-T.v APPETISER HfcON BITTERS Wl highlj a certain and efficient tonic; f . . ... x. 3 J " 1 3.1 (ill it lltf II i4! 1 I fetrenglh, Jack: of Energy, etc It enriches the blood strengthens themnllea, and give, new life to the nerves. It acts like a charm ton the dieestiYeoVgaM, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such Thn M, r'rrm tien me termor give neadacie. Sid by iKraSsti Write for the ABC Book", 32 pp. of useful a amusing fgncA CO., Baltimore, Md. uii I wm safferina. ft . A mmHai of A I nWOl OJqm . - . . .. . r .i3JtiVtilAt and wonderful nenlta. KtlSwrdia the wu Uminginy Ulii, : - i..t.j a thrfl ad visor of body. k ' 'u'1",?" (Tfc Jft Tani ffirHm --1 ImM JrM. Prn. I A4U, NtaMl IrwwHot! - I nth mmimm Aeref UaifACTItEl IT THE OR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., MO. 13 0TH (XBttKZS RIMir COB. COLLEGE k FOURTH 8TS.. Just in, and to Arrive : 3000 BUNDLES 1BE0W TIES, 1000 HALF BOLLS BAGGING, 1500 PKGS FISH, 500 BBLS. FLOUB, 100 BAGS COFFEE. rjf BBLS. STEUP, 101 BOXES SOAP Give as a ttlal before you bay and we will sell toil H M. MILLER k augS4 CORN! CORN1! CORN! II ! BAGGING AND TIES We'are agents for THE WATT PLOW Will sell It LOWER than -you can buy an other good plow. Full assortment always' on hand. Call and see as before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. ang20 WE HAVE NOW IN STORE FOB THE Spring and Summer Trade The Largest, Finest and MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF FINE MILLINERY. . WHITE GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS And an kinds of w Por Ladles and Children We have , ever had the pleasure of showing OTTft STOCIT OT OLOVFA HO0IERT, -FANS, PARASOLS, , TRIMMINGS, "' NECKWEAR, J .;-:,.-;vr " AND CORSETS XrootforpoMedlii tlie citr We loaT ; HATS OR. BONNETS TO FIT THE HEAD AND POCKET OF ETEBT . - liADT, JQSS AND CHILD. Our Pattern Hat Q4 Bonnets wjll .beopen ' - MONDAY. ML Mi. : An exsjnlaarlcii' tot ourj o 'Mil teonvince a&i . lad tnt;wtand head h styles and il ; w5ii une.. H ' TVfPlR P, QUERY I Will be fomid to to'2jJF on 1161 rt8nf CT We haw.fecoreaw f?rZU?Z Zi WHOLESALE GROCERS Seed Oa SPRIG OPENING FANCY ( DRY GOODS ...... recommimded foraU dieses requu especially uuugrouuu, Wont tr AniwintA. Tnss.ni y Tli onllronPrepa- IPynpmvsia, General I a.Utiv. StomalelM-1 ea, wan or itv Xervovm Jprottra ctnu and Convalem- XcenoefromX'evera.dcc., . -. tm TaTUW VAI ATflAAnlTUZIT Dill . . Miiaf .mat am in. nnrrnrr. fmm.whinh I rn nd e lonio. Bines gains it n lonio. Dinea n'nM wu wlta doable n eae. v. iMf Mm trananil nerve if tfca Tnnln hai not dona the astor Christian Chnren. '1TQ7. J. DIMINISHED VIGOR Is reimbursed In great measure to those troubled with weak kidneys, by a Judicious use of Hostet tes Stomach Bitters, which invigorates and stlm. ulates without exciting the urinary organs. In conjunction with Its Influence upon them, It cor rects acidity, Improves appetite, and is In every way conducive to health and nerve repose. An other marked quality is Its control over lever and ague, and Its power of preventing them. For sale by all Druggists and lwalers generally. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Electro -Voltaic es or any disease resulting from Abuses and Oth at causes, or to any one araictea witn Kneuma ti5m, Neuralfia, Paralj-sis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or liver Troubles, Lame Back,' Rup tures,; and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their Sex. Speedy relief nnd complete restoration to health guaranteed. These are tb only Electric Appliances that nave ever been constructed upon set entitle prin ciples. Their thorough emeaey hag been prac tically proven with the most wonderful success, nnd they have the hiahest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have been qnickly and radically cured b their use. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givto? all Information free. Address,: - VOLTAIC SILT jto;rXarshan, Zlcb. does Tmrtr,rt H WONDERFUL wni .fn CUFTESI Beeanse it acts en the LITER, BOWELS and XIDKETS at the sane time. I I. L Because it eleanaes the ayuUmi of tUpetaon- on homors that develope in Kidney and Uri nary Diseases, BiUonsneaB, Jaandtoe, pewsti. patien.Pilea.'or in jBTinaTnjtlatn, ttiVaralgia, Xlortovi XUsoiden and refflalo Co&ila!nts. ! EES WHA MO14lSATt Engene B. Btork, of Junction City, Kansas, ays, Kidney-Wort cured him ftfter regular fbj dciaoa had been trying; to? iour yearn.- ... lira. John A mail, tf Washington OUo, says nerboTwaa giren Op to die: by four prominent gfygsttna that he y aQjarrd tared hy Z"lt"5C B. Goodwin, an ediferln Chardoni OhTo, says he was not expected to Urr better-bUmtou beyond belisf, bat XMn-Wortnrea,ldini' i I -anna u barren or Bouta ljajenk K.JC: that seven years Buffering from kidney tr roobfee am 9A9U and other comnucations wasnded by the HJLanev-w ort. MejMM. -..c John B. Lawrence of JackBon, Tenn. , 'imSetk suaney- w ore maae mm well. HIcIumI Goto of Montjomery Center,1' Vt;, l suffered eight years with kidney difficulty and E i was unable to work. Kidney-wort made hint I weu as ever. hp-- jt&m ' - 1 1 iCt y 1 PERM AMCMTLY CURES' I if tniiPY niccAcea . . u E - OLIVER COMPLAINTS, i constipation ana pnes, . ,ty H ispnt op la Dry Vegetable Terta In tin cans, one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, vsry Cti entratod, for those that cannot readily ore pareit.. :w i.-'; 4-:'i ;.ISTy.r., UP" It ooU vdlh etfudl ttflctency in either form, t 1 GET IT AT THS-DKCGGISTS. PRICE, 01.00 U WELLS, WCHABDSOS Co., Prop's, (Will send the dry post-paid.) BI EUSGT05, TT. Maica2Tflwly.V OnlyVegetable Compoundtf&t acts-airectiv uoorv thfT -AvonA v., j- - w, mn , n Ajuu vBTjaazs' MAIN STREET. ST. 10BIS H W CELEBRATED "1 gh I - '' J fex ST03UCH j p 0 I IS I IV 8"" " l' Sf It rapidly j)ushed on the North Carolina Midland. A force of hands Sre now grading the road-bed on both sides of Winston. The Leaksrille Gazette says: A great many contracts have already been let out on the North Carolina Mid land, and "very soon all along thBhole line contracts for the grading f ijom five to thirty miles will be closed, prepare tory to putting the entire work thxpugh with the utmost expedition. j r Wilmington Star : There are 25 pris oners now in the county jail, of wmcn 16 are for the criminal court, 3 for the United States court and 5 belong to Pender county. : A irentleman of this city has a brick twenty-two hundred years old, ithav- ine Deen taKen irom ine ruins oi Cie3ars palace in Rome, Go eager: coi. Hum- phret desirable resiaence in the $ Mr. Jb! n part of the city to dgerton. The price naid for i n, is t 11,000. Rev. J. T. Arrington, of Beaufort Station, North Carolina Conference, died at Beaufort. Monday, September 20th, of malarial fever and congestion. lie was the grandson of Rev. Dr. Uloss. He was a young man of deep piety and good promise. The eradine on the projected Mid land North Carolina Railway is ( being Sushed with vigor. We learn from aj. Yates that about eighty laborers are now at work, and it is expected to increase this force to fully three hun dred in the course of another week. The contractor hopes to complete some nine miles from Goldsboro, the distance of the present survey, by the 25tn or the present month, and Mr. Best calcu lates on reaching Smithfield by the 1st of December. , ' I f ITEMS OF IXTEBEifi j anus 1 i tit is saidi that wfcmjerf who travel in t who trj gypt repam fOj jciYuijauon connrmea smokers. Tobacco manufacturers will presently be organizing excursions to Egypt To live in town is to be taxed. New York city and Brooklyn pay. five- twelfths of the total taxes of New York State. .The greatest blessings come in dis guise. A Mississippi planter had ten acres of poor cotton washed away, and the water cut into a hill and revealed an old churn with $6,000 in gold in if. An American lawyer made a speeeh at a London dinner, and took occasion to extol English hospitality. Monsig- nor Capel, the next speaker, rather pointedly said: "Are we New Zear landers that our civilities to strangers should be referred to in such strains of astonished admiration V "To htm who hath shall be given and to him- w$orjath hot shall be taken away etea that which he hath." The subscriptions, to ? Mrs. Garfield's fund now amount to $287,514 : those for the Michigan sufferers to only about $S0,- wo.ttrapmc. Half a grain of quinine in two ounces of miiK produces no disagreeable taste in the mouth, and this same quantity (half a grain) in a glassful of milk is scarcely perceptible. This is an easy way of administering quinine to chil dren and delicate patients who obj'ect to the bitter taste which it leaves in the mouth. A patent medicine firm offers the Lynn postoffice $3,000 a month for the privilege of affixing a stamp, indicating its business, on every letter out from the office. The idea is really neat. Wed ding invitations or letters to sick friends with patent medicine stamps attached, would be excruciatingly lovely Boston Jfosi. but Infthe nose, :and tnqi f gxxvfemtnent, wnyeic aoes nor, compel people to sub mit to the operation, practically reaches the same end that it would by doinz so by ofEering to parents for every child vaccinated a premium of 100 'copper cash, which amounts to about 10 cents, ana, ior a poor uninaman m nis own country, a sum not altogether to be despised. It appears that the remains of Presi dent Taylor have been moved three times. They repose now in a public spot at ranKiort, Kj. Tne Doay -vras first placed in a cemetery at Washing ton, men in a lot on tne Taylor nome stead, five miles back of Louisville, and then taken to Cave Hill cemetery, Xiouisviiie. in law tne remains were placed in the beautiful cemetery at Frankfort, where they are in the com pany of many illustrious dead, includ ing yice-iPresidenttKichard. M. John son. , ,! i ' '' Hopef nl Slfftis in the South N. T. Herald. One of the most recent of the ad vance sheets of the forthcoming cen sus volumes throws a new and most encouraging light on the industrial con dition of the South. Prior to the late war the landed estates of the Southern portion of the Republic were the largest in the world. In the British empire and on the Continent of Europe there were some few nobles and princes who owned more acres tnan any Southern planter ; but, taken as a class, the plan ters of the South were the most power ful landed aristocracy the world ever saw. And they gave the evidence of. their power in waging for four years one of the greatest wars history has re corded. At-tne'dcipaieioj the rebellion Mr. Thaddets'Steyani Bad aconceDtion more or l&sMero the danger to the vuuuury atiaiug vixivi uiis vast lanaea monopoly fatd A 'SdUgfJt to change it by legislation. Itr was his favorite theory when emancipation had been ef fected that every ireedman should have forty acres. Having conquered the South in battle he was in favor of con fiscation of all Southern landed proper ty. So extreme a measure could not, of course, succeed. The end he aimed at, however, is in a fair way of being ac complished in another way and by pure ly natural agencies.. According to the figures of the census the vast estates are being broken up at a rate that la the course of ten years will give the South as large a number of landed pro prietors as any other portion of the country. In Georgia, for instance, there were at the beginning of the war only: sixtv-two thousand landed Dronrietors. number.1 M Mothers, do not let your darlings suffer with the whooping cough while you have a remedy so near at hand. , Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and the lit tle siiflerer will soon find relief. Price 26c. Forty Tears' Experleaee of a0U Hone. I Mrs, Window's Soothing 8yrup Is the prescrip tion of one of the best female Physicians and Nurses In the United States, and has been used for forty years with neveMaUIng safety and suc cess, by millions of mothers and children from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult It corrects acidity of the stomach, neUevs wind colie, regulates the bovrels, and gives rest, and comfort to mother and child. We believe k the best and surest , remedy In the world, In all cases of Dysentery- and Diarrhoea in children whether It arises from teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. Nnn mnnlne nnlAoa tYia f..-TTi. , .T iinuiu, v " w wifiemo Wrapper. uiu um aim ineuamiu utautun. 1JK. i 1 i i td$b6r6F Jfc rJHefc?y is L Mreleair nere are more tnan. twicatbai 1 'lie same ii truepf Alaoara pr rnffiirj tnt eautoni vajsing awavi in has begun. " ' -EOAWr Gone Far Enough. : , Wilmington Review. , . . - ; I u r The Charlotte Observer tells'utc that Govi 'Vtaiee WiltWfoly"to Cok An-. drews' surTejcinderWe are sorry tod iarne mgjtwgwe iar enough and no gQQdcan possibly result from its con tin u ance. xThere has been enough of strife and contention over thlss mat ter, ana it pnouia rest wnere it is. xrne, it will afford another opportunity for a few obscure country nespater to rush to the defence of the.Vanoa lion; ana vilify, those- who : noc worsrup the shadow t)f a orttt Carolina ays tern, as represented in the person of Mr. Best, and who have never thought for a moment of attacking Got. Vance's integrity, but who have honestly differ-; ed with the views he has expressed and have been so hold as to print their opinions. Xiet us say here,j3j way of parenthesis, that the Senator stands just as gooa a cnanceoi uoiuj uoiuuKeu by the weak defence set up. by? a few papers as by the charges they seek to reiute, had such charges ever any ex istence save in the imagination of -a few individuals. Senator Vancei needs no defence at the hands of bis own peo ple. We have seen many expressions by the press or the State or a amerence of opinion with him as to his views.on the Western North Carolina liailroad question, but, with one exception, not a word which can be distorted into, a reflection on his personal or political integrity, and even in the instance we have alluded to we are loth to believe that an offense was intended We think this is creditable to the press in view of the Senators unfortunate re mark about "suborned" newspapers. The Hailroai! sur. Blue Ridge Blade. . Senator Vance and the Richmond & Danville Railroad continues the war of words. The people take but, little in terest in the quarrel, and would Djot to day be willing to pay the owners what they have expended on the ; work and be compelled to finish it Let the pres ent owners complete the road without being mterierrea with, we are oppos ed to giving Mr. Best charge of the road again as he came very near de feating the Democratic party last year by failing to carry out the contract he made with the State, and. was forced to transfer all his interest in the road to the Richmond & Danville Railroad, who are pushing the work rapidly to- waras completion, ana jvir. .Best has enough to do to build the Midland Railroad from Salisbury to Goldsboro. If, however, this corporation discrimi nate against North Carolina cities and towns in the matter of freights they should be held strictly to the contract. - nalilntr a Splutter, Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic. Mr. w.j. juests new road will run along tide of, or . within sight of, the North Carolina Railroad for eighteen miles from Goldsboro to Smithfield. Then it will cut across the country to wards iattsboro; leaving Kaleigh 12 miles to the northward. It may not injure Raleigh, but at all events will be of small benefit. Possibly Best is making a splutter in order to induce the R. &D. people to lease the Golds-boro-Raleigh 48 miles of track. But, as they are hardly likely to consent, we shall no doubt hear the remark in the Legislature this winter, that the? whole Eower of the State" has been loaned to uild a road which virtually killed a long section of another State road. Still, we trust Mr. Best will succeed in making an Air-Line from Beaufort to Buncombe. Every mile of railroad in creases the power, prosperity, and pres- tige or tne state. - - -Comlnsr Home to Itoost Goldsboro Messenger. Senator Vance has a good deal to say about the Richmond & Danville Rail road management discriminating in freight charges. What else might the Senator expect? Every safe-guard, every restriction, every guarantee, of fered in the shape of amendments by Mr. Dortch and others, while the bill authorizing the sale of the Western North Carolina Railroad was under consideration, was voted down by the friends of the original bill, whose recog nized leader was Senator Vance. The edict was passed along the line that neither an Mi must be dotted, nor a Mt" crossed, and when Jot; Dortch of fered to amend section 20 so as to rrre- vent extortion upon the people of the State and unjust,, .dosenminations against towns, cities and North Caro lina seaports, it was voted down;, ayes 20. noes 27 . ; . ... Again when Mr. Dortch submitted another substitute for tfeesame section, see page 73, Senato Journal, session 1880 J having ior its object the- regula tion, of. freight rates,, wwi providing tnac Mr. liesc.snoTxiaHneitaer, charge nor participate in higher rates than may be applied oa like traffic between points m adjacent states, it too. was voted down, ayes 15, noes 27. , Muehof this noise and strife about the Western North' Carolina Railroad and-railway discriminations, is the natural, result of the , hasty, reckless manner in which that road was given away. There is no ground for surprise or astonishment, ana senator Vance is fully stout and able to pear a fair por tion of the blame. RXag-gie Btltc4ell'a Dream. - Maggie Mi tchell, the actress, recently told a newspaper reporter of a remark able dream she hacLthe night that Lin coln was assassinated : u: will now tell you about my dream at St. Louis the night of the tragedy Good Friday. 1 1 had been playing there andt was stoppmg at the Lindell. I dreamed on that memorable night that I saw John Wilkes Booth leap from the private box -of the President at Ford's Theatre to the staze. He was dressed, as usual, with. inimitable taste anrlveatness.: He Wore a short3panish croak, lined Aith crimson satin. As he leaped pn the stage f rem the box hur riedly and excitedly, his cloak flew operi and .disclosed a little white poodle 'dog under his arm. He ran past me and Tirade, his exit Jby V the ;identicai;. floor throtiglA ' which, be did actually escape after committing the horrid deed. j . ' "I was'telllng thia dream next morn teilto my, sister. Mary . and: a' party of selectfriends, while eatirig pur break fast' I was .engaged, in .telling my dream, and. Wore geUing Uuough with the rarkable details,; the head waiter J tame-up. to th,'. a scared Iook'on '-His falce, We.lvereintejnruptad -bj nis asking.Aistif weihad lieaxd the mwa mBtBmj u,President Lrncoin ad beettsbitteWMre, and inless than tenmlnates we were all electrified with the astounding news that;; the A Msassiaas?; Johiii (TOtes V when, the head: waiter first interrupted our that at the ifcbtep ? It made a Jast-ingj.impressiori'"QnVme.- I havet ofteh tola it. to myiifriendfl, and it Is strangb that it has never jjot. into, the': papers, because every one who. heard;ine tei Ing my dreary before ,we hsAheard the news from 'Wasnrngtoft eojiisidered': it .vnsip iA vOTBCBUPTJLOUS AJFVKNTUBEB5 j What taduoement can counterftr,wto prodnce anything good or reliaWe? Are-they thb class of men who are to furnish physic for the sl o to aunpl medicine tnediugiiattodeal Wt Bewaref frogua faif wimiKmndi gotten tip to lell'on Vhe- reputation J of the purest andpestfajhOymedlelneln the woxidV.Be snr you get the genuine Simmons Liver Regulatoi In White Wrappeil wttfilarrtaJZMesn. and see that J. Ui uu Co, arethprtprtfetori of !whai I you bur. Boyir.the JPjeon SteAlJObelawOve Ji Mr" Adams. Ainericaff ihlnlster to Bolivia, thus describes the mariner in, which the. neons steal thvnch orairom the mines of Calauechaca.and keep saL! mai48meperaiBAng:wnaine pupes JirBJrVWr1WaWIlC0MTitlO9 JU " -i .m.l It -.AiiQ peons axe odii oniv Bearcueu, wu: stripped every nieht before leaving the works, i so that it is impossible for thenjt tto pack the. pre off . in lumps; The most common . way. or committing these thefts is to grind the ore . into powder While they are in the mine, and , throw the powder over their clothes and un- jderclothing.v Some of them -wear knit ted socks and orawcrs, and the amount of ore that will stick to these is hardly to be believed. After resuming their clothinsr at the works thevi on arrivincr home just throw the clothes laden , with the dust into a bucket of water, when the dust being loose, sinks to the bot tom and forms sediment. This sedi ment is to a very large percentage com posed of silver. Another favorite method with some of the more cunning is to take a piece of the gangue rock, hollow it out, and fill it with dust that jerhaps has 75 to 80 per cent of silver n it, and plug the rock ud and wheel it out.with the rest of the eanirue rock. and put it just where they can get it so soon as they leave the works. A favo rite method, I learned, was to hollow out a pick, handle and fill that with powdered ore, while some have been known , to be so cunning as to have Sade impromptu suppositories out of e powdered ore and carried it off in this manner.". . ; - . A Modest Uqueb Detroit Free Press. "Darling, wake up and stop snoring," said a Detroit woman to her hus- hand. , .. Eh? Whaisza matter now ?" he ask ed: H he half raised up in bed. , " Won't you please stop snorine? If you. only knew how homesick it; made me rm sure ypTX would. ' :;;Ho)e8ickrHow the deuce can my innocent snore make you. homesick?" . 14 Why, you know, darling, that the home on the coast from which von took mie a joyous bride, was only half a miie rrom a government fog-horn, and every, time you snore it reminds me so of ; home that I just cant stand it Please lay on your side and have some little respect for my feelings." And then the brute spread himself out upon his DacK, and in five minutes had her. bathed in tears as visions of the old home crept upon her. RThe Bales for 1880 of - the Pleasant Valley Wine Company foot up to 5810 aozen sparkling wines, 185,090 gallons still wines. 20.000 gallons brand v. The business of their agents in New York city for the first six months of 1881 are double that of the correspond ing period or ibsu. ; The company are this season build ing large additions to the cellars to meet the increasing demand for - their goods. The prospects for a vintage this fall are iair. , The increase in the manufacture of Ohio and California wines are in cbout the same proportion. TO SAVJE TR0UBLX AND EXPENSE. My family has derived great .benefit from the use of Hamburg Drops, writes Mr. John Stocklin, Union, Broome county, New York. ' It has' saved pain, trouble and expense; and I shall be glad al ways to recommend , the' Drops, as It is my best and cheapest family physician. ANOTHER CANDIDATE By a large majority the people of the United Stales have 4eclared.their faith in Kidney-Wart as a remedy for aU the diseases of the kidneys and liver. Some, however, have disliked the trouble of preparing it from the dry form, for such, a new candidate appears In the shape of Kidney Wort In liquid form. It Is very concentrated, is easily taken and la .eaually efficient as the dry. Try It Louisville Post. - Bid joed Alum akd Iboh Sfbiros Watxb ahd Mass. The great tonle and alterative contains lwice as much Iron and fffty per cent, more alum tnnm than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. may 11 tf Sew jfttuertiaemjettlBe lUl 1.'.. 0 1 v 1 .. t 'i r i -' . f Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and. Scalds, General Bodily . . Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Paint and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacom Oil as s sae, sure, aimpt and cheap External Remedy. A trial eo tails trot the . comparatively (fifing outlay of 60 Casts, and every one Buffering with pais tin have aheap and positive proof of its lairaa. , - Directions fa Xtavm Laaguagss. SOLD BT ALL E&TJQ3IST8 aM) DE1LES3 ' IN MEWOINTi ; ; V " ' A. VOGELER It CO., ...... .. ,t,,-. JfjtifftfMff, fJCjA 'M J ! b -ii.il iir.; A SURE RECIPE FrMCoiMiis. Positivfl relief and frnTmrnitr from wmplexional blemlsbes may oe found in Hagan's Mag ; nollaBalra. A jfleDcate and hannless article. Sold by teg vgtoevei7wher6atri "v,;"S!T" ' ItlrnpaiisthemostbrilliaTit and life-IB tints- and the do- segt scmtlny cannot detect its use. au misignuy aiscoicra tiong, enrptionse , rfng:Jiasi8 -.1 i uoueruie eye3eSaiiowness,rea- ness roughnegs, Cad the flush -at'Once djeJI j ' PaumnHa PiBIOl lain. &-:.j.i3ff'OSt' (BMW tawa - s i w : . .-l t 1 aiiWM .wail uiisssiieyeysWmeWaWIIUWnr-mw1tof L-- .w. r- a r" " w m i -f 1 I I intotwe lotaot 7ft by 196 feet c emtahi.'V J. , roiue to an advertiser. .r- Ji ibnfidipgogfaitoiTAwMMAAJSr" Intended-for Dnblicantion in mi . " ... wiftftbttf hike ! a ..jtaaifC ail rwr rows m JSftiATil'Jt?! -f 9"!Vr WSiai lESfllMALfiTEIi: iitti Ferei and Domestic, JUST RECEIVED AT s Drug Store ARATOOA yi CHT,. From Saratoga Springs, N. T. A new water re sembling the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids dlges , Uon, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic Also, Hatlorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forma of dyspepsia. . ... ALSO. CASES CONGRESS WATER, CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, 0 CASES BUFFALO LlTHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS Honyadi Janos Waters. Tl GREAT EDROPEAN NOVELTY yqpuNYADi JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. ASA CATHARTIC: Dosa: A wine glass full before breakfast The Lancet "Hunyedl Janos. Baron Lieblg af nnas Oiat its richness In aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters;" The. Briiith Medical Journal "Honyadi Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Prof. Yxrehcw, BlirW'InyariablT good and prompt suecess; most valuable." Prqf. Bamberger, Vienna "I nave prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Pri ficcwaoni, Wurstburg. I prescribe none DUt thlS,'.' . ; iji;-' . . Prf. Lander Bnmton, M, J KB. :London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses themtn effleaey.,r - - .ttt,ASm' MiD: F-R Roj1 MUitary Hos pital, NeUey. "Preferred to PuLina and Fried richshalL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist KorthTryonSt, CHARLOTTE, N. a DONT GO TO SAilATOftA When yon can get water Just as fresh and spark- iiug as wuen u nam irom we spring at Saratoga. We receive this water la large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week.' . . J. H. McADEN, ' ; : Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 eed! farnip Seed! NEW CROP TURNIP SEED, RED OB PURPLE TOP, WHITE FLAT DUTCH, LARGE WHITE NORFOLK, POMERANIAN WHITE GLOBS WHITE EGG, AMBER GLOBE, . GOLDEN BALL, YELLOW ABERDEEN, RUTABAGA BLOOMSDALE SWEDE OR YELLOW. . LANDRETH'S SEED ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE. LI S CO. Julyl9 i o fi n R 1 rt II II Go to-- W. P. MARTIN, Agent, and Successor to. F. Scan A Co. roa Fresh Drags aid Pure Helicines : ' .None but the Very Best Drags do I keep m my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles. Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tooth Brushes, &&, ft. - ' GARDEN SEEDS of aU the beat' varieties, and warranted .:t0.-bf:0 t.-: Physicians' praserlpdons are given spec ., .. ,;la4 attentton,; Ti , I r ... ' ' A ) ''r v. . . Hoping to receive a share of public patronage, I am, respeetfoliy; febSl ji, .i-L-t W..P. MABVTN, Agt .i-M r v : C I TY PROPER T Y A DESIRABLE residence, three tlocks from the , public square In-ChailDtte will be sold cheap-' and on reasonable terms to the right kind, of a purchaser. -TbedweUing iron a fulllot, has nine, comfortable Tooms, brick kitchen;' the welt of wa ter, etc. f .The house ls admirably adapted. for the residence of a lawyer, doctor . or preacher, having an admirable library or study room,' built for. the purpose; Jor furthsr-: partloulara, prioe, terms,' eteajpply at h, !:,uliU iTHl jOFFlCE. T fit-ma ti-. ;.ji(u'.., fiH.iy i j i rpxK Lot on the corner of Ninth ; street and tHa A North CsroUna Railroad. TronMni in t Ninth street and lftt feet s the-NoOareilM Dr.J.H.McAi farnip WRISTON Druggist by Examination. fhA9T) Vena to MOORE'S -BUSINESS UNIVERSITY " i AtlM.nl.. (im. 'or Illustrated Circular." A lrreaiotaal Buainm HBchooli. .staWtsgd twenty yeai x. Bcnsdtfsi Capcine Porous Piaster. Over 5,000 "Druggists and Physicians have signed a paper stating that Benson's Capcine Pi, rous Plasters are superior to all others. pric -oct4,4w icl Work,wTnti th bit an( an Kte19 Sy Sf&SPS1 Swenceof Life fiDMt Fnrnh u' .ri""u T raw imujsgsiWtSSS oct4 d&w4w CUTICURA PERMANENTLY. CUBES HUM0E3 OF THB SCALP AND SKIN. Cuticura remedies are for sale by all druselsti Crice of Cutlcura, a medical Jelly, small boxes fi'6 cents; large boxes. 81. Cutlcura Resolvent, the new blood purifier, 8 1 per bottle. Cnticura Medi floalToUel Soap, 25c. Cutlcura Medicinal Shav ing Soap. 15c; to bars for barbers and large con sumers, 50c. Principal depot or- in WE5S POTTEB, Boston, Mass. Hf" All mailed free on receipt of price. oct4.4wdAw Parker's Ginffer Tonic. BEST HEALTH AND 8TRENGTH NOW USED. RESTORER (toes complaints of Women and diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver and Kidneys, and Is entirely different from Bitters, Ginger Essences and other Tonics. . as it nf.vnr tntnvfoo cn nd JI sizes. Large savina bnylns; Sisize. oct4.dw4w H0XCO.,Chemts.N.Y. 5000 Agents Wanted to sell the Life of President Garfield His early life and career as Soldier and States man; his election and administration: his assas smationihls heroic struggle for life; wonderful medical treatment; blood poisoning; removal to SJSSLS!8 Proruselyululitrated. Splen poi?S.lt W W. Ws wife and mother: scene of the shooting; the sick chamber; Gulteaii m his cell ; the surgeons and the sick cabinet The only complete and authentic work. A fortune for agents first In the field with this. book. Outflt 50c Speak quick. Address 4w HUBBARD BROS., Pub'rs, Atlanta, Ga. St. CHARLES HOTEL STATESVILLE, N. C. THIS house has been leased for a term of years by Mrs. Dr. Reeves, whose intention is to keep a strictly first-ciass house In every respect Commodious sample rooms on first and second floors. The patronage of the public Is solicited. Jolyl.dtf. HONEST 7 Twist Chewing Tobacco Beware of imitations. None geulne unless ac companied with our "Honest 7" copy-righted label which will be found on bead of every box. Manufactured only by j'BROWN & BRO.. ;gfeb20-2w "Winston. N. C Richmond and Danville Mroad, PASSEHGE DEPAETMEFT. On and after June 5th, 1881, Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Alr-LIne di vision of this road will be as follows: N. Y. Express No. 47, B. U. S. Fast Mall No. 49, C. U. S. Mail No.45, EASTWARD. L've Atlanta 4.00 am 5.18 AM 6.54 am 8.14 AM 9.20 am 10.58 AM 12.14 PM 2.36 pm 8.35 PM 3.15 PM 4.87 pm 5.5 pm 7.15 pm 8 40 pm 10.20 pm 11.40 PM 2.13 AM 3.15 AM 6.80 pm 7.45 pm 9.06 pm 10 16 pm 11.25 pm 1.00 AM 2. 11 AM 431 AM 5.35 am Arr. Suwanee D ' Lula E " Toccoa " Seneca. G " Greenv'le ..H " Spartan'g...K ' Gastonia....L " Charlotte... M N. X. Express No. 48. WESTWARD. U. S. Mall Fast Mail No. 42. No. 50. L've Charlotte... M " Gastonla...L " Spartan'g.. K " Greenv'le... H " Seneca G 12.30 pm 12.43 am 1.43 AH 12.33 am 1 27 pm 8.50 pm 5.07 pm 1.17 am 3.12 am 4.24 am 5.47 am 6.53 am 8.09 am 9 22 am 10.35 am 4.08 am 5.18 AM 6.51 pm 7.02 am 8.15 AM 9.81 AM Toccoa F " Lula E " Suwanee... D 8.01 pm 9.16 pm 10.88 pm 12.05 am 10.54 am Arr. Atlanta 12.20 pm CONNECTIONS. Awlth arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. & W. P. Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. 4 W. P. and W.ii. Railroads. C with arriving trains of the Georgia Railroad. D with Lawrence vllle Branch to and from Law rence vlile, Ga. B with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenvffle to and from Columbia and Charleston, a C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, aft . K with Spartanburg and Asheville, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Asheville, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C, C. A.-C. C.-R. & D. and A., T. O. for all points West, North and East Pullman palace sleeping car service on trains Nos. 47 and 48, dally, without change between Atlanta and New York. a. POPE, Jun5 General Passenger Agent Carolina Central R. It. ( o. Change of Schednle. OFFICE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, OWronHGTOK, N. C June 4. 1 88 1 N and after June 5, 1881, the following Schedule1 will be operated on this railroad : PASSKHQXB, MAIL AND EXPRESS THATHS DAILy KZCXPT SUNDAYS. ' wa i i Leave WUmlngton at 9 45am ) Arrive at Charlotte at . . . 6 45pm N o 1 Leave Charlotte at 6 00 a m ao- f Arrive at WUnilngton. at.. U . . . 8 25 p ni Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations on ly, and points designated In the company's time table.. .-. . . These trains make close connection at Charlotte with trains Nos. 8 and 4 for Cieaveland Springs and all points on the Shelby division. PASSKH6XB AND FHJH0HT. ) Leave Wilmington at 5 80 p m No. 5. Arrive at Hamlet at 1 26 a in ) Arrive at Charlotte at 8 00am ) Leave Charlotte at 7 80 pm No. 6. V Arrive at Hamlet at l 26 am S Arrive at Wilmington 9 80 a m ' No. 5 Train Is daily, except Sunday, but no con nections to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 6 Train Is dally, except Saturday. SBJCLBT DIVISION, PAS8ENGIB, MAIL, KXPBXSB AND FRXIHT. No a ILeave Charlotte.., 7 00pm No-8- fArrive at Shelby..:.: 10 80 p m No 4. teve B&&-rX" 6 00 a m fArrive at Charlotte 9 80 a m Trains Nos. 5 and 6 make close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above. cjTbJough Steeping Cars between Raleigh and Trains No. 1 and 2 make connection at Char lotte wUh the A., T, 4 O. R. R., arriving at 8tateV vM the same evening, and connecting then with the W. N. C B. R. for Asheville and all points on the W. N. C R. R. ... . Trains Nos. 8 and 4 connect closely with e Chester and Lenoir Railroad at Lmcolnton. ' - V. Q. JOHNSON. IPP25 Gen'L Sup't Atlantic, Tennessee 4, Ohio Railroad 8 cnpasisTKH i jury's Omos, i Charlotte. N. C June 5th, 1881. f ,On and after Snnday.. June 5th, 1881, the following schedule will be run over this road dally (Sundays excepted): , ' ... .SKHNG NORTH. . .' Leave Charlotte,....,.....,. . ... r sn n n . 2!a,S?":::" '"I 24 pi m ' MooresvlUe in fit n m irtve Msiatej......u.i..::::::i2 oo M S :t ii. WvU GOING SOUTH. LeaveStetesvfflai.w.i;..,........... o ko a. m. i. . . .'.... .. 8 iq a.m. 4 81 a u. p 15a. 37. A ! 1.1 Q naiK .ixtf OXONIAN. 1 J A" JOURNAL OtrrimiTTTT -mrm a ttow MtSS9 at Oxford, N. C.atOn, 2ara year la advance. . i . : . . 7 . TifXDIS.,ffl8ttoln the Interest for uterarure and Sdncatlon, and elves original ar h3ecto of vital importance as well as T 5onaf suu wow vamapie puim average; circulation,- Advertisements are shown jjronunenuy, are free from errors, and are tag- rates are noi m Advertise any Issue, )f tne month. t Oxford, NiC FPiEE i iuui uiauiarin. itji nivAiriointv

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