ij. i " I i II II i -SURE APPETISER 1 1 1 i ii IRON BITTERS we MgUy recommended for all diseases requir ingTrSiTand lS5 tonic;7 especially Indigestion Dys pepslaVltttermittent Feyers, Want of Appetite, Ixss i of Sn?tlM,X;k Of Energry, etc It w-fiJjfS the TOn&eVabd tfrea new life to the nerves. It acts like charm on the SLSwImw, Swuwine all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tastingthe Food, .teffiSffiS The only Iron Prepa rnt lnoTblacken the teeth or give headache. SlSylSnSSrrite r the A B C Book, 82 pp. of useful an' 'TTniiSS "CHEMICAL CO.,' Baltimore, Md. from aeaoral dabUitr UBIA. ATlfltUOIIM UWHW wwvw - . x m . - Murm uaUaaaf tmoatk dJdnoa kit me mnca mum, uu b ui n "-""": .d sinking hllla. At Jj fr?,, aImi Mnrai .mH I Annd that my natural forM 4poa4ni w3Tf ma jf Jnit I W2f Ira, JPyrw htm Taomtmtl I 1 WM MHMM I WtmU Til OX HARTER M CQICI 00X. COLLEGE ft FOURTH HTSL, W1IMLE GROCERS. Just in, and to Arrive : 3000 BCKDLXS ARROW TIES, 1000 HALF BOLLS BAGGING, 1500 PEGS FISH. 500 BBL8L FLOUR, 100 BAGS COFFEE, 75 BBLS. SYRUP, 101 BOXES SOAP Give us a trial before 700 boy and we will Bell you. LM. MILLER k SONS. aug34 CORN! CORN1! CORN ! BAGGING AND TIES We'&re agents for THE WATT PLOW, WU1 seUtt LOWERttea yo bur b etfeex good plow, ran assortment alwar en hand: ii 1! Call aatee ns lUMb'tfMttsint' .e,W5B;-a'.,i!a:Jt. MAYER & ROSS. aug28 WJ&BTOBX I TOB XH . appti iniiSammcr TriJe i : - A. MOST COMPLETE rtsra milunebt, WHITE GOODS, -And all kinds of- WRT Gf S W! SwSSSw?1 bowing AND CORSETS HATSitORQNNETS to m m "mxWi mhr LADT, Oar prices ia our line. . .- . ' 1 I'llWHIMII.,.. . t.We toWBeWdOie MrvlceVdr Ki n In ..mil BMotraUon txartha Sera ! Fattm Eati a-Bmaetg wm b. m-m 1 ;;. may; W'4tii, wTrlbrerLO,i A I nUL 1 Unlu I Is ( I Ml jwoeos Am-1 oe, troia or ruu- to snch aa extent that my udot was wm mnnn nuim. uusa wu uib m n . ' - w .7 Tvotsi Ihm whlnh I N E CO., RO. SIS aOlTH STOMACH DIMINISHED VIGOR Is reimbursed In great measure to those troubled with weak kidneys, by a judicious use of Hostet ter8 Stomach Bitters, which invigorates and etlm ulates without exciting the urinary organs. In conjunction with its Influence upon them, it cor rects acidity. Improves appetite, and is in every way conducive to health and nerve repose. An other marked quality Is its control over fever and ague, and its power of preventing them. -For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. M3l Jut U, J87 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR, DYE'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances suffering from NrvonaWeabaaiae, Gen eral OebUJty, loss f nerve force Or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Oth kt. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vita) Organs. Also womkm troubled with Mat? peculiar to their sex. - . - I . Speedy relief and completd restoration to health guaranteed. ThcM.are the only Eleetrie Appliance tumt have ever been constructed pnon MCiemtiflc prln- eipiea. ioeir moroogQ ei effleacy has been prac- tlcally proven with-the mosi wonaerini accesa, and uiey . hirve the highest esaonemeuM irom. raeaieai ana acten title men, and from Hundreds who have been quickly -and. rndieaUJr cared b their use. f'jil - Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givlnr .all infprmation free. Address, N ; .; T0LT1X0. EtCO, irmBatl,jKtoh, 11 :: DOtS WONDERFUL A CURES liW SecOTse Itjacts oa the LIVER, B0WXL8 and KIDJEIS at the same time. ! 1 (SHH it nlen tups tha 7tem pf thajpolson- ns kmon that derelopeui afatney eca TJa. tiaryPirtiSiiitrfiroaniifm, Janndloa, ddnati. tiatioa, Hlea; e -in feheumatiirBi, Keundgla, ffasvtmsPlsoidsCT aiOTwn Complatats. f fariHAr4iarBAT.i. J ; . Engene B. Stork, of JanoOon atrdCansa, -ZJPf?111? after rlr unans nad been trying for four yean. . Hra. John ArnalL of WaAlncten. 'DWo: stt her dot waa giren np to die br font prominent pnynciani and ttiat he was afterwards c 1 cored kj 1 Xidner-Wort. .'V. W. ft. flWlwrfn ATI AJIf ryva. f fdiMulMi iVif A j w Mu ill VMUUVU VU1V. ayi sot as not expected to live, being bloated beyond belie fbut Kldner-Wort cored bin..,. ... fhatMren YMrsmffarlnir fnm MifiHavtamnhlAa k4 and other complication was ended by toe aee ot 4 Jobn B. iAwrcnco or Jclrson, Tenn., Buffered Tor Tears from liver uid kidiMv IhhiMmi f Kldner-Woii made him well. XichaM Coto of Hontaromerr CSentor. Vt A snflered eight years with kidi dlmeultr.an waa nnaoie so WOTK. juaner " weUaierer." . . . ort made him. - PERMANENTLY OURIS KIDNEY DISEASES. ?s - Liver complaints: H Constipation and Piles. VTt linnt nn in 1W. " - l i I tin cans, one paclaufe of which raaktta six quarta J of medicine.. Also in IJaatd Fan. Terr Cea.. entrated, lor taoae that cannot readily pre pait. - . r - - - - -.'- VT It aoU vrtth tU tflUienct form. LI GET IT ATTHt DRTOOISTS fEICE.'ill.OO LJ WELLS. RICHARDSON A Co.. Pron's.- liu tenpine cry poevpavv, Buuu3U"rs,yTf ii a Maroh27dAwlj Only VeretaHeCkmriatl&f tveness, Headache. ItasastVcl lticbjtrineillt regiilatesthe'4el:(arifi vSXS?? roaawayy n: it? i BAkS BT AT T. nQfthhnWhn! SUE Ttr a -aiqus aeoo, eovfiy. Ala I W CELEBRATED H 12: tew BTTEP if n ii ; ,1881 i STATE NEWS. " Raleigh "tw and Observer.: The eignLilgnt mianiry naye ocen iuup rhly equipped for Yorktown. They 11 wear the State service uniform, and will be one of the best appearing Companies in the Guard. i Sheriff D. A. Grantham, of Wayne, yesterday brought to the Penitentiary six convicts, all colored, and all save one sentenced for larceny. i Neuse Elver is far lower than was tYer before known. It is not now worthy of being called. even a creek. We learn that a number of Norfolk merchants will make exhibits at the State fair. Professor Kerr's exhibit of our North Carolina woods, for Atlanta, is beauti ful. The specimens 1 are. uow on exhi bition in the rrruseom und will be ship ped in a day oitwb. ft The tarious spec imens in the "msfira tnthe Briggs building will tfcii e,et he -removed to the new museum. I Statesville American : We learn that many hogs have died of uholera in Da vie county. Greensboro Patriot : A party of emi grants left us, Monday night, for the wilds of Texas. They were from Ran dolph connty. Last Sunday night, Callum's drug store was broken into, and a small amount of money stolen. No clue as to the thief. Capfc E. H. Smith, master of trains at this place, is confined to his room by a bilious attack. His wife and two chil dren are also ill. P. H. Bilbro and Jno. A. Pritchett, of this place, have each been appointed United States storekeeper and guag er. East Sattordav a party of emigrant Eassed through this place to their, old omeJnCaiaihant dxomfiHm Woatt thexemlgra &;$ 7?$fW describerindians af af StWeJ hot sav the Old xtortn state is uertcr. W. D. McAdoo. of the McAdoo House has just put in position in rear of his hotel, a large windmill, which is used in pumping water to the upper floors of the building. It is a new departure for this part of the country, and a great sa ving or laoor. Winston Sentinel: Nany of our far mers are engaged in cutting their sec ond crop of hay. The recent rain has brought out grass considerably ana a fair crop may be expected. jiiariy turnips nave maue meir ap pearance. Tne late growtn promises to be abundant. R. L. Gy wn, of Mt. Airy had a valua ble sorrel horse stolen from nis stable on the night of the 29th ult. IMogcnoiera is playing navoc witn swine in portions of Stokes county. Ex-Sheriff Gentrv.i we ' learn, out of a drove of 80 head, lost 50 find others are sick. -i H i 'i i From our neighbor, the Mt Airv News we learn that recently, while Mr. William Belton was watching a coal pit near that place, a big moccasin snake crawled out at the bottom of the pit Mr. Belton killed it Out came another, and another, and another, un til Mr. Belton had put to death no less than seven of the dangerous reptiles black snakes and moccasins. Asheville News: The recent rains have had a tendency to retard the ripe ning of the tobacco. It still remains too green for cutting and curing. Tne passenger cars are now running to Marshal, and the construction train goes below that place. Durham Plant : McPherson, a stone cutter, who occupied one room in the bouse that was consumed by fire Sat urday night, was badly burned about the face and hands in making his es cape. ills nair, .wniskers and eyebrows were Burned on and his face and lianas terriblj JilisterecL i ' j'' k ; ( I " Commissioner A.D. Wilkinson had several parties before fhitn last' week for violation of u. S. Revenue laws. He bound over to April term of theU. S. Court at Greensboro, Wm. Kirk and Richard Cates, of Orange county, for illicit distilling. Warrants have been issued and several other par ties will be arraigned this week for the same offence. Milton Chronicle: Mr. Nick B. Oli ver has sent us a specimen of mineral ore said to exist in great abundance near Yancey ville. It resembles anth racite coal, but is rather brighter and heavier. We have sent the specimen to Commiseioner McGhee to be inspec ted by Prof. Kerr. The Roxboro Herald says that while John Scoggins was walking the public road a few nights ago in company with Lewis Daniel and Sol, Clayton, he was bitten on the foot .by a highland mocca sin. His foot began) to i swell at once and became as large as his body. Whis key was poured down John until be was completely under its influence and he is now about recovered, though he limps a little, it is said tne snake fared worse than John did, as it died from the bite. Frightened to Death. Lumberton Robeson. We learn that Jas. Phillips, a youth of about 12 or 14 years, residing in Wis- t hart's township in this county, came to T his death last Saturday night under novel, but very unfortunate circum stances. He and his mother are the only occupants of their house, and as tne boy was known to oe very "scary. some boys in the neighborhood con cluded to have some fun, so they went to the house on .the night atove named and commencing prowUra: ground try ing to open the Moors &A. The poor little fellow was $rf bjidlyf frightened that he at oiceiweht Inlo violent spasms which were soon"1 relieved by death. The boy was in perfect health, having picked cotton all of the day pre vious and eaten a hearty supper. The tragic end of what was only intended for a little fun, has spread a pall over the entire neighborhood. The Threats Asjalnsi Ex-Senator ConkJina;; Utica. N. Y October 3. The writer of the letter said to contain threats of assassination asrainst Senator Conkline has been discovered to be Henry J. towley.of the Second Ward, Utica, a epublican speaker, who offered strong Uarneld sympathy resolutions at tne late ward caueus, which received two rotes only, a more moderate resolution. onerea dt s staiwsu-W DeiDg aaaptea Btesa. jtowwy ana no parw ter?rrjflAiliiMl tha SDressi that somebody would 1ut through Mr. Conkling if he attempted to enter the Republican State conven tion. . ITS ACTION IS 8URX AND SATX. The celebrated remadv Kldnev-Wort can now be obtained in the usual dry vegetable form, or In llduld ioraa, - it is put In the latter way for the es pecial convenience of those who eannot readily Drenare it It will be found verv concentrated and I wfll act with equal effldeney u either ease. Be butb sou nsnu uie ww aurenueueiu ux uaiucu- lars. South and West 1 a wuuiu uereuy cciuij ioa a nave usea ow mmr cobs oil and found that tt relieved rheomaUsm a few applications. AUGUST PRICE, Bergen, N. J. ! MANY HTRKRIRLE VKOVXJt tpaelvet t At are fc mi 111 MTMTII1 ! KWA ujuus m commencing witn the first dose, and vitality and strength surely coming back to them, gee -taaei giiAir)yr fbnfof faiOTfe a ouuec k nTiTrs'rr n-r'TtTI' -v" -s, COTOIIEI. ; ANDBJEWS HAS, A FEW : -WOBDS AT FABTINCh WITH SEN ATOR VAIfClE, War Tranaferred Irem the'Weatera IWailurallaaBa Bichnaoad aad Daayille Syndicate -The Syndicate Slay 9ef end Itself iBVestisratloa of the Charge of Dla-crinlaulon-Iatlted and Correction Promised U it ExistsWJwfU-r , .,s --. Western North Carolina Bah i ROAD COMPANY, PRESIDENT'S Ol J fice, Raleigh, N. G,Oct 3d, 188L. To the Xdltor of The Observer : Senator Vance has so . compeletely changed his base in his last paper, that but little is required at my hands. The thing 'speaks for itself. Heretofore he. has been assailing me ; now he is defend ing himself, and is appealing to the people to vindicate his course as com missioner, it is the Senators own fault that beginning as an assailant he finds himself on the defensive. It was he, not I, who began the fight And now a few words in parting: WHO SELECTED SENATOR VANCE AS COMMISSIONER ? As to the Senator's appointment as commissioner, the facts are these: Mflasr. flAnrorA Tlavia and Thnmaa Ruffin, acting for the State, yarned twol 01 tne commissioners Messrs. Jarvis and Worth, and these called upon Mr. Best to name the third ; whereupon, in behalf pf himself and associates, he named Senator Vance. The three names were then put in the bill. The formal, appointment came from the Legislature, but the actual selection was made by Mr. Best These are the facts, if Hon. George Davis and Judge Ruffin are to be believed. THE TENDER OF THE CONVICTS. When the tender of convicts was made, Mr. Best still had an option to re-purchase the road, and of course as long as that option existed the assign ess did not wish to assume larger lia bilities than . were necessary. After they became the absolute owners, the conditions were changed, and a de mand was made for the number of con victs to which the road was entitled. But &s the Senator well knows, the as signees and their representatives were appealed to not to take the convicts from the Cape Fear and Yadkin Val ley Railroad, upon which they were then at work, for the reason that the interests of both the State and the Democratic party would be injured by such removal. Yielding to this appeal, the demand was not persisted in. THE ' LITIGATION." A persistent attempt has been made to create an impression that Mr. Best is in serious litigation in the courts with the assignees to gain possession of the Western North Carolina Rail road. The only litigation of which I have any knowledge is an action brought by Mr. Best to obtain an in junction against the directors of the Western North Carolina Railroad Com pany and the assignees to prevent the election of a President by them. That injunction was refused by Judge Sey mour, and as far as I have been in formed, not even a complaint has been filed in the action. THE MONOPOLY BUG-BEAR. The Senator is incensed at the Rich mond and Danville Railroad Company, styling it a huge, grinding monopoly which has, he says, reduced the people to a grievous commercial servitude. I shallleave it to those who control that company to make such defense as they think proper, without remark, save to ask, if this really be the Senator's opinion of it why he did not sound his note of alarm sooner? Why did he not insist upon the insertion of a pro vision in the act authorizing the sale of the Western North Carolina Railroad forbidding any assignment to the Rich mond and Danville Railroad Company V And above all why did he aid and abet the - assignment to Messrs. Buford, Clyde and Logan in New York? FREIGHT DISCRIMINATION. The charges of freight discrimination against the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company will be answered by the proper officers of that company at the proper time. But the public should distinctly understand that the act pro viding for the sale of ' the Western North Carolina Railroad does not ap ply to any other than said W. N. C. Rail road. The charge of freight discriminations made against the Western North Caro lina Railroad Company. I will, as the Senator suggests, meet before himself and his co-commissioners at their meet ing soon to take place. If any such exist (which I do not believe) they are contrary to the express orders of the assignees, as well as of the directors and myself, and win do promptly remedied when pointed out AVB. Andrews. sheep as Benevators f the Soil In England . the-TfrOst Important method of keeping up the rigor of the soil is by pasturing sheep. The sheep and the turnip are Inseparable, and it is due to sheep . casturinc that the farms in that country do not deterio rate in quality. Their plan of man aging sheep for such purpose is very different from ours. We turn our sheen on pastuterand allow them to roam ati win.- Dicsur and selecting only such herbage as suits them best, occasioning thereby a greater distribution of ma nure than we wish. Sheep dung is very concentrated, and fine, and if the ani mals can' be: made to feed on small spaces they not only strew manure tmcEiy, out press it nrmiy into the earth with their feet It is very rich in nitrogen, and Professor Johnson claims that this is due to tne fact of the food being nitroeenlzed bv the air taken into the lungs, and from thence iuwi, ild njBteiu aut uisvarueu. auib, however, is not generally accepted as correct for if such is the case with sheep it is also equally applicable to all other animals. Its nitrogeous qualities are, noweyer, very apparent, owing to its highly concentrated condition. Fallowing is practiced to a great ex tent in this country, especially in the South. It should be substituted by sheep pasturing. To manage it properly the sheep shouldbehurdledonarticular locauons enangmg regularly at stated periods. It has been claimed that 100 sheep on one acre of ground for fifteen days will manure the land sufflcently for four, crops The land is first so wed wita jornips, tne Swedes or rutabagas being preferred, as they keep well. Even in winter these turnips remain for the sheep. , As sheep eat close to the ground, they leave but little of the turnips. .. The hurdles are made porta ble; and are easily removed or changed. As soon as the inclosed piece of ground has been eaten off entirely, the Hurdle is removed just sufficiently to clear that piece to an adjoining one, and the place lately occupied by them is! then reseeded with something, else. As sheep are not' ad verse to any kind of food, a choice can be made by the f arm er ss J the nexterop. r Among the many plants suitable for? this purpose are peas and beans. rCow peas are excellent A'sheei wUtea&the Eea vine, peas, hulls, and roots, too, if e can get at them.f Heavy tall grasses are not pref erjedVtT sitfso eiger are the shwpltoiledlng close to the groundV.that they have been known to bejmeitjjt:5shn heavy clover Pastures that were high. They love the oung, tender grass, and nearly all kinds of weeds make good food for them. . j . It cannot "be denied that bv a system of hurdling, and frequent changing of location, iney can De , oi - incaicuiaoie benefit on, i poor, soils. Instances, are known in which worn-out lands have by i being hurdled with ) sheep v been brought to the highest degree of; fer tuity. it is also a very cheap method of restoring land, for the sheep so pas tured will not only add an increase to the value of the land by bringing it back to fertility, but will, with wool and carcass, pay a handsome dividend on any amount of capital expended in such enterprise. Rlutil&ted Coins. Most of the street-car companies in New York and the elevated railway companies have issued orders directing their employes not to receive mutilated coins in payment of fares. It seems that the punching and "clipping" of sil ver coins has become a regular business with a class of petty rascals, who ex pend more labor in stealing a dollar in this way than would suffice to earn the same amount if applied. to some honest purpose. The Manhattan News Com- any has also refused to receive muti ated coin. One of the officers of the company recently took a bagful of small coins of the face value of $100 to the United States mint, and the bullion value was found to be only 079. He then sold them to a broker for $95, who will no doubt put them into circulation again at the first opportunity. Be sure and oaII for Dr. Boll's Cough Syrup, if yon are troubled with a bad cough or cold. It will give you relief. For sale by every respectable druggist. - 26& LIEBIG C0'8 COCA B&SF TONIC Is far superior to the fashionable and Illusive preparations of beef, wine and Iron," Bays Prof. F. w. Hunt, M.-D... honorary member Imperial Medical Society of St. Petersburg, Russia, etc. It will reconstruct the most shattered and enfee bled, reinvigorate the aged and infirm, and make sickly children blooming and healthy. It Is Inval uable In all female complaints, removing Irregu larity, pains, and exhaustion; and it quiets rest less children and infanta. Beware of worthless Imitations. Mothers I Mothers ! ! Mothers i II Are you disturbed at night and broken of vonr rest by a sick ehild suffering and crying with the excruciating pain or cutting teem i it so, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately depend upon it : there is no mistake about it There Is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who wlU not tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operat ing like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all eases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the pre scription of one of the oldest and best physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. Lydia 15. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a remarkable remedy for all those painful com plaints and weaknesses so common to our best female population. Send to Mrs. Lydia S. Plnkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. MADS FROM HARMLESS MATERIALS, and dapted to the needs of fading and falling hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has tasen the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. UAIIDEtlO! EMATISI, Keuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell" ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacobs Ort as safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails bat the comparatively trifling outlay of 60 Cents, and every one uttering with pain cab have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Direction! n Heren languages. BOLD BY ALL DBTJGGIST8 AffD DEALERS IS KEDI0US. A. VOGEUER & CO., Baltimore, MA., V. 8. JU IdcSOdAw ly - I I A SURE RECIPE For Rub Complexions. Positive relief and immunity from complexional blemishes may be found in Hasan's Mag nolia Balm. A i delicate ana harmless article. Sold by drug gists everywhere. It imparts the most brilliant and life-like tints, and the clo- sest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All misightly discolonj. tionge eruptions, ring marks under the eyes,sallowness,red ness, roughness, and the flush of fatigue and excitement are at once dispelled by the Mag nolia Balm. It is the one incomparable Cosmetic, Jaa.23 . . TURKEYS, GEESE, FRE8B COUNTRY CBIOaNa APPLES, CABBAGE, OATMZAL, - And Richmond Sweet Potatoes by the bbL J ' . 6. M. HOWELL. BY virtue of authority, corifemd uf 'a 'certain mortgage deed executed on the 81st day of ?Wji3fi8P'& 'toma Sprinkle and Lou &JI)S5&!8Jlft' o ft nt of Meck lenburg, North Carolina to the North Carolina state Life Insurance tJompany, of Raleigh.- N C -and reeordedjatte' Register's Offlceof Mecklenburg JPtfitobook 23, page 228, i will offer for sale house, to the aty of Charlotte, to the pjf heat bidder, n Saturday,1" the 29th day of Oc tober at l?k M.jri $u wwtoofS6 doiulng lands of 8. J, whitehurst, H. F. Xuiott and Mrs. H. w. Tatum. For terms of sale anm to " AOu,u TBOSL aHAUGHTON, iteLlfe Ins. Co.. Charlotte.r EH WawMir. afc' ' wej i way m FRESH MINE - . oth Foreign and Domestic, JUST RECEIVED AT Dr.J.H.McAden s Drug Store ARATOGA 'yiCHY, From Saratoga Springs, N. T. A new water re sembling the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, 'Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO. pj CASKS CONGRESS WATER, J Q CASES ROCK SBIDGE ALUM, CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of . IMPORTED AP0LL1NARIS AND - HanyadLJanos Waters. THE GREAT EDROPEAN NOVELTY ! H UNYADI XANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dos.- A wine glass full before breakfast The rnje "Hunyndi Janos. Baron Lieblg af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most -efficacious aperient water." Prof. Yirchaw, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." . W. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scamoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lender Brunton, M. D., f. B. 8., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." Pro Atken, M.D., F. R. s., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. Preferred to Pulina and Fried rlchshalL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga; We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. j. H. McADEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 Turnip eed ! Tnroip Seed! NEW CROP TURNIP SEED. RSIaOR PURPLE TOP, WHITE FLIT DUTCH, LARGE WHITE NORFOLK, POMERANIAN WHITE GLOBE WHITE EGG, AMBER GLOBE, GOLDEN BALL, YELLOW ABERDEEN, RUTA BAGA BLOOMSDALE SWEDE OR YELLOW. LANDRETH'S SEED ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE. L. It WRISTON k CO. July IB . Druggist by Examination. Go to W. P. MARTI!?, Igent, and Successor to F. Scarr&Co. FOB Fresh Drags ad Fare Medicines None bat the Very Best Drags do I keep In my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles. Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Ac, ft. garden; seeds of afl the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spec ial attention. Hoping to receive a share of public patronage, I am, respectfully, feb81 , W.P.MARVm.Agt CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE! A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the JX public square In Charlotte, will be sold cheap 4- ouu uu nsoswusiMo . terma mi . us ngn una oi a purchaser. The dwelling is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well ot wa ter, etc. :. The house is admirably adanted for th L residence of a lawyer doctor or preacher, having t purpose. For Jurthsr.1paraculars1 price, terms, f etc.. apDly at -- ' - THIS OFFICE. u wwiuBun iwrH. vp sunu saiuui inuit AOT UM rpWM Lotion tne eOrner Of Nmth street -and ma JLr North Carolina RaOHfromn)tai Sj; Nmtteetreet and feetnNortocSoM Railroad, wm either be sold a a wboleori taj' toctory parpoee Appjy tojT tanlaM - ' . 8.PHIXJJPS, wrnm knki's Snnrt tit MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY ... .. a .1mm.. For Illustrated Circular. Ali-reactiuJ Rnidniva School. Established twenty yean. oct4 4w - Benson's Capcine Porous "Plaster. Over 5,000 Druggists and Physicians have signed a paper stating that Benson's Capcine Po. rous Plasters are superior to all others. Price 25c- oct4,4w &SlDthJlEDAL AWARDED ?, Anthor.Anewand great Med. ieal Wortwarranted the best and ebeapeat, indispensable to ererr y-gyj i lation ; bound in r?ii r?"n "lin, embossed fnU BUMOO pp. oon tains beantif ni abler engrmTinw, 135 preserip liSft L sent by mad; mnetatodsamile.SBBnt. oct4 dAw4w CUTICURA PERMANENTLY CUBES HUMORS OF THE SCALP AND SKIN. Cutlcura remedies are for sale by all drueelsts Crice of Cuticura, a medical jelly, bu dl boxl! Ali cents; large bbxes, SI. Cuticura Resolvent the new blood purifier, Si per bottle. CoffiS Medi Mnl0USoap 25c Cuticura Medicinal Shavl 8urtPKn: ba8 ?0 barbers large con sumers, 50c. Principal depot. r- ah J?KS POTTER, Boston. Mass. ofT,4wd&wed 6 0a rece1pt 01 prl0e- " Park's Ginger ToflicT" BEST HEALTH AND STRENGTH RESTORER NOW USED. fnra st TTTrt ... -"K"i"o ui numeu ana aiseases nr ih Stomach, Bowels, Lungs. Liver and I Kidnew ami and other Tonics, as It never totolicites! 60c and $1 sizes. Large saving buying SI size oct4,d&w4w HltiC0X CO.. Chemists, N.Y. 5000 Agents Wanted to sell the Life of President Garfield H,eaiTyHfeSnd career M Soldier and States SUsekWoa?aUdD11I"stratli ni assas Slfii18. neroic struggle for life; wonderful medical treatment; blood poisoning; removal to Elberonpdeath.etc. Profusely Ulustated. eplen didrrtralt of Garfield, his wife and mother; scene of the shooting; the sick chamber; Gulteau in his cell; the surgeons and the sick cabinet The only complete and authentic work. A fortune for aeents first In tha Ham urfth 60a Speak quick. Address nuBBAKii HKua., ab'rs, AUanta, Ga. St. CHARLES HOTEL STATESVILLE, N. C. . THIS house has been leased for a term of years - irecfcD, nuum 111U3UUU11 la lO keep a strictly first-class house in every respect Commodious sample rooms on firtt and second floors. The patronage of the public Is solicited. Julyl.dtt HONEST 7 Twist Chewing Tobacco Beware of imitations. None geulne unless ac companied with our "Honest 7" copy-righted label vyuieu wm ue touna on neaa or every dox. manuiacnirea only Dy fj feb20-2w BROWN 4 BRO., Winston. N. C. Richmond and Danville Railroad. PASSEEGEB DEPARTMENT. On and after June 5th, 1881, Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line di vision of this road will be as follows: FREE N. Y. UTST ,Di U.S. Mall Express Fast Mall EASTWARD. No. 45, No. 47, No, 49, A. B. C. L've Atlanta 4.00 am 3.15 pm 6.30pm Ait. Suwanee. ...D 5.18 am 4.37 pm 7.45 pm ' Lula E 6.54 am 5.59 pm 9.06 pm " Toccoa F 8.14 am 7.15 pm 10 16 pm " Seneca. G 9.20 am 8 40 pm 11.25 pm " Greenv'le ..H 10.68 am 10.20 pm 1.00 am " Spartan'g.. .K 12.14 pm 11.40 pm 2 11am GastonIa....L 2.36 pm 2.13 am 431 am ' Charlotte.". .M 8.35 pm 3.15 am 5.35 am iSi ; FTT: EJT5! WESTWARD. U.S. Mall Express Fast Mail No. 42. No. 48. No. 50. L've Charlotte... M 12.30 pm 12.43 am 12.33 am " Gastonla...L 1 27 pm 1.43 am 1.17 am " Spartan'g.. K 8.50 pm 4.06 am 3.12 am " Greenv'le...H 6.07 pm 5.18 am 4.24 am " Seneca G 6.51 pm 7.02 am 5.47 am Toccoa F 8.01pm 8.15 am 6.53 am " Lula E 9.16 pm 9.81 am 8.09 am " Suwanee... D 10.88 pm 10.54 am 9 22 am Ait. Atlanta 12.05 am 12.20 pm 10 35 am CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. & W. P. Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. & W. P. and W. A A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of the Georgia Railroad. D with Lawreneevllle Branch to and from Law rencevllle, Ga. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, Georgia. ' G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. K with Spartanburg and Asheville, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Asheville, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C, C. ft A.-C, C.-R. ft D. and A., T. ft O. for all points West North and East Pullman palace sleeping car service on trains Nos. 47 and 48, daily, without change between Atlanta and New York. A. POPE, 3un5 General Passenger Agent Carolina Central It. It. Co. Change of Schedule. OFFICE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, WrrjITNBWllf. N. 11 Jnnn A. 1881 O N and after June 5. 1881. the following Schedule will be operated on this railroad : FASSIXQXB, MAIL AND EXPRESS TBAXNS DAILY EXCXPT SUHDATS. 1 Leave Wilmington at 9 45 a m 1 Arrive at Charlotte at 6 46 pm (Leave Charlotte at 6 00 a m j Arrive at Wilmington at. 3 25 p m No. 1. No. 2. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations on lyand points designated In the company's time . These trains make close connection at Charlotte with trains Nos. 8 and 4 for Cleaveland Springs and all points on the Shelby division. FASSXNQX8 AHD VBXIGHT. ) Leave Wilmington at... 6 30 p m No. 6. V Arrive at Hamlet at 1 26 a m ) Arrive at Charlotte at 8 00 a m j Leave Charlotte at 7 80 p m No. 8: Arrive at Hamlet at 1 26 a m I Arrive at Wilmington 9 80 a m No. 5 Train Is daily, except Sunday, but no con nections to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 6 Train Is dally, exceptSaturday. SHKLBY DIVISION, PASSSNOXB, MAIL, EXPBBS6 AXD raxurr. . o I Leave Charlotte --f Arrive at Shelby 7 00 p m lO ftrt n in No. 4. ?V2veB?7 ;- 6 00 a m 1 J Arrive at Charlotte...... 9 30 a m Trains Nos. 5 and 6 make cloae-connection nt Hamlet to and'from HAleJgh, e-xcept St1 'f Through Sleeping" Cars between Raleigh and Charlotte. " Trains No. 1 and 2 make connection at Char lotte with the A., T, ft O. B. B., arriving aVstates vlll the same evening, and connecting then with the W. N, c. R. R. for Asheville and all pplpts on 106 W, IS . v H. n Trains Hes. 8 and 4 connect closely with a Cbester and Lenoir Railroad at Lincolnton. V. Q. JOHNSON. Iun25 Gen'l, gup't Atlantic, Tennessee k Ohio Railroad SursaIHTallDUT'8 QmOK, I Charlotte, N. C, June 5th, 1881. f . Pand &ftr, 8ay, June 6th, 1881, tbe following sohednle will be run over this road dally (Sunday? excepted) t ' uipuuvuue... R Sft n ni Arrive at Statesville, ID m .12 00 P. : : i rvft c WISCI SOUTH. T CUBA Offl.AMlll. . 2 60 a. m. 8 66 a. m. 4 81 a m. - juooresvuie ...v. ArrtytfilChario 6 15 a. m. i. GORMLEY, Mlli L THE OXONIAN. A JOURNALOF LITXRATURE ft EDUCATION ..published, monthly , at Oxford, N. C.atOn, Dollar a year In advance. i The Oxonlanalms at Increasing the interest for Literature and Education, and gives original ar ocles on subjects of vital importance as well as OTBClanu ol the newest and most valuable publica ona. . '...s..., .... . ..',r. . 1 CllmdeeMetf advajteigesto adverOsers. High average elrculatlon. , Advertisements are shown Imminently, are free from errors, and are taste fully displayed; .IU adverOalng rates are not in excess,: of its v&ue to an advertiser.--' Advertise meatsv intended .for. pubheantloo In any issue, hould be In the office by the 20th of the month. - marlO-tf jr. C. HORNER, Oxford, N. C.