardxitlesliich1 that' di taAtaanallalmnsate . . . . . r iisj. i v endure a strain xjaai .no xnan i ould tolerate for any leiigth, ot ;Urat ntil-wnat-48 -modestlv cauea noi eeping is recognised i as the noble ience tnac it reauy is, ana is careiuuy studiediitt f W ' ... t vtiraKwiii hfiiMrei irodiey of sense, industry and endur- .eaoiATtriaxi asii jn i in i J.!2r4Lirillsa:e letrored. 0 London. rpfcATlsnatgaTS tbe village of iBeclfenbackr in Bernese Oberland, has been almost destroyed by a fall of stone. Anrh,lLtrfiwJaA mill Is la consequence of Simmons Liter Beguia r. i would not take 11,000,000 ior my uua that medicine. or W, H. WTLSON, Lectorer Florida State Grange. .oiBsarepuions. we are am ipepslaT The Deft tadwnTemed lor du-i less and lndirestton is Simmons Llrtr Bego- Thonaands of ladles to-day cherish gratefDl re- 1T1F- au U llh rrmniffliiin McPfkrienffinp 1 -'- 55 taaa aw -aavaa if', i v,f ;, f)Sll ok UiiT ni bvnTi j -il.' .;j.lC7i,fr Uai OfLlfJ ,-.Jj e ill'ni-lV.iii lilT """ c"TimMP SEED. i .ii .1. . ur - ' '!(!!!. si! I KA'.'t.J . IS'.". llLliaSBBKU MlCIDMY DISEASES. - Hxi -- ... j . . .-r r. PlCSf COWTTPATias, UKiwaJt a j I LDISXAJiEa, FKMAXir WKurajsasa,-; alTCBVeUSPISOBSESS,' l u1yaff?WoaIlaaja14 ahe . Way.tomeated TrwPi,leil Cftastlaatloa War friUaadt4rdrei idmal ejvaaerat 1 KtoitbewatMarvIntfa hdna. ,Alaoi iatlaS,rB,Te7Cue. fct tpr those that cannot feadily prepare it. KMen wftW eqiafeiBaijiehcy i-Aaer form, ftiatf WrQt MtUQCIST. ' PRICK,' el itibn Riir ii- JaaltlOTi.'AifcMMaya, We have eases in our , town, who , lived DnHnm anH VAm flnallT (mMrt WltlfS. 8.-9. " "e ! w hQoM rvohl?'4?8afear, : n hairinven miiversal TOtisfaeitonv ' lrmr unnaeo- ' pbystcians now reoommeoqea ic b a pobimw ph -i it moat tannrirtrfali AfblRti U I havfl BBfln tt'StOB the hair faninB oat in a Tela short Urn.. I adyiae,all, amXerera to tba l and ,bcqreA 'nfjtitfk' ' -' -i'-f m WAAhtTictnn.-Zli.:llnr2.1881. , 8. S. 8. has given better satisfaction than anr medicine we have ever somut i ' . Denfer. Colerade. May'2. 1S8V' ! Every purohaaei BpekB Ip thettesi tiwiigat Ton oanf ie tor ear body to-,118 Jta. regard to B -r T la J v - .r;,(7Xii i .'.) .11 .il' biu. nI mxa Ml vrrnvtM mtfaA j WHITS FLAT DUTCH, U(J : rirtaSOSWBTIXMOEIOIx; r l5lobs AMBM GLOB. lua'1 lit -jizivl xiOTirtBI iBflMtj BOfifliK tu.:::u v , i' u n ; ai juTC CuS""ZVv- .iiSSJk'l biu: ff.3qjB3Ta'8i.GA oiBUOOaODlLl SWEM )K TaXLOwl E AlffitMEti SEED can aiw-As atLriBti;-i - . ; lli .i ll. v.ll f LU 1 wi V AI' H JiiffKlHlHll HO iiWOi 114 J ?; f!(iim Oi i;:JUiy.Ut vf it really is, ana is careiuuy i JmWAdiifeiH i slaughter of . women by ' f'inj.-- Ym mmt(toiemi mm t -ai iatverfomah shall be a sftwa,a ftawiy a i n ; af-CiJli -' wiaw - ' ------- ai- fVlTJaavJriM wvna www - We haW Toidwtf :Switl's sJ f pedffasetrttt Mil ETTTr 1. 1 great huiabecal cases, manyisi JSini k;h Jr -t jrm hot -n-rn-n Jn. d ... ,l,..ml.hoH' i-. ( i ...... . . 2 M -1 .etwrdlnely. SKiirftewii&1 1-rl)e1va,,: telegram at No. 83 N.wawaTe where hai. Mraeeper, tnat m ijjrttJS Ti 'ZTti ffnm fa ra aia l w . a ...lit iM . iT I l f .ii r ,i mug. i i" ." ' m ip. , . - Jil i agaiVMiayB WQae Ifainatol J Sunday Wekg Send to Mil LTdia ti! 233 Western .1 tl! l-0BTUNKJAT05APtSIA1- . sm Ua-.i Mb HMMnf.! ntmal mnu TJtvnr&nrw tap toe-adniofj hiVMiT-riTSLiB?. wrrecww, mere. is i seuieajiiita, wuie 'r n v - Tsiati aaiiu ia n innuiinui i kji iiiiift,uuH 1 BanVDSD AUTM awn fm ai,... r. . jjJyis4iduttlUi V4fWJ(jp3jw hi ait tsiitn wiili swo 3jf n(' ! flotoiAgentfor.n ; attSiat S lllll.i il.llllfl'- lfyBrttrfiiDi V - - - WXTEBTOWN SPGAtjdN OOMPANDES, - a M .if5ftKtf'aAtilr-y W'i1 BBOGtS2llABBIAGX8k TBAirTOT.S. BPEIira fanfMcdoat ttAmaAalT-i-.' Ther are meB i am i natores appear to the foregoing. Of high characra ana wan. una.-- 6PCfrBU30tja,5V iT0P.BUaGrE3(6fi. 1 f naotab mdoeanarfts rtoi twbttlesalB) trade. i 1 it- t i .llaiVAUUUUq U VdiltW sao rgrveni&aitne jprm orvaviason cl x own in vuoiwwj eoiwebiiiiAJI B.f oa-doUi baslaeaa li y AavldsoantlJ Having purchaiXu Se-Irtat owned by I iomforabie rma;brtcl:SchBlipr'e FUof wa-I . J. Pall In th ln?a tint. nT,. rmtwtA. I XT -. I T-tru o. . as., s te ete vn t .slSs tate. f sifieneaof a ia"T-o'wri..jw"e! pavir I ?'- i art oe tij a v r- or; - tif . fm:. -tu.'-rtce' f In aanirs ie U- rypra. ..rtu. sX-rfaJ jti'imti qcii a inni Hid 7E "V. fej thm! tiaiJtttritiB oa'rujOilni.-wefnartleol r Asa any4eaj ''I AhowttAf. . . ... t . . .. . . i q iCi.'w mm. SMi.ayj rt w i tia,. ?uy J i SLOW KETWAKixwiu db paiq tq any 5noni t who will rmai -on anaiysu tw swiw,wmw ne parocie oc aieiwyi l?o2jrw iflneral substance ..i jSWTFT SP. a nn -mriuilitTtfcaiiitiiiiirtiii1)i ij Bold by T.a gnjlOu,. WntoaA.ftnd. WUsoniBnnreTi.. .j-,. .M,Iin ii .iii irwn -.' -. .-. g scmci K AOantJ JiMSi i. "FOR SjaJiTC."- tMfatYIbe-ir . idOiiqAaBAAJXcj.t.U ifZai And onreaaoiabi JtertM, a- H :i Ri wuUTUiit kl-jjiill uu .tfcrFJiiifltW' iso.ii si.IT JMiiiotw ?jwrxvJ8iJ irfwlns 5o iL-nu3 JiDbOK h.:i."r U dwlTaVerXfif ttv stoeK'? lBtfirjaM hsfanei i4UelPeaaer If Jiiw mail J tstn iafi oi- Ln Vf sharst ef ptmU t'DatronaiHa I.ssa;rwi)etfuliy! w mj u: inoi pod9M - lv AUfa sd Deoot straeta. i:darmnvi.U. iLdL eenroAaentwMotoarou jiieirUi'Jrii Djjei ta .jiois ob J j .11 vCJtf .tR3W3tt" - "knttJttiL i t.- wail f vw r 14 J eet i.i.4k .f 10lMvl L.l i ..jrfor 0 ; 1 .1 n 1 ,8 I