e" BMI - imiiii iii-wnri in iimni rmnrT- in - mi 1 I m .8T3i SUREk n-i APPETISER are nignl " m a A - .A i Oh IRON JOTTERS trWirth. lacfcfif JEnerfirT,taM I .WIS the blood, Btrengtnens ..1 or, on- nw life to the digestive Amoving .11 dyspeptic Bymptom8,8uch as Tntingthetorf, VTTZ -x . en. t rf.ih,, Tli onlv iron repa Belching, tea. w w rr ration it will riot Diacicen Mill 11 3 A 1UU-ni tUMIt ln I'ShHUL. 1U '" ' " "" - J I - II -in SjhMjmiml TJm- M f) Jl rt iCtl I I V A'erow m(ra- I I !riSromsimldbITitoTicl an extent tbat raj labor wa exceedingly bni '.STdid not aiS me.ch p.ltef. on opnUr,, followed : 1 aa offaiini Ml Ml Hat imiymx ana P"' T"-""; .i i.i.t ud wondarfnl reanlU. Thaoia r -TTi j , j i . i . ; ii.. AMr,mv liisau. nuMOtlr abst ; tw did in tb v.; 1 Suit kJJl utility fiiMiif IteiAUiw tMfore njd. tfcj-Toa 'rrTTJTtiZZr JL COS. COLLEGE St F i Just inl and to Arrive : - :s3000 U AREO W TIES,. V V(t.-ViMaj1.-s.'-.t-' "t fiiiTi Hltif KSfiLSrMGCffjNrG 1VUU ii. -IfJAAYKG FI3H, 500 BBLS. FLOUR, 100 BAGS CO? FES, 'JJ. raLS.JYRUP,.. fidXES SOAP Give us feial befora yoabuy and we will sell yott. aug24 CORN IGORNM. CORN ! BAGGING AND TIES 'A We are agents for Will sell It LOWER thanj you can buy an 'other good pWw; -Frill kssbrtnf alvcays ton btod. Call and see us before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. IS(! OPENING. WE HAVE FOB THE riflif suid Snmmpf Tinflft. . The Largeat, Finest and MOST COMPLETE FINE MIL . NOTIONS MezLvU; Am jueasure. ct iflowjng TANS. PAkiflTf . ft - XECKWEAB, J i. AND.O0BSET3 TS OR -BO TO FIT TBJI MXJLD JLHD POCKET OF EVERT r LAST, 11 183 AND CHILD. Oo, pattern Hate and BonnewW bv open in exafctftrBDtr bl tirtotwni convince any ... UUWW4 we havl .-f rr"',T."iite lilgirienasBnq v LttilletiSoiis, WHOLESAL 1 SrltBTtfin A TRUE TONIC t wao.ed.for jJlseasw wqmp V " Wa T" VT TITkMII I JlMM 111. nerves. It acts like a cnarm onuw Tfc kC'Jti'IWX l, o I a, li . me weiu ujt e, Md. rr-y,;.: c.-.in; ii I hv done twlc tho U- enaTgy ratnrsaa ana f xouaa ""'"V. ud with doabl the ease. ,wjin xa i tramin sail Brr haiBOt donAth j p. WATBOxTPirtor Chriitim Chnwh, Troy.O. NO. 813 WOtTtt MAH STfiKTj-ST. LQM V THOUGH SHAKEN IN EVERT JOINT and. fiber with fever and ague, or bilious remittent, the sjflteiSmay yet be freed from the malignant 'vlrris'WtttrHostetter's Bitters. Protect the system against It with this beneficent anti-spas medio, which is furthermore a supreme remedy- for liver complaint, constipation) dyspepsia, deblBry,- rheu matism, kidney troubles and other ailments, foraale by all Druggist! and Dealer generally. Jn IS, 187 DR. DYFS r TO MBN sunering from NervpuaWeaknesses, Gn eral Iebiliiy, less of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting" from Abuses and Oth et. Causes, or to any one afliicted ,with;Rheum- tJsni, Neuralgia, Paralysis Spinal Infflcurties, f SMaey or itl ver Trouc LSJB aiBaclgRup- ttires, arid tfther' Diseases of tne Vital Oreans. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to theirsex'-. . ... - s Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. These are ibe only Electric-Appliances that have-ever been conntruetetl upon scientiflcprin eiplea. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven "with the most-wonderful infcm, and they have the- highest endorsements from'medleal and eien ti fie men, and from hniidref"who have been q.nlekljr aud .radically eared, ft " their 8e.'- - - Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, feiviD aU Information tree. Address, , 7 ' VffLTAtC BELT CO., MaraKall, Xlch. July31 Iff i-SnlffMil a Mali. 4v J i I C AT THE WHITE FRONT, E.M.ANDREWS, ; J (Successor to G. Rogers ! j' WHOLESALE & RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER Ug28 EfrefffllTKTT Chew only the brand of tnbnrtvi knnwiviia Tiii via uaaen imcaet. 'i - ''HEold Oaken Bucket . The inn bound bucket. i in the WelL CHAS. B. JONES. rtCharlotte, N. 0., Sole Agent; Liberal terms to dealers. St. HOTEL STATESVILLE,N.a 1 'if um oocn lease a rot a term of years wimuvuiwuo EKUAiv&o IWlttB UU UIb OlKl 4QCOfMl HWID ......... ! xne patronage ol the public Is solicited. nulji.dtL r-. eompanledwth ourHmert 7" oow-tedLbel wuku muira iqtma on bead of every box. RrWN Mr nn ; a wrm u arrr ' bsity wnsanikw wnoiesaieun 4 at; BalelghNewsObserrer. - Pf Office of Associates) EailkoAd "ov Virginia and the Carolinas, Rich mond, Va September 24, 1881. . B: Yates, Esq., General Manaaeri Newbern, N. C,: j . Dear Sirs Repljinir to your letter of the 13th of September, which, thohrfr published in the Raleigh News and pb server on tne non msc aia not reacn me until the 20th inst, I am sorry to have to make so extended an answer to many of the inaccuracies indulged in by you. ; You say that you "examined the rates and proportions allowed my (your) road, as established by the Associated Roads." If you had really, as you profess, ex amined into them, you would have dis covered apciated roads,: as such, ha atever to do with the rate u snake toe pretext for such yi You say that J withdre iaiesito trie (Midland North C .) road! I am much surprised that you have not, even to this day, notwithstanding your freight experience, since Xugnst 8th (as announced by yourself) discov ered that I did no such thing, but simr ply withdrew your interest or shard erf the rates to which you have so 'graVe ly" objected. j You say that you thought "the ratea fixed by the Associated Roads as very high, fairly considering the conveni ence of the public." The public doubtless feel gratified that you, their champiorM did not find fault with the rates as fix ed bv the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, (not the Associated Roads), but as you have repeatedly asserted; Ms was only your interest or share of these rates that you objected to. As late as August 20th you had not thought bf finding ?au& with either She rates re ferred tf of the ratei to aid from jour :mIoial 8Bfens,TcfMtijsay, ; tn local rattsnoana grow poibw on ItJiilriid are; l&itfaetoH U x&t &n i-J..- llWi i.4M fUnNff made and promulgated by you" By me as what? The Associated Roads? By no means. But promulgated by the Atlantic and North Corolina Railroad under authority of its executive, as you ought to know. 1 It may be well here to state that the question of "proration" does not seem ttf have struck you very forcibly on the 20th of August, for (the rates that you then declared as satisfactory to you) on sixth (Gth) class, Norfolk to Kinston, out of p total rate of twenty-three (28) cents, your road receives fifteen (15) cents for twenty-six (26) miles, while north of Goldsboro, one hundred and fifty-eight (158) miles, accepts eight (8)i cents per hundred pounds (ioo ids). Your rate on cotton, Kinston to Goldsboro, twenty-six (26) miles, is one dollar and wepty-fTye cents ($1.25) per bale, whilepjefl qf fhe Wilmington and Weldnlq:okdjf Goldsboro to Wilmingtafa,Mghty-our (84) miles, was one dollar ($!.Qopfcrfbale. On guano: From Wilmington to Kinston, out of a through rate of two dollars and seventy-five cents (2.75) per ton, the Wilming ton and Weldon Railroad receives, for eighty -four (84) miles, one dollar and fif ty cents (1.50), and your company, for twenty-six (26) miles, receives one dol lar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per ton. From Wilmington to La Grange, out of a total rate of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50 for fifteen (15) miles, your company takes, one dollar ($1.00) and the Wilmington and Weldon, eighty four (84) miles, receives one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per ton, and other ar ticles in the same ratio. And yet, strange;as it may seem, you said nothing aoout -proration tnen. if the withdrawal of your proportions of the rates operated injuriously against your pompany, the fault was entirelys your? fewn, andvcouldt have hee)n avOidea had you desired-, tot Go, sd and adapted the usilal mBthoct of; daincr Mix1 I if? 1 Hi-M ? Auaist2Qti you wrote 'me as fol lows: Steamer rates on cotton, from here to Norfolk, are $1.50; Baltimore $2.00; New York $2.50. We can secure great er portion of this. What proration will you allow this road 50 cents? If not, how much?" Where was your system of "prora tion" then? Evidently not yet con ceived. My letter, as well as the order on this subject, was very plain to one accus tomed to rates and their divisions. Had you informed me that you had any ice to go from Newbern to Raleigh, would have given you the same reply that I gave to parties at Raleigh who informed me that they had coal at Newbern to go to Raleigh. My reply to them was that the Richmond and Danville would accept the same, rates from Goldsbpro to Raleigh; as hereto fore, but that for rates 'from Newbern to Goldsboro they would have to apply to you. Referring to the notice tnven by Gov ernor Jarvis to Col. Buford. I . can only say that the order referred to must have been grossly misrepresented to the Governor. Of the source of such misrepresentation you are perhaps bet ter advised than I am. If you are not endeavoring to mislead the public (to which your letters seem more particularly addressed) your effort to establish your version of what vou call "proration" is Temarkable. You attempt to show that Newbern was not intended to be benefited by the corn rates in question, and that positive in- ' : a. j . j a. i . . jury was lnrcnaea to jxewuern ana ine corresponding section of the State. I have known something of the business oi tne Atlantic ana JSfltth Carolina road for the ats sefehid) years, the road being orJ rM(j during that time by the State. crnection referred to round an of et via JSftwbern during such seasons rilr-asv-trafflc relations existed with roads at Goldsboro. ' Durine a period when the adminis tration of the Atlantic and North Car olina Railroad did not seek the rela tions referred to, and made a contract with parties, agreeing to do what you have twice suggested, to wit. pool Goldsboro. the result was that New bern and the Atlantic and North Caro lina Railroad lost the corn business by i i i j . . i j. . u auauiuie ttuu cutupiete ui version to other ports. was it detrimental to Newbern to have Mr. Bonny, a Wilmington mer- cnant, revive tne lost corn traffic ? Was not the largest part of the corn crop of that section, through the instru mentality of Mr. Bonny and the Asso ciated Railways, marketed YiaNewberbrtl i iWMJpyratfefref Dflifctiacotn vi we xnjid axxytpri ebtJtevhdwlll the statement that the rates were too high? j If Newbern did not need the help of the Wilmington and Weldon and Rich mond and Danville Railroads, why was it that when their aid was not asked the corn traffic departed from New- ueru r i The very argument you ttse for show ing that Newbern did not need this help is conclusive that it did. -'If corn sells for a higher price at Wilmington, Norfolk, &&, than at New bern, would not that product seek the highest possible market at the lowest possible rate, which you confess Is ne cessarily by water? , !; - ; The Associated Koads found the orth it ival fheTiMieTUaM laaytM las flfloinBKW HclUyf Lbdhirfii rbliffa ana snipped f i i i 3, f. 1- USflp. XMfc WOMds a2fteMiinL.i!ni mant and aided the Atlantic and ft varoima.4iaurpafj. m rates. 1 1 i .j ! ffhesfl reasons account tot the rev raae-otfiewE It would seem that, findiHg Ton had tta a MifltIhigypnrletters tempts to garble "and distort tbe faclA perhaps W.idrawattontJWD.'?froitf the 'real f 8ta;v'afjAit thAsrfmrt ISmeJ to -create pupne senumenc in oiir layor-i loroiner purposes. ' . . Notwitristanding that yod claim the geographical centre of the com-producr ing sectidh of the State sit' (6)' seasons out bf ten 10),imder 'just such manage meat as you seem to be', gi vihg it, the Atlantic and North f&rolma "Railroad faTlirT!T6wT3eTnhalIoTTO nessw,-y x's-f vrr vwj ct s' -t Hrjw-Vart Dronght Itbtftthat. in four (4) out of the ten 10) seasons, other ports did not, and Newborn did, have this corn traffic?. The answer is easily arrived at Newpern needed the help it received from the Wilmington and Weldon and Richmond and Danville roads.' r : . . ,v?; v: Under the principle of "proration " as given by 'yon, 'if the corn rate from Newbern, to Baleigh be nine (9) cents per hundred pounds (100 lbs), the tatse to Athens,--. Georgia, which-is six (6) times a: greater distance, wotild beflfty five (55) cents, while the rate is -but twenty-four (24). The :rate to Char lotted under youc "pToration,,' would J twenty-four (24) cents, while the actual rate is but twenty (20). T 3olumbia, S. C, the rate would be twenty-seven (27)cents,? while the rate charged, was but fifteen (15). The rate to Wilming ton would be eleven and -seven-tenths (11 7-10), while the rate is but nine (9) ents : If the rate. on cotton be, as it, is,pne dollar and twenty-five cents from Kin stott 'to Gold'sboro,' to Wilmington lit .would be about 'five ' dollars, and to. Norfolk eight dollars and seventy-five cents, while to New York it would be 1 i. tlCL JnlT-M kl. . . . .. I ' ' Your "proration' system rnay .sdnnd; very well upon the hustings, put-wilt hardly ever be again tried in practice, Thejrration system of rates inaugu rated py the Illinois Legislature about 1878, and repealed at the earliest possi ble moment, is too fresh in the history of the country to be tried ' again, even Upon, - the recommendation .of . your management Cbl. Buf ord's statement that the "ac tual interchange of traffic was undis turbed,'.' is entirely correct, except so far as you intend by your, action in the premises to give it a different effect. And in reference to jrour statetnent l would only add that CoL Buford refers, as must be well known to you, to the natural effect of my order, and not to your action in connection with it. If you did not "temporarily withdraw' your objections," what did you mean by writing me under date of August 20th: "However, as the rates .were of , your making I am respecting them,ai.d shall continue to do so until after com ing to a decided understanding or mis understanding V" r xpu tnen argue why your snare or existing rates should be advanced, and say : "Good pay for you, and assists us in paying considerable extra expense, etc., that we are incurring." Now, can this refer to any other than the rates previously objected to ? Had I simply stated that you with drawn your objections you might have justly claimed that I had misrepresent ed you. But, certainly, with your let ter of the. 20th before me, I cannot be wrong in saying that you had tempo rarily withdrawn your objections. Did you have the "proration" system in your mind when you proposed that we can pleasantly and to our mutual interest, "so to say. pool this (Golds boro) business, so that our little road may have something to show on the credit side from this important sta-. tion?" The statement that any one in the State has not, when occasion demanded,! asked, freely and without restraint, for reductions in rates is so wide of the! mark, not to say ridiculous, that it is i not likely to delude any other person! than yourself. In resrard to the undue oublicitvi given these matters, it would doubtless: be interesting for you to inform the public precisely what information was conveyed to Gov. Jarvis, through your self or friends on this subject, and if not conveyed for the purpose ofpub- ncity what the purpose was. we do not seek publicity, nor do we shrink from it when essential to truth; hence we give the facts as shown by the rec ord of events in question. Yours, Sol. Haas. ; STATE NEWS. Asheboro Courier: Six men from this county are bound over to appear at Federal Court next week and answer for violations of the Revenue law. The turpentine still of Mr. J. C. Graves of Carthage was burned last week by an incendiary. Loss about fifteen hundred dollars. There was no insurance. Mr. James O. Pickard, of Randleman, left, last Thursday for Providence, New York, Boston, Lowell, and other places, to purchase the new machinery for the Worth Manufacturing company and the Central Falls company. There is a pear, tree in this county on Sandy Creek, said to have been planted one hundred and twenty-seven years ago.: ui ! .. Raleigh News and Observer; Five hundred more -sets of infantry equip ments for the State Guard have been received at the arsenal. ) The Henderson Light Infantry has disbanded. , The arms and equipments held by it will be at once returned to the State arsenal. Chief Justice Smith and Mrs. Smith left Tuesday for New York. We learned from passengers on. the Raleith- arid Gaston 'Ef inroad last eve ning, t)ut do not Vouch for the fact, that there was some excitement at Henderson Tuesday, on account of the attempted laying of a track by the au thorities bf the Oxford and Henderson road on land belonging to the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, and immediately along the track of the latter. It is said mat an injunction was sought tore straki proceedings.; . Lanrinburg Enterprise; Daniel W. Thompsonjwas tried at the fall term of BladenSuperior Court, just ended, for the murder of JohnCW. StcLeod at Ab bottsburg, lasS March, aad acquitted. Statesvflie,. American: Information has reached here, thata Mr. Walker, from Alexander county, was most foul ly murdered, on the Blue Ridge, a few days ago. Two men named McNeil and Krepsare charged iwiththe deed and haveBinjce i)een arrested 3 -: While the train on the A., . T.: & O. road was nearing the depot, last Satur daynight, a colored man, .whose name we have not learned, was . run over and killed, tit was! supposed" that .he had fallen down in a- fit, or; lay down, and went to sleep, r He had made some pur? chateS at shoos near the depot of sup plies, which were found near his dead Lenoir Topic: A party of revenue raiders were hot uron the -track of a blockade distillery, supposed to be siti- Gated in; the mountains about njUes from Lenoir, last Saturday." Z., . . , t i The most deserted looking habitation In this coatitt jail, not ( a harhiit being has beerx'sBeri about Ifr ror .more than a fionthl - v11: ' ,X.'''-7 IrrGj-Washirigton Hollowayrhason his farm a chestnut tree, fifty feet high, three feet across' and" making: rfihftde 1 by Wfeetivltis fullof fruit . f We regret to learn that Mr. Ed. M BealL who so serkrtislr wOrmded' him-. self by an Accidental .shot -In, the leg, some week since, near Nopal, Texas, JT'P.d 1'submit to'ampntatiotf onr Of' riNSCBUPUlU8-ADVENTJBER& What .inducement can' , bounterfelter have to prbdtuiythMg'goodiot reliabWf ire they the class of men -who -"are -to furnish physic for tt jkk at ta supply medicine far 4hedrugSJst to deafc in? Beware. at bogus ;n4 worthless compounds gotten up to sell or the reputation of the purest you get the genuine Slnynons Liver Regulator m White WrarTrwr. vrtttflkrge'rrf 2 tneon, and see that J. H, ZeUln dc Co. are the proprietors of what !:'Mr. Chas. Ireland, of CliMcothe; O., suffered with rheumatism to such an extent thai he was obliged to limp about One bottle of SL Jacobs OU completely eured;liini;,i- c,: : . Btdwoko Aixm -amd Ibom spergs Watsb axd lUsa. The : great tonle and alterative contains twice as much Iron and fifty per cent, more alum tnunr than any "alum and iron- mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing, Prices reduced one half. flmayll U. :i 'a, , i i . ' , . Aahbumham, Mass., January'i4t '8 1 ' , I have been very sick for over two years. They all gave me up as past cure.-' I tried the most skniull physicians,- but they ' did hot reach the worst part. . The lungs and heart would fill up ev ery nigni ana distress me. ana my inroai was very Daa. l torn mi children never should die In until I had tried Hop Bitters. ; I have taken o bottles. Thev have helned me verr much in deed. . I am now welL There was a lot of sick folks here who have seen, how they helped me, and they used them and are cured, and feel as thankful as I do thai there is so valuable a medi cine made. , :, Mes. Julia G. cdshimo. . EASILY PROVEN. : It Is easily proven that malarial fevers, consti pation, torpidity of the liver and kidneys, general debility, nervousness and neuralgic ailments yield readily to this great disease- conqueror. Hop Hit ters. It repairs the ravages of disease by convert ing the food into rich blood, and .it gives new lifer . nd vjgor to the aged and Infirm always. THEGREAT t RHEUMATISM, ; Neuragfa, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Couti Quinsy, Sore Throat, S wett ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Bar and Headacha, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacobs On. a a ate. sure, simple and cheap External Bemedy. A trial entafla bnt the oomparatlTaly trifling outlay of 60 Ceats, and every one (offering with pain an hare cheap and positive proof of til claims. Directions In Eleven Languages. ' BOLD BY ALL DETTOOISTS AFD DEALERS A. VOGEIiER fc CO., Baltimore, McL, U. 3. A. deo80d4w ly r THE ONLY MEDICINE 15 EITHER LIQUID OB DRT FORK 1 That Acts at the same time on1 1TZSLIVSS, TES BOWELS, jAffS TEE SHEETS. WHY; ARE WE SICK? Statu m allow the great organ to beam t dogged or torpid, and poisonou kanorar tkmrtfor forced, into tk blood K4 that thouldbt expelled naturally. v JiWILL SURELY CURE Mkidney'diseases. K TMVER COMPLAINTS; PILES' CONSTIPATION, URTNAST DISKASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, VNEB VOPS DISORDERS, Ibyeauigfre action cf Out organ and tutoring their power to throw off diuate. . j I. ,w ay saner isuioas paias ana senes Why tomemted with Piles, CoBitipaUml Why frightesed ever disordereit Kidneys! Why endure aervons or sick headacheal XT KEDNEY-WORTamf rejoice in health. patnpln Dry YegetaUe Fens, Is tin 4aas one package of which makes aix qoarta of mr"-1" Alo in Iiqaitl Fsna. frj Ceen CraAasV tor those that cannot readily prepare it. tylt acta with eqnal efficiency In either form. KUCT It OF YOUB DRUGGIST. PRICE, $1.00 WELLS, EICHABDSOX A Co., Prop's, . I (Win eend the dry post-paid.) BTJaUXOTOH, VT. Marcrr27 d&w ly LOVELY v COMPLEXIONS FOSSIBIiE TO AliL - - i- l - What Nature denies to many Art secures to alL Hsgan'a Magnolia Balm dispels every Memisb overcomes Eedness, Freckles, Sallowness, Rough ness, Tan, Eruptions and4 Blotches, and remoYes all eYi dences of Heat and excitement,' The Magnolia Balm imparts, the most delicate and natural complexional tintsno detec tion Delng possible to the clos est observatione .-. . y i Unto these circranstances a faulty complexion Is little short of a. crime. Magnolia Balm sold everywhere. Costs only . yscentSejfitU '..Ml directions. if Jan.22 Bicycle. It is generally conceded mat among out ooor sports none surpass the Bicycle as a means of restoring health. To those of sedentary hab its the result is most ben eficial, .developing the mus cles and giving new uie . and Yioor to tbe whole ava- - tenv-A horse-always sad- .cied, ready lor businesi or pleasure. Send three seat .Mamp.ioiw al-page eata- 1 roil information, to -' I - .- Boston, Mass., 1 'Or JC WEATESi i t :i mmmrn ii r Ii ! Ml i A-'sivBSra yog . :.TDNE-i-10Tfl QBANO PISTRJBTJTION, CtA8ak. ATNBw6BIJAN3. ' TO1 11th. I881-187th Monthly ' i .r:-f' ; 1,Wtng . . louiaana State " lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legls- fwlthacapltal of l,000.000-to which a reserve ! fund of over $42 0,000 has since been added. ' ou oTMBuounmg popular vote its rranchlse 1as made a part of the present State ConstituUon adopted December 2a, A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. - V I aeyer scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: ., 4nn(VM CAPITALPRIZK, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tickets, One Dollar. UST OF PRIZES : paPlH Fjtee $30,000 ' . uayiuu X 1 . . . H . . ............... 2 Prizes of $2,500.,... 5 Prizes of 1,000..' 20 Prizes of 500.........;.. ..... 100 Prizes Of 100 200 Prizes of 50. 500 Prizes of 20.. 1,000 Prizes of ; 10. " ' ' APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 8 Approximation Prizes of $300. ,. . ; 9 ApproxlmaUon Prizes of 200. . . . 9 Approximation Prizes of ioq... 5.00O . 5.000 . 6,000 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 .. 10,000 $2,700 1,800 . 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to! $Ho,400 rJK2PCtSSSdVlg aenl at all Wints; to whom a liberal compensation will be JflJSS:?1 opnaOon. write clearly, giving foaddress. Send orders by express or Reel? tered Letter, or Money Order by malL Address ed only to M. A. DAUPHIN r M. A DAUPHIN, at Kew Louisiana, No. 212 Broadway New York. ,.f55r?nd raordlnary Drawings are under the i supervision and management ol General s Q T. Beauregard and JubalX Early. wo"oroiB NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. 7 The public are hereby cautioned egainst send ing any money- or orders to.NUNES ft CO.. 83 Nassau street, New York City, as authorized by the Louisiana State Lottery Company to sell tlekete. They are flooding the country with i BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting to be of the Qlna State Lottery. Company, and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as its agenta. They have ho authority from this com pany to seU the ttekts,.and are not Its agents for any purpose. ,.T ' M. A DAUPHIN, w t6 foulsiana State Lottery Co. New Orleans, La , July 4, 1 881. 36th POPTJLAB MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE r : totheCltvof Louisville, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. . The United States Circuit Court on March 81, rendered the following decisions; 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany Is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes for the SEPTEMBER DRAWING. . 1 Prize 830,000 1 Prize......... 10,000 1 Prize 5,000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each, 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each, 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each, 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each,... 12,000 1000 Prizes. 10 each. lO.OOfl "9 Prizes, $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,70 9 Prizes, 200 " " " " 1.80& 9 Prizes, 100 " " " 900 1,960 Prizes SI 12.400 Whole Tickets. $2; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets, $50; 55 Tickets, $100. Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OB POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address aU orders to B. M. BOARD MAN, CourlerJoumal Building Louisville, Ky., or 309 Broadway New York. July 8 This great . specific cures that disease most loathsome WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OR TERTIARY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cores scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CUBE3 WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL I Malvern, Ark., May 2, 1881. We have cases in our town, who lived at Hot Bprings and were finally cured with S. 8. S. jnCUAJUtOXf C jnUBBY. . Louisville, Kentucky, May 13, 1881. 8. 8. S. has given better satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold. J. A Flxxher. - Memphis, Tennessee, May 12, 1881. We have sold 1,296 bottles of S. S. 8. in a year. It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif ic.': 8. Mansfield A Co. Denver, CoL, May 2, 1881. Every purchaser speaks in the highest terms of S. a a L. mussetkb. Richmond, Va., May 11, 1881. You can refer anybody to us in regard to the merits ofaaa Polk Mjixkb & go. Have never known a a 8. to fall to cure ' a case ot Syphilis, when properly taken. . . , , . , h. l. dxkkard, Eli Wabrkn, ' -! ;: Perry.Ga. ,The above signers are -gentlemen of high stand ing. - A, H. CoLQurrr, Gov, of Ga. If you wish, we will take your case, TO BE PAID jtuk wtusw uuued. write ior particulars. $1 ,000 REWARD will be paid to any chemist wno win nna, on analysis oi iuu ootties or a. & y one parncie or Mercury, loaiae potassium, or any mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by druggists everywhere. . For further Information write for the little book. Sold by T. O Smith, L. R. Wrlston 4 Co. and wnson a uurweu. un25dly- LUMBER. WE HAVE opened a yard for the sale of lum berlong leaf pine a specialty. Contractors bills filled to order and at short notice. Also, manufacture doors, sash, blinds, mantels and bellows. Yard and factory corner Ninth street and Rlcnmond Danville Railroad. NEWCOMB BROS., Agents. sep3,dlmo Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. . THE old Oaken Bucket, The iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket, That hung in the welL , , CHAS. R. JONES, Charlotte. N. C. Sole Aeent. Liberal terms to xlealere. - S DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of ytmfhfal-irnTrndenee causing Prema tura Decay, JTerrous Debility, Lost Manhood, etc, having tried In vain very-kaowa remedy, baa dia-; covered a simpfc self em, which be.wffl sendFREB, to bis feDow-snSerers, address J, H REYt 4S CtiwfJisim St W. x. r sepia--vij vi; -'.i '' -; : i ; ) -,; ' ; - 1 ' : THE COMPARATIVE EDITION OF g M E W?TE8TAI1 E MTl ' BOTH iFULL TEXT OF 4 VERSlONSlKIKC JAMES & REVISED VERSIONS lllIE tT IM PARALLEL PAGES. BOO K ! I FraeiBomi awora. Xfcaasw ahowq at a ' siaaM. OiiIt On Book Eunntink utm labor, insnra. aeeaianr. iriraa maiA. adlaOaapidlr. GoatMnins 4 OQO AGENTS f PriS t - J.ll. CHAM BM & Kh.--i'3w 1 aepS.d&wSrnos ; V ffiHlNERE oW Foreign and Domestic, V JUST RECEIVED AT s Drug Store ABATOGA ICHY, K?.ara. sPrinBS. N. Y. A new vwt.r re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO. CASES CONGRESS WATER, 1 0 CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM. J 0 CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS AMD Hfloyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUlPEAN NOVELTY ! H UNYADI TANOa THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT AS A CATHARTIC: Doss r A wine glass full before breakfast The iance "Hunybdl Janos. Baron Llebig af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all ether known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, saf ost, and most efficacious aperient water." Prof. Virchoto, Berlin. "Invariably good and1 prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scamoni, Wurszburg I prescribe none but this." Pref. Lander Brunton, U. D., F. R 8., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." Prof. Atken, M. D., F. R. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. Preferred to PuIIna and Fried richshaiL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water just as fresh and spark ling as wben it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water to large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. McADEN, Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced arid competent druggists, day or night July28 Tnroip Seed ! Tarnip Seed ! andreth s Ui NEW CROP TURNIP SEED. RED OB PURPLE TOP. WHITE FLAT DUTCH, LARGS WHITE NORFOLK, POMERANIAN WHITE GLOBE WHITE EGG, AMBER GLOBE, GOLDEN BALL, YELLOW ABERDEEN, RUTA BAGA BLOOMSDALE SWEDE OB YELLOW. LANDRETH'S SEED ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE. L R. t Julyl9 MM by Examination. GO tO W. P. MARVIN, Agent, and Successor to F. Scarr & Co. Fresh Drags and Pore Medicines 0 a H H h I vH u u ? u Q None bat the Very Best Drags do I keep In my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles. Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tooth Brushes, 4c., fc GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spec ial attention. Hoping to receive a share' of public patronage, I am, respectfully; feb8 W. MARVIN, Agt CITY PROPERTY uiFORSALis. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the XX public square in Charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terras to the right kind of a Echwe'; The dwelling is on a fnlilot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine wen ofwa-teri-etc. The house Is sxttnlrably adapted for t)ie residence of a lawyer,5 doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room,, built for the : rpBsT Lot tm the eorner of Ninth street and the ( nviui vtuouna rutnrwm, irooung iu iev vu Ninth street and 19d feet on the) North Carolina Moiuvou, ifui muiOT ira auiu a a wuuic w vii ; into tw lots of 70 by 1 80 feet. Suitable either for ounaingqr laaory purposes. Appiy to WRISTGN .BepaUiUimo,

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