If. v., Afl PBWMiniwnn ,i fty l jmj u w-,t.u , TUESDAY, SEPT. fS?iSlia.fe THE BAttttdAftkH The Obsebvkb enjoys vlhe ndiBttmM tion, anTOffilflfltiTOlf llBWB UlT the State, of having biw3nd ther to the railroad war which has but Just commenced in North Carolina. Oar readers -will agree with us that this paper is never neutral .on any great nubile Question, and it would be false to itself and to the people aye, further, it believes that it would be false to the best interests of the State, were ft to re main a quiet spectator while tne war is being waged against the present con trollers of the Wi Pesterajffotf h3arolna regret Ihatf we cannot Railroad. Wtftegi nnnftiir with Senator Vance in some of the positions he hasiiaken but before we get down to this part of the subject, and to givB'm6re force to what we nOw say, we take the liberty of defining Tile Obsekvek's past record on the subject of the sale of theJVfesteinHorih Carolina Railroad. To beein riJS'ffie ayrDecem ber, 1879, we stated; Trustworthy, iqri f ormatiotttreathei TaEfOBERyRhat responsible eapitajisisnn iJMtwj xpis. city propose tb uMb thejWteNNf fth Carolina Railroad offitleShinds fefJthe State. , Tty5 popdsitiiniid4deshe as-d sumption or ail aeDts ana uaouiues now due by the road, as well as all ob ligations incurred by the State in, tfae purchase of the road as it now; stands, to-wit: $850,000, and the completion of the road to Paint Rock and Ducktown by 1881 and 1884 respectively, and issu ing to thestfctft50o,oe9ln the bands of the new cgjopajar," JjL Our information came direct from Washington City, and it was under stood that Senator Vance, fiftodfc entire delegation in Conrefes, was warmly in favor of the measure. De velopments progressed. Gov. Jaryis, as the executive of instate, bjp the re commendationjyifeeol(;the lead; investigaeatEtopoitiOTif and after being satisfied that he was acting for the best interests of the State, be Issued a proclamation convening the Legislathre in extraordinary session. At the same time he published an open letter to the people of the State, giving his reasons for this act, in which after he had stated how careful he to guard every interest of "The proposition of Mr. Best aqd his, associates' aaperf eaed,breAy itatedf is this : The JStati, ihrohgh Avk propef commissioners, is to make a deed with out anVwarrantrortitle to "Mr. Best and his associates (and under the bill known as the Best contract, to his air siens) for the State's interest in the" Western North Carolina Railroad. This! Xa Hithi STw m. both tfluDucktown-and to Paint Boc i nor untllthfluther .stipulations of I tuoix wukutuo fwwwpu- .3 -1 These sUprulatldnjjf whlcbjadvernori Jarvis spoke, were all incorporated in the bill of sale, and were overwhelm ingly approved by the Legislature.' In Goy. Jarvis' manifesto, paragraph iChesajs: ' - "It iaior iou?.to the people) tojsay whether your fellow-citizens of the West are again to be disappointed. apValedyouforhdptfora of a centurv vou have resoonded to 1 their appeals witn all the means in your po8set!an. During that time, after expending millions you have been able, of the 340 miles of railway which you projected, nearly 30 years ago, to complete only 140, and the track upon the part completed is almost worn out You nave in your political conventions often Dledeed vousselvea to complete the other 200; iuilesj :and.-appropriate legislation babaerkparticiuated in by both parties to redeem. thisBledga, TfA sirmaizuijTZZiY wuof tNE be the speculation on that sribjeet wboei Wnipl 7tne-modificatidnl lists nc can say when another offer will be I made, xou are entitled to nave an opportunity to accept this offer or to decide to run the ri&Ktoi:anotherr . i . It was generally understood that the Western North Carolina Bailroad was a millstone around the neck of the peo ple, and especially of the Democratic party whicjhjras ijppwjr. Nca$Ixi every Democratic politician, Governor Vance included. (Mr. Dortcb of Golds- boro exoerlted) wafllH'f'trvop of ; iriv'eAU-! gating theifopOsjednf tfrsT$tv$qd -"P011 at a meeting, away fromL.fla?et gyn'iiffat, ftM 'nnlaii"g,, if poaaible. JUiAllsjeems.l.nA We no wraesire to quote an other little Zb? impressed so solemnly nsan. of hicfra. xtfhiio ih. JiW uirCkilAiSirew atGreensljoto. Tb wnnnflArdiflftnRTTr-ftTTaxnri-TfiA9iar. January, 1880, The Observes, neyer neutral, published these sentiments tin der its editorial head: "The Obsebveb has been put down as unfavorable to the sale proposed by the syndicate. This is not strictly its position. Where we do stand may easily be denned. If. after an investi gation of the whole subject by some commission representing the best in terests of the State, it is found that it will be to the advantage of the State to sell out her unfinished undertaking, then we are for the sale. We would not like to see the State's interest in this grand North Carolina enterprise sacrificed in the interest of the New York syndicate, the Mud Cut" boom, or any other "boom," unless the real nterests of the State are to be subserved . thereby. We said, and we repeat, if it is a good thing for the New York syn dicate to buy Ihe road, it might be a good thing for north uaroiina to hold on until she can command her own terms. We do not wish to be fright ened into any line of policy which may be regretted in after years. If this means opposition to the sale of the Western North Carolina Bailroad, then so be it; if on the contrary, as .we think, it is merely following out-p ro dent counsels In the interests off the people's property' then we take the responsibility.- The road will be finished to Ashemli withiif;a ffew inonths. Cir cumstaoceal Hd tbJB ddmlnds of trade ana travau ww .uiw wwuwuuu mi paint Bock in a few more. .We waited i- long and nxionslyto ibeait the. shrill whistle of the iron horse as he ploughed throurt. the grtmite fastnesses of Swan- innoa tunnel, and with as eager w we. long ito t near tne. echo aion the turbid r&ters Of the i rencn liro n a r -r , va.w t"-.. . -:.i-tA -a-ATI TlTMr.1fm .TlT ttru-a 2a fAAthfitil!eaitxit t. canPIPJ) Jr4 it mtlstio. on.;: There are interns ti;gb missln2 li- .'ia; r.-w ir-V"WtbaM',if 0 mwwwwi wr; way put her fct- SS.HffliSl-. to bejry. 1s fivfiCyears we have stood on the summit 01 ur modern Pagan, ana lOQKea ro the westward, and beheld wjth our own il. r - I u.a U. Clot .;1lna4 wyes huo uannnii uvjuuy. vuij kjvam We remember that Telnessea it otr daughter, and that inf thenof flfcdl; taut past tne twain wc-3 o.rr ready to say: 'IntrealTme not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee; for whither thou goest,! will go. ana wnere tnou loagesc lwm iuugo ; thy people shall be my people where tnou aiesrrwui t- cue, 119a were win x b bbried fi-'the1 State has advan tages lrt hflBiimakainnMafithtimii the heat and" burdeA of the S w h nothing to conceal, and "do not hesitate uni rut u wmn n n r r ira w n rav that wn mat we snail openiy ojjjjvbo AVArvthincr in the shape of jugglery, and h ail tarrtftst.lT afvodate everv meas ure that wmfies oJ the MvaA tage of the state. The observer aoes not "hide its light under a bushel, nor does it hesitate to avow iU opinions." When we uttered these conservative sentiments Gov. Vance, Gov. Jaryis and many other politicians of note throughout the State were, whooping up public sentiment in the interest of the Best trade. Well, the, tfelatprefeiOintoiUi and made the contract with Best and h$s associates; jmd theiroad was foxmF a$& Jarfiedfofver tfers.yrBesx, Wm. K. Grace, James D. isn ana J. Nelson Tappan.-with-aB- absoluto -title iiecessarilx implying the right of as-. Signmfent , ih Jther partes, .uj fulfilment f the contract snasupc the c&iitbnsDf the cntiict Vt iyea Sr. Best conseauentlv "flickered.'.' need Jio be stated fiereiJ Thefroatf kaVafeout to' iall bactftoihft&tatei tieSkfo&xwt- politicians, Gov. Vance among them began once more to beat thePQlitfcal ypm-xyn, awfc najeteneu 10 Auauuioiu ClycsyndicSfe'rof money tocSrrou Mr. Best's -' contract. ITo matter now trW&yrfSj rlhefit ocrauc party, teas savea as oy miracle, as was "then thought ana claimed by Gov. Vance, Gov. Jarvis afteertain iKEade 1 fif "BotSt these Wera4ltlf Treas urer Worth, for their kTTOwn probity, were a'ppQlntfenfisnfersJon-the) the part of the state, .and were accept cvx ao duvu, uu iuq,, paiv y- uv pur chasers and assignees, to see that' the contract was fatthfoHy carried 'Out There were certain contingenciei'yr- comple Rock was to be reached on the 1st of JuljT, C8$l.r ttilfxi My qolf AfTB Anarewa, woo naa oscome president ox Uia WeatfirnJorth- Carolina Railroad, saw that, owing to delays, he could not reach th'ej?aint Rock terminus by the J appointedti&e Tfifeght bdjUtM gattom wanted none: Tnere mtgM ttonWe ml He wanted to be on safe ground, at least 0 his sidef the J questloh.He went toGov. Vance, at f ureensDoro. wno was on his wav to Wasbiiigfen, and astodhimatsbne'ibf the commissioners to give his consent to the extension of, time. Gov. Vance replied, that could only be done at a meeting of the commission, and quoted the ruling of tee Supreme Court ;n the case, of theoj$h Carolina iBailroad Company vs. Swepsonci dl. 71st N.C Reports to sustain him in his refusal At tne suggestion of both parties a meeting or tne commissioners was called. Col. Andrews, according to the statements of both Gov. Vance and himself, offered to enter: tinto negotia tions with the commissioners. The commission refused to entertain his - .4. : is hi. -. r t it- were made, and Col. Andrawn hasten- ed to New York to have the contract for extension legalized, by the- signa tures of Mr. Best's assignees. Remem ber, the agreement was made at a meet-. ing of the comnUssjtoi hdagreed ujh on uy tui turee oi its memoers. uov. ancQ had saidthat f nothing could be aoheTexcepT'at a meeting, and yet he subsequently, by withdrawing hisas- feflnt to aiproposition .'made.andigreed,! I makeHfieMiiatter inort plafirr Got. asserted that, Ar .aotion . nf the viduai commissioners as sticif.'Was r J iL. 7 TT . - T. If T l t i TTi T binding, unless the commissioners should be in session, and yet he delib erately withdrew his assent given when in session, when he was in Washington City, Gov. Jarvis was in Baleigh, and Mr. Worth was at his home in Ean dolph county. Gov. Vance says he has reasons for this action on his part. If so he has not yet given themto the public, and the im partial reader will naturally inquire why he has not done so. Is there anything behind the screen? The Clyde-Buford syndicate took the Western North Caro lina Bailroad, ' no doubt, .because they thought it was a good thing. The politicians, at least,' thought ' it was a good thing for the State to be relieved of it Thus far both sides are even The synaicate proposes to carry out.the con - a- Iaa a , J.TJT". S S ' .a ' - ' 'A I'" . A - . w w Butvou uj uuui 4aiuru f nu .n- orews. . wnv not let them nroceed ? in 1 the namebf Justice can we not make a contract that we can live up to? IH the name of the State shall we throw, hin drances in the path of the controllers of the road, and then lash ahd abuse them, SdistiShedan tafiWEtt .i 4 srtl, St' itttttkt It )(l.)t j totest'fWiiwept LHnron ana. lnaAJli3tejgr.i iul6i in the Imined joads seexe seen the it chi)JMiW2 here for, but it was farnjei- t I mm 1 " t u . 3! i A 1 I I ; 1 v 1 l I I hadi been I uPr woica we, conwacfe airpciea wieae He.W c&mmijjsioaett to; eitend jtbje tiraBtor J t i 1 ' 3 I the cnrmfleEAn f Ahe crihtrict. PamtT prayer, oustatea mat ;r tne ccuapraxwtionaryarometer, was modified jn s nertn , . I UmDerMure. iLii S'ffirmuJi ifiaitilGalf, fair vuiug, rac- irvaur agico THE STORMS AT WI The Wilmington Bta antaiBi a tw5o-F 01 thelworTcf M W- tolas fbxin Fi prfufldlUiliioHl pOushainUia; eight hundred of the finest shade trees in the city have been prostrated while others have been stripped of . most their limbs. The elms and iaks the blow prQtiywdlbii ntlnyle -arftuBaropipd Tn artflitifffl J great numbers of turpentine trees were blown downTH A'iSiMagvinagif'fi I Fort Fisher, was swept away, except Alii r.. i i 1 i 1 1 H. jt9 :Doaus. xae rotai aamage ujr uutu Storms is estimated at 100,000., The Empjror o Frussia and tbert8zar of Russia had a conference at Damuc last Saturday. They 'dined tind. talked, but what they talked about is best known to themselves. ..Some think the meeting u uuiitiutu bij(uiucuiu, I - otnerg ' An Attempt to iCIli trkicaan. WAHiNGT0iL5ept 12. At 7 o'clock last Cventng 4m atterujtj was made to kBi COitAau ih bia'oll. it that hour Battery B. second artillery, was relieve been on auiy ar. tne jaii ine previous 24 hours. iThe batter; wagons, in the first ed First Sergeant Mat arawyup in front jumpMoutlthrew withlnusket on sh t.hft riorht win? of the iail. A few sec onds brought bim abreast of the win dow through w&ilh Guiteau had been often setofOfTtfting bis gun to his vshouldeivthe' clear report which rang through the Jail tola tne story 01 nis ntention and act. The baiisratea n and Satedis-oai sstich wafflumgingiaarAA 8idt&fi& cell. Sergeant Mason surrendered him self to his commanding officer, Capt. G e: has been nineteen years in the service. Ue says he shot for the purpose of kill ing Guiteau anchwit sorry he xrraed over copuie xjj jan eyerr t j w hgtfard the lifeofsu-clra curMs'thfrteau, so made up nis mina to Kill mm. lie loaded his gun before he left the arse nal, and as soon as he reached the jail went to the window, where . uuiteau, usually stands waiting add gazing for the arrival of the guard: that he fired and that is all there is about it. uui- teau was overcome with fear, and he pleaded for reihptvftl JbOt another part of the building,'! Jlla request will proba bly bs granted? f 0 i J Fire Men Blown to Piec Others Fa ,r tally Inlawed . Dispatch to hliutelpla TlW. , Uradfobd, oept. . xnis morning about nine o'clock-a horrible accidenl occurred at Sawyer City, a few miles f rom "Bradford. Charles Rust, who for iitliyeirs has been in the employ of litertsToipedo company, was attend ing to the shooting of a well on the Schoonover farm. A large number oi sDectators were present to witness th spectacle:Rust, wttbw,isSui fltep- perate cnaracter, ucnm earagei be cause he could not irthf rap hh( sneu. nstrucK tae cattneavar on or twice with his fist to force it into po sition. The second blow discharged the glycerine, blowing Rust into atoms and demolishing tne dernclc William Burton, Charles Crouse-j? and James Thrashles, , who were temoiy mangiea aaa mstaLyiy, kUIed." Fred SlatteryTa boy, had nis'&D domen torn out and was killed. Sever al others were fatally injured. Th tVeatbcr. WAsnrNGTONept 12 Indications Middle Atlantic, fair weather, variable winds mostly westerly, stationary bar ometer, stationary for Iflgher.jtemper-f. ature. , - , ; South Atlantic, fair weather.Yaria-; ble winds mostly southwesterly, sta- stationaryor nigner weather, variable jmmp in rnitm 1 wjuQUiwvssewi brfhlwgO3 Sidferiiiedfcd " i"iioviiatcijr "i" i passes a quisb iUMj i juw. mwnwioa , ma. f arrest, ' 1 1 eaindurinst JthosiBichtL; his condition aiod is S haute of Virginia, and I will be more favorable. : but nntil this ""Twiniii itoHnnarv harnmotAr fntinnnrv TiirTiTziierteniberkrarB: . . j lonely weather, posaaiy Uecw rains, winds mostly I wjummuij, bumauwuj barometer and stationaryor higher temperature. Ohio Valley and Tennessee, fair Jreather winds - mostly westerly, star ionary or higher' barometer aha tem-' perature. - jri . a Danville. Sept. 12. A violent stoim of wind and rain, with considerable hail, prevailed throughout this region last evening, commencing about 6 o'clock. In this city inapy trees were blrin down ttndet iou8S'':aAid I i fence -damaged.) Ehferid Confederate military hospital, nil lately usea as a colored Dublio school, was del tnta Tiegm.wiior'wgs in tne- fuiiamg hjidaleg bjrolten ahd aai-ofherwise sfiridtrsiy injOTedrSeYeiiraier ne gres .wera , injured by falling bricks. AajtLtt tel. iit -torrents, forming damag ing streams through the streets and fields. It is feared that the hail has greatly injured the growing tobacco. The extent of the damage in the coun try has not yet been ascertained. TraKhle Anticipated In If ew Or leans k NewOrleans, Sept. 11. An impres sion prevails in police and military cir-1 ciesjJiasthe late troubles wm cuimin - ate tin a great row to-morrow, xne police have been ordered to assemble m uio vicinity 01 tne cotton presses at an early? hour on Monday morning. But few policemen are on duty to-night, the men having been ordered home that they may be more fit for dutv to morrow.-Companies of various mili tary organizatlohg have been detailed for guard duty at their respective ar mories to-nizht for the mirrjose as al leged Ot protecting the State and city property vJt is stated that the military nave oraer? to De m readiness to move 1 at a moment's notice in case of mob to I 1-a At A.hl.'' . 1 assist 1 tap puiice., Cajt Axtlmii Boat Race, h tORONto;-Sebt 12. The final heat of ; the single scull race was rowed this morning. The water was perfectly calm. The following is the order in . .......7... which the men finished: koss 1, uou- 4Sa& 3 lAiAi4VlrW Hawk. 1A.Thii A a. m&?&Tto of" BiltU rTW tO-aaT WJIDurn tin k - v ire - w bU ant t)Alf ' TVirv 1 . a- m wnniAT. iua AAr awa.wa. Tho A. UftUW. Qvaxdfi af u na 41.12 -K-i.' . 1 '..InoV.ir .ih. a- C.Qalv! jsJyyLieoxcaVoathetAi i U I. . kM .jAtw--" . AAa . win. er crao wuy ken. aw.wcjw ooe i nt J Trtlti instant R TEOUBLEX A Tri t ka WMtvBItantalaa 'Pm jr9W:Dlfflcmlt7 . . . . WVtf''r raodsoitheHribest'atuai&andau )k, a. r- BeptemDer lu.yruu 1 nih able uration tirelToeasedr - The ODeninttlrom which the pus discharged- i rapidly healing. Theduighlessand expectoration wu iwyuawvu lui n 1fi - - i 1" 1.W. Bliss. r V 1 IX HAYfcS Agnew.' ELBKROM,:i2$8 p. miDr. Bliss feels better ls.'monaii;, :He says that thelnewsDapera are like , mothers with each President's PUlse, is about 100. tempera-1 1 tuxe normal ana xespirauon uubBiixuf. jjjlbebo, ip. ,m.pMmasrer General James, who saw the President this; morninir.'. aaVa h fnnnd bim in A)d spirits and generally much better -than be thadaxed to expect. " AMef conversation occurrednrintr the course 01 w,wcKweresiae4f jarmjx graspea, the (General's hand and spoke in a very cleaT.vpicei -The General says his eyes to-day, are;, especially bright .hd patus ral lookup. "The Poatmaster-General jks sp;4mpressea with the . imprpyeh , , ment tntpe wass nebiames wui'jjsu ui vet b able, to gotthe rWhlfe, Mountalhs. ! Hb has cone to New, York this, morn- irfir oh business. As the day nasses the President . imDroves - and the sureeons iitei more . eicuuKeu, ooa,xpreas wo; jf lnioa. that ung mpucauon is unoer couiroi. uu. ..v . ,.,,; t-.ft LDnq : Bbakch, 1.15.rThe morning bulleiiahas- had the eflect of allaying somewhat the apprehension wbich was caused last night and it ia : generally conceded by the attending surgeons that the patient is ia a . more favorable condition. Whether the lung trouble reported at a late hour last night will nass Away or- develop into . an abseess canhpt yes be predicted. ; If the patient time Relapses it cannot be said that he has entirely overcome the lung trouble. The continued iavorable - condition, however, may cause him to gain suffix cient strength to override any serious results from - the apprehended abscess on the right lung; uTne situation is con sidereo sufficiently igrave oy members of the cabinet to warrant the postpone: ment of . the proposed trip to the White Mountains and j Postmaster General James said this morning, he would go to New York but should return 1 this evening. The day is bright and bids fair to be quite warm. OiTICIAL BULLETIN. . Elbkbon, 6 p. m. The President has experienced since the issuance of the f morning bulletin a farther ameliora tiln of symptoms. He has been able to tase aa ample amount or rood witn- outdiseomiort, and nas nad several re- l freshing naps. At the noon examina tion his temperature was pulse 106, respiration 20. At 6:30 p. m. the tem- Ssrature was G.6, pulse 100, respira on 18. , ' Long Branch, Sept 12. The fol lowing was sent 2-0 p.m.: ouxill, Minister at London : yine rresiaent siepc weii last nignt his condition today is more com ertable: and more favorable. During my absence for a short time Dr. Agnew and Dr. Hamilton will send you daily reports. - ' Blatne. 4 , , . . Peaus. Boston Herald. Over 1800 years ago Pliny wrote : "All pears whatsoever are but heavy meat unless boiled or baked, and it is proba ble that the varieties cultivated at that early date could hardly have been any thing but small in size and bitter in taste. But when Pliny recorded his fa mous opinion, he wrote it for his time, and idea is as little worthy of consider ation to-dav as the Dhllosooher's real knowledge of the frnlt of the present day must have been limited. Pears are regarded at the present time aa among the -thost Wholesome and nutritions fruits. Baking or boiling may improve thtm'forwftai digestive-OTgantw1! iUK Alia T iUUlVTV VBUBlI law ftliu xiccij an hi iiiuico uuoj are prodnctive of fine blood and healthy skin. The amount Of real nutriment - A.. vnmu thav contain is hardly equal to that of apples, but tne fine ana aencate juices are iiiuuiT uceuvu ui wt vwci jlxuxu. Pars are' coming to be regarded as one bf the sUple' frulta crops, and a great j aeai or. attention is reiug paiu w lueir inure anamarxeung. - I.I !i !K . i - - . XVUm DlcTered ArtBtar. Onfinnatl Enquirer. t . " , General Arthur, was not a discovery th State during the civil war,, and af-, ArlrlNew York pol fntptfitics by iYeroormorganrwno i j ifot due and unpaid ior made him. Quartermaster General ot 1 taaa77'iE "7. 'rfT't s and 1880. ' MnrxdlvalSO belonged -tO ; the, Morgan . 1 One lot, theprorertyjol Ite XWJrowell, adjoin ftumTahSr At (Sxtdt Ing T.H. Oalther, at the laterse5tion f Myeis and KTi'i:InJi'SL Sxtti streets, forte.25, taxes due for 188a SUbpUesduring.the war Qn.ta Othei? , "oneloTthe preperty f Eanny Conner, being lot habd. Mx. CkMlkUng .owed hlS gratitude, 598, in square 78, on n street, adjoining Edward ' I - . - IT M -. " ,1aI a- O . OA tn.aa Jna f A 1 QUA s tn thA. f amilv . the loiiAidofJlie.CorneU University, ""Tr"' i". .-r.-A '7:7- ivVr J si " m aflotA thA. Tamil v . oi , jiizra uorneu. whose son is the present Governor . of New York. When Ckmklicame in to the possesaijon of i the patronage of Fenton he had Murnhv made. Collector of the Port and Cornell Surveyor. Ho race Greeley and the Union League ninb attacked Mr. Murbhv. who' re signed,- and then the Morgan influence 1 went temporarily over to Gonkungana 1 ha assisted to make "Arthur collector, I , :- ,:'aa. " ' rKV 1 fcf it, sa I'fk,: Paiaia m ttmt Arm Dantwiry (Ootm.) Demoerat. The unfoitunate Voting imaii, CrfOle Rie. who lost his arm from an aocident fltr.S rJrilr iaZZ: v- and Nbvt England Boadifewi weeks ago,. has whtAretthere- were. none. .iB., leis.wie TiftirV' A3hottc4i' thtsre WaS HO arm there. gested the proprifttywot digging ttPt am, but he dUateTei stories were Crtm ttoYkMlantfld nut and hlS iuui . mra imNiniuiuiJBi -- -4,--AAO.A?Tyy nrarifw- ana naa, , munerea- no btojb . Binoe,tii" -mn iy b..jif- iM.i i &a&imoeK swinging DWaeaiH, whdnivliels . t-TT-. T- a-- ing te.thanieVvlft rouOO' 'eohslder If Tonr tn-ana i-wliienaoie you pthatplctuT.lli"ie?ra suhimhi Umatel; " "r ,rTJAUr . rra limH I he now uyes,! tia arrer tnevwere . cuv J,r-r..i Houv and otne ammauon -wwai.;iAilavj turej'Totrag nanTenF. TAAJtetofaCALwonpuIttt Msurpisnvea uy (oiww ' 1 TTyon ana ifel -0A3aCrjl? Oronura iieetandrtiUAing V jwai atly connected. 5 a iUtuif Tax cHocotttw Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, i guarantee that erery pair of SHOES we tell uiall be found Just aa represented, and shall allow no noose, to glre jou better ffoodi than wedo for the moneT. -Oar stock has been earefollT selected with a rlew to the wants of all classes of customers, and comprises 6 lull line of beautiful and seasonabia - ' . - - - - - I9M4t UielwweatrrtWe sepl8 ITErriS OF IlfTEBEST, ' Daring the last two years about $170, 000.000 in gold was imported, and some $200,000,000 was produced by American gold and silver mines. u - Newspaper editors with each other's nthftTa babies. . Thev nraise and '' tvDO- graphically kiss them regardless of mer it in puoiic, ana criticize in private. ; L The comparative wealth of the great nations is as follows: Great iBntain, 344,750,000,000; Unitea States, 39,500,- p00,0QP4 Jfrance, $3700,000,000 lierma- $30000000., , ,,, ,;f. ; Chmond; doctors contend , that the healthiest men are those' who habitual ly work in the sewers, and the high rate I of mortality in Southern cities is due to i me presence anotnriiuessness or tne colored people; "Morocco has been suffering from a heat that is described as almost insupporta ble. ' It was so great that the fast of the Ramodan could nbt be kept, and in the last removal of the Sultan's camp over two hundred camels perished ef exces sive heat. ; j v is now appears tnat tne guillotine was not first invented py the f rencn physician, Dr. Quillot. A picture of this instrument odeath'has. been, dis covered among a series of paintings in the' Chapel-Bridge, at Lucerne, repre senting the persecutions of the church in the province of Helvetia under the pagan Emperors of Rome. Tha Hartford Courant thinks that if there is any lynching to be done in case of the President's death, it should be re served for tne lawyer, who. acting upon the volunteered, and malignant sugges tion of Dr. .Hammond,, should attempt to secure the acquittal of the assassin upon, irs yiea ui miupracuoe , oi we physicians. , William Pickhart is building the tall est of private residences in New York, which is to cost $200,000. : It will be 52 feet front by 125 in depth, with a height or 120 teet above tne curb and 20 below it. There will be six stories besides a basement cellar, and sub-cellar, making in all nine stories. -American cheese is in demand in England this season. An .English pa per remarks : Ameriean cheese is com ing into the market in very great quan tities, from 80,000 to 40,000 cheeses hav ing been landed in Glasgow every week ! for the last two months. Every lot is 1 picked' upas soon as it arrives, the quality being considered fine. ' M1DB FBOM HARMLESS MATERIALS, and adapted to the needs of lading and falling hair, I Parker! Hair Balsam has taten the first rank as aa elegant and reliable hair restorative. -. . If you have any skin diseases or diseases of the I hair or scalp, any Itching or dlscoloraUons, sua bums, freckles, pimples, rough or dry harsh skin,' you have in Dr. C W. Benson's Skin Cure, a sure, perfect and elegant remedy. Bold by all drug gists. TAX SALES. Charlotte, N.G, September 1, 1881. " 0TICB TO DKLINQUINT TAX PAYEES: I will sell for cash at the court house in Char lotte, on Monday, the 8rd day of October. 1881. beginning at J 1 o'clock a. . m., the following de scribed real estate,' situated In the city of Char lotte, to satisfy executions In my hands for taxes doe the eltr: . - - Two lots on romar street, at tne intersection With Tenth. Nos. 811 and 812, the property of Dr. 8. K. Bratton, for 824.45, balance of taxes due for 1 870 and tor tne rear issu. One lot on Fifth street the nronerty of H. T. Butler, adjoining Mrs. KUza Tate, for S40.75, for uim ina and unnald for 1879 and 1880. One lot on Fourth street, near Atlanta & Char lotte Air-Line road, belonging to Mrs. Lucy But ler, adjoining B. F. Wheeler and others, for the urn of S15.85, taxes due for the years 1879 and IftttTL , One lot, No. 1227, la lantra No. 51, fronting on 1 VIIIUVU DUCVIi feuc nv)A)iv v. vr ..,avwwi, w.- Church street, tne property ei w. aa- : . . One lot. No. 61. to square 113. on Stonewall treat, the DroDertr of Bobert Benx. adjoining J. 8. BteDhenaon, for the sum of 84-95, tor taxes due for 1878. 1879 and 188a - Two kots, fronting on Serenth street, bet Tryon nd Church streets, adlolnlna the BroDertr of J. M. Smith and M. X. Alexander.tne property of the Merchants ana irarmen at,t jsans oi unanoHe, for si A.RO. taxes due and unDaid for 1880. - at h a. -flrtrinH and others, lately the hronerty of Una IOC on uouege lureek, aujuuiuig tue yrupenr Allen Cruse, belonging to the Traders' National Bank of Chanotte, for 819.56, taxes doe and un paid tor the years is7 anaissu. , Vtwo iu. Nob. 1222 and 1223. ta smiare 104. adMnlnc B. SeheBCk, 1 and fronting en Graham street tha property of Sarah A. Chambers, lor the am of S6.B2, for- taxes- due and unpaid tor the ears 1879 and 18807 .. . . ' , On let on Poiar treebDetween igiun ana 1 - uirn-Mit vu'uwiui vm.m M street, adjoining Bennett, and others, the prop lutersectlon with " erty of W. M. Crbwell, for .9,10.00, f On- Int. i uw low One lot. the property er Fannie Gordon, wife of J. v. flordon. heinK go. 1119, in square No. 104. frnmtina on finham street, ad: T.HiLo ma-r tor 9uui u. taxes due in '79 and ' Twa lota on lirst street, adjoining J. McLaugh- ltnL rmin Nos. A04 and 605. in SQuare No. 80. 30, the properly ei 4ta nagier, . iwr 90.00, uum uwiw 19 and '80. One lot, the property of James H. Hunter, lo cated on C street adjoining , for 14.40. tax es for 1879 and 1880. ' One lot, the property of David Kennedy, Ko. 1408. In square 171, on mil street, adjoining W. J. Black, for $13.85, taxes due from 1873 to m tnelttatveb 1 One lot, the property of David Klstle v No. r, In square 168, adjoining a M. Howell, for S4.60. taxes due for '79 ud 80. . . , " . ' v mm n 1 . AO If a aaaa 1..a ' phy.wlleef Denial 'Mnrphy.tomgNofti 620, 625, 848 and 845i to Naara,I;ll&-ijwjal Vonr lots, the ' property 01 ars. jAuzaoeui lw street for $45,86, taxes due forthe years '76, ' 78, '79 and 's, iVAmtt R I One lot, the property of Elam ;Moore, No.- 618. so nam 8 i. from m 3 street, adjoining John Carson, for $10.1 1RKA. L one ior . , - iB, ; t anu One lot the property of Ephralm. Pottsi being lot 698, U squareje, ion. Hint street adjoining I A TTarria fnr 7Inrt. tATM Aiu for and 1 880. hemg for beiaqce due for years the Bnnartvef Batfus Held. .1151, to square 141 , fronting street, adjoining for $10,25, taxei ning iaiannc, xsnnesso ta-rnafftf'7 and If 88O.7':;. - " Two Ma, the eroportrof aA. B. ' Schenclc, where en wanam. atreet, aajomiag, ob, in. for saou naianca . ox, taxes one ioaion Trade street, and' dwelling 1 Fifth eta, (the property of Mr. Jillza lie: Howell 1 iiewueoijr.'Ji.'aneuon, ivajouung a. 1 ahd W7b. Stone onRfth street; and & f M. Howeu- ana jub.' aoerimHiy' eo xiaae saeew . m - i - . . - a. .-. . 988, in square 111, fronting on J street, adjoining - UUD Ml AlO mUWlHI VI VVAtt W CA1A.VI 1 wvi Xllen uormacx, ior 99.0s. taxes one ior lntsu. One lofc tb property of Mm -Sarah" Houston, Wile of 8v n Hoaston, betn lot No;-448, square 64, at the Intersection of Kghth and Pine streets, fronting on nghUi street 99 feet and adlcmrmg the property 01 tne late,' avrBpnngw, ior ioi.oi not taxes troe mdmpau for tne-yeare-1874 to i80 ImflaalrBL- .'"A.tiv '.hihi .iMH'.UiAJi I Two Jots hn Trade street, adlotalmi: tw in Wil son and Weife. fronting onTrade 'Sbeet SO feet A... ilAifcAi.W kA. Aa . A..M.A. l..l.Aj MllMUIW. aAaTaa. Juha McMurrar,' wlfeof Jl WV Mchf orrayt fcSrthe NTwo tots. the nrorjertrof aKHMdtn; atet'fte Mmnf tak biTMilraiftiii'lfiftft.iJ in ivi-Hi.? th beAhreptey olJ.l. llMdltt, belBj Kesv 1830 en ibo-3 square as nontiiM en Tryen street vr xeetejia ruaning .oacs: ' te- uouege, - adjoining auo.' aiurray, trniznjr, ana etaeiBW -IDT H1UU t8J s doe for 1 7: '78 and 7 ft: 1 ,. tM-iT.A -4 Two kKS. the Ttronertr ef .BfnhBtBii fflnae j wife of Dr,'Wm. SlOttn,-at the tntenecOoviet seoona ' streea, ATonnns on Trvon oa ;tHlek4e College' stoeetiu adjoining wwe butb oi s4.. ot taxes au Ana 1a Vaara- QlttthrMMflf ' at 1TA Bovs and .Child CANNOT JfML TO BE SUTTKD IS, . FOR THiSrFAXii: AND WINTJffiK HeaTlestBtogan, ' If u wish to get roar booisaitd shoes ia bettenrUum at oar store. QlTe as a calL A. E. 0 A- " 1 GENERALS "Wliolesale Gr r o c;e r s 1217 CART Because of the cheap rates of transportation, cial inducements to Wholesale Buyers in North Carolina. We claim to stand at the top. ":; mra.8 ly V. T. BLACKVELL & CO. . ... . .. . Durham. N. C. , Uannlactsrert ef Ui Origtaal u4 Only Caanlna IUAD6 MARK. URHA TOBACCO Mar 22 ly 27 STOP BEATTY'S 890. Address, . , DAK'L F. BBATTY, sep6,4w Washington,. J. Efl Bend' to - ; MOORB5 BTTSIKESS CHIVEES1TY -, Atlanta. Gnu For Illustrated ClriJniar. i.llTattiaBustoes9 sep6 4w ' ' -. x. t . WONDERFUL DISCOVERY). METAIiTIPIJAMPWICKj jPatd Dee. T, 1880. -filTes a Brillia&L .White and Steady. light, requires no txlmnilng,- and lasts for months. Sample wick 10a, 8 wicks 25c vl2 wtoks 75a, postage paid. Have three sliea, A, B ahd.TX Agents wanted. Address- " i -s -Hf IT A T. TTT T. k XTO Wir-V nr 4w i A fc-. AAA A. I . A ,VA Wi 7Q Cortlandt st. New York. BO tj M.DAL AWARDED tfrm Aatbor.Airir tad. mX Hed-lo-JLWork,wrrnted tha bamt and fuHtSoUmbo5iul a. "t T Mgr.wnCT. lit-PTMAiin. amnitL n omu t. sep8-rdAw4w- : .. : : i .:. "" A book: of rare originality, entitled ' The rreat nrohlem solved. Tne indhrldTial care fully considered from tne age of responsibility up to maturity. In regard to education, home, society, love, marriage, business, eta How: Bread-eaters are to be bread-winners. The volume abounds la striking thoughts, rare information and intense common-sense. FuU-wute colored slates-each one a gem. Agents wanted everywhere.- Send tort circular, fun dsscnpaon. temseteuto 4w ' ' J. u jacwmvx,w.,pnua. AYX? AJPOANT15 0PPlr the lm AvXJLaiX 0 inenae uUAUhiJlor the only Complete, Antheotte tad JTully Iilustrated Lifoof PrcsiJctit (iarfuldl Just published. It Is a tfirHllAul fctbtf tf Aow I rose by herculean struggwrrom eeeeuniy to rame. EspeclaflrtuTl ygaxdiag hjs Cabinet, Conflict wtar CoBkllng Attempted AsRaeeiaaiOon, WajiderfaJ Surgical Treatment, cecumu vmacai uonatoDB; etc; Ablywrlttem embeMisbedwlth steel porttait of Garfield; also, full likenesses of- the Surgeons, Cabinet, Mrs. GarAsta.'.MCi r Low; prtoe By far the f astestselUnK hoo out Clrajralree. j;.L. eral terms. )utfltv60& address atanoe, f . 4w SUBBABD BROS., lnVrs, Atlanta, "Gaj ;EOR RENT, , TROUBLE 8TOBE BOOM on College 8 .. ' --t '.;! Awilnn dverf October 1ti Also, a DWEIaUNO. UOCUU&W UJ u. ouuiuvuuuuwi aKouk- rw eomer SiKhth and Collexe streets, 6 rooms, j .Pos session given uiimeaiaieiy.j appij w Ua.'i! aapetawuTdctl , ,t 1 :-J--Vif'JftJLXMllJLi.-feif?i I nrHAT..r, desArabie 'ifori obeffrent'' yrotel eftAe?bMroana N. C, ftmneroeeupled by Steiiho, lai C, ahdtaowJpeneer rented Tor one of mere sears xrom septemi next. XllO uunuvu yiuwauLj -un city. Ior terrns and particulars apply to e i angl4.tr J.; : . ?109 Peart Street, New TeA I a DaaSHaABiIaB 4-room.cottue.i lost ouuddethe I'itx. limits et the city of Charlotte, one mile east There are five acres of land, good garden, and on the premises a good well and necessary outbufld- lhos. wlUoe sold chean to ft bona fide mmAa-t ser, or wui oe rentea 10 a goea tenant on ravoraaie- Nai4 eaijaacTAKjftjfX Prs rhtrrpfBraeCwirt ef the United States, SaprelAVOotArt of North CaroUna. Fed. fComrta, and counties ,t .Meoklen- jreoerat , He lH.Cbai!rua,uiuon,tias- r M .7 ton. BowaaandDa-1 " I4C i -: taeal!A: aIoom aaot Jndet)ehdenc I 1 Sqeare. Mj?iJt K,a'2-tfT3 1 1 - 1 99 TH the 8tate aivlTnitM BtaUi j Ing I I ttens. Home Jndrorelgn, " me letraete-Twlea, Sorreja, cl, Xute solicited. 7; .".-Ab- ia. Surveys. &&. .fiimhhed tot ebiB' a tt a ar' t Doxu4a iofM -r..io , ?o 51" la?Jpi j - T it m 1 DES TiDK. EANJON ITBEDTr .'.; aiiisj&JiLiKiF.. vOTwwnowi biock, iTsae snvei. Li. xiiBt mw FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. uoloohsb, Parlor & Chamber Cults, oorraa or jxl xzxm ci sin. W9, f WW HUJNI I 1 t 9 . l "' STREET, RICHMOND, VA. 5 ' ; and tne location of Richmond, she offers spe Onr claim for merit' is based vt)oii the fact that a chemical analysis proves that the tobacco grown in otar 'sectJon ii'etfer adapted to make a GOOr,PURE, eFi s ! Mff OTHKljt ro Dacetf Igrpifi jf iW worla; ana befnjr 'situatea in the HEART of this fine tobacco section, "WE nave tlie: Pfr&'of the ; offerings, .Tlie ptvblic ap preciate ijjjaj 34nej9iiri4 EXCEED the products of ALXi the Icadinmanufactcpie vmea.. piSTLqaM . genitive $w 11 bears tkeStrUfitjff 04 B 'HIT gtltttjtttoual. Wtiite. SSSSIOtNOFlCNS WXOIICSOAT, SS&tVX&VCBL 7. 81. 00HP9 OF TaCACIUCBS: Wit. R. ATX1N80N, PrindfaL Attn, Mathe matics, ajad Natural Sckenoes. 1 -. j . Hiss HELEN LONG, Principal of Preparatory Department Mbs. SALLUC CALDW.El (WHITE, English Literature and History. Miae LILLIE W LONG, Modern Laneuages. Miss MABI L. MATTCX)N, Elocution and Eng lish Branches. MUSIC DEPABTMENT. t?r rBur. a. biubm, l,u. v., inrector. XBB13TAT MBS. Bi JU UEWZT, UX& Wm. B. ATKINSON. Miss U. A. SAVAGE, Art Department. POMESTIC DEPARTMENT., Mi33NAaaXTINBLaCY, Ihteridant if innrm ary. j . Mas ANNA SUTTON, Head of Boarding De--partment , . . For terms, etc., apply for s e&falotrwtA Est. Wm. & ATKINSON, Principal .augll.tf, ,. . iSALEM ACADEMY, 8 JJLEJl, LV THIS Institution oommends itself to the public: as a notably pleasant and safe homo and blgh olass school for girls and KUDg.womefK , ? It has during the jpasi Jew jears been greatly Improved. Its 8CH0LA8TI0 ABIUNGSlKNT8 have been remodeled and its standards advanced. ttons of the highest grad. ,Alargenymr of in structors is fmplftTrHi,' ami fcnlha jntinglnntntfi Hon Is gmurnntftwd. It nffftm a Hhor Tpgllffh. OX jRPKusaHBu ciawwear wwrar ior cnMU&BOB, ana. toy have latterLt been re-adapted to secure to tta resiaeni pupns ine largest measure of comfort and conventerAoe.yi Ught resideat teacfeen ai . onttuually to charge,sind1 give special attention to the culUvaHon of correct inanners and habits tn , growing gMs. Systematic and enlightened physi 1 ' eal culture and care o( health, are prominent fe. tures lu the lmprovernents rintlyperfected, ., ExBeptlohal- facilities ai ofle tor tbelttiaj' ttMUSIcTeTts oCpractlcal work toltl"1'; 1 AND r1 nees M SLA Music Departmenr, during-the -past few,7eas,L J: would warrant the Academy, lh the oplnlotfof " 11 competent crlttcs. In inviting eatapartson with any -wther similar lnstltauon infbeooth. itwtfto, is1McS. fKr SpertalattenaqnUdlreito-tho advantages ' now also obtatnahto Jaitoe VtVxBXlUM'Foir DRAWING AND PAttiTINO', which has been re organized and plaopd ia charge of aladyotspe- . dal ability and superior trarnlng, - Jl lilgh standard of excellence will; be r maintained and the best' methods obeerved. Awiety of branches ot stadr teofti and careful tultloQ Is guaranteed. . : . The 78th year begins September 1. 1881 etna Beptember 1, 1881. " 1W T WW, ' nlv2T,dvtw t- CAROLINA MlLlTARY INSriTIITE, TteNiaUiAnBaal Session w&V be gin 8epteaberl5th next. tetter cuUr,-. giving asaal mformatlomr ad-' uwss,. . 4UtAHf.XU01U8r - .'mi a I . V M' flniAaataAa.l. . mmmr r? j. . n' .. Hi m 1 :.-:. I...l:l i '.J; O . vmuav.iawvuy ri HICIPBY, CATAWBA COUNTY. K. C ' riisu, tamn rf,. Catawba county. N. C within a few mirnrteS ' walk o( the depot, and a few hours travel by rati of the far-famed Ashevllle.' la conducted hi the Sisters tour Lady or Kercy,- who for IJearty three tuartemof this century, and until recently unaided, founded and directed ah r the; female CathoUe uterary institutions to the Carollpas and 3eorgla.- mckorylB a great health reaozt, haring in its vicinity tne ceieowea. vvnna Bpnags. Malarial diseases and copsomptlon are imlrnown m thU immediate secUoi.. and vlAtin patients rnpldly reeorer under the lnfluenee of its unarur- passea cumate. no unauo mauence usea est jay tellgions principles 01. tne pupus, out to maws" regularity au mi r all miisteonfeimto the general xales ot tne insutuuoAA, Theecholastlo iW'ibdtimL eOttslstt of k fosessloiA8,eaiJhrapayl)totos Board. WMhlng, fuel, E " VtaU2bivlQ Xrig- iisrI;taaAireedJf wii aad;iikietlii: ' 00080107, per leasAOxi, :"r. ----- -joo-iaj tetnnee fee?- -" OtoM - 6.00 raoatten la the academy. . .-. -m 2000 Musis, pelBUng, drawing, languageapeteAtiim Letters of Inquiry should beaddwesed te tb .-: ... '-A.r'i..'' JST WgKMOMgtft . i., iiitT Iiv-T-, si ",ft ,11 11 ii- 1. overate extra cnHnres. r.aO"TfrT;i! ajrsl 1 lirlThw; A'thOrotnrh hBtwe'tamaot.lar Jifcyartei vantages of tbe hlgfaeetr esdnIaQiteeiMav JM begtoe eeptmeeilaV .ForeifnlM' 'tre-e, . -..- c .sua! a r?im.i.K airSaaK KI r7ridehaVxw2iMaV tiuw cnMtafxtBCanaj. ial Us 9.tfi43TraT laWrtll tJjftl AND F0TAT0X3. k AM g.tXjiJiOWXLL. Li Ittt.

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