Sol rn '3 A PO" wvetwtto fit R i I l-v h r n ru SURE io0 Ins a certain ana emcient "ZTZ .-p trengiu, ic,m WXf? th muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. K the blood, streni Miffed a cnafM'Sn the m .m.-i T"? ZJ? Ti eetn or give neaaacne. tha A "R fi Book. 32 pp. of useful anf .aft. -.11 J .MMimf llWH u mMffflnR. w nkMUiitwA AMMni nwninviD? haa urBiAVMWfij v"rw-- ksx j-v.-iv I k all dm jreri ata. ii ii 1 r " ' " r mmmm - r Tj-gl afMMteI V iltye Cypriote ObgCTorr. TUESDAY, SEPT. 13; 1881. . ',, !-'- mi mmm ft iVHA "TfrLQ J ' Aft F S asm -l - i at. -T y - g m m mmr 1 1i B U IE SEAT or GOVERNMENT TTV j THE SEA. I pm lory of the Place WMck la How e Cemtre of AttrUon TMi Ba rt There unci lb J Prti tt7Pr Philadelphia Times, Elbebon, N. X, Sept. 8. In 1865 all ths part of .Long iirancn was eiiner a drfary waste or else made up of poor, barren farms, on wniea-a iew ionoru Jersey agriculturists worsea tnem elVes almost to death in order to get a t- raving and would no doubt have starv- Me borthmi .'Ttl 1 ri. It th Ttdit. J.P.WATOX.PtOf IMu"rnnia hu not dona Uia OhrUttan Chnreh. Troy.U. I .Jmm HwIl. awl Hkt I, i r tr w b tt tt t rutin tr wi i R.U1 E4F ' V COB. COLLEGE ft yOUBiHjt.iS Co Coca BeeT Tonic a teal rendvant of strenetb ir- t tt x i 1 .n. jb.nn o nrall I and restorative of hoalth. ii- i - ?5 J"- nebr Gadsden, Ala, struck the opening ila caveat A rock droppw raw w mm Tri cain tor tne ITEXIS OF-HfTEHEST. THERE IS NO AFFINITY between cneap mi asetees beef, wine and Iron tonics ana tne iiepis Sit jsv -T . la tKtt heat tyintaithanal -- ,'Rwnr to hora I have lecemmended ftbaa. found FfOl hHan 80. W.iOA'.MwV'T II I I ii i. 1 n sua ifiutammandail It nofl TriilTif IL C, . DBAKB. M. B., DetarottiMtebtt Aftvr tnnn t ltuMiMiomasIt. andJaow-i 1ittaanndAtlim fitlm RfTorria relief from J i ffMinin'"v, iraiiriivo m-tiii - . c -4 a ... a a yeutcauysai XOIUS csasnouuix mMim&Amilon pi gaUon. , Beware of woruuess ynitanons. nna offKMVt.fnii winuidi ikMtMvj Hdoaf Line. NenorKi'" i. i. jTIii in cf Tnnia I inM. BcoeauM t firfl.. it la wttH real bleas T.T.S .r.ii" ?y.. j xrr I nreitfiat laaa my lesumonj ro use greai Tircues ncfiuea tneir corresyyuuouto m on I yoii""NeTirallne"as Bpeclfiofor neuraJglaand 1 , Just in ani to Arrive : 3000 1000 1500 PKG9 Fl8Hfc 500 I .A . 1 J II I J . w . BwMMMI Oil hr3.TI?Sl w at JT tf? f ahr witfirAvA aria aslB. or DUtoOs BUNDLES ARBOW TIES, HALF BOLLS BAGGIfitf. dti'f it had not beeiitbrTliiet fishing in : mi.x; 1 V. nmmer. wnatisuow nuuwu ua tuo tet End Hotel mWr3&m&Wyf joh the whole of Long Jirancn as itmM. ist.d then was two or three miles north. .mfmskh'mMdsl B-prownwas mmQLJiawnjpw portion 01 nis property biluhicu. in tuo iSobth. He was UiattimA.ling in New York, haVmMeflflveir North bvihis extreme abolition views. His health was much broken also and he determined to settle down in some re tired Diace near the sa4or a lew years. vta wan Attracted to the hii?h stretch of f raad skirting the sea west of Long Kranp.n ana not oniv uuui uimseii. a cui- helcould not invest hu money in any better way-ithar Jwiliimcj Wfl9Jflur Ironndine land. In 1870 Mr. i rancKiyn, men manager of the Canard Steamship Line, while in jtearch of a location for a auiet seaside T7 . - x a..iZ 1 1 I became a summer resort iur peupm ul the larcrest means and refinement. Mr. f "Priancklvn nut up a lone low cottage '-4 Somewhat on the Swiss order and other wise improvea tne piace. xie was m Europe a great deahdvffiTer, and the place was often vacant in the summer. One day Mr. Brown said to him : !Mr. Francklyn, why not build a slight addition to your cottage and use it pa a hoterifi wiiluild. aotPaJcat tages about it; we will rent them fur nished through the summer, and the people served with their meals from thehotel." ,Mr. Francklyn appjaved of the idea, th6 start The elegance and intelli- gence of the class or peopie wno weie arsiwn to the place soon made it attrac tive in the highest degree, and Mr. Franeklvn put .ud. a newfitagaftr his awn use just at one side and back of the cottage he then put up is the one now i . -11 j rt c.ij occupiea Dy xresiuent uarueiu. tn Ktlwina noruot ittiZiA tmm tt4geMiltoBfe.Wd)awn. partl, "-T8fri3glMmreee Baltimore. pin uj im k WAaoivii wj-KfTav sx u ryt f -j -j sitTtTh Vr aojea: ancLlias 12 mfles of hiirhlifintetodT" loads tod drhn&iWrha drives are i watere4;4Ul anasttrw tk4s OT the.mosfc vopu The bicriresttree in Kentucky has just be$iB6e down wM&h&vb. called CajrrK lfr waa eTghtefin iees lniainewir atlfilTodf DMnomftaifiatjto. th first limb, jeigbt good raU-cuts. can, Mi down a monarch of thforewiiKe mis shjbitM batried f4ar Jiigh treeanjaiid ha lge&smm ila townost,b?ncl,, -' Cincinnati can not ihip' fte bacon lm . . ;-r a . rT it . . 1 onfthe traclCrun- dMnrwnrm ovi Se! cars so .5. s go back. -If yoo --ioa't, demnrrage. blddthe other day far ihejerjstonea' Wldr ge JftMHMttt i itlml MUT'ij .U. WW ahniaus, bntAUanev-Ja HffUraaai Spiatictt. Uimpa&o, eriiieai4aetina&uieoxiK preTO tA Chest. thfcst.ewMine1itBllabbT H hirgillf f mffvawspnihs, Burnt ana ara itondtoteW.ttatatt I deaigs.penerqi aoauy SEiti-oiiiygr tiupTail.He, i-lik the GIVING THE PLACE A NAME. noun? 1 QQ BAGS COFJFKi, . 43 owoi m r t Yf. rm mwd frr at the .Mo ariM, TTMtAttAT'K RtttftrS. FTOtCt which teloraiermore a snpreme JW&2 Anmniamt. eonsUBatton. drsoetsia, oeMlltn fheu- For sale dj au urassisiB mu xwajoiii 75 "BBLS. 8YRUP, Give us a trial A, BOXES SOAP beware you Way and we will sell jtou, 1 i W:rf. I L T If 1 ITT T ITn tl M. MlLLuii ang24 : 1 a? CORN!CORNL L t n' 00 BAGGING AND TIES 7 ASiU I (fllf! .. i'iHiV. j it HI; We are agents for THE WATT PLOW Will selTl OW?Bjaa jdnbuyt M othef i)4ittent, tnaSgnant the system KS 1 " MDMSSFRIAL 5 -''wrrt.i nces 187 suffering frota KervoosWeskneiieifGen. ral .llfibllirr.. W frUMttTft fnrrfiAr vigor, - -oMnydiaeaaeTltireBBue-OrHST. euayjUMt) ifflWMeiimii- tbm,7eraiia, Jamiyr--bpiBtM-uitMiuea, Kidney ot-Lieri IrbUblea, Lame BackJBup- tutSf and other stfscaises of the Vital Organs. AlaewoxsK roubd wiLh diaeses pecuHar to eldyrllielrnl plilrestorBMn to been constructed upon nclentlfle prln ef pies. Their thorough efficacy-has-been- prac tically proven with the owt wonderful success, an4:itfM;iteest endorsements from medleiu and selen tifie men, and from hundred who titrre Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, gtvin; all Information free. Address, VOLTAIC SIX? CO".,HxshAll, Xloh. JnlySl wL MOM) (Mil good plow. Full assortment alwajs on hand. S ! ' r f Callaid'see ns before irarchtsmt. i I . mim maw MAYER & ROSS. WWW ftDUAMf I) m t m a l si w t 11 l.iw a w -mr i WE HAVE NOW IN STORE FOB THE 3 From the first the! Dlacewas in waiit of a name.MF)Bf6wri'iranlediteifctill it jTrancklyn," but that gentleman would not listen to it for a moment. Jonn Tavlor Johnston, then president of the New Jersey Central Railroad, which had only just been extended that far, sol vea tne pro Diem Dy naming tne place Elberon. It was a long time, however, before Mr. Brown suspected he was tha sppfisorod that nam and initials furnished, the idea, wnen he did it was too late to alter it. Get. W. Childs, who had been located higher 11 n name down and built his exauisite Swiss cottage and others quickly fol lowed, until the place has reached the distinction of being considered the most desirable wateringUed -lteation in the country. Lots which Mr. Brown bought for $500 he sold for 05,000 and thev were sold in turn attain for 830. 000. The building lot which Commo- doraG&rriscm 4)ai4S30.00a foe only .coat .4 two dollars an acre onginaiiy. itism this wav that this place, which may now be called a national resort and has almost seemed at times to be the seat of firovernment, had its origin. It is the outgrowth of thWat." THE PEOPLE AND THE PRICES. A gentleman said to Robert Lincoln to-day : "If your father had not eman cipated thai negro there' would, have been no Elberon for General Garfield to come to. If it had not been for the trouble he encountered on account of his anti-slavery ideas L. B. Brown YTUU1U I1CTC1 Lie. v v? wuinMeKW' naapWhtr cow h&iHAre geB6 weathiy, burbot always so, and it is as much a place of resort for artists, archi tects, civil engineers, doctors, Episcopal lergymen and literary persons as it is . , a , !i. J . ul V. or people ox mucriwju wcaitu ur wuu ave retireAiWlW aawJKf wwes. aile prices are a little steep, but not treasonably so for what is given. All thd maids and waiters and servants of everv description in the house are Frencb,,MeaIsiar,e .to in ihad ,Jt iacarte. at alf hbtir. "but tteeIarmeals" arS quite simple. The cooking is scientific, and the head cook probably gets a sal ary far ahead of the majority of college professors. After ajejerson registers everything in and around the house is at his disposal. To be admitted to the house is taken as a guarantee mac tne truest is responsible, which, Of course, oCpres OI appuuanus gu away iiuiu tuo Elberon in answer to the "Sorry, but ws cannot accommodate you," when thire are whole cottages waiting for the rismt kind of people. There Is very nttle of what mig imed style. The prevailing thing setms rather to be taste and the most subdued sort of taste at that. It is as sed , stc e basin tnree ieec -aeep in xnetiseT pefOan lei UiJI;Ot4uR.vear4, old shsown j4clvcy- didn! likato WW 3D Neuralgm', Sciatica, Lhrn WW mJM 1 IJatfr ivs1 II:; SIvL t , ...... M wdte&vvery whiibal' not 't& drop to Tr6Mg8::JC.thTWfting of Cottincrham house. Northamptonshire. PerWjpl?turof lie beautiful VEiseonnkesa eutlen, who married at the ace of 14. her husband1 being 16 or 17. The peculiarities of the picture are that the! lady is represented reclining, ac corhpanied by a pair of doves, in the haBpy-state-or Jfive prior to tne fail, it has consequently been found expedient to provide; petticoats for the Viscounts ess, in the snape of curtains. The pic ture-is T(9 Sir Peter Lely. mmm. Tooth, Ear aad Headache,; Frosted Feet and Ears, and alf other ( I mi ' ' m f ' 'I ,i,WTa l.j ..TTCaaijJ.ili .?; 1 "fe flJnNElfcfAlR i sssssswssi r ia assw-w-Waawr A iPLDttoppBrlTji (XiABa a., AT NJKWiUBlJUN8; :4 I.. Tutsday, October -UtiI8& lSTtn - Monthly Drawing .? m tit fiicorrjbratBd hi 18o8 for 25 years by (he Xests-- lature far Educational and Oiarltable Durooses wltn s (Ul ot fl.OOO.OOOto which a reserve; fund.of over $42 0,000 has stnee been added. ! aj an OTerwoeumng poptuai rote in rranenise as made a oart of the Dresent Stat Constltotlon. adopted Decemter i, A. I). 1879. r . . .rlW OttANU, B1NULJS WUMBEB iraWttlatS WlU talse place tnonthly. iji j. uum xi-s.;-. it never vsaiea or posipones lioor at tneioaow-' Half-TICk. ' ' LIST OF PBrZKS t ' : 1 Capital Prize . . .: .': . . . .. ?.'.'.8(R ' 1 Capital Prize. .).,.,, . ... j 10 , ; 1 Capital ,!Prlze. . . . , ...v v.."v . . ... 5, ' 20 Prizes of , 500.,.,.... .fi, ........ 10,000 , : 100 Prizes of 100. . ................. 10,000 . OAA Moas CA 1 A AAA r i JKts aaHo v. trtr . . . f . . .... . . lUiWU OOO F112BS OF'!.j ajj " 1 1.-, 7jAPPB?XIJtfATFO EBIZES. : ; y 19 , Approximation PUsee of 300. . . S2;7 7 a- (it oth Fort1ppHfcstie, justFbJcxivmjIt : T. f vwmw awr uM ija, -.) npMrtlli'pttffSfAM mini un.Ti w . i r jVit tiabii'i (Ot--oT fm lu - CABATOGAy ffTICKY, .3C "o FTom 8aratoga Springs-X T;! new wtt-r re ; sembling the Imported Vtehr. ; Beeommended J as an antacid; wires dyspepsia, aids diges- Inn la o nmmrfnl n1 an akT. - ( 1 1 1 rMi in run 100.000 Tickets at Two Dollars each,' Hal ! eta. One DollAr. ! I: Sathorn "NatoSIiDBRi Water, ecommended very highly as a! catharUc and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. .lU- ,'j: ; as jjiiii.' -.iiU, ; 0 Approximation 0 Approximation Prizes of' of 09 1857 Prlxes,amnmtog to......i.u,u- 81ia400 aesponsjble correspondlngfafentt' stinted at all points, to fgBi jtvvui ji Jhe: jnr runner miormauos,vwnte eieariy, giving roll address. Send ocdesw toKBOBsNh fiettls tared. Letter, or Money Order by malL Address-. , .noiii.i i ! Na 212 Broadway, New Fork. . All n rand Xxhonilnary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Generals j j LI NOTICTTO TH PTJBMd. - The puWicaw hereby. s6ilo1ed 'aefclnst send- L ing any money or order to NUNES A 00. 88 I''' lSQ0a5 CASKS N6 WATB. , -i A CASES BOCK PE1IX1S ArCM, "AXXKia BUFFALO LITHIA. U-i t 'If And k full supply of 1 IMPORTED ftPOLLIII&RIS AH0- flood fnr t the dnntrr wltk BOGUS CIRCtrLARS mrrjartrnc to b df thA 'TJofllsiana State, Lottery Company, . and ate, TrRiDDUL'EN TXT representing themselves as its agents. They have no authority from this 'com pany to sell the tickets, sw areas -its agents for any purpose. vf -th-j,- '-' 't M. A. DAUPHIN, 'J ':-iFres't Louisiana State Lottery Co. New Orleans, La, July 4, 1881, i ... ;:; , Bunyadi Jajios laters. II GREAT MOtliS K0TO ! i SGtlx ; i A Glimpse, Mining Bevtew-, Soipad idea of the extent of the future maghitiiM 'of our mining interest may be (obtained from a contemplation of the: fact that more ttian half of the ter ritory, of the .United States, or over two miiijpn,-square miles, is mineral, lanq, proooeing gold and silver. Of this vast, tract of mineral-bearing territory, less than one per cent has been mined. to say, that the entire ameanti d and silver credited to the mines iO-ITJnited States has been; taken less than one per cent Of its min- terntory. and this by thtftTtfaest ;,iand under the most disaavan- circumstances With the m- facilities of transportation: the 1 roved methods of mining, .treat-1 ment" and saving mineral proauctsj therffmust be a marked improvement in mihing operations ofiha future, and and better results than, have hitherto ever been attained. In stieh a brpad field,; ;with such almost innnite're souxces, with grand andmagnificent 1 outlook the -vrealth and,' irrfluerrce of a projducuve induslf possessed of such forces caiinotnbe niasured by the vis ion of to-day. A glance at what future dvlotijtfBW?W may serve to snqw, upon wjuh. soi xpjuiaa- j .vrrv Pains and, Ache, , .7. No Prtoarauon on earth ' wjnals Sf. Wcems Ort u safe, surd, 'simple sn4 cheap Jhtterhtl Beiely. v A trial' tails but tk9 compamtirely i trifling Uy of 50 Onts, and.eyery one suffering wttk pain cod have cheap and positive proof of in ' ehita ' ' i" f- -;!-- Pireationi in Slerea Langnaea. ( , , BOLD BY ILL DRUGGISTS ASD DEALEE8 . IH MEDICI5E. A. VOGEUESR & CO., Baltimore, jVCd., 8. A vlec80d4tr ly ' ' ' ; ' ; LOVELY COMPLEXIONS POSSIBLE TO ALL. 1 T7hat Nature denied to many Art secures to alL Hagan's : Magnolia Balm dispels- every ; Ijleinfeh, oveiaes liedness, : Frectles, Sallowness, Rough ness, Tan,; Ernptionand 1 otdies; m remomm LfJ t ' dencesof heat and excatement. w 'the Magnolia' Balm; imparts the f most delicate laiitt'iiatiirai a complexioiial' tints no detec-.' 1 tion being possible to the clos est observation. 1 . i . t Under these clitnnstances a f faulty complexionislittleshort in of , crime, v Magnolia, Balm j ' sold Yerywhere. Costs, only 75 centsu mth full Oirectioiis, JOPTJLAB MONTHLY DBA WINS OF THE UP mm ; THE PfT AJpff 4BI111T. 'i.i: AS A CATHABTIC J 1 : it DoeitiA. wine glass' fu before oreaifast XafMsJ'unyotJatM lhra that tts richness In apmeht salts surpasses that of all ether known wateW " The British Medical Joumai "Hunvadl Janoa, The most agreeable, safest, and' nost emcadeus apenens waiecTi . j t.. (i j-j. -Prot. Yvreluno BerllnfTnvsolably good. And prompt success; most vaJuablel' ' Pnf. Bamberger i Vienna','!' have, prescribed these writers with remarkable Success.' . Trqf. ' Scomoni, Wurszburg. 1 '.prescribe none buttbis. ' .rt iu ;-,rt !; , Pre. Lander Brunlon, M. D..F.R 8., London. ''More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses inem in emoacy." - ,. , Prof. Atken, it. if.; F. JL 8.? Boykl Military Hos pital, etley,-"Pieterred- to Pullna and Fried- rtchsbaa.!V..' . ,i . r ! Inthe(of L6iilsyfne.on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 188J. These drawings occur monthly. (Sundays except ed) tinder provisions of an Act of the Qeneral As sembly oi Kentucky. ' The United States Circuit Court on March 81. rendered tbe following decislona: . , , 1st xnat tne uommonweaiui, ajwwtduoou vom nanylslegal ' " oics arawings are ia. . e - Tbe Company has now on hand a large reserve rand. Bead tne use oi prizes zor me 1 . glPTJIMBEB p&A WING. 1 Prize,. i 1 Prize, ; 1 Prize,. :..:...'::.: 10 Prizes, 81,000 each, ... 20 Prizes,-; 500 each v 100 Prizes, 100 each, 200 Prizes, 60 each......... .... 600 Prizes,. 20. each, .v. ....... ... i fiPi7AA. 3W00 each. ADbroxlmatlon Prizes 32.7C . . w n. ... : . . u 4 i ... ..... ar 8 Prises. 100 " ? aoo lUWO.Frfices,, ........... .,....,-..,....flI2400, JOHN II. MoADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon St, ih CHABLOTTK.N.C. 830,000. 10.000 5,000 i! 10,000 10.000. 10,000 10,000 i2,ooe 10.C bOjTT G0 TO SAJiATOaA v , When yon can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring's."- Saratoga. We receive this water In large block tin reservoirs Which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every weelu - ' v i . ' AE McADEN, j- - . . i praggiat and Cmist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by. experienced ' and competent drugglsta, day of, night ialy28; ..... , t i . n,.- i J- ; TTornin eed r t lb?e5LS"'s2VMatf-Ttcke&TjlHtTlckets,-1 1 ' 1 ; fiWtiSWI1 j. 50r5S Tickets, 8100. :fi.3i, . M 1 II III Cf )kmllMnnnr Rant- TVaft In Tttr. Of flnnd IT I . m-m m. 'V Remit Money or BanJr Braft in. Letter, or send : t K-rnrtAnn. DON'T SEND: BY REGISTERED 85 and upward, by Sxpres,an be sent atkur ex pense. Address an orders to :is';!l-'; m . r-i Louisville. Ky.. or 809 Broadway New York. . -m at Ml 0;i;m8iU IArii;t0 rf.l rioH " luiye- dTions . tne prosperity ox uie uuuuwy is i xa f " wrt lr J 1aecL;when our people turn to par own, 15 1 ri IcratL Ji jaimm inateail nf askinor for . nnatlv 1 Al Pa i J i aj-U Kwxt v,.tma n naAoMf"- W ll 5 A Sdiim and Summer Trade miiPnl in iijmJ Jy.iVr:'l The Largest, finest and-- MOST COMPLETE nine milltnbby. . rAT;HK,WnTBJNk(,.:, And all kinds -6 OODS For hayi ever . E. M. AMEWS, i WB0LSSALS ft BET AIL FUBNITUBE DEALEST easure of showing S Milifl : ' :i 'f LOVES. -!t5t bi t'W M KWi" "'TTzz siM wrr rwu t.ia vu.t ... .... . .1. -.. , 8ug26 vrrf it MIBilufpiskeatu'tUelty. w LOOBSXT9 mare-- :;:! Attention, Saloon Keepers. TWO BliaaLUmCAJiLES, I f4M4 Hi hrbe .d!fi abroad in time of ne5eir$tty ; ?us The Garfield Liereadu . r.iv The Garfield legend, irare to cluster and growarocnm w story "Of hi lire, whether it ends now or when he is old inyears and of no longer honors, will gather about him as his mother's son. Their relations will be remembered and told and made the Tounaation of tale and story and picture whertother I pofitics i The son's kiss on Lnaugurar.1 tlon day, the near. DroKerrcry or -iob mdther.ver "my baby" when i the Htrrno tnan. hisrh in mace, was shot down i the' solitary leUer which the i weat fingers of the President found strtJJyBjhito wrtfa in the weary weeks I of I illness these are tne things ;sior wnibh the man ansl the mother' will W remDBred; Linked to an, emotion .which, comes home to t Via, rxkorfa anri nmnms nr mm ittwlM women, the lasting remembrance o 'resident liarneia win rest secure. i A WUeWorth Brnwlng, !,fittiii ?.: ;:'' ' aaa a a aMaaaaaaw NEW. This great specific cures that .nwst loathsome ; -f ! 'i- ii ii t iV. .n. ':! j , lo ..(Ctiiijf -f ' crop : THEO N LY MEDICINI- IH EITHEtf LIQUID OB DRI F0BM . That Acta at the same time on" j' TSS LI7S3TIIS SOWSLS, WHY ARE WE SICK'? i IBtcauM w aUow,Vi4 great wrqmvi to bwmk etoggea tv itorpta, ana . jwaww Amnotsv iAftmforetd into fiW n n A. Al A 1 T - ' I' a corresponaent 01 i-ne AiKen uaur ncdnndi Review, speaking of a visit4 t.hfc1Tori. Oftci. T): Tillman, sars: fi; thfjcoanectiott we can ttotelpf: ll IClDNEYr DISEASES, - ; ir iTLfVER complaints; IlVesTCOWSTIBAXlOir ; TifetWAllT i't'AVliiy MatW rMt ocon bf tMtt orgaru' ana reitoririct tMir power to throw tfrdUeue. ' different from baratoga. for instance, mirirjng that Mrs. Tillman &r ohmA as'a COrlntmHcc nffraiia-a miRt finercretie and wonderTTilflfmr X i- . J . . . f 11 a -'Vi A. iF Chinese pagoda. The ladies here wear white dresses almost ail tne summer, vary expensive, to be sure, with tight sleeves, sometimes of the finest thread eesertjet si fntJlft rindl apttQiyrlate fttvsrt arid geyxeyriyeymy bril nant color except wnen wraps are worn in' avanincr. For drlvinir and occa sional receptions and so on the dresses arte always or very aencate unts ana SI IgtlTTBJt JBIAD AW) POCKET OT EVERY 'iliS .wi ' '""if tilmn Wi vviL1 Jt)ur; cfern Jlaj and' Booatu 'wCT- Mf-opeh Atock .wtu esnvlne 3Sle,T5S flr3 Wff 7ri inrtart Kti n. Tprulation aica. Also. .. I V4t a of. 4-hai f oKlai Vint thorn ii nn rami. laTmusic, tryiittt atrffig "anct not tofattend both services at the pretty Mtle Episcopal church on Sunday lays one open at once to the suspicion that they are not like the people around themaiMfenot tbr 4iK tDe.peoi arnirrfd teotsi(feffed ttte rn sUiTrftElecaloL-ktelyie is 'getting to be a great place for Phila dsfphians and many familiar faces are nieen from time to time. 1 - tta ana Her Pretty Ctrl Gneets. oaa Letter In the Cincinnati Enaulrer. tta, the actress, at her Lake George In the State. Notwithstandinsr the cares offamgrousamllhTI. horse drfcirsdnulpeTintEfaai ' every detail 01 her husband a extensive klAnt.inar IntArAniL-And in nonflidered one iarm in juagvneia corrntT. Qw&Krtatheowrressional datiesarid t.Af harrA aJiSlr herseU equal ; the emergeyffljs&BwjhAwoyiian otoorWrlffleilnd aCTQwnjiJlKry . jf 4. ' ' .'i -1 1 -1 nva " TXxneinaawj Mr "IS'l. " tt Why suffer. JUUQns pauu wawnwi , mm , WfcltoreijH -WhjfXlgUtenedOTer dordersd maaeyrtrj s a-ODNII&WORlkiiuff( Muno nutan of vfaloh BUtkes Biz am BMdlcVAJtoTiiddrrt-Vr tCftted, fofWM canno wrav pi-pa . OjatS Or TOOB6 iiBTJCBOT.): ER1CR, j1.0t XiweLtSJ BICHABDSOS A Oa4PropS5 s I I TllRNll? SEED. WHETHER Hi ITS PBlMABY, SEC0SDABY OB, Bemoyes ail traces of. Mercury from the system. Cures SCTOinia,TMQ sores, rneumausm, oczems, . t " t eatarrnor 8017 blood disease, . u .; . CUBES - WHEN ' HOT 43PBISQ9 FAEL1 . it i ; ':- 'U MalTernjArki, May 2, 1881. 'We have cases in .ours sown, wnp: pvea mum iipdngs and weren.curodaa a . , ; . ,. LoniBYiae: Kentucky. May.l&188lTj. R Sj fi. has. alven.bettersatlsfaotlon -than any, medkiiiei have eyer sold, , ;imaaatL, if- 3; , ij Mem pn is, Tennessee, w. iz,aiNs. 1 mft hyesxrid 1296. bottles of v8,.;ln a jeatj Jt lias given . universal .satisfaction. Fair tntoded phislcutmrnow reoonnnend'it as a positive speetf- ; : .'!! .H'il.ii'ii,x-j yj:f; '..''1 " BEbOB-FJJBPLXfOPJ L iiu! .-intii.. ! : WHllsl'JitTTCiis', ! kf: I LABflE WHJTK NORFOLK, 1 POMEBANIAN WHrTK (JL0BE . AMBSB dLOBKj S -J t?ri ' YELLOW ABERDEEN. :e-ts8 .' v,jntrto. vHivj?rtrtJt BAGI'A, 'V 1 , -1. a', t,. RiewnotKR va-VMay nvisai. toucan refer anybody.; tojak to regardto tha 1 erlts of a SS. . jaautB.trW, HaWnever teiowi s: tlb faflte care eaew nj; Syphilis, when properly taken. .jy&tt ., 1 . - XaU AJa lJUUIAAtfi I v . :::,' ..)! . ., ' t.rr: i;tv . tPwrry.Qa. 1 .WK. dhna rirniui ara frantlnman lit htlrtl -Stand. 1 ABE AL W1y3 BELI ABLE. tlfyohiwlBhiweiWin take yomcB,TQBBPAID nald to' anv chemist. hoobottlesota:a,3.. ifde Fotasstaim or any - 1 lrirYm.. J d?aejbduelBea.MWdJl lalaalnL iPwfeJJTly 17 1 nnn rxwaro.wIU who wlU flnd,on analysis oi one particle of Mercuryy fodMePotassraint ota mineral substanee. . swimc suicuurm uu. 1 T)aAalAA- A Honfe idn , p j Sold- ry 'T.; a- smiuv wnstona . wiison. warweii-.v ;i-ajKf t 0 12 ij'jjy liar.' 1;TtfYT rQ?TSJ "iia ' """ HUS 5U .fe.;n?oi ml'aU: 1 sates JLTUKK19 I .'a IXJUiii Ml ,t6' 4ung ladies from different cities, nor, tne ftrtaes4te1, nefc.uB! vlllatMaCsnmrnm axm&ttKtitQV kvii. hh ii.imn lira biiu,. " ONE BAGATELLE TABLE, means to spend the summer at a f avor- 9t Mn mm -b tJ bw ja! cohxii ableresorc S50 .uoita uruugut mem up en nius, ana wok mem ria- Itthe business. ITor particulars jaddtws roe at J ingUSa It' Will be foradlol r 4 n rr- r"ve scmiredthe s jvlcf 1 of -r. TJ, B, ft L tevJJMi.ieuseaioj a, , a a...-.!'! Ill' I " ' SlI ' IT-1 HIS house has bu leased for a torlrfdTafl 1 friends and The patronage of t&0 public la soUctted, ' aji.inanaauaienaaT.anai j,iwwirirffv-t''i sat.WliMAaUftatiraii tf4Rwn UvWlUtfalai t to, i woura not tace i,ootr,ouu to that. JW(aae. . KWATEKTOWlf ptwnoptl 1 jdyspepsla. Tne betr known remeoy iur uu- less ana iuuircbuwu u bujiuww fj it nas siot j.inqtesf mjM I I 1 lecturer rloi MlUlciMefwpreblMeus. ,v i I S l If ! II 1 I.. EaiiloiWprbut)u3J-ma a;i ght, pretty grts.t jfhft ad, aris to spend the summer at fjrjodsladsto-dsy leMfcrawayr of the Jieleeid ) ... wi.. J'irtiV'40ii''trito the etates-iii-iiiicvi i" yrft WfJ clnoes, and .black-berrying and bathing fVViaUana JL - V A V XJj ort raVe posiuvely eons a Tal .'IMI W. J - eMnP OaTT Wk a v aB-s BUU' W ai r TMM uij -a rsv.Ayc n -rTfl."" w uuno cu wnssw -- 1 j jt 1 jh a- rmrv r iMaih-V ai iiai keep i.1eti, jiwwass 6mu In every respect T 1 twmmodiou ammitiianaaa'iainmanaseconu woman yuw,,. Win tji Nritf. as1.? tta,'neve: - j ... . -a-- TTH .11". 1 h LUtliiQ rdore deceptive Rtflecreatttte, f or in- itead of being- toe xoUicking, frolic- v rims she recalls her mimta ir i 1 - - . - . j when some uue vcus a xanny story. 1 as tumu f - ityrper qei.wji.Qre- boai.a&n.:ain'aiar iron f -asx-t 4t3bMt last tne tnmgior the "soring weajraesanow sqj rneea reaueea one naif, tmejll-tf j . 1 f-.f 0 t i . Vi.l-.,UA VII'lTaV fi. IT . M aar a. i&it) .i'.OTf:lirl A-iw t: WAgentlpr jiqo COOK, . . . ,ebffiishratefiDVni It aaam;ahiaieivw-awwwa--a , ,f f -iniTmiiiirmt,, ai nnnr .irbm.l. Mmnllimill... ,1.1 .,.vl u 1 ' ' Tintfllllllllll ' rWITIII'lJ J&ZTW W.KSmT " I .mtillimiUilllliltyil i Vlllill II. Ayenue, Lyna, Maaa..lag nantphleta - f- ! " rttHlw .?! .'! J t .M j J 1 . ,, .Willi, if 11-01 51 TO WHOM lTAIAXCOHCEBNiJtoace 1 h'lni'rt given that thefirm of Davids mfa EOc-oc. Ti i ai' - onic thai to heretofore doing busto 51 81SH--Bi SM WAGOK COMPAKEES, THAETONB iS -111 A 1 Al;w5 PAKEES f 1 OJ I WAQONS. nil WfiOLESALE AND BETATLv OPEif BDdGIEdSSS. V 1 rJX) BTJOQrX3i S85V' BpeelaJitooMeements (tb.the whblesala. trade. I1U1 . C t r . . , . J mm noirtt it vi in i-aSnrfUI a n rui j SI " I ' V hm)S'-:;R 9I x."iMUa-garfiftt "w yr? -rS-!; j 111 11 ti n iui m 1 "ii . 11 r v 1 k lli R 11 H MU : N SJ kD i l i.. i-l !-:i;!i Pi W- -" ill . -ls n.'Y Al 1 HI: 1 , I il ' ' . 1 Q ui ft A p His if fiill hoil! Sc1fcSfunr!efcTtoaba ies.' Tooth Brnsrieft.'4ft..''.J 111 SrtBiiI ."31 .mi VJit ifcOWTK ! PtiTftldana? nmaerlntlonk are elven snea-. T T-TJ M attenttflav , I , f" Hoping to reeef-e- a har4-' t (pubtle patronagBrX feb8T MIBVTOTAkL ntJi11 nii'IUft tt l t K I La kl Q Hh'l ,l'tCJ 'I ) 'iH BftiPimiT 0110 adkeetlyiipon the Liver, and U i iyflENiaBJOiintt- rftsUTAYLOtvm. BOA&nmcr ntmexjkMeMt 1 itxkr4113' icciac.ii. uojowwuj nouse u pleasantly jBtnatefljaaul law nine- a. ,,n.a..f. nictom I " i '" "'I ilia Ml - " I Sill II 1 1 vr a r 1 1 im i 1 1 1 11. ri w .ill.hi. m amaaai - - . cwv. wm TJtJTly jt 1 i y 1 uvusea. S IS II 1 ill i-imn mi 111 T T 11 rl TI TT I . .. . -"wniriiii i.."-t HBP! . Oa, a. - ..v iiiiuiii tasrm'i m niiBLjtaL Jiiia liiiuL.iio aL-v a.-e .w. m . . . ... , fcj. j ,-is. on c ueaiLvJ. vrr' r w -- .-n . , t : "'i" vuBseaoion riven lmmta: )M as Bmnn uiarume-lH-S aifWia4r ISfisrir N'r..Y " If P mutnat onit( .tin. --.-,-,. iaLU.wul boaaKXlw JieBe Davidson. and.1 'FOWAtaBAtlV yJBt7QI8T. r, rtMVl. nm- 1 v. ? " t j if Mat -It ' . v. i ..v ....... rear. iHnuut'M J r I "" unot be rlven I win sttii Mmrin rhA him the old stand. ' T.iRrrv n a vrnsow. September 1,1881. sep2,tf tha .Interest owned" by j land bnslness-'of David- I T7 iakiyw 3' aivnriK.ti una as v rw w maT JiJLSjyaBajaadfc.aWStfSe) uentwaoaytuai a, y- -JalLaWadMI ll " dee22t. 't TiJT Kiii Cartni W3, froiiiairf i40et- rrRfv! fiaDmaiL fH.. be mid as a whoiA or divided aftr 1 JannP r i In tn bvoinl ftf fl h 1 C.1 f at' fttitlda atthAT' lOt M0BEHSA1 oi 1 buUdlngor factory purposes. Apply to 'fv.

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