uiAna HoJ -iv.t air I HUM II - ffl CdERijfi iii 11 i ii nun " TiTj: -a v. -r a.vs ill r-tMpm VUeUxoTfJve headache; I i3'J5f2wfcrfcrt& ABC Book. 82 pp. of usefal an I .OillS" " rif?rrrrrj i I -" ' i mum - - mA Ud COM. COLlJtarTOOTKXrS- 'V 08 FIBH. ' 500 BBLS.FLOUB. jQQBAGSOOrni, 101 BOXK3 90AP Glre at a and we wUl sell youj aag34 TT CORVCORN'ICORN! B AGjGilNG JVJP TIES 'IV J' i I . 4 L W are icnli for Will toll It LOWXR tban yoa can boy an Otter i V4 JulEWdiIniiaTBa7si hand; Call and see at before parehailuf. ; , MAYER & ROSS. ! 10B THX 3T.W MOST COMPLEJEE inn aa. ATT O JM A HJIOTIONJ an ..JNLrftam. 1872 . HrkFn , AivwiW AHSOOBSZTS toxntrn Bun Ajrp vocMxi-oi-mrkai ? LIST, 1C3 1KB cmj. T - sLrf femes' kJrtkklr ta i Kicr Tea-P I lmt bwla ts) inOMkatUndl rT,1 aeAt-jsasaar-jr: j IOC KZ, Sa K A TRUE mNI 0 ifJormDaa f&tit av ah aw prp (5 1 recomm for all diseases requir-j Tt onnnhM the blood, strengthens mm arans r rM- M VMWHM- mv tmhfl If rllntlT larik ralMl bok tb ontmr. waa followed rSf MffSd fig thatir nrtoral fom k dobto tb mm- with th tnuxioU mm Mi Wit MUM HW THOUGH SHAKEN IN XYXBT JOINT ao4 fiber with fever and acne, or bffloos remittent, tMtystem mar yet M need rrom ine maugnant Tlnu with Hostetter's Bitten. Protect the system lnst tt with tnls Denencent ann-spasmoaie. h is forthermore a aupcema remeoy ror nver complaint, constipation, ayspepsia, aeDiuir, rueu matlsm. kidney troubles and other ailments. for sale by all Dragsuts and iMaiers Benerauy. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALtOWED. in lt,lSH) WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. DYE'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances offering from WerroMVeakietMt, Gen ral Debility,, loss f nerve force or vigor, ' or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othke Causxb, or to tnj one afflicted with Rheuma tlstn, NeumloiA, Paralrsis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Iirer Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also wokxn troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. Thes are the only Kleetrle Appliances that have ver hneontmrtjB(lifion aeieatifiepriB- UcSyiSSft aeecea, sum .1 it tronderfnJ Jias Deen prac- aeecea, sasd ti lkat nt hisrheat wasrswtals franrsnedieal and aeleav, aisle Baea,and from hundred who have hR qnlekly and radically cured h their aae. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, glrln aUgfonnaUon free. Address, T0LTAI0 BXXT 00., atanhaH, atidv .;) Wholesale and Retail BKM.NPEEWS, toKCLBosea.) AlllirijlUHlTUHZ who: DXALXS 1L ' il ) l. l'l.,! j ii ; !' Hi 1 nV MVUUU VliVSG , , M fcJ -CHASBJOKXa, : n -1 u wuuiu ,C3fl OKI laittsrt V b Hi alii heretotora oomiiwuMiHUKiwun intolottel Uthls rr m a m a T8 aarT ?i B LtseaVAa. h. if tTfM fni 0isrtepnt .afc. stf t ... 91 .. L.Tf k.JaiLl r. tl t a i in l J. m mf m M V W MM MM MM W MM MM M I in i i ' r eajipoBsei rpiwWeiJicsi? tn Ad team tin1 rttiii JPhnlrAT-ri II VV . VI II II . - ,U VI LI I VMSDO fin fill 111 V flilAlJ IilYM 5i :!?' ; - ii' .r.a 1 (aoocessor tlivvritnttf i. . . ,. . i BBBBSBBSaBBBi I 1 . ! I I proposed fund FIELD. On the 7th of July the Ne Xor Chamber of Commerce suggested the propriety of raising the suiiuC $25DCg as a eift to Mrs, Qarfieldki ih eTt&fiMS the President's deattf feoil l! :gurated the subscription wiUipflUips me sum. A nnmhAr nf snhscnDtlons fo lowed in various cities, and the latest published J announcement shows that the iunanas, reached so far 6155,000. j .-.ni j THE BErlW1"""1"" iiwvxf50,JFXJ SeveiatCtiripts were made to reduce the tefnMite of the President's roomDOTa&Bliactory results were' not, nAo.nrMl until the 10th. when the refrifr-? erating machine of jMr. Jennings, of Baltimore, was put into operatloni, and has been worked with almost uniform U03 IE ccess ever since. ;; PROGRESS OF THE CASE. '7 f"'' he patient was reported to be pror gressing favorably until Monday, the llth, on which day and the following there was a rise in the temperature, but on Wednesday he again began to improve, and on Thursday the i physi-: cians were so much encouraged that FOB MES. '-GAB-4 tmi itflcrt ih'adiffeatea a dispbstyipn to . laugh fSi 4-MUeifcprettoatfiearsT while tW-re- portsirom wasmngi.oD, oasea gu-uio expressions of medical opinion! an nounced in sanguine terms that' the "crisis was passed." At this time the patient's appetite commenced Ho im prove, he was" allowed more solid food, tbe doctors began to talk about a sea voyage, and on the 16th Dr. Bliss is re ported as saying that "in a couple more davs he can do lust about as he pleases. improvement isieioniy cpnopui, j t T Ail 1 erf ill -1 u thfti8fh,njwever. ,s a rremna 01 toe aisjemoQn d i IaulcKehig of th pulse, as accounted ror DV'tne pnysi- cians by the statement that the Presi dent had taken a largely increased quantity of solid food during the fthree E receding days, and that his stomach ad been overtaxed. This interruption tn his satisfactory nro&rress was but temporary, and on the 22d he appeared" to be doing so we that vr. unss is quoted as saying "that if he had hold of the bullet with a pair of forceps he would not null "it out, for by doingso he would lacerate the tissues, which are so, J nicely healing up. THE FIRST ALARMING RELAPSE. This confidence was rudely shaken on the very next day, Saturday, the 23d, when the President experienced a sud den, serious and alarming relapse. About 8 o'clock in the morning, while the wound was being, dressed, the, pa tient wis takeif with a chill thatlasted nearly an houriand which ava&i&llow ed by a fever. During Saturday night there was a slight recurrence of the chill. Tbe pulse ran up to J30, the temperature rose tb 104 and the respi ration was 25. 1 -DrS. Hamilton and Ag new were summoned by telegraph and arrived in Washington at 7 :30 p. m, the time consumed by their train from Jersey City being only 4 hours and 36 minutes. The formation of a pus cavi ty was announced as the disturbing cause, and on Sunday morning, tbe 26th, an incision was made through the mus cles of the back, the channel of the wound was tapped some, three inches from its outer opening, and the flow of the pus, which was still pronounced "good and laudable," was again appa rently unobstructed. The operation was performed by Dr. Agnew, and was bravely borne by the President with, only the aid of local anaesthetics. The operation seemed to remove the trou ble, and in a few days the patient was again reported improving. Several splinters of bone from the fractured rib were removed through the inci sion. AGAIN IMPROVING. On Thursday, the 27th, the doctors, in their morning dispatches, announced the improvement "distinctly percepti ble, and the sufferer ' wasr deemed so much better that his bed was pushed into the adjoining room and his own apartment thoroughly cleansed and aired. Nevertheless on the same even ing the persistent fever returned, which, however, the physicians said; "caused them no anxiety. Public at tention was attracted at this stage of the case to the singular fact that Fri days were the President's favoraWe days, while each recurring Saturday had developed symptoms of a more or less alarming character. Saturday, the 30th or July, however, was an excep tion, and on that day the wounded man was so much better that he ate a bit of broiled beefsteak, and by means of a frame under the mattress was stabled tip.for"a wnsideTabieuefcf,th of ft? Til ; ftbmnat afternoon ,f aver ntinued to return; but seemedTtfot ltd disturb the hopes of the medical at tendants. THE INDUCTION BALANCE. ' f Previous to the President's relapse some experiments with Prof. Bell's in duction balance, made for him by Mr.: Watts, of Baltimore, were undertake; and after he rained they were resumed. TjhO) bullet was at first supposed to have penetrated the liver, but subsequent examination showed this not to be the case. Prof. Bell's instrument was tried again on the 1st of August and though it failed to fix thejexact location of the bullet, it pointed out satisfactorily trie general locality. After the relapse Of the 23d of July it was considered best for at least one of the consulting phy- city,' and this course has accordingly been pursued. On Wednesday, the 3a of August, the official bulletins still A jif atAndv. ruYwrrAft rjrsrarrta n. alescenecibutUt was tedofted that when Mr; Uarfield attempted to sit up he experienced a dull pain in the groin, where the ball was supposed to be loca ted. No special significance seemed tp be attached to the fact, and in the even ing it was announced that in. the opin ion of the surgeons he was "better and stronger than at any time heretofore. ANOTHER RELAPSE. The follewins Saturday, the 6th of August teairiffave th. lie fib the con fldfent ,"hotea wofj the'phv8iciahs.The patient s pulse was 104, his temperature 101J2, ana ms respiration 20. Sunday. the 7th, the pulse was 108, temperature 10LW, respirauon iy. Anotner pus cav ity was suspected, and on Monday August 8, a .second surgical -operation was performed -by Dr. Agnew, and a pus cavity . . discovered , and ; relieved. The President was' etherized, an inci sion made extending downward and forward into the track of the ball be low the margin of the twelfth rib. This tiogi, is ws jftemcAwftiajre and would set the sufferer on the high road to recovery. He was, however found to suffer much from the effects of etherization, andlhe afternoon fever returned with terrible regularity. The official evening bulletin of August 0th reported the pulse as 106, temperature JJJCM. ana r espirauon aw. t .out a w ,u WRITING EXPERIMENTS. in spice 01 tne tremenaous ana pro- tractea strain u wmcn no naa oeen subjected and the'-Weaieiiing effects of the 9th, at the request of Dr. Bliss, was rmrtlv raised in bed and, wrote his narruS toira Ublet m a ciear, sieaay nand. and on the lltn wrow apnei lejter to mother"? -jMt-.4iAMi EKVTVAIj'OF CONFIDENCE, hiS .thelpth, A11S mi M wtircti v Mcians ooaaaence-w as ex pressed that he would soon- begin to re eotel fiisi losfi; ground. - But hia pulse on thatday. was-110, -his temperature 101, a?mefpiration 10. Tnday.the 12thiorM-1WPresident in tbeeim candition..aIthAiiflrh thl nhtSicianS stated he. bjtopaiied a-c5mfof tabkH dftvi The biMTras still ttronounoeO: DV the bolletina as of xinimpeachahle Char utD.tBllsa'afflnrier. fchhadf . "-.-ri rnr'f ajp t w a "f . i Monday, seemed-to be of a different opmiot,lwhirinfihBwoUen andinH flamed, and the blame was cast vvonr DrJBliss-who69 weakysiealnditidn, itwas ciaimedrendered him' liable to, be twisoned evtfn by the- inbst fcmocent Ttseoretions. VOn' Saturomorning; the lain, tne rresiaentawoJtewitn a ver which abated durinrlhe foreno0n,andi at the! close of thedaiJe physicians reported him as "doto V41- Sunday! the 14th, failed t&hu hange for the better, an oScial lalletin issued at 8:30p:m4 was forced t admit a pulse of IQSieipaperattire olw.8, and respir- Oh; Moncfav mornii Shysi cians announbeiialhat the -Eresi-ent.lKjd iiassed a tesuea flight, - that hia tmlsewas681einiierature 100, reMration 20 -AsU!r dayj wore on it became ekidankth.t; tar was suf fering from thja most Bfrioua and alarm ing relapse that4iad Itoccurred' si tee he was wounaecu -a.i izsir ms : raise was 118. his temperature SB. and his respira tion iftll At 0 the official bulletin re corded a- return of - .the Jrritabilityrtjf thetdmacbi a sSulae tirwQX. tempera-. thre 0y.6, and respiration 22. Uptoj o'clock Tuesday morning, tne loth, the President rested badly, but after that hour the physicians reported the symp- toms-jas on the whole, Jsomewhat less nrgentthan on the previous day. ? Tuesday, nowever. orougnc no amel ioration in the President s symptom or condition 1 His stomach was still unaoie to retain nounsnmenc, anaac p. m. his pulse .was 12 temperature, 68.8 and rfiioiratibm 19. In tthe after! noon a?meetine of the members of capraec iooK piace, ana jju diiss wbs" statement as to the condition of the. President, in which he expressed the opinion that bo had at least ah even cnance or Teoovery. anere was dui little change en Wednesday, the ITth, though those in attendance1 weie slight ly more-noperui. AC "WW p. m. nis pulse was 112, temperature 98.8 and respiration 20. Thursday a slight swell ing of the parotid gland caused some alarm, but.the bulletin issued at 6:80 d. m. reported the patient rasj "rather bet- ter man uns umeyesteraay, ms puise at this hour being 108, temperature 100. and respiration 18. On Friday, how ever, in the opinion of his physicians. th Pref Went was decidedly better. In tne axcernoon tne swouen giana in tne neck-ceased to give pain, and the bul- etm 01 630 p. m. announced a pulse of 106, temperature 100, respiration 16. On Saturday, A u trust 20th, the Presi dent's physician first made public the rac. tnat cney naa lnsenea a nexioie tube in the wound to a depth of twelve and a half inches. Up to this time it had been supposed that the lower por tion of the wound had healed, leaving a suppuration channel three or four inches long communicating with the incision made some weeks ago for the relief of a pus cavity. The public anxiety was increased when it became known that the President, at tbe end of the seventh week, was still suffering from a suppurating wound at least twelve and a half inches in depth. The irritation of tbe throat and the swell ing of the parotid gland greatly compli cated the case. At 6:30 on Saturday evening, August 20th, the patient's pulse was 106. He passed a restless, wakeful nleht, andtbe morning bulle tin on Sunday was not reassuring. The throat trouble increased during the day, and in attempting to clear away the phlegm the patient brought back the symptoms which, of all others, the phy sicians were most anxious to suppress nausea of the stomach. He vomited at 2 p. nuand at 5 p. m. The taking of nourishment in the natural way was suspended, and the condition of the pa tient became most criucai, a&d at tne time of issuing the evening bulletin his Enlse was 108. : He slept, however, at itervals during Sunday niehfc. and at 8:30 on Mondarmommg his pulse had lauen to 104. xnero oemg no return of the nausea, the administering of liquid nourishment was cautiously re sumed ana Kept np auring tne aay. ; in o unfavorable symptoms were reported in the official bulletins except that the pulse rose to 110 in the evening. His condition on j&onaay was , upon the whole regarded as more - encouraging than on the preyiona par. ;', ": l ! Durine ths next day there was no re turn of vie nausea, but the physicians, fearing the irritable condiuon of , the Btomach. continued to Supply nourish ment by enemata. A apoonfal of koM- miss was laaen uy mourn ana re tained, and gradually .the quantity of liquid nourishment, was increased, un til on Wednesday at inxiOff the physi cians decided to disamtlnue the ene- maU and rely .upon tho-liauid food ta- Ken in we naburtu wbj wnownsn ine 11 : i l - . - - - patient.'.5 On : ,Ttfesaay ; eyehhig ;(the Duise rose to nu: on- eonesaaT morn ing it was 100. The glandular1 swelling continued to be a soarce of annoyance, and bfizan to , Show : sams of aunnara- tion. - It was opened on Wednesday at rvrvw ?uanu(y-uA. yno aim xue-pa- ieht experienced much relief. After theincision' had .bee.linade the pa- tiehfs-Tmlsa ,wenn to J15. but.soon fell to 110. Adispatchaenk by Secrta- rv . K unfl To Minister ixiweii on - 'i nAit. dav nhrht describing the emaciated and utceriyt. prostnueu :ionuiuon ' oi tne President occasioned mneh ' "alarm throughout the country; and even those who had' Deen jnosi; opetui of bis re covery became aesponaent 'Tieei. weanesaay, a increased quantity of nourishment taken and re tained was tegarded as a mostencout- aging symptom. On' Wednesday after noon a aisoatcn was sent to jji. a.- ne-irWh0 hadtj&turnedtoPhiladelphia, requesting him to come to Washington and nonsuit with the other physicians as to the advisability, ojl-removing the President to some plaee where he would be, surrounded 7by conditions 4B0TeTfa T0rahle:Mrecoye Agnew has- tened; iWaahington and a consulta tion waa neia aBn White nouse, late itfnigbjaijtffc 'l' T h fthtrsinl trftirtri ttrn'.. riknmed on Churid;morning,;and? at its conclu sion an official bulletin ras issued anr riotmemffthatiri the opinion'Pf a ma jority of , thoTphyabiana: it woaloY np 4ris prudent isto" remove nhrPtaent Thie-was inwrtMisiteatgrB pounicrv as anunfavorabia ungh and . beinrfofc lowed .soon i afterwafdBi lby a.bnlletin annotnfcinirthatJ ihePresidentrs touls0 :ha&TAento. Wcreited profound apxi iety tuunsg uns Tiext iwp- asjs-, W9 dafhof tlimsijIe'Tris .jfa&mM toininenti'aftoitf xikViha most sadguihe of his physicians, regarded I wamdavfiloWifiM a giaMoea8 wun pus points sno win a taemseivTO m many places. On- tnrsdar. iijgWMri BlMtgegl that the President rwaa closing 'ground. anasaemner aispawiies "jrom tno.c.x eeuttvw Mansion' warBeahalir ,diacow ACrinor.i.. fThAr . 1 MM tVrn. kanthort!J iiiteryJsjfmUrheli mulJleJlweii mm lug grow . on 2 weanesoay; Although no new complicationa werejpoxted in tbe official 1 bulletins and -the - continued to form in the swollen gland ana tne Dauent'aii3erans:6ttirom lutr, to 118. as. noted in .the bulletins, buti much higher'at int'erValshenj the pa tiferrt' Was ' drstnrtiBnrin iH Pridar nigBttWi3glahduri Pniral'drain'' f dr 'the strpptttatihg gland r afforded some relief.-1 altn6ufirh the hone. of recovery1 nadl''tier.ia6at jabBtt-.a aonea;"Tn "memoers or tne canines remained -a theWhite- House during the greater part, of uiiaturday. and the movementsin effieiall circlest gaxe the dntsida nnbiie the irnnrftis!on that tha ideath; 0f tbeejideut .as jmomentarU I jn-n'.it tKltB. CHANGE. " Vi-i first gleam-of hope came -from patient himself on Saturday; mcrht HiarkedtoOheVof hisiattepdanta jnneen, oetier, ana soon alter waras he ate a smalLniece of milk toast with apparent relish, the first, solid food that be had tasted for ; many days. Them. was a decided thange in the tons of the dispatches from the Executive Mansion on -Sunday, and the 1 sanguine again be-; can to hone for recovery. ! There . was fthe 15tbrthesome improvement 'in the- pulse, on. iovvuuajr. vguBb 2v, anu anotner 1 incis ion was made in the swollen glarjd and a small quantity of pus liberated. -iThe patient s minds was perfectly ' clear, he. quantity h of : nourishment igi ven thim was consioeraoiy increasea. s .itmh - ' twU'l aTirTirTTt TA'V ! . , , i -Zn J:li "ha .;"T1 i to (ii; on xuesaay morning,' August 30 the. xresiuent entered upon ms srxtietnay of arrAfertng.His pulse" was i 1 fghers (108) bpjtji histiipr ampnjsifei&sV regarded as favorable. The day went by With out special incident, and at its close the patient had not materially improved,! out naa snnerea no relapse. Tha fact that he survived sixty davs was inter preted by many as- a' sign o- nltipaate I recovery His pnlse was i0&wne4 -the 4 eveninzpuiieuni was lMuexUuanaita frequenoy.increased till neat hidriightv Tne nexvwas - regaraed as a lavotable day, and the bulletins were. all. eneonr aging-1 At npon the pulse went down to 95, btrHt was i09-" 'Tffheir:the;Bxening aqiiy ,to take nourish menfcw as greatly uialox ixiavcumuy iium tuat ut y eanes- dayJBXoept there wss a febrile rise wtvfeh' gvejohysafii deal of con- wjra. xtMiMK i iPaaseaiwitnout anr. marked improvement ' afad; On Sat- urday. the .President, completed 1 the ninth week of his suffering with a high puise out no oiner uniavoraoie symp f REMOVAL TO .LONCf iitANCH.- ! ' The project of removing tha Presi dent to some locality wherehthe condi- uons.wouia oe more favorable to recov ery was frequently '-discussed by the Presidsnt's phy&icians, and i while all agiccu uiau a uuanK) VL air was exceed ingly desirable, a majority were of the opinion that it would be unwise to move the patient until he had partially recovered from his extreme prostration. Dr. Frank Hamilton made a personal inspection of the sarrpundings of the yxiito xaouse on,43riaay, septemner, , and after catchine a whiff of the odor irum me -rotomac nats" lastanuy; came to tne conclusion mat the ir resi dent ought to be taken where he would breaUie purer air. At a consultation on Saturday -it was, decided that the President should be removed to Long Branch, and preparations were forth with begun for the journejr...The fuller i.ui3ui .uo uojs.b b.wuu&ys aia not incur cate any improvement in the Presi dent's; condition, and -i when he was car ried from hia room on Tuesday ' morn-' ing, Sept. 6 : and put on board thO spe cial train that was to convey him to the seaside those who were best acquainted ill. l 3 -a witu nis conaiuon couia nave naa out little hope that he would ever return to the Executive Mansion. The trip of 225 miles was made in 6 hours and 30 minutes. Although the President seem- ea to rest comfortably in tbe car and was not awturDea by the motion, after he was removed to the cottage prepar? f or his reception he showed signs of extreme exhaustion, and during the night of the 6th his condition was ex ceedingly critical. Although the next day was warm and oppressive, the pa- tient made some improvement, and on Thursday and Friday the bulletins were quite encouraging in tone, and gave some nope 01 recovery. On Saturday, September 10, there was a change for the worse. The official bulletins show ed that the pulse was becoming: more frequent and the fever more exhaust ing, on Sunday a portion of the tume fied gland sloughed off, and it -was an nounced (but not by the attending Sur geons) that an access had f ormedin the right lung. The evening bulletin of Sunday, September 11, gave the pulse as 110, temperature 100.6, and respira tion 20. " , , , . NEARIKG THE END. . ' ,. : . From Satuaay September io, to Sat urday, September 17, , the, President steadily declined, although during the t early days of the' week the 0ffici?biil:' I It was impossible for. the physicians to. longer conceal the fact' tbatft ahscesi had formed in the right lung,, and that this new complication was hurrying; him to the end of his sufferincr. Ha had a distressing cough and the expec-, torauonoi pur men t maitc-rwas aymp, wui wuiuu uiu iiui permit 01 any aoupt as to the true character of the-disease that had taken hold of the lunga,! ': V " ' On, Tuesday, September itl&tti tieint, at his own request, was' lifted from his bed to his reclining-chair. Where he rested for half an hour and found the change exceedingly grateful. This was repeated on the two succeed ing days, and when it was announced' on Thursday that' he had remained in' his chair an hour and a half without L fatigue, many people supposed that the preaiction 01 nr. ; .Bliss as to the pa tient's convalescence was .about to be realized. The next came the ominous announcement that on account of the febrile rise which set in about 11 o'clock a. m. and lasted till 2 p. m. thja .Pxesf dent had not been pot in his chair.tkA.fl xnis time his puise showed that hews losing instead of gaining strength, a$4 the quickened respiration was a sure indication that breathing was beeomtpg ful days the pulse 'Scarcely eVerelij low 100, and it sometimes, tose.to 120. The official bulletinof Friday evening' gave the pulse as ll(rahi the respira tion as 22. V - 1 r On Saturday there was a recurrerib of the dreaded rigor.'' which asif terpreted as a sigh; of. approaching dCatlu It was folio wed by a fever and the temperature again rose to a danger ous point. Jtrrom this time forward tb symptoms were those which preced respiration a feeble, - fluctuating pulse which sometimes' rose toonebuhttred and forty beats a minute, a;tempexaiure that, varied two and sometimes three degrees with the rise and fall bf the reyer, and frequent spells of delirium. The alimentary organs having; ceased rf..Ki .. ., l w omce, scimBjants were lifejwaa sustainedfor a t& houM bei deatU 'uMrhay Wevi tably occurred front mihitiAa. TlWend reiUD Ub Tl TT1 MOniiOW Bantam. 1 v " Hoiuaoa ana dowau. flmtabHuw. LinannniuHMi . . . ' : i rnspe . wvvntPJaM'TV lailiaillH ITI nillanBTlaattal nt TrrtTtl li triin rseI HWesi4nrJcyniynbe met negro on tbedeck of a steam bOaxjsha iMglWf no t He that fights and mns away wurnreno ngnt anotner aay. seryed4ttvrgisttnt that SUflj L yewly, at tha batUe of , J oi i Dbnelson, Bsjsea.iifle was in in? ngn Thetolbred tfa owned ha.ftad had a tou. trai- no IT! in de' sealelnunst ah V troberment datebsr zisted f orjio jgoberni C9utdj make gJS ff0llf Uh kill. : tUMdiiSLi .pan ain't much to these." sosrers.. let alone a niggk X but 1 Would have missed, myse'f, ! lctoUMr iJh'a ot Slnimbna' Pierce' names to tcvgHmohiaJa! , I "than obtained" soma of ,0ik Eflaantf eai neutlWreeom- athi Bnmq Lfrei; . lgalatoi to tar trfisnds as ; Beaxa nf Ue togaa ad counterfeit Sitnrnons ottel P. porMWitr t ieCf name, l4AnS FriOMIAlABMLt5xETiLB. and' dapted.to toeriels ladint nd falHiis Lair. SaifceE's Hair nalsam tiae 4axeai the' ftrst sank as to eleaaiUand seljalda Ualj;rtatoraUa.,; 1 1 Wotneh thai HAvi bwnriuJTlneedlnflnAahW tot-tte best physicians lir tMeeimtry, have kettf epfjDieieiy eurea; ox. iemai veaKneaa by the use of lAyala l Plniiam's Vewal)teCoMpu i i; TEXBS IB'alCa48T8df It ren?trower ft a 50? bttlaf ftakert.aiiigeriToiaatfian in a osael of malt or amlkm oi. atiUc As an aDDeti- ter, tloodT poiUe'r and. udney corrector .there Is BuuDg uae isancrinranas'ima Tt'-a W wonriertul aUgonuat fDj miadaBd bodyi . Sea adt HUB Backache,, Soreness 1 of tha Chssi, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throdtj Swell- , ing and Sprains? Burns" and . Scalds, General Bodily Pains,. Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, arid all other, .Pains and Aches., . No Preparation on sarth equals St. Jambs On as m safe, sure, timpt and e&Mp Xxtormsl ' Beraedjr. Ar- trial enrtaiV ' txat ths eompmnartiy ' trifliDR omtlay of SO.CataveTeaaatsasrliig with paia aw bare cheep a&d poaitira. piooC of Its " Mreetions la Ktorea iAngnacaa. , . BOLD ET ALL DRUGGISTS AID DEALEE3 ! A. VOGIXER iz CO., L . i JSottitawre. JsTd.. 17! 4B , dee80d& Iy L -ii -. . ; n . CQClpCBKldllO FOSSIBISTO 1 TFlAatmtcrefieAAlcatoiAAry si, . ( - i ' ' ----- .'-!::-; lfiuMfa ats, iswuna w . w, laaimolia. Wemislu overecaea Ueduess,1 1 ness; Ei;tiptdnS.a : iiAii.nfl Af hast ttrtn sTMnnmLi th a' mrtst delicate CJloT ..; est ODserTswoik.i iu . v, ; i Under tJiesedttJCissteaceStt 1 faiuty TOtapIeonBiittiasiK) or a crfme-Magiioiia .' sold evGrrwnere-t Cost 4!v';- 'ill V .. '"1 THE OrLYf.lED!CfNE ffswawjMMMaa, IS KITHEB LIslBV OB DBT F0BH That Acta at the aaltetlaieM T3S LI7SSTElTB0it Mi 31 KIDNEY; DISEASES ' .iU PISB ASKH, ygMAIJf WBAaTjnEggXaj A3nriOEKTOTrs ntsospu. fiy Antfwur ftw osfloa M iluH oraa$x oasT, ay xanaeatea witanu nsnasBni wiyw5htriT4sT4a:rasrii . llftl BIMHTM 111.. I I ttt lIUi-r fonw! K-fGMlTO totiamuwpsiiticasA WILLI, BICHABDS05 Co.roVt; Ktisf SI x es san, an.u wo .ma thay e J H out, SOldiSra were ail lik r X es.san ;;aar WQUia, my Deen fiifirfffhrft 1 T WriiiMit' rVHt,jtiTi HA. l I'd m 1 . .-r rrDft l iliM lifrvn t-r i " ' ' rcetter that mv Htttk ada ;mti 'win In had 1 aKarwAt' to be IB .i J lmtbi Reeolatffl'al - af KB urafaia. Sciatica, LumSaao. 4 (Wmsssrffbedniass S.viitujrjii i aj f jl -vv a ere!saaw-DwDestie. JUST RECITVITD AT .YiioTOJri .QITSOBAM tore jtnL.kiiiT-fciaj Eiia fclfi rsai i-n:. A W A. . 1 -i jkkmVm 'J .KiJili.i-f.'b'iW JnliSJ ';'- ! n a j .i ajaraLllenil. Water, Meataartleandal- t. teratfroand lnan tohaaWtlysliepsia. hi iU 'J,y$n ist:- -ALSO, m; ; gciaKcoyjMs8wiTiB;'' 1 A CASES BOCK BRIDGK ALUM. 4O??f1"Fli0 'LITHIA. AndafuDrtrppiyof IMPORTED aPOLUHARIS i AXU dsJalers. . nawanafenwana . . 4 Lias fl 3i . ... . THX BK9T NATURAL APXRIXNT. ArA A8 ACATHABTIC: w TM LOTtt-"Hunybn JsiK)e.-B8roB Lfebte f- &wRfffl mritmMftiJ9wniima Janoa la?Jtl,i'i,nA net efficacious Prof. YvrcTuxB, Beriin. InTSriablr good and prompt success; most Taluable." , -ywjBawrterfers Vienna -"I'iiavB prescribed these. wrlterwtUieiaartaAeBsces." IwfjBtlurrr-I) prescribe none na LmSBfoXtol it.';r. M. a; London. MM .I g surpasses vtn, k at.;i Boyar KOttary Hos- ruAsian.'' ,. .-. .. ,. . 10! moa :asy- fried- JOHNii;,-M;Ar)j?N, ii: ; J . ; i j i ' . portliaBdJJUpaiaFhannaesst. .- i !.-.;fUt i: j-j'J Jii- North Tryon 8t, ' s ClAAitbTti, N. C. OGA OOII TDU DUI M W&IHr 1! ih and snark- tiniafc ssttss' ft floWafiwn i alearatoga. we receTa-tnia water uxlarce ibtoaa ttaseserfolrs wnjeh. we retura as soon aa eamhm to Jm boaiimi apdirtTerrweea. -Tr jiLMoAbXN, !fr,f' ! -.;!,.-,? -r: j.-ryPraj-afldjCnemlst Piescrtrons.earerany pared by. experienced ' ' 'aMookpetent drogsts.'aajf "oi nlghtl .i ui" ";MNipysEEb. .i:l C",i JiilU Uliiio i- wi.-e: ii a j wxiAirrAiiwkrrjoLOBi WBTIX EGG, bit' MwWii ;;ju f- .xwBLOOKSPlM 8W11 OS YlTLLOW. ili fcllUsJj VJl UlOOl 'jil OJ i tiioi ARX ALW'AtXLlABL.1'' ' ' r . , v , . 7 TT .-Tw ' ,,ilrrla ,t.iiHNio'.l : ,ol!rii.i Wt.p.f-iaBlf.-lstsi,' and Socoeasof to T. Soarr 4 Co. 0 w 4 VI .Sj It.' ;'! 'iJ8UHlA Jtl fciU 1 lions' eitasyi : H SfiWs,tlilI do I keeptotan ssoca. Also, Toilet and AM UDUVB 1WUI WUNItl, A3 vtstaJIthabeM tmrietia.t'wantosad if eutf "Jus swiau? 81CJ 3'f ViTl YivatoHBua- praecnpaDna an idM. L- 'ltjbiHti r. Hal irlaiallilii ' ' iP rs.'nnUia. hut!! Sftiixi to! fHoiUkii P.1CAK1 eorner JUX, 1 .ik .1 Jv aT Midi Jas u -1 11 i AKAT osi aanef thfrswrlnf :..r.- . ; , 3iiii eil l sum MOU t 'iiii! i tn WHNNSMDSIKH ami : T4M ferfelYSW'staa tuie t ia . a i V Yfij f f ! ?muap for I si at adsto-" SAta ft 1 iMUML-kMn.t xLxxjJBA V 1 oUil d jas 4iai.ucwauenai 'cTbereaa Uttie-or flck.helSMaZEeiwrea arer eomolalnta. am g.4 L! sr 1 1 MfmmVB ' 'F QtHinterffwts; -Sarro 1 3 St - V- nwl.an ana lAa.aaTVAAal Sal IjUW ' syaMs 1 .wl .m mm t i F

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