i r i ass " " I ' i 1 Xa. I 1 1 111 am iaamut APPETISER w iih ii laai a a a kiuvi u. .m. w vw. 1.1 I n: lot l i&ofdok trov tlMncie? and gives new life to thejiRrTJtt. It acta like a charm on the diwstire onrans, removinz all dyspeptic symptom, such aa TathngFood, MtioxvtiMttjnm notJjlack fe11 batfdiiliiliU. TtTtke for. P"w!gfJj?g.Mrtf .hliu- At this Mm I Thaald ttwapatxv t wa-a in itiaaaaaiiaCBir fflaaava tAMSBt BEOWN CI JlllS Taaia a thi nt. yitrit MrnieiNE C I. ! !,i tlUi-.-lTtl f .1 JK.l .i ' I ! CO. COLLEGE ft TOTJBTH 8XL, Al Win. and to Me: 3000 BUNDLES ABBOWTIES, 1000 HALE BOLLS BAGGING, 1500 PKQ8 FISH, 500 BBL&FLOUB, 100 BAGS COFFXK, 75 BBLS. 8YBUP, 10t . BOXES SOAP 016 ui a trial before yon boy and we will sell you. R. M. MILLER k SONS. aug24 CORN '.CORN'! CORN! B AGGING AND TIES We are agents for THE WATT PLOW Will Mil It LOWXB than you can buy an other geod plow. Full assortment always on hand, GaD and tec na beiore porchaslhg. MAYER & ROSS. aogao Wl HATI HOW IN STO&X FOB THI Spraj ani Snmljr Trade ; ; 1 MOST-COMPLETE TBDDNOSV , T . . f MOIOJIg -Tot Ladiec aad Children t . V. We bava tver had tto pleasure OCB STOCK Of C-S ' 1--. ST. rBiMMnfa8.ii'': ,-,WM)iMiS '40? ANOCOBJSZTS -ISMt itettatty Wehave" HATS OR BONNETS iO FIT T HXAD ATO KX3XT OT KTXBT. LAST, MISS Aim CHILn, bur Fatttm Bats :i;W.:pe in 'Atmjaunam any i i wa mn noH-ti ui aif wa ajw - ijiifce " ifsT ttwa " MRS.JP.JJUERY .j.- ...... ... -H, nf ffr If H GROCERS TIJJULliOiU y Oats 11 PirtEii V rMorDM;uUUM BLovra, FARABOU 1 ftU wS;.wtfdM Pieaaed to jjej "tITfS?h? TTRUE TONIC zhtoka aaviaoaa Taut avi a c9rE5 - at r.a -- "- .w - . BIdrJrJ. strengthens CAIi CO., Baltimore, am. inlMMd and m ffmf b m ol jwiaion, tori csiM, venercu I mmmi Want of Vital- fUM. ana labor wh excaadlnglr bni bat hxrmn tha of roar Toxic, from which I re mvhi retarBad sad fooad that my iwtursl fore ita aa -extant tba bottisaatUia Joouv Biaoe its aonatwtMH Ik. I - awl wftn dob th mm. (HUM aniorad. tr.Pastor If th Trmie hsl not don tha j.P.Wmoif, Christian Chore h. Tror. U. CO., Ml. SIS IMTH MAIM STIIET, ST. tOUtt; Ill L Ull Ul lU""1 ' .1 J . THOUGH SHAKEN IN EVERY JOINT and fiber wltn fever and ague, or bilious remittent, the system may yet be freed from the malignant virus with Bos tetter's Bitters. Protect the system against it with this beneficent anti-spasmodic, whleh Is furthermore a supreme remedy for liver complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, debility, rheu matism, kidney troubles and other ailments. For sale by aU Druggists and Dealers generally. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. tut' im It, 181C WE WILL SEND, QN 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. DYE'S Electro -Voltaic Appliances suffering from NervoniWeakBesses, Gen eral Jebllity, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses andOTHiX Cadses, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also woiujf troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. These are Xbe only Electric Appliances i&at bave ever been constructed u pan-aftentMle prln el plea. Their thorough egtoacrhM been prac tically proven with the aiatl roMlerfnl sneceaa, and they have the high eat endorsements from medical and acicn tlflc men, and from hundreds who have bean quickly and radically cured b fttooir nse. Head at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, giving aU iaiarmaiion free. Address, WWZU8 BXLT CO., Xarahall, Xich. i is..") Wholesale and RetaiL i "4 f.'H AT THS WHITS FRONT, E. M. ANDREWS, (Suooessor to I. S. Bogere.) ! I f ') s! WaOLISAl & BTtAIL rUENITCEK DliLEB apg20 ?f"4 :nu-ii oi Jul, e!-. ChCV MlT the brand nf fatumvi kniwuMTha Old OAken Backet. ' , .fwt : fpHB Old Oaken Bucket, .w-i tek JL The iron bound bucket,-'' 1 -W .-J, The moss-covered bucket, That hung la the welL .w. MjeoieAtjiti -rrTTniTOOSia 5 .TfJ WttliW rpo WBOMIT MAT CONCERN Kotlee Wnwei- 1 x by cives that the nrm oi oamson cc Beau, noretoiore aomg pasmess as Brpcers .jnAaianotte,: la this day dls oived by mutOaj5orenb ah nm aUbuisduethsTawanaai'lM eo!"-"lbvHm. w. f o'-f. -gabbasBBSsa F VlTftV'lf nil ii ii iu ii ii w ww m )l CELEBRATED H IMliE " "-it: . '. '.' " iiivviiiiiiiinprivtritiU A. J.aulnthe Thllrm,aBdbu8lnea orfl(fti:fnaBf aleep. " aaaire to ctese up me oeoas w w""" mam pe ntaoe promptly, as maaiaeBe iuui w KiTcii... win Bin flnnnun r n. miRirw.il hdild ataiMLw t.r(w nivmfinMuJrMAV She Cbqrlotte Qiibsmut. TUE$E I rEMS Off MTEBEST, uisiana has 108 varieties of trees suited for lumber and fuel. The Anaches are thought to mu dered 400 people in JMew Mex ashville is to have a mam maiiif actory of barrels, hubs, axe (handles, etc. Aroout one-tenth of Arkansas is cov pine, which at- ered with the yellow tains an enormous n Fourlaree cotto dl mills in MemDhis, have be mg ail tne veaf and three wfl larted this fall The averaee flow of the Niagara river bare I r-e6 llijove the falls is 10,000,000 cubic feet TrSr W.? nn to This iinrlr a hAarl nf 90 f eeti gives a (grand aggregate of 3,000,- fiQQ hofte-t)b?wer a force sumcient to 1 mp spppljf .thf jfnts of 200,000,000 peo- Lhther said : "If a man is not hand some at 20, strong at 30, learned at 40 and rich at 50, he will never be hand some, strong, learned or rich in this world." StatM,pbserveaDnBearitfl supply tniff.prcraqecy wituja f inflsj; re- i i - . , during a recent visit of a circus to bansviUe.N. a gorilla escaped from his cage and made for a farm house, causing great consternation among the familv. After a livelV contest he was ! captured and returned to his cage. In Pine course oi nis escapaue ne mi. a uog, whi:h has since died. 'There is.a cave in Derbys Ira Jtbaqifiiwpemig 33 man wai fi to.antTwWnl! b oaphejf i belli vrfA some WJeet.' WMnb f wal f found to be unconscious from fright ,and died a few days afterward from the effects. h two Williams crirls who killed their father in Pittsylvania cbuntyVVa., last jweek have been captured. One of them is half idiotic. The father was a drunken brute who took the girls' ber ry money to buy liquor, beat one of them dreadfully for buying some calico with their own money, and had ex pressed his intention of killing his wife and fairing the daughters out for shame ful purposes. There are not a naif million miles of ll&reat Britain uses 114,000 miles of lines; Germany has 150,000 miles and more than 3,000 miles of underground cable ;.BritishIndi has f0000jnile ; T,fancrll5,000; Befeiuifi, fc.ooo? Spain, 25,000 i Denmark, 5,000 and 'NerwtyjH 10,000 miles, which are used chiefly in the management of her fisheries. ? San Antonio, Texas, is to have one ?the grandest hotels .in the United States. Col. Ed. Wickes has the-matter in hand, and Jay Gould and C. P. Hunt ington are down for $50,000 each, to be increased to $100,000 each if necessary. It will be known (so it is now thought) as the Great Southern Hotel, and will be the half-way house between the City of Mexico and New York, as well as between San Francisco an New York. All the money necessary to build a mammoth structure can be had at ence. THE NEXT HOUSE, Its Organisation Again Becoming a Subject of Discussion Washington, September 14. The re sult of the special congressional elec tion held in the second Maine district yesterday adds another to the Republi can members of the next House. Not counting the four vacancies from New York, the lower House of the Forty Seventh Congress now stands 144 Re publicans, 133 Democrats, 9 Greenback era, 2 Readjusters from Virginia, and 1 Independent Republican, Smith, of Brooklyn, making a present member ship of 289. The four New York va cancies will be uiied in December. Should the Republicans elect three out of this four they will then have just the number of voters required to or ganize the House 147. it seems to oe generally - conceded that the Republicans will elect succes sors to Messrs. Lapham and Miller. The Democracts will no doubt elect a successor to the Fernando Wood va- (tmcjk and they claim that they will sena a memoer to nil tne seat vacated by Minister Morton. Should they carry both these districts that will leave the Republicans with only H members; but it is claimed that Smith of Brook lyn, will vote(fox Republican organize Uonand tBatFo6:t)4tve them the M ditionaiTOte kece&azy tomake a major? ity of the wholi House. There are live greenback members who were f ormer . Republicans, and who, it is reason able to suppose, will vote with that party on the question of organization a& against the Democrats. They are Brumm, of Pennsylvania, Rice, Hazel tin, Ford and Burroughs, of Missouri. Jones, of Texas, another Greenbacker, thought oxmerly a Democrat, is now a bitter opponent of that party, and would be more likely to vote against it thsd iwith it. Ladd and Murch, of Malfid, and Musgrove, of Pennsylvania, WOtnd no doubt vote with -the Demo crats on the question of organization, gbpuld it be a contest between those two parties. What the two yirginia Readjusters may do there are no means of telling..1. Yet the result of the : com ing election will probably have consid erable influence in determining the po litical status in the next Congress. The Greenbackers make up the element of uncertainty to relation tolthe organzsr ttoniof thcrnext Hbtfeeh Theit leaders emphatically declare that they intend to make a caucus nomination for Speaker, and to stand by the nomina tion to the last. Then there is a good deal of talk efa coalition between Democrats and Greenbackers, but such a combination couldn't win unless the Vifgijiia Readjusters join it. Provided the Republicans succeeded in electing two oi yie our members tpe chosen J capture - either SMiller's or -Xaphamf s district it might be fatal to Republican ascendency in the next House, as it would enable the opposition by combi nations to muster a majority. The chances are favorable to Republican organization', but the' vote 1 is likely to be so close that a sudden death, or case of 'illness on Jdaerparirof r a member, might upset ail calculations. VUAt Want to Lire wltn Him Ag-aln. ja. xeronio miip wtnoiuy lk ibib band, and tiiftdoctora toid her that she nrobablv would not recover, but she re fused !to make any statement unless thev would declare that she would die beyond a shadow of a doubt. If this nurt is going to kiii me, sne said, -x dont mind if my husband gets hanged cor it and 111 furnish all the evidence I can : if I eet well I shan't ; want him tfiMtto t)rison.for I'd be nrettv sure to 'tmummw w b&Avufva u w aa.wi want to yejwMfc hna againBt a j ii i i a i i sa i. ii sLEgPLaasNicsa. , itfrfeotles sad sedatives murder sleep'; jhe un totbifallBtnporUiOootoUoKM by effect Blm m'onallrer Besolat cesaovea ttxa caose of restlesa- fceiii and aleepieasoeat b .tAuWW'.tt Xwtm j eMabHsWns good dhreatton and by aotBttnc the naMa.l Trr it. and -on wUL soon kaow lhs blass. rillbSpf food neaitn ana Bounuajwoii. WaTebeen a greaf sufferer f liM i from dyspepsia U soon as I feel the least ner- aw an I mm m i a tUAW Of J. Oris woldsTllle, Ga. 101 UTX1 I I Kmmrns, liter BerulatoB iULA,Ai;iu milium icia mawKaiuwn5A,iare brewery- wok me through It last week and gave met theirajg-toiit Qt a man or jearntngAM to des4cU)B Iharficieniiflcnrcicess that IJping In from.$Ue strjet through an 34 way, the piaJe leo4!re5rinod t, but when we can& grope for two oftnree acres under ground, witn can dles m our hands and the sewers of the! citytfaraWre out heads;; aftd- Jbeeell ings! of the great, ,Vfttilts; ;jCOxerf4 with ice and snow in the midst of, August, I could9tl3utbe'astonised, r.ethis. waanota veirarcehreweryi ; &na It turris dXtHhly ',jaoatr-60,oq0. barrels of, las-dr r beep it year.0 It IS;tho onijr orews erv is the. world.' howevttr.with th0 ex-, cepQcirof one lnWlIlIamsbTirgiiwhichf does not nse anyice,' put makesFil? ownt colq bv absorbing the neat in tne yauira, by rfemgerUbgrnachiie'E it cdnsumed from 8CKi to'lOJOOO tons of ice a yeart whfa-athtfTesen'i0w rata of $2vt 'tarwinfUb niae f itrfthei ion indi friend worktntf with 4iim ln- ventedtd'niachiiie 'whlcli accomplisby esmo cd th'an aUTtl .mass of ice andlattho ame time eaves: the room i the icewijuldocctrfry :fpirtheBtorage;oi; been, th6rebjr enlarging aiebre.werT to thati extent for a , brewery Jn Ibe. maiL.a stock of bee kept opening for, weeks and jnonths. The mere brewing is a simple matter, and here" they brew fifteen UmBpt, week, psing the same Se ries of kettle hon-bouer and mash fubi All that would oo -necessary to brew more would be to put in another kettle ccessoried, but txtyrrf -tiie beerln w hiih fa avtvin tiiTra ay w.i have ) cold-room; which, von can on obtaro! by ice or by. Science. ' ' : ' :r TUa in i. hktotfririatL?, kalrT i.TJT, rv . vicreateiwinter ;at-wUlV"- - -we use 7otpounasi otifluti ammo nia, WhidhHcosts about ao cents a pound. That by our powerful engine we com pgss;apd drive through many hundred feet 6f pipes, which lie along the tops of our faults, .and we aUo jrun.it down through the fermenting tubes inhollow fivliriders. We Droduce -expansion in this ammonia by a smair needle point' aperture whicn. at certain pi aces, ipves it ootIet.4''?nUtfi;84t6teandiQjflt takes up heat and produces a, tempera ture only affew degrees above the freez ing point,' while the pipes themselves become-incrusted with whatever mois ture is in the vaults in the shape of snow and ice. Our own machine cost $50,000, op. about two years' cost of our ice. : We have just put up one inWil liamsburg for somewhat less money. T&buildiaa 4ce house coat a brewer roln $50)00 to $60,000. There are some wtuch have cost over $100,000. But after you have built ice houses you have to buy your ice, and that being bulky, taEes so rhuch room fr6nlyour 1)66 JV "The day is close' at .band," he contin ued, "when this machinery will be ap plied to hotels and will keep the city of New York as cool in midsummer as the sea side or the mountain tops. You can make the temperature 'what you please. You can cool the theatres in midsummer so that they can get four or five months more occupation" "It is certainly mysterious, said I, "that with about $2,500 worth of harts horn you can : expunge $20,000 of ice and make my toes ache down herein the dog days. What is ammonia V" "It! is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen, and it is called ammonia be cause it was first made from the cam els' dung at the Temple of Jupiter Am nion, on the hot deserts, of Africa. It is called hartshorn because they once made it out of the decomposed horns of deer. ; You buy it as a liquid. It is a powerful alkali. Everything in nature, you know, is naturally cold ; passive na ture, like death, is a state of cold. The heat comes from elsewhere, and all we do is to take away this heat by letting the hartshorn seize it and bear it away. We use the same hartshorn from day to day, and from year to year, over and over again.9 An Old Blald's Life. Courier Journal. Sweet 1& Builds castles and dwells on love in a cottage. 18. Joins an archery club. Affects intellectual repasts, such as "Reading Clubs." Dances every set and rejects all love proposals. 19. Drops love in a cottage and thinks of a brown stone or pressed-brick front. 29-21-22. Modesty begins to take its departure. 'Abhors simplicity. 23. Laces tighter and wishes to mar- ry forrank a Colonel, Congressman or Senator would do. 2425-26. Astonished not a little at f tam'aining single. "Why don't the men proposer - 27-28-2,9. Takes the lead in charades and tableaux. Begins - to tease her pa about'the springs. Subscribes to Sun day papers for society news. Uses cos metics glaringly. i - r , - 30-31-S2-83. Wouldn't mind a widow er if not too old. Willing to manage charades and tableaux, : but wont take a prominent part. Begins to turn chari table and hunt out the poor. Joins the churchy " r . . 34-35-86. As a general thing despises men. itTheyare all so silly; 'but," of course, there are exceptions to 'all rdles.f Elected President of the Child rens' Aid Society. 37-3$-89. Allows boys of eighteen or twenty years to take her to prayer-meeting, aa "Intellectuality defies, all consid erations of age." . 40 to 46.--Would accept a preacher of her own denomination without respon sibilities. . Takes a large interest in the SibWath school, and in cats and canary maA . - . 45 Tb 50. Sees no harm in a little more : rouge particularly-at night. "Scraggy, fretful and s desperate." A Sreacher with half a dozen responsibili ies all boys she would not object to. 50 Tb 55.$ Thanks heaven she was never; married All men: are brutes. More rouge. Terribly startled by a re-, mark! from her widowed pastor that is the duty of all Christfims to mar rjf IMOre startled next day to hear of tnVgocd fortune of "that horrid Did maid,? Miss Snips, who .is to. marry, her Eastor. Makes her will, and cuts off all er relatives hy leaying-herentire for t. i 4.U-. 1 tU TO The Florence NicbUncale ef the, nursery. ; The fftUowtna is an extract from aietter wrftten to the OermaponBed Jisnger. at Chambers, burg, Pena.t Ui ' ' J- T t- ' 1 ' ! 5 A BXmFAOTBXSS. Just open the door for her, and Mrs. Winslow will prove the American Horence Nighttogeol tho&rsery. Of this we are Bosure that we will teach oar Susy to Bay, "A Blessing on Mrs. wins low" lor helping' W to: MStrrrtiw' and escapethe grlplngj collcktog and teething siege, Mr&i wtes low's Soothing Byrap reUeves the ehfld from paWi' and cures dysentery and dlatawea. I wtena tne gums, reduces toflamnmaen, scnree-wWd colic, ana carries the Infant through the teething period. It performs precisely what it professes to perform, every part ofltBOthlB teas. We have never seen Mrs. Winslow know hSt only ; teotightoe Fepb' ration of net "Soothing Syrup WCOT lng."iIf we had the power we would maie her, aa she is a physical saviour to the lnteht I aea seplS-diwlw'J i -i - VtAfi- ore that IW fje yoor "wenraigM" i alek headache." So enraifciaana sou W7M GuKeka a-bii-tf.'atvW uoiaea.wmabnoiBJisl activity. UtJm 1 alwawomivisTcBiie W y..i -ina, nu -mtebsd hrama womaiw Jaw nwlttt-4mpronel ftoKS.' "r1 JEJit S and any Tveather prophet, has- contributed an r I . L -s a - -n I rAfewi,Weksiiagoi ItarJndttncedjfB( eariy raiianoj an earlv orenine or cotd. ton.! J have since characterizedsthe beiyei 1 tciiassi at NsbRLXii. 1 ginningoi ajitumnasiayoraoie. tJJie&treHW&MSlW lTOiisToY Monttty sure that jraany, rrof youri jeaders .axrbtnl uic tt (,11 t&'.Ts KTr. winter. Mviadviceito themi and to aU;l asseruon-going the rounds ol the newsfi oaDers that "the indications for 7 tha. coniing , winter look nleaainahey look anything, else but pleasing itonme ynt the, contrarr, rough winter: may pepecteajorttt and south And.m: Europe si do not assert that ,thecom-: ins winter tWJll PQi UX every particular similar to that of 1880-fil ; hnt them will be much similarity. rTheDoint of idif l rerence.:L.imnx. wniDe in tn& iact tnat I while tbe cold intervals - may be more moderate, yet theyowjll.be more; pro tractedt with. much. raini and sleetv and salternating tfrsezing . and melting: in the North towards the closer : and con siderable wet Heather about the: same: time Souther--- i.ff v.vttT ..V.i i:.;lnt :r - Upon this progaostication,?Prof esaor uatner advises tanners to push s ahead their preparations;! and? mallvgraini aowing in the: earlv autumn, while the weathec promises to he favorabLiMFore LwaT4edfore-artoed"i',.!: -m s.m : i ; j-r'M '. I' Ainqrons Scribbling'. ' ; KewToSiKu'; .,, '.'.j.-j'tj 'U,K ' W. ,There was a breach -Qf promise case in Liverpool the other day in which the lady; admitted that. she had received from .t.e.defenanT?arcflral having the immensa ineome of about $400. a f7eajtT9p04etters . which ; if j pasted w- geiner, woumt nave reacpea,, iwo muea and i threegnarters.f ilhe loyed ibex iittlei,i he certainly loved !hejv great lengin. - THXBJB IS MOBS STRENGTH restorinz cower ln a 50c- bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic than in a imsum taoiuui. or Bg2UHnoi muswu as an appeti ser, blood purifier and ' kidney correcjcft; there is nothing like It, and Invalids, find It a wonderful pvigorant fdrjmrod and body. See adV, ' . ' l"rleS " ,nhTV---ir-arM-iirii: si.dX' UitJEOY. E0MAT1SM 1 Backache, Sdreness of 1 the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, $we , iigs and Sprains', Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted ; - Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, Ho Preparation! on earth equals St. : Jacobs Oil as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Bemedy. A trial entails, but the oomparatiTely trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain con have cheap and positive proof of its claims. . Directions in Eleven Languages. . E0LD BI ALL DRUGGISTS ASD DEALERS rjf MEDIOTBTE. A.VOGLEB&COM Baltimore, Md., U. 8. A, dee80dw lr LOVELY COMPLEXlOfiS FQSSSLE i fiTiatKadenlesftgmaiiy Art secures to all. Hagan ITagnolia Balm Hspef3 every Weini orercomes fiedness, , Freddeg, fiallowness, Bough-. ness, Tants Eruptions and! Blotches, and removes all evi dences of heat and excitement' I The Hagnolla Balnt imparts ; the inost delicate and natural ' iinpletioiial tints n(r detee? tJon ling possible to the clos est observation, i Under these circmnstances a faulty complexion Is little short ofTa Crime. Magnolia BalM sod ererywhere. Costs only I ' ; t. 75 cents, mtu inu airecuons. i.-i' ' Jaa. 2a, 7 THE ONLY MEDIC1MEI JS JCIIHKB LIQUID 0& 98T FORK W Thkt Atar'at fchei same time m mw,mm I WHYrARE WE SICK?I '' Wecaust i V4, allow t&eet' treat orAani to tewnt ' tipffged Of 'tQrptcl, and poitoiuui I wKrc(rv wwrwore jorcea mm m ouxxt i Ji,VlLL QURELY CURE 1 1 F XX.XB GOXS'TIFA'rXOTr.' CvmHAKTi HAJTb HSBTOITS DISOR9EBS, . r. 1 5y easing frf fjtfftof & tfun organ attd ITvmfrmtfVfwr iKnnr ui bw outfit, i. wijr'iMflai BllfoliiaDu nd'uketr V ; Wk tonaekted wftk'PUes. CoastliDaflemt i way sngte-ed over disordered Kidneys! r ii I wiy,MdareierTOHtorleltkeadaeMl I I rwKBJi-lLTaafi I )f Tpi.nrT.yaaWjrar, totta lesndonanaakags pt SrUch makes atz quarts' of jmsanajBsRiaviiaid.)iia : .rrr - "f.. yiUISiaJiaw AlMrWifttteroo ria5X;L 101 46 years-b- &eLeis- 1 trriSw""11?"'? purposes 1 S d& LOjerwhelmhig-populajr vote its franchise was made a part of the adODted December ISa.' a present State CoosUtuUon iA.D.1879. ' : , " ! Its O&AND 8TN6LS take Dlaee monthly. humbib Drawings win 'CAirrii, PBrzn S3d,ooo. 'F'1' 100,000 Tickets at Two DoUars each. Haif-Tlck- Xi '.-. , vi uJiretsuneiwuar. io: ' :.rr:i:fb -LIST OF PRIZES t: - j . 1 Capital Prize f80,000 oil yapltal Prize j, . lo.OOO i,ASE5al---- .-......m.w. 5,000. ,. - Aw i wi,w,. .. .... ..i ......... o,V-JU 16 Prizes of 1,000 . utf . . . U i ' 5 000 s -APPBOXIMATION PIUXKS.' i 9 Aprro5niaProtsaO0......t2,7O0 . 8 Approitaxauan Prtass of , 200.,...; , 800 167 iroea, amnrmong to. i ; llo400 fspoBjwe correspendrcg agentt watted at all points, to whom a liberal (somrjensatton will be PiP- . ...... .... . ...... jfor mrtner tniomiatlon, wate elearly, fnll:addreas. Bead orders by express-or iJuetter, ot Money order by malL Address- VHVIHI Ml . ,1,. , . , tfliia ,t iv!P-212Bri,eTft. AS erg Grand, graordinary Drawings are under tne supervision and management Of Oener&la G. T.BeajiregarsadJabals: Sariy." TrtT-. if ! . i '?':': ;S.-;w . r j TOTICB TOTHV;PpBLIQ. n . : , . ..jiepuDiioare jjereoy cautioned against aend- NasaaostreeKew York Cltyias antBortzedby tte llana State Lottery Company to sell Its Ucketa. '-. They are floodinu- the," itoimt- witBBOBTJlCTacrjLAEa purporttog to beofthe. Lmilstenftf 'State .Lottery Company, and ' are FRAraKJttraTLT reprVsentlng toemselvel As iS msouio. . j-ufsi jiavei no auutonty xrom this com any porposi6 FW1 a88 &r . ' Ai, 1 tLonlslana State Lottery Co.' ew Orleana, La- Joly 4, 1881. . 3Gth POPULAB KONTHLY DSAWZNO OF THE mtheCllrof Ixralsrnie,on FULDAY, SEPTEMBER 80, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. . y., . , . The United States Circuit Court on March 31. rendered the following decisions: . 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fundi, Bead the list of prizes for the SKPTEMBEB DRAWING. ' J Prize,-- 530,000 1 Prize io,000 1 Pri, 5,000 10 Prizes, 81,000 each, 10.000 20 Prizes, 500 each 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each, 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each,...; 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each 12,0Otf 1000 Prizes, 10 each. 10,008 9 Prizes, S300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,701 9 Prizes, 200 " " , " iOu 9 Prizes, 100 " " . ! 900;. 1.P60 Prizes tl 12,400 Whole Tickets. 82; Half Tickets, Si; 27 Tickets, 50: 55 Tickets, S10O. Bemtt Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OB POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of &5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex. pense. Address all orders to B. M. BOARDMAN, Conrier-Jonrnal BnUdlng Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway New York, inly 8 This great specific cures that disease most loathsome WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY QB TERTIARY STAGE.' : -;- -Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, . catarrh, or any blood disease. . CUBES WHEN HOT SPRINGS imL ' Malvern, Arfc, May 2, 1881. We have eases m om town -who lived at Hot Springs and were finally cored with S. S. a, ; : . "f MoCMPiQlf AMUBST. . , Louisville; Kent Mat 18. 1881. ' as. a has given better medicine 1 have ever sold. - ib thananr I J., st fPT .btV n sr u - t T Memphis, Tennessw,Tiay 12,1881. 'We sate sold l,29f bottles of &&I8. ini yeair It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif- iC. i 8. MASSTtSXD 4 Co, Denver, CoL, May 2, 1881; ' Every purchaser speaks in the highest terms -of 0.8.3. . L.Mna8rrt. ' Richmond, Va.; May 11, 188f." . You can refer anybody to us in regard to the merits of S.S. 8. Polk millbb 4-Co. -'. - Have never known 8. is. 8. to fall to cure a case of Syphilis, when properly taken. T l7Wi ' H. . DCSKABD,:i: Eu Warbxh, Perry.Ga. . The above signers are gentlemen of high stand ing. IE CoLqurrr, Got. of Ga. n. wish, we wfl! take your case. TO BE PAID OB WHEN CUBED. Write for particulars. S1.000 REWARD will -be paid to any ehemlst who win nnd, on analysis or 1 00 bottles ot a. 8. 9., one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., .. ' Proprietors, Atlanta, Oa. Soldbydrureistseverrwhera.! ,i . 1 For further information write for the little book. ; Sold by T. a Smith, L. R. Wriston 4 Co. and Wilson 4 BorweU.1 : i . . Junqdiy .!"-.;;: .-. ... . ; m i .:. ."' . Chew only tne brand of tobacco kpewn as T: f?iy waxen mujuet. ii''! A rriBE'old Oaken Bucket i - . ' JL The iron-bound bucket ' - ' The tnofis covered oncket, ' . i : )( U That hung in thoweU. ' ' :- CHA8J B JONES; ' Charlotte, N. C., Sole Agent Liberal terms to dealers. . ,,. ,t - ;;HONEST 7: Twist CfrzpizJfihMM. Bswars of fmitatfbhs. 'None geumV miles ae-! eompanied with our rHonest T.6apy-rtghted label which will be found on head of ereirbox-j . , MMufactuwd otuj pr ,V BROWN BBO-V-T fbgq-2w wTnatenfcHt ...1- -1 i .1 - .- - . '. '.1 pte-Head'Wern- Cahhage, .1 ,siT I PEACHES XN0 tX)TlT0JSiT""U "7 .11 t was- ;f , g ' if fWTtf fii ; I he ,tii!5 n. IrpHl bouse blease.4 JbVif term Wyeir' ! J .TTlfJL P"f$i I . -A naiaajs ill rill l ? r p .v a r w ,r-- .rwr mm mrm I i 3 ar - -- tli TUNii-dTH GRAND DftTBlBDTidN. ' m fRESiWim I nil. ff3Mf. w ww sr rf Ala gABATOGA yiCHT. From Saratoga Springs N. T. A new water r. ; sembllngtJhMort BeSnendM , as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, rw dlgeT tlon, is a powerful tonic ana stronj? diureUa Also, f - ; Ursa i--:--. .Ay jis" Natorak Mineral Water, Becommended very highly as a eathartie and al ? teraUve and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, g CASES CONGRESS WATER, 1 0 CASES BOCX BRIDGE ALUM, f. 1Q CASEaBUFFALO LITHIA. And a foil supply of IMPORTED APOLLtNARIS AMD , Haoyadi Jams Waters. iE ete ffliffiN NOVELTY ! H tJNYADI TAN08. , THI BEST KATTJBAL APERIENT, AS A CATHARTIC; f . ' ' " - - '' ' . Dobb. Awine glass fuH before breakfast f8 Vat tta riobness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." BriHak UediadJournal"Grmnai Janos. The most agreeable; B&faat, and most efficacious aperient water." Pro. Yvrchoa, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." . PrqfainDerger, Vienna"! have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." i. ?rS?? .feanaon. Wurszburgi-I prescribe none but this." , i Prof. Lander Bnmion, M. K It 8., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them in efneacy." .fT&A?"' MiJ F- Boyal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pulina and Fried rlchshall." i JOHN H McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon St, CHABXOTTI,.N.a DON'T GO5 TO SARATOGA r When yon can get -water Jast as fresh and spark ling as when it Sows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water In lum hlonlr tin voaanmlra which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. j. H. McADEN, mggist andChemlst. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 : i .! : ;.,:... . , ; ,, mm JU.lIllf viii Landreths NEW CROP TURNIP SEED. BBD OBPXrBPLK TOE, . WHITE FLIT DUTCH, LABGB WHITE NORFOLK, ' POMERANIAN WBTTI GLOBE WHITE EGO, V. ' AMBEB GLQBS, ' " ' :'r GOLDEN JALL, BLOOMSDALX SWEDE Oft YELLOW. ijANpKETH'S 3J5ED , ABE, ALWAYS BELIABLSi,,, I rf. mm, Druggist by Examination. '! GO tO-r, 0 0 0 i 1 I u tt g Ageat, and Fresh Drags M:Hdlcme$. ! : WcaWliMin-i' ' i Very Btst Pfnsfl H ft do I keep in my 'stodt ;!J3so; Toftet and .a hoc Anietea, rermmenes, ; cxuaaeB, ,xooia inusnes. QARDEN SEEPS oi all the best varieties, and warranted PhyslclAn' prescriptions an given spee- ; r r.-lal, Attentions , v; ..? . .L (f hi i ...'; ',. ,' -Hoping to receive a share of public I voviuio, x mm, raspecumiy, fbb8 W. P.MABVIN, Agt m 'i '1, i IiI-iJIlG afBSJTA !AU Main and aw waii baa bona. Sd. M,-h.7.-. ii SI IS 41 a T I 4-MIWOIIUBWMSS. I.U.. favorahifl "'Thohoosefs teea rooms; Lil" pa sol nUhedf from the w wui h aoia tin 3 in4; f-asuiB given 4 r1.f r .i.wI I r 'i-u i ' Vaii-aaiaWwj SJiaaawLia. - tae;fcj.acarona hi 1R I. itf.'i idfd WDMhBd. SOT

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