, . - . SJ- Stye IjcttlrtttlObfltoPtr il l . cm . 1 : 4 -- SVBS0BIPT10S RATES: ,jfxnuN(M..... i-jr..;..t..j...v. 400 j7kmmatt........ 2.60 Om rkmm. .. i ..t. ..... . 75 MMMKLX MMXtOS: whr ( comhivx advatM. .;. . . .. .92.00 2.10 aicnwntti.. ..... ........ i,05 hi IS, Are now opening a very larg and beautiful stock of DRESS GOODS ". V -aaaa A tretaendooe stock at Table Linens, all gradea, A large stock of Marseilles tdlts. All kinds or . flannels Basket, Open and Plain. The . bej atocfc-af .Carpets her ever bad. - . , They are making i specialty of IMB QXXTLKatgN xAND IOOIE3. THIS They have Hoop Skirts. White Goods, Laoes,J(avf broideries 01 an ainaa, and otner geoaa tar numerous to menttoo. " (PAXKKTXD (TO 13TB, 1876.) Ask for a pair of the Foter Kid Gloves, the best In the market. Alexander & Hank sep24 $00ts at) A &Uoz& inter 1 We are dally receiving our FALL & WHITER STOCK iUIOi, -4.' " . J which will be more complete than ever before aydcemptlaejthe LADOES', 1H8SXS', CHILDBXKS,' GXNT8 BOIS AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS1 SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lover grades all Roods in ear line allprlcee. FULL STOCK in variety and Stetson and Other Hats, APRJTTY J4N? -TRUNKS,' VALISES AND SATCHM ALL SIZES AND RRICX& Call and sea us. PEGRAM & CO. sepO tlrJCTatOS, I9aiss abate Mixsi DataJKayLi'l Lv. Charlotte, - A-L. Depot imtfti " Salisbury. Arr.Grsensboro ' Lv.GreeosbOT Arr.Balalgi r-s Lv. " tr. ureensoera for Btcamood f.V.PMVlllO If Art1 Art, pelle lAax ArrJtananMtflr Arr. jyohmond-i !4.4 Aj-7.28 AW tmins woraa won. DaUCay 1589; No. 42 Dally. WO. 48 Dally. No. 50 Daily Lv. Richmond. -" Barkevtua, Arr. N. panvUlw itrr. GMeBsbora ia46 ru 12.00 x 2.43 n 6.05 rw ai8rwi f.27 &17P 8.8T 088 PW OS AW 98 f 11.16 ft SaUsbary Arr. A-L. Junction 12.45 KW! Charlotte .; Lv. JOefainond i' M letenvflle " Dra?s P?ch " Barkadale " Danvulw " Benaja " Greensboro "SaUsbary 14)0 ?wi 1220 AWl 2.65 F f 4.41 i 6.Q7 PW 7.25 pw . 7.51 PW 8.55 FX 9.7 PW 11.05 FX 12.26 AX jibVao'Vx rr. Cbarlofte -' I .''.'.'..., tiXX BBAXCW. ! Na 48-Dally, apt Sunday. Leave Greensboro.. ...A 9.40 PW .....1140 F Arrive Salem. Ha 4T-D4UJ.MPt Sunday, Leave Saleas v Jw ....... Arrives Oreensboro... 7.80 AX 8.00 w 43-1, MtfDtSundar, 4V AX res wawnt;...., 881 Fall&W 881 Best Brands LatestStyles -. - . ' i , . I ' 1 Re. 4tJ ' Ko. 49 W.48. Dally j DaQy t Pally 4.06 ami 6.15 AW 4.16 411 AW f-80 PW 5.56 AM 7 JO AM lAglT t g.03 aw -80 aw XCf . 8.25 AX VO AW Slg, rm for jUch- 1.45 w ....'v nr ad only iqo. ......... JPtfw 1.20 55:.! ,2.24 Mk 2 55 FX ........... !S.20P ra .- JetarsVliyr Tomahawk 1 ii tl A RK PMl Na 48-DaUy. Vam 8alstt..,;.C;.......;' MO fJJ r Arrive Graaaaboro... 70 r - LtsoWed anils skM.at 60 wlU only wtak short stoppages at point yarned oa the schedule. Passengers taking train Ad front Charlotte will get aboard at tbeB. AD.B. & depot This train, makes Vwe eeaaeeaon at Grensttoro far R&leigk, GoUaboro Newborn and a poima on Wumlng ton k Weldon fiaUroad, -i' - -.y, ir,-"-Trtr4'M X T and4S makl U Vocal 1 c - ItHM Woaasbore, JsAand.Go Jsbr 4T making eonneeUon wtta w. N.C. B at feaary far AshavUla (Sundars exceDted). and alaoeoBr neoaogal Greensboro anXh, sk Brahob (Bos) , Passenger trains Woe. 42 and 48 make aD loeal stops- betweentluriott and Blefanyaya, wagept waerr s awisparg,MMHW wwa tvnmomtt w woods I and Jamaatown. wo. 43 eowvflU BtaewBsasaawsV voro. in VOL. XXVI. 8rg ggxtgy EIjcttMttfr A-t; WE HAVE The beat assortment of wraps for ladles in the city, embracing DOLMANS In light weight material of the nnest texture, front $10to486; Ulsters; Ufsterettes. AXD ' -v WALKING JACKETS. . These. gds were bought for less than ft cost to mannfactore them, and an Inspection will conTlnee yon that we offer the trade the advantage of the low purchase. Our Fall Stock is Now Complete, And oar friends are Invited to give as a call. T. L SeMe & Co. sepl8 UlLLER (8 A PUBELY VEGETABLE fiBlAEpY far XXTEBHA and EXTE&WAL Uso. baa Mr fniUd wlmn used "bottle, and la vrftcil toft .A HVUE VVVLK lot ! Thiraas. Canada. Utr' xai' DTaaterTft Cxvuaps. irff lS-THK BESTjrewiedr Itlfbmm fur KeaJiMkieH. JUBIBMVaiADK. It Brt eCiitaj Pyrahaa, Sever Baoraa, eta. PscraMtVflawCeiPk kHV,d- U fact of aS ataaaas wsntm t.HWUM-1 - arwar as-naae ana ip. La41j wkh be wfthoot fhii Its Moo brin. aU.a&d tt fffl snnuaUy aara 1 4te 4i Aoctora biUa. L Aaftl at Aa. fcOa, an4 1 a b.ttit. l IRKY DAV tOMrevldnce,R.I. . . . . roprfeora . Sept. 22-12t -J J-.iC. lalDODSKD'OY' -Ak THE GREATEST r.lEDlCAL TRIUf jPH OF AGE. SYMPTOM Or A TOI7P1D LIVER. Xaof sptottto JT4na4a.bovels oewtrvyi Pain In theHead.wita a dt TTTHiaWAjurnrQsiTaTnrHiiDii), " JERIOUJ DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. r ' TtTTTt FILL! are espeeiaUy adaptad to oAeas .on de-ireeta swabaehangw of fUag as to assonlsn tb suirarcr ms lb APtlt. and saat the and by thil?fia AMtwsibatb kJ t, tgaativo Onau, Umgulmr aJa arepro- aaaa.-- ;rnea j ania. aaairamy wmm, m. m . TDTIPS rlAIR;;DYE, CraATiH. wWnnrru ehanvad ta a OlASSY ippiicauon or tnis vtb' it, Cologne jKS? law a.Uacbaa-1 . W fcc whoara tirad out by wone or rjJi"J yow can PvtBviryapgjq-iX!'- ' ' rt J tji.XaiaT.Wltk nfTnll ast IfaalthAltreM?Z"f Uod farMoariarto Bittaw 4 ether Toalo as a bailda a rsytt, tut-aaf , ;et. aad i i St sitas. Hiacox yaUiftWns aWMfHtW 4 CO Ic5l P ml, j co iPl i ill SLJIllj!a5sBjSWi., " ..I)!"1 aiaensationiii tha haek parwi'ain under Vh snotuaer- iotd soma gr. yearioefi. Otsaaoii. jffifewufo ih Heart, lioii before the naaaat alaliL hicUr colored Urlna. a r . n : . Hucz cf i nun ciftlceVSOTn 1SU a . aw v CHARLOTTE OBSERVATIONS. To tell a good onion: Hire your best girl to eat it raw. u tne onion is good your stay win oe snort. Contempt of court: A Texas Juryman snored so loud In the jury box that he woke the Judge from a sound nap and was promptly fined for contempt oi coon. Detroit nee rreas. The French are gaining ground rapidly In To ms, une regiment nas Dune a three nunarea men. Texas sinings. Brattleboro man: "Do bankers ever go to heav en t" Never heard Canada called by that name Deiore. Boston eon. "les,8tr,"ald Mr. Gallagher, "It was fanny enougn to maze a aonxey maun, i laagaea au i cried." Scientists have discovered that the bee Is not very busy after alL He la Just like some folks always buzzing around getting a taste of the sweets and enjoying himself. He finishes mak ing honey In about six weeks, and loafs all the rest of the summer. Delmordco smoked thirty cigars a dy, black ones, extra long, made especially for htm In Cuba. Let us hope he has gene where smoking Is on anown. .Boston Transcript. Barly to bed and early to rise, Is good for the sleeper but rough on the flies. Detroit ree Press. When I marry again. 111 mate with a gray haired widow, with stamps for a background. Chrlatlancy. STATE NEWS. The recent freshets other advance in the stuffs in this section. hare caused an price of bread- Raleigh News-Observer: Nearly 500 sets of equipments have been issued from the State arsenal to. troops the past week. Shelby Aurora : There seems to be a revival in the building business in this place. The house carpenters are all busy. Ashboro Courier: Everything .wears a life like appearance this week. The rains produced a wonderful change. The mills and factories and shops are fairly whizzing. We are not able as yet to give our readers any reliable news from the rail roads promised us. Occasionally we learn from the Chatham Record that the Midland surveyors are still in the land of the living. Commissioner McGehee is daily re ceiving articles -for exhibition at At lanta. The bulky ones are left at the depots to be forwarded next week. Mr. Chas. H. Jones,' who wits thrown outtf his buggy about three miles from Raleigh, at the Jeffries- place, last Fri day, and sustained serious injuries,died last niche. His funeral services will be held at Ephesus church, in this county. Mayor J. F. Murrill, of Hickory, yes terday sent the following telegram to Governor Jarvis: "We have no mails on this line, and would like to suspend business during the funeral of the President. When will it be ?" To this the Governor at once replied by tele graph, giving the day, Monday. ' Wilmington Star: "Father" McNa mara, of whom our readers have heard often, is capable of many surprises. Me was unfrocked whilst in charge of the Raleigh Catholic church by Bishop Gibbons, now Archbishop. He turned up in .New York two or three years ago as the founder of the Irish Catholic Church. Well, he has become a Bap tist, was baptized by Rev. Dr. Fulton at the Brooklyn rink, recently, then ap peared at the pastors' conference and made a short address. Oar Troopa svt YorKUva. Raleigh News-Observer. Day by day the prospects grow bright er for a splendid appearance of North Carolina troops at the grand celebra tion at Xorktown. Adjutant-General Jones is in the city, engaged in making definite arrangements for the appear ance of the State Guard there. The display will he in every respect credit able to the State. The troops are being admirably equipped, in a style not sur passed in any State in the Union. An abundance of tents have been secured for our troops. The North Carolina State Band is organized and uniformed and will be one or the nnest in the South. The transportation arrange ments have been perfected. The State appropriation will amply defray the bulk of the expenses, to companies the trip will be a comparatively inex pensive one. In brief, everything points to a fine parade of the State forces, and a trp to historic Yorktown pleasant in allVespegts. Eact town ox community should make it a matter of personal pride that its company shall go in good style. Troops from all the States will be pres ent, and any defects or shortcomings will be noticeable. Thus far the following, companies have reported to the Adjutant-General as in readiness: to go to Xorktown : Of the FJrst Regiment Raleigh Light Infantry Goldboro Rifles, Or ange Guards, Edgecombe Guards, Washington Light Infantry. The Newbern Grays, Elm City Riflemen and Hamilton Guards are still in doubt about going, but it is hoped will go. The Kinston Rifles decline going. Of the Second Regiment Fayette ville Independent Light Infantry, La Fayette Light Infantry, Wilmington Light Infantry, Duplin Rifles, Hor nets' Nest Riflemen and Anson Veter ans have reported as ready to go. The Charlotte Grays, Polk Rifles and An son Guards decline going. - Of the Third Regiment-The Win ston Light , Infantry,. -Alfcermarle Guards, Durham Light InfUy and Rockinghani Guards' nave reported as ready to go also a platoon of the Boan oke' Light Infantryv The Henderson Light Infantry .wtlpprobry gr. The Guilford ray will iiat attend. Of the- Second Battalion The Ire dell Blues, Shoe Heel Rifles and the Salisbtiryifles-hare-deported them selves in readiness to go. The Cleve land? Guards, 'and'7 the Southern Stars will not attend. . Thus .out of the thirty-ope .Infantry, companies irtUjefiaard, nineteen (jemr panies are certainly goifcg, and; proba-bly-three others. The companies will average thirty-six men each, and the whole force will he from 700 to 800 men. An Editor' Strange FrenenMwent t There was something singularly pa thetic in the death of Mr. W. B. Horner, managing editor of the Pittsburg Com meroial Gazette, heretofore mentioned intheflfww. He was prostrated with over work on Xhe day after Gen. Gar field was shot, and he conceived the idea that his fate was wrapped up in that of the President. On Monday night he heard the bells tolling and knew that the event' which he regarded as fatal to himself had come. He grew rapidly worse snd died; on Wefl- FROM HAIU&15S8 IiaTIWALS, arid JSAVl Si needs of fading and Jngljajv wnair Balsam has tacen the first yank as aaalagant and reliable hair restorative. . Metn.BumoSBrxt ilia with real pleas ore that I add my testtinonyto toegreat vlrtaea l rJwwMioini! aa a aneclfifl for neanVgia and sick headache ! Such remedy to.a blesstaavand In auflBrers should keep It ooband. ; ijwi Cathedral street, Baiumore. 1 8oM by L. B. WBISTOa & CO. N. 0., SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1881. The income OF Iheer-Empress Eu genie is J250,000a year. There are streets called' Rue Lincoln and Rue Washington in Paris. A Rue Jefferson has been suggested. The Virginia Chronicle savs that tha shrinkage in the value of Comstock.t shares, in me iast six years, is 9204,402, 704. f According to the official statistics not a woman over 30 years of age was mar ried in Phiiadeipnia during the year of grace 1880. Mr. Edward Atkinson, of Boston, will send Chinese beans for distribution at the Atlanta exposition. An acre of beans yields twenty-five gallons of oil. During the last ten years the annual production of buckwheat in the United States has increased about 200,000 bushels. Barley has Increased 15,000, 000 bushels and rye 3,000,000 in the same period. A Mormon missionary informs the press ihg&terevartlxio Irish men or wo men among the Mormons. He did not intend it, but he paid a just and high tribute to the Lrish character. Phila delphia Record. The Duke of Hamilton intends to raise the whole of the rents on the Is land of Arran,. in Scotland. In some cases the advance is several hundred per cent. The Duke has recently lost heavily on horse-racing, and his ten ants will have to pay for his folly. A paper published at St. Louis, where the jail is crowded with murderers, says of Crank Mason : "His only crime was the discharge of fire-arms without orders, for which, under the circum stances, he ought to be cashiered as a sergeant and immediately appointed a lieutenant." - " "I look forward with joy and hope to the day when our brave people, one in heart, one in their aspirations for free dom and peace, shall see that the dark ness through which we have traveled was but a part of that stern but benefi cent discipline by which the Great Dis penser of events has been leading us on to a higher and nobler national life." James A. Garfield. "A Prince of Breffny" is the title of Mr. Thomas P. May's new novel, which is in press and shortly to be published by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, of Phila delphia, Pa. The hero of this charming book was a famous Irish soldier of for tune and the first Spanish Governor of Louisiana. The book has a clearly de fined, healthful value, while the au thor's power of narrative is remarka ble, and the work will amply repay pe rusal. A colored man living near Lowes ville, Va., dream ped one night a short time since that there was a snake in his bed, and waking up proceeded to feel fur his snakeship, when to his astonish ment a serpent he found, and one which showed his displeasure at being disturb ed by biting the man. The snake was hurled to the floor, where he proceeded to bite a dog, and then escaped through a cat-hole. The dog died, but the said son of Ham, after drinking a pint of whiskey, recovered. Tbe ar field Fund Another Appeal From Mr, Field. Following quickly upon the shooting of President Garfield on the 2nd of July last, Mr. Cyrus W. Field came forward with the suggestion mat the Chamber of Commerce of New York should raise a fund of $250,000 for the benefit of the family of President Garfield. should the wound terminate fatally. In a few weeks nearly $160,000 were sub scribed to the fund, mostly in New York eity, though Chicago contributed $10,009 and Philadelphia the same amount. Of which nearly $155,000 was paid in, of which $145,000 were devoted to the purchase of $125,000 of Govern ment four per cent, bonds. Tb,e tem porary improvement in the condition of the President then caused a cessa tion of the contributions, but now that the President is dead a new impetus has been given to the soheme, and yes terday $22,500 were subscribed, inclu ding 8&00Q by the well known banking firm of Brown Bros. & Co. The U. S. Trust Company of New York, is the custodian of the fund. Mr. Cyrus W. Field publishes a card in the New Y'ork Evening Post of yesterday, in which he says that the four per-cent. bonds recently purchased remain on de posit with the United States Trust ? a. .4 a a v a a il . a . a . in trust to Mrs. uarneia, me interest oi which $5,000 a year will be paid to her quarterly as long as she lives, and at her death the amount will be equally divided among the children of James A, Garfield. There is a cash, balance, independent of what was contributed yesterday, of $1,318, which, with what may be contributed hereafter,will be applied in the same way. Mr. Field adds the annexed touching appeal : "Our dead President has no favors to give, no honors to bestow. He can hot be touched by the tokens of public sor row, even by a whole nation following at his bier. But there is a practical way of showing respect for the dead by kindness to the living. He i gone, hat his wife and his children lve to, carry through all their Hves the burden of this great gorrof. Mrs. Garfield will soon leave with the remains of her late husband, who was lately at the head of fifty millions of people, for her distant home, widowed and desolate. Only ones before has there' been any thing so pathet ic in American history. That the country will deal generously with this stricken family,, we will not doubt. But great bodies move slowly, and it is long to wait. We have prefer red to do something now; asking only the privilege of , in this first flush of grief, of BhQWiDjj pur sympathy in. a practical, w, ay, and so, in some degree, if we cannot soothe the hidden sorrow, of relieving the anxieties that must press upon that widowed mother's heart. HOW EE PPT A STOjj TO IT, Scapnlng a. St. Louis exohang reaently we no ticed the following Item: Mr. Horace G. Wines la one of the best known yourig railroad men iaSt Loots. Kr. Wines says that some mouths ago he was attacked with a pain In th side, which finally settled into a severe pleurisy. He suffered extreme pain, and tried- several camecues without experiencing any benefit Finally, by: the advice of several triendsf he gave the; St. Jacob OH a teat, and found that It allayed: tbe patoreatly.; Continuing Its use, he found the trouble complete ly removed. Since then symptoms ox tbe pain have appeared, but an; Immediate application f St Jacobs. Oil put a stop to tt at aoa.! If is need less to, say how great a value Mr. wiaes purs, on Uils simple,' effectual and inexpensive remedy. : - V ; " uano cw'cocA wiTOV '". iiy patients' derlvo marked1 'and decided ben- bunk Mia iu tbe stamacn aua jwwaiaBaBnency. andCOroSWhteh aw ail but syraptons at dM900 digesaoavltuiti vaiaaW Also valuable .tavWHounea. malaria debility, monthly suffering. ; Jjw,eowWnta. and; sick headache. Ueblg CVs CeeaBef Toftljv tlta-Ask for Oaraaw goods are nearly all in, and we' wffl take pleasure In showing them to everyWdy that wOJ favor as with a call. Oar stock comprises a full line of SILKS ILKS QHOOBAHS CATIN8 JJtlOODAHS yj utiks STJBAHS AND StASHlfXKKS UBAHS AND ASHMBBS In all colors, combinations, etc. We have a beautiful line of Brocade Silks and Satins. HARGRAVES & WILHELM. aep!8 and ArriviDg A Full Line Fall Clothing. A Full Line of Boys' School Suits. 13 A Full Line Gents' Furnishing Goods, and the hand somest Line of Neckwear ever exhibited in this State. Call and see us before making your purchases elsewhere, as it will save you Time and Money. L. BERWANGER & BRO., Leading Clothiers and Tailors. A handsome line of (Dime fflnnonciDEcffl DI)D)Dmaiims Of the Most Desirable Styles In Light-Weight Diagonals, Drab d'Ete, Cassimere, and other light-weight materials, trimmed most elegantly in pasmentaries, laces and fringes. Also, Light-Colored Dolmans and Jackets Adapted to the Fall Season. We will offer this lot of goods at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. They are handsome and cheap, and worth your while to see. Call early, as they are al ready selling freely. Our stock ia COMPLETE in every department. We invite attention to onr new styles ot Clothing Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladies Cloaks, Shawls, Etc., of which we have made a specialty. Also, a large variety and you will find prices to suit the timet. BECKETT & MeDOWELL, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, COKTRaCT FOB CONSTRWOTON AND KRK7TIOH 07 MINirTO MAtBlNraY OF EVEBT EWtfTTOIf35?3?' " MAKU' FACTUBX AND Th uiiii(rtmn nf at f!TT iT.T.ais Aicfi ott cuum, uey cnauoD THE ATTENTION Ottaa Trade geaetany, and alaa tbe eaaaoner, to called to aurspeelal braadr ofv aaleabla aad staple Smakmc Tabaacaa .aittlag BalL Boraasa Lang Cuts and BrvU iirkam ta vrkleh we are naw adalag a full Una of-Vha latest atylas of tha moat toalagradesofiftaglkaA- Twist Tobaccos. We caa, ia a few weeks, afar IdueenMBta In Chewing Tobaccos that a other maaufactnrars can equal. Oat salesmen will make regular trips ta Cnarlotta, tha trAu nf arro mtrriata la rMMfn. iaiHs)4 ir . - - w arr TMnrrm . . aMgnamo augs JOHN G:TOUNu, Agent, College Street, oeu xrauo auum, kju,!. ' 7 ' NO?3S908. 23r n Oar stock of Dress Trimmings in ' -Sarahs, Satins, Silks, Pasmentry, Beaded Lace, i Beaded Fringe, Omanents, Cords and Tas sels, Cordai Buttons, etc., i Is the most comfctetaever offered in this market , A beautiful line of K. HOSIERY, IBiSONS AND GLOVES. The latest Novelties In Neckwear. srrxT-r Winter DDaily in Large of our Celebrated samples for garments to be made Ladies, We Have Opened rO- s:... ..... SSLbAOBJCULTUBAL AND POBTABLK BNtHHlta, tnu iHApre riMiumM tiiAmrM tn iimiiim better . Stockholders' Meeliog, ' i ; AGrotraiElfjnmNa drt&o stockholders of the Babtm Oa Short Line Pail way Co. will be held at the affice of the Atlanta and Charlotte Air line Ball way Company, In the City of Cnarlotta, N. C on the 25th of October, 1881, at J 0 o'clock a. m., to consider an agreement ta consolidate tbts company with the Knoxvlllo aad f Augusta vail way Company and the Clayton Railroad Co, , seplad4w - &KIPWITH WILHEB, BecY : ' MAWUTACTUMBS OF f -: 1 I . i I i t f iga any manmacoirar or agricultural engines not noea wiiu aa bbmmmwc - zz7' t-- - forfeit of Si00 tojl.000, as maybe desired. - These; engines nam 4 anu a-ww ,vy, . K ... ; . , ... THE OBSXBVJEB JOB DaTiTMXNT. Has been thorough rtippHed irtaaWoaMM want, and with tha latest stylet ot Typa, and every manner of f JjtoPrtoOhf caBnow doa WUh neatness, dJmwtpJ tniCnhaWtsi. ZW'etXL(af nish at short jwttce, J , T, . - , BLAHTIdVHilDk-lll L LKTnarHIiJ)a,CAED3, . . tags, BxempTs, posttbs, ' FBOGSAlOnCS'HAKDBILLSr AMPgIJTS.CntCTJLAB8, CHXCXS, . LOur NXW PEINT3 at 5 and 7a antery attnetlte Our Windsor Bobe Pompadoanare Very pret ty. All-wool Black Buntings at 1S& Cre tonnes In endless "variety. : f wi A beautiful stock of CLOAKST-'CDiatANS AKD- WALKING JACKETS. Clothing Quantities. Own Manufactured to order. of Carpets and Blankets. Call ELI AS & COHEN ti W1iwm fai what ther engine. To snow ueir eeuewnee HI WDW aw; .j;L.;:nARpIN, , -MlBCHAlf DISK BBOXSB MEECHANT Orders for , llToor.l Jtooon, v-r Tobacco-, MniaiawM.- fta.roapect- VnnVaArMfcMfc haohMLpVaiMaats and relta- ble houses represented. ja28- acliinerv r a. mmnonHva Mat; ax a. Srnt,adifa;l maris