LOCAL IftTttLUttKaiCE THURSDAY. OCT. 13, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. :M:A.eo:isr:LC PHALANX Lodqob NO. 81, A. F. X. M. Regular nitwiuut eTcrj oeooua ana ioann Monday nights. Kxcklsiok LOdqs No. 261, A. F. fc A. M. Reg uliir meeting every first and third Tuesday night. Chaklottb Chaptxb No. 39, R. a. M. Regular meeting ever secuuu anu lounn irlaaj nights. Charlotte: command art Na 2, K. T. Regular meeuDg everj uiui uuu uiiru rnursaays. IC. OIF" H. jslhiuuts ur xiunuu. regular meeting every secoua tuia luurui xuiirauajs. IC. OF is. knights of rYTHiAS. Keguiar meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMa- sumc xemyie naiu I. O. O. IF. Charlottk Louex No. 8a Meets every Mon day night Mecklenburg Declaration Lodsk Na 9. Meets every Tuesday night Dixie Lodge No. 108. Meetsevery Thursday uight Catawba Rrvxit Encampmvnt Na 21. Meets First and third Thursday nights In each month. Index to New Advorilemont. A. W. Baron -Meeting Gounod tlub. LeRoy Davidson Please Return. J MoWlslon Land Hale. M. C. Alexander Not'ce. Haphacl J. Moses Confederate Bonds. H. Morris & Bros Great Bale. IIO.TIE PENCILING. JL? Cotton comes in very slowly. tW Two Norfolk cotton houses hare buyers in Charlotte for the season. tW The weather indications for to day are for fair weather and southeast erly winds. tW The Pleasure Club is called to meet at the club rooms this evening at 8 o'clock sharp. The Germans are com ing. 13T Four big men happened in at the corner hardware store, yesterday, and on weighing the aggregate ranged up to nearly 1000 pounds. tST Sparks from a chimney at the Charlotte Hotel set some trash on fire in a neighboring yard, yesterday, and a mild threat at a conflagration resulted. tW Some of the Mallard and Sugar Creek boys have concluded to join teams and make up'a minstrel troupe, which will enliven those and other por tions of the county throughout the fall and winter. W Mr. Robert Call am, the first class operator who has been in the Western Union telegraph office here for some weeks, has been ordered to Yorktown to manipulate the wires during the cen tennial. He leaves this morning. tW The interments at Elmwood and Pluewood cemeteries during Septem ber were upwards of thirty, of which more than twenty were colored. Sev eral still-born infants were among the number. tW The fire bell which has been ig nobly silent since the fall of the bell tower, is again hung, but not high. The height of its pride Will not be reached till the water works stand-pipe tower lifts it into its old time prominence. JS"T The explosion of a kerosene lamp at Wadsworth's stables night be fore last caused one or two cries of fire which, however, did not extend to the street, nor did any mischief follow the explosion except one burnt hand. JSf A stereoptician was on the streets yesterday, taking Charlotte views. Mr. Eccles, of the Central re ports that there is quite a demand for such pictures by passing tourists, but heretofore there has, strange to say, been harly any supply. tW A turbine water wheel for the Rocky River cotton factory, belonging to Mr. W. J. Black, formerly of this city was purchased here yesterday, the old wooden overshot wheel which has been in use for years, having gone to pieces last week. KW It is said that there is more rid ing in Charlotte than in any town of its size in the South. A wealthy citi zen, who walks himself, puts it, "more people rids who can't afford if Afford it or not, it does seem that about every other family in town owns a turnout. 5T" A stalwart negro woman with her hand in the collar of a similar ani mal, reported at the mayor's office the other morning and said she had cap tured her prisoner in an attempt to es cape through a window with an armful of clothing belonging to the self-elected constable. Hattie Ellington, the pris oner, was sent to jail in default of bond. ttdsTSt. Nicholas has assumed the sponsorship of a suggestion from Mas ter. Willie P. Herrick. of Newport, R. I, that by the contributions of children ranging from one cent to 25 cents a home for sick children be established and called the "GarfieldHome." St. Nich olas will publish in its next issue the de - tails of the scheme and will offer to act as banker for the fund. Cholera Infantum. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Taylor, died suddenly of cholera infantum night before last in the ab sence of Mr. Taylor who had left his family in perfect health to attend the Baltimore "Oriole." The sad news was telegraphed to Mr. Taylor and he will be at home to-day in time to be present at the funeral services this afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at the residence on the corner of Graham and Seventh streets. Friends of the family are invited to at tend. A Big- Piece ot Ore. Messrs. Stuart and McDowell, of the Rudisill mine yesterday shipped to the Atlanta exposition a solid piece of gold sulphuret ore weighing 900 pounds and assaying at about $80 per ton. This piece was taken from the 15 foot vein of the 200 foot north level of the Rudi sill. So large a piece of ore will at tract a great deal of attention at the exposition. Rich (Specimens of N. C, Gold. Col. Cowles, of the assay office, is en thusiastic over some gold specimens, the richest, he says, be has ever seen, which he received some days ago for assay from Gainesvelle, Ga. He wrote to the owners that it was their duty to their State to send the specimens to At lanta to be displayed at the exposition. He received a reply yesterday stating that the specimens were from Cherokee county, North Carolina. Of course W. P. Cleyburn Dead and Stephens Jailed. Mr. W. P. Cleyburn who was so se verely cut in an affray, in Monroe last week, with J. H. Stephens, died day be fore yesterday from the effects of his wounds. A preliminary trial was had yesterday, and J. H. Stephens was jail ed and another boun dover as accessory. From the accounts in the Monroe pa per it seems that Cleyburn was stabbed in the back, and that Stephens was him self severely hurt, with a rock, it was thought. Can't Get 7l neb Wane. Never before has the dust been so dense in Charlotte. A horse at a walk makes a cloud to almost obscure the sun. Yesterday evening between sun set and dark objects half a block away no matter how large, were invisible) One could not find enough unimpreg nated air at any place on the principal streets to catch a sufficiently long breath to speak without the half ner vous and half choked stammering which accompanies all efforts at utter ance under such circumstances. It is frightful, and if we don't get rain pret ty soon there will be no living in such an air. The mayor's Court. At the mayor's court yesterday morn ing Charlie Vann, colored, was sent to jail in default of $100 bond, for beating his paramour, Mollie Leonard. The beating was with the fists only, but in ternal injuries to the woman are feared, although she was reported as more comfortable yesterday. Jno. Cape and Harrison Watts, color ed hack drivers, were up for an affray resulting from a contest over a fare. The latter was fined $5 and costs and the former $2.50 and costs. Stephen McCorkle, colored, was up for drumming trade on the streets for the cheap clothing establishment known as -The New York Store." Judgment for $50 fine and costs was suspended under the condition that this business activity was to be checked. A Contract. The second day's collections for assis tance to the Hornets' Nest Riflemen in transportation to Yorktown were again Highly satisfactory yesterday. But it seems that there is more liberality in giving cash, with which charming com panion it has generally been conceded that men are more loath to part than with any species of value, than in giv ing time; for some of the merchants continue their objections to the absence of their employees. It is very much feared that a full company cannot be mustered. The merchants who rt if use this century-recurring furlough wi 11 no doubt feel puffed up with conscious greatness of soul when they learn that from the neighboring city of Greensville A . . . two companies, asrereeatinz 70 men. will go to the centennial. The Festival To-nlsrhr. The ladies of the Library Association will, as announced yesterday mem ing. hold a festival to-night in the basement of the Tryon Street Methodist Epis copal church. In addition to tbe usual attractions of such entertainments a shooting gallery will be one of the fea tures to-night. Admission price will be only 10 cents. It is desired that it be distinctly understood that neither the Library Association, nor this enter tainment is, by any means, cenfint d to any religious denomination. Tbe As sociation is not intended as a denomi national organization, but, on the con trary, its promoters are anxious that the members of any church, or even some of the wicked, should join, if they so desire. The proceeds of the entertainment to-night are to ba used in making com fortable quarters for the association for the coming "winter, and for the be ginning or tne library wnicn tne asso ciation proposes to establish. They Slip lm Before the XXou Is Closed. The following from one who signs himself MA Sufferer" is certainly well timed and may prove a valuable sug gestion in checking the operations of the burglars who have, in and around the city,' been for so long a time unprecedentedly bold, and successful at least in eluding detection. With almost every issue of your pa per eome accounts of more burglaries, and the houses are supposed by the owners to have been entered by the use of false keys, and occasionally by instruments to turn the keys left in the locks, from the outside. But in the ajority of cases the thief was con cealed in the bouse before it was closed for the night at ail. That is the late improved plan adopted by burglarp, and all persons, before retiring for the night, should make a thorough search, shot gun in hand. The thief will take advantage of open doors, and generally while the family are at supper, and af ter all are asleep, he quietly plunders the house, turns the key, usually left in the lock, and walks out. By publishing this warning some may be saved from the pluuderer." Onr Disgraceful Pavements. Complaints about the Charlotte pave ments from natives and from strangers become more and more frequent and more obviously just. A great portion of the sidewalks in the business parts of the town are laid withv ordinary bricks, which wear out rapidly and un evenly. Just at this time nearly all this sort of paving is in an unen durably worn and ragged condition. What they need, and need right away. is new brick or more substantial mate rial, and what they will need if the brick is again used is a more frequent renewal. In a few places there are the remnants of the old wooden block pavements, worn almost to sharp points and drawn up by sun and rain until the crevices admit whole boot heels without the least objection, but perversely decline to release them without a struggle. These mentioned are diserajef ul, but none in the city are at all calculated to make us feel proud of our streets. Those remarks are by no means captious, but are called forth; by continued complaints. The author ities will be endorsed by public senti ment in making the proper expenditure monmmeat to Dr. Bonner, of Due West. The association of . the alumnae of Due West (S. C.) Female Seminary bave determined to erect a monument in the campus of the institute to its late beloved President; Dr. Bonner. The committee appointed by the asso ciation to solicit contributions .and have the monument erected are anxi" ous to have it complete by the next commencement of the institution. Con tributions of $1 are asked from those interested in Due West Seminary, and an early response is hoped for. Contri butions should be addressed to 1 Irs. P. T. Cochrance, Due West, & C Death of Rev. A. A. Boshamer. The sad intelligence was received! in this city by private telegram of the death yesterday morning, of Rev. A A. Boshamer, of typhoid fever. Mr. E'os hamer, although quite a young man, had already made for himself a repu ta tion as one of the most brilliant puli )it orators in the Methodist Church in tl te State. He was the pastor of the: Tryo n Street church for the four years con cluding with 1880, during which time he attached to himself a very large number of personal friends within and' without his congregation to say noth ing of many admirers of his talents who did not know him out of the pulpit. The announcement of his untimely death will be received with wide ex tended regret in Charlotte, add through out the State. He leaves a young wife to whom he had been married only since last spring. Escke't Comet Encke's comet, which has been visi ble for several weeks, may now be seen through a good telescope in the constel lation of Leo Minor in the eastern hea vens, some ten or fifteen degrees above the horizon, at about 2 o'clock in the morning. Prof. Monro B. Snyder, of the city of Philadelphia, says that this comet, though small and invisible to the naked eye, is one of the most interesting of the heavenly bodies, because of its short and constantly decreasing period icity, which, while it was 1,212 6-10 days in the latter part of the last century, is now only 1,210 days. The comet is globular in form and has no tail. Its orbit has been studied more closely than those of many of the planets. The diminution of the periods, at first as cribed to ethereal resistance, is by mod' ern science consiaerea unexpiainea. At its perihelion the comet is thirty- two million and at its aphelion four hundred million miles from the sun. Rates and Duration of Tickets to At lanta. Tickets from stations on the follow ing railroads, good for the times desig nated, to Atlanta and return, will be on sale at all the ticket offices throughout the continuance of the exposition. The rates from any station will approximate four cents per mile for the round trip: Richmond and Danville Railroad 10 days; North Carolina Division of Rich mond and Danville Railroad, 10 days; Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, 10 days; Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line Rail road, 10 days; Richmond and Peters burg Railroad, 10 days ; Petersburg Railroad, 10 days; Seaboard and Roa- noake Railroad, 10 days ; Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, 10- days ; North Eastern (of S. C.) Railroad, 8 days ; Wil mington, Columbia and Augusta Rail road, 8 days; Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta Railroad, 8 days; Columbia and Greenville Railroad and branches. 6 days ; Cheraw and Darlington Rail road, and Cheraw and Salisbury Rail road, 8 days ; Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line Railway Division, 6 days. To Yorktown. The North Carolina State troops com posing the first and second Yorktown battalions will, by order of Adjutant General Jones, proceed to Yorktown by rail and water lines, in three detach-1 ments. "The Western Detachment," consisting of the companies from Char lotte, Statesville, Salisbury, Winston, Greensboro and Leaksville, will go via Richmond; the "Middle Detachment," consisting of the companies from Dur ham, Wadesboro. Fayetteville, Raleigh, Wilmington, Goldsboro, Kenansville, and Tarboro, will go via Portsmouth; the "Eastern Detachment," consisting of the companies from Washington and Edenton, will proceed via Elizabeth City, and will unite with the Middle Detachment at Portsmouth, en route to Yorktown. Each of these detachments will be commanded on the march by the senior officer present. The movement of the troops will be as follows, beginning on Monday, 17th inst. The troops from Charlotte are ordered to take train No. 47 on tbe Richmond and Danville road Monday morning. the 17th. Military tickets for the round trip from Charlotte will cost $10.60; from Statesville $10.03; from Salisbury $9.28. Musicians, caterers and servants will be transported at the same rates. Railroad Items. The Shelby Aurora says: "It is now rumored that the Carolina Central Rail road company contemplates extending its road from this place to Spartanburg, S.C.,and to Rutherfordton. If this project were to be carried out it would make it one of the best roads in the South." The Richmond & Danville makes a fine display at the Atlanta exposition of the resources of the country through which its roads pass. The exhibit is under the management of Major Mc- Fail. A young farmer of this county who last year made 125 bales of cotton, has cone to work as a train hand on the Air Line railroad. Charlotte is the natural lay over place between Richmond and Atlanta, and a tiptopihotel at the passenger depot would detain many tourists. ' : .; Conductor Dodson, of the Richmond & Danville had a small sized difficulty, yesterday, with a second class passen ger in the first 'class car. At the con clusion of the affair the passenger seem ed inclined to ait in the second class car. . The conductors, and especially the baggage men are all dreading next week when the crowd starts to York- INDULGENT PARENTS Who allow their children to eat heartily of highly seasoned food, rich pies, cake, etc , wtyl have to use Hop Bitters to prevent indigestion, sleepless nights, sickness, pain, sod perhaps death. No family la sale without them In the house. BURNETT'S COCOAINE, Unlike All Other Hair Pressings, Is the best for promoting the growth of and beau tifying the hair, and rendering it dark and glossy. The Cocpalne holds, in allQUld fom, a large pro portion of deodorized Cocoanut Oil, prepared ex pressly for this purpose. No other componad pos sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. The superiority of Burnett's Flavoring Extracts consists In their perfect purity and great strength. ' ' FAD ID OB GBAY HAIR gradually recovers its youthful color and lustre by the use ot Parker's Hair Balaam, an elegant dressing, admired for Its purity and rich perfume. MADS FBOM HARMLESS MATERIALS, and dapted to the needs of fading and falling hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has taxen the first rank as an elegant and reliable heir restorative. DECLINE OF MAN. Impotence of mind, limb, or vital function, ner vous weakness, sexual debility. kc, cumd by Wells Healih Renewer. 31 at druggists. Depot J. H. McAden, Charlotte, N. C. "As yellow as a lemon," expressed the fact that Jaundice hA set in. The poor, ill-used liver has turned like the "trodden-upon norm," and assert ed .her righs. Use at once TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT regularly, aecordtnr to directions; get the system la proper shape, and soon the bloom of youth will return to the shoe: and health be restored. Mo medicine is better for the general system than TaRBAOTS 8SLTZXB APXBIKMT. Sold by aU druggists. jnnS d&weedflaao - tv& &nexti&tmtus. LAND SALE. "TTNDER a power vested 1n me by decree of the U Superior Court of MesUenbtux county In a proceeding therein pending entitled, J. F. Sloan, Caroline Was ham and others, ex parte, I will sell at public auction on Thursday, the l7thday of Ko vemeer,1881,a valuable tract of land in-said coun ty situated 4 miles from Davidson College and one mUe from Caldwell Station, known as the Jofea & Sloan place, and eontalning 106 acres. The .said land will be sold m two lots. Sale on the prem ises. Terms made known on the day of sale. J. Mc WILSON, Commissioner. sepl4,w4t NOTICE. Sale Under Execution. I WILL sell for cash, on Monday, the 24th day of October. 1881, to satisfy executions in my hands the entire stock ol JEWELRY, of every kind and description, now in the store house oc copied by JohhT.Butier r AL1XANDEB octlStds Sheriff. Am buying largely these bonds with all coupons attached. Until orders exhausted, will pay 82 a thousand for such bonds delivered at my office, 61 Wall St., New York, free of expense, In lots under one hundred thousand, and $2.60 a thousand la larger lots. RAPHAEL J. MOSES, Jr. octl8 2t CALLED MEETING OY the Gounod Club will be held at the resl dence of Mrs. 8. V. Young, Friday night next. By order of A. W. BACON, Mbs. R L. Dkwkt. President secretary, octl3 ' STOLEN. TXOM the subscriber, last Saturday night, two JD blank certificates of deposit: OneforS45.00 and the other for $9.00, on the Commercial Na tional Bank, of Charlotte, both of recent date. All persons are forbidden to trade for the same, as their payment has been forbidden. octll St GKOBGB 8TKWART. For Yorktown. COMMENCTNSOctober 12th. Round Trip Tick ets between Charlotte and Yorktown, Va , via Richmond and West Point Railroad, good tore turn until Oct 25th, will be on sale by the R, 4 D. ageat In Charlotte. Price $18 80. A. POFBf ootll tf Gfea'l Pass. Agent Perry & Go.s TiatDfit Steel Pens. The lead lag Ten la Engla for corres pondence and commercial use. Four different points. Extba Fnrx, Fthx. Mxroux, Bboad. ferry's Metal .Sample Box, containing ten differ ent styles of pens, for ten cents. Sold by aU first class stationers and dealers in fancy goods. Bole Agents, lvison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co NEW YOBK, may20 d2tawklyr Midland N. C. Railway (mantle and North Carolina Division ) PASSENGER DEPARTM'T. Time Table 11. to take effect Monday, 12:05 a. m., October 3rd, 1881 : Na 47. GOING EAST. ABBIYX. LXA.VK. Goldsboro 7 90 pm 7 82 pm 7 60 pm 8 05 pm 8 25 pm 8 55 pm 9 21 pm 9 41 pm 9 60 pm 10 25 pm It) 59 pm 11 10 pm 11 80 pm 11 84 pm 12 17 am 12 84 am 12 54 am Best's 7 82 pm 7 45 pm 8 05 pm 8 20 pm 8 55 pm 9 16 pm 9 41 pm La Grange Falling Creek.... Kinston Dover Core Creek Tuscarora Clark's New Beme 10 10 pm Riverdale Croatan Woodbi:dge Have lock Newport Hollywood 10 bW pm 11 10 pm 1 1 30 pm 11 84 urn 12 12 am lzmam 12 51 am 1 00 am Macon mohji Morehead Depot. No. 48. GOING WEST. ABBIYX. LXAVm. Morehead Depot. 8 20 am 8 85 am 8 56 am 418 am 4 49 am 464 am 512 am 5 25 am 6 10 am 8 80 am 6 40 am 7 06 am 7 27 am 8 14 am 8 29 am Macon Hotel .... 8 25 am 8 60 am 4 08 am 449 am 4 54 am 512 am Hollywood Newport.. Havelock....i.-. Wsodbridge..... Croatan Riverdale - New Berne. Clarke's ...... Tascarors ...... - Core Creek...... Dover Kinston ......... Falling Creek . La Grange....... B68tf 0 - Goldsboro.... 6 25 ami 568 am 6 80 am 6 40 am 7 01 am 7 27 am 754 am! 8 29 am 8 44 ami 9 91 am 9 85 am 8 49 am .9 01 am Train 48 connects with Wilmington & Wsktsn train. iMvlns Goldsboro 90s. m. for Richmond, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and points Narth. East and West, and with the North Caro lina train, leavlngQoldsboro 1 :45 p. m. ' Train47 connects with Wilmington A Weldon train from. Richmond, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and points North, East and West, that arrives M uwuavurv h i. iUi ; WUJlunKVUtii w ,wmuu wwiw - nnvuvHuwivi Koxtb, 9:50 a.m., and 10:24 p. m., South, 6:36 n -. and8:54 D.m. - North Carolina Railroad trains, man and pas senger, leave Goldsbsro, South, 15 p. m at a-nn. m.. leaves eoldsboro 420 d. m. KXOrSSS imgJik, xi. v. n, a., arrives vroiusuunr " " STt jiIA.Vu A JtA steamer for KuzabeUt City leaves New Beme, m.. sr- Tuesday, 2:00 P- m., and radar 230 p. m., ar rives at XUzabetn coy, Wednesday, 7W Wednesday, 7:00 a. m., and Saturds, 7:00 a. J. a YATES. CONFEDERATE BONDS P Return ease Parties having in their possession Cracker cans belonging to the undersigned, will please return promptly when empty, as I have a gnat demand for them. LeROY DAVIDSON. --TO THE-- MERCHANTS -OF- -AND- SURROUNDING C0V1STRT. Your attention Is respectfully called to the large and fine stock of Now in my store and ready for inspection, which are offered at very close figures. I am prepar ed to offer special bargains to the trade in all goods In my line. CORN . IN CAR LOAD LOTS. MEAL, IN OAR LOAD LOTS. FLOUR, IN CAR LOAD LOTS. JDUK MEAT and HAMS, jyjOLASSES, SYRUPS, IgUGAR, COFFEE and TEAS. LARGE STOCK OF CHEWING AND SfilOKtNG. FINE LINE OF CIGARS. CIGARS. Gilt Edge Goshen BUTTER. New York State CREAM CHEESE. FRUITS -SUCH AS Lemons, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Grapes. CANNED GOODS, APPLES, PBAUS, PINE APPLES. GREEN GRIPES, PLUM PUDDING, RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, ASPARAGUS, 8UGAB PEAS, SUCCOTASH, BOSTON BAKED BEANS, CORN, OKRA and TOMATOES. FISH, Cod, Mackerel In all styles and sizes, Deviled Crabs, Lobster, saimon, American anu srencn Sardines, Oysters, 4c POTTED MEATS, Chicken, Beef , Duck, Ham, Tongue and Turkey, Assertea. CORNED BEEF, CONDENSED MILK, OLIVES. LARGS LOT 8TARCH, 8 to 40 lb. boxes. Farinaceous Goods. Oatmeal, Peas, Cheese, Chocolate, Essential Oils Mustards, Anchovy Paste, Anchovies in salt or oil, and other Imported articles. CANDIES, barrels; Nuts, Raisins, irruucB, rcyim, ovvo, wwiv, nmnim " Qf A TJO Large stock Toilet jjUAl k3, and Common. THE RETAIL TRADE vm firui nM&I hsrrsins in all eoods in my Ilns. Aeallls solicited, as It is believed that anything desired in the urooary lane, jnmcy.or ouipw, cm be found in my store. Respectfully, mm GROCERII TOBACCO To Mm He LeROY DAVIDSON. Great Sale of . Iritis leady-made (SIoil.ii, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CARPETS; TRUNKS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &C, legardless of Cost, rpo CLOSE OUR BUSINESS BY JANUARY 1st, 1882. Having concluded to return to the Eastern X part ot the State, and t avoid sacking and sniping our goods we have resolved to gtve the public the benefit to purchase our entire stock at prices nerer before known in Charlotte. Our goods are all new and desirable, having bought a complete new stock this season. Dont fall to call early to secure tbe best bargains as this is positively a bonaflde closing out sale. - - mr Three new silverplated Mansard 8 foot show eases, 1 Na 7 Moslem' are proof safe, 1 hand some Mirror, 5 Iron Yelvet Cushioned Stools, and 4 folding awnings and frames, for sale cheap. octlS R O D D I GKiiip ., TRYON BARGAINS!!! WE HAVE ADDED To our stock In the past week a new lot of CASStMERES. IAJN. HUS1KBI. COICSTCTH. BLANSTISTS. ' SHEETING, 8HIRTINGS, TABLE LINENS, DOILIES & NAPKINS, Which we Sell Positively for One Price; anSimtlf Cash, RODDICK & CO.: AT REDUCED RATES TO ALL POINTS BOUGHT AND SOLD BY S. J. PERRY, OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. & EFN. B. ParOea'desuing Information In regard to railroad travel will please address as above. El novl2 WILSON & B TJRWELL, DRUGGISTS, TRADE-STREET, BRAGG'S LIVER PILLS are the best made for all Sold only by FRESH chest of He No Tea; Just arrived at w E have Just received a lot of cheap Scrub Brushes and Feather Dusters. R ED and White Onion Setts. At SUPPLY of No. 1 Lanterns Just received by G LASS Lamps of all styles and prices; wholesale TAG. W.W.WOOD ,Matnrer,ston..Cr: V CHAS. R. Sole Ag't, Charlotte filf Every Estey Organ Sold is made Throughout with Equal fldelUv, and Yields unrivaled tones. Send for lUustrated Catalogue. oct7,dlmoeod&w SESSION OPENS . WXDNS3DAY, SEPTEMBMR 7, '81. CORPS OF TEACHERS: - WK. B ATKINSON, Principal, Latin, Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. Miss HELEN LONG, Principal of Preparatory Department. Mbs. SALLTE CALDWELL WHITE, Enghsb Literature and History. Miss LCLLIE W LONG, Modern Languages. Miss MARY L. MATTOON, Elocution and Eng lish Branches. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Pbot. A. B1DEZ. LL. Dl, Director. ASSISTANTS Mbs. B. L. DEWEY, Mbs. Wm. B. ATKINSON. Mns U. A. 8AVAGE, Art Department. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Mias NANNIE TINSLEY, Intendant of Infirm- lim ANNA BUTTON, Head of Boarding De psrtmSnt, For terms, etc., apply for a catalogue to . Bir.WiL k ATKINSON. Principal. augll.tf Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. THE old Oaken Backet, The Iron-bound bucket. , Tbe moss-covered backet, . Th&t hung in the welL CHAR. R. JONES. . Charlotte, N, C., Sole Agent. 7 Liberal tera-to dealers. D Charlotte Female Mute H. MORRIS & BROS. i!2 STREET;, B A RwG"AX S ! ! ! WRHAVB ADIRD To our stock la- the past-iceekrae w lot of COTTON DTAPER9, ' - . DOMESTIC t5&ILTS'' TQWTtLT.S - EET8jIRT3, SHAWLS, AC. AC. CHARLOTTE, N. C. troubles of the liver and bowels. WIL80N & BUR WELL. WILSON & BUR WELL'S Drugstore. WILSON & BUB WELL. WILSON 4 BUR WELL'S Drugstore. WILSON & BURWELL. and retail; at wllsun s vvaw kll'S Drugstore. TAG 71 DtrUMflNtl FN&RWIIR'CO. JONES .N.C. J Every buyer should Select ah Organ JLnat guarantees good Every day ico&c and Years of service. -I. - . ESTET ORGAN CO AUnff, Ga. P. C. WILSON, CHARLOTTE, N. C . Sole Agent for MJUJfcPOOK, fttaks Buggy WAIERTOWN SEEING WAGON COMPANIES, iob m sAU'or i BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, SPRING .WAGONS, &a, WHOLESALE: 1ND RETAIL. OPEN BUGGIES, $55. TOP BUGGIES, $66. Special Inducements to tbe 7polesale trade Correspondence soifctted. f' , ON HAND- I o I f Vrt.Vi Kll XV XS V.AX Piedmont Patent FamiTy Flour, SODA jBISCtJIT octO d,X,BOWILL. mey were. - for their improvement. town. OOtff Chief Engineer & Geo! Mao,

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