HAS JOKES, Edit Frrlr . a n Foaf-omoa A H. C as Saooas-CLiai kaxtkjl! THURSDAY, SEPT. 16, 1881. Paris has 1,800 London 1,600. telephones In use ; Massachusetts Democrats hold their State conrention at Worcester, October 6th. The new city hall at San Francisco Which was estimated to cost $1,500,000, has already cost $3,020,213, and it will require $1,500,000 more to finish it. Next week a detachment of regular troops will begin a march from New York to Yorktown, Va. In some sections of Texas they haul Water and drire battle from three to nine miles to get a drink, in the country about London, Onta rio, cattle are Reported to be dying on all sides from the drought The wells at Cresfield, Maryland, hate gone dry and water is brought to I that town by tail and sold at ten cents a gallon. While forest fires rage in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Canada, southwest Virginia is all ablaze with the canvass of Daniel. The Atlanta Constitution says there are innumerable applications for space at the exposition which have to be re jected for want of room. The grand jury met in Washington Monday. Among the interesting cases to come before them are the Star Route swindlers, Howgate and Guiteau. In consequence of the riotous pro ceeding of the New Orleans labor strik ers that city has been proclaimed under martial law by the Governor. Japan's Government orders that no kerosene that will flash at less than one hundred and twenty degrees shall be imported. The Japanese are ahead of us in commonlsense. The fact that five thousand people will assemble to witness a game of base ball as they did near New York Mon day is not a proof that that game is playing out The mayor of New York has called the attention of the police commission ers to the system of pool gambling car ried on in that city, which is done openly and in violation of the law. At a special election for a member of Congress in Maine, Monday, to fill the vacancy caused by the . resignation of Mr. Frye, ex-Gov. Dingley, Republican, was elected by 5,000 majority. Ex-Secretary Stuart of the Brooklyn board of education, who was under bond for irregularities amounting to about $200,000, has f olbwed Howgate's example, jumped bail and emigrated. The Virginia Post, an Alexandria paper, owned and edited by colored men, has come out for the Democratic ticket because it cannot approve of the dishonest financial methods advocated by Mahone. Charles Max, a Philadelphia police man, who eleven years ago shot two men in self defence, has been so much disturbed in mind about it since, that he became crafty and died in the luna tic asylum Monday. i i i i i s Since Sergeant Mason attempted to Shoot Guiteau, they have discovered that he belongs to the Mason family of Virginia. He was in Texas when the President was shot All his brothers served in the Confederate army. The temporary editor of the Bonham I (Texas) News, in the absence of the boss of the quill apologized for the lack of interest in the editorial columns satis- zaccorily by stating that there were "no circus bills up and lager beer was be yond his reach." in i A single firm in Chicago, one day last week, handled 2,000,000 bushels of wheat in three lots, in value amount ing to $1,350,000, which was covered by three checks of $500,000 each. Another party handled 1,500,000 bushels. What a world of business these figures indi cate. Geo. W. Childs, of Philadelphia, in tends to build a village on scientific principles, with homes for three thous and people, at Wayne Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, near Philadel phia. It will have all the modern im provements and conveniences at mod erate rent Miss Hazeltine, of St Louis, who glories in being a belle, is attaining a notoriety not altogether pleasant to her. Bhe is perhaps as much indebted to her senseless brother and her suitor Paramour as to the addle-headed varie ty performer for the figure her name is now cutting before the courts and in the prints. Winston and Salem having been call ed upon for their subscription to the Midland road from Danville to Moores tille have appointed CoL A. B. Gerrell, Pfcter A. Wilson, Ed. A. Pfohl, W. H Fries. Capt Moore and J. C. Buxton, as counsel, to wait on President Barbour, ' at Alexander, ya and ascertain before paying t-3 subscriptions, what guaran tees will be felven that the road will be tompteted. Ft&nk Richardson writes from Long fer.fh to the Baltimore Sun, that, on Saturday night the. President was do - -MiaV'tii av more now than to a" v.M( i. rint it will be many anx- ous veeki before he contrary canbe sn ssa h wfiii it as sarB -' a PtTZZLUfCf REPORTS. .V The country has long since ceased to place implicit confidence in the bulle tins issued by the surgeons In refer ence to the condition of the President, i The fact is, the doctors have gotten so' into the habit of presenting the case in the mast cheerful aspect that they seem to be more bent on giving a bright hue to their bulletins than in stating actual facts. If the pulse mount up into the hundreds and fever rages, it is only a trifling, ordinary circumstance, that signifies nothing; if extreme pros tration occur, he has vitality enough to overcome it ; if nausea takes place, it is the result of some slight indiscretion in eating; if he is restless, and can't sleep, it is the weather; if the lung be comes affected, the surgeons soon mas ter the trouble, and so on. No phase of the case has yet presented itself that they were not, so to speak, prepared for, and did not, to a certain extent, antici pate. Perhaps they are right in so shaping their bulletins as to keep hope alive, for, while there is life there is hope. We are led into these remarks not for the purpose of finding fault with or criticizing the action of the physicians, for we believe in their treatment of their patient they have evinced much skill, and are deserving of much credit To hold a man suspended between life and death, as the sick man whom they are treating has been for seventy-two days, and keep life in him, argues no small amount of medical skill, and that they have done. But the public gets no correct idea of the actual condition of the President from their bulletins, brief as they are, and almost stereo typed in phraseology, For true re ports, and intelligible ones, we must depend on the reporters for the press, who gather up the waifs of news they can collect here and there from respon sible parties. Among the physicians, the most candid is Dr. Boynton, who is a verv eminent physician, and also a cousin of the President When, he speaks he always speaks to the point and says without conceal ment what he thinks the actual condition of the patient is, and as a rule he gets off at some distance from the bulletins. It will be remem bered that some time ago it was report ed that the President in addition to his other troubles was threatened with a difficulty in the right lung; this was promptly denied by Dr. Bliss and other surgeons, but afterwards admitted with the quieting assurance, however, that they had overcome that trouble and there need be no further fear in that egard. Dr. Boynton was questioned about it Monday by a newspaper cor respondent, who writes : Dr. Boynton says to-day is one of the President's bright days. He con siders there is no doubt that an abscess has formed in the President's right lung, but if no further trouble of a similar nature Occurs he thinks the pa tient has sufficient vitality to overcome it The doctor said: "The trouble is not materially worse now than before we left Washington."' He attributes the complication to chronic blood poi soning." Notwithstanding all this the reports of the last couple of days are encourag ing, and let us trust they are not colored to bolster hope when facts would be discouraging. According to a Washington letter writer here is how Mason's attempt on Guiteau's life took in Washington: "When Sergeant Mason was being driven through the streets on his way to the arsenal a crowd gathered at the corner of Third street and Pennsyl vania avenue and gave him a hurrah. They had evidently heard what he had done, but he lay back between two stout shomlders, and would say nothing. When the news became public to-night it created a sensation, and very many people regretted that Mason's shot had missed its mark." During the recent darkness that sud- denly overspread, in the day time, a large part of New England, a conduc tor on the Hartford and Hew Haven Railroad rushed his train in ahead of time in order to be sure whether the last day had come, and an excited preacher ran throngh the streets of the Connecticut capital warning the people that the day of judgment was at hand. Meanwhile, the Wall street brokers went on with their Hannibal and St Jo. corner, aid would have done so had Gabriel's trumpet sounded from Trini ty steeple. The Wall Street Daily News Bays: "We are preparing for a panic, the like of which has not been seen by any liv- L ingman. ic may come ac any mo ment too." The same paper adds : "No wonder that money is not easy when one pool has 60,000,000 locked up in Hannibal and St Joseph corner, and likely to continue there. Exchange is now so nigh as to preclude shipments of gold here except at a loss." The largest farm in the world Is in Dakota. It is forty-five miles long and one mile wide. The -crop this year amounted to 600,000 bushels of wheat J AAA a una w,uuu Dusneis or oats. There are employed on it regularly 800 men and 800 horses and mules, not including ex tra hands and stock employed in har vest time. The San Francisco Greenbackers ran Mary Ann Todd for district; attorney at the late election in that city, and one hundred women just toddled around the polls and worked for her like beav ers. But they didn't pan out votes eneugh to elect her. Mrs. Harvey, the Virginia lady who left home some time ago and was thought to be murdered, has turned up in Baltimore, where she went on a vis it to friends, and knew nothing of the big fuss her mysterious absence was 1 making among her friends. Excursion,' tickets, rood for thirty days, to. the Atlanta .iixsition, and return, will be sold in New York dur-! drunken and disorderly negro at Flor- ence,ivC Tuesday last, was shot and killed by another negto, who cscapad, ' epistolary; correspondence As a part of the history of the rail- i road embrosrlio. which Is Jttowi attract- in? so much attenion.in;this Stae, we nublish this morning the letter of the Richmond and Danville syndicate in reply to Gov. Jaryis' notification of the compact entered into between the com missioners ana tne uesc-uoston syndi cate, and . the reply of Gov. Jams thereto, written, however, not in h:s official capacity as Governor, nor as. commissioner, but as a private individ ual. Both the l letters are pointed though courteous. This epistolary spar ring will be watched with considerable interest by the people, who are anxious to get at the true inwardness of the case. When New York lovers find any dif ficulty in connubial alliances, they take the ferry and strike for Brooklyn, where they can always find a parson ready to accommodate them for a small fee. Horrors of the Micbigan Calami ij New York, Sept 14. The following telegram was received this morning by Mr. Charles P. Crosby, president of the Michigan fire relief company, in this city : Port Huron, Michigan, Sept 14. To the Michigan Fire Relief Company, New York City: I have Just emerged from the burn ed district and have traveled over 75 miles of roads in it The suffering and devastation are indescribable. Many J daces as far as eye can see along the and once occupied by comfortable homes and prosperous people scarcely anything is visible but what seems a boundless sea of ashes from which arise stifling odors of burning flesh and bones. Blinded and fire-crazed people abound. Transportation is dif ficult and supplies come though slowly, especially at a distance from the shore railway. A man is asked the where abouts of his wife and children and then he starts wildly. He looks at a loaf of bread and leaps away like a wild beast Almost hourly names of additional victims are added to the burned and to the death list Home less are thousands. The blinded, scorch ed, crippled and deranged are very, very many. (Signed) J as. MacDonald, Sec'y of the Committee. A Coal and Railroad Company Or ganized in Tennessee Nashville, Sept 14. The stock holders of the Tennessee Coal and Bail road Company, which recently pur chased the Sewanee coal mines and blast furnaces, at Cowan, and the branch railroad intersecting the Nash ville and Chattanooga road at the latter point met in this city and organized by the election of the following directors : Jno. H. Inman, C. C. Baldwin, president of the Iiouisville and Nashville Rail road; Thos. Evans and B. R. Smith, of New York; Gen. E. P. Alexander, first vice-president of the Louisiana and Nashville road, of Louisville; George A. Washington, second vice-president of the Louisiana and Nashville rail road, of Tennessee ; Ex-Gov. James B. Porter, president of the Nashville and Chattanooga and St. Louis road; Na thaniel Baxter, Jr., Thos. O'Connor, G. M. Fogg, A. S. Colyer, James C. War ner and A. M. Shook, of Tennessee. The directors met and elected the following officers: President Nathaniel Baxter, Jr. Vice-President, A. S. Colyer. (ienerai Manager, A. M. Shook. All the directors were present except Messrs. Baldwin and Evans, of New York. The caDital stock subscribed is two million dollars. Tit Weather. WAsniNGTONiJept 13 Indications- Middle Atlantic, fair weather, follow ed by increasing cloudiness and possi bly local rains, easterly shifting to southerly winds, stationary followed by railing parameter, stationary or nigner temperature. boutn Atlantic, partly cloudy and cloudy weather, local rains, easterly winds, stationary or lower barometer and temperature. East Gulf, cloudy weather, with rain. variable winds, stationary or lower bar ometer and temperature. West Gulf, partly cloudy weather, possibly local rains, winds mostly northerly, stationary barometer and stationary or higher temperature. umo valley ana Tennessee, partly cloudy or cloudy weather, with rain, easterly winds, becoming variable fol lowed by rising barometer stationary or lower temperature. Louisiana Lottery Prizes New Orleans. Sept. 14. The fol lowing are the principal prizes in the Louisiana State Lottery drawn yester day: Ko. 43,713 drew S30.000. sold in New York. No. 83.657 drew 810.000, sold in Vin- cennes, Ind. No. 3,742 drew 85,000, sold in New York. No. 32.648 drew $2,500. sold in Cult- man, Ala. No. 56,771 drew 82,500, sold in New York and Warsaw, Ind. The following drew 81,000 each : Nos. 10,922, New Orleans ; 23,045, New Y ork ; 56,682, New York; 88,302, New York; 96,320, Chicago. , m Stopping- the Factories London. Sept. 14. rAll the cotton spinners and manufacturers at Preston have replied to the secretary of the masters' association. The largest em ployers are willing to stop their looms. It is thought that a week will not suf- nce to circumvent the ring, but that a fortnight's stoppage will break up the syndicate. There is little doubt at pres ent that the requisite majority of two thirds will be obtained at Barrley. It i is now reported that twenty-eight firms ln iuacKburn district will stop, but eight will not stop. The latter explain their refusal on the ground that they are not affected by the corner, as they have stacks of cotton on hand. Protection Asked for English Vessels New Orleans. Sent 13. It is re ported that the British consul asked for protection for the steamers Historian andCella. and the bark Georere. and ; that the Governor promised to send troops this evening, but none were sent. If no troops are furnished by to-morrow morning the consul will communi- cate with the British minister at Wash ington. It is also rumored that the Spanish consul has telegrapned to the Spanish minister at Washington in re ; lation to the affairs of steamer Sail ego Midnight A compromise has not been enectedyet. : France Orders the DiHBlnai of Pr. s London, Sept. 14. dispatch from Tunis to the Times says it appears that. the camp at Seaguahausen is in a criti cal position, as all communication with Tunis has toeen rjeatftOs The Bey ia greatly distressed' at the commander France to rnsnuss :nier Mustapha. 'Bey.M TKEKIBIOS LOSS OF tlTK. o?!5!&?'.oaches SITTING UP. RECEIVING CJXIJI.f FROM MJ2K BEBS Qf XIIEyCARINEX. Take Fruit frr War ! Desert and lakes It Sits up tmr an Hour and a Half and Napa in the Chair, Bat Still the Ferer Continues OFFICIAL BULLETIN. I Elbebon, SeptW, 8:3a a. m At the examination of the President at 830 this morning his temperature was 98.4, pulse 100, respiration 19. He passed the night comfortably, sleeping suffi ciently. He is bright and cheerful this morning and has taken fruits and his first meal for the day with relish. (Signed) D. W. Bliss. Frank Hamilton. UNOFFICIAL BULLETIN. Elberon, N. J., Sept 14. Dr. Bliss says the President passed a good night and awoke refreshed this morning. The rebriie rise came on about ia.m4 and commenced passing off before six. At the time of the morning dressing his temperature was normal and his respir ation 19. The President commences the day as favorably as yesterday and has not a single disturbing synjptom. For breakfast among other things, he ate nearly a whole peach and appeared- 10 reiisn iu The weather continues good and is invigorating. A representative of the Associated Press in conversation with Dr. Bliss immediately after the issuance of the morning bulletin, inquired as to what length of time the President would probably remain at .Long Branch. In reply the Doctor said probably until the middle of October; that if his fav orable condition continued and the several lesions healed satisfactorily as it was believed they would, the Presi dent would rally very rapidly and that in such an event he thought a voyage to the coast on the Tallapoosa would bejlesirable and beneficial. Dr.. Hamilton is still satisfied with the progress of the patient as are also Cols. Swaim and Rockwell. The day bids fair to be quite as favorable as yesterday. Elberon, Sept 146 p. m. At the examination of the President at 12 m. to-day his temperature was 98.8, pulse 104, respiration 20. At 7.30 p. m. the temperature was 99.2, pulse 112, respira tion 21. The President was placed on the invalid chair in a semi-recumbent position about 12 m. and remained one hour and a half, sleeping a part of the time. He was not fatigued by the transfer or change of position and his general condition this evening is as favorable as usual, notwithstanding a slight febrile rise. Elberon, Sept 14. Secretary Lin coln saw the President to-day. He says he expected to see a very ill man and that his anticipations were realized. He had not seen the patient since the afternoon he was shot, and of course a great change had taken place since that time. The conversation between the gentleman was very brief and entirely personal, no business being referred to at all. The secretary only remained in the sick room a moment movement of the English Cotton mills. London, Sept 14. The news of the decision of the cotton meeting at Man chester was received at Blackburn with indifference. The operators favor the proposed means of improving the pres ent manufacturing trade, but they fear there will not be unity among the mem bers, and the recommendation to stop for a week will be acted upon only by a few. There is no doubt about the short time movement being carried out At Bunley both masters and operatives fa vor the movement It is uncertain whether the stoppage or short time will be adopted, in the case of the Old ham mills, which promised to cease work, stoppage to take place at the end of the week. There are seven millions spindles in Oldham spinning American cotton, and in four millions, even if a hundred and fifty thousand stop, the promoters of the movement will be satisfied. A number of mills in the Preston district will be closed at least for a week. Sculling- lllatch. Toronto, Sept 14. The sculling match yesterday between McKoy and McDonald, 3 miles, was won Dy Mc Koy ; time, 21.23. Iroquois Wins London, Sept. 14. The race for the St Leger stake, at the Doncaster Sep tember meeting to-day, was won oy Iroquois ; Geologist second, Lucy Glit ters third. My Sod, J.- Hilton Welch, AmdB.bontl6reaTS.lett my house Friday even ing in company with Will Howie, and I have heard nothing of Mm since. Ail persons are hereby ami-nod not to emDlor or harbor him. under the Denaltles of the law. He was last seen in Char lotte 8atorday night, and I will be thankful for aar information as to his whereabouts. J. A. C WELCH, It Harrlsburc, N. C THE old Oaken Bucket, The lron-boond bucket. The moss-covered bueket. That hung In the wel!. WANTED. A GOOD Cook, Washer and Ironer for a small family living In Charlotte. Good and steady wages, white person preferred. Last servant lived with the family live years. Good recommen dations re Quired, ror further particulars Inquire at THIS OFFICE. sepl5dtf THE old Oaken Bucket, The iron bound bucket. The moss-covered bucket. That hung in the well. Stockholders' Meetiog. A GXHXBAI, MEETING of the stockholders of AA th. Dahin. Aon Sdarf T Ina TtftflWSV Will DO held at the office of the Atlanta and Charlotte Alr- Llne Hallway Company, in the aw m yj?1",1?"?' Rallwi . Ktfn ik. ria.lnn Railway Co. sepl' ud4w SKIP WITH WILMEB, Sec'y. npHE old Oaken Bucket The Iron-bound bucket. The moss-covered bucket, That hung In the well. Ko one whs is thoroughly lesular In toe bowels Hsu as liaoie to disease as ne """; mar be attacked h mntarious diseases, and ' may the irregular, but he la not nearly as suh- tARBASTi strata APIWINT ;1 fanes regularity, and consequent Immunity from H. c., on tne zbtn 01 uctooer, iboai "J.TSTC a. m., to consider an agreement to corisoUdate this company with- the Knoxvllle and Aufusta Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys i'-i : OUR SJIDCK?; OF BOOTS AND SHOES "V" FOR THE FALL" AND WINTER TRADE. yE guarantee that every pair of SHOES we sell snail be found Just as represented, and snail allow no house to give you better goods than we do for the money. Our stock has been carefully selected with a view to the wants of all classes of customers, and comprises a full line of beautiful and seasonable goods, of the verf best Quality and all grades, from the finest French Eld Button Boot to the Heaviest Bsogan. it you wish to get your boots and shot s to. suit you and at the lowest possible prices, you cannot do better than at our store. Give us a calL ' A. E. RANKIN & BRO., sep!3 ' Central Hotel Block. Trade Street. MANTUA-MAKING. 7 MBS. M. a. ILLI3, of Darlington, 8. C, a Fash able Dress Maker, having located In rooms ever Davis & Calder's store, opposite the Trotter House, is prepared to do work In her line. With an experience of 3Q years, she guarantees satis faction. References given If desired. sepl8,lw MRS. M. A. ELLIS. THE old Oaken Bucket, The Iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket. That hung In the welL Db. C. W. BENSON, of Baltimore. We give above a correct likeness of this well known and successful physician and surgeon, who has made a life long study of Nervous Diseases and the Diseases of the Skin, and he now stands' in the highest rank, as authority on those special and distressing diseases. In the course of his practice he discovered what now are renowned In medical practice, viz: a combination of Celerery and Chamomile In the shape of Pills. They are used by the profession at large and consfantly re commended by them. It Is not a patent medicine. It Is the result of bis own experience In practice. They are a sure cure for the following special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all Intelligent sufferers. They are prepared expressly to cure sick headache, ner vous headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia, paralysis, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, and nervous ness, and vriU cure any case. Sold by all druggists. Price, 50 cents a box. Depot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for 81, or six boxes for $2 50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLE8 and TENDER ITCHINCSonaUpartsof the tody. It make the skin white, soft and smooth; removes tan and freckles, and is the BEST toilet dressing in THE WORLD. Elegantly put tip, two bottles in one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. All first elaesdrcggists have it. Price $1. per package. sep8 HRS. LYDIA E. PiNKHAM, OF LYXK, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAm'S VE&ETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cnra far all laoae Palatal Complaint, ud WeakaeMee seeeaunea te ear best fessale population. It will cure entirely the "worst form of Female Com trialnts. all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcer Uon, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly aaapiea w ne Chanae of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus la an early stage of development The tendency to oerous humors thereto checked very speedily by Its use. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys an craTlng for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Hervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indl- That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache. Is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times and under all circumstances act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. ror the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this YVimnnnnd ia unsnrrjaased. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COM THirrvnta Brenared at tst and 836 Western Avenue, lynn,KassL. Prloetl. Blx bottles f or &. Sent by mall in the form of pills, also inthe form of losenges, on receipt of price, 1 per box for either. Mrs. Plnkham frelT answers all letters of inquiry. Bend for pamph let. Address as above. Mention (Ms ftipef . Ho family should be without LYDIA E. PHXHAM8 t.tvkr PILLS. They euro constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the Uver. SB cents per box; pgr Sold by all Drussieta. "5 sep3 PEM & GO 'S fJieliQl Pens, These Pens are specially hardened at the point, win not corrode or rust, and will be found most services and durably Sample card, with ten different styles of nickel plated pons, sent for trial by null on receipt of SS cents. Sole Agents Ivison. Blakeman, Taylor & Co : YORK my20-Jgtawklyr TBK old Oaken Bucket, The lion-bound bucket, -The moss-covered bucket, .' :vt That hung In the weu. " aV 4: CANNOT FAIL TO BE SUITED IN -GENERAL "Wholesale 1217 CARY Because of the cheap rates of transportation, cial inducements to Wholesale Buyers in North Carolina. We claim to stand at the top. mras ly W. T. BLAGKWELL & GO. Durham, N. C. KanoTaeturers of the Original and Only Gecnlns TOBACCO Mar221y n cmn dcittvcmgans, m JLI O I ul UL.H I II O'octs. i Mia On v 890." Address, DAN'L F. BKATTY, Washington, N. J. sepo,4w FREE send to MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Atlanta. Ga. For Illustrated Circular. A live actual Business School. Estabhslied twenty years, sepS 4w WONDERFUL DISCOVERY pVKTAl TIF LAMP WICK i ,vm.va Dec i, issu. fsMIU,nOTBTO' Jdves a Briiiia&U.White and SteadvJ3 light, requires no trimming, and lasts for months. Sample wick 10c. 3 wicks 25c. 12 wicks 75s., postage paid. Have three sizes, A, B and D. Agents wanted. Address 4w 70 Cortlandt st, New York. I OLD MEDAL AWARDED the Anthor. Anew and great Med ical Work, warranted the best and cheapest, indispensable to very man,entiUed "the Science of Lif9 orelf-Pieam tat ion ; bound in finest Freneh muslin, embossed, tail pilt.300 pp.oontains beautiful Btoel engravings, 128 DreeeriD- tiona, puce only $1.35 sens by mail: illustrated samnla. finont send now. A rid rem. PmW TtfaA. I til W I H V SKI V ViiQB",,nVer.1'r- a. f AJ iUW II 1U1IUUUI B3B, No. 4 Bolfinch st. Bostoa. sep6 d&w4w A book of rare originality, entitled PRACTICAL LIFE. The great problem solved. Tne Individual care fully considered from the age of responsibility up to maturity, in regard to education, borne, society, love, marriage, business, eta. How bread-eaten are to be bread-winners. The volume abounds in striking thoughts, fbre Information and intense common-sense. Full-page colored plates-each one a gem. Agents wanted everywhere. Send for circular, full dsscrlptloa. terms, etc., to 4w J. x sicuuuyx at ju., miia. A r T?"NrnnQ WANTED to supply the im 2xvTJDil X O mense demand for the only Complete, Authentic and Fully Illustrated Life of President Garfield Just published. It is a thrilling story of how na rose Dy nercuiean struggisjiroui ooscuniy 10 iame. Especially full regarding his Cabinet, Conflict with Conkllng, Attempted': Assassination, Wonderful Surgical Treatment,: Peculiar Critical Condition, etc ADiy written;, emoeuisneuwiui steei ponrait of Garfield: also, full likenesses of the Surgeons. Cabinet, Mrs. GarneM, etc Low price. "By far the fastest selling book out Circulars free. Lib eral terms. Outfit 60c Address at once, 4w HUBBABD BBOS., Putfrs, Atlanta, Qa. FOR RENT. DOUBLE STOBE BOOM on College street now (vwunled bv J, Q. Sh&nnonhouse. A Kent Pos session elven October 1st Also, a DWELLING. corner Eighth and College streets, 6 rooms. Pos session given immediately. Apply to COMMERCIAL NAT L BANK. sep6,2taw,tflloctJ FOR RENT. HHHAT very "desirable iron open front store JL house. 25x100 feet with cellar, xl 00 feet with cellar, situated on mrnnr nf Trade and Coueee streets. Charlotte. N. C, formerly occupied by Stenhouse, Macaulay & Co.. and now by J. 8. Spencer & Co., will be rented for one or mere years from September 1 st next The location is probably the best In the city, for terms ana particulars appiy to - . . B. B. SMITH & CO.. i angl4,tf 109 Pearl Street New York FOR RENT OR SALE ADESIBABLE 4-room cottage, . lust outside the limits ot the city ot Charlotte, one mile east There are five acres of land, good garden, and on the premises a gooa weu and necessary outomia togs. It will be sold cheap to a bona fide purcha ser, or will be rented to a good tenant on favorable terms. - Apply to or address - " " - sepl ME3.D. J.COITE. Z.B. VANCa. W.H.BAILJY, VANCE & BAILEY,f Attflrnevs and Conns ellort ,t : v . . CHARLOTTE, N. C Practice In Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen . r burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Bowan and Da-, ; tldsotw . .-.. - : -..i t- Offlce, two doors oast of Independence Square. . may29tf RO., j). GRAHAM,,, IN the State and United States "Conrtl' ' CoCee Oons, "Home and Foreign, solicited.' Ab stracts of Titles, Surveys, &c tunlslsed for eom- ahd Children BURGESS NICHOLS, ALL XIKDI OV BEDDING, &C. A 1TTLL LOT Ot Cheap Bedstoids. Ann Lounaxa, Pftrlrvr Xr Hhamtua ft.!- corraaofAUCsTjMcaaUjrB. o, i wist nun snxn, . c Grro o e r s STREET, RICHMOND, VA. and the location of Richmond, she offers spe Onr claim fop merit is based upon, tlie fact that a chemical analysis proves that the tobacco grown in our section is better adapted to make a GOOD, PURE, satisfactory smoke than ANY OTHER tobacco grown in the world; and being: situated in the HEART of this line tobacco scftion,WE have the PICK of the offerings. The public ap preciate this; hence our sales EXCEED the products of ALLt the leading manufactories com bined. t2F'Nmc genuine unless it bfXKrs the trade-mark of the BvJL , ti SESSION OPENS WEDNE3DAJ, SEPTEMBMB 7, 81. CORPS OF TEACHERS: Wh. B. ATKINSON, Principal, Latin, Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. Miss HELEN LONG, Principal of Preparatory Department. Mrs. SALLIE CALDWELL 'WHITE, English Literature and History. Miss LILLIK W LONG, Modern Languages. Miss MABY L. MATTOON, ElocuUon and Eng lish Branches. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Prof. A. BTDEZ, LL. D., Director. ASSISTANTS Mas. B. L. DEWEY, Mas. Wf. B. ATKINSON. Miss U. A. SAVAGE, Art Department. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Miss NANNIE TINSLEY, Intendant of Infirm ary. Miss ANNA SUTTON, Head of Boarding De partment For terms, etc. apply for a catalogue to Bxv. Wk. B. ATKINSON, Principal. angll.tf SALEM ACADEMY, THIS Institution commends itself to the public as a notably pleasant and safe home and high class school for girls and young women. It has during the past few years been greatly improved. Its SCHOLASTIC ABB ANGEMENTS have been remodeled and its standards advanced. It now offers an the advantages of similar Institu tions of the highest grade. A large number of In structors Is employed, and pains-taking instruc tion is guaranteed. It offers a liberal English, or English and classical coarse for graduation, and, unaer lis new administration, nas already gradu ated (with diploma) four very promising classes. The DOMESTIC ARRANGEMENTS of the Acad emy have latterly been re-adapted to secure to Its resident pupils the largest measure of comfort ana convenience, JOgbt resident teachers axe continually in charge, and give special attention to the cultivation of correct manners and habits in growing girls. Systematic and enlightened physi cal culture ana care of health are prominent fea tures in the improvements recently perfected. Exceptional facilities are offered for the study of MUSIC. The results ot practical work in lis Music Department, during the past few years, would warrant the Academy, in the opinion of competent critics, in inviting comparison with any other similar institution in the South. A two to three years graduating course (with diploma) has Quite recently been Introduced. Special attention Is directed to the advantages now also obtainable in the DEPARTMENT OF DRAWING AND PAINTING, which has been re- organizea ana piacea in en&rge oiaiaayoispe elal ability and superior training. A high standard of excellence will be ; maintained and the best methods observed. of branches of study Is offered and care! tuition is guaranteed. The 78th year begins Se eptember 1, 1881. J. T. ZORN, Principal. BIT. uly27,d4w CAROLINA MILITARY INSTITUTE, CHARLOTTE, N. C The Ninth Annual Session will be gin September 15th, next For cir cular, giving usual Information, ad dress, s JOHN P. THOMAS, . , "1- Superintendent. sepl,d2w,w2t Mt St Joseph's Female Academy HICKOBY, CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. THIS school, located near the town of Blckorr. Catawba county, N. C, within a few minutes' walk ot the dlpot and a few hours' travel by rail of the far-famed Asheville, is conducted by the Sisters of Our . Lady ot Mercy, who for nearly three Quarters of this century, and until recently unaided, founded and directed all the female Catholic literary institutions in the Carollnas and Georgia. Hickory Is a great health resort having in its vicinity the celebrated Catawba Springs. Malarial diseases and consumption an unknown in this immediate section, and visiting patients rapidly recover under the influence ofits unsur passed climate.' No undue influence used on the religions principles of the pupils, but to insure regularity all must confer rn to the general rules cf the Institution. . ' The scholastic year of ten .months consists of two sessions, each session payable In advance. Board, washing, fuel, light tuition In Eng- ' llsh, Latin, needle work and domestic w economy, pr session, - ' - $85.00 Entrance fee, - - - - l, . Mj.oQ Aacation in the academy, . . - - - aaoq Music, painting, drawing, langnages, etc form oderate extra charges. Letters of lnqulrj shonM be addressed to the L 'T -' ft BISTIB 8TJPKBIORK88, aug9.dtf ' '?v, '-j - Hickory. N. C. :TRINITY;H A L L , A thorough home school for ftrlfc Varied ad vantages of ibe highest erderiT'ourteenth year beglnaSeptemberls. - For Ocular address Whit c-ffeatf if Norfliern - PEACHE3AND POTAT0E3. FURNITURE. i Charlotte Feiale ktrt vald Wllu any cyuuucuvc wplO an.Howw.i-