LOCAL USTELUGKNCK. SUNDAY, OCT. g. 1881 SOCIETY DIRECTORY. MA801T1C. Fh ilahx Lodqi No. 81, ir.fti. M.-Begular - .... unuu juonaay nignts. ular meeting every first and third Tueadiy nlaSfc Cbuslotoi Chaftir No. 89. R. A. M.-Rejrulr - 'uuiui unaay nights. ma A tine evnnr flint inri thi mL.S.Jr ,LLUir - - uuiu luunuiji) o:b n. Knights of Honor. Regular -meeta second and fourth Thursdays. 3C- OP IE- Tory nrTand 'third WXX3&&Ett SK nnii Toronto Boll ' v ww p. ID. at Mar WVa.-v wujsav UIa, X. O. O. S dHvr"10 Na 88,-MeeU every Hon- Mkoxlknburs Diclaratiom Lopaa Na ft jueew every Auesaay night. Dixie Lodgs No. night. 108. Meeto'every Thursday Catawba .??camt Na 21.-Meets First and third Thursday nighte to each month. Tlie Churche To.Day, tiJ,Y1v M"18. Chbbtiah Association. -Devo- ... v,o ,u w, aiwrooou at bAo o'clock. . iMaD"iaj uhubch. Service la th mnrnlna at .1.1 . . . . ""'w l ltd n'JSSt K tt HarUn. Pastor. Sunday school th m nr , 1 . , T; " ""V" services in ZtTCift a Clle8l rector. Sunday school St. Ulnvt. . lJ ,,clock aSd in Ihe evening kt 4 by Rev. l. f. o'Conneii. prtesi -"" . baptist CHUHCH-sarrices in the mi.. I I O CIOCK and In the Avnnln at Til. k. I. 'clock and m t hA .r,,rs."iu,"f o'cloct Sunday school at 9 w iiii.ni j t - . ... iqv; MTi x lieu. Bi!? PRfSBTTTEBIAK CHAPKL.- .,UJ".ruuf 1 1 ociocit and In the Sk?. W. T. WaUer. Sun- uw dvuuvi Ov JU U CJVCaW ,.iVARJ MlS3IPN Chchch (Mkthodist.) Ser- t.b iu iiio iiiuming at ii o'clock and in the $nenlD ai7, )y Kev. J. K. Thompsoi? pastor! bunday school at 9 a. jn. ; Class-Meeting at 4p! m! Trtok Stbdct CIL K.) CBCBCH.-Srvieea In the . , -r.L m , 1 troiocK. nayer meet ing at 7 Wednesday evening. Colored Prbsbttkkiah CmmcHServlces in Si? S1100" atJ ojstock and in the evening at i va "juuo, paswr. ounday school at ludex to New AdTertiiemenu. Notioe-P. C. Harkey. and others. October lst-Selgl A Co. Kew fall goods Morris ft Bros. HOME PENCILINGSU t Superior Court begins in Mon roe Monday, J udge Avery presiding. KW Mr. LeBoy Davidson is North purchasing a stock of groceries for the fall and winter. ItDr. Graham's again yesterday, but selves and the buggy. team ran away hurt only them- tW It is said the Sell Bros.' circus will not come through this country now since Forepaugh has determined to come. tSTThe McSmith music house fur nished a splendid upright Chickering to a prominent cotton buyer yester day. IW The Observer acknowledges with thanks the tender of a season pass for staff .representative to the At lanta exposition grounds. IW Yesterday was the biggest day of the season. The cotton receipts were 219 bales. All day long the streets were crowded, and altogether it was sugges tive of last fall. 1ST Several old police favorites wound upm the station house yester day, one of whom was a member of the formerly distinguished fighting and drinking crowd known as "l,ong? Cavalry,'' 3T Several parties went hunting yesterday under the impression that the old law fixing October 1st was still in farce. Again it has been changed to November 1st. tW In the statement yesterday in Gov. Vance's article of the freight on corn from Richmond to Ridgeway, S. C, the printer makes the amount 13 cents per 100 pounds. It should be 23 cents. tt-The Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina stands adjourned to meet, in its sixty-eighth annual session, in the First Presbyterian church, Salis bury, on Wednesday, November 2d. tW The clerks of Wittkowsky & Ba ruch's have had resolutions of sympa thy and condolence printed handsome ly on satin and will send them to the mother of their lately deceased fellow clerk, Henry Whitp, The' first issue of The North Carolina Home 'Magazine, edited by Mr. and Mrs. Hi McLaughlin, at Salisbury, has been received at this of fice. It is a very creditable publication and Tiie Observer hopes it may prove a successful literary venture. USTTiie Observer is indebted to the Mcamith music house for a copy of a piece of music entitled "President Gar field's Funeral March" by Edward Christie, and published by Oliver Dit son and Co., of Boston. It is said to be an excellent composition. t5 An attempt was made a night or two since td break into the residence of Mr. J. T. Butler. His cook aw the thief and told him to leave. The man cursed and threatened her, and contin ued his efforts at an entrance, when the woman set up a howl and the burglar flfid. tW The Newton Enterprise, apropos of the "white" ne&rro The Observer any changing bis color, In t few more years he will ba entirely whiten Tha change is being made,1 of course, with out ahedding the skin." fclTThe Montgomery Star says Tardon us I but we thought that a Humpty Dumpty troupe were parading through the streets of Charlotte, when we were in the elty, last week, till one pi our city friends informed us that it Was a bevy of fashionable ladies in their very fashionable hoopsklrts." Surely the hoopskirts were not all the Star saw in Charlotte. So warm a SAntamhflr host tint been seen for many years. There were in all five changes of the moon last month, September, before its pjose. it is the only month In the calenda? that will furnish such a lunar specta cle iiTthV present year.; The Itooon reached its firstquarteron the lst,fiHed on the 7th, and reached Its last quarter on the 15th. On the 23d there was a new moon, and the first quarter was on the goth. - ; tW Mr. J. 0 Jenkins, Bon of ex treasurer D. A, Jenkins,, a young gen tleman well known, in tbls city, has been admitted td . the bar in Georgia. The Gainesville Eagle says : -Mr, Jen Kins, who was 'admitted to the bar' vmu erday, !s a graduate tvith the degree ot "V . irom rnnceton Auege, ana has h. degree of L.L. B. from Colum- itl; pfos its, and Win lobate e hope he may aecide 4o tnake uaineaviiie ms cnoice." piouiteq zq statpsyme some days ago, f?ays: "Newton canwboa! oJ a negrd Who for several vears' hair han orniiri. A Former Deputy tJ s. marshal to .Vo wThe burglar : Ben Browfai.aZjo Bob White, now in fail w h L -JL 771 r. for burglary pn the 25th of tfoyember was, it is said, a United RtstL . in York county. 8oath (5a una, during reconstruction days, and was one i of the moat notorious colored political characters in . Jl7 ring all that darHime. WM1"jr Found Dead In Bed. y?8 Steely, a very old colored wo man living with her daughter and son -iwnOUif on S&th rtraJt, behind the rryonStreet Methodist church, was found dead In her bed yesterday morn- feeling unusually unwell the night be fore and her death was entirely unex pected. It WAR tirfthahln K. k disease. r "?a" The W&de.bere Floral Fair The managers! nf th WauWn held under the auspices of . the Dixie Agricultural and Mechanical Associa tion, nave made arranoremAntji with thA authorities of the Carolina Central to transport free of charge all articles for exhibition at the fair. Tt. pn the 17th of October and continues through the 22d. It bids fair to be a most successful occasion and ' It would Well reDaV Our mrrhnnfa arA mnmt. facturers to make exhibits. A BaM Balllttatcn. A base ball nin fmm ukmn Steel Creek, called the "Mecklenburg" uaiuo wj wwn yesieraay ana played a match on th amnnA nf th Carolina Military Institute with a nin a : AAmnAflAil a4 . . J A a . the score stood 84 for the Meckelen- ISrP.wi for the combination nine. j.ne victorious countymen will go to cracx ciud mere. May thev meet with as much success there as they did here. - , Kilning; Item. Mr. Jack Black was in the nibv van. terday and showed very rich anerimana even richer than those mentioned a uay or two Since from hia newlvdia. covered copper mine, near his cotton xactory on ixocky Kiver. There are 24 mines on the granite belt running throuorh Rowan rh9rrnB and Mecklenburg. y The HODewell COnrtAr min la nnnr shipping large quantities of ore to Bal- umore. Several new mininc rnmnanlpn fn operate mines in this county are to be luiuitHi una i ail, it is said. . J A.l J IV . - Ctanrcn Notes, Communion servicea in nar1v nil the churches to-day. Rev. J. B. Cheshire, of St. Peter's Episcopal church, will conduct services ac me regular nours to-dav. The ar- ment of the Lord's Supper will be ad ministered. Rev. E. A. Win card will nreanh. morning and evening, at the Lutheran cnurcn to-aay. No services at tho First PnhvfoH on church to-day, owing to the absence of t.ne pastor, ur. Miller, In the moun tains. The conereeation has been in. Vited to Partake of the aarramnnr. nf the Lord s Supper at the Second Pres- Dytenan church, where services will be conducted by the pastor. Conjuring- Bag-. W. A. Pennineton is a' tnnr darVnv hailing from Chester. 8. C. He is now in jail for carrying concealed weapons. yn ms Doay were iouna papers which ic is tnougnt are forgeries. But curi ous to sav. considering the fanf-. that. Pennineton is a netrro of education anrl a scnooi teacher, two conjuring bags, as me coiorea people describe them, were iouna nangmg round bis neck. They contained a number of pieces of some reddish root, a dog's tooth, some stiff hairs, probably from a horse's tail, three coins smoked black, and some sulphur. When these bags were opened up a negro woman standing bv said, j -Aii me yurgiars nas raemj l imows 'em.1 ; o The Sllnatrele. Kunkels' troupe gave a first-class minstrel performance last night The singing was good, the orchestra? above the average and the Mgags" generally new, if somewhat roundabout and la bored. That upon the police force was voted the best ever gotten off. Why were they like electricity ? because iiSJS Z1 -w we uvu wv nuvu Weston and Hanson in their original musical act received unrestrained ap plause. Master John JJoud in his imitations of Joe Emmett, the famous Dutch comedian, was pleasingly successful. The stump speech of Mr. Frank Moran was brimful of wit and humor and was applauded accordingly. Patsy Banmmte cirpus was a good takeoff, the performance concluding wfth a side-apliting and laughable act entitled, "Homeopathy vs. Alapathy." More of the State Band for York- oTm. ; . ' ' ' ; : ; - ; , From Mr. Frank Andrews, of this city, one of the musicians, some further particulars are learned of the State band formed by Prof. Neave for the Yorktown Centennial. ;The band, con sisting of 28 members from the various bands of the State, will assemble in Raleigh on the 12th of October, Wep Besday & the Stote Eafc, andjiiing Friday and Saturday ."wilf improve every opportunity f of practice together. On Saturday they will escort the Bihg ham cadets to the Fair Grounds and the band will be exercised in military tactics.. Each member of the band will be re quired to furnish himself with a blue uniform after the fashion of those worn by the officers of the State Guard. prof. Neave feels highly eUftedf with the bouUiment Wfiidn- m feWn1 ilaid his balndtiy ah ihYit4tlon1 unite with Dod worth's New1 York band, consist ing of 100 of the most celebrated cornet musicians in Amerloa; in the rendition at Torktown of the new anthem of Millard, "God Save Our Presidents The Carp t a Sncker Mr. W. R. Fraley. in galishury WaMmtk, CQneiadea. that $85 Wi' &rrV$S was joking aome time ago in an item whion stated that the earp Jn Mr. Fred Munxlera pond bad devoured quite a number of trout. To be entire' ly honest The Observer, aCkhOWlodgeg that it was a joke. Not only that: but it goes farther and thanks Mr; Fraley for the followinor information. He I aajo, 1 oarp, qoea not prey upon other (having a! mouth Uke s sucker) ut lives on vegetable food, as well as upon worms and the laryje- of aquatic insects, which it turns up from the mud with its head. It is said that the can) likes, aboye eyery thing e Iser vege table matter, such as cabbage; lettqee, boiled pota.toeai corn, 'tqnirpia.'pnmp kins, melons, &c. XtJ also . eatsr the re fuse of malt from, breweries and distil leries, and will not even refuse, the ex crement bf cattle and pigs, 'i&-irf j We have never heard ooead before, that they would eat shM whilst it is a well known liicti thati thei trout is not Only yery "voracious'' but that 'he will waU0W- 1 Ltii!,uni :btknHxii fcUifrW hOfta'S..- J 1 1 I liioirseness, aattwi or winltatlmot the throat or branchial tabes, will be relieved bl Til ! t,f, taklpcBT. BuU'sCough Syrap. It aas cored thou: andfl. Reoommead it to your friend and nclgh- A Strike and It Prooaolo Oecaalon Yesterday moraine seven of -th (An tral hotel dining-room- waiters came m to Mr. Eccles , in a body and declared xneir mienuon ox- quitting. , Tnis left Mr. Eccles with only three waiters,but he immediately teletrraohed for other w nil tneir places. The AUanta expo sition, it is thought, lathe occasion for the strike. Mr. Eccles says bis waiters- were similarly affected - during the .Philadelphia centennial. They get v.nid with the idea of increase of wages whenever any big event occurs. "And besides," says mine host of the Central, "I think they all have an idea that if they tstay at one place too long ja ill t m . n at win oegin to do tnougnt tnat tney are still in slavery. They change to assert their freedom." Sen. Isnnodenfe Road. It is learned from Mr. Len Estes, of "Watauga, who was in the city yester day, that a surveying party under Capt. D wight, formerly of the Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge, passed Blowing Bock, on the line of Watauga and Cald well, a few days since, making their way from Watauga to the head waters of the Yadkin, locating an alternative route for the South Atlantic and Ohio rauroaa company, projected by capital ists ana owners oi southwestern Vir ginia coal and iron property, also in terested in the Cranberry iron ore beda! mis is Known as the imboden syndi cate. Another route has already been surveyed through Cooke's gap, The road is to be narrow guage. Its pro jectors propose .to .reach one of the .North Carolina, ports and there to es tablish coaling depots . and obtain an outlet for the ores of their rich moun tain beds. It is thought they will make an attempt to secure the Cape Fear ana xaaun vaiieyroaa, aitnougn the Statesville Landmark says that the surveyors assert that the road is to be built by Lenoir, TaylorsviUe and States ville; that the building of the road was assured, ana tnat. tne; people along the route would be asked for nothing. Vennor BLeard Frotn 2 i Vennor, f the Canadian ; weather prophet has forwarded to the weather office at Washington a copy of his pre dictions iortne coming year, anatnas asked in return a copy of the prognos tications of the chief signal office, for the purpose of comparison. Vennor complains that heretofore the authori ties at Washington have received his forecasts only through the press, which in many cases were unreliable. xeuuw, dyspeptic, nervous invalids grow strong, ruddy and healthy by the use of the Llebig Cv"s voca neei Tonic. Beware oi imitations. in i na - ReaghoaBats. The thins desired found at last. Ant ammiat im -AwugnoniHKs.-' ii clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, bedbugs. 15c per box. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH OCTOBXB 1. 1881 , ! PBODUCB. J Chicaoo Wheat No. 2 red winter 1.49. No. 2 Chicago spring 1.89Vsa.40 cash, l.8914a41 Octo- Der, i-tsaHu novemoer. - uorn i4w cash, 78Uja74 October, November Oau-45iA cash, 46a October, 45a46 November. Pork at 19.00 cash, 18.90a.92Vk October, 19.20a.22tt November. Lard at 12.15 cash, 12.17tte.20 Oc tober, I25all87tt November. Bulk meats shouldeis 8.00, short rib 10 50, short clear 10.86. Whiskey 1.17. BAumon Noon Flour firm; Howard street S7.75a8 00. Patapseo fam. 8.75 Wheat Southern red l.45al.60. amber 1.56a.6a Com Southern white 85, yellow 77. Bajjtuior Night-Oats Western white Sla&S do mixed 50a51, Pennsylvania 51afi2. Provisions mess pork 20.75; new ; bulk meats loose shoulders , clear aides , ditto packed 9fealltt;baeon shoulders 10U, e. rib sides 12. hama I4l4al6. Lard reflned tierces 18. Ooflee Rio cargoes ordinary to (air 9Ualltyi. Sugar A soft 1014. Whiskey 11.19. CnfonniATi Floor family 7-00a7.80, fancy 7.50a. 8.00. Wheat Na 2 red winter 1.48a.49. Corn at 73. Oats at 46 Pork at $21.00. Lard at 12.12. Bulk meats--shoulders 8 ribs 10.75; baoon shoulders 61A, ribs 1114, clear sides 12 Whiskey at 145. Sogar-hards lHAafa, New Orleans 8a8A, Hogs common andllght 5.OOa8.05, packing and butchers 6.80a Naw Tom Southern flour firm; common to fair extra 6.85a7.75,good to ebolee 7.80a9.00. Wheat ungraded sprhig l.00al.4ft ' Com; ungraded 66a75. Oata44 for No. t. Cof fee Rio cargoes 9al8. Sugar fair to good reflnlmr 8ta. prune ; retmea standard a -New Orleans 80a55. Porto Rico Ofk. Molasses-! 86a56. Rosin 2.50a2.66. Turpentine 88.. Wool domestic fleece 84a46. Dulled 20a42 . unwashed 12a86. Texas 16a82.Pork 19.75a20.00 mradles ions clear 11. short clear Ula. loner and short -. Lard 12.5052. " COTTON. . . . - ; ALvaaroa Weak; mlddlmg Uifo; lew mddlg J-S 8r4S0; to Great Britain ; continent. KoBrout Steady ; middling 1 1 c; net reoelput 82,19; gross ; stock 6.609; exports coastwise 1,186: tales 534; exports to Great Britain 5,822 Baltmoks Quiet: mld'g llfte; low mldd'g 114: good orcTy ioee: bet rec'ts 14Q; gross i,oo; saies sou; stocx 4,vsa; exports ooastwlst ; spinners ; exports to Gaat Rntala to continent S.4 Boaroa pun: mlddUng 12c; low middling; U fee; goo ord'y lOUc; neteoelpu 85; grou sales t; stock 405; exports to Great Britain ; to France. . WmnsoTOH Quiet ; uldd'g HHo; low 4Ung 10te; good ord'y 9o; receipts gross . sales ; stock 6,778; exports wise 850; to Great Britain. miov 816; PanxAsnmA Quleti . middllnc 12a; ton middling lle; good ordinary 9o: net receipt 100: gross 101 1 sales j spinners 209; stock Savahvas Quiet; ' middling - lie; low mkPg lOttjc; good ordinary 9i.; net receipt 4.852$ gross : sales 4.600; stock 47.2T2 ; exp. coast wise 1,616; to Great Rrtainrtfrafloe. Nsw OsutAin Steady; mldd'g llife; low mid dling lOJft; good ord'rjTjle; net receipts gross 2,648; sales BSOtock 1 1 4.543; exports o Great Britain 4,018; to France 5,661. , , Vobiu Quiet: middling HUc; low middBng iOlhc; good ordinary IQlAo; net rec'ts 886; gross -T sales 400: stook 18.607; exp. eoast 947; France -1 to Great Britain. llliei' teeelpta 2,153; ahlpmenu 690; sales i.060rstoek 28,618. AnacsTA-Qulet; rnlddllng lOo.; Iw " mM ellng 10o. good ordinary 9o; reoelptl 1,128 shipment .-; sales 1,027.,, . CauaiMoa sfemy; mlddlmg lre; iowmic- wmg llttjc; goou ordinary ivygo.: net receipts V,lfrV; gross : sates i.uuu;stoeK ,623; exports eoastwise : ureal urnain icanpnei Raw Toax Cotton fimtf sales 8 290; mrddftng apiasd 11 i8ioct orieans laji-ioc; net receipts 11 18-loct Orleans 12il-16e; 687; floss 2,010; consolidated net rec'ts 18.971; export to tf real Britain 1,009; continent ; rrance 5,661. ;- j-j- r LivtaJhxlRdon middling nplanda 7Vid: mld'g : orleanj'Jd; sales 8XXJ, speculatloh and export 2,000; re eelpt ,8.000, all . American. Uplands lo mid dling ofijww$r,auyey ci-aad, octo- lOTCmnez nwu, uTeniuer anq ueosm beeember and January, iannaiy end resmaiyv 17-ao, .wraary aa starett 0 9-lM, WLrPtH.T-,AP W a 21 82aVMay l-i ou mm u tuf 1 4oao-q. rutqres flrta, 'IV- Naw lottk-ilhuuiies etosed "steadyw Bale i 16,- J WUt-M V'-.inh ,-:.;.- v.t .i., i 1.78 80 ... -11:848.86 MovemDer.vwrvr December. mi.v' .(... j ll.V4a.V6 January. . . .... .V." , .12 09a.l0 yebruary.iw..n.t.i,c ia.TJ2a.24 5 April..... 47 May . 1 . i.v...i 7aB el 111 Me.ee rIiQiDai 4 C Raw Tors Money 1.04a.6. Kxehanse 4.7RU. Government Quiet; new 5's 1.00kg. Four and a hall per cents i.ib rour per cents 1.1 Bit, state i Nxw YoBAStocks closed weak. Lako8hore.vkvA....;.A.VA.J J 1 uunouuenrsj. Nathvuieaaa v5:;;Tcjr Ctaieamemt t i nraiM 1 mi waheani Bt-1miUaPaeme.j.-wi.'.i''' Mfo piwnwMiMMiiMi MemDhi and OlarMaton 84 1 KM 49 book uiaoa Western Union w . ! Alabama Oast A. 2 to S uiass a. smau.. - - Class B, 8'i i :- '( t dan C. 4's.U, : OWH .1...... ...... , Kldimond and AHechenr toub-treasury Maaces old:-.t.!. f82.SBl.M4 4 ? ; 'jOmc er TnoBsiiKTrjL- i . ' CxAKLorn. OetohMr ?t i aai t The narket yesterday eloaed quirt; oijehanred. we 5ii UOOdHKldimE.... Strictly middling. ? jaiaojing;. .......... mnctiow minnimg.:... if LW BlKKlling -. .. . ... if 2!!!"m'm.hv-?......--..- 10K Bwrmtviw bQ ?CpU.ft;T?,T- 21 9 bal ; to September 80, elusive, 1,956 bales. . ' Cbarlotte Produce market OCTOBER 1.1881. BUYING PRICKS. Cobs, per bosh'l Mbal, Wkxat, ; Bxahs, white, per bushel Pus, Clay, per bnsh. i.no 1.00 1.2Sa.S0 eoai.oo Aaay, ..... White. " A.... 1.SO 76&80 Tlocb - tamDy.".... jtxira. . . . .. Super 8.2S 6066 ATS, shelled, , ibdcd jrjrorr Apples, per Bx...... Peaches, peeled " Un pee led. BlatdcbmriMi. 414afl lfia20 - 7al0 ! aafii PoTATons Sweet.... Irish 1.00 80a85 201 Buttxb North Carolina. ...... BOOS. TtArdiMn POUIVTBT : Chtekena..... ....... Spring Docks Turkeys, per ID. tlwM ... . 20a25i 10al5 20 8 Brar, per Dx, net Morrow, per lb., net. . 85a40 5a6 SKLLINa PBICK9-WHOLK3ALI" Bulk Mxats Clear Rlh aiA Oorm "tt Prime Rto. Good. 14al KoLAsaxs 12al sugar syrup SSafiO Choice New Orleans 60a60 Commnn ........ Salt- ' " ' " l-tverpoolflne. ........ ,V....:...: l.OOal.25 SUOAB ouax.W White. ... i maun Tenon..." ' TV 'Tl Wk I"- corn.per.ganon.. tl,30a.40 BBAJTOT- i.-o-o.vu Peach, tnjm Wnnt, Scuppemong, per gallon..'..' 1.00 RETAIL. SO 8al0 Lard. Derm Tallow, per lb... N. C. hoe round. lOall Hams. N.C.. .. Hams, canvassed. IS iiama, canvassed. lRalMi juca...... ....... cam tm Mvzxtistiazuts. PUBLIC NOTICE. "yy S hereby give noUoe that 0 persons are for bidden to hunt (day or night, with or without dogs) Or fish on our lands, under , the penalties of Che law, In such cases made and provided. P. C. Hasut, I. A. Bsaitt, R. B. Hpxtkb, W. H. Walxkb, & 3. SlAKOILL, C. BL Worn, W. a Peasjl w. L. Woura, J. w. HcHTxa, T. K. BAUfOMbf ; X. H. Walkxb. - Rxt. Joss Huktxjl - i S. L. ALXSAKSKS, C M. Bbowk. - C. H. 4 W. L. Wolfe, Ex'rs, B. M. Whttk, J0H9 RAKDOLPH, W. N. Alexaitdxb, oct2.dlt.w3t MAbS fit . "Excellent Tnnla. AUmUn But Tttnratl ""UWd' WlUlCTfilhSfltlJilftHA VnA Tklnh. ttMi''-. F& DuoonusL IJ. Qa. - 'SUCCesSIUllv muad tn dnnnnaliL ohwttita Mmm. rho and acroIuta.-lrof, 6. Jackson, M. D., Ia valuable ai ' a' nnnni tonic'' -Hon. t C. Fuwwr. Tenn. . .Rnimended as a prophylactic; in mal districts." D. R. Fairex, M. Bv, N. a "Restores deUUtated systems to health." lercer, n. xi., ado. - "Adapted In chronic diarrhoea, it yspepsia.-" Geo. t. Rarruvoo, M. ft, 'Sioentipr certain dlaeasea pec BfttHertbrttrtaln dtaeasea nsoansx to wi-' rroi. 4. 4. Moorman, A IX, Va. . Be 'S nodML8'1 " Dr "Beneficial In ntAM AnariMMr rlom eoDdiH0-: MTrlalLM;DOhla resuming tssj tkeTeOfflptexiOn; maktof it SraoQoaoft and reayt MlssM., of STC. lUtov M S. CV r1?181 Wium"-ael. U ; IrWbnableasatonle and JtoraUve.-Bun- "ne appetizer and bloo4 purinea, K. FUber, . J,Verr beneficial td bmrevhW mdnmd ava. tem.?' Bishop Beckwith,ef Ga.-;.- .:: : - - . "JnVallas her and welcome and fca.-v. John Hanrton; late of La., now of Kteluuond, Va. : BAnretame'SeuaMe&lloa nmnniMs.irejB, swa aiucaaen. VtttVStt" a ' lfk Ointimti utaahn Af SltrinM tiAirlns't Iinu MK l month. Addresr, ' 18 Main SdgtafiTa,, P. p. Box lijL "s. ' ' WnjBONBTJBWKLI r . J. H. MeADXN, and L. R. WRISTON 4.C0U WT" I ll!AtiriL'a?i AT I 1 1 ten r.c. Dr.S 1 vnitniRfiiiBre JanjlS deod, eow ly. 7 II f Wbite and Rust Proof. l-.rt -. ' . r s I iii. 1 L 3 1 ff n 11,11 , II W1 " "-- ? vi u y u li ii:iifii.n nil I Mea m 1 iiivimiv 11 I III.Mini.X II XMJ UrJU VlU V 10 Bushels 0 Oats m eROY D1YIDS0 NE W FALL GG OBS; ! w"n0IOTM"toiieyiw i t rxo PUCS3. We eji special atiantloB to the lBu9n gonnv vtion f ti'g gOesi i I HXTR RATW inn tnmL-L !-t' .';-'! READY mi of DieMGooda.CMlnnma.Cloalu.aer aoney at an tone JUST RECEIVED, oot2 R ODDIOK -&'c ., TBYOK 8 T B We are daily receiving Kew Goods Our Mr. Roddick Is now in the Northern Marketo buyin.- fox owtti llOhies, Which enables us to purchase in large est prices. Many thanks for the liberal by fair dealings and low prices to merit We have bo few goods left from our us to have a closing sale, but what we I goods marked in plain figures. Strictly Canh anV nni nrtno September 6th. vuv t"Wl REDUCED RATES BOUGHT AKD SOLD BY 8. J. FERRY, OPPOSITE CZNTBAL HOTXL, i-Paraes:deslrlng information in ragard W I L SON&B TJRWELL, DRUGGISTS, TRADE STREET, ..... CHARLOTTE, N. C. jtBAGG'8 LTVXB PILLS ar Uiejbestmade for TRISH chest of He No Tea) Just arrived at "yy-I have lust received a lot of cheap Scrub Brashes and Feather Boston. JXO and White Onion Setts. At HA8D?FLI f Ha 1 Lnterna Ja woeived by Q.LASS Lamp of all styles and prices; wholesale le 8XSS10NOPXNS i WXDNWnir Rtpmrmn r ai r VS. kllftlNWHI. MlMhul t .M raatica, ffl Bd'"' ' " MnoHKLKN LONO. PrlnMnal f TMt..M(. Deeartateot. Mae. SAIXTK CALDWXLL WBTTZ. inrHii. Litoratnre and History. Mas LILLIB W LONG, Modern Tjuuuages. MnaMART L. MATTOOM viA! .rirv lUhBranehoi. ' " MUSIC DXPARTMXNT. PBOt. A. BTDXZ, LL. TA, Director. ASSIST ANTS Msa. n T. nmv w. ww R ATKINSON. - Mas U. A. SAVAGB, Art Department. ' DOMXSTIC DKPABTMXMT. MBS HABHT1 TINSLXT. Intendaiit nf Tnflrm. "Las ANNA BUTTON. . HmJ nt nnuiitfn TW. partment. rot terms, etc. apply for a eatalotrue to antllr Bxr- ATKINSON, PrlnclpaL TRINITY HALL, BUSTKBLY,!. J, A thorarwa ttM nhMl Ht. vantagee ofthe Manet order, jrourteentli year begin aeytember is. Per creBlar address nan aacnaLLB aiBBONS HUNT, ang7,rteodwamee FitnopaL SkmttstmcTits. OPERA HOUSE The Great Original GEORGE KUNKELS Nigiople Minstrels ! OXB NIGHT ONLY! SATURDAY, OCTOBER isL 22 PERFORMERS 22 All artist of acknowledged r inatattan. FanilWi 'SJrwPO SW by few excelled by GEO. KUNKEL Wttt aapasr la faverU songs at every aerfona ane wtth the eattre eompany, tn Um moat ele , gant ana reflned aainstrel onteitilnnnnt bow travelling. on sate at the McSmUa Musis Boose. p38.d4t ; Chen asitottM brgrof sonaW'tnowBagTlM CUOaaMBuakei, - M.r4!l2Hsmtn!! f'T,-. ii anrtotia.N.CLto Agent sIJbenltormatodoalora. Charlotte Feia Institute atUT- wmm ! alx ims. too niU nw by buying frota as. WJEap H. MORRIS & BROS. E S T NE W 8T01UL -V v; in our Five and Ten Cent ipaxtftanU. quantities and get the benefit of 'tho W patronage thus exteao anlwiLpe a fair portion of Ue same aitft'alt lummer stock that it is imn!hi -r have we offer at redaend r,ri a 11 , , . ' roijdicx & ca AT- TO ALL POINTS CSARLOTTB. K. & to rallread travel will please indues si all trouble ot the liver and bowels. wlLSON ft BU1VZLL. WILSON ft BUB WILL'S Drugstore. W 1LSON ft BUBWXLL. WILSON ft BUB WILL'S Drugstore WILSON ft BCBWXLL. and retail; at WILSON ft BUBWXLL'8 Drugstors. GO TO John T. Butler's AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF ALL OP WHICH HE SELLS LOW FOR CASH. --.- ;''.,' All Goods Warranted as Bep- regented, both in Weight , f i and Quality, WATCH GUSSB 10 (MS EACB. oaelf P. C. WILSON, , CBABLOTTB, H.C, . . r ,1 SetoAgentl for : itOUIS iOOX . "in if'-' ".; WATIBTOWN SPRING WAGONOOSPAXIia, yon TMM UM W ':i BUGGOES, CABBZAGBBttA3TCaia. aPBOM ' WHOLXSALB AJTD HZTAIL. 0PIN BTOGIXS.tS. TCRGGrrj,tS Chw only the brand f tab kaowai wm tingon awoMfa-jya&v r;.. .1 - , TSMM . i iw el .ovoin. edl tii bnuol J 1 -WANTED js?, AFUBNUZZU or nnrarnun: rooeacttrrK' vate faaaily, with or wuhout board, bf i,aa and wife. Addros Lock Box 179. Bestfietr noMglveo. (op29,dl : Novelties ; Jewelry wvr. vui luuxxm aeepi it, zoo.