TOE BOT BIVBDEB LOCAL CvTELUWULV Pkalaix Loi6 Nd 81, Ji. t. ft jL'h-Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nlghta. alsr acetarearj jl aatttrd Tuaadaf nlChuT AkltiCaUito nk Bd. B. a. KBagiar meeting every second and f ounta Friday nlhta. Chab&otr OratMAHDiBT Na 2, K. T. Regular meeting every ant tad thlroVThuradayaw KineHTB o Hohok. Regular meeting every second and .fourth Tbursuara, KHieao PrraiAA Regular meeting nl&hts first and third Wednesday, J o'clock p. m. atMa goulc Temple HalL 'n 0 MiomxniBOBO Dboluuthhi Lodob Na ft Meets every Tuesday night. Dan Lopex No,. 108.rMeeaevery Thursday oight. Catawba- Bmi liicunmNa 811 Meets First and third Thursday nlghta In each month. Index to Ifow AoVertiaeoaenta, Dissolution notice AMen feTnulow. Just received Wilson Burwell. Dolmans Wittkoweky A Baruca. HOME PENCILING. tySend inchtkrchnoticea to-day. tSP There were bo cases before the mayor yesterday moraing. ; 3TThe Rev. Burwell Johnson has HTBisnop Lyman will conduct services at St Peters Episcopal church to-morrow. The music on the occasion will be of an exceptional nature, ,. SerTrerpyMU. ministration of the -Heir Sacrament to-morrow were hfejd In 'tb4 Associate Reformed chapel last higbt anW will be again held to-night. J5T The OtiMikER acknowledges with thanks a complimentary pass to the grounds of the Cumberland County Agricultural Society on the occasion of the 19th annual fair to be held this fall from the 8th to Jhe 4,1th of November inclusive': ' " ij , i.-n A Wleceot SIaeit3tI. , The Dakota Journal, published at Pierre, Dakota, in a recent issue, says: "Mm Butcher, a teacher in the public school at Elk Point, Dakota, is a niece of Gen. Thos. J. JacksonV the" lamented "Stonewall" of the Southern armyrthe family of whom are now residents of Charlotte, N. C. ' , . ' WaahMt ataril Hoexvr Malno obi ah W A washout above Old Fort, on the Western North; Carolina road, on Wed nesday, is reported; and it is said that a passenger train narrowly escaped run ning into it A private telegram last night states further that heavy rains have stopped trains ana mat me com missioners of the Western North Caro lina Railroad are detained in Asheville until this evening i ' V'- . ' "' . ' . Saturday rflnMTlalto et a Hauraerer. A gentleman of the city informs a reporter of Thb Obskbvjeb that he has information that' Joe Ross, One of the Hennegan murderers, visits Charlotte every Saturday night A reward is of fered for the apprehension of Ross and it will be remembered that several chases werd nid after, him about sir j weeks aeo when -Her was knowirto lying about here. Since then nothing has been heard from him at least not ' by the reporters. Here is a chance for some nUrpriiri2 constable s deputy to take tx$ 3f , tha; information of the gentleman Vno told the reporter, is correct OToro Erldeaoe Againat Erwla sUlao Bogus An EIht-Yar-ld Negro Br Iaaaiicauo amd arrattaVinf apesMriale Raaeore. .,') 1, - At IaSMt It rains just like it used to and really neema nuite familiar, although we haven't seen aujthUig of the kind worth mentioding since jApril 1 1 if began in earnest ye3terdayatttut andT kept it up pretty well all day. It Is a gentle rain, too, and no cyclone acts as its usher as has been the qase in ,so many places around us. Of cofurs; it comes too late to do the main crops any good, but it is hoped that we may still rejoice in turnp. Ht(Will, Mobfn out the grass and go a great way to nelp the farmer to keep bis stoek during the winter ; for that it is to be an abundant, if not indeed an excessive, rain,' have we not Vennor's word? i .Besides it is the season for the equinoctial. , But long or short, turnips or'tib tnrnips, enoueh. too littlest tootmueb we nreet you with uplifted face and open month, thou long absent, but always blessed rain! . . eetMi a director or I nanzea ra jsoTBmucoyt ,i!Uiitij fl.nH..RfliimA nnm. I iriven late Wednesday evening; Big sehtlF bbuffhTthe Se-1 gers, another burglar, is now in jail 8JPWWML A Feraser mayar mi C3uurleu - Mr. B. RSmiUv aw of New York, formerly of Charlotte, and for a year mayorof the city is here now on a visit It is learned with much pleasure that Mr. Smith aviUzetum to Charlotte next year and will again make it his home. It was announced in iqui telegraphic columns .Tidaf Earning1 that -Mr, Smith had been el the Tennesee Cal bany which has rec waheo (ipai mines, and .blast fu: uowani and tse brappn 'raflrc secting the NhfuU andCh railroad at th latter mint - has been auite fortunate, it is under- stood,-in reeentennessee coal ancrtron mined speculations, hits return to cnar lotte is not only ;tnether proof f the loyal affftctlolTfor.thed place which diatlnguiflhes all her sons however long they may leave her, but is a good omen for hr Pirniitinrpial. rtritalir.v. When duuu Burewtr nvusuress tucu as jxu. Smith' trust thjeir . fortupes with us, there is much encofuraeement for the future. -rf tirTft c0!01168 J "7 of inquest in the Walter Prraberton murder continued its : investigation yesterday. A little inacsneg o poy named Nathan Wil liams, who lives with his father and mother Just to the rear of Mr. Zimmer man., within half a block of the Air tiine depot was brought before the coroner for examination on the trength of rumors to the effect that he had made statements concerning the murder. COnflrminer tfiA naaa amlnif the boy Erwin or Bogus, arrested yes terday, and implicating himself as ac cessory. Strangely enough no one was found who had heard the boy make these statements. On the strength of similar reports the same boy had been brought before the coroner day before yester day and a blood spot was found on his knee which be said had been made some days ago by a bleeding of the nose, caused by an accidental blow by his Jjttle sister But he stoutly denied any knowledge of the murder and ho evi dence appearing against him he was dismissed. The reporter of The Ob server did not think it worth while mentioning the examination of this boy in the account of the affair jester day morning. , fiat "a new witness was .examined yesterday whose testimony went far to confirm these strangely irresponsible rumors. The name of mis witness is FREDERICK DICKSON. He ia an employe of the Air-Line Railway. Bis testimony confirms that of Mr. W. P. Davis, published yesterday. u in. us iuuer.ana implicates me boy Nathan Williams. He says he was at the Air-Line engine house on the! morning of the muider. He saw the bay Erwin or Bogus come to the engine house and noticed a peculiar roughness Of the skin on the back of the neck. This attracted his attention to the boy and be identifies him without difficulty. About 10 o'clock in the morning he saw the boy, Pemberton, about 125 yards from the engine house and about 75 yarns rrom the scene of the murder. He saw, at the same time, the boy Er win or Bogus coming from the direc tion of the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio freight depot, and going in the direction of Pemberton. He also saw the boy Nathan Williams in another part of the pine grove, which extends in the rear of the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio depot and theAir-Line engine house. Williams was also going in the direction of Pemberton. This taken with the rumors made such a case against Nathan Williams that he was again apprehended and brought before the coroner. AN EIOHT-YEAR-OLD-BOy IMPLICATED. He is a very black. Small boy, about eight years of age. He acknowledged having been in the pine grove on the morning of the murder but still stoutly denied any knowledge of the murder or any of the statements attributed to him by the rumors. He adhered to the account of the blood spot on his knee as being caused by a flow of blood from his nose when accidentally struck by his Bister. In this his sister Who was afterwards introduced confirmed him. All efforts to entrap the boy were un successful. This boy is hardly old enough to be responsible even if a case is made against him. He was, however, sent to jail last night, where Erwin or Bogus is also confined. The investigation will be continued this morning, v The coroner thought last night that he would be able to trace the rumors of the boy's statements up to their origin ators, and it is hoped that the confu sion and mystery around the horrible affair will be cleared up to-day. "Personal" to Iks Oaoerver. We publish elsewhere the proceed ings of a meeting of a portion of the merchants of Chariotteneia last mgnt, sustaining Gov. Vance, and censuring TnE Observer, in general terms. No reDresentative of this paper was ad mitted to the meeting, and: judging by the resolutions adopted, its position has been misrepresented. We will take occasion early to explain just where we do stand, merely reiterating to-day the following that -appeared in a leaf ing editorial In this paper last Wednes day morning: . . . "The Observer insists that CoL Bn ford, as the head and front of the Clyde syndicate here, and Coi. Andrews as President ipf the, western. Norn ro lina Railroad, should be held up to sec tion 20 of the -Best contract and both avow thJt they are willing to be eq held. Jt is a'North Carolina newspa per devdtedto North Carolina inter ests, and will always claim the largest possible privileges for the people of ouf ? State, and the people af Charlotte in particular, but it be lieves in Justice, and it desires to see a contract, such as the finishing of the Western North Carolina Railroad, involving, as t does, so much mat is vital to me state, asiaitnruiiy execuwu as ib was ueiitjj;-uio tu"! a idee Hag- of a Portion off the Boafnoa ' men IMt Night,' At a meeting of the business men of unariotte neid mis evening, there were present, R; M. Miller & Sons, Thos. H. Gather, A. B. Nisbet & Brow E: D. Lat- ta & Bro; B. Nichols, J. & Shannon- house, W. C. Morgan, Jaa, F.-Johnston, Springs & Burwell, Kyle & Hammond, J. 8. Spencer & Co, H. McSmith, Brem & McDowell, Tiddy & Bra, LeRoy Da vidson, Brown & Weddlngton, J. L. Brown & Co, EllioU & Remley, J. a Burroughs. J, Brookfield & Co Oates Bros Elias & Cohen, Schiff & Bro Schift & Grier, Wittko wsky & Baruch, A. A. Gaston, Mayer & Ross, J. Mc Laughlin, L. Berwanger & Bro, W. W. Grier Brothers, Henderson & McGin nis. R. M. Miller was called to the chair, and W. B. Griffith acted as secret&rv. The object of the meeting being stated, en motion the following committee was appointed to draft resolutions : S. Witt ko wsky, R. N. Tiddy, W. Brem, J. P. Johnston, E. D. Latta and J. A. Elliott The committee reported the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, In the issue made be tween the commissioners for the West ern North Carolina Railroad and the Clyde syndicate regarding the West ern North Carolina Railroad, Senator Z. B. Vance has taken the part of the people of this State, and is making a fight in behalf of North Carolina against., the discriminations made against our people; therefore. i Revolved, That we, business men of Charlotte, endorse the course of Sena tor Vance in each and every particu lar in this contest with the Clyde syn dicate in behalf of the interests of our State ; and that we will support Sena tor Vance in every way in our power, feeling confident that in this contest Senator Vance is right, and is sustain ing, as far as he can, the rights of the people of North Carolina; and, further Resolved, That the course pur sued by The Charlotte Observer in this controversy does hot in any respect reflect the opinions of the business men of Charlotte. Resolved, lUxat ail papers in the State that have copied any part of the arti cles of the Charlotte Observer on this controversy be respectfully re quested to publish these resolutions and the proceedings of this meeting. v Upon motion, a committee of two was appointed to present these proceed ings and resolutions for publication to the Charlotte papers and suctf other papers in the State as the committee may see fit. The meeting then ad journed, subject to the call of the chair man. Wm. B. Griffith, Sec Charlotte, September 16, 1881. EASILY. PBOVBf . It is easily proven that malarial fevers, consti pation, torpidity of the liver and kidneys, general debility, nervousness and neuralgic ailments yield readily to this great disease conqueror, Hop Hit ters. It repairs the ravages ol disease by convert ing the food into rich blood, and it gives new life and vigor to the aged and Infirm always. shipments 872; sales 402; spinners 19 1 ; stock. present year, 24 Hoex, mas year, rcz. , CAST IRON FELLOWS. Men of endurance have healthy kidneys and liver. No aches In the back, no piles or constipa tion. The cure for these diseases Is Kidney Wort This great remedy keeps up the tone of the whole body by enabling the Uver, bowels and kidneys to perform their functions perfectly. Both the liquid and dry are sold by druggists. Pioneer Press. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH POBT BOXAX & Stock. , , a Weekly-Hoet receipt : PPBOvmncB, B. t WeekU-oet recefeU 46? Sauu. Ai4u Pall; mWHtot 10ft: low mid- c; geeaowinary-t-s wpjj weBipta g, wot shipments 7O0; soca.piweiuyear. BoadC fltlmr jmldffllnf! litoc; lew mld lOVkc; good ordmaiylpe. WeefiyeeelpU 128; inpments 433 ; stock 6,145. t ' jboiinuunra ". .. KetrwlpteataRUnBedBtateaporU Eitarmgweek.i.. una wwak last year .....i...... TotalreeelptttethUdate l-.i... Same date last year . Xxporta for the weeki. . ......... Same week last year..... Total exports to wu aate MtiMtl 8,696 ,728 1766 168,141 80,866 7lil 9o,81fl 207.776 188.918 27384 706,000 568,000 dull: i7816d; Same date last year. Stock at all United States porta., Sametime last year... Stock at aU interior towns.....;..... Same time last year .... ...,T .... Stock at Liverpool.................. Same time last year. ...... -........ stnrt t AmArtMut afloat fa firesi Britain...... Pfl.OOO Same tune last year -f. lA-OOO LrrmxnxxNoon--cottea market mlddllna nolenda 7 8-164; mld'K oriel sales 73XK, ipecolatton and export 100; re- eelpta 6,660, Amemsa i.waa upanas mr tut dlln elausei eeptBiabOTdettmy 7 2aUd. September and October 6 23-82all-ied. October and November 6 S-lrJan 83d, .November and December do, Deeember and January 6 Q.i6al7 824. January and I92a9 16d, Feb ruary and March -61U March and Aprtl 6 21-82d, lpril.and JV -,J,and Jona 6 23 824, Jane and July fSAa25-a2o, July and August Lrnatroau 6 p. m. Salea at Amerlean eottoa bales. Upland lowinlchlllng clause: Septem ber delivery 7 5"82d, September and October 6 19-82d, October and November 6 Mv-82d, Novem ber liod December do, Jaowry and Fetmiery 6id, February and March, March and April 6 9-1 (kU April and May 6d, May and Jan , Jin-and July Futures closed weak. Sales for the week American e a a 66,000 86,000 6,706 8.000 2.800 tool exDott. Forwarded from ahlnt? aidet. toporte... 47J50O American. Stock American,.. Anoai American.. 708,000 660.000 161,000 88.000 Can for good bargains. FBESH ARRIVALS TO BE SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH: CAB LOADS CORN, CAB LOADS MXAL, FUTURES 216,- 11.67a 68 ll.6la.62 ll.62a.63 11.74 11984.94 12.05a.86 12.18a.19 12.28a.20 1239a,40 June ,. 12.47a.49 Raw Tonx Futarat eioeed tteadr. 000. September iber...i....... November..!. u..... January February.... Marcn. April,. May. .. a . FINANCIAL. Naw Toxx Money 1.03a. 8. Xxehange 4.80 Governments lower: new 6s 14)lUu Four and a half per cents 1.18. Four per seats 1.1 7 State bonds dull, nominal. Nxw .York Stocks closed Irregular. New York Central Brie..... Lake Shore Illinois CenraU Nashville and Chattanooga. . Louisville and Nashville Ptttaburg. Chicago and Northwestern . .... . " preferred. . . . Wabash, St Louis ft Pacific Do preferred Memphis and Charleston. Bock Island. Western Union Alabama Class A, 2 to R " Class A, small Class B, 5s ' Class C. 4's East Tennessee .. Georgia Richmond and Alleghany Sub-treasury balances Gold " " Currency 1.41 4411 1.28 1.81 87ty 07U 187 12614 1271A 60) 77 1.86 - 8814 76 76 98 80 16 1.66 $7946,304 4.167,902 8BPTEMBXB16, 1881. FBODUCX CITT COTTON MABXXT. Chicago not received. Baltmorb Noon Flour firm; Howard street and Western super S5.00a5. 75. extra S6.25att.76. family 87 25a8.00; city mills-super S5.00a5.75, extra S6.26a6.76, tamUy 8.00a8.75; Rio brands S7.87a8.00, Patapsco faro, 8.60 Wheat Southern red i.88ai.4S. amber i.4oa.&4 uorn Hontnern white 90. yellow 85. a inurn do mixed 60a5 1 , Pennsylvania 51&52. BAIAXaOKI Barg-lsure Still avt Worfcr The sentence of Ben cht-Oats Western white 61a52 Provisions meat pork 20.75; new ; Dam -meats loose shoulders . clear sides , ditto packed 94all;bacon shoulders 1014. e. rib sides 12Va hams 14iAal 6. Lard refined Ueraes 1 3W Coffee Bio eargoes ordinary to fair 10al2. Sugar A soft 10 Wblakey 11.19. CnrcnwATi Floor family 6.75a7.00. fancy 7.85a.75. Wheat-No. 2 red winter 1.46al.47fe Corn at 7a Oats at 44ft. Pork at 820 5a Lard at 12.10. Bulk meats- -shoulders 8tt, ribs 11.00; bacon shoulders 9A, ribs , dear sides l2ti Whiskey at 1.14. Sugar hards lOlball, New Orleans 8a8ta. Hogs common and light 5.00a6.75, packing and butchers 6.40a 7.10. Naw Toax Southern door quiet: common to tail extra 6.25a7.40.800d to ehotoe 7.50a8.75. Wheat onrraded red 1.16al.45U. Com ancraded 64a71ia. Oata-42 for No. 8. Cof fee Rio earEoes i0al8ta. Bucar fair to good refining 7 18-16a8, prime ; refined standard A 914. Molasses New Orleans 80a65. Porto Rico 86a56. Rosin 2.85a2. 40. Turpentine Wkafk. Wool domesue neeoc H4a40. pnuea stoaau. BnwMhedl2a85.Texas 14a31. Pork 19.75a20 00. middles long clear 11, short clear 11, long and short . Lara 12.87 COTTON. eii.vavroji fcteadyi middling 11: low mlddl'g 10c; good ordinary 9ic; net retfu 1,624; groM 8i862; sales 899; stock 46.606; cxp'ta OOaMwiM : to Great Britain ; continent : . . Weekly-net reoeipta 16,195; gross 16 820; sales 16354; exports coastwise 4.089; to Great Britlaln 5r842; eontlBent ; France. Noaraa-Qinett mlddllna liuct net tocetpts 1324; gross ; stock 4,472; experts coaatwlat sales; exports to Great Britain. - Weeklv net rec'ts 10.828: sross --r saiea (; exp'ta eoastwiae 8860; Great Britain 6,7 18j channel ; continent. , Btiirjioma-Steady: mld'g 12-8 16o; low midd'g gooa ora j iu -ioc; net OmoB or twb OntnraTXK, I CBABZiOns, September 17, 1881. 1 The market yesterday dosed Quiet, unchanee''. Good Middling. 11 Strictly middling 11 Vi MiddUng. lift Strict low middling. 11 low miaanng. iuw Tinges Lower grades Bxcxma fob thx wkkx xanxn teidat, 16th. Saturday 116 bales Monday zo Tuesday Wednesday Thursday , Friday 75 65 67 88 Total. 878 bales Charlotte F'rodiice market SXPTXMBBB 14,1881. BUTINGPBICXa Coax, per boab'l . WjLkeVTf " Bmaks, white, per bushel Pxab, Clar, per booh. . . . . , & White, - ..'!. .' FLoca Family Xxtra.. Super qatb, shelled. 1.00 1.00 1.25a. 50 OOal.OO 1.60 76a80 8.7fia400 8.60 8.25 60a65 41ta6 16a20 ree'ta ; exports 27; gross coastwise Brown, to be maces at ot the First NationaTBank larJQtte ibccttiied the Win tbe int The case vs. th&Citv of attention of ftoto &?&f$x day. As statedvesterdav this xase in volves about imoocu of Sharif tte city bonds, issued t4i tha ld corporation of the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio road, chartered in 1854 pa build' road from Charlojbte to Jonesboro, Tennessee. The points at Issoe inthease were whether the ctty had the Dower to Issue the awaiting trial with two sevr wonvida in ms Dodv. ana a nai men havft been recently sentenced by the infimiBnvmMm for house breaking and robbery : but not withstanding- these unpleasant facts a buiary.pJUona bolMe4waayKriMWi iThtarsday mgnt and an The residence 6f Mr: C M. CrflSwetl was entered tin thatnicht and the thief s.f tAi riflSnrf Vr, flreaWelils clotbea UH- succeast ally, made ofCiwlth - w 6i gold piece which haa m&mWV3 near a ltgwe Pt tpi rSJ! L -twV ; orrtllTeeK&ajJdMii WalllB r4OT&ewn4 fs Mleepv The Silef enttfeTOMtmim, "which comma icated.TritirttW ope M'jrlMcb MnCef wll blpMAt alfipt, through a window. chatter from the Worth' Caro IaturMlowin2 the stockholders oia corporation to iorm-xn ne w wim n.i.r Jr 11 Ji .VI. . IVa r1A mi, retaining lis assewif ani 'iawy mo '"tflwisi mm mjmm jb. to uuuii as i all annoeeut I yuicuaaoj Uhmrtlnotic ! Ith'thd eiceptionW le last narhed the issues are the same ' m me ease ot ma Auantic, xennes- sea and Ohio ro&iiffamst the oity,' ln volviqg the remainder, of vthe bonds, amounUBg to about (50,000 'worth. ,a " The case -will probablyJ occupy' thf whole of JrtsUtina: of the cpurL i i ii i'i .mesa nit r 'i W" Mr. CreswelUemembera tor have be6n half awalri.TtM5arjhUif.i4' lo'cloct bv the barking b a smalfdogrwhicls allowed to stay Tnlthe house at nights rJHtfttsteh ed for half an hour and again dpzed ofl. hearing no noise beshle the barking of thtfdog; :He isf5a6.aonliaeht matthiB thief was in ms house atthe-trme? ' ' 1 . Mr. JM, Mendel Eve6 just besideMr. Ores we U The gate of Mr. Ore,sweU's was found in me morning lean crftlnttf, Mr1. Manual's house at a egiLw5ulow.m Jf thlf evidently tried loeSect an entrance, .8i5i who bad worked with him-' a few days before. - ' fv hAii'mTidek fo'6eravearaTbey thnv did not reachtha longa and heart would fill up ev. tl 1 BUT mVAltil IV theiavthay can fee oxa 1 Hkoarav nmn.. mmn nmox- eeemve all gave skufuU MhtM matraaa me. and mv throat was vet ilA T tZitimT children I never -should die ta peaoe until I had tried Hop Bitters. I have taken IwobottJea. i They have helped me verysuch ln SeyTliwS r welL There was a iot of slok Xri..rZia im seen how ther hetDedmCi and they used them and are cured, and leelas Snkfui as I do that there la so valuable a medl- AM smiUWU-i voi iex i u inair mum,. .- : that the can a t&iOy and (permanently cured, at a trtning ftm or ask ffflii "ggM f prslolani -' JlSrvmwloa,Wea.' all owl linfAH KW ' . pauwvui v r . . n Coa Arnifated Xxtnot oI WUCB. ttsaet w mu my tnenaa. - it nas oeea aaeu in vj"w", bwd1 Tt-Sw W H. BVMoGrath,B,H. Owena, ii 20fl: aales : stock 1.646 r spinners j exports to Great Britain - -; to Continent . J Weekly-net ree'ta 629: groy J456; sales 195j pinners 416; exportereat Britain 1,07 8; coast wise ; Continent 146. BfwHMSteadvYinlddllns: 12tfa: low rdlddttng; lteej good ord'y lblkx net reeeipu 146r grosa 80; aales -: stock. 4,295; exports to Great Britaia to France. . Weekly net rec'ts eio: gross z.bju; sates , exports to Great Britain 604. Wrr MTwomwOnlot' nUIniM 1 1 lAfi: low ml9- dUng , 10c; good ordinary y, reeelpta 66P gross . ale : stock 264: export eoasW wte ; to Great Britain. . , ) ; Weekly net receipts 3,148; gross; sales ; exports coastwise 1,875; to Great Britain, PniinatrHiA Dull; middling 12it 16W ialddltng 1 lae; good ordinary lOw net reeeipU ; gross 220; sales ; spinners ; atoek : exports to Ores Britain. , Weekly net receipts 72: gross 2.870: aalea t870; spinners, 1 614; coastwtoe : Continent -; SGreatfeitata-'tatock 8,201. i Sataotax Ojulet ; middling 10c.i good ominary 90.; net receipts 8378; gross ; es "stoek Il,775;exu.ooast aise : to Great Britain j conHnent . . . , 12,600; exports to Great Britain ; nance ; coastwise 9,469; continent . bm rvr.imu. OnlAf - mldVa 1 llAi tow Bl6 tUing lOtt; good ord'y 9Vri net recelpta 8,851; LS -I'aalea 4.600; stock 105,64tt; exports to Great Britain ; to coastwise. M Weekly-net receipts 18369; grosa 22266: sales 1000: exports Great Britain ; Chata nel ; coastwise 5,490; France - ; continent ii-; channel. , , wsvnrr. tintat: mlddllna llei low middling 10iAc;good ordinary 9e; net reeta 1,263; grosa E 600: stock 7,916; cxa. coast -: France i to Great Batata. i- m - Weekly ne regeiuw iwvb m,voo, ; to exports ureal aruom i cwobwud France. 788; shipmenu 418; saleVOO ; stock 12.228. Weeket recelpte 4,781; ahjnmehts 9,147; aoeOTTA-Qntetjaatadlmg 10a.t la5 dling 10.,-gd0d ordinary 9e;Tieolpti 958 Weekly net rec to 6,079: Bhlprn'ts 5,408;. aales 6,443taitiuieraiattfk. CTtABLatroa Dteady; middling 1H4; low mi-1 dling lie: good ordinary lOttc: leceipie 2.249: grosa: sales l500:etook ll,618jaxpos j aoastwlse (Great Britain, eonaneni. - weekly net reoeipta 11.273; groat ... saics 6325: coastwise 8.650; Continent 7-; Great v ffaw Toax Cotton fasten; aales Wrmlddllng uplands I2nnlddung orieamv i2c;natecetpia Bm Wbxstt ODiete per sx fffl::::::::::::::::" BlaakberriesT.... 8a6 PoTAToaa - A bisk..... 1.00 BUTTOB North Carelrna. aeoe.pera POOLTBT Chickens. Turkeys, perm..., ..... tt Geese , .... ................ mvx' Bznvper sx. net... Mbttoh, per Tb., net - FOBK M .... SBLLING PRICXS-WflOLSSALI- a - e 25a28 16 foaH 85a40 5a6 111 14al6U 12halS 82a85 86a60 6060 40a45 .THE CHEAPEST mm store IdU Dtte 200 JUST IN- BOXBS CBACXXBB. OA CBATXS PXACEZa. APPLXS AND wv aaulTS OF ALL U2II fns. 150 200 200 BBL8. FAMILY FLOUB, PKa KXW MACKXBXL, BOXES ALL FJND8 CBACEKBS, 1,000 BT7SHXL8 OATS. 100 BaGSOOFFXB, 50 BBL9. STJGAB. NOW IS THE TIMS TO SECURE BARGAINS. DESnd EDS 21 am 4 mn WE HAVE JUST MCE1YED AKOTlTXiZ 'fiA& 0$ bvh CTZEZTXD lVstipariofmttandaiaiytDainottTef fc. a 1 a a r 18 to tO. f ALSO, A BBATJTIPUL AtBTMEnSJS lTSA In VBotastylea at exceedingly WBtfcea.1' Of., -i , . Look at out beanOful PBCITS, Jnat received, only 7e per yafo H. MO RRI S ! 1 ' !i.t". 1 . Jon2 ... V 1 W 4 V'iTK VI Ok V . I 3 W aCSJ.vf Veawl We are daily receiving New Goods in. ourive ihTT8SVedtt5ip&itiktol OurMr.Boddick is now in the Northern Markets buying for oir twoT which eiiabtes us to nurchasa bJavmttUe UMtitMitSZ a f ar . a m o.. ia.. u '--.v.. v. i. r f? . " Z- m jaany tuasu ii?r iub Aiwraj parpnagw tqua, Exieaayi Wl? by fair dealings and low rjnees to merit a. fair fciirrJonof th Hatrm thie Veiir- .. x iiiiewii 1' anaaiiir rgr 1 r. r - - -r -tfA'a We have so few goods left from our summer'Stock that itii fjWfer us to have a closing alei but what-we hartPwe goods marlr'iik-flaiii figareii f .rs'iJty Strictly cash and one price September 6th. 3v r; ij EODpiGK&Ca. . all. ' a!! .t REDUCED RATES TO ALL POINTS BOUGHT ATD SOLD BY S. J PEREZ, OPPOSITE CENTBAL HOTEL, - - . J ... - - - - - CHaBLOTTBK. 13F"N. b. Parttee'desMng InformaUon In regard to railroad travel will please address as above. nov!2 1 -- - 1 ' iui HMU W I L S O N 1 B URWELL, DRUGGISTS, w TRADE STREET, JUST RECEIVED CHARLOTTE. C. Ia my stack can be found everything usually an hand in a HBST-CLASS GROCERY STORE. My entire stock has been bought with care and ' FROM FIRST BANDS. It will be told for cash for the next Valentine's Heat Juice, Scott's Etolsion of Cod Liver Oil, Hostetter's Bitters, Fine English Tooth and Bait Brashes. Ready Mixed ramts sepl7 IN ALL C0L0R9 AND IN AN1 QUANTITY. BURTON'S PECTORAL SYRTJP, Is a very superior cough medlclne,and gives great relief in aU caaes. ' wiisoB&f CHINA PALACE OF J. Brookfield & Co. GO TO Mi1 i OK TBI TXBT BX8f TX&XS, And at prices caleulatadta astonish the purchaser BOXXMXAM Clear Bib Sides. Coma ; Prime Rla...... Good.............. CUD -ee ClKNewOrlea'.y.!..'..... Conmon. . . . ... uverpootDne....... H Coarse..... SveAa White...;.. Yellow..- WHlSXXT-i- Corn, per gallon: Bfe, - ;. Apple, permUoO) . .i, , a-)0?5 WnovScuprong.pCTgalloa........ ILOO LASDrperBk......;............. 16 Taixow. oer lb. 8al0 iOall IS 8al0 OF BEST MAKERS, Which we offer vary low. wholesalekndretalL FULiuHBOI I f Soiise... -Eiraiiiiio: French China, Triple-Plated Waie. 11 m ,1111111 lltfS AND LOOK AT HIS, . . , . LARGE STOCK OF 1 I I Novalties B1MXMBEB, I AM IN TBE FIELD WITH A Lot tt BABT CABB1A6ES, Just to hand. 'V'" l.OOalS I ,. eoai.uv lOallVk 7a9 . i aOft.AO Si 25a8.O0 GROCERIES ICE Hfyininwo. 1 AM GOING TO8ELL COOLERS, SELLING OFF AT COST FLY FANS, FLY TRAPS CHESTS, WATER ! ICE CREAM FREEZERS, Eta. Water Coolers-1 gallon, 50c; 2 gaL, 75c ang7 -GRAND ALL OF WHICEf HE'SE LlA ; ' 1. . ! - - . ; i. . .- ' LOW FOR CASH. "I1 r 1' 1 and Quality, T ( WATCH GLASSES 10- CENTS lEiCH. e o e a r. choc mood Ham a, K. v.. Haras, canvassed,.. . . . RlCX 4. .... A. km " 'ffiei Sbrthen WW X Mountain, .. GROCERIES cnKAP excursions! declS T ,v...... B.HKa.50 8.00 'Chew only the brand of tobaccb known as The .Old Oaken Bucket. nTH old Oaken I The lron-eeand The moss-covf BDHCL fenek 1 es. - bucket. nwau. CHAft-M. JONES. Charlotte, JL O, Sole Agent. to oeaiejra. r WyirfMT?tt, I CAN BEAT AXY OTBEB HOTJSB IN CHARLOTTE IN BUYING GROCERIES CINCINNATI. Special traias leave areata SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, J. L. HARDIN, M KRC HAN DISS BBOxtBB AND, CQUJjaOiF MERCHANT tkr : haiVirmL ltCl Ra,.MeI..L4!l TebacoO, 8tttf, Cptee, WW "4 " eneapes Orders for GraJni 1 Tobaccd. SwrS fullv solicited: The I bie houses represented. 'J 1- i at 20 p. m., and 12 midnight : Ma flint naVttoeMgtB ntion Notkt. kxawslon tickets, tood for live days, will bo 1 sold at the very Kw pnee 01 Hon BtttaM ftCT Sdl a1lnsUie M tots to die ot scrofula consumption. Two battles or your bitten cored me. y Lxaor Bsfwaa, . w Jr mm m- m'm c 1 W1 '' unafwr: tYa: 'rLTTT MM trthar-.r&fy raa-. ;a, aiaoaa Cta. fthat- I- till M-iiK fc-. IS! I Paul. W, a Souliy, and other weUnown breederj ana trainers, ana mey mu pnouu" rr JZvL Dew leuon aaa meaicuw ier me amue wiii nave over used, giving almost Bwrnaneww tiVS Cures breaklog down wtod galcap onA nnliuil km tin mni41L ajld Craft hoot T Bedtteed r&tea bv the half caUoa or gallon. im r . . . . . -C j. AAVaI. ;i lieware of worthleaa Imllattona, . I Lane. New Yorb -. -, -. , aaTLVnAwn abMk : ! reeemmend Lie- I to Great Britain 18.106; France S continent 168;i atoeki preeenf.jeac.B49; atocx.iaatyean B,224 sales 1309 c ,j j erriJ i CoUntBUB-Fjify : middlmg 1094a; la rhltsQing. i NASHTOr3alt! middling 11146; lo-'mldi 10 fcomiddUng W&o; net receipts mi in heretofore axtattac- between Aitea and W. A. Tiaslow kavlac br ttmV. ! tation expired, la taia aw auaoived by annw ooa ThThnBiuess wili ba eontiseed attheoM tie an dhswbb i w "Wr Hwinff aolottb W. A. TrualowmF interest la the lewiynwnesa, ! kindly neoamend htm to my tnenda hod paaaaav t . - - a. . auiir. Thot!rseptember8,i88l. ;.cepl7.qg , , j - - . : r.faM oni the brand oV tobacea x-nawa as Tho OidOaaeaiwcan. Bamaxabavtoothatlan a yomiginaB, whacan aorkaofflor a reputation, aad watt form ' clUmthafntnja, . - ..... i v i i. r . i BMfXMBEB 1KB. NAMJ, TAB XUCS ABB $10 ROUND TRIP ! agy The Cincinnati Indnatrlal Exposition is now in full blast. , , - ThaOdd rauova convanooa aweti jaoomw, aepiadOt Goal Faaa, Agant, iUanta, Ga. v STADTULJU O DISCOVERVY : i i nT MANHOOD RESTORED. covered a sunp- --r ZtiS 5, n mfkveu. . fmiiTAJr far lit of 1a4-U1V1U1111'. il .LII..S IP HMD KOOI .1 m . 1 C?imUYBSSS&nE& TTE COMPrtATIVB EDITIOn ' TMTI WWkW.TO; r.vT r.nT a nnnTi mV.tora;innue :r 1 .. m MuiLai vamT fwmnn tap Anniw atmii Tryon streeV; nasawrr from 6 to half gaUoa or gallon, nav Depot, 60 Haldep 1 U J5i f!Via x Vfi; 1 ' ChMiotterEc., iXJl Liberal tqxaw w osaaxa, B-'joxxa! bow Ageni. OTH vrsaio i- uioai IOOKI P. a a ujub taxx ue . nw , a nvms VRSS, ia rASAUiiB niuai tela. auMnxasBte B?"SlToailboc5r ap8hi3moa i tm if, rv . i if v -ir ---a axljll id i aiTft 'UArrn- - ninin II 1 r vLi . u n irir ff I. .1,1 If "X'QUUai'U . . gaplO a M. H0WEL1 ' 9. ! aV taw nw. wai ami muni ww HlIiiFH t

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