I 14 1 H. I I' I 1.1 IA I I I 1 I i w I I A TRUE TONIC TO SURE U APPETISER; 0 ' TROTT W arelifelilyiecoininendecl for all tliseasejl requir I ins; a certain and efficient tome; Especially Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Intermittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Htrengtn, Lack of Energy, etc Jt enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. It acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tooting the Food, Bdcking, Heat i the Stomach, Heartburn, etc The only Iron Prepa ration that -will not blacken the teeth or grive headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful an amusing reading tent free. , BKOWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. laMe by tfcU-l leetf wewM. for IltamieiMte, 6Mnal I I CMe. Ifanl or vital ity, Kertxm Mromtra Han. and OsnvalM- 6 iilWHj J ame marina- tromcanaraldataiitrto soes aa extant that my labor'wag eifwdlnnly bur aaaseBetasae. A Taeathm nf mirr'a did not gitam much relief, bo on tha contrary, was followed by imail mstiaMia AtthJstime Ibesaatheaaeotroar IbohTonic, from which I re- aMaea aUaoat laiintlnlt aa4 voadarfal reaalte. Theold energy rataraad and I found that my natural foroa raoatM. I bt dsm urae aottiea oi ine xonic tuace uuvniuTt aonennoeuw la- d tuna aortas Jmr Ulam. and with aoable tne ease, wi bar aha 1 nth tha tranquil nerre rUlnaea. a aad Tiaar of body, haa eoaa alae a laanmaof thotiaflt Barer before enjoyed. If tha Tonic has not dona the i IJaaowant wtlit 1 aire it taa credit. J. P. WaTSOX, Pastor Christian Chnreh, Troy. O. Ms JraM fsatt im m I Immldm mf Mrom. JPerw. I 1 IeviUe raawteMal Arawaflia Inm KAliriiniil II T OR. HAKTEK MEDICINE CO., IS. SIS IBITN MAIM SHUT, ST. toil dVaj; mm mm. H M.ffllers Sons, 00. COLLEGE ft FOURTH 8Ta, GROCERS Win, and to Arrive: 3000 BUNDLES ARBOW TIES, 1500 1000 PEGS FISH, HALF ROLLS BAGGING, 500 BBL8. FLOUR, 100 BAGS COFFEE, 75 BBLS. 8YBUP, 101 BOXES SOAP Glf e us a trial before you buy and we will sell you II M. MILLER k SONS, aag24 m ua 8 CORN ! CORN ! CORN ! FLOUR ! BAGGING AND TIES We are agents for THE WATT PLOW Will sell it LOWER than you can buy an other teodplow. Full assortment always on hand. Call and see us before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. 0f28, , ) TIa fflrilrtTfW iTiKvm I tnereforer only nnderatand. yom coiik acted, and Lthink.you are-entitled to wjv wpwuv w vjiww, tmunication as intended to place before be treated at least .with fairness and THURSDAY, SEPT. 15, 1881. IlA'ltkOAD ' CORktl?Ss?d?IDENCSi THOUGH SHAKEN IN EVERY JOINT and fiber with fever and ague, or bilious remittent, the system may yet be freed from the malignant vims with H os tetter's Bitters. Protect the system against it wun wis oenenceni ana-snasmoaic which is furthermore a supreme remedy for liver complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, debility, rheu matism, aianey trouoies ana otner ailments. For sale by all Druggists and' Dealers generally. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. Pst'l 13, is; WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DIL- DYE'S Electro -Voltaic Appliances suffering from Nervous WeakneMeft, Gen eral Uebllitv, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othet. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Para lysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief and romplcte restoration to health guaranteed. These are the onlw Eleetrle Appliances that nave ever been eon 1 r nc i etl u pon Helen tl fie prin eiples. Their thorouKh efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonder fa I access, and tliey have the highest endorsements from medical and selen ufle men, and from hundreds who have been qnlekly and radically cared b their nse. 8end at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givto' all information free. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CO., Harths.lL Mich, 3uly3 1 T3 mm mm. WX HATS ROW IN STORE FOB THE Spring and Summer Trade The Largest, Finest and MOST COMPLETE j flTOCi: OF FTK1 MILUNEBT, WHITE GOODS, , . '. TRIHUINGS. MOTIONS ' -And an kinds of- We FANCY DRY GOODS - -"tot Ladles and Children blN im had the pleasure of OUR STOCK OF showing PARASOLS, TBLVklNGS. NECKWEAR, , - , . ANDO0R8ET8 i-ls not Mtrpawd mjoi ittjr,. ire um-' . HAT&OR-BONNETS n. . TiLbr sail Booaets wfll U . . . .iri. m ikjz sua s fir ' ; z v i Our open aiB8;iQtgBEJr RIM H Li Mis and Wets Wholesale and Retail. AT THE WHTTE FRONT, E. M. ANDEEWS, tSuceeasor to E. G. Rogers.) WHOLESALE & RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER aug26 Peaches ! Peaches'!! a . Very Cheap ! ' By the crate or peck, at auglS PERRY Dissolution Notice. WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: Notice lahA. dt Kiven mat tue nrm oi uaviason a BeaiK i . . . - - . . IbUUS settled all bills 4ue tha lata firm will be eollected by him. t n , f j. i , a.mI. s&aiiUr HTOi Havlnff Dnrehaafld an- tha tntawuil nwrwl -hv A. J. Beail in (be late firm and business of David-: son 4 BealL I desire te dose up the books to date. yjriveH tnm me nnn oi iavrason tx Beau, jfore dulug business us grocers In Charlotte, i dar dissolved by jpratoal eonsent All un d bills will be paldVLy LeBoy DavidsoBand The State Commissioners to the Dan rllle Sjrndlcate Col. Baforda Be pi jr stud Got. Jarris' Rejoinder. MOREHEAD CltT, N. C ) August 1st, 1881. ) Messrs. W. P. Clyde, A. S. Bvford and T. M. Logan : Gentlemen: We have thefconor to herewith inclose you a copy of an agree ment entered into on the 25th day of May, 1881, between W. J. Best and his associates and ourselves as individuals and commissioners of the Western North . Carolina Railroad. Mr. Best and his associates have placed in our hands the sum of $250,000 which we hereby tender to you, to reimburse you for your expenditures upou the West ern North Carolina Railroad, legiti mately and properly njade under what is known as the Best contract, and we are authorized to say if this is not suf ficient such further sum as may be due will be paid to you. Mr. Best and his associates having in pursuance of said agreement obtained a lease of the At lantic and North Carolina Railroad, and having deposited theuum of $85, 000 as required by said agreement, and being now actively engaged in making the necessary preliminary surveys of the line of the railway between Golds- boro and baiisbury, we have to inform you that if they shall continue to Drose- cute vigorously the work of construct ing and building said road, we shall in good faith and literally complv with our part of the agreement above re ferred to, both as commissioners and individuals. Thomas J. Jarvts. Z. B. Vance, J. M. Worth, Commissioners. II. A REPLY TO THE COMMISSIONERS. The following letter was received by Commissioner Jarvis on the 29th day of August, 1881, in reply to the Com missioners' letter: Richmond, Va., August 25, 18S1. Gentlemen: Your letter of August 1st, 1881, has been received, together wun a copy oi ine agreement therein referred to of date May 25th, 1881, be tween yourselves and W. J. Best These papers have received from us the care ful and respectful attention and con sideration which their importance de mands, and as emanating from gentle men intrusted with the important du ties conferred on you by the State of North Carolina in this regard, and oc cupying toward us a business relation scarcely less peculiar than important in its character. We beg to assure you that the delay which has occurred in making reply has resulted only from the fact that, owing to the absence of one of us, it was impossible to obtain an immediate conference. Candor compels us to say that we did not at first escape the impression naturally to uo uenveu irom me annarenE lmnorr. and tenor of your letter and the accom panying contract to that effect that it was intended to undertake that in vonr character as Commissioners of the State of North Carolina, acting under the powers and limitations conferred and imposed by the act of Assembly re ferred to, you had entered into an en gagement with Mr. Best and his asso ciates to compel us, as the assignees of Mr. Best, by such means as might be at your command, upon certain continl gent events over which we hav no control, to surrender the just and law ful rights acquired and held by us un der the said act. and the assiffnmnt thereof from Mr. Best, and that vonr us a proposition which we mignt con sider . from the standpoint of interest we represent, and-which without any risk of, injustice, mar be accepted or declined.7 If, as we -assume, this later' precaaon De correct, it win De present ed to all the parties interested, and re spectfully ,and duly considered in con nection with all the rights, interests and obligations that are involved in the whole transaction, v We await your reply to know whether or not we place the proper interpretation upon your communication. We can offer ydu rib better assurance of the good faith with which this con tract is being carried out than the fact that notwithstanding all the difficulties surrounding the work arising from Mr Best's original default; and the extreme rigors of the winter following the as signment to us, it has been pushed for ward so rapidly as to insure its comple tion both to Piereon River arid Paint Rock by November 1, 1881, at which latter point the Tennessee system of roads is under contract to I meet and connect with it, and thus open to the State the shortest and most direct route to the great markets of the -West. We beg to assure you that you. will always find :us, as you found us when approach ed on this contract, ready to co-operate heartily in protecting and promoting the real interests of the State in which we represent, as you know, a very large and constantly increasing permanent investment or capital, and we in turn respectfully and confidentially ask your cordial sympathy and continued co-operation in our work. Inspired by your appeals for our aid at an alleged crisis, and to prevent the indefinite suspension of a great work of long-cherished value to the people of North Carolina, we assume this under taking, and, if not interrupted, propose to stand by it until it is executed. -Respectfully, &c., W. P. Clyde, T. M. Logan, A. S. Btjford. iiT North Carolina, Executive Department, Raleigh, Sept 2, 1881. Col. A, 8. Buford Richmond, Va : Dear Sir Yours of the 25th of Au gust, in reply to the letter of the com missioners of the Western North Caro lina Railroad of 1st of August, was re ceived by me yesterday. The commis sioners will meet on the line of the road on the 13th inst, at which time I will lay your letter before them. In the meantime, I wish to say for myself that I do not regard your letter as in any way responsive to ours. Nor do I ad mit that there is any trouble in con struing our letter. If you found it dif ficult to get at our meaning or purpos es, it was so easy to ask us what we meant, without consuming pages of pa-' per in recounting a long history of the irouDies oi tne past justice if jvot-with, liberality.? I so pro pose jo treat you, and! believe my as sociate commissioners will co-operate with me. . -. r "r Bat,' because of these things, ; you must not expect us to turn our back upon or be indifferent to a great enter-. )riseforthe development of the State ike the one proposed by the Midland scheme, if its projectors shall show their good faith by their works, es pecially when it is proposed to compen sate yon ior an you expenditures and all your trouble. If the commissioners helped to get you andyour friends into a bad bargain as yon say, they have offered to help to get you out without loss. If it has turned out to be a good bargain, so much the better for you, so that you have not been injured by them. If the time shall ever come- when the com missioners are required, either as com missioners or individuals, by the memo randum of the 25th df May, to do any thing, I do not understand that they are required by said memorandum to do anything dishonorable or improper, and I have no idea that either of them will. With high regard, I am, dear Colonel, your obedient servant, Thos. J. Jaryis. oritAMuu OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR- ; TUNE 10TH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS K, AT NEW ORLEANS, llin, I881-137th Monthly , Drawing, State oth Foreign and Demestie. JUST RECEIVED- AT, TuesJay, October Lottery Compaij. DrJIMcAden sDrug Store litem xXtrjertiBjemjetttB. U1IE! FOR toeorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes- - voi vi 0i.uuu.uuv-to wnicn a reserve fund of over S4.2n.nnn has air. .jjr" By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was mada part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A D. 1878. Its GRAND SINGLE. NUMBER Drawings will eye'es or postpones. Look at the follow- uig uuuiuuuua: . CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. luu.uuo Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tick ets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES 1 Capital Prize con noo 1 Capital Prize . . in'OOO lCapttal Prize g'ooo ipriofW::::::::-:;::;:;;;-- ffl 20 Prizes of 500.. . . lO OOn 100 Prizes of 100. . . lo'oon 200 Prizes of . 60. ..... " in'ooo uwiiiKi ui iiu.. in nnn 1,000 Prizes of 10 .1! ..... . lolooo AJffKOXIMATION PRIZES. w ayproiimanonjmzes oi $800 82.700 9 Approximation Prizes of 100.. i ... 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to .. $110,400 nesponsiDie corresponding agents wanted at all vviuw, w wuuw uoerai compensation will be a m u nTi IxVZl . ""onuanon, write elearly, giving fuU address. Send orders by express or SeSs reu i.euor, or Money order by mall. Address- Wa VAAAJ (V M. A DAUPHIN, or M. A DAUPHIN, at New Loui, No. 212 Broadway. New York f,f "IEy Drawings are under -oui tidiuu ouu luttuameiu oi ueneralfl G vatwu CU1U SJIAUCU JLa JaOsUJ NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Aae pnnuc are hereby cautioned against send- 5o,u uiuuc, ur oraers to JNUNES & CO., 83 i r AcTf avih Ktiiy, as auuiorized h? the Looisiana State Lottery Companyto sell Its tickets. They are flooding the conntrv with BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting & befthl Louisiana State Lottery Company, and arl aZZZa memseives as its ""7: -t,. auinoniy irom this com- LTrUB ucliet3j ana are not lis agents for Af A T 1 TTT5TTTW NMn,iM M,f.!'l"a8tat Lottery Co. i mj , lOOI. ARATOOA CRY, From 8aratoea Snrln m v . sembling the Imported I Vtehy atiZT re" Hathorn Natural Mineral Water Recommended very highly as a catharr. temtive and to all forms of dyspeptic ALSO. Morehead City to the western borders of the State and beyond, with its outlet at Morehead City, and operated solely in the interest of North Carolina ports, cities and towns, would be of such im mense advantage to the State that I would feel bound to do everything in my power that was honorable, whether as an individual, a commissioner or as Governor, to secure such a boon for her people. Will you not frankly say it would be my duty to do so? This is what I meant by the letter of the 1st of August, and this is said without any threat, expressed or implied, to injure any one. I do not know that any such line will be built or that it is likely to be ; but if it is, I trust you will exhibit, the same willingness to serve the State that you claim in your letter to have done vou took up the work on the Western North Carolina Railroad. I think you could do so without any injury to the substantial, permanent interest of your lines, and I am sure such a noble act would make all North Carolinians your friends. etter was intended to imply a demand the knmt. r " V upon us to surrender these ricrhts der penalty of all the powerful adverse I have alwava found vnn a frnnt RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, An east and west line, running from Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frostod 36th POPITLAB MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Milt CASES CONGRESS WATER, 10 CASKS B0CK BBIDGE ALTJM, JO CASIS BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS -aim Hiioyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JJUNYADI JANOa THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Doss. A wine glass full before breakfast. The Lancet "Hvinjbd Janos. -Baron Liebi af &nV', lt?fcrtclme, m aPerntaTu StmIms' that of all other known waters." as8 The Bntmh MmKmi Tr,,i rr ... . Prof. Bcariberner vionns t i .. . thesewriters with remaVkable succe' but this." ' wui8ZDUr8 -I prescribe none Prof . Lander Knuiinm. r n t o t . tSSKSS ite 'rtv rlchshaU." uu fnw Feet and Ears, and all other Paws and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Bemedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one Buffering with pain can ba7e cheap and positive proof of its claims. Direction in Eleven Language. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AHD DEALES8 TS MEDICINE, A.VOGELER fc CO., Baltimore, 3rd., If. 8. A dec 80 d w ly c a - .?Z 6t iTt H. B.1 Payments must be made promptly, as Indulgence .?Iifrts and I cannot be given. X will stlU conduct the business at the old stand. fieptember 1, 1881. 9 . . , i influence, both official and personal. which you could exert Unon mnr careful consideration, however, we do not think that this could be your inten tion, and for several reasons, among others for the reason that the commissioners, especially Gover nor Jarvis and Senator Vanca. are fully aware of the peculiar circum stances attending the assignment made 10 us Dy Mr. uest, and were fully cog mizant of Mr. Best's utter and acknowl edged inability at the time of making his .assignment to us to take the first step-toward the fulfilment of his un dertaking. -That at the time of such assignment we were made sensible by numerous representations directly and indirectly from the commissioners and other prominent and influential citi zens of the State that conseanencea most disastrous to the interest of the State and its people would ensne if it hen became apparent that the Best act was a failure, and that with the full knowledge of these things you not only consented to it but were larcrelv in strumental in inducing us to accent he assignment. More nartinnlarlv in it worthy of note in this connection that Senator Vance was present at several of the interviews held in New York with Mr. Best, and was active in pronfoting the negotiation, then thought by ourselves, in common with others of the State, to be important and essential to the interests of the State, and nf hose citizens of the State who had been actively instrumental in nrnnnr. ing the original and the contract there unto xo De enacted and made. It is moreover proper to say that the com missioners are, and were the time, aware that this assignment was nnr. sought by us, but only taken at the ur gent solicitation of those who were most deeply interested in its successful consummation, yourselves most con spicuously, and influential among the number, and that, under these circum stances, we stepped into" the breach when every pthes resources had failed, and assumed; an onerous border which au, otners naa declined, and thereby averted the disastrous rtnn Ren nan re apprehended by yourselves and others from a failure. It seems t.n n im that yOU Cannot mean tn demnnrl n nir. render of our just and fully recognized rights under this contract, because here Can be no DOSSible trrminrls f nr anoh demand. We feel assured that you are fully aware that ever since we assumed me responsibility of this assignment WO have Proceeded to.nnsh fnrwarrl he work in accordance therewith with a diligence and vigor .which, consider-, and almost, insuperable obstacles pre sented, have shown upon our part not only good faith but a sincere and earn est desire and purpose to comply with and carry out our contract in its true intent and spirit. At the same time we know that you were fully informed of the fact, for reasons in nowise at tributable tous, the contract on the part of the State has not been perform ed in essential particulars that have not only seriously retarded the progress of the work, but greatly increased its cost. The state nas not rurnisned, and, as we are informed, can not now f urn- sh, the 500 convict laborers to which we .are 'entiuea unaer ine aes. . Jfor these reasons, .as well as others that might be assigned; we can not construe your communication to be a demand tot the surrender of our rights- and in terests, much , less that such . demand should, be kmade tfiderta .menace of whaterexiinjaries yourfngh cfrtelai po kitlnif i rfrV i vonr inersbrial I influftnfA- PpriS'intSnabie'yOtt'to inflict.AWe can? did, straightforward man, and, I have always said and believed, a gentleman In this spirit I ask, did you have no de sire for the Western road at the time you took up the Best contract? Did you do it solely to help the State and her people, and for no other purpose ? Is it true or not true that, at the time Best was negotiating for the purchase of the road, some of those interested in vour lines met and discussed the ques tion of becoming yourselves bidders against Best ? Would you not have be come a bidder had you not have become satisfied that Best was not in the inter. est of a line not hostile to yours ? I ask these questions because your per sistent pushing upon us the suggestion that you took up the contract to avert a great calamity makes them perti nent. But from whatever motive you act-" ed, you certainly can not say you en tered into the contract at my solicita tion. I did not ask, nor did I even know you and your friends had done so till after it was done. It is true that I knew there was trouble between Mr. Best and his associates, and they were likely not to be able to organize. Col. Andrews had been for years my warm personal friend, and was then, as now, a member of my staff. I asked him to o to New York and see what the trou le was, and, if possible, remedy it. I also telegraphed to Senator Vance to go to New York and aid in the adjust ment I felt that it was a crisis in the history of the road, and that if the con tract broke down and the work failed, then it would be a long time before the people of the west would see the road and hear the whistle of the engine. I also knew that you were in New York and that you did not want the work on the road to stop or the contract to fail, and I supposed the fact that you knew the road would be an important feeder to your line had somethmg to do with your anxiety and feelings in the mat ter. But, as before stated, I did not know who assumed the responsibilities of the contract till after it was done. There is not connected with this whole matter, from the day Mr. Best first came to Baleigh to the present time, one single act, word or line of mine that I-would have concealed or kept from the public, I therefore beg that you will cease to write in such vague feneral terms, and say what it was that did to induce you or your friends to take up the Best contract .What prom ise did I make of what inducement did I offer? , Now, let us have it all out in plain, unmistakable words,giving time, place and circumstances. I do not wish to evade any obligation or responsibili ty I am under; but I do want to know what it is. -1 write to you thus indi vidually, because I know you well, while I barely know Gen. Logan and do not know Mr. Clyde at alL , Col. Andrews was an ardent friend of mine1 for the nomination by the Democratic party and election by the people for Governor. I have no doubt that he thought that a failure of the enterpise at that time would seriously effect, me in both ways, and that, on fiAconnt' ho Worked all the harder to get the matter arii. ota t t. IZf'XVF as ireason-forhis efforts, ana, it the truth, was knowneven used 'r ?iey8ave the contract - , ". oii a!1?01 forget the services of Aadrewsv nd will; netecfail: to' "fem-when l can -prdperlvdo vr -anl!ful!, fc would not' have me no so improperly1 j ci 1 1 uerea tnafitateanri rnvtuiir riM in ng.Un the Jinnrra. .no matterpirt.hat. motive yott LOVELY COMPLEXIONS POSSIBLE TO ALL. What Nature denies to many Art secures to all. Hagan's Magnolia Balm dispels every Memisb, overcomes Kedness, Freckles, Sallowness, Bough ness, Tana Eruptions and Blotches, and removes all evi dences of heat and excitement. The Magnolia Balm imparts the most delicate and natural complexiorial tints no detec tion Deing possible to the clos est observation, i Under these circumstances a faulty complexion is little short of a crime. Magnolia Balm sold everywhere. Costs only 75 cents, with full directions. In the City of Louisville, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1881. These drawings oemr mnnthi snntQra , ed) under provisions of an Act of the General is- dciuui vi ja-euiuuKj. The United States Circuit Court on March 81. rendered the following decisions: ' 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com- 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve iuiiu. wsu iub usi ui prizes ior tne SEPTEMBER DRAWING. J mooo g26 10,000 a iiL6o, n (MM) 10 Prizes, $1,000 each. 10 000 20 Prizes, feoo each. In'nX 1 r.r iu . VVVV iuu rrura, iuukko, 1O0OO 200 Prizes, 50 each io oOO uuv; j-riioa, caou, , 12.001? iwv rioca, iu eacu lOOOfl 9 Prizes, 8300 each, Approximation Prizes 82,708 9 Prizes, 200 " 1 80& 9 Prizes, 100 " " -; 900 1.900 Prizes 8112,400 Whole Tlc&ets. S2; Half Tickets, 81; 27 Tickets. Bemit Money or Bank Draft in LPttr. nr upriii oy express, wn t sjsimu ur RKGI8TERED LETTER OR POSTOETICE ORDER. Orders of $6 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Aaaress an oraers to R. M. BOARD MAN, Courler-Jonmal Building nuiusviite, jsj., or aua croaaway rsew xork. July 3 - JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Llspenslng Pharmacist North Tryon 8t, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Van. 22 THE ONLY MEDICINE IS EITHER LIQUID OB DEI FORM That Acts at the same time on' MTSS LITEM, TEE BQWEISA AMD THE EIDmrS. WHY ARE WE SICK? Became we allow these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that showdbe expelled naturally. Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. Jt assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. FOB SALE BV ALL BSUGOXSTS. ' Janjl8 deod, eow ly. This great specific cures that disease most loathsome .WILL SURELY CURE KIDN EX. DISEASES, I V TUIVER COMPLAINTS, f PILES CONSTIPATION', XTErVAHY Z DISSASEB, FEMALE WEAKNESSKS, f by causing free action of these organs and restoring their power to throw off disease. I ' "Why Salter Bilio.na pains and aeheat Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened over disordered Kidneys! Why endare merroas or sick headacheiT Use KXDNEY-WORTarui rejoice in health. It Is pat up In Dry Vegetable Farm, In tin cans one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, very Cosoea- traceo, ior snose inac oannot readily prepare it. tiylt acts with eqoal efneiency in either form. GET IT OF TOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, LOO WELLS, BICHABDSOH A Co., Prop's, (Wmaend the dry post-paid.) BUKLKffrOS, TT. llTj T WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OB TERTIARY STAGS. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. isuros rcruiuia, wa sores, rneumansm, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL! . Malvern, Ark., May 2. 1881. we nave cases m our town who lived at Hot Bliriuga hjuu were nmuiy curea wun a. o. ci. McCahmon & MUBST. Louisville, Kentucky, May 13. 1881. a. a. a. nas given better satisfaction Umn an uicuiuuio 1 uave ever sura. J. A. JTLXXcrSS. Memphis, Tennessee. May 12, 1881.' We have SOld 1.2HH bottles Of 8. 8. 8. In a vonr It has given universal satisfaction. Vair'TnfnriArf ujrsiciina now recommena it as a positive speelf 1. 8. Marsiteld A On. Denver. CoL. Mat 9. i r 1 ATery purcuaacr gpeaKs m me nignest terms S. as. L. MgEsarriCK. of Richmond. Va.. Mat 11 1 est You can refer anybody to us In regard to the merits of a S. S. Polk Millsb & Co. March 27 d&wly a ease P. O. WILSON, CHARLOTTE, N. C, , Sole Agent for Have never known H. fl PL tn fnti tn of Syphilis, when properly taken. h. l. dshhabd, EliWarhxk, Perrv G& The above slimera am mnflamm hi.k tog. A. H. CoLqurrr, Gov. of Ga. LOUIS COOK, . - , ..." Columbus Buggy' ABB TEX WATERTOWN SPRING WAGON COMPANIES, " FOB THB BALX OT BUGGIES, CABMAGm PHTOM; SPRING i . wauujns, 4C., ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. - a. ,UOUUSS' WJ. " : TOP BUGGIES, S85. . uiuucemenis to the wholesalA trariA Correspondence solicited. 6 0:3(16 . Junil " -. - - - : ?, FOR RENT. If yon wish, we will take yonr ease. TO BS PAID TOR WHEN CUBED.; Write for Oculars" SlJlOOBEWARn mm ha tuiM n n. .t...! IS?- Ul,flnJ. on analysis of 100 bottles of a a 9., one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance, r, SWIFT SPECIFIC COuT HnM h.-,,.' .-PprJetorsi Atlanta, Ga. fpldby druggists everywhere. - - -, .ft?th$ infonoatlon write for the Htflebook. 8pld br,T. & SmUh, L. R. Wriston 4 Ca and isssr - - - St CHARGES HOTEL STATESVTLLE, N. C - - Tw6? Observer bunding irt.1-W, - mnertte ,OT rent-after Jfa i dec23 It T next JNO. L. MOREHEAD & Tms house has been leased for a fernVof yean by Mrs. Dr. Beeres, whose' Intention lata keen a Btrlotlv flrsteJasii hona in - iiCcmmodious sample rooms on Waudsnd DON'T GO TO S AH atvia When you can get water Just as fresh and spark lipg as when it flows from the sprtng at Saratoca whiTJ,1118 water m lare block tin reservofrs r fn JLuraJ18 soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. j. a McADEN, v Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared bv emriBiui and competent druggists, day or night, July28 fornip Seed ! farnip eed! Landreth's NEW CROP TURNIP SEED. BED OB PURPLE TOP, WHITE FL iT DUTCH, LARGE WHITE NORFOLK, POMERANIAN WHITE GLOBE WHITE EGG, AMBER GLOBE, GOLDEN BALL, YELLOW ABERDEEN, BUTA BAGA BLOOMSDALB SWEDE OR YELLOW. LANDRETH'S SEED ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE. L 11 WRISTON 4 CO. JulylO Druggist by Examination. Go to W. P. M1UVIN, Agent, and Successor to F. Boarr A Ca Fresh Drags and Pure Medicines None but the Tery Best Drugs do I keep ta my stock. Also, ToOet and Taney Articles. Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tooth BrasheaTae., ftT GAKDEN SEEDS of all toe test varieties, and warranted 4 to be good. physicians' pMa5s,r,Teii'p Hoping to reeelve a share of pubUc patronage, I am, respectfully, feP , W. P. MARVIN, Agt. 0 ; i ! H R 1 H If II u p HOMEFORr SALE If desired, tt ani h. - . win be sold unfurnished! v tanfealramedlatelr Address. V;r J' TAYLOR,- . i.-; ndersonrUle, N. & Jun4i.; f ; Otv Let for.SaJe Cteap. HEoto? the corner of Ninth-street and the JLi North run in ioi in. M uZz V. V . . Tiriz?v r"1.c"iTOC aoia as a whole or divided Jntotwolots et 70 br 196 feet,,. SB bnndins? or tart nre hnnu. - f z2X-Jz " .v':,-''";"vSr"i-'-ir v "'!

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