IRON BITTERS are highly wra e .T i d wative bmni removm SWtPTlzDfi wST. DOia DT mix anugnstB. -CIEEMK Mmmmmm SS MSaSsSiV iaa4etnkUehU)c AtU&Ja ESi?BidM raeOlU. The . ... diri to ttas mm kin aorta but Illness, Imi IWnl to 1 ,me Jrmmm-m c JHr&Jio7ff I F if " W if ) J J.Z fit J flu J I t. Xermmm Mrmetra- 1 ftASV AJtTMll. M,TW P e AIT.EflOICIHfc CO.. IB. 1 d,dWly t 4560 gQQ BBL& FLOUR, , 1 J QQ BAG3 COFFEE. J, 75Z ' BBLS. SY2TJP, BOXES SOAP Olre us a trial before yon bay and war will sell you. aug24 if. CORN ! CORN'S CORN ! hi BAGGING AND TIES in A m V .',J We'are agents for other goodJow "ujl raasmnVjftlwajBj on hand. Call and see us before purchasing. Jig AO "ilO'i W O J MAYER & ROSS. WE HAYS THE Sprine and .Summer -Trade MOST COMPLETE. ' ---4I!RWFCT Tontm: NOTIONS And in kinds of- U Vm T m llita siiiiTwWsi n H081KKT. : TOTfr THE HEAD PlX3KET'0lrEtEBT - . ujtx, maa amp cwrr.p, Jit -awni s-asSTS &ds;a 4f tin Out Pattern Hats and BoDntwmkwM T t RP-4 lends and COB. COLLEGE & F0UftTH8W i y s " fSSil. WmftwrKrniKs arrow ties. ' ' ' " S&b-' T". . : :M ftafe ' 'iaIMB1 Will sell tt LOwSB than you can buy an ' ills TTlTT iovrtag recommended for all diseases requir- all dyspeptic symptoms, such as TaMiiwOeFood, I, Book. 82 pp. of useful an "Tm iaKm Jt- hni ESMittf fflS52. wa. followed b. old energy returned ana t louna ibm w ana witn .o w enjo: ml. thtXoaioiiM not aovm the j.p: WATSOX, Pi uinr Christian Chore h. Troy. U. TH0UH SHAKEN IN ! and fiber with revw-and agoe. or bilious remittent, the w stem may yet be freed from the malignant vlruar with Hostetter's Bitters. Protect the system against It wltn this oenencem ana-spasmoaic, which is furthermore a supreme remedy for llrer complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, deblUty rheu matism, kidney troubles and other ailments. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers eaenU r. . ALLOWED, v , Pat'4 U, lS7t , DR. DYES ; lectio;Vflltaic:Appiiaiicesf suffering from Nervous Wearinesses, Gen eral Debility 4oss : of navs; force or vigor, or any disease resultiii from A6uses and Oth ix tiam ami wuwarr uuuuicu wiui 'ijifr" wf ywuiias u their sex. rfv"-"V Speedy- relief nd--wmplete restorftlonlto health guaranteed. Thes arc Ci mljr JEIetre. Appliance ; tfimaf bSTeycr been const rueteU upon Hientiae prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven rwith. the 'nisS' Wonderful suessranl thejr live-tke lltlKleat endorsements from- metliettt and ste tifiemenyund, Mm n.nn4treIs( wtoba-me been iqnlekly and radically curl njs. Xbinssy7 jtv-l r2 iJ & Sena at once lorrnustrated Pamphlet,' rtriir. aUiJormatipareeijr Address, i am W ..?' 1 4Ui TOHaie mti-llaijto. :( jnlySl Ty.iiyT j t m t ' f;-i- u o Hi ynji 33 AT THE WHITE FRONT, E. M. ANDREWS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER IS2 itimmim ! THErMOafcncKet,1 vi The toon bound bucket, .Tljfi inpasovered. buckets . . AAA CHAS. B.' JONES, St. UITARIiES HOTEL 8TATESVILLE,N.G "S? """ac uao ueen teased lor a terra of years Commodious sample rooms on first aoig( Tpjttonagc of the pobUe is solicited. ess a' label 'erybox. IWU MIA ofwcr " Winston. N. a laSJtf MAI CTaUT, Ifiww j rtrz.- IVs fcVEBT JOINT -" ' ' I' i ifc sEs, or to- any one atniciea wvui unevtma , ijaurala, Pkralysis ppinal JMculties,: l tw (Liver vrsaAKteB.-l Lani iTbtivi 11 irwfv. w Vrv iust i" copy-ngoted ieaa or ei 111 i . ,i ,, . r- - aluoad Qoistloo. The following are opinions gathered from afar of our Slate exenanges xm the subject of the all-absorbing qupa tion of the railroad controversy Concord Sun. w j. TImL President of the Mul Iload telegraphs friends in Ctoldsbw thathenas actually -Drone yoarwi u the Midland Road has at work sixt hands and wants 1,000 more. In order that our readers may understand wher$ he is and what he is doing, we will say that this is the Paint Rock and Pigeon River branch of the Midland Mullet Division of the North Carolina Rail road system. Letters addressed to Mr. Best will reach him at Newborn. Now don't ask us again where he can be found. Concord Bi It appe boYe (an extract from tbe commissioners to Col. B commissioners rpfiocrnize mond and Dans ville syndicate do legally hold posses sion of the Western Road, and now they require the syndicate to deliver back the road to Mr. Best if he wih his Boston syndicate will reimburse them for all their expenses of money and time and labor, taking for granted, that Best & Co. will build the North Carolina Midland road from Greens boro to Salisbury. Is it a fair question they propound V The Richmond anl Danville Company do not feel inclined to accommodate them. Whether they will, is somewhat doubtful. The com missioners are taking largely in Best stock. Best is a fast man. He buya the rails to build railroads before ho begin to grade, and then finds that his syndicate's back is broke, and sells out, as in the late Western Railroad scheme, then gpefc and gets up anether syndi- aats ao,more imsi?, i s look f orwardTiO i the of a zood conscience; a know! dutv Derformed. the belief that riffht and when properly underst verv laro-o maioritv of the DeODle with us. We desire to remark that we are not "pitiable in our loneliness," and 1- take this occasion to return tnanKs to the many, very many who have come to us privately and assured us of sym pathy and endorsement. The Obser: ver has no quarrel with anybody. It will pursue the even tenor of its way, do right and take the consequences.. Charlotte Observer: 1 "A good conscience" is the chief re4 ward of a good editor he don't get much else in this world. The "reward"! we had reference to is unattainable except by a good conscience, in that land where "the wicked cease from troubling an4 tljte. weary are at rest" !c$tepiporary didn't ic is eviaoDi quite rise te 1 Charlotte m our mean- ger thing than we supposea: joy to d ones mat it is enough bigger to leave him some com pany besides those who sought to smother him. His friends are "all right" here. KernersTlUe News. A portion of the merchants of Char lotte held a meeting not long since for the purpose of denouncing the course pursued by The Charlotte Obser ver in the Best & Co. Railroad war, and went so far as to ask all the State papers to publish the proceedings of their meeting. This fool-hardy request met with a stern rebuke throughout the State, as all deem it out of place, unnecessary and unfair. There are scores of men in North Carolina to-day, who doubtless would nave remained ignorant as regards the condition of affairs pertaining to the Western Rail road not been far tha informa- t.inri nhtjarfc! mhrrmcrh fh f Commissioner Vance says that he has for some time been apprehensive of the growing power of the Richmond iand Danville Syndicate in North Caro lina, yet went on to New York and aided Mr. Best in inducing them to take about 3t0 miles more than they had. He congratulated tbe people in Asheville in September, 1880, In a cam paign speech, upon so good and reliable p. company having the road, inasmuch jas Mr. Best could not go on with it He was alarmed when they had only 297 miles, but begged them to take 300 more-and in April of this year, when the Richmond and Danville Company were fearful or losmg it, the Governor in his uneasiness, in order to make sure of their having it, agreed to extend the time for them to complete it When the company: began to work la" good earnest, analsbqvxed they wuH get through, he began to denounce them for "having so much power in the State." Like the doctor who, finding his patient had eaten two pounds of beef, told him he must eat three pounds piore; and after he had eaten it, de nounced him for being a glutton, t Is not the Governor's anxiety a little pin? Isheville Citizen. The Charlotte merchants differ with The Charlotte Observer upon the controversy between Senator Vance and the owners of the Western North Carolina Road. They endorse the Sen ator, and say : l "Whereas, In the issue made be tween the commissioners for the West-, era. North Carolina Railroad and the Clyde syndicate regarding the Western ortn Carolina-jaurQaa,enator 1. as. Vance has t tof the people Of this State, Jang a ngnt in behalf of N liiragainst the discriminatio: st our peo- ble." &c. m am m t . W ne mercnants nave a ngnc 10 tneir pinions, and have a right to express lem. The difference between The b server and the merchants, is. the former chose to call for facts, and form opinions upon facts as they were pre sented, while the merchants are will ing to tasie uov. v ance s assertions ior facts, and "whereas," accordingly. To bave sustained the Senator practically and effectually, the merchants should have presented specific instances of discrimination against their or any other city. The complaint that some particular individual may have will not justify a complaint of discrimina tion against a community. The Ob Server has discussed wis railroad mattAr frnm a (ttandnoint of reaartn. fairness anputt ce,f oundedknlhe act-l Pritii,ire tifel c eouraaeYortined the'TSenatbrthbrtf effectually by supplying his deficien cies in giving tbe instances of discrim ination if they could get them. ! The commissioners are to meet in Charlotte soon, to investigate this dis crimination charge.. The authorities of the road insist on and demand a f most searching investigation. As The Cjbservek pertinently advises, let the merchants be prepared to present their Charges and specifications fully and freely to the commissioners. Let it be there be abuses, let them be corrected ; tm -. u none, will tne mercnants ana Kena- or do justice y ur wm tneir prejudices till prevail? . - 4 . . ezfetar.1 lilt rftoMtle 3ettir8f tl oiiaa w i 1 11 m n fi?- cif mm akbtti $na ortn dss i Is Blade TO s. mmm MM v.; v. Raleigh News arid Observer: We are glad to know that the Newbern compa nies are to be represented at Yorktown Thmy-flre of te Gray ;and:inm City, Aunemen nave, pieageaxnemaeivea w attend. -The First Regiment will thus carry six of its companies. ' Thetenth session of the Shaw Uhir versity, colored, begins on Wednesday. next ,The new .medical department building, which ia quite handsome, !is nearlynished,'and; the slate Toof is port being put on, 'i 4 1 We learn that the gin house, , steam (engine, cottoa, etc, of C L-i Sharp, pf tHarrells ville, N. C was destroyed. 6n Mdnday last The house caught ,from sparks The loss .is aboufc2)00. f . , There are now 490 pupils enrolled at the white gradedchooL The number of teachers I4miv4lreii ; Ashe ville Citizen : A large number of visitors' are J still ' in Asheville, ad others are comitrgrin, for the winter. The winter climate of Asheville is said to be the best on the continent for per; sons suffering from pulmonary ,. diseas es ; 'i ' Milton Chronicle: The Herald? say Joe Gen trv has been nut in Koxboro jail for whipping his wife. Joe ought.: to be ashamed of himself. Wonder how he'd like to be 'bucked' And have his wife strike him a round hundred with a cow-skin f He ought to have it' Ana wen laid on. V Durham Recorder: On the 9th of Oc tober. Sanona Lodge No. 280. Ancient York Masons, will lay the corner stone -i : 1 'u. ui ........ ux tueii new uuuuwk wiwi puuuu uoie- monies. There will be a basket din ner, and tbe fraternity and public gen erally are cordially invited. Maj. R. W. York, of Durham, will deliver the oration. ,.7 ;; ;'r ; - Salem Press: The first deer, a doe. put in the Academy park died on . Sat urday last snewas put in tne park about 16 years ago, and her offspring has been numerous. The commissioners of Davie nhiint have ordered bonds to be issued cover ing the 850,000 subscription to the Rail road, $5,000 of which will be signed and turned over to the Secretary of th4 oianaat once. , - urbam Tobacco Plani: The stamps ra&tweek to the manufacturers Of Durham amounted to $27,072.23. Tor the month of September the aggregate runs considerably over 8100,000. ; AODaceo crop in Chatham is said to be very fine. Mr. W. F. Strowd has a very large crop, and thus far has suc ceeded in making fine cures. . Shelby Aurora : The cotton factory fever has broke out in this place again. This time there seems to be a prospect of its taking a firm hold on some of our citizens. Monroe Enauirer: The camn meet ing at Prospect resulted in sixteen ac cessions and several conversions. A series of revival meetings are be ing conducted at the Methodist church this week . by the. astor assisted by Revs. BafewelT and Bailey; of a" very in- seresting nature. Hope that they will continue igrawin interest; ana that muen spifitfoar good 'Will result from tnem. We learn that Jack Hunnevcutt col ored, who lives near Weslev Chanel churchy was shot last' night by some one. jac&8ays aat some one called at his gat and he opened his door to see what was wanted, when a pistol was fired by some one the ball entering his body in the region of the stomach. A second shot took effect in his left arm. We can get no particulars aa to the character of his wounds. Salisbury Watchman : A convict was shot one night this week at the depot trying to make his escape. ' .. A negro Doy about eighteen years old violated the person of a little eight- year old daughter of Colon Klatts, in Rowan county, last week. He was ar rested and is m jail. Lenoir Topic: Genseng "sane" is is one of the roots that brings cash. It sells at from 8L25 to $1.50 per pound and ia scarce at that It is only to be found now in the dark loamy coves in tne mountains. Capt M. V. Moore left Lenoir, last Friday, for Houston, Texas, where he goes to look after some manu facturing property belonging to him near that place. ' " Quarterly conference of . Shelbv Dis trict will be held at Hickory ' on the week including the second Sunday in October, Rev.Dr. Hudson, P. presi ding: ; - , .- .. -fV-. Goa Oae Gau CaIy. We-aIllmow that Our solid Old Jubel - likes to talk about the war. Well, the otlier day at Franklin Court House, an old friend with a piece of humor in-his eye told the General there was a young officer in town he would lik& to introduce to him and they could talk over the war ' together." t "Jubal 'said he, would be pleased to know him.- ' : -?- -"'" : .No coonetaaid thahdote; ; P J "General Early," said te, c&d frfexw, "allow me to introduce you to Captain Jones,"-and the old friend walked off.1 . .. The handshaking 'was1 hardly . over before the General asked in-Jiis fine gqueakingTO-COJ-'''1" ',:';n ' .' "What 'command "lti the armydid you belong to, Captain?" i . Oh pshat General,: laid the young man blushing,5 I "wasn't am officer in the army; I'm just $ captain of a base baM (nbio-inv uj A"--- ..m' j 1 "Oh hell r cried old Jubah " ;' ; That brokepe 'i-' ; n ;- . 1 - 1 ' mi m' '' it is a curious fact thtt thOrCezismt of u tan m axes the numoer ox females in that land of many wives but 69,436, or less Ufatt the ntimbet of tttfcle by js,0S; If the census be correct there '13 but a fraction of a female to each male of the population. Of the tdtaP copulation. 143.W, there 1 re &,974 tative tortxiad 4isw xoreign porn .ui tne wnoia num ber of inhabitants 20,00Oin tound rrum bera are Gentiles and 1000 Mormons, and 'tfif3kiiiitoimVl& more than one; wife."rhere are, how ever, -women with but a fraction of a ha8bandiecost 'of :the - po lvgamists are old peoplfe ' The expen siveness of -f emihine .' Apparel ot, late years has ttit an efrective check upon the disposition of the young to poiyga- my. in.H 'i. : -C -!' .1 UlVI'.lll'JJ tS I i Pr. fealTs COQKh Syrup baa been before the pub Be for yearsrand 1s pronounced brthousands so-' perio.t aUtbi articles or the Mft eouglUL m hi 1 mm t 1 ii MyfaT?ylavdertTed treat benefit from' the se of titotig L6fJinettea Mr.ohn Btocldln, iUogproorj)co4N T; tt nas ared pain, trf-il. nd t; eiisean 1'snaU be glad al wayste'rjmpnd'e &tp as ttismybert ! Forty Tears' Exyerleaee ef aa OMNtafl 8avTiiAiH sne oe ra- ihtsiu-hs uu Nuir.-Mt Ihilfr l;Sew na has k en used hoip id Qe unflr ndr has n?tnedtf tV-T f-rrltf TMfcf ffffa g -ataly ntu-.l m m . . rBr ttohv nrr!2 "?.--. . - lebUl-ffaud --ru-rf-.M -TTwhHTrtTiw-'f fcVK7. XT.M. I ..What lnjluqement can, a couoierfelter hare ta produce anything good or reliable ? .Are they the 'dais of men too' are farirfi"ph3rsl(f or tb sick or td supply medicine for the druggist to deal tn? Beware of bogus and worthless cotnioundS( White Wraooer. with laree ed Z thereon, and sea that.JLH. Zellln Co. are the proprietors of what, Mr. Chas. Ireland, .ol .Chllllcotbe, :0., suflered with rheuma-lsm to, such an extent that he was obliged toQmp about. One bottle of 8tt Jacobs OU completely cored him.' " 'B--jjrUkl ALtW AKD IKOK SPKIHGS WATXB JJTD mam. Tha great tonic and alterative contains lwtoe as much iron and fiftr per cent more alum tnum than any . "alum and iron, mass" known. Just the thing f Or the "sprtpg weakness" now so general. Sold by all' druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. msjll-tf ' .-ry-:T. ,4. : .. -; Ashburnham, Mass January 14, '81 tl have been. ery sick for over two years. They all gave me up as past ear. , . I , tried the most bkUfutt physlciaps, but they did, not reach the worst part - ' The lungs and heart would fill up ev ery night and distress me, and my throat was very bad. I told. my children I never should die In peace UntU X had tried Hop Bitters. I have taken two bottles. They hare Jaelped me very much in deed, l am now welL There was a lot of sick folks here who have seen how the; helped me, and they used .them and are cured, and feel as thankful as I do that there Is so valuable a medi cln0made.: r-i '. Ms& Julia G.tTS-rras.; ' U i-Vii-i mm ,.;t. ,: - ,y r .KASILT PROVEN. , KUeay proven that malarial fevers, constl patlon, torpidity of the liver and kidneys, general debility; nervousness and neuralgic ailments yield readily to this great disease conqueror. Hop Bit ters. . It repairs the ravages of . disease by convert ing tbe food into rich blood, and It gives new life nd vigor to the aged and Infirm always. ' ' ; ANOTHER CANDIDATE. BT a lArfrfi Tnalorltr th' twnnla nf fha TTnttl States have declared their faith rn Kidney-Wort as 4 a fcimfoy ivt aai uie aiseases oi tne kkmeys and liver. , Some, however, .have- disliked the trouble of preparing it from the dry form. For such, a new candidate appears In the shape of Kidney Wort 10 Jlquldlonn. It, is very concentrated, is easily, taken and fs equally efficient as the dry. Try Jtmls vine Poet . 3 THECREAr UJUJOEUEOY. ' Hearalaia, Sciatica Lumbaao. ' Backache, Soreness of the CJiest, Gout, Quinsy, Son Throat Swell ingsjand Sprains, Burns : and Scalds, General Bodily 'Pains,. Tooth, JEar and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ho Preparation on earth cqnala Sr. Jacobs Oil m a safe, sure, mimpim and cheap External Bomedy. A trial enUib but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Casts, and every one infferlng . with paia w bave cheap and positive proof of it Direction. In Eleven Languages. SOLD BT ALL DEUGG ISTS AUD DEALEE3 . HI MEDIOUTB. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, MeL, J7. B. A. deeBOddtw ly 1 1 WONDERFUL -CURBS! Beaaie It act om the LITER, B0WEL& aad KIDSEYS at the same time. Because it eleanaeS tie Syvtem of the jolaon- WOom hnmor. tiat devasxe ta Kidney and TTzi- II -" nmiTiMi J-n.lM.. WH Ii panon, PCoa, or xa aneomauna, ifexonuaia. r- r1 . r ITervons Disorderi and XtauOs Oatiph-uitB. DEB WHAT PSOPX-B SAy J . le B. Stork, ot J auction CltT. Kansas, Say, TEidneTWort cured him after regular Phy atolaas had been trying for four years. . His. Joan ArsaU, of Washington Ohio, ear rr boy was slvan p to die by four prominent pftTMcianii and that ha was aftorvrrb eared Dj E-dner-Wort. JL m. B. Uooawtn, an editor In uhnrdon, Unio, says he was not expected to liTe, belngr Moated Ohio. Derond baUe f, bat Xidnejr-WQrt cared r-wars cored mm. . . Anna I larrett of South Salem. L T Bars i.M'T. T.rWt 'i that seven year suffering from kidney trouble and other eomolicaUoBs was ended by the use of Kidney-Wort. aaMain w- -! I John B.wnence of Jackson, Tcnn., suffered LJ for years front lirer ana laaney trooDies and barrels of other' die." I uxor ""T .Udney-Woti made simweU, ... r . - i Klchael Goto of M ontoomerrj Center1. Vt- tutlered eight years with kidney difflcnlty was unable to work.' lOdnoy-Wort rtaaa . i him n.weuasrer.; f-iA:fcv? i-i -'j t ,PERMANENTl.YrCURE , KIDNEY 0I8EA8ESV - LIVER COMPLAINTS, Constipation nd Piles;- - rrt Is nut no ta Bit VMretabh Form in Utio cans, afiapaekaM of which makes six quarts of nuirhMi . Also fi UoatA - arm. wn dam- eeatrated, for those that cannot readily pre BareiW v. ' . : - :i ' L tntoottteWi fqtial ficUtusy in either form. LJ ; 0ET It AT THE DEUQQISTSL PRICE. S1.00 WELLS, RICHAI1DS0S CoM Prop's, - (WUlsend the dry post-paid.) CCRUSaT05,tVr El t Mjeir27d&irlj. i' ' fi ;8m A SURE Fof . Ene OomplB-dbiis. PcdtlTftwIIefimdlTmnrrnltv noiia, jjaira. r A aeucate aaa harraless article. Sold by tag gists cTeryirhereu . It imparts the most brilliant , ana life-like lints, and tbe do sest serntlny cannot detect its tXZS, All unsightly discolora &$23t eimpaons, tins marks , nnfler tbe eycs,gall()iTTireJ nss3, lghness, imd the flck tj. tattgue una excitement are i: atceillspeUfja Dy the aag-;:-DoliaBalnia It is the one Incoinparable - Cosmetic. - it .,W-frX 1 VMS.-?--- ?:)' . -W It T a. tiAid BichmQod errwt Fotatoeiiiy ttiebbLA-: W fcweejjfsjattftihw gotten up to sen ttte reputation l Jthe purest fcif-, tHfv i w 1 ' tfiimnraiedi Lo thtfrM. :r ksbncb 010 Freignnd DomeSlIC. UBS mmm r EH limTTOd irni in r."TW-a' MMP'FiW Jii-ifl vt? k I H's- f ? a Tin a rm JUST RECEIVED AT From .Saratoga Springs, .N. V. A new water re ; sembling the imported Vichy. Recommended -. as an aniacia; cores dyspepsia, aids dlgea ' ' tlorw is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic, i Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Beoommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and to ail forms of dyapepla. ,.' ': '.. also. g CASES CONGRESS WATER, . 10 CASES BOC BRIDGE ALUM, 10 CASK8 BUFFAL0 LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLIHARIS -AHD Hanyadi Janos Waters. THE GRET EUR0ffiN NOVELTY ! "rqrtJNtADi jANOS. Tffff B28T NATURAL APERIENT. ' AS A CATHARTIC: Dosxr-A wine glass lull before breakfast The Lancet "Hunyedl Jan os. Baron Lleblg af firms that its richness In aperient salts surpasses that of all ether known waters." Tfte British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. The most aereeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Prof, rirdhow,' Berlin. "invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." "rq- Scanzoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brtrntoti, M. IX, KR 8., London. 'More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." , . . Prof. Atken, if. 2X, F. R. 8., Royal MUltary Hos pital. NeUey. "Preferred to Puuna and Fried Tichsriau." JOHN n. McADEN, Importing and Elspensing Pharmacist. Norm Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. a DON'T GO TO SARATOGA , When yon csn get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water In large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. fl.' McAfJEN, - ' Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 Tarnij) Seed ! f nrnip Seed ! LanWli's NEW CROP TURNIP SEED. BSD 0B PUBPLE TOP, , . WHITS FLAT DUTCH, LABGK" WHITa N0BF0LX, ' POStEBANTAN WHITK GLOBE WHTIK : ,j. .' AMBER GLOBE, GOLDJCN BALL, YBLLO W ABERDEEN, ' :'. ..; ; " BUT A BAG A BLOOMSDALB SWEDE OB YELLOW. lMfifH'S SEE IB ILWITS RELIABLE. L ft; JulylO i I 4 S H R I u tt Go to-' W. P. MARVIN, Agent, V - and Successor .to yiBcarrJcCo. Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines None but the : Tery Best Drags do I keep in my stock. Also, ToUet and fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tootfr Brushes, ftc., 6t GARDEK 'SEEDS' ' " ' of all the best varieties, and warranted ' '. to' be eood.'' FbrtteiaisB preseriptions are grven spec r.i'a.-Ji U-W. J"Mq'fc.:'.V. ' ' ' Hoping 'to' reoelte V shaw of .public patronage, I am, respectfully, - ! . UbSr W. P. MARVIN, Agt ' PJtOPERTY ! 'iti.';:1:.: : FOR SALE. i M-'Li',!l' fU KiiiOl ':' . ;- A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the tzL public square In Charlotte, will be sold cheap and en reasonable1 terms to the Tight kind of a purehasenf The dweUtnglson a full lot,has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, etc .The house la admirably adapted for tha residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or stodv rooirr; but It for the iete.rapplyat ' t,,,R m&qf I IcCT-. I purpose. ! ire. lurtnar , parterspncA'Wrms, - ta. norm varouoa xwuuroau, ironomr 14(1 Tmedi .m. rr sna m., . tntoiwwt7dtl98feevj8mtabl0iawiM DrJ.H.McMen?sDrugStore . ..- gARATOGA -y-ICHT; ; nmn co. Drniist by Examination. 'mima street sou iw aw yu .uwujworiaarollna Kailroad. will either be sola as a whniA am2S l&&xtevtiszmznt& sena to -!' - ltrrrYT Vta -BUSINESS UNIVERSITY I ... At lain.- For 111 nirmlnr A Kv,. .. , t.,i School. Iablifhed twenty years. aepe-rw '. V : WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. METAL, TIP LAMP WICK . nraitec. 7,1880. - ITl i jj I, WiTl Vli i Gives s BrilHaiit. White and Stendv SamplVwick l6o; 8 wlcksB-a 12 w'eV?0? postage paid, fiave three stess a n 8 V' Agents wanted. Address ' A' B and D- METAL TIP LAMP WICK CO.. II 70CortlandtBt,New Yolk. &kLJJl- WAR0ED .;,L ?n l.S6 set , - v"' Cl.U HAnt !. 1 - - J A book of rare originality, enUUed " PRACTICAL LIFE fuS?dWrTmSSe Kft to maturity, in regard to Zuon hrne, socle tyP love, marriage, business, etc. How breadatere tt?T,;wlnners- Th0 volume abounds in striking thoughts, ram nfnrm.iMn common-sense. JHwlo"red piat"s each circular, full dsserlption. terms, etc., to A GENTS WANT?D t supply the 1m-t-- J-'J. X O mense demand for the only complete, Auinenuc and Fully Dlustrated Life of President Garfield jusipuwished. It Is a thrilling story of how he ...vuivou Duusgio nuiii uuscuruy ro lame Especially full regarding his Cabinet, Conflict with Conkllng, Attempted Assassination, Wonderful Surgical Treatment Peculiar Critical Condition, e&i ADVJwrltten; embellished with steel portrait of Garfield; also, full likenesses of the Surgeon" Cabinet, Mrs. Garfield, etc. Low price. By far the fastest selling book out Circulars free. Lib eral terma. . Outfit 50c. Address at once, 4w HUBBARD BROS. , Pub'rs, Atlanta, Ga. TAX SALES. ChAblotte.N.C, September 1, 1881. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS: I will sell for cash at the court house In Char lotte, on Monday, the 3rd day of October. 1881 beginning at 1 1 o'clock a, m., the following de scribed real estate, situated in the city of char, lotte, to satisfy executions in my hands for taxes due the city: Two lots on Poplar street, at the Intersection with Tenth, Nos. 811 and 812, the property of Dr- S. E. Bratton, for 524-45, balance of taxes due for 1 879 and for tbe year 1880. . One lot on Fifth street, the property of H. T Butler, adjoining Mrs. Eliza Tate, for S40.75, for taxes due and unpaid for 1879 and 1880. Ope lot on Fourth street near Atlanta & Char lotte Air-Line road, belonging to Mrs. Lucy But ler, adjoining B. F.. Wheeler and others, for the sum of 815 85, taxes due for the years 187U and 1880V ' 1 One lot, No. 1227, In square No. 51. fronting on Church street, the property of w. F. Beatty, ad joining Mrs. M. Flannagan, for the sum of $14 43 -taxes due for 1880, ' OnelotNo, 961, In square 113, on Stonewall street the property of Robert Berry, adjoining J. S. Stephenson, for the sum of $4.95, lor taxes due for 1878, 1879 and 1880. Two lots, fronting on Seventh street bet Tryon and Church streets, adjoining the property of J. M. Smith and M. E. Alexander, the property of the Merchants and Farmers Nat.l Bank of Charlotte, for $14.30, taxes due and unpaid for 1880. One lot on College street, adjoining the property of H. G. Springs and others, lately the property of Allen Cruse, belonging to the Traders' National Bank of Charlotte, for $19.55, taxes due and un paid for the years 1879 and 1880. Two lots, Nos. 1222 and 1223, In square 104, adjoining B. Schenck, and fronting on Graham street, the property of Sarah A. Chambers, for the sum of $6.32, for taxes due and unpaid for the ears 1879 and 1880. One lot on Poplar street between Eighth and Ninth streets, adjoining c. Hllker and Mrs. Wrls ton, the property of Mary J. Collier, wlteotw. J. Collier, for $29.94. for taxes due and unpaid for the years '74, "75, '76, '77, '78 and 1880. One lot on Sixth street, at its Intersection with E street, adjoining Bennett and others, the proi erty of W. M. Crowell, for $10.00, taxes due and unpaid Yor 188a One lot the property of Dr. E. Crowell, adjoin lng T. H. Gaither, at the intersection of Myers and Sixth streets, for $3.25, taxes due for 1880. One lot the property of Fanny Conner, being lot 588, in square 78, on D street, adjoining Edward Glavln, for 81 80, taxes due for 1880. One lot the property of Fannie Gordon, wife of J. W. Gordon, being No. 1119, in square 'o. 104, fronting on Graham street, adjoining T. H. Lo max, for $4.19, taxes due in '79 and '80. Two lots on First street adjoining J. McLaugh lin, being Nos. 604 and 605, in square No. 80, the property of Jeff Hagler, for $8.68, taxes due for 79 And 80 One lot, the property -of James EL Hunter, lo cated on C street adjoining , for $440. tax es for 1879 and 1880. : One lot the property of David Kennedy, No. 1408, in square 171, on Hill street adjoining W. J, Black, for $13.85, taxes due from 1873 to '80, Inclusive. :' i One lot. the property of David Klstler, No. , In square 158. adjoining & M. Howell, for $4.00, taxes due for '79 and '80. Four lots, the property of Mrs. Elizabeth Mur phy, wife ot Dennis Murphy, being Nos. 620, 625, 843 and 845, in square No. 110, on stonewall street, for $45,86, taxes due for the years '7H, '77, ,78t,',79and,80. ; - One lot the property of Slam Moore, No. HI 8, square 81, frontUu on S street adjoining John Carson, for $1045, taxes due for '77, '78, '79 and One lot the property of Ephralm Potts, being lot 693, in square 79, on First street adjoining a A. Harris, for $7.00. taxes due for '77, '78, '7h and 1880, being for balance due for years named. Two lots, the property ot Rufus Re Id, being Has. 1160 and 11C1, In square 141, fronting on Poplar street adjoining Atlantic, Tennesse & Ohio road, tor $10,25, taxes for '78, "79 and 1880. Two lots, the property ox A. B. Schenck. where be now tyves, on Graham street adjoining Thos. Holly and others, for $3.51, balance of taxes due tor '79 and 1880. One store house on Trade street and dwelling in rear, on Fifth street, the property of Mrs. Eliza Bhelton, the wlfeof F..M. Shelton, adjoining S. M. Howell and W. D. Stone on Fifth street and S. M. Howell and Mrs. Abernathy on Trade street, for $3554, taxes due for 1880. One lot, the property of John Walker, being No, 938) in square 111,' fronting on E street, adjoining Ellen Cormack, for $3.63, taxes due for 1880. ' One lot, the property of Mrs. Sarah Houston, Wife of SJE. Houston, being lot No. 443, square 64, at the Intersection of Eighth and Pine streets, fronting on Eighth street 99 feet and adjoining the property of the late J. M. Springs, for $67 45, for taxes due and ULpald for the years 1874 to 1 880, inclusive. Two lots on Trade street adjoining w. M. Wil son and Wolfe, fronting on Trade street 99fett and running back to Fourth, the property of Mrs. Julia McMurray, wife of J. W. McMurray, for tbe um ot$19.50. taxes due for 1880. Two lots, the property of 8. P. Smith, assignee In bankruptcy of .J. L. Hardin, being Nos. 1830 and 1833, square 234, fronting on Tryon street 99 feet and running back to College, adjoining Mrs. Murray, Frazler, and others, for $49.00, tax es due for '77, '78 and '79. Two tots, the jproperty'of Mrs. Elizabeth Sloap, tbe wife of Dr. Wm. Sloan, at the intersection ot Tryon and Second streets, fronting on Tryon 99 feet and running back to College street, adjoining John B. Oates, for the sum ot $74.75, taxes duo and unpaid for '77, '78, '79 and '80. CHAS. F. HARBISON. sep2 Tax Collector. City of Chariot Z. B. Vakcx. W. ELBatlxt. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors . . CHARLOTTE. N. C Practice iln Supreme Court of the United States, ; Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen- 1 burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas - . . ton, Rowan and Da . ; vtdson. . M7 Office, two doors, east of Independence Square. , may2ytf fe.J.MJ..lJ-iilJ l ti ll II I . , 1 T- 'prr enlist sir -ta w . IRteestaWartdidtedates'ConT Ooilee p tions.v Home and - Foreign . solicited. Ab ttraets of Titles, Surveys, &&, tumisjMd for com pensation. Cha4ntA W O '- " - - n.. u wftn , jup. . v . L Hav . .. Jf . JJK There are fit aarerfAt land ) good) garden, and on the premises a good well and- necessary outbulld feigs. . It wm be sold cheap to a bona fide purcha ser; r will be rented to a good, tenant on favorable termsiAppiy to or address- ' l-i'Mm j tlU r&tiU&i oiAi.ainaA cons -aS mm3tt . 6S'ja . wiLjaSfH. . . . - tflilSj 116JU "TJ If

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