t 1 A Mi" T.., r .aa-h .M MMMM W I r 7 AiTn 1 JU SURE APPETISER mlc: e mnaXgiycrTiciriift to the mMiMmMimw nTi lm aiunrauupa .uavn w SrVSSf tTO1 ."J rar did la th su Um darinc mr Ulm. 7J"JJlvJ ll lM 1 iMMHtl Mrn, ltmwwiiiiH MiiiumM.wMi aadviaavaf bedr.kMomla Ubmim uoacs want,isa mrmmurmHn f B QiVCWJJ (&XBtZKlZS. CX)B. COZJGX 4; FOURTH STS 1 Just in, and to Arrive : 3000 BUlil)1JCa ABS0W TIES, 1000 E0LLS BAGGDtG' 1500PKGaFiaH. gQ0 BBLfl. FLOUR, JQQ BAQ3COF7XK, 75 BBLS. SYRUP, 101 BOXXS SOAP Olre us a ttlal before you boy and we will sell yoo. 1 R. M. MILLER tSONS. aug24 CORN! CORN! CORN! BAGGING AND TIES We are ageUs for 1 1 WAitr Will sell It LOWXR than yon can boy an 'other good plow. Full assortment Jwa7sT on hand.' X ; Callaaisde ms before iordiaslng. MAYER & ROSS. nc26 ' t J HATE HOW OI STORE FOB THE 1 -lve Largest, Ftactt ana -MOSTCMPLETE FINE MTLUNERT WHITE GOODS, TRMMINQ8.' r rt i v i v h y ijulanktrids'gt-- J ft lChrjdrn-J i W,aaTji ever hsA ypleawre of -howtog HATS OR BONNEtCS TO ITT TSX CXAJ r LADT.HISS 6 Our Patt;'T! fcJia' Btdned wQl be arrrt . -.til .Mmy m JJ 1 '4 ' prices la our Una. J I MRSf;RrQUERY! If-!1. IfrmMfiJJ J J IJlfJiftJ.ftJfKJA mnm m. m mm m m rt 4w. jm rr- rrt-J-. J . v fr-v I - - - WHOLESALE GROCERS. iii t GOOD raumsiiDQ especially Indigestion, Dys- nerye. It acta like arm on fre n fN ana iwiwh- irwurvieraiAw. ES&re SI S tkal fcr Wxsr M ereeedingly bni eonmuy, wu iouoww u. Tome fronrwbieh I ra found (hat taj nAtarsl force Hd witb.daD.tkte a LWith tb traoanll nerr bafor oJrwL If ths Toole tu bMOom Uia THOUGH SHAKEN IN EVERT JOINT and fiber with fever and ague, or bilious remittent, the system may yet be freed from the malignant Tims with Hon tetter's Bitters. Protect the system unst .it with tnw j peneBce.nl snn-spasmoaic, leh U furthermore a supreme remedy for liver complaint, constipation, yspeD8ia oeouuy, rneu- lattsm. kidney troubles and other ailments. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. ALLOWE lHlt,187S p. WILL SEND, ON M PYS) TRIAL, EI e ctr o V dl t a f 0 : App li d n c e i w'- snflferfni from Bfer6rwi Weaknesses, Ci er iDiiiiy, loss of nerve torce or or anv disease cesnltine irem Abuses and i Caoses. of to ny,oie,affllcted with Rh tism, Neural ria, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back. Rup tures, and othgf Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also wokxn troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief, and complete restoration to health gulrantepdj Thes St re tme only Ieetrle'Applianee lliat baVe ever 1nelitif rfeteilwpp nien title prln tlcafly JwnreAitM $M iroit W B prac- ueeesa, and they nave the blanest mdoncmcnts from medical and acien tifl men, and from bnndreds who have been ajnielijjr and radically cared b tbeir. nse. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, glvin? all Information free. Address, t amiXJJOtBXEr 00 lUrkU, Xioh. JnlyBl eWi. 1 no'.) I3T x '.ik:uvjz.n ""fuuleileidl& ,jnA-,:, 1 tfii S tf'ni -wlT L .liiATTHl WBrT31'RONT, iUAi( tfi rttn i-M .i s 4 W (SoooesBor to B. G. Rogers.) A'litvj' fftilffw??rt w B.OLX3ALE & RETAIL IX URNTTURE DEALER ilJiri:M??Ta'i XH I XHrp v Chew only the bmmt af tntauWi 'MnMni Th !!ii til A-iThelron MufadtmeKet; HTTAS JOV1 " " W mWM, m JRW- '1Ms rnts '8n i(p' tutm lit Wr. .10rV?ReSihO8elnh ;ls to teevattrlcoyflrstdass Jotisettveri respect uommoaioos iampie'rooriiaT)n- mat tihr sacond oon. t x ne uainiuajn vi un Duuno 0 JLi'tf 4'X'.-. ..oL Tar-i-wv. I ws 01. imuaatms.vona gauuie .uaiess sv J.P.WiTW Mi ' PI nusav Coffins and Ucte :lottt JSB -nil fS4,l 6 iA;tt TVtnMhsrrr ? TKa Rnnnb-1 - , ijiui - - mtt - lug nana m bwwuu ui w o'"- Ti nZ State executive committed vl hold a meeting here during f Ai&wj&efc. J 11 vi J fvi rof.Hnriii ii i.JiiriSLi!tnc rfMrL Asenaxo YOU. I 1 U..m nionouliul .wJlULnUkiaCTOUr BOIlaUtXUXtM W tV" njop. A: rSSSn of Duplin Eifles, Kenansvmeiin&rml n that hia snlendid comDan v fwill take I IDbUDl A.A. VAJLS, VUVW V forty men to Yorktown. ; Died, in this city yesterday ffinng' at 9. -o'clock, Joseph Atkinson SoW eldest son of Charles II. and! Mary wai Scott, after an illness of one Weuk.S ; Orfinaboro North State: On Tues- day morning last, Defore aay, a coioiea 3 fry v, " j : j : man. named Peter ..oldsJ rug some four or five miles north of fixeens- I some four or five miles north of boro, fell out of the door of his house and broke his iaw. The mad 3tfa$V8o the fail thai & area He was a sdheft.-aAd es ; Mrs. JafofC-fel, fockingham co bulnlditl lefeta by attemplin intjras lighted Kerosene lamp. Her narrowly escaped. Dnrham Recorder ; The boring file nvuqn ina iw mlWfl artesian wen now proceeas sowivoni spare yoprsei! any fearspiy account of the great haiesB:?bt?fnOTim rock to be drilled, and the resisitahcenefc 1,200 feet of water in the welfrcgfe! depth now is 1,530 feet. ; ".'i Joseph W. Hicks, in Tennesseesta8tajiBW,fl of oth- Saturday. J tlfsS ef Saluburv Tvaccman." Col. C. S. Brown, of the Boyden House. reeeiRed a hard fall, Sunday last, while 'slowly walkinir nn the granite navp. rihrifc in front of his house. He heard a. ,Jittle noise behind him, and while in the act of turning to see what caused itfjtttfo dogs, in a rude play witli each,w.her dashed against and tripped hint npu.He well omhis sid andfior a lBiMlfe risfe. and imeredw ere piinra)i lie reels rom very irioui Mining Intelligence Salisbury Watchman. THE REIilER. I i Work at the Reimer is progresatbg in a very satisfactory manner. TbynQwi have sixty-five hands employed.! Jn the shaft No 1, they are down 160 feet, afidli have started the level for No. 2400" feet distant. They are sinking in No. 2, and as soon as they reach 160, will drift toward No. 1. They have a levpl from Nos. 1 to 2 at 170 feet, and they pr,op'osQ to open one at every 50 feet, j -".fj They are now taking from a, 4 foot vein, 25 tons a day of rich sulphurets, averaging 50 per centum of iron; pyri tes. This ore assays yery high. ! ' . A large building, 60x75, haB' heen planned, and the timbers are now be ing gotten out. This is to be used' for concentrates The concentrates to be Yadkin Chlorination workpo) s. w orgs j Dlisheds n as it can be accom- ation works will be erectldM fntsj xneynaye rifew boarding house. office and several miner's houses in ad dition to last report. Two 6 inch Cornish pumps and' two 25 horse hoists lift water and ore. ; i HOOVER HILL GOLD MINING COXPANX OF LONDON, This property is situated in .Bandfcil county, and is 18 miles South of. High Point, the nearest station on the Rich mond and Danville road, and comprises 250 acres. . . It was incoporated in London, England,' in February of this year, and has a cap ital stock of $600,000, divided into ; 120, 000 shares. Paid up capital, and hcd. assessable. imbedded in a dark cloretic slate; changing sometimes to a silico arena ceous slate. e Tim proper carryi ;2 per ofttulphurets, poss: aimng smimxreiB !o mpany ottdtofttkklkt e pur e varue of the-'ofe or the amount produced. This information may be obtained by any stockholder by addressing the of fice in London. i They are working three shafts, the Gallimore, the Briols and a new shaft near the Hawkins. They are down in the Gallimore 110 feet, now drifting out on the 70: fot level. Briols is down 120 feet work-' ingonadrift This is connected ' with the Gallimore by tunnel. in tne new shaft they are down w- feet and sinking. This shaft is near tne li aw Kins and is designed to t take, the place of that shaft it being unsafe. The old workings fell in years ago, and. new snaic was considered cheaper than to clear the old one. This has been known as a mine for 50 years, but laesumate.ar jtho, amqufat tafcenou wua m iW5lnis WMl worked by rivate parties. The hill is literally gophered," so to speak small kmen shafts, cross cuts and the like, all done before the present company took bold; Mr. Renfry, the superintendent has a well defined plan for developing vthe property. He proposes to run a tunnel from the eastern side to the western, first striking the new shaft at 600ifeet thence to the Gallimore in direct line, 500 feet whole distance 1,100 feet Of wus zzo ieec is oone. as soon asane Band drills can be set to work, thev 1 eectto make 120 feetper month. When this tunnel is commetei and I the mills have tested the fesult. lie A destiny of Hoover Hill will be known In its present condition it would be un just iust to iudee ifc-this time niwtiiM mill onfia if Kf ihZSZiirJ o I cCcefifVria chance naemnea. i B littPKoviatENTS. i The BLrutea tue eyeris i -x:i 4.1 i the hhi 47X95 leet-rrour stories ouse, 44x47 tteeti im. S3 w 1 c& ng aaofi. bly.cfit nuairc KM J III.)! tC2ce rnth per tonTu attoched. Twenty stamps are runningl the State : andrlisjmct,, whef ein the and there is room for 20 more. TherlerimA ahan'-riftirtfftnivimmiii:'' have a 5 foot fan and 8 foot settler. Above the battery is a Blake crusher, 0x15; a 75-horse engine furnishes the power. ; ' 'A'ney nave an assay office and fixtures complete, over which Mr. C. P. Sawyer, of the Columbia School of Mines, nrri. Diuraii a.v cujujro ouuuici vx id Liii v; Liy 11 - that of being the only man on the H1H who receives a stated salary which speaks well of the economy of! tha worK. ! t j i The compress buildinsr. 36x40. con tains 50-horse boiler which will run the pumps ana iurnisn air xor nve drills. company has an office ; alaa about cfmiortane caf ms ioi txie mit fir 6'tfii fclt3.iuil tram ln31iUiji4 1.8001 VillUIJU ore goes in the fourth story 1 mm1-fT AJ mill house, on tram, passes over scree; to crusher and thence to ore bins (c i(ca- pacity of 200 tons each) and thence ore feeders. From the battery ov free amalgamating tables ; and concen trated with blankets. ( Everything seems to be conducted in a sensible, business-like way, and the whole work looks as if conducted 4n' VUV IUW, WUVUXVM l(MO. r t M,ft There are about 2000 tons of orb oh the dumps old and new. The milk has been running from the old works; and we were informed, proved satisfactory fully as well as was expected. The machinery lias been -set up -In splendid style and will long stand The i rem i aaozin I A ttf nf, Ul i xne tWfl!--f? rf'H l-J'f t ! Tfc.BL,aSeDtembCT 1 19. Mrs. lristianrcha&sen 3ie ihusband. ex - Minister Christiancyr 'afccfcet $e-f nnttnin'i'rntti iirij" n. I cr. et "Wfirchraiied'iheiEo WalforhiBi W ttlrned It TflrjgJlaa Xcinow-n-Jast- . . . . t. 1 XWJrSW Qontainea rl)A - Jtjlji tateiwssafBnoI MiVTOft(r?(? matobaw-. yonaiave Mt. iiini to fteL toWadsI iitffc? . morriAd.lifa. tWhen I memory X)I m1!! :marriea:iue. j wnen xj 'SSac- r. .' ."."fjrYlvjC:- . I sociations - vori'tDmffM in?the mock ery of an6c&mwtf&irt fall see horrid . bloated 'iaeesiKaronnd lofef and hear tlw ftatful sottnda;,! jdrunken brawls yoTJ InX;linsbai(ilJ,fJ fore moat in thes& 'frays; amonsr?rather.nd sons, one youmj.air cimd'sfaQewtands aloner toAt fcaQ7ttha IffflW? ave FeozgeV and.lu3 gentiei companionships kept me fronmadnesBamidstiso much miatt-V arrd rrtTrntirm.i4! I (iiy -v ; XMWl 'XQ.' say joiii UMfi)ytttt Jttn toreughmetminei'With' y3ur coW" faTrHrv fltafiw whicJK tfstrongesf 'about mcept ur-senltuaU lnspectsanam moral awia you mounieu them after mtmiw,Aahor.waen:you claimed that you . would. m...everv:way ignore my brother's letter.'BaUi ftUal for the effort maae;eacni so unaorAttSTe! cu3romeaeigu.ijiioes8iut8"were not fully adjusted before you had' fallen to your usual level, and stf Bftt tonstabj after constable here to' 4rxe&t mv brtn ther, I feel convinced that h never meant to shoot so low as to kill you. Hemigh,hav4 intended to cane you, but in my estimation you are too cra ven a creature, for . ihajt .much notice' from ' a gentleman. Your weapon 'is1 the stiletto towards women? ihi . the- darkness of night The,. brightness' of God's sunlight is not suited- to yout deeds. I am decidedly ashamed of my brother having noticed you,' .iDo you suppose that he will .staia his; young white hands and his whiter spul with a crime for you ? My wrongs haye been greater than those of mortal woman and my Only feeling for you is unmiti gated contempt. When one touches pitchlje1fu$t be!' defiled; and riversiof Blood- would' hot; ash; the. stain from ine which was stamped into my very sou when I gave my,inpocent girl-life into your keeping. The . greatest suf fering! have to endure is the knowl edge of the degradation'. that you have been my husband. .-. : LlLLIB M. CHRISTIANCV. Cleneral Sberman on Guiteau. Washington, Sept 19, S pC ta. Hon. Oeo. Q. Gorham, National Republican: My Dear Sib Ydu arid I havie been comrades in civir broils and stti'fe in California, when vigilance winmittees assumed rule, and we know, or think we know, how- good, honest people have dona some1 acta of violence nndeF-an- tS "ifLilffi in g. the right thing, and we believe that iime, w Kxeab puvsicum, wiu cure mi things to the patient : "I'jiXfe occasionally and recently heard .the same . arsumenta- on the streets," . the . same scraps of, wisdom1 enunciated, and now, at this dread hour, when our noble, brave President isly- inffirt the ' Vferv RffttoteA nf.dAftt.h at. his. cell at the public jaiL . it wcurs'to me that you and I should in our repej-i tive spheres maie prohtaoie use of our jast experience, k No man on earth holds in higher es teem the noble qualities of James A. Garfield than myself. ., I was on the point of starting to Chattanooga to night to do' lionor to the heroes Of ChickamaBga, of whom he was one of inemosc prommenc, due was stayeanj the unfavorable renortfrom his bedside at noon, and I shall remain here at my ost otduty: tillithe last moment; of ope. At Chickamauga, eighteen years ago, Garfield was chief of staff to Gej, eral Bosecrans, whose right wihi was broken back by the' yehenieht; argea of Bragg's forces, and was carried along with the broken masses alfdOst to Chatx 4anooga, when he begged for Hie PriyirJ lege 01 returning . w join uenerai. ueo. H. Thomas, whose guns told bin thatt that heroic man stUl ;pjpd last. 1rtti' his left wing. GneralseCtans 'gay 0 him leave and he did return, -Tunning, the gauntlet, joining General Thomas and serving close to his person till night enabled them to fall back in good order to Chattanooga. That was General Gar field's last fight, in which h felt espe cial pride, and I kno w that he intended to be at Chattanooga next Wednesday to celebrate the event - BtuV it is order ed otherwise, for .he. now; lies by the seashore on his death bed from a wpund inflicted by the miserable, jfrjgiGii teau. . " . .... .w?i! ii: Vv. W I For this man Guiteau I ask?no sol dier.nq citizen, toifeeione particle-of sympathy. On the contrary., could I make my will the law. snopunghrb: j ould f0r him. utT i"8rc Ja7 Jtr r7member toaterofesmbTthe ?WPS?LK2Le-?SiP?i?2 SSSfflSw TteremeH? KSf M 4U WWVJ aafc wa wvk wvfvw . a Mmtm V IHIV4W is glory and heroism in subiaittinfi' ivMiAAfnllw an Annv aab4 waa .rniai I Ami - rLeT3tAy consu6uuon reuj -wpcrBon pnaji D6 wise infamous crime, unlesson present- ment or indictment of a-ftnd1nrv.w .- i .r ... . . i.-r-v, T,r ., i afld "in all criminal "pThsectttions the accused shall enjoy the right to aspeedy nt public trial by tm impartial iury 6 This is thelemn contract of goVernl ment binding on the CenscieTicespr all. Should our President die; the .mtirderer But it is not trt iSfiffte. or "vonrk or anybody's except the regular -eotfrts of this district whlch-'are m undisputed noi. y luiouco 111 an j luiui v w tnuig reproach on. us all-rJuOOnithe country at large, and especially On us of theXHs mAAKsv Ui VAIIUIuUmIi ... f!P.?M' t AU.the.circumstanbes of the shooting ox4he-longroi0rtrBggle)r iiie lm-1 mingled with their feelings of grief any thoughtnilWepcearwwr "Vengeance & mine, sai Mueifceto A - . . . y 21 i audi d acorn oi i vh r.h have: prevailed siaeethesaddestof all davs -in WasuV, inirtOBjrJulv 2. ft f ff 'SiBlylydnif WeAffiAil ) 1 I Id I ll l JlV IT. OHXEMANt Jf Mr.MeitliireiW-ird street, sjrtag-' field, Mass., Supt Car Works, Boston and Albany MhBJU - a xr uwrfrrK.Vn'4!- sinsonsttijm zsiushoulder sevtusiyzaoa aad-MTCllef stil luted tbett I appned moat edtoY.si4&r4rl&6fr tne resolta.' .leas wi waaitayteBamohywt-eE8' '8 . STBq ' is enuued to a speedy trial ny. a iury, and I hope he will iave ' justice doue mm ETRa b temesr u cisssma, ana uU u.?o bus tyi.u : r,j bib.-. AhaA ItwinTnt Uk En 'ri Jet) tbe Elerlc,I.lsbt-rirpr 0jSj. -St LoiilteptAirB iJr I aoa 31 - : The StXouis .GaslihtinaanM fcentiy xeceiveau from LbndbiKixiAtlaj we the.iiew"pti iaiflpiWcJf'arfcitow in nse there on the street in froat of the House or Parliament. llT?fte Sup2Durn fet is a recent Invention, land itsuse tt Has sinicle l-coB9petition' with the- Brushi electrict light,-- Having heard very iavoranijt oi the lamp Mr. Socrates' Newman, of the StsLouisjOasUght:.C5aJ)ny isenbithe iny0ntOr an ojdrin: Answer tot which: the lamps were received. -They are the first ever brought to AmeTicaJ and rer! smm given uytnai vy gt j pej, aausi y siH 150 and -iaa Trf,r-iT.4,k- TI. w:.. . suiLa given oyjriai jgtgrayery; aausiao- 100 TaMTe3i30wer. the formeiheinel abxtuttwice m imengfdhs of an ordii Bai?y-treet?iamp. ISacfr contains four burners-arranged in a square! at a dis-i tance or :aDout three inches the others! The and Mr. - Newman them gas cai mre -thari hol4 its own against electricity.5 wuri J0lmt; M : . I eertJfTthat mv 4!M1arlff''nvMrrvilnhad loojEinsocef eDexmaimmoas met Heeaifwntp, manaw and' eaw A H." Btephens andr, Blshojk, PferM'ktiahieis to Uiovt iienl eateed Itonie lot :ej$ mejidlmraeof Liver Regulator ; to: rnrfrladsM an leeBent medicine. K E. HARRISONlLD-i y;,k..V.:A 1. ,;J.t '.: , GohsTuiWfa, Beware fr the bogus and coontexfeili Stomons opn op te sll pa th popularity ! the genolQe jrleBar)pJiby,,5aoIltoCot;,5j j i Womc'nltiablive in. nWVnomiflAd llnrnimhlA 1st physician hi- marteOBntr Iuiva hAAn completely -enrea or reraaiiweKne8 py tnejuae u iiTUBA ruiKaanrs1 Tvgetawir vranpoaiia SemitoMr8. Ly(Ua JSv' PinkhamV233; Western Aveoaev Lynm Masslor pamphletav V or-. r Y 'u ' ' : ' " RED BUGS, ROACHES, Etc i ' .11... MUUUi UVAVUAO. JMC I t . . . n Rats, mice, ants; files, ' vermin, Jmosqulios. bJ boxes at druggists.; A w . , , w - u t power. In a 50c bottle of Parker'a etneer Tons than in a, bushel si mauiE a gaUon ol mUto. r a 1 zer. blood Durifier and idnar , Mrnvloi 1 appen- nere xideif t - . fihlnllke,lL and lnvaUda 1 flnd.tt ti 8 nmgorajH ior mina ana Doarji8ee.adv. RHEUIATSS&3 I Hvurwyiu, wtrfUCCu uumvugv, .Backache, Soreness of iher Vbest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swbll- fags and Sprains, Buns -and - : i Scalds, GenerqLBodilff ; .' , Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other , Pains and Aches. No Pnparatiaa QO eartb eqnals Bi icon On. : h i Bare, sure. stmtMe and eaesp SxJternl Betted. A trial entails but ths oaniparstlvelyi BTnmg or oO Ceats, and eyerjr ope Bforing 1 vrttpaui ew havs iap;ad ptw jioof 3 its 0 f ;llrocliievm iaagjiafeA.-i'.'.i.' : ; ' . :U' &0bO BY-ALL PRUQQIST8 AITD SEXLESS it t,, ' -V; hi? ' ". "i'-Si AtoBttdftw ir t II EITHER LIQUID OS DBI F( Tha Acta as the aaaae time TES LITIS, TBS SQZLS, ikixtuM vt duow Hum -stoat oraeau 1 ft) . . i t i i .'v. -.-: . . t btcom cloaaed or torvid. and voUonba kvmmat lhtrtfr fmed into A NomH mm SMREJLYCURj DISEASES.- (-it ivEircQMWij..itT . DISZASES, lfEMAUC WEAKKBSSCEB, AHBNJEKVOrS MOKlES, y$torig (Mr, iftuxr to Onw (fr 4mWs -j JWAt i"ffer Bfflo ptoffiasi i Why tontd wTiI CMUpstloiil .Why ftlghteaed oter dUordered.Kldaeysl uay emaare aervoos. or sick smmcw ' f7KIJi?irr.WORTaftmai: If - It ia miopia Bit TWtH rWk)lnri MkaeMcka at irhica mtoa iiiiiroors bf r Atoo liilitialdrf, nty C e ojcr rr orTrocn ar.ee (mamtaAitt&ry Alareh27l&wly 1 !; o3 -'5''rtJJ9 '-.!;. UiJ-. ! t'JaUtMai i iUI BLft Ufa wx ;K eH-3 rfc.w W aa en asya.w iMi'l itlaum wm ;W..si: fci-' ! int. POSSIBLE'TO w : ji-siii; .!ii-' itiw a iemisii overcomes ueaness, 1 am w a . Blotches and removes all tt &Q9 MfArfa rift' UiiUlwHult -- Urn. l,lj1 lTdtTmDloaialittlasIidrti 1 'i SWill vwiit vet not-nsed' thprpR'fitcpibt idn thab! 1 street; where it cornea in. direct light is very brilliant. Ivi YWr'A'iff UMiiffli' ililiil !- 111 S:!'mm":M 'J"J '': ! 1 THE OfltY MEPICIMET LJ u inHttuijcis ox sii' rbU' t mm 0ngn-a ji i ii i ii i. 1 , wo! 10 sal iuiA iNttjbppoNjri irnr a fob- . k . . l Mstw mss meorporntea m isbsiotzs yearsy u Legis- iatum or sauoauoBar 'ana' vaaruaoie parposes with a capital ef $ljOOO.OOO-to which a reserve fund of jner 8420,000-aa8 smbeen added, , ' By an overwhelming, popular vote Its Yranchlse was made a part of the present State ConstituUon adopted Deoember 2d. At. D. 1879. t Its GRAND 8MQL4t JW1LBER Drawtogfl :WU1 take place monthly, i j,..fa it. ft i 1 : - tt never sealer or tooatptme. look at the follow logdlsMbationt ,'it - .wa a ? ..capitax prize. ssaooa 100.000 Tickets at Two PoUars eacn. i HaltTtaa .1 m s a i nr 'kiv.u .i t v 1 ft -1 , 0.UUU ..,(. o. prizes 01 .. ILOOO one froim im'.'TI'Ipw'' - thmks'Mtbat ? withrLaJi Z atttmmiZSmVF.i' sS6o 0004- - 10,i JSfa2.,fWo.ul. 10,000 muDfTTTV a Trrrvu TynvirDa Appronmaaon fnzea OLXoUU.. . .1-12,760 sapproxirnaaon mzes 01 auu Japntax&nattoBV Prues ef f 100.; .. lOO . 900 i5ifrt Yiyt Juiii a eanesDondln nmnts; wnntMi t &11 pointsi to Whom a liberal oeapeaaatton iwUI jroe nriaee miomaaoaj' ntieaayf giving Kegia iLii iXATjpinai u . - - New Orleans. Lotualans, w n. viuuraioyit i 1a.1u.1U iiWqMaiaJSbaawsvNeiw, Je!a Mrdbwi(IrawukTOmiMler the supervision and management of GenezaU G. T. BeauBSgaMt aAd JaQaT Xarly.-T tf ' ,.: iwiJNOTJKaTaTptiBLia The oqbUoaie Cerent eatlonetagkmst send uiKui wncy w.ro Nassau street New Tort Loulstaaa' tfitate "Lotterr Comi Mb iicBWaifi.iTney rej flooding ithei eeuutry IXfrJTCENTl rereenirlg themselves as IU 1 rjany,to.aen the tickets, andre not;li agents tor i le 1 .1 .. a Presl tetnaaa State Lottery Go, ;New Orean,liJFte.4,iB8L3aao! , LPQPTJTtR MONtHLYlDBAWINg OF.. THE F ..-v wrrrrrf o of taAT rni t "'- 4 (Hit tobeCitTbf LbalsVffl. on These drawlnirsiOTmerr exeenu ed) under proviskmaof an Act ef the General. Aa aembly .of JCentncfcyi..x i r iao1 i ! s The Onltafl : States . Oirott CkHnt 6n ltoreh. 81, rerMlered the following ideeisions: . i i8i xnai me ujmmonweaim mstriDanonuom pany is legal."-"-' us ; d-ritsdrawuitts ara falfc ' ' ' y nir ; . , . ... The iCemnanv Jiaa now en-hand alarsra Mrmm tnnd.. Read the list of prizes for the .'. ; i 1 Prize, 1000 Prize, .v.. 10tPrtaas.Sl.O01 X XlUKhttt.u U.'.-i..;.;;lL: eeh.,.i i.i.v .. 2u razes,., 6uu eacn,..i. 2flOPrSe. -ROeafth... 10,000 lO.OOfl 1 6O0.Pres,i 28 eaehw....'..ii. iuuu irazea. '-lu eaca... .21, 0 xniw, ouu oocu, KLiyiuxunau s $2,701 : 1.80A Ptsaa,fti10Q,.tt:i : 'fvfo u. .Ttiivs ti.ii '''i,' . Wj Half TkietoC f i 37 Tickets, 50; BRTIeketsVlloa TvT7A IHWiiun,... Whole TlcEets. '! Remit : iT.Kxpress. 85 amTupwaro; by Express; can be sehtatoor ec pejasiMajBssBuoxaersiO'! n .i-)ii : ... R. K BO A RDM AN. CourieisJwmal .Balloting uouuTuie, sr.. or buu Kroaawar mew xorr. .. J. hi Thfserea' Utaf-ttbst WHETHER IN ITSRlMARYBECONDART.CIR i4s;ini;Pww'oVtdi'iirn'i-i - - - - - - uaAusa . i -a Bemoves ail craoes' or Mere air -ronr taer system. kCnrea serofalaakl soresirhenirjafclsaLeazema, ,.itr:v eiwy4wlillsaaa.it i 11 .c-. trft, I TlIarrVA, ltay3188l. n I. .We have eases m. .our. town., who Jived iat Hot sViv; anV has glVi l&av Jiemphia,: ssee.May 12.1B81J BOldl.2WO 3es 0f .8, A 3. in a year. aBwersa' ou rar-nunded a WatttM SDeelf- ii fwii&aw&KSfi&fr very pnreiutaer neaas mine mgnesi termi aBrfcbmMl.hterma of v. r. s TM1M. YT. .too. eah mJM a . regard Jt the merits ots, a. rjB9tafk'muttmm xSser n'tns JjKjtiK pal id oJ siorei i ... If yW wisVe Wmvtftxe'TVtoeaSai Td BEPJB. u mt. nnn nriin ani M . t rwr Twrnt wnowm nqa, on anaiisu ok iuu pones oin oyr one parocre oi Mercury, lomae irwsmnm, or any i !! it in tifai irii ixjjj i. PmnrlAfma. Atlanta.' 1k. SelyrtWeerywneref " i vT. For further uiiormatioawrue iorme ivatu dooav sold dv T. c. HmuiL u k wnston a aoa, TTTT ;i) ill A-V? i ii is generauy that among out door neoe surpass the Bic o iameahaof lestorlrts: health fwfo those of -sedentary hab H its nflMnir i mofltnan. " leaoaiv aeraownc ue mus iio 3lt8: taV gtvUig new 3 1 n pleasnre. a Send oree .cent full lnforftarton.'-so' rat e02ttalm' IS Ut6 ..UN tWnu,lliy'ii!lB4 sh better aosfaetkm than pverwuL ' i id! I'li i?l 1 . V w I W .ebifasaaBd:t -.tiil ,,, f i aoa,Tor to us waoie-sys- rt Tl y Mil 1 died. Teadv-fdr Easiness of Ml MU- 1 sctHta Jt-, S P,ll.1. Art .M.-. Cht!nhTv in hrttinrtonaeed Known" as .Taft )iill i ; The1 mossovered backet,' leievk1 stlJ Linyotu'raairaaginauwEiu -m A tijtdterai tenia tedealei(Hi iism DOLOXZ9 Fgla'lXaatg'veanJnraa rnVittA.w,m Tiw,tiuf "tv0at, AS illktii J t -601 HWIWlii." WVTj , 1 T -- - aJ . At i tm2 fl fn -Tt ilttit hacji. . . . ... w1 asaaaBtaddieures dyswslaTSSS61 powerrai tonie and tmn o Mineral Wate r. .-t ; vt-tt.'. is; ii! ''-.:.: ' Beomiiiendedferylilg cathartic aM and to aU" forma of dyspepsia. g CASES CONGRESS WATER, cases rock bridge alum. il r J- it H 1 A CASES BUFFALO LITHU. AndWIIstrppiyof 1 tiJl tvu IMPORTED APOLLINARIS bsiH III '::! AMD 1 'ii! ifcVjit tll TIT I ai pos;,Waters. ttli'l 'TEB'MOPE' 1YELTY i JANOa TUX 1X31 ;KXmiJarEBiEllT, XWMsHiaiiTeAJa Lleblgsf.. ofSjSwSS? ff Jrffftl. ifarffrf JoMWMl--MHnnyadl Janos -WrleTiiSI.tt?rt . PW. FmtAoib, , Berlln.-.Invartably good and prempt atweeai: most vaJaBhle." i2t03awita4.VlaiiM4 have prescribed thesa writers wlUjmarkaWe anooesa:? lf.F20 presalbe none, iJToj: JJm& BntMon, If. D.I K & S., London. .rtv&ls, and surpasses pttal.NeQer.-'Preferred to 'Pnllna and Jfried- rlchahaU., Sir. fc f JOHftTHe McADEN, v' IjnporttogajPtepeaalngniajTna ,7fn.a li 'tisia... i ' NortaTfyoa St,'1 c ' 1 3ttARLOTTl, N. c. h k lWNT.GOjTOiSATtATOOA iWheiryotiieani get :nater lost Jaaffasa and spark- iwx as, wnen unowsjroia ue apnng at .aaratoga. WeresiBrTOtttt wijer; ttTarge .' hlock tin nWrvolrs whlca we fetem as sootf -a emptied to be refilled Again everj.wealc .i OiiKlijL'S.KcAOXN, hi ilhia-yl mi!j ovoPrnggw and Chemist cgrenujy oreparec by experienoed for night mm. ifi!ii I ..! ;t t: fi, if-.-i -.tff sn cy .ram icl Ji!nt:; ffarmp Seed ! lcfiiitl wall JiJ liKll 'K.lil b! ,XliU'UO i d .SEEP. .RWOnrfiXLJIipa;.. t i. 'wjftjw''1"'-1' ' a v.1 .. I. ViW 1AJMWWBTJE KOBFOLK, ;' t-' 4'-ifwwiiriW jWHlTE OLOBB ,:i riJ Io mtHj!Tr" "i! c .1' i "i 1 4 l li. S'iiiFlk'lX'lf h'ta ' C! .--:.ui..:n l-CKUXratAElViU ' v,fJ 0 n;1fllIW. ! u) niiS-tu: uii:.!iVfot BAOA BLony gp ur wede or yellow. A XIT1 T3T1TTC5t fC?T7T7 I I' iP'"ltIflW4Tff'RETiTAB13Ci - r T T. e e.sBwewF" Juuy i uo ,xli3 eu!J iu ji .nikJ-i iTTtlTfSnrifiT-un' Lr Ik; WKw" i 10 at, 1 .Ritiaff rr.i 11 1 " 'jfaf 'ftf baa .!' lo tiatuTlli ijjilV 2i ilia iU .u.i; la9' v.'3 Gii larttftJDortrtiil. rv H v I II II fa P edT dojtoeptnmy sf eeki o Aq.nToat and Brashes, I Hoping ti reeetv a sliarV pf public Mtrotissfi. laMa.jpwnecifiiUy. n:. . , anifeliwkrtWTOAgt. rrr FOR SALE ew &m wh."mpp etoi d4TTtf.tj!0tt eorner treeta. lar. ..eiwnvme. N.i'.i . M 1 .Kfat r If. vi . a - J 1 . ). . . . u lis fuoitv arfpiiitm I Kit Vd TZ. jr .r,i . ." "ii r tfiL um , --1X80. nunv irBWR'jrw' fitjiiivpetd .;;i. ..- ..;) l-!-3'i.r- ir.-.'. t ' .i..t ! : "fiji Mf !. !!-; ri.-Ii" ,;':' '! ' TTTRNTP i jAL!'Uw'l .11'. .it-' 1 iresn inm ana mre iiMmn .nww "Kdj ul es li M'yUW'il'Ml"! !. '1 I III Ml I Ni Aifr-ti MK srVTWW ,lf i bi .Uitaiitf ' Anm tbS nM ti lu'ihJvi' ri,iui in the Va. E3UIB Anam vAf A ri 1:131 - KiFI . i. U .insilH) MMr T nil (Hi lu TTiin Wftftl adi Ij mtimetstm ffitftSifna A. a r ;. . m .... - - , fadll Lilll wMdt VTMUil TecWonio pole anc wi uio mwcuttuiwu.BeuaruluU f B tEi IT . rOAJVU as a a J O.fl A M r nniMtnl fltmeL L&inm6rV fb20-Sw done by him. v (kiwi, a Alnatoo, ly CL eemrim Vuton co. - - f Jan. 23 - nu -Viiiii J (ue S3Unab

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