iSZZUmm tjXt&itixus. tut 6.14 tanI jtf-jt,iy.iMSfft. .i;ei i: I "-lis r"y fewr'H&if f t-4j' Tbe IiidicuneBCsrlnst Gultea Belnr Prprji--IIe Vain Emiji uaieign news ana.vnsnrer,T Jo t i' initio ? P J Js J'W",Sa mat. Tau3c oTfergtf , etc. VrnlesVand eires new lifee - fce - BltOWN CI I iimrt MMtMttM ud Blauns cnui JSff" SaUaiausUa-dwoswr wofk,Inow not what. lglTU Inliii JBarSv and MM MM wm Ijjjini r-T! &XOttUS. JustiD.filfd'WiTive:" 1500 PKG8 FISH, 500 BBL8, FL0UB' 1 AfFttAftSOOVFKB, "75 im pvt?q Olre to lfflSrifelriS yoti'ioj and we will sell you. M.-MILI'SOHS. CORN ! 68kyb0RN ! BAGGING AND 3CIES We'are agents for Will sell It LOWXB thai you can buy an 'other good plow. Full assortment always' on hand. fi4 tug26 WE IUYX NOW IN STOBX FOB TUB in RiaenwB'jUf The Largest, Finest and TBIMMIN08.' -"tilnd'aU 0N8 kinds oli WtTUiTs eyer bad the pleamnyoI s . - OUB8 UJkHV. KM SWIM r. HOSLSBT, t s ja airr '3 i4 OR- BONNEfS LASTt WSa AND CHIUK:i t f Dor Ah!5Frt!H LfffaCk win convince any y TTrT" prices in our line. .CTi " .d "to Thl3 frjnds and KuatAmers. jstUMMr.neta rwttoirfkat wiH not tMsVCKfii i x m r nil mi mi I f ff M mm Lf mtMiMMMMML M MM 1 1. A M I TXIOri J J A OT HI 6 Jl fFiTilPlin.tnV MMkkl v i via III II J J I I .11 III T I Wv netite. loss of It enriches tne diooq, Bugc erves. It acta like a charm on ine av w w m m w OAIi CO., Baltimore, Md. i ut in afi oroeMion, tori mm. Wan or Vital ity, Att)W muni- Item - ana iwnrme-1,c, fVSSJrSiTLSt - - 3 7..S thVL' m, natural fore! (M MM. . W lux ui nuiuu TAnf a nu bos anna uu, 'tor Chrlrtlsn unnrcn. xroy, w. 1ARTER MEDICINE CO.. JB. UIH . f.!'4J - 1 ' i '. y i 1 i Tl fa i Hi It ." ' I ISP? THOUGH SHAKEN IN KYEBT JOINT iad Ulef frftiff ever and ague, or bilious remittent, fhA tfifttttftTTet be freed from the malignant vima with Hnstettfir'a Bitters. Protest the Brstem against it with this beneficent antl-spaamodlo. whleh is forthermore a supreme feaeay lot met wimniiiftit mnBtinaMon. dvaneDsla. debllltr. rheu- mBtfiaftiktdney troobleaand other ailmeata. djj For tale by ail Crugglsts and Dealers generally WWHI SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. Electro-Voltaic suffering from MetfafYrclk8e, Gen eral iMDiiity, loss oi nerve lorce or vicor, oranydlsestse suTtinir from AfcffSES an plnSJ - V Vital Also wojleu trouWed wiili diseases thiiipiilT r . - ' - ' ' - . - .- - Speedy relief nnd complete rest$a8oflf neaitn gnarabteecu. hmmr ar tae fy Electric Appliances tbat bavCerer been constructed upon seientlfie pMI eiples. Their tfiottjWS effitej-a been prac UcaUr iwaren Witliiihr- SAMSlSronderM success, and tley.,jbiavBie blsrbest-i eolrsniiit from tnedleaL anniseten I tiflc men, and from hundreds irJudawrei BenulciaaUdraioaiirnJre4l tnelr ute. w ii-; al.toStmatioJrqe., tddnssM . J ? ft 4 it luiySl "S PJ'J Ty Wholesale and Retail. E.M. ANDREWS, 7. '.(Si Old Oaken Buckets vf rmj- 5T That hung in the welLT rum? vr u CBAS. & mum. H w I, vuauimo, n vii quty MWia St. CHARUESBOTEL STATESVTJUQCi N. C " r keep a strictly Urst-class house in every msoMcLMt hi mxia. ii r. kaavmi. wnnu ikuiuuih flmnL sampio roonu oa nrat ana accona- ivtmniAilliu.. . . . l Vhe patronage Ot the public Is solicited, ulylkf, , wnrs ttf 1ma?i'''aN'onar geuine unless ae aspaitd wlta enwrVHonest7" ooDT-ntded iimi whleh p ai be louna on head e box. M.IM.WMVIIUIVH VUU tlM- HOtltlTBAtnMil AnM - Mr 7lnHan tt ' 1 B w i ninb 1 dUTHO; Cldiet kHr lifer Ttdiiiitos: Lan lureS. ha -other IJise&ses of the Organs, Coffins and Caskets ievcrr tRDUWII Winston Leader: The granite us . 1 in tha construction of tne front or srin Son's new store is tacen iro a auarry in una county, it is a spienui article of the kind and it will mafce beautiful front. . . Wfi lftam throuch a private soun one day last week, aady purchase nwta in a store at Tyro, uaviaso county, and died before she could ge f mm t.ha HtnrA to her horse. Mr. S. W. Brasington, living in David arm nonntv. and for many years for man of Dr. Shelton's foundry, died or4 the 17th, about 24 hours previous to th Doctor's death. ThnrA is firreat mortality among th colored children in and around Win ston. Seven have died during the pas During r . k r - elof Mr. . i Pierce and Tliursday nightj their resid r, was entereq bv unkno el ana ransacseq from cellar IliiTiiture, cloth-j incr, bedclot nd pictures were pro4 miscuously strewed about the rooms! So far as known there was nothing car- ried off. Wilmington Star: Mr. Jno. Sneedenj had both hands torn off by the prema ture discharge of a gun which he was; loading during the salute to the memo-; rv of President Garfield, Monday. Thel left hand was blown clear away from the wrist into the river, near which thd gun was planted, and the right so tern ribly mangled that all but a finger or; two had to be cut away. The young man is the only support of his mother. Aj subscription is being taken up for his; benenc Raleigh News-Observer: Never be fore was there known to be such an absolute suspension of business herejis ras seat vstday. The fc&ralfctM: S I i a 4. rv n raitd u lei from tit, ir JrhB associax: n'OT xnB i'rsmitive Baptists, which was held at Middle south of the city, on Creek, 18 mues Sunday, proved an atttraction, for about three hundred people from Ral eigh attended. Some three thousand persons were present. Sermons were preached by Elders D. P. Gold, Moore and Dammer. The services were at 6nce interesting and impressive. ' Sunday night Mr. Pomp Bryan was driving in a buggy, having with him his son Louis, six years of age. The horse took fright near the Yarboro and dashed down Payetteville street at frightful speed. Mr. Bryan had to hold his son with one arm and hence was unable to control the horse, who in a few moments ran headforemost into a tree opposite the Battle mansion, on Fayetteville street. The occupants of the buggy a great dis tance, but, st; ere not baa- lyhurt. Th horse, injur recked. The in the shoul ten minutes der and mte after he stru Snencer II. Harper, a prisoner in the , Rocky Mount jail, attempted to escape on tne night of tne 24tn inst. ana was shot by S. S. Sonly, jailer, and instantly killed. Perils of Sleeping; Cars. Nye's Boomerang. : There is a good deal of interest mani tested these days on the part of the American people relative to the matter of separate sleeping cars for tbe two sexes, it is a move in iub ngnc airec tion, and we hope it will win. As it is now, no gentleman traveling alone is safe. : Several months ago, entirely alone, we traveled from Laramie to Chicago and back, making the round trip with no escort tain ful nights. There was one woman from Phila delphia, whose name we will not men tion, and who rode all the way between Umaha and cnicago in our car. Al most the first thing when we started 5rom Omaha, she began to make ad aaeea toward us by asking us it we would hold her lunch basket while she Vent after a drink. She also asked for our knife to peel an orange. These filings look small and insignificant, but 1 1 A - 1 i J 1 . m we ugab oi later ueveiupmtwiui tuuy are of vital importance. That night we saw with horror that the woman's section was adjoining our town. We asked the conductor if this could not bar changed; but he laughed coldly and told us to soa& our bead. ; It would be impossible to describe t the horror and apprehension otthat . dreadful iU AI tough : its vigils we suffered on 'till near morning, when tared nature yielded, and we fell into a aleep. There we lay, fair and beautiful, in the soft gray of approaching day. thou sands of miles from our home, and, less than ten feet away, a great horrid woman from Pennsylvania, to whom we had not even been introduced. How We could have slept so soundly under the circumstances, we are yet unable to tell : but, after perhaps twenty minutes of slumber we saw, above the footboard of our berth, and peering over at us. the face of that woman. With a wild bound we were on our feet in the aisle of the car. The other berths had all disap peared but ours. j The . other passengers were sitting ouietly in their seats, and it was half past 9 o'clock. The woman from Penn sylvaniawas irebtoich. It was only 1 itofrfeHlAA. , But supposfc J Ittsai een reality ! And any mansvldj tfcardf alone is lia ble insulted axMvft&m We do not care for luxiirr-traveling. All iwe want is the-assurance that we are safe. V- The experience that we have narrated above is only one in a thousand. JJia you ever note the careworn look of the man who is traveling alone ? The wild, bunted expression on the countenance, and the horrible apprehension that is depicted there? ; You may talk about vanous causes that are leading men downward to early graves, but the nervous strain in duced by the fear that while they are ixaking out their false teeth or button,- ring their suspenders, prying eves are loosing over tne rootpoaras oi weir berths, is constructing more new-made graves than consumption or the Ute war. ri & t Stpers will probably be found a little emoranda from Roscoe Conkling to to him, in pencil, writtenn the hail of the national convention at Chicago, in about these words : ! "Mv dear Garfield : If there is to be a dark horse in this convention there is man whom I would prefer before ypurself. . CONKLING. ' The reply was this : "My Dear Conkling: There will be no dark horse in this convention. I am f6r Sherman. , J. A. Gabitbld. This was pending the great straggle and just before the might v tornado which carried . Garfield into the Presi- &OAn..JUwxrs iini& yriftltt4tpr- ll trji 1 1 if ii 1 1 1 re were inrawn fals5BloSy,Sv tfi tre. wnatever. uur wus was qet id atiifme'.land thafentir jQurnj sT -s mm I . -m . UmjBJ AM USB -1 Wthelnfli f Cambbig si MAn vl.lil. a. - a SpaUHsnatch to the BalUmore 8iuw;m, I taod beyond doubt that uWmtf S;nasi j.utteaxr, tot tne muerfcp l&mes Al'OkrfTeld. win bfi besrurAheri Sfc.week, . District Attorney rkj MjfA-Office has already sex ' aDonxna .brfiDaratidn of ' the mdictmenfcin th case, wnicn wiiLgo-to tne- grana jury; next Monday jan&PJEihe Wednesday following, beforanoon, the assassin jam Da Biased at j;bAtiar3ior,rfa nm kBaleAitt't cthismfcrict-td A8wer?t&e fiminary questiOmi "lijt aswilj aoittDtiess anse1, w?v$ rerjreaHW Rrtrrrt liMDhe District XttbiieV..(khill tyisited the jail to-day ; W;'y W m Guiteattnfel&m3 Boon take place arid to sueeestr helmDortancft of -Belectine counsel' aa r&oan as noafrfhl a! fiuiteau exnressftcb thfe opinion.lhat no fury.wpnjdiepn.vwti bim nnrl not-a1 fha Xfafrict AttOTTlffV mteleipraph: to George ScoOW- sel for him. Tt.wili be remembered; hat some time ago the jpiSttct Attor ney told Guiteau thai; SeovillftMhad offered his services as counsel. butGui- fefta t then said j ;-W W laweMvself -fieorge bcovme. will want the moat, eminent counsel that I canjgetito assist me m preparing my aerense. a. jroDaoiy expeciea TOsfiprWMi counsel, DUt nAiaeeen:teBderedf 4 District At- torey arkhill at 5 o clock this' after noon telegraphed as follows rt:4, if? Wnselor at Law, Chicago i'i .The grand vinrv of the District wiU meet o next Monday morning. I calleaYtbaJ; (in, j ail ana lniormea unas. svumueaa tnat ms case wouia oe sresentea to tne grand jury immediately upon their as- sembltBrRRid thaw filould WfeCt him to plead to the indictment bv Wednes day morning at rfarthest, and that if he naa any counsel ne-aesirea to appear for mm on any preliminary Questions l .would notify them by teleizrapk He asxea me to nouiy you ana request you to appear on his beha AtthatrhjB's lsppnsel, and also; tolrue&yxmlo secure tne services or some eminent Criminal lawyer to appear in his de fense, He suggests the name of Hon Emory Storra as a gentleman in whose ability and professional character he ftaS great confidence, and WOnJd'.Iika hianxetention. if possible.?- -Will ' veu please notify me by telegraph whether yotr will appear at the time ;ofjiis ar raignment, and any communication you may desire made to the prisoner Geo. B. Cobkhui. ovtT . S, Attorney, District of Columbia? THe District Attorney does not ex petyan answer until to-morrow. . K V BL.AINE ABOUT TO RETIRE. At Lieast a nch la tbe Talk ' In Xtwuih ing-ton Office Seekers Pursuing- tbe New Presielent. Charleston News and Caurler. "Washington, Sept 26. After church to-day -President Arthur was driven tb ttreTesidence of Senator Jones onCapi tAi jxii. Me remained tnere tne rest of thB dav. There were very few callers. oary some personal friends. The Presi 'de'iitls overwhelmed with voluminous correspondence, which keeps him two or three hours a day with "his steno graphic secretary. There are a good many people apparently anxious to ex hibit their stalwart sympathies, and not a feW disposed to give advice how to run the government. It is said that some tnWK tne Artnur aaminrstratioa will be more successful with their as-. biatauue at a rwuuu salary m one posi tion or another, and" are already open-, ing negotiations looking to that end, The President will doubtless Soon be? gin to realize the difference between being first and second fiddle. He will go to New York on private business on Thursday or soon after the Cabinet re turns from Cleveland. It is reported here to-night that Sec retary Blaine will retire from the Cabi net immediately, probably before the beginnigof the extra session. The Cleveland special to the Star this even ing says that Mrs'. Blaine remarked last night tomeriendsthat-her htisband would remjaiftj-ebinet buft af w days longer. This accords with the views of some Of Ir. Elaine's intimate friends here,ffio ar p . the opinion that he cannot stay in the Cabinet and i!d toil! his self-respect. ' - 2tesHb PrealAaeite Died andwers Bnried George Washiigion, -flrtt Presi dent of the United States, died At his homeMount yernoB, op the lth of December, 1799 and was there 'buried. John Adams, the second, and Thomas Jefferson, the '.UmtA 'President, both died on the 4th -of Sji 1820. Adams was buried, beeaUi,,,,the Unitarian Church at Quincy- and Jefferson was buried : W IfttriRtiAA ' tis , Virginia home. ; Madison died Juije 28, 283fv and was buried at itMiiel,. his home )n the Virginia mountains. Monroe died on the 4th of July, 1831, at the residence of his son-in-law in New York, and he was first buried in the Marble Cemetery of that city, but was finally buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va. John Quincy Adams died in the capi tal February 21, 1848, and was buried ide( ncy4 Oil was hadl t orfDenmf n a S died July 24, 1862, an hook, his heme, was buried at Kinder- Harrison died April 4, 1841, and was buried at North Bend. Tyler died January 17, 1862, and was buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Rich mond. PoifctfiedJuna! 15, 18494 and Wat burled' in!, the lawn -ot his'-owm home in Nashville. Taylor died July 9, 1850, and was Juried , in Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville." !Fillmore died March 8,1874 and was buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, near Buffalo. Pierce diepctebetg, iSQOuidt was hnried.Jn Mm6tmetery,Ooncord. Buchanan died June 118, and was buried in Woodland Hill Cemetery, Lancaster. Lincoln 'died April, 15. 1865 and,. was .uncom ued Aprils 5, sev ana was burie44iiyaa fielafi -JohnsottdletliiWlW September 19," 181, andLwasuaried J in Cleveland. Four Presidents died in office Harrison and Taylor by illness and Lincoln and Garfield by assassina tion, tnly two ex-Fresiaents are now living Grant and Jjayes, and three ex-Vice-Presidents are yet living-Ham- lin, eolfax and Wheeler, llMe 1 J Drapery ' iThacitien nf PhilsulAtnhia and New tfommpmmk Acuity, either together enough these mourn g goods to supply all of the Michigan shflerjifcwh; sjb stents. . I unovAuruiUBaxrvsurxjuuko. :What Inducement can a counterfejtejr have to prodacaMkyfffisSofS M ielUBl W tl lassoii aVeltutl'pbytitfiorti( sick or to supply medicine far the druggist to aeai iii? Beware of bosM,ajffritt1etisjftnn?oMgs gotten up to sell on the reputation of the pfi&st a4estlamnriaBiltehMJh you get (He gem4n StcoaLftNbntogulator In White Wraoner. aith larm nd Z thereon, and see .-iatirfr , T7.rr "c.. .ft-;ta-.j iiAt a pi pis inner at uib as Id 4ft9K?tfiafiul aw m oMife.l?riilBurfeiil d 1 tTAif h -n'r Ann aVinTtvi' 7 Tn rpnl kA mb road at Goldsboro.earljryesi jftent or ttte road thre the first sno vel Ht dirfc Abbut one hundred nh?ind were at work, - and t considerable, prog fesftwas niade, ,Th9 right of .way s haa been secured for 'five miles f rom Golds- Taoro, , MajorrTates sayf , if the weath er is favorable the road will. be. graded W. Smithfield by 'December and the adVert&e f or5 iQOa laborer, and such snouia appiy ac uoiaporo- xomorrow there will be an advertisement for seal ed proPoaajg f or ouUdmg themasonry ahdflm)e1fitx.uctur6 of, the , bridge over iittle'Ri'ver,;a. mile and, a half from 9r aiaWeaioW'lne t frie of the taUeil iai tales bare declared their faith fa Kidney- Wort iasj -siexnedylorult'the diseases of the kidneys and liref. v gome, however,, hare disliked the trouble 01 preynruig u irom tne ary lornu jror anen, a new casdWate appears' in- the' shape of Kidney w on m uiuw lorra. 1 ? u n -Terr eoncentratea. is easily taken and Is equally efficient -as the dry. ' Be'tter tiiah pufflng one dollar out" at compound Interest, is thef sending -it to Dr. Benson. Bald- ttore, for two boxes of his Celery ad Claoihne Pills, which' cure herrous disease, quiet ihe Jnind, urmg on reiresmng sieep ana preyeni panuysis. THECREAT mm nil BacKache, Sor&iess of ih Chest, Goiif, Quinsy, Sore Throat, SweU - ing9 an4-Sprains, Barns and ' Scalds, Genera Badfy " it 'Pains,': l: ")'j:,ti '.'.'Jn Tooih, Ear end Headache; Frosted - reer ana cars, ana an ozaer . Pains and Aches. . No Pri ETnarati iafe, i tion on wrth, equals St. Jacobs Oil - jure. fiiMM and eheart External RsMdy.t A trial entail: btrt jthe.oBatwwUVelv trifliDgooUay ot 60 C?atf, and very qbo iuffarrng; ! iwlth pala n hav,ian and positive proof of its claim. ' . ' ' ' i Dlrabat m Hfr IABgnagas. BOLJ BT ALt BRUGGI8T8 AFD DEALEE9 1 t-v ff nr iiEDionrB; n ; I Ai ZX)GEXER & CO. deciOd&w ly . . . . ITHE ONLY MEDICINE IS EITUEE LIQUID OK DST F0BM That Acts at the same time ea ; A1TD TH2 SIDJJSYS. WHY ARE WE SICK? BtcauM wt allow Ouu great organ to I&epms clogged or torpid, and- poitonout Xhumonar tKertfora forced into uu blood- I iVlLL SURELY CURE KI0Dt35ASESf ; . ;JLIVERrCOMPLA1NTSi rii.s? constipation;" ' rjnucAiT Vkaaviafta'Mras-iTvi unsiinrvadvB yAJSJUABAB AT EbMifcAjSAi If .JijBLSa, SlrfTCT jwb 5yjMv4nJV ffl argot aw Arettoring their power to throw off .1 Vkr inffiM BUioas sains and aekesl Why tenaeates with Piles, Coastipatloal Why frightened over disordered kldaeysl Why endure aervoss or slek headacasst fM KIDNEY WOUTaru2 rejoice is health.! It U Ddtnt) ta Drr Vecstskle Verwt,- to tin osnt Onn panlmgn itf irhlrll makM ais'raarta of medkiiM. AUOntuaidFna, very uoseea tirtosi, for thOM tbat cannot readily tmpare tb XirVt act ith oqnal efficiency in either fonrii qm Bf,SF tpxJA pteofpjt, . ;JPBica,.$t.oo a WELLS, BKHAOIPSOS Co., Prop's,: ' .!' . ' ? 1 ' - : - - March 27 d&wly c 3 LOVELY COOPLEXlfitla possibi w m; t "What Katni i denies to many, Art secures to all. .lagan's . llasnolia Balm disnela every . : t!csisb. : overcomes Kedness; - ' ? Freckles, Haiiownes3, Kocgn ness, Tan. Eruptions and UlAtitllAa -. AMii MAIHAVAa ttll AvL , jl i i "y"', ' !3P! of fieat jmdexxitemfiijLi fne iiacnoiia xjaini impana the mospdelicate tmd natural complexional tintsna detec tion being possible to the closh st oteertrooiiv "Ji vi.v, i pnder tbese clrcnmstances s fanltycomplexionislittlestiort of o crime, llagnolia Balm feold ovtarywhere. Costs nly 7$ eetsyiylthftflt dJjfe1on . v I 4 II li 111 1 1 IM : VVlUUtkHUI AUUJ VIVt ' none surpass the Bicycle as a means of restoring bealtk. " suiw iuuuuk uin uuui buuaub rT those st sedeatsnr hab-U ' eficlaL deveteplng the mus- j -w- cies t Bnainvma' new an ritv and Tio to tbe whola sv imtoji a none euways aao v iHaasnTa.vKBna.uwaKaASB sttut rr'tiStanaJfor f 9AJuia vntalmi loeaej stalna nrlonliata And 1 full information, to JAr?Ke. I POPlPP00.,Jiifc fi: .11 BOMoaysuss i-'r w warraB,. J i JiTif f IlTYlTTl S ' s "if.-z-i'sisfl m K Jan. 22 1) Mj9Mr j - rsa.. a 4 ifcsH ,:, V Ui :' J Ali51 m'wrw A VOR. fmXGSD DISTBIBTTION, ?I ill KW UKJUJSAHaHI r:; S- Toeaday. October? nth. 1881--187U Monthly j vital! "'ir 1 imsilDC.:i : 1'-. -4 ! ' incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by-the teetsW latnva f as HiissHm.i . wWv e-pital of Si,eO0XK)O-o waieU a raeeive fund 01 orer $420,000 has since been added, , mr an orerwhehnlng popular vote Kb franchise KJaulof1B(Pre8e9t State OohstttuUon Adopted December 3d, I. D..1879by VT"".,!"U"UU Its GRAND smoTraBBDrawIngs wiU ,takr4emontaly.?n; ,U! . . ilS2!L 8??e? Postpones, JLook fa the follow. IngdlstribHtlon: : . .... 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each; Half-Tick-y,: i ,5? -etB,One Dollar.-' a--.-.- 'lis -Miiii-XfflT OF PBKK3 r" ': :'( " :; if, 1 Capital PrteekU....U...i. ; H;lCapital Prize.i.,;. ...a. 580,000 10,000 5.000 i 2Prfofi2T5d0.:.l. 5,000, t 5 Prizes of 1,000 . 20 Prizes otoOOA . . 100 Prizes of 1Q0 . O.UUU. 10,000 10000 10,000 uv jrrizo ui ou , : " 2(K - - 1,000 Prizes of , I0,..v,.(f..,.,. '9 'ApproxWtlon Prizes of J8OQ.1 . Approxrmatlotl Prizes of 00 10,000 10,000 52,700 100 . 900 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. : . v:. wmat..., nioisoo . uesponsipie eorjres ponding agents wanted at all vvruui, w wnom a uoerai compensation will be miu ..... , , . . .Kor briber Information, write elearly, glring iuU address. Send orders, by express or Segu toed Letter, or. Money Order hi . aiL Address. ItHDACPHIN or M. A. DAUPHIN, at X- 0 to. No. 212 Broadway, New York. All onr Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under tne supervision and management of&enerals O. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early, M'g afif jtoorieyj prders torhjNES A COu. 88 ?5a f Ssi!ew TOTarcity; as apaiOfteed by the Louteiaaa State Lottery! 'Obmpahyto 'sen ItS tickets. ThAT UK flnndlna. tha' raffi0! Brto bSbTthe . iwmpany, and are KKAUDUiENTLY representing ttemselves ai iu agent have no ; authority, from this com pany to sell the tickets, and are. not its agents for any purpose. 2-r' .. ' MA.DATJPHTN, ' w A.r t165? Lonlslana State Lottery Co. New Orleans, La., July 4 1681. POrTJLAJt MONTBLT PBAWLNO OF THIS 7 -lattiedf ijransyrile.'ori FBlDAypH?TpMBEI: 80," J881,. These diawinizs occur menthlv iSnndara excant. ed) under provisions of an Act of the General Xs semWy. of Kentucky. , ' The United teies lClretiR ObhTtW starch m . rendereUilmfoUowlngdeiclBlons' ;.'.. lsti Cminonweaiai DUtri botlon Con ao iarawmgs an rpu. ' J - The ConiDanr has nowoahandalareereserfe- fand. Eee4 the hat ef, priaws for the : : 61PJEMBE9 DBAWING. 1 Prize,.,. ?30,000 iolooo 10,000. 10,000 aaooo 1 Prize..... 10 Prizes, 81,000 each;.. a.. 20 Prizes, 500 each, , 100 Prizes, 100 each,.. W Prizes? 60each,::..J .: !?:.. 600 Prizes, 20 eacn,..,n..i.u. 1 AAA Mm 1 A AD.h I XVW A ,UA.U XV WUWi,. ........... , AU,inJU Priaes, S800 each, Approximation Prizes S2.708 lO.OUU y Prizes, ' 100 . ; , w " " . : 900 lfflOO Prizes,. . . ;. ; . ... j$ 112,40 Whole Tickets. 82; Half. Tickets, 81; 27 Tickets, ' 850; 65 Tickets, $100. Kemit Honev Or' Banlr Draft fn Letfinr. or Rfvnrt byExpresSi DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LBTTEB OB POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address- all orders to R. M. BOARDMAN, Courier-Journal Building Louisville, Kj or 809 Broadway New York. , 1W8 This great specific cures that nipeU loatjjsoaia disease WHETHER p? ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY pR : '. TERTIARY STAGE. ' . " Removes all traces of Mercury, from the system. 1 Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, , catarrh, or any blood disease. CUBE3i WHEN. HOT SPRINGS IPAILI , , '' " Malyem,' Arfc, May 2, 1881. ! We hate 'eases' in our town- who lived at Hot 8rhigaandwereanallyeured.vitha&8.' LotdsyuTe'settfticky, May 18, "1881. a R S. has gryen better sattsf action tjan any medicine l haye eyet fold, , u . J.A.ftoRMBB. Memphjsi Tennessee; May 12,1881.' We have sold 1.296 bottles of S: S. a In a vear. Llthasgtren universal sausfactton, : fair minded imysiciana now recommena n as a positive specu C, & MAN8FIKLD 40Qk ' Denver, OoL,-May 2.1881, Every purchaser speaks in the highest terms of aa& . .. , LtJaxisscrxB.:! Bichmond, Va., May ll, 1881. Yon can refer anybody to us in regard to the merits of &.& a- ; , Pout MrxusftCOb . Have never known S. S. a to fall to cure a case ot Syphilis, when property taken. ' - - -' H. L. DnmABD; , V . j-, i : ELI WABHSHj'f;! J ? Perry.-Ga. The above signers are- gentlemen of hlga stand ing. . . A.H. OrapriT, Gov. of Ga. s-f1iK asn' frHlrA waMa aasa ftin TV O A TM VU TflOlAs TffP TV AAA UOAO JVUX VCUJa A V Oil X A-AAJ OB WHEN CURED. Write for particulars. 81 .000 REWARD will be paid- to any chemist who will find, on analysis of 1 00 bottles of a a a. one particle of Merpury, . Iodide Potassium, brany SWIJTSPECTFICi DITlf 1 DXTX.V1JC IV , Proprietors. Atlanta. Ga.' (tors. Atianti aeia Dyaraggists everywnere.. aruasists everywnere.. - '. For ftirthBrThformatlon writa for the little book. ' Sold by T. C. Smith, li R.,Wxlston 4 Co. and WBson & BurwelL v ' -' f ;jun25dly ' - :- ' - '- WE HAVE opened a yard for the sale of lum berlong lea pine a specialty.. Contractors bills filled to order and. at short notice. Also, manufacture doors,' sash, blinds, mantels aoa bellow ' Yard and factory corner Ninth street andRlcnmond Danville Railroad. , ; , NEW.QOMB BBOa, Agents! . sep8,dlmo - - Cnew only tne brand of tobacco known as The M Oaken Bucket , . , . ; ? OHE old Oaken Bucket, ; - The Iron-bound bucket . . The moas-covered bucket, . That hung In the welL :':,' dHARM. JONES. ' ' i h Cjiarlolje, tup ole Agent, Llberaftermrfdealeji. . ' ,' S DISCOVERY I Biiil: r 1,1 Wl -'t i 1 aBJBWBSSSaBjaWBaBSBBBBBBBBJBrWMMH B . 4a-BSaaV Cb . v - 1 i sSmSL 1 1 Dniggist by Exaanmatiop. LOST MANHOOD RESTOREDf i a viotim of Tanthfnl intundsncB csustnc rrams. DaMyjiHajrfoaaeiJUW.) 'sepi3, cf : I tRr COMPARATIVE EDITIOU CP "J aWIWWffnWWi'- TfISSiBiaiWBJISW' -ISiK :Hi.JISsBSItWW,,' -i"iwwlr'',ll'l"icrr' 'BMiMBW.inaRnM l" BSBilSJSJIBlB IOTN1 atoM J, IN OHe fl .Mi. JABAIABL, gAOBa. V m a n a w nr m a a aw w O O K iraii CJmisMabMra at' IC1BBO .uOoalaiaW drib I N StiTli riutv a X AOCNT TBI uuwu igumjniw 1; WANTS II-f -s t; JOST WSOEIYED AT DrlOIcMensDrii Store a ARATOGA CHY, From Saratoga finrtm N. Y. Anew wattru. sembllng the imported lohy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids dlges wvu, la a wvaui wuue. ana strong diuretic Also,, Balhorn Natural Mineral Water, ... . . .- . Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsls. v ... ALSO, g CASES CONGRESS WATER, 0 CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, j q Cases buffalo lithia. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS -AMD fluoyadi Janos Waters. TI GREAT ECRMi NOVELTY ! JJUNYADI JANOa the best natural aperient. : - , as a cathartic: Dos: A wine glass full before breakfast The atwe(-r''Hunyiidi Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that Its richness In aperient salu surpasMs that of all other known waters." The British Medical JoMmaZ "Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." , , j Pros. TKrcftow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Pro. Bamberger, Vienna -"-"I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scamxmt; Wursaburg: I prescribe none but this." ' ,Prof. lander Brunton, M. D F. B a, London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy. M Pro. Attorn, M. D., y. R. a, Royal Military Hos. Pyey.'Preteored to Pullua and Frted JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. : DONT GO TO SAEATOGA When you can get water Just as fresb and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this, water In large . block tin reservoirs waieh we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. - . J. H. McADEN, s ! .' Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced andoempetent druggists, day or night uly28 , .. : riTnrDip ecd! f nrnip eed ! NEW CROP - TURNIP SEED, RED OR PURPLE TOP, . WBrrit FLAT DUTCH, LARGE WHITE NORFOLK, POMERANIAN WHITE (8 SbK WHITE 0, ' ; ', r ; GOLDES BALL, YELLQW ABERDEEN, BUTA BAQA BLOOMSDALE SWEDE OB YELLOW. LANDHETH'S SEED ' " ARE1 lL WAYS RELIABLE. Go to Wf ,E.JUARTIN, Agent, o i H a i u and 10 Ff?0?- fresh Djmg? d- JEni Miedicines Voae biit the ' ' Vrj Best Drugs do I keep m wit stock.; Also, Tone and Fancy Aies perfumeries, Combs of an the best varieties, amj warranted " ' '' to be good;' ; Physlcaus, prescri as are given tpec- ..,u . . m na. : . . . share " of public - Hoping fcreelvtf a patroBAge. I ant. tesnec p Jeb8)-i,,.rt .....,jiWiri !yin, Agt. CIXY. PROPERTY Otto Jwu 4a70B.(3AXtE,' - lBlillsyh from the public souare Jn Charlotte will tM sold cheap On Masonabla tartna tA th&7hht kind of a turcnaserxne aweinng is on a foil lot has nuie comfortable tooths, brick kkchenrilnewell of wa ter: ftej j The house is admirably adapted forth residence of a lawyer, doctor or preaeher, having an admirable library or study room, built for tbe fNirriAiM. Vnr' tmthm ' n.MiaM,'.MlM'- tnrmS. at7 Apply a'U.-..-i TTTrSiy nfFICE, TjpHE Lot oa tho eevaer etNlnr-ttrget end, JLv North Carolias RaUroaa,iroatlnrl40 feet w AmuisneesanaairaieBt enus- ui onn fY'r, , BAilroaoV irlU either; br soh as a-whoieoi divided into twlts 70-by loaieet Sukahleettbw i m w wu (niu9 a once ana tnoFOUguiy. &ilt saitaue tiatrjcstorauys. mnxx ' . jffj.'i: . - v;aanotw,.w sep3,a4w3moa nt or zastory paQKMeayrAppjr . ,

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