Stye l)atIotteibSir. LOCAL THURSDAY, SEr; Bssj SOCIETY blREOTbaY i . Phalajtx Lodss Nx 81, A. I.&i. 1L-Beular meeting every second and fourth Monday nllit. Excxxbiob Lox Na 261, aVTf. de A. M. B ular meeting every first aat mini Tuesday lUghta? CHABLom Chaptxb Na 89, R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and 1 ounn Friday nigotsT Chakuhtb OonuHDABr Na- 2, K. T. Rea-ular meeting every first and third Thursdays. K.OPH., knights or Hohob. Regular ; meeting n second and fourth Thursdays, ' . Knights or Pythias. Regular meeting nlahta first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock pTm. atMa- sonlc Temple HalL. CHiKLorra Lodqi Noi 8i-Meeta every ' Mon day night. Mkcklkhbubs Dbclabatioh Loses Na a Meets every Tuesday night. r, jr . Dim Lodqb Na 108. Meets'every Thursday night ., . :' : Catawba Rim KMOAKPianrr Na 21. Meets r irst and third Thursday night to each month. index to Now AdTertlaomenta. Opera House Nightingale MhWrela ' 1 Boarding C W. Bradsbaw. Notice-Wlttkowsxy ft Bantehi '-1 . t Wanted-Board. ' HOME PENC1XJ NGs, t- Fruits , are , rapidly disappear- i ug ly Kunkels!jNighUnala Minstrels next. U U,j f iiv Typhoid fever is growing beauti fully less. - 1 C" Judge? Avery haa not- yet ren dered hisdiclsiob In the Cochrane case. cyThe noon mail from the north, was one hour and , ! half ate.;yester day. ' ' 71 " ' Ij "" ' EST All the farmers are busy sowing wheat. What sublime faith, after the drought. EThe roadbed of the 'Atlantic, Tennessee andQhio is said now to be in first rate order. A meeting of the congregation of St. Peter's Episcopal Church takes place to-night at the churph building. The balcony in the opera house is tour or five degrees hotter than the parquette winter or summer. The hot air rises, you knpw. tW The big four squad of police men have killed thirty dogs within the week beginning last Thursday. The other squad will try its hand the com ing week. : 1 IW The wounded burgler, Biggers, now in jail, is rapidly getting well. There is little doubt that hewill be Jin perfectly good condition by the time he comes to be hanged. tW It is rumored that the present night schedule on the W.N.C.R. II. will be changed in a few days so that the run to and. from Asheyille.wiU be made in the day. ' J " , W Mr. McSmith, of the Mqsic flouse, has bought for the coming sea-, son 100 Chickering pianos, 200 Mathu sbek and 600 organs. He expects a big and safe business ttis fall and winter, Our exchanges from adjacent sections nearly all contain the adver tisement of the well-known house of Wittkowsky & Baruch. if there, is a bouse in Charlotte that knows how to make advertising pay, they do. ' - IQEstheticrThe "utterly utter" kind of talk has infected the street gamins, one of whom, afer picking up a more than usually fragrant cigar stump exclaimed to hi friend: "Jack, this is quite too positively bully." tT The dray horse of Messrs. Davis & Calder ran away from the Richmond & Danville freight depot yesterday. He turned ud College street and flung the wagon down the embankment opposite the gas house. '. The wagon was demol ished and the horse slightly put Communion services will be hehi at the Second Presbyterian church Sun day. A preparatory sermon win oe 0- of the Associate Reformed chapel. E38fA gentleman in the city from Morganton, yesterday stated that for seven days during the anxious time of the President's dying and lying in state there was no mail in Morganton, all the mail cars being above the washouts on" the Western North Carolina Railroad. . ' JSrYom Kipper, the day of Atone ment, according to the 'Jewish faith, Will occur next Monday. The tn days' of penitence are nowjbeing pherved, occurring from Eriday last, the com mencement of JSev Ver. and continu htfibrdugh Mdn4f. tta thatidy the stores of bur Jewish citUens Will again be closed."" Robbedi. . . . . Mr. W. B. Mavhew. in Davidson township, was robbed of. $61.05' lasti Sunday night, the thief having Entered the house while the family was asleep. The money was taken from the pockets of his pants. No clue to the thief. iaa i t . B .. Crooked SptriM. jVjJ On the 22d inst, Dr. Gi L Houston in Payiason township, near Mount Mpurne, found two parrels, of crqqEea ganar;!ve1ftd "Sotee toWqh and Jtftcks, each barrel containing :ten, op telye gafldns, U restivtngnTesum- ably beeu disposed Of n m mSfifoQf hood, " ' ' . . Senator Vaaco mt tb AtiHtjriExpl. Hon. Gov. Vance has been invited by the executive committee of the Atlanta Exposition to deliver the address of welcome for the South" en the occasion of the opening exercises on the 5th of October. He has accepted the invita Benator Voorheps, of Indiana, re? jiponus for the estW yortft. Death of n irWnf PbyaU:Ti. 1 1 We regret to learn that Dr. Thos,l4. Martin died at bis home near Walkers ville, in Union oountv. N. C- on the 25th inst. He was the son of T. L. Martin. Esq.. of HarriBbursr. and had been located in Union county about three years, where .he acquired a large practice.' He had been married only about eighteen months, and -conse quently leaves a young -wife to tnonrn ,1 '- - -1 Deplorable 8t4Mff Af lairs. A A cur'lqus' young kntletoanf yester day took it into hu head to count the niarriageable yotoftg -women and men latown. He abandoned tke count of the former, nowever: with a algh when Trade and Tit. .triif- lnnA toanned out ninetyengihleo v..o uu4B town xurnuneaomy weui.f r Oman in ts Vaan Tiinalf liin and rook pretty while a man hak not only, to igbt the world, the 'flesh and the devil, but must be pretty well 'Area i(r many aya besides. : ' tmw ..S W HOBS eTBSNGTH reetortafpower in a 60e bettuW p.. du. tmiih than tn a bushel mt atait or acallon ef milk, as ma appeUV "'vwoa porlflet and kidney orracton 'loam u hofoto Uk?lCaDdUvaljSitod uTiKuium ior ound and body, seeadr. preached to-nignt oy k?v. jk. 4.. nm- eard. of the Lutheran church, ana t fnorrow night by Xlev. Mr: Waller, Cap. Klrklsuad'a Leg amputate. . K- It is learned with regret that the fa- vuroia reports or uapt. b, 8. Klrkland's iu. lecoyexy- irom ine ejects of the accident by which his lea waa broken 8omtweeks.ago,ert 'rather prema tuitbcamei necessary 44ast Saturi day to amputate his left leg above the knee. lie is still in Rutherfprdtoii. The oporfcanpurg ii era ia says the operation wasnerrormed by Dr; T. -8. Means, of Spartanburg, assisted by Drs. Rucker, Craton, Harris, and Hicks, of Ruther fordton. He is reported to be doing as Wall na ftA liA a. ' . " - vwu uc uiyecteu unaer tne cir cumstances, , .. A New ni06la Ratkerfr4Un. - The Spartanburg Herald says: "We ro giaa to iearn tnat our old friend Dr. A. H,;Kabors, of Rutherford coun ty, N. C has had the. good fortune to find a gold mine on a plantation he owns in McDowell county, JX," C. A geptleman who has, seen some speci mens from this mine informed us that some rocks weighing t pounds would turn out 20 pennyweights of gold, t We congratulate Dr. . on his good luck. and hope it will turn out to be a per- aoci, uouanza, nyw'm Cnrt, Another full attendance at mayor's court yesterday morn ins. jthe Jim Fox, colored not the famous Jim-of the Central Hotel, however was fined 82.50 and costs for an assault on Anderson Crawford. ':J' A. Ligon, a respectable-looking young white man; who has been In Charlotte for some days on a bloody drunk, was fined $2.50 and costs. , Mary Clinton and Mary Wilson, two colored unrepentant Magdalens, were up for an affray. The former was fined $2.50 aad costs, and the latter $5.00 and costs. Pemaak Mr. M. M. McRae, who was confin ed to his bed in Asheville dnring the greater part of the summer from an at tack of fever, has returned to the city, and will soon visit friends and relatives in Montgomery county. -The Winston Leader says: We Welcome to Winston Mr. E. J. Allen and family, of Charlotte. Mr. Allen will open in a few days, a large and splendid stock of jewelry in the Jokn ston building " Mr. Allen has closed out his business here to his former partner, Mr. W. A. Truslow, who con tinues at the old stand. The removal of Mr. Allen from Charlotte will be heard with great regret y the very large number of friends lie has here. - ."- " : N Prof. J. C Baker comes up trromptly for Octobe--Wercan: Jtmt .admire the indomitable BWrlt? of .'the prophet, so 8ublimery in4iserentderlficaUon: 1-2 fair and little .frost; 8 fair and cool wind; cloudy, cool wind, north east ; 6 rainy and cold wind, north east; 6-7 mostly cloudy and cold, wind, and little rain; 8 cloudy: 9 cloudy and fog; 10-H heavy rains; 12-13 nearly fair; 14 little rain; a5 foggy morning; 16--llttle cloudy; ltlitfle rain and wind; 18 rain and thunder ; 19-20 fair and eold; ai nearly fair and cold; 82 cloudy 23 rain and thinder ; 24 foggy and little rain ; 25 cloudy; 26 rain and cold: 27-28 near ly fair and Cold ; 29 fair agd cold 30 little cloudy; ai rainj. A ' Chsurlottean Ua Only Sufferer 1st tke Atlanta Rowv The Atlanta Constitution of Tuesday in the account of the street confusion Monday afternoon, which was near be coming a riot, says the only person ac tually nurt was a Mr. Mifler It was learned by telegram to his family here yesterday that thejlr. Miller referred to was Mr. Jno. Miller, formerly a clerk in the drug store of Dr. JH. McAden, who lately became an-employe of a drug house in Atlanta. Mr. Miller was struck oyer the lef t eye with a stone . thrown with great force by an un known man, and the wound is quite a bad one, although by ho means danger ous. The row originated in the arrest of a colored boy who had knocked a white lady off the pavement during the rush for admittance to the opera house lot the Garfield memorial services. -' : ' 1 & W"i The audience at the opera house last night was not so ; large as was reasona bly expected to see so distinguished a comedian as JnoK. Owens. But those who were there were fully appreciative of the rare treat d an evening with the character creator for Mr. Owens is that. OTeKemmehtfy. The written words have tfttW to tio with the result When the fun Was1 surprised vou into one of those laughs, which, responsive not to the ebarp - insertion of a witti cism, but ,to the diffusive glow of hu mor, seefha come , through the pores of 4iiekin and not only fromthe throat you baye time ta remember that e rias3&ald 'nothing at' all funny : but e has dona a great deal. ? He "has acted svbu Have Seen the' rtoe characters m you;own , experience act, and it is all that fun,' so entirely irresis table and agreeable, which does upon occasion in- duee men, to forget everything which mar: be mean or contemptible in its creator, for the pure pleasure -they de rive from the idiosmcracies. He was even pleasanter as "Joshua Butterby" than as "Solon Shingle." The other members or the company acquitted themselves with credit The pianist's name doeairnot appear upon Haiel Kirke. on the 10th of October, wUUiave b&en presented ljOOO times. and vet it is as popular, as when nrst put on the toardiv, - ,u- : f-nuiy jsmerson cwses witn navcr ly'a Mastodons on the 2d of October, and will go at once to California to or ganize a minstrel troupe of his own. Tom Keene. while playing Riche lieu at Cleveland the other night suf fered the uncomfortable mishap or nav ing his pany w dienee an iuUrtoe? fea!re of. the Hrf rt'f.mahrA. ' m. -L L .11 11 4- T TT fine latest ppapr aaya miu.4ft TTaverlviaabinintO: the circus busi- nA&fl. nombinina forces with W. C Coup, At present tne story is omy rownfMS If itshould become truth, wouldn't that SSSTJe Fanny Davenport s company ior i.h-.Mmitnr season will contain the names of Charles Fisher, Barton Hill, George Dowell, Harry Pierson May Davenport ana sasxj saaw. uus mor . - r-i 1 . . j-w m m timnr will be business manager. Oliver Doud Byfoh isr dbinjl the eensgtidrfal in his Across the Continent vuvr VhrkerSl and in return for the blood: and "thunder of the stage, catches btoodyrrotpflref onpne jaews- papers, who pcueme yia uatureieu tnna act An.hAroi04CfaOrn a f ' iXMrJnAiTFflfti wUlnrtog several companies, aonthi dqringttesensonvarj ProfwisorrilHeai KMrVnri isttt. mem- ber of the RArai uou exenoary eargeoms oi land. Professor 01 rr 01 ine nonw, Wirgeonorn MY hVl thvratnanio inowerl tn Arrilcated Xxtraot of Itch naroi.-. wi. rw- rtnatf ulvpeoie Horse-owBer n """TtS w1Uout iu '!: Cares speedy enter bmlses tormas, Hai nwaet can . aaorow so; .7Z: "Tri-ritii tjnataba. In html ahot af nMM. eta.- BedUCOd TatBS tA half nllmM mllmt. HMram Cf AorttuoM tat ton. Depot 60 Maiden Lane. New Lfjrav- The thing defrtrlm'4' at last Uk drueslst for Bourh on Bats." It clears -out rats, mice, I roaches, nles, lTedbuga. 159 per wo. .u. - Item teem tkCltr ef !PleWrslf' ! Greensbobo, Sept 28, 188H ; To the Editor of The Observer- ' 1 1 '.llonday last r:dl)eWvea-1aBH'in''i ' becoming manner; out of respect to the burial of the late President Garfield. xaayor jscKei . issued' a proclamation urging' all business ; to be suspended from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.,' in accordance witn wnicn an. ousiness houses were closed. The city wore the appearance of amulet Sabbath." - ; M ;' On September 21st a fight occurred between Wm. Bowe and T, II Faucett, two miners, at tne uanamore iron Works,' fifteen miles north of this place, which resulted in the death of Faucett Rowe used a knife, severing an artery in the little finger. Fan cett bled to death before receiving medical . attention. Both parties are white, but Rowe's wife is as black as the ace of spades. During the fight, she ran np with a club and hit Faucett twice oyer the head. The coroner held an inquest and committed Rowe and ms wire. At tne post mortem exami nation the physician. Dr. Chas. Glenn. said the blow, on the head did not pro-i uuw ueaui,vuii uxj&bbut) ueceaswi aieu from hemorrhage. The combatants live in this county but the fight, as now ascertained, , occurred in Rockingham county. The prisoners will therefore be tried in that county Mr. Jed H. Lindsay, one of the old landmarks of Greensboro, died very suddenly Jast , Friday evening at 7 o'clock, , He had been out surveying some land ; returning home he com- Elained of a severe aching or pain in his reast and stomach, caused, as he sup posed,, from , eating very heartily of cabbage at dinner. Before medical aid could be had he died. The deceased was held In' nigh esteem by this com munity he wasa Justice of the Peace foamany years, and presided over the County Court for a longtime. He was about 76 years ot age. Kunkela'x minstrels, who are billed for Charlotte Oct 1st showed to a good house here last night It is no exag geration to say that it is the firiest minstrel organization that has graced our boards since the war. The jokes are all new,: the singing fine, the music excellent and everything is chaste and : elegant Mr. George Kunkel's sold, "The Old Sexton? and "Becked in the Cradle of the Deep," were magnificenteliciting rounds of ap plause. The brass band is the best ever heard here. This company is making a tour of the State under the management of Messrs. Willis and Nicholson, two clever young men of this place. Don't you want a few printers in Charlotte? We have about a dozen idle ones here. Thev are anxious to leave this climate, especially since one of the number has donned a striped suit Mr. Charles Benbow. of the firm of King, Ben bow and Co., died at the Ben bow House Friday night of fever, af ter an illness of seven days He was a young man of great promise, in the prime of life, greatly esteemed by jall who new Jam. Charley Ray. white, brakeman on a freight train, accidentally fell from the top of the cars while attending to his duties, and was run over by the caboose car, severing both legs from tne body, lie is not expected to live. Greensboro has four beer saloons: no liquor license is granted. If those ad vocates of anti-prohibition, who aver that beer will not intoxicate, will come here and view the situation, perhaps they will change their opinion. Drunk enness "stands out in bold relief." But perhaps their beer is taken with a "fly" in it Who knows? It is generally sup posed that the "fly" can be had without tne Deer. Married in this city on Monday night at the residence of the bride's parents,, by Rev. Dr. J. Henry Smith, Mr. Michael J ir etier ana jsuss sjojinia dw&hu. Essex Women that have been riven no br then dear est friends as beyoad help, nave been permanent lv eared bj tbe nae ot Lrdla X. PlnJfcnam's Vegetv male compTalnta. 8end to Mrs. Lydla X. Pinkbam, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlet. MARKETS BT TELEGRAPH SljPTSWXB 2. 188. pBoncrcs. BaIiTIMom Noon Floor steady: Howad street Uand Western super S5.00a5.75, extra $d.25ad.75. ramur i.Z6a.oo;ouy mnis-saper ,&.eua6.7o, extra Sa.25a6.75, family &00a8.25; tto brands S7.75a8.0O, FaUpseo fan. 8.50 Wbeat-eoataern red 1.40al8, amber lSa.58. CornBoathem white90,yeaow72. - BaLTiawaa Nlfbt-Oats Westarn wMteBla&S do mixed 49a50, Pennrflvanla 61a5S. ProYlalons neu pork 20.75; new i ; boUr 'meats loose snoolders , elear sides , ditto' packed 9UllVieon-sbouliers 10J4.arlb sides 12. bams 14a 1 &. . Lard reOned Oerees 13. Cofleo Rio cargoes ordinary to fair 8al2. 8tupw. A mOt Whiskey 11.19. ; CtswnniAti rioni family ' 7.00a7.80,' fanye 7.50a8.00. - Wheat No. 2 red 'winter 1.4M50. Corn at 72. Oats at 45aft, Fork at KU.oa Lard at 12.05. Bulk meats- -shoulders ribs 11.09: bae3n SBOaldets m Hbs 11, elea) sides 12. Whiskey at 1.15. Sogair-bBrds nUa, New Orleans 8a8. Qogsoommon and light 5 40a8.85, tltt. s . ananaioners 0.40a Maw Tona Bonthetn Sour firmer: eommon M fair extra 6.757.50, cood to enoiot 7.60a8.75. 1 Wheat nneraded white LUUaiO. com ungraded 6Wa76. Oats 43 for No. a. Cof feeBio eaiKoes OVbalS. Sugar fair to good refining SVa, prime ; reflned standard A 0. alolaasea Sew Orleans 80a55, Porto EToo HRaKH BAMn-9.KAa9.Rft. Tnrne&ttaM- SSUk Wool domostle rieees vU4a4U. ouiiea 'ZH&4iL anwasbed 12aB5, Texas t4aSl. Pork Itt75a20.oa middles long eteaz Xi, short elear ills, , UKiS and short life. La- Ii85a40. : ''Sr QALBrnmam Jlrm : middling Ilia: lorn mlddl'a l(mo; good ordinary Qe: net ree'ls 1,021; gross ; sales 1,750; stock 50.915: exp'tteoastwtse 653; to Great Britain 6,783; counant . . - NosroLK Steady : middling lle: net reeefptj 263; groat;-?- stOQka8e4; exports eoastwtse l.iBi saiei h- txpSQi to ureat nuin. Biurnaosa Firm; mld'g lle; low mldd'g 11: goodcosd'y 0ke; netTteo'a -t gross 569; sales t-f; stock 4,786; exports coastwise ; spmners n export trOreat BrlUla ; to connnent BoeTOiftluni SaMdnng 12tto; low middling; llMtsj axxMtord'y lOWe; net receipt a2d; Tfita 478; aides ' .' stdek 4,295; exports, to QreAt Britan ioo;to vranos. f- r ocieonpir 4oui VmriIX9ijmMtAS t ,B&:i IM Pa-n.ATMmt Tlrfa ; Buvidung 12e.r lew middling lllte; good ordinary LOttaMMeeeiptv w. - DQA. mmmi J , . " 4859; exjwrtopr.lritAln JOO, C'! ,' I BaVabiuX Q madatak iVfrr. us saatg n-reeeiparoBW5. 00; "took 48,820 rvrp. eoa. Mruam- connnent NiW 0BIAAJ-Qmet; mldd'g 11: low M- diins 1 0SA: cood ord'v iOc: net receipt 2.440: gros3,267; ales 706; stock 105 ,804 export Great Britato 4,rM4i r3 Coatr78,lt : - XnvrriTTirBi- mldtflln UlAer 10o; KOnrdlnari TDlaei netWtr 87 V-; aaiaa'l.flOO; stock 18JM2; exn, nancy ; to Great Britain. , .1 Mawpm steadv: mlddllnr lllhe: receipts 1,920; shipments 112; sales 8,000; stock 82,649. itTBiarrA Onlai: mlddlln lie.: low" mid dllng lOVic good ordinary. 9o; jeoatpta 1880; snipments ;aaies iu. '.s; cmamt.wom Quiet; mlddllnr llfte: low mid mnm iiiba: voud ordlnsjT lOKte.: er reeeiDtt 2,463; gross ; sales l00;stock 26,048i exports enaafWiM s ixreac jpnmut , wumwut. ; waw Tnu Cotton oniet: sales iUkianiia io.a-mlddllnr Orleans ia VMi BToas 5.821 : eoildAtnfet reCts 15,778; L v . 1 t ! Hi ai I W norf . aHaitS a IM1U moons to, ureat uau rTr if4wv J.ry qnyontrriuKal t.OBffi in DWienw inuuux; mlodllng uplands ,7d;: '?.?! .eeiptsl . . M nlUI .y 1 . 1 1 J eiauae: aeptember delivery ,7 7-lftd, Sep-. (ember and October 21-82d, Octobevand Nor 811 S2d, December and aaqvuvry .January and February 8 19-2d. "februaw and tirch 8 21 S2a irZiZrlnrii fttl-lftd, Anrtl tad Mar 3liijod4uM6Vd,adneaQdJttljB2 S'fcL'l<res dtlU. t --vr-:i; v(ZS-jm.--Baltm of American eotton TbaSr Upland low middling clause: Septem ber deUvery 7 7-16U November and Deeember Decembet and January 6ftd, January and Vetau- tti liar and Jane room stead. j Ww ToM-rotaras WMst IWifla UUU, za : ttn-St -it r,i in f' . r mVU -'-'W ill 1.60sV' mmm. mm mjmmm J mm . -.mim f Aa m -T 12.12 BarmMr.:.;.."j..wiiu-:UvJ.A Mar.. . ; . .1. . ... 7.;. U34,2S riaiSf 126a.57 12.ft4a.6e Jane . ; ;i ;-. ...'. ... 4 . KwTo-ooey tX3L ! XteaanM 4.7flSii Govemaaefits irrcc; new : Worn and nau par oonw jws."" p emuai.i 7 gtaia bonds moderately aottrejlriB. Kkw Brio. , JTian ShOKo.v'.i....'..--.....'... Uilnoia CenraLt. ........... HashvUle and Chattanooga.., LoolsyilMaladMas&Tilw P1ttst)nrg 1 1 " .bv. Cbleago and northwestern. . . . . . . prafund..r. Wabash, 8t Lords Pacific.... ..... Do preferred, i. . .... Memphis and Chsrlaatne ........... bock uiana... Western Union m mm m.9 . p j AlabamaClaasiStoS M Class a. small.. 73 78 . 09 , 88 m t41.10.26O 6,106.088 ' . Class B.5'8, ' Class C.4'e. . . e m mm can Tennessee....-.............. Geonla .!,....,. .......... Richmond and aileraanr. . Sab-treasury balances ttold........ - - t wnteney... CITY COTTOH Orrt(ieibOawitii; i CKABLorrm. September 89, l8ili ( The market rseterdar ekaed" weak, wtth dow. wara lenaenoy. CroodMiddllnc..:. 11 7-l6ai BtrieUy middling. Btriet low middling..,.. LowmiddUng.......... e xmges.. atormeotten.. Beoelpts yesterday. 1 1 1 bales: Obrltte lro)datc Blaurfeiet 8IPT1MBKB28, 1881. BrmjrePBiaa Coair, per baah'l..... i... 1.00 1.25a.50 90al.00 1.60 . 7580 Wbxat. ......... Bxahs, white, per bushel Piaa, Clay, per bosh. . .. . . w. ........... iaay. White. FLora Famny Xxtnk. r 3.76400 a 50 &2S 6064 Super.. OATS, sbeued. ....... Pkixd Vacrr Apples, per In. Peaches, peeled.... M Unpeeled. Bueknerrlas.: .. 4Ua6 16a20 710 85 POTATOBB Sweet.. , Irish.... 1.00 80aS5 20 20a25 10al5 20 8 8540 58 Bui'iaa North Carolina. leas, perdosen. Pocltst Chickens.. Spring Bucks .......i Turkeys, per lb....- Oecoe . . . . . ......... .A 0 ti -m m Bkkf, per lb., net...., Mottom. per tt not . Poax. .. 8XLLINa PBiCXS-WHOU5SALI- Buu Xiii- Clear BlbSld.. Oown Prime BIO.. 14al0M 124alZ 82a88 . 85a50 50a60 40a46 uood,.. Cuba, Suaar Srrun. Cholee New Orleans Common BAlw Liverpool fine Coarae... .. 1.00al.25 .. 85al.O0 lOallMb 7a9 1.80a.40 25a3.O0 SrOAB White..... YeUow Whisxxt Corn, per gallon.. Kre. " Bbaitot gJF::::::::::: Wnot, Soimperaong, per gallop... . ,., 1.00 nsriiL. LiRDper ib. :.'"."!.!!!.'.'!!.'!'. fa TiTJOw, perm... ...... ......... 8al0 BAOOM ghogyond......... ............ l0a,i Hams, eanvassed. ikaiasi to"- 8al0 Tkuit Apples, Northern, per bbl 8.2a.0 u Mountain. Vkh- ' - -- - a(aokeml-Ko.l 1.25 : il:::::::::;;:::::.::::: S? Oodftsh. ik CABBASB,perIb. txa fXtrcrttstmciits. BOARDING. PBIV ATX boarding. lth or without room nURed. at reasonable rates. 1 ddIv to . if? v niMRtW '! . 1 -1 Church sij bet 24 and I WANTED. ArURITISHXn oe tmfernished room la a pri vate famnr. with or.wUtaobt board, a. man NOTICE. (XU store will beolosed o Monday next Oete- sep29 W1TTKQ,W8IT BAJtUCH. CHINA PALACE -or- . . ' ... .. . : XJ New todAiHBai A Staent or cMi J&ual WfjniBb and ai mrrrm hoftHtffnl In deSirAv ' the nrtee of China. IM Bj&yal Homester pattern lathelateatatyi-irwaiwpwer pieces,' S5.0O; wiuum, we,, ray auo stylos caps and aueers. At greatly reduced iharge stock jg,1. Tinware, Qaadroplej Plated War,1 Cutkry, Look- UHOLESJU.E Atltt T1ETA1L i l, -as ? atVK5?i '4J il43554vTl Vi- flarftatdnorb Plata., v :WA3SPTED. a r anqiaCTUSISO GDKcsk wsata a. soar- ill Tie man faChatMtts ano m every any. (not already taken.) A wmmngnnmm B150- per aaoath i JtepSTdfli - 1298 Broadway; Mem Tors. ary -v library aid'rirca ,: 0 23-820, i Job andJuti 6L 87 2 iiu tOttail 910 Mb.afamyiL- Iilliil: 1 1 White and Rist Proof. , .- ..U iu f V . ON tett of Oats - xruuuviu VI wiu T " ;":':-:. ' .; -,t 5-' -: e R 0 Y MVIdSuN A'V:AlMl.lill JN 5 Tl J XAA V Jl J UBi H&UfcaVAU AAVWi-l OASS O C7B VFiTr Far ataaf : 1 at 0 aao ntf H. M O R R Jun2 ''I" I I -rM-aVC "avTr-ffT-IIV- m- m m m.- -J' .'' t"! TBYOK 8 TBEET-NEW atOaEUK fsi We are daily receiving New Goods In onr Five and Tfm OentDwpaTtmentA Our Mr; Boddick Is now in the Northern which anables as to purchase in large quaaiitte and get the teoals of tna low est prices. : Many thankji for the liberal patronage thus extended, and. wt hope by fair dealings and low prices to merit We have lo few goods left from onr as to have a closing sale, but what we goods marked in plain nVrnrea. Strictly cash and one price. September 8th. nun II - - ,., 2TiiLCitniaia " AT- REDUCED RATES BOUGHT AND SOLD OPPCUTXCXXTBALEOTKL, .......... CBARLOTTS, X. CL aTN. B.-artiesrdeatrmg Information m regard novia W I LS O N & DRUGGISTS, TRADE STBEET, TjaiflG'S LTTXB PILLS are tke bast made for all jl sold only by JFR&H thest of Be No Tea; Just arrived at w I bars just received a lot of cheap Scrub Brushes and Feather. Out ten. R FJ) and White Onion Setts. At SUPPLY of No. 1 Laaisrns fast received by GLASS Lamps of aU styles and prices; wholesale 8X3SIONOPXN3 WNPNaapAT; sxptfjcbmb 7. 8i. CORPS OF TXACHXRS: Wat. R. ATKINSON, Principal, Latha, mathe tatlea. and Natural Belomwa. MissHXLXN LONG. Prlnetoal at PrsDaraton nepartment. Mm. 8ALUX CALOWXLL WHITX, XngUsh Literature and History. MiaaLlLLiK w lonq. Hodoia Languages. Miss MART L. MATTOON. FUoooOw aad Knt- Ush Branches. MXJBIC nKFABTMZNT. Pmor. A. BTDXZ. LL, P,, Pirector. ASSIST ANTS Mas. B? L. DJCWXT, MBS. WM. . ATKINSON. Mns C. A. 8AVAON, Art Department. I Mas NaNNTJI TTNSLKT, Inteadant of lnSna- "at- ANNA SUTTON, Eead of Boardlnc ne partment. :. roc terms, etc.. appiy ior a eanuorae sn tar. Wm. B. ATKINSON, Principal. anflLtf TRINITY HALL, saJCTERLT, w. jr. A tnoroufh hesae seheol far gMa. Varied aV mtaaee of the tiirnest order. Tourteenth rear begins September IB. For etwolar address jams .---:--: tusiMn nun x , rnntspai. OPERA HOUSE. The QreatOriglaal GEORGE KUMKELS Nightingale Min s t r e 1 s ! ONI NIGHT ONLY! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st 22 PERFQRQERS 22 AllartltsoIanfrwVfdr repotaUoa. Xqaalled by few arsettedby GEO. KUNKEL' WU1 ajrpaar ta faettta songs atetery perforav wtth the enttm aomnany, ta tka Aat ale i gant and rs&ned minstrel ntertalnmant f!iy.'J !:). sepiiSat rrhwocilvtha known as Tha Old Oaken i r . Wai ana fahe H),;Krt cwAAMIicsrsi ' Chailetta. M. 41. Aola SmrA k aav - x - - - - , . 7. "T . .TT WHUWWI vt EMM an Charlotte Female Institute 11 1 ,11111:11 -v- rw ii ffifcj Bp; -p Nm la ua cay, ataea rawntns trost it is MX I & & B R O. Markets bvyinc forotttiwisea, a fairporUoa o tna aaffia tniS jritji. 1 . summer stock that it IsimiKiawible for have we offer at reds ptf U ; B0l)t)ICKf 4 CO. ? ; , ? ;--"-F- - - i -s TO ALL POINTS BY & J PERBY, to railroad travel will please BTJRWELL, CHABLOTTtl, K. C. troubles of the liver and bowels. WILSON A BUBWKLL. WILSON ft BURWXLL'S DmgstOr. WILSON a BVBwXLL. WILSON & BTJBWXLL8 Dfnrjtof. WILSON A BUBWXLL. aad retaU; at WTLflOX M BVBWXU.a DnaiiM. GO TO Join 1 Biers AND LOOK AT ELS LARGE STOCK OF ALL OF WHICH HE SELLS LOW FOR CASH. All Gfoods Warntnted an Rep- resented, .$6tb in and Quality, WITCH CUSSES 10 CENTS E1CB. decll P. C. WHiSON, cHiBLoiiaac i Bate Agent fat tpUISCCM. WATXRTOWN SPEQf 8 WAflON CXlMPAaTBaV.' BUeOIKa, CARRIA6KS. PHAXTOXa, 8111X0 WHOUSALa ANB aXfAIL. opx BDOoija.tss. Topauooca,tss. pedal toduesnrvats te the arholafa trada CWieapondonos sedettad. " : - ' " Jinll . r - , " r i OT 1 J rjrtdajfc jraA4 fWVSMmU OalMBatsi . awawaw 'iieii A&aVWR,. i. 1 LI " ' ) 1 I'.Ui ' -OBXH-- wm . 1 4'wiltrrtt5W. -1 'as VT T ,ia SLBf.EnWZLI. ' II MMaMMaMJSSa-l Sovelte '6 Jewelry