Stye fjorlotte bsmjet. LOCAL HITfiLLIUfiACE. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Phalanx Lodqb No. 81, A. F. A A. M. Regular neeiing vyoij bbwuu ma lourui JnOnaay nignts. EXCKLSIOB LODGK NO, 261. A. F. 4 A. M. Reg ular meeting over; ursi ana ipira ruesaay nignts. Chaklottk Chaptkb No. 89. R. A. M. Regular meeting evrjr secuuu ana lourta naay nights. Chaklottk Comxandabt No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting ever; urai auu uura rnursaays. IC. OP H. Kjoghts of Honor. ReRular meeting even ic- op p. Knights of Pythias. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic i em pie 11u.11. " X. O. 0 Tr. Charlottb Lodgk No. 8a -Meets every Mod- Mkcklknbtjhq Declaration Lodox Na 0. Meets every Tuesday night. Dixib Lodos No. 108. Meets'every Thursday DlghU Catawba River Ekcakpxint No. 21. Meets nrsi auu mini 1 oureoay mgnts in eacn month. Index to New Advertiwmenu. L. R. Wilaton A Co- D- Jgg sta Boot. G. Spancw Notlcs. HOME PENCILING. I3T The air continues glotious. IW The wounded burglar Biggers now in jail awaiting trial, has almost entirely recovered. from his wounds. Why need we go to Yorktown, Baltimore orAtlanta? We will have a hanging this month, and another next month. USTNow that the Gounod ia re-organized under such favorable circum stances, it is time, for the Dramatic Club to be up and doing. 62T Mr. F. H. Andrews received a telegram, yesterday, from Adjutant General Jones that the State Band for Yorktown would assemble in Raleigh to-morrow. W In spite of the fact that twenty dramatic companies are reported as dis banded even this early in the season the enjoyments at the Charlotte opera house are as numerous as usual. Mr. J. A. Hoskins, Postal Route Agent between this city and Richmond, is back on his car after an absence of about a month granted him on the oc casion of his marriage 53T Dr. O'Donoghue, the popular sig nal officer for this station, returned yes terday from a vacation of some weeks, the greater part of which he spent in Washington. He relieves Officer Ha ney, who will return to Wilmington. tW It has occurred to many people of this immediate section, especially throughout the past summer, that the rainbow should have a counterpart in other words, that we are sadly in need of some sign that don't fail in dry weather. The reports of hands and arms being torn by the saws of cotton gins are painfully frequent. A son of Mr. J. R. Abernethy, of Iredell county, was a few days ago, thus lacerated, says a letterjreceired at this office. The hand was terribly cut, but the young man is recovering rapidJy, Messrs. Barker & Derr, of Hun tersville, who have been furnishing the Hunteraville "Roll of Honor," consist ing of those who had paid their fertili zer bills, write and say that they will publish no more names, as they are satisfied that all who owe them at Hun tersville and Cowau's Ford will pay up in full. C2T Both Allen Johnson, to be hung on the 28th inst. for the murder of Blind Crump, and Ben Brown, to be hung on the 25th of November for the burglary of Mr. Wm. Ellers' residence a few miles from the city, are actively preparing to meet their God. They ar frequently visited by various ministers with whom they pray and sing with much earnestness. tW The Hornets' Nest Riflemen pass ed a resolution of thanks, last night, to the gentlemen of the city who so liber ally responded during the day to the cflls of the soliciting committee for as sistance to the company in transporta tion to Yorktown. They will continue their rounds to-day until the necessary amount is secured. The names of the contributors will probably be published to-morrow. E3T Some time ago The Observer received an official notification that Coup's circus would be here about the 20th of this month, but so far the town has not been posted, nor has his agent appeared. The circus appears in Wil mington day after to morrow. It looks like Coup was going to give us the go-by; but Forepaugh will, in all probability, be here by the 5th of No vember, and Forepaugh's is the biggest of them all. The Contractors Arrived, Messrs. Garwood Ferris, Jno. E. Hal laday, John W. Soper, T. Hayes, P. Donovan and M. Lyons, water works contractors and constructors, reached the city yesterday. They propose to proceed at once to the work of con structing our long looked for water works, and will proceed without inter ruption until the work is accomplished. They have the best wishes of The Observer and the people. All the par ties are of Jersey City. A Hat Riddled but the Head not Hit, Mr. Edwards, of the cotton compress. now displays a hat full of shot-holes which it received while on Mr. Ed wards's head, from the accidental dis charge of the gun of a companion with whom he was hunting a day or two since. He was but a few paces from the muzzle of the discharged gun and the wadding struck him behind the ear and "it stung like the devil," says the gentleman with indignant recollection of the occasion. However, not a shot struck the scalp, although the top of the hat presents the appearance of a sifter. It was an extremely narrow es cape, aud the owner of the hat declares that in the future it is his intention to be extremely careful in his hunting companions, and if possible to keep in the rear of even the most cautious. Few eomntaxlona can bear the morning light, which exposes every speck ef tan, every pimple and the slightest spotting of eczema. In Dr. Benson's Bkn Cqre U waxt itom th annoyance of these blemishes on the cheek of oeauty. ! PHESIDElfT d's report. The Richmond and Danville and Its Roads-What the Report Says mm te the Completion off the Western North Carolina Railroad A called meeting of the stockholders of the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company was held in Richmond last Friday. The object of the meeting, as explained by President A. S. Buford, waa to determine what action would be for the best interest of the company in regard to a further subscription to the capital stock of the Richmond and West Point Terminal Railway and Warehouse Company. At the last annual meeting of the company the board was authorized at its discretion to make subscription to said company not exceedine five hun dred thousand dollars, for the purpose or rendering such aid, as might be deemed necessary for the best interests of the company, to such unfinished lines or road connecting with the company's main lines as should require the same. Under this authority Col. Buford, in his report submitted to the meeting to day, says a subscription to the amount of $500,000 has been made to the capital stock of the terminal company. This subscription, the President says, has been paid up and expended in the com pletion of the Western North Carolina Road, which is now so far advanced, he reports, asto secure within a few weeks the opening of the entire main line of that road between Salisbury. N. C. and Paint Rock, on the Tennessee line, a distance of 186 miles, where it makes connection with the East Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia-Road. At the same time a branch line from Asheville to Ducktown has been put under way, and sixteen or twenty miles of the same will be completed in a few weeks. Referring to the Virginia Mid land, President Buford, in his report, says it has been deemed of suffi cient importance to the interests of the stockholders of the Richmond and Danville Road to make arrangements for the acquisition of a laree Dart of the capital stock of the Virginia Mid land. This engagement involved, he says, the expenditure of a considerable sum of money, and its importance is con sidered by the board to be such as to demand their prompt attention; they recommend as to the best means of proceeding in this matter an increase of the subscription of the company to the capital stock of the Richmond and West Point Terminal Railway and Warehouse Company in the additional amount wmch it has the option to take, of one million ten thousand dollars, making thereby the entire subscription to that capital of one million five hundred and ten thousand dollars. With the use of less than half of this company's general mortgage bonds now available for such purposes, and other assets and resources of the company conveniently applicable thereto, the subscription suggested can be paid for without inconvenience. The association of the Midland Road by this means with the other properties renders the whole system complete and homogeneous through Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia to the City of Atlanta. These recommendations were unanimously agreed to by the meeting. Among those present at the meeting was Mr. Wm.P. Clyde. A Coin Two Feet Under Ground. Mr. Robert Lee Cochrane, of this countyexhibited at this office yester day, a curious coin which he found in a washed out ditch, about two feet below the surface, near Harrisburg. last sum mer. Upon one side were the words "Fur lieb und friede," a figure with a bow and arrow, and the letters formed into a word whatever it may be l-e-t-o-n." On the other side could be deciphered the words "Alexander-Rus sia," and the single letter L. The coin was apparently of bronze. An Exciting: Runaway For one team of mules to impress the supporters of the four respective lamp posts, of the four respective cor ners, with the idea that they are all going to be run over at the same time, is to say the least, a distinguished feat. But such was the performance of the two which ran away on Independence Square yesterday afternoon. They not only scared everybody off the streets, but started another lonely looking dray mule into a run. For a while both run aways made things exceedingly lively, but both were stopped without serious injury to anybody or anything. Piclif rd-Frao Uliii. Yesterday evening, at the residence of the bride's mother, in this city, Mr. W. E. Pickford, late of Raleigh but re cently of Charlotte, was unitecHn mar riage by the Rev. Dr. E. H. Harding, of the Second Presbyterian church, to Miss Julia A. Franklin, daughter or the late J. B. Franklin. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few friends. The happy pair were to have taken the first train to Raleigh, but the bride being somewhat unwell the journey was postponed for some days. The many friends of both the bride and groom extend their hearty congratulations and best wishes. The Reorganization of the Gounod Club. At the meeting of the Gounod Club for a reorganization, Monday night, the election of officers resulted as iouows . A.W.Bacon, President; Mrs. Cornelia Tate. Vice President ; Mrs. B. L. uew ey, Secretary and Stage Manager; Dr. A. Bidez, Musical Director; Mr. J. A. SolomonsTreasurer. An invitation was extended to the Arion Quartette Club, of Wilmincrton. to visit Charlotte at as early a day as possible. Tne ciud De gins the season under very, auspicious ... . m circumstances. Not only does mere Rftem to ba a hearty interest in us a fairs on the part of the officers and members; -it the gratifying iaci was rniHii-Led bv the Treasurer that the club was free from debt and had $175 in cash. It is nronosed bv the club to pre sent several entertainments during the winter, . a m mm m mmm 1 AMmm VMAt Its ssliaf TVf TtlliVsl VttU'h syrup can well be termed, for it has done more good already than any other medicine. An Entertainment by the Library Association A very attractive programme was presented at the meeting of the Libra ry Association ' last night. Mr. W. J. Hall read in exceedingly humorous style Mark Twain's experience as an agricultural editor. Miss Carrie Car ter read with correct emphasis and fine' expression a poem, "Songs of Birds,' and Miss Minnie Asbury concluded with her own longings embodied in an amusing essay, "Don't I Wish I was a Man." It was determined by the As sociation to hold a festival in the base ment of the Tryon Street Methodist church to-morrow night. The ladies offered their services and guaranteed their whole exertions for a successful occasion. The particulars of arrange ments for the festival will be published to-morrow. The Money Forth-Coming;, But An other Difficulty. The citizens responded liberally, yes terday, to the appeal of the Hornets' Nest Riflemen for assistance in trans porting the company to and from York town. A great part of the amount re quired was subscribed in a short while, and yesterday evening the actual amount collected amounted to $135, with several subscription outstanding. There is, however, still another difficul ty in the way of a full representation of the company. Some of the merchants, it is said, decline to let those of their clerks, who are members of the compa ny, off for the few days required. One can hardly believe that this is really so There may be a good deal of growling on the part of the employers, but it has never yet been the case in the city that thier refusal has prevented the proper representation of the city on any proper occasion, and these objections will, without doubt, disappear as the day of departure draws near. If they don't it will be a bigger "slam" on the merch ants than a disappointment to the boys Oar Troops at Yorktown; A general order has just been issued from Adjutant General's office, forming the seventeen companies of infantry which will go to Yorktown, into one provisional brigade, to consist of two provisional battalions, to be known as the First and Second Yorktown Bat talions. The brigade will be command ed by Gen. Basil C. Manly. Col. R. D. Hancock, and Maj. Halcott. P. Jones will command the First Yorktown Bat talion, and Col. Albert II. Worth and Lt.-Ool. John W. Cotten the Second Yorktown Battalion. The First Battalion will consist of the following companies: Raleigh Light Infantry, Goldsboro Rifles, Edgecombe Guards, Washington Light Infantry, Winston Light Infantry Albemarle Guards, Durham Light Infantry, Guil ford Grays and Rockingham Guards. The Second Battalion will consist of the following companies: Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry, LaFayette Light Infantry, Wilmington Light In fantry, Duplin Rifles, Hornets' Nest Riflemen, Anson Veterans, Iredell Blues and Salisbury Rifles. INDULGENT PARENTS Who allow their children to eat heartily of highly seasoned food, rich pies, cake, etc., will have to use Hop Bitters to prevent indigestion, sleepless nights, slctmess, pain, and perhaps death. No family U safe without them In the house. BORNETT'S COCOAINE, Unlike All Other He lr Pressings, Is the tes; for promoting the growth of and beau tifying the hair, and rendering It dark and gl ssy. The Coccalne holds, In a liquid to m, a large pro portion of deodorized Cocosnut Ofl, prepared ex pressly for this purpose. No other compound pos sesses the pe ullar propeitlas which so exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. The superiority of Burnett's Flavoring Extracts consists In their. perfect purity and great strength. FADED OR GRAY HAIR gradually recovers Its youthful color and lustre by the use of Parker's Hair Balsam, an elegant dressing, admired for Its purity and rich periume. MADE FROM HARMLESS MATERIALS, and dapted to the needs of fading and faUing hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has taten the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. DECLINE OF MAN. Impotence of mind, limb, or vital function, ner vous weakness, sexual debility, Ac, cured by Wells' Health Benewer. 81 at druggists. Depot J. H. McAden. Charlotte, N. C. MARKETS BY TELEGR APH OCTOBER 11, 1881. PRODUCE. rnAinn Tlnnr rioll and unchanged. Wheat acUve and lower; No. 2 Chicago spring 1.87fe cash, 1.33 October, 1.35Vi November, 1.871 December. Corn acUve, lower and unsettled; No. 2 61V cash. October, ei novemoer, ezys atft December. Oats Inactive, lower; No. 2 42Vg swK yiatk Nraramhar AAah DAMmbar. Pork active and lower, 17.50a75 cash, 17.60 October, 17,40 wovemoer, i i.ooutu xwciuiroi. d tlve and lower; 11.60 cash, October and Novam ber, ll.75a.80 December. Bulk meats shoulders 7.75, short rib 9.60, short clear 10.00. Whiskey 1.18. Nnnn TTlnur rtnll hut withnnt mia table change. Wheat Southern lower and Inac tive: Western lower, Ciomus wean, quuuiciu mu . no, ac rtn nmhor i as fiR Nn. 9, Wastern winter red spot and October 4tta46iA, November 1.4ial.4Wfflt .ueoeinuer i.wwii.oi Southern lower aod Inactive; Western dull and lower; Southern wnue o, ao. yeuuw uuuuutu. Bj liTMOBs Night Oats easy; soutnern 4aaz; r . - ...... eiiaci h mWAsl AU:tjQ Pann- sylvanla 50a2. Provisions quiet and unchanged. Ooffes dull; Rio cargoes ordinary to fair 9alliA. 8mrarfirm-A soft 10. Whiskey steady 19.a- 20 00. nn.m..n vinn, n f air riamnnrt Inwcr- fnmllv 7.15a7.85, fancy 7.75a 8.00. Wheat dull, lower; WO. & reu winter i.ioai.iw. retciia i.uuu, ments 2,100. Com steady; No. 2 mixed 71. Oata strong; No. 2 mixed 47. Rye In fair demand at 1 I5ihai6. Barley quiet and unchanged. Pork dull and 82a 50. Lard dull and lower at 11. BU1K meats ana vnuuu uuict auu uuvuouji. nri.ini.AB .t.ori. t 1 1R Wntra t. fi rm and l in- changed. Hogs firm; common and light 4.55a-, packing anu uuicuera u.ouai.uu, icuciv14 8,500; shipments 1,300. Nsw York Southern flour dull and declining; common to fair 8.70a7.75. good to choice do. and unsettled: export demand l'mlted, fairly ac- ii w 4. 1m Anrlnna- iiT-ttrrrariaH anrino' 1 1 Q7 bl V UUolUOH All Uuuuot iusi. "u aa No. 2 Chicago 1.871.88; ungraded red 1.2la- 1.40V8. 0. 0 ao. l.lai.d, nu. a u o" i rnifc- tiaw und od rules, steamer do. 43a44: tin i rofi ki mixed winter 421A: ungraded white 8145; No. 2 red October 1.444WA; Novem ber 1.5 lal.63H8: uecemuer i.ooovi. 1 to 2 lowing, closing weak and unsettled, moder- ... . in,,t antiM inMnlifm trnrilnir- nn- AJNMO; No. 88m No ,2 6Wa70, new 7 law, oia ruies no. a wuws iii i.nAk..iiQiu.iiinu KnvomhAr 71ni)Ui. Oats 1 r n -nri hm Kn fl AK Cnfta!-- W lUlfd mM UOO 1 I . v. v.-xv m a ana auu. OUgar uuiei auu dkoouj , uuuu6w , quiet and steady; t-tandard A 9 Molasses quiet and unchanged. Bice steady, fair Inquiry. Rosin easier a a-ooaou. f 0OT10H rrr 1- jllnn 1 AQ7. iam mlrtrtl'e. 10ie; good ordinary 10c; net reCts 1,864; gross KUVI VJKS, HUW urwffirv, - " - j to Great Britain : continent . Nortolk Quiet ; middling 11c; net receipts : gross 19,859; stock 15519; exports coastwise 7QS: sales 832: exports to Great Britain. BALTOtoin dull ; mtd'sjlle; lowmidd'gll; rood ord'y 9c: net ree'ts 62: gross 1,499; sales i-v. -...t- s o4E wiMn s IInn snlnnaM mLl export to Great BrtUin ; to Coottneal BosToa Quiet; ndddUnc llVie; low middling liue; good ord'y lOtte; netraeelpts 1,434; gross 2,648; sales -: stock 8,500; exports to Great Britain i,zu8;wiranflo. .WiiOTO-Qulet: mldd'g 1W4 low mid- OllDg 1U 0-XOCi gwouoiu j VW rowv v" gross ; sales ; stock 10,859; exports coast wise ; to Great Britain. prr tt jrgTA Qalet ; middling Hike.; low middling. llUc: good ordinary 10c: net receipts 160; cross 152; sales 160; spinners 145. stock 5.149; exports to Gnat Britain. BATAJTJfAB Quiet, Irregular; middling 10o: low mld'K 101C.: anood ordlnarr 9c: net reeelDts 96,412; gross ; sales 2.800;stock 57,594; exr. eoastwise ; w ureat imiam ; franco. Nsrw OBLSAHSIn good demand; mldd'g 10; low mMdllng luvs; good ord'y lO; net receipts 8.248: cross 3,660; sales 5,000: stock 149.889; exports to Great Britain ; to France ; to coastwise . Mobxxjs In good demand, middling 10c; ow middling 10c; good ordinary 10ic; net rec'is 1,247; gross ; saiesz.uuu: swck ih.sqo; exp. coast 2,208; France ; to Great Britain. lfMnmra Fin 11 Q nrl nnmlnol . tnlfVllna 1 ftA receipts 2,233; shipments 1,513; sales 1,075; nn . on ueiTBTA Weak; middling lOqfec.; low mid dling 10c., good ordinary 9C; receipts 1,279; shipments ; sates i.i rz. CHABLsaros Lower but nominal; middling lOjcjiow midaung iuvsc; gooa orainary iuc; net receipts 4,034; gross ; sales 800: stock 44jQ41: exports coastwise : Great Britain -eonanent. Ksjw Vobk Cotton easy; sales 837; middling oplaoss 11 9-1 6c; mlddd'g Orleans 11 18-16-c:cet receipts ; gross : consouaaiea net receipts 24,39;ex. Great Britain 2,254; France ; eontineot 2,700. LrvxBPOOii Noon Cotton , easier, fractionally cheaper; middling uplands 6d; mld'g Or leans 6 it ioa: sates h.uuu, specuiaaon and export 1,000; receipts 15,900; American 14,400. TTDlands low middling clause: October delivery 6l4d, 1-824, 3-1M; October and November 6iAdaft7-loM; November and December 6Mld: Daoember aud January 6 9-3 2d: January and a7,16d; March d April 6 7-1 6d; April and May 6Vsd; May and J una aya; June and July d y-ltJd. Futures cheaper lot near months. LiTkBrooL. 5 p. m. Sales of American cotton bales. Upland low middling clause: Octobr r delivery d. October and November do. 61A: November and December do, December and Jan uary 6 ll-82d. February and uarch H l-82d. March and April 6 7-16d, April and May d, May and June d, June and July 6 916, July and August 6 9 16. Futures steady, FUTURES Nsw Yobk jrutures Closed (firm. uihm 156, 000. October 11.30a31 November 11.38 December.... 11.51a52 January 11 70a.71 February 11.86a87 March 12.00 April 12.10a.ll May 12.21a.22 Jsae 12.82a 33 July 12.41a.43 FINANCIAL. Nsw York Money leaned up to 6 with 1-32 premium, closed at 2a3. Exchange 4.781A. Governments unchanged, except for extended 5 s aod coupon 4's, v.hlch is lower at 00.. Four and a half per cents 1.12. Four per cents 1 . 1 5. State bonds In light demand. New Tons Stocks closed irregular, tending downward. New York Central 1.361 Erie 43 Lake Shore 11 7 Illinois CenraLt 129 Nashville and Chattanooga 80 LoulsvUle and NashvUle 91 Pittsburg. 137V& Chicago and Northwestern 1.21 " preferred.... 134 Wabash, St Louis A Pacific 41Va Do preferred 88ifo Memphis and Charleston 70 Rock Island 1.82V Western Union 8414- Alabama-Ciass A, 2 to 5 78 " Class A, small 78 " Class B, 5's 93 " Class C, 4's 82 East Tennessee 141A Georgia 1.60 Richmond and Allegheny 37 bub-treasury blances Gold 879.395,173 Currency.... 4 886,679 CITY COTTON MARKET. Omoi or tm ORnrevra, i CirUiWJTTje. October 12, 1881. 1 The market yesterday closed quiet Good Middling - 10 Strictly middling, 10 Middling. 10 8trict low middling 10 Low middling 10 Tinges 910 Storm co; ton 7Va9 Sale3 yestarday 140 bales. Iextr dxret;tiscmcrits. i, ill Alt !! llkJtUll W) UVSJ WHOLESALE & RKTAlL DiTLggists, CHARLOTTE, N. C. 0 i stoc i o Drogs, Medicines, Chemicals, Bn'nts, Oils, VarnfsUes and Dje Stuffs, is complete. GIVE US A TRIAL rpRY OUR INK CAP3ULE3, Something new and guaranteed to make the BEST INK. in the Market . L. R. WBI3TON A CO. yHITE and BED ONION SETS, For fall planting. L. R. WRISTON 4 CO. yE HAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT Of Seelev's Hard Rubber Trusses at reasonable prices. Every Truss warranted as represented. li. a. . W K19 ivs x w. TOADIES' CORSET BRACE, A shoulder bract and support for the hack com bined. Sold by L. R. WRISTON A CO. oct 12 NOTICE. I AM Agent for the Life of PRESIDENT GAR F1ED, by Jas. D. McCabe. 700 pages, 82.50. Orders left at Tbk Observeb Office will be at tended te. ROBT. G. SPARROW, Damson uoiiege. October 10th, 1881. octi 2 It STOLEN. F ROM the subscriber, last Saturday night, two htnnk certificates of deposit: One for 845.00 and the other for 89. 00, on the Commercial Na tional Bank, of Charlotte, both of recent date. All Mi-Hona are forbidden to trade for the same, as their payment has been forbidden. For Yorktown. COMMENCING October 12th, Round Trip Tick- a y QUI UCiWvvU vmw sou AViBvnU t (t via Richmond and West Point Railroad, good to re tumUntll Oct 25th, will be on sale by tne R, A D. agent In Charlotte. Price $13.80. octll tf Gen'l Pass. Agent Perry & Co.s The leading' Pea la Esglasd for corres pondence and commercial use. Foot different points. Extra Fnrx, Fnrs, Mzdxuk; Bboip. Perry's Metal Sample Box, containing ten dlffiBr en t styles of pens, for tea cents Bold by aQ first class etatlonsrs and dealers la fancy goods. Bole Agents, fvlson, Blakeman, Taylor & Co NEW YOBK, may20 d2tawklyr R Wristnn &. in Met a M --TO THE- MERCHANTS -OF- -AND- SURROUNDING Your attention is respectfully called to the large and fine stock of Now in my store and ready for inspection, which are offered at very close figures. I am prepar ed to offer special bargains to the trade In all goods in my line. CORN . IN CAR LOAD LOTS. MEAL, IN CAR LOAD LOTS. FLOUR, IN CAR LOAD LOTS. gULK MEAT and HAMS, OLASSES, SYRUPS, gUGAR, COFFEE and TEAS. LARGE STOCK OF TOBACCO. CHEWING AND SMOKING. FINE LINE OF CIGARS. CIGARS. Gilt Edge Goshen BUTTER. New York State CREAM CHEESE. FRUITS, SUCH A3 Lemons, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Grapes. CANNED GOODS, APPLES, FEARS. PINE APPLES. GREEN GRAPES, PLUM PUDDING, RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, ASPARAGUS, SUGAR PEAS, SUCCOTASH, BOSTON BAKED BEANS, CORN, OKRA and TOMATOES. FISH, Cod, Mackerel In all styles and sizes, Deviled Crabs, LODSter. salmon. American ana Frencn Sardines, Oysters, fcc POTTED MEATS, Chicken, Beef, Duck, Ham, Tongue and Turkey, Assorted. CORNED BEKF, CONDENSED MILK, OLIVES. LARGE LOT STARCH, 3 to 40 lb. boxes. Farinaceous Goods, Oatmeal, Peas, Cheese, Chocolate, Essential Oils Mustards, Anchovy Paste, Anchovies in salt or oil, and other Imported articles. A TTTiT"I?C In backets, boxes and Jyxll0 barrels; Nuts, Raisins, Prunes, Pepper, Spices, Cloves, Nutmeg, Mace. C ri A PC Large stock Toilet OWAl D and Common. To the Retail Trade TBI RETAIL TRADE Win find sneelal barralns In all goods In my line. A call Is solicited, as ft is believed that anything desired in the Grocery Line, Fancy or Staple, can be found in my store. Respectfully, LeROY DAVIDSON. lira GROCERIES NEW FALL GOOD. Owing to the shortness of crops and tne scarcity of money, we snail offer oar entire stock at LIV ING PRICES. We call special attention to the following goods, which will be sold at great reductions: MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S READY MADE CLOTHING ! OF ALL KINDS. Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Cloaks, Zephyr Shawls, Blankets, and all woollen goods. You will save money at all times by buying from us. I JUST RECEIVED, AUMKuTm octa H. MORRIS & BROS. RODDICK & CO,, TRYON BARGAINS!!! WE HAVE ADDED to our stock In the past week a new lot df CASSIMERES, JEANS, HOSIERY, COK8ET8, BLANKETS. SHEETING, SHIRTINGS, TABLE LINENS. DOILIES A NAPKINS, Which we Sell Positively for RODDICK & CO. AT REDUCED RATES BOUGHT AND SOLD OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, yN. B. Partlea'deslring information in regard to UVf A. Ami WILSON & B URWELL, DRUGGISTS, TRADE STREET, B BIGG'S LIVER PILLS are the best made for all Sold only by FRESH chest of He No Tea; just arrived at WE have just received a lot of cheap Scrub Brushes and Feather Dusters. WILSON A BUR WELL. R ED and White Onion Setts. At SUPPLY of No. 1 Lanterns just received by GLASS Lamps of all styles and prices; wholesale 1 CHAS. R. 1 - T. ' g W.W.W00II,Wactw Sole Ag't, Charlotte Every Estey Organ Sold is made Throughout with Equal fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones, Send for Illustrated Catalogue. oct7,dlmoeod&w SESSION OPENS WEDNESDAY, 8EPTEMBMB 7, '81. CORPS OF TEACHERS: Wx. B. ATKINSON, Principal, Latin, Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. Miss HELEN LONG, Principal of Preparatory Department. Mrs. SALLIE CALDWELL WHITE, English Literature and History Miss LILLIE W LONG, Modem Languages. Mbs MARY L. MATTOON, Elocution and Eng lish Branches. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Pbot. A. BIDEZ. LL. D., Director. ASSISTANTS Mas. B, L. DEWEY, MBS. Wk. B. ATKIN80N." Mns U. A. SAVAGE, Art Department. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Mibb NANNIE TINSLEY, Intendant ot Infirm- "liias ANNA SUTTON, Head of Boarding De partment. For terms, etc, apply for catalogue to Bit. Wx. B. ATKINSON, PrtndpaL ugll,tf Chew only the brand of tobacco known as Tne Old Oaken Bucket. THE old Oaken Bucket, Tbe Iron-bound bucket. The moss-covered bucket, That hung in the welL CHAS. K JONTtfl. Charlotte. N. f! . Snt abhuL uiuenu verms w ueaiers. . Charlotte Female Inst irate STREET. BARGAINS!!! WE HAVE ADDED To oar stock In the past week a new lot of COTTON DIAPERS, DOMESTIC QUILTS, TO WELLS, FLANNELS, FELT SKIRTS, SHAWLS AC, 4C: One Price, and Strictly for Cash, TO ALL POINTS BY S. J. PERRY, CHARLOTTE, N. 0. railroad travel will please address as above. 3 CHARLOTTE, N. C. troubles of the liver and bowels. WILSON A BUB WELL. WILSON A BUR WELL'S Drugstore. WILSON A BUB WELL'S Drugstore. WILSON A BUR WELL. and retail; at WILSON & BUBWELL'S Drugstore. RICHMOND ENWAVIIfS CO. JONES .N.C. J) Every buyer should . Select an Organ That guarantee, good Every day tverk and Years of service ESTEY ORGAN CO., Atlanta, Gs. P. C. WILSON, CHARLOTTE, N. O, Sole Agent for ; . 1 LOUIS COOK, rX. f 1 V T) MJlUillUUS DUggjr AMD WATER TOWN 8PRING WAGON COMPANIES, TOB TBS SALS OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, PHAETONS. SPRING WAGONS, AC., T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OPEN BUGGIES, $56. TOP BUGGIES, $65. Special inducements to the wholesale trade Correspondence solicited, junil ON HAND PiedmMt Patent Family Flour, PEAItCE'S ' '. SODA BISCtJIT AND OATMEAL. oct6 S. M. HOWELL. TIOHETS v Dimunun rvaiiaui&p.n