DcOy, one VM,ov&d$n aaicm. . t $8 00 Six months. 4.00 I..-.. 2.00 owwwt..................--.v..i.;; , IfBMKLT MD1T10&: WMUVummtff),nUmim ......$2 00 cu entity; Aatfutt ...V.V;...; a.io ?. -VW.v.....,.,..;1.05 -U 5 I '-s5 r:- ; We are now receiving our New Fall Good. Among tbe goods already received will be found HOQPSXIRTS BUSTLES, " BASKET FLANNELS, GLOVES, AND A BE 1UTIFUL LINE Of Indies' and MissesnHosiefy. We will have in a few days a splendid Block of , - - ' ' i i ' . : EVERYTHING usually found In a dry goods. establishment All are Invited to come and see as. Alexander 4 Harris. seplO $o0ts ana 3Uots 1 We are dally receiTlng oar FALLS WHITER STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the - LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', B01S. AMD YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all (roods In our line in variety and . aupncea. ' FULL STOCK Stetson aildl Otter Hats. A PRETTY LINE TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS ALL SIZBS AND BRICKS. Call and see ne .' , '.''.". PEGRAM & CO. nunoa aosra. - Paujgay 1581 N045, Daily t Lv. Charlotte, " A-L. Depot , " " Junrt " Sallsbmy, Arr.Qreensboro Lv.Oreensboro Arr.Balelgh Lv. ' Arr. Ooldsboro' Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Lv. Danville ; " N. Danvfllo " Barksdale " Drak'iBr'ch " Jeterevllls ' 4rr. Tomahawk Atr.ieue'laje Lv. " ts r . . Arr.Manchester Arr. Richmond 6.16 AM 4,16 pm 8.56 AH 8,09 Aw 7.57 &18 nt 8.21V .60 Aw 1.40 tvj forBlch m'adonly' 1.4rMf 4.00 ru 8.2S iaar 11181? AM 1027 AM 10 68 AX 11.88 tMt 12.01 TM 12.87 1 1.20 PM pw 2.2 tn B.V!U 10 8.51' Pm!. 4.2 PM 4 4.18 FM 4.88 pm 4.18 Wl 4.45 AM 7.28 AM TBixra some soota. DiUcMay 15 S0 Na42 Dally. Na48 Daily.' Ko.50 Lv. Richmond " BurkevlUe frr. N. Danville Lv. " " Danville Arr. Greensboro Lv. " Salisbury ia45 pm 12.00 2.25 2.43 pm! 200 AMI 0.05 PM 7.25 7.27 6,18 PM 9.26 AM 9.81 AM lLlfl AM "ai7PM 8.87 PM 10.88 PM Arr. A-L. Junction 12.45 fmi 12.1&AM " unanotte Lv. Richmond " Jetersvllle Danville ' Benaja ' Greensboro " Salisbury frr. A-L. Junction Lv. " " Arr. Charlotte 1.00 FMl 12.20 AMI 2.55 pm 4-41 pm A.07 PM 7.25 PM 7.51 8. 55 -9.27 PM 11.05 pm 12.29 am 12.80 AM uia mitifCH. NO, 48 Dally, except Sunday .1 '!':!..'.? V Greensboro.. 9.40 PM Arrive Salem .vvAi....iA..lL40 PM ' J0 47 Dally, exoept Sunday. Leave Ralirf ' - 1 - 1 onfVJ AmvesOeeii8boJr5bW,?...wf,,9.00 AM Ka:42-4aUrixaept Saaday. u i rrlves BaJem. 11.80 A .hlmlt.ed "u11 Nos. 49 and 50 will only make, snort stoppages at points named on tad schedule. Passengers taking trauV49 Irony Charlotte will get aboard at the H. & D. R. B. depot This train i6 lo oonaeaOott at aeoooro for Balertgh, 2?P ltween Charlotte and -lchmood, and b fmgat 6renAbdrd with Salem Branch (Sum' Zceptd ' .TFiT'iTT 'vsencer' tralnsRos, 42 and 43 makaaU loeat : gopa pejfeea , Charlotte and- Uctamond exeept ""SJ Jd Jamestown v fj f bo- W(pt. ltt 9riMft atGfa- Sen.' Pais, and Ticket - 81 Fall 6 Winter 881 mmm Agent, t' Ichmortd.Ya, : may 18 . SUchmoodl mmm i' VOL. XXVI. WE HAVE The best assortment of wraps for ladies In the city, embracing DOLMANS In light-weight material of the finest texture, from l0to35; Ulsters, Ulsterettes, AND WALKING" JACKETS. These goods were bought for less than It cost to manufacture them, and an inspection will convince you that we offer the trade the advantage of the low purchase. Our Fall Stock is Now Complete, And our friends are Invited to give us a call. T. L Seirie k Co. sep!8 PERRVDAUIS' PMJ ILLER ZS A FUBXLT TXQETABLE REMEDY ForEmiaFil.tndEITIEirALIJte, A war awl Bpeedy: care for Sore TbroiCton43oll0, IWphthcrU, ilmaniiettrDysenteryCramp8, Cholera, Sunimer 3omplalnt, Sick Heaaache,NetiraljKbeninatlsi. Braises; Cats. Sorains. fete. , r 7 Perfectly tqfetawvadernatty or edernalfoi,,n& ' certain to afford relief! No family can afford ta PERRY DAVI8 ft 60N,Propr1etoriS - ProvMenoe, R. I sspt ddnw sept A oct. f "li'l r..-, V. n-w .1.- fft-' i';-- i, IMDOR8ED:aTi3uJA :-; PHYSICIANS,' CLERGYMEN. AND THE GREATEST UEDICAL TRtllLlPH QF-THE AGE? TORPID LIVER. : tjose of apTte,lTaasa,boirela costire, fsUn in theHead,with a dtOI sensation in . the back Dart. Fain under the shoulder blede, fullness after eatings with a dlain- clination to exertion 01 poay or puna. ' Irritability of temper. Low splrtta, iJois of memory, with a feeling of haying neg leeted some duty, weariness, Disslness, lettering of the Heart, Dote before the Hi J M L- - tT L eyes. Yellow Bkin, Headache. BesQeSs ness at night, highly colored tJrine. it thxsx wjJurnrGS abeuvhzxded, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S FILLS are espeeially adapted to neb. eases,one dose effects suehaehanga of feeling; as to sstonlsli the sufferer. -- They lBMee the Appetlt, and okble the , body W ma Tlmb, lhthPsytt s ' uiWRana ay uieurawase as sonaq am , TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Qbat Haib or Whiskebs changed to a Oiasr : Bbacx by a single application of this Dyk. It Imparts a natural color, acta Inatantaneoasly. , SoM'fcy Druggists, or sat by sxprsss on rscaipt of 1. . Otnco."35 Murray 8t.. New York. Tvtt auiiii r 'unth larmsatm saa H CMiata wU h auOM SU aa afUttoa.f lbyi8deodawi- j! - '- -! -' f ; Tfattaai sag rifit 1- loresTon Nw,4 FuatoasbU. . SoU . C5 0 1 0Tn ft 7v ita at Rimi A boitla. All Farmers. Mothers. Businaaa Man. S2 (ta, yottca bainWiraratad aad cured by estotl fi'lf SBPaS"--" 'W 3" 1 . -,. 9l4MilktlrlH w I 1 ' i ' aiii -ItyoM ara wasting !TSawsistmc away with Consumption, Iii-4 tiipation or any wealtnass, you will find rarttrsi Gtsm Tonic the ereatast Blood FerttorandUel hBsst Health StrsagtlBssterep waCaalJsH Pandfiursuperiovto Bitters and plher Tonics, SA ttl kboUds up the system, but pever iBtosuatSSV J?j ct. J x siras. . H'?la2S12i3W fe-'J Paaarai rBAIaQAZX PimaUBaUasst BstlmsCnha, - SITUATION WANTED. LOEED PBJJTTSB. of Hz yean cxperl raata a steady situation, Can roafee up? rt run a press and Is competeat Jo takg t Of the meohanftal dapartmpnt of a news" paper, narreei toe ueonanioai danartment a per. Will work wart ohaaa dmins' tne anrnmai- mmesv CatObHrveTtTbalotM, J I i ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' . . i i" j i - f . - . gB ggJOS, C&ljfJdtlttUfl. Set. J. . : "v1 i - - ii . v.;aui.'J.v C1IAELOTTE, N. C, SUM)ATV SEPTEMBER 18, 1881. 1TE3IS OF INTEREST. S. E. Callahan, of Mecklenburg, Va has a 8 talk of corn bearing thirty-one kuou cars, xwency-nme will average vtci i.uur mcnes in lenguL The Bradford, Pa, oil field shows a steady decrease in the rate of produc tion. There will be a big rise in crude peiroieum next year 11 new territory is not aeYeiopea. The Ohio river has pretty nearly ueoseu to ue. a,x, jriccsDurg tners is but ten inches of water, at Cincinnati iwenry-rour, and at Evansville but imrcy inches. A fund of $50,000 for J,he relief of the persecuted Jews who will arrive in New York from Russia at an early "J 1 o w uu imacu uy Luc JOWISU Cltl zens otNew York. -; : !(,: The distance from St. Louis to the moucn or the Mississiddi is 1300 miles. the fall is 408 feet at high water and 309 at low water. The fall at high water is 0.31 feet per mile, and at low water 0.28. jx. woman wno aressea nerseii in men s ciotnes ana went, into the army during the war, so that she could be with her husband, and who was wounded in the service, has just re ceived $600 in pension arrears at St. LiOUlS. - A rich Catalan capitalist, long resi dent In Cuba, died there recently, and is reported to have left his fortune of $12,000,000 to be divided among four negroes, formerly his slaves, who once oavou uia uio irum a wiiucat. Wmie D6 wa3 out hunting. The danger of marrying a strong minueu woman was musiraceu in Wis consin, where a woman got after her husband for being in a saloon. He took to flight, and ran into a deep well to escape her. Death claimed him for his own. A new but exceedingly proper pun ishment for brutes convicted of assault on a woman is now being put in force by the Canadian authorities. Persons convicted of this crime are now, in ad- muon to terms 01 lmDnsonment. sub ject to a dose of the cat-o' nine-tails every ten days. The Massachusetts Railroad flnmmis- sioners' reports for 1880, just published, show that the nine railroads terminat ing in Boston carried last year over 34,500,000 passengers, of whom 24,000,000 were through passengers to and from Boston, at 7,500,000 were season ticket passengers. , Cocoanut growing is becominc an important industry in Florida. Chas. Maloney has a plantation of several thousand trees on Stoek Island. J. V. Harris, of Key West, has about 7.000 trees, E. O. Lock about 10,000, and Lieu tenant-Governor Bethel is having an extensive grove of cocoanut trees plant ed. Senator-elect Warner Miller is auoted as lately writing to a merchant in Au gusta, Ga.: Ml assure you the South will never have cause to regret that I am in the Senate. I prefer to devote myself to the development of the un bounded resources of our common country. I hope the South will not lag behind the North m this work. I know that your thriving city of Augusta will not" A Poaaible Extradition Csaae It has been asserted bv Dersohs learned in the law that Giteau could not be tried for murder should the President die in New Jersey. This point has often been raised, and, in the absence of statutory provision to .the contrary, it has been held by the courts that where the fatal blow was struck in one jurisdiction and the victim died in another jurisdiction, no indictment would lie m either State. It happens. however, that New Jersey has, by an act passed in 1877, provided fortius contingency, and no matter where tbe murderous act was committed, the murderer can be tried in the-couhty where the death of the victim occurred The. only difficulty in the way would be the extradition of tbe prisoner from' the District of Columbia and should . there unhappily be any occasion for ta king Guiteau to New Jersey for trial,- no doubt the decisions of the5 r courts t which would have protected him fromi indictment in that state prior to the passage of the act of 1877, will be cited to show that he cannot be removed to a foreign jurisdiction to answer for an offense committed in the district. A Commendable Example. Bateigh News and Observer. A friend informs us that Mr. James H.:Euffln, son of Judge Ruffin, of the Supreme Court of this State, after grad uating at the last commencement, with high distinction, at tbe University o JNorth Carolina, desiring to perfect him self in the practical knowledge of ma chinery and the details of cotton manu facturing, has pulled off bis coat and gone to work in the factory of the Messrs. Fries, at Salem. We commend his example to onr young men. , Mr. George G. Lobdell, the great car-wheel manufacturer of Wilmington, Dela ware, worth at least a million of dol lars, made his son; after studying me chanical engineering in this country and in Germany, go through his factory as a workman, as Mr. Ruffin is doing. There will be a great demand for skill ed managers in the factories of the South, and we will be glad to, see moire of our educated boys; , toateid qf crowd ing the professions of law and medicine and politics, devoting themselves to the important and .lucrative business of manufacturing, , , - - i.j. . S) SS Snu.i..V-. - Deserted, Concord Son. Charlie Means, a well to do man, left his wife and. .children a few days ago, leaving with bis wife $10 "which he told her ta use as. she pleased. He sold his land and crop for several hundred dollars and took , his horse' and spring wagon ana put on. saying ne would re turn soon';- Wbnf last heard frOmhe' was in Virginia and said he' waa cbihtf ta Kentucky, ' Seteyal jglv rumors are afloat poneefn'ihg' his conduct, but no one can definitely . state the faotg, : He leaves bis wife ani children totally de pendent upon friends for a living;1 - Hie wife Is a gbod ladyf and her condition 1 is mucn aepiorea praii who Know or hor lonelv condition."' We hone for Che sake of the family that' this rumor may 1 & 4 1 a i. . f- tu't ; --t -j f - - . . Awhile ago, said Mrfc ltf.Jkan, 61Ltneora street Worcester: Vaii!.-oi W in vfibifMn' the Benin BfjdfcB tolne eiy higijy 6lSt7aM Ou.. I resolved to-by-ifc en iny-MtlertftTand I mns'teanftssthat l was" surprised at tlMiesalta,' ahdlprestatte'wtemiflii an4t6nffdnQ aijoke aboutifcf r wralna aadalll)cdtt!aInjL4. Jseertattuy a wonderful remedy,, ard I canu highly recommend -gf 9".' 5;!' t . aaja f. MADE FBOMHABMXESS' MATEBIILS and adapted to the needs of -fading and falling hair Parker's Hair Balsam has taaen the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restoraUre. CCITEAV BEnoVED TO ANOTHER CELL, Being' a "Gentleman," . Be Enter a proteeu ; ' Special i& the Baluniqre Pun. . " iv abuxdiu auj!,, .pay w, . a.. UUlieau IS how in a cell .in another wing of the jail from whero he was when Sergeant jQtiasun ixieu w auuub mm on ounday night last. Notwithstanding his nar row escape irom Mason's bullet he stouuy oojectea to Derng moved. On looking in his new quarters and. notic ing that a new wall had been run up, so that the soldiers on duty on the out side of the jail could not practice any more on him, he -stoutly objected to oc cupying uie ceti, saying. i "It is not a fit place for a gentleman to be put in." , 7 , His objections? however, were not considered, and soon the key was turn ed on him. To the, deputy warden he said, , ,' "What famous or infamous man has been a prisoner in this cell ?" "Stone,4, the, colored, wife-murderer," was the answer. "What bepame of him?? Guiteau asked. :.!; " : . . "He was hung, the deputy warden replied, "right out ia that yard. His execution made a big sensation, his head having been pulled off his body bv the rope." l - "I remember reading of it," Guiteau answered, "but I never supposed at the time that I would be the next man to occupy his cell. There seems to be an unpleasant history connected with all of the cells." wun tne next cell to vou.' "Excuse me, please,'' said Guiteau, "but I would prefer not to hear it. I have heard enough already. It makes me sick." -In speaking to the jail guard on duty in his corridor, Guiteau said last night: "I don't fear these attacks that people are providing for me. God will protect me and save me from injury from any of them." Then, getting into an inquisitive mood, he asked, "What do vou think will be donA with me?"- The guard answered : "My own opin ion is that you will be killed bv some one whether the President dies or not." Uuiteau's only remark was. "I hope not." ' "Owe No man Anything-." Associate Reformed Presbyterian. The Press and Banner of last had a timely editorial titled, "Let no man rorteit his integrity. It will be good readiher for ev'ervbnd v That man who makes' the payment of his debts a matter of convenience and who is not willing to suffer some self- denial and sacrifices for the sake of meeting his obligations is at heart dis honest. His word and his plighted honor go for nothing. We endorse the words of truth and soberness in the following paragraphs irom me eaitonai reierrea to : G. We fear that in extremities like these some of our citizens mav be temnted to act unfaithfully to themselves and their families, and dishonestly to their creditors. Every man who is true to himself and true to his own family must faithfully and punctually dis charge as much as possible of his obli gation to his merchant, even if it takes the last pound of his cotton and the last grain of his corn. Because of the general distress of the country, let no man deceive himself with the idea that aisnonest act in appropriating to his own use the goods which he has mort gaged to the merchant will be excusa ble or overlooked. No poor man can afford to blot the character of a life time, or stain the name of his family for the sake of a bale of cotton or for the value of a few bushels of corn. "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches," and the poor man, as a matter of business- cannot ruin his credit for a paltrv sum. A noor man's credit is of inestimable value to him, and.without it he can do but little. A Dag of cotton is of little moment in a lie time. Act honestlv Snrrendf rlT that you have 'promised, and ns nr tan if necessary. Stand to your merchant in tnis extremity, and even if he is un able to help you again; your honest act will inspire confidence in another, who will appreciate the worthy act on your part, and will be ready to help you when help is needed. With us fall is! OSt save honor. Let na tint nnw lnA that. It M our only source of credit, and Without credit we are rind one. T-r. no man wtib deserts his crop, or leaves it for the merchant to gather, again hold up his head or lav fllaim tr hnm esty. "Act well your part, there all the honor jies,1 and from which action springs all prosperity and happiness'. A few pounds of cotton and a lew DUBneis or corn are trash, when com pared: to the value of a good name. The rwn may afford to descend to a trick, uuu uu poor man can afford to nave his honor smirched. It is all ; that he has. Even if a poor man have no pride of real personal characteryas amatterof policy, it is best to act honestly and pay to 'the uttermost farthing. Let the poor men of this country not ruin their credit. 1 It is bad policy, to say nothing of bad principles. The dishonest ac tion of every man will he noted, and in after years the dishonest man will be brought to shame, while the man who withstands the present temptation has forever established an honorable re cord, of which hia children's children may well be proud. In a country like this.no industrious, honest man will go hungry, even though he be penniless, nor will the seed of the righteous suffer for food. Let the most discouraged citizen gather his crop, and surrender it. i Then he must work a little more industriously, live a little more eco nomically, and encourage" the hope Wrhich prompts us to make the efforts which finally secure a competency. Let no man sacrifice hia honors or give up to disgrace himself and his children for the sake of a store bill. .There is no mania Abbeville who cannot survive the loss of a crop. Many have lost much more than that, and still pre served their good name. : An Invalid Fashing- Threngh. fitalesvMs Landmark. - " ': at Charleston lady who has been endina the summer -in J ASherille. came down the road-yesterday rndrB lug and went on home. A kinsman of hers who lives here went over to the train to see her. So far from tho" trhr to-tne mountains improving ner, suae lot 10p lbs. of fesh: dnringithe seaoniV iWhen she left home aheweighed S50f 1 shadow, as it were. Actual ract.; jxq: j. A i, jfl' CAST IRON YELLOWS. - M . Men of endanmee bave ,heatthj .kidneys and Uvex, NoacheainUiebaoavnopUea or constipa tion? The cure for these diseases is Kidney Wort. This great remedy keeps np the tone of the whole hody by enabling the liver, bowels and kidneys to perform their functions perfectly. Beth the liquid and dry are sold by druggists, Pioneer Press. , Yes," answered the deputy warden, there is a strange hlstorv. connected py Our new goods are nearly all In, and we will take pleasure In showing them to everybody that will favor ns with a can. Our stock comprises a fall line of SIXES ELK3 CHOOBAHS CATTNS JHOODAHS JATINS SURAHS UBAfia AND AND CASHMERES J1 ASEMEBES In an colors, combinations, etc. We have a beautiful one of Brocade Silks and Satins. HARGRAVES & WILHELM sep!8 and ArriviDg A Clothing. A Full Line A Full Line Fall somest Line of Neckwear ever exhibited Call aLd see us before making your purchasas elsewhere, as it will save you Time and Money. L. BERWANGER & BRO., Leading Clothiers and Tailors. A handsome line of Ladies, We Have Opened pf the Most Desirable Styles In Light-Weight Diagonals, Drab d'Ete, Cassimere, and other light-weight materials, trimmed most elegantly in pa'smentariee, laces and fringes. Also, jfflit-Coloml Do We will offer this lot of goods at EXTEKMELT Our stock is COMPLETS in every department. We invite attention to our new styles ol Clothing Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladies Cloaks, Shawls, Etc., of which we have made a specialty. Also, a large variety and you will find prices to suit BECKETT & MeDO WELL, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, - , tr-MAKPTACTTJBEBS OF ii.:i';'r i"5 0 ,.v ' .bv:. ir.Crt-Ml CONTHACT FOB CONSTBOCTIOr AND ERECTION OF MTrftNG MACHINERY OF EVERT DESCRIPTION AND LATEST DE3IGN8. ALSO,-MAKU- 'AGTORE AMD 8ELL AGRICULTURAL AND PORTABLE ENttlNES, SAW MILLS, to. 2&J&'J&-&.''- The manQfactnrers of tbe CHALLSff GIB PORTABLE EHeiNl challenge the world to produce a better engine. To show their confidence in wfial hey claim, they challenge any manufacturer ' - : ; J .anea.,. ijATJIEON: if. Of the Trade nnerallv. and else the eousmner. is called U ear special brands of saleable and staple omvajjig xapactes awaag mau jrnmam uong Cats, and Rival -Poraam te wifeh we axe new adsnag a full line of the latest styles vt ; most staple grades of. Plug and Twist Teoacoos.; We eaa. In a few weeks, eler iducements in Chewing Tebaeces that ne ether manufacturers can eanaL Oar salesmen will make regular trips te Charlotte, and the trade of all good merchants is respectful ly .elicited. E.apoee5rT may? Durham; Kd N0.: 3,902. dS- 0) O ID) is Oar stock of Dress Trimmings In Sarahs, Satins, SUks, Pasmentry, Beaded Lace, Beaded Fringe, Ornaments, Cords and Tas sels, Cords, Buttons, etc, Is the most corrplete ever offered In this market A beautiful line of HOSIERY, RIBBONS .AND GLOVES. The latest Novelties in Neckwear. Winter DPailj in Large Full Line of our Celebrated of Boys' School Suits. Gents' Furnishing Goods, and the hand samples for garments to be made iiiaiis Adapted to the Fall Season. LOW PBICE3. They are handsome aud cheap, and ready selling freely. WAT f &0WSKY the times. of agricultural engines not fitted with an automatic eut-off, to a competlttve test at St ienau or xaouteai.uoo. aa mav be daairad. Thmu onvinaB nm OHKT G. YOUNG, Agent, College street, e-i-L if- A GENERAL MEETING of the stockholders of the Rabun Gap Short Line Railway Co. will be held at the office of the Atlanta and Charlotte Alr Llne Railway Company, in the JCity Jot CharltOe, N, CL on the 25th of October, 1881,eA 16 o'clock a. m., to consider an agreement; to eonselldate this company with the Knoxville and Asgusta Railway Company and the Clayton Railroad Co. sep!4d49 . 8IIPWITH WILMEB,8ec'y itujflt .grftttittfia pas been thoroughly supplied wtth every needed want, and won the latest stjfeiof Type; and every ntanner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness; dispatch ihdeheapne ss. " We canTaii" nlsh at short notice, : ,- rr- i BLANKS, BILL-BXADfl, - W t. LETTEB-HEADS, CABQ3, '1' TAflSL BECJ3PTA POSTERS, v ; PBOQ1A1IM13, HAKDBILLS, ., - PAMPHLETa; CTRCTJLAB3, CHECE3,&e. Oar NEW irtuTWa at 5 and 7c are ver attraeuve Our Windsor Bobe Pompadours are very pret ty. All-wool Black Buatfnga t 15c Cre , tonnes in endless variety. - A beautiful stock: oi CLOAKS, DOLMANS WALKING JACKETS. Glotli Quantities. Own Manufactured in this State. to order. 1 T and Mots worth your while to see. Call early, as they are al & MMJCl. of Carpets and Blankets. Call ELIAS & COHEN. . ana a-iwn wouu.j.- .i -. : bet. Trade aid FUtj 'VI : -HONEST 7t "A. Twist Chewinff Ttet. Beware of frnfiaHons.- None gwrlne'milesf e- ' com pan led wtth onr "Honest 7" eoprrlgbjad labelr. which will be found on bead of CTery bot , Manrrfactund only BOWK BBOr- A- feb20-2w - , - taeteH.a -4 rv onnn. nTnabi aAamstressee can find 1UU steady employment by applytBs: Jo'. aag28,dlw Trade St., 1 door above College,