ffifje Charlotte ffibsmiffc SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily, one year, poO-fiaidfin advdnA. . . . .. . . $S 00 Sixmontht. 4.00 TAr month. , , . 2.00 One month w,. T5 WSMKLY EDITION: Weekly n the county), In advatm. ; ., , fJ . . . . .92.00 Out of the county, Po&paUL ... 2.10 fiixmonths 1.05 ty Liberal Reduction for Chit. Sauk m& g0& gttotitt0.; THE OBSXBVKB JOB DXPABXXXNT Has been thoroughly mpBlled lrttf WJWdtf ..aw, auu wuu we uuest Kyiej ox Type im wwj: manner of Job Printing can now t4oarw1Ui neatness, dispatch and jheapness. en far' ntshat short notice, . " " BLANKS, BILL-HXADS, LSI l'JtB-HXADfi, CABDS, ----- IAQS, BJECKIFTS, FOSTIM, PBORAMMKS, 1IAJTDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CIRCUL AM, CTECXfl, . .1- ' I VOL. XXVI. CHARLOTTE, N. C., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1881. NO. 3,920. WWII Qvy (5 o a els. Alexaoder $ Haras Are now opening a very large and beautiful stock of DRESSGOODS Ladies' Neckwear, ,y : t A tremendous stock of Table" Lilians, all trades. A large stock of Marsel les Quilts All kinds ot FUnnels-Basket, Opera and Plain. The b st stock of Carpets they ever had. ' They are making a specialty of Heady-Male Cloiii fob gsstlembn and youths. this season; They have Hoop Skirts, White Goods, Lacei. Im broideries of ail kinds, and other goods too numerous to mention. (PAIBMTBD JUNS 13TH, 1876. J Ask for a pair of the Foster Kid Gloves, the best In the inaiket. . Alexander k Harris. sep'24 We are dally receiving our FALL & WINTER STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BOIS', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all (roods In our line In variety and all prices. FULL STOCK Stetson and Oilier Hats. A PllETTY LINE TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS ALL SIZES AND RRICXS. Call and see as. PEGKRAM & CO. sep6 Condensed Me TaMe-MMnaR.R TBAiHBGcare jtobth. Date,Mayl5'81 m 47 Dally No. 49 Dally No. 48, Daily Lv. Charlotte, " A-L. Depot " " Juntft " Salisbury, Arr.Greensboro Lv.Greensboro Arr.Ralelgh Lv. " A rr. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Rarksdale " Drak'sBr'ch " Jetersvllle Arr. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " AiT.Manche8ter Arr. Richmond 4.05 AW 6.15 AM 4.15 PM 411 ah 6.20 7.50 4 80 ph 6.07 pm 7.57 ph 8.18 PH 5.5rJ A 8.08 AMI 9.30 am 9.50 ami 825 AH 1.40 PH 1.45 pk 4.00 FM &25 ph 10.21 AM 10 27 AM 10 58 ah 12.87 PH 2.24 pm 8.20 pm 4.05 PM 4.10 pm 413 pm 4.18 pm for Rich- f mad only 11.81 AM 11.83 AM 12.01 PM 1.20 PM 2.55 pm 8.51 P 4.28 PM 4.85 PH 4.88 PM 4.43 AM 7-28 TRAINS QOIX0 SOUTH. Date.Mayl5'80 No. 42 Dally. NO . 48 Dally. No. 50 Dally Lv. Richmond ' BurkevUie Arr. N. Danville Lv. " " Danville Arr. Greensboro Lv. " Salisbury 10.45 phi 12.00 2.43 6.05 6.18 ' 8.17 8.87 10.83 12.15 X 2.25 PMt 7-00 am PMi 7.25 am PM 7.27 9.26 AM PH 9.31 PH 11.16 ah PH Arr. A L. Junction 12.45 vx AH " Charlotte Lv. Richmond " Jetersvllle " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale " Danville " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. a-L. Junction Lv. " " Arr. Charlotte 1.00 pm 12.20 2.55 pm 4.41 pm 6.07 pm 7.25 ph 7.51 pm 8.55 PM 9.27 pm 11.05 pm 12.26 AH 12.86' AM USM BBAJJOH. NO. 48 Pally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro...-. ... Arrive Salem. -. NO. 47-Dally, exoept Sunday. Leave galem.. , Arrives Greensboro ,,,.. NO. 42 Dally, exoept Sunday. Leave Greensboro..... Arrives 8alem NO. 43-DaIly. Lfve Salem.. ...... a... ;; ..... 11,40 F 7.80 00 AH 10.00 AM 11.80 AH 5.80 PH ,7.80 pm ureeoBDoro Alfliftllcnttr make medtmthesuheddle. t aboard atth B.i D. B.'B. depoC This train !""es elose connection7 Greensboro for Raleigh, I ewoerne and ail points on wumuig ton 4 Weldon Railroad. .V.. hser tratus.No, 47 tod 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, No. 47 to? ini SRaacaoa ntb W. N. C B. at S&iJsbury C-4"6'8 (Sunday emcented), and aicea- SATm W W .r f1 trains Nos. 42 and 48 make all local SfeP,bweeit Charlotte ami : Rlcnmowfl,' except Brtobur OitaaavBMtst?4A ?d JahtestownTS; ' ho. 43 connects with Qaiem Branch at Greens- BOOTS A! 101 Brands Latest Styles may 18 Richmond?. Prrj Macros, lotttiuQ, Sec. OCTOBER 1st Finds our stock complete In all details, from the cheapest fabrics for domestic purposes to the handsomest Silks and Satins, In plain, brocaded and watered effect Our Prices Are Low OCR DEALINGS FAIR. AMD - AH Goods Warranted as Represented OR PURCHASE MOB BY REFUNDED. A fine line of Ladies' Cloths and FJannelSuitings IN Al L LEADING COLORS. We have added WARNER'S FLEXIBLE HIP CORSETS to our stock, already the largest and best selected In the city. T. L Seigle k Co. oct2 PERRY IS A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For INTESNAL nJ EXTERNAL Use. DAIU Vll I lloa nntr failtd -whan tIBfcl rAlll ll LLCri Hccordini? to print td direct ions inclosing each bottle, ana in jwrMlIy tajt in tXs matt itMpriened handt. niiu unirn ik a rtiiie ctttik for rHIII HI Ll.cn Sore Throat, Coughs, Chilly Diarrhoea, l)yeiitery, Crtunp, Cholerm, and all BftMl Complaint. nun I rn IS TIOT RKST remedv rAIN rVlLLCn known f : Ka-8ickneM, 8iek.HaJache, Pain In tSte Back or Side, Rbenmatum, nd Nearvisia. DAIU I CD i 1 j-tionMy th. BEST rAlll KILLtn liniment made, it brinci pdv mnd ptrnumtit relief in Q oases of brinr Tdv mndptrvumtnt rlif in U oases of Tl TBI MA- fiiti. Hnpnlna. Htrvarm Barns. tc DAIU If II I CD is the wlUrUd and tnuttd rAIrl IVILLtlf frlsnd of the Mechanic. Farmer, Planter, Sailor,, and in fact of aU lasses waimiig- a m.diotn. always at hand aud safe to um Internally or externally with certainty of rel WKo famllT c alntT or roller.' tr Kb family can afford to be without thli tnralTiahla ranutdv in th. honaa. It within the reh of all. and It will annually an lis price uimr many times its cost in doctors' bills. Sold by aU 4ragfUU at Ms. &Oo. and $1 a Uttir. PERRY DAVIS oV SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietor. Sept 23-12$ TUTTTFS IHDOBSU2AY PHYSICIANS, CLERQYMEH, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE Agj, tJYM PTbfVl OF A TORPID LIVER. liQgsof ppet1te,M"aagea.bowtlg oosye. neu at night, highly oolored urine. IF TEZ8X WASNTJTG8 JLBS UNHEJDED, ' SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTT FILLS speellly adapted to eoeh OMes.one dose effects saeh a change of feeling as to astonish the saffsrer. They Xaereaa the Appetlto, and mom the body to Take on rieab. Urns -the lyit.m is Moorlaliod, and by thMrTn4tioBQn the 4nsM t -tries g eentaW Mrrmf TOTT'S HAIR DYE. OftAT BATHAWOrW am br arts a natum color, acu instanuneousir. BT DroiswU, or isnt by sxnraai on rsMist sf n. I oy a WB: Offloe. SB Murray St., New York. CDr. TCTTS HAICAL of TalaabU Irfona.UM n uSl BWirU wUI b. sudUd FUI m aasawtiML reby. 23deodwl Floreston j&.SS V All Fannn. Motbsis, bnuowsatMschaaj flcs. &c, whoaro tired ouUr work or worry, aadl , tiUwb. are fcixrable &1feynnffiffyr k,Unts. vmi can bi nrirorartd and coid by nsfa jfj - - - 72 'Sii away wttJConsoa&A.. a .-' . . t . i i, -ii 5 ...tv . LtipfcuuM orafiywamiMS,-7on www -! -J -CGwirT6oc the tretatBloFertWadj.3 build, op the system, but ttvn lntoxiestear'4 ; . tct. asd yt Hisgg ft Co1.; Cbamuta. y . Tq ill pi JBL h l ill mm mum Iiju i ....... .. .... A'aan in ,eaa.wim aau hdhudh la few jbak pejt. Pain under the hoiqaer blAde. fttlLaess after eating with a dlain. cUnatlop to exertion of body or xnind. lyitftbflity Of tomper. Low piritt? Liosa of memory, with a feeling of hsing neg lected some duty .weariness, Dlaslnesa, nuttering of the Heart, Dote tfor? the eyes. Yellow Skin. Headache, Bestless- m el mr PfSaS3 STATE NEWS. TAsheviUe Citizen: George Snider, white, au escaped, penitentiary convict from North Carpliiia, was arrested in Greenville, &Coa Sunday last The crime of which he- was convicted in North Carolina was horse stealing. Upwards of twenty-five healthy, pro gressing babies have put in an appear ance in Asheville in the past week, six within thirty hours, and a good many precincts yet to hear from. The many friends of D. F. Davis, Esq., a prominent young merchant of Marshall, will be pained to learn of his death, which occurred in this place on Saturday. Mr. D. had been sick for some time with consumption. Raleigh News-Observer: -Mr. W. C. Parker has been appointed chief of po lice at the fair. He has helot that po sition for four years in succession. Several boys were before the mayor yesterday, charged with being drunk on the streets. They were fined, as usual. Mr. W. S. Uzzel was married on "Wed nesday to Miss Belle Turner, at the res idence of her parents, in Hillsboro. There was a bond burning at the Treasury Department, yesterday, at which $390,000 in old bonds were de stroyed, Statesville Landmark: The States ville members of Prof. W. H. Neave's State Band will leave here next Wed nesday for Baleigh, where the band will practice for five days and then proceed to Yorktown. One of the best farmers and most in telligent citizens of Sharpesburg town ship expresses the opinion that, not withstanding the panic about the fail ure of crops, corn will sell in the heap this fall at 65 cents per bushel. A number of persons remarked, Tues day evening, about 8:30 o'clock, a mete or of extraordinary beauty and brilli ancy in the northern sky. It fell a great distance, and when near the hor izon burst into a thousand dazzling particles. Some pronounce it the most beautiful meteor they ever saw. A brick extension, 46x90 feet, is to be built at once to the Western North Carolina Railroad depot at this place. Mr. C. F. Bost has the contract and commenced work on the ground this morning. Brick laying will begin Mon day. On the 28th ult. Deputy Collectors Walker, Coley and Stockton seized 110 gallons of brandy, two stills and fix tures, the property of Logan Setzer, of Catawba county. The property was seized on Setzer's premises near New ton. In the same neighborhood on the same day, the same officers seized 50 gallons of illicit brandy, the property of James McRae, of Catawba. The protracted meeting at the Pres byterian church, which was commenced two weeks ago, closed last Monday night. It was the occasion of a great awakening, and the devoted pastor and his people feel that much good has been done. Six persons were added to the membership of the church last Sun day week, and 15 last Monday night i s i i s RAILROAD MATTERS. Rumored Arrangements by which the Greenwood, Spartanburg Sc Union Railroad will Obtain a Connection Northward. Augusta Chronicle. President Verdery, of the Knoxville and the Greenwood, Spartanburg and Union Railroad, returned to Augusta yesterday, from Wilmington, N. C. It is rumored that his visit had something to do with some arrangement whereby the Greenwood, Spartanburg and Union Railroad will obtain a northern connec tion at Spartanburg. It is reported that this connection will be obtained through the Carolina Central Railroad, which runs from Wilmington to Char lotte, from Charlotte to Lineolnton, N. C, and from Lineolnton to Shelby, which is only thirty-five miles from Spartanburg. This road runs through a splendid country. President Verdery will attend a meeting of the Directors of the Greenwood, Spartanburg and Un ion Railroad, at Spartanbilrg, to-mor row. The Saluda Argus, of a recent date. says : " Mr. U- uenry Isaacs lett town Monday afternoon on a tour down the Augusta nd noxville Railroad, to re ceive and classify cross-ties for the com pany, so that they may be in readiness when needed. This looks still more like business on the part of the .manage ment of the company, and we can al most imagine we hear the trains thun dering along down the Augusta and Knoxville on some cold, frosty morn ing before the ides of December are cancelled in the calendar of the past (We have full assurance that a force of hands will he plaoed on this end of the line during October, and with the work being pushed rapidly through from the other side, it looks as if we would not not have tq wait many months to go on an excursion to the city of Augusta over the road that has been anxiously labored for through every drawback and through some seemingly insurmount able difficulties." The First Cotton Factory. Shelby Aurora. It will doubtless be news to the most of our readers to learn that the first cotton factory ever erected and opera ted on North Carolina soil, was located in the good old county of Cleaveland, and was located on the waters of Buffa lo creek, not five miles from Shelby. But, as strange as this may seem, we have just come in possession of the following facts which are vouched for by Mr. Peter Beam, who is now living in this county and is a brother of the man who built and operated the first cotton factory within the bounds of the old North State. He is also a brother of Col. Joshua Beam, deceased, who was well known to many f our citi zens. Mr. Michael Beam, whose name should ever baye a, prominent place - in North Carolina history, was born -on the st Jay of Jnne, 1782. At the age of twentyrtwo he went to Cincinnati, umo, where he visited a cotton factory, then in operation in 'that city, and made a rough drawing of the machinery on a piece of common writing paper. He then returned home and went to work with his own hands and manufactured the machinery for what was called a "Mule Spinner," which he :put sp, and operated snccessf ully, at the place wnere me wiuow ausau aoam s mm nqwjtanda. He made the spindles in a blacksmith shop, and, his brother, Mr. Peter Beam, now has some of the tools which he used for that purpose. This was doubtless the first factory ever. erected in North Carpjma ana it was first pu$ in operation about -the year 1804; A few years after this he put up afactorynear Lineolnton. N. C, for Messrs; W&rlick & Schenck, and after that. Mr. John Hoke and others built factories in that county. These are the facts as webavebaen able to gather thentiand. we hope that theyt way, lead, to the gathering up of many more val uable rerniniscences of this section of our State. ITEMS OF INTEREST. It is reported on good authority that lnmana wiuuav) as uiuuu wneat ana corn this- year as last TTfirhert Sneneer is said to he ahnnf fr marry a pretty little American he dis covered in Egypt. Over $20,000,000 is now lying in the United States Treasury waiting for the holders of past due and called bonds to ask for it; but the paragraphers all say they don't care to bother themselves about their surplus capital so long as the building is properly guarded. Gen. Carr can stand completely ex posed in a shower of Indian- bullets and swear at the fierce children of the forest without ever getting1 hit. Jt is supposea mat tne rea warriors once served under Sergeant Mason. The reduction in the price of mining A i At. r- TT J A t i W siocks on me an c rauciaco siock Doara was from $282,305,404 in January, 1875, to $17,902,700 in July, 1881, a loss of $264,502,704. This was a sum larger tnan tne total valuation ot oan Fran Cisco. The figures will exnlain hnw Fair, Flood and Mackey are worth their millions. Speculation behind the scenes a V a i am me joo. Wine-grpwing is being successfully pursued in Virginia, and is rapidly as suming larger dimensions, it was urst introduced by Germans, but others are now taking a hand in it. One firm, with. thirty-seven acres of land, has produced 8,500 gallons of wine in a sea son. It is reported that the yield of two counties this year will be 50,000 to 60,000 gallons. There is a ready mar ket for all that can be produced. The only fdreign-born Senators, we believe, are the Joneses, Mr. Beck and Mr. Fair, and neither of these gentle men is named in connection with. the chair. Of the Republican candidates for the speakership, Mr. Reed was born in Maine, Mr. K' tn in Vermont and Mr. Hiscock in York. We believe the only person ,er chosen as speaker or tne Mouse wno was horn abroad was Mr. Muhlenberg, the first speaker, and he was a citizen when the constitution was adopted, and so was eligible as President. No President pro tem. of foreign birth has ever been placed in tne cuair oi tne benate. The Tobacco Crop. Baleigh News-Observer. The frost of yesterdav was a verv heavy one, and its effects upon the to bacco crop are indeed disastrous. A telegram from Henderson says, that the tobacco in that section is seriously dam aged, especially in the low lands. A letter from a friend at Durham states that the frost in that section was de structive. Farmers report that the to- oacco wnicn nad gained a new start by reason of the rains of three weeks since, is badly damaged. The same letter also conveys the information that prices of tooacco have advanced materially, and that all bright tobaccos are held for heavy profits. Another friend at Durham writes us that he has-been out and inspected several crops of tobacco, and that it is ruined by the frost. He also says that ne nas neara rrom portions of three counties, and the reports are that the crops are everywnere Daaiy aamacrea He says that he has never seen any crop so badly damaged by frost so early in tne year, bimnar reports reach us from Danville. We fear that the tobacco crop will be short and a failure this year. Cotton Factories in Iredell. Statesville Landmaik. When Thos. A. Nicholson, Esq., gets his into operation, there will be three cotton factories in this county: Nich olson's, Eagle Mills and Turnersburg. The Turnersburg factory, by the way, is about enlarging greatly the scope of its operations. A large new building has been put up near the old factory and new machinery bought for it Mr. Wilfred Turner went North last week to look after this machinery, which is expected to te on in a short time. The Turnersburg yarn has a fine reputation. We are glad arrangements are being made to spin more of it. Washington, (Ind.) Gazette. Arte lit us Ward and the "JHlchigan Regiment." In a Loulsrllle, Ky., hotel one day, Artemua Ward was introduced to a colonel wbe had com manded a Mississippi Regiment In the war. Arte mus hi his way "that was. child-like and bland," aid: "What Michigan Beglment did yon com mand, colonel?" Then was, that the "colonel" spun Uke a top and swore Vl a sailor, until paci fied sufficiently to hear an explanation. Artemus with surprise obserred that he "was always getting things mixed about the war." It Is always unfor tunate to get things mixed, but atrer more so, than when one is tick. Then it is that the right thing in the right place Is wanted mere than at any other time In life, or under any other circum stances. It Is a pleasure for us to note (n this connection, the experience of our esteemed fellow citizen, CoL Samuel BI. Taylor, who as is well known does not get things, mixed. In a recent communication he writes: "I do hereby- certify that I suffered very much from Rheumatism and Neuralgia during the SOU, of 1870, and tried many remedies with little If any good results. I had heard of St. Jacobs Oil, and concluded to try U more as an experiment than with any hope of good results. , I can with great pleasure commend It to others, f or the reason that I know it cored me." Col Taylor by the way was at one time Postmaster at CumMrlar.d, Jiaryland. CHRONIC L08gfcNE38 OF THE BOWXLS results from imperfect digestion. The cause lies in the torpidity ofthe liver. A regular habit of body can be secured by taking Simmons Liver Regulator to aid -digestion, to stimulate the dill and sluggish liver and rid the system of exces sive and poisonous bile. The Regulator corrects' acidity of the stomach, cures dyspepsia and per manently creates regularity of the bowels alike free from laxity and cpsayeness, v "I have never seen or tried such a simple, effi cacious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life arSlmmdhs Liver Regulator." H HACJIB, 8t Louis, Mo. Winston, Forsyth county, N. C. Gents -t I desire to express to you mr thanks for your wonderful Hop Hitters. I was troubled with dyspepsia for five years previous to commencing the use ot your Hop Bitters some six months age. My cure has been wonderful. I am pastor of the ' First Methodist church of this plaofl.and my whole congregation can testify to the great virtues of your bitters, Very respectfully, Bjcv. H. manga, BURNETT'S COCOAINB, Unlike All Other Hair greasings, Is the best for promoting the growth of and beau tifying the hair, and rendering dark and gloss. The Cocoaine holds, in a liquid fotma large pro ' portion ot deodorized pocoanut .OIL prepared ex pressly for this purpose, no other compound pos sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the various conditions of the fcuman tpic The superiority ol Bnmett,'s Flavoring Extjra&s consists In foeir poffeefr pnriyajadgiyat strength. Btoiohp Altjk axd Iboh Sfbihss Wars ajib Masj.' The great tonic and; alterative oootalM : lwice as much iron and Oftr per oent mora aium- Siom than any "alum and iron mass" known, ust the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half.' mayll tf. - (IDqdd0 Stodk fi (DdDDDDipIlet!;, Velvets and "Velveteens. HARGRAVES & WILHELM. sepSO Our Fall and Wife Display. (DcDDDDipteto Stodko OUR PREPARATIONS FOR THIS SEASON'S TRADE fiEING NOW ENTIRELY COMPLETE, L. BERWANGER & BRO., Leading Clothier and Tailors. CHINA PALACE OF New Goods Arriving Daily. JUST RECEIVED, A Shipment of Fine Porcelaine, uu f w valine auu more beautiful In design, costing less than half the price of China. The Royal Worcester pattern is me latest style. Boyal Worcester tea sets, 44 nieces. SH.nri: Minton ta nn tv,. styles cups and saucers. A full stock of. Granite and Common Ware At greatly reduced p fleet. A large stock of GLASSWARE at astenlshing low ngures. Tinware, Quadruple-Plated Ware, Cutlery, Look ing masses, Baoy uarnages, iamps and Lamp Fixtures. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Garfield portrait plates, 25c uep27 THE GENUINE has acquire a repu tation greater man any medicine extant as the CHEAPEST, PUREST ' and best family , . medicine In the world. It acts with extraordinary nower and efficacy on the Liver the largest organ of the body, called, from its importance, the Hwiie-keeper of our Health. When the Liver Is torpid, the bowels are slugeish and constlDated : the food lies In the sto mach indigested and noisonms the blood. Fre quent headaches, a feeling of lassitude, despon- oency, ana nervousness, indicate now me wnoie system is deranged. To prevent a more serious condition, at once. Take SIMMOHS LIVES EEGHkATOB. P The teet of time and the experience of thous ands have proven it the best, safest and speediest remedy for all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. As a remedy in HALAEIOUS FEVEES, Byspepsla, Mental Depression, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Colle, Constipation and Biliousness, IT HAS NO EQUAL. We could fill a soodaized volume wLh such Ilka distinguished tesumonlals as the fpUovdsg) ' a have used Simmons Liver Sefrulator f or con stipation of my bowels, caused br a temporary de rangement of the liver, for the last three or four yean, and always when used according to the dl rectjoas with decided benefit ' i alius w .onaa. Late Chief Justice of Georgia. I occasionally use. when my condition reanlrea It, Dr. Simmons Liver Regulator, with good elect. ALU. AVBTartLEaB. THE BALTIMORE EPISCOPAL METHODIST . says: "Simmons Liver Regulator is acimowieged to hava no eual as a liver medlcln,e, containing tkoee Southern roots and herbs which an all wise Providence has placed in eottntrlea wnece Uvec diseases prevail," Buy only the Genuine in WhUe Vrapper, with red z. prepared pnij; bjiB. A Gl!iriRl MEETING ef tWstockboldsrs ot A the Rabun Gap Bkort Line BaflwnyCo. will be held at the onV of the Afianta and ChartotU Air Line Railway Company, in the City of Charlotte, N. C on the 25th of October, 1881, at 1 0 o'clock a m., to consider an agreement to consolidate this company with the Knorrtlle- and Augusta Ball way Company and the Clayton Railroad Co. epl4,d4W SJOPWITHwTLMER.Sec'y J. tatel & Co. MP! WE HAVE ALL COLORS AMD QUALITIES IN A handsome line of goods for making the above. potteries. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOB TUNE 10TH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS K, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, October 11th, 1881 187th Monthly Drawing Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes wlthacapjtal of 81,000.000-to which a reserve fund of ovSr 8420,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: , CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Ealf-Tick-ets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prize io,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 2 Prizes of $2,500 5. 000 5 Prizes of I.OOO k nnn 20 Prizes of 500 10.000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 50 10.000 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1,000 Prizes of 20 10,000 10 10,000 1 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $800 $2,700 V Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 8 Approximation Prizes ot 100. 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. For further information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Regis tared iMttar. or Mann flreiar i. mmil a rii , . - . v.wv. m JKUUAVOO- ed only to M. A. DAUPHIN . , , New Orleans, Louisiana, or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 212 Broadway, New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under tn. SnrMrvlslAn mil vnn.aamAn nf 71a.. 1 a T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The public are hereby cautioned against send ing any money or orders to NUNES A CO., 83 Nassau street, New York City, as authorized by the Louisiana State Lottery Company to sell its tickets. - They are flooding the country with BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting to be of the Louisiana State' Lottery Company, and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as its agents. They-have no authority from this com pany to sell the tickets, and are not Us agents for any purpose. . M. A. DAUPHIN, Pres't Louisiana State Lottery Co. New Orleans, La. July 4, 1881. 37 th POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE . .IntheCUyof Louisville, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1881. These drawimra oeenr monthly (RimdaTs exnent. ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81. rendered the following decisions : 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany Is legal. 20 us drawings are nur. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Bead the list of prizes for the . OCTOBER DRAWING. 1 Prize, $80,000 1 Wxe, 10,000 1 Prize,..... - 6,000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each, 10,000 20 Prizes, , 500 each, 10.000 100 Prizes, 100 each , 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each, 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each, 12,000 1000 Prizes. 10 each. 10,00(1 0 Prizes, $300 each. Approximation Prizes $2,70; 9 Prizes, 200 " " 130& 9 gWaes,. 100 " " " " 900 1,960 Prizes, $112,400 Whole Tickets, $2; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets. . ,,, I "f $50j 55 Tickets, $100. ' Remit Money Or Bank Draft In Letter, or send br Express. DONT 8END ; BY REGISTERED LETTER QB POSTOFFICE ORDER, Orders of $5 and upward by Express, can be sent at our ex leas. Address ail orders to r r ; - B. M. BOARDMAN, ConrierJOuroal Building Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway New York? r ocfci ' J; L. HARDIN, rMERCHANDrSS BROKER AND COMklSSION MERCHANT Ooujrax St., CHAiiorn, N. C, Orders for Grain, Hay, Meal, Flour, Lard, Baeon, Tobaceo, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, 4c, respect fully solicited. The cheapest markets and relia ble houses represented. .'--. jaa28 ; - $10 REWARD. STOLEN from the Charlotte cotton platform on Thursday night, the 29th, one bale of ootten, 277, with the letters M. k s. stenciled on the side, The aboe reward will be paid for any iaferma tion leading to its recovery or the apprehension of the thiet r. M. MILLER k SONS, octl.tf Chew only the brand of tobaceo known as The Old Oaken Bucket. THE old Oaken Bucket, The iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket, That hung in the welL CHAS. B. JONES, nharlnttA N (' svl- inn) Liberal terms to dealers. Columbia Bicycle. It is generally conceded that among out door sports none surpass the Blayele as a means of restoring health. To those of sedentary hab its the result is most ben eficlal, developing the mus cles and giving new life and Vigor to the whole sys tem, ahorse always sad dled, ready for business or pleasure. Send three eeat stamp for 24-pate cata logue, giving price lists and full information, to pope vr GOO., Boston, Maa, Or J. C. WiAVaa, Charlotte, N. C. sep20,dlmo Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. THE old Oaken Bucket, ' . The Iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket. That hung in the well. CHAS. B JONES, Charlotte, N. C, Sole Agent. tST Liberal terms to dealers. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viottxn of; youthful Imprudsnee esusiBg Prsma. tore DscsTTKsrrons Dsbility, Lost sic. hiTitig tried in vain every known xerasdy, kat sUs oovsrsd a simple self cure, Which hs will ssod T&tM to hit feDow-snffereri, sddrsM J. H. KKKYKa 43 CkuUham St., N. Y. sepia - TOE COMPARATIVE EDITION OP g New Testament! BOTrll- PFUTIITOF- VERSlONSlXINQ JAMES A REVISED VERSION IN ONE IN paraLlxl paobs. BO ok f Fres from error. Ohsocss sbswat st S BSBBHsassasBBsl gUaoe. Only Ums Book Bbquixsd. ares urn, mm labor, lniarss sararsar, sirs atls' ibowb. us Jfcapioiy. (jontaialo I OOU passs, AOENT8 Prire, J. H. CHAM BE 8 & CO., WANTED Ui.SOi Miaul, Urgl sep34JrwSmos THE ATTENTION Of the Trade generally, and also the consumer, Is called to our special brands ot saleable and staple Smoking. Tobaccos Sitting Bull, Durham Long Cute and Rival Durham to which we are new adding a full line of the latest styles' of tnw-most staple grades of Plug and Twist Tobaccos. W can. In a few weeks, offer Mncements in Chewing Tobaccos that no other manufacturers can aquaL Our salesmen will make remilsr tains to Charlotte. and the trade of aU good merchants U iwpeethsV ly solicited ' E. H. POGUE. may7 Durban asaLIC, Z. B. Vakcx. W. H.BAOXI, VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and OoxamUn . 4 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice in Supreme Court of the United 'State, Supreme Court of North CaroUna. Federal Courts, and counties of Meckleu- burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gav ton, Rowan and Da- , t vidson. ' - ' W Office, two doors east of -Independencr Square. .may29tf RO. D, GrBApM, ' IN the State and United Statea Courts. . Collee .ttons, Home and Foreign,' sonetted. AO stracts of Titles, 8nrveys, fumUhsj lor eoas pensatlon. Omem r-N. X. Corner Trade Tirou street! Charlotte. N. C. . ttan. a. it FOR RENT OR SAliE A DESIRABLE 4-rocm eottagev Joss ontridetbe-; hmhsof tbecrtyof Charlotte, nne mile ease There are five acres of mad, good -gaidenj aad om the premises a good well aadVnoeossary ewtbnllo Ings. It wlU be sold cheap to A bona fide purchS' ser,orwIUberentedteagosdtenanii4nTtBhi terms. Apply to or address vJW. sepl MBi D. J, COIT ' t? w r, -.f, Ii- t ' 4 tf.'- j -1 h-1 .1; , 1 v ff; 11 I LI iVI at mi m 1 m m Ii m rt! . 1.7 1 11 i-' i it V, ft 1! ;ii If II 1 J,: &.lf a. I Wt m m Slit