m LOCAI IKTiCLUGICKCE. FRIDAY, OCT. 7, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Pmalaki Lodox No. 81, A. F. ft A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday night. Exoslsiob Lodok Na 201, A.F.4A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and Uilrd Tuesday nights. Charlotte Chaptbb No. 89. R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourUi Friday nights. Cuarlottx Commakdabt No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. OP H. K sights of Honor. Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. IEC. OIF IF. Kmghts of Pythias. Regular meeting niphts Bret and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m at Ma sonic Temple Hall. - - I. O. O. IF1. Chaklottb Lodgk No. 8S.-Meets every Mon atiy night. MKClUJtKUUBO BKOLARATIOM LObOZ No Meets every Tuesday night Dixix Lodox Na 108. Meetsevery Thursday night. Catawba Rtvxr Encampment No. 21. Meets First and third Thursday nights In each month. Index to New Advertiicmonu. Attention, Horn-t-0. F. Asbury, Sec When you come to Charlotte Brem ft McDowell. Organs Estey Organ Co., Atlanta, tOIUK PI2NCIL.INQS, tW Full moon to day. Cotton receipts 179 bales yester day. ES"Two or three runaways yester day, with no serious r suits. .EW Gratis and stoves were polished up yesterday and bright fires were seen in many places. EW Some of the sovereigns came ouc yesterday morning in straw hats and overcoats. CThe Dixie Agricultural Fair will be opened at Wadesboro on the 17th and continue until the 22d inst. "Columbia has resolved through her board of trade to make a magnifi cent demonstration on the occasion of the annual State Fair. EW Vennor predicts numerous rains for October. It will be remembered that he also predicted numerous rains for June, July and August. ltev. Dr. Nail will preach at the First "Presbyterian church this evening. There will be prayer meeting at this church this morning at o'clock. EW Charlotte has not contributed so far as large a number of visitors to the exposition as might have been expect ed. But then, it lasts three months. EMiss ljouise uiarise, wno was here last winter as an elocutionist, has turned her attention to other business. She is running a millinery store at West Point, Ga. tThe first number of The Home d Democrat under the new management has been issued. It retains the appear ance of the old Democrat, is well print ed, and a splendid index number. ESCapt. Bell, of the King's Moun tain military school, has been in en campment on King's Mountain battle ground this week. The anniversary exercises of the school will take place to-day. tMessrs. Brem & McDowell have an advertisement in this morning's Ob server which will be of interest to farmers especially. This house is pre pared to offer special bargains in their line, and are as responsible as the best EW In a few days comes the Hebrew Feast of Tabernacles, while on October 16 will be the Feast of Blowing of Trumpets. This will end the Jewish feasts until December 17, when the faithful will again be called together for the celebration of Hanuka. 'Pitwumi in the Ilouate, In a certain boarding house near the suburbs of the city, it is stated, are quartered a number of 'possums, using the boxing around the eaves of the house for a den. Several of these noc turnal ramblers have been seen by some of the boarders, and others have heard them when traveling about over the house. For a while it was thought the noises heard were made by rats, and the supposed 'possums seen by dif ferent parties a delusion, but the other morning the cook clinched the whole matter by finding a half-grown 'possum in the slop barrel, where it had fallen in endeavoring to get at the contents of the barrel. At the mayor's Court. The mayor had a pretty good court yesterday morning, in which three horse drovers, for fast riding and driv ing of stock through the streets, were fined the sum of $5 and costs each. Van B ur khead, w hite, for being drunk and down, had a line of $5 and costs imposed, in default of which he was sent to the chain gang. Delia White, col., fork disturbance of the peace. $5 and costs. Rufus Guest, colored, appeared as de fendant in three cases of assault and battery, having whipped his wife, mother-in-law and father-in-law. The dressing op or tne wnoie xamuy Ruf us $37.50. cost i Sudden Change. It was a common remark this year that we entered summer without any spring worth speaking of, and when once in, we stayed, so to speak. The change from summer fco fall has been equally sudden, in fact the, change might be said to be from summer to winter, inasmuch as last Wednesday was a summer day in the f uir sense of the word, while Thursday brought kill ing frosts in many sections of the coun try, it is seldom that such radical changes occur, and it may be a long time before such as we have had this year are experienced again. The phe nomena indicatessome derangement of the forces of nature, the explanation of which remains to be made. Whether the fall season has fully set in also re mains to be seen. Uncalled For. List of letters remaining in the post office at Charlotte, uncalled for, for the week ending Oct 3d, 1881: Sam Alley, Misses Rutty and Alice Alexander, John Adams care Joe Ran kin. Mrs. Harriet Alexander. Alberta Alexander, Birt Boyd, Miss Toda Cooki H.B. Cochrane,-Mrs. W. G. Durant, Perry Eaves, J. M. Erwin, Peter Fprd, 2, J. A. Foster. 'Allan French. Robert L. Gibson, G. Crosland. P. D. Hewitt, Mrs. H. W. Jones, w. O. McDonald, Thos. A. McDonald, Sim McNair, J. M. McCorkle, Katie Martin, Miss Flora McNeel.J.E. Ormund, James Parker, W. C. Sburbert Miss J. C. Shepard, Mrs. E. C. Turner, Mrs. R. 8. White, Henry Wilkina, J. Whitney, John Woodward. vynen calling for any or the aooye 3eaynaderd y. VI. iB(4Ul3f Hospital for RuDtured and Crippled, 42d Street and Lexington Ave., H. Y. if To the liable; nnm inyi i our wucn uazei nas anoraea many 01 our Buf fering patients most decided relief, -for which 1 am truly grateful. - JAB KNIGHT, ILjrx, , , ' Surgeon-ln -Chief, Beware of cheap -imitations. Ask for Liable Co's Arnlcated Extract of Witch Hasel. Invalor able in spinal Irritation arid an alns'of ruptured, paralyse or etl&pled. tves rapid rellei 1 8oW to fifty cents and dollar sizes. ... , M New, Quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, and ktdner dlaeitsea. 81 at -dnwalsta.?. Depot, J. EL McAden, Charlotte K, ft 7 . ...... .J nanterarllle Roll of Honor. The following farmers in the vicinity of Huntersville are reported as having paid their fertilizer bills this season: W. 0. Pharr, colored, part 1 1 W.W.Orr, II. S. Scott, J . A. Cathion, part, David Gibson, G. W. Gordon, W.S.Blakely, W. G. Barnett, D. D. Lead well, J.J. McCraven, Richard Bird, C. F. Alexander, J. A. Christenburyi Candis Alexander, colored, . , J. C. McColley. Wm. Allison, colored, Stephen Torrence, colored. While it is a source of satisfaction to see that the farmers generally are meeting their obligations Incurred for fertilizers, yet it may be that the names of some good and honest men will not be included in tire roll, and for this reason there may be a doubt as to the propriety of dealers wishing the names published of those who may be a little more fortunate than their neighbors. It is nothing more than a man's duty to meet his obligations, no matter for what they may be incurred. IfUlroad Kate to Atlanta, Raleiffli, Baltimore and. Yorktown. Reduced rate tickets to Atlanta tare beeen placed on sale at all the princi pal stations of the Associated Rail ways of Virginia and the Carolinaa, and will be kept on sale during the eoa tinuance of the exposition. The rate is 4 cents per mile for the round trip, making the cost $10.70 from Charlotte, which is thought to be sufficiently high. Tickets isssued north of Greensboro are good for tea days, while those issued by the Airline south of that point are good for oly six days. Round trip tickets to the State Fair, which opens at Raleigh next Monday, will be plaeed on sale by the Air Line ' and Carolina Central roads on that day. The prices on either road will be $5.50 for the round trip, with entrance ticket to the fair attached. Round trip tickets to Baltimore will be placed on sale by the Richmond and Danville and the Carolina Central roads to-morrow. Rate between Char lotte and Baltimore, via either Bay or York River Line, and return, $16.30 and via all rail route $17.50. Tickets good from the 8th to the 19th inclu sive. Bound trip tickets for Yorktown will be placed on sale on the 12 by both the above named roads. These tickets will be limited to the 24th inst and will be sold for $13.80. None of these tickets will be good after the dates named. Tickets to all points North are now on sale by the York River line, at the ticket office in this city. meteoric Showers and Other Heaven ly Displays If the astronomers are correct in their predictions, we will have bright meteoric showers on the 18th, 19th and 20th nights of this month. The best time to observe this interesting phe nomena will be between midnight and moon-rising. In the east, after nine o'clock in the evening, the planets Jupiter and Saturn will be conspicu ous. Jupiter cannot fail to be recog nized, for it is by far the most brilliant object in the sky except the moon. To the right of it and higher up from the horizon, Saturn will be seen, fainter than Jupiter, bat with no neighboring star to rival it in brightness. As these planets are now approaching opposi tion they are coming into the most fa vorable plaee for observation, giving us the whole night to study them at the time they are nearest us. The "red spot" which has been observed for sev eral winters in the southern hemis phere of Jupiter still exists, seemingly unchanged, and bids fair to be a per manent marking. By watching its suc cessive returns any one with a small telescope may determine the time of rotation of Jupiter on its axis. It will be found to be about nine hours and fifty-five and a half minutes. Mars rises later, and towards dawn Venus comes up very brilliantly above the horizon. One marked event stands prominent on the October planetary annals. This is the opposition of Saturn, the most in teresting object for study during the month. When the full moon has taken on its waning phase the moonless nights will be glorious with starry and planet ary beauty. Saturn will lead the broth erhood that will shine among the clus tering stars throughout the serene Oc tober nights. Trooping after him with unswerving step bright Jupiter and ruddy Mars will follow, with unseen Neptune and Uranus to fill in the wav erinff line. -The October moon fills to-day. On the 9th, two days afterjthe full, she is in conjunction witn baturn and Neptune. The October full moon is sometimes called the Hunters' Moon, as her consecutive early rising was supposed to be a help to the sports man in continuing the light to help him on his way. Our Gold mines A correspondent of the Chicago Join ing Revieip, writing from this city re cenllVj gives some facets which are well worth republishing, as the mining and mineral interests of our section are as suming proportions that attract the at tention of the world. The writer says few people at present have any idea of the amount of money being placed in Southern mines. North and South Carolina attract the most capital, though Georgia is not far behind. , Within the last few months three mines in the Carolinas have changed owners at very large figures, and going into the hands of English capitalists. I speak of the Hoover Hill, the Gold Hill and the Brewer Mine. Mines controi ed by Eastern men are too.numerons to mention in detail. The Haile Gold Mine situated in South Carolina is at present being worked extensively and with good results. Quite a number of these mines have a record of having produced, before the war. from five hundred thousand to two million dollars each, these figures beinff taken from the mint receipts of Charlotte. These large sums of money were produced witnoui me am oi ma chinery, the methods employed to ab stract the nrecious metal from the gan: gue being of the rudest and simplest kind. W hy, with - capital," enterprise and nil tho mndsrii nnolrances. these mines should hb?P0?taaae'to pay, isne oi inQse questions na, a jbuvb w wv-uco to answer. A number of mines in the Carolinas will average $10 to $lfi oer ton in gold. Some of these mines are not ledges, but wide belts of gold-bearing slates. At the Haile there are pits which have been worked oyer; one hundred feet wiriA and there is nav ore round on either side of. the cuts yet Some blocks of sulphuretsT 10. to;20j fefct wide haf e VioAn ifr. in these nits which asaav from S30 to $4Q a ton in gold.; 1 5He day is hot far distant when you will see some at these mines producing gold. pn a ,par with the most successful of the Black Tho asaav viiiA nf Carolina' ores will fnllw .nnol that flf thft BlftCk HiUfl. The mines are "fully tbs wideband the. UOSb MX WJJI KUlfl I.UOU1 it". St TU AUiOMMODATi iBtxa . . i The nronrieton of that immensely popular rem edy, Kidney-Wort, inreeoenMon fjtb elatmsox thA mihiiA rhiAh hu an liharallv Tjatroniked them. have prepared a liquid preparation of that remedy xor we special acooinmoaauon 01 tavmt wuv any reasonjdlslike to prepare It for themBelves.. It Is vea concentrated and, aa the dose la small. is u more easily uucen T many.- 11 nas un hmb eneotuai action in all diseases of the kidneys, uv er or Doweia, uome ana Farm. i tT" i i r Startlng the RIacliinery. Atlanta ConsUtnUon. - . After the exposition had been for mally declared open, by the president' Governor Colquitt, the crowd proceeded to the main building, where, at 23 min utes to 3 o'clock. Senator Voorhees and Governor Colquitt started the ma chinery of the north wing, Senator Vance and Director-General Kimball of the south wing, and Senator Brown and General Goshorn of' the east wing. In the latter is situated the great Cor liss engine, and as the wheel made its first revolution three cheers were pro posed and responded to with the great est enthusiasm. At this point Director General Kimball's face was seen to light up and radiate with an emotional glow of mingled pride, pleasure, satis faction and triumph; and as the im mense wheel went on its quickening rounds, imparting the life and energy of motion to its multiplied attachments, nothing could be more typical of the man who stood beside it; who saw the perfection of its work, the achievement of its greatness a result of his own master energy. This is not the first wheel H. I. Kimball has turned in At lanta, and though this is by his aid the greatest of his works the time is not yet when the measure of his power is due. The accumulating years will,be freighted with the fruits from the seeds planted yesterday, and as they ripen and are gathered in tithes of gratitude from each crop will be selected and set aside for him. Mr. Kimball, the exec utive committee, Atlanta, the exposi tion, and the big wheel, like Sellers' eye-water, are a suc-cess. Let 'er roll. North Carolina Tobacco In Virginia markets. Wilmington Star. Danville for September sold 2,762,645 pounds of tobacco and Petersburg 290, 079 pounds.- During the tobacco year ending September 30th, 30,552,504 lbs. were sold in Danville, fetching $3,326, 957.16. Petersburg probably sold 3,000, 000 pounds. Danville is less than three miles from' the North Carolina line. Many of the best North Carolina coun ties sell largely at Danville. Petersburg deals extensively with this State. Prob ably one-third of the tobacco sold in these two towns say some 11,000,000 pounds was raised in North Carolina, bat our people get no credit for it Vir-, ginia dealers ought to keep their books so as to show how much came from their own State and how much from other States. The President and Yorktown, Before President Arthur left for New York, Senator Johnson, chairman of the Yorktown Congressional Com mission, had an interview with him in reference to his presence at the centen nial celebration ceremonies, and ex pressed to him the hope that he would take the part in the ceremonies which his lamented predecessor had promised to take. The President said he would take much pleasure and interest in be ing present but could not now say pos itively, as among other things which might interpose to prevent the senate might be in session. It was suggested that if the Senate was in session it would doubtless adjourn for the cele bration, and the programme for the ceremonies has been nnaily arranged with the confident reliance that the President will be present Chester, 8. C, Fair Address of Coiu- miskioner Loring-. Charleston. S.C., Oct 7 The Ches ter Fair Association, which opened on Tuesday, was largely attended yester day, people coming from adjacent coun ties and North Carolina to hear the ad dress of Commissioner of Agriculture Loring. The address was very practi cal in character, pointing out the value of ownership of land by its cultivators as strengthening the moral and politi cal qualities of the people, and impress ing the farmers with their importance to the- country and the necessity of thrift, industry and progress in their calling. The address was well received. Good Subjects for the II alter. Lancaster, Pa Oct 6. Edward Sanders and Phillip Rogers, two noto rious characters of this city, late last night forced their way into the room of Mrs. Mary Seymour, John street, this city, and in the presence of her three children Sanders criminally as saulted her. The woman struggled desperately to escape and at length succeeded, Sanders following her into the street, knocking her down several times. Mrs. Seymour escaped to a neighbor's house where she died from the effects of her injuries in a lew mo ments. Both men were arrested and are now in jail charged with murder. Placed In a New Casket Cleveland, Oct 6. President Gar field's body has been placed in a new casket made specially for the purpose as a gift The casket is oi sheet bronze, elaborately wrought with gold trim mings, and a solid gold plate is to be faxed on the top of the casket as Mrs. Garfield directs. The remains were in an unexpectedly good state of preser vation, and now that a proper casket has been provided, it is probable that the plans of the monument committee will be changed, and instead or the body being put in the ground; a crypt will be erected and the casket exposed to view. .. .. Few complexions can bear the strong white morning light, which exposes every speck of tan, every pimple and the slightest spotting of eczema. In Dr. Benson's Skin Cure is sure iellef from the annoyance of these blemishes on the cheek of beauty. " ' - ' .-' ' ' INDULGENT PARENTS Who allow thai children to eat heartUv of highly seasoned food, rich pies, cake, etc , will have to use Hod Bitters to prevent IndliiosUon. sleepless nights, sickness, - pain, and perhaps death. No family la gate without them m me nonse.. MARKETS BT TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 6. 1881. - PBODUCK. . WrxjiiHGTOH, N. C. Spirits .turpentine quiet at 49Vfco. Eosln firm; strained $2.05, good, strained $2.15, Tar firm at $2.10. Crude turpentine nrmat $3.50 for yeuow, 2 80 lor virgin. chkuso-Wheat No. 2 red winter . No. 2 mucaco Drinc 1.411A cash and October. 1.441 Nnvemner. uorn tvi caan ana ucwoer. ooor November." Oats 47 cash and October, 464 No- 18.90al9.90 ctooer, iu.uu itovemoer. iaroat 1 9..(R cash and Oo-tober. 12.20a.22M November. Bulk meats shouldais 8.00, sfeott rib 10,20, short clear 10.65. Whiskey 1.1$. ATi gxBAiiTTMOBf Nopn Flour firm; Howard street ana western super so.ouaaou, extra so.70a7.25, iamuy 9iuK.aoic(if uiuip-sutwr 90.ouao.20, extra $6.50a7.50, family a25a8.50; Bio brands Sg.00a8.85, Fatapseo fam. 8.75 Wheat Southern red 1.46al.52, amber 1.58a. 63. Com Southern white si.ieuow 78. r ? - 0 - Balimobs Night Oats Western white 52aS3 do mixed 49a50, Pennsylvania 51a2. Provisions mess pork 20.75; new ; bulk: meats loose shoulders , clear sides , ditto packed flibai lUKbacon shoulders lou. e. no sraes izm. hams IDS ID. Liarur euneu ueroes low vuuct- Blo cargoes ordinary to fair Ufeail. BUgairt A son lum. wnisaeyii.ivM. . CraonrHATi nour-r-ramiiy 'L20aT.5Q. fancy Wheai-To,'2'redi winter 1. .47a.4 at 72. Oats at 4616. Pork at S21.00. Lard at 12. 921. Bulk -meats- -shoulders 814. ribs 10.75: baoon shoulders 914, ribs lUfe, clear ! sides lyu. . wmsayua( 1.10. uugar naras lQUiall, New Orleans 8a8 Hogs-common and Light fi-25ad.65, packing and botchers' 6.40a 7.16. ' Iff ! Vikii Oimfkasn tttnmm Mrtfa SAwiniAII to fall extra 6.85a7.75.gooa to choice 7.8oauLUU flajtr AvJB-K7VUsiuiyAu uvui Hmvii wwmmv WX1RH . uuiw rl"L . - refining BiMiAt prune i-r reaned stanoara a EtfoiEEMew Orleans aoafifi. Porto Bleo. 86a56. Bosln 2.ft0a2 6. 'Turpentlhe52 asked. wootrrdomeatie .- usees ; ihmh. puuea ... unwashed 12a35, Texas 16a82. Pork 19.75a,87. . t. ,i-"... 00TT0R, :.;i bi,?.wnaa sales 350;. stock 62726: expts coastwise -4-, to Great Britain ; eontment Nobtouc Kaay; ndddlhur' llfec; not receipts 8,039; cross ; stock 17.203; export ooaatwtse 729: sales 872: exports to ureat uruanu ; BAiiriBOBs Dull; ndd'f llet lowinldd 1Mb: good ortfj lOo: nr n&9jlQit mm 1,163: sales ; stock 4,702; exports coastwise ; pinners ; exports to Great Britain ; toQonttner4r--,; ,v,.tj s.-a- Boaroa-rfiteadyj mkkUlng 12o; low aMddnncr lltbe; good oray iwic; net receipts coy, cross 1,670; sales' stock 8,600; exports r rei eruaa r ;iojrraaoD.,:Cf , . WnjOTOTOH aeaer ialdd'g llej low lUlng, lCftic; good ord'y 9Ve; receipts aid 943: gross . sales stock ovrc; erporfa om wise 0,408 : 10 urea dumuo. Pirrrinwr jmt-Qolet: middling 12&; loo middling Ulfee: good ordinary 10V&; net receipts 140: gross 636: sales ; spinners 125: stock 8,726: exports to Great Britain. Satabhah-Easy; middling 10c; low mld'g 10&; good ordinary jMec.; net receipts 6,029; gross ; sales 1,650; stock 68,107 ; exp. coast wise ; to Great Britain; France. Nsw Oklxajw-Easier; mldd'c lUe; low mid dllng 10: good ord'T 10c; net receipts 6,445; ras 6,1 19; sales 5,000; stock 132,592; exports Great Britain 4,053; to coastwise., Mobtu Weak; middling lie; low middling lOtfec; good ordinary lOUe; net rec'ts 1409; gross 1.417; sales 25O0; stock 18,894; exp. coast 268; France ; to Great Britain. MmraiB Qnlet ; middling lllfee: receipts l,840;shlpmenU l,644;sales 2500; stock 2838. Adstjbta Quiet; middling 10c; low mid dllng 10c, good ordinary 9c; receipts 1,866; shipments : sales 961. Chaklsstoh Easy ; middling 11140; low mid dling lie; good ordinary lOftc.: net receipts 8,538; gross : sales 1500; stock 83,245: exports coastwise 1,462: Great Britain 9,110; continent Rnw Tom Cotton steady; sales 1088; middling uplands lle: middd'g Orleans 12e; net receipts 838; gross 4,921; consolidated net rec'ts 16,825; exports to Great Britain 244; continent -; France 1,687.- Ltvxhpool Noon Cotton In moderate lnqu'ry; middling uplands 7 1-1 6d; mld'g Orleans 7 1 16d; sales 10,000, speculation and export 2,000; re ceipts 8.850, American 8,250. Uplands lew mid-, dllng clause: October, delivery 6 7-16al8-82d, October and November , November and Decem ber 6 7-1 6al8-82d, December and January 6 16-82a7-16d, January and February 6 16-82d, Febru ary and March 6jd, March and April Q 946al 7 82 d, April and May 6 9-1 6d, May and June 6a 19-82d, June and July d. Futures fiat IiivxKPOou 5 p: m. Bales of American cotton bales. Upland low middling clause: October delivery 6 7-1 6d, February and March 8 16-82d, March and April 6W. April and May , June and July Futures weak. KUTUB3S Rsw Tore Future eiosed nn. Sales 179," 000. October 11.50 November 1 1.60 December,... . ll.67a.68 January.......... 1186 February 1 1.99al2.00 March 12.18 April 12.2Sa.24 May 12.84a.85 June 12.44a.45 July 12 52a. 54 X1NANCXAL NxwTobx Money l.OKa.6. Exchange 4.78 Governments higher; new 5's G9fc Four and a half percent 1.12. Four per cents 1.15. State bonds In slight demand. Nxw York Stocks closed stronser. New York Central 1.87 Erie 42 Lake Shore 1.1 Illinois CenraLt 1.2! NashvUle and Chattanooga. 80 Louisville and Nashville 92l Pittsburg. 185 Chicago and Northwestern 1 .22Vi " preferred.... 188V Wabash, St Louis ft Pacific . . 47 Do preferred. 87 Memphis and Charleston ... 75 Bock Island 1 .82 Western Union 8414 Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 1 79 " Class A, small 77 " Class B, fi's 99 " Class C, 4's 80 East Tennessee 14 Georgia 1.60al.70 Richmond and Allegheny 40 bub-treasury blances Gold 178.836.594 " Currency.... 4 900,848 CITY COTTON MABBL8T OmOI OF THTC OBSmiVZB, 1 CSAsiiOTTX. October 7. 1881. i The market yesterday closed weak and lower. Good Middling 1116 Strictly middling 1 1 Middling. 10 Strict low middling. 10 Low middling. 10 Tinges 1010 Storm co.ton 7a9 Becelpts yesterday, 179 bales. etu tXtyerttsemcnts. ATTEKD a regular monthly meeting of your company this evening. Friday. October 7th. at 8 o'clock. Business oi Importance. By order. W.R COCHRANE, President 0. F. asbubt, Secretary. It Be certain to 'all on FOBXOUB HARDWARE. Our Stock" f Locks, Saws, Picks. Shot ftraebea. nue irons, nope, uuDber netting ana siecnan Ics Tools, is very fine-' ri ' -- We can suit you. too, In Pocket Elnves, TableCut-, lery and xestfd Axes, we nave jusiimppnea a very large number of BREECH i MUZZLE-LOADING GDNS Of all sizes and prices the finest and' best ever - brought here. "We sell the QLD HICKORY WGQ Made of sound tlmher and by rellaUe workmen. NO Old Scrap uom m iguvnui wuim nwc in tbell make-up. We warrant them for t . one year. Our HKBGULES C ARTBIDGES Are used very generally for blasting in wells and mines. Tney cost ieaa pec. vuuuu, uv uuuoie the work, and are safer to handle than the ' old fashioned blasting powder. We , are general agents for . BARNES & MARVIIIS' SAFES, iWf BtAM ta fuH of splendid hew ooods. and we are aeternunea 10 mt. uiu sna see. - -a- BBEM MCDOWELL. . ;cot Trade ft Tryon sta Charlotte. N, C, Chew only the brand of tobaeo known asrTb I Old Oaken! ttfUCMi.' .. i She bucket. . Charlotte. K. tt. 6oi6 Agent. Uberaltermatodeataf,-r t?rifu Chswonl: Old Oaken! r the brand of baocd know 'm jtbm 1.1 n.f ' St-irff !. r 1 mi wo vara sueaew j , ., - , -JL Tbeiron-bonbucXei.J" ? j Ufa3 1 1:: 'Charlotte, iTCLBoUAseni T.nwvat terms to lIllSlISS -H i x.D r-1 kl Attention, Hornets. WHEN you te to Charlotte M . , . -. ' rrrn? old Oaken Bueke A Tie Bon-bound wot mOBs-eoveBedi Xiicaa baji zzrx$ libmt 'naoj j - vi. im On 1 White and Rust Proof. 1 USB 0 we s of 1 1 - - --t. r - "-"-Vi nivinsnN I. H it II 1 UAI V- aa x wj r as NEW : Owing to Uiesliortness of cror and the scared IKG FBICE8. We can STclalattenaon to the fOUowing goods, which wlU be soM at great redoetlPa: MXirS, BOTV READY MADE OF ALL Dress Goods, Ca&hmerM, Cloaks, Eephyr Shawls, Blankets, and all woollen goods. Yon will tats money at all times by buying from us. JUST RECEIVED, lLL m3SSs8gSl?roc5S1SflSBO M H. MORRIS & BROS. RODDI CK & CO TRYON STREET-NEWSTOBB. - T We arMecelvlng oar New Stock of BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! DARGAEOH! Will be found through our entire stock. New lot of those Domestic Quilts. $1.25. Blankets from S1.75 per pair, up. Calicoes from 5c, up. 9 4 Sheeting 25c per yard. "Fruit of the Loom" Shirting, lie. Kid Gloves, black and colored. 50c a pair. Gingham Plaids 10c per yard. Will Have a Full Stock of Dress Goods a BARGAINS IN TABLE LINENS AND TOWELS. Give us a call and it will pay you. Strictly cash and one price. AT REDUCED RATES TO ALL POINTS BOUGHT AND SOLD BY S. J. FERRY, OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. 0. tN. B. ParUee'destring Information In regard to railroad travel will pleas address aa above. novl2 WILSON & BUR WELL, DRUGGISTS, TRADE STREET, "DBiQ'Q'8 LIYEB PILLS are the best made for J sold only by FRESH chest of He No Tea; just arrived at w E have Just received a lot of cheap Scrub Brushes and Feather Dusters. R ED and White Onion Setts. At SUPPLY of No. 1 Lanterns just received by GLASS Lamps of all styles and prices; wholesale -VTAG? TAG ' W.W.W00D,Haiiiitoriir,1liM S v- CHAS. R. Sole Ag't, Charlotte mm If S USr) Every; Bstey Organ Sold is made Throughout with Equal fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones. Send for lUustraUd Catalogue. eet7,dlmoeodftw SESSION OPENS 1TIDN13DAT, SXPTZMBaOl 7, '81. COBPS OF TEACHERS: WM. 1L ATKINSON, PrlnclpaL Latm, Mathe matics, end natural sciences. MisbHELEN LONO, Prssdnal of Preparatoty TWinutmitnt. GSl SALUK CALDWELL WHITE, English Modern Lancnasns. M ms MART L. MATTOON. Elocution and Znc- - m iniv JMLA, 'Pane. A.'BIDDL LL. TA. Dbeetoe. " ' A8ISTANTS-Mna. B. L. DEWEY. MSB, WM. m . tm a 1 1 mi Kxas O. A. BATAOB, An Department. -7'., DOMESTIO SSFABTXENX. . Usa HANSLE TTNSL1T, Intendant of. Infirm. ANNA SUTTON. Head of BeardlnE De- TRINITY MAX. L., sfB3WJCBE.T1w. A thoTomrb heme school for girls. Yartedkd- raatagM of tha blgbast order.-' Foarteenta vear kMrtiM SemiemberliL For elmdar address TT . Ms BACHSLLX GIBEOKfl HUNT. Charlotte Female Institute . 3 ?i n FALL GOOD?: AND CHILDREN'S KINDS. STAPLE and FANCT DKT GOODS. BODDICK ft CO. a 1 CHARLOTTE, N. C. all troubles of the liver and bowels. WILSON & BUB WELL. WILSON & BUR WELL'S Drugstore. WILSON & BUR WELL. WILSON. 4 BUR WILL'S Drugstore. WILSON A BUR WILL. and tetail; at - WILSON ft BURWELL'S Drugstore. BCHM0H9EHWWIM&Car JONES Every buyer should Select an Organ That guaranteed fthpA Every day wx Years of eeriict I "i . e m ; - 1 . ESTET ORGAN CO Attaata, Ga. P. C. WILSON, CHABLOTTK, N.C Sols LOUIS 00X, CoMiilairj. W1TERT0WN 8PBXX41 WAOOX COMPANIES, ' imuuff BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, PHAEtONS, 8PBQIO WTOLESALE s ImAlL. 1 - OPES BUGGIES, 155. r . TO? EUG0IE3, tflfi. Special tndaeamenti to"'IU WMleaale trade Correspondence soUetted. -t7Tk- r - - juniA 1 Si(Q;IS AJJy5 KrvE SK'BOWELt

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