She f)arlottg QbhBtwtt LOCAL INTtiLLIfiENCEs SUNDAY. OCT. 9. 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. phalanx Lodge No. 81, A. F. & A. M. Begular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. Excklsiob Lodgk No. 261, A.-F. A A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Chablottx Chaftxb No. 89, B. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nlghta. Charlotto Comhaitdabt No. 2. K.T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. HZ. OF H. K nights of Honob. Begular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. nz. oir vtntohts of Pythias. Regular meeting niahta first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMa- sonlc Tempie iau. I. O. O. IF. Chaklottb Lodgb No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. MKCHXBNBUBO DKCLABATIOH LODGK Na 9. Meets every Tuesday night Dixik Lodge No. 108. Meets'every Thursday night. Catawba Rrvro Encampment Na 21. Meets First and third Thursday nights in each month. The Churches To.Day, Man's Christiah assocution Devo tional exercises In the afternoon at 6:45 o'clock. First PRKSBTTBHiiir Chubch. Services in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and in the evening at 8 by Ker. KobC NalL Sunday school at 4H o'clock. Second Presbyterian Chubce. Services la the morning at 1 1 o'clock and la the evealnt at IVs by Rev. E. H. Harding, pastor. Sunday school at 4 o'clock. 8t. Peter's Episcopal Church Services in the morning at 1 i o'clock and in the evening at 7iA or Rev. J. B. Cheshire, rector. Sunday school ut 5 o'clock. It. Petkb's Catholic Church. 8 ervlces In the morning at lOVa o'clock and In the alternoon at 4i& by ttev. L. P. O'Connell. priest. Baptist Chctrch. 1 1 o'clock by Dr. a. HVs o'clock a, m. - Services Mattoon. In the morning at Sunday school at ASSOCIATE REFORMED PBXSBTTXBIAir CHAPXL. Services in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and in the evening at IVi by Rev. W. T. Waller. Sun- da; school i i at 10 o'clock. Calvary Mission Church (Mkihodbt.) Ser vices In the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7V by Rev. J. K. Thompson, pastor. Sunday school at 9 a. m. ; Class-Meeting at 4 p. m. Trtom Street (M. E.) Chubch, Services in the morning at 11 o'clock by Bev. i, T. Bagwell, pas tor. Sunday school at AVt o'clock. Prayer meet log at TVa Wednesday evening. Colored Presbyterian Chubch. Services in the afternoon at 8 o'clock and in the evening at 7i by Rev. Mr. Wyche, pastor. Sunday school at 1 ) o'clock a m. Index to NerW Advertisement. L. Berwanger A Bro-Complete Stockr Roridlck 4 Co Bargains. LeRoy Davldson-To Merchants, Ac. Condition of the Merchants' A Farmers National Bank. jno. R. Eddlns Life of Jas. A. Garfield. A. B. Davidson-Notice. K. 8. De Wolfe For Bent. J. H. Northey Attention. Pioneers. JIO.TIE PENCILING, "Another busy Saturday yester day. CF"The drought still prevents wheat sowing. UT The Central has its new force of dining-room waiters. &TA. good deal of cotton sold yester day in spite of the depressed market CiThe State fair begins to-morrow. Charlotte will be well represented. IW The public school for the second ward will be opened to-morrow morn ing. Cr Last night the streets were melo dious with the happy Saturday negro singers. tSfHecklenburpc is almost as dry now as before the rain about three weeks ago. People are still borrowing water from their neigh Dora' wells. ISTThe weather indications for to day are for fair weather and easterly winds, stationary or lower barometer and stationary temperature. CITIt is said that the present sched ule on the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio road will soon be changed so that the trains will run only in the day time. The cold weather was of short duration. Yesterday the sun was very hot, although there was that chilly, agueish feeling down the back, peculiar to the early Fall days. ZM The Guonod Musical Club will meet for the election of officers and the transaction of other important business to-morrow night at 8 :30 o'clock at the chamber of commerce rooms. IW At the mayor's court yesterday, the "Bud from Providence" went up for $25 and costs for a drunk, embellished with profane "cussinV Jim Mack for assault on a little negro was fined $2.50 and costs. W A capias issued on a true bill found by the grand jury at the last term of the Superior Court against George Stewart on the charge of house burning was served last week and Stewart was bound over to court in the sum of $250, John W. Miller becoming his surety. The report of the First National Bank in yesterday's Observer, and that of the Merchants' and Farmers', in this morning's paper, show a most pros perous condition of those banks. It is understood that the two other banks are in equally prosperous circumstances although their statements do not ap pear just at this time. The Montgomery Star again finds itself tickled at Charlotte doings, the occasion this time being the chris tening of the locomotive the "Harrison Watts," bv the breaking of a bottle of champagne over its headlight The Star never heard of a more ridiculous thing and wonders that some one does not throw himself in front of the loco motive in honor of the affair. If the Star don't quit making fun of us we will get "real 'shamed" A Hare Coin, Col. C. J. Cowles, of the assay office, has in his possession an ancient Span ish coin rudely stamped with the cross and the Spanish coat-of-arms in the golden time of Certez and Montezuma, when the broad sterned galleons, laden with the rich spoils of the Aztecs cov ered the Spanish main and poured into the kingdom of Ferdinand and Isabella, the wealth which corrupted the rugged virtue that wrested it from the chil dren of the sun. The coin is a rare sight even to an old collector. A Road Around the City. The townshin trustees met vesterdav afternoon to take into consideration the building of a road from the Camden to the Salisbury roads. The nrorjosed new road will be about si? miles long and will average about two miles in distance f rorn the city throughout its length. Jt wlll connect the Kalisbnrv with the statesville, the Statesville with the Beattie's Ford, the Beattie's Ford with the Tuckesege, the Tuckesege with the Mrnegan's Ferry, and the Lornegan's erry with the Camden road, thus sar in? to the mnntrvmsn livincr on inv of those roads the necessity of coming kuiuugn town in order to get into an Other Of thp.m Moaara nham. AlAYAn. der. Martin Wnlf. T T Val,1nro11 t ri JJqwd and p Alexander, were ap pointed a committee to report to the uw meeting at the trustees on tne ex pediency of sunn ft Whv not run if Ant.irlv ftronnrl thA ty and fix up the rpad in firatrclass vjira styie ?ar a ar-iye ? j m BsehapsJta. ,New, quick, complex ears 4 dars, tntaarr&fl kidney diseases. 81 at 'arugglflta. Depot, I Not True. Our Salisbury correspondent writes that there was no truth in the rumor which prevailed here Friday to the ef fect that a white man had killed a ne gro in that town on Thuradav nicrhf He savs the nrobablfl sonrp.ft of if. wo a I murderous assault, not fatal however, , oi one negro upon anotner. The silence or our correspondent Friday was due w ma aosence irom Salisbury. Let na have the Statue. Dr. J. F. G. Mittag writes from Lan- vBBierviue : 14 1 was more than pleased to read the illuminating addition proposed, by the highly gifted and accomplished writer t." my, Bumeume ago, statue proposed, Of the GoddftHB ftf T.ihArt.v tst th mom. Orv Of thfl "DAnlaraH made by the citizens of Mecklenburg ' u Should t.hft Hr.v tt P.harlnM a 1 and clothe hfirsftlf rh nt.vlA scribed by the prophylactic judgment auu ncn genius or. " uitoyenne, she Will secure health to hr cir.i7.Ana. tita. bouii me aDDearanrifi wnrt.hv or nor an cestral achievement, and, at the same time, cultivate tne ae3tneticai nature of ner rising generation. Church Notices. There will be no services at the Lutheran church to-day. Sunday school at 4 o'clock p. m. Rev. Dr. Theo. Whitfield, of the Baptist church, is Dreachincr this week in unapei mil. V"! 1 w-w . t -m " Dr. Mattoon, of Biddle University, will preach at the Baptist church this morning. Grayer and collection for the new church immediately after the ben ediction, instead of the usual 5 o'clock meeting. rne Her. Dr. tiobert Nail has been holdmsr a series of meetings in the First Presbyterian church since Thurs day night, and much interest has been aroused. He will preach in the same church to-day, and those whose busi ness during the week has not given mem an opportunity to near tne great revivalist would do well to attend. It will not Walt for the Northern Connection The noonday train from the North was about one hour and a auarter be hind time yesterday owing to detention at Danville waiting for the Virginia Midland. A train was made up here however for Atlanta and left on time. This is frequently done, but more es pecially of late. An Observer reporter yesterday inquired of train dispatcher Pegram why the Northern connection was thus disregarded. ' The local travel, he replied. ais en titled to some consideration at our hands, and more especially now, as it is not right to keep the crowds who as semble at the stations on the lower end of the line to go to the Atlanta expo sition waiting all day, and during its continuance the train will, I think, eave here on time always, even if the Richmond train does not eet in. The through travel does not have to wait very long anyway. Religions Awakening in Steel Creek. A correspondent in Steel Creek writes a glowing account of a most in teresting protracted meeting at Steel Creek Presbyterian church, conducted by the Kev. Dr. Kobert .Nail and the pastor, Rev. J. T. Plunkett Dr. Nail preached his first sermon Sunday, on tne occasion or communion services. His style was extremely plain and clear, says our correspondent and made a great impression upon the very large congregation. Quite a number were received into the church on the occasion. Among them were beardless boys and gray-haired men and women. Several adults who had not been bap tized in infancy, came forward and were baptized by the pastor, Kev. J. T. Plunkett, and received into the com munion of the church. On Monday, again, Dr. Nail preached a powerful sermon, and it was announced that he would take pleasure m conversing on religious subjects with any who would pass out to the session house during the singing of the hymn, "There is a Fountain filled with blood." Among those who took advantage of the invi tation and showed an interest in their salvation were old and young, male and female, and the oldest members or the church declared that never before was there such an arousing in Steel Creek church. A great impetus has been giv en to the cause of Christ by this meet ing. Encouraging View of an Ofd Miner abent Unr Mines An Observer reporter yesterday had an interesting conversation on our mines with Mr. Stephen Johnston who has, probably, a larger acquaintance with them than any miner amongst us. The scribe inquired what was the prospect for further development? Well, sir; I may conhdenuy say tne ?rospects were never more encouraging, 'here is a disposition on the part of northern capitalists to invest in North Carolina mines, especially, ror tne rea son that it is in the heart of the pre cious metal deposit on the Apaiachian chain, and this particular locality is in the centre of the group of mines in the Granite belt; and the business too will soon be more extensively conducted under a better system at places in every direction from this commercial central point The natural advantages offered are such as to induce capital here in preference to other points, ures can be shiDDed cheaper from here and ma chinery and general supplies can be brought here at a mucn ies3 cost. Therefore assuming that the ores here are equal in value with those of other sections the profits are necessarily greater. .... ... . n l believe tnat, sir. ixow anotner question. In regard to the mines being operated at this time, on what does heir success depend r Entirelv with the management. Every mine should have one thoroughly com petent man. possessed with the varied Purifications requisite, who will con uct the business under a system of economy adopted by business people in other enterprises. Then success is cer tain, if you are on a true vein wen ae veloped, depending on quantity rather than auaiitv or ore. ut tne mine in this section working under a proper system I am pleased to notice the oper ations at the old uea Mine, or me Bal timore and North Carolina. Extensive underground explorations have been made in the past few months, showing up a large body of ore over bead, which when taken down ior reduction win, when treated, make a showing to prove what I claim for the mines of tms country. Any failure should not be charged up to the mine but to the man- agement ; ana in mis uoumjcuuu wauu the right to say that in the period of twelve years down here, and seventeen years in mining -altogether, it has been my good rortune mac in no single in stance have operations ceased under the management of yours truly. NnanndM thn neonlfl bavo conOdenoe, when th ht nhnMiuii us DreseriblnK Pr. Bull s eougu irrup in an cam oi pvu". tw. FRO HARMLESS MATXBIILS, and dapiert to the needs of fading nd falling hair, Parker's Hair Balsam nas taten the first rank an elegant and reliable hair regtorauTe. TO 1CC0UM0DATS TBI PPBLC. ThA nranrfetnr nf that ImmanMlv DOnulAT rem edr. XWney-Wort, in recognition oi the claims of the public which has so liberally patronized them, haye DreOared a llonid nranaranoh or that remedy ior the special aoMmmodatloa of those Who from any roaauu uibukb to prepare It lor uieiincuw. It is very epncentrateaaiKl. as the dose Is small. It la more oasn taken by many. It has the same effectual actlpn in all diseases of the kidneys, lit A Palatal Accident Mr. "William Tood, of Sugar Creek, well known in Charlotte formerly as the most Industrious grocery clerk ever known in this or any other city, had his Iac ri aw hefnre vesterdav. verv severely mash or! between thai butt of a fallincr tree and the stump. Dr. Gibbon took out about two inches or tne none, ana expresses tne nope mat amputation may not prove necessary, and that tne leg may be saved. A Burglar Takes f3 and Leaves f45i Another burglary was committed Friday night at the residence of Mr. M. Lichtenstein, on Church street The robber entered through a window open ing into a hall wnere a ngnt.was Durn ing. From the hall he entefed Mr. Lichtenstein's bed-room and went through his clothes, or at least he thought he went through them. But he made a mistake. Out of the outside vest pockets he got three dollars and three of four wears. Kindly leaving tne owner one to smoke after breakfast But it is hoped the thief will cut his throat in chagrin when he sees this and learns that in the inside breast pocket of the vest was $45 which he didn t find. A Famous RIad Stone. Mr. T. M. Chambers, a constable of Morning Star township and formerly of rerson county and his father, Mr. Jesse Chambers, of Person, were in town yesterday and in conversation with a reporter of The Observer tes- tined to the virtues or a tamous mad stone owned jointly by two old families of erson, the YYilliamses,and theroin ters. It came into possession of these families about 50 years ago, and was a present from an Irishman who died in Person county. Mr. T. M. Chambers de clares most positively that he has seen this stone used in, he thinks, at least hi ty cases of snake and mad-dog bites, and that it has invariably been entirely successful in preventing any serious consequences. He says the stone, which is now broken into two pieces, but was formerly about as large as the second joint of a thumb, and shaped like a snake's head, would stick upon being applied to a wound of the kind describ ed. Then when removed and placed in a glass of sweet milk it would sink and after a time rise to the surface. This he said was from the absorption of the poison which the stone had drawn from the wound. Mr. Jesse Chambers also asserted that he had known many successful cases of the application of this stone. Both of these gentlemen are of un questioned truthfulness, but the testi mony as to the cures of snake and mad-dog poisonincr by this talisman is not dependent alone, upon their state ments. Mr. Robert Williams, a member of the Williams family, which owns half the stone, a lawyer and a gentleman of education asserts positively, it is learn ed from a gentleman of this city, that he was bitten by a copper-head snake on one occasion, and after the applica tion of the stone not the slightest ill effects remained. Of course very few people will ever Eut any faith in anything of this sort ut as this stone has not only a local, but a wide-spread reputation, these statements are given as matters of curiosity. Notice to Delegates te Synod. Ministers and Elders who propose at tending the meeting of the North Caro lina Synod, which convenes in Salis bury, November 2d, are earnestly re- 3 u es ted to send their names to the un ersigned in order that suitable houses may be provided for them. The following rates have been of ficially obtained for delegates over the the various railroads in the State: At lantic and North Carolina Division of Midland North Carolina Railway, 2 cents per mile each way; Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Piedmont Rail road, North Carolina Railroad, North western North Carolina Railroad, At: lantic Coast Line, Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, Raleigh" and Augusta Rail road, and the Carolina Central Railway 3 cents per mile each way; Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad, 6 cents per mile one way ; Western North Car olina Railroad, 6 cents per mile one way. Delegates are requested to for ward their names as early as possible. R. H. Knox, Chair'm. O. D. Davis, Secretary. Salisbury, Oct 6th, 1881. Seventy Years for Robbing- a Train. Little Rock, Oct. 8. Cox, Stephens and Delanv. the Iron Mountain train robbers, pleaded guilty in the Hemp stead circuit court yesterday were sen tenced to the penitentiary for a term of 70 years each. The robbery occurred on the 22d of September and the men were captured on the 28th. A special term of court was held to try them. Stop that coughlnc; It yon do not. it may kill you. A bottle or Dr. Bull's cough syrup only costs you 25 cents, and its Umely use may savs your life. Few complexions can bear the strong white morning light, which exposes every speck of tan, every pimple and the slightest spotting of eczema. In Dr. Benson's Skin Cure is sure relief from the annoyance ot these blemishes on the cheek of beauty. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 8. 1881. PBODTJCX. Wilmington, N. C Spirits turpentine firm at 48c. Rosin steady; strained $2.05, good strained 82.15. Tar steady at $2. 10. Crude turpentine firm at 83.50 for yellow, 2.83 for virgin. Inferior corn unchanged. Chicago Wheat active, demand easier, opened weak and lower, closed firm for outside prices; No. 2 Chicago spring 1.84fta85iA cash, 36Vi October and all the year; .88UtaI.44ft Decem ber and November. No. 8 Chicago spring 1.20. Corn active demand, market very easy and lrregu lar, opened weak and lower, ciosea jmn ior out side prices. No 2 63 cash, 63 October, 64 November, 85ft December, rejected 6lalfe. Oats fair demand, market opened weak and lower and closed firm for outside prices. No. 2 45 cash, 45 October, 44 November, 45ft December. Pork In active demand, opened weak and lower, olosedflrm; outside prices 18 cash,17.80a85 Octo ber ana uecemDer, i7.v)oavs novemuer, 14.40 a85 all the year. Lard in active demand, openad weak and lower, closed firm, outside prices 11 80 cash and October, 1 1.82fta 85 November. 1 1 .97, 12 December, ll. oavs ail tne year, uuik meats shoulders 8.00, short rib 9.70, short clear 10.20. Whiskey quiet and unchanged. Balttmork Noon Flour without quotable change. Wheat Southern steady; Western lower, losing firm; Southern red 1.48al.45. amber 1.55a.6U, No. 1 Aiaryiana bivi, no. z western winter red spot and October 48 asked, November 51iAa, December 55ttaft, January 58afi8. Corn Southern scarce and firm; Western lower and active; Southern white 80, yellow 78. Western white 51&53, do mixed 49a50, Penn sylvania 51a8. Provisions unchanged: Uonee easier: Bio cargoes ordinary to fair 9all Su gar firm A soft 10 Whiskey steady lf.19 a20 00. Nxw York Southern flour steady, family ac tive, common to fair extra 8. 85a7.75, good to afterwards recovered, the decline closed steady; ungraded spring 1.4U1.48: No. 2 Chicago 88a 40 ungraded red 1.16a58; ungraded white 88a50: No. 2 red October 49&52; No. 4,22 W- 25Vi. Corn opened ft to zm lower ana ciosea nrm about 1 of the declined recovered. Oats mixed invir. white hleher: No. S 45. Coffee unchang ed and dun. Sugar firm and quiet Molasses un- Mtnred and auiet. Rice steady and autot. Pork dull and weak, unsettled 19.50a75. Lard open ed lower and closed arm. COTTOR, Nw qhi Cotton easy ; sales 978; middling uplands 11 11 -16c; mlddd'g Orleans lg-ldo; net 83,710; ex. Great Britain 6,549: France 5,227; Lrrxijpootr Noon Cotton fiat and Irregular; middling uplands 6d; mid'g Orleans 6 11 16d; eelDtf 1410. all American. - Uplands tow mid hero la-Baa, jwMHuupi mu jwcuiwi anaaiT and February 6 6-ldd, February and March 6. 15-82, W, Marcn ana April o 17-insa, it 17.R9A May and Jane 6d. June and July Attention, Roneers. ATTEND a caftad meeting .of y our company at Pioneer Hall, Tuesday even ing, October 11th, at 7 o'clock, sharp. Kvery member is urged to be present, as Important busi ness will be brought before the company for action. By or der of H. NOBTHXT, Foreman. W. B. KiDD. Secretary. oct9 NOTICE. I WISH it to be distinctly understood that I am sole agent for Davidson & Sprlnes, and there has been none other for nine years. Aay other fl.rra.nmmpnt or contract, made With Darting will be void. A. B. DAVIDSON, Agent uaviason a springs. 1 fl A T1 nAfinnl In RrrAAT Will nlaaaA Mint forward, pay up and save cost OCTO JLW M. o. yAVlUSUN. FOR RENT. 170B the year 1882, or for a term of years, that X' commodious anoeiegant ary goods store, on Trade street, now occupied by EL Morris ft Bro. Possession given 1st January, 1882. For terms apDly to Capt. V. Q. Johnson, or oct9 lm F. 8. DeWOLFX. Report of the Condition -OF THB Merchants' & Farmers National Bank, of Charlotte, in the State of North Carolina, at iqc uose oi Business, uctooer isr, 1881. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts. 8 839,876 80 936 43 200.000 00 2,169 10 Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation. . Duo from aDDroved reserve ants. Due from other national banks. . . Due from State banks & bankers. Beal estato, furniture and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid, Presaiums paid Checks and other cash items,. . . . Bills ot other banks Fractional paper currency, nksk- . 6.871 86 3.118 62 19,200 00 Z.C05 87 8,000 00 2.825 17 6,800 00 eis ana pennies 75 66 9,320 00 9,000 DO SDeeie Redemption fund with treasurer oi U. o. (i per ct of circulation) Total 8608,798 61 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid In 8 200.000 00 Surplus fund 40.000 00 Undivided profits 10,883 64 National bank notes outstanding, 180,000 00 Dividends unpaid 1,018 00 Individual deposits subject to check RA.KRfi Ka Demand certificates of deposit. . . 8,762 53 Time certificates of deooslt 29.449 23 Cashier's checks outstanding 4,045 90 Due to other nat lonal banks, .... 5,2o 1 45 Due to State banks and bankers, 5. 180 08 Notes and bills re discounted, .... 88.216 37 8608,798 61 State of North Carolina, County el Mecklenburg, ss: I, J. B. Holland. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. k. Holland, cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this, the 8th day of October, 1881. u . u. Btrrr, Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. H. MoADlir. H. G. Springs, V Directors, J. H. WILSON. OCt 9 OF -CLOTH, ONE DOLL AR, AT- .1 m. rajW BOOK STORE. oct9 tf Midland IV. . Railway (Atlantic and North Carolina Division ) PASSENGER DEPABTMT. Time Table 11. to take effect Monday. 12.05 a m., October 3rd, 1881: No. 47. GOING EAST. ABKTVZ. LEA VS. Goldsboro Best's 7 00 pm 7 82 pm 70 pm 8 05 pm 8 25 pm 8 65 pm 9 21 pm 9 41 pm 9 60 pm 10 25 pm 10 59 pm 11 10 pm 11 80 pm 11 84 pm 12 17 am 12 84 am 12 54 am 82 pm 45 pm 05 pm 20 pm 55. pm La Grange Falling Creek .... kins ton . . Dover Core Creek Tuararora Clark's New Berne Riverdala 10 pm 41 Dm 50 pm 10 pm 59 pm 10 pm 80 nm Cioatan Woodbildge Havelock Newport Hollywood 84 pm iz am 84 am 51 am 00 am Macon Hotel Morehead Depot. No. 48. GOING WEST. ABBITS. UAVS. Morehead Depot. Macon Hotel .... Hollywood 8 20 am 885 am 8 56 am 413 am 4 49 am 8 25 am 8 50 am 4 08 am 449 am 4 54 am 512 am Newport Havelock Woodbildge 4 54 am 513 am 5 25 am Croatan Rlverdale 5 25 ami 5 58 am 6 80 am 6 40 am 7 01 am New Berne 6 10 a 6 80 a Clarke's Tmscarora Core Creek 6 40 am 706 am 7 27 am 814 am Dover 7 27 am Kinston 74 am 8tJ9 am 844 am Falling Creek ... La Grange Best's 8 29 a 8 49 am 9 01 am 985 am 9 01 am Goldsboro . train laavinar Ooldsboro 9:50 a. Di. for Richmond. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and points s - m n,S BUW MMtlk UL Norm, jsas ana wvm, tu fuu uio nvnu.uuw Una train, leaving Goldsboro 1:45 p. m. train from Richmond, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and point North, last and West, thai arrives at (bo 6:80 ,P,m. North, 90 a. m., and 1024. n, BV, Soujh, 66 rthl S&rtralw, man and pa n topwssKC. B, B.. art vea Goldsboro 8fl0 a, m., leaves GoWabora 420 p. m. n wiirshAth Cltv leave Wab DntnA. riTesLt'inieth Vtewaday.&'m and SatuKuvy, l wo a m. 3 H TITM The Life ind Public Services James L Mi, octS Cbief Engineer & Genl Man. --TO THE-- -OF- -AND- SURROUNDING Your attention is respectfully called to the large and fine stock of S Now in my store and ready for inspection, which an onered at very close ngures. I am prepaj. ed to offer special bargains to the trade la all goods la my line. CORN . IN CAB LOAD LOTS. MEAL, IN OAB LOAD LOTS. FLOUR. IN C1R LOAD LOTS. B TJLK MBAT and HAMS, JJOLASSES, SYRUPS, gUGAB, COIFEK and TEAS. LARGE STOCK OF TOBACCO. CHEWING AND SMOKING. FINE LINE OF CIGARS. CIGARS. Gilt Edge Goshen BUTTER, New York State CREAM CHEESE. FRUITS, SUCH AS Lemons, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Grapes. CANNED GOODS, APPLES, PEARS, PINS APPLES. GREEN GB1PES, PLUM PUDDING, RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, ASPARAGUS, SUGAR PEAS, SUCCOTASH. BOSTON BAKED BEAN3, CORK, OKBA and TOMATOES. FISH, Cod, Maekerel in all styles and sizes. Deviled Crabs, isomer, eaimon. American ana jrrentB Sardines, Oysters, Ac POTTED MEATS, Chicken, Beef, Duck, Ham, Tongue and Tin-key, Assorted. CORNED BEEF, CONDENSED MILK. O LIVES. LARGE LOT STARCH, a to 40 lb. boxes. Farinaceous Goods, Oatmeal, Peas, Cheese, Chocolate, Essential Oila Mustards, Anchovy raste, Ancnovtesm sau or oil, and other imported articles. ccuuos, vyyoi, oipqaa, vivrva, mMwii mmxm n n . ' mm Unhnu Him . DA APC Large stock Toilet OUAi and common. TEX RETAIL TRAP! m find srjoeial bargains in alt goods in my lino. A call la solicited, as it la, believed that anything be feuid in my store. Bospecttally, LeliOY DAVIDSON. wmm fnnfiTm Trade NEW FALL G.OODP, Owing to the shortness of crops and tne scarcity of money, we shall' offer oor entJreTli W 1IT IRQ FBJCX8. We eaQ sroclal attention to the following goods, wh MMTS, BOYS' READ! MADE CLOT Of ALL KINDS. Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Cloaks, Zephyr Shawls, money at all times TTTC'P PTTP"l7TVT?'n ALL U U O JXlldKjJliL V SltU) oct2 RODDICK & CO., TRYON STREET, BARGAINS!!! BARGAINS ! ! ! WE HAYS ADDED To our stock in the past week a new lot of CASSIMSRVS, JEANS, HOSIERY, COKSET8, BLANKETS. SHEETING, 8HIRTIN8S, TABLE LINENS, DOILIES 4 NAPKINS, Which we Sell Positively for One Price, and Strictly for W RODDICK & CO, -AT- REDUCED RATES TO ALL POINTS BOUGHT AND SOLD BY S. J. PERRY, OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, CkN. R Parties; desiring information In regard novia WILSON & DRUGGISTS, TRADE STREET, TBAGG'S LIVER PILLS are the best made for XJ Sold only by jEBESB. chest of He No Tea; ust-arrived at w E have lust received a lot of cheap Scrub Brushes and Feather Dusters. R ED and White Onion Setts. At SUPPLY of No. 1 Lanterns Just received by GLASS Lamps of all styles and prices; wholesale IW.W.WOOD.Ftoiil Q - V CHAS; R. ' i- Sole Ag't, Charlotte Every Estey Organ Sold is made Throughout with Equal fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. oct7,dlmoeodw rate. SESSION OPENS WEDNESDAY, 8XPTXMBMB 7. '81. CORPS OF TEACHERS: W. R. ATKINSON. PrinduaL Latin. Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. Miss HELEN LONG, Principal of Preparatory Department MBS. BAiaiUE UAldJWJEU W1UTX, Kngtlaft Literature and History. MlBB L ILL IK W LONG. Modem Lansnams. Mtse MART L. MATTOON, Elocution and Xng- MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Pbof. A. BIDIZ. LL. D., Director. ASSISTANTS Mas. B. L DEWEY, MBS. Wx. R ATKINSON. Mas U. A. SAYAGE, Art Department DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Mma NANNIE TINSLEY, Intendant of Infirm- "liias ANNA SUTTON. Head of Boarding De partment. For terms, etc., apply for s catalogue to Bxv. Wx. R ATKINSON, PrmdpaL TRINITY HALL, BETSRI.T, If. J, A thorouch home school for stria. Yarlad iui. vantage, oi yie oignesc oroer. jrourteeiith year bMrina SentemberTfi. For cirenlar addraw MGB rachxllx gibbons HUNT. Charlotte Female i j j i w aweodow2mos PrlneipaL AJCD CHILDREN'S . I J f , f Blankets, and all woollen goods, tod will save by buying from us. NUMBFJ&S OF THE CELEBRATED, IMPROVED PEARL SHIRTS, ONLY ONE DOLLAR. H. MORRIS & BROS. WE HA YE ADDED To our stdck in the past week a new lot et COTTON DIAPERS, DOMESTIC QUILTS, TO WELLS, FLANNU, .. FELT SklfefS, SHAWLS, 4a, AC CHABLOTTX, R. 0. to railroad travel will please address as above. BURWELj,, CHARLOTTE, ft. C. all troubles of the liver and bowels. WILSON k BUB WELL. WILSON & BUR WELL'S Drugstore. WILSON A BUR WELL. WILSON 4 BUR WELL'S Drugstore. WILSON & BTJRWELL. and retail; at WILSON A BURWELL'S Drnimtora. - RICHMOND ENDRAVIM6CCLH w ) JONES Every buyer should Select an Organ , , That guarantees 0o6d ' ' ; Every .day work and ' Years of service. ESTET ORGAN CO., Atlanta, Ga. P. C. WILSON, CH ABLOTTK, H.CL. ; ' i Sole Agent for LOUIS COOK, Colambns Buggy An not WATER TOWN SPRING WAGON COMPANIES, FOB m BALK 0W BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, SPRIK0 . WAGONS, AXX. f i Tj WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OPEN BUGGIES, $55. TOP BUGGIES, 980. Special inducements to the wholesale trade Correspondence solicited. Junll ON HAND-r At Piedmont Patent. Family Ftef SODA BISCUIT AND OATMEAL. oct6 a M. HOWELL. , futures steadier. or er vvwvut, nvme anu arm.

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