E3f 8URE - A APPETISER Q 3!x. 0) IRON' BITIEBS i hieMrinimeiidal for 411 diseases requir injr accrtain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dys- pitttent Fevek, Vant of Appetite,fIxs.of , ttenskh, lack of Energy, etc It enriches the bl, strengthens the muscleXi and gives new life to the nerves. It acts like a charm on the digestiye organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as TUngeFood, TWcW matin the Stomach, Heartburn, etc The only Iron Ircpa SSon ttSt noTbWen the teeth or give headache. SdiSfdruggiito. Write for the A B C Book, 82 pp. of useful anr SCHEmCA CoZhalhmoTC, Md. , ftinumis 1 HMiwi( ' A vmAAtlAB Of A 1?bUit, I luwrwwn nn nnmrr " AtUUIUmfl I m JBswfc, sssul JPfts .ArswaaSissw tt.?!f!r.t'y!'r!J7 fh-lit hottl of th. Tonic Biscs osingttOavs donstwie. th ls C? tkSt TCsrSdta thtsWss UmtdauTlUiMM. nd with doabto the With th. trancmU nervs rwiii i a m u n ti b f y i TkirMriui m Tit drI harter medicine co o. m imti maii stiut, t.uui m m COB. COLLXQB & FOURTH 8T8., Just in, and to Arrive: 3000 BUNDLES ABBOW TIK3, 1000 HALF BOLLS BAGGING, 1500 PKGS FISH. 500 BBL9L FLOUB, 100 BAGS COFFKX, 75 K BBLS. 8YBUP, 101 BOXES SOAP Gl?e as a trial before yon bay and we will sell you. R. M. MILLER k SONS. aag24 iS CORN ! CORN ! CORN ! BAGGING AND TIES We are agetU (or THE WATT PLOW Will tell It LOWER than yon can bar an other geod plow. Fall assortment altars on hand. Call and see us before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. aoc20 Wl HAYS NOW IN STORE FOB THE Spring and Summer Trade Tbe Largest. Finest and MOST COMPLETE -STOCK 01- FTXE MILUKERY, WHITE GOODS, TBIMXINGS, - ..... NOTIONS And a& Unda of FANCY DRY GOODS For ladles and Children We bate erf .bad the pleasure of ihowlng -OUB8TOCK OF- r. NECKWEAR, AND CORSETS b not surpassed in tneoBy. Wehare HATSRJBJONETS TO FIT THE EXABAJrTJ p&XKtT:- Of .TEBT - it,. . A, , ..,1, Oar' Pattern IW Aft fMnattoifoi w ftofy lavoy Btat ws nana pbim - prises m our Unsv - - - MRS. F. QUERY;!! W&l to foand lathe store to wait en net friends , : .-.- . .. BAdeostonietf. ' .;.' -WTa mm winM ths ssrrlflSe of Mr. H. B. IxLa, VBe would be pleased 10 ace bis frjeods SiWIOSIS. MRS. P. e.i ,'p,'n ti'r.'.'i f ? GROCERS hi Oa FLOUR PIG PII :'?fui,.vftf''. i!2 5. . A TRUE TONIC ;-4 1-V irii4ama2 and Debility. fiNnaleXHf wsses, Wfctt o Fttal- Mm and Conrale esterwml?tr,fce.j o a an .xl nt tht m, J,f- i HgUIOIIHllllinic uuii JwJp 7 THOUGH SHAKEN IN EVERY JOINT and fiber with fever and ague, or bilious remittent, the system may yet be freed from the malignant Tiros with Hosteller's Bitters. Protect the system against It with this beneficent antl-spasmodlc, which Is furthermore a supreme remedy for liver complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, debility, rheu matism, kidney troubles and other aliments. For sale by all Druggists and" Dealers generally. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOV7ED. LL Tmfi Jau 13, 187 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. DYE'S Electro -Voltaic Appliances suffering from Xervons Weaknesses, Gen eral lebility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othet. Cxuiks, or to any one afiiicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, rHrrtli3, Bpinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief nr.d complete restoration to health guanuitecil. These are the only Electric Appliances that have ever been constructed upon scientific priii eipies. xneir tnoioiiKri emcacy naa Deen prac- iuc sneeess, ana fiiey liave tne blghest endorsement from medleal and selen title men, and from hundreds who have been-quickly and radically cured b their use. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givln all Information free. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CO., Xartfcill, Kich. jnly81 FURNITURE Wholesale and Retail. AT THE WHITE FRONT, E. M. ANDREWS, (Successor to B. G. Bogers.) WHOLESALE ft RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER ang26 Attention, Saloon Keepers.-"- JpOB SALE, at a bargain. TWO BILLIAED TABLES, In good order. Price $125 each. Will sell one or pom, witn Dans, cues, etc., neany new. Made by rMuna uouuer, oxiv, riuuuuu size. ; aiso, 3J0NE BAGATELLE TABLE, PrtM ttiK. ' These tables nrast be sold, as I hsvs quit the business. For parUcular address me at cHBtesTUie, a. v v-i .a - v,a.wiiia, eePllWv i.l.S J!-'"',-:! 1 . -- ,-: w i ' - V IrTATtSvTtLlL'lt rt t THIS noose has been leased lor a term of rears by Mrs. Dr. Beeves, whose 'Intention Is to keep a rtHetlr. first-el ass hens In every respect: r ivoauawu(usMni ana . - r w J. - ' 'ij! 'T -..: -J E V II J '" I II H Mr II II I I I J Ji ii IIIMMI II If Ml I InJ CELEBRATED .-.-M A Mns and Caskets pecona WEDkESDA.SliPTl 1881. A lie ninr liable Court Sceue, Troy Times, : After the jury had rendered a verdict p guilty iu.the; case iOfjEdwaMf ZarL fvlin tne muraei or. ms jvjre m tbTirisoneriaarfollbwfei f"WKat havij"Oii to say wh"Bdhterice of death should not be pronounced upon you?" The Prisoner: I don't feel that I could say anything now other than to thank the jury for the verdict. I be lieve they have done right J believe I have had a fair, sauare trial all the way thrnncrh. H $hi IU ! 1 The Courts There 'li think, on the evidence, have done right. no doubt, I that the jury The Prisoner: In my mind they have done perfectly right; just as I would have them. The Court: You certainly have had a fair trial ; you have been assisted by able counsel, who have spared ho pains, so far as the court could judge, to aid you in every matter of law and of fact that could be adduced in your behalf. The jury, I think, have carefully and conscientiously considered it all. I think they have considered' it, as cer tainly the court has, trith attesire to find something to extenuate this awful crime, but they have found nothing. They have been obliged upon their con sciences and oaths to pronounce you guilty. I have no doubt it will be some satisfaction to them, as it is to the court, to hear your statement that the trial has been fair, and that - the jury have done right. I do not know what I can say to you that will be of profit upon so solemn an occasion as this. You cer tainly are a man above the average order of intelligence, and, uporr the evt dence, it is no doubt true to say you are above the ordinary average in measure of cultivation and education. These advantages, which should have lifted you in a social scale, seemed to have failed. This can perhaps be saidras was remarked to the jury: that your provo cation certainly was great But it did not justify you in taking the law in your own hands; it did not justify you in taking the life of your wife, i,It was an awful act of vengeance which you took upon yourself to execute. There is onlv one sentence which the law al lows to be imrxsed upon a conviction of the crime of 'murder in the-first de cree, and that is death. The Prisoner: May I say word ? I wish to say to the counsel who were so bitter against me that I had no bad feeling against them, and I think they have let me down easy; and I am thankful to them for not blackening me more than they have. And I would sav to mv own counsel that he haa not only bad these people to work against, but me to work against ana i nave op- Dosed him in all ways, and I believe that the defeat to-day is owing to. coy- sen ana not w any uegiect on ms part. . i m . 1 A. A 1 A. - i The Court : May l ask why you took such a course t The Prisoner: Yes, sir. The Court: "What is your answer? The Prisoner: I agree with the jury in rendering such a verdict as they did ; but, for ail that, I am not guilty of murder. The Court: Why not? The Prisoner: To my way of think ing I believe I was justified in doing just what I did. I don't know as I can analyze the feelinz so as to exDlain it in an intelligent manner, but that has been my feeling. I have been disgraced so that it is a matter of indifference to me whatever becomes of me. I have no thought of happiness in the future whatever. At the same time l believe when a man is compelled to do an act iK6 that to wipe out some disgrace or some injury he has received, he ought not to survive the blow; and for that reason I have opposed him (his counsel,) and have ottered to come to this court and plead guilty to the indictment as it is on paper, but I was not allowed to. could have saved all this trouble easy enough if they would have permitted it The court: is death no terror to you? me Prisoner: jsonewaatever. hook upon death as the greatest Tblessing that could overtake me. It is life that has been a curse to me for years, and death would nave been a blessing 1 would have welcomed. I don't say that be cause I am desperate and reckless, or because I don t know what death is. knew all about it and as the gentleman here (Mr. Rosa) showed, I am a man of intelligence; 1 knew what I say. The uourt: do you wish to say any thing further? The Prisoner: l don t know as l can ; feel dazed. Thoueh this has not been entirely unexpected,. It does surprise,. ma a little, fit sets; :mv mind workirii? so I canfj collect myi thoughts in tt War so as to express them in the way I would wish to do. I would like to ask a favor of vou. I presume likely I will be permuted to live a little time, ana during that time I would like to have the privilege of writing to my friends, and everything, or course, subjected to he inspection oi tnose over me. l nave said a great deal in this country that I wish I had not said, and I think I could not employ my time better between this time and that day than to try to undo what I have said. The Court: I see no objection to the sheriff furnishing you. with writing materials. The Prisoner: 1 promise you solemn y I will not abuse the privilege. And more, l believe tnere are ioiks wno have a sympathy witn me, ana a want to sav that l nope tney will not anow their sympathy to interfere with the course of the law ; if they do they will change a blessing into a curse for me. I believe it is God's own work ; let it go just as it Will. ; Tne-: conn: .jfliiter wnac nas oeen said but little more remains but to pro nounce the sentence which the law fixes. The law will afford you some time for reflection and for preparation for the awful change which awaits you. It is kinder to you in that regard than you were to your victim. I need not enjoin upon you to use that time to the best advantage. romtne evidence it anoears that vou have had reiisrious in struction. and at some period of your life were anxious for the prayers of Christian people, it is to be hoped that the same feelings will again possess you, and that you will avail yourself of the offices of religion to prepare you for death. The sentence of the court is that you, Edward Earl, convicted of the crime of murder in the first degree, be taken hence to the jail or this county, and there be kept in close confinement until Friday, the 14th day of October next and on that day, between the hours of 10 in the forenoon and 2 in the afternoon, you be taken thence by the sheriff of r this county and hanged, by the neck Until you Isfiall be dead ; ana! uuu uaig uxcibjr upuil juui DUU1, Uses of Charcoal. Tainted meat surrounded with char coal, is sweetened; strewn over heaps oi decomposed pelts, or over aeaa ani mals, it prevents an unpleasant ordor. jt oui water is punned Dy it. At is a great ' disinfectant and 'sweetens the air. ir placed in trays around apart ments, tit is jo ; very porous in its "minute interior" that it absorbs and condenses ' Eases most rapidly. One cubic inch of f reshcharcoal wiH.absorb nearly one hundred or gaseous ammo nia. r.harcoal forms an unrivaled noni. tice for malignant wounds and aores, often corroding away dead: flesh, re ducing it one-quarter ;in six hours, t in eases or what we cau jiruuu nesn, it is intaltiable. - It - gives no -disagreeable i tare, In jn isafeaweete res no coiorg ai.?iinpjo jana i. . a a m sisaM(h& m as si t ..n m a niBjiiiHiT JtiiT, m ! sfl V U U. A i vs. v Wtteelrastitteee.rainarT: Engmeerlng,.Aiiga8t 26. . , T :- ' .While the preliminary -works . of the Panama Ship Canal are in progress houeh. according te the imperfectln- formation afforded, the progress 14 very small and the1 difficulties farlrreater jthan.were' foreseen Captain 4Eads - is earnestly aeveioping his projece ior me Construction or a snip jauway across the isthmus at Tehuantepec . xneaDu ity of Capt: Eads, both as an engineer and a financier, have been too well es tablished by the successful completion of one of the great "engineering works of the world the deepening of one of the months of the Mississippi for .this scheme to be passed lightly on one side, and pronounced' chimerical ; : on eme contrary, emanating from such a source it commands the most serious attention both in a professional and in a com mercial point of view. It would be at once the most original and boldest en gineering work ever attemptea, ana w successful would have , an incalculable effect upon the carrying trade of Amer-' ica,and toa less extent upon mat or. the whole world. In the United States the question is one attracting great at- lenuon, ior not oniy is iub wont ujl jxi. e Lessep s generally regardea! with a reenng or, mistrust, ana witn a senu ment of jealousy also, but the route lo cated by Captain Eads lies so much nearer the direct line of travel that it would naturally absorb nearly all the trans-isthmian traffic, un a subsequent occasion we shall consider this point in more detail, but at present we shall content ourselves with a few figures re lating to the two routes. Speaking rouehiy. the ship railway route is at the north: and the ship canal at the south of the isthmus connecting the two continents, the lines of crossing Pe ine about 1.100 miles apart This is a matter of the Utmost importance, espe cially since capt JSaas has opened lor laree snips tne great waterway, or tne United States, and converted New Or leans into a vast seaport A ship leay ing the mouth of the Mississippi for California, Japan or China would, if intended to cross tne istnmns by the canaL after passing tne site of the rail way, be obliged to follow the coast for 1.100 miles to reach the canal, and hav ing crossed, pass up the coast on the western side for the same distance be fore reaching Tehuantepec. Thus the voyage would be necessarily 2,200 miles further than by the ship railway. This represents a saving of time of about 19 days on a round trip between New Or leans and San Jfrancisco, and a saving of 12 days on a round trip between New York and San Francisco. Shipowners and merchants alike will understand the practical results of such an econ omy. Although Capt. Eads' project has not yet advanced so far upon the ground as that of M. de Lesseps, it stands upon at least as hrm a foundation, and its ulti mate prospects are probably far bright er, apart from its physical advantages. The concession granted by Mexico to Eads is a peculiarly advantageous one. The estimate for construction is only 15,000,000, as compared with 48,000,- 000 for the canal, and if these figures are insufficient the excess of cost in each case will probably be be in the proportion of the esti mates; the work could be completed in four years, and there is no doubt as to the amount of traffic which would await the railway on its completion Naturally the undertaking will meet with much political opposition in the United States, but on the other hand it will meet with widespread and now erf ul support. The chief opponents will be tnose whose material interests lie in preserving railway monopolies, and preventing the carrying out of any work which, no matter how vast the national benefit resulting from them. would produce competition ana destroy monopoly, on tne other hand support will come on an sices trom those who desire the welfare of the country, and who also have great material interests at stake, such, for example, as the mer chants or JNew urieans now possess. Under these conditions we think there is little doubt but that the United States government will accord the guarantee asked of 6 per cent on two-thirds of the capital form a maximum term of 15 years, subject to conditions which throw the whole responsibility on Capt Eads, and also to special advantages, which would well repay them for a guarantee which they might never be called upon to redeem. He Hit Ilini Once. Richmond State. In one of the justice's courts Uie oth er day, a farmer was defendant in a case of assault and battery. The plaintiff had no witnesses, while the defendant had his wife, and the plaintiffs lawyer vmade up his mind that it was a gone case, irie was Dracing up, nowever, to do his best when the charge was read to the defendant The wife was deeolv interested in every phrase, and her face changed from sober to serious, and from serious to horror as the reading went on : "Did then and there and with malice aforethought beat, wound, bruise, as sault ana greatly aam "WnlH nnl" aho priori of. tYtm nninf "my husband never did that in his life 1 1 was right there and saw it all. All he did was to jump out of the wagon and hit the man a clip on the eye and knock him into the ditcnr "That'll do there! there!" put in her husband s lawyer, out she went on : "He just hit him once and only once, ana i n swear to in Half an hour later, after her husband had paid $12 fine and costs, she was heard to sigh : "I'm sorry, John; but when they went on with that beating and pound ing and malice and aforethought, I was sure you would get twenty years in prison, and it broke me down. You can sen my cow this tan to make up ior mis. A. Clever Young- Person New Tork Tribune. . Elizabeth, the young Queen of Rou- mania, speaks admirably six languages, and is a clever, handsome and kindly woman. Suffering has made her ten der; her great grief is the loss of her onlv child, a beautiful and gentle little girl 4 years old. The Queen keeps an albumin which she writes down her stray thoughts, and a Continental journalist has copied some .of them. Here is one queenly sentiment : "Life is an art in which too many remain on ly dilettantes. To become a master, one must pour out one's life-blood." Again "White hairs are the crests of foam which cover the sea after the tempest "Sleep is a generous thief; he gives to vicror what he takes from time. If you could throw as an alms to those who would use it well the time that vbu'f ritter awav. how many beggers Would become rich" "Duty only frowns whan vmi tIaa from it? follow it and it smiles upon you.". There is a keen satire intheronowine:: -me wona neve fnroivftH nnr t.atfints. hhr successes, our friends, nor our 'pleasures It only for gives our death; Nay, it does not ai ways pardon that? V- J AMILUONAIRE. . AH the health I enjoy, and even my life, I may say, Is In consequence of Blmmons Liver Reguia tor. i would not take Jl.OOO.OOO lor my Interest in that medicine. W W i " ' - i.W.H. WIL80N, . Lecturer Florida State Grange, Millions of ns am biikm. wuii bilious race. Ball of us an bora batons, with a predisposition w dyspepsia, Tht best-known remedy for bu iousnesi i and indigestion- Is Simmons Liver Bego- " hum Biooa we teat of time. V!1'H v- uaxAiuut ow THE BLAPDER. r . :.n!!:,n"un irritation of the nrinary pas- i I iSruSEe JW wwnapama. J I J U " naaaen, unanow. Mr-Frank Borden; connected. th 31i9 tftce of the American Linen Company, Fall. River, Mass., sars:4Bt Jacobs Oil is very highly recommended In oar factory, and It would be bat simple Justice for me to say a few words in its praise. -The men have used it for rheumatism.,, neuralgia, sprains, bams, eats, eoms and In fact for almost every ail ment it claims to cure, and It does all that It prom ised Wdo,ever'lalImg to carer f ' ... '" - i THERE IS NO AFFINITY between cheap and useless beef, wine and iron tonics and the Liebig Crs coea seel Tonic a real renovant of strength and restorative of health. "It is the best tome there Is. Every physician to whom I have recommended it has found It so," says i'ror. u. s. dkajus, m. i., Detroit, uicn. 11 lmnarts hew tone to the liver, stomach, and bow-. els, and by its regulative action affords relief from neaaaenes, neuralgia, consupaaon. ana languor. Beware of cheap, worthless Imitations. . , , Gen. M. T. WITHERS, the celebrated blooded stock raiser and proprietor of Fair Lawn Stock Farm, Lexington. Ky., says the Liebig Company's Arntcated Extract of Witch Hazel "should be in every stable in the country." Cures founder, spav- ln, oarsai enlargements, Droaen Knees, speeay cats and sore eyesi Seduced rates by the half Oor gallon. Beware of worthless imitations. , 60 Maiden Lane, New York. soia ui any cents ana uuiiar sizes. Moan. Rvzetaaon A Bro.: It Is with real pleas are that I add my testimony to the great virtues of your "Neuralglne" as a specific for neuralgia and sick headache. Such a remedy is a blessing, and all sufferers should keep It on band. d. a. KID6KLT, ; ' 186 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, field by L. R. WRISTON ft CO. FOR EUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, . Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil a safe, mure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain tin havo cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. 80LD BY ALL D&TJQfllSTS ASP DEALERS IS MEDICINE. A. VOGHLER fc CO., Baltimore, 3Cd, U. S. -A. dee 80 dft w ly 2 LOVELY COMPLEXIONS POSSIBLE TO ALL. What Nature denies to many Art secures to all. Hagan's Magnolia Balm dispels every blemish, overcomes Redness, Freckles, Sallowness, Rough ness, Tan, Eruptions and Blotches, and removes all evi dences of heat and excitement. The Magnolia Balm imparts the most delicate and natural complexional tints no detec tion Deing possible to the clos est observation. I Under these circumstances a faulty complexion is little short of a crime. Magnolia Balm sold everywhere. Costs only 75 cents, with fwl directions. Jan. 22 1 15 EITHER LIQUID OR DBT FORM II I That Acts at the same time on fj TE3 LI7EB, THE BOWELS, Am TEE SHEETS. WHY ARE WE SICK? i Becautt vie allow the great organ to I become clogged or torpid, and poitonousl humor tare therefore forced into the Hood that thouidbe expelled naluraUy. WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY. DISEASES, 'v Tliver complaints, PILESTCOirSTTPATlOS", UKTJTASY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, I AJn NEBYOTJ& DISOKBEKS, by canting free" action of these organs and restoring their power to throw off disease. Why suffer Billons pains and sehesf Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened over disordered Kidneys! M Why endure nervous or sick headaches! Vse KJJDNBTir-WOKTamf rejoice in health. .Itispat npin Dry Tea-etable F.rm, in tin cans one package of which mabna six quarts of martini iw. Also In LJq.nld Form, Tery Cnee trstes, for those that cannot readily prepare it tylt acts with sqsal efficiencj in either form. GET IT OF YOUK DRUGGIST. FSICE, 1.00 ITEIXS, BICHABDSOR A Co., ProsB, (WII send the dry poet-paid.) BCKUHSTOS, VT. March 27 d&wly u . P. C. WILSON, CHABLOTTE, N. C., Sole Agent for LOUIS COOK, Ahd thb WATEBTOWN SPRING WAGON COMPANIES, FOB TEX SALS OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, SPRING . -. nauvnojau, . , WHOLESALE AND BETATL. OPEN BUGGIES, 85&V TOP BUGGIES, $65. r.JrJCr "uuwjinenre to tne wholesale trade Correspoodence solicited. , "r jFOEEENT. w . r, ic iuifr mum m 1 . . t tZ-TTi- . vuoerver ouuaing next to Wi Ni Prataefa la ior- rent after , jMraarr 1 deeU tt'f - aMOBEHEA3 pisiiii fllfrK THE GREAT WMMlm. RH riTHE ONLY MEDICINE? I I eHSaSBSSSl SSSBSSBBBSISBBBBBSBBS sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsssbbbbbbbbbbi W 1 M m m I a.i y'-'i ' ii i-i tr a oi- . Dr. a W. BENSON, of Baltimore. We give above a correct likeness of this well- known and successful physician and surgeon, who has made a life long study of Nervous Diseases and the Diseases of the Skin, and he now stands in the highest rank, as authority on those special and distressing diseases. In the coarse of bis practice he discovered what now are renowned In medical practice, viz: a combination of Celerery and Chamomile In the shape of Pills. They are used by the profession at large and constantly re commended by them. It is not a patent medicine. It Is the result of his own experience in practice. They are a sure cure for the following special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all Intelligent sufferers. They are prepared expressly to cure sick headache, ner vous headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia, paralysis, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, and nervous ness, and vrill cure any case. Sold by all druggists. Price, 50 cents a box. Depot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for, $ 1 , or six boxes for 52 50, to any address. OR. C. W. BENSON'S SKINCURE M (4 Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASE8 OP HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLE8 and TENDER ITCHINCSonallpartaof the S3 body. It mates the skin white, soft and smooth; removes tan and freckle., and. Is tne BEST toilet dressing in TSS WORLD. Elegantly put tip, two bottles in one package, oonnsting of both internal and external treatment. ATI first does druggists have It. Price $1. per package. sep3 HRS.LYDU L PIKCH1H, OFIYHH, HISS., LYDIA E. PINKHAIYTS VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure for all those Painful Complaint, and Weaknesses o common to our beat female population. It will core entirely the worst form of Female Com. plaints, all OTarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcera tlon, Falling and Displacement., and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked very speedily by its sse. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nerrous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and. Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its nss. It wfll at all times and under all circumstance act in harmony with the laws that gorern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is nnsnrpasnsd. LTBIA E. PIXKJIASrS VEGETABLE COM POUND is prepared at S33 and S3S Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $L Six bottles for SB. Sent by mail in the form of pills, also in the form of locenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address aa above. Mention tM Pojmt. Ho family should he without LYDIA S. FlXkHAsTS LTVER PnXS. They euro constipation, hlllongn Jt ft) torpidity of the liver. t6 cents per box, . DO- Sold by all Druggists. "S sepS , This great specific cares that most loathsoKe disease SlTPMIILilS WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECOND ABT OB TERTIARY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL! Malvem, Ark., May 2, 1881. We have cases in our town who lived at Hot 8prlng8 and were finally cured with S. a S. McCammon & Murbt. Louisville, Kentucky, May 13, 1881. 8. S. S. has given better satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold. J. A. Flexnxb. Memphis, Tennessee, May 12, 1881. We have sold 1,296 bottles of S. a. 8. in a year. It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommend It as a positive specif ic. 8. Mansfield & Co. Denver, Col., May 2, 1881. Every purchaser speaks in the highest terms of 8. a S. L. Mkissetkr. Richmond, Ya., May 11, 1881. Ton can refer anybody to us in regard to the merits of a & a Polk Miller 4 Co. Have never known S. a a to fall to cure a ease of ByphUls, when properly taken. el l. dsknabd, Eli Warrrn, Perry, Ga. The above signers are gentlemen of high stand ing. A. H. Colquitt, Gov. of Ga. HlS?5vw5L5k6 .10 TO BE PAID FOB WHEN CUBED. Writelor particulars" 51.00,0 BEWARD will' De paid to any chemist who will find, on analysis of 100 bottlesof a a 9.. one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC COTT fb,dragglstseverySGa For farther information write for the little book. Jn2i-&T S", SmiUl L& Wrlston & Co. and Wilson k BurwelL ' . on25dly ' ; :- " rpO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is here . by given that the firm of. Davidson & BealL horetof ore doing busmess as grocers in Charlotte. Is this day- dissolved by mutual consent All un settled bills will be said ty LeBoy Davidson, and all bills doe the late firm will be collected by htm. ' i , , , t LkROY DAVLPSON. . ; ' - BJUUy. :t. Having purchased-aU.-the Interest, owned -by A. J. Beall in the late firm and business of David son & BealL I desire to close up the books to data. Payments most be made Dromntlv. aa !nrtrirI September 1,1881;. r, "xriSS IS JUST RECEIVED AT Dr. J;H;McAden s Drug Store JABATOGA "yiCHY. Frcm Saratoga 8prtngs, N. Y. Anfwwat. rre sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cores dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Miorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepcla, ALSO. CASES CONGRESS WATER, Q CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM. Q CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS AMD Huayadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EDROPEAN NOVELTY ! H UNYADI TANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APEBIENT. AS A CATHARTIC DOSS. A wine glass full before breakfast. The lancet "Hunjhdl Janos. Baron Liebig af firms that Its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all ether known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Prof, nrchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna WI have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scanzoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brunton, M. ., r. B 8., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." Prof. Atken, if. D..F.R. 8., Boyal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pullna and Frled rich8halL" JOHN H. McADEIN, Importing and rispenslng PharmadsL North Tryon 8t, , CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga, We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J H. McADEN, Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 ' - Tarnip Seed ! Turnip Seed ! warn s Li NE W CROP turnip seed. BED OR PURPLE TOP, WHITE FL 4T DUTCH, LARGE WHITS NORFOLK;. POMERANIAN WHITE GLOBS WHITE EGG, AMBER GLOBS, " GOLDEN BALLY, YEIAfiJiRDliKN. BUTABAGA BLOOMSDALXt SWEDE Oft YELLOW. LANDEETH5S SEED ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE. L R. AO). July 19 Druggist by ExaminatioD. i o i i H B I rl u ifi 2 GO to t.m W. P. MlRTOif igeiit, and Successor to F. Scarr & Co. fOB Fresh Drags and Pure Medicines None bat the Very Best Drags do I keep to my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles. Perfumeries, Combe Brashes, Tooth Brashes, Ac., A. GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, -and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are riven spee . lal attention. Hoping to receive a share of public patronage, I am, respectfully, feb81 W.P.MA&VTJff.Agt A H t H it M I MOUNTAIN: HOME FOR SALE i . r , AT HENDXBSONYIU.I, N. C. MAIi?2!SI?0l?D,la, tobtJSi, corner htZ?I&eta' HendersonvUle. N.C., tesea? Wl Mesm- out- U : desired,5 tt will be sold Wnfshed; from the rSrtWSl? S40 theanota the Pajjor. or it will be sold unfurnished. , Jssesalon given Immediately .Address, Jun4 - Mrs. B. Y. TAYLOB. ' . . . . . HendersonvlDe; N. CV GtjiLct ; for Sale Cheap. THE Iot on the edrner of Ninth street and th v. North Carolina Railroad, fronting 140 feet on Ninth street and 196 feet on the NortJi Carolina BaUro will either be soldsi ahorWded toto two lots of 70 bride feet Suitable sltherfer puadinjr or taetorj purpaaec . Appii tsrrr TZZr-. .t, ln2o,l;ui..lL L.tfl KM- . 6. PHUXIPa WRISTON 'CI