at m Posr-omra uauxumw. M.O.AS SATURDAY, JSEFT. 17,1881., pTnuiipftTWon thn Inereaaa'ln PhUttttis condition of the pus discharged delphla. Phila&elphia will: pay a tax of $L90 on the hundred dollars, ' or ; total tax ior me ewy. wj4i v it The two hundredth anniversary of the setttement of Kotfolk; Va, takes place October 17 and 18. '" Dr. Bliss has been, since the Presi dent was shot, the most interviewed man in America, and yet he still sur vives. Gen. Sherman says that Mason, who shot at Gulteau "deserves the severest punishment." But rhi won't receive it :' .- . ' English cotton buyers -are cornering on cotton and manufacturers are ' com bining and stopping work to beat the rings. ' - ' "Forgive our great men foe their as tonishing folly was one ef Mr. Spur geon's recent prayers, and, one that might be universally adopted. Wif e Hoa -has turned jip for Mar vin. She is a New Yorker. He was not partial, but eeems to 'have 'em all around, promiscuous like. i Shelby Aurora? -Attempt at train wrecking are quite common of late days. If Judge Lynch would hang a few of the viliiansit would have a tendency n mtnn tVom TfTm atnn11 tMnlr in I The net earnings of the Western Union Telegraph Company for the quarter ending September 30 (Septem ber partially estimated) amount to ep9,894. Tom Murphy, Grant's f lend, has made lots of money by investments in property at Long Branch, which he bought for a trifling sum and has sold at a big price. . '.. y A subscription list is in' circulation In Washington to defray the cost of de fending Mason, in the event he be tried for shooting at Guiteau. If he is ever tried it will be a mere matter of form. A dispatch to the New York World says that Secretary Windom has decid ed to call in thirty millions of the three and a half per cent bonds the call to be made this week. ' Sarannah News : We remember very distinctly when the new Vicar Apos tolic of North Carolina came to col lege, a cnrley headed little boy, never dreaming of what the future held for him. EhtUtfugaces! i in 11 The total voting population of Ten nessee, as ascertained, from the late census, is 840,741, yet the total vote cast at the Presidential election last year was only 243,000. There were nearly 100,000 "stay-at-homes." ""ssBisjjssmeBsjBjBiaH The New York Board of Trade Wed nesday adopted resolutions asking all citizens to refuse to vote for such Sen ators as were known to be favorable to monopolies, and praying for a change in the existing bankrupt law. Another installment of the railroad controversy appears in this paper this morning this time a surrejoinder from Col. Andrews. He presents his side of the case with an ability and clearness which will repay perusal. Frontier customs are being intro duced into New England. A few days ago a carriage was stopped on one of me roaas in jew Hampshire by a highwayman who relieved Mr. Frank Andrews, of Boston, who was riding in it of 9300 and a gold watch. There will be an immense crop of corn in the State of Iowa, running up into the hundreds of millions of bush els. Eighteen counties, which in 1880 yielded 60.000,000 bushels, will this year produce 70,000000. A Philadelphia gentleman, who, a year ago, bought 2,000 shares of Hanni bal and Sj. Joe, Sold it last week at 110, making $136,00. Another, who lost 13000, jumped off a Sound steamer and was drowned. Such is gambling In stocks. . ; The city authorities of Savannah J have decided that they cannot enforce the penalties against parties who vio late the Sunday laws, as they are State laws aad beyond the jurisdiction of city courts. So the saloons remain open and business is brisk. Ex-Speaker Sharpe studiously kept himself out of the way, which caused the postponement of Sessional trial at Albany, until November. You see, the trial at this time might have an un healthy influence on the Republican party pending the election. The Chicago Tribune suggests that Archbishop McHale, of Tuam, ought to be chief almoner of the Land League funds, seeing that during the famine of 1847 he received, wholly un solicited, $140,000, which he distributed at an expense of $25. Savannah Newt: Bread riots in the South next winter would be rather a severe commentary upon our vaunted general prosperity. 2?ofmors Ameri . tan. Bread riots in the North are much more probable. The Southern people have an extraordinary faculty pjBurviving more poverty and higher interest than aay nation extant. ' There is trouble in Pennsylvania. It feeems that Wolf e, the Independent can lidate for State Treasurer; is- a ;half trted, and as Cameron, who is stal wart" got possession of the Machinery of the party, he aad hu friends con tluded to bolt and run aJ schedule of -e.1i-Qttat Wolfe and his crowd are eottlng In for a liberal share of classic ; stalwart casl- nig, m uvtMHiauu uiaunraniZers. what if?0 notice ftnl pull hair. Rer'inanair. 1a I setaer onectioa toj and do some ClXiU lOlia TOUQJE. B" -" ' ANOTHER BEIiAPSE President are of the most gloomy char acter. Whatever doubts may hare ex- I I isted as to pyemia, are. ..certainly dispel- l.t,4- nun tha oTl1Slf s IhA IftArt IK sores which naye orpjcen q airesu anu from the wound all point to it, and the physicians admit it, althoush they do not call it by that name. The unex pected turn yrMch ytook place yes terday his i 'filled themvrtth jdarond, banished the bright hopes tfiat his ap-' parentlyimproYed;! spired. Every body bad begun to think when it was announced that he was sitting up in the reclining chair, eating fruit, &&, that he had at last entered upon the path of recovery and that 'ere long he would be entirely out of dan ger, but these hopes" are rudely dashed to the ground and again we look upon the prostrate sufferer, in his extreme debility, fluctuating between life and death, nearer to death, if we may so ex press it, than to' life. It is indeed a gloomy state of affairs when the level headed, hopeful Dr. Boynton shakes his head and fears that the "next forty eight hours may tell a sad story." . He has hung td life with a marvelous - tenacity so far, but this last reverse will shake the confidence of the thou-1 sands who based their hopes of final re-1 covery on. the encouraging bulletins which have been sent , to the country, 1 and whicfi representedhim as constant ly improving since his arrival at Lcbg Branch.' It is evident now, should he overcpmelhe 'present' reverse, that he has stfll a long and precarious road to travel before "Richard is himself again," to quote the phrase Ire jmselfusedtjutl , . . v. s- ; ; . ? . I a I6W UyS ag0 .Three of the finest looking cottages at LongBranchrare owned andoccopied by proprietors of Mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup. Tbiy have no hard feelings against babies, iras so many 'Others havft An aged negro in Carroll county, Maryland, a paralytic, helpless, tooth less imbecile, isiiving-in good .style" on the proceeds of Jbonuses paid him by insurance speculators, who have policies on his .life aggregating two hundred thousand dollars. Gambling in stocks, bonds, &c, is bad. enough but when capitalists' get to locking up wheat, corn and1 meat, to control the markets and command weir own price, it is just about ninety-nine degrees worse than planking money on poker or the faro table. J - How natural it is for housekeepers to occasionally intrust front door keys to servants. How easy it is for ser vants to have duplicate keys made, if they want to, and how . natural it is that burglars should gain entrance td a house in some unaccountable wayaf ter such a servant' has been discharge The king of Dahomey, with his army of Amazons, has pounced down upon the towns of Ignono and Okepo, and destroyed them. All who were not killed, and who did not make their es cape, were carried away prisoners to be sacrificed at the torn." great annual "cus- The kind-hearted proprietors of the West End, Long Branch, have relaxed the rule against dogs. About every other young lady at the hotel linarches up and down the corridors and the drawing-rooms with a little snarling pug under her arm, evidently not erf joying her embrace in the least A deputation of bankers from New York, Philadelphia and Baltmore had a conference with Commissioner Raum at Washington .Wednesday in refer ence to the arrears of taxes dne claim ed by the government, fiaum expects to take in i,oool0pot?brtit js thought an amicable adjustment may be reach ed. Iowa don't ask a juror if he "has formed an opinion as to the guilt or in nocence" of a person to be tried, but whether he "has formed such an opin ion as would prevent him frorn render ing a verdict in -accordance with the iacts, evidence ana law" in the case. Consequently it is not so difficult to get intelligent juries In that State. s 1 Senator Conger .appeals fn God's name for help for the Michigan suffer-, era, iAmongthe pathetic .incidents . of Che fire it is related thatr a local' relief committee met a farmer traveling east-: ward with an old horse and' wagon containing four boxes. The boxes con tained the charred remains of his wife and six children. He had lost every thing. . e The KHcets Oplalou of the Preet sleat'e Jjung Trouble London, Sept. 16. The Lancet of this week says the reason of the trouble with President Garfield's - lungs is hy- Posuhm - congesuon' ac meir Dase De cause of depressed respiration arising from long recumbency. .Sittingup wiu DTobablv srive much relief, bnt until all signs of affection of the lungs have dis- appearea - ine uopeiui progress con stantly cabled here is not well founded, although it may prove a likely guess, Stock Bl&rket. '. New Yobk. Sent 16. n a. m The stock market opened irregular. The only notable closinstiuotai luons hetog toiCWcago Siincy which was 1 per cent higher 163 and rose to . ltw.v Tha entire market, however, became heavy in ear- ty aeaungs ana a decline ranging from 4 to 2M per cent was recorded, the lat ter in Chicago? Burlington -& Quincy which fell off to 161. : Northern Pacific preferred declined from1 80M to Denver aad Eio Grande from 88 to 87ltfAWestern Union fromfiOM to 88M, unio ana juasusipp rxom 5 to HiM. New Jersey Central from 9$H to S5 ana Oregon , N avleatlon from ." WS to . 464. uaiuiiuiu x ou iosepa: ijommonwas quoted at $20, with no sales. ' Cattish Spluere Determlnea. ' (t - juonpon. oepu io. 4-ne secretary of Mnttnaes to receive returna showing jP00!, eotton:,corner VZJZa.. 1 yB-SSriSJsriat " I aiafi.. s09 sred and tnflrm. 'isdnik1' AwnTin;B.flTnnirrAY.: TOE PKESIDEWTS COJJDITIOlf X CITES THE GRAYCSlT .it- . t ? TT fears thai the net ,4S tell sad StonfFMn torn treme Debility will Saccnmb te the Present Septic Cemdition eren Should no new Complications Arise -4ustalnin; 1A1 o hj. 1 ncjrease,4 Ifoorlshinent wvaA JtioHfrtTpe' BUnd Affected. ,,. i i -,.a?tjrt. S! 1 ii i ii.iih -m firiSTT1 OFFICIAL BUIXETIN. Elbebon, SepUlfi 9 a. m. At the examination of thePresident at 8 SO this morning, the temperature was 98.6, pulse, 104, respiration ,21.. The f ebrile rise during the night was not as pro nounced as it usually has beenv JThere was at times a considerable acoelr4 tion of the pulse. 'He,1 however; slept comparatively well, and took stimu lants and nourishments directed. The cough was somewhat more troublesome during the first part of the nigh and exriectoration rather more purulent The discharge from the wound is less abunaant ana hoc quite as neaitny in appearance. The pulse, -however, lias more volume and his general condition does not seem to been very materially . changed iB;imykrespect.a in r -j F. H, Hamilton. 10:15 a. m. The situation this morn- favorable, and grave anxiety to whether the President will be able to overcome the result of his extreme debility. 'Bed sores nave again, SKSJSL 2. , , , . ' 'i f ijoxro xjbancil sepje jo itfwa a .r The President passed .' a fairly good niflrht., Durins the eariv Dart of the night be was troubled with coughing more so tnan on any previous nignc His general condition is not so f avora- mi ! Die to-aay. :xnerQ are no new compu- cations and ha indications of any, but t.hA Ttatient'a condition shows that he the patient's condition shows that he has not improved in the past 12 hours. The j wojinji-has assumed, a morejra- healtny appearance ArKt tne aisenage from it has'been growing more unsat isfactory since yesterday morning; While the pus discharged this morning is pi no Detter onaracter tnan mat ais charged Mast night, small bed gores have aeain appeared. Dr. Boynton says they are caused from constantly lying in bed and are attributed to theex- treme debility of the patient. Dr.Boyn 6n : -alsaeays the Circulation of the pa tient is good and pulse is not-of a more depressed or unfavorable character than heretofore. The anxiety which now prevails is whether or not the President is able to stand the burden which he is now carrying. -Dr. Boyn ton says he still has hope that he wil but it is a question which can only be determined by the future. The patient's mind is. also very weak and shows evi dences of disturbance: by continued hallucinations. .There is still a contin uance of suppuf afeeh of the parotid gland. Un tne wnoie, tne case may be summed up with the assertion that the present moment is one of extreme anx lety, and hope of sufficient grOundfor assuming that the patient Will rtvflr- come.the excessive debility which has established itself. All are hopefu however, especially Dr. Boynton. who asserts without hesitation that the pro- vitality left to override the present un favorable symptoms, but ontbeiother hand he is unwilling to grant that there is anything to warnrrit., sanguine opinion 10 mac enecc Elbebon, Sept. 16. At the examina tion pi tne resident at 12 m. to-day, the temperature was 00.8, pulse 116, respiration 21. At tne evening dress mgatousop. m. tne temperature was 98.6, pulse 104, respiration 22 A sllgh febrile rise occurred at 11 a. m- and had entirely subsided at 2 p. m. The condi tion of the woumd remains unchanged. His cough had not been so frequent or persistent, but the sputa still remains purulent, nourishment and sumulants have been given in increased quantities without discomfort.' Altogether his general condition cannot be said to be improved. New York, Sept. 14. Specials from Elberon axe of the most gloomy char acter. The Post says the President is nearing another crisis. The septic con dition of his system is manifesting it self in various threatening symptoms. Bed sores, for instance, which were present in Washington and which healed apparently after his removal here have again made their appearance mis morning. - iis puise noetuates wUdly and his -mind is less clear. Upon the"wnole the outlook is not encourag ing and the"neit 48 liours may bring very sad news. Dr. Boynton said this morning that he now feared- the President had not sufficient vitality left to surmount present difficulties even if no new com plications made their appearance-- , . t The GommerctaT says this Jiasibeerf one 01 tne gloomiest days since the President's arrival, and although the morning bulletin did not create a panic it came near doing so and greatly de pressed tne spirits or everybody, in eluding Attorney-General Mac V eaeh. who made his appearance at Elberon aooat tne tune tne bulletin appeared. JThe doctors were not-inclined to talk much, a sure sign that the patient is worse or nbt doing weU. pr. Boynton, however, ma .10c cojuwai jas opinions and said he thought the situation looked very grave and that it was doubtful whether the ' remaining vitality of the President would carry him safely through even without other complica tions. The nght lung is not so well, but gave every evidence of extended abscess and increased inflammation. Dr. Boynton is not therefore satisfied with tke condition of things to-day and does hot be&itate to say so. In conver sation' this afternoon Oen. Swaim said it was bard to say what change had oc curred in the President's condition since yesterday; it being so slight He did;notlixe4the appearance of the wound, the discharge peing of an un healthy character. He did not think there Yhadf been any actual loss of Strength Within 24 hours, but certainly thtre has been, no, gain. Nourishment has been given freely, including milk and brandy, and this" stimulant has had a beneficial effect The most important work. to be'done ,now is to. build up his strength, se as towltbalan the drain made by tie wound upon his system. It H5!eE &lxtfrni n " r, y lena TV Toekor, of Teskneeeee., Ae 1Iemphm. Sept .IaXgqti. W. T. Tuck er waa assassinated Wedsjesday night at Okookma, Miss. He waa ealled to the door of bis residence and ihot br an unknown party. ' Death resulted al-? most -Instantly, The circiiln stance point to Houston Parish, a netrro bov 18 years old, with whom Tucker had some trouble a few days agoi Th : aa BaasiD jransn, naa peen, arrestea. he jtoCBBaeB thaatata.iaiia zsamimanded a briirarlA L4ripg the war. k CleaVeToIdHoI, .-September laA Iknqwn thronghout thecomttryis doxd; 1 IlV2H. restoring power IWei.o)tor.gatonotJu Si.,! rWsiflwr,rnsaiMfflB. The Weathera. WJLBmNQTONJSeDL'lIndUcalions-- Middle Atlantic, partly cloudy weather, wiiu xocai rains,! eat to souui -win us, East Gulf, fair weather, northerly winds, becoming variable, stationary barometer. :: l':-- umo valley and Tennessee. xair j nnessee, fair j stauomary or higher barometer ana iemT t a i ,.ai : peratare. - r " If r IJrUti ? SfhUiAeanUcl partly cloudy weathe TJ j Btationati or Kzhtz baronLter tnd teC.- V P W weithf bbfdaiicaL rains towrHOTrnTrrr' me Ticrrtnern portion with westerly inrlw ntntirimi imrtilni.r-inn mnTitTT and temperature, . ,i ;TBBBiBKttx)asoyLrjnE. -. UlUUmj of 'Tittrnle cak bed bugs," "roacbes ete.iloeBtbelr IlTeg ,br eoUlslon-witH "Boogaon Bats.f Sold by draests. 15c 'ffTHX DOCTOB TOLD Mi rj ol take a blue mil. batldldntlor-I bad abe hMn l poisonca rwice- py morcarj. xa the Udag-lor aybOlookoess and eensapatleei an nowJLamas weu aeer.Hr ToroM sraDerananua llTer Is the trouble lor which KidBeyrWort alwan vniTH w uio post ivimaj kuvnu CouranU u v- Trtnimm Atjtw aWa rimflmrrtiM WATTalurD Uia&r-The great toirie- and raJtaraTe ;eonu0iis Iwimt iu mnch tmn 'unit IHtw TwrmnL mora &1UH1 tnum than -aor "alnm 'aad noil inass'' knowni 1 Jnst ttis thlnrtar the Opting weaknear'BOWflo- 9nera eoia or- tui yaggi8tt on sht smhuiiiik rY . -- - - JJPJ MIDI FBOIC 'HIBMEESS M1TXBIAL9. . and.' anntnd tn thA iwuMla nf fiutln and falling OUT.. Parker1 Halt fiateam has taaen the first van as an eiegant ana nuaoiensar repuwTV. ... , , . 4 i IBBTrXTION or HX SCALP, - An JtuthentleTesttmeor.' ;iJ: r ; 6naeroen :ror nTe jears l JiaTe been greatly troubled with dandruff, with a seyere ttehlncof the scalp, and my hair falllii out sr tried almost eterykhown remedy, auproynig weruuess.j Beer. Log BuTnetf s Coboalne tmd Burnett's Xalllston ad TarHMMLIrocaredabottIeof each, and am has- ir4 to state that tUie daudrutt Is .eompjetelx t J.JLCfrmf, Kansas Clty,Mft Bumett'a Flayorlng Ksets aye the best ! A GOOD BAPTIST;' ' , clergyman, of Brg6n, K. a' strong temperanoe man, Mffemd with kidney trouble, neuralgia, and dizziness almost to bUndness, oyer two years alter he was told that Hop Bitters would cure bin, be cause he was afraid of and prejudiced. against "bitters. etnoe his enre he says none need feu but trust mHopBlttanvi ' in..: , ,;'' j : . 1 1 -y v.) ..... ! .-. h': Chew only the brand ot.ktbaceo known as The Old oaken Bucket f . THE old Oaken Bucket, The iron-bound bucket. The moss -covered bucket, That hung lu the well. ; ' ' . . ' CH AS. B. TONES, ' Charlotte, Hf C, Sole Agent Liberal terms to dealers. - . t ' .i i ' ' ' - Mo one who Is thoroughly tegular in the bowels I Is halt as liable to disease as he that is Irregular. He may be attacked by contagious diseases, and o may the irregular, but he Is not nearly as sub ject ta outalde influences. The use f TAKftAirrSoTZIEAPlBIENT . secures regularity, and eonseguent tmnKmity from sickness, t Sold by an druggists. ... lonS dAweodBmo ' Chew the brand of tobeeeo known as The i ' !"! - Old Oaken HpHE OM Oaken Bucket, X . The lron-beond bucket, ' The-mess-eerered bucket, That hung In tbe welL CHA& B. JONES, Charlotte, N. C, Bole Agent. ' Liberal terms to dealers. Dn.SflEJFORD'S It Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and t r ,tiA. t cures JL,iver uinpiauits, 1 aun- Dn:,.W faUX nTj uiccy vuiuuauias iucuotio, vuar tiYeriess;Headache.;Itasastsdit gesHon, sfrengthethetem, reoralatesthe bowels,purifiesthiri W&L : A Book sent free. Dr; SANtORD, 162 Broadwiy, N. Y. vi,n 'm w ' w ATT. 'livniiataM -r?TTT iT -"'"r rfaw4an-aeoa,m--y, r , . We give above a eoitect likeness ' fit tftis weu knowa M succpssful physjeian a surgeon, wo has made a life long study of Kewous BJacaaes aad the Diseases of the Skin, and be now stands la the highest rank; as authc thcee special and dlstresBtnj dfeeases.?In the eeurse'of his practice he discovered what now ate renowned to medlcaliinaetiee,' vlzj a combination of Celerery andChamomflein the' sMr ot'FDis.' They are used by the profession at JargV totfeonatahr cpnimtedbythsra. " t; ' ' itnotifeateltmedjB1 Cte result of bis own experfence to prflikloa. ey s a surf sure for the foov ipeclai'dlses auTlrJi worthy of atrial bf s4llntenigsufferera, . The are prepared ektijwasiyfp eure sick,bss4aohe, ner: vous headache vayBpepttis hMdailiioTalgla," paralysis; aleepJessoessV tysip ness, and ted cur any ease.',-, V "Tt Soldbyafldnrjte,- 60 eents a boi. Pewjt,. 1Q8 North, Xotaw street.1 BAlttmp're, .Md, tt mftfl, fwpfcpxes forSIi or six boxes foe 12.50 trxnr near" aaanrsiftuDf - A a. 3- r'Pf'W W ' "II W ' T T y.r. kMksejtts skte wkita, pass IW" tamovea m aa flnakiaa. . taA it tUMBI tpua Wtmiesjevaakactg aosststisa 'flfbot ameziai 'rr.ria.rni aiiilsTtftnisltieitnin M v swi'izmS p8itTT---, . TeeentlsmehTlVl isses"Boy-sitartilde7r V L- -I- FAIT. TO BE SUIT3SD-IN' . 1 lTOU ttitil Si' -rT TTTT3UXF A T Til. A TV! IJiVV I N I U K If fl. A-l J : . rt gaaraatee that erery pair of 8HOXS we seiisna no iuuuu jubi b reyivBeuinu, aw y - ' --T " money. Our stock has been carefully selected wiffi arte to the wants ol all classes of customers, and comurjsei foniW .CjMMiaaMe , , goods; of me very best auaiHy and aU grades, from taieflnestriencli Kid Button Boot to the Heaviest Btegail i Kiyou wish to get joar Uxs au4 tiwes to . A . . .w. .jcl. .-otM-tM. mn n&nnat ssplS Chew only the brand of toblcco known as The Old Oaken Bucket, m , t .;, --r -. 'tfoid'cattdekeU'' " ' 4 l A'Thfrtron-bouBdbQeketi' . . TiiemosB-coyered bucket,-.t . . Thfttliiinir lri the welL a. '. Skin J H" ' Liberal toons to dealers. ; . , .. .' qasiriOTri,ll.4, rmber 1, 1,881, VOTICK TO pXLiNQl&KNT TAX PAYEES:, ' I will Bell lot cash at the 'court house in Char lotte, en Monday, the 8rd day of October, 188 1 beginning at 11 o'clock a. m., the foUowlng de-. scribed real estate, situated m the eity of Char lotte, to satisfy executions In my, Jhands for taxes due the city: . Two lots on Poplar .street, at the Intersection with Tenth. Nos. 811 and 812.' the property of Dr. a K. Bratton, for S24.45, baUmce o taxes du for 1 870 and tor the year 1880. One tot on jrirtn street, ne property or u. x. Butler, adjoining Mrs. Eliza Tate, for $40.75, for .taxes due ana unpaia ior is v ana ibw. One lot on fourth street, near , AtlanUi tt Char lotte Alr-tlne road, belonging to Mrs. Lucy But- ler.aclotnlng J. Jf. wneeier ana otnera, ior toe Otlwxesaue,OT.uie.yerBeMaua. One loL.NOw 1227. in square No. 51. tronttng on Churcn street, me property oi w. sv rseany.aa lomiB&Mrs. M; Jianhagan, for the sum of $14.43 taxesaue ior reoii. , ' - One lot. No. ftl. in sauare tllS. on Stonewall street, the nroDextr of Booert Berry, adlolntne J.S. Stephenson, for the sum of $4,05, for taxes due ; for 1878, 1879 arid 1880. - ; Two lots, tzonung on serentawreet, bee Tryon and Church streets, adjoining the oroDerty of J. M. Smith and M. E. Alexander, the property of the , Mercnanurana irannera rtai-fi isanK oi unanone, for S14.80. taxes doe and unpaid for 1880. - : ' One lot on CoJleeestreet. adjoining the nronerty of H. O, Springs and others, lately the property of Allen Cruse, belonKlng to the Traders' National Bank oi unariooe, ror y i.5t, taxes due- and un paid for the years 1879 and 1880. , ' n -Two lots. Nob. 1222 and 1228 ia sauare 104. djolning B. Schenck,: and fronting on Graham' street, the property of Sarah A. Chambers, for the sum oi 80.82, ior taxes aue ana mipaia ior the earn 1879 and 1880. One lot on Poplar street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, adjoining C. Hllker and Mrs. Wris- ton. the property of Man J. Collier, wits of W.J. Collier, for $29.94, for taxes due and unpaid for the years 14, '75778, '77, !78 and 1880T One lot etrfilxth street, at its tntersection with k street, aaioimnc aennea ana otners, tne oroD- erty oi w. js. vroweu, ior siu.w, taxes due and unpaid for 1880. One lot the Dronertr oi Dr. K. Crowe L ad loin- tng T. H. Oaithec at the tnterseotion of Myers and tuxtn streets, iorra.zo. taxes aue jdj ibu. i . . One lot, the property of Fanny Conner, being lot 593, in square 78, on D street, . adjoining Edward Glavin. tor $180, taxes due for 1880. ' One lot, the property of Fannie Gordon, wife of J. W. Gordon, being No. 1119, In square eio. 104, fronting on Graham street, adjoining T. H. Lo max. lot S4.1W. taxes due 1st '79 and 0. Twoi lota on First street. aoJoinlnc J. McLaugh lin, being Nos. 604 and 605, In square No. 80, the property oi jeu uagier, ior o.o, taxes aue ior r70and'8O. v One lot, the property of James H. Hunter, lo cated on C street, adjoining , for $4.40. tax es for 1879 and 1880. One lot, the property of David Kennedy, No. 1408, tn sauare 171, on Hill street, adjoining W. J. Black, tor 1 18.86. taxes due from 1878 to ?80, inclusive. r One lot, tne property oi uana sutler, no. , i in Square 168, adjoining S. M. Howell, for $460, tra.iln.lAf'Ta.iwI'iin I taxes dne for r79 and '80. r Fonr lots, the Drooerty of Mrs. Elizabeth Mur phy, wife of Dennis Murphy, being Nos. 620, 625, 843 and 845, tta. square No. 110, on Stonewall street, for $46780, taxes due for the years '76, '77, '7,7andT$u. , Cnje lot, the property of Elauv Moore; No. 618, square 81, fronting on E street, adjoining John Carson, for $10.15, taxes due for '77, '78, '79 and 1880.. .. . . one lot. tne Dreoerty 01 xpnraim rotts. Deing lot 698, to square 79. on First street, adjoining & A. Harris, for $7.00, taxes doe for '77, '78, '7tf and 1880, being for balance due for years named. Two lots, the property of Butus Beld, being Nos. 1 150 and 1151, tn square 141 , fronting on Poplar street adjoining Atlantic, Tennesse ft Ohio road, for $16,25, taxes for '78, 79 and 1880. . Two lots, the property of A. B. Schenck. where he now lives, on Graham street, adjoining Thos. Holly and others, for 90.51, balance 01 taxes eaa tor 79 and 1880. : ' One store house on Trade street, and dwelling In rear, on Fifth street, the property of Mrs. Eliza 1 Shelton, tbe wife of F. M. Snefton, adjoining 8. M. Howell and W. D. Stone on Fifth street, and & M. Howell and Mrs. Abernathy on Trade street, for $35.54. taxes due for 188a One lot the orooerty of John Walker, being No, 938, to square 111, fronting on X street, adjoining Ellen oormaok, ior 5a.b3.uxes aue tor isu, One lot, thsproperty of Mrs. Sarah Houston, wife of S. F. Houston, being lot No. 443, square 64, at the intersection of Eighth and Pine streets, fronting on Eighth street 99 feet and adjoining the property of the late J. M. Springs, for $67-45, for taxes due and unpaid for the years 1874 to 1880, inclusive. " if Two lots on Trade street, adjoining W. M. WU son and Wolfe, fronting on Trade street 99 feet I and running back to Fourth, the property Of Mrs. 1 juiia McMunay; wife of J. W. McMurray, for the sumef 19.60.mxesduefor 188Q.-. . . two lots, tne property 01 a. Jr. omiui, MSipico VSSSSSSS. tiX T&SlroMrs.tEBzsbet6' Kaffi l&taffl i&S&i&S ami nnnald for T7. 7t. '7 ft and '80. i' ; chas.f.habbison, . ; - Tax Collector. Cltr of Charlotte. -i.-v -.r-.-- .' .i.'tt2 This great specino cures nat , most, loauome WHETHER EN ITS PBIMaRT, 'SECONDABY OB "itTiA'jecrAGE..;, Bemoves an traces' of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofula; old sores, rheumatism, eczema, - . ., - eatarrn, oranymooaaisease.ii .'.u CUBES WHEN HOT. 8PKINGS. FAIL! . Malvern. Arfc. May 3. 1881. We have eases in our town who lived, at Sot mm. Uprtogsand were toaUy cored wtthS. as. 5 nee:rr n: ; ; .' -.MoTAlDiOHaiMOKBx;. i :'. ' . Lonisvine. Kentucky. May 18. 188U - a a a has given- better satisfaction than any modi cine l have ever sold., - , ,. a. rvgjma. ' ; 1 UmIA . Dot boiduuu, iwuagni jacv utmoii 4 We have sold 1,296 bottles of a a a la a year, It has given universal saasracnont - jrair mmoea physician now reoommend it as a positive specif , ': . a MAHSX8XCQ.; : Denver, Cot, May 2. 1881.: L - Every purchaser speaks In the highest terms of 8. a a laMsmEgrraa. - '" ' - .. -."-t- ; ;i i ';r-i'v - - Richmond. Va.. May 11.1881. - Toucan refer anybody to us in regard to the merits oi a. a. o. a uaiMaetvo." . . . , Perry.Oa.. of high Stand- GaJ Ii vofl wish, we em take four ease, TO BE PAID FQkWpiJJ CUBED. . If rite for particulars. . tt)OOBEWiv be 'csid t3 any cbemlrt' who will fthd. ori analysis of lwbottles 6 one paraeisf'MHmryT Iodide FotasstaHU-or i mineral substance, l -t .swift SPECIFIC i For finlhertoformation write rot the llttlebook. ' aoia.pyT.Ai smtui;xCB.:wnston ACo.and. ,iiStS!P-:K t.T3Wl ' itS it IMt. i'1'uauwHouimiBUBBiorinnimnuii aaaei iu . M 4;j14,Pr.!Beeyes, rwhr Intention -la to! keep a swcayflystjctaaA bouse in every tessect; ;.j.heparjoni The aboie signers ore gentlemen fns. ' . ' - eoMBjnr. Got; Of M " - - - v KuntMrflpmaaaiannBecnui msaa9v.rr.fy.,,i;a j ixtuof the cuhSe Jf solicited.. A f l yma ttWSiiZJJ a . . . j -vnll aTlABitA do bettar than at our store. GWeVsacall. i f j - - f by si ' GENERAL - - m hk nOQ I sx 1217 CARY. Because of the cheap rates of transportation, clal lnducemeats to Wholesale Buyers Jn North Carolina. mra8 ly . . : 7. T. BLACKWELL & CO. ' Durham, N.C. faawfaetarart of U Orlfbul aai Only Gsnoist lew jfjwjetftcnwt8.4 '..V ". 1 K." T - -s.. n-i CTnD Dl71T.Tw'Jt"OJluAJ,'a, -14 Z I O I Ur DEA I I I -O.octi weds. Ohly tQll Ad1rAMI. i tlAX'T. F HHiTTT sep6,4w - Washhigton, N, J. UJI1VKBSXX1C Atie-wtm Qsu ; circular. A ltra tnatBnBlnesi SchooL tit- T r sep6 4w f2 ; I- WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. StETAIi TIP ItAJrIP WICH. I )Vmtd PeOT, 1880 iTeea Brimaat, -White and Steadr. : light, requires no trlmrntng, ndjastaf or months. Sample wick 10c. .3 wlcSSc 12, wicks -Sa. postage paid. uaTOiureetsiges a, :m aaqv .ntea. Aaaress a vv? ' MElAliTIPMMi WICK-Ca t p 7 CqrtlaudtstyNew York. vLftbQrAaLwaadcTwa 5IE ioai Wilc,amBtodtha bartend t. a. new uairau mjta, faFriw SkS25 ?., Wm only fLSS Mat mail i fllaatntad tanmla. 8i rSihoditii! TUnW .- THffi KT S&LiP!3t,t .Be. W- H. mmv it tut Hutu juut, aa mubMB at. sep6d4w4 - .Asookof rare origteamy; entitled J. to maturity, tn regard to education, home, society, love, inarrta risteewaf'V"How bwed e'11 " are to be brea j-inoer8ii uourraetalyw'i j i j striking thoughts, rare tnomaC andu i ! eommoo-sense FulHaga .c.ore tw plates-eac one a gem." Ajrnis wameu w very sora; (seaa w drcuiax iuu as3riPBOB: psm w J.MeCUBDi a CaTPhlIa.C WANTSBto mense demand Resident Garficl DubUBhedt thrminttdryerii etrord .obscurity to hisCteabet,,Oonflla raaoa, mark, ri. . , Mar221y HiJ'n FREE Vnr 'miistra.ted Agents wa 4w ; sr.. rkx m m - Thi greafoMeni solved. Tne Individual care- .a-iVL' ' fully eaasldered from the age of resrnsromtyln-' ' BlWBRISfjjWSj! J Kit ag!bnib , 'mDieluihenac Life! of I . ... it helthre rose DybereuleaTi aiuxnureg uoaaiiaaijaHempiea i gnrgjoal Treacneni, tar the fastest selling book out CireulBJS free. - tlb ' ami temue" Ootnt fiOaAdoress at once. - w v 4W j oaminrivauiiiiuvw nODBI,VsTOBBROO,QJ JL occupied by J.r0. 8hianoi aeaoion srfverrOBtobev 1 st. r Also; m corner Eighth and College street, Pa session glyen immediately, Apply to 15 OUMJIJUIUIAJU KAX'ii HAJIS- sep0tZtaw,nuocti 11 - 1HAT ery desirable iron ' open' front p store house; 25x100 feet, with eeuax. situated onj n. a., f rrrmriT occuDled b? Stenboose.' Macaulai wr of Trade ana, ixuiege sueeis, , iuanone, Co., and-now by Jf. a Spencer - A iCcw- wflh tM k rented ior one or mere .years irom cepiemoer isv tiext. The locanon :proDaory mepesim.tne oity. : aagitrj41 "100 Pearl StrefeC New york A DESlRABtE 4-roorri eottasev lust Otttsiae ttie xx nmus or tneeur ei vnanone tmemueei There are fere acres ofJand, good, garden, and nMihlu a immvI anil and nannaaarv outballrb I win oe som coeap to a oona uae purcuu W "2 t !. curvs, ana. seuuuea u. anagMP, p-i. irawsi burg,Aiaiarus,iJUjoBuiJ',) .iino r r' r-z v I -Tf V? WUISMAn i .A : H . -, Office.; two auois-v'jfadepewderet TNthe State smd,Ordte4 SuteejCoiarAtflf : . . . - lad with juaMtsBiuauuu, nvuuenui j eor recuaarnncuxmmia j to ' '; ) Jlf lyib t rteedle wo and flonJS mouse, airenv cb-i : L 7 Be 114 huioflrtn viva nn hattAr mAHl than nm A. t Centra) Hotel B1 ode-Trade Street. BTOGESS OTCEOLS, "4W-'rffc -lin Amit BEDDING, &C. A TOLL UXB OS AXBLoraraxs, Parlor & Chamber Suits. Ea. I WEST RAH ffSSI, SLC s- f o c e r s ?! STBEET; ii i. . RICHMpm VA. and the location of Richmond, she offers spe- We claim to stand at the top. Our claim for meHti ia4 upon tne lacr tnat'a'tcn analysis proves that the tobacco grown' in" bur" selona Tetter, adapted to nMnf aJ6oli jrtTRE; satisfactory smoke than ANT OTHEU tottacoo fer6tr to kzHJ worldj afid bBfiiiiiaftijai the HEAll'lfof this fine tobacco section, "WTE bare tbe PICK of the offerings, ftc ap preciate this; hence our sales the leading manufactories com bined. JtNfinc genul T SALEM ACADEMY, THIS lnstUotlofammei)ds iteelf to! the, waDDc as a notably Wessiuu trnd safe ham andttigb class schootforglrls and yeang wCtaJeB ' ;T It has during the past few yean been greatly improved. Its SCHOLASTIC ABBaNGSMSNTS have been remodeled and ttstsUbdards advanced. It now often all the advantages et similar Institu tions of the highest grade. A large number of In structors is employed, and oains-taklng instruc tion is guaranteed. . Is oilers- a-Uberal English er English and ctaBaioal.'OoursetoB gradeatton, and, under Its new administration, has already gradu ated (with diploma) four very promising classes. Tne duousbtu; a&uamujulkmt8 of the Acad- emy have latterly been re-adapted to Secure to its resident pupils the largest measure ofeomfort and convenience. Eight resident teachers are continually In charge, and'-give- special attention to the cultivation of correct manners and habits in girls. Systematic and enlightened Dhisl- culture and care of health are oromtoent fea tures in the Improvements recently perfected. , Exceptional facilities are offered for the study of MUSIC. The, results of practical work torts Music Department, during: the past .few years. wnnlri waj-nuititha Aaadamf.lfn tha imrfnira af outer similar insauiuon in me eoutn. a two to ... ; U : nil iaSSaiJSirhrw'eawg has T now aim obtainable In the BKPAKTIUENTQS1 vbaw i v4jijrau iiritt wnicn- aaneen rs-i . OKsnized abd Dleeed in 'etwnre of eiadv bf see' ' Liir-??iielal ability and superior training. A high standard lot Excellence will be maintained and the lest methods observed. A 'variety of branches of study Is offered and careful tuition is guaranteed. M The 78th year begins Seotember 1. 1R8T. ' . lujyai dAw' borne- school foe airis. Tarled ad- the highest ordet F0t4enth-,yeaz. moetiA set ti'tjarar a aciBY. tAuaeipai CATWE4CQCSXX sT.a . Ir located pear the town of Blekstyi eohatrML (L. wltMa i t ciew miSMsa'r wa) I A thorough ithoto '1S i .aes of M 4-.7,deodkw2mos w lriTii t " ii n" Ti i i " at! irjitaMM: I J I walk Of th Iflloftrifaft depoCaao few hooBs trSvel by Alitor of tn sned AKaevuei is aonauetBd atue AiaiVi ewlJHlyfUMertM Whofbr vktttt-w- isosatury, aad-'aatn lecenti' unabaM, UUOUlDUa nays sai ana direecsa h toe resoaie CataoHo literary tostttnttoae ls thCaroltoiS 'aj uiosory a great neaitn reeort. Memer " it vicinity. tbe celebrated USixtBa.' aitdiseases ana naniiiiitDi Are-' unknown In thisimmediate seetfonv aevlB!ttnc pattsnm raoklii recover mrifir Ihti ftinusaina- sf . tts nnear - SI climate. . No ismdqeitnaneaee tued oa ta ousl principles off tteipow but to insure' " ity all mt conform to 1M ceneral rutoeef . Tth Iu jtltuUou. .... 1 "tJ' tt - ' - The schotasuo year of tea OHnsteonsists of two se puns, each easton pejaMe In advance. tfc5.00 m nn ! O.W )alnttBg; nrawinglsliguites. etc.. form extra ch8rs,.,?,7-( ; " " oi inquiry anoaia pe aoatesseq to th 1 11 I WEONSSDAT, SEFTEMBMB 7, fet: i.v. ...... x- 81. COBF8 OF TEACHERS: -WwB. ATKXHSON, Principal, itla, Maths- -msttcs.andXaturat 8cl0tioes.r E.TTt,,,, vMaw HEIJIM JA7NO.- Principal of Pteintitesfi. aiant i ' 1 r.? Bg.7BAi.LtB CALDWELL ; WHITE, Engllsh- anaHWcty:r T - r. ABT-xa mattoon. Elocution and: Eng ehes. " - ,i - t wtuw varatuun a. FF. A. BiDXi Li a, Director, Has p a: b ataoe; Art i Tinf fiTir! rD jUonxTiNSLxr. air...T 1 vit.v r. . 1 . . itWAtrjtA CCTTON. Head f Boardma Ba. . . t auiraocv sei . " fSSi Tacajifn in the aoademz. fir? i Bsaoiua urjuxs v , f Lfl gnLfma.,rrfM ABTMEWS- - Tarxat TaArm."' .3&rA'actexnti:eteuepplyto - i .V!ai -Sa iH H4 af'-tfflg J tfwtilaawa leiiau-tik r.weri ti rt, - -f i "ilmi: .HK "JTa-;jt ,e'V.aMJbJ&fcl is1 5.4 r w - - r "(V SI Ullfl lH01 2M711 E A Ci iOitCUi 1. " BTTI'. . ' ' J inn wwawwwsiwieiS ' W TT3? -f -a. j-n san - btTsfiHedltri rf .as c 7 Tjl'e , t.- -.t TBI ..a,a a, - 4j 1'. 4 -l - i Ht'' - . UCOIU1 vltMintformi ' " 1 v't i -ar 1t.-f. i r unfit a i , v.i4 l'iV nund and body. Bee adr.