Stye $t)atioht temt WEDNESDAY, OCTi 6, 1881 SOCIETY DIRECTORY.' ?fi??J!?a 81, A. . ft Ac 1L-Begular luwum traj odvuuubuu IUUTU1 MOQOBJ IlIgQta. KXCKLSIOB LODOK NO. 281, 1.F. 4A. M. Beg- ular meeting every Bret and third Tuesday nujhts? Chablott Ckaftib Na 89, R. A. M. Regular lUOOMU oioi; DCUUIIU ttuu 1UUTVU MTKL&J "'KOW. Chakixhtb Cowandaby Na 2, K. T. Regular uiocvaaam, otw; uiH uiu uuxu xxtUroCUaS. sjsjbhtb or hohob. Hegaiar meeting every :ez. op op- Knighto or PtthxA-Regular meeting nlahts first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMa- I. O. O. !F. Chablotte Lodss Na 88.-MeeU every Mon day night. Mkoklknbubo Declaration Lodas Na ft. Meets every Tuesday night Dixib Lodgb Na 10&-MeetsTevery Thursday night. Catawba Rtvkb Snoakpkvht Na 21. Meets First and third Thursday nights in each month. Index to New Advertisements. Schedule Midland N. C. Railroad. Attention. In lependents J. a. Bixby. MOJTIE PENCILING. W Hon. Walter L. Steele, of Rock ingham, was in the city last night. ty Mrs. V. F. Houston, of Newton, is visiting Mrs. H. S. Pharr, of this city. tW Several houses on Tryon strett, near the Methodist church, are under going repairs. KW D. M. Vance, of The Observer stall, has gone to Atlanta to see the "exposish." HT" Several mining men from the surrounding country were in the city yesterday. IHT The passenger and mail train from the north waLs about two hours be hind time yesterday. t3T The prize drill will take place at the Hornets' armory to-night. The public is invited to attend. $W Hon. Geo. B. Loring, United States commissioner of agriculture, passed.through the city last night. B3f" Frank W. Rollins, of the Boston Commercial Bulletin, was registered at the Central yesterday. EQuito a large number of passen gers came in yesterday on the South bound train, most of whom were on their way to the exposition. The congregations of the Presbyteri-1 an cnurcnes are again reminded of tne joint meeting at the First Prasbyterian church to-night, . Don't fail to attend. IWC. C. Bishop, who played "Widow Bedott" here last winter is with Hav erlythis season, in the same role. He played in Baltimore Monday night. rJTThe $1.50 placed in the hands of Walter Pemberton, cost him his life and the county about $85, not counting the cost of board and trial of the sup posed murderer. . tSPMr. Vinton Liddell, of this city, left yesterday for Atlanta, from whence he will go to Montgomery, Ala to take a position in the branch house of W. J. F. Liddell & Co. t3Tlt is stated that the electric light is very trying to blondes, while it is correspondingly favorable to brunettes. The opposite types of Charlotte are in no immediate danger of this discrimin ation. Big- Andy Gets Away. Andy Walker, an account f whose arrest was given in yesterday's paper, is again at large. . He was placed in the stockade yesterday morning, and dur ing the temporary absence ot the keep er, Andy succeeded in freeing himself of his shackles, scaled the wall and de parted. L censes Refused The county commissioners don't seem to "revolutionize" to any very great extent 'on the liquor question. By reference to the proceedings of that body, had yesterday, it will be seen that they refuse to give their sanction to the sale of intoxicants within the .city, not withstanding the recent action of the board of aldermen. At tne Idatlnee. Wm. McCoy, for committing an as sault upon and cursing Mr. Tucker, a storekeeper on Tryon street, was fined $5 and costs. A young white man, for a plain drunk, $2.50 and costs. Austin Lane, for an assault and bat tery on Delia White, was fined $2.50 and costs. (Malicious miscbief Several prominent citizens Jiving on West Tryon street have been annoyed to a degree that has exhausted their pa tience by persons removing pail in gs, and otherwise injuring property, and the parties suffering from thfese depre dations authorize the reporter to state that a liberal reward will be paid to any person giving information that will lead to the discovery of the guilty paties. Property Found Constable Orr yesterday found a quantity of personal property hid under abridge, on the Lawyer's road, about half a mile from the city, and it is sup posed the property was stolen from some house in the vicinity. The articles found were two pillows, one bolster, counterpane, blanket, white bed tick and tin bucket. The property is in possession of Mr. Orr, and the owner can call on him and identify the same. Tobacco Statistics From a recent bulletin of the cen- j bus office it is learned that North Caro lina ranks sixth in the M 'tot pwco I UhcstatfesA V le of ! pius, ana is reporxea as iiuvub in duced last year 20,936,213 pounds, val-! ued at 3,805,080. The value per acre of the crop is put at $68.50, which is a bet ter showing than cotton can make with the most favorable season. Mecklen burg is put down as producing 2,291 pounds on 10 acres of land. Ifcr Beauty Gone, Many of our readers have seen some thing in the public prints concerning the remarkable beauty of Louisa Mon tague, to whom Adam Fdrepaugh paid the sum of $10,000 per annum, simply as an attraction of his show. If the circus comes to Charlotte, as is likely, the people will be deprived of witness ing this feature of the show, for Miss Montaarue will be pretty no more for- eye. In & -railroad collision in Ken tucky the other day she was impaled by a large board of the platform passing through the calf of .one of her limbs, besides another! I board piercing -i her thigh, injuring her so severely that her life was despaired of. v The left side of her face was greatly lacerated, a deep gash extending from the temple to the chin. This last injury, perjiaps,i8 the New, quick, eomplete euro 4 dayi tnlnaryaiteo tlous; smarting, frequent or. difficult nrtnetton, and money diseases, ft! at druggists, peppc, 4. a. tfCAden, Charlotte, V. C. ' " . To Be Sore i There are a great manyj people scat tered ovep the wtorld,wbO ftv and di in iha firm belief that newsDaber- mn uave utue or notnmg to do, and are jost -honing for alt sorts of odd jobs. This deluded class make all kinds of modest .requests of editors, and often think it a sham if they are, denied what is asked. The following letter was recema from a Western college the other dav; . . . t .-. p "Dear Sir : As I am engaged in a pub- ; ueuaie, x nereoy solicit your aid and hope you will help me. The subject for discussion is: "Is Christopher Colum bus entitled to the honor of being the discoverer of America?" I am on the affirmative of the question and hope to hear from you soon. I want six or eight pages of foolscaps of stubborn points, and arranged so my opponent cannot get round them. Our debate is on the 14th, and I have not anv time to waste on it. If you can write them for me, piease do so Dy Thursday or Friday, as this is now Monday, and from the public, as I would not have it found out that I ask for aid. "Respectfully, -" Heavy Rainfall ta be Expected The melancholy days that oujjht to come about this time of the year, seem to have been postponed on account of the weather. Astronomically, the sum mer ended on the 2 1st of September, yet we still have the scorching auh of midsummer to contend with. We pass ed the autumnal equinox half a month ago, and as vet not a sitrn has aDoeared of that ancient delusion. the eauinoctial storm. It is wbII to state.' however. that there are indications that when the belated equinoctial storm does ar rive it will fullv compensate for its loner delay. The continuance of parching weather so late into the autumn is something almost unprecedented. The heat and drought of an unusually hot and dusty summer have Deen protracted far beyond the usual limit The conse quences so far exhibited have been dis astrous to the crops, large forest Ares have consumed miles of timber and destroyed hundreds of lives. There have oeen local rains, but there has been no general precipitation of the vast vol ume of vapor accumulated in the sky during a long period of rapid evapora tion. In September alone it is estima ted that the amount of water evapora ted from the tropical Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, much of which is destined to be borne by trade winds over the United States, cannot be less than ten inches of the sea surface, an amount which, if precipitated within a short time, would produce torrential rains over the larger part of the country east of the Rocky Mountains. It cannot be said that this water will not fall else where. It is known that India, Algeria and other wide tracts of the world's surface have suffered from want of rain. But it may, be suspected that the sultry and oppressive atmosphere over lying the United States at present con tains still a great part of the burden of vapor gathered during the last hot term. The putting off of the day of meteorological equilibrium usually makes the storms which marks its re establishment the more violent County Matters The board of county commissioners continued their monthly session yester day. Messrs. Kendrick & Bixby made ap plication for license to retail spirituous and malt liquors in the city, which ap plication was refused. Several other dealers presented applications, but these were withdrawn by the attor neys for the dealers before action was had by the board. Upon the recommendation of Key. W. T. Walter, superintendent of public instruction of the county, and the school committeemen within the cor porate limits of the city of Charlotte, that the four school districts within the city limits be consolidated, it was ordered by the board that the recom mendation be adopted, and that the four wards of the city be known here after as one consolidated school dis trict with J. Asbury, J. E. Brown and . Nye Hutchison as school commit teemen, and that C Scott E. J. Allen, W. B.Nisbet and W. M. Wilson be con stituted a boards of advisers of said committee. John Kuck resigned as school com mitteeman in District No. 27, and Wm. Wallace was appointed in his stead. The report of the. superintendent of gublic instruction of the county for eptember was received and filed. The board ordered that the report of the jury which laid off a public road, commencing at or nearDr. SamT Aber nethy's,on theTuckasege road,andfrom thence to Rozzell's ferry road, at or near John Frazier's, be received and confirmed. The sheriff was allowed the sum of $1?1.15 for jail fees and feeding prison ers at the jail during the month of Sep tember, and $46.40 for summoning 88 regular "and 200 special jurors for the fall term of court . Several small -claims were allowed to different parties for services rendered and expenses incurred, and the board then adjourned to meet the first Mon day in November. A Correcffon' To the Editor of The bserrer : In your Sabbath issue are some mis takes relative to the death of my grand mother, whom you styled Lydia "Steele.:, . ' ; ;. , . .,1 Mrs. Liydia uiarK was iouna in oer bed dead Saturday morning at the resi dence of her son-in-law, Mr. Joseph Butler,, with whom she has lived; for the past few ' years. Mr. Butler does not live in the reartrf Tryon Street M. E. Church, but on the western suburbs of the city, about three-quarters of a mile, out Trade street from the square. iiespecttuiiy, Mrs. J. E. Rattlet. Charlotte, N. O, Oct 4, 1881. An Appalling- Prospect. The latest contribution to Darwin ism is a book by Dr. Paul Jacoby, who reaches conclusions relative to the per fectibility of human nature rather at variant with thoee of Mr. Herbert Snencet. Ateordittg id Sir, ;Jaccby4 whenever a member of a familyhtt mau or other attains to aoy remark able pre-eminenee . in mental ability, such a pre-eminenoe is at the . expense of posterity, and the family by its ulti mate extinction pays the penalty of its temporary eclat Extraordinary brain activity is followed by a corresponding degeneracy. ,The future of humanity, if this view were the correct One, wcflld belong to physical mediocrity a poor nroipeat is fceltftHit to tbewtcept- ionally intelligent or energetic, uream- ln rmtlmlBta- ATft vtffled to expect no lino nf Homers or ShaksDeares, but to concede the earth JO the dan. ' ? ) A Real ittsurrlag-e thm Stage. iDiaMonsnEa, September 88At the kiiSthMerrr Wives of Windsor entertainmeni, to-nigov .,. vy Burnnam s ! JBiieciirio Aagub juiuyauj, Clarence Ostranderthe . J th iioir ' m married to MiftS. May Wentworth vansiycK, one 01 umjubp ry wives. - The bride Is a danghterof ffa ottAmAv of Chicacro. Milwaukee and TAnl TCnad. at ou raui. xne jv. T. 8. IIunUnir, unatanan mm- ter ofihia city, performed te 1 oexemo- oininsrineeoupie-on wb wj.p,u r memDera -01 ioa company tumes or me piay. 1 au 1 Tew are aware efthelmnertanoe of checklnt a conch ar wainman mim In st flrat atase. '- - That which In the beginning would yield to mild rsto eqy, u negieotea soon prays open idi laaga, Bull's Cough Brrup aSords instant relief. Pennsylvania Enterprise InWestVir- , .: ! :'-:. .';'; gflnla . .J ' i . !' ' Ai correspondent ' of " the Richmond Whig, writing frdnl 'Union, We&fciYir ginia, Just over tne Virginia line, ays: "A company of Pennsy Iranians t have bought out the mills'1 and property of -the lumber company at Union and in Pocahontas county, west VirgtniaVand will invest heavily in the extension of the lumber business. About' $40,000 will be expended in improving Green- Drier river, oi wnica mis Pennsylvania company will furnish $20,0007 : Lands are selling rapidly and at high figures in view ofnhese improvements. Dr. Kelly, in company with other gentle men from Pennsylvania, have recently leased the mineral lands near Blue Sul phur Springs from Mr. Chas. Buster, and intend very soon commencing the mining of these ores, which are said to be of a most superior quality and con tain a very large per cent'of iron." n A New Source of India-Rufcber. The Scientific American announces the discovery by Dr. E. R. Heath, along the previously unexplored borders of the Beni river, in Bolivia, of abundant rubber and cinchona forests. As new rubber forests are to that part of the world what new gold fields are to the people of this country, it may readily oe understood that the rubber "fever became prevalent after the doctor' an nouncement of his discovery, and thou sands set out to penetrate the country of the cannibals where the forests are found. The export of rubber, which was last year 15,000 'pounds, is expected this year to reach the amount of 750,000 pounds, and next year 6,250,000. ' A LUCKY PJI&. The Chicago Times says that "at the last draw Ins of the Louisiana State Lottery (August 9tb) ticket No. 35.818 drew 810,000. One half was held by Wm. W. Shaw, a book-keeper In the Lake side Foundry, of this city. In March last a propri etor of the foundry drew $1,260 on a half ticket, SI. Mr. Shaw said they would continue to buy a half ticket each month, as be was saUsfled tbe drawing was conducted honorably. He wanted, to see some other needy persons get some of the Brizes." The 187th drawing wUl take place Octo er 1 1 th. the full nartlculars of which can be had by addressing M. A Dauphin, New Orleans, La. MINT MISERABLE PEOPLE dras-thflmselres about with falling strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking into their gra?es when, by using Parker's Ginger Tonic, they would find a cure commencing with the first dose, and vitality and strength surely coming back to them. Bee other column. FADED OB GKAT HATJt gradually recovers Its youthful color and lustre by the use of Parkers Hair Balsam, an elegant dressing, admired for lta purity and rich perfume. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH OCTOBSB 4. 1881. PBODUCX. WTT.imraTnw. Tf fl STilrlt tnrTwmtlnA Arm At 50c. Rosin firm; strained $2.05, good strained $2.07. Tar steady at $2.10. Crude turpentine firm at $3.00 for yellow, 2 80 for virgin. Chicago Wheat No. 2 red winter 1.43. No. 2 Chicago spring 1.40fta.41 cash, 1.4014 October, l.43tya November. Corn 77Ua77Hg cash and November. Oats 46 cash andOctober, 46 Nf vember. Pork at 19.25 cash, 19 00 October, 19.20 November. Lard at 12.25 cash and Oc tober, 12.45all.47Vi November. Bulk meats shoulders 8.00, short rib 10.66, short clear 10.8T . Whiskey 1.19. Balttmom Noon Floor strong: Howard street and Western super S5.60ad.50, extra S6.75a7.25, family S7.40a8.25; city mills-super $5 50a6.50, extra $6.50a7.50, lamlly 8.25a8.60; Bio brands S8.00a8.25. Patapsco fam. 8.75 Wheat Southern red L47al.52, amber 1.57&.62. Corn Southern white 85, yellow 78. BiiAUfOBs Night Oats Western white SlaSS do mixed 49tta51,Pennsylvanla5la3. Provisions mess pork 20.76; new ; bulk meats loose shoulders , clear sides , ditto packed 9V4all;bacon shoulders lOVfe. c rib sides 12ft, hams 14tal6. Lard refined tierces 18. GoOee Bio cargoes ordinary to fair 9all. Sugar A soft 104. Whisker 11.19. CnionrHATi Flour family 7.20a7.50, fancy 7. 60a R 00. Wheat No. 2 red winter 1.4g&a.50. Com at 72. Oats at 46. Pork at $21.00. Lard at 12.25. Bulk meats--shoulders 8, ribs 10.75: bacon shoulders 9, ribs 11 clear sides 1214. Whiskey at 1.15. Sugar hards llai, New Orleans 8a8 Hogs common and light 6.25&6.70, packing and butchers 6.85a 7.20. . Vsis Vnnv QiMi4i stt flAti at An Aif soi i r-i- HJlTT AUAJI UVUUiOlU UVULA. OMTOUJ WU1UIUU to fair extra 6.85a7.75, good to choice 7.80a9.00. Wheat ungraded spring 1.31 a 1.40. Corn ungraded 67a75. Oats 48 for No. 8. Cof feeBio cargoes 9al3. Sugar fair to good refining 8VI. prime ; refined standard A 8. Molasses New Orleans 30a55. Porto Blco 86a56. B08in-2.50a2.55. Turpentine 62ftaU. Wool domestic fleece 84a46. pulled 20a42. unwashed 12a85. Texas 17a82. Pork 19.75a20.00 middles long clear 10. short clear HUj, long and short , Lard 12.50a.55. COTTON. . ' Gaxtmtoh Firm; middling llUj; low mlddl'g 10c; good ordinary 10c; net ree'ts 1,548; gross : sales 8.428: stock 68.509: exp'ts coastwise ; to Great Britain ; continent. lfomcJt Quiet imlddllng 11 9 16o:net reoelDts 8,732; gross ; stock 18,800; exports eoastwls 948; sales 704: exporU to Great Britain. BAUixOBBQulet; mid'g llc; low mldd'g 1114: rood oro?y lOVfec; net ree'ts 105; gross 256; sales ; stock 4.070; exports coastwise ; spinners $61; exports to Great Britain ; to continent , Bonoa Steady; mlddUnf 12c; low middling; llfte; good ord'y IOUer net reoalpta -930; gross : sales : stock 8.500: exports to Great Britain 780k0 Franca, . WiLifiHHTOSf Quiet: mldd'R HUo; low mid dling 104o; good ord'y Mfi- receipt ,1,085; gross i sales ; stock 87$ exports coast wise -; to Gnat Britain. ; swrjftitwni-Q"Mt middling M2cf low. middling Vx good ordinary lOWeinef receipts 74: gross 1076; sales 531; spinners 508: stock 8,401 ; exports to Great Britain - , - 8a v AramQuiet ; middling lie: low mid'g 10e.j rood ordinary 90.1 net receipts 5,651; roM5.745; sales 5.500; stock 50,290; txp. soast wise 5.538 ? to Great Britain ; f ranoe. , Kww Oauufls-Easy; mldd'g 11; low ' mid dling 10; good ord'y 1016c; net reeelpU 8.197: gross 8,996; sales 6,000; took 186,18 exports to Great Britain : to France. Mams Weak; middling 114e low middling 10o; good ordinary lOUe; net reo'to 181$: cross saSesSOO; stock 18.099: exp. eoast.1,147; France ; to Great Britain 8,660. - ... Mxmfkis Qnlet ; middling llVtC reeelpU 1,094; ehlpmenU 679; sales 650; stock 27,18a Aooobta Steady? mlddlmg 10c; low mid dilng . lOao., good ordinary 9e; reeelpU 960; shipments ; sales 1317. CKUujtaroa-Qalet; middling lHie; low mid filing IlUc; good ordinary 101&0.J net reeelpU 8,978; gross -; sales 1.000;stock 86,451: expori coastwise 772: Great Britain ; continent. Nsw Tok Cotton quiet; sales 1.140; middling npUnds llc; mldd'g Orleans 12fMt jreceipts gross - ; consolidated net ree'ts 27,147; exports to Great Britain 4.440: continent ; France' . LiTBaTOOC Noon cotton market now firm; middling uplands : 7Vtd; mid'g Orleans 7ttd; alee la, 000, speculation and export 2,000; re Mkinta a.i 00. American 8.600. Uplands low mid dling clause: October delivery 6 ll-16d, Octo iwtr and November 6 9-16d. November and De cember 6 17-82a9-16d, December and January r u.1 Ki jannarr anu AeoruiuT . euruaxr una March 6d, March and April 6 21-82d, April an4 May) dune o zawsoj pnq jmiu ihj 2ad. 'Futures aolei uieu . n p. m. dju' iee of American cotton 8,900 bales. Upland low middling clause: 'oocoeer .6, J8-aaao, octoper ana r SoYemhey and Deoembei -St Fehroary . February and Ma ana Apru aq&a. apru ana may July . futures meuicr. FUTUBX3 pprt received at this office, FlflANClAlar r- Saw YaKiMoney 1.064.6. Exchange 4.79. eemeDmweak;-new 51.00. 6ur and a half per cents M814. Four per cents 1.16. State, bgada odaatelfTO. r, vw Tnm atfidu-slnaedwealL. r -..;"; ; ewOTkCeatral....V."..i...''.(... .. Lake Shore.;...., ....... ...... lulrmlsOenraLt: ... v... : Nashville; and Chattanooga . iiliy,- Luisvuie ana nasnjiue,,.,. v ; . Pittsburg.. a." ...'. v. ; . -' ' , a6asD,L6nk Paolll4v . ; f Sprelerfea..ik.r....vA"'-i emphis and eharlestoii. . : ; . .. , BoeKuiana...r4,-4.... -Western-Union .. . sJabama-las A,'S to 9 a :.: .'. . . t T?- Class B,6'at,..,.J..., i tfjftl it Glass Wiii t ' Georgia'. . a . t ., .cs. ,.......'...,, 10al.70 BlehiMsdliidegDear U . r.-,'. . i biibHreasury blances-Gold, t:.wJ 170.453,848 . ., . CqrntMF..M-' .4.908,457 citt coTTon uism-' . . ' . . . v.-- dram o m OBsxavaa, if The aiai yesterday-elosea dulL . ' ' " , SaM Middling. 11 Strictly miaoung 11 lovemosr o iTOiu. 1. 282d,. January and lfnouncements zSfS'i nTu.TlK iaerlal at orr for boys. as a a a ki . 1 una a n si r slu saswsa U Al AVU ss.uuv aaua m " 11 IS! 10nl(H 7a Strict low mWdlmi.. Low middling..... ..... Tinges ,..........:;..j;.; fy:.i' -.Hrf .a'.f'i. r CfesnrlMto ce Kswfc.t. OCTOBXB4,188l. BUYING PRICES. Cobs, per bush!.. Msai " - WSTSAT.i. w...v.i. 1.10 1.00 Bxaxs, wbtte, per bushel. . 1.25aio '90al.00 PSAs, Clay, per ousn.. 1.50 White, u FliOTJB Family.. XxtrSs Super.. 2am shelled. ..... bud FaDTf Apples, perm, Peaches, peeled..., ' " Unpeeled Blackberries POTATOSa Sweet Irish..... Bother " North Carolina..... Boss, per dozen. POULTBT -Chickens.... ....... 75a80 S.75a400 8.50 8.25 50a56 4a6 15a20 7al0 8a5 1.00 80a35 16 20&25 10al5 20 8 86a40 5a6 Spring .. uucks Turkeys, per lb.... Geese Bsxr, per lb.. net... Mutton, per Jb., net Pork, " " . . SFXLING'PBICES WHO LBS AH" Bcuc Mxats Clear Bib Sides.. 1 114 Coma Prime Bio... 14al6U Good.... 1 2l4al X MoLiaaxs Cuba , 82a85 Sugar Syrup 85a50 Choice New Orleans, 50a60 Comrnon.ii ; ; v. .-. : ... . 40a4fi Salt Liverpool fine 1.00al.2B H: Coarse........ HiUi.nn SUOAJt White........ , lOall 9 Yellow...... 7a rWEOSKST Com, per gallon. Sl.80a.40 Bve. ai2AAA-nn Bbahdt Apple, per gallon. $2. 10&2.25 Peach. ra Wnoi, Scuppernong, per galloa 51.00 RETAIL. Chxbsx 20 Lard. oerm. ik Tallow, per B 8a 10 DAOOa N. a hog found lOal 1 Hams, N.C. is -Hams, canvassed. ifiaiAft BJCJ..... 8al0 Facrt Apples, Northern, per bbl 8.258.50 Mountain. 8.00 1.25 15 8 FISH uacxerei no. 1... No.2... " Na8..., Codfish Cabbasx, per Bx Midland N. Cv Railway ( itlantlc and North tarollna Division ) PASSXNGXB DEPABTM'T. Time Table 11. to take effect Monday, 12K15 m. ; October 8rd, 1881 : NO. 47. GOING F.AST. ABBIYX, XJtAYX. Goldsboro 7 00 pm 7 82 pm 7 50 pm 8 05 pm 8 25 pm 8 55 pm 9 21 pm 9 41 pm 9 50 pm 10 25 pm 10 59 pm 11 10 pm 11 80 pm 11 84 pm 1217 am 1284 am 12 54 am Best's..... La Grange .... . . Falling Creek.... Xlnston Dover Core Creek.. 7 82 pm 7 45 pm 8 05 pm 820 pm 8 55 pm 9 16 pm 9 41 pm 9 50 pm 10 10 pm 10 59 pm 11 10 pm 11 80 pm 11 84 pm 12 12 am 12 84 am 12 51 am 1 00 am Tuscarora Clark's New Berne... Blverdale uroatan Weodbridge Havelock Newport . . ; Hollywood Macon Hotel Morehead Depot. No. 48. GOING WEST. ABBITK. LXAVS. Morehead Depot. Macon Hotel .... Hollywood Newport Havelock 8 20 am 835 am 856 am 4 13 am 4 49 am 4 54 am 5 12 am 525 am 6 10 am 6 80 am 640 am 706 am 7 27 am 814 am 8 29 am 8 49 am 9 01 am 1 25 am 8 50 am 4 08 am 4 49 am Woodbrldge 454 am 512 am 5 25 am 5 58 am 6 80 am 640 am 7 01 am Croatan Blverdale New Berne Clarke's.... Tsscarora.. Core Creek Dover Ktnston Falling Creek ... La Grange....... Best's Goldsboro....... 7 27 am 7 54 am 8 29 am 844 am 9 01 am 985 am Train 48 connects with Wilmington A Weloon train, leaving Goldsboro 9:50 a. m. for Richmond, ammore, rniiaaeipnia, new xorg, and points North, Bast and West, and with the North Caro lina train, leaving Goldsboro 145 p. ra. Tram 47 connects with Wiunlneton & Weldon train from Richmond, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, aid points North, East and west, that arrives at Goldsboro 6 18O p. m. Wilmington Weldon trains leave Goldsboro. North, 9.50 a sx.and 10:24 p. m., South, 6:16 p. m., ana B p. m. aonniarouna Railroad trains. maH and Das- senger, leave Gelds boro. South. 1:45 p. m., ar- rive, North. 8 35 p. m. , jsxpress might, n. c B. B.. amvea (Joldsboro 8.-00 a. m., leaves Goldsboro 420 1. m. eieamer jorauzaoeiB vmr leaves mew iieme, Tuesday. 2:00 a m.. and Fridai Sfido. m.. ar rives at Elisabeth City. Wednesday, 7:00 a, ra, and Saturday, 7500 a. m. ' j. a. TAisa, oc5 Chief Engineer 4 fien'l Man. Attention, Independent. Y OU are hereby notified to attend the regular monthly meeting of your -company this (Wednesday)- evening, at 8 o'clock. A full attend ance Is desired. By order, J. A. bixby, W. J. Hakbisot, President Secretary. It St. Nicholas for 18$1. 6,000 Fob EitqIa JO0,00Q $6$ aicbbioa OT. NICHOLAS, the eharmlng magazine for boys OWfft vmI mmmmm ui M&uyw has increased so much la size and number of pages duringthe past rear that the publishers bare been obliged to Issue the yearly volume in two parts, instead ot one as heretofore. AstoltselroD latinn. thev MDSrt a ealn of 10.000 in the averase monthly editions of 1880 over 1879. an- cuuiuig year inciuue a ca full of exdtlnc advenf imenou livvii wm u ju uu rvifim, uj Mm. ciarn Brsktne Clement, a falUiful outline of thohiiitnrvof Xnserjean Art. with -tnanT illnstnv- tlo&at "Phaetoai BbgerB,'' a deUghtfol and humor ous serial Py ttosauer oonnson; "Mystery ut a Mansion," a aix mpnuur serial; The Tre wiiiw nsanie in the best readmst: The Asasaiz As- sasssT -war sinrrssniin, bjiii msiai sooauont iuuy wuh aiuio novemDer nam Der; tjwo, jujkiumi uuocub,- oy jars, uiuwani; The Land ofTNod,M -a children's 6nerettaTmh mnRie. full of charmtrag tableaux and 'feftectrff at series of beauttf Utotrated BJla4 tat Yoang $o)x, becinntogwia theChrlstmai number; H BDeciai unagerox omna ut jcrans: tt. biock-. toaVtlM'BWfvaicaiaA'-November nan- hAi An indiaa Bton nr "uruuu JEves." tne mtioa ?. -c If jl . i T. . . ' . . . . 7-7- maiaen: a syiuiuu uuuqay story, a umst th the Van ln the Moon' by Washington Gladden. Open-air Papers, stories of sports, and games, wju do. coBimuea won aii uepopaiarae- Subscriptions TWjrinnlng wJth the November ls- sue wUlincioae uie wonaernu unnsanaa ni hA of wnien tne eainon wui do wuuu in i land and lOaOOdmAinericft. , The nrtoe eli number, to be issoeo apptn H.oea BW M MM MBIUL Jteguiar pnes so iwcf eo oena maamm, iut sale, and subsptieaa iveaised, by all dealers, or the papaaTsolbaev Co. 748 Broadway New ot-j ' ' r d'a'w'S' 350BTJSHEL8 Bust-Proof Wheat seeding. octl,d2t,w4t for sale el eaaed, ready J.W, r.WAIJWOBTIi, cnanotte, ilu Middiinrv:....: 1 bushels o 1 Is White and Rnst Proof. for ! Mea wis 0 llil LeROY DAVIDSON NEW FALL GOODS. ' " Owing to the shortness of crops and the iearetty of mmey,,we shall otter our entl8 stock at L1Y tSQ PBJCXa. We can special attention to the following goedf waleh wUI be eojd at great redactions: METS, BOYS' READ! ME OF ALL KINDS. Dress Goeds, Cashmeres, Cloaks, ISephyr Shawls, Blankets, and all woollen goods. You win save money at ail times by buying from us. JUST RECEIVED, aui"pb8&ts?on 0ct2 RODDI CE Sc GO., TBYON STBEE T NEW STORE. ;T J We are receiving our New Stock of STAPLE and FANCY DBY GOODS. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! BARGAINS ! ! ! Will be found thWugh our entire stock. ' New lot of those Domestic Quilts, $1.25. Blankets from 81.75 per pair, up. Calicoes from 6c, up. , 94 SheeUng 25c per yard. "Fruit of the Loom" Shirting, 11c. Eld Gloves, black and colored, 60c a pair. Gingham Plaids 10c per yard. Will Have a Full Stock of Dress Goods BARGAINS ' Give us a call and it will pay you. Strictly cash and one price. REDUCED RATES BOUGHT AND SOLD OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, HN. B. ParOee'deslrlng Information In regard uvi i WILSON & DRUGGISTS, TRADE STREET, .... TJBAGG'S LIYEB PILLS are the best made for A- Sold only bv FRESH chest of He No Tea; Just arrived at w E have Just received a lot of cheap Scrub Brushes and Feather Dusters. R ED and White Onion Setts. At SUPPLY of No. 1 Lanterns Just received by GLASS Lamps of all styles and prices; wholesale note. SESSION OPENS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBMB 7, '81. COBPS OF TEACHERS: WK. B. ATKINSON. PrindDaL Latin. Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. Miss HELEN LONG, Principal of Preparatory Department Mas. 8ALLTE CALDWELL WHITE, English Literature and History. Mns LLLiiiB w iiONG, Modem Languages. Mibs MABY L. MATTOON. EloeuUon and Eng lish Branches. . MUSIC DEPABTMSNT. Prof. A. BTDSZ. LL. D.. Director. ASSISTANTS MK3. B. L. DEWEY. MBS. Wm. B, ATKINSON. Mas U. A. SAVAGE, Art Department DUMaoTIC DSPABTMENT. Mob NANNIE TINSLEY, Intendant of Inflrm- "Ibm ANNA BUTTON, Head of Boarding De partment rot terms, etc., appiy ror a catalogue to Bar. Wx. B. ATKINSON, PrmdpaL TRINITY HALL, BEVEBLY, N. J. A thorough heme school for girls. Varied ad vantages of the highest order. Fourteenth year Degins sestemoer 1 o. ror craoiar aoaress sun kalh niiiis kiuiajao nun r, aag74od4ir2mos Principal. This great spedflc cores that most loathsome awease WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OB ' TERTIARY 8TAGE. ; Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cares scroruia, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any biooa aisease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL! Malvern, Ark., May 2. 1881. We have eases m our town who lived at Hot Springs and were anally cured with 8. a 8. jnuiAmmufl a, aunai. Louisville, Kentucky, May 18, 1 881. 8,8.8. has given better satisfaction than erst bV1" 1 have ever sold. J. A. Fuxxza. Memphis, Tennessee, May 12. 1881. Wa have sold 1.298 bottles of & 8. & in a rear. It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommend U as a posiUve specif 'to. 8. MAHsraxa Co. Denver, uou, nay a, iai. Xverr Durchaser sDeaks la the highest terms of Richmond. Ta, May 11, 1881. Yob earn refer aursodr to us in regard to the merits of 8. S. S. Poxz Mains Co, Hsvs never known S. 8. 8. to fall to eon a case Of Syphilis, when properly taken. Bu Wakbxx. . Perrr.Ga. The above signers are gentlemen of high stand ing, a. u. vusAjum, uov. ox us. If you wish, wo wm take row ease, TOBE PAID FOB WHEN CUBED. Write for partlcnlars. fl.000 BEWABD wQI be paid to any ehemlst WBO wui ana, on mnsiua in iwuwct waai,, one parttde of Mercury, Iodide Potstihnu,ofanv nmnmi snnsisnnn ewm u-Auiru;LU.. Sold by druggists everywhere. - ; - For furtherinfonBatlon write for the mueboak. Sold by T. C. SasUh, L. B. Wriston Ca and wuson s xjurweu. Jm25dli Wotte Feme T JJ I insi 3 AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING ! H. MORRIS & BROS. in a Few Days. IN TABLE IMS AND TOWELS. RODDICK CO. AT TO ALL POINTS BY S. J. PERRY, CHARLOTTE, N. a to railroad travel will please address as abore. BURWELLe CHARLOTTE. N. C. all troubles of the, liver and bowels. WILSON & BUB WELL. WILSON & BUB WELL'S Drugstore. WIL80N & BUB WELL. WILSON & BUB WELL'S Drugstore. WILSON & BUB WILL. and retail; at wi WILSON & BUBWELL'S Drugstore. GO TO 11 AND LOOK AT HIS ! LARGE STOCK OF lovfe s Wry ALL OF WHICH HE SELLS LOW FOR CASH. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both m "Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACH. declS P. C. WILSON, CHABLOTTE, N. C, Bole Agent, for LOUIS COOK, Columlni Bnggy Aim Tax WATEBTOWN SPRING WAGON COMPANIES, IDB TBSBALB 07 BUGGIES, CARRIAGES. PHAETONS, SPRING WAUUJND, oa, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.' OPEN BUGGIES, S65. TOP BUGGXB9, B68. SDoelal mdocemsnts toS the wholesale' trade UorrepoQUtuoe soucuea. Junll Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The OMOsAnBoeket. . rpHE old Oaken Backet X. The Iron-bound backet . The moss covered bucket That hung lu the well. CHA8, B IONES. ' Charlotte, N. CI, Bole Agent tV Liberal terms to dealers. . : . iii ' WANTED. A FURNISHED or nnfurntabed room la a pri vate family, with or without board, by a man and wife. Address Lock Box 179. Best of reter ences given. fsep2U,dlw 01 T. h

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