-V r I)C Charlotte (Bbzzrvzt. SUBSCRIPT ION RA.TMS: DaUy, one t.pott-vaid, in advance $8 00 Six month .-. 4.00 Three month..... . .. 2-00 On month T. 75 WMMKLT MDITIOtf: Weekly (in the county), in advanee ; , . . , . .$2.00 Out cf the county. Pott-paid .. 2.10 (fix month 1.05 IHlOBSlBVia JOBDXPBTXOCfT , Has been thoroughly supplied ir?0i ra needed want, and with toe latest style ef Tip M mri manner of job Pttnttng tan ttftr ttM wit neatness, dispatch ajnaheapnesart, tuftJ Msb at abort notice, rXj k f ' BLANKS, BOX-HEADS, LETTXB-HEAD6, CABSS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, F08TEBS, . PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS, CtBCCilKaVCnsTTH, &d yoL. xxvi. CHARLOTTE, .N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBERS 1881. NO. 3,915. ' Liberal Reduction Jbr Club. ' .... ..- - W ' . Dry 5oofts. 1 W iAUllllUt Are now opening a very large and beautiful stock ot DllESS GOODS Ladies' Neckwear, A tremendous stock ot Table Linens, all grades. A large stock of Mareel les Qidlts. All kinds ot Flannels Basket, Opera and Plain. The best stock ot Carpets they overbad. They are making a specialty of Read y-Made Clothing FOI QSNTLEHEN AND TOOTHS, THII 8K1SO.H. They have Hoop Skirts. White Geods, Laeet. 1m rrolderies of all kinds, and other goods too numerous to mention. (FAXKMTKO JUK 13TH, 1876.) Ask for a pair of the Foster Kid Gloves, Ihe best In the market tt Alexander k Harris. sep24 $00ts and gusts We are dally receiving our FALL & WINTER STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES'. MISSES'. CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BOIS'. AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS I SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In our line In variety and su yriuoa. FULL STOCK Stetson and Other Hals. A PRETTY LINE TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS ALL SIZES AND RRICES. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. sep6 (Mensed Time Me-Nffl1jiCaiR.R teams soma aoirra. DaW,Mayl5'81 No. 47 Dally No. 40 Dally No. 43, Dally Lv. Charlotte, " A-L. Depot " " Junc't " Sallabury, Arr.Greensboro L v.Greensboro Arr.Ralelgh Lv. " Arr. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Lv. Danville " N. Danville " BarkBdale " Drak'sBr'ch " Jeterevllle Arr. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " " Arr. Manchester Arr. Rtcbmond 4.05 AMI 6.15 AM 4.16 PM 411 AM 5.56 AM 8.20 am 7.50 am 0.80 AM 0.50 AM 4.80 fm 8.07 FM 7.57 pm 8.18 pm 8.03 am &25 AM 1.40 FM 1.45 PM 4.00 pm for Rlch- m'adonly r 8.25 PM 10.21 AM 10 27 AM 11.81 AM 11.83 AM 10 58 i 12.01 pm 12.87 fm 2.24 FM 8.20 PM 405 PM 4.10 PM 4.18 FM 1.20 pm 2.55 pm 8.51 P 4.28 FM 4.85 FM 48 PM 4.18 EM I 4.48 i 78 trains japrae 8QPTM- DatA,Mayl6'80 Na 42 Dally. No. 48 Dally. No. 50 Dally Lv. Richmond ' Burkeytlle Arr. N. papyUle I.v. " DanvlUe Arr. Greensboro Lv. " Sallnhnrv 10.45 fm 2.25 AM 2 QQ am 12.00 m 2.43 PM 6.05 fm 6.18 PMl 7.27 AM aii pm a87 pm 10.88 PM 12.15 AM 9.26 i 0.81 AM 11.16 AM 12.45 FM 1.00 PM Arr. A L. Junction " Charlotte Lv. Richmond " Jeterevllle " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale " DanvUle " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " " Arr. Charlotte 12.20 i 2.65 pm 4,41 PM 8.07 PM 7.25 pm 751 FM 8.65 pm 0.27 PM 11.05 PM 12.26 am 12.80' AM BALKM BBAMCH. NO. 48 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. .?-49 SI Arrive Salem 11.40 FM NO. 47 Dally, except Bunday. Leave 8alem : 7.80 am Arrives Greensboro " 9.00 AM No. 42 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.00 am Arrives Salem 11-80 AM NO. 48 Dally. Leave Salem 5.80 PM Arrive Greensboro 7.80 FM Limited malls Nos. 40 and 50 will only make Set aboard at the R, ft D. R. B. depot This train lakes RlnaA nnnnurMnn at Greensboro for RaleUih.- Goldsboro Newbeme and all points on WUmiu ton 4 Weldon Railroad. M . ; : Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 make an local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tWAATI flnunahnM Valalsh Uld flOldSbOIO. NO. 47 making connection with W. N.C. a at Ballsbory for Ashevllle (Sondava excented), and alaoeon nectlng at Greenaboro with aalem Branca (bob StoilweenciM QaeWBTHdirkhnrtr. Cnln GrOV. HOWTOUTg.' WOflil Mill iimLitmil . t No. 43 ponnpct with 'Salem Branch at Qnwsa- A.. fl Vmrnrn -TiA TlfdCOt i Alexander Harris BOOTS IB 11 Best Brands Latest Styles 88 (Soo&s, lotTxttig, 1st Finds our stock complete. In all .details, from the cneapesi iam-ics ior domestic purposes to the handsomest Silks and Satins, in plain, brocaded and watered effect. Our Prices Are Low OCR DEALINGS FAIR, AND - All Goods Warranted arRepresenteir OR PURCHASE HONEY REFUNDED. A fine line of Ladies' Cloths and Flannel Suitings IN AI L LEADING COLORS. We have added WARNER'S FLEXIBLE HIP CORIETS to our stock, already the largest and best selected In the city. T. I, Seigl$ Co. oct2 PERRY DAVIS' PAIRS KILLER 18 A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Use. PAIN KILLER hu nmr faiUd whan uaed , ana i prfhl "f nn in th wiott nmxwrtmict nan. . PAIN KILLER PAINKILLER known f er?(2jjlcjine.J 8ieUiulmek, Pais Im Back r Sidf, PAIN KILLER Yf'rVri brinn mmdptrtuuuHt riif la aTxoaaM of Paraaer Pluter. SalUr. In fact of . ad laM wan tier a adlcin alwajn a hand and mmfm to m a. later a.ur r swnaur w r r mm.W-r , e.rtainty mf relief. tk ftmllv mji , AiranL m na wiinoai un taraJuabU reaMidr la ta bonaeu It price brier tt within the read of a)L and it will annually a r many thnoa lta eoat ln oetorbill. . Sou br all araffiata at see. ttw, fi PERRY DAVIS A SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. 8epl22-12t INDORSED BY, PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AMD THE iUFUCTED EYIBYWHEftE. THE GREATEST TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. Ijoss of apTatlt,ltraa9oa. bowels qosHto, Pain fo tfhegeaq.'vrith a anU sensation In iria baok cart, fain undar tha shouldor HiTiLilL - . II UV - JJ-fTL blada. raliness axtr eawnjCi wiw a oww; aUnaHon to axertion ot poay or cuna, lrriUbmTOf Umper.ijow BPima. faoal of memory, with a feaUnjt of naTing neg leoiad soma duty, wearinasa. Ulaaineaa, Thx ittanng of the Heart, pom porore tna a. Yellow Bkln. Headache. Hesuess- eyea. x mow dkuu nnwiaomi -m naaa a nisntt uisiy oownounBi, Tt THXSX WAJUTINGS AJtl UN BJUUlED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTTI PILLI are .ipeelally adapts to up 1 J TT I ' Tfeer latitaw tb. AfUt, and eaoM U .&? tT on Fieab, thoa tha system la laTaae.iiii)TMiriaiaiiw' IHtatUnafnaalraU' toUar.pro- dvtoed. -Price g oeuta,- -8a Mairrmy UU, M.TT. TUTTJ QnAW.HADKirWinaxsBa ehaaged to aOuasr ; fiLACT-bja alngl. applieaUon of this Drn. It ImperU v natural oUx.acU lnaUntaawtiy. aol3f Dr1tt.r ut by wpn oaiMwpt ef SI. Oftlo, 3tS Murray St.; New York. - Bk TCTTS MlllClt TalaaU falenaatSM mm feby. 28deodwl Floreston T Viit.m. Man. "WecWJ r All aruwra, . . .,, H rpfcants. yoncaaUiavigarat wifttwrfaari !A,l.lU-JjUjs4il5la4-iirtlhltl U,oa wwmywatw;'21 niL,n n, .n btuaa. votf will fiad fykem tGingtr Tonic tJiVpeaUt kn. n ..in a. ttiUi bBast Health .nragifetttaif Land bz .iitrWSi KralOllt0tkS," VbuOda-M tafiWm. but Itrwintt ct. aad$ii. . Hnco & fh-;. Oiamllt.'N. Y.1 . n v wr wwa o - - Beaavei rail IB ITEMS OF INTEREST The American delegates to the Meth odist Congress were surprised at the drinking habits of their Wesleyan hosts in England. A Louisvillian kicked at his wife the other day. lost his balance and 'met snch a severe fall as to cause his death. Served him right. The 10th of November is the four hundredth anniversary of the birth of Martin Lurthur, and the Germans are making extensive preparations toeele brate it. m - Miss Kate Shelly, the Iowa heroine, has been presented with a watch by the railroad conductors of that State. On the case Is engraved a picture of the scene at' the hridge-where the young woman, at the risk of her life, stopped the train. . : : , ' When a German has got drenched, he saystIWweJitd my verf.skin.',-.The Frenchman seems to hate a drenching jtill. more, fdr he saysi ;"I m.wet to my very bones. .The Spaniard goes stilnfxrrther: Iatn wet to my very marrowA uuw tne Arao oeais mem '-.AV .VAT-A a- ii aUrl aITtb oy very entrails." A married man writes in the Ghraphic; "Loversjiever-know that the obstacles which resist their intercourse are too often the very agencies which keep alive their love. When parties see too much of each other, love languishes. It doesn't die, but it may be smothered hw natifttv Tv nDiflt bv nettv cares and vexations, by many things which are involved in matrimony." Whpn TTavesathis inaufirnral kissed the Bible, his lips rested upon the wnrda- Thftv hav comnassed me ahnnt- vast, t.hftv have comDassed me abou, but; in the name of the Lord will I destroy them." When Arthur did the same, the leaf was open at these words: Tn Thu r T.nrri rlr T nnt m v trust: r. m npvpr h aahamed : deliver me in Thy righteousness. Bow down thy ear to me; deliver me speedily; be Thou my strong rock, for an house of defense to save me." PrAfttrtant flarfif.ld wrote almost Dro- phetically to Mr. Hudson, an Ohio friend, on November 8th of last year: "l.Delieve all my rrienas are more grair ified with the personal part of my tri umph than I am, although I am proud of the noble support I have received, and the vindication it gives me against my assailants, yet there is a tone of sad- . 1 IV. U OT.nl. ness ruuuiUK wiuugu yma uiuuiiju wmcn 1 can naraiy explain. ."Proalrlfint-. TTavfis thus exDlains whv h rftmnvwl Mr Arthur from the New York Collectorship: "The issue with Mr. Arthur, as uonector 01 me "Pnrr. nf "Wftw-Vorlr: did not arise from want of confidence in his capacity or ttUllUJ, UUb Ou a quesuuu ui. uictuuu m reforming the civil service. The issue Tiairinv Kan matin nnr Xff. Arthur de clining to yield the point of difference, tne aicernaxive naaxo ue met, anu nis removal was ordered, but with extreme reluctance. In addition to eiviner Mrs. Lincoln the remainder of the year's salary due her husband, votine her a pension of $3,000 precedents which will be fol lowed in Mrs. uarheia s case uoneress ordained: "that all letters and pack ages carried by post to and from Mary Lincoln, widow of the late Abraham Lincoln, will be carried free of postage aunng ner natural nie. xnis is ui a m ft a rw- i J : tmcuon rather than a vaiuaDie privu eee, but it is an honorable distinction ill 1 3 bucii as will ttisu ue avwiueu am. a. um Held. Death an An Element In Politics. uRith " ht the ClnMnnnH 'Rnnnlrfir. Mr. Snward once said that there was an nlAmnnt in nnlitira ire did not SUf- npimriT ij&kh iiiui (in l uniuuiauutiD ' death. What part death has played of m . . ft. A. AV late among tnese Dusy aspirants iur xnsf Knnnra anil nn Wr 1 ITpr A 19 Conkling, twice defeating Blaine for iTesiaent, ana, in turn, aispossessea oy Rial n a. whn risw.n to the head of the cabinet, and before he has become ac quainted with the duties 01 nis ouxce, Wftotft ofaina In on UVOWU OWWD S.JUL mum wuw - and behold (jonkiings inena tas.es tne; Maofiat.ratVa aaat HnrnelL the son of a wealthy man, who had nearly created Mr. uonaiing ana maae uim oeuawi, harbors the passion to be Governor of Vow Ynrt. and ha finds himself antag onized by a young lawyer named Ar- tnur, tne pet 01 oia uov. snoiyptu, wu is drawn out of the tomb of the Capu lets and given the nomination when Cornell might have gotten it Smart- inor tram this nnAYnectftd ODDOSition irom nis equiu iu 3 cai o nuu ;uuiu, n ell at last reacnea tne wvernurs nlnno and talma thfl flarllAAt OCOaSlOn tn nut. ttiA anal nf his Magisterial U- thonty on lien. Artnur ana nis ineuusr vetoing their duis ana stigmatizing t.hm n nnrrnnt and then he defeats the same Arthur's candidate for the Senate and throws mm Dacs on nis nfRnm nf VieA-Prftsident with contempt. Meanwhile, disgusted that UAAJ a w W WAUW w w such a national nonor snouiuevet vo fallen upon snch a rival, behold a tramp comes out 01 iue awoct, uco a bullet and the President of the U ni- toA fitatoa dtnannAars. and in his DlaCB VVU UWWUVIU w-a-'r - F stapds Mr. Arthur, the head of the whole nation, while Mr. Cornell is but Governor of 3(ew xorH. Some Wonderful Occurrence)! on Our North Carolina Caa, Kiizabeth Cltv Economist We learn from an observant gentle man who has just returned from a long sojourn at Nag's Head, that the sick n aaa An thA north And nf- Roanoke Island and along the coast is unprece dented. The prevalence of sickness is ascribed to drying of the salt marshes t A. ft .11 by the excessive arougnt. Anotner peculiar condition is the unprecedent ed quantity of fish in the waters of the Sound. The waters are full of them. They are caught in large quantities oHth hnnlr and linn and other wava. Fat backs are so thick you can hardly push a pole through them. The fish are fat and healthy, but the quantity is as- ttr,nHn TTrnm thA "Nina's TlAad niA.r OUUUUIUL. A' VM O one catches fish enough in a short time a m . 1 mis to supply a ramny ior aays. ma un usual condition of things in the lower onnnda alnno- the cnasL counled with the signs and predictions of evil times AAvm r nf a vamAfn'rlofa naa Q liaorl J.IIm a. 4 nlAMvU' awmAmm rAtinA1ia flAr sitive tatbe supernatural. INDULGENT PARINT3 Who allow their children to eat heartily of hfcjbly MinnHi food, rich Dies. cake. ate., will have t to4 aae Hop Bitters to prevent Indigestion, sleepless nights, sickness, pain, and perhaps death. No iamui IS saie wiuww uieiu iu uie uuuao, - Women that have been given u bv their dear- eat friends as beroad hem, have been pertnane ly cored by toe use pi Wdla Ptokham's y ble Compomid.1' It Is a posinvk cure for 1 . Bead toMrs. Ljdla X.4 Pinkham, ,233 Western . If. MM f A. lUMtlkW. II ASX JftOH HABI daoted to the needs of fading .and falling hair, Barker's Hair Balsam has taaen ttrat rank aa aq elegant am and reliable nav reswrauve. 8 ATI PIGS OF UARFIEI.D. After the battle of arms comes the battle of history. "FW thA noblest man that lives there still remains a conflict. T vmiild rather be beaten in riorht than succeed in wrong. Present evils alwavs seem crreater than those that never come. Growth is better than permanence and permanent growth 13 better than them all. It is one of the precious mysteries of sorrow that it finds solace in the unsel fish thought Statesmanship consists rather in re moving the causes than in punishing or evading results. TdAaa are the crreat warriors of the world, and a war that has no ideas be hind it is simply brutality. Eternitv alone will reveal to the hu man race its debt of gratitude to the peerless name of lYasnington. I doubt if an v man equalled Samuel Adams in formulating and uttering the fierce, clear and inexorable logic of the revolution. Throughout the whole web of nation al existence we trace the golden thread of human progress toward the higher and better estate. Occasion mav be the busle call-that summons an army to battle, but the blast of a bugle can never make sol diers or win victories. It is as much the duty of all good men to protect and defend the reputation of worthy public servants as to detect tne public rascals. An act of bad faith on the part of the State or municipal corporation, like poison in the blood, will transmit its curse to succeeding' generations. Bad faith on the part of an individu al, a citv. or even a State, is a small evil in comparison with the calamities which follow bad faith on the part 01 a sovereign government. If there be any one thing upon this earth that mankind love and admire better than another it is a brave man ; it is a man who dares to look the devil in the face and tell him he is a devil. We should do nothing inconsistent with the spirit and genius of our insti tutions. We should do nothing for re venge, but everything for security; nothing for the past, everything for tne future. Brain Development and Moral Char acter London Lancett. It is not surprising to find the unlearn ed in things medical unable to under stand that brain development, which of course is generally a matter of heredity, determines character. Such, however, is and must needs be. the fact Wkether the mind is something outside matter which acts through or by the brain, as a musician may use a musical instrument, or whether, as some think, what we call mind is sim ply brain function, it should be mani fest on consideration that upon the qual ity and conformation of a man s brain must depend his mental capacity ; and consequently, also, his characteristics, both intellectual ana moral, we are not disposed to urge specialties of de velopment as excuses for conduct, be cause, given an average degree of intel ligence and fairly strong will power, the individual is clearly responsible for his actions; but it must nofbe forgot ten that his instincts of right or wrong, and the faculty of judgment with which he distinguished between good and evil, will be acute or dull in proportion as his brain is developed. The mind is in a large sense the character of a man, and as directly dependent on the Dhvsical growth of his brain as the speed of a race horse is dependent on its muscular development. This is not sufficiently recognized, and because it is not we every now ana-againnnasiuy remarks in print such as the following: "The convulsions of the brain may have something to do with- the differ ence between ..mediocrity .and genius, bat at present they are not recognized in the law courts, and it is difficult to see how they can be ;" with such weak and wide moral reflections as mat -it would be scarcely satisfactory to a pick pocket to have bis brains (sic) examin ed, in order to prove to those he left Deninatnac ne reaiiy couia not neip being a thief!" And yet the facts are sufficiently plain and simple, so plain and simple that any one should be able to Understand them. A Tjake 2,00Q Feet Deep. Jacksonville (Oregon) Record. Several of our citizens returned last week from the Great Sunken Lake. situated In the. Cascade Mountain?, about seventy-hve miles nortneast from Jacksonville. This lake rivals the famous valley of Sinbad the Sailor. It is thought to average 2,000 feet down to water all around. The depth of the water is unknown and its surface is smooth and unruffled, as it is so far be low the surface of the mountains that air currents do not affect it. Its length is eaumaieu at wwerye or uueeii uuies and its width tea or twelve. There is a mountain in the centre, having trees uron it It lies still, silent and myste rious in the bosom ? of the everlasting hills, like a huge wen scooped out by the hands of the ? giant genii of the mountains in the unknown ages gone by, and around It the primeval forests watch and ward" are keeping. The visiting party fired a rifle into the water several times at an angle of forty-five degrees and were- able to note several seconds or ume iram me report or tne run until the pan struck the water. Such seems incredible, but is vouched fox by onrmost reliable citizens. The lake is certainly; a most remarkable curiosity. VTU1BWU, MVIOJUl CUUIllT, 1. V. Gent8-I desire tar express to yoa my thanks for jui wonderful Hop Hitters. I was troubled with your wonderful Hop muers. I was troubled with dyspepsia tor years previous to .commencing' the tue of tout Bop Bitters soma sfr months agee m mM ha been wonderful. I am nastoi Of the First Metbodtit church of tuts pUca&d toy whole congregation can testify the great virtues of yonrtottfcrs. - " 2v7 i Pjofeasor X H. Heard, of New York city, mem ber ox the Royal wuege 01 veiennary Burgeons 01 Sngland, Professor ot the Surgery of the Horse, v V vt Triifi. Veterinary Bureeon of the 8rd Ave. BallroadCo., of New Tark Gtty2,r300 hors es), etc., says: "I take treat pleasure la testifying totbevaloable properties ioasessed:by the Lieblg C&t ArnicatedSatraetaf .WltcaJ&aelt-..-NoVJta.T 2??apedy etfta, besrSlJSesf SDralns. prfcka or bralf4 QIBftm fbtaflsftweap. Ing eyea. shot bTf?v.WKW pr illrhl- -MnTirfmfehav1 loett totereattenottHca todian Jeaawstuitoamy- vwrlenee . & 'ton t'rerjwraoiefteets tojr wonWManMlniiraldiif In eW ther dry or lianid fom It Is a perfect remedy foe torpid liver, kidneys or Doweis. jsicnanga. (LDode0 to Velvets and Velveteens. Anyone wishing to buy a Velvet Suit, will find ft to maicn velvets ana velveteens, in au Quauoea. All ina new designs in A handsome line of goods for making the above. w have a few Mosquito Canopies that we are offering very cheap, to close. All Wool Black Buntings at 15c per yard, All we ask of aur patrons and the Public Is to give our entire stock a careful InspeeUon. and we will convince you as to styles, varieties and low prices. We will take pleasure in showing any one through our stock, whether they buy or not Give us a can. Prompt attention given to orders. HARGRAVES & WILHELML aepSO Fall and irriviDg Daily in Large Quantifies. .SLf A Full Line of our Celebrated Own Manufactured Clothing. - A Full Line A Full Line somest Line of Neckwear ever exhibited Call and see us before making your purchases L. BERW ANGER & BRO., Leading Clothiers and Tailori. A handsome line of samples for garments to he made to order. CHINA PALACE OF J. Brookfleld & Co. New Goods Arriving Daily. JUST RECEIVED, A Shipment of Fine Porcelaine, Equal In finish and appearance to China and more Deautirui in desicn. costing less than half the price of China. The Boyal Worcester pattern is the latest style. Koyal Worcester tea sets, 44 pieces, S5.00; Minton teas. S2.00. The latest styles cups and saucers. A full stock of. Granite and Common Ware At greatly reduced prices. A large stock of GLASSWARE at astonishing low figures. Tinware, Quadruple-Plated Ware, Cutlery, Look ing uiasses, uaoy uamages, lampa and Lamp Fixtures. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. t3T" Garfield portrait plates, 25c sep27 THE GENUINE has acquired a repu tation greater than any medicine extant as the CHEAPEST, PUREST and best family . medicine In the world. It acta with extraordinary nower and efficacy an the Liver the largest organ of the body, called; from na importance, tne muse-sewier ox our Health. When the Liver is torpid, the bowels are sluggish and constipated; the food 1199 W the ti to rn ach Indigested and poisoning the blood. Fre ouent headaches, a feeling of lassitude, despon dency, and nervousness, indicate- bow- the wholo system is aerangea to prevent a more serious condition, at once Take SIMMONS LIVER BEGULATOB. W The test of time and the experience of thous ands have proven it the best, safest and speediest remedy for all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. As a remedy in MALARIOUS FEVEES, Dyspepsia, Mental Depression, Sick Headache jaundice, uouc, uonsupauon ana muonsness, IT HAS HO EQUA&. We could fill a good-siwd v.lume wi h such like distinguished testimonials, as the following: I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for con stipation of my bowels, caused by a temporary de rarJgenjent of the liver, lor the last three or four years, and always when used according to thedl- mnHnna vlth rtnAldml hAnefltL HTRAM WA Late Chief Justice of Geo: I occasionally use. when my condition 10001708" it. Dr. Simmons Liver Hegulatc, with good effect. a i.afr- H. BTAr nltnn. THE BALTIMORE EPISCOPAL METHGMST says: "Simmons Liver Regulator is acknowleged to have no equal as a lives medicine, containing those Southern roots an? herbs which an all wise ProvViencahas placed In countries where Uvei diseases pravaiy' Boy only the Oenulns In White Wrapper, with red .prepared only by J. H.elUn4Co. ; ep3 . A trilTERAX HZETING Of stockholAfirs of A the Rabon eapShort lino Bafl way Co will ba held at theofnee orthe AOan anlQarlotte Alr Une Ball wayompaar,- ia tho.CUy of Charlotte, K G on the 36th of October, 1881, at 10 o'clock a:mto iconslder' an agreement to consolidate thlaeomaanr with1 tfloBxvllie'ian. Augusta Haiiwav CoaiBanv and tn mareon Ksnroaa lu oepl4.d4w ; SKIP PW1TQ WILMXSr Sec'y fi (DojjiiDQipDetle. WX HAVE ALL (X)L0BS AND QDALHIES IN their advantage to examine oar stock before parchaslng. We hare all shades of Sanaa and Sarahs td Winter of Boys' School Suits. Gents' Furnishing Goods, and the hand elsewhere, as It will save you Time and Money. Sottjertjes. A SPLENDID OPPOKrUNITT TO WW A FOB TUNE 10TH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS K, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, October 11th, 1881 187th Monthly .Drawing Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81,0O0.0O0-to which a reserve fund of over $420,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE. 830,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tick-eta. One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize 880,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 gPrlresof 12.600 6.000 6 Prizes of 1,000 6,000 20 Prizes of 600 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 ,&K550' ?2 10.0901 ivwxiiwi vi iu iu,vuu APPROXIMATION PRIZES. j 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 1 1857 Prlzaa, amotrnttnc to $110400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. For further Information, write dearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Regis tend Letter, or Money Order by malL Address ed only to M. A. DAUPHIN . . New Orleans, Louisiana , or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 212 Broadway, New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The public are hereby cautioned against send ing any money or orders to NUNE3 x CO., 88 Nassau street, New York City, as authorized by the Louisiana State Lottery Company to sell its tickets. They are flooding the country with BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting to be of toe Louisiana Jtata Lottery Company, ,and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as its agents. 'They have no autharity from this' com pany to sell the tickets, and are not Us agents for any purpose. M. A. DAUPHIN, Prest Louisiana State Lottery CO. New Orleans, La., July 4, 1881. . 37th POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THX In the City of Louisville; on MOKDAY, OC3TOBEB 31, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Aet of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81, rendered the following deeiaiona: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany Is legal. - 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on band a large reserve fond. Read the list of prizes for the OCTOBER DRAWING. 1 Prize............. $30,000 1 Prize,... 10,000 1 Prize, . 6,000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each, 10.000 20 Prizes, 500 each, 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each, 10,000 200 Prizes, 60 each,. 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each. 12,000 lOOOtorrzes. 10 each. 10,000 9 Prizes, $300 each, Appxctiaaatton Ertaea $2.70C 0 Prteea, 200 " " " 10t P Prizes, 100 M M " - 1900 teOPHaes...... ..$119400 mule Tlekato. $2; Half Tickets, $1; 37 Tlekats, 50;65Tketa,$IQe.xi f r - , Remit Money or Bank Draft ki Xetter, or send by Express. DONT SEND - BY- .REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER, - Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, eaa be sent eietv ex pauae. Address .all oiueii Iu . : . . R. M. BOARDMAdT. Coarieroornal Bulldtng Loulsvfue,Kr.,ot 809 Broadway Mew York. oeU ' . J. L. HARDIN, M E R C H A k ip 1 8 IBB 0 K I B - AND COCJSSION HEBCHANT .- v -ttgiasli'SCBtaaBiC Hi"-''. , ; ,ur:f t9afiA;9T r-urr tiasgi-; jig 3 rrden tof GranvHay, MeF.L Baaon, w xooeccH.. ougy, aoaee, m a-Mnljiaa Ar Op HI reaveewllngav rnDyeohcttenehe relia Clothing in this State. $10 REWARD. STOLEN from the Charlotte cotton platform on Thursday night, the 29th, one bale of cotton. 277, with the letters M. & steadied an the side. The above reward will be paid for any iaferma Hon leading to Its recovery or the apprehension of the thief. R. M. MILLER & SONS, octl.tf Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. THE old Oaken Bucket, The Iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket, , That hung in the welL CHAS. a JONES, Charlotte. N. C. Sole Aaenti Liberal terms to dealers. ColiuiibiaBitycle. It la generally conceded that among out door sports none surpass the Bicycle as a means of restoring health. To these f sedentary hab lta the result is most ben eflclal, developing the mus cles and. giving new life and vigor to the whole sys tem. Ahorse always sad dled, ready for business or pleasure. Send three cent stamp for 24-page cata logue, riving prioetlaU and full information, to POPE C9-B CO.. Boston, auss., Or J. C WxAvn, Charlotte, N. C. sep20,dlmo Chaw only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. THE old Oaken Bucket, The lron-beund bucket, The moss-covered bucket. That hung In the weO. CHAS. B JONES, Charlotte. N. C. Sole AaenL Liberal termso dealers. 8 TARTLINC DISCOVERY! LOST. MANHOOD RESTORED. ' A victim ef youthful taradtaea eauesaf -Pasme. ere Dacar Hervoua Dabutty, los. Manhood, etc., ving triad In vain every known rantsdy.'has dia ecmcrad a iimpU aalf cure, which be; vrta JMo4 FK to his fteDow-auffereni, address J. H. KXjEYES, 43 MuUnaun 8t N. T. sepia THE COMPARATIVE EDITION OF . frJEVTesTAfJEHT Fraa froai arro. Ohanaaa aaawa at a SmmmttimM elaaoa. Only UXB JMW SNunni. vm Urns, uim labor. inau aafarafT. jrtvaa aatia- faaUon. BUs Bapldly. CoaUlalac I aQEMTS ( PHm. I 4. H. tMAMSm tHVj AUaaU. Oaorgi. WANTED ( $1.80 f sep3,dftwSmoa THE ATTENTION Of the Trade generally, and also the eonsuBaer, ie called to our special brands of saleable and staple Smoking Tebaceos Sitting Ball, Durham Long Cute and Rival Durban to which we are now adding a full line of the latest styles of the most staple grades of Plus; and Twist Tobaccos. We can. in a few weeks, offer ldoeementa in Chewing Tobaccos that ho other, manufacturers can equal. Out salesmen will make regular trips to Charlotta, and the trade of aU BodmhDt Ujrpetn ly solicited. -iiEEKWUl, sear7 , ? : DurhaBS.'RC. Z.B. Yako. W.H.BAnjEr. ;: .VANCE & BAILEY, Attorney. ttd Oomh Practice In SupremeCpurt at. tl?lBtot Supreme Coort of North Cajoltaav Federal Courts, and counUee ot Mockiao burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Dv Ttdsoav- i law- offlce, two doors east , of Independence Square 1 - tnaygy-tf RO. D. GRAHAM, 1Nthe8tate and TJnfted BtatM Courts. CoUee ttona. Home and Foreign, sonesied Ab Tttlee. Sarvers. fumlshsd for peneatfcav . -v . Charlotte. H.C , -:h0 i..t j Then re nveaeres of l-nd, good tardea, and cp ijwqibejcentMtoagoodteap termfc-lTpplyto orldrear;J PI ,-: ;jb a. ja h i! it r, t V u ; 1 re' ) f it li i 1 4 ' A ! I i t - 1 t 1 1 ! i fa v 1, J M If i i 1 maris W" RlChmood,'