EKJJJATJSEfT 23. 1881. ' tvt A soasnEb i' PHAtAMX 1od4 Ra Bf. J.; ft A.sL-Beular - iiOTiBKm Lobm Na-2ek j Al. a- 1L Sec ular meeting every am and third Tuesday nights. Cbablottp Chxpttb No89. B. A. 1L-Beaal0 meeting every second and fourth Friday nights V. CHABLOTTSCOiaUNDABT NO. 2, K. T.-BflCOlU meeting every first and third Thursday Knein or Hcwoil Birular nieettng every second and tourtri Tbundaya, u Knights ofPronAS. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays,? o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. , ; ; , . CHABLorn Lodgi No, 88. Meets every Mon day night. , . - MMXLKBTBUB9 !-IaOUBAnO LOMB NO. & Meets every Tuesday ulghl Dim Lomb No. 108.-Meets' every Thursday night. Catawba Brrn EHOiKmm Ma 21.-Heett First and third Thursday nights in each month. natt H BU On hand LeRo Davidson. ( Wanted -Arnold Cd. M UttiTlC ENCI Iil NCI. tSThe time nigh. 1 4 - for the oyster draws tSTMaJor FrankvCoxeh8 returned iaTUAtifcjU UJ I iVi.mi .; tSTThere were no cases before the mayor yesterday. . . Eg?7Tbeday .train, from Richmond was again abeut an hour behind yes terday. . 1 tJTThe'firats&rai ot the season on this market, made his appearance yes- leruav. ie (jaroiina central teiepnone which has been out of order a day or two is again in a talking condition. CP', Miss Josie Brown, of Concord, who has been visiting friends in this city, returned home yesterday. tSTWhen such paramount topics as the'Fresldeat's death occupy' public at tention ether news hides itself. t3TThe reports of pistols could be heard in all directions yesterday as the policemen waged war on the collarlesa cur.., ,; . . ' : v.;' ... '.. dr Weather indications for to-day are fine weather, southerly winds, lower barometer - and stationary or higher timperature. , t Cghe floor ott which was the fa mous print of the devil's foot hastoeen taken up at the old BisselV mill, and so passes away an ancient superstition. There will be a meeting of the members of Charlotte Section Endow ment Bank, No. 478, at the cotton office of Mr. John W. Miller, this evening at 5 o'clock. Be sure and be there. tSF Two complaints ; appear this morning from-citizens. That is the way td do it When you don't like the way things are going, say so yourself. Don't look to the newspaper alone. It Is whispered that an opportu nity for a reconsideration of the whis key ordinance, which.it is said, the dry aldermen intend to move as ine next meeting of the tooard, willnever be 5 if :J j are made that the bat get far enough out of town. Several suburban citizens threaten to report the offenders if they don't get f urtherout ' Jt certainly is not avery pleasaat thing to have shot dropping -round promiscuously in a yard full of children. IW If our subscribers at Chester, as well as King's Mountain, will try and find out just why The Observer don't reachj these offices regularly on time, we will 'trj and stir somebody . up. Look into the matter, gentlemen, and give us facts upou which to complain to the officers of the Postal Depart ment. Cgr A gentleman yesterday, his at tention having been called to the sub ject by a short item in yesterday's Ob serves, aid that he knew of. an; in stance in Rowan county, where a col ored man had been bitten by a mad dog and died of hydrophobia. He says, the theory that the negro is hot subject to rabies can not be sustained. . nThe city clerk states that -his memory was incorrect when he stated to the reporter of The Obsebveb that amendments were adopted, yrith the I wnisjtey orainance ioruiuuuig bvooub. or stained glass in front of barsi The amendments . were that liquor should not be sold to intoxicated men ana war, the bars should be closed at 11 o'clock -and not opened before 6 o'clock. mm m . i "Will NtlM Absndwiscd. . The death" of Prof. Henry Adams, of the Adams Mining and Reduction works, -which extensiveyplantis in the the outskirts Of the city, will not pre vent the prosecution of the proposed business of the works. A brother-in-law of Prof. ' Adams will, take are aad carrv out the ideas which led to Qielx erection. j i ctasicnif siuriei. Yesterday the Western hion Tele graph office, the Postoffice, the armory ot the Hornets' Nest lUfternen, the store of Wittkowsky & Baruph. room in the Frankenthal House occupied by railway mail agents; and the Mint, were bung in mourning. United States flags and the banner, of, the company wound with crape and gracefully hung from the windows were .the? tasteful emblems of mourning at the armory, TtMi PriibsUlre YMke. . i r William Macon' Coleman, a native of Concord, and a former Attorney-General of North Carolina under Hoiden's adnunUtrsUon, las made still another literary venture. This time it fs a history- of the Primitive Yankee. It is decidedly inimical to Us subject. -2lo better idea can be given of Ihe book than is conveyed in the lines in the tt- Teaeerd with sanctlmonloua theoty. . .ri - Sirs. BIsMtBM tm Ct the f2OO0 We are clad to announce that bat yptne annual convention of delegates, belong ing to the Railway Mail Service Mtu al Benefit Association, adjourned at At lanta, -yesterdayiievening, r the Asso ciation voted to pay a death benefit, of 2.000, to Mrs, Mary Bloom, widow of John P ! Bloom, thef mail agent, who was killed on the Carolina Central rail road, on the 22d day of last December, road, on the 22d day of last Decern Der, tthe Indian Creek disaster. She had A CWj WCU JIMU 1PlfJVWl J VAAO A&IAJUW of Honor JWWWT tX Monday night last the -tore boose of Mr. J. J. Watts, nine miles from Char lotte, on the Lawyers' road, was totally consumed bvfire. The loss) is between 2Aoo ' and 0200.' with,: $1,700: insuxr, Jtnce. air, Watts' dwelling house, which is near the store, caught fire; several times, but was pnt out. - As somecloth 'inKfromtheistort WW found: in-the. road, it' (s supposed.' that the fire was the work of an incendiary, who had Bret brokenorien and robbed and then' ;1 JfiZD BTIfiH. HDACTM. Et& Rata. Lia w jniimi AMiMn:: dsonltai. n s, etc, cleared out by "fieuga n Bats. lSfV boiM si druggists -,: ii,HV;k.- ..- " lComplam shooters don't , Mr. E. W. Hovey, of the Crump mine in Union county, was in the city yester day and exhibited some of the prettiest nuggets of natire gold oyer seen in. the city. Besides the nuggets, he showed aume epienuia specimens or ore from the mine. The pocket from which tha nhggets were taken was found at the bottom of an Old shaft, which has Just been opened to the depth of eighty-one feet, ";L 'JSsSvb of prmU Adam, 'ProtHenry W. Adams, President of the Adams Mining t and Reduction Works, died night before last of an epileptic fit. He was just recovering from -4 long attack of typhoid fever, which had very much weakened him. Prof. Adams was a native of Massa chusetts and came to Charlotte about nine months ago. During his residence here he made many friends who will hear of his sudden taking oft with much sorrow: '' The sympathy of the commu nity is extended to his family. ' tHsUellle ianrna Trsvlae ma, (be W. Oar Statesville correspondent writes under date of the 21st: ' When the news of the death of the President reached here' yesterday the stores ' were closed and ' business was suspended for the day." The bells were tolled. The postoffice, reventie office, United States clerk's office and armory of the Iredell Blues ' were draped in mourning." ; s A ' numerously attended meeting was held in the court house; Mayor Sharpe presided. Speeches were made by Maj. Robbins, Col. Armfleld, Mr. Gregory and others. A committee was appointed to draft resolutions of respect. Mayor Sharpe was authorized to send a telegram to Secretary Blaine exDreasinor the deen svmnathv of the people of Statesville with the family of xne aeaa Jtresiaenu The trains on the W. N. C. R. R. came in on schedule time to-day. , . FBOn GREENSBORO. A Batch I Kwi frooa this 1 brlTlng- . ; . . Town ; Gkeeksboho, N.CVSept. 2081. Te the Xdlter of The Observer: The September term of our Superior Court adjourned last ' Saturday after noon. Four hands were added to the force on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad. One was a printer, of the tramp species. The civil docket was takenwp on Monday of the second week and many cases of long standing were disposed of. His Honor, Judge Gudger, gave universal satisfaction. Our next term will be held in January instead of December, as heretofore This change is made on account of. Vance county, where the regular term occurs in December,' and the ' same judge presides both at Durham and Greensboro. I The many friends and patrons of that old reliable sheet, the Patriot, are de lighted with it under the management of Capt Hussey. He is hringing it back to the plane it formerly occupied in pol itics, and henceforth it can be relied on as a staunch Democratic sheet Capt Hussey is a genial, sociable gentleman, good writer, and is winning the re spect and esteem of the community. The opening of the Benbow House gves us three large hotels more than required. We have four large livery stables, which appear to be doing a bet ter business than the hotels. - The "old reliable"-rCapt. Fulghum is moving; and has announced that about the 1st of October he will com mence the publication of the Daily Bulletin, ah. evening paper of col umns. Two railroad officials at the depot had-a lively "set-to" a few days since with pistols and steel drills. Result: A broken head and both parties bound over to next term of Snperior Court. The Guilford Grays will not go to Yorktown. They continue to drill three times a week. The tobacco warehouses, of which we have two, are not doing a very thriving business. Planters prefer the Danville market. The tobacco factories, how ever, are doing handsomely. Davis & 'Hubbard, patentees of the Davis turbine water wheel, speak of re moving their machine shop to Char lotte, where they propose to erect a large foundry for the manufacture of their wheels, in connection with other work. . ' Recent rains have greatly improved the porn crop. A fifth more cQrn will be raised than was expected. The faculty of Greensboro Female College now numberseieven, the largest . sap -wmW M wrw . - - since tne war. jars..jreii, wueot nm. "TR PaII. of netrsnaner fame, has recent- Y accepted a position as music teacher, 1 The number of boarders is 97, also the I lanrest since the war. The institution : is in ft thriving-condltion. .' mm . CisrUl' AJfWt tlie WmmivtM Tra.de. Jo the Xdltor o? TheObserver. v V I wish to call the attention of our city fathers to the fact that there is much complaint among housekeepers at the imposition practised in the sell ing of fowls in Charlotte. In many cases cmcaens are nrougui. tu uuu&ci with their legs tied tight with a cord and when r released, ono-half of them are unable to stand on their feet, and the consequence is that many of them die. Then, again, they are brought in nioM hoTM. and ;are smothered to death for want of air. . - Tha nianiarA franentlv adopted in my opinion, to conceal the condition of the fowls. Xn numerous instances I have been unposea upon in tuis w, and have not only lost the -fowls I pought,T)ut have had my own fowls to contract disease from them. I lost last wA9.r . over aria hundred Plymouth Rocks, every one I had, from buying these miserable fowls, and this year I have lost all my ducks from the. same cause. ' I how the city fathers will do some thing to abate this nuisance and pro tect the housekeepers. , Tar mu Ihe L,lgb(. To the-Editor ol the Observer: . ' The writer weuld like to ask the city authorities a few questions : t 1. Are the kerosene lamps on ine back streets regularly lighted and have thAv hAtm durinor tha vast three years i ' 2. uo the iamp-ugmers t,so-cai?u; ie- ceive their pay regularly ? - Z. Have any protests been made by citizens and taxpayers against the pay ing of these employes or contractors on the ground of imperfect service r$n- t Avert V 4. Wfl not Buch a Droteat received a few days previous to the 1st of Septem ber, and nas noc ine coutracbur wcu paid iii full, for his services notwith- imuiu .B r V t 5, Did tne proper omcer laveaHgawtti ftmiri pooatfi..... I the matter before paying saitT eontracMiuiu v . ' vH-r -; r .9 AA ... . . -m , rs a TTflA thft lamp on tne corner w ju. and i 5th streets been lighted .at. any nt f Via rtanfc month Ot tWO. OX cepting.oa the laightof tto.ftf$& one other night, when it was Hgbtedjby Soperintendent tinnier hi ev vl.m from tailing into an unfinished-clol? Vert ft v ' . . . mwr. J i :V4- ' 7. Was r it lighted Y eanesuay wuw r l Uht anthorlUes think it Jusimj ifalrurnUUJ ravnreaycuwens wi ppcnt" n others who mmf Ppwrtioo p ..a.O 1 J:I . i tJI!'-W f f I : LAAUBI . . . . - ..... .. . . .. , 3 : I ages In the ease of a ciUxen iustalning injury' resulting- zrom xaiiarv w (h streets? a Touri tjmy, . MTryacaln!n Commonwealth Dlstrlbation Co's arawing taxes piaoe on sum mst. S30.000 for S2. .Comnvmwealth DisMbutlon Co's dzawlng, Bept BOth. ' wie ukn.wiuvf As this Question Is frequently asked, we vrtll sim ply say that she la a lady who for upwards of for ty years, has untiringly devoted her time and tal ents as a jremaie rnysician aud nurse, principally among children, she has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class. and, as a result ot this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained in a uleume spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Boottuns Snun. for children teething. It operates like magic glvmg rest and health, and b moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this ar ticle. Jus. Wlnslow Is beeomlna' world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do rise op ana piess ner; especially is uus ue ease In this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and used here. We .think Mrs. Wlnslow has Immortalized her name by this In valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands of children have been saved from an early grave by Its timely use, and that millions yet un born will share Its benefits, and unite in calling her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty to her Buffering little one. In our opinion, until she has given It the benefit of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup. Try It, mothers try It now. Ladles' Visi tor, new xotk taty. sola oy au aruggists. Zb cents a Dome. UARKETSBY TELEGRAPH SKPTEMBZB 22. 1881. PHODDCX. Cmciao Wheat No. 2 red winter , No. 2 Cblcaco sDrins 1.80al.80U cash and SeDtember. 1.8 1U October. 1.88ia November. Corn 671aa 67cash. 67 September, October, No vember. Oats 411 cash. 41 September and Aitfnho. A O UM.on.KA . Onlr at Ifl fTlV Ifi CA cash. 19.85a,87Vi, Beptember and Octeber, 19.55a 10.57V. November. Lard at 12.15 cash, 12.17a 12 22V October. 12 82V November. Bulk meat ehouldeis 7.75. short rib 10 55, short clear 10.86. Whiskey steady. Baltimore Noon VI our firm; Howard street and Western super S5.O0a5.75, extra S6.25a7.00, family 87.25a8.00; dty mills-super $5 00a5.75, extra S8.25afl.75, family 8.00a8.25; Eio brands 97.75a8.00. Patapsco f am. 8.50 Wheat Southern red 1.40al.4S, amber 1.5G&.5Q. Corn Southern white92,yeUow72. , BAiyriMOKS Nlsht Oats Westernwhite SSaBft do mixed 50a5 1, Pennsylvania 51a53. Provisions mess pork 20.75; new ; bulk meats loose shoulderi , clear tides , ditto packed 9all;bacon-shoulders 10tt. e. rib sides 121., hams 14Utal6. Lard refined tierces l&lfe. Gofiee Bio cargoes ordinary to fair 93&al2e. dugar A son ioe Whiskey ll.ivvs- CracnraiTi Flour family 75a.7Sb Wheat No. 2 r 685a7.10. Wheat No. 2 red winter 1-46-47. Com at 7a OaU at 44. Pork at 821.00. Lard at 12.00. Bulk meats--shoulders 8ft. ribs 11.00i bacon shoulders 9 Vs. ribs , clear sides 12. Whiskey at 1.14. dugar naros llUaaiL, New Orleans 8Vaa8SA. Hogs common and light 5 25&0.BO, paciung and butchers o.oua 7.25. Eimw xuuouuuniu uvut wuii wuuuuu to fair extra 6.25a7.40, good to choice 7.508.76. Sfa Wamw OahSVam A Ana Awvm an iv m nil Whftat tmsraded red l.Z3ai.4U. uorn unaraded 65a78Ui. Oats 42 for No. 8. Cof feeBio cargoes 9ftal8. Bugar fair to good mflninv HorR. nrimA : Mftned standard A. OBk. Molasses New Orleans B0a56. rto uioo- 86a56. Bosln-2.42Vsa2.50. Turpentine la. Wool domestic fleece 84a46. pulled 20a4y. nnwiuhd 15(aflK. Texas 14a81. Pork 19.75. middles long clear llliu short elear HVs, long and short . Lard 12.82Vsa.42VS- COTTON. eiLWTOH-Steady: middling 11; low mlddl'g ; sales 4,200; stock 57, 1P4 ezp'ts coastwise ; to Great Britain ; continent. Noanu Steady; middling llc; net reeeipts 1.188: cross : stock 5.112; exports coastwise 1,665; sales 552; exports to Great Britain. BAurmoBa Quiet; mld'g llc; low mldd'g llUt; good ora'y lOVfec: net ree'ts ; gross 875; sales ; stock 2,758; exports coastwise r spinners 75: exports to ureat Britain to Continent . Bostoh Dull; middling 12Vic; low middling; HVsc; good ord'y lOVsc: net receipts 109; gross : sales : stock 4295: exports to Great Britain ; to France. WmmiQTOST Firmer; middling HVkc; low mid- dune 10 9-1 6c; good ord'y we; receipts 4ro; gross , sales ; stock 8,002; exports coast wise ; to ureat vnuun. PwTT.inTJwrfA Qutet: middling 12c; low middling 1 llfa; good ordinary 10V&C; net receipts sxoss 28: sales - : spinners 149: stock 8,854; exports to Ureat Britain -. S&vmrAB Steady; middling Ulfee: low mld'g lOVfec.: good ordinary 6Vs.; net receipts 4,588; gross ; sales 4.800; stock 84,738; exp. coast wise ; to Great Britain ; continent . ww nm.ciKft-mm! mtdd'K lllfa: low mid dling lOVs: good ord'y 9c; net receipts 1,177: gross 2,819: sales 1,100; stock 105,514; exports to Great Britain ; to coastwise. Mobuji Weak ; middling lie: low middling 1 roup- vnnd ordinal flfibc: net ree'ts 1 .094: Kroas : sales : stock 9.279; exp. coast 808; France ; to Great Britain. Mnran- Firm: middling HVfec: receipts 1,161 ; shipment 599; sales 1,005 ; stock 15,573. ArtamvistA-idv: middlink lOSda.: low mid dling lOVic.gooa ordinary 9Vic; receipt 1,074; shipments ; sales 1.276. Chaklmtoh Steady; middling IVte; low mid dling 11c; good ordinary luvie.: net receipts 2,125; gross -e sales i.OOOistock 19,509 isxport eoastwise i.sio: ureat unnun , wuumain Mm vnn-Tnttnn steady: sales 1819: middling uplands ll;inidd'g Orleans IJVnetreoelpU K&! KTOH 11V; OUUBUUIWWU uo. aw w .w,vvw, exDOits to Great Britain 699; continent t.ttxrpool Noon cotton market now firm; middling uplands 7 frl&d; mld'g Orleans 7 8-16d: sales 12,000, speculation and export 2,000; re ceipts 1 1,000, ieirtcan 7,900. Uplands low mtd aUntt emuseT Beptember dellverr 7 6-16a9-82d, Bomber and October 6 19-82d, October and November, November and Decemrjer ib-bm, iZzLzzZiOl. T.nn.i AiM. jajiuarT and Febru ary-, February and March- 6 18 82a9-lM. March iSa i!nrll ft&hal9-82d, April and May 8 21-82d. May and Jot ,ut,,r,lay and J une o n-iou, j uuo nuu iuj . .T . . rt . T.. I a m , J , FUTURES Naw Y.0B Futures AAA dosed steady. Sales 90,- 11.69a70 October.. .... November ll.70a.71 tl.79a.XO January-. ?o?JtoS iprtl May June FINANCIAL, 12.29a.80 12.3 9a. 40 12.49a. 60 NawTowt-Moneyl-OSa-fl-, "Jf.K Governments steady; new ffs l-OJU half per cents 1.1 8Vi- Fourperaents 1.17V4. State bonds duo, nominal. . Hkw TOBk-Stocka closed strong. New York Central arte... t , Lake Shore ' 01 2 uuuviavsuuk, oeic Haahvllliiimd. Chattanooga BMV LoulBvUle and NashvUle . Pittsburg.. 2i Chicago arNoraiweete..... 127 Wabash, St Louis ft Pacific B2A Do preferred. . j. vWk ifamnhla nnd Charleston , !L RamIt iBlnnd 1-87 IFaAHi TTnf rat - . " .. . 87 A loK.ma JQaJl O R 76 . M OVaaa A amoll 7 - WWW M P, ........... ' Class B. 5's 2 i n... n A'm HO vuavs v, - ;i East Tennessw. . , . , .rAt Georgia.. Blchmond and Alleghany aino - ' .CunW.:.; w 4.066.926 crrv cotton mabxxt. 1 -' Oman ov thbObskrvcb, l Cbilottx. September 28. 1881. 1 rh movirac -MatArd&v closed steady. Good Middling. . , 11 fitrlnflv inlddllng. 118-16 Middling......... ..-... "1 atwtt Ias. ntlHfllnir '1U 161 T"""-" A 111 T-nwmlddlina. . 10 9-16 Tinges Lower grades. Becelptsyeslerday, 84 bales. CUa.rlo.tc; Pro,(4ni:eJIsirket. SXPTKWBEB 19. 1881. BUTJNQ PBICB3. : i.no ...... .. 1 1.00 il.25a.50 VnAe. BMkS, vfnerper imwiuji. Tkas, "Clar, per bnslt,. .i ...- 90al.00 : 76a80 8.7Ba4.00 . 8 50 ; 8.25 , 60a56 , White, j.wM,r.,...f turn 1 ' -' it-J--W--- ifFainHjr;'..; KxlrS.. i riaok swelled, .-v . 4tta8 Apples, jpv'ti'i''s?'t''''' Peaches, peeled . . . y.,..., ' Ufipeeleov. . . . . acMiBrrleSrttw--j'.r.j" , 15a20 . 7al0 . - .8a5 ;0J .0: iJ": ..I .n m i-ihorloitA mid-in ftrerr dtv (not ness man In Charlotte and- In every dty (not already taken.) A few hundred dollars necessary TzZ.T. tnr wt on dellverr after orders have been ' !U th. MiMr aian rwr month vrofit vnAnuiteed. The- most sarehlg. inyjesngOToa olfadtod. rrriii ..." ., a h isnols A 4c CO- ep-AMi 1293 Bro&dwa; new Yonc NOTICE. OTJB store will be closed en next S-tturday, the 24th lust, on account ot holiday. sep22 ' WIXTKOWSKT BABUCU. Berplatioi In Prices. "TTTB HAVK opened a Bsef Market on Tryon st, W In the Springs bonding, opposite Latta's clothing store, and will supply eostomert at from 6 to 8 cents per pound for choice Beet epiAlw. ... . xnrtaaxx ammimwm. Bicycle. - It Is mraTlT nrmnnrijwf that among out door sports. none surpass the Busycie aa a means of restoring health. To those of sedentary hab its the result la most ben eficial, developing the mus cles and giving new life and vigor to the. whole sys tem. Ahorse always sad dled, ready for business or pleasure. Bend three cent stamp for 24-page cata logue, giving price lists and full Information, to POPI M'F-G CO., Boston, Mass.. Or J. C. Wbateb, Charlotte, N. C. sep20,dlmo OPERA HOUSE. The Highest Standard of Comedy ! The Illustrious American Comedian, John-1 Owens, With a brilliant Comedy Company, including the leading Light comedian, CHARLES VAHDENHOFF, Will appear on Wednesday, September 28 la Tom Taylor's Modern Comedy, THE VICTIMS, And the laughable Comic Drama, SOLON SHINGLE. The sale of reserved places will commence on Monday, at the Central Hotel and McSmith's Mu sic Store. fsep22,6t Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. THB old Oaken Bucket, The Iron-bound bucket. The moss-covered bucket, That hung In the welL CHAS. B. J0NI3, Charlotte, N. C, Sole Agent Liberal terms to dealers. TAX SALES. Charlotte, N. C September 1, 1881. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYEES: I will sell for cash at the court house In Char lotte, on Monday, the 8rd day of October. 1881, beginning at 1 1 o'clock, a. m., the following de scribed real estate, situated In the city of char lotte, to satlsfyefzecutlons in my hands for taxes due the city: Two lots on Poplar street, at the Intersection with Tenth. Nos. 811 and 812, the property of Dr. a X. Bratton. for S24.45, balance of taxes due for 1 879 and for the year 1880. One lot on Fifth street the nroDertr of H. T. Butler, adjoining Mrs. Xllza Tate, for $40.75, for taxes aue ana unpaid ior ihvm ana ieu. One lot on Fourth street near Atlanta ft Char lotte Air Line road, belonging to Mrs. Lucy But ler, adjoining B. F. Wheeler and others, for the sum of $15 85, taxes due for the years 1879 and 1K8U. One lot No. 1227. In sanare No. 51. fronting on Church street, the pioperty of W. F. Beatty, ad joining Mrs. M. Flannagan, for the sum of $1443 taxes due ror 188a One lot, No. 961, in square 113, on Stonewall street the property of Bobert Berry, adjoining J. 8. Stephenson, for the sum of $4.95, for taxes due for 1878. 1879 and 188a Two lots, fronting on Seventh street bet Tryon and Church streets, adjoining the property of J. M. smith, and jf. a. Alexander, tne property oi ine Merchants and Farmers Natl Bank of Charlotte. for $14.80, taxes doe and unpaid for 1880. One lot on College street adjoining the property of H. O. Sprmgs and others, lately the property of Allen Cruse, belonging to the Traders' National Bank of Charlotte, for $19.55, taxes due and un paid for the years 1879 and 1880. Two lots, Nos. 1222 and 1223. im square 104, adjoining B. Schenek, and fronting on Graham street the property of Sarah A. Chambers, for the sum of $8.82, for taxes due and unpaid for the ears 187V ana 1880. One lot on Poalar street between Xlghth and Ninth streets, adjoining C Hllker and Mrs. Wris ton, the property of Mary J. Collier, wife of W.J. Collier, for $29.94. for taxes due and unpaid tor the years '74, '76, '78. '77, T8 and 1880. une lot on sixth street, at its intersection wiia X street adlolnlns Bennett and others, the prop erty of W. M. CrowelL for $10.00, taxes due and unpaid for 1880. . . , . une lot, tne property oi vt. s. uroweit aajoui utT.H. Galtber. at the Intersection of Myers and Sixth streets, for $3.25, taxes due for 188a ' One lot the property of Fanny Conner, being tot 593, in square 78, on D street adjoining Edward uiavin. for $1 so, taxes one ior iesu. One lot the nronertv of Fannie Gordon, wife of J. W. Uordorubeing No. 1119, in squareitq. 104, fronting on Graham street adjoining T. li. ia- max, ior 94.iv, taxes auem'ivaoa-eu Two lots on First street. adtolnmK J. McLautth- lln, being Nos. 604 and 605, in square No. 80, the property of Jeff Hagler, for $8.58, taxes due for ITQ .ral n One lot the property ' of ' James H. Hunter, lo cated on C street adjoining , for $4-40. tax es for 1879 and 188a - ... One lot the property oi uavia A.enneay, 1408. In sauare 171. on Hill street adjoining w. Black, for (13.85. taxe due from 4878 to '80, One lot the pwerfv'ef Dayjd Ktatler. No, in sauare 100, hujuiuuib q, b. oumu, aw .ui taxes due tor 7 and 1 '80. : w" - pbv. wife of Dennis Murphy, being Nos. 620, 625, 843 and 845. In square No. 110, on Stonewall BircCV Avr VSViVV, ww w t - . ... "28 v ana tsu. rV.o int thn nmnertv of Bam Moore. No. 618. sauare 81, fronting on X street adjoining John Carson, for $10.15, taxes due for '77, '78,79 and 1 bbO rA it th oroDerty of Xnhraim Potts, beina lot 698. to square 79. on First street, Mioimng 8. A. Barns, ior s.uu taxes one ior i, o, tv and 1880, being for balance due for years named. Ttnn inra. inn uniuvm ui iauaub i&eitA. iwtiiik aiuo. 1150 and 1161, la square 141, fronting on poplar iitreet. aajOinmB aubuhg, ivuimw a, uuni ivau, 5lLV tSes for '7. "TB and 1 88a ; Two lots, the property of A. B. Schenek, where nnar iiim. on Graham street adloinina Tbos. Holly and otnen, ior 90. ox, iwsum n hum uo for '79 and 1880. ' - atro hniue on Trade street and dwelllnc ln rear, on Fifth street, the property of Mrs. Xllza Bhelton.tne wu va. a. owiwu, ujdauau 0. n.nLd W. D. Stone on Fifth street and & M. Howell and Mrs. Abemathy, on Trade street for 3&54. taxes one ior ihwjl ' -nTinfthfl arooerty of John Walker, being No. : " . . . . J r.n.i 1,. m i.i j 938. in square till aivhijub m m sum, pujuuAAug Sum ormack, f or $3.63. taxea due ejl880- One lot the property of Mrs. .Sarah Houston, wife ofTr. Houston. taWM KaT .Jiquare a A mt tun mwnwuwu vt auuuo auu ruso nnw, frontln on Klgbth street 99 loot and adjoining the ZX otthi late J. M. Springs, fTT45; for taxes due and unpaid for the years; . 1874 to 18) -tvIHWif. fronttnE on Trade street .90 feet and running back to Fourth, the property of Mrs. Sulla McMnrrar, wife of J. W. MeMuray, for the t.i..nmnte of J. Ia,-. Hardin, belna Nos. 1880 ... - ... - """- safinisr iittt rt ji, cqq Vium 2514. fronting on Trren street M fAstsAdrmumg back to College, adjoining rFr,. smothers, for vSjSSS: the wtfeefDr. Wm. Sloan, at the IntersecUonot Tryon t awj tTSZ fAor sinn whiiiuul ifsrusi m vwuimd oMmjmm - ------ tr, iVi ;yr 7 chaX j?BUBSjm. Fresh Beef Every, Mopning. 01 ION MftlS 0 lea 1000 iushes of Oate White aod RnstTroof. 3 t MS 01 Bus UROY DAVIDSON osnnBanBnEtB'. gib ase WE HAVE JUST BEGEXVED ANOTKEB (Ufii OT otm; CEI4EBBATED 50 CENTCOllSETS, $ , lnipetamaadaualirsaiirtliOT in this dty, sizes running from 18 to 8a ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL ASSOBTMENT 0I i la various stylesat Look at oar beanttful PBINTS, Just received, only 7o per yard. H. MORRIS & BRO, jana U O U 13 1 OJfcC Sc MX) .j TB Y 0 K 8 TBEHT-1TEW STOiSe. 'Vl We are daily receivinj? New Goods in our Fire i andTerijeirrthenti. Our Mf.Boddickisnowintlle Kortherit Markets buying fot onrj wo houses, which ehahles Ul to purchase in large uaritiUes and-get the behefit of the low est prices. Many thanks for the liberal patronage thus extended, and we hope . ;., ' - -. by fair dealings and low prices to merit a fair portion of the same this Fall. We have so few goods left from our summer stock that it is impossible for us to hare a closing sale, but what we have we offer . at r reduced, prices. All goods marked in plain figures. Strictly cash and one price. September 6th. AT REDUCED RATES TO ALL POINTS BOUGHT ANt SOLD BY S. J. PEBBY, OPPOSITE CENTBAL HOTEL, - CHARLOTTE, N. a L9N. B. Partles'deslrmg Information In regard to railroad travel will please address as above. novia . . a . t WILSON & BTJRWELL, DRUGGISTS, TBADE STEEET, JUST BECEIVED Valentine's Meat Juice, Seott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, Hostetter's Bitters, Ine English Tooth and Hair Brushes. sepl7 ftfUsctlXKUtsms. CELJNA PALACE OT I Brookfleld & Co. JUST RECEIVED, 100 GROSS Fruit Jars & Jelly Tomblers Olf BEST MAKERS, Which we offer very low, wholesale and retail. FULL LINE OF Crockery, Glassware, French China, Triple-Plated Ware. A Lot of BABY CARRIAGES, Just to hand. SELLING OFF AT COST -FLY FANS, FLY TBAPS j ill ICE CHESTS, WATEB COOLEBS, ICS CREAM FREEZERS, Etc. Water Coolers 1 gallon, 60e;2gaL, 76c. aag7 Chew onlv the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. THE old Oaken Bucket, The Iron-bound bucket, Tne moss -covered bucket, That bung In the welL - - CHAS. B. JONES, Charlotte,- N. C, Sole Agent. Liberal terms to dealers. Dissolution Notice. TBI partnership heretofore existing berteerf X. J. Allen and W. A. Truslow having by nml- tatlnn A-rntnul. la this dAT dfaaolvad bT mutual Con sent. The business will be continued at tne old stand by W. A. Truslow, who is aotnonzea to Bet- ue au bu&tness of tne late nrm. Havta aoid to W. A. Tmstow mv Interest in the Jewelrybusisess, I kindly recommend him to my mends and patrons. js . auuiui. Charlotte, N. C., Btptember 8, 1881. pl7,5tf OTARTLIfJG- : DISCOVERY! LHST MANHOOD RESTORED. A Tiotim of roaQifnl fmpradenee esnsiag Ffems tore Dmst. Botvoos DebUtr. Iort mUahooi. tew eorsrW rimptoself enrs. whidi be JSi to m Jeoow-suneroim, ram 4S CksUteoa fit W. . ' seplS . r ' -. THE COMPARATIVE EDITIOH Cf 1,1 BVTE8TAM E HTI BOTH ri7LL TSXT Of VERSION 18 JAMES REVISEQ FERS1CXJ u yswsi.iiKJU a-aujuj. BO O K f I Ftm fron anon. CbaiiM sbowa at Ban kM, MTea lakor, losarwi imnn gii Umam7784Um Kaptdir. Oaatalaiaa iOOO hm labor, laaaias aMuasy, givas Mtla. IIMom- vwy vmm wim imaivubja ..V -AOtTPITS C Ma I vj, BU CHUtBCIS m. WAHTIB 1 9M9 S ;"gtfMffmoa House Fnrnisnin Goods exceexttngbj ow petes. BODDICK & CO. CIIABLOTTE, N. C. IN ALL COLORS AND IN ANY QUANTITY. BURTON'S PECTORAL SYRUP, JOB COUGHS, Is aery superior cough medicine, and gives great relief In all eases. - WILSON tt BUB WELL. X GO TO Ul . AND LOOK . AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF Novelties b Jewelry AT.T. OF WHICH HE SELLS LOW FOR CASH. All Goods (Warranted as Eep- resented, "bott n Wght :;- A.i UV and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACH. dec 15 p. Ca Wilson, CHARLOTTK,N. Cr Sole Agent for LOUIS COOK, Cotete Boggy WATEBTOWN SPBJNO WAGON OOMPANIKS, fob res aixji or ; u " BTJGGIZS, CABBIAOXfl PHAXTON3, SPRINa ... WAONS,a, WHOLXSALK AND BIT AIL. OPXN BUGGIZS, $65. TOP BUGGIES, S65. Special 'inducements' to the wholesale trade CtrTiNMMkuce oildiea, - 3 an 11 irrnrrmr , Chew only the brand; f tobacco, known aa The Old Oaken Bucket.' clS " ' TBX old Oaken Bucket. The Iron-bound bucket . . " The moss-covered-bucket' s ji'iMl VXnntJgmtnewelL v., iVOiariottAli.Jl,Sole Agent , far? liberal terms to ealera! f.rrrt 1 1 1 r f T'.rrTt if Offr .-! :i m X-PXACHXS AND POTATOaTl geplO assVBOWXLL. Ready Wixed Paints iii I. En